HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040601Responses of Avista to Potlatch.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission PO Box3727 Spokane, Washington 99220-3727 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 . RECEIVED ILEa ill ~~~'V'STA~ Corp. 2064 JUN- I A(110= it May 28, 2004 tiJ FiUBLtC UTILiTiES COHt1tSSION Conley E. Ward GNENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Bannock Street PO Box 2720 Boise, ill 83701-2720 Re:Production Request of Potlatch Corporation in Case Nos. A VU-04-01 and A VU-04- Mr. Ward I have attached one copy of Avista s response to Potlatch Data Request No.(s) 21 , 23 , 26 , 45(C), and 51. If you have any questions, please call me at (509) 495-4706 or Don Falkner at (509) 495- 4326. ')erelY' Mike Fink Rate Analyst Enclosures Cc:S. Woodbury D. Peseau A. Yankel (IPUC) (Utility Resources, Inc. (Yankel & Assoc, Inc. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho AVU-O4-01/ AVU-O4- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTNlENT: TELEPHONE: OS/28/2004 Don Falkner Don Falkner Rates (509) 495-4326 REQUEST: Please refer to Mr. Morris s testimony at page 16, lines 18-21. Is Avista proposing in this filing a rate increase associated with the AMR to be adopted in a subsequent filing? Please explain the general purpose of the accounting proposal regarding AMR in this context. RESPONSE: No rate increase is being proposed in this filing. Please see below the reprinted section taken from my direct testimony. VI. ADVANCED NlETER READING PROJECT ACCOUNTING PROPOSALQ. As previously testified by Mr. Holmes, Avista is introducing a proposal for implementation of Advanced Meter Reading ("AMR") for its Idaho customers. Does the Company have a proposal for how to account for this project?A. Yes it does. As was noted by Mr. Holmes, the Company proposes to install AMR devices on all Idaho electric and natural gas meters over a four-year period commencing January 2005. The project will involve the installation of additional electronics for existing meters as well as other communication infrastructure, and finally computer hardware and software investment. Due to the multi-year nature of this project, as well as the Company s desire to be able to measure and analyze both the costs and benefits of the entire project, we propose to treat AMR investment costs as a unique construction project. All capital investment would follow our standard capitalization policy and be capitalized to construction work in progress, FERC account 107, until the entire AMR project becomes operational, or used and useful. At that point, the project will be unitized into the appropriate FERC plant accounts, depreciation would begin and the investment would receive rate base treatment in regulatory filings.Q. Why are you making this an accounting proposal in this filing?A. There are some segments of the capital investment included in this project specifically electronic upgrades to existing meters, and/or new meters, that an argument can be made for immediate inclusion in plant-in-service. That would mean earlier inclusion in rate base and initiation of depreciation. However, the actual AMR project would not be "completely used and useful, at least as the whole project is defined, until some 4 years or so after the project initially begins. Keeping the capital costs bundled, as a single construction work in progress item, will facilitate easier tracking and analysis of all the aspects of the Idaho AMR program. Any slight differences in "vintaged" depreciable lives and asset balances between immediate inclusion into plant-in-service and this proposal should not be material. The Company requests approval from the Commission to account for the AMR project as described above. . A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01/ A VU-O4- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RESPONDER: DEP ARTNlENT: TELEPHONE: OS/28/2004 Don Falkner Don Falkner Rates (509) 495-4326 REQUEST: Again please refer to Mr. Morris s testimony at page 17, lines 13-17. Does the proposed inclusion of transmission capital costs in rate base amount to a request to include $9 million of CWIP in rate base? Please explain why or why not. RESPONSE: No. The proposed inclusion of transmission capital costs in the company s filing does not amount to a request to include construction work in progress in rate base. The projects included in the Company s filing were scheduled to be used and useful plant prior to the conclusion of the Idaho rate setting process. In fact, two of the projects, Pine Creek 203 kV Substation and the Beacon-Rathdrum 203 kV line, have been completed and transferred to plant-in-service. Based on updated information, the completion of the third project, the Beacon-Bell #4 230 kV line has been deferred beyond its original scheduled completion date, and will ultimately be removed from this filing VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQ UES TER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho AVU-O4-01/ AVU-O4- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: D EP AR TNlENT: TELEPHONE: OS/28/2004 Don Falkner Don Falkner Rates (509) 495-4326 REQUEST: Please refer to Mr. Morris s testimony at page 20, lines 9-10. Does the request at this point to include CS2 in rate base amount to a request to include CWIP in rate base? Please explain. RESPONSE: No. The inclusion of CS2 in the company s filing does not amount to a request to include construction work in progress in rate base. The plant has been completed and transferred to plant-in-service. Additionally, the CS2 plant is included in the Company s power supply model as a generation resource to be dispatched as load and market conditions dictate. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho AVU-O4-01/ AVU-O4- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREP ARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTNlENT: TELEPHONE: 5/25/2004 Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please provide copies Avista Uitilities' and Avista Energy s monthly and cumulative hedging settlement reports for each of the Deal A and B hedging transactions (month-end mark-to-market for each of the 4 hedges) from April 2001 to the present. Provide all monthly detail necessary to replicate the calculations. RESPONSE: On June 20, 2002 A vista Utilities converted the two financial swap transactions which had A vista Energy as the counterparty, referred to as Deal B , along with the original physical purchase at Malin Monthly Index, which was related to Deal B, to one combined physical purchase at an equivalent fixed price. The conversion transaction saved A vista Utilities the value of a monthly delayed cash payment on the financial swaps from the 6th working day of the current month to the 25th of the month following delivery of the gas, or approximately 40 days. There was no benefit to A vista Energy from this conversion. This conversion also eliminated the monthly settlement as would normally occur with a financial swap transaction. The monthly settlement information for the two financial swap transactions comprising Deal A are being provided with Avista s data response to Potlatch, Data Request No. 45(C). The materials provided contain TRADE SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01 , Rule 067 , and Section 9-340D , Idaho Code. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho AVU-O4-01/ AVU-O4- Potlatch Data Request D ATE PREP ARED: WITNESS: RES PONDER: D EP AR TNIENT : TELEPHO NE: OS/28/2004 Don Falkner Don Falkner Rates (509) 495-4326 REQUEST: Please provide copies of the monthly reports on the "Commission Basis" referenced by Mr. Falkner at page 5 of his testimony. RESPONSE: The Commission Basis reports are only prepared annually and are basically interim versions of the Company s revenue requirement filing in this case; similar adjustments and presentation to the workpapers and exhibits provided in this case. The Company reserves the right in a rate proceeding, or any other Commission filing, to submit adjustments that may be different from those utilized in the reports. Below is a table presenting the Idaho electric normalized rate of return calculated for each of the years noted in my testimony. An additional calculation was made for the 2001 report to show the impact of the inclusion of the new pro forma adjustments recently approved in our Washington jurisdiction, and ultimately included in our current Idaho filing. ROR Adi. ROR 1998 63% 1999 85% 2000 57% 2001 10.60%69% 2002 16% CO NFID E NTIAL ATTACHMENTS - .