HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090511AVU to IFG 1-17.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 ~:: ;"" "',..,. \;j ~~'V'STA. Corp. 2009 HAY II Pt1 2: 48 May 07, 2009 Dean J. Miler McDevitt & Miler LLP 420 West Banock Street P.o. BOX 2564-83701 Boise, ID 83702 Re: Production Requests ofIdaho Forest Group in Case Nos. A VU-E-09-01 and A VU-G-09- 01 Dear Mr. Miler, Enclosed are an original and one copy of Avista's responses to Idaho Forest Group's production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in ths mailing are Avista's responses to production requests 001 through 017. The electronic versions of the responses were emailed on 05/07/09 and are also being provided in electronic format on the CDs included in this mailing. Also included are Avista's CONFIDENTIAL responses to PR 008C and 009C. These responses contain TRAE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately fied under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code, and pursuat to the Protective Agreement between A vista and Idaho Forest Group dated February 2, 2009. They are being provided under a sealed separate envelop, marked CONFIDENTIA. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact meat (509) 495- 4546 or via e-mail at j oe.miler(gavistacorp. com Sincerely, 9.~"'-"'- ... .~ Joe Miler Regulatory Analyst State & Federal Regulation Enclosures . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO AVU-E-09-01/ AVU-G-09-01 Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-001 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 04/29/2009 N/A Joe Miller State & Federal Reg (509) 495-4546 Please provide a copy of all responses made by A vista Corporation to discovery requests submitted to Avista Corporation by the Commission Staff RESPONSE: Please see the previously provided CD's sent to the Idaho Forest Group service list on 4/29/09. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO A VU-E-09~011 A VU-G-09-01 Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-002 DATE PREPARD:WISS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 0412912009 Scott MorrslRchard Storro Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Regulation (509) 495-8620 Please provide a copy of the Settlement Agreement between the CDA Tribe, the United States Deparent of the Interor and Avista Corporation. (Direct Testimony of Scott Morrs, Pg. 5). RESPONSE: Please find attached the Master Settlement Agreement (IFG _PR_ 002-Attachment-A) and an Index of Settlement documents (IFGYR_002-Attachment-B). Due to the volume of documents, the Company wil make those available upon request. . . . Case 2:08-cv-00526-BLW Document 6-3 Filed 12117/2008 Page 1 of 13 EXHIT 2 TO STIULATED MOTION, CASE NO. CV-08-526 MATER SETTMENT AGREEMENT COEUR D~ENE TREAN AYlTA CORPORATION Ths Master Settement Agreement (which includes al attchments hereto) is entered into as of December 16, 2008, between the Coeur d'Alene Tnbe (UTribe") and A vista Corporation ("A vista") (hereinafer individualy referenced to as a "Party" or collectively as the "Pares") and is intended to resolve comprehensively a number of issues between the Pares, including but not limted to, Avista's obligations under federal law arsing out of or relating to its use, occupancy, and enjoyment of the submerged lands of Coeur d'Alene Lake, Hepton Lake, and the S1. Joe and Coeur d'Alene Rivers ("Submerged Lands") withn the curent boundares of the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation l'Reservation") and other lands held in trst for the Tnoe by the United States within the Reservation. RECIALS 1. The Tribe is a federally-recognd Indian trbe which occupies the Reservation in nort em Idaho. The Tribe bas a governg Tribal Constitution and Tribal Council duly recogned by the Secretar of the Intenor. 2. A vista, whose corpomte name prior to Januar i, 1999, was The Washington Water Fower Company, was organd under the laws of the Terrtory of Washigton in March of1889. Avista is now orgaed under the laws of the State of Washington. 3. Coeur d'Alene Lake ("Lake'') is located in Idaho approximately 13 miles from the Wasgton state line. Its major tributes are the St. Joe, St. Mares, and Coeur d Alene Rivers. 4. The Spokane River originates at the natu outlet of the Lake and flows westerly approxitely 111 nnles to the confuence with the Coltmibia River in easern Washigton. 5. Since 1902, Avita ba constrted and maitaed utilty poles, lies, equipment, and facilties on, over and under a porton oftbe Submerged Lands and other lands held in trst for the Tribe by the United States within the Reseration. 6. In 1907, Avista began to store water on the Lake and afected trbutaes durg par ofthe year. 7. Such water storage occurs on a poron of the Reservation, including the approxiate southern one-thd of the Lake and certai trbuta waters. 8. With the exception of the Submerged Lands in Hepton Lake with the Reservation that the Tribe has owned since 2004 in fee simple, the United States holds title, in trst for tbe Tribe, and the Tribe holds title as the beneficialy interested par of the treeship. to the Submerged Lands with the curent Reservation boundaries, as defied in the ageement I FG _PR_ 002-Attachment-A Page 1 of 13 Case 2:08-cv-00526-BLW Document 6-3 Filed 12/17/2008 Page 2 of 13 . concluded between the United States and the Tribe on September 9, 1889, and ratified by Congress in the Act of Marh 3, 1891,26 Stat. 1027. United States 'V. Idaho, 95 F.Supp.2d 1094, 1117 (D. Idaho 1998), affd, Idaho 'V. United States, 533 U.S. 262 (2001). 9. In that Act of Marh 3, 1891, Congress ratied a prior conveyace by the Tribe ("Seltice Conveyance") to Frederck Post of submerged lands and uplands at Post Falls, Idaho, on the SpokareRiver withn'the origial 1873 boundaries of the-Reservation. AvIsta later acquied Post's interest in such lands and constcted thereon in 1906 its Post Fals Hydrelectrc Development ("BED"). The Parties dispute whether and to what extent, if any, the Seltiee Conveyance granted to Frederick Post, and hence A vista, the right to store water on the Submerged Lands wi the curnt boundares of the Reservation. 10. In 1909, Avista applied for and received a permit ("1909 Permit") from the United Sttes Deparent of the Interior ("DOl"), without the consent of the Tribe, to store water on a designated porton of the lands with the curent boundares of the Reservation. The Pares dispute whether and to what extent, if any, the 1909 Permit grted to A vista the right to store water on the Submerged Lands with the curent boundares of the Reservation. 11. From i 907 to 1941, A vista generaly operated the Post Falls HE to hold the Lake and its afected trbutaes as close to an elevation of2,126.5 feet as practicable durg par of each year, includig water storage on Submerged Lands within the Reservation..12. Since 1941, Avista generally has operated the Post Falls BED to hold the Lake and its afected trbutares as close to an elevation of2,128 feet as practicable durg part of each yea, including water storage on Submerged Lands withn th Reservation. 13. Purant to the provisions of Par I of the Federal Power Act ("FPA"), 16 U.S.C. §§ 791 et seq., Avista is the existig Federal Energy Regulatory Commssion ("FERCU) licensee of the Spokane River Project No. 2545 ("SRP"), which curently includes withn its licensed boundares: the Post Falls HED in Idaho first licensd by FERC effective July I, 1981, which includes withn its licensed boundares the Submerged Lands witlun the Reservation upon which water is stored; and the downstream Upper Falls, Momoe Street, Nine Mile and Long Lake HËDs ("downam HEDsU) in Washigton first licensed by FERC in 1972 (retroactive to 1965). 14. The curent license for the SRP expird on July 31,2007, and the SRP is being operated under an anual license issued by FERC. 15. On July 28, 2005, Avista filed with FERC two applications for new licei;se to provide for the continued opemtion of the BEDs curently licensed as par of the SRP: one application for new license coverg the Post Falls BED which, if grted, would resut in contiued use of the Submerged Lands within the Reservtion for water storage and other puroses; and one application for a new license coverig the four downstream HEDs. .16. The Tnbe and A vista recently have entered into a Settement in Pnciple comprehensively resolving a number of disputes between them. The Settlement in Principle 2 I FG _PR _ 002-Attachment-A Page 2 of 13 Case 2:08-cv-00526-BLW Document 6-3 Filed 12117/2008 Page 3 of 13 . provides that the Pares shall execute a master agrement that identies all of the separate agreeents between the Tribe and Avista, and that all of the separate agreements need to be executed before a settlement agrement is effective. NOW, THOREt in consideration of the terms of ths Agreement, the separte agreements and permts identified in Section A below, and the Settement in Principle, the Parties agre as follows: A. Separate Agreements The separte agreements and Tribal permits which need to be executed prior to ths Maser Agrement becomig effective, and which along with ths Maser Agreement shall be jointly filed by the Pares as par of a proposed Consent Judgment to be entered in the United States Distrct Cour for the Distct ofIdaho, are identified below: 1.Trespass Clai (1907 - June 30,1981) Agrement . Attachment A, which is incorporated by reference herein, is the Trespass Clai (1907 - June 30,1981) Agreement resolvig the Tribe's trspass clai for Avista's use, occupancy, and enjoyment of the Submerged Lands witl the curent boundares of the Reservation dunng the period from 1907 to June 30, 1981, the day before the point in time (July 1,1981) when FERC first assumd jursdiction over such lands; 2.Section lOee) Payments (July 1. 1981- End of Curent License) Agreement Attachment B, which is incorporated by reference herein, is the Agreement with resect to Section 10(e) Payments (July i, 1981 - End of Curent License) , resolving A vista's obligations for any payment of anual charges pursuant to FPA Section 10(e), 16 U.S.C. § 803(e), and headwater benefits pursuant to FPA Section 10(f), 16 U.S.C. § 803(t), for Avista's use, occupancy, and enjoyment of the Submerged Lands within the curent boundares of the Reservation for the penod from July i, 1981, to the day before the effective date of any new FPA license issued by FERC to A via in pendig relicensing proceedings involvig the use of such Submerged Lands; 3. Section 1 OCe) Payments (For the Term of Avist's New License) Agreement Attachment C, whch is incorporated by reference herein, is the Agreement with respect to Section 10(e) Payments (For the Term of Avista's New License) resolvig Avista's obligations for any payment of anual charges pursuant to FP A § W(e) and headwater benefits puruantto FPA § 1O(t) for Avist's use, occupancy, and enjoyment of the Submerged Lands within the curent boundares of the Reservation for the term of any new FP A license issued by FERC to A vi. 3 IFG _PR_ 002-Attachment-A Page 3 of 13 Case 2:08-cv-00526-BLW Document 6-3 Filed 12117/2008 Page 4 of 13. 4. . . in pending relicensing proceedigs involving the use of such Submerged Lands and any subsequent anua licenses; Tribal Taxation Agreement Attchent D, wluch is incorporated by reference herein, is the Tribal Ta.i:ation Agreement addressing futue taation by the Tnõe of Avist's use, occupancy, and enjoyment of (a) the Submerged Lands withn the curent boundares of the Reservation for water storage and other puroses durg the ter of any new FP A license issued by FERC to A vista in pending relicensing proceedigs involvig use of such Submerged Lands and any subsequent anualicenses, and (b) those Submerged Lands and other Tribal trst lands with the curent boundares of the Reservation relating to rights-of-way to be granted by DOl's Bureau ofIndian Afais ("BIN'), consistent with the Rights-of-Way Agreement and Consent beteen Avista and the Tnbe (Attchment E), for.Avista's existig utility lies, poles, equipment, and facilties on. over and under all suell afected lands for the term offi (50) years from the date of execution of that Rights-of-Way Agreement and Consent; 5.Rights-of-Way Agreement and Consnt Attachent E, which is incorporated by reference herein and which includes as Attachment No. 7 thereto the Coeur d'Alene Tribe Pennt For A vista Cororation's Existing Utility Facilties Located On, Over And U.nder Submerged Lands Within the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation, is the Rights-of-Way Agreement and Consent executed by the Pares, consistent with the Gran of Easements for Rights-of-Way to be granted by BIA on. over and under ceai Submerged Lands and other Tribal trt lands with the curent boundares of the Reseration relatig to Avista's existng utility poles, lines, equipment, and facilties on, over and under all such afected lands for the tenn of fift (50) year from the date of execution of that Rights-of-Way Agreement and Consent by the Tribe and Avist 6.Tnbal Water Storagelse Pert Attchment F, which is incorprated by reference herein, is the Water StoragelUse Permt ("Water Permt") issued by the Tribe puruant to Tribal Code for the term of any new FPA license issued by FERC to A vista in pending relicensing proceedigs involving the use of the Submerged Lands with the curent boundares of the Reservation and any subsequent anua1licenses; 7.Federal Power Act Section 4(e) Agreement Attachent G, which is incorporated by reference herein. is the Agrement among DOl, the Tribe and Avist concerg FPA § 4(e), 16 U.S.C. § 797(e), Mandatory Conditions for the Spokane River Project, FERC No. 2545, including 4 IFG _PR_ 002-Attachment-A Page 4 of 13 Case 2:08-cv-00526-BLW Document 6-3 Filed 12117/2008 Page 5 of 13 . Appendi A thereto, wluch is the Final Section 4(e) Conditions, and Attachment B thereto, which is the Tribe's waiver of cerain futue claims against the United States, for the term of any new FP A license issued by PERC to A vista in pending relicensing proceedings that includes with the licensed boundares the Submerged Lands with the curent boundaries of the Reseraton and any subsequent aiuallicenses ("4(e) Agreement"). 8. Supplemental Agrement to Federal Power Act Section 4(e) Agreement Attchment H, which is incorporated by reference herein, is the Agreement between A vista and the Tnbe that establishes the proces the Pares wil follow to resolve certa specified disputes, establishes the process the Pares wil follow with respect to legal actions brought by either Par against the other for breah and/or enforcment of any of the 4(e) Agreement's terms and any contract entered into between Avista and the Tribe pursuant to Secton 4.4 of the 4(e) Agrement, specifies tlie cours tliat will have jursdiction over such lega actions and the law tht wil apply in such lega actions, provides for the Tnbe's waiver of sovereign imunity to alow Avista to intiate an pure such legal actions agaist the . Tribe, and provides for the Tribe's release of A vista from certain specified clais ("Supplemental Agreement"). B. PERC License and Protection ofReservatioD Resources.. 1. As specified in Section 2.1 of the 4(e) Agreement, witln 45 days of the Effctive Date of the 4(e) Agreement, Avista shall fie wi PERC a Join Explantory Statement that wil include Avist's request that FERC: (a) consider Avist's July 28',2005 dual license applications for the SRP as an application for a single new license; and (b) issue a single new 50- year license covenng all five of the SRP BEDs, including the Post Fals HED. 2. The Tribe agrees that FERC's issuance of a single new license as requested in the Joint Explanatory Statement referenced in Section B 1 hereof shall not consttute a material change in facts or circumstaces under Section 3.3 of the 4( e) Agreement attched hereto as Attachment G. . 3. Notwithstding the request included in the Joint Explanatory Statement referenced in Section B.1 hereof, each Par shal have the nght to make any legal, factu, or policy arguent, asserton, and clai it may choose to make, and to tae any action it may choose to tae, with respect to whether FERC in any subsequent license prceedig should issue a single new license coverig all five of the SRP HEDs or issue separate new licenses for (a) the Post Falls HED and (b) the four downtream BEDs of the SRP. Furer, neither Avist's fiing of the Joint Explanatory Statement referenced in Section B.1 hereof nor FERC's action in response thereto (1) shall in any way prejudice either Par's nght (a) to mae any arent, asserton, and clai it may choose to mae durg subsequent license proceedings that FERC should issue a single new license or separte new licenses for (i) the Post Fals BED and (ii) the four downeam HEDs of the SRP or (b) to take any action it may choose to take with respect to FERC's action in response to such arguments, assertons, and clai or (2) shall be cite as precedent agai any such argument. asserto~ claim or action. 5 I FG _PR_ 002-Attachment-A Page 5 of 13 . . . Case 2:08-cv-00526-BLW Document 6-3 Filed 12117/2008 Page 6 of 13 C. Conditons Precedent This Master Agreement and tlie sepaate agreements and perms identied in Section A hereof and incorporated by reference herein. shall be collectively and separately effective only upon each of the followig conditions in t1s Section C being met; provided; however, tliat the 4( e) Agrement and Supplemental Agreement shall be effective as specified in those agreements. The subsequent termation of any of such separate agrements or permts, including tlie 4( e) Agreement and the Supplementa Agement, shall not afect the validity oftlie Master Agreement and such other separate agreements and pennits. 1. The Tribe's duly authorized governg body, complying with applicable law, lawflly authorizes its representative to excute, and such representative so executes, ths Maser Agreement and all of the separate agreements and peimts identified in Section A hereof on behalf of the Tribe; 2. Avist's duly authorized governg body, complying with applicable law. lawfly authorizes its representative to execute, and such representative so executes, ths Maste Agrement and all of the separate agrements identified in Section A hereof on behalf of Avista; 3. The Tribe, or the Tribe and A vista, as appropriate, though their respective legal counsel, and afer lawfl authorition by their respective governing bodies, fie in the United States Distrct Cour for the Distrct ofIdaho (a) the Tribe's Complaint for Declartory Judgment and Trespass Damages puruant to 28 U.S.C. 2201, (b) their Stipulated Motion to Incorporate Agreements in a Judgment, and ( c) thei proposed form of a Judgment, provided, howeve,., that the declination of that Distct Cour to enter the Consent Judgment with respect to and including ths Maser Agreement or any other agreement identified and incorporated by reference here~ in whole or in par, shal not afect the collective or separte effectiveness of ths or any other such agreement; and 4.The Deparent of the Interior executes the 4( e) Agreement BIA executes the Grant of Easements' for Rights-of~ Way identifed in Section A 55. hereof. D. Reservation of Cls and Defenses Ths Master Agreement, and the separate agreements and permts identified in Section A hereof and incorporated by reference herein) are not intended and shall not be constred to apply to, address or resolve, or submit to the jursdiction of FERC or any cour any clais the Tribe may have with respect to the submerged lands of the Lake that ar located outside the curent boundares of the Reservation or that lie with the boundares of Hey bum Stte Park with the curent Reservation boundaries. The Tñbe reserves all of its rights and clais as to the above- descnbed submerged lands and A vist retans al of its defenses. In addition) except to the extent set fort in Appendix B to the 4(e) Agreement, nothg in ths Master Agreement, and the separate agreements and permts identified in Section A hereof and incorporated by reference 6 I FG _PR_ 002-Attachment-A Page 6 of 13 . . . Case 2:08-cv-00526-BLW Document 6-3 Filed 12117/2008 Page 7 of 13 hereint is intended or shal be construed to apply to, address or resolve any clais the Tribe may have agaist the United Statest or any governenta deparentt agency or offcer thereoft ansing out of. or related to or in any way connected witht the use, occupancy. and/or enjoyment by Avista of the Submerged Lands with the curent boundares of the Reservation, and the Tribe reserves al of such rights and clais against the United States. E. CODBideration i. All of the obligations each Par agreed to incur under th Master Agreement and the separate ageements and permts identified in Section A hereof and incorporated by reference herein served as consideration for the other Par's agrement to incur al of its obligations under ths Master Agreement and such separate ageements and pennts. In recogntion of this and to preserve the comprehensive resolution of issues reflected in ths Master Agreement and such separte agreements and perts, the Pares fuer agree as follows: a.To the extent that FERC or any federal cour enters a fial order not subject to fuer judicial review or appeal that reduces. or indicates that A vist does not have to pay. the ful amount of the payments specified in Section A.I of the Section 10(e) Payments (July It 1981- End of Curent License) Agrement or in Section A.2 of the Section 10( e) Payments (For the Term of Avist's New License) Agrement, Avista agres that it shall pay to the Tribe as consideration for al of the obligations incurred by the Tnbe identified above, such additional amounts as are necessar to ensure that the Tribe receives the full amount of the payments specified in Secton A.I of the Section lO(e) Payments (July 1. 1981 - End of Curent License) Agreement and in Section A.I of the Section 10(e) Payments (For the Term of Avista's New License) Agreement. b. To the exent that FERC or any federal cour enters a fial order not subject to fuer judicial review or appeal that increses the amount of payments to be made by Avista over the amounts specifed in Section A.I of the Section IO(e) Payments (July i, 1981- End of Curent License) Agrement or in Section A.2 of the Section IO(e) Payments (For the Tenn of Avista's New License) Agreement, the Tribe agrees that it shall repay to A vista the amount of any such increase in payments withn 30 days of the date that Avist makes any such increased payments to the Tribe. 2. Any final order enteed by PERC or any federal cour described in Sections E.lo a. or b. bereofshall not dinish or expand in any way Avist's obligations to make payments as specifed in SectionA.I of the Section 10(e) Payments (July I. 1981-End of Curnt License) Agreement or in Section A.2 of the Section 10(e) Payments (For the Term of Avisla's New License) Agreement, and the Pares acknowledge and affirm that Avist's obligations to malee such payments, as specifed in Section E.l.a. hereoft and the Tribe's repayment obligation puruant to Section E.l.b. hereof may be enforced if necessar in the United States Distrct Cour for the Distct of Idaho consistent with Section H.2 hereof. 7 I FG _PR_ 002-Attachment-A Page 7 of 13 . . . Case 2:08-cv-00526-BLW Document 6-3 Filed 12117/2008 Page 8 of 13 F. Compromise Settement This Master Agreement and attchents thereto is a compromise settement of disputed claims. Avista does not admt liabilty and reserves its defenses. The Tnbe reserves all ofits rights and clais as stated in Section D hereof. G. Fiber Optics The Pares agree to discuss in good faith a futue agreement for the Tnbe's access to A vista's fiber optics. B. Dispute Resolution i. Should the Paries' best efforts in resolving issues regarding the interpretation or enforcement of the terms of this Master Agreement, or the separte agreements and perts identified in Section A hereof and incorporated by reference herein, fail, the dispute shall be submitted to an inormal, non-binding mediation process that shal not exceed 90 days in lengt uness agred otherwse by the Pares faciltated by a trained mediator;provide~ however, that any dispute regarding the 4( e) Ageement or the Fin Section 4( e) Conditions shall be governed by the Dispute Resolution Section (Section 7) set fort in the 4(e) Agreement;providedfurtheri huwever, that disputes regarding A vista's compliance with the obligation set fort in the fit sentence of Section 4.4 of the 4( e) Agrement shall be governed by Section H.2 hereof without mediation. The cost of any mediation shall be shared equally. 2. If a good faith effort to resolve disputes though mediation fails, or in the case of disputes regarding A vista's compliance with the obligation set forth in the first sentence of Section 4.4 of the 4(e) Agreement, each Par shal have the abilty to employ legal process agast the other Par solely to enforce the terms of ths Maser Agrement and the separte ageements and peits identified in Section A hereof and incorprated by reference herein, and to secure legal relief agaist the other Par, includig compensatory damages, but not punitive, exemplar, or simlar damages, and equitable remedies, for breach of contrct, to the extent set fort in tls Section H hereof;provided however, that only equitable relíefshall be avaiable to enforce the Tribal Taxation Agreement identified in Section A.4 hereof, and that the abilty to employ legal process to enforce the terms of the 4( e) Agreement identied in Section A.7 hereof and any contrct entered into between Avista mid the Tnòe puruant to Section 4.4 thereof, and to secur legal relief, including compensatory damages and equitable remedies, for breach of contract as to the 4(e) Ageement and such Section 4.4 contracts, sha be as specifed in the Supplementa Agreement: a.At the tie ths Master Agrement is signed, the Tnbal Council of the Coeur d' Alene "Tribe, as the duly authonzed governg body of the Tribe, shall execute an express waiver of sovereign immunty, alowig prosecution of a legal action by A vita agai the Tnbe for breach and/or enforcement of any of the term of the Master Agrement, and the separte ageeents and permts identified in Section A hereof and 8 I FG _PR_ 002-Attachment-A Page 8 of 13 ". Case 2:08-cv-00526-BLW Document 6-3 Filed 12117/2008 Page 9 of 13 .. . . incorporated by reference herein, to the extent set forth in that executed waiver which is Attcluent I hereto. The Parties agree that the Tribe shall have the right to purue the same enforcement remedies made avaiable to Avista by vie of the attched waver. b.Subject to the Parties' use of bindig arbitrtion as set forth in Section H.2 c hereof with respect to actions for monetai relief or damages, and subject to exhauston of the Tribal judicial and admstrtive remedies referenced in Section H.2 d hereof if such remedies are available and adequate, the Pares age tht any such legal actions beteen them shall be prosecuted in the United States Distrct Court for the Distrct of Idaho. Except for provisions of ths Maer Agreement or the separate agreements and pennts identied in Section A hereof and incorporated by reference herein that are governed by the FPA or other applicable federal law, and except to the extent that Tribal law is applicable pursuant to Section H.2.c(3) and d hereof, ths Maser Agreement and the separate ageements identified in Section A.l though 4 and A.8 hereof and incorporated by reference herein shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the contract law and applicable sttute of limtations of the State of Idaho, without regard to Idaho's confict oflaw priciples; provided, however, that except as set fort in th Section H.2.b or in Section H.2 c(3) hereof, nothng in t1us Agreement, or in the separate agreements and permts, identified in Section A hereof and incorporated by reference herein, is intended or shal be constred to recognze the applicabilty of the law of the State of Idaho, or the jursdction of the Idaho State Cours, to detenne in any way the natue and exten of any rights reserved by the Tribe, or held in trust for the Tribe by the United States, puruant to federal law . c. If the United States Distct Cour for the Distrct of Idaho declies for any reason to exercise jurisdiction over any legal action for monetar relief or damages brought by either Par agaist the other Par pursuant to Section H.2 b hereof, or if the Pares otherse mutuly agre to use binding arbitration according to this Section H.2 c hereof, the Pares agree that any clai by either Par agaist the other Par for monetar relief or damages for breach of ths Master Agreement and the separate agreements and permits identied in Section A hereof and incorporated by reference herein, excluding, however, the Tnbal Taxation Agreement identied in Section A.4 hereof as to which only equitable relief shall be avaiable. shall be subject to bindig arbitration accordg to the followig procedures. uness the Pares mutually agre to use alternative binding arbitrtion procedures: (1)Such arbitron shall be admstered by the American Arbitration Association "'AA") in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of th AA in effect at the tie the claim arses, except as otherwse provided in Section H.2 c(2) hereof. The 9 I FG _PR_ 002-Attachment-A Page 9 of 13 Case 2:08-cv-00526-BLW Document 6-3 Filed 12117/2008 Page 10 of 13 . demand for arbitration shall be made within a reasonable time afer the clai has arsen or afer the United States Distrct Cour for the Distrct of Idaho has declied to exercise jursdiction over the clai, but in no event shal it be made afer the date when institution oflegal proceedigs based on such claims would be bared by the applicable statute of limtations except in the cas where that Cour declines to exercise jursdiction over the clai. (2) In any such arbitration. the arbitrator(s) shall not be empowered to award damages or moneta relief in excess of compensatory damages, and each Par expressly waives and foregoes any right to puntive. exemplar, or similar damages. Each Party shall bear the cost of its own attorney fees, and uness otherwse agreed between the Parties, such arbitration shall occur in Coeur d Alene. Idaho. . d.. (3)Any award rendered by the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding without the nght of either Par to appeal to any cour Any action to seek an entr of judgment upon such award shall be brought in the United States Distrct Court for the Distrct ofIdaho in accordance with applicable law. In the event said Cour declines to accept jursdiction to enter a judgment with respect to such award. or if that Cour has declined to exercise jursdiction over the clai in dispute prior to any award rendered in binding arbitration, then the Pares agre that any arbitrtion award: (a) in favor ofthe Tnbe shall be enforced without alteration thereof in the Tnbal Cour and A vista hereby waives any objection to the jursdiction of the Tribal Cour to enter and enorce a judgment upon such award; and (b) in favor of A vista shall be enforced without alteration thereof in the Idaho Stte Cour and the Tnbe's waiver of sovereign immity set forth in Attachment I hereto shall waive any objecon to the jursdiction of the Idalio State Cour to enter and enforce a judgment upon such awar. The Paries agree that the exercise of jursdction by the Tnòa and Idaho State Cours. as well as the application of Tribal law and Idaho State law, pursuant to ths Section H.2 c(3) hereof, shall be solely and exclusively limited to enorcement of the award rendered in binding arbitration and shal be otherwse consient with the provisíons of this Master Agrement. Either Par may bring an action in the United States Distct Cour for the Distrct of Idaho challenging a decision by the Tribal or Idaho State Cour pursuant to ths Section H.2 c(3) her.eof if that Par deems such decision to be inconsistent with this Maser Agreement or contr to applicable federal law. The Pares agree tht neither Par shall file any action in any State Cour or Tribal Cour seekig relief in any way related to ths Master Agreement 10 I FG _PR_ 002-Attachment-A Page 10 of 13 . . . Case 2:08-cv-00526-BLW Document 6-3 Filed 12117/2008 Page 11 of 13 or an of the separate agreements and permts identifed in Section A hereof and incorporated by reference herein, nor shall either Par be required to exhaust any State or Tribal judicial or admstrative remedies prior or subsequent to the commencement and ful adjudication of a judicial action in the Unied States Distrct Court for the Distrct of Idaho, except as otherse provided (1) in Section H.2 c(3)(a) and (b) hereof, (2) in the Rights-of-Way Agreement identified in Section A.S hereof, (3) in the Trib Water Pennt identified in Section A.6 hereof, or (4) in Section 2.3 of the Supplemental Agreement identified in Section A.8 hereof; pi.ovided, however, that Avista may brig an action in the United States Distct Cour for the Distct of Idaho challenging any final action taen by the Tribe pursuant to the judicial or admstrtive remedies referenced in ths Section H.2 d(2), (3), and (4) hereofif Avista deems such decision to be inconsistent with tlùs Maser Agreement or contrar to applicable federal law. I.Executie Commitee There is hereby established an Executive Committee consisting ofthe Chaian of the Tnbal Council and the CluefExecutive Offcer of Avista (and/or their designees). The Executive Commttee wi meet anually uness otherwse agred. The Executive Commttee wil review the status of implementig ths Agreement and discuss projects or actities of mutual interest and benefit to the Pares. J. Succesors and Assign This Master Agreement, and the separte agreements and pennts identified in Section A hereof and incorporated by reference herein, shal bind and inure to the beneft of the respective successors and assign of the Pares. K. Medation Costs aDd Fees Avist waives reimbursement of the $173,695.46 it advanced to the Tribe for mediation- related costs and expenses. L. Partes and Authorities 1. The Chaian of the Coeur d'Alene Tribal Council warants that he ha authority to execute ths Agreement onbehalfofthe Tribe pursuant to the Tribal Council's Resolution and applicable law. 2. The Chef Executive Offcer of Avista Corporation warants that he has authority to execute ths Agreement pursuant to the A vita' s Board of Directors' Resolution and applicable law. 11 I FG _PR_ 002-Attachment-A Page 11 of 13 . . . Case 2:08-cv..00526-BLW Document 6-3 Filed 12117/2008 Page 12 of 13 Executed ths 16th day of December, 2008. Coeur d Alene Tribe By: C~~ Chaian, Coeur d Alene Tribal Council 12 IFG _PR_ 002-Attachment-A Page 12 of 13 'I .... 1 . . . Case 2:08-cv-00526-BLW Document 6-3 Filed 12117/2008 Page 13 of 13 Executed ths 16th day of December, 2008. A vista Corporation By: Scttá~W\~ CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors 13 I FG _PR_002-Attachment-A Page 13 of 13 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8..9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. . A vista - Coeur d'Alene Tribe SETTLEMENT DOCUMENTS December 16, 2008 Stipulated Motion to Incorporate Agreements into a Judgment Exhibit 1 - Order of Referral for Judicially-Supervised Mediation Exhbit 2 - Master Agreement Attachment A to Exhibit 2 - Agreement Trespass Claim (1907 - June 30, 1981) Attachment B to Exhibit 2 - Agreement Section 1 O( e) Payments from July 1, 1981 - End of Curent License Attachment C to Exhibit 2 - Agreement Section 10(e) Payments for the Term of Avista Corporation's New License Attachment D to Exhibit 2 - Agreement Tribal Taxation Attachment E to Exhbit 2 - Rights-of-Way Agreement and Consent Appendix 1 to Attachment A - Supplementation to Application for Grant of Rights-of-Way and Renewal Application for Grant of Rights-of-Way Appendix 2 to Attachment A - Application for Grant of Rights-of- Way Appendix 3 to Attachment A - Renewal Application for Grant of Rights-of-Way Appendix 4 to Attachment E - Quitclaim Deed Appendix 5 to Attachment E - CDA Resolution 47 (2009) Appendix 6 to Attachment E - Grant of Easements for Rights-of-Way Appendix 7 to Attachment E - Coeur d'Alene Tribe Permit for A vista Corporation's Existing Utility Facilities Located on, Over and Under Submerged Lands Within the Coeur d Alene Indian Reservation 16. Attachment F to Exhbit 2 - Water StoragelUse Perit (cont'd) IFG PR 002-Attachment-B.doc Page 1 of2 . 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25..26. . A vista - Coeur d'Alene Tribe SETTLEMENT DOCUMENTS December 16,2008 Appendix 1 to Attchment F - Application for Tribal Water StoragelUse Perit Attachment G to Exhbit 2 - Settlement Agreement Addressing Federal Power Act Section 4(e) Mandatory Conditions for Spokane River Project, FERC No. 2545 Appendix A to Attachment G - Appendix B to Attachment G - CDA Resolution 49 (2009) Attachment H to Exhibit 2 - Supplemental Agreement to Federal Power Act Section 4( e) Settlement Agreement Appendix A to Attachment H - Tribal Waiver of Sovereign Immunity Attachment I to Exhibit 2 - Waiver of Sovereign Imunity CDA Resolution 46 (2009) - Approving Documents CDA Resolution 51 (2009) - Approving Intial Payment Judgment IFG PR 002-Attachment-B.doc Page 2 of2 . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO A VU-E-09-0l / A VU-G-09-0l Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-003 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 04/29/2009 Scott MorrslRchard Storro Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Reguation (509) 495-8620 Please provide a copy of any court order or judgment approving the Settlement Agreement. RESPONSE: Please see the final Judgment (IFG _PR _ 003-Attachment-A.pdf) signed by Chief Judge Winmll dated 12/1812008, and the "Stipulated Motion to Incorporate Agreements into a Judgment" (IFG_PR_003-Attachment-B) which is referenced in the Judgment. . . . Case 2:08-cv-00526-BLW Document 7 Filed 12/18/2008 Page 1 of 1 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF IDAHO . COEUR d ALENE TRIBE,) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) JUDGMENT Case No. CV-08-526-N-BLW Plaintiff, v. AVISTA CORPORATION, Defendant. Pusuant to the settlement of this action and the Stipulàted Motion to Incorporate Agreements Into a Judgment (Docket No. 6),filed by the Parties in this action on December 17, 2008, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND ADmDGED THAT pursuant to the terms of the settlement reached by the Pares, Plaintiffs Complaint is dismissed with prejudice and all of the Agreements and Tribal Permits attached to the Pares' Stipulated Motion as Exhibit 2 are incorporated into this Judgment and made a part of this Judgment. This Court wil retain continuing jurisdiction to enforce the tenus of the Agreements and Tribal Permits consistent therewith. The Cour wil, however, administratively close the fie subject to reopening at the request of either Par. '. DATED: December 18, 2008 _,'" ,;'(""Ili$ t~('., ..~. 'ê (''f ~'5t.,. ..,.,' .... ; .: ", . .... .1. .i "\.tt!' ..'¡"1 \ .. \,'1'rIf..r u\ Õ.~W~ B. WINMILL Chief Judge United States District Court IFG _PR_ 003-Attachment-A.pdf Page 1 of 1 -.' . . . . Howard Funke, ISB No. 2720 Funke & Associates, P.C. 424 Sherman Avenue, Suite 308 P.O.Box969 Coeur dAlene, Idaho 83816 Telephone: (208) 667-5486 Facsimile: (209) 667-4695 Email: hfue(!indian-Iaw.org Attorney for Plaintiff, Coeur d Alene Tribe Wiliam J. Schroeder, ISB No. 6674 Paine Hamblen LL 717 West Sprague Avenue, Suite 1200 Spokane, Washington 99201-3505 Telephone: (509) 455-6000 Facsimile: (509-838-0007 Email: wilIam.schreder(!paieharblen.com Attorney for Defendant, Avista Corporation UNTE STATES nlSTICT COURT FOR THE DISTRCT OF IDAHO Coeur d Alene Tribe, Plaintiff vs. A vista Corporation, Defendant. ) ) ) Case No. CV -08-526 ) ) STIULTE MOTION TO ) INCORPORATE AGREMETS INTO A ) JUGMENT ) ) ) The Plaintiff Coeur d'Alene Tnoe ("Tnòe") and Defendant Avista Corporation ("Avista") (collectively "the Pares"), by and though their counsel of record, seek to resolve the pending controversy as set fort in the Tribe's Complait for Declaratory Judgment and Trespass Damages filed herein. This controversy raises a number of issues between the Pares, including but not limited to, the extent of Avista's obligations under federal law arsing out of or relatig to its use, occupancy, and enjoyment of the submerged lands of Coeur d'Alene Lake, Hepton Lake, 1 I FG _PR_ 003-Attchment-B. pdf Page 1 of 13 . and the St. Joe and Coeur d'Alene Rivers ("Submerged Lands") within the curent boundares of the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation ("'Reservation") and other lands held in trst for the Tribe by the United States within the Reservation. The Paries therefore submit this Stipulated Motion to incorporate a comprehensive Master Settlement Agreement ("Master Agreement") reched between the Pares, as well as seven other settlement agrements and two Tribal permits attched to and incorporated as par of that Master Agrement, Into this Court's Judgment. The Paries furter request, and consent to. this Court retaning continuing jursdiction to enforce between the Parties the terms of all such settement agreements and the Tribal permits. consistent with the terms thereof. As grunds therefore, the Pares submit the following: 1. This Court has original subject-matter jurisdiction over ths action under 28 U.S.C. § 1331 (federal-queston jursdiction suIts) and § 1362 (federal-question jursdiction suits "brought by any Indian trbe or band with a governing body duly recognized by the Secreta of. . the Interior"). as a civil action wherein the matter in controvers arses under the Constituon. laws, or treaties of the United States. United States v. Pend Oreile Public Utility Dist. No.1, 28 F.3d 1544.1549 n.8 (9th Cir. 1994). cert. denied. 514 U.S. 1015 (1995) ("federal law controls an action for trespass on Indian land. See County of Oneida v. Oneida Indian Nation, 470 U.S. 226. 234 (1985) (right ofIndians to occupy lands held in trst by theUnited States for their use is 'the exclusive province of federal law"')). Issuance of a declaratory judgment is authorized pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2201. Venue is proper under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b). 2. The Tribe is a federally-recognzed Indian tnbe which occupies the Reservation in nortern Idaho. The Tribe has a governing Tribal Constitution and Tribal Council duly recognzed by the Secreta of the Interior withn the meaning of 28 U .S.C. § 1362. 2 IFG _PR_ 003-Attachment-B.pdf Page 2 of 13 . . . 3.Avista, whose corporate name prior to Januar i, i 999, was The Washington 3 IFG _PR_ 003-Attachment-B.pdf page 3 of 13 . . . United States within the Reservation, for the purposes of constrcting and maintaining utility poles, lines, equipment, and facilties on, over and under such lands, have constituted and contiue to constitute trespass on, over and under such lands without the consent oftlie Tribe and without the payment of fair compensation to the Tribe in violation of the 1873 Executive Order of President Grat establishing the Reservation, subsequent congressionally-ratified Agreements between the Tribe and the United States, other federa statutes and reguations, and federal common law. Avist admits that federal law applies but disputes that claim and alleges afrmative defenses thereto, while the Tribe disputes those defenses ("Rights-of-Way Dispute"). The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("'PERC") is without jursdiction to resolve that dispute. Water Storage Dispute 9. In 1907, A vista began to store water on Coeur d Alene Lake ("Lake") and afected trbutares during par of each year. Such water storae occurs on a porton of the Reservation, including the Submerged Lands in the approximate southern one-third of the Lake and certn trbuta waters. 10. From 1907 to 1941, Avistgeneraly operated the Post Falls Hydroelectrc Development ("RE") to hold the Lake and its afected trbutaries as close to an elevation of 2,126.5 feet as practicable dung par of each year, including water storage on the Submerged Lands within the Reseration. 11. Since 1941, Avist generally has operated the Post Falls BED to hold the Lake and its afected trbutaies as close to an elevation of2,128 feet as practicable durng part of each year, including water storage on the Submerged Lands within the Reservation. 4 IFG _PR_ 003-Attachment-B.pdf Page 4 of 13 . . . 12. Pursuant to the provisions of Par I of the Federal Power Act ("FPAIf). 16 U.S.C. §§ 791 et seq., Avista is the existig FERC licensee of the Spokane River Project No. 2545 ("SRP"), which currntly includes within its licensed boundares: the Post Falls HED in Idaho first licensed by FERC effective July 1. 1981, which includes within its licensed boundares the Submerged Lands withn the Reservation upon which water is stored; and the downstam Upper Falls, Monroe Street, Nine Mile and Long Lake HEDs ("downstream HEDs") in Washington first licensed by FERC in 1972 (retractive to 1965). 13. The curent license for the SRP expired on July 31, 2007. and the SRP is being operated under an anual license issued by FERC. 14. On July 28. 2005. Avista filed with FERC two applications for new license to provide for the contiued operation of the five HEDs currently licensed as par of the SRP; one application for a new license coverig the Post Falls HED which. if granted, would result in contiued use of the Submerged Lands within the Reservation for water storage and other purposes; and one application for a new license covering the four downstream REs. 15. The Tribe contends that Avist's continuous use, occupancy, and enjoyment of all the Submerged Lands within the Reservation, including a designated porton of such lands described in the permit referenced in paragraph 17 hereof, for water storage thereon and other puroses from 1907 until June 30, 1981, the day before the point in tie (July 1, 1981) when FERC first licensed Avista's use of those lands as par of Avista's SRP. constituted trspass over and upon such lands without the consent of the Tnbe and without the payment of fair compensation to the Tribe in violation of the 1873 Executive Order of President Grant estblishing the Reservation. subsequent congressionally-ratified Agreements between the Tribe and the United States. other federal sttutes and regulations, and federal common law. Avista 5 IFG _PR_ 003-Attachment-B.pdf Page 5 of 13 . . . admits that federal law applies but disputes that claim and alleges affrmative defenses thereto, while the Tribe disputes those defenses C'Water Storage Dispute"). FERC is also without jurisdiction to resolve that dispute. 16. Specifcally, in the Act of March 3. 1891. Congress ratied a prior conveyance by the Tribe ("Seltice Conveyance") to Frederick Post of submerged lands and uplands at Post Falls. Idaho, on the Spokane River within the original 1873 boundaries of the Reservation. A vista later acquired Post's interests in such lands and constrcted thereon in 1906 its Post Falls HE. The Pares dispute whether and to what extent, if any. the Seltice Conveyance grted to Frederick Post, and hence A vist the right to store water on the Submerged Lands withn the current boundares of the Reservation. 17. Specifically, in 1909 Avista applied for and received a permit ("1909 Permit') from the United States Deparent of the Interior ("DOl"), without the consent of the Tribe. to store water on a designated porton of the lands witin the curnt boundanes of the Reservation. The Pares dispute whether and to what extent, if any. the 1909 Permit grted to A vista the right to store water on the Submerged Lands within the curent boundares of the Reseration. Afected Lands Dispute 18. The Pares dispute the precise amount of Submerged Lands and other trst lands within the Reservation that A vista has used, occupied and enjoyed, and that A vist proposes to continue using in the future ("Affected Lands Dispute"). Resolution of that dispute is also controlled by federal law. and FERC likewise is without jurisdiction to resolve that dispute which directly implicates issues concerng title to real propert. Resolution of the Affected Lands Dispute wil dirctly afect resolution of the Rights-of-Way (1902 forward) and Water Storage (1907 to June 30.1981) Disputes. as well as the following matters: 6 IFG _PR_ 003-Attchment-S.pdf Page 6 of 13 . . . a.The extent to which Avista may be obligated to pay the Tribe anual charges, disputed by the Pares, to be set by PERC pursuant to § lO(e) of the FPA, 16. U.S.C. § 803( e), and headwater benefits, also disputed by the Paries, to be set by FERC puruant to § 10(i) oftbe FPA, 16 U.S.C. § 803(i), for the use, occupancy, and enjoyment of the Submerged Lands for water storage and other puroses for the period from July 1, 1981, to the expiration of Avista's existig FERC license for the SRP, and for the period, potentially up to 50 year, of any new FPA license that FERC may issue to Avista involving the use of the Submerged Lands; b. The nature and scope of conditions under § 4(e) of the FPA, 16 U.S.C. § 797(e), also disputed by the Pares, that the Secretar of the Interior deems necessar for the adequate protection and utilization of the Reservation and that FERC is required to include as a matter of federal law within any new FP A license it may issue to A vist that includes within the licensed boundares the Submerged Lands within the Reservation; and c. The exercise of the Tribe's retained sovereign powers in the futue under applicable federal and Tnbal law to impose taxes and issue pennits in connection with Avista's use, occupancy, and enjoyment of the Submerged Lands and other lands owned by the Tribe or held in trst for the Tribe by the United States within the Reservation. 19. The Pares believe that if this contrversy is not resolved though a comprehensive settement subject to ths Cour's contiuing jursdiction, they wiB be embroiled in years of litigation in ths Court concerng the Rights-of-Way, Water Storage, and Afected Lands Disputes, as well as in lengty litigation before PERC over the extent of any A vista obligations pursuantto FPA §§ 4(e), 10(e), and iOCt). 20. Afer several year of good faith, but unsuccessful settement discussions thugh a private mediator, the Partes agreed to a judicially-supervised mediation to be conducted by the 7 IFG _PR_ 003-Attachment-B. pdf Page 7 of 13 . . . Honorable Wiliam C. Canby, Jr., Circuit Judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. On Februar 11,2005, the Honorable B. Lyn Winmil, Chief Judge of this Cour entered an Order of Referral for Judicially-Supervised Mediation (attached hereto as Exhibit i), which ordered that Judge Canby be referred to the Distrct of Idaho for the purposes of conductig a judicially-supervised mediation agreed to by the Pares. 21. Afer over the years of working through many complex issues, under the direct supervsion of Judge Canby, the Partes fialized a comprehensive Settement in Pnnciple that they have implemented through the Mater Agreement (attched hereto as Exhibit 2) and a series of other agreements and a Tribal water permit which are attched to and incorporated by reference into that Master Agrement, and filed herewith, as follows: a. Trespas Claim (1907 - June 30, 1981) Agreement (Attchment A to Exhbit 2 hereto), which resolves the Tribe's trespass claim for Avista's use, occupancy, and enjoyment of the Submerged Lands within the current boundares of the Reservation dunng the period from 1907 to June 30,1981, the day before the point in tie (July 1, 1981) when FERC first assumed jurisdiction over such lands; b. Secon 10(e) Payments (July 1, 1981- End of Current License) Ageement (Attachment B to Exhibit 2 hereto), which resolves Avista's obligation for any payment to the Tribe ofFPA § 10(e) anual charges and FPA § lO(t) headwater benefits for A vista's use, occupancy, and enjoyment of the Submerged Lands within the currnt boundares of the Reservation duñng the time period from July i, 1981, to the day before the effective date of any new FPA license issued by FERC to Avist In 8 IFG _PR_ 003-Attchment-B.pdf Page 8 of 13 .pending relicensing proceedings involving the use of such Submerged Lands; c. Section IO(e) Payments (For the Term of Avila's New License) Ageement (Attchment C to Exhibit 2 hereto), which resolves Avista's obligation for any payment to the Tribe ofFPA § ID(e) anual charges and § IO(t) headwater benefits for Avista's use, occupancy, and enjoyment of the Submerged Lands within the current boundares of the Reservation for the term of any new FPA license issued by FERC to A vista in pending relicensing proceedings involving the use of such Submerged Lands and any subsequent anual licenses; .d. Tribal Taxtion Ageement (Attchment D to Exhibit 2 hereto), which addresses fue taation by the Tribe of Avist's use, occupancy, and enjoyment of (1) the Submerged Lands withn the curent boundares of the Reservation for water storage and other puroses dunng the term of any new FPA license issued by FERC to A vista in pendig relicensing proceedings involving the use of the Submerged Lands and any subsequent annual licenses, and (2) those Submerged Lands and other Tribal trst lands within the curent boundares of the Reservation relating to the rights-of-way granted or renewed, with the consent of the Tribe, by the DOl, acting thugh the Bureau of Indian Affairs ("BIN'), to Avist for and/or Avista's existig utility poles, lines, equipment, and facilties on, over and under all such afected lands, for the term of fift (50) years . 9 I FG _PR_ 003-Atlchment-B.pdf Page 9 of 13 .from the date of execution by the Tnòe and Avist of the Rights-of-Way Agreement and Consent (Attchment E to Exibit 2 hereto); e. Rights-of-Way Agement and Consent (Attacluent E to Exibit 2 hereto), which includes as Attchment No.7 thereto the Coeur d'Alene Tnbe Pennit for Avista Corporation's Existing Utilty Facilties Located On. Over and Under Submerged Lands Within the Coeur d Alene Indian Reservation. concerning the grant or renewal by the BIA, with the consent of the Tnbe. of rights-of-way on, over and under certain Submerged Lands and other Tribal trst lands within the curent boundares of the Reservation relating to Avista's existing utility poles, .lines. equipment, and facilties on. over and under all such afected lands for the term offift (50) years from the date of execution by the Tribe and Avist of such Rights-of-Way Agreement and Consent; f. Tribal Water Storagelse Permit (Attchment F to Exhibit 2 hereto), which is issued by the Tribe pursuant to Tnbal law for the tenn of any new FP A license issued by FERC to A vista in pending reI ¡censing proceedings involving the use of the Submerged Lands and any subsequent annual licenses; g. FP A Section 4( e) Ageement (Attchment G to Exhibit 2 hereto). which is the ageement among the DOl, the Tribe and Avista_concerning FPA § 4(e) Mandatory Conditions for the Spokane River Project, PEC No. 2545, for the tenn of any new FP A license issued by FERC to Avista in pending relicensing proceedings that includes within the licensed. 10 IFG _PR _ 003-Attachment-B.pdf Page 10 of 13 . . . boundares the Submerged Lands within the current boundares of the Reservation and any subsequent anual licenses; and h. Supplemental Agreement (Attaclnent H to Exhibit 2 hereto), which is the agrement that, among other things, establishes the process the Tribe and Avista wil follow to resolve certin specific disputes involving the FPA Section 4(e) Agrement. 22. Section C of the Pares' Master Agreement provides that the FPA Section 4(e) Agreement and Supplementa Agrement wil become effective when the FP A Section 4( e) Agreement is executed, that the other separte agrements and permits identified in paragraph 21 hereof wil not be effective until the Master Agreement is effective, and that the Master Agreement will not be effective until: (a) that agrement and al of the separte agreements as well as the Tribal permits have been executed by the Pares; (b) the DOl acting though the BIA has granted or renewed nghts-of-way consistent with the Partes' Rights-of-Way Agreement and Consent identifed in pargrph 21(e) hereof; (c) the FPA § 4(e) Agreement identified in paragraph 21(g) hereofhas been executed by the DOl; and (d) the Pares have jointly filed in the United States Distct Cour for the Distct ofIdaho their stipulated motion to incorporate all such agreements and the Tnòal pennts into a judgment, and their proposed form of such judgment, all of which have been so filed with this Cour. 23. The Maser Agreement, as well as each of the separate agreements and permits identified in paragrph 21 hereof. have been executed by the duly authorized representatives of the Pares. In addition, the DOl acting though the BIA has grted or renewed rights-of-way consistent with the Pares ' Rights-of-Way Agreement and Consent identified in paragrph 21 (e) hereof, and the DOl has executed the FPA § 4(e) Agreement identified in pargrph 21 (g) 11 IFG _PR_ 003-Attachment-B.pdf Page 11 of 13 . . . hereof. Thus, all of the conditions precedent identifed in Section C of the Master Agreement (Exhibit 2 hereto) have been satisfied. 24. By entering the Judgment requested by the Pares that incorprates the Master Agreement and all the agreements and the pemits identified in pargraph 21 hereof, this Court would retain contiuing jursdiction, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1331 and 1362, to enforce upon request of either Par against the other Par the terms of the Maser Agreement as well as the other agrements and the Tribal permits thus identied, to the extent consistent therewith. 25. Exercise of such continuing jurisdiction by this Cour would be in the best interests of the Pares and in the public interest because it would avoid divisive, protracted and costy litigation on a wide range of complex legal and factual issues spanning potentially more than 150 years. Conversely, if ths Stipulated Motion is not granted, the controversy between the Paries wil remain pending before this Court. WHREORE. the Tribe and Avista respectflly request that to resolve the pending controversy. as set fort herein and as alleged in the Tribe's Complait for Declartory Judgment and Trespass Damages previously filed herein, this Court enter a judgment incorporating the Paries' Master Agreement (Exhibit 2 hereto), and all the agreements and the permits attched thereto and identified in paragrph 21 of this Motion and filed herein as par of such Exhibit 2 hereto, into a Judgment and that it retan contiuing jurisdiction to enforce between the Pares the terms thereof. A proposed form of the Judgment is also filed herewith. 12 I FG _PR_ 003-Attachment-B.pdf Page 12 of 13 . ' .Dated December lÇ ~ 2008. Dated December L. 2008. . . By: By: &AS~ Howard Funke, ISB No. 2720 Attorney for Plaintif Coeur d Alene Tribe 424 Sherman Avenue, Suite 308 P.O.Box969 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816 Telephone: (208) 667.5486 Facsimile: 208-667-4695 Email: hfunke§indian-Iaw.org PAI HALEN LLP J ~ ~d'~~ Wiliam J. Scilder, ISB 6674 Attorney for Defendant Avista Corporation 717 West Sprague Avenue. Suite 1200 Spokane, Washington 99201-3505 Telephone: (509) 455-6000 Facsimile: (509-838-0007 Email: wiliam.schrederafainehamblen.com 13 IFG _PR_003-Attchment-B.pdf Page 13 of 13 . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO A VU-E-09-0l 1 A VU-G-09-0l Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-004 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/29/2009 Scott MorrslRchard Storro Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Regulation (509) 495-8620 If it is different form the CDA Settlement Agreement, please provide a copy of the "Montana Riverbed Litigation" Settlement Agreement. (Direct Testimony of Scott Morrs, Pg. 7). RESPONSE: Please see "IFG YR _ 004-Attachment-A.pdl' which is a copy of the Settlement Agreement and "IFG_PR_004-Attachment B.pdl' which is a copy of the Hydropower Site Lease. Please also see the Company's response to IFG-007. . _ Memorandum of Negotiated Settlement Terms Octobe 19,2007 Ths meordu outes the ke te of th agment in priciple reached betweenAvi Corpraon and the Sta of Monta to resolve al issues pë betwee them in Cau No. cnv 2004846, Mont Fir Judicial Distct Cour Lewis & Clar County. 1. Rent. For pmses of settement A vi agr to pay ret to the Stte eac year beg caend yea 2007, an contiuig thugh the reaining te of A vist's FERC lice for th Clak Fork Projec A vi acknowledges th th Sta own 3,158 acs of riverb with the Cla Fork Prject Th Sta acknowledes th th ren reprts the fu in vaue of the Sta inte oteste beg us by Avi in connecon with its opon of the Cla Fork Prjecf(whch Uicludes both th Noxon Raid prjec ánd th porton of the Cainet Gorge projec witl Mont). Ret will be pai in ar, with paent due on or befoc each Febru 1 for thc , previous ca yea., Th.inti amount of th rent wi be $4 mion pe yea. The rent wi be adjus ea.ye as follows:.a. Benning with caen year 2008, and contiuig tlough caenda yea 2016, the bas aøount of $4 mion pe ye sh be adjused upward by th Conser PrceJndex(CPI) anua averge for th caenda yea for whch payment is due. b. Not la th June 30, 2016, th pares wi m.eet and coer to determe wheter the anua reta rema consisnt wi th prciples ,of law as applied to th fats. In thc event either par believes the anua renta no longer is consnt wi applicale! law applied to the fa, the pares will negotite in goo fa to det an apprprate adjus re ra. lfthe paes do not agr upn an adj~ renta rate by Septeber 30,2016, the pares will engage in adviry aritron and submit th aritrr's recendaon to th Sta Boar of Land Commssion ("Land Boar") forappr. 2. Leae Term. The paes ¡grto joiny reomm to th Lad Boad a lea of a power site pui to thc pr~ions ,of th Hydrec Reour A.ct Mont Coe.An §§ 77-4-20 ~, et seq. 'As pa of th :rmmendaon th Sta an Avi agee to st th the rent agr upon by the paes rerests fu maket value for the lea of 3,158 acres of Clark For riverbe being used by A vista in conection with the Clar Fork Prject The durtion of the lea wil be not less th the remaig te of Avi's FERC licee. ., 3. Most Favore NationsClaUSe. If co-pa PPL Monta LL, either by litigaon tbughjudgment an any appe or thug settlemt, recivcs a detinaton th the ful maket vaue of its lad in at isue in the litigaton is baed upn fators more favorable to it th thse conted in the settement with ' IFG_PR_004-Attachment-A.pdf Page 1 of 3 i . A vi, thê Avi ret will be adus by an amount nec to reflec the more favole deteinaton. For puse oftbs cla, a more farale determon will occur if91eaggga anua re c1ed by settemt or litigaon for PPL Monta (''Dte PPL Ret" isless th 48% of1he aggr amount of base yea rent ("Claed PPL R. clai by the Sta in its ca in chief at tral If th occur, the $4 inil~on ba ret to be paidby Avi sh be reuce reaeely stg on the da of fi judgmen on th PPL Mo clai or settement by a pee equa to the Dete PPLRe divided by the Cla PPL Re See Atthmnt A foi an iluson of the caeuåtion. ,4. . Repeer for Subsequent Govemmenta ActioD. If. d.g 1he te of the Avi lea, tle Lad Bo the Mont Legislat, the Deparent of Nat Resour and Consryon, or any other Sta entity with jurdicton ents or adopts a renta sta, ru, OT poliey aplicale to leas isd mi the Hydrleetic Resoures Aet tht wouid ret in a re paymt more favorale to Avist th the rent cacuated \Ider pargrph 1, th re pad by Avi shall be modied retroacvely stg on the da of enen or adption to inorrae the irore favorale te. .S: Reopener for Subsequent Judicial Determintion. It durg thetenn of the Avist le8 thie of the Clak Fork Rivei with thbounes of Avi's PERC lice isdet by a cour of compejurcton to be not~gable fçir title pu Avi's obligan to pay re shee. If. dur the ter of the Avi lea, a co of compte jmictin dettb (a) the sh net beefits methd is not a Jawñ m.odtocacul th fu mat vaue ofland in; or (b) no compnson or reuc compeon ii the na of reta is owe -to the State of Monta for occcyofstawned rier, an the åplicaon of such determtion or deteonS would ret in a ret paent more farale to Avi th the re cacuate wider pah 1, or othrw exgush Avist'~ obligaon to pay re Avi's obligaon to pay ret win be moded retroavely stag on theda of deton to refec a method of caculti rent th is consnt with the cour deteon or detons, or.Avi's obligaon to pay ret shall ce, acrdgly. 6. Consent Dectee The pares wi agee on the form for, and jointly move the entr as a fi judgm of, a consent dec th (a) incrprates the term oftbs Memradum; (b) conta ft relea of A vi an the Sta for al ma at isue in th~ litigaori; (e) alows for apprprte public notce an comment; (d) cees th , . Avi is in fu complian with the te of the Hydrlectrc Reures Ac an (e) include apprpriat other ~ su as diut resoluto~ forc majeue an so fort. . STATE OF MONTANA B1'4._.. bH.ii cMSlìJl:, ~~~T. 4~c". Date: tx. J 1 f 1dÎ A VIA CORPORATION B~1t~--n,FÑCjtll'-l ".P.#-t£~Dat: løf!do7 ' '7~~~ IFG _PR_ 004-Attachment-A.pdf 2 Page 2of3 .1 .' .-' "- ATlACH A . . If the Det PPL R~ ~ lesS th 48% ofthc C1ed PPL Re Avi anua rent sh be recculat acg to followig fonnula: An Recuat AvistRe = A x (D .; C) Wh: A = $8,416,51,0 (Amun of$m re claed by th Sta in the Sta's Conton 9.A of the Pral Or) D = DePPL Re . c ~ Cled PPL Re se for in Sta's ca in chef As an illuon ifDct PPL Re ~s $3,000,00, an th Claed PPL Ret is . $7,252,804, th AnU3 Avi Re woU¥ be calcu as follows: Amua Reccu Avi Re: $3,481,347 = S8,416.510 x ($3.00.000 +$7,22.804) . IFG _PR _ 004-Attachment-A.pdf 3 Page 30f3 . HYDROPOWER SITE LEASE Pursuant to the Montana Hydroelectric Resources Act, Section 77~4~201, MCA, et seq., this Hydropower Site Lease ("Lease") is entered into efTective as of January 1, 2007, (the "Effective Date") between the STATE OF MONTANA, STATE BOARD OF LAND COMMISSIONERS, (hereinafter referred to as the "Lessor"), whose address is P.O. Box 201601, Helena, MT 59620-1601, and AVISTA CORPORATION, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington, ("Lessee"), whose address is 1411 East Mission Avenue, -P.O. Box 3727, Spokane, WA 99202-3727. The Lessor and the Lessee may be referred to herein singly as ,,~ii or jointly as "Paries." RECITALS A. The Lessee owns and operates the Clark Fork Project for which a new license was issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as FERC Project No. 2058 (the "FERC License"). (Order Issuing Nei-v License. 90 FERC ~161, 167 (2000)). The FERC License authorizes Lessee to operate and maintain the Noxon Rapids and the Cabinet Gorge Developments of the Clark Fork Project. The Clark Fork Project is located, in part, on the Clark Fork River in Bonner County, Idaho, and Sanders County, Montana. This Lease pertains to a portion of the Clark Fork Project located solely on lands owned by the State of Montaa \vithin Montana;.B. The original Hcenses for the Cabinet Gorge Project and the Noxon Rapids Project were issued byFERC on January 9,1951 and May 12,1955, respectively. From that time, until March, 2004, the Lessee believed that it had obtained all propert rights from the State of Montana necessary for those projects and the Clark Fork Project~ C. In October, 2003, Richard Dolan and Denise Hayman commenced an action in U.S. Distrct Court in Missoula, Montana against Lessee and other companies, which raised questions as to the ownership and uncompensated use of navigable riverbeds by the Lessee. In March 2004, Lessor intervened as a plaintiff in the action. (State ex reI. Richard Dolan v. PPL Montana LLC, et at, Cause No. CV-03 167-M- LBE). The United States District Court ultimately dismissed the lawsuit due to lack of jurisdiction; D. In November 2004, PPL Montana, LLC ("PPL Montana"), PacifiCorp and Lessee fied a declaratory judgment action in Montana First Judicial Distrct Court, Lewis and Clark County as PPL Montana. et at. v. State of Montana (Cause No. CDV-2004- 846) (the "Lawsuit") in order to determine its rights, if any, to utilize navigable riverbeds, without compensation to the State of Monta. In December, 2004, the State filed an Answer, Counterclaims and a Motion for Summary Judgment and alleged, among other things, that Lessee and other companies had an obligation under the provisions of the Montana Hydroelectrc Resources Act, Mont. Code Ann. § 77-4-201, et seq., to compensate Lessor for the use of state-owned riverbeds being used for hydroelectric power generation purposes;. IFG_PR_004-Attachment B_pdf Page 1 of 12 . E. The Montana First Judicial District Court determined in the Lawsuit that the State of Montana O\\l1S the riverbed of the Clark Fork River in Sanders County, Montana in trust for Montana's common public schools, and therefore has a duty to obtain the full market value of that use by the Lessee. Therefore the State is entering into this lease to comply with the State's trust duty to obtain the full market value for the disposition of any interest in State school trst lands; F. Pursuant to the Memorandum of Negotiated Settlement Terms signed on October 19,2007, and the Consent Judgment entered on November 19,2007, the Lessor and Lessee agreed to resolve all claims made in the Lawsuit through the issuance of the following lease by the State Board of Land Commissioners; Wherefore, the Parties hereby agree to the following: LEASE TERMS 1. Leased Premises. Subject to all the terms and conditions contained herein, the Lessor hereby leases to the Lessee and the Lessee hereby leases from the Lessor those lands below the Clark Fork River for which Avista has not already acquired a right of use within the Clark Fork Project in Sanders County, Montana (the "Leased Premises") as more particularly described in Exbibit A, for the following term described herein..2. Lease Term. The term of this Lease ("Term") will be deemed to have commenced on January 1,2007, and wil terminate on the earlier of: (a) February 28, 2046; or (b) the termination oftheFERC License. 3. Payment Date. On or before the first day of February of each year ("Payment Date"), Lessee wil pay to Lessor an annual rent ("Rent") for occupying the Leased Premises during the preceding calendar year during which the Lease is in effect. 1fthe first day of February is a Saturday, Sunday, Montana or federal holiday, the payment wil be due on or before the next following business day. 4. Rent. The amount of the Rent shall be detennined as follows: 4. i. On or before the Payment Date of February i, 2008, the Lessee will pay to the Lessor the sum of Four Milion and 00/100 Dollars ($4,000,000.00) ("Base Rent") as Rent for the Leased Premises for the year 2007. 4.2 Thereafter, continuing on February 1 st of each subsequent year (the "Adjustment Date") during the Term of this Lease, the Lessee wil pay to the Lessor an adjusted annual Rental for the prior year, calculated as follows: 4.2. i The base ("Base Index") for computing the adjustment is the Consumer Price Index for the month of January 2007 (the "Index Date") as shown in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI") for all Urban. 2 , IFG_PR_004-Attachment B.pdf Page 2 of 12 . Consumers! All Items, based on the latest year used as a base year by the U.S. Departent of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. 4.2.2 The index for the Adjustment Date wil be computed as a percentage of the Base Index (the "Percentage Adjustments"). For example, assuming the Base Index on the Index Date is 200 and the index figure on the Adjustment Date is 210, the Percentage Adjustment to be applied is 210 divided by 200, yielding 105%. 4.2.3 The Rent for the period beginning on the Adjustment Date and continuing until the next Adjustment Date wil be equal to the Base Rent plus the Percentage Adjustment. For example, if the Percentage Adjustment for year 2008 is i 05%, Rent for year 2008 would be the product of $4,000,000 as multiplied by 105%, which equals $4,200,000.00. . 4.2.4 If the CPI is no longer published, another comparable index, generally recognized as authoritative ("Substitute Index") wil be substituted by agreement of the Parties. If the Paries are unable to agree on a Substitute Index within thirt (30) days after demand by either Party, either Part may apply to the chief officer ofthe Research & Analysis Bureau of the Workforce Services Division of the Montana Department of Labor & Industr, or its successor or equivalent, to select the Substitute Index. 4.2.5 If the lease terminates or Avista's obligation to pay rent ceases prior to the end of any calendar year, Rent wil be prorated taking into account the portion of the year during which the Lease is in effect. 4.3 Not later than June 30, 2016, the Parties wil meet and confer to determine whether the annual Rent as determined herein remains consistent with the principles of law as applied to the facts. In the event either Part believes the annual Rent is no longer is consistent with applicable law applied to the facts, the Parties wil negotiate in good faith to determine an appropriate adjusted rental rate. 4.4 If the parties do not agree upon an adjusted rental rate by September 30, 2016, the parties wil engage in advisory arbitration and submit the arbitrator's recommendation to the Board of Land Commissioners for approvaL. 4.5 AU payments required by this Lease wil be made to the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, i 625 Eleventh Avenue, P.O. Box 201601, Helena, MT 59620-1601, or to such other payee as designated in writing by the State of Montana.. 3 IFG_PR_004-Attachment B.pdf Page 3 of 12 . 4.6 Parties agree that Rent as determined in accordance with this Lease is the full market rental value of the Leased Premises for the Temi of this Lease. 4.7 In the event of a dispute over rental amounts, rental payments made shall be made by the Lessee under protest. Any rental payments made under protest sha11 be place-d in aninterest-beanng escrow account by the Lessor. The rate of interest sha11 be equal to the the rate of return of the unified investment program administered by the board of investments pursuant to § 17-6-20 i, MCA. The validity of any payment made under protest shall be resolved by a MAPA contested case hearing as provided by paragrph 10 of this Hydropower Site Lease. The prevailing part in any such rental dispute will be entitled to the disputed rentals as well as the interest accrued upon those rentals. 5. Reopeners. The Paries agree that the amount of Rent due under this Lease may be reopened and adjusted if any of the following events occur: . 5. i Most Favored Nations Clause. If, co-party to the Lawsuit, PPL Montana, either by litigation through judgment and any appeals, or through settlement, receives a detennination that the full market rental value of its land interests at issue in the litigation is based upon factors, that if applied to Lessee, would result in a more favorable rental rate than the Rent established by Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 of this Lease, then the Rentwìl be adjusted by an amount necessary to reflect the more favorable detennination. For purposes of this clause, a more favorable detennination wil occur if the aggregate annual rent determined for PPL Montana by settlement or litigation Ç'Detennined PPL Rent") is less than 48% of the aggregate amount of base year rent claimed by Lessor in its case in chief against PPL Montana ("Claimed PPL Rent") in the Lawsuit. In the event of a more favorable detennination, the $4 milion base annual Rent established by Section 4.1 of this Lease to be paid by Lessee wil be reduced retroactively starting on the date of final judgment on the PPL Montana claims, or date of settlement, by a percentage equal to the Detennined PPL Rent divided by the Claimed PPL Rent. (See Exhibit B for an illustration of the calculation.) 5.2 Reopener for Subsequent Governmental Action. If, during the Term of this Lease, the Board of Land Commissioners, the Montana Legislature, the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, or any other State entity with jurisdiction, enacts or adopts a rental statute, rule, or policy applicable to leases issued under the Hydroelectric Resources Act that would result in a rent payment more favorable to Lessee, then the Rent shall be modified retroactively startng on the date of enactment or adoption to incorporate the more favorable tenns. . 4 IFG_PR_OO4-Attachment B.pdf Page 4 of 12 . 5.3 Reopeuer for Subsequent Judicial Determination. 5.3.1 If, during the Term of this Lease, the reach of the Clark Fork River within the boundaries of the Leased Premises is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be not navigable for title purposes, or that the State of Montana otherwise does not have title to the riverbed of the Clark Fork River in Sanders County, Lessee's obligation to pay Rent shall cease. 5.3.2 If, during the term of this Lease, a court of competent jurisdiction determines that compensation in the nature of rent owed to the State is less than what is set forth in this Lease, Lessee's obligation to pay Rent wil be reduced from the date of determination to reflect a method of calculating Rent that is consistent with the court's detennination. 6. Assignments. This Lease is assignable by the Lessee only wìth the prior written approval of the Lessor. However, the the Lessor shall approve assignent of this lease to any successor-in-interest to the above-described FERC license who possesses the apparent financial ability to carr out the lessee's duties under this lease. .7. Improvements. The Lessee is authorized to construct, operate and maintain any and all improvements ("Improvements") necessary to conduct the operations described in the above-described FERC License, as such license may be amended from time to time. Lessor and Lessee acknowledge that ownership of any Improvements following the end of the Term shan remain with Lessee, subject to the provisions of the Federal Power Act and any interests ofthe United States. 8. Indemnifcation. As a condition of the grant the above-described Lease, the Lessee, and its successors and assign, hereby agree to indemnify, defend with counsel acceptable to the State, and hold harmless the State of Montana, the State Board of Land Commissioners, the Montaa Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, and their offcers, agents,employees, and representatives from and against all claims and liabilities arising in whole or in part or in any manner out of the Lessee's design, placement, allowance, existence, constrction, inspection, public use, operation, and maintenance of any improvements upon the above-described lands, including all repairs, restoration and rebuilding made at any time thereafter, whether or not due to the alleged negligence ofthe state. This duty to defend and indemnify shall extend to all actions, administrative proceedings, judgments, damages, punitive damages, penalties, fines, costs, liabilities, interest, or losses, sums paid in settlement of claims, attorney's fees, consultant fees, expert witness fees, as well as any fees, costs, or expenses incurred by the State in enforcing this indemnity. Notwithstanding anything to the contrry in this paragraph. the Lessee shall have no liabilty for losses to the extent they are caused by or result from the actions or omissions of Lessor. The duty to defend and indemnify shall survive the termination of the above-described Lease. . 5 IFG_PR_004-Attachment B.pdf Page 5 of 12 . 9. Control and Design Indemnification - During the existence of the above- described Lease, the Lessee, and its successors, and assigns, shall have control and possession of the above-described Property for hydropower purposes, and the State shall have no liabilities, obligations or responsibilities whatsoever with respect thereto or with respect to any plans or specifications submitted to any Governmental Authority. TIie State is not the agent of the Lessee and the Lessee is not the agent of the State. Any review of such plans or specifications by the Lessor is solely for its own purposes, and the Lessor expressly disclaims any warranty concerning the appropriateness of any such plans or specifications for any purpose. The Lessee hereby covenants and agrees to indemnify, defend with counsel acceptable to the State, and hold the State of Montaa. the State Board of Land Commissioners, the Montana Departent of Natural Resources and Conservation, and their offcers, agents, employees, and representatives hannless from and against any and all claims arising in whole or in part or in any maner out of the design or the use of such plans and specifications, whether or not due to the alleged negligence of the state Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this paragraph, the Lessee shall have no liabilty for losses to the extent they are caused by or result from the actions or omissions of Lessor. The duty to defend and indemnify shall survive the tennination of the above-described Lease. .10. Breach and Reversion and Remedies. The Lessee's failure to pay the above-described rental by the due date or the Lessee's breach of any other duty or condition under this Hydropower Site Lease, shall result in the terniination cancellation of the above-described Lease, and the reversion of the Leased lands to the State. However, prior to any cancellation, the Lessee shall be given written notice of such breach and 30 days opportunity to cure the breach before the cancellation shall become effective. Should any dispute arise as to the Lessee's duties under this Hydropower Site Lease, it shall be given the opportnity for a contested case hearing under the Montana Administrative Procedures Act, §§2-4-601, MCA before the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation. In such instances, the tenn of this Hydropower Site Lease shall be extended until a court of final jurisdiction reviews the outcome of the MAPA hearing. 11. Taxes. The intent of both parties is that this Lease shall not Fesi:lt iA a affect any tax payments or assessments owed by the Lessee, and by entering into this Hydropower Site Lease, the Lessee does not waive any rights or obligations as to the payment of taxes. 12. No Warranty of Tjtle. It is understood and agreed that this lease is issued only under such title as the State of Montaa may now have or hereafter acquire, and. other than a reduction in rent due as provided in paragraph 5.3 above, that the Lessor shall not be liable for any damages sustained by the Lessee in the event the Lessor does not have the title to the leased lands or the Lessee is found to have possessed a prior right or easement for its operations upon the leased lands described herein.. 6 IFG_PR_004-Attachment B.pdf Page 6 of12 . 1 3. Interference. The Parties recognize that the leased premise is a public waterway of the State of Montana and subject to the rights ofthe public for the recreational use of streams. TIie Lessor further reserves the right to issue additional leases for the use of the above-described lands, provided that such leases and uses shall not in any manner interfere with the Lessee's operation of the Clark Fork Project. Lessor wil notify Lessee in writing prior to granting any third part the use or occupy any portion of the Leased Premises for any purpose. Lessor also wil not use, nor wil Lessor permit its employees, lessees, licensees, or agents to use, any portion of the Leased Premises in any way, which interferes with the operations of Lessee or the rights of Lessee under this Lease or the FERC License. Lessor wil cause such interference to cease within fort-eight hours after written receipt of notice of interference from Lessee. In the event any such interference does not cease within the cure period then the Parties acknowledge that Lessee wil suffer irreparable injury, and Lessee wil have the right, in addition to any other rights that it may have at law or in equity, to elect to enjoin such interference upon notice to Lessor. 14. Miscellaneous. . 14.1 AmendmentlWaiver. This Lease cannot be amended, modified or revised unless done in writing and signed by an authorized agent of Lessor and an authorized agent of the Lessee. No provision may be waived except in a writing signed by both Parties. 14.2 Binding Effect. The terms and conditions contained in this Lease wil run with the Leased Premises and bind and inure to the benefit of the Parties, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. 14.3 Entire Agreement. This Lease and the Consent Judgment attached hereto as Exhibit C, an being a part hereof, constitute the entire agreement of the Parties hereto. 14.4 Governing Law. This Lease will be governed by and construed according to the laws of the State of Montana. 14.5 Force Majeure. If either party is prevented from complying with any tenns or provisions of this Hydropower Site Lease due to impossibility, including, but not limited to, riot, war, rebellion, accident, or other causes beyond the control of such part, then upon written notice to the other part, the affected provisions or requirements of this Hydropower Site Lease shall be suspended during the period of such disability. 14.6 Notice. When notice is required under any of the terms of this agreement, notice shall be made to the following address and each part wil further notify the other when there is any change in the address listed here:. 7 IFG_PR_004-Attachment B.pdf Page 7 of 12 . For the State of Montana: Director, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation State of Montana 1625 Eleventh Avenue P. O. Box 201601 Helena, MT 59620-160 i For Avista Corporation: President, Avista Corporation 1411 East Mission Avenue P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, W A 99202-3727 Additional copy to: Registered Agent, State of Montana, for Avista Corporation. . . 8 IFG_PR_004-Attachment B.pdf Page 8 of 12 . LESSOR STATE OF MONTANA: By:1Y~ V,lricWIts: STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss. County of LEwis .¡ CL( ) This instrment was acknowledged before me on~.I~ 30 , 2008 by Mary Sexton, Director of the Montana Departent of Nat al Res rees and Conservation, for the State Board of Land Commissioners, on behalf of whom instrment was executed. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and notary public seal the day and yea fita~:1/¿ f: ~ _~ Pnn d ortYed name: :: ~ , ~ E ;: ¡(Ð-O(i q :~,_,_.~ Notary Public for the State of Montana (SEÂl:) Residing at ~ ' Montana My commissiO';;: og:V/2I0 9 . 9 IFG_PR_004-Attachment B.pdf Page 90f12 . LESSEE AVISTA CORPORATION: By:~tWl~ tBJ /1J;StG(JIts: STATE OF WASHIGTON ) : ss. County of Spokane ) This instrent was acknowledged before me on J 4:fc 1 3 i ' 2008 by 1"6'._ tf VIlJ~r/s= as fru. J CG- 1(;4.41.'/ of#ivista Corporation, on behalf of whom instrent was exectfte. I IN WIlNSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and notaral seal the day and year first above wrttn. Prnte~;d inrte t e-" Nota Public for the State of Washington (SEAL) Residing at -5 Ac/ k, of e ' Washingtn My commissiëf expires: ? el Hi :l O' f ;z . .10 IFG_PR_004-Attachment B.pdf Page 10 of 12 . EXHIBIT ll A" DESCRIPTION OF LEASED PREMISES The leased premises include 3,158 acres, more or less, which the partes stipulate represents the area of streambed below the water of the Clark Fork River and bounded by the low water mark, runing between the upstream boundary of the Clark Fork Project to the downstream boundar of the Clark Fork Project. The Clark Fork Project is described by the maps, plans, specifications, and statements described and designated as exhibits that are on fie with and approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as part of the license for the Clark Fork Project, Project No. 2058. The Project lies generally within the following Sections: Township 27 North, Range 35 West, MPM Section: 24 Tu\vnship 27 North. Range 34 West. MPM Sections: 18, 19,20,21,25,26,27,28,33,34,35, and 36 Township 27 North, Range 33 West, MPM Sections: 30, 3 i, and 32.Township 26 North, Range 33 West. MPM Sections: 3,4,5,8,9, 10, 13, 14, 15,23, and 24 TO\vnship 26 Nort, Range 32 West, MPM Sections: 18, 19, 20, 29, 32, and 33 Township 25 North, Range 32 West. MPM Sections: 3,4,5,9, 10, iI, 14, 15,22,23,26,27, and 28 Township 24 North, Range 32 West MPM Sections: i, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12 Township 24 North, Range 3 i West, MPM Sections: 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 35, and 36 Township 24 North, Range 30 West, MPM Section: 31 Township 23 North, Range 30 West. MPM Sections 5, 6, 7,8,16,17, 18,21,26,27,28, 34, and 35 Township 22 North. Range 30 West, MPM Sections: 3, 10, 11, 13, 14,23,24,26,35, and 36. 11 IFG_PR_004-Attchment B.pdf Page 11 of 12 . Township 21 North. Range 30 West, MPM Section: 1 Township 21 North, Range 29 West, MPM Sections: 6 and 7 . . 12 IFG_PR_004-Attchment B.pdf Page 12 of 12 . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO A VU-E-09-0ll A VU-G-09-0l Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-005 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 05/04/2009 Scott MorrslRchard Storro Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Regulation (509) 495-8620 Please provide a copy of any cour order or judgment approving the "Montana Riverbed Litigation" Settlement Agreement. RESPONSE: Please see "IFG _PR _ 005-Attachment-A.pdf' which is a copy of the "Final Order and Judgment on Avista-State Claims" and IFG PR 005-Attchment-B.pdf which is a copy of the "Consent Judgment between Avista Corporation and The State of Montana". I. . . A. Mc1n.tosh ; '. ¡ ,.:.. ¡ 1 '.1 "", '. t,.", MONTANA FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT LEWIS AND CLARK COUNTY PPL MONTANA, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liabilty Corporation; A VISTA CORPORATION, a Washington Corporation, ) ) Cause No. CDV 2004-846 ) ) . ) FINAL ORDER AND ) JUDGMENT ON ) A VISTA.STATE CLAIMS ) ) ) ) Plainti ffs, v. STATE OF MONTANA, Defendant. Upon consideration of the motion for final approval of the settlement between Plaintiff Avista Corporation ("Avista") and Defendant the State of Montana ("State") as to all claims between them in this action, and pursuant to Mont. R. Civ. P. 54, it is hereby ORDERED that: I. The Court hereby approves the Agreement and Consent Judgment and the settlement embodied therein between A vista and the State attached 'as Exhibit A to their FINAL. ORDER AND JlJDGI\ENT ON A VISTA-STATE CLAIMS PAGE. I IFG_PR_005-Attachment-A.pdf Page 1 of 2 " . joint motion for final approval, and finds that the said Agreement and Consent Judgment and settlement are, in all respects, fair, reasonable, and adequate. 2. Having certified that no just reason for delay exists, this Court hereby dictates entry of this Final Order as a final judgment pursuant to Rule 54(b) of the Montana Rules of Civil Procedure. Judgment is hereby rendered on all of the claims between A vista and the State in this action on the terms and conditions set fort in the Agreement and Consent Decree entered as an order of the Cour on the 19~ day of 1J.,2007. 3. A vista and the State shall each pay its own costs and fees related to their claims against each other. 4. Without affecting the finality of this Final Order in any respect, this Court.hereby reserves jurisdiction over such matters as may properly come before the court, including implementation and administration of the settlement. APPROVED AND ENTERED this ~ day of 1£4/. : ¡H.oMA~. C.. HONZE_ HONORABLE THOMAS C. HONZEL District Court Judge ,2007. . FINAL ORDER AND JUDGMENT ON AVISTA-STATE CLAIMS PAGE2 IFG_PR_005-Attachment-A.pdf Page 2 of 2 . . . .:. \' ::.'. ..: . . ... A. M.GtotDsh í--'.I :.:,,~' ;'l r.."1 ;. u" MONTANA FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT LEWIS AND CLAR COUNTY PPL MONTANA, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liabilty Corporation; A VISTA CORPORATION, a Washington Corporation, Defendant. ) ) Cause No. CDV 2004-846 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CONSENT JUDGMENT BETWEEN A VIST A CORPORATION AND THE ST ATE OF MONTANA Plaintiffs, V. STA TE OF MONTANA, This Agreement and Consent Judgment ("Agreement") is made and entered into by A vista Corporation ("A vista"), on the one hand, and the State of Montana ("State"), on the other hand with respect to all claims that were or could have been made between them in this action. NOW, THEREFORE, the paries hereto agree and stipulate, and it is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED, as follows: CONSENT JUDGMENT BETWEEN A VISTA AND THE STA TEPAGE I IFG_PR_005-Attachment-B.pdf Page 1 of 8 .JURISDICTION 1.The Court has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter. Mont. R. Civ. P. 4B; Mont. Code Ann. § 3-5-302. PARTIES 2. Plaintiff Avista Corporation ("Avista"), is a Washington corporation, registered to do business in Montana. Avista's principal place of business is in Spokane, Washington. 3. Defendant State of Montana ("State") is one of the fift states of the Union and was granted statehood in 1889. .TERMS 4.Upon approval and entry of this Agreement by this Court, this Agreement and Consent Judgment constitutes a final judgment between A vista, on the one hand, and the State, on the other hand, in accordance with its terms. 5. Lease of Clark Fork Project Riverbeds. Avista and the State agree to enter a lease of a power site, consisting of 3, 158 acres of Clark Fork riverbed being used by Avista in connection with the Clark Fork Project (which includes both the Noxon Rapids project, and that portion of the Cabinet Gorge project within Montana), pursuant to the provisions of the Hydroelectric Resources Act, Mont. Code Ann. §§ 77-4-201, et seq. The duration of the lease wil be not less than the remaining term of Avista's . FERC license. Rent wil be paid in arrears, with payment due on or before each CONSENT JUDGMENT BETWEEN AVISTA AND THE STATE PAGE 2 IFG_PR_005-Attachment-B.pdf Page 2 of 8 .February I for the previous calendar year. The initial amount of the rent wil be $4 milion per year. The rent wil be adjusted each year as follows: a. Beginning with calendar year 2008, and continuing through calendar year 2016, the base amount 01'$4 millon per year shall be adjusted upward by the increase in the Consumoer Price Index (CPI) annual average for the calendar year for which payment is due. b. Not later than June 30, 2016. the parties wil meet and confer to . determine whether the annual rental remains consistent with the principles of law as applied to the facts. In the event either party believes the annual rental no longer is consistent with applicable law applied to the facts, the paries wil .negotiate in good faith to determine an appropriate adjusted rental rate. If the paries do not agree upon an adjusted rental rate by September 30, 2016, the paries wil engage in advisory arbitration and submit the arbitrator's recommendation to the State Board of Land Commissioners ("Land Board") for approvaL. The rent agreed upon represents full market value for the lease of 3,158 acres of Clark Fork riverbed owned by the State and used by Avista in connection with the Clark Fork Project. The lease between Avista and the State fully complies with all applicable terms of the Hydroelectric Resources Act. 6. Board of Land Commissioners Approval; Public Notice and Comment. Avista and the State jointly recommended to the Board of Land Commissioners ("Land . Board") the approval of the terms contained in this Agreement through an agenda item CONSENT JUDGMENT BETWEEN AVISTA AND THE STATE PAGE 3 IFG_PR_005-Attachment-B.pdf Page 3 of 8 . publicly noticed on November 9,2007 for the Land Board's regular monthly meeting on November 19, 2007. After such public notice and an opportunity for public comment, the Land Board approved the terms contained in this Agreement. 7. Most Favored Nations Clause. If co-party PPL Montana, LLC, either by litigation through judgment and any appeals, or through settlement, receives a determination that the full market value of its land interests at issue in the liigation is based upon factors more favorable to it than those contained in the settlem,ent with Avista, the Avista rent wil be adjusted by an ámount necessary to renect the more favorable determination. For purposes of this clause, a more favorable determination wil occur if the aggregate annual rent determined for PPL Montana by settlement or litigation .("Determined PPL Rent") is less than 48 percent of the aggregate amount of base year rent ("Claimed PPL Rent") claimed by the State in its case in chief at trÍal against PPL Montana. If this occurs, the $4 milion base rent to be paid by A vista shall be reduced retroactively staring on the date of final judgment on the PPL Montana claims, or the date of the settlement, by a percentage equal to the Determined PPL Rent divided by the Claimed PPL Rent. See Attachment A for an ilustration of the calculation. 8. Reopener for Subsequent Governmental Action. If, during the term of the Avista lease, the Land Board, the Montana Legislature, the Deparment of Natural Resources and Conservation, or any other State entity with jurisdiction, enacts or adopts a rental statute, rule, or policy applicable to leases issued under the Hydroelectric Resources Act that would result in a rent payment more favorable to A vista than the rent. CONSENT JUDGMENT BETWEEN AVISTA AND THE STATE PAGE 4 IFG_PR_005-Attachment-B.pdf Page 4 of 8 . set forth in paragraph 5, the rent paid by Avista shall be modified retroactively staring on the date of enactment or adoption to incorporate the more favorablt? tenns. 9. Reopener for Subsequent Judicial Determination. If, during the tenn of the Avista lease, the reach of the Clark Fork River within the boundaries of Avista's FERC license is detennined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be not navigable for title purposes, Avista's obligation to pay rent shall cease. If, during the term of the Avista lease, a court of competent jurisdiction determines that (a) the shared net benefits method is not a lawful method to calculate the full market value of land interests; or (b) no compensation or reduced compensation in the nature of rentals is owed to the State of Montana for occupancy of state-owned riverbeds, and the application of such .determination or detenninations would result in a rent payment more favorable to Avista than the rent set forth in paragraph 5, or otherwise extinguish Avista's obligation to pay rentals, Avista's obligation to pay rent wil be modified retroactively staing on the date of detennination to reflect a method of calculating rent that is consistent with the court detennination or determinations, or Avista's obligation to pay rent shall cease, accordingly. RELEASES AND COVENANTS NOT TO SUE 10. Avista and the State forever release and covenant not to sue or to fie any administrative claim against the other with respect to any and all civil claims between Avista and the State that were or could have been made in this action and all claims. CONSENT JUDGMENT BETWEEN AVISTA AND THE STATEPAGES IFG_PR_005-Attachment-B.pdf Page 5 of 8 .relating to or arising from this action; provided, however, that nothing in this Agreement shall affect or impair claims to enforce this Agreement. ENTRY OF FINAL JUDGMENT AND RETENTION OF JURISDICTION II. The Court tinds that this Agreement is fundamentally fair, just and reasonable and directs that this consent judgment be entered as a final judgment with respect to all claims between A vista and the State in this action. The Cour further certifies that there is no just reason for delaying performance of this Agreement and entry of final judgment between A vista and the State. 12. The Court shall retain jurisdiction of this matter for the purose of entering such further orders, direction, or relief as may be appropriate for the construction, . implementation, or enforcement of this Agreement. 13. This Agreement can be modified only with the express written consent of the Paries to the Agreement and the approval of the Court. THE FOREGOING Agreement and Consent Judgment between Avista, on the one hand, and the State, on the other hand, is hereby APPROVED AND ENTERED this -' day of ~teL, ,2007. '. ilQN18S. C. HONzel, HONORALE THOMAS C. HONZEL Distrct Court Judge . FOR PLAINTIFF A VISTA CORPORATION1 ,. 4 çz,/.. f!J.. l~//..~ #-1:#1 A:C- .L.Y''' 7 FOR ~:D~~ATE OF MONTANA /J ( l'i' .--- Date:fJ Date: ¡1#..:r.l ¡r:t J-câ ? A ~""J1"íV; ./1 2ub7 :' . tI CONSENT JUDGMENT BETWEEN A VISTA AND THE STATE PAGE 6 IFG_PR_005-Attachment-B.pdf' Page 6 of 8 . . . ATTACHMENT A IFG _PR_ 005-Attachment -B .pdf Page 7 of 8 .1 . ATIACBNT A. . If th De PPL Ren is less th 48% of the Cla PPL Re Avi anua rent sh be recculat ac to followig formula: Anua Reccu A vist Ren == A x (D + C) Wh: A == $8,416,510 (Amount of ap rent claied by th Sta in the Sta's Conteon 9.A of the PI Orde) D = De PPL Rent ) 3 IFG _PR_ 005-Attachment-B .pdf Page 8 of 8 . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-09-0l / A VU-G-09-0l Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-006 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 0412912009 Scott MorrslRchard Storro Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Regulation (509) 495-8620 Please provide a copy of pages 32, 33 and 34 of the Direct Testimony of Elizabeth M. Andrews filed in Case No. A VU-E-08-01. RESPONSE: Please see IFG_PR_006-Attachment-A.pdf. production and transmission components of these additions as discussed further by Ms . ~DOX .This adj us tment decreases Idaho net operating income by $1,016, 000 and increases rate base by $716, 000. The adjustment in colum (PF8) , Pra FarI Asset Mangeient, pro forms in the O&M expense associated with the ASSet Management Program as described further by Mr. Kiney.This adjustment decreases Idaho net operating income by $.625,000. The adjustment in colum (PF9) , Pro FarI Spakane River Relicensing, includes the processing costs associated with the Company's Spokane River relicensing efforts. These costs include actual life-to-date expenditures from April 2001 through Decemer 31, 2007, and 2008 pro forma expenditures through Decemer 31, 2008.Mr. Howard provides additional details regarding these costs f and exlains that the Company anticipates a final license approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) by December 2008.This adjustment decreases Idaho net operating income by $793, 000 and increases rate base by $12, Ö19 ,UOÒ. 'the adjustment in colu:(PFlO), Pro Form Coeur d' Alene Tribe Settlement, includes cost associated with the Lake Coeur d' Alene Tribe settlement agreement as described further by Company witness Ms. Pessemier. For compensation .Andrews, Di 32 Avista Corporation IFG _PR_ 006-Attachment-A.pdf Page 1 of 3 .for trespass, the settlement includes the payment of $25.0 2 million in 2008,$10.0 million in 2009 and $4.0 million in 3 2010 for resolution of the past trespass and §10 (e) 4 charges.The future §lO (e) payments are $400,000 flat 5 arLT'ual payrnents for the first 20 years of the license and 6 $700,000 flat annual payments for the remaining 30 years of 7 the licensè. The Compai"1Y is proposing, in this filing, that 8 the first two payments of $25.0 million a.Yld $10.0 million, 9 together with the 2008$400,000 first a.nnual payment be 10 deferred and amortized. The deferred payments including a 11 return on the balance would bè aiortized over the average 12 remaining life of the Post Falls project.The pro form 13 adjustment includes one year aiItortization of the deferred.14 balance, and the 2009 anual payment of $400,000. This is adjustment decreases Idaho net operating income by $270, 000 16 and increases rate base by S8,264/000. 17 The adjustrnent in column (PFll), Pro Form Montana 18 Riverbed Lease, includes costs associated with the Monca.T'a 19 Riverbed lease settlement as described further by Mr. 20 Vermillion. In this settlement, the Company agreed to pay 21 the State of Montana $4.0 million anually begiri.ning in 22 2007, with annual inflation adjustments, for a lO-year 23 period for leasing the riverbed under the Noxon Rapids 24 Project and the Montana portion of the Cabinet Gorge 25 Project.The first two annual payments were deferred by .Andrews, Di 33 Avista Corporation IFG _PR_ 006-Attachment-A.pdf Page 2 of 3 Avista as approved in Case No. AVU-E-0710. The Company is proposing that the deferred payments i including accrued interest, be amortized over the remaining eight years of the agreemen t .The pro forma adjustment includes one- eighth of the deferred balance amortization and the 2009 annual lease payment. This adjustment decreases Idaho net operating income by $1,197 r 000 and increases rate base by $1,758,000. Q. Please turn to page 9 and explain the adjustments shown there. A. The adjustment in colum (PF12) f Pro Forma Colstrip Mèreury Emssion. O&M, includes additional 2009 O&M costs assöciated with the mercury control project at Colstrip as further described by Mr. Vermillion.This adjustinent decreases Idaho net operating income by $341,000. The adjustment in còlumii (PF13), Pro Fo:i Incentives, adjusts 2007 test year incentive expense to the actual 2007 incentive e:;-pense paid in 2008 for the 2007 incentive plan. The Company's main employee incentive plan uses Customer Satisfaction and Reliability targets as the initial step in issuing incentive payouts. Actual payouts are dictated by utility O&M cost savings. S.ince the executive plan is slightly different than the main employee iucenti ve plan, this adjustment removes any part of the 2007 executive .~..drews i pi 34 Avista Corporation IFG _PR_006-Attachment-A.pdt Page 30t 3 . . . AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO A VU-E-09-0l 1 A VU-G-09-01 Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-007 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/29/2009 Scott MorrslRchard Storro Patrck Ehrbar State & Federal Regulation (509) 495-8620 REQUEST: If you believe the Idaho Public Utilities Commission has previously approved the costs associated with the CDA Settlement Agreement and the Montana Riverbed Litigation Settlement Agreement for rate making puroses, please identify the Commission Order containing such approval. (Direct Testimony of Scott Morrs, pg. 5). RESPONSE: The recovery of costs associated with the CDA Settlement Agreement and the Montana Riverbed Litigation Settlement Agreement were approved in the Company's previous rate case (A VU- E-08-0 1 and A VU-G-08-0 1, Order No. 30647). The costs were addressed on pages 6 & 7 in the Stipulation (IFG_PR_007-Attachment-A.pdf) which was later approved by the Commission on September 30, 2008 (IFG_PR_007-Attachment-B.pdf). The CDA Settlement Agreement is addressed at Paragraph 9 (b) of the Stipulation, as follows: "(b.) Confidential Litigation - Company Witness Andrews describes confidential litigation at pages 32 and 33 of her prefied direct testimony (unedacted). Inasmuch as that matter is stil pending and has yet to be finally resolved, but is expected to reach resolution in the near future, the Paries have agreed to defer as a regulatory expense item (in Account 186 - Miscellaneous Deferred Debits) on the Company's balance sheet depreciation associated with Idaho share of the aforementioned costs with a carng charge on the deferal as well as a carng charge on the amount of costs not yet included in rate base for subsequent recovery in rates. The carng charge wil be the customer deposit rate (presently 5%). This deferral, together with a carng charge, wil continue until the earlier of twelve (12) months from the date of resolution of the litigation or until the conclusion of Avista's next general rate case (GRC)." (emphasis added) The Montana Riverbed Litigation Settlement is addressed at Paragraph 9 ( c) of the Stipulation, as follows: "(c.) Montana Riverbed Litigation - On November 1, 2007, Avista filed an Application with the Commssion (Case No. AVU-E-07-10) requesting an accounting order authorizing deferral of settlement lease payments and interest accruals relating to the recent settlement of a lawsuit in the State of Montana over the use of the riverbed related to the Company's ownership of the Noxon Rapids and Cabinet Gorge hydroelectrc projects located on the Clark Fork River. The Commission, in its Order . Response to IFG Request No. 007 Page 2 No. 30492, authorized the deferal of settlement lease payments and delayed a decision on interest, until the matter was addressed in this general rate filing. The Paries have agreed to the Company's requested amortization of costs, together with recovery of accrued interest on the Idaho share of deferrals at the customer deposit rate (presently 5%)." . . . .David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counel of Reguatory and Governenta Afairs A vista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Avenue P. O. Box 3727 Spokane, VVashin~on99220 Phone: (509) 425-4316, Fax: (509) 495-8851 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTlITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF TH APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR TH AUTORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AN CHAGES FOR ELECTRIC AN NATU GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AN NATU GAS CUSTOMERS IN TH STATE OF IDAHO ) ) CASE NOS. A VU-E-08-0l ) AVU-G-08-01 ) ) STIPULATION ) ) .Ths Stipulation is entered into by and aIong A vista Corporation, doing business as A vista Utilties ("A vista" or "Compay"), the Sta of the Idao Public Utilities Coinission ("Staff"), Potlath Corpration ("Potlatch"), and the Coinunty Action Parership Association of Idaho ("CAPAI). These entities are collectively referred to as the "Paries," and represent all pares in the above-referenced cases. The Pares understad this Stipulation is subject to approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("!PUC" or the "Commssion"). I. INRODUCTION 1. The terms and conditions of ths Stipulation ar set fort herein. The Pares agree that ths Stipulation represents a fai, just and reasonable compromise of the issues raised in the proceeding and that ths Stipulation and its acceptace by the Commssion.represent a reasonable resolution of multiple issues identified in this matter. ThePares, Stipulation Page 1 of 12 IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-A. pdf . . . Stipulation Page 2 of12 I FG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-A. pdf .subsequently held in the Commission offces on July 31, 2008, and wa attended by representatives of all Pares. 6. Based upon the setement discussions among the Paries, as a compromise ófpositions in ths case, and for other consideration as set fort below, the Pares agree to the followig terms: . DI. TERMS OF THE STIPULATION 7. Revenue Requiement. The Paries agree that A vist shall be allowed to implement revised taff schedules designed to recover $23,163,000 in additiona anua electrc revenue and $3,878,000 in additiona anua natual gas revenue, which represent an 11.98% and 4.7% increase in electrc and natual gas anua base taff revenues, respectively. In determg these revenue increaes, the Paries have ageed to varous adjustments to the Company's fiing, which are suar in the Tables below and are reflected in Appendix I and will be fuer explained in prefied testimony to be fied by the Pares in support of the Stipulation. In addition, certn elements of the revenue increases are fuer discussed imediately below: (a.) Cost of Capita. The Pares agree that Avista's cost of capita shal be determined using a capita strctue consisting of 47.94% common stock equity, and 52.06% long-term debt. Avista's authorized retu on equity shall be 10.20%; the cost of debt shall be 6.84%. These components produce an authorized rate of retu of 8.45%. (b.) Other Adjusents. The Sum Table of Adjustments, as set fort imediately below, describes the remg revisions to the Company's originally-fied electrc and natual gas revenue requirements:. Stipulation Page 3 of12 IFG _PR _007 -Attachment-A. pdf . . . SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO ELECTRIC REVENUE REQUIREMENT OOOs of Dollars Revenue Reauirement Rate Base I Amount As Filed .$32,328 $54.266 Adlustments: Return on Equity Adjust return on equity to 10.20%(2,485)0 .. Power Supply -Priest RapidslWanapurn Contracts $(614)(735) (use average of '08 & '09 figures)0 -Elimiiiation of PPM Wind integration costs $(109) -Reflect Kootenai Transmission. contrct $( 12) Labor-Non-Exec Remove 50% of 2009 non-executive labor expense (296)0 Labor-Executive Remove 2009 executive labor expense (39)0 Transmission Rev/Exp.Remove 2009 revenues and expenses 81 0 Capital Additions 2008 Includes capital investment and depreciation through December 2008 152 1,327 Asset Management Remove 50% of 2009 expenses (489)0 Spokane River Relicensing Remove adjustment (establish deferral)(2,831)(12,039) Confidential Litigation *Remove adjustment (establish deferral)(1,514)(8,264) Colstrip Mercury Emission O&M Remove adjustment (533)0 Executive incentives Remove executies' incentives (103)0 CS2 Levelized Adjustment Remove 2009 deferrd return (114)0 Carrn Financial Instrments Add net revenues from sale of CFls (CFls)(427)0 Miscellaneous A&G EXp~nses Remove various A&G expenses, including dues,(502)0 sponsorships, A&G study, 50% of Directors & Offcers' insurance, and 50% of Board of Diretor expenses Production Propert Flow through impact of Prouction & Transmission 320 997 adjustments Restate Debt Interest Flow through impact of Rate Base adjustments 350 0 Total Adjustments $-'9,165)$ '17.979) 23,163 I $ 530,287 II Adjusted Amounts I $ * Please see Andrews' Direct unredacted testimony at Pages 32-33. Stipulation Page 4 of12 IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-A. pdf . . . SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO NATURAL GAS REVENUE REQUIREMENT OOOs of Dollars Revenue Reauirement Ráte Base i Amount As Filed $4,725 $85,690 dA liustment: Return on Equity Adjust return on equit to 10.20%(389)0 Labor-Non-Exec Remove 50% of 2009 non-executive labor expense (73)0 Labor-Executive Remove 2009 executive labor exoense (9)Ö Capital Additions 2008 Includes capitl investment and depreciation through December (103)(531)2008 Incentives Remove executives' incentives (23)0 Miscellaneous A&G Expenses Remove vanous A&G expenses,(260)0 including dues, sponsorships, A&G study, 50% of Directors & Offcers' insurance, and 50% of Board of Director expenses Restate Debt Interest Flow through impact of Rate Base adjustments 10 0 Total Adjustments $(847)$(531) I Adjustèd Amounts I $3,878 1$ 85,159 I 8. Rate Effective Date. The Pares request that the Commssion issue its order approving theretal rates contaed in ths Stipulation to become effective October 1,2008. 9. Accounting Treatment for Certn Costs. (a.) Spokane River Relicensing - The Company included the processing costs associated with its Spokane River relicensing effort, whch expenditus included actu life-to-date costs from April 2001 though December 31, 2007, and 2008 pro forma expenditues though December 31, 2008. (See Andrews' Dirct Testimony at page 32) Although the Company anticipates receivig a final license from the Federa Energy Reguatory Commission ("FERC") in the near futur, tht has yet to occur. The Stipulàtion Page 5 of12 I FG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-A. pdf . . relicensing costs will remai in CWIP (Constrction Work in Progress) and the Company will continue to acrue AFUDC until issuace of the license, at which time the relicensing costs will be trsferr to plant in serice and depreciation wil begi to be recorded. The Paries have ageed to defer as a reguatory expense item (in Account 186 _ Miscellaneous Deferred Debits) on the Company's balance sheet depreciation assoiated with Idao's shae of the aforementioned relicensing costs and related protection, mitigation, or enhancement expenditus, until the earlier of twelve (12) months from the date of the issuace of the license or the conclusion of A vista's next general rate case ("GRC"), together with a carg charge on the deferral~ as well as a caring charge on the amount of relicensing costs not yet included in rate base. The carin chage for deferals and rate base not yet included in establishig rtes would be the cusmer deposit rate at that time (presently 5%). (b.) Confdential Litigation - Company Witness Andrews describes confidential litigation at pages 32 and 33 of her prefied diect testimony (unedacted). Inasmuch as that matter is stil pending and has yet to be finally resolved, but is expected to reach resolution in the near futue, the Paries have agreed to defer as a reguatory expense item (in Account i 86 - Miscellaneous Deferred Debits) on the Company's balance sheet depreciation associated with Idao shar of the aforementioned cost with a carg chage on the deferr as well as a carg chage on the amount of costs not yet included in rate base for subseuent reovery in rates. The carng charge will be the customer deposit rate (presently 5%). Ths deferr, together with a carg chage, will continue until the earlier of twelve (12) month from the date of resolution of the litigation or until the conclusion of Avista's next general rate case (GRC). . Stipulation Page 6 of12 IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment~A.pdf .(c.) Montaa Riverbed Litigation - On November 1,2007, Avist filed an Application with the Comnssion (Case No.A VU-E-07-lO) requestng an accounting order authorizig deferr of setement lease payments and interest accrus relatig to the recent settlement of a lawsuit in the State of Montaa over the use of the riverbed related to the Company's ownership of the Noxon Rapids and Cabinet Gorge hydroelectric projects located on the Clark Fork River. The Commission, in its Order No. 30492, authorized the deferral of settlement lease payments and delayed a decision on interest, until the matter was addressed in this general rate filing. The Pares have ageed to the Company's requested amortzation of costs, together with recovery of acrued interest on the Idao shae of deferrls at the customer deposit rate (presently 5%). . (d.) Revenues Associated with Sale of Carbon Finacial Intrents (CFIs) - On May 22, 2008 A vista filed a request with the Commission (Case No. A VU-E-08-2) to defer the revenues associated with the sale of Carbon Financial Intrents (CFIs) on the Chicago Climate Exchage. The Company's Application was approved on Augut 5, 2008 in Order No. 30610. Idaho's shae of the revenues, net of expenses, from the CFI sales is $850,571. These dollars will be amorted over a two-year period beginnng in the calenda month of the effective date of new retal rates resultig from ths Stipulation, with a carg charge on the unamortd balance at the customer deposit rate. The revenue requiement included in ths Stipulation has ben reduced for the CFI revenues, in order to flow these benefits though to customers. 10. PCA Authorized Level of Expense. Appendix 3 sets fort the agreed-upon level of power supply expense, retail load and revenue credt resultig from ths . Stipulation Page 70f12 IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-A. pdf . . Stipulation, tht will be used in the monthy Power Cost Adjustment ("PCA") mechanism calculations. 11. Prudency of Energy Effciency Expenditus. The Pares agee tht Avista's expenditus for electrc and natu gas energy effciency progr from November 1, 2003 though December 31, 2007 have been prudently incurd. 12. Rate Spread. Appendix 2 shows the impact on each service schedule of the agreed-upon electric and natu gas increaes. The proposed electrc revenue increase of $23,163,000 represents an overl increase of 1 1.98% in base raes, and with one exception, is spread on a unform percentae basis to all schedules. Schedule 25P (for Potlatch's Lewiston plant),however, will receive an increase of 10.36%, in order to reflect a Schedule 25P rate tht is no higher th the talblock rate of Schedule 25. With ths chae, the relative rate of retu for Schedule 25P would move approximately one- halfway toward unty, more consistnt with the movement of other service schedules. All other'schedules will receive a 12.33% increas. The spread of the increased natual gas revenue requiement of $3,878,000 is set fort in Appendix 2, and represents an overall increase of 4.7% in base rates. It reflects a reduction to what the Company had propose by way of an increase for each of the gas servce schedules proportonal to the reduction in the overal ircrea. 13. Rate Design. The Paries age to chages in the elecc customer and demand charges as set fort in the Company's fiing, and sumarzed in Appendix 2. Ths includes an increase in the residential monthy basic charge from $4.00 to $4.60. The energy rates within each electrc service schedule are increased by a uniform percentage. . Stipulation IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-A. pdf Page 80f12 .With respect to natual gas rate design, the Pares agree to apply the increase in rates withn each servce schedule in the samè maner 'as proposed by the Company. The monthy basic chage for the residential schedule will increase from $3.28 to $4.00, as proposed by the Company. 14. Cusomer-Related Issues. (a.) Low-Income DSM Fundig - At present, $350,000 per yea is provided to Idaho service (CAP) agencies for proposed fuding of low-income Dei:- Side Manement (DSM). The Pares agree to increase the anua level of fuding to $465,000 for such programs (which includes adnistative overhead). The continuation and level of such fudig wil be revisited in the Company's next general rate fiing. (b.) Funding for Outreach for Low-Income Conservation -The Paries agree tht anua fuding in the amount of $25,000 will be provided to Idaho (CAP) agencies for the purose of underwting the dedication of agency personnel to assist in low-income outreach and education concerng conservation. The dollars will be fuded though the DSM Tarff Rider (Schedules 91 and 191), and will be in addition to the $465,000 of Low-Income DSM Funding. The continuation and level of such fuding will be revisited in the Company's next general rate fig. . . Stipulation IFG _PR_007 -Attachment-A. pdf Page 90f12 . (c.) Establishment of Generic Workhops - Avista agees to support and actively paricipate in any Commssion-established workshops for the purose of examinng issues sUlunding energy afordabilty and cusomers' abilty to pay energy , bils with respect to all jursdictiona utilties. As par of ths process, A vista agrees to explore the feaibilty of establishing a Low-Income Rate Assistace Progr (LIRA), Or similar progr, to assist low-income residential customers in Idaho. 15. The Pares agee that ths Stipulation represents a compromise of the positions of the Paries in this cae. As provided in RP 272, other than any testimony filed in support of the approval of ths Stipulation, and except to the extent necessar for a Par to explai before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Stipulation, all statements made and positions taen in negotiations relating to ths . Stipulation shall be confdential and will not be adssible in evidence in ths or any other proceeding. 16. The Pares submit ths Stipulation to the Commssion and recommend approval in its entiety pursuat to RP 274. Pares shal support ths Stipulation before the Commssion, and no Par shall appeal a Commission Order approving the Stipulation or an issue resolved by the Stipulation. If ths Stipulation is challenged by any person not a par to the Stipulation, the Pares to ths Stipulation reserve the right to file . testimony, cross-examne witnesses and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond fuly to the issueS presented, includig the right to raise issues tht are incorporated in the settement term embodied in ths Stipulation, Notwthstading this reservation of rights, the Paries to ths Stipulation agre tht they will continue to support the Commssion's adoption of the terms of ths Stipulation. Stipulation IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-A. pdf Page 10 of 12 .17. If the Commission rejects any par or all of ths Stipulation or imposes any additiona matenal conditions on approval of ths Stipulation, each Par reseres the right, upon wrttn notice to the Commssion and the other Pares to ths proceedig, withn 14 days of the date of such action by the Commission, to withdrw from ths Stipulation. In such case, no Par shal be bound or prejudiced by the terms of ths Stipulation, and each Par shal be entitled to seek reconsideration of the Commssion's order; file testmony as it chooses, cross-exame witnesses, and do all other things necessar to put on such case as it deems appropriate. In such case, the Pares imediately will request the prompt reconvenig of a prehearg conference for puroses of establishig a procedural schedule for the completion of the case. The Paries agree to cooperate in development of a schedule that concludes the proceding on the earliest possible date, tang into account the needs of the Paries in parcipating in heangs and preparg testímony and briefs. 18. 'The Pares agre that ths Stipuation is in the public interest and thåt all of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasnable. 19. No Par shall be bound, benefited or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of ths Stipulation, except to the extnt expressly sted herein nor shal ths Stipulation be constred as a waiver of the rights of any Par uness such rights are expressly waved herein. Execution of ths Stipulation shal notbe deemed to constitute an acknowledgment by my Par of the validity or invalidity of any parcular method, theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery. No Par shall be deemed to have agreed that any method, theory or principle of reguation or cost recovery employed in arvig at ths Stipulation is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other . . Stipulation IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-A. pdf Page 11 ofl2 .procing in the futu. No fidings of fact or conclusions of law other th those stated herein shal be deemed to be iiplicit in ths Stipulation. 20. The obligations of the Parties under ths Stipulation ar subject to the Commission's approval of ths Stipulation in accordace with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appe, if any, by a cour of competent jursdiction. 2 i. Ths Stipulation may be executed in counterpar and each signed counterpar shall constitute an original document. -;'1 DATED ths .-day of Augu, 2008. A vista Corpration Idao Public Utilities Commssion Sta .BY~tf~dJ el' Attorney for A vista Corporation By Scott Woodbur Attorney for !PUC Sta Potlatch Corporation Communty Action Parership Association By By Bra M. Pudy . Stipulation Page 12 of 12 IFG_PR_007 -Attachment-A. pdf . . . 08/07/2008 16: 45 FEDEX KINKO' 5 5122 PAGE 02208--336-2537 ar e;xpressly waived herein. Exection of this Stipulation shal not be deemed to constitute an acknowledgment by any Pary of the validity or invaidity of any paricular method theo or principle of reguation or cost reovery. No Par shall be deemed to have agr tha.t any method, theory or prnciple of reguation or cost revery employed ii arving at this. Stipulation is approat fot'resolvig any issues in any other proeding in the futu. No fidis of fac or conclusions of law other than those stated herein sha be deemed to be implicit in ths Stipulation. 20. The obligations of the Pares under this Stipulaon are subject to the Commssion's approva of this Stipulaton in acordance with its term and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on app, if any, by a cour of competent jurdiction. 21.Thi StipUtion may be executed in counterpar and eah signed countear shall constitute an origial document. DATED ths :tdAY of August, 2008. A vista Corpraon Idaho Public Utilities Commission Sta By.By Scott Woodbur Attrney for lPUC StaDavid J. Meyer Attrney for A vista Corpration Potlath Corporation Community Action Parnership Association By ?~£lBY,I ;:. sz~ ~~ Stipulation Page 11 of 12 I FG _PR_007 -Attachment-A. pdf 08/01/2008 THU 14: 52 (TX/RX NO 5446) II 002 . A'PPENIX 1 . . IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-A. pdf il ,( ; "U ,~o-.~Dl('::3CD::~"CC.- .Jl e J D ~ r i p t i í ! 'b h t R c " 1 t c. : o ~ . a r : ~ i i : ~ d o . r e i m G l I l ) 0 l n ; D l l l n i i ' ~, ~ I ' A A E p C l i Ì M l Ï n r ' C Q I ' Ø : í i ' Á l t g ~ i b . p ; l k . ø o l i e t î ' O O o w . h C ì O l l è r : M ~ w. ~ . ; i m b S M i l i ~ i i e t Ai , : ~ ~ ~ t t ! ¡ i 1 ' ~ 1I ~ e ~ ~ n ~ i i r y ~ o I ß J ~ . 8 l D 8 l J N ¡I i i t t ' 'l I d a h o . l . r N ~ ' l ' ~ S W i i ~ I : A d j ~ 1 ll t i l i n M l A 1 £ x ~ l' C \ i l ! , l ' ~ u R . m l i u ! r ; H O ì ~ Ì l A d j ~ " R e e D c j ¡ i i e It ~ T i : P~ I ' I l P o W n S \ l P . 1 y P( O F o t l ' t G ~ ! m l ' n i y ' A d ,: : = ~ = ~ : = & e Pr o r " O I B t i i u " R e v l F . J rr o P Q ~ A d d 2 Q 1' . . l . O i i l à l A i 2 l 8 Pr o F a l , ! ~ I I ~ 1 PI O ' P o a j ; ¡ ; o l r ' R w l b l i c / i a i Pr o F o n 1 l 8 C è i ú l i l U l i ¡ p t Ì O Pf 4 l ' ~ , ' M O n i ~ Pn F o n u e ~ l S l M \ l ' £ i S ( ) . pt q F w ~ " \ PI ' . Ñ J n 1 i o : A M Pr o F ò a C S ~ L t v d ~ , A d j .P r o l 1 n i a M l A , f . Pr o F o a : c e x ( m i Pr o . f . 1 i n : ' t Ø I PF I . VF , i' a 1'1 ' 4 ll J r I'l ' PF ' PF a p¡ : 1'F I O 1'1 ' 1 1 p~ i i 1'F U PF I 4 PP I S PF 1 4 1'V l 7 . AP P E N J l I X ' l AV I S T A U T I : : SU ' i w i U ' y ( j t ~ . e J J t i ê , R e q n 1 r ~ n t . A d J . , t m u . t s : ~~ n i e n t : S U n U l r y I W ) l ; E l _ t ì l c ,( 0 0 0 1 ; ö f l ) , ø U i u ) FÏ C A S E ld 8 l J . ~ NØ t ~ . B r s. ¡ 1 ; r ~ ' $ $ ~ 1 1 ( i .: 0 i a q 1 l : tf " ( l ~ 6 1 .l ~ : m ; ~ 2 "ø . : Ï I ~ If ' ( ~ l '0 ; ' . : : r i ~ J a' 2 A l '4 1 ' . 4 ? : , 5 f i ~ 1 I 1 49 1 Ô ~: 9 t6 4 \ 0 n l l (~ ) : b ;( 2 1 : n fj ; - 0 (l 1 t ; a i i â ) i O .. , ~ 11 7 0 0 (i i : t l : , 0 ' (ø . i ~ (6 Ï ! l ' 0 . '5 0 , 0 ' 1 4 s a O l í i l 1 . (1 ' . -l . & f ' : ' ( I l 4 2 ~ ) (7 1 ) , Ò (! l , O :( i j O ' H2 0 l ' l i . 1 1 6 (1 ~ O i 6 i ' : i l l 6 (~ ! ) : , ø ' '~ l ; \ ~ (l , J ~ m : ; ' : 1 . . ' 1 & (3 1 ' f O -t l i 1 l 0 '( ö a ¡ ; i l . m (1 4 0 ) D ' , i f 0 , g' o $ã ' T : Z i \ 2 ' l . ? U f t .. p ~ ' ~ , A u s ' J ) . u n i e l : e 4 l ò n Ø l I ¥ 1 I 1 l ' ~ ~ 3 i . ~ ~ , 1' 1 J ' i , ~ T lC ! ! , § k NO i & l e P m ~, i , : i l l " " . $ ' 1 . ' M . 1 4 , I) ( ø ø 1 l Ó, ' t i 9 m . ,~ $ ) ~ ï ' '0 ' 1 ' 1 6 Q. ( 2 ) 4 ø ) . I) ( " l ~ 5 ' (j : 5 J ~ ! r "' J . ~ l : s o i . u f 49 2 0 : (~ O 1M . . g , n ' D . (2 0 : 0 : (2 2 i f 9, 1 : ' Ó (I O _ , l Ï i , ; 0 U1 . J 1 . ,( l 3 6 J ; 0 (~ i r , 0 : ~J l . S2 ' J $ 5 Ø I & 8 1 . 1' 4 . J; t .( S 8 1 l J~ ) . ¡3 1 ' t " (1 1 0 ) (I . Ø è 1 1 'ß . l i r '0 " o (1 . 9 7 1 ' o (7 1 l (~ ) (6 1 ) 32 1 :m si 9 , 9 9 1 i o (1 4 . 4 2 . ~ . Ò 0:11 ' 17 ~ 6 : . i . 0'o o 1,7 ' 3 Ii, '0 .2 1 . 1 1 $ - 2 o It o S5 1 i l l i f ' DI I F C £ Jd ! h j ¡ a " i i N' g r . ' S â i i ~: " I Q ' " 1. 0 ' , : s o : . \t ' : S O ' '$ 9 $ 0 : :: 'J o ' $ 1 : m. . ~ ; 9: 0 :$ : ' ~ : 'S O : ' $ 0 ¡ ; ,~ , ( Ô ¡ ' Si . . . S o ' $~ , ¡ $ i SI I . $ l ,$ l " s i ) ' $õ $ ö ss : i , : ; ! . , SS l 1 1 , r ' tM P A . c : . 9 1 1 .. R . B V U E R ß l R . E M E l 1' 0 1 l l l e B a t U; ! l 5 6 ' 1 8 . S . ' l o 0 s~o . so $4 : ' 0 : : $ ($ l i - n . ~ t . $1 8 ~ , . ~ .s ~ : ~ (S j 2 ) . W - ¡O , ; S . $U , : $ I J í 1 : ' $3 1 3 ' : $ 0 S1 ~ f ' l $ I ~ . ø i ) sn ô ( S ; 2 6 À ) $0 . $ i f $: 3 4 1 : $ 0 SG 6 $ Ø 'S Q ; $ . 9 : S7 i ' $ 0 ' S3 2 ' 1 ' $ 0 , $, 1 ) , s i f R, m ( $ 1 1 £ 7 9 1 ($ 1 3 5 ) .S 1 8 8 ($ 9 6 ) (S 3 9 ) ~8 i SO ($ 2 3 ) ($ 0 8 9 ) (l i l , 2 4 1 ) (5 4 2 2 ) SO ($ 5 3 3 ) (S I 0 3 ) $0 ($ 1 1 4 ) (5 5 0 2 ) ($ 4 2 7 1$ 4 . 3 ( 4 ) ( $ 2 . 3 7 6 ) (1 t ! 8 0 r¡ 1 . f I l 5 / (1 9 , 1 4 1 J bD p . o f R Q 6 R d u c e d 1 & J 0 , 2 % To R i i . R ê u i l e m c l l l D i f f e r e c e $1 3 2 $.1 ' 1 5 IS U t H ($ 1 , 0 9 2 ) Pa g i i , o f . 2 "I~I~o""i ~Ql g.3 CD::~"'a.- .(t l i D I e i i Q .b J . c i R ~ : l l l l f ~ .ç . 1 ) . & J l t I R i l ø B I l .4 ' D l l i U ì . ~ ( N . o i : n : B \ l . i i g o~ . , m V à ~ ,r W ~ i l ' ~ ' P S M : l Ì l i j W ¡ o U .1 C i i i M Ç t M V i I l . Ac t u a l 'I i t ; ~ . . ~ . u p i W ~ N o t i i l z l i Ô i l 8 t . ( , j i l i r ~ . A i u l ~ j e n t t : t l . . . Q T i O 1r P l O p a y . ~ . i U i " I i C b l e & ¡ i m R ø l i . B . A d j l l l n l Í 1 .i l ' \ i i i r l e i a n d Ð a 1) F i ,p - E l i i u i n a t c . A J g ¡ i n " e & q B . 1 I 1 l 1 & D e , l n t e Re s t o i ' O I t l l£ l P o o F o r i ; i l . . . N o ; ; ~ l' S I ' t " , . F i l t l i i 4 b . e i e c Pl ; l ' o ( i o r J p . $ _ ~ P. ! . P r F O l a . C i i ~ A d d 2 . lT . P r o F o r i l C a p l B t ~ : W 0 8 Pf l i P r o f - o F n l i f m l l Í " PF P ' T O F o . . , 6 . PJ - l P r F o r M i l l . A . Pr o F o i i 1 ' O l l . AP P E N D . I X i AV l S T A U T l m E S, ù i ~ y ö f R e v e n u e R : e 4 W r è Ø e : A d ú 8 t i n t s Rü t â t è è J t S 1 l 1 : I ' " ' I d a l i G à s (O O O s : ó t ; D ó U R ' n ) -F L E D C A & ~ s & I T l & N T , k l Ï i ¡ i Q Í . , l d l \ l O n m1 i R 1 i ! t B t i N O R a i e B l ~i - 4 1 Ø S B : s . $ M l O ' $ ~ : , 6 6 o ( 1 3 , 2 0 9 ) 0 ( 1 ' ; 2 0 9 ) n ( G ' l 0 ( , ) , (I : t l 1 1 0 1 1 1 . ; . 1 ~ ; i n o . ~ S Q Ç l 4 ) ( I ( t i l t 'l ' W 1 1 1 . Ø 4 : 5 , 4 ~ Q 7 ~ . 9 ÓI F F Ë i W C £ Id ! b g ü ; NO ! J W ; J 3 . so . $ Ö $0 ' $ 0 so s o sO $ ( $0 S O $0 $ 9 . . Ó . ( 1 . IN . P A C T 0 N l& V E N u & U ( ) U U U M E N NO I . R ! l t : . B ! 'O , 6 3 9 $ 6 3 U S " nI t 9 1 0 ; s o ' $ ~ .( ~ 1 ) 0 : ( 4 i J 0 l O $ 0 . m 9 m P . . 12 0 . i : i I t ~ . ~ n ~t l l ) 9 . 0 ~ . ~ :t l ! 1 , l ) : S Ð ; $ : . 0 ø . ~ ~ ~ , . 9 0 $ 0 ~ 4. l ) 4 . ( l $ , - Q $ O : .( t ( ; ) i ' ( 3 2 ) 0 ( $ 6 ) § ! l $ l 0 55 , ' 4 9 ' 5 7 3 ; 0 4 ' l M : U $ ' ! j W " ( 5 6 ) . : $ Q $ - 1 ( 1 : s o , (t 9 i ) ( l . ( : ' 4 1 ) 0 .( 2 \ ) 0 ( 1 5 ) 0 (~ : i i ) , , ; 2 3 8 ( S - ~ Û ) 7 . 2 3 3 ,9 4 . ( 2 , : 1 0 2 ) l 4 ( Í , I Ò 2 ) (ì K 3 ) 1 . 2 3 2 V ~ i J 7 0 1 (3 ~ ( I ( 1 7 ) 0 (l l S ) 6 ; 2 7 6 ø ~ ) 6 . 1 7 6 '0 , 0 1 ( \ I i . O $4 . : 1 ' $ 8 5 ; 6 9 0 $ 4 ; 7 1 6 S l S . 1 5 9 W '$ 6 : . .$ Í si f '$ 1 ì 51 ' S . ',$ 0 . ' 5t 6 6 ¡; ,$ j so so $I ," I l l .$ 0 :s O .$ i ($ 5 j Ü ($ 1 3 ) ($ , 4 l ) st .$ 0 ' (S 3 i l ) ($ 2 3 ) $0 ($ 1 6 0 ) ($ - a . t l ( $ 7 0 7 ($ 4 1 l (s 3 d ! J P8 ' r . J ($ 7 0 ) ln p i 1n R O E re d u c e I U r o . ~ ' M Ta i a l ~ R i u l m O I D i m : Pa g e 2 d r 2 . APPENIX 2 . . IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-A. pdf . . AV l S l ' A U T i L I T I E S ID A H O e L E e T R t d PR O P O $ E D l N C R E A E e Y S E , R V l C e S C H E V U : 12 MO N T H S E N D E D D E C E M B i : l 1 , 2 0 0 7 (O o ø . o f D o l l a r S ) Un e No : . Ty p . ; ø :$ e i t o e ~L I3 a $ T a d f f .' . R e y e i i l ; . $ø l e ! i b . i l ~ U n d e r P i ' ß . i i t '. d N w l b ~ : , R a e a ( 1 f W) ( 0 ) ~a l i T S , r l f f ' . ~ ~ , ~ 'R e ! l e n i . T , a r ¡ t UM e P i n p p s , e s P e . r . t "B a t s s . , l n c r e M e (, l . ' C O , To t a l e i i l e R.e i ¡ e . r i w ~ , at P - r e t Ra t e $ G (t i l Qe n l tn o i e a s e (~ ) . Pè r c e n t In c r ë a s è on $ i U e d ' Re Y . ~ (i i l 1 Re s i d e n t i a l l $1 5 ~ $9 , 2 & 4 ~¡ S 6 ß : 1. ~ 3 3 % $7 4 9 4 1 12 . 7 3 % 2 ß~ ~ I S : ~ r v i ç e 1: ' i . t : ~ ~4 , , 5 1 3 $. 3 ; Q ~ ~7 ¡ ~ l :1 2 , . 3 3 % $2 5 , , 6 4 0 11 . e 1 Y a 3i . i : e G e o ~ r ä f , S e , r y è , 2J I ~ $4 0 0 S l ) $: ~ ~ $4 ~ I Ø ~ 1~ ~ 3 i w ,$ 4 2 , 3 3 . 8 11 ~ 6 8 0 / ", , . . . . .4 Ex l a e . . , ~ a , 5 : é M C . 25 $1 3 . 0 7 7 $1 . 6 : 3 $1 4 ; ß 9 12 ; 3 3 % ,$ : 1 4 , 0 8 4 11 . 4 5 % 5 P( l l l a t c l i :i 5 P $~ ¡ i t . 4 i i $S , $ 2 , Q pr , s r ' 4 1~ . 3 . ~ $3 E t 8 & 7 !i . 5 is Pu . m p l n , S e o / ! l ; 31 , ! ~ Ž .$ 3 . 6 9 0 $4 e 44 ; 1 ~ : 1, 2 ~ a ~ . ~ $3 , 8 5 11 ~ 8 0 % '1 B t r t & A r t ' 8 ~ h l $ 41 - 4 9 W1 . W1 ~, 1l ~ 3 3 $ u. 12 . 0 4 % R To t a , $1 Q a ; 2 1 : P . $2 3 , 1 : e 3 S2 1 t ì A ~ . ~ ' t1 ~ Ø S : % $1 Q 8 , 2 ß . S 11 . 6 8 % ."I~;:10o..~ti('::3 CD:i :i "Ò0.- :1 : :, ' 'i~ : ' . , ' . , . . ' , ~ .i ,. , " .' :p , ) l ~ : . ' 1 !" : , ' . ~ , : ' : : : , , . , ' . ~~ ; ~ (1 E ï i c l d é s a l t P ( é s e r i t . t a t e ~ ê n t s ' r S è ; b e O W ) . (2 ) l D ( ¡ u d e s a l l p r e . s e n t r a t é , a d j w i t s ~ S c h e d u i e 6 6 - T e r n p o r a : P C A A d l " . S o h e , d U l e 9 i ~ E f Ì ë T g . E m o l n c y R i d A d J " àr 1 & l ß Ø . u l ø 5 9 - R Ø S e l ' t l á l ' , & F á t n . i : ê l Y R a e A d J . ' , " ' . . . AVISTA UTIESIDAHO EL PREST ANDPROPQEÐ.RATE eoPONENTSBYSCliOULE Preer ~ tar åW&. ,p~nt 8ch.Rate. .óter AdÚ1 IBllirKïRate(b (a).(d)(;;) Reldèntal S.vce.,Sèbedu(e 1 'Basic ChargE~Chrg; Fir eOt) kWbs: . All ôvètGO kWhs Genwa .se .¡Scheduie 11Ba$C~ Eti Chare¡ FIl" 3,$5kWll All OVef3,$5 kWhsD$i1C,rge: 20 kW Ot Il OVr20kW $4.0 '$4.00 $0.05 (~q006)$();05ß6 $0,001.2 ($,().00200)$Ó.~6 $~tOO l6.00 $Q.Øi~95 $(M)o~62 ..... . $O.ö$~3 $OlOO~2 :~= öó:Cfìi' $3.50lkli l. Gen.' :S-ece...Sdedulë 21,Energy Chai~: . . .Flt e$.~ao kWl\s $C.ò'OQ All overis,OOO: kWl $ò~(i4W7 Deand che: 50 kW or les OvrsOkW' Pninry vói. 'Daunt $250;()() $3.oóW $tt2òJW ExtLarg'Glri S! -:Sd!iûlé 25:Ene ~ê;; . .,' . Ftr'5.OØkWhs Alíøver'50J)Oti'iNs DefflK C~ge 3,OO''kva 'O I~ Qv~.øgo ~' Prim~Ì\ Vtiìt, DiSêUtt. Annual MlrniJil ~:m $Ø.tX $2.75i~ $Ô2OkWPf~ Potl. SCèèulê25~Chae; .... all kVVh'SDerrKenlrl 3.ÔOQ'kva or:les Ov 3.tJkya" Primary Volt Discnt Annual Mii:mi. $:ø..ÒŠ404 . ~¡qOó $i.7S/kya$(jaòw Presnt: Pumplnll .SèrVèø . ScLie;3 BåslcCh;ë 'Eri' 0h~g FirS 16$ kW/kWh All aditrikWts $$.00 $l~~s5$O.t15$ tiGfè $3~501W ~.;,'"",.~".:'" ."O'~. ,$(;t)14nll U!$O.~31 $250.00. 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Page2of4 .AVlSTAUTILmES: ID,AOGAS PRøpOSen"INCREAé'~YSeR\lçESëHÊDULE' 1z:MON'SëNP$ Ôí;t;$if3iaR 31, 2001 (O'ØfOOIlëlrs) Une~,Týpol' Såi'ce (al ,., ~se,Tar Reveni¡e SChele Urtdêr Ptèetl Numbe Rå(1) (b) " (c) Bas Tanf Propo~ Revu~ Genërat Undérfirópôed Incea$è Ratès (d)' ' (e) ~etariPeretInere (1) 1 Gënet SèMæ 101 $63,201 $3¡375 $6,582 5.3% 2 i.r~Ef Gennl '$ece 1t1 $17..~$$4''$~8._2.~ a Int tibÌ~131 $.6:$15 $$,4,ø% , ",' Ii '_" ,:,' '",,'d 4 TtaspOltlOt'Se 146 $417 $3 $+20 0.8% 5 Speeìå.ICon~6t,14R '211 '~$211 0;0% 6 Totl $82.071 $3,818 $S5,95Ö 4.7% .(1) Incuàes'PurØiase'Atiji;st$cul:15e:' ~a1ude ater r,tè adiustmèits. .ApPhdíX2 bee No'. AV\E.J$;1 &AVU~1, ' Page3of4 IFG_PR_007-Attachment-A.pdf ' . .' . A\lisA~S PfENAN'PROOSEÓ.~öNEN'i .BÝSClltJ Gè;,i:ProSê Prôd Base preeit Piélen Ra Sch.191 Billing Base~RateAd'(2)Blinn( ',Ra lnçtjaS ~Rae(ß! (a)(b)(el (d)(e)(t)(9)(h) G8!,S!! . Schedule.101 SaSø Clarg ,$3.2â $3.28 $O.t2 $4.00 $4;00 22.% UsaE!Che:A1ll1s $1.108 ($0.0328)$1'.10560 $0.5087 '$1.1S67 $1.59 4.6% L¡ë §MirSeN!~ Scheul 111 Usa Clrg:' ,fit20 ths: 2Ð - 1.QO th$ tOO - 1Ô,00 tis,A1-i.'10¡p-~MIAlri~¡. , permóMh.pertJ $U)91~7 $107319 $IUl7óT $!~70:n ,:$1~~,~~ ($tM;i~5'64)$1;öä~$o.545 ($Ó.0Ð0)$1.140 $1.146 5.0% ~::=~$1.Q65S $f.enOS7 (.O~OO10l $1.07832 $1.08 1,0% $o961ä $iU140ii ($.010)$1'.ò0 $1.1100 4.1% ($O.QG~)'$Q:96 $O-~(SC.OO' !l $O~$0;91'00 0.%' $1$.;~$1\);l$'$111$'$1:!5~7.Q% 'I$Ò~?ß)$O~a0 ($o;Q9Øt~):$O~~$O.~l:æ 0-0/ Hf' 6!kl8tfWötLa Ge",mtSèt"'Sèukf1'2~: ~ MOV TO,SCH 111~geCh,~: " Fftlt 200Jtieims 200 . $01ters' 5ÒO .1.00tbs UlO.10¡OÐ1hers Ad ov:1'(Ì'OO then Minl11uric~' ," tirAonit pet thêf $1.~~ $1,Qa , $1.07319, $O¡l:to77 $Ô¡s$'!99' ($O.OO55) :m:=~ø.Q.~, ($O.OOž) ,$O;ØGa4Sö~ $Û.610l7$ø..~ $ÖÌliØó $MT:~ ~,.Ó1j~6 $tOeø7~;~$O;9i $a8.13 $ä.1a $O;â082 ($&.0652) $0.3170 (m.a.t~1) $O.o34 _.00 $0.0 $öJio08 IntemlFlt!18 SeniW"' $Ôdüla 1,31 l:sä~e¡':;ha~All Ths$O.S7157 ($Ô.~ $Ø.s!l9 ~servpe"Sd14§Basic ~rge $2o1ÎUsagè'~All fhs $MOm $Ø.1091$' (1) Ircl,SC~úlë'f~,. ~G.~'Ad. (2) Inc Sied 1S$,.,Sá;RatiAij;, ~e 19'.. ~at~RidlA4. I FG _PR _ 007 -Attachment-A. pdf $0.0-071$$1.4008'$1.14S 8;0% $Ò.o.b0 $jU783~$1.0_0.3% $O.Oô.8 $1.0~$Ü~1.0% $0.00018 '$1.0026 $1.011GD 4.1% $illJoota $ö..6526 $OJl11OÐ Ul% ~1a.52 $1tt.52 056% $Moots'$.24'$Q.3 O.Q% $tU9169 $0.9037 $20.0 $200,00 $tUïÖ62 $0.11062 ÄpXi 2 ClNo. AW~E..S-1 & A\-Gl)1Pa4of4 . APPENDIX 3 . . I FG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-A. pdf . . . Ar . P E N D I X 3 AV I S T A t J ' f I T I E Pt o - f o r ~ J a i n u i 1 7 2 Ø O l - D e c e i e r % Ø Q : 9 , I d . ~ , J J l r i s a i c t i O : n 'P C : A A u Ü i o r ~ d : t i p M s e , a i i d ' R e t á U S a I e s ,~ M . 1 g W P . r i s ¡ \ d ; ø e i ø .I . ~ ~ , ~ . ~ ~ . i i ' , ~ ; . 4 I § l ' . : ~ . ~ ~ t2 8 , 3 4 . T 4 3 H . 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' f 4 I M S 5 ' t ~ 6 & l . t l l ; t ~ \ ~ h ~ . 5 / l t M S 9 - 3 ; 3 1 , 9 , 7 4 & . 1 . 0 a , 1 l J & ; ~ , ! i i ; l a ¡ i I Ø o . ; 8 . ~ : 1 8 ; 1 Z ¡ 4 ' - 2 0 ; ~ , 9 M 4 Q 2 0 , 5 8 ; 1 1 : 7 ' 2 l i 3 1 ~ . 4 6 1 ~l . . ~ - P i c l d P o w ~l : 5 ö 1 - T b ' F v Ai : Q l l t U i l t - N á \ r G a s F ù e .. I~I~o-.~Ql C"=r3 CD ~"'0.- 'P ~ Ï ' $ i i i Y ~ ~ " . . ,p e I S A l í M H J , R i i l 1 W g , ! ! P ó ' m i ¡ l i f W " - : ~ . : r~ : . f l ~ i l ' ~ l e I ' ~ W l Po U â t Q e l l f l r e o n , M W h 3, 1 2 0 . 0 0 . ~ ¡ : t f i . 46 2 , 7 5 5 4 0 : , , ~: . :. M : . . . . ' ~ ' ~ ~. :: ~ . . ; ; ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ . . ~$ i 1 ' l I l iV 4 , ~ 24 0 . 4 9 7 23 7 . & 1 9 23 . & 7 9 2& , 1 1 9 Øl 8 é O :2 3 2 , 6 6 25 9 , 4 7 0 26 9 , 6 8 30 3 , 7 2 3 s5 . i 8 2 25 . 9 0 38 2 1 1 39 , 4 3 0 40 . 1 4 9 ' 43 ; 0 1 ' 7 M. , '3 5 ; 9 0 2 35 , 7 $ 5 . 42 ; 5 t a 41 : . 3 3 3 l' \ e ¡ F , ó t . O Q ~ t O O t h e R ! l , a i l ~ " e n U i C r e d l l r a i : I s I l E m b , ~ e u R l t l ; ô r $ M . A $ M W l ; f o t , 2 0 Q 9 ' I h l R e t a l a e v e ( ) e d l r ~ I I l ' . i S , . $ S l ; ~ W h . p e f J Q h n a n D i e c t i l 1 P 8 g 8 1 4 . Pa e 1 o f 1 Offce of the Secretary Service Date September 30, 2008.BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF A VISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUmORI TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATUR GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) CASE NOS. A VU-E-08-01 ) A VU-G-08-01 ) ) ) ORDER NO. 30647 ) . On April 3, 2008, A vista Corporation dba A vista Utilties (A vista; Company) filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilties Commission (Commission) for authority to increase its rates and charges for electrc and natual gas service in Idaho. The Commission in this Order approves the Stipulation offered as a proposed settlement of the rate issues in Case Nos. AVU-E- 08-01 and A VU-G-08-01. The Paries to the Stipulation are: Avista; Potlatch Corporation (potlatch); the Community Action Parership Association of Idaho (CAP AI); and Commission Staff. The Commission finds the proposed settlement to be fair, just and reasonable and in the public interest. Rate changes approved with an effective date of October 1,2008, increase authorized anua base tarff revenues for electrc service by $23.2 milion, or 11.98%, and for natual gas servce by $3.9 milion, or 4.7%. The net amount of actual increase wil var by class of customer and usage. An average electric residential customer (Schedule 1) using 977 kilowatt hours of electrcity per month will see a $7.89 per month increase. This includes an increase in the basic monthly customer service charge from $4.00 to $4.60. An average residential natual gas customer (Schedule 101) using 65 therms per month wil see an increase of $4.03 per month. This includes an increase in the monthy basic customer service charge from $3.28 to $4.00. The Commission in ths Order also anounces the contemporaneous establishment of a generic docket to examine energy affordabilty issues (GNR-U-08-01, Order No. 30644), approves increased fuding for low-income weatherization, and authorizes fuding for low- income outreach and conservation education. An intervenor funding grt of $3,400 is approved for the Communty Action Parership Association ofIdaho (CAP AI). . ORDER NO. 30647 1 IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B.pdf Page 1 of 23 . Initial Application On April 3, 2008, A vista fied an Application with the Commission for authority to recover $32.3 milion (16.7%) in additional anual electric revenue and $4.7 milion (5.8%) in additiona anual natur gas revenue. Tr. p. 81. Electric . The proposed revenue increase for electrc servce requested in this case, the Company states, is driven primarly by increased power supply costs (including higher retail loads, reduced hydro generation, increased fuel costs, increased Mid-Columbia purchases, and increased trsmission expenses), capita investments in generation, trsmission and distrbution plant to increase capacity and reliabilty, varous hydro relicensing costs, and the Company's investment in advanced meter reading (AMR). Tr. pp. 83-85. Natural Gas Driving the natural gas rate request in ths case is Avista's investment in expanding the natual gas storage and delivery capacity at its Jackson Prairie Storage Facilty and the Company's investment in advanced meter readg (AMR). Tr. p. 85. The proposed rate chage for natual gas customers does not reflect changes in the cost of natur gas purchased by A vista to serve customers. Changes in the cost of naturl gas are reflected in the Company's anual Purchased Gas Adjustment. Evidence in support of the Company's need for a rate increase for electric and natural gas is based on a 2007 test year. Tr. p. 83. The Company in its initial Application proposed an average rate of retur on rate base of 8.74%, with a 47.94% common equity ratio and a 10.8% retu on equity. Also identified was a cost of debt of 6.84% and a long-term debt component of 52.06%. Tr. p. 88. Avista alleges that unless it is authorized to increase its rates, the Company's rates will not be fair, just and reasonable and it will not have the opportity to realize a fair retu on its investment. The Company's base rates and charges for electric and natual gas service were last adjusted in 2004 (Case Nos. A VU-E-04-01lAVU-G-04-0l, Order No. 29602). An additional electric fate adjustment related to the Coyote Springs II generating project was implemented April 12,2005 (Case No. A VU-E-05-01). . ORDER NO. 30647 2 IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B.pdf Page 2 of 23 .Stipulation and Proposed Settlement (hereafter "Stipulation") On July 28, 2008, the Commission Staff fied with the Commission a Notice of Intent to Engage in Settlement Discussions. RP 272. A settlement conference was subsequently held on July 31, 2008, wherein all paries to the case as of that date (the Settlement Paries) were present and paricipated. Pursuat to settlement discussions, the Settlement Pares entered into a Stipulation that purort to resolve all issues raised in this proceeding. RP 272-276. The Stipulation was fied with the Commission on August 8, 2008. Tr. Exh. 101. Under the terms of the Stipulation, Avista is authorized to recover $23.2 millon (11.98%) in additional anua electrc revenue and $3.9 milion (4.7%) in additional anual natural gas revenues. Stipulation'¡ 2. The Stipulation represents a compromise of the positions of the Settlement Paries in this proceeding. Stipulation'¡ 15. The Settlement Paries represent that the Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of its terms and conditions ar fair, just and reasonable. Stipulation'¡ 18. . Partes of Record A Notice of Application and Notice of Intervention Deadline was issued by the Commission on April 16, 2008, setting a May 9, 2008 deadline for intervention. Two paries timely fied for, and were granted, intervention - Potlatch Corporation (potlatch) and Community Action Parership of Idaho (CAP AI). On August 18, 2008, Bennett Forest Industries, Inc. (Bennett Forest) fied an untimely Petition for Intervention and was granted intervention with qualified parcipatory rights. Order No. 30632, Augut 27, 2008. Bennett Forest did not parcipate in settement negotiations or sign the Stipulation, but in post-hearg wrtten comments filed September 5, 2008, states it "does not oppose approval of the Settlement Stipulation." Bennett Comments p. 4. Public WorkshopslHearings Public workshops for A vista customers were held in Moscow and Coeur d Alene on July 23 and 24, 2008, respectively for the purose of explaining the Company's initial Application and to provide an opportty for customers to ask questions of Commission Staf. On August 28, 2008, a technical and evidentiar hearing on the Settlement Stipulation was held in Boise. Public hearings in nortern Idaho were held in Lewiston and Sandpoint on August 27 and 28, 2008. At the technical hearing the following paries appeared by and through their respective counsel:. ORDER NO. 30647 3 IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B. pdf Page 30f23 .A vista Corporation David J. Meyer Potlatch Conley E. Ward CAP AI Brad M. Purdy Commission Staff Scott D. Woodbury Bennett Forest Industries, Inc. Dean 1. Miler Pursuat to Rule 274 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure, "when a settlement, be it active or passive, is presented to the Commission, the Commission will prescribe procedures appropriate to the natue of the settlement to consider the settlement." As reflected in the Commission's Rules, the Commssion is not bound by settements. RP 276. Proponents of a proposed settlement car the burden of showing that the settlement is reasonable, in the public interest, or otherwise in accordance with law or regulatory policy. RP 275. On Augu 12,2008, the Proposed Settlement was noticed, an August 22 deadline for supporting testimony was set, public and technical hearings on the settlement were scheduled, and a September 5 deadline for public comments was established. Settement Terms The terms of the Stipulation are described and discussed below. Testimony supporting the Stipulation was presented on August 28, 2008 by A vista witness Kelly Norwood, Vice President of State and Federal Regulation for the Company; Commission Staf witness Randy Lobb, Administrator of the Utilties Division; and Terr Ottens, Policy Director of CAPAI. Cost of Capital- Stipulaton' 7a The Settlement Pares agree that Avista's cost of capital will be determined using a capital structure consistig of 47.94% common stock equity and 52.06% long-term debt, the same as proposed in the original Application. Avista's authorized return on equity (ROE) wil be 10.2% (Application 10.8%); its cost of debt 6.84%. These components produce an authorized rate of retu (ROR) of 8.45% (Application 8.74%). rr. pp. 86-88. A 10.2% retur on equity, Staf states, is within the range Staff would have recommended if the case were fully litigated. It is a retur that was approved in Avista's recent Washington settlement and is reasonable, Staff contends, given the improved financial performance of the Company and improved credit rating upgrades for A vista by Stadard & Poor . . ORDER NO. 30647 4 IFG _PR ~ 007 -Attachment-B .pdf Page 4 of 23 . . . and Moody's. It also recognizes the ongoing capital requirements of the Company and the need for investment gre ratings. Tr. p. 45. Revenue Requirement - Stiulation' 7 In supporting testimony, Staf states it established an overall revenue requirement taget that it believed could be achieved with reasonable and reliable certainty and then negotiated adjustments that had debatable and less compellng justification to arve at an overall revenue requirement compromise. Tr. p. 42. Pusuant to Paragraph 7 of the Stipulation, Avista will be authorized to recover $23,163,000 in additional anual electrc revenue and $3,878,000 in additional anual natural gas revenue, representing an 11.98% and 4.7% increase in electrc and natual gas anua base tarff revenues, respectively. In determining these revenue increases the paries have agreed to varous adjustments to the Company's filing. Exh. 101, Appendix 1. Individual adjustents, the Company states, should not be viewed in isolation; rather they should be viewed in total as part of the entire Stipulation, and are the result of hard bargaining and compromise. Tr. p. 86. The Stipulation sumarizes the adjustments made by the Settlement Pares to the Company's electric general rate case fiing and discUsses specific accounting treatment for (a) Spokane River relicensing, (b) confidential litigation, (c) Montaa riverbed litigation, and (d) revenues associated with sale of carbon financial instrents (CFIs). Stipulation ~ 9a-d; Tr. pp. 88-93. Other adjustments are detaled in Stipulation ~ 7(b) in a sumar table. The natue of the adjustments consist of (a) deferral of pending capital and expense additions; (b) removal of proformed test year costs as not "known and measurable" or not "used and useful"; and (c) elimination or reduction of inppropriate or unjustified costs. Tr. p. 40. The Proposed Settlement is based upon a 2007 historical test year adjusted for known and measurable expense changes and major capita additions though 2008. Tr. p. 40. As proposed, the revised taiff schedules would become effective October 1, 2008. Stipulation ~ 8. Staff states that for natural gas service, $3 milion of the agreed $3.8 milion increase is associated with acquisition of Jackson Prairie Natural Gas Storage and installation of automated meters (AM), both planed for completion in the four quarer of2008. Additional storage wil provide benefits to gas customers through the anual Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA). Automated Meter Readng (AMR) will provide savings in meter reading and customer ORDER NO. 30647 5 I FG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B. pdf Page 50f23 .service expense. The technology would allow for time of use or critical peak pricing; although additional changes would be required for data storage and biling. Tr. pp. 44, 85, 114-115. Cost of Service In its investigation, Staff reviewed Avista's cost of service (COS) models for electric and gas service and found that the methodology has not changed from the Company's 2004 genera rate case filing. Tr. p. 37. The electrc load data used in the Company's cost of service model was generated in the 1980s and was statistically updated in 1993 (i.e., adjusted based on changes in customer counts and load per customer that occured between 1980 and 1993). Tr. pp. 49, 60. Given the age of the load data, Sta believes that cost of service results in this case can be used only as a general guideline for assigning revenue responsibilty and canot be used to make meangful changes in class revenue contrbution or justify significant changes in rate design. Tr. pp. 37-39. Avista concedes that the present load study information is dated, but contends that does not mean it's bad data, or that it's not representative of the cost to serve customers. Tr. p. 126. While Avista has agreed to engage in new load studies, the Company is only now selectng the hourly meters. The information necessar to update the cost of service analysis will not be available until late 2009. Tr. pp. 49, 75. Consequently, the Paries agreed to use the current results to move all classes halfway to COS as specified by the study. Tr. p. 49. Rate Spread - Stipulation ~ 12 Appendix 2 to the Stipulation reflects the impact on each service schedule of the ageed-upon electrc and natual gas increases. As reflected in Stipulation' 12, the proposed electrc revenue increase of $23.2 milion represents an overall increase of 11.98% in base rates and, with one exception, is spread on a uniform percentage basis to all schedules. However, Schedule 25P for the Potlatch Lewiston facilty will receive an increase of 10.36% in order to reflect a Schedule 25P rate tht is no higher than the tail block rate of Schedule 25. The Schedule 25P adjustment can be supported by cost of service and load data, the Company states, because Schedule 25 and 25P customers have hourly meters. Tr. p. 105. The Schedule 25P Potlatch plant is a high load factor customer and is three times the combined size of all Schedule 25 customers (Le., 100 aMW). Tr. pp. 112-113. With this change the relative rate of retu for Schedule 25P wil move approximately halfway toward unity (Le., toward full cost of service), and be more consistent with the movement of other service schedules. All other schedules will receive a 12.3% percent increase. Tr. pp. 49-50, 98, 104. The monthly bil of a residential . . ORDER NO. 30647 6 I FG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B. pdf Page 6 of 23 .. . . electrc customer using 977 kWhmonth (the average for Avista) will increase by $7.89/month. Tr. p. 54. The proposed increase by customer class and a comparison of present and proposed rate components are set fort in Attachment 1 to this Order. The spread of the increased natural gas revenue requirement of$3.8 millon is also set forth in Appendix 2, and represents an overall increase of 4.7% in base rates. It reflects a reduction to what the Company had proposed by way of an increase for each of the gas service schedules proportional to the reduction and the overall increase. An average gas customer who uses 65 thermslmonth will see an increase of $4.03/month. Tr. pp. 50, 54, 98. Rate Design - Stipulatin' 13 Neither Avista nor Sta believes major changes in rate design are waranted given the imprecise and dated nature of the Company's cost of service studies. Tr. p. 51. Ayista, Staf notes, remains the only electrc utility in Idao with tre residential tiered rates - a second block differential of 13% for usage over 600 kWh/month. Tr. p. 52. The paries to the Stipulation in ~ 12 agre to an increase in the electric and demand charges as recommended in the Company's original filing, and sumarized in Appendix 2. This includes an increase in the residential monthy basic charge from $4.00 to $4.60. Ths increase, Staf states, represents the increasing monthly costs of metering and biling. All' other rate components are increased by a uniform percentage to generate the required revenue. Tr. pp. 52, 90. In fied written comments, the Idaho Community Action Network (ICAN) opposes an increase to the base rates, which it states disproportionately impacts low-income customers and customers on fixed incomes. Regarding natural gas rate design, the Settlement Paries agree to apply the increase in rates within each service schedule in the same maner as proposed by the Company in its original filing. The monthly base charge for the residential schedule wil increase from $3.26 to $4.00. Tr. pp. 52, 90. As with the electrc base rate, lCAN similarly opposes any increase to the base rate for gas. As reflected in Staff testimony, Staff and Avista discussed adjusting block size and rate differentials in the futue once acurate cost of service data is available. They will also investigate whether there are economies of scale (bundling of electrc/gas service) thatcould allow reduce monthly customer charges when a customer taes both gas and electric service. Tr. p. 52. ORDER NO. 30647 7 I FG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B.pdf Page 7of23 . . . peA Authorized Level of Expense - Stipulation' 10 Stipulation Exhibit 101, Appendix 3 (Atthment 2 to this Order) specifies the use of 2009 power supply costs for use in the Company's monthy Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) calculations and in the treatment of power supply costs associated with retal load and revenue credit. Stipulation iI 10; Tr. p. 40. Sta concludes that the inputs and assumptions used by A vista including those related to fuel prices and loads, ar reasonable. Tr. p. 47. Staff agreed with the Company's proposal to use 2009 loads in the calculation of base power supply costs recognizing that normalized power supply costs included in base rates are always based on an estimate or a forecast. Tr. pp. 47, 48. In addition, Staf notes tht the Company included a hydro mitigation adjustment in its calculation that reduces the base rate power supply costs and a production propert adjustment that reduces the base rate revenue requirement for generation to serve 2009 loads. Appendix 3 of the Stipulation notes that the retail revenue credit will be $41.45/MWh for October-December 2008 and then $53.63/MWh for 2009. The Company benefits from using 2009 loads by reducing its exposure to the retail revenue adjustment embedded in the PCA. Tr. p. 48. Adjustments to the Company's proposed power supply costs were discussed durng settement negotiations and an anual $735,000 reduction in the Priest Rapids contract price recoverable in rates was incorporated. Tr. pp. 48, 49. Prudency of Energy Effciency Expenditures - Stipulation' 11 The Settement Paries in Stipulation iI 11 agree that Avista's expenditures for electric and natual gas energy effciency programs from November 1, 2003 through December 31, 2007 were prudently incured. Customer-Related Issues - Stipulation' 14 . Low-Income DSM Funding (Stipulation' 14a) Curently only 10% of homes receiving LIHEAP benefits are weatherized. Tr. p. 140. The Settlement Paries agree to increase the anual level of funding provided to Idaho service (CAP) agencies for low-income demand-side management (DSM) weatherization programs from $350,000 to $465,000, which includes administrative overhead. The increased fuding will come from the Company's existing DSM tariff riders. Tr. pp. 54,93,94. In filed wrtten comments, the Idaho Communty Action Network (lCAN) states that weatherzation benefits cost an average of $3,366 per household. ICAN believes that the ORDER NO. 30647 8 IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B.pdf Page 8 of 23 . . . $115,000 increase to low-income weatherization is too little. Even if weatherization costs have not increased at all in thee years, a $115,000 increase will serve only an additional 34 households. ICAN states that low-income weatherization program funding should be increased to $700,000. Staff notes that the ratio of customers to dollars committed for weatherization is fairly similar for Avista and Idaho Power. In fact, Avista's investment, Staff contends, is greater th either Idaho Power and PacifiCorp. Tr. p. 63. . Funding/or Outreach/or Low-Income Conservation (Stipulation' 14b) CAP AI is concerned that the combined proposed increases in fees and rates will add to the already unwieldy energy cost burden tht low-income famlies in Idao face. Tr. p. 138. The Settlement Pares agree that anual fuding though the DSM tarff rider in the amount of $25,000 will be provided to Idaho (CAP) agencies for the purose of underwiting agency personnel assisting in low-income outreach and conservation education. Tr. p. 94. . Establishment o/Generic Workshops on Energ Affordability (Stipulation' 14c) A vista agrees to support and actively parcipate in any Commission-established workshops for the purose of examining issues surounding energy affordabilty and abilty of customers to pay energy bils. As par of this process, A vista agrees to explore the feasibility of establishing a Low-Income Rate Assistance Program (LIRAP), or something similar. Tr. p. 94. Reference new Commission Docket No. GNR-U-08-0l. Staff suggests that universal service and alternative rate designs be included as discussion topics in the workshops. Tr. p. 57. The Commission noted at hearing that sometimes what is done by working groups on the outside can format the strctue of the legislative review of those issues and how legislation is developed. Tr. p. 124. A vista identifies the following additional programs that are available to assist customers with the proposed rate increase: Energy Effciency progras, Project Share, Comfort Level Biling, Payment Arrgements, the Customer Assistance Referral and Evaluation Servces (CARES) program, and customer service automation. Tr. pp. 95-98. Customer Comments and Testimony The Idaho Community Action Network (lCAN) appeared at the Commission's August 27 hearng in Lewiston and also submitted written comments. ICAN opposes the rate hike and the Proposed Settlement and urges the Commission to continue with the rate case ORDER NO. 30647 9 IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B. pdf Page 90f23 . . . process, including investigation and prepartion of testimony by Commission Staf and public hearings afer Staf testimony has been made public. The role of the Corrission, ICAN contends, "is to protect the interests of the customers, rather th the utilty company's shareholders." ICAN Comments p. 1. ICAN appear to believe that the settlement was negotiated by the utilty and the intervening paries before Commssion Staff had time to review the Compary's filing. While the CAP agencies and other organzations may speak for some consumers, ICAN contends they canot speak for all consumers. ICAN is concerned about settlement negotiations being conducted in a secret meeting without public input. The opposition of ICAN to the proposed increase is generally representative of other written comments fied by customers, customers on fixed incomes who budget every penny. Tr. p. 10. Many customers cite a newspaper aricle in the Spokesman Review reporting a 72% quarerly jump in Avista profits as reaon to deny the Company's proposed rate increase. The Company explains the inaccuracy of the Spokesman Review headline beginning at Tr. p. 130, concluding that for calendar year 2007 the Company stil failed to realize the overall Idaho retur authorized by the Commission. Profit or earngs, the Company contends, is really the interest piece for the investor; and if tht retu is not attactive enough, investors will tae their money someplace else. Tr. p. 133. Customers also cite what they believe to be excessive executive compensation for A vista employees. The Spokesman Review reports a total anual compensation for the top five Avista executives of approximately $3.6 milion. In its testimony, Staf notes that the Settlement in Idaho is based on anual rate base compensation of $1.45 milion for the top five executives, or 40% of the total $3.6 milion compensation. While still seemingly high, Staff states that if all compensation included in rates for the top 12 executives were eliminated, the effect would be a rate reduction of less than 0.5%. Commission Findings The Commission has reviewed and considered the filings of record in Case Nos. AVU-E-08-0l and AVU-G-08-0l including Stipulation provisions and the comments of customers. The supporting context for the Commission's deliberation regarding the reasonableness of the Stipulation terms is the Commission's August 28, 2008 transcript of the technical and evidentiar hearing in this case. The Commission is also informed by the transcripts of Lewiston and Sandpoint, Idao proceedings where customers and other pares of ORDER NO. 30647 10 IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B. pdf Page 10 of 23 .interest were provided the opportunity to raise their concerns and give testimony on the Settlement Stipulation, and by filed public comments, including the wrtten comments of Bennett Forest. The Commission finds that the established record fonns a sufficient basis for decision and that no fuer hearing, or procedure is required. Settlements are reviewed under Commission Ru1es of Procedure 274-276. We incorporate by reference the submitted Stipu1ation (and Proposed Settlement) as if set fort herein in its entirety. See Tr. Exh. 101. The Commission finds it necessar to correct the misperception of some at public hearing and in wrtten comments tht the settlement process is a private and secret process that excludes paricipation and does not provide for representation of all customers. The Commission's Rules of Procedure establish the framework for settlements. RP 271-276. Settements may involve one or more paries. If Commission Sta is involved in settlement negotiations, Staf must provide other paries with notice. Staf must also give all other pares an opportty to paricipate in or be apprised of the coure of the settlement negotiations before a final settlement involving Staff is reached. RP 272. The problem in a general rate case affecting different customer classes is that not all customer interests are the same. In fact, customers often have opposing interests. The only truly common interest of all customers is to limit the increase allowed the Company. Commission Staf, whether processing a case though hearng or through settlement, represents the interests of all customer classes. This is the objective of the Staff regardless of the process followed, and is a result, Staf believes, that ca sometimes be best achieved though settlement. Tr. p. 39. Paricipants in settlement negotiations must be paries of record. Early on in this rate case the Commission issued a Notice of Intervention Deadline. One of the stated puroses of intervention, as set forth in our Notice, is "to paricipate in settlement or negotiation conferences." Without intervenor status, public paricipation in the settlement process in this case was limited to testifying at the public hearings or fiing written comments. As a general rue, settlement tals are not initiated until paries are familar with a utilty's application, have paricipated in the discovery process, have a familarity with the issues presented in the case and have developed pary positions and goals. Parcipants are expected to have a good grasp of the case they themselves would present, including the witnesses they would use and the testimony they would file. Only then are they able to sit down and engage in . . ORDER NO. 30647 11 I FG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B.pdf Page 11 of 23 , . constrctve and fritfu dialogue. Negotiations do not always result in settlement. Unless all parcipants agree to the contrar, the positions taken in negotiations are confidential. RP 272. This condition of confidentially allows for candid discussions by the paries and an opportity for compromise. The advantage of a negotiated settlement is that the paries themselves are able to craf mutually acceptable terms. Even then however, under Rule 275 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure, proponents of a proposed settlement carr the burden of proof showing that the settlement is reasonable, in the public interest, or otherwse in accordance with the law or reguatory policy. As stated in Rule 276 The Commission is not bound by settlements. It wil independently review any settlement proposed to it to determne whether the settlement is just, fair and reasonable, in the public interest, or otherwise in accordance with law or regulatory policy. When a settlement is presented for decision, the Commission may accept the settlement, reject the settlement, or state additiona conditions under which the settlement wil be accepted. ... .We find that the process used and notice given in this case complies with the letter and spirt of the Commission's Settlement Rules. IDAPA As reflected in the August 28, 2008 transcript of proceedings, the Company in this case initially requested authority to recover $32.3 millon (16.7%) in additional anual electric revenue and $4.7 milion (5.8%) in additional anual natual gas revenue. Tr. p. 81. In the Stipulation, the Settlement Paries agree that the Company wil be authorized to recover $23.2 milion (11.98%) in additional anual electrc revenue and $3.9 milion (4.7%) in additional anua natual gas revenue. Stipulation' 7. In arving at their recommended rate increase for the Company's Idaho electric and gas operations, the Settlement Pares agree that the cost of capita for A vista will be determined using a capita strctue consisting of 47.94% common stock equity and 52.06% long-ter debt. Avist's agreed authorized retur on equity (ROE) will be 10.2%, a reduction from the 10.8% ROE originally requested; the Company's cost of debt is recognized to be 6.84%. These components produce an authorized rate ofretum of 8.45%. Stipulation' 7a. The Commssion at hearg inquired of the Company regarding its intentions to update its "cost of service" study as par of its next general rate case filing. Under Commssion Rules of Procedure (Rule l21.01.e), a general rate case by Avista must be accompanied by. ORDER NO. 30647 12 I FG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B.pdf Page 12 of 23 ."appropriate cost of service studies." Bennett Forest in post-hearing comments suggests that "in the absence of a curnt cost of service study, it is difficult for the Commission to make a record- based evidentiar finding tht allocations to customer classes, and resulting rates, are fair, just and reasonable. Avist is a multi-jursdictiona utility. Once the Company's Idaho jursdictional costs ar determined the next step is to allocate those costs among the different customer classes. This assigning of cost responsibilty is generally done with a cost of service study. Certy the Commssion's preference in decision-making is to have good studies and the most recent and best information available. We prefer actual data to statistical estiates or forecasts. Avista informs the Commission that it may not have complete load data that it can roll into a cost of servce study until late 2009. Tr. p. 75. A cost of service study, while usefu, is not a pedect tool for assigning system and servce costs to customer classes. Load data is only one element of a cost of service study. Ths Commission relies on a cost of service study as a starting point to allocate costs, but in the end we must, and do, consider other factors such as rate continuity, equity and proportonality. We expect as always tht the Company in its rate filings wil comply with the Commission's procedural requirements. Avista states a cost of service study will be provided in its next rate case. Presently only Schedule 25 and Schedule 25P customers have hourly meters. Tr. p. 105. The Company contends that the completed load data for other classes will result only in a fine-tung as opposed to a major shift in dollars, whether it be across customer classes or withn schedules. Tr. p. 126. In this case the Commission finds the Company-fied cost of service study to be suffcient to determine rate design in this case. We direct the Company in its next general rate case to provide updated load data as par of its COS study or, in the alternative, show how the lack of such an update affects COS-based revenue allocations to customer classes. The Commission finds the Stipulation and negotiated settlement terms submitted in these cases to be fair, just and reasonable and in the public interest. As represented, we find that the Settlement is a compromise by all Settlement Paries. We find the proposed $23.2 millon (11.98%) authonzed increase in electric revenue and $3.9 millon (4.7%) authorized increase in natual gas revenue to be fair, just and reasonable, as is spreading the increase to customer classes in the maner set forth in the Stipulation, including the proposed increase in base charges for electrc and gas residential customers. Idaho Code § 61-502. We find the proposed uniform percentage spread of the rate adjustment to be reasonable given the age of the COS data. We . . ORDER NO. 30647 13 I FG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B .pdf Page 13 of 23 .also find the adjustment made for Schedule 25P reasonable and find it to be supported by Potlatch's relative load characteristics compared to Schedule 25. The resultat average chages in electrc and gas rates for the Company's customer service schedules that we find reasonable to approve are set fort in Attchment to this Order. The effective date of implementation is October 1,2008. The Commission also authorizes an increase in the base charges for residential electric and gas customers. We do so in par because it is an integral term of a negotiated stipulation. Stipulation' 13. Testimony reflects also tht the increase in the base charge is justified by the increased monthly cost of metering and biling. Tr. p. 52. The Stipulation provides for an increase in weatherization program benefits (Stipulation , l4a), and fuding for low-income outreach and conservation education (Stipulation'14b). The fuding is payable from the Company's existing DSM taff riders, and involves simply a re-allocation of DSM dollars. The increase in weatherization fuding is not as much as ICAN recommends, but as Sta notes, is grater than either Idao Power or PacifiCorp in the ratio of customers to dollars committed. Tr. p. 63. The Commission has iiutiated a generic case (GNR-U-08-0l, Order No. 30644) to examne energy affordabilty issues. Stipulation , l4c. In that case, we direct A vista and our other major energy providers (Idaho Power, PacifiCorp and Intermountan Gas) to paricipate. We encourage CAPAI, ICAN and other staeholders to also paricipate. In addressing energy afordabilty for low-income customers, we ar reminded by Bennett Forest that large increases in electric rates also have serious consequences for Schedule 25 industrial customers, many of whom, like Bennett Forest, operate in a competitive market and do not necessarly have the abilty to raise prices to recover increases in operating costs. In calendar year 2007 Bennett Forest report it purchased almost 25 millon kilowatt hours of electric energy from A vista, at a cost of almost $1.1 milion. There can be no denying that the cumulative increase to Bennett Forest resulting from increases in ths docket and the Company's PCA docket are sigiuficant and will have operational consequences. Bennett Forest requests no change to the Stipulation. Stil, in its comments, it reminds this Commission that "rate shock" is a shortnd expression for regulatory policy that favors rate stabilty and disfavors abrupt and significat changes to current rates. This Commission is not oblivious to the consequences of its rate orders. The volatilty in the energy markets however shows no sign of abating. A vista in . . ORDER NO. 30647 14 IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B .pdf Page 14 of 23 . . . ths case anounces its intent to file another rate case in early 2009. A phase-in of rates does not appear to be a viable option. Opportty for real near-term relief for customers, including Bennett Forest, lies in their abilty to enact energy effciency and conservation measures and reduce their energy demand. At hearing, Beiuett Forest inquied about progrs to mitigate rate impacts for large customers. Tr. p. 110. A vista stated that it has a number of energy effciency progrs for its industrial customers and Company engineers who will go to customer sites to work with customers to identify cost recovery measures. We encourage Bennett Forest to take advantage of ths opportity. Intervenor Funding Intervenor fuding is available pursuat to Idaho Code § 6l-6l7A and Commission Rules of Procedure 161 though 165. Section 61-617 A( 1) declares that it is the "policy of (Idaho) to encourage paricipation at all stages of all proceedings before this Commission so tht al affected customers receive ful and fair representation in those proceedings." The statutory cap for intervenor fuding that can be awarded in anyone case is $40,000. Idaho Code § 61- 6l7A(2). Accordingly, the Commission may order any regulated utilty with intrastate anual revenues exceeding $3.5 milion to pay all or a portion of the costs of one or more paries for legal fees, witness fees and reproduction costs not to exceed a total for all intervening pares combined of $40,000. On September 10, 2008, the Community Action Parership Association of Idaho (CAPAI) filed a Petition for Intervenor Funding. Idaho Code § 61-617A; RP 161-165. CAPAI is dedcated to promoting self~suffciency through removing the causes and conditions of povert in Idaho's communties. Tr. p. 136. The organization was created by federa law to help admster federal low-income programs. Tr. p. 145. CAPAI advanced the low-income consumer issues addressed in Stipulation 'i l4a, b and c. CAPAI requests $3,400. Petition, Exh. A. Rule 162 of the Commission's Rules of Procedure provides the form and content requirements for a Petition for Intervenor Funding. The petition must contan: (l) an itemized list of expenses broken down into categories; (2) a statement of the intervenor's proposed finding or recommendation; (3) a statement showing that the costs the intervenor wishes to recover are reasonable; (4) a statement explaining why the costs constitute a significant financial hardship ORDER NO. 30647 15 IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B.pdf Page 15 of 23 . for the intervenor; (5) a statement showing how the intervenor's proposed finding or recommendation differed materially from the testimony and exhibits of the Commission Staf; (6) a statement showing how the intervenor's recommendation or position addressed issues of concern to the general body of utilty users or customers; and (7) a statement showing the class of customer on whose behalf the intervenor appeared. The Petition for Intervenor Funding filed by CAPAI comport with the procedural and techncal requirements of the Commission's Rules. Commission Findings Submitted for Commission consideration is the Petition for Intervenor Funding filed by the Community Action Parership Association of Idaho. The Commission has reviewed the Petition, the Stipulation and the testimony of the Petitioner. Idaho Code § 61-617 A includes a statement of policy to encourage paricipation by intervenors in Commssion findings. The Commssion determines an award for intervenor fuding based on the following considerations: (a) A finding that the parcipation of the intervenor has materially contrbuted to the decision rendered by the Commission; and.(b) A finding that the costs of intervention are reaonable in amount and would be a signficant financial hardship for the intervenor; and ( c) The recommendation made by the intervenor differed materially from the testimony and exhibits of the Commission Staf; and (d) The testimony and paricipation of the intervenor addressed issues of concern to the general body of users or consumers. . Idaho Code § 61-617 A. We find that the Petition of CAP AI satisfies the substative findings that we are required to make to justify an award. IDAPA 3 1.01.01. 1 65.01.a-e. We find tht the parcipation and presentation of CAP AI, as reflected in its testimony and the Stipulation, materially contributed to the Commission's decision. CAPAI's parcipation adds an informed perspective to the hearng record. We find that the recommendation of CAP AI differed materially from the testimony of Commission Staff and provided measurable form and substance to the Settlement Stipulation. This paricular case was resolved by way of settlement and not litigation. CAP AI is a non-profit corpration overeeing a number of agencies that assist with issues related to the causes and conditions of povert in Idaho. We find it fair, just and reasonable to award the total ORDER NO. 30647 16 IFG _PR _ 007 -Attachment-B. pdf Page 16 of 23 .request of CAP AI in the amount of $3,400 and find that the public interest is well served by such award. We find the itemized costs of CAPAI to be reasonable and recognize that the cost to CAPAI of paricipating in this proceeding constitutes a significant financial hardship. We find that CAP AI wa professional and economical in the marshallng of its time and effort. The Commission finds that the intervenor fuding award to CAP AI is fair and reasonable and will fuer the purse of encouraging "paricipation at all stages of all proceedings before the Commission so that all afected cusomers receive full and fair representation in those proceedings." Idaho Code § 61-617 A(l). CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has jurisdiction over A vista Corporation dba A vista Utilties, an electric utility. and the issues presented in this case, pursuant to the powers granted it under Title 61 of the Idaho Code and pursuat to the Commission's Rules of Procedure, IDAPA et seq., including specifically Rules 272 through 280 as pertns to settements. '.ORDER In consideration of the foregoing and as more paricularly described and quaified above, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED and the Commission hereby accepts the Stipulation and Proposed Settlement tendered in Case Nos. AVU-E-08-01 and AVU-G-08-0l approving a $23.2 milion (11.98%) authorized increase in anual base taiff revenues for electric service and a $3.9 millon (4.7%) authorized increase in anual base tariff revenues for natural gas service for an effective date of October 1, 2008. Reference Order No. 30647, Attachment 1. The Company is directed to fie amended tariffs comportng with ths Order. IT is FURTHER ORDERED that the Community Action Parership Association of Idaho's Petition for Intervenor Funding is grted in the amount of $3,400. Reference Idaho Code § 61-6l7A. Avista is directed to pay said amount to CAPAI within 28 days from the date of ths Order. IDAPA Avista shall include the cost of this award of intervenor fuding to CAPAI as an expense to be recovered in the Company's next general rate case proceeding from the residential customer class. Idaho Code § 61-617 A(3). THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration withn twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order. Within seven (7) . ORDER NO. 30647 17 IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B.pdf Page 17 of 23 .. days afer any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho Code § 61-626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilties Commission at Boise, Idao this 30-t day of September 2008. . . NT l í\RSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ArrEST: ~Æi~ Commission Secretar blslO:AVU-E-OS-OI_AVU-G-OS-Ol_sw3 ORDER NO. 30647 18 IFG _PR_ 007 -Attachment-B. pdf Page 18 of 23 . .. r" , . , I : AV I S ' T A " U r ( L I T i e s , _ , . , l b A H t i ~ 4 Ë C t r l l ê , . . ' . , , : ' , 'P ' , R O f . O S E l j ' I N C R Ê À $ ~ à y : s à i l v . , ç e S C H l E , D I ( t . ì £ - , 12 M O N T H S E l í l O S 0 1 1 H ! l C " E I I I 3 I : R ' - ¡ J i . 2 0 0 7 :' , ( 9 : 0 1 ) ~ ó f ~ , O n a E l ) Li i ï e : : ,N o ~ - , T y p e , ~ d r ' ': M ! i C ' e ,( a : ) : Ba ~ ß . ' T ~ ' ( i f f ' ' - , a . à s e T L l t l : f f , " ' R ~ V , e l 1 U : è ( " . . ' ' ~ e i . E f n u é . " ,s ! , b e ì u 1 t r i ; n d ~ ~ , ~ t ~ § . ø O r . : G e o o i ¡ ¡ ¡ ( . , V i i 4 ; ~ ~ - p . r Q r . ~ e . ( f . ~ , , ; N ~ ~ b e i ; , , R a t i i a ( : t l 1 h : e . r . ~ , a S & . " " ' , R i : t ? - _ s , ,( ~ ; ) , ( I l ) ( d e ) ' ( ~ . ro r a l a . I Î l e . d Re t - e . n \ l ~ ; ~i p r a s , ¥ , t Rà i e , s . 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' ~" _ : ~ , C'A i o , h t i . ;~ . . .! ~ ~ , ' , ' ~ ' ~ ~ ¡~ t i ! , O ã ?~ i i i j ç M ~ " . ~ Ôe j ; \ ' ~ ~ " . " a~ ~ , S B 9 24 0 , 4 9 7 . 23 7 , 5 1 9 . . 2 i i Ô , ~ ~ ~ 25 i \ . H a _ ," 2 ' 4 ' t j J ~ O ': 2 3 i ¡ 6 M 2S I l , 4 1 0 ' 26 9 . 6 8 4 áÖ 3 ? 2 9 ' '2 5 ¡ 9 b S S8 , 2 1 7 "3 9 . 4 á ò 40 . : i . h , 4n , Ð 1 1 4! ; 4 t i i '3 5 . 9 0 2 35 . 7 5 5 . 42 ; 5 1 6 ii ' i , 3 3 3 T. q t i i : l ' i i t B i i . ~ . l ~ l l ' t ! Y . l f P. ø . t i ä , ~ h - ! l 8 n l l f ! j l ~ l l l . M W h 3, t 2 0 ¡ O O S ' - 3 0 S ; - t 9 ! i , . ~ - ö i t 8 . l . ' . ' . ' t o . 46 2 ' , " 5 5 4 t ¡ Ò 5 3 : ' t l S ~ t l é ' 2 li ' t t e l ' , . F i t r . P ç t ¡ Ð _ è c . ~ t i 0 8 U ' e R i i l a i l R e v e n u ~ t r e d l t r l l j ë I G ' l ! ' E Í l ~ ~ ø e i i ' R j i è i õ r l i l i . ~ ! i I M W t i ; ' r o i ! : 2 t l Q 9 ' , I ~ ~ ; R i i a l l . R . i i v e n ! ; ! i , ê t ! ! i ' l l ' ~ a l Î ! 4 s ~ $ I P , ~ I M W h , p e r J ø h n s o n o i t e c l ¡ i i . P å ¡ ; 8 , 1 i i . . . . . . ("I CDz? ~~ ) ) ~: t ~) ) "" . . n , õ~ : i ~~~z ~ c : - l .. c ' " Qecoe- \ P' l g e 1 g C 1 . . . AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO A VU-E-09-0l / A VU-G-09-01 Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-008 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 04/29/2009 Scott MorrslRchard Storro Toni Pessemier American Indian Relations (509) 495-4308 ) REQUEST: To the extent the CDA Settlement involves payments as compensation for damages resulting from prior acts of trespass or other past conduct of Avista, please provide a complete description ofthe maner in which curent customers of A vista Corporation are benefitted by such payments. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 008C, which contains TRAE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIA information and exempt from public view and is separately fied under IDAPA 31.01.01, Ru1e 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code, and pursuant to the Protective Agreement between Avista and IPUC Staff dated January 8, 2009. First, it is important to note that A vista has not admitted to trespass. In 2001, the United States Supreme Cour held that the United States, as Trustee for the Tribe, and not the State ofIdaho, owned the bed and bans of the Lake with the boundares of the Reservation. It was not until the legal process was concluded with the Supreme Cour's decision in 2001 that Avista definitively knew that it was potentially exposed to a trespass claim by the Tribe. Avista made sound management decisions over the years. If Avista's management had agreed to either compensate the Tribe for trespass or pay usage charges prior to the United States Supreme Cour's ruling, it could have been crticized for imprudently makg payments before the ownership issue was resolved. Even after the Supreme Cour's decision, as Avista and the Tribe entered into a unique mediation process, Avista stil had a reasonable basis on which to assert that its use ofthe Lake was authorized, either though the rights it had previously obtained or by virte of a permit issued to Avista by the United States in 1909. As a result, durng the mediation process in which multiple, extensive briefs were submitted by the paries to the Honorable Wiliam Canby of the United States Cour of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit for advisory opinions on the issues of liability and damages, Avista expressly denied that it was in trespass. However, given Judge Canby's advisory opinions, as well as Avista's potential exposure to a significant verdict, including prejudgment interest for its historical use of the bed and bans now held to be Tribal lands, A vista determined that it would be prudent to address the trespass claim though a comprehensive settlement agreement with the Tribe. With regards to the settlement, in the final analysis, it does not give either pary all the outcomes that might be obtained or desired under varous scenaros, including the possibility of successful litigation in federal court. However, this must be weighed against the likelihood that formal litigation could last decades, could potentially subject A vista to a significant amount in past damages; and could render future operation of the Post Falls HED impracticable. Therefore, considering the risks of litigation, together with the potential exposure and other considerations involved, the settlement allows Avista's continued operation of the Post Falls HED, which preserves a valuable, low cost resource for our customers, and reflects a reasonable and fair compromise, and a legitimate cost of present and future operations. Page 1 of2 . . . As explained in the Memorandum attached to Avista's response 008C: . The settlement presents a full and final resolution of the Tribe's claim to trespass and §lO(e) anual charges regarding Avista's use of the lake as a reservoir from 1907 to the present and though the term of a new FERC license for the Post Falls hydroelectric development (HED). As such, the settlement presents a full and fial resolution of disputed issues regarding more than 100 years of hydroelectric generation by A vista utilizing Tribal lands, as well as up to 50 years in the futue; . The settlement eliminates Avista's potential exposure to a significant verdict for its historical use of that portion of the lake located within the Reservation; . The settlement also resolves a number of critical issues pertaining to Avista's application with FERC to relicense the Post Falls HED, including the imposition of conditions under §4(e). The dispute between Avista and the Tribe over §4(e) conditions has been lengthy, involved, and contentious, resulting in protracted and expensive reguatory and legal proceedings; . Finally, the settlement provides for water rights, rights of way and other authorizations necessar from the Tribe. In this respect, the settlement provides certainty to Avista and its customers. For all of the foregoing reasons, curent customers are benefitting from the settlement. Page 2 of2 . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO A VU-E-09-0l / A VU-G-09-0l Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-009 DATE PREPARD:WISS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/2912009 Scott MorrslRchard Storro David Meyer State & Federal Regulation (509) 495-4316 To the extent the Montana Riverbed Settlement involves payments as compensation for damages resulting from prior acts of trespass or other past conduct of A vista, please provide a complete description of the maner in which current customers of A vista Corporation are benefitted by such payments. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 009C, which contains TRAE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAP A 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code, and pursuant to the Protective Agreement between Avista and !PUC Staff dated January 8, 2009. Page 1 of 1 . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-09-0l 1 A VU-G-09-0l Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-OIO DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 05/0412009 Elizabeth Andrews Joe Miler State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4546 Please provide a work paper and/or other supporting documentation that shows the calculation of the values shown in Exhibit No. 10, pg. 9 of 11, Colum PFll, lines 28 though 39. RESPONSE: Please see the previously provided workpapers for Company witness Andrews. The above calculations can be found within the "Electrc Only Workpapers" in the folder labeled "PF - CDA Tribe". . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO A VU-E-09-0ll A VU-G-09-0l Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-Oll DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 05/04/2009 Elizabeth Andrews Joe Miler State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4546 Please provide a work paper and/or other supporting documentation that shows the calculation of the values shown in Exhibit No. 10, pg. 9 of 11, Colum PFll, lines 28 though 39. RESPONSE: Please see the previously provided workpapers for Company witness Andrews. The above calculations can be found withn the "Electrc Only Workpapers" in the folder labeled "PF - Montana Lease". .. . . AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO A VU-E-09-01 / A VU-G-09-0l Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-012 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 05/05/2009 Elizabeth Andrews Jeane Pluth State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-2204 REQUEST: Please provide a statement of your rationale for including amounts associated with the CDA Tribe Settlement in rate base. RESPONSE: In Case Nos. A VU-E-08-0l and A VU-G-08-0l (see Order No. 30647), the Idaho Commission accepted the terms of a settlement resolving all issues in the rate cases. That Settlement expressly resolved the ratemaking treatment associated with the CDA Tribe litigation, allowing for the subsequent recover in rates of costs associated with the litigation. It was based on a thorough review in A VU-E-08-0l of the circumstaces surounding the litigation and the terms of the CDA Tribal settlement. The rate case settlement, at Paragraph 9 (b), provides: "(b.) Confidential Litigation - Company Witness Andrews describes confidential litigation at pages 32 and 33 of her prefied direct testimony (unedacted). Inasmuch as that matter is stil pending and has yet to be finally resolved, but is expected to reach resolution in the near future, the Paries have agreed to defer as a reguatory expense item (in Account 186 - Miscellaneous Defered Debits) on the Company's balance sheet depreciation associated with Idaho share of the aforementioned costs with a carng charge on the deferal as well as a carng charge on the amount of costs not yet included in rate base for subsequent recovery in rates. The carying charge wil be the customer deposit rate (presently 5%). This deferral, together with a carying charge, wil continue until the earlier of twelve (12) months from the date of resolution ofthe litigation or until the conclusion of Avista's next general rate case (GRC)." (emphasis added) . . . A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO A VU-E-09-0ll A VU-G-09-0l Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-013 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 05/05/2009 Elizabeth Andrews Liz Andrews State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: If you believe inclusion in rate base of amounts associated with the CDA Tribe Settlement is required or permitted by F ASB 71, please explain in detail the basis of your opinion. RESPONSE: Accounting methodologies are determined based on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAA) together with accounting and rate making treatment granted by regulatory commissions. Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 71, Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation (FAS 71), applies specifically to regulated utilties. F AS 71 provides the following guidance: Rate actions of a regulator can provide reasonable assurance ofthe existence of an asset. An enterprise shall capitalize all or par of an incurred cost that would otherwise be charged to expense ifboth of the following criteria are met: a. It is probable that futue revenue in an amount at least equal to the capitalized cost wil result from inclusion of that cost in allowable costs for rate-making puroses. b. Based on available evidence, the futue revenue wil be provided to permit recovery of the previously incured cost rather than to provide for expected level of similar futue costs. If the revenue wil be provided though an automatic rate-adjustment clause, the criterion requires that the regulator's intent clearly be to permit recovery of the previously incured costs. As discussed in Avista's response to IFG-012, the Idaho Commission provided ths assurance by accepting the terms of the Settlement which expressly provided for the subsequent recovery in rates of the CDA Tribe litigation costs. That Settlement, at Paragraph 9 (b), approved Avista's proposed accounting which included the unamortized costs in rate base. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMÀTION IDAHO A VU-E-09-0l 1 A VU-G-09-0l Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-014 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: ' RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 05/05/2009 Elizabeth Andrews Liz Andrews State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8601 If you believe inclusion in rate base of amounts associated with the CDA Tribe Settlement is required or permitted by other F ASB Statement, please explain in detail the basis of your opinion. RESPONSE: The Company is relying specifically on FAS 71 and the Order received by the Commission as stated in A vista's response to IFG-O 13, which provides authority to include the amounts associated with the CDA Tribe Settlement in rate base. . . . A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-09-011 A VU-G-09-0l Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-015 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 05/05/2009 Elizabeth Andrews Jeane Pluth State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-2204 REQUEST: Please provide a statement of your rationale for including amounts associated with the Montana Riverbed Litigation Settlement in rate base. Please provide the detailed calculation of the Idaho jurisdictional amounts included in the Company's revenue requirement. RESPONSE: In Case Nos. A VU-E-08-0l and A VU-G-08-0l (see Order No. 30647), the Idaho Commission accepted the terms of the Settlement. That Settlement, at Paragraph 9 (c), approved Avista's proposed accounting which included the unamortized costs in rate base, as follows: "(c.) Montana Riverbed Litigation - On November 1, 2007, Avista fied an Application with the Commission (Case No. A VU-E-07-1O) requesting an accounting order authorizing deferral of settlement lease payments and interest accruals relating to the recent settlement of a lawsuit in the State of Montana over the use of the riverbed related to the Company's ownership of the Noxon Rapids and Cabinet Gorge hydroelectrc projects located on the Clark Fork River. The Commission, in its Order No. 30492, authorized the deferal of settlement lease payments and delayed a decision on interest, until the matter was addressed in this general rate fiing. The Paries have agreed to the Company's requested amortization of costs, together with recovery of accrued interest on the Idaho share of deferrals at the customer deposit rate (presently 5%)." The detailed calculation of the Idaho jursdictional amounts included in the Company's revenue requirement is provided in "IFG DR 015-Attachment A". That adjustment is described in Company witness Ms. Andrews' direct testimony at Page 36, as follows: "The adjustment in column (PF12), Pro Forma Montana Riverbed Lease, includes costs associated with the Montana Riverbed lease settlement. In this settlement, the Company agreed to pay the State of Montana $4.0 millon anually beginning in 2007, with anual inflation adjustments, for a lO-year period for leasing the riverbed under the Noxon Rapids Project and the Montana portion of the Cabinet Gorge Project. The first two anual payments were deferred by Avista as approved in Case No. A VU-E-07-lO. In Case No. A VU-E-08-0l (see Order No. 30647), the Commission approved the Company's proposed accounting treatment of the deferred payments, including accrued interest, to be amortized over the remaining eight years of the agreement staring October 1, 2008. This adjustment includes one-eighth of the deferred balance amortization and the anual lease payment expense." .. . . Avista Utiltes Montana Settlement Lease Payment Annual Expense TOTAL WA 10 100.00%64.59%35.41% 2010 Annual Payment (2009 Expense)$4,396,445 $2,839,664 $1,556,781 Amortization of Deferral 1,037,322 676,638 360,684 Total 2009 Annual Expense $5,433,767 $3,516,302 $1,917,465 Federal Income Taxes $1,901,818 $1,230,706 $671,113 IFG_DR_015-Attachment A.xls Annual Expenses Page 1 of7 jmp 5/5/2009 .Avista Utiltes Montana Settlement Lease Payment Rate Base Adjustment PERIOD Dec 2009 Dec 2010 TOTAL Divide by 2 Beg/End Mo Avg Jan 2010 Feb 2010 Mar 2010 Apr 2010 May 2010 Jun 2010 Ju1 2010 Aug 2010 Sep 2010 Oct 2010 Nov 2010.TOTAL Divide by 12 Ave Monthly Average ......................'IN.? Deferred I Deferred Balance TaxBal 4,736,382 (1,657,734) 4,059,756 (1,420,915) 8,796,138 (3,078,648) -;2 -;2 4,398,069 (1,539,324) 4,679,997 (1,637,999) 4,623,611 (1,618,264) 4,567,226 (1,598,529) 4,510,840 (1,578,794) 4,454,455 (1,559,059) 4,398,069 (1,539,324) 4,341,684 (1,519,589) 4,285,298 (1,499,854) 4,228,913 (1,480,119) 4,172,527 (1,460,384) 4,116,142 (1,440,650) 52,776,828 (18,471,890) -;12 -;12 4,398,069 (1,539,324) Net Rate Base Adjustment Washington Deferral Balance Deferred Taxes Net Rate Base Adjustment . IFG_DR_015-Attachment A.xls Rate Base - WA 4,398,069 (1,539,324) 2,858,745 Page 2 of?jmp 5/5/2009 . . . Avista Utiltes Montana Settlement Lease Payment Rate Base Adjustment PERIOD June 2009 June 2010 TOTAL Divide by2 Beglnd Mo Avg July 2009 Aug 2009 Sept 2009 Oct 2009 ~ov 2009Dec 2009 Jan 2010 Feb 2010 Mar 2010 Apr 2010May 2010 TOTAL Divide by 12 Ave Monthy Average "(c.((':d(d\dT"'. ARCI...... Deferred I Deferred Balance TaxBal 2,614,959 (915,236) 2,254,275 (788,996) 4,869,234 (1,704,232) +2 +2 2,434,617 (852,116) 2,584,902 (904,716) 2,554,845 (894,196) 2,524,788 (883,676) 2,494,731 (873,156) 2,464,674 (862,636) 2,434,617 (852,116) 2,404,560 (841,596) 2,374,503 (831,076) 2,344,446 (820,556) 2,314,389 (810,036) 2,284,332 (799,516) 29,215,404 (10,225,391) +12 +12 2,434,617 (852,116) Net Rate Base Adjustment Idaho Deferral Balance Deferred Taxes Net Rate_Base Adjustment IFG_DR_015-Attachment A.xls Rate Base -ID 2,434,617 (852,116) 1,582,501 Page 3 of 7 jmp 5/5/2009 . . . Avista Utiltes Montana Settlement Lease Payment Annual Expense CPI Annual Rent Average WA 10 Year Payment Oate Base Rent Index Annual Rent Allocation Allocation WARent 10 Rent 2007 February 2008 $4,000,000 1 $4,000,000 65.83%34.17%$2,633,200 $1,366,800 2008 February 2009 $4,000,000 1.0428 $ 4,171,200 64.59%35.41%$2,694.178 $1,477.022 2009 February 2010 $4,000,000 1.099111 $4,396,445 64.59%35.41%$2,839,664 $1.556,781 2010 February2011 $4,000,000 1.132085 $ 4,528,338 64.59%35.41%$2,924,854 $1,603,485 2011 February 2012 $4,000,000 1.166047 $ 4,664,188 64.59%35.41%$3,012,599 $1,651,589 2012 February 2013 $4,000,000 1.201028 $4,804,114 64.59%35.41%$3.102,977 $1.701,137 2013 February2014 $4,000,000 1.237059 $ 4,948,237 64.59%35.41%$3,196,067 $1,752,171 2014 February 2015 $4,000,000 1.274171 $ 5,096,684 64.59%35.41%$3,291,949 $1.804,736 2015 February 2016 $4,000,000 1.312396 $ 5,249,585 64.59%35.41%$3,390,707 $1,858,878 2016 February 2017 $4,000,000 1_351768 $ 5,407,073 64.59%35.41%$3,492,428 $1,914,644 $30.578,622 $16,687,243 Note: 2008 CPt of 1.0428% is actual. 2009 CPI of 1.054% is the actual through August 2008. Each subsequent year in increased by 3%. IFG_DR_015-Attachment A.xls Summary Page 40f7 jmp 5/5/2009 .Avista Utiltes Montana Settement Lease Payment Washington Deferred Payments at 12/31/08 and Amotization The interest rate is the Company's weighted cost of debt (7.840% ~ 12/31/07), updated semi-annually, and compounded semi-annually. The rate is applied to the average of the beginning and ending month balance, net of deferred federal income taxes. Payment Month Beg Bal Payment/Deferral Interest End Bal Jan-08 $$$ Feb-08 2,633,200 11,182 2,644,382 Mar-08 2,644,382 11,182 2,655,564 Apr-08 2,655,564 11,182 2,666,746 May-08 2,666,746 11,182 2,677,928 Jun-08 2,677,928 11,182 2,689,110 Jul-08 2,689,110 9,734 2,698,844 Aug-08 2,698,844 9,734 2,708,578 Sep-08 2,708,578 9,734 2,718,312 Oct-08 2,718,312 9,734 2,728,046 Nov-08 2,728,046 (9,216)2,718,830 Dec-08 $2,718,830 $2,718,830 January 1, 2009 Deferral of Feb. 2008 Payment, including interest $2,718,830.January 1, 2009 Deferral of Feb. 2009 Payment 2,694,178 Total Deferral Balance $5,413,008 Amortization Period 8 Annual Amortization $676,626 Monthly Amortization $56,385.50 TOTAL WA 10 Payments:100.00%65_83%34.17% Feb-08 $4,000,000 $2,633,200 $1,366,800 TOTAL WA 10 100.00%64.59%35.41% Feb-09 $4,171,200 $2,694,178 $1,477,022 . IFG_DR_015-Attachment A.xls Jan 1,2009 Deferral-WA Page 5 of 7 jmp 5/5/2009 . . . Avista Utiltes Montana Settlement Lease Payment Idaho Deferred Payments at 12/31/08 and Amotization The interest rate is the Company's customer deposit rate (5.0% ~ 12/31/07), updated semi-annually. The rate is applied to the average of the beginning and ending month balance. Payment Month Beg Bal Payment/Deferral Interest End Bal Jan-08 $$$ Feb-08 1,366,800 2,848 1,369,648 Mar-D8 1,369,648 5,695 1,375,343 Apr-08 1,375,343 5,695 1,381,038 May-08 1,381,038 5,695 1,386,733 Jun-08 1,386,733 5,695 1,392,428 Jul-08 1,392,428 5,695 1,398,123 Aug-08 1,398,123 5,695 1,403,818 Sep-08 1,403,818 4,650 1,408,468 Oct-08 1,408,468 1,408,468 Nov-08 1,408,468 1,408,468 Dec-08 $1,408,468 $1,408,468 January 1, 2009 Deferral of April 2008 Payment, including interest January 1, 2009 Deferral of April 2009 Payment Total Deferral Balance Amortization Period Annual Amortization $1,408,468 1,477,022 $2,885,489 8 $360,686 $30,057Monthly Amortization TOTAL WA ID Payments:100.00%65.83%34.17% Apr-08 $4,000,000 $2,633,200 $1,366,800 TOTAL WA ID 100_00%64.59%35.41% Apr-09 $4,171,200 $2,694,178 $1,477,022 IFG_DR_015-Attachment A.xls Jan 1,2009 Deferral -ID Page 6 of 7 jmp 5/5/2009 . . . PERIOD Dec 2008 Dec 2009 TOTAL Divide by2 Beg/nd Mo Avg Jan 2009Feb 2009 Mar 2009Apr 2009May 2009 Jun 2009Jul 2009Aug 2009 Sep 2009Oct 2009Nov 2009 TOTAL Divide by 12 Ave Monthy Average Avista Utiltes Montana Settlement Lease Payment Rate Base Adjustment WASHINGTON IDAHO Deferred I Deferred Deferred I Deferred Balance TaxBal Balance TaxBal 5,413,008 (1,894,553)2,885,489 (1,009,921) 4,736,382 (1,657,734)2,524,803 (883,681) 10,149,390 (3,552,287)5,410,293 (1,893,602) +2 +2 +2 +2 5,074,695 (1,776,143)2,705,146 (946,801) 5,356,623 (1,874,818)2,855,432 (999,401) 5,300,237 (1,855,083)2,825,375 (988,881) 5,243,852 (1,835,348)2,795,318 (978,361) 5,187,466 (1,815,613)2,765,261 (967,841) 5,131,081 (1,795,878)2,735,204 (957,321) 5,074,695 (1,776,143)2,705,146 (946,801) 5,018,310 (1,756,408)2,675,089 (936,281) 4,961,924 (1,736,673)2,645,032 (925,761) 4,905,539 (1,716,939)2,614,975 (915,241) 4,849,153 (1,697,204)2,584,918 (904,721) 4,792,768 (1,677,469)2,554,860 (894,201) 60,896,341 (21,313,719)32,461,756 (11,361,615) +12 +12 +12 +12 5,074,695 (1,776,143)2,705,146 (946,801) Summary by Jurisdictions Washington Deferral Balance Deferred Taxes Net Rate Base Adjustment IFG_DR_015-Attachment A.xls Rate Base - WA&ID IdahoSystem 7,779,841 (2,722,944) 5,074,695 (1,776,143) 2,705,146 (946,801) 5,056,897 3,298,552 1,758,345 Page 7 of 7 jmp 5/5/2009 . . . AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO A VU-E-09-0l / A VU-G-09-0l Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-016 DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 05/05/2009 Elizabeth Andrews Liz Andrews State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: If you believe inclusion in rate base of amounts associated with the Montana Riverbed Litigation Settlement is required or permitted by F ASB 71, please explain in detail the basis of your opinion. RESPONSE: Accounting methodologies are determined based on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAA) together with accounting and rate making treatment granted by regulatory commissions. Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 71, Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation (FAS 71), applies specifically to regulated utilties. F AS 71 provides the following guidance: Rate actions of a regulator can provide reasonable assurance of the existence of an asset. An enterprise shall capitalize all or par of an incured cost that would otherwise be charged to expense ifboth of the following criteria are met: a. It is probable that future revenue in an amount at least equal to the capitalized cost wil result from inclusion of that cost in allowable costs for rate-making puroses. b. Based on available evidence, the futue revenue wil be provided to permit recovery of the previously incured cost rather than to provide for expected level of similar future costs. If the revenue will be provided through an automatic rate-adjustment clause, the criterion requires that the reguator's intent clearly be to permit recovery of the previously incured costs. As discussed in Avista's response to IFG-015, the Idaho Commission approved the terms of the Settlement. That Settlement, at Paragraph 9 (c), approved Avista's proposed accounting which included the unamortized costs in rate base. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO A VU-E-09-0l / A VU-G-09-0l Idaho Forest Group Production Request IFG-Ol7 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 05/05/2009 Elizabeth Andrews Liz Andrews State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8601 If you believe inclusion in rate base of amounts associated with the Montana Riverbed Litigation Settlement is required or permitted by other F ASB Statement, please explain in detail the basis of your opinion. RESPONSE: The Company is relying specifically on F AS 71 and the Order received by the Commission as stated in Avista's response to IFG-016, which is sufficient authority to include the amounts associated with the Montana Riverbed Litigation Settlement in rate base.