HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040831Avista Answer to Motion to Compel.pdfDAVID J. MEYER, Esq. , CHIEF COUNSEL for REGULATORY AND GOVERNMENTAL AFF AIRS VISTA CORPORATION O. BOX 3727 1411 E. MISSION AVE., MSC- SPOKANE, W A 99220-3727 david.meyer~avistacorp. com Attorney for Avista Utilities (509) 495-4316 (509) 495-4361 (FAX) ,e_ ""' ' Iie_ , ."~ t.. L t- ~i (.. , Y i~,;J -- " FILED qr' "-\7\ 'it'~\ 9~ it titIt:) JO ~JJ- - , . ~ t\). r- ",\,j\ ~C '~- . friES cUMnl....,lur ", \ , BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO. CASE NOS. AVU-O4- A VU -O4- ANSWER OF A VISTA CORPORATION TO POTLATCH CORPORATION' MOTION TO COMPEL Avista Corporation, by and through its attorney of record, David J. Meyer, hereby answers Potlatch Corporation s Motion to Compel Discovery Responses, dated August 24 2004. In its Sixth Set of Discovery Requests served upon A vista Corporation, Potlatch requested various information pertaining to the possible purchase, by Avista, ofMirant Corporation s one- half ownership interest in Coyote Springs 2. (Potlatch's Sixth Set of Data Requests were appended to Potlatch's Motion as Exhibit A.) Avista objects to these requests on the following grounds: The possible purchase of Mirant' s interest in Coyote Springs 2 is not at issue in these proceedings; A vista has asked for no rate relief or other regulatory treatment with respect to this potential transaction in this docket. Should A vista consummate this purchase, any request for associated rate reliefwill be the subject of future proceedings, which will afford all parties the opportunity for discovery. A VISTA'S ANSWER TO POTLATCH' MOTION TO COMPEL Page Moreover, it should be recognized that only a confidential non-binding letter of intent has been executed. A definitive purchase and sale agreement has yet to be executed. Unless and until such an agreement is reached, any such purchase remains indefinite. Therefore, contrary to Potlatch's assertions, the information requested is not relevant to the subject matter involved in the pending action. Nor will it suffice to argue that the "price and terms of the potential purchase" are somehow relevant to the plant's fair market value. (See para. 4 of affidavit of Conley Ward.First of all, a definitive purchase agreement has not been executed between A vista and Mirant, governing all essential terms; only a non-binding letter of intent exists. More importantly, at issue in this rate case are the facts and circumstances known to Avista at the time it decided to initially acquire Coyote Springs 2 - not the terms of a potential purchase several years later of Mira nt's share. Potlatch also asserts that this potential acquisition "calls into question the prudence of Avista s resource acquisition strategies. " ( Id.Should Avista actually acquire Mirant's share of the plant, and at such time as A vista seeks regulatory cost recovery, Potlatch and other interested parties will have ample opportunity to examine this purchase and explore A vista s resource acquisition strategies. It has not been this Commission s practice to pre-determine the prudence of a potential transaction involving the possible acquisition of a utility plant. For the foregoing reasons, Potlatch's Motion to Compel should be denied. Respectfully submitted this 27th day of August, 2004. ~~-II idJ.Meyef VP and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governmental Affairs A vista Corporation A VISTA'S ANSWER TO POTLATCH' MOTION TO COMPEL Page 2