HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040525Responses of Avista to Potlatch.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission PO Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-3727 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727.9170 ~::'iI'STA~ Conley E. Ward GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 W. Bannock Street PO Box 2720 Boise, ill 83701-2720 idaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED MAY 2 5 200~ Bo\Se, Idaho Corp. May 24, 2004 Re:Production Request of Potlatch Corporation in Case Nos. A VU-04-01 and A VU-04- Mr. Ward I have attached one copy of Avista s response to Potlatch Data Request No.(s) 24 , 29(C), and 74. If you have any questions, please call me at (509) 495-4706 or Don Falkner at (509) 495- 4326. Mike F Rate Analyst Enclosures Cc:s. Woodbury D. Peseau A. Yankel (IPUC) (Utility Resources, Inc. (Yankel & Assoc, Inc. , ", ;. ::"c ' ' .; , VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RES PO ND ER : DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/24/2004 Storro/Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please refer to Mr. Morris s testimony at page lines 1-14. Please provide the most recent manufacturer s estimates of the date that the transformer will be repaired and returned to the Coyote Springs site. RESPONSE: Based on the manufacturer s estimated repair time and the projected shipping schedule for moving the transformer from Turkey back to the Coyote Springs 2 site, it is estimated that the unit will be delivered to the nearby rail siding by July 22 2004. Approximately two weeks are planned to unload, transport and dress the transformer. The current schedule would place the transformer back in service on approximately August 7 2004. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RESPONDER: D EP AR TMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/24/2004 torro/Lafferty Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please refer to Mr. Morris s testimony at page 17, lines 13-17. At what point after the return of the transformer does A vista expect Coyote Springs 2 to become used and useful? RESPONSE: The Coyote Springs 2 project began commercial operation on July 1 2003 and became used and useful at that time. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/20/2004 StOITO Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please refer to Mr. Storro s testimony at page 5, lines 4-8. Was the 25-35 MW wind resource agreement in fact executed? Please provide a general description of on-line dates and performance expectations plus a copy of any executed agreement. RESPONSE: Yes. The 25-35 MW wind resource agreement was executed on March 31 2004 with deliveries beginning April 7, 2004. The term of the agreement is 10 years. The balance of the information is being provided with Avista s data response to Potlatch, number 29(C). The materials provided contain TRADE SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. " ,', AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU - E-O4-0 1 / A VU -O4-0 1 Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 5/14/2004 Storro Lafferty Energy Resources (509) 495-4460 REQUEST: Please refer to Mr. Storro s testimony at page 5, lines 13-20. Please explain what portion of the $6.6 million has been spent and when the estimated 17 MW and 3aMW of capacity and energy became available to A vista. RESPONSE: The upgrade to Cabinet Gorge Project Unit #2 was completed on March 19,2004 and was put into service March 22, 2004. The cost of the project through April 30, 2004 was approximately $6.2 million. . . JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. REQUEST: VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- Potlatch Data Request DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: , RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: OS/24/2004 MalYn Malquist Paul Kimball Finance (509) 495-4584 Referring to Dr. Avera s direct testimony, page 11 at 1-, provide Avista s debt ratings for the past ten years. RESPONSE: See attached , ,;.," ., Av i s t a C o r r - His t o r y o f S e n i o r S e c u r e d a n d U n s e c u r e d C r e d i t R a t i n g s As o f D e c e m b e r 3 1 Li n e No . 2: ' Fi t c h l D u f f & P h e l p s Mo o d y St a n d a r d & P o o r Se c u r e d Un s e c u r e d Se c u r e d Un s e c u r e d Co r p o r a t e Se c u r e d Un s e c u r e d Co r p o r a t e 20 0 4 (a ) (b ) (C ) (d ) (e ) (f ) (g ) (h ) Ou t l o o k BB B - BB + Ba a 3 Ba 1 Ba 1 BB B - BB + BB + Ou t l o o k St a b l e St a b l e St a b l e 20 0 3 BB B - BB + Ba a 3 Ba 1 Ba 1 BB B - BB + BB + 20 0 2 BB B - BB + Ba a 3 Ba 1 Ba 1 BB B - BB + BB + 20 0 1 BB B - BB + 10 / 8 / 0 1 - Ba a 3 Ba 1 Ba 1 10 / 1 0 / 0 1 - BB B - BB + BB B - 20 0 0 BB B + 7/ 2 7 / 0 0 - Ba a 1 Ba a 2 Ba a 2 8/ 1 / 0 0 - BB B + BB B BB B 19 9 9 BB B + Ba a 1 Ba a 1 8/ 2 4 / 9 9 - BB B + BB B BB B + 19 9 8 Ba a 1 Ba a 1 19 9 7 Ba a 1 Ba a 1 19 9 6 Ba a 1 Ba a 1 7/ 1 / 9 6 - 19 9 5 Ba a 1 Ba a 1 BB B + 19 9 4 Ba a 1 Ba a 1 BB B + 19 9 3 BB B + Ba a 1 Ba a 1 BB B + 19 9 2 BB B + Ba a 1 Ba a 1 BB B + 19 9 1 BB B + Ba a 1 Ba a 1 BB B + Po t l a t c h D a t a R e q u e s t N o . 7 4 - At t a c h m e n t Cr e d i t R a t i n g H i s t o r y . xl s