HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080731AVU to Staff 209, 213-214, 218.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 JiVISTJI" Corp. \'"lJ; July 30, 2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83720-0074 Att: Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Re: Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case Nos. AVU-E-0,8,.0.i and A VU-G-08-0l Dear Mr. Woodbur, ......;,..", Enclosed are an original and three copies of Avista's responsestöIPtJC Staffs production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailingåre-',Avista's responses to production requests 209, 213, 214 and 218. The electronic versiol1s"cr,e,the responses were emailed on 7/29/08 and are also being provided in electronic format OIl'ihè CDs included in this mailing. Also included is Avista's CONFIDENTIAL responses PR-218C. This response contains TRAE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code, and pursuant to the Protective Agreement between Avista and IPUC Staff dated March 13, 2008. It is being provided under a sealed separate envelop, marked CONFIDENTIA. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact me at (509) 495- 8620 or via e-mail atpat.ehrbar~avistacorp.com Sincerely,(;~~ Patrck Ehrbar Regulatory Analyst Enclosures CC:Brad Purdy, CAP AI (Paper and Email) . . . AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-209 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 07/28/08 Wiliam Johnson Wiliam Johnson Power Supply (509) 495-4046 REQUEST: In reference to the PPM Wind Purchase adjustment shown on line 29 of Exhibit No.6, Schedule 2, p. 1 of2, (W. Johnson), a wind integration cost is shown on page 44 of the confidential workpapers of Wiliam Johnson. Please explain the source for the amount of the wind integration cost and explain whether it is charged explicitly under the Stateline contract with Avista, by BPA, or by some other utility. If the cost is not charged explicitly and is instead assumed internal to Avista's system, please explain why it is not captured in other A vista system operational costs. RESPONSE: The wind integration cost of $. 73/kW Imo is based on a preliminar BP A wind integration charge. BPA finally settled on a wind integration charge $.68/kW/mo. The wind integration charge of $.73/kW/mo works out to a charge of$3.33/MWh for a wind resource with a 30 percent capacity factor ($.73/kW/mo x 1,000 kWIM 1 730 hours/mo 1 30% capacity factor). A vista does not explicitly pay a wind integration charge in connection to the PPM Wind Purchase. The wind integration is a cost that is par of A vista system operational costs. Actual 2007 test year costs include the cost of providing wind integration for the PPM Wind Purchase. The 2009 pro forma costs, however, does not include the cost of wind integration. Ths is because the AURORA model is an hourly model that canot captue the intra-hour varation in the wind resource generation. Also, the PPM Wind Purchase energy is a known amount in the AURORA model based on historical hourly generation. There is no generation uncertainty or forecast error. It is treated like a contract with a known amount of scheduled energy. Because the AURORA model, used in the pro forma, does not capture the operation cost of wind integration, it was included in the wind purchase expense. Because it is captued in the actual 2007 operation expenses, it is necessary to explicitly include an estimate of the cost in the pro forma, because it is not included in the costs in the AURORA modeL. Not explicitly including the cost in the pro forma would understate the adjustment because it would be in 2007 test year costs but not in the pro forma. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-213 DATE PREPARD: WITNSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 07/28/08 Wiliam Johnson Wiliam Johnson Power Supply (509) 495-4046 Please provide documentation and support for the adjustment shown on line 65 of Exhibit No.6, Schedule 2, p. 2 of2, (W. Johnson), Peaker (PGE) Capacity Sale. Workpapers show actual 2007 revenue and 2009 normalized revenue, but do not explain the adjustment in suffcient detail or provide support for it. RESPONSE: The Peaker Capacity Sale is the name of the Portland General Electrc. (PGE) capacity sale after the 1998 monetization of that contract. The contract amount is 150 MW and the rate is $1,OOOlMlmo. The contract revenue is $150,000/mo or $1,800,000/year. The contract rate is fixed and there is no varation in the anual contract revenue, and no adjustment from the test-year is shown in the pro forma. An electronic copy of the Peaker Capacity Sale (at the time ofthe contract it was Spokane Energy LLC and Enron, who owned PGE at the time). The last page of the contract shows the fixed capacity rate for the term of the contract. See "Staff_PR_213-Attachment A.pdf' . .SPOKA.NE ENERGY, LLC AND ENRON POWER MARTING, INC. AGREEl.NT FOR LONG TERlVI PURCHASE AND SALE OF FIRi"l CAP ACHY . StafCPR _213-Attachment A.pdf Page 1 of 16 1¿ .. rt~ 1 1 W~ RECITALS 1. DEFINITIONS 2. TERIvI 2.1 Effective Date 2.2 Commencement of Delíveries 2.3 Date of Termination 3. PURCHASE AND SALE OF FIRM CAPACITY 3,1 Firm Capacity 3.2 Return Energy 3.3 Points of Delivery 3.4 Schedules 3.5 Price 3.6 Service Interruptions 4. UNCONTROLLABLE FORCES AND LIABILITY 4. i Uncontrollable Forces 4.2 Liability 4..) Joinder 5. SETTLEMENTS 5.1 Accounting 5.2 Payment Dates 5.3 Method of Payment 6. FIXED RATES 7. NOTICES 8. ASSIGNMENT 9. THIRD-PARTY BENEFICIARIES 10. NO DEDICATION OF FACILITIES 1 i. IMPLEMENTATION 12. OBLIGATIONS SEVERAL 13. SEVERABILITY 14. NO WAIVER 15. ARBITRATION 15.1 Matters to be Arbitrated 15.2 Initiation and Selection of l\Ibitrators 15.3 Procedure 15.4 Costs 16. GOVERi'JING LAW 17. NO NSOL VENCY PETITION AGAIST SE 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 19. EFFECT OF SECTION HEADINGS 20. AMENDMENT 21. SIGNATURE CLAUSE EXHIBIT i SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 2 2 3 ~~ .,J 3 .,.J 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 Ó 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 II 11 12 12 12 StafCPR_213-Attachment A.pdf Page 2 of 16 . Tl"rS AGREEÌ\1ENT, dated as of October 1, 1998, is made by fuîd between Spoka.'1e Energy, LLC ("SE"), a Dela.ware liinited liability compa.'1Y, and Enron Power Marketing, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("EPMI"), sometimes hereinafter referred to individually as "Pa.-r" and colJectiveIy as "Parties." RECITALS VlHEREAS, EPMI desires to sell and SE desires to purchase finn Capacity at the Point of Delivery, fuîd EPMl desires to seil and SE may desire to receive Energy at the Point of Delivery, in accordarice with the terms and conditions set forth below; 8.l1d WHEREAS, the Paries enter into this Agreement in good faith, so that each wil receive long-term benefits therefrom; NOW THEREFORE, the Parties agree as fo11o",,s: 1. DEFINITIONS In addition to terms defined elsewhere herein, n,ihenever used in this Agreement, the following terms, when used with irütia! capitalization, shall have the following meanings. The singuìar of any definition shall include the plural and the plural shall include the singular..1.1 Agreement means this Agreement for Long Term Purchase and SaIe of Fir Capacity, as an1cnded or replaced. 1.2 BP A means the Bonneville Power Adminstration, or its successor. 1.3 CaDacitv means fiim electric generating capabilty, expressed in megawatts (MW), which EPMi is obligated to provide to SE pursuant tosnbsection 3.1 in an amount not to exceed the Contract Demand. 1.4 1.5 l 1.6 1 1.7 1.8 1.9. Contract Demand means 150 MW for the period starting on the Initial Delivery Date through the teno ofthis Agreement. Dav means any 24-Hour period commencing at 0000 Hours. Effective Date lnea.r¡s the date upon wbich this Agreement becomes effective pursuant to the provisions of subsection 2.1 . EIectric Power means electric pèaking capacity or electric energy or both. Energv means electric energy, expressed in megawatt hours (MVv'h), delivered by EPMI to SE pursuant to subsection 3.1. FERC means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or its successor. StafCPR_213-Attachment A,pdf Page 3 of 16 I. 1.10 Hea"V~,: Load Hours means Hours ending 0700 through 2200, Monday through Saturday, except for Western Systems Coordinating Council (WSCC) designated holidays. Ð ~ ! .1 ! Hours or Hourly means hours measured by Pacific Time, Standard or Dayíight, whichever is in effect at the pertinent time. ¡. 1. i 2 Initial Deliverv Date mea.l1S the date on which the delivery of Capacity and Energy first occurs pursuant to subsection 2.2. I I .13 LiEhi Load Hours means all Hours except for Hea'Vì Load Hours. U4 Point of Deliverv means the poiut(s) of delivery set forth in subsection 3.3. 1.15 Return Energv means energy delivered by SE to EPMl as a return of Energy delivered to SE by EPML 1.6 Week means the period of seven consecutive days, beginning each Monday at 0000 Hours. .1.7 Work Dav means each Day that EPMland SE jointly observe as a regular work day. 2. TER1\l 2.1 Effective Date The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the latest of: (1) the date on which this Agæemenl has been executed by both Parties; or (2) the date on which that certain Long Term Services Agreement between EPMI and The Washington Water Power Company ("WWP"), dated as of October 1, i 998 (the "W\\rp Contract"), is either accepted for tiing or permitted to become effective by FERC; or (3) the date on which the assignment from WWP to SE of that certain Agreement for Long Term purchase and Sale of Finn Capacity, between WV,,'P and Portland General Electric Company ("PGE"), dated June 26, 1992, as heretofore amended (the "PGE ContracC), becomes effective. 2.2 Commencement of Deliveries Delivery of Capacity and associated Energy will commence on the Effective Date.. StafCPR_213-Attachment A.pdf Page 4 of 16 . ? .._."Date of Termination This Agreement shall terninate at 2400 Hours on December 31, 2016. All liabilities accrued under this Agreement prior to termination shail be preserved until satisfied. 3. PURCHASE AND SALE OF FIR1\ CAPACITY 3. i Firm Canacitv From the Inital Delivery Date through the remaining term of this Agreement, EPMI shall make available to SE, and SE shall purchase, Capacity in an arncmnt equal to the Contract Demand. At SE's request, EPMI shall deliver Energy to SE at up to the maximum rate of delivery in any Hour equal to the Contract Demand. Energy may be scheòu1ed for delivery during: a) all Light Load Hours; . b) all Heavy Load Hours, provided however Heavy Load Hour Energy deliveries shall not exceed i ,500 MWh per day and 7,500 MVv'h per week for the period stârting the Initial Delivery Date through the termination of this Agreement. 3.2 Return Energy Within 168 I-ìours of receiving Energy from EPMI, SE shaH deliver an amount of Return Energy to EPMI equal to such Energy received. SE may deliver Return Energy at any rate of delivery up to a maximum rate of delivery in any Hour equal to the Contract Demand. SE shall not accrue a cumulative obligation to deliver Return Energy in excess of 7,500 MWh staring the Initial Delivery Date through the term or this Agreement (parial weeks shall be pro rated). 3.3 Points of Deliverv Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties' schedulers or dispatchers: (a) the Point of Delivery for Energy shall be the point of delivery for Energy designated from time to time pursuant to Section 3.3(a) of the WWP Contract as in effect on the date hereof; (b) the Point of Delivery for Retur Energy shall be the point of delivery for Return Energy designated from time to time pursuant to Section 3.3(b) of the ll,,!WP Contract as in effect on the date ht.reof; and .,.) StafCPR_213-Attachment A,pdf Page 5 of 16 ~¡'fJT ~1:~*'¡¡'%01!t""t%f¡Vì5ft!4a...___ . . . (e) either Part may request an alternative Point of Delivery. Neither Pany shaH be obligated to accept deliveries at such an alternate Point of Delivery, however, acceptance of an alternate Point of Delivery shaH not be unreasonably withheld. SE shall be responsible for all transmission costS and losses associated with transmitting Energy and Return Energy behveen any Point of Delivery and SE, except that EPMT shall be responsible for any additional transmission costs and Iosses (in excess of what would have been incured with respect to the primary Point of Delivery) associated with transmitting Energy and Return Energy with respect to an alternate Point of Delivery designated by EPMl. 3.4 Schedule'S SE or its scheduling agent (collectively, the "Scheduler") shall submit preschedules to EPMI for delivery of Energy or Return Energy by i 000 Hours on the last Work Day prior to delivery, or at such other times as mutual!y agreed by the Scheduler and EPMI. The Scheduler shall endeavor to avoid excessive requests for changes from the prescheduled amounts of Energy or Retur Energy. The Scheduler may change Energy or Return Energy schedules at any time up to 30 minutes prior to the Hour on which deliveries are scheduled to occur. The Parties agree that amounts of Energy and Return Energy scheduled hereunder shall be identicaI to the amounts of Energy and Return Energy scheduled pursuant to the PGE Contract. 3.5 Price SE shall pay EPMI for Capacity a monthly amount equal to the Contract Demand expressed in MW multiplied by the rates shown in Exhibit 1, less the amount of all Administrative Expense incurred by SE during such month provided, that in no event shall thc sum of the Capacity Price and the Administrative Expenses ever exceed a monthly amount equal to the Contract Demand expressed in MW multiplied by the rates specified in Exhibit 1 and provided further that the actual amount to be paid to EPMl shall be determined in accordance with Sections 2.01(c) and (d) of the Account and Control Agreement dated as of December L 1998, among SE, EPMl, WWP, Spokane Energy Funding Trust and Wilmington Trust Company. For puroses of this Agreement, "Administrative Expense" mean all expenses and disbursements both reasonably incurred by SE and necessary to the operation of its business, and includes \vithout limitation the following items of expense: all payroll costs for employees and oftìcers of SE, office rent, utilities, telephone charges, costs to comply with FERC regulations and requirements of state law, legal fees, accounting fees, taxes (but excluding ta-xes on the income of SE), payments and expenses to third pary providers (including WWP) for services such as scheduling, purchasing, biling and management of accounts payable and accounts receivable. 4 StafCPR_213-Attachment A.pdf Page 6 of 16 ~ ß n ~ A i; i ¡¡ l I . 3.ó Service Interruptions .. 1'".r . . .A.11 deìiveiÌes of Energy and Return Energy sìi.al1 be deemed to be made during the Hours and in the ai'1ount schcduIed; provided that, if scheduled deliveries are interrupted due 10 uncontroilable forces, as described in Section 4, such schedules sh?Jl be adjusted to reflect such interruptions. Any scheduied àeJiveries so interrupted shall be rescheduled at a later daie as mutually agreed by the Partics' dispatchers or schedulers. 4. UNCONTROLLABLE FORCES AND LIABILITY Uncontrollable Forces Neither Party to this Agreement shall be considered to be in default in performance of any obligation other than the payment of money hereunder if failure of performance shall be due to uncontrollable fOTces. The term "uncontrollable forces" means any cause beyond the control of the Pary affected, including, but not limited to, failure or loss of facilities, flood, earthquake, storm, fìrc, lightning, epidemic, war, riot, civil disturbance, labor disturbance, sabotage, and restraint by court order or public authority, which by exercise of due foresight such Party could not reasonably have been expected to avoid, and which by exercise of due diligence it shat! be unable to overcome. A Paity shaH not, however, be relieved of liability for failure of perfonnance if such failure be due to causes arising out of its own negligence or to removable or remediable causes which it fails to remove or remedy with reasonable dispatch. Any Pary rendered unable to fulfìll any obligation by reaSon of uncontro!iable forces shan exercise due diligence to remove such inability with all reasonable dispatch. Nothing contained herein, however, shall be constmed to require a Party to prevent Or settle a strike against its wilL. Damage to the electrical system of either EPMls supplier or WWP caused by or arising out of an electrical disturbance shall be governed under subsection 4.2 and not under the provisions of subsection 4.1. 4.2 Liability Subject to applicable state and federal jaw which specifically limits a Part's ability to enter into this Agreement. a.!1d except for any damage, loss, claim, cost, charge, or liability resulting from action knowingly or intentionally taken, or failed to be taken, with intent that injury or damage be inflcted, or which action is wantonly reckless or grossly negligent, no Pary ("First Par") shall be liable whether in contract, warranty, tort, or strict liabilty, to the other Part ("Second Partv") for damage to the Second Party's electric system or facilities caused by or arsing out or actions taken by the First Party or out of any electric disturbaiïce originating on the electric system utilized by the First Par, whether or not such actions or electric disturbance constituted or resuIted from the First Pary's or tIie First Party's supplier's negligent act or omission. Each Party releases the other 5 StafCPR_213-Attachment A.pdf Page 7 of 16 . . . Party from any such liability. This limitation and release does not apply to liabilty for a breach of any obligation to delivery Capacity, Energy, or Return Energy under this Agreement or any obligation to pay money u11der this Agreement, in wlich event, a Party may pursue any remedy available at law or equity. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, EPMI agrees tliat it shall be liable for any damages, including \-vithout limitation, compensatory or consequential da,.'nages resulting from a failure of EPMI to perform under this Agreement, including a.riy loss of revenues by SE that would have been obtained from the resale of Capacity or Energy that would have been provided or delivered under this Agreement, including, without limitation, (x) monetaìy damages, incIuding aIiy damages relating to any debt obligations of SE, whether at stated maturity or by acceleration, \-vhich arise due to the failure of PGE to ma.1(e Capacity payments under the PGE Contract due to EPMI's failure to make Capacity and Energy available to SE and (y) any Losses arsing from a violation by EPMl of any Laws (including banking or securities laws). For the purposes of this Agreement, "Losses" means liabilities, losses, darnages, judgments and costs (including reasonable attorneys fees), and "Laws" means any law, treaty, statute, rule regulation, ordinance, order, directive, code, policy, interpretation of common law, now or hereafter in effect and any judgment decree, injunction, 'WTit, determination, administrative interpretation, award, permit, license, authorization, direction, requirement or decision of, or agreement with or by any governmental authority, 4 ~. ._)¡pinder in the event that POE claims that SE has failed to deliver Capacity or Energy under the Capacity Contract, or any other dispute arises under the Capacity Contract that, due to the similarity between the provisions of this Agreement and thc Capacity Contract, SE desires to have a consistent resolution of such issue, SE shaH have the iÍght to require EPMI to be joined as a third party to any arbitration or litigation brought by POE or SE with respect to such dispute and EPMI agrees that aì1Y such litigatJon or arbitration shall be binding upon it. 5. SETTLEMENTS 5.1 Accounting All transactions shall be accounted for on the basis of scheduled Hourly qua.ritities. The Paries shall maitain records of Hourly energy schedules for accounting and operating purposes. Except as othet\vise agreed by the parties, the accounting period for transactions hereunder shall be tbe calendar month. 6 Staff_PR_213-Attachment A.pdf Page 8 of 16 I I I I I I I . 5.2 Payment Dates By the lOlh day of each calendar month, EPMI shall submit invoices for the doliar arnount due for services provided under this Agreement during the previous month. SE shall pay the amount by electronic wire transfer on Or before the last business day of the month. Amounts due shall be paid pursuant to subsection 5.3. Simple interest shali accrue on any unpaid a.l11ounts at a rate of fifteen percent (15%) per year until paid, or the highest rate allowed by law, whichever is lower. Interest shall be accrued from the due date to the date of payment, a.T1d shaH be computed on the actual number of days elapsed. 5.3 Method of Payment Payments shall be made by electronic fund transfers to: . EPMl: NationsBank ofTexa.c;-G!obal Finance for Enron Power Marketing, Inc. ABA Routing # J 110000 i 2 Account #375-046-9312 Confirmation: Enron Power Marketing, Inc. Credit and Collections (713) 853-5667 SE: Seattle First National Bank (ABA # 125000024), for credit to the Washington Water Po\-ver Compa.riy, Account # ì 3972203 Either Party may change is transfer account specified in this subsection by giving the other Party notice of such change as provided in Sectitm 7. 6. FIXED RATES The rates for service specified in this Agreement shall remain Ín effect for the term ofthe Agreement and shall not be subject to change absent the agreement of both Partíes hereto. NOTICESI7. Any notice provided for in, or served, given or made in connection with this Agreement, shan be in writing and shail be deemed properly served, given or made and shaH be effective if deUvcred iii person or sent by certified United States mail, as follows: Ifto EPMi: Enron Power Marketing, Inc.. i Staff_PR _ 213-Attachment A.pdf Page 9 of 16 . P. O. Box 4428 Houston. Texas 77210-4428 Attn: Power Contract Documentation Manager FAX #: (713) 646-2443 If to SE: Spokane Energy, LLC P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 Either Party may change its address specified in this subsection by giving the other Party notice of such change as provided herein. 8. ASSIGNl\iIENT . This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns of the Parties. SE shall not assign this Agreement or fu,y of its rights or obligations hereunder other than to a Iender or lenders (or collateral agent, tnistee or similar agent on behalf of such lender or lenders) providing senior financing (including the refinancing thereof) to SE and, in the event that such lender is a special purpose trust or other special purpose entity, to the lender or lenders (or collateral agent, trustee or similar agent or behalf of such lender or lenders) to such specìal purpose entity. EPMI may, without the need for consent from SE (and "vîthaut relieving itself from liability hereunder), (a) trfu'1sfer or assign this Agreement to its AffiIiate; or (b) transfer or assign this Agreement to any person or entity succeeding to all or substantially aU of the assets of thereof; provided, however, that in each such case (i) any such assignee shall a¡;ïee in wTiting to be bound by the terms and conditions hereof, (ii) that certain Performance Guaranty dated as October 1, 1998 of Enron Corp. ("Enron") relating to tIiis Agreement shall remain in effect after such assignment and (iii) an opinion from Liddell, Sapp ZivIey, Hill & LaBoon, L.L.P. or other counsel satisfactory to the Majority Purchasers (as defined in a Note and Certificate Purchase Agreement (the "NPA") dated as of December 1, 1998 between Spokane Energy Funding Trust and the Purchasers named therein) Slating that the Performance Guaranty shall remain in full force and effect to guarantee the obligations of such assignee under this Agreement. Any attempted or purported transfer of this Agreement other than in accoràance with this Section 8 shall be void and of no effect. 9 . THIRD-PARTY BENE:FICIARIES The parties hereto expressly acknowledge and agree that Spokane Energy Funding Trust and each of the Purchasers (as defìned in the NPA) are third part beneficiaries hereuri.der. Except as proviàed in this Section 9 and as set forth in Section 20 hereof, there are no third,.pany beneficiaries of this Agreement. Except as to the pa.rties mentioned as third pa.'1y benericíaries in this Section 9. this Agreement shall not confer any right or remedy upon any person or emity other than the Paries and their respective successors and assigns permitted under Section 8. No action may be commenced or prosecuted agaInst any other Party by any such other third party claiming to be a third-party beneíìcíar of this Agreement or the tranactions contemplated. 8 StafCPR_213-Attachment A.pdf Page 10 of 16 i t..'...',.-......!¡: ¡E-l;,..., )7 hereby. Tnis Agreement shall not release or discharge any obligation or liability of a."lY third pa."iy to any Party or give any Lliird part any right of subrogation or action over or against any Par. 10. NO DEDIC\ nON OF FACILITIES (a) No undertaking by one Party to the other Party under any provision of this Agreement shaH constitute a dedication. of the electric system of such Party (or any portion thereof) to the public or to the other Pary. tb) EPMI at all times shaH either (i) have contracts which provide EPMI Capacity and Energy at least equal to the entire amount of Capacity and Energy required to be delivered to SE under this Agreement or (ii) enter into hedging, swap or other agreements which wil provide EPMI with the entire amount of Capacity or Energy required to be delivered to SE under this Agreement; provided, that this provision shall not be deemed to require EPMI to dedicate any particular contract to the servicing of this Agreement. I 11. IMPLEMENTATION The Parties shall take such action as may be reasonably required for t.rie implememation and performance of this Agreement in accordance with its terms. 12. OBLIGA nONS SEVERAL The duties, obligations and liabilities of the Parties are intended to be severa! and not joint or collective. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create an association. trust. partnership or joint venture or to impose a trust or partnership duty, obligation or ¡iability on or with regard to either Party. Each Party shall be individually and severally liable for its o\"In obligations under this Agreement. 13. SEVERA.BILITY If it appears that any Section, subsection, paragraph. clause, or provision of this Agreement may be finally adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable then: 1) the remaining terms of this Agreement shall remain in fcilI force and effect to the maximum extent permitted by law. and 2) the Parties shall meet and negotiate in good faith to substitute or supplement provisions to preserve the intent and benefits of the Agreement so that the trarisactions contemplated hereby are fùlfilled to the extent possible 14. NO WAIVER Except as otherwise provided herein, no provision of this Agreement may be waived except in writing. No failure by either Party to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right, power or remedy under this Agreement shall operate as a \Naiver thereof. Any waiver at any time by a Party of its right with respect to a default under this Agreement, or with respect to any StafCPR_213-Attachrlent A.pdf Page 11 of 16 . other matter arising in connection therewith, shall not be deemed a waiver with respect to any subsequent default or matter. 15. ARBITRA, TION 1 5.1 Matters to be Arbitrated The determination of any disputed matters benveen the Parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be subject to resolution by binding arbitration in accordance with subsections 15.2, 15.3, and 15.4 below. i - ").).~Initiation and Selection of Arbitrators . The Party calling for arbitration shall serve notice in v,Titing upon the other Part, setting fortIi in detail the question or questions to be arbitrated, the relief sought, and the arbitrator appointed by such Party. The other Part shall, within tventy- five business days after the receipt of such notice, appoint the second arbitrator by notice in \-\-Titing to the Party calling for arbitration, and the two so appointed shall choose and appoint a third (¡fthe Paries have not agreed upon and appointed a third). If such other Pary fails to appoint the second arbitrator within said twenty-five business days, or if a third arbitrator has not been appointed by agreement between the Paries within twenty-five business days after receipt of notice of appointment of the second arbitrator (or, in the absence ùf such agreement, by the two arbitrators who have been appointed), either Party, upon five business days' written notice delivered to the other Party, may apply tathe Chief Justice of the Supreme Cour of the State of Washington for appointment of the second or third arbitrator, as the case may be. Neither Pary may discuss any matter to be arbitrated with any arbitrator after such arbitrator is appointed but príor to the arbitrators' determination, without providing notice to the other Pary and reasonable opponunity to paricipate. The Parties intend that every arbitrator be an unbiased person with experience in the subject matter to be arbitrated. ì 5.3 lrocedure Unless otherváse agreed by the Paries and except as othervri.se provided herein, the arbitration shall be conducted pursuant to the Washington lubitration Act, Chapter 7.04 of the Revised Code of Washington, as the same may have been or may be amended. The rules of procedure for the conduct of the arbitration shall be determined by a majority of the arbitrators. Such rules of procedure shall diíCct the expeditious evaluation of the merits or the matter and rendering of decision consistent with the complexity of the matter being arbitrated. In any such arbitration, each Pary thereto shaH have: (a)fuB access to the records of the other Party that pertain to the subject matter or the controversy;. 10 StafCPR_213-Attachment A. pdf Page 12 of 16 j?I m ~ D G D I . (b) the power to call for testimony of any director, oficer, employee, agent, or representative ofthe other Pary havingk.nowledge relevant to the controversy, and (c) all other rights of discovery afforded to Parties in civii actions under the then applicable Federal Rules ofCivIí Procedure (or rules or laws applicable to Federal Court proceedings adopted in lieu thereor). Disputes regarding the extent of discovery shall be resolveà by the arbitrators. Unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties, utie Parties hereby instrct the arbitrators that they should render a determination of the matters submitted and the relief awarded within thirt calendar days of the completion of the arbitration proceeding. In determining matters submitted for arbitration, no arbitrator shall be required to adhere to or advance the position of any paricular Part. The determination ofthe matters submitted for arbitration shaH be made by a majority of the arbitrators, and shall be binding as between the Parties. The determination shall be in v"TIting and shall affirm or deny each contention ofthe Parties and shaH set forth the reasons therefore. Tne detern1ination of the arbitrators shall be final and binding and shall be enforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction at the request of either Party..15.4 Costs Each Part shall pay for the services and expenses of the arbitrator appointed by or for it, and for all ofits O\vn costs including its own attorney fees. and compensation for its witnesses and consultants. The costs for the services and expenses of the third arbitrator and all administrative costs of the arbitration sha! ¡ be paid equally by the Parties. 16. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shaH be interpreted, constmed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington or the laws oftlie United States of America, whichever is applicable, as if executed and to be performed wholly within the State of Washington. 17. NO INSOLVENCY PETITIONAGAINSTSE EPMI hereby covenants and agrees that, until the date which is at least 9 i days following payment in full of any evidence of indebtedness or certficates of beneficial ownership or other s.~curities of a,riy kind issued by a trust with which SE enters into any arangement for the Clisposition, pledge or other assignment of any assets of SE or from which SE borrows any money, EPÌvfI wil not institute against, or join with any other person in instituting against, SE, any proceeding under the U.S. Bankiptcy Code, or any similar insolvency proceeding. This Section 17 shaH survive the tern1iI1ation ofthis Agreement. . II StafCPR_213-Attchment A.pdf Page 13 of 16 . 18. ENTIRE AGREEl\lENT This Agreement, including the exhibits hereto, constitutes and expresses the entire agreement between the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof fuid shall not be amended or modified except by v.,TÌtten agreement of SE and EPMI, provided ho\vever, the Parties may establish operating procedures. 19. EFFECT OF SECTION HEADINGS Section headings and subheadings appearing in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shaH not be construed as interpretations of text. 20. AMENDjVIENT TIlÎs Agreement may be amended onIy by a wTiting signed by the parties hereto and consented to by the Trustee (with the consent of a majority of the Purchasers) for the Spokane Ënergy Funding Trust. . . 12 StafCPR_213-Attachment A.pdf Page 14 of 16 . . i l ( I . SIGNATURE CLUJSE The signatories hereby represent that they have been appropriately authorized to execute this i\grcement on behalf of the Party for whom they sign. SPOKA.NE ENEH.GY, LLC ENROl\ POWER MARKTING, INC. 11 ,() () Q "', Bv: t Lt,l-i i \ . f ~__ M,) N;Lme: R~;;;id'~;son --- l--- Tille: Vice President and Treasurer fkZzL ~Namt:Mco8 S -¡r/o¿J.~5 ' ~ Title: I9GE.Ni A'NO ¿ÇrroR~ -l YA?C. o "Je ~~a¡ "0 j ~ 'OnS\i~~pn i \n c\\'coag m: Strack chg:, doc StafCPR_213-Attachment A.pdf Page 15 of 16 . Calendar Year . 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20 ì3 2014 2015 2016 . EXHIBIT 1 2 StafCPR_213-Attachment A.pdf Rates S/Mw-Mo $1,000 51,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Si,OOO $1.000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 u u U f I Page 16 of 16 . . . A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: DATE PREPARD: WITNSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 07128/08 Wiliam Johnson Wiliam Johnson Power Supply (509) 495-4046 IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 / A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-214 REQUEST: Please provide documentation and support for the adjustment shown on line 72 of Exhibit No.6, Schedule 2, p. 2 of 2, (W. Johnson), Spokane Energy Services Pee - Peaker Sale. Workpapers show actual 2007 revenue and 2009 normalized revenue, but do not explain the adjustment in sufficient detail or provide support for it. RESPONSE: The Peaker Capacity Sale is the name of the Portland General Electrc (pGE) capacity sale after the 1998 monetization of that contract. A vista serices the contract, and charges fees for its services. Most of the fees are for Avista serices and some of the fees are cash expenses paid to third paries. The service fee reduces Account 447 (Sale for Resale) revenue by $57,000 in the pro forma. The amount of the service fee that A vista receives as compensation for servicing the contract is included in Account 456 (Other Electrc Revenue) in a non power supply pro forma account. The amount of that revenue in the 2007 test year was approximately $51,000. There was no adjustment between the 2007 test year and the pro forma for either the reduction in Account 447 revenue or the Account 456 revenue related to the Peaker Capacity Sale. The net cash third party expense for servicing the Peaker Capacity Sales was approximately $6,000 ($57,000 Account 447 revenue reduction minus $51,000 Account 456 other electrc revenue) in the 2007 test year. No adjustment was made in the pro forma for either of the items, so the net revenue reduction for the Peaker Capacity Sale Service Pee is $6,000 in the pro forma. An electronic copy of par of the Service Pee contract for the Peaker Capacity Sale is provided as "StafCPR_214-Attachment A.pdf'. .CONFIDENTLAL AND PROPRIETARY SERVICE AGREEMENT dated as of Decem ber 1. 1998 among THE WASllINGTON WATER PO\lo/ER COMPANY, Individually and as Servicer. SPOKß..NE ENERGY, LL.C.,. and SPOKi\NE ENERGY FUNDING TRUST H;Q(i'~A ~~"_~I.)~k~': 1';.(.;1:- ':A!l¡. . StafCPR_214-Attachment A.pdf Page 1 of3~ .CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY SERVICE AGREEMENT TH ISS ER VI CE A G REErviENT (as amended, supplemented and restated. this '"AgreemenC), dated as of December 1. 1998, is among THE \VASHINGTON WATER PO\\lER COMPANY. a \Vashingwn corporation (índividually."WWP:' or. in its capacity as the servicer hereunder. the "Servicer"). SPOKANE ENERGY. L.L.c.. a Delaware corporation ("Sooka'1e Enemv") and SPOKJ\NE ENERGY FUNDING TRUST. a Delav.iare business trust (the "Tru~f). acting by and through \Vilmington Trust Company. a bank and trust company under the i aViS of the State of Delaware. not in its individual capacity' bm solely as Trustee (the "Trutee"). RECITALS Spokane Energy and the Trust have executed that certain Loan and Security Agreement of even date herewith (as amended. supplemented and restated. the "Loan Agreement"), Spokane Energ~and the Trèlst desire to have \V\VP 3Ct :::s servicer of the Collateral pledged hy Spokane Energy as security for the LLC Note !including but not limited to the Capacity COnlraCl and the EPr\:!i Cn11raci) on the ¡(:nns and conditions set forth belov,', AGREEMENTS.For gùod and valuable consideration, the receipt and suffciency of which arC' hereby acknowledged. WWP. the Servicer, Spokane Energy and the Trust hereby agree as foHows: ARTICLE 1 DEHNITIONS AND GOVERNiNG PROVISIONS Section!.O J Del~ni,tions. The capitalized terms referenced in this Agreement and noi otherv,:Ise specifically defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Glossary attached as ADDeridix A. to the Loan Agreement. Section 1 Jf2 Govemim! Prm'isions. The Governing Provisions set forth in Appendìx B to the Loan Agreement shall apply to. be incorporated by reference herein and govem this Agreement for an purposes. .; 1 i 'No;.\ _;~~. :..,ii..:,": ~ J j,..; ~ iiü I P StafCPR_214-Attachment A.pdf Page 2 of3 I I I I I I I I I U11.~.~ w I. I ~ CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Sccrion 2,03 à,ervice Fee: Payment of Certain Expenses. (a) As compensation for the performance of its obligation under this Agreement, the Servicer shall receive on each Payment Date. a servicing fce equal to the Administrative Expenses (as detìned in the EPMI Contract) due 10 Spokane Energy under the EPMl Contract for such month (the "Senrice Fee"), The Servicer shall be entitled to payment of the Service Fee only to the extent amounts on deposit in tlie Collection Account are sufficient fòr payment pursuant !O the Comroi Agreement (b) The Servicer shall payout of its 0\"11 funds and not as a separte charge to the Tmsi Or to Spokane Energy all expenses incurred by it in connection with its servicing activities íòr the CoUmeral (including but not limited to the Capacity Coi1ract and the EPMI Comract) as herein provided. including paymem of expenses incurred in connection with distributions and reports to PurcÌì:.sers, Notwithsranding the foregoing the Tm51 shall noi be charged for any increased costs of trunsmissìon from Tbe poini ofddivcry by EPr'l!! under ¡he EPl\H Contract to the point of delivêry to Portland General under the Capacity Comra;:!. Ie) Subjeciio Sectíön 2.0I(c) ofihe Control Agn~ement. aiiy Service Fees payabl.: to the Servícer pursuant iO tim Section that were not paid because of a deficiency in the Collection Account on any Puymem Date shall accrue ("Accrued. Service Fees") and be payable on an:; subsequent Payment Date on which moneys on deposit in the Collection Account are suffìcient iheretòr as provided in the Control i\greement. Sèction 2.04 Jerm ofAureemenr. lìus Agreemeni snail remain in full furce and effect until the Final Retirement Date. subject to Articles 5 or 6 hereof ARTICLE 3 REPRESENTAT10NS AND WARRANTIES SecTion 3.01 Serviceror \\'WP Representations and Warramies. WWP. individually and ;1s Servicer. hereb~ represents and v,arrams to Spokane Energy and the Trust as of the Closing Date: \3) Oruaiiizâtion.and Authorit\ W\VP is a corporation duly incorporated and \'ulidiy existing under the laws of the State of \Vashington, The Servìcer or WWP has all corporate powers and all mmerial gO\ ernmental licenses. authoriz.:nions. COnsems. anà appro\ nis required in each case to carryon business as no"'.. conducted, (bl Authorization. The execution. delivery. and performance by W\VP of each of L'1è Capacity Contract. the Transtèr Agreement and any other Operative Document, either in its capacìt: a:; WWP or as Servícer_ to \vhich it is a pary are within its corporate powers: have been dul: authorized by all necess3.l) corporate aciion. require no action by or in respect of. or tì!ing with. ! i"." ,\ :',"" ,. ,): ~.ll :. ".1'1" StafCPR_214-Attachment A.pdf Page 3 of3 . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO A VU-E-08-01 / A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-218 DATE PREPARD:WISS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 07/25/08 Wiliam Johnson Wiliam Johnson Power Supply (509) 495-4046 In reference to the adjustment shown on line 32 of Exhibit No.6, Schedule 2, p. 1 of2, and on line 70 of Exhibit No.6, Schedule 2, p. 2 of2, (W. Johnson), please provide a narative explanation, along with contract excerpts, workpapers, spreadsheets or any other documentation explaining the SMU sale. Discuss the requirements for RECs, pricing for those RECs, and pricing for the energy provided in the sale. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 218C, which contains TRAE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAP A 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code, and pursuant to the Protective Agreement between Avista and IPUC Staff dated March 13,2008.