HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040809Vol IX Lewiston.pdfORIGINAL C:" ! 1." E D BEFOR~nlTttf IBJ~~=u~IIC UTILITIES COMMISSION .ic', ,oJ FUijL!C UTI LiT IE S C OHM i S SIGN IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF) AVISTA CORPORATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. ) PUBLIC HEARING CASE NOS. AVU-E- 04- AVU-04-1 ' HEARING BEFORE COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER (Presiding) PLACE:Nez Perce County Commissioners Hearing .Room 1225 Idaho Street Lewiston, Idaho DATE:July 27, 2004 VOLUME IX - Pages 1428 - 1457 POST OFFICE BOX 578 BOISE, IDAHO 83701 208-336-9208 COURT REPORTING g~~ the eotfr/I(fH(/~ oSf,fU 1978 For the Staff:SCOTT WOODBURY , Esq. Deputy At torney General 472 West WashingtonBoise, Idaho 83702 For Avista:KELLY NORWOOD Vice President State and Federal Regulation Avista Utilities Post Office Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID AP PEARANCE S 83701 WITNESS Wendy Sterl ing (publ ic) Terri Sterling (Public) Kay Williams (publ ic) Daisy Albert (Public) George Sterl ing (Publ ic) Donna Flitz (publ ic) Marge Sumpter (Publ ic) Matt Lyons (publ ic) Sylvia Evers (Publ ic) Ramona Montgomery (publ ic) Paul Laughl (Publ ic) I N D E X EXAMINATION BY PAGE Mr.Woodbury 1430Statement1431 Mr.Woodbury (Cross)1431 Mr.Woodbury 1432Statement1432 Mr.Woodbury 1435Statement1435 Mr.Woodbury 1437Statement1438 Mr.Woodbury 1440 Statement 1441 Mr.Woodbury 1442Statement1442 Mr.Woodbury 1444Statement1444 Mr.Woodbury 1446Statement1446 Mr.Woodbury (Cross)1447 Statement 1448 Mr. Woodbury Statement 1451 1451 Statement 1452 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578 , BOISE , ID INDEX 83701 LEWISTON , IDAHO, TUESDAY , JULY 27 , 2004 , 6: 02 P. M. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Well , good evening, ladies and gentlemen.We'll go ahead and call this public hearing to order.This is a public hearing in Case No. AVU-04-1 and AVU-04-, which is also referred to as in the matter of the Application of Avista Corporation for authority to increase its rates and charges for electric and natural gas service to electric and natural gas customers in the state of Idaho. My name's Paul Kj ellander and I'm the chairman of this proceeding this evening, and tonight is an opportuni ty for us to take public testimony.What that means is - - is that in the list that many of you have signed in the back of the room they'll bring that to me and I'll call you up one by one. We'll bring you forward and we'll get you sworn in, and our attorney representing the Staff from the Idaho Attorney General's office will ask you a few very short questions to get you officially on the record, and then you'll be allowed to provide to us for the record your statement in relationship to the request for increases in both natural gas and electrici costs for the Avista Corporation. And we do have a court reporter here who will be taking down your testimony so that when we deliberate we'll 1428 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 have a full and complete record. We also have received numerous written comments from many customers in the area, and I want to let you know that even tonight if you don't intend to provide oral testimony in these proceedings , we still will have a window of opportunity for you to file written comments over a period of about the next week or so as we move forward wi th the case. Last week, we had a technical hearing, and at that point, we had several Intervenors, including Potlatch and CAP -- MR. WOODBURY:Coeur Silver Valley and CAP. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER: - - Coeur Silver Valley and CAP - - I'm trying to get all the names correctly I don't want to leave one out - - as well as the Company and the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission.We had technical hearings over a three-day period, and so we've been developing a record on that side as well. So tonight, why don't we go ahead and get started , and what I'd like to do is call forward the first witness, and that is Wendy Sterling. Oh, Wendy can we have you go over there behind that podium?We're going to have that gentleman there wi th the tie lower that for you.AndAnd are you both Wendy and Terri? we'll take you one at a time.Is Wendy up front. MI SS STERLING:(Indicating. 1429 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Okay.Wendy, raise your right hand.You're probably the first youngster I've ever sworn at , but I have several kids of my own so I have sworn at children before. WENDY S TERL I NG , appearing as a public witness, being first duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Now , this gentleman with the tie on will ask you a couple of quick questions. EXAMINATION BY MR.WOODBURY: Wendy,will spell your last name? you please state your full name and Wendy Moira Angela Darl ing Sweetheart. that? And is this your Sterling is your last name.How do you spe 11 S -L- I -N -G. And what is your address? 1211 Eighth Street. Is that here in Lewiston? sister here next to you? 1430 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID 83701 W . STERLING Public She is my really good friend. She I S your good friend.And what is her name? Shadeen Haller. And can you take the microphone? COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:I don t think she I s signed up to testify, so weill just have Wendy go forward. think she I s just there for comfort. BY MR. WOODBURY:Wendy, you can give your statement. THE WITNESS:I would like to go to college some day and my parents - - may not be able to because my parents have to pay the power bill. And this is my friend Shadeen.Her mom couldn I be here today because she was sick and she couldn t go to work, and it I s going to be hard for them to pay their power bill, so please don t shut their power off. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Wendy, for your testimony, and it I S also nice to meet you too. CROSS - EXAMINATION BY MR. WOODBURY: Wendy, how old are you? Nine. Thank you. 1431 HEDRI CK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID 83701 W . STERLING (X) Public (The wi tness left the stand. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Terri Sterl ing MS. STERLING:Ra i s e it a 1 i t tIe bit. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:If I could have you ralse your right hand? TERR I S TERL I NG , appearing as a public witness, being first duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. WOODBURY: Terri, will you please state your full name, spell your last name? My name is Terri Sterling, and that's spelled L- I - And your addre s s ? 1211 Eighth Street, in Lewiston. Okay.You may give your statement. Thank you. THE WITNESS:m here today to oppose the rate increase by - - that Avista is proposing for a couple of reasons: One is that it's really going to have a big 1432 HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 T . STERLING Public impact on my family.Like my daughter said, we're spending her college fund right now to pay our bills. m a full-time college student myself trying to work my way through, and the rate increase is going to have a serious effect on our family.In the last year , our power has gone up from being $80 a month on the average to now $100 a month on the average.Another rate increase is going to have a serious effect on our ability to pay our bill right now. ve looked at the Public Utilities Commission' recommendations about the Avista rate proposal, and I'm very concerned about some of the things that Avista is asking us to pay for.m tight wi th my budget at home, and I don't spend my money on things that I can't afford.I don't think it' right that Avista made a risky business deal worth almost $7 million and they're asking us to pay for that.I don' think that's right. I don't think it's right that there's a million dollars in extra pension plans above what they were legally obligated to pay that's having to come out of my pocket. husband and I don't have a retirement fund anymore. This economy has been really hard on our family and he lost his job a year ago when it was outsourced. worked for Jackl in Seeds.We've had to move down here to Lewiston from our rural home in Nezperce to try to survive, and it's very expensive living here and it's very hard on our 1433 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID 83701 T . STERLING Public family.We can't afford toWe work very hard for our money. pay more. I don't think it's right that Avista is asking us to pay almost a half a million dollars for a Christmas party and political contributions, political contributions that don't know that I would want to support those people I don't know where the money is going. I don t think it's right when I can't buy my kids a Christmas present at Christmastime or have a Christmas tree or even light the lights on the Christmas tree because the electric bill is too high. We can't afford to pay more, so we're asking you, please, don't let this rate hike go through. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Terri.Let me see if we have some questions. Mr. Woodbury? MR. WOODBURY:I don'Thank you very much. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Terri , thank you for your testimony this evening. THE WITNESS:Thank you. (The witness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Let's call Kay Williams. 1434 HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID 83701 T . STERLING Public KAY WILLIAMS, appearing as a public witness, being first duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. WOODBURY: Ms. Williams, will you please state your full name and spell your last name? Kay Williams, W- I -L- I - And what is your address? 617 Bryden Drive. And is that here in Lewiston? Yes.It's in the Orchards. All right.ThankYou may give your statement. you. THE WITNESS:m here because I'm a retired senior c i t i zen on a fixed income, and I know that there are several in this valley with fixed incomes that just cannot afford another rate hike.I only get $610 a month from Social Security and 450 of that has to go for rent, so that leaves me $110 a month left to spend on whatever I can afford to pay for. I can't afford a telephone, I can't afford the cable, I barely afford my electric bill.In fact, I got my electrici ty turned off because I couldn't afford it. 1435 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 WILLIAMS Public I called them and told them I just did not have the money that month to pay the bill.It was a carryover from oId address pI us my new address , and they came and turned out my lights. Well , then they decided they were going to charge me a deposi t to return them on.They quoted me $133 for the deposit, plus the bill, plus the turnon.It was $323 to get my lights turned back on. I scraped up the money and I paid that. So guess what?I got my electric bill a few days later and they added another part deposit to it. I called them and I said, I paid my deposit. And they said, Well , we computed it wrong. was another 25 something for the deposi t So I said, Okay. So last Saturday, my son gave me money to go pay the electric bill , which was $91 and something, which I didn' have the money for.He gave me the money to pay for it. Monday I got my current bill which is over $50, and there goes another $50 out of my 610 the first of the month to keep my power on. And I'm not the only one.There are too many retired senior citizens, low income people in this town that cannot afford for Avista to keep raising the rates. They tell us, well , if you live here for a year 1436 HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 WILLIAMS Public we can schedule a monthly payment program where you pay the same price every month.Well that's fine , if you can live in one place for a year , but I haven't been able to because I' had problems paying rent because I haven't had the money. I finally did get my Social Security in March, which I turned 62, and it's only $610.And I know I'm not the only one in this spot, and I just can't see Avista getting another rate hike. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Are there any questions? MR. WOODBURY:No questions.Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you for your testimony. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Dai sy Albert. DAISY ALBERT, appearing as a public witness, being first duly sworn , was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. WOODBURY: Ms. Albert, will you please state your full name, 1437 HEDRICK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID 83701 ALBERT Publ i c spell your last name? My name is Daisy May Albert, and it's spelled And your address? 622 Burrell Avenue, No.3, Lewiston. All right.Thank you.You may give your statement. Okay. THE WITNESS:Well , my statement, I'm pretty much just like the rest that testify. I'd say sometime last November I had gotten my electricity shut off, and like the last lady that spoke , she had - - I didn't have the money.Me and myve got chi Idren son both had influenza.I was justIt didn't matter to them. walking out the door to go get the money to go pay the bill and the Avista man said he couldn't do nothing to help me.He went back , shut me off. So then I went to Community Action to ask them for help, and they called them and they had told Communi Actions I'd get my power turned back on if I paid the bill, a backup deposit, and I can't remember exactly what else it was was to pay at this time, but it did come up to about $300.And they could only help me with $100, so therefore, I could not get my lights turned on. For three days I run around trying to find help. 1438 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID 83701 ALBERT Public I finally went to the Tribe and they were able to help pay 200. They had called Avista again and asked them, How much is it going to be to get her power turned back on. They told us about 300. So they said they could give me 200 if Community Action would pay the other 100, and they did it. And so they got my lights turned back on two days later after this, so it was a total of five days I went without powe r . We didn't really have no place to go to stay. Where we were staying was kind of hard.We were sleeping on a floor with just a few blankets. And once the Tribe did help get the bill paid and Community Actions did, they turned my lights back on , and then the next month I get this huge deposit that they said was not paid.Well , in order for them to turn me back on, I was to pay tha t depos it.Well that deposit got paid and I don't know what they did wi th that, the money that came out, and I'm thinking they're looking at me, being a single mother wi th three kids, that I can go out and get sources and help pay my bills.Well that's not how it works all the time. In fact , times before, I would call Communi Act ions and they'd say, Call the Salvation Army.And Salvation Army says, Call the And every time I call these places , they say, Our funding is not in. 1439 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID 83701 ALBERT Public So, where does this proj ect Share go?If it' there for us , I don't believe it's there.So - - I mean , I would contribute to it if I was able to pay the bills. wouldn't mind just throwing $5 into that because I do believe in the proj ect Share, but I don't know where it is.If it' not going to help me, why should I tell other people to pay it? And I guess that's my testimony. Thank you. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Any questions? MR. WOODBURY:No questions, thank you. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Daisy. (The wi tness left the stand. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Let's call George Sterling. GEORGE STERLING, appearing as a public witness , being first duly sworn , was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. WOODBURY: Mr. Sterling, please state your full name, spell your last name. 1440 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 5 7 8, BO I S E , I D 83701 G. STERLINGPublic George Sterling, S- And your address? 1211 Eighth Street. Here in Lewiston? Lewiston. You may give your statement. Okay. THE WITNESS:It's my personal opinion that don't think it should come out of the general population' pocket to give these higher corporate executives more money. mean, they have got more money than we'll ever see anyways. Why should they make more of f of us?Why should the working man carry the burden of the corporate executives?They probably spend four days a week at work and make ten times what I make in a year.I don't think it's right. I don't think we should pay for their parties and we shouldn't pay for their mistakes.ve seen some of these - - some of these numbers and it's just not right.Why should the common, bill-paying man have to make up for their mistakes?It's just not right. That's what I've got to say. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, George.See if there are any questions. No questions.MR. WOODBURY:Thank you. No questions.MR. NORWOOD: 1441 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 G. STERLINGPublic COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Thank you f or your testimony. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:Gene, I have exhausted the first list, and MR. GENE FADNESS:We do have a couple more. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Good.Thank you. I believe it's Donna Flitz.And I apologize if mi spronounced your name. MS. FLITZ:No, you did fine. DONNA FLITZ appearing as a public witness, being first duly sworn , was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. WOODBURY: Ms. Flitz , please state your full name, spell your last name. Donna Flitz , F-L- I - Okay.And your addre s s ? 1411 Bryden Avenue, No., Lewiston. Thank you.You may give your statement. THE WITNESS:I oppose the rate hike. 1442 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FLITZ Publ i c I am on Social Security.I only get 600 too. can't live on that, so I have a part-time job, and I'm 70 and m still having to go to work.I would like to retire. can t afford to.I cannot live on $600.I really can't. And then to have it go up and it's just - - I see that the profit they made and it just keeps going up and still all these things that we're expected to pay for, I don't think it's right. m not a speaker or nothing, but I oppose this and I hope that they don't do this to us, because I know there's lots of other people that are in the same predicament am.They just don't come because they don't think it will do any good anyway, but I feel I'm here because I hope it does. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you, Donna. Are there any questions? MR. WOODBURY:No questions.Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you again for your test imony . (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELIANDER:Marge Sumptner (sic) 1443 HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 FLITZ Publ ic MARGE SUMPTER appearing as a public witness, being first duly sworn , was examined and testified as follows: THE WITNESS:m here to resent - - represent the people in the rural area. EXAMINATION BY MR. WOODBURY: Could we put your name on the record first? m Margorie Sumptner, from Kooskia, Idaho. Could you spell your last name? Okay.And your address in Kooskia? HC 66, Box 307 , Kooskia. All right.Thank you. THE WITNESS:m here to represent the rural area people that could not come down because of financial or other reasons, and so they have signed a card and I'm here to represent these, and I'd like to give them to whoever wants them. (Indicating. You? And - - but I am against the increase in the power 1444 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID 83701 SUMPTER Public also. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Marge, while we have you there, roughly how many of those cards do you have for us thi s evening, do you know? THE WITNESS:Oh I didn't count them , but there' probably 200 or 250. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Thank you.We'll make sure that those are included in the packet for the record. THE WITNESS:Thank you. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: MS. MARILYN PARKER:We have one more. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: almost.We've got another one of them. sheets with names on them as names. Ma t t Lyons.Have you raise your right hand. 1445 And that And that exhausts We have almost as many HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 SUMPTER Public MATT LYONS, appearlng as a public witness, being first duly sworn , was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. WOODBURY: last name. Thank you. Mr. Lyons, please state your name, spell your Matthew Joseph Lyons, L- And your address? 1554 Maple Street, Clarkston , Washington. All right. THE WITNESS:In my house, when my mom is working a part - time job and we have to skip a payment, ike one month we'll have to skip our water payment to pay our house house's rent, and then the next month we'll have to skip the other ones to pay our electrical , and that just gets out of hand.It gets up to $200 before we can pay it and it's just really hard on my mom to pay the bill.And it's just a while back we got a eviction notice on our house because we can't keep the bills up. So that's it. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you for your testimony. 1446 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 LYONSPublic CROSS - EXAMINATION BY MR. WOODBURY: How old are you, Matt? m 17. Okay. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And we have another sheet wi th another name, so get that up here. Thank you again , Matt. (The witness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Syl via Evers. MS. EVERS:My name is Sylvia Evers, E- and it's 2035 Burrell Avenue, here in Lewiston.m also the director of the YWCA. COMMI S S IONER KJELLANDER:I'll need to get you sworn In. MS. EVERS:, okay. 1447 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE , ID 83701 LYONS (X) Public SYLVIA EVERS, appearlng as a public witness , being first duly sworn , was examined and testified as follows: THE WITNES:I went to the Social Security Web site and pulled off the COLA rate increases that they have historically given, and over the last three years when the increase is given in Social Security, it happens in January of each year.So from 2002, 2003, 2004 , the combined increase to Social Securi ty was 6.1 percent.The highest increase was 6 percent , which was given in January of 2002.So we' looking at an increase for people on a fixed income, and this is the basis for a lot of the retirement program adjustments to costs of living. It is really hard to justify an electric increase of such proportion when, over a three-year period, people are seeing a six percent increase in income, a very limited income. At the YWCA we do emergency services for clients. We work closely with Avista to try to keep people's utilities turned on.We will help people once a year with their utility bi 11 .The average - - the highest part is usually $100 we will help them wi th.TheWe try to work wi th other resources: Communi ty Action Partnership Program, Salvation Army, St. Vincent De Paul on occasion, to try to cover someone' s utility bills to keep it on and keep it working for another 1448 HEDRICK COURT REPORTINGP. O. BOX 578 , BOISE , ID 83701 EVERS Public month's period of time. We put out in the neighborhood of eight to $1,400 a month for assistance for clients.We save more money to put out in the colder months so that when the utility uses are higher but on the average,$15,000 year goes into utility support for client bills,and this from Uni ted Way funding and private funding,dona t ion funding that receive. not any money coming back from the utility companies or so on. But I really have a hard time justifying increases of that nature.Yes, you have business expenses, but so do we all.And I know no staff member in our organization has got ten a raise in the last three years that would exceed five percent during that time.Lewis-Clark State College has not had a raise in three years, nor have any of the State of Idaho employees, except for this year they might get a one percent ralse. And so people around here are deal ing wi very - - incomes that are not changing, and everything keeps going up and I really think the hi - - yeah, they're going to take one thing away and add another , but the hi t is too big and people can't afford it.And on our own household, two-income f ami 1 y , 20 percent pI us increase in the power bi 11 , yeah, that's going to make a change.Something is going to move. So you really need to take a look at what we' asking people to do.Remember , the Social Security rate over 1449 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 EVERS Public three years was just 6. 1 percent. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Before you walk away, we just need to find out if there's any questions. Any questions? MR. WOODBURY:No, I don'Thank you very much. THE WITNESS:Do you want this? COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Why don't we go ahead and if you could hand that to Scott. MR. WOODBURY:It's the cost of living increases. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Not as an official exhibit, but we'll have it included in the material from this hearing.Thank you. (The wi tness left the stand. MS. MARILYN PARKER:There's one more, but Il out of yellow sheets. HEARING OFFICER:Well , at this point we're going to just ignore the list since we've gone through it, and is there anyone else that would like to testify, because I see some hands.All right, why don'There's one and there's one. we start wi th the woman in the third row , and then we'll move to the gentleman in the second row. 1450 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 EVERS Public RAMONA MONTGOMERY, appearing as a public witness, being first duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY MR. WOODBURY: Please state your name. My name is Ramona Montgomery, N -R- Y . And your addre s s ? 907 Culdesac Avenue, Culdesac, Idaho. Thank you. THE WITNESS:I oppose the rate increase.m a full-time college student.Up until May, I was a single mom. My husband and I have recently moved out of Lewiston because we couldn't afford to live here.He was also a college student. He had to qui t college to get a job because we couldn't afford to pay the electricity bill. I just want to say, who's looking out for us? Who's looking out for the working poor?You know, I'm going to school so that I can get a better education so that I can get a better job so that I can pay my bills so that my son can go to school and have the things he wants and needs, but taking money from my financial aid to pay for my electricity bill is not 1451 HEDRI CK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 MONTGOMERYPublic allowing me to buy the books that I need to buy, to buy the materials for my internships, my senior research proj ects, driving back and forth to school. I live 20 miles out of town.I have to go into town every day.And by raising the increase, I'm going to have to either start car pooling or taking more online classes, when I really need to be on the campus to get my research done. Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. Are there any questions? MR. WOODBURY:No questions.Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. (The wi tness left the stand. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:And the gentleman in the second row. PAUL LAUGHLIN, appearing as a public witness, being first duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: My name is Paul Laughlin,THE WITNESS: My address is P.O. Box 106, Pierce, Idaho. MR. WOODBURY:Okay. THE WITNESS:I live in a town that, as of the 2000 census, had 61 7 people.That was before the local sawmill 1452 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 LAUGHLIN Pub 1 i c shut down.In 1990, the population was 700-some people. 1980, it was over 1,100.We live 12 miles away.It's going to the same population decrease.The maj or reason for that there simply is no employment.Particularly in Pierce, since P. Mill shut down in 2001, four years ago -- yeah , 2000 there just are no jobs in the area.The mill has shut down. There's a mill running in Weippe, there's one in Orofino. There I S a question how much time they're going to be in operation. Logging is essentially dead.There's still a little bit of logging going on, but not much.People just simply don't have jobs, and, consequently, they're leaving. Employment rates will show a decline from 14 point some percent three to four years ago to around eight percent now.The main reason for the decline is people leaving the area not because jobs are increasing, but because the number of people seeking jobs is decreasing. I don't really care myself.m retired and I' glad of it.m glad I don't have to go out and try to find a job in today' s economy in this area.It's a great place to 1 i ve, but a tough place to make a 1 i ving And people who can't find employment certainly cannot afford 24 percent rate increases on anything. Enough said. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you. 1453 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 LAUGHLIN Publ i c Are there any questions? MR. WOODBURY:No questions.Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Thank you again for your testimony. (The wi tness left the stand. I s there anyone el seCOMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: who would like to testify this evening? I would like to submi t some testimonyA VOICE: from people who couldn't be here tonight. COMM IS S IONER KJELLANDER:Some written comments? A VOICE:Yes. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:Certainly.And i f you could just give those to Mr. Woodbury. A VOICE:Thank you. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER:What I'd like to again remind you is that we wi 11 have a period of about another week or so where you can submit some written comments.I f you should leave here tonight and think there's something else that you would like to share with the Commission, please feel free to either go to the Web site and use the instructions at that site to submit some comments, or you can send us some written comments and the address should be on the back table.And I think we actually have some forms if you would like to take them with you to fill out and to submit some comments.And, again , we look forward to seeing more of those come in as we 1454 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 move forward with this specific case. Just to give you sort of a time line with regards to the Decision process that the Commission will be going through , we do have one more witness that we need to have brought to the stand as part of the technical hearing.That will happen, I believe, on August 16th, give or take a day or And once we get that, I don't believe there will be anyso. Briefs that will be filed but there may well be a request for that. And then the case will , at that time, be what we consider to be fully submitted, and the Commission will begin its deliberative process.And it's our intent, wi thout having to hold the case over further, to have a Decision issued around September -- Ninth.MR. WOODBURY: COMMI S S lONER KJELLANDER:-- 9th. Okay, so it may sound like a lot of time, but it really isn't. And so, again, what I'd like to do is encourage you to get those written comments in as quickly as possible so that we can have those as part of our record and we can review those in a timely fashion. So, again, I want to thank all of you for being here this evening.It's always a pleasure to see people turn out to publ ic hearings.I often say at hearings that there are 1455 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING COLLOQUY BOX 578,BOISE,83701 many times at which we've gone out and no one has shown up, and I can only tell you that's discouraging from at least the position that I sit in is to go someplace and have a case come forward and not have anyone show up and comment on.So very glad to see all of you here, and thank you for your comments, the c i vi 1 it Y whi ch you ve shown in the hearing room today, and, again , we look forward to moving forward and beginning the deliberation of this process. So wi th that, we're adj ourned, and have a good evening. (The hearing adj ourned at 6: 36 p. m. ) 1456 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID COLLOQUY 83701 AUTHENTI CATION This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct transcript to the best of my ability of the proceedings held in the matter of the Application of Avista Corporation for authority to increase its rates and charges for electric and natural gas service to electric and natural gas customers in the state of Idaho, Case Nos. AVU-04-1 and AVU-04-1, commencing on Tuesday, July 27 , 2004, at the Nez Perce County Commissioners' Hearing Room, 1225 Idaho Street, Lewiston, Idaho, and the original thereof for the file of the Commission. WENDY J. MURRAY, ot ry Pu licin and for the ate of Idaho, residing at Meridian , Idaho. My Commi s s ion exp i re s 2 - 5 - 2 008 . Idaho CSR No. 475 1457 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING P. O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 AUTHENTICATION