HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060510AVU responses.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission PO Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free BOO- 727-9170 . ' , ~~~'V'STA. Corp. May 9, 2006 Cecelia A. Gassner Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702-5983 RE:Case No. A VU-06-1 / A VU-06- A vista Corporation hereby submits an original and 2 copies of its responses to Staff Data Request numbers 2 , and 18. Questions regarding this response should be directed to Liz Andrews at (509) 495-8601. t:e Mike Fink State & Federal Regulation A vista Utilities Enclosures . - ,- - AVISTACORPORATION , ;'::':; RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMA TION" JURISDICTION: Idaho CASE NO: A VU-06-1/A VU-06- REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Data Request REQUEST NO.: 2 . . DATE PREPARED: 05/04106 . \: ..~)~, \u, WITNESS: . i ' u RESPONDER: Diane Thoren/Liz Andrews DEPARTMENT: Finance/State & Federal Reg. TELEPHONE: (509)495-4331/(509)495-8601 REQUEST: Please provide specific ring fencing procedures used by both A vista Utilities and A V A Formation which outline any and all segregation protocols; including those for Cash Management activities, Financing, Cost Allocation and Prudent Business Practices. RESPONSE: Please also see Avista s response to Staff Data Request No. Cash Management Procedures Avista s current cash management guidelines, which have been filed with FERC pursuant to Docket No. RM02-14 and are attached to this response, are designed to maintain separation of cash flows of A vista Utilities and each subsidiary. Each company maintains separate bank accounts and our cash management guidelines are designed to prevent the commingling of funds. It is our intent to maintain such separation upon the Reorganization. Financings Avista Utilities currently issues, and will continue to issue upon completion of the Reorganization, its own debt and preferred stock, and would maintain its own credit facility for short-term funding needs. To issue such securities, A vista Utilities will continue to file for authorization from the commission for such issuances. A vista Utilities common stock will be solely owned by AVA. When AVA issues stock or debt securities, it would use the proceeds to fund, as necessary, the common equity requirements of all of its subsidiaries, including A vista Utilities. The other funding requirements of the non-regulated subsidiaries would be provided by their own cash flows or separate financing raised at the subsidiary level. A vista Utilities does not intend to guarantee any debt obligations of A V A or any of the other affiliates or subsidiaries. Cost Allocation Avista s current cost allocation procedures between its regulated and non-regulated businesses would not change after the Reorganization. All transactions or costs for services between the utility and its subsidiaries are accounted for appropriately under applicable statutes and rules established by each Commission. Charges that relate to corporate services (i.e. salaries for corporate support such as tax, accounting, etc.; graphic services; travel; etc.) provided to subsidiaries are directly billed to subsidiaries at cost. Additional charges associated with labor Response to IPUC Staff Data Request No.Page 2 of2 related charges to subsidiaries include payroll loadings and overheads as appropriate and are consistently applied to all Avista Corp. payroll charges. The Company s payroll loadings and overhead billing rates are reviewed monthly and adjusted as necessary, to reflect changes in cost and usage. No additional margin or profit is included and no costs or assets are allocated. The revenues and expenses associated with these types of transactions are reviewed by Commission staff and other interested parties during rate cases and through existing Commission reporting requirements. Prudent Business Practices AVA and A vista Utilities would continue to operate in such a way as to protect utility customers from the risks associated with A V A's other subsidiaries or affiliates. There are no parental guarantees of any debt obligations from the utility to any of its other affiliates or subsidiaries. And importantly, A vista has separate, very disciplined, risk management programs in place at both A vista Utilities and A vista Energy. July 1, 2003 Avista COrp. Cash Management Guidelines and Procedures In order to efficiently manage cash at the corporate and subsidiary levels, minimize borrowing costs and maximize investment returns, the following procedures should be followed regarding cash management activity between Avista Corp, Avista Capital and Avista Capital Subsidiaries (excluding Avista Energy- see note A): Investment/Borrowing Policies All excess subsidiary company cash will be managed at the A vista Corp. level. Cash will be transferred to the subsidiaries through A vista Capital to cover payables according to the guidelines set below. (Note - A Master Promissory Note in effect for any Subsidiary will supercede these guidelines. 1. Avista Capital may maintain a money market account with a maximum balance of $1 000,000. This account may be used to fund subsidiary payables. Avista Capital cash balances over $1 000,000 and up to the outstanding loan balance will be transferred to Avista Corp as a payment against the outstanding borrowings on the loan between Avista Corp and Avista Capital. 2. A vista Capital may borrow from A vista Corp. to cover subsidiary company cash needs in accordance with board-approved limits. Avista Capital may loan excess funds to Avista Corp upon receipt of appropriate approvals. 3. Unless specifically stated in a master promissory note, all loans between companies are unsecured. 4. Subsidiaries with cash deficits may borrow from Avista Capital. Borrowings will be in accordance with each company s board-approved limits. Subsidiaries will repay or loan excess funds to A vista Capital. 5. InvestmentIBorrowing Rates Between Avista Corp. and Avista Capital: a) Upon receiving appropriate approvals, excess Avista Capital cash may be invested with (loaned to) Avista Corp. at a rate equal to Avista Corp.'s avoided short-term borrowing cost currently estimated at the one-month LffiOR plus 175 basis points. The rate will be reset monthly with the LIBOR rate in effect on the second business day of each month, as reported in the money rate section of the Wall Street Journal.b) Avista Capital may borrow from Avista Corp., subject to board-approved limits, at a rate equal to the Prime rate plus 150 basis points. This rate will be reset at such time as the Prime rate is changed by the Agent bank on the A vista Corp. Revolving Credit Agreement. 6. InvestmentIBorrowing Rates Between Avista Capital and Subsidiary Companies: Subsidiaries of Avista Capital which are wholly-owned and are not expected to seek outside investors within the next two years will not be charged interest on borrowings or receive interest on invested funds with Avista Capital. The following interest rate guidelines apply to all other subsidiaries:a) Subsidiary companies will borrow from A vista Capital at a rate equal to the prime rate plus 150 basis points. This rate will be reset at such time as the Prime rate is changed by the Agent bank on the Avista Corp. Revolving Credit Agreementb) Subsidiary company cash invested with (loaned to) Avista Capital will be at a rate equal to the one-month LffiOR plus 175 basis points. The rate will be reset monthly with the LffiOR rate in effect on the second business day of each month, as reported in the money rate section of the Wall Street Journal. 7. The Avista Corp. cash manager (the "administrator ) will distribute monthly updates to management which include maximum borrowing limits for each subsidiary, outstanding borrowings and investments between subsidiaries and Avista Corp., and interest rates in effect. 8. The Avista Corp. subsidiary accountant will maintain daily interest schedules of all borrowings and repayments between all subsidiary companies. Documentation will include the date and amount of the borrowing or repayment. the maturity date, if any, the applicable interest rate, and daily balances of all outstanding loans. Note A) Avista Energy cash is currently collateral for a credit agreement and is invested in accordance with the agreement Avista Energy, or other companies which may, in the future, have similar agreements will manage their cash separately. To the extent cash may be invested outside of such agreements, these procedures will apply. II.Subsidiary Cash Management Guidelines 1. Cash Balances All Subsidiary companies will keep a maximum of $50,000 cash balance per book in their checking accounts at any time. Accurate up-to-date "checkbook" balances must be maintained and deposit information should be updated when funds are received. This information is available via Wells Fargo Commercial Electronic Office reports or through the Cash Manager for A vista Corp. Excess balances resulting from large deposits should be transferred to A vista Capital for investment or to pay down loan balances. Transfers of excess cash to A vista Capital may be incorporated in the weekly funding request for payables. Please contact the Avista Corp. Subsidiary Accountant for details. 2. Accounts Payable Check Runs Subsidiaries should normally plan to do one check run per week. Manual checks outside of the check run are discouraged except in emergency situations. To receive maximum float on our funds, checks should be mailed on Friday. If funding from Avista Capital is required, it will be deposited to the subsidiary account the following Monday. 3. Funding Requests from Avista Capital Estimated funding requests must be submitted by email to the Subsidiary Accountant by 3:00 pm Friday for funding the following Monday. (please cc: to the Avista Corp. Cash Manager) The funding request should indicate what expenses are included in the request for funding. Actual funding requests (based on that estimate) for check runs must be received by 9:00 am on Monday for checks mailed on the prior working day. Funding requests should be submitted by fax to the Subsidiary Accountant at Avista Corp. Voucher must be signed by an authorized subsidiary representative. Funds will not be transferred without proper signatures. Please note: For funding requests over $2 million, please notify the A vista Corp. cash manager of the due date as far in advance as possible. 4. Emergency Checks Due Before Next Check Run Checks written outside of the normal check run should be funded one business day after they are mailed, or the same day as written if hand delivered. If funding for these checks is required from Avista Capital, the request for funds must be made by telephone to the Subsidiary Accountant, followed by a fax request received by 3:00 p.rn. the day before the funds transfer. Funding requests must be signed by an authorized subsidiary representative. Same day transfer of funds over $50,000 may be accommodated but cannot be guaranteed. Please contact Subsidiary Accountant or Cash Manager for availability of same day funds. 5. Wire Transfers Amounts payable over $500,000 should be paid by electronic transfer on the due date. The Voucher request for wire payment and funding request (if needed) should be received by the Subsidiary Accountant by 3:00 p.rn. on the day prior to the due date. These wire transfer amounts should be included in the weekly advance estimates due at 3:00 on Friday. (See item 3 above.) Voucher requests for wire transfers must be accompanied by an approved cash approval request. All funding requests for subsidiaries whose accounting function is not done at the corporate offices must be approved by a check signer for the subsidiary. 6. Intercompany payments Intercompany payments between Avista Corp, Avista Capital and all Subsidiaries should be made electronically. This includes payments for work orders, payroll and taxes. These cash management guidelines and procedures will be reviewed at least annually, and at the time A vista Corp. bank credit agreements are renewed. Approved: By:lJfl1A~ 4. ~(~ Treasurer - A vista Corp. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION . ' -, JURISDICTION: Idaho CASE NO: A VU-06-1/A VU-06- REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Data Request REQUEST NO.: 9 DATE PREPARED: 05/04/06- WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: ' '' ', ', , Diane Thoren Finance (509) 495-4331 REQUEST: Provide the organizations policy and procedures addressing the segregation of assets and how assets will not be commingled. RESPONSE: Please also see Avista s Response to Staff Data Request No.'s 1 & 2. Avista s current cash management guidelines are designed to maintain separation of cash flows of A vista Utilities and each subsidiary. Each company maintains separate bank accounts and our cash management guidelines are designed to prevent the commingling of funds. It is our intent to maintain such separation upon the Reorganization. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION , 7 JURISDICTION: Idaho CASE NO: A VU-06-1/A VU-06- REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Data Request REQUEST NO. DATE PREPARED: 05/04/06WITNESS: RESPONDER: Diane Thoren DEPARTMENT: Finance TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4331 c' , " ';"; , REQUEST: Describe how liabilities will be paid from separate corporate funds. RESPONSE: Please see Avista s response to Staff Data Request No.'s 1 & 2. Avista s current cash management guidelines are designed to maintain separation of cash flows of A vista Utilities and each subsidiary. Each company is responsible to pay for its liabilities from its own bank account. As required by generally accepted accounting principles, liabilities of each company are, and will continue to be upon the completion of the reorganization, recorded on the books and records of such individual company. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: Idaho CASE NO: A VU-06-lIA VU-06- REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Data Request REQUEST NO. . ' DATE PREPARED: 05/0512006 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: ! ,' ~, Liz Andrews State and Federal Regulation (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: Provide details, including written restrictions, on how an "arms length" relationship will be managed between affiliates. RESPONSE: Please see Avista s response to Staff Data Request No.s 1 , 2, 9, 10, 12, 13 & 17. Avista, as A vista Utilities, would continue to be a separate legal entity and would be managed as such separate and distinct from A V A and other AVA subsidiaries. The A vista Utilities board of directors would continue to be an active board that will act in good faith with the care and loyalty expected of a board. Even though the members of the A vista Utilities board of directors may also be members of AVA's board, the two boards will exercise separate and independent functions and duties. A vista has separate, very disciplined, risk management programs in place at both A vista Utilities and Avista Energy. In addition to applicable statutes and rules on affiliated issues established by each State Commission, Avista s Code of Conduct and Standards of Conduct filed with FERC, govern the relationship between affiliates. A vista provides on an annual basis Commission Affiliated Interest or Subsidiary Transaction reports detailing transactions between the Utility and its affiliates, a copy of which is provided to the IPUC annually. Furthermore, A V A would be a "holding company" under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 ("PUHCA 2005"). As a result, A V A and all of its subsidiaries (whether or not engaged in any energy-related business) would be required to maintain books, accounts and other records in accordance with the FERC regulations. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION " , JURISDICTION: Idaho CASE NO: A VU-06-lIA VU-06- REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Data Request REQUEST NO. DATE PREPARED: 05/04/06 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: , '-' , ",- , , ";":': -' , Diane Thoren Finance (509) 495-4331 REQUEST: Provide a description of how salaries will be paid from separate corporate funds. RESPONSE: Each subsidiary currently, and upon completion of the reorganization, will fund its payroll obligation from its own bank accounts. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION , , JURISDICTION: Idaho CASE NO: A VU-06-lIA VU-06- REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Data Request REQUEST NO. DATE PREPARED: 05/04/06, WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: , ", ,~, ,,' ". ' Diane Thoren Finance (509) 495-4331 REQUEST: Please describe how the credit of one entity will not be used to satisfy the obligations of the other. RESPONSE: Please see Avista s response to Staff Data Request No.1. Avista Utilities does not intend to guarantee any debt obligations of AVA or any of the other affiliates or subsidiaries. Each company will be responsible for funding its own obligations, either through the issuance of debt , as appropriate, funding from the holding company. Avista Utilities and A V A will each maintain separate credit ratings, as appropriate. (See Avista s response to Staff Data Request No. 15.) Moreover, AVA will have the ability to issue stock or debt securities, the proceeds of which would be used to fund, as necessary, the common equity requirements of all of its subsidiaries including A vista Utilities. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION "" "'' ..", ' JURISDICTION: Idaho CASE NO: A VU-06-l/A VU-06- REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Data Request REQUEST NO. DATE PREPARED: 05/04/06 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: ,-," ';, ,, '- . Diane Thoren Finance (509) 495-4331 REQUEST: Describe how separate credit ratings will be maintained. RESPONSE: The rating agencies assign a separate credit rating to each issuance of debt and preferred stock by an individual company. The agencies also assign a "Corporate" or "Issuer" rating to the overall entity. Based on the practice that the rating agencies have followed for other utility holding companies, it is anticipated that both Avista Utilities and A V A Formation Corp will be assigned a separate Corporate/Issuer Rating. Avista Utilities ' currently outstanding debt and preferred stock will have their own separate ratings. AVISTA CORP. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. IDAHO A VU-06-1/A VU-06- IPUC Staff Data Request DATE PREPARED: 05/0812006 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPT: TELEPHONE: " i Diane Thoren Finance " (509) 495-4331 REQUEST: Completely describe the Equity Interest relationship between entities, how they are segregated and describe how limitations will be set on Distributions and Capital Structure. RESPONSE: Please see the illustration on page 3 of Avista s response to Staff Data Request No., which shows Avista s current capitalization as it is expected to be allocated under the Holding Company structure. In the future under the Holding Company structure, A V A will have the ability to issue stock or debt securities, the proceeds of which would be used to fund, as necessary, the common equity requirements of all of its subsidiaries, including A vista Utilities. Currently, and in the future under the Holding Company structure, for distributions and capital structure, the Board of Directors will consider the level of dividends on A vista Utility s common stock on a regular basis, taking into account numerous factors including, without limitation A vista Utility s results of operations, cash flows and financial condition, as well as the success of Avista Utility s strategies and general economic and competitive conditions. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION , -,, , JURISDICTION: Idaho CASE NO: A VU-06-1/A VU-06- REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Data Request REQUEST NO. DATE PREPARED: 05/0512006 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: , ,......'.. .. Liz Andrews State and Federal Regulation (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: Please provide all documents, including any applicable contracts, establishing the procedures described in the above responses. If contracts are not signed, please provide the draft contracts and indicate the expected execution date. RESPONSE: Please see Avista s response to Staff Data Request No.'s I-Supplemental, 2, and 19.