HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040616Responses 27, 34 of Avista to CAPAI.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 EaSt Mission PO Box 3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 F\ECE1VED F n , t ' ""," ,. " ill 'V'STA~ Corp. ')(;" , J~LOU i JJ11 '~!;t~ n f 0Htl:) Ie June 15 2004 !;j lei.: ( UTILITIES. COr0H1IS SION Brad Purdy Attorney at Law 2019 N. 17th 8t. Boise, ill 83702 Re:First Production Request of CAP AI. in Case Nos. A VU-04-01 and A VU-04- Mr. Purdy, I have attached one copy of Avista s response to CAPAI's Data Request No(s). 27 and 34. If you have any questions, please call me at (509) 495-4706 or Don Falkner at (509) 495- 4326. Mike Fin Rate Analyst A vista Utilities Enclosures Cc:M. Karp S. Woodbury D. Peseau A. Yankel C. Cox (A W.I.S. (IPUC) (Utility Resources, Inc. (Yankel & Assoc, Inc. Coeur ) VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUES TER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-04-01 / A VU-04- CAP AI Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPOND ER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPH ONE: 06/11/2004 Don KopczYnski Bill PaYne Internal Audit (509) 495-8749 REQUEST: Every internal audit performed during the last three years of any office or company unit performing collection functions, where the audit examined issues relating to deferred payment plans, telephone credit and collection calls, the taking of deposits, field collection calls, or some other collections-related function. RESPONSE: No such audits have been performed during the last three years. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01l A VU-O4- CAP AI Audit Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPOND ER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 6/11/2004 Don KopczYnski Lori Hermanson Energy Delivery Acctg. (509) 495-4658 REQUEST: Please provide a detailed description of how the Company calculates its uncollectible allowance (i., the amount of bad debt the Company considers acceptable). Separately provide the most recent calculation of the uncollectible allowance, including sufficient underlying work papers and analysis to permit the duplication of the calculation. RESPONSE: The level of the uncollectible allowance IS managed to the previous year s highest 3-month total of write-offs, adjusted for anticipated rate increases/decreases. We also reserve 100% for everything over 90 days. In addition, we look at write-offs as a percent of revenue and apply this average of this ratio to estimated annual revenues. This gives you your projected reserve with estimated annual net write-offs included. When you back out the estimated annual net write-offs, you have the projected reserve balance for 0-90 day receivables. All receivables over 90 days are added to this projection to give you an estimated reserve balance to cover all receivables of about $2. million. The accrual balances are monitored monthly and are adjusted as necessary in case actual write- offs differ significantly from what we had anticipated and budgeted. We were projecting to have the uncollectible allowance at a balance of about $2m. However, write-offs have been significantly more than projected, so the monthly accrual will most likely be adjusted. For ratemaking purposes, the test year accrual is adjusted to actual uncollectible write-offs. ST O M E R U T I L I T Y A C C O U N T W R I T E - OF F A N A L Y S I S 1/ 1 / 9 9 - 12 / 3 1 / 0 4 (P r o j e c t e d ) (P r o j e c t e d ) (P r o j e c t e d ) (P r o j e c t e d ) (P r o j e c t e d ) (P r o j e c t e d ) (P r o j e c t e d ) AN N U A l JU N E JU L Y AU G U S T SE P T E M B E R OC T O B E R NO V E M B E R DE C E M B E R 24 0 00 0 24 0 00 0 24 0 . 00 0 24 0 00 0 24 0 , 00 0 24 0 , 00 0 24 0 , 00 0 64 0 , 00 0 32 7 , 69 9 23 5 32 4 15 0 , 37 2 19 5 68 7 78 , 87 4 13 6 , 00 8 10 6 , 95 1 17 0 , 4 9 8 15 7 50 1 M a r 4 J 4 00 4 00 0 A p r - 58 7 00 0 M a y 4 J 4 Ju n 4 J 4 Ju l 4 J 4 Au g 4 J 4 Se p - O 4 45 1 06 4 37 9 46 % 56 % 62 % #D I V / O ! #D I V / O I #D I V l O ' #D I V / O I 59 % 63 % 55 % 39 % #D I V l O ! #D I V I O I #D I V I O I #D I V / O I 0.4 8 % s i s p r e s e n t e d a b o v e f o r a n a l y s i s p u r p o s e s . CA P A I - Da t a R e q u e s t N o . 3 4