HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080702AVU to Staff 153-172, 174-177, 183.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 JI~'ilISTA. Corp. i" ,~ ~::~l July 1, 2008 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83720-0074 Attn: Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Re: Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case Nos. AVU-E-08-Ol and AVU-G-08-Ol Dear Mr. Woodbury, Enclosed are an original and three copies of Avista's responses to IPUC Staffs production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailing are Avista's responses to production requests 153-172, 174-177, & 183. The electronic versions of the responses were emailed on 7/1/08 and are also being provided in electronic format on the CDs included in this mailing. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact me at (509) 495- 8620 or via e-mail atpat.ehrbarêavistacorp.com Sincerely,Q~~ Patrick Ehrbar Regulatory Analyst Enclosures . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l / A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-153 DATE PREPARED: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: How many regular cycle bils were sent to customers in 2007? RESPONSE: Idaho customers received 1,397,932 regular cycle bils in 2007. 06/30/08 Don Kopczynski Linda Gervais State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4975 . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-154 DATE PREPARD: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/30/08 Don Kopczynski Linda Gervais State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4975 How many regular cycle bils sent to customers in 2007 were estimated (not based on an actual meter reading)? RESPONSE: There were 9,046 regular cycle bils where at least one service had an estimated read in 2007. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-155 DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/30108 Don Kopczynski Linda Gervais State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4975 How many out of cycle (opening or closing) bils were sent to customers in 2007? RESPONSE: In 2007, there were 57,064 customers who received out of cycle opening or closing bils. Bilings for services less than 27 and more than 35 days are considered out of cycle. ': . . . JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-156 DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/27/08 Don Kopczynski Linda Gervais Customer Serice (509) 495-4975 Is it the Company's policy to not physically disconnect service when a customer closes his/her account? If so, please explain the reason(s) for the policy and provide any cost!enefit analysis performed to justify it. RESPONSE: Avista's nonnal policy is not to disconnect at the time of close. In 2004, Avista responded to Production Requests 291 and 292 in Case Nos. AVU-E-04-0l and AVU-G-04-0l documenting the cost of performing an actual meter read at each open/close (Please see StafCDR_156-Attachment A.pdf for the Company's responses to those data requests). The study showed that 78% of the time, opens are requested within a day of the close, and that the cost to perform the open and close meter reads far exceeded the revenues in unbiled usage. The Company has continued to operate under that analysis since that study was completed. . . . JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Idaho A VU-E-04-01 / AVU-G-04-01 IPUC Data Request Staff - 291 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 6/02/2004 Kopczynski Nancy Holmes Customer Service (509) 495-8004 How much energy went unbilled in 2003 as a result of the Company's policy to leave meters connected between customerltenant changes at a single location? Please provide unbiled energy in both total kWhs on the electric service side and total therms on the natual gas service side of the Company. What would be the total revenue associated with that energy? RESPONSE: The 2003 estimated revenue associated with unbiled energy, as a result of the Company's policy to leave meters connected between customer/tenant changes, is as follows: Unbiled Electric Revenue Unbiled Gas Revenue Total Unbiled Revenue $68,245 $39,445 $107,690 The associated cost to perform actual closing and initial bil meter readings in between scheduled meter readings is estimated to be $869,403. Please see the attached spreadsheet and Avista's response to Staff Data Request # 292. Staff _DR _ 156-Attach ment A. pdf Page 1 of 4 . . . Idaho Unbiled Energy - 2003 Electric Unbiled -Idaho Year 2003 Rate Schedule Total 001 Count of Meters 3638 Sum of Usaqe 832891 011 Count of Meters 163 Sum of Usage 55797 012 Count of Meters 146 Sum of Usage 9616 021 Count of Meters 10 Sum of UsaQe 28936 031 Count of Meters 1 Sum of Usaqe 10 032 Count of Meters 7 Sum of Usage 640 Total Count of Meters 3965 Total Sum of Unbiled Electric Usaae (kWh's)927890 Unbiled Electric Revenue $68,245 \i\;)i',.i.i\.... ..Gas.......,.2003 0 );.Fi' Rate Schedule Total 101 Count of Meters 2225 Sum of UsaQe 40501 111 Count of Meters 4 Sum of Usage 862 Total Count of Meters 2229 Total Sum of Unbiled Gas Usage (Therms)41363 Unbiled Gas Revenue $39,445 Total Estimate of Idaho's 2003 Unbiled Revenues I $107,690 I IPUC Data Request No. 291-Attachment Staff_DR_156-Attachment A.pdf Page 2 of 4 . . . JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Idaho AVU-E-04-01 / AVU-G-04-01 IPUC Data Request Staff - 292 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 6/02/2004 Kopczynski Nancy Holmes Customer Service (509) 495-8004 What is Avista's estimated cost to perform actual closing and initial bil meter readings in between scheduled meter readings rather than estimating readings when customer changes occur at a single location? Please provide the analysis showing derivation of the cost estimate. RESPONSE: The estimated cost to perform actual closing and initial bill meter readings in between scheduled meter readings, rather than estimating readings when customer changes occur at a single location, is $869,403. The unbiled revenues associated with leaving meters connected between customerltenant changes and not performing actual closing and initial bil meter readings is estimated to be $107,690. Please see the attached spreadsheet and A vista's response to Staff Data Request # 291. Staff_DR _156-Attachment A. pdf Page 3 of 4 . Ty p e Re a d Op e n Cl o s e . . Es t i m a t e d C o s t t o P e r f o r m C l o s i n g a n d In i t i a l B i l M e t e r R e a d i n g s i n 2 0 0 3 # o f Ac c o u n t s St a t e Id a h o Ye a r 20 0 3 41 , 1 1 3 38 , 7 0 7 Id a h o 20 0 3 * A s s u m p t i o n s - - 7 8 % o f t h e c l o s e r e q u e s t s a r e w i t h i n a d a y o f a n e w o p e n r e q u e s t (t h i s i n c l u d e s o u r l a n d l o r d s w h o h a v e r e q u e s t e d t o o p e n b e t w e e n t e n a n t s ) - A d d r e s s e s w i t h m u l t i p l e m e t e r s ( g a s a n d e l e c t r i c ) o n l y r e q u i r e 1 t r i p t o r e a d t h e m e t e r s - O u t s i d e S e r v i c e M e n ( O S M ) w o u l d p e n o r m t h e r e q u e s t e d i n i t i a l a n d c l o s i n g b i l l m e t e r r e a d i n g s - O S M a v e r a g e w e i g h t e d c o s t p e r o r d e r i n I d a h o i n 2 0 0 3 w a s $ 1 8 . 0 6 - 3 % o f t h e r e q u e s t e d o p e n s / c l o s e s o c c u r o n t h e s c h e d u l e d r e a d d a t e a n d d o n ' t r e q u i r e s p e c i a l r e a d 30 , 1 9 1 8, 5 1 6 10 , 9 2 2 49 , 6 2 9 78 % o f t h e c l o s e r e q u e s t s ( 3 8 , 7 0 7 x 7 8 % : : 3 0 , 1 9 1 ) es t i m a t e d # o f c l o s e r e q u e s t s w i t h n o o p e n r e q u e s t w / i o n e d a y ( 3 8 , 7 0 7 - 3 0 , 1 9 1 : : 8 , 5 1 6 ) es t i m a t e d # o f o p e n r e q u e s t s w i t h n o c l o s e r e q u e s t w / i o n e d a y es t i m a t e d t o t a l o p e n / c l o s e r e q u e s t s ES T I M A T E D C O S T C A L C U L A T I O N S : !$ 49 , 6 2 9 97 % 48 , 1 4 0 18 . 0 6 86 9 , 4 0 3 Es t i m a t e d T o t a l O p e n / C l o s e R e q u e s t s Pe r c e n t o f o p e n s / c l o s e s n o t o c c u r i n g o n s c h e d u l e d r e a d d a t e Es t i m a t e d n u m b e r o f c l o s i n g a n d i n i t i a l b i l l m e t e r r e a d i n g s OS M a v g . w e i g h t e d c o s t p e r o r d e r Av i s t a ' s e s t i m a t e d C o s t T o P e n o r m C l o s i n g a n d I n i t i a l B i l M e t e r R e a d i n g s i n 2 0 0 3 St a f f _ D R _ 1 5 6 - A t t a c h m e n t A p d f IP U C D a t a R e q u e s t N o . 2 9 2 - A t t a c h m e n t Pa g e 4 o f 4 . . . JUISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-I 57 DATE PREPARD: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/30108 Don Kopczynski Linda Gervais State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4975 How many therms and kWh went unbiled in 2007 as a result of the Company's policy to leave meters connected between customers? What is the total dollar value of those unbilled therms and kWh? RESPONSE: In 2007, 38,302 therms (schedules: 111, 101) and 637,313 kWh (schedules: 01, 11, 12) went unbilled between active accounts. Based on current rates, the total dollar value of therms was $42,147 and the total dollar value of kWh's was $ 42,354. . . . JURSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-158 DATE PREPARD: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/27/08 Don Kopczynski Darn Belgarde Customer Service (509) 495-7943 Please explain how the Company detennines meter readings for biling purposes when an account is opened or closed at the request of a customer. RESPONSE: For radio-based or power line carrer networked meters, an actual read (remote) is obtained for the open or close date. If it is not an automated meter, and the close date is close to the monthly read date, the Company may prorate the close bil using the monthly read. In some cases, the Company may estimate the read either by degree days or past usage history on the paricular meter and enter that read to close the account. The customer also has the option to read the meter and provide the reading over the phone, or depending on the situation, the Company may send a meter reader to the premise to obtain an actual read. A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION.JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-159 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/30108 Don Kopczynski Linda Gervais State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4975 REQUEST: Regarding opening bills prepared outside of regular biling cycles in 2007, please provide how many of the readings on which the bils were based were determined by: (a) an actual meter reading taken by a Company employee or via remote meter reading; (b) a computer estimate; (c) a manual estimate made by a Company employee; (d) a customer-provided reading; or ( e) other methods. RESPONSE: Regarding the opening bils outside of the regular biling cycle in 2007 - the number of readings by type of read are as follows: a.Actual Meter Read - 24,677.b.Computer Estimate - 51 c.Manual Estimate - 729 d.Customer Read - 2 e.Other Methods - 52 . . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-160 DATE PREPARD: WITNSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/27/08 Don Kopczynski Darn Belgarde Customer Service (509) 495-7943 Under what circumstances is an opening bill for a new customer prepared using the identical meter reading used in preparng the closing bil for the previous customer? RESPONSE: There are three scenarios in which the same read is used to open the new account: 1) When the meter has not been read between the previous close and the new open, and the open date is less than 5 days from the previous close. 2) When the meter has not been read between the previous close and the new open, and usage since previous close is less than 20 therms or kWh. 3) When service is disconnected at the time of close and reconnected for the new customer. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION.JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-16l DATE PREPARD: WITNSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/30108 Don Kopczynski Linda Gervais State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4975 REQUEST: Regarding closing bils prepared outside of regular biling cycles in 2007, please provide how many of the readings on which the bils were based were determined by: (a) an actual meter reading taken by a Company employee or via remote meter reading; (b) a computer estimate; ( c) a manual estimate made by a Company employee; (d) a customer-provided reading; or (e) other methods. RESPONSE: Closing bils prepared outside of the regular billng cycle in 2007 - the numbers of readings by type ofread are as follows: a.Actual read (employee or remote) - 9,085.b.Computer Estimate - 6,847 c.Manual Estimate - 13,052 d.Customer Read - 140 e.Other Methods - 2,429 . . . . JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-162 DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/30108 Don Kopczynski Linda Gervais State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4975 If an actual meter reading is taken by a Company employee at the customer's location when an account is closed, what is the normal interval between the time a customer requests closure and the time the meter reading is taken? If a meter reading is taken via remote meter reading when an account is closed, what is the nonnal interval between the time a customer requests closure and the time the meter reading is taken? RESPONSE: When an actual meter reading at the customer's location is requested at the account close, it typically occurs within one week. Remote reads are obtained on the date requested by a biling specialist. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-163 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06127/08 Don Kopczynski Darrn Belgarde Customer Service (509) 495-7943 If an actual meter reading is not taken on the same day as the customer's requested date of closure, what date is identified on the customer's bill for the meter reading, the requested date of closure or the date the actual reading was taken? RESPONSE: The requested date of closure is the date identified on the customer's bil. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-164 DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/27/08 Don Kopczynski Damn Belgarde Customer Service (509) 495-7943 If an actual meter reading is taken by a Company employee when an account is closed, does that employee disconnect service at that time? If a customer has both gas and electric service, does the employee disconnect both services? If not, please explain why not. RESPONSE: The electric and natural gas service is not typically disconnected at the time the meter is read when an account is closed unless requested by the owner or landlord. This is primarly a work management issue as well as a convenience issue for our customers. If a meter is disconnected each time the account closed, the Company would then need to send a serviceman out to reconnect the service for the next occupant. If natural gas service was disconnected, we would need to make arangements to meet someone at the property in order to conduct relights and a safety check. By leaving the service on, the customer does not need to wait for the company to reconnect the service when they are ready to move in. Please also see the Company's response to StaffPR-156. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-165 DATE PREPARD: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/30108 Don Kopczynski Linda Gervais State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4975 Is A vista using AMR to read meters remotel y when customers open or close accounts? If not, why not? If so, please explain the process for taking a remote meter reading not coincident with the customer's regular meter reading cycle. RESPONSE: Radio-based or power line carrer networked meters use same day remote reads to open and close accounts. As for the process, upon receiving a close request, an email is automatically sent to the A vista biling team with the account number and close date. A biling specialist then obtains the remote read for that day and enters the read on the close request. . . . A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-166 DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/27/08 Don Kopczynski Greg Paulson Customer Service (509) 495-4976 REQUEST: Please describe in detail procedures implemented by A vista to monitor gas and electric usage to identify slow and dead meters in a timely manner. RESPONSE: Billing specialists have two reports that are used to indentify slow or dead meters. The first is a daily exception report with meters identified as having irregular usage such as low or no use. These accounts are reviewed to identify if the usage is correct or if there have been changes such as the customer moving or vacating the house. When review of the account does not indicate a reason for low use, the account will continue to be monitored or a request will be generated to send a serviceman out to check the meter. The second report is the zero usage report which includes meters reported as having zero usage for a period of 3 or more months. These accounts are reviewed to identify if the usage is correct or if there have been changes such as the customer moving or vacating the house. When review of the account does not indicate a reason for low use the account wil continue to be monitored or a request wil be generated to send a serviceman out to check the meter. . . . JURSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-167 DATE PREPARD: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/27/08 Don Kopczynski Greg Paulson Customer Service (509) 495-4976 What is the normal interval between when a slow or dead meter is identified and when the customer is rebiled? RESPONSE: Once the meter has been indentified as being slow or dead, rebiling typically occurs within 1 week unless there is a need to wait and determine the usage on the new meter before back-biling. In these cases, rebiling would usually occur within 2-3 weeks. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-168 DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/27/08 Don Kopczynski Amanda Reinhardt Customer Service (509) 495-7941 Please provide the year to year percentage decrease or increase in the total number of estimated meter readings for 2004-2007. RESPONSE: The percent of change in number of estimated meter readings (manual and computer) in Idaho are as follows: 11,067 14,094 23,458 9,843 12,613 21% 40% -138% 22% . . . JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-169 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/27/08 Don Kopczynski Amanda Reinhardt Customer Service (509) 495-7941 Please provide the year to year percentage decrease or increase in the total number of misread or incorrect meter readings for 2004-2007. RESPONSE: The percent of change in the number of misread or incorrect meter readings for the following years in Idaho are as follows: 10,841 11,317 14,020 9,705 8,862 4% 19% -44% -10% . . . AVISTACORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-170 REQUEST: DATE PREPARD: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/27/08 Don Kopczynski Amanda Reinhardt Customer Service (509) 495-7941 Please provide the reasons for and number of instances in 2007 where the Company had to rebil customers because a previous bill was based on incorrect billing determinants, e.g., incorrect identification of foot drive or meter size. RESPONSE: The Company re-biled 2,020 customers based on incorrect biling determinants as listed below by reason code. Correction Code 6Error 939High Demand 3 Incorrect Meter Multiplier 85 Meter Install 335Mixed Meter 209 Rate Schedule Change 439Tax Adjustment 4 . . . JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO AVU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-l71 DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/27/08 Don Kopczynski Greg Paulson Customer Service (509) 495-4976 Please provide the reasons for and number of instances in 2007 where the Company had to rebil customers due to metering equipment failure, e.g., failure of an ERT or index or mechanical failure of the meter itself. RESPONSE: Customers re-biled in 2007 due to metering equipment failure were 1,800 and are listed below by reason code: Meter Tested Fast 1,509 Stopped Meter 291 ., . . . JUISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION 06/27/08 Greg Paulson Greg Paulson Customer Service (509) 495-4976 IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-172 DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: REQUEST: For each type of automated meter reading (AMR) technology installed and employed by your company, i.e., Power-Line Carrier or Radio-Based, please describe any problems encountered during or after AMR installation and how the problems were addressed. RESPONSE: Problems During Installation Problems that occurred during the installation process are not necessarily technology specific. As with any new electronic technology a phenomenon known as "infant mortality" wil occur. A certain very small percentage of devices wil fail during installation or shortly after installation. In the case of solid state metering with the communications modules installed (radio-based or power line carer) infant mortality was encountered. Some failed during the initial installation and were removed at that time if detected. Others failed shortly after installation and could only be detected after attempting to read the meters with one of the data collections engines. In either case, the meters were retumed to the manufacturer for warranty replacement. Problems After Installation - Power Line Carrier The typical problem encountered for power line carrer meters was failure to communicate with the communications module contained in the meter. This is directly related to infant mortality as explained above. The communication portion of these modules cannot be verified during meter installation. These meter issues were resolved by the installation of a new meter. The failed meter was returned to the manufacturer for warranty repair. In a small number of cases, failure to communicate with the meter was related to the electric infrastructure such as a loose connection or other problems that did not allow the meter to send its signal properly. These were handled on a case by case basis and corrections were made to alleviate the problem. A vista also encountered a small number of cases where the power line carrer signal caused interference on Uninterrptible Power Supplies (UPS), digital clocks, and in one case, a heat pump controller. These issues were worked through with the manufacturers of the devices in conjunction with the power line carrer manufacturer. In some cases, settings could be changed to fix the problem. In other cases, the customer's UPS was replaced with a different UPS from the same manufacturer or a UPS from a different manufacturer. Problems After Installation - Radio-Based One problem encountered for radio-based meters was failure to communicate with the communications module contained within the meter. Again, this is directly related to infant mortality as explained above. In some cases, the communication portion of these modules cannot . . . Response to Staff Request No. 172 Page 2 be verified during meter installation. This metering issue has been resolved by the installation of a new meter. The failed meter was returned to the manufacturer for warranty repair. The other common problem encountered with radio-based meters is the failure to communicate with the network infrastructure. Several factors can affect the ability of the network to receive a reading from the meters. Some of these factors include obstacles placed in front of the meter, foliage, heavy snow, and proximity of the network infrastructure. These problems can be alleviated in two different ways. The first is to add additional network infrastructure in areas where it is difficult to receive the signaL. The second is to replace the low power output communications modules that were available during the early phases of deployment with high power modules that became available in later phases of the deployment. hi a small number of cases, failure to communicate to the meter was related to the electric infrastructue such as a loose connection or other problems that did not allow the meter to send its signal properly. These issues were handled on a case by case basis and corrections were made to alleviate the problem. . . . A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/27/08 Greg Paulson Greg Paulson Customer Service (509) 495-4976 IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-174 REQUEST: Please provide the number and percentage of installed meters or metering equipment that failed for the years 2004-2007. Please report separately for gas and electric meters. Is the failure rate for AM meters significantly different than that of older-technology meters? RESPONSE: Avista does not specifically track failed meters in the maner described. As a point of reference, the solid state meters the Company has installed in Idaho are equipped with radio-based technology and have a failure rate of less than 0.5%/annum (as documented by the meter manufacturer). The failure rate of solid state meters is less than that of electro-mechanical meters. The failure rate of electro-mechanical meters equipped with clip-on type modules the Company originally proposed to deploy was even higher than that of electro-mechanical meters. Natural gas endpoint failure has the same 0.5%/annum rate as do the solid state meters. . . . JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-175 DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 06/27/08 Greg Paulson Greg Paulson Customer Service (509) 495-4976 Are all A vista gas and electric meters in Idaho read using one of the two types of AM technology? If not, please explain. RESPONSE: All A vista natural gas and electric meters wil be read with one of the two types of technology by the end of 2008. As of June 20, 2008, there are approximately 300 meters left to convert in the state of Idaho. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-176 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Is a uniform AMR data collection system now in place? RESPONSE: 06/27/08 Greg Paulson Greg Paulson Customer Service (509) 495-4976 No. There is not a uniform AM data collection system in place. Each technology utilizes its own data collection engine. A vista is evaluating a meter data management system that would provide a common data repository for the meter readings. Eachtechnology would stil require its own data collection engine that would feed data to the meter data management system. . . . JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-177 DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Please explain how meter reading data is entered into the biling system. RESPONSE: 06/27/08 Don Kopczynski Linda Gervais State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-4975 A biling interface has been developed for the radio based and power line carer technologies that allow the meter readings to be imported into the Company's biling system. . . . AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO A VU-E-08-0l 1 A VU-G-08-0l IPUC Production Request Staff-183 DATE PREPARD: WITESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 07/01/08 Elizabeth Andrews Patrick Ehrbar State & Federal Reg. (509) 495-8620 REQUEST: Please provide IPUC Staff with copies of A vista's responses to the following Washington Utility and Transportation Commission Staff Data Requests: Request No. 36 Request No. 37 Request No. 38 Request No. 40 Request No. 41 Request No. 42 Request No. 43 Request No. 44 Request No. 45 Request No. 53 Request No. 55 Request No. 57 Request No. 58 Request No. 59 Request No. 60 Request No. 61 Request No. 62 Request No. 63 Request No. 64 RESPONSE: Do to the voluminous nature of this request, the responses to these questions are provided on the CD that accompanied this response in the folder titled "StafCPR_183-Attachment A".