HomeMy WebLinkAbout200405046th Response of Avista to Staff.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission PO Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-3727 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 .J.'~'V'STA. Corp. May 3 , 2004 k1M~ ~YP.ljg Utilities Commission" ,n OOj~g: of the Secretary . ~~CglvED MAY - 4 2004 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ill 83720-0074 Attn: Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Boise. Idaho Re:Sixth Production Request of the Commission Staff in Case Nos. A VU-04-01 and A VU-04- Mr. Woodbury, I have attached an original and three copies of A vista s response to Staff Data Request No(s). 187, 188, 189, 190, 191 , 192, 193 , 194, 197, 198, 199 200 202 203 204, and 206. Responses to Staff Data Request No.(s) 195 and 196 will be sent via overnight delivery on May 4th , 2004. If you have any questions, please call me at (509) 495-4706. tel Mike Fink Rate Analyst Enclosures Copy: Conley Ward (Potlatch) AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 1 A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request 187 DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 4/29/2004 Don Falkner Liz Andrews Rates and Regulation (509) 495-8601 REQUEST: Referring to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Sixth Supplemental Order Rejecting the Benchmark Mechanism Tariff issued on February 13, 2004 regarding the affiliated interest arrangement between A vista Energy and A vista Utilities, please answer the following questions: (a) Please provide all documentation reviewed or prepared by A vista Utilities or A vista Energy showing the continued reasonableness of the affiliate transactions associated with the benchmark mechanism. (b) What accounting or tracking mechanism does A vista have in place to reflect cost differences in the past and going forward between using A vista Energy or in- house Avista Utilities' personnel to enter these energy transactions? (c) If no mechanism is currently set up, please determine and explain a proposed method to track differences in costs going forward. RESPONSE: (a) See attached: March 12, 2004 - Avista s Compliance Filing and Proposed Transition Plan for the Benchmark Mechanism March 18 , 2004 - (WUTC) Response On Behalf of Commission Staff to Avista Compliance Filing and Proposed Transition Plan for the Benchmark Mechanism April 1 , 2004 - (WUTC) Seventh Supplemental Order Extending Expiration of Benchmark Mechanism to April 30, 2004; Approving Compliance Filing (b) (c) Currently there is no tracking mechanism in place or proposed method to track differences in personnel costs between using A vista Energy versus A vista Utilities entering energy transactions going forward. The company has estimated a need for at least 4 new employees plus associated costs of approximately $500,000 (System). Idaho s share of this amount would equate to approximately $104 000 annually. The utility pays Avista Energy approximately $335 000 annually (Idaho share based on $0.005/therm) to manage the Benchmark Mechanism. This amount covers a portion of A vista Energy s costs such as labor costs, credit and other administrative costs. Ayjltl eo,,- 1411 EaItMiasion PO Box 3127 Spokane, Washington 88221).3127 Telephone !iI&&O5III TolIFm 101-727.9110 ~IV'STA' Corp. March 12, 2004 Carole Washburn, Executive Secretary Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission 1300 S. Evergreen Park Drive S. W. O. Box 47250 Olympia, Washington 98504-7250 Re: Docket No. UG-O21584 -Compliance Filing of Proposed Transition Plan of the Natural Gas Benchmark Mechanism Dear Ms. Washburn: Enclosed for filing with the Commission are twelve copies of the Company s Compliance Filing regarding the proposed Transition Plan of the Natural Gas Benchmark Mechanism (Mechanism) and proposed revisions to the following tariff sheets: Fourth Revision Sheet 150 Fourth Revision Sheet 150A Canceling Canceling Third Revision Sheet 150 Third Revision Sheet 150A The Commission issued its Sixth Supplemental Order in Docket No. UG-021584, on February 13,2004, rejecting continuation of Avista Utilities' Benchmark Mechanism. The proposed revisions to Schedules 150 and 150A eliminate all references to the Benchmark Mechanism. The Commission also extended the current Schedule 163 (Natural Gas Benchmark Mechanism) for 60 days after the date of the Order, to April 13, 2004. Under the proposed transition plan, the Benchmark Mechanism would tenninate effective April 30, 2004. The Company requests the Commission grant an extension of the April 13, 2004 Schedule 163 tennination date to April 30, 2004 (end of a calendar month), for ease of record keeping and accounting purposes. The Order required the parties to consult regarding transition of the functions performed by Avista Energy under the current Mechanism (Schedule 163) back to Avista Utilities. The Company was directed to file its plan within 30 days of the Commission s Order. The Commission noted in their Order at paragraph 89 "it (the Commission) acknowledges the Idaho and Oregon arrangements, leaving room for discussions of parties that develop a transition that coordinates with other A vista operations and provides the least disruption to the Company and its ratepayers." Described below, the Company s Transition Plan is a plan designed to avoid disruption for Company operations in each of its jurisdictions and for its ratepayers. This Plan provides adequate time for hiring, training and transition of new employees, creation of adequate counterparty contacts, and credit facilities, etc., while avoiding the inefficiencies associated with Carole Washburn, Executive Secretary March 12; 2004 Page 2 having part of the procurement functions at A vista Energy (Idaho and Oregon) and part of the functions at Avista Utilities (Washington). The Company circulated the Company s proposed Transition Plan to the Commission Staff and Public Counsel in order to determine a pIan which could be agreed to by all parties. Attached is the Company s proposed Transition Plan, which describes the procedures necessary to return the natural gas procurement, transportation and storage management functions back to A vista Utilities. The primary provisions within the proposed Transition Plan include: 1. Termination of Schedule 163 and the Benchmark Mechanism:The current Benchmark Mechanism and Schedule 163 would terminate in Washington effective April 30, 2004. For accounting purposes it will be important to terminate the Mechanism at the end of a calendar month. 2. Transition Period:The proposed Transition Period would be May 1,2004 through March 31, 2005. During the proposed Transition Period, the Utility would continue to consult with and draw on the expertise of Avista Energy, however, management and decision-makimz related to the natural gas procurement functions would reside with A vista Utilities, under the Manager of Gas Supply. The execution of transactions would be conducted by A vista Energy. 3. Incentive Sharing Eliminated:There would be no incentive benefits or cost-sharing by Avista Energy. All Costs and Benefits associated with natural gas procurement functions: (Le. Commodity, Jackson Prairie (JP) Storage, Transportation and Basin Optimization), would to Avista Utilities' customers. 4. Under Avista Utilities' direction. Avista Enenzv would execute the following: a. Commodity:purchase a portion of the Utilities' natural gas requirements months in advance, some at first of month (pOM) index, along with daily purchases and sales (including Basin Optimization) and the use of storage to balance load. b. Storage:inject and withdraw storage providing the winterlsummer price differential and reliability of peak day demand coverage. c. Transportation:optimize available pipeline transportation through capacity releases and off-system sales. 5. Manaszement Fee:Avista Utilities would pay Avista Energy a management fee of $75,000 per month during the transition period for the services provided, which would be included in the PGA costs. 6. Trainine/Misc.During the transition period, Avista Utilities would complete the tasks necessary to bring the gas procurement functions back within the utility, (Le. hiring and training of employees, pipeline, storage and third party supplier notifications of change in contract relationships, development and documentation of internal administrative procedures, etc. Carole Washburn, Executive Secretary March 12, 2004 Page 3 7. Other Jurisdictions:The Benchmark Mechanism terminates in Idaho and Oregon March 31, 2005. Effective April 1, 2005 execution of natural gas procurement services for all three states (Washington, Idaho and Oregon) would revert to the utility. The Company requests the Commission approve the Company s proposed Transition Plan, the accounting and ratemaking treatment, and such other approvals as may be necessary related to the natural gas procurement functions of Avista Utilities on or before April 13, 2004. Questions regarding this fIling should be directed to Liz Andrews at (509) 495.8601. Sincerely, ~ A"..r-d Kelly Norwood Vice President of State & Federal Regulation Enclosures C: Attached service list A vista Utilities Transition Plan for Benchmark Mechanism Introduction:1. Under the proposed Transition Plan, the Natural Gas Benchmark Mechanism (Benchmark Mechanism) and Schedule 163 would terminate effective April 30, 2004. For accounting purposes it will be important to terminate at the end of a calendar month. With regard to the Transition Plan, the Commission stated in its Order at paragraph 89 that: ... it acknowledges the Idaho and Oregon arrangements, leaving room for discussions of parties that develop a transition that coordinates with other A vista operations and provides the least disruption to the company ~d its ratepayers. In addition, the Commission stated at paragraph 91 and again at paragraph 111 In developing the schedule for transition, the parties may consider that the Mechanism as it cUlTently exists in Oregon and Idaho expires in March 2005. The Commission will consider a further extension of the expiration date, if necessary, depending on the plan we approve for transition of the Mechanism. 3. Recognizing that the Transition Plan should be one that "provides the least disruption to the company and its ratepayers," the proposed Plan would terminate the Benchmark Mechanism in Washington in the near-term, while attempting to avoid the inefficiencies during the Transition Period associated with having part of the procurement functions at A vista Energy (Idaho and Oregon) and part of the functions at A vista Utilities (Washington). To illustrate this point: With regard to transportation (especially), if the execution of transactions were to be immediately transferred back to the utility, the utility does not yet have trained staff in place, nor does the utility have adequate counterparty contacts to properly optimize available pipeline transportation through capacity releases and off-system sales. The proposed Transition Period would provide time to hire additional staff and train them, so that they would be fully prepared to begin execution at the end of the Transition Period. The staff positions necessary to perform the natural gas procurement functions require highly trained individuals with respect to the natural gas commodity markets, pipeline transportation systems, the utility s specific system, available storage facilities and related requirements, and the utility retail loads for each season of the year, among other things. It will likely take a minimum of several months to identify, interview and hire these individuals, and additional months to train them on Avista's system and load characteristics. During the Transition Period one or more of the utilities employees would be located with A vista Energy in order to train them in the operations and prepare them for the April 1, 2005 transfer. The transportation assets and supply portfolio are operated as a pool to gain efficiencies. If the Washington operations are separated from the Idaho/Oregon operations, it would result in inefficiencies and increased costs to customers. For example, the demand diversity across Avista s whole system allows the Company to project a system peak day that is lower than the sum of the design peak in each state, because the peak day does not occur on a coincident basis. As a second example, the pipelines allow the Company to consolidate system imbalances for all states. Details of Prooosed Transition Plan: Tennination of Schedule 163 and the Benchmark Mechanism:The current Benchmark Mechanism and Schedule 163 would tenninate effective April 30,2004. The proposed Transition Period would be May 1, 2004 through March 31, 2005. During the proposed Transition Period, the Utility would continue to consult with and draw on the expertise of Avista Energy, however, the management and decision- making related to the natural gas procurement functions would reside with A vista Utilities, under the Manager of Gas Supply. The execution of transactions would be conducted by Avista Energy. There would be no incentive-sharing (Le., 80%/20%). All costs and benefits associated with commodity, Jackson Prairie (JP) Storage, transportation and basin optimization would go to A vista Utilities' customers. A vista Energy would only receive a management fee to cover a portion of the costs it occurs in providing this service during the Transition Period, as set forth below. Incentive Sharin2 Eliminated:No Sharing of costs or benefits by Avista Energy, including: No sharing of benefits associated with:i. Commodity transactions, including basin optimization;ii. Storage summer/winter differential; and Hi. Transportation - Capacity Release/Off-System Sales. No sharing of costs associated with:i. Intra-month load and price volatility; andii. Miscellaneous risks, e.g., currency, premium for physical delivery, nomination errors, counter-party risk, operational flow orders or entitlement. Commodity:Under Avista Utilities' direction, Avista Energy would purchase a portion of the Utilities' natural gas requirements months in advance, some at flI'St of month (FOM) index, along with daily purchases and sales (including basin optimization) and the use of storage to balance load. The decision to use storage to cover load versus purchasing from the daily market would be made by A vista Utilities. All costs and benefits associated with the commodity costs to serve the utility s load, including basin optimization, would be billed or credited to utility customers. StoralZe:Under Avista Utilities' direction, Avista Energy would inject and withdraw storage providing the winterlsummer price differential and reliability of peak day demand coverage. All costs and benefits associated with the storage transactions would be billed or credited to utility customers. TransDOrtation:Under Avista Utilities' direction, Avista Energy would optimize available pipeline transportation through capacity releases and off-system sales. All costs and benefits associated with these transactions would be billed or credited to utility customers. ManalZement Fee:A vista Utilities would pay A vista Energy a management fee of $75,000 per month during the Transition Period for the services provided, which would be included in the PGA costs. The purpose of the fee would be to compensate A vista Energy for a portion of their costs such as employee labor and associated support costs and credit and banking costs, as shown in the table on Page 32 of the Commission s Sixth Supplemental Order. 10. TraininWMisc.During the transition period, A vista Utilities would complete the tasks necessary to bring the gas procurement functions back within the utility, i.e. hiring and training of employees, pipeline, storage and third party supplier notifications of change in contract relationships, development and documentation of internal administrative procedures, etc. 11. Other Jurisdictions:The Benchmark Mechanism terminates in Idaho and Oregon March 31, 2005. Effective April 1, 2005 execution of natural gas procurement services for all three states (Washington, Idaho and Oregon) would revert to the utility. WN U. Fourth Revision Sheet 150 Canceling Third Revision Sheet 150 AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 150 PURCHASE GAS COST ADJUSTMENT - WASHINGTON APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Washington where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To pass through increases or decreases in natural gas costs to become effective as noted below. Additional gas cost changes are also shown on Schedule 156. The rate adjustments shown on this Schedule and Schedule 156 must be added together to determine the net gas cost change. RATE: (a) The rates of gas Schedule 101 is to be decreased by OOOt per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. (b) The rates of gas Schedules 111 and 112 are to be decreased by O.OOOct per therm in all blocks. (c) The rates of gas Schedules 121 and 122 are to be decreased by O.OOOct per therm in all blocks. (d) The rates of interruptible Schedules 131 and 132 are to be decreased by OOOt per therm in all blocks. (e) The rates of transportation Schedule 146 are to be decreased by O.OOOt per therm in all blocks. WEIGHTED AVERAGE GAS COST: The Company's weighted average cost of gas is shown on Schedule 156. BALANCING ACCOUNT: The Company will maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account whereby monthly entries into this Balancing Account will be made to reflect differences between the actual purchased gas costs collected from customers and the actual purchased gas costs incurred by the Company. Those differences are then collected from or refunded to Customers under Schedule 155. Gas Rate Adjustment. Issued March 12 2004 Effective May 1. 2004 Issued by Avista Corporation ~k :;JOrwood. Vice President Of State and Federal Regulation WN U- Fourth Revision Sheet 150A Canceling Third Revision Sheet 150A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 150 - (continued) Additional debits or credits for Pipeline refunds or charges, Pipeline capacity release revenues and miscellaneous revenues or expenses directly related to the Company's cost of purchasing gas to meet customers' needs will be recorded in the Balancing Account. Deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under Schedules 112, 122, 132, 146, and 148, as well as for Customers that switch to or from any of these service schedules to another schedule. The deferred gas cost balance for these Customers will be based on monthly entries into the Balancing Account as described above. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be eliminated by either .1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge, as applicable, or 2) an amortization rate per therm to reduce the balance prospectively. The Customer shall have the option of a lump-sum refund or surcharge or an amortization rate per thermo The Company will compute interest on the average deferred balance of the PGA Balancing Account on a monthly basis using an interest rate based on its variable short- term borrowing cost. Additional debits or credits for Pipeline refunds or charges and other miscellaneous revenues or expenses directly related to the Company's cost of purchasing gas to meet customers' needs will be recorded in the Balancing Account. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The rates named herein are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued March 12, 2004 Effective May 1, 2004 Issued by Avista Corporation /v.":::Jrwoodo Vice President 01 Stale and Federal Regulation WN U- Fourth Revision Sheet 150 Canceling Third Revision Sheet 150 A VISTA CORPORATION dba Avista Utilities SCHEDULE 150 PURCHASE GAS COST ADJUSTMENT - WASHINGTON APPLICABLE: To Customers in the State of Washington where Company has natural gas service available. PURPOSE: To pass through increases or decreases in natural gas costs to become effective as noted below. Additional gas cost changes are also shown on Schedule 156. The rate adjustments shown on this Schedule and Schedule 156 must be added together to determine the net gas cost change. RATE: (a) The rates of gas Schedule 101 is to be decreased by O.OOO~ per therm in all blocks of these rate schedules. (b) The rates of gas Schedules 111 and 112 are to be decreased by O.OOO~ per therm In all blocks. (c) The rates of gas Schedules 121 and 122 are to be decreased by O.OOO~ per therm in all blocks. (d) The rates of interruptible Schedules 131 and 132 are to be decreased by OOO~ per therm in all blocks. (e) The rates of transportation Schedule 146 are to be decreased by O.OOO~ per therm in all blocks. WEIGHTED AVERAGE GAS COST: The Company s weighted average cost of gas is shown on Schedule 156. BALANCING ACCOUNT: The Company will maintain a Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) Balancing Account whereby monthly entries into this Balancing Account will be made to reflect differences between the actual purchased gas costs collected from customers and the actual purchased gas costs incurred by the Company. Those differences are then collected from or refunded to Customers under Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adjustment. Issued March 12, 2004 Effective May 1, 2004 Issued by Avista Corporation Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President Of State and Federal Regulation WN U- Fourth Revision Sheet 150A Canceling Third Revision Sheet 150A AVISTA CORPORATION dba Avlsta Utilities SCHEDULE 150 - (continued) Additional debits or credits for Pipeline refunds or charges, Pipeline capacity release revenues and miscellaneous revenues or expenses directly related to the Company's cost of purchasing gas to meet customers' needs will be recorded in the Balancing Account. Deferred gas costs will be determined for individual customers served under Schedules 112, 122, 132, 146, and 148, as well as for Customers that switch to or from any of these service schedules to another schedule. The deferred gas cost balance for these Customers will be based on monthly entries into the Balancing Account as described above. The deferred gas cost balance for each Customer will be eliminated by either 1) a lump-sum refund or surcharge, as applicable, or 2) an amortization rate per therm to reduce the balance prospectively. The Customer shall have the option of a lump-sum refund or surcharge or an amortization rate per thermo The Company will compute interest on the average deferred balance of the PGA Balancing Account on a monthly basis using an interest rate based on its variable short- term borrowing cost. Additional debits or credits for Pipeline refunds or charges and other miscellaneous revenues or expenses directly related to the Company's cost of purchasing gas to meet customers' needs will be recorded in the Balancing Account. SPECiAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The rates named herein are subject to increases as set forth in Tax Adjustment Schedule 158. Issued March 12,2004 Effective May 1, 2004 Issued by Avista Corporation Kelly O. Norwood, Vice President Of State and Federal Regulation CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this day served Avista Corporation s Natural Gas Benchmark Transition Plan upon all parties of record in Docket UG-021584, by mailing a copy thereof, postage prepaid to the following: Ms. Carole Washburn Executive Secretary Washington Utilities & Trans. Commission 1300 S. Evergreen Park Sr. SW Olympia, W A 98504 Donald T. Trotter Senior Counsel Attorney General's Office 1400 S. Evergreen Park Drive SW Olympia, W A 98504 Robert W. Cromwell, Jr. Office of the Attorney General Public Counsel Section 900 Fourth Avenue #2000 Seattle, W A 98164 Dated at Spokane, Washington, this 12th day of March 2004. /i?!P. BEFORE THE WASHINGTON UTILmES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILITIES AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, DOCKET NO. UG-021584 Complainant RESPONSE ON BEHALF OF COMMISSION STAFF TO A VISTA'S COMPLIANCE FILING AND PROPOSED TRANSITION PLAN FOR THE BENCHMARK MECHANISMA VISTA CORPORATION D/B/A A VISTA UTILITIES, Respondent. Summary Staff concurs with the compliance tariff filing and transition plan proposed by A vista. Background On March 12, 2004, Avista filed tariffs and a "transition plan" in response to the Commission s Sixth Supplemental Order Rejecting Benchmark Mechanism Tariff Order ) in this docket. Avista s filing includes revisions to Tariff Schedules 150 and 150A. Revisions to these tariffs have the principal effect of removing all language referring to A vista RESPONSE ON BEHALF OF COMMISSION STAFF TO A VISTA'S COMPLIANCE FILING AND PROPOSED TRANSITION PLAN FOR THE BENCHMARK MECHANISM - 1 Benchmark Mechanism Schedule 163. The effective date of Schedule 150 and 150A (May 1, 2004) coincides with the requested termination date of Avista s Benchmark Mechanism Tariff Schedule 163 (April 30, 2004). In its Order, the Commission permitted the existing Benchmark tariff to continue in effect for 60 days from the date of the Order. (Order at ~ 111). That would contemplate a termination date of April 13, 2004. In its transition plan, Avista is effectively seeking a two-week extension of that date, so the Benchmark tariffs expire at the end of April 2004. Staff agrees that an end of month termination is more workable. The elements of A vista s transition plan are: A vista s Benchmark Mechanism Tariff Schedule 163 terminates effective April 30, 2004. A vista Energy will still perform the gas procurement function for A vista Utilities, under the Utility's direction, until March 31,2005, when similar Mechanisms expire in Idaho and Oregon. On April 1, 2005, the gas procurement function will revert to the Utility. The Mechanisms in effect in Idaho and Oregon will not be renewed, so the gas procurement function will revert to the Utility, in total, starting April 1 2005. RESPONSE ON BEHALF OF COMMISSION STAFF TO A VISTA'S COMPLIANCE FILING AND PROPOSED TRANSITION PLAN FOR THE BENCHMARK MECHANISM - 2 With two exceptions, after Schedule 163 terminates effective April 30, 2004, there will be no sharing of costs or benefits between A vista Utilities and A vista Energy; 100% of the costs and benefits will go to the Utility during the transition period. One exception: because A vista Energy would still do gas purchasing for Avista Utilities, Avista Energy would continue to incur the cost of maintaining lines of credit. At hearing in this docket, Staff agreed with the Company s calculation of $512 000 as Avista Energy s annual cost of this activity. The other exception: an annual fee of $900,OOO/year ($75,OOO/month) to be paid by A vista Utilities and to A vista Energy will remain in place to cover A vista Energy s costs, such as the $512 000 annual carrying costs on the credit lines just described, plus the Avista Energy s labor/expertise to carry out the gas procurement and capacity management functions, and to provide training to the Utility's new gas procurement employees through March 2005. Discussion: Staff has confirmed with A vista that it is possible for A vista Utilities to completely take over the gas procurement function for Washington operations within 60-90 days of termination of the Mechanism in this state. The issue is whether that would be in the best interest of the customers in this state, given the continuation of Benchmark Mechanisms in Oregon and Idaho. RESPONSE ON BEHALF OF COMMISSION STAFF TO A VISTA'S COMPLIANCE FILING AND PROPOSED TRANSITION PLAN FOR THE BENCHMARK MECHANISM - 3 In its Order, the Commission contemplated a transition approach that considers the fact that similar Benchmark Mechanisms will continue to be operated in Oregon and Idaho, until March 30, 2005. This is appropriate because A vista does not buy gas separately for each jurisdiction in which it operates. Accordingly, there are inherent difficulties presented if A vista Utilities conducts a gas procurement function for Washington operations alone, while Avista Energy conducts a gas procurement function for Oregon and Idaho. As A vista states in its filing, A vista s customers benefit from the purchase of gas for all three jurisdictions combined, by taking advantage of the load diversity benefits, etc. If gas were procured for Washington alone, those benefits would be lost. Staff believes there would be other inefficiencies associated with having Washington s gas procurement managed by Avista Utilities, while Idaho and Oregon gas procurement was managed by Avista Energy. A prime example regards pipeline balancing. In total, the Utility is required to be in balance on the pipeline every month. This requires a coordination of the nomination process with actual purchases and deliveries on a daily basis. If Avista Energy is managing Idaho and Oregon s part of the transportation, and the Utility is managing the Washington part, each company could cause a penalty or at least increased costs due to buying or selling gas just to get into balance, when in total, the system may already be in balance. RESPONSE ON BEHALF OF COMMISSION STAFF TO A VISTA'S COMPLIANCE FILING AND PROPOSED TRANSITION PLAN FOR THE BENCHMARK MECHANISM - 4 The Company s proposed transition plan also has operational advantages. It avoids a "rush-rush" hiring process for new gas procurement employees at Avista Utilities. It avoids the problem of having new employees with little or no time to learn the Utility's specific operations and needs. It also avoids the potential increased costs if these employees need time to develop contacts with other participants in the relevant gas markets. In short, an immediate splitting of the gas procurement function between the jurisdictions and companies makes operating requirements tighter, and a transition more difficult, resulting in reduced flexibility and potentially higher costs. Recommendation: Staff recommends the Commission allow the tariff revisions to Schedule 150 and 150A to become effective as filed, and accept A vista s proposed transition plan for the following reasons: The Order shows that if the utility were doing the gas procurement, $1.4 million of additional benefits would go to customers (see chart on page 32 of Order). Under A vista s proposed transition plan, those benefits go to customers. RESPONSE ON BEHALF OF COMMISSION STAFF TO A VISTA'S COMPLIANCE FILING AND PROPOSED TRANSITION PLAN FOR THE BENCHMARK MECHANISM - 5 The Order rejects A vista s request to extend the Benchmark tariff. Under Avista s proposed transition plan, the Benchmark tariff terminates, effective April 30, 2004. The Order allows the parties to consider the Mechanisms in Idaho and Oregon and to recommend an approach that is the least disruptive to the Utility and its ratepayers. A vista s proposed transition plan reflects this concern by avoiding the inefficiencies listed above, and creating an opportunity for a smooth transition. The proposed annual fee is not excessive, in view of the fact that A vista Energy will incur a cot of $512 000 annually to maintain the credit lines for the Utility's purchases, and all the other benefits that flowed to A vista Energy under the Mechanism are eliminated. DATED this 18th day of March, 2004. CHRISTINE O. GREGOIRE Attorney General DONALD T. TROTTER, Senior Counsel Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (360) 664-1189 RESPONSE ON BEHALF OF COMMISSION STAFF TO A VISTA'S COMPLIANCE FILING AND PROPOSED TRANSITION PLAN FOR THE BENCHMARK MECHANISM - 6 " SEmnf'.~ n4TI= BEFORE THE WASHINGTON STATE APR - 2 2004 UTILITIES AND TRANSPORATION COMMISSION WASHINGTON UTILillES AND TRANSPORTATION CO1tf1v1ISSION, Complainant A VISTA CORPORATION d/b/a A VISTA UTILITIES, Respondent. .... .............. ......... ........ DOCKET NO. UG-D21584 SEVENTH SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER EXTENDING EXPIRATION OFBENCHJv1ARK MECHANISM TO APRIL 30, 2004; APPROVING COMPLIANCE FIUNG Synopsis: The Commission extends the expiration date for Avista s current Benchmark Mechanism from April 15 to April 30, 2004 and approves Avista s proposed compliance plan for terminating the Benchmark Mechanism and transferring its gas supply procurement and management functions from Avista Energy to Avista Utilities. MEMORANDUM Proceedmg. Docket No. UG-O21584 involves a tariff filed by A vista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities (Avista)1 with certain tariff revisions that would modify and extend A vista Tariff Schedule 163, A vista atural Gas Benchmark Mechanism" (Benchmark Mechanism) for two years. The Benchmark Mechanism (current and proposed) establishes the natural gas costs for Purchased Gas Adjustment (pGA) deferral purposes. Avista Corporation operates a regulated utility business under the name Avista Utilities. Avista Energy is a wholly owned subsidiary of Avista Capital, Inc. Avista Capital Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of A vista Corporation. In this Order, we refer to "A vista" as the Corporation as a whole, g. it is "A vista" that filed the initial petition. "A vista Energy" refers to the affiliate that operates the Benchmark Mechanism currently. "Avista Utilities" refers to the regulated utility . 3 " - DOCKET NO. UG-O21584 Seventh Supplemental Order PAGE 2 Appearances. David Meyer, attorney, Spokane, Washington, represents Avista. Robert Cromwell, Assistant Attorney General, Seattle, Washington, represents Public Counsel. Donald T. Trotter, Assistant Attorney General, Olympia, Washington, represents the Commission. Background. Avista Energy currently procures natural gas for Avista Utilities under the Natural Gas Benchmark Mechanism (Benchmark Mechanism or Mechanism) included in its Tariff No. 163. The Benchmark Mechanism is intended to give A vista Energy an incentive to procure reliable, least cost gas for Avista Utilities' customers. On November 29, 2002, the Commission suspended A vista s proposed Benchmark Mechanism tariff; extended the existing Tariff No. 163 until January 29, 2004; and set the matter for hearing. An evidentiary hearing took place on December 15-, 2003, before Chairwoman Marilyn Showalter, Commissioners Richard Hemstad and Patrick Osme, and Administrative Law Judge Theodora Mace. On February 13, 2004, the Commission entered its Sixth Supplemental Order requiring Avista to termiri.atethe Benchmark Mechanism. The Commission further required A vista to develop a plan for transition of the gas supply procurement and management functions performed by A vista Energy under the Mechanism back to Avista Utilities. Avista circulated its proposed transition plan to Commission Staff and Public Counsel and filed it with the Commission on March 15, 2004. Commission Staff supports the plan. Public Counsel objects to the plan. Staff' and Public Counsel's positions are described below. DOCKET NO. UG-O21584 Seventh Supplemental Order PAGE 3 The Commission, for reasons more fully stated below, finds Public Counsel's objections to be without merit. Overall, the proposed transition plan complies with the Sixth Supplemental Order which required Avista to transfer gas supply procurement and management from A vista Energy to A vista Utilities so as to avoid harmto ratepayers, and if necessary, in coorclination with the expiration of the Benchmark Mechanism in Idaho and Oregon. Avista s proposed transition plan. Under the proposed transition plan, Avista Energy would continue to execute gas procurement transactions for A vista Utilities until March 31, 2005, but A vista Utilities alone would determine what transactions were to be executed. A vista Utilities would pay A vista Energy a fee of $75JOOO per month, or $900,000 annually, to execute transactions during the transition period. Alfsharing of benefits and costs between A vista Energy and A vista Utilities from the operation of the current Mechanism would terminate on April 30, 2004,2 except that A vista Energy would continue to cover the cost of maintaining lines of credit.3 On Aprill, 2005, the performance of all gas procurement activities in Washington, Idaho and Oregon would revert back to Avista Utilities from Avista Energy, and the Benchmark Mechanism would cease to operate in each of those states. Commission Staff. Commission Staff recommends that the Commission adopt A vista s transition plan. Commission Staff argues that A vista s proposal complies with the Sixth Supplemental Order and is in the best interests of the 2 Avista requests that the Commission extend the expiration date of the current Benchmark Mechanism, established in the Sixth Supplemental Order, of April 15, 2004 to April 30, 2004 to ease accounting difficulties that might result from mid-month termination. 3 Exhibit 51T showed the cost of the line of credit to be $512 000. DOCKET NO. UG-O21584 Seventh Supplemental Order PAGE 4 company s ratepayers because it will allow A vista to coordinate a smooth reversion of the gas procurement function to A vista Utilities in all three jurisdictions it serves. Staff points out that under the current Mechanism, Avista does not procure gas separately for each jurisdiction, but rather A vista Energy proCures the gas on a combined portfolio basis. Should the Mechanism terminate in one jurisdiction, A vista Utilities' customers would no longer benefit from management of load diversity across the combined operations. , With regard to the payment to A vista Energy, Staff points out that the annual cost of maintaining lines of credit alone is $512,000. A vista Energy is shouldering this cost under the plan. Staff also indicates there would be other transition- related costs A vista Energy would bear. Taking these costs as a whole, Commission Staff contends that payment to A vista Energy of $75,000 monthly, or $900 000 annually, is justified. Public Counsel's objections. Public Counsel states that Avista testified it would be able to revert Benchmark Mechanism functions back to A vista Utilities in two months if required to do so. Public Counsel objects that A vista s transition proposal is for a much lengthier one-year period and does not comply with the Six~ Supplemental Order. Moreover, allowing Avista until March 31,2005 to unwind the current Mechanism might foreclose the Commission from ending the transition earlier should Idaho decide to terminate the Mechanism in Idaho earlier than March 31, 2005.4 Public Counsel recommends a 120-day transition period, measured from the date of the final order. Public Counsel also objects to the $75,000 monthly ($900,000 annually) payment to A vista Energy during the transition period because there was little support in the evidentiary record as to the costs covered by such a payment. Public Counsel Public Counsel Opposition at 4; see, also In the Matter of Avista Utilities' Application for Approval of Modifications to its natural Gas Benchmark Mechanism, Case No AVU-G-01-3, Order No. 28941, Idaho Public Utilities Commission (February 2002) at DOCKET NO. UG-O21584 Seventh Supplemental Order PAGE 5 recommends that A vista Energy be compensated only for its documented actual costs, determined at the close of the 120-day transition period. Discussion and decision. The Commission is persuaded that the transition plan proposed by A vista is reasonable and complies with the Sixth Supplemental Order. In the Sixth Supplemental Order, the Commission explicitly contemplated a transition period that might extend to March 31, 2005.5 Since the gas procurement functions in Washington, Idaho and Oregon are all intertwined with Avista Energy s current operation of the Benchmark Mechanism, ratepayers will benefit from cost efficiencies associated with a coordinated termination and transition of Mechanism functions back to A vista Utilities in all three states. The Commission regards the payment of $75,000 monthly ($900,000 annually) to A vista Energy as reasonable in light of the costs it will incur to maintain credit lines and to conduct the transition of the Mechanism back to Avista Utilities. Finally, we are persuaded that should Idaho decide to terminate the Mechanism in that state sooner than March 31 2005, this Commission has options available to allow it to address the ramifications of Idaho s decision for this state. For these reasons, we approve Avista s proposed transition filing as being in compliance with our Sixth Supplemental Order. II.ORDER THE COtviMISSION ORDERS That the expiration date for the current A vista Benchmark Mechanism is extended from April 15 to April 30, 2004 and approves A vista s compliance filing proposal for the transition of the Benchmark Sixth Supplemental Order at If 91, 111, 152. DOCKET NO. UG-O21584 Seventh Supplemental Order PAGE 6 Mechanism back to A vista Utilities by March 31, 2005, subject to re-examination of the transition period based on regulatory action in Idaho or Oregon. Dated at Olympia, Washington, and effective thi day of April 2004. WASHINGTON UTILillES AND TRANSPORTATION COM1v1ISSION /ftJlv MARILYN SHOW ALTER, C RICHARD HEMST AD, Commissioner PATRICKJ. OSHIE, Commissioner VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff 188 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/30/2004 Don Kopczynski DJ Spooner Customer Svs. Mgr (208) 769-1314 REQUEST: In 2003, how many customer-requested disconnects were performed on the regular billing cycle meter reading dates? RESPONSE: There were 637 customer-requested disconnects in 2003. Our process for customer-requested disconnects is to disconnect on the date the customer requests or as close to it as possible. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff 189 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/30/2004 Don Kopczynski DJ Spooner Customer Svs. Mgr (208) 769-1314 REQUEST: Please provide the total number of out of cycle bills prepared for Idaho customers in 2003. RESPONSE: The total number of closing bills in Idaho in 2003 was 35 109. (During a follow-up phone conversation with Marilyn Parker, Staff clarified that this request was about "closing bills. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff 190 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: . RESPONDER: D EP AR TMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/30/2004 Don Kopczynski DJ Spooner Customer Svs. Mgr (208) 769-1314 REQUEST: Regarding bills prepared outside of regular billing cycles in 2003 , please provide how many of the readings entered on the bills were determined by: a) a computer estimate; b) a manual estimate; c) an actual reading by a Company employee; or, d) a customer-provided reading. RESPONSE: During Avista s phone conversation with Marilyn Parker, this request was clarified to be about closing bills. A) 16 911 B) 5 273 C) 12 636 D) 289 JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQ UES TER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff 191 A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION DATE PREPARED: 04/30/2004WITNESS: Don Kopczynski RESPONDER: I DJ Spooner DEPARTMENT: Customer Svs. Mgr TELEPHONE: (208) 769-1314 REQUEST: Please explain how a Customer Service Representative (CSR) decides how to implement a customer s request to discontinue service. Describe how a CSR determines a beginning bill' meter reading by estimating. Please provide copies of online help screens, printed employee procedure manuals, or other written material explaining this process. RESPONSE: A CSR would schedule to discontinue service the date that a customer requests it to be discontinued. When a customer contacts A vista to open a new account and the service has not yet been closed to the 'previous tenant, a close is processed for one day prior to the open date. When estimating usage to determine the meter reading, the CSR draws from many elements in factoring an accurate estimate. Elements included: time of year, heating or non-heating service number of days of service, usage patterns, recent and past usage, meter reading history and any pertinent information the customer may divulge (i.e. house is vacant). Please see the attachment entitled CSR 215 Estimating Usage. This is a copy of Avista s initial training module for all of our Customer Service Representatives. Additionally, an electronic on-line" copy is available as a reference/resource document for all of Avista s CSR' .4J1'ill r ar s.~lrlrj 1M Utilities CSR 215 Estimating Usage Updated Fall, 2003 04-30-215 Estimating Usage Introduction Customers call to open and close accounts, discuss possible high bills or meter reading errors , and ask about average usage. Avista only reads meters once a month; so in order to provide these customers with the most accurate information possible or a bill for the appropriate time frame , we must be able to estimate their amount of energy use. Objective In this module you will learn the basics of estimating usage, including heating vs. non-heating accounts , the interpretation of usage information and using "use-per-day" and "degree days" to calculate estimated energy use. 04-30-215 Estimating Usage tim tins Heating We deal with two types of accounts. Non-Heating Three characteristics of a heating account. Higher energy use in winter (approx. times base use). Low energy use or no use in summer. Usage rises and falls with degree days. (We will discuss degree days shortly. Two characteristics of a non-heating account. Consistent energy use all year long. Lower energy use overall. This is an example of a gas heating account. Notice the low usage in the summer months. These months represent the base use for that year. 76 3.04 $63_87 0.953 56 2.28 $47.96 0.952 61 2_81 $58.91 0.953 3 $0,75 $15.70 0_951 9 $0.57 $11.93 0.950 7 $0.48 $10.04 0.953 11 $0_66 $13.81 0.955 19 $1.02 $21.35 0.953 37 $1.82 $38.31 0.951 38 $28.89 0.950 2.47 $51.94 0_953 12 $65.46 0_952 See how the therms increase through the winter months , then start to drop off again in the spring. Base use occurs during the summer. It includes any kilowatt-hours or therms not used for heating purposes. 3104 3118 8:59:04 AM 3095 3104 7:46:50 AM 3088 3095 10:48:32 AM 3076 3088 1 :42:17 PM 3056 3076 7:06:13 AM 3017 3056 7:06:17 AM 04-30-215 Estimating Usage This is an example of an electric heatina account. ~~~i ~t~'; " . r 2001-05-29 200 06-26 RR ~ 2001-04-26 2001-0 -29 RY ~~ 2001-03-27 2001-04- RR ~ 2001-02-23 2001-03-27 R ~ 2001-01-26 2001-02-23 R M 2000-12-22 2001-01-26 RR ~; 2000-11-21 2000-12-22 RY Ifil;: 2000-10-20 2000-11-21 RR .~ 2000-09-22 2000-10-20 RR "~2000-08-24 2000-09-22 RR1;' .~~ 2000-07-26 2000-08-24 RR t' 2000-06-23 2000-07-26 RR ~t 2000-05-26 2000-06-23 RR ~~. Kwh's increase into the winter, then decrease as spring arrives, 1 28642 30657 1 26884 28642 1 25522 26884 1 24682 25522 1 23922 24682 1 23245 23922 1 22435 23245 1 21693 22435 This is an example of a gas non-heatinq account. i~ IIiI' IIE1~' - ~ 2003-10-07 2003-11-10 RR ~ 2003-09-08 2003-10-07 RY r~ 2003-08-07 2003-09-08 RR .~ 2003-07-11 2003-08-07 RR ffi 1 2003-06-12 2003-07-11 RR ~ 2003-05-08 2003-06-12 RR 2003-04-11 2003-05-08 RR 'i' 2003-03-10 2003-0-4-11 RR . 2003-02-10 2003-03-10 RR m 2003-0H 4 2003-02-10 RR ~2002-12-12 2003-01-14 RR ~k 2002-11-07 2002-12-12 RR if,l\ 2002-10-08 2002-11-07 RY 30 789 38 1.81 $37.95 0.967 2733 2772 1:03:44 PM ~;,,-;J ",-"""""""""",""""""~~""i"""';,.="H""""".""",.""",~",-;" """""" ".""""",,,,""="'""C'!!"'""""""""""""';~"""""""'_'~I"-"'-""""""'-"""""" ~~' l(! 38 1.64 $34.45 0.967 3189 3228 1 :04:30 PM 31 .34 $28.20 0.968 3157 3189 12:15:11 PM30 .30 $27.30 0_970 3126 3157 1 :52:05 PM25 .11 $23.32 0.975 3100 3126 12:31 :32 PM28 .22 $25.70 0.966 307 Notice how the energy40 .68 $35.25 0.980 303 usage remains fairly36 $ - consistent throughout 46 _91 $40.02 0.966 294 the entire year. 45 .87 $39.22 0.967 28941 .72 $36.05 0_964 2855 2898 11 :41 :38 AM34 .45 $30.48 0.965 2820 2855 1 :13:47 PM 46 _91 $40.02 0.966 2772 2820 12:25:39 PM 04-30-215 Estimating Usage This is an example of an electric non-heating account. Here again, the usage remains basically flat over the whole year. ~;;; 2002-01-07 200 2-06 RR ~j 2001-12-06 2002-01- RR m 2001-11-05 2001-12- R 2001-10-05 2001-11-05 RR fJl~ 2001-09-05 2001-10-05 RY !Jj 2001-08-06 2001-09-05 RR ~, 2001-07-06 2001-08-06 RR ro 2001-06-07 2001-07-06 RR 1; 2001-05-07 2001-06-07 RR ~ 2001-04-05 2001-05-07 RY ~: 2001-03-06 2001-04-05 RR tt'h 2001-02-06 2001-03-06 RR ~I.E~"cc,~".",~,~~, ~"",~~" 857 1609 58 857 9268 8490 9268 What would cause the winter use toga up slightly? If the customer has electric hot water, their winter electric use would go up to heat the colder winter water. The water coming into theresidence is colder inthe winter than it is in the warmer months, therefore more electricity is needed to heat the water to the same temperature. Another possibility for the slight increase could be attributed to an oil , propane or wood heat furnace fan blowing heated air through the home. 04-30-215 Estimating Usage Why do we need to know the difference between heating and non-heating accounts? A heating account is estimated using degree days during the heating season. A non-heating account is always estimated using use-per-day. What is a degree day? Heating degree days are a way to relate each day s temperature to the amount of fuel needed to heat a building. Your home needs little or no heat when it is 65 degrees outside. Electrical appliances , lights, and other activities provide the additional heat to maintain comfort even though the outside temperature is 65 degrees. Degree Days are simply the difference between the average temperature outside and 65 degrees. For example:Say the average outside temperature for the day is 30 degrees. 65 degrees minus 30 degrees equals 35 degree days for that 24 hour The higher the number of degree days. the colder it is. Therefore. more energy is needed to heat the home. Notice how the usage increases as the degree days increase, Total number of degree days in the billing cycle. The colder it is, the more energy needed to heat the home. 21 2000-12-22 RY 20 2000-11-21 RR 22 2000-10-20 RR M 2000-08-24 2000-09-22 RR ~ 2000-07-26 2000-08-24 RR ~ 2000-06-23 2000-07-26 RR r( 2000-05-26 2000-06-23 RR 1\'; ,.. 737 2.14 35. 1007 2.91 48_ 1231 3.51 58. 1507 4A1 73. 1355 3.89 64. 2015 6.14 102. 1758 5.31 88. 1362 3.99 66. 840 2AO 39. 760 2.16 35. 677 1.91 31. 810 2.31 38A8 742 2.10 35_ 04-30-215 Estimating Usage Account Request Where do we get the degree days from? The weather bureau provides the degree day information each day. We can find this information in the degree day calculator. Go into the Workplace and double-click on the Miscellaneous icon. Select the Degree Days icon, and the Degree Days calculator appears.Customer Premise Services Equipment . ~.._- -. u_..----.--- .,-.-' ";"~p. d~t)\f;;'lt!~i1~i~*?/fii';1t;1t~(ilK~:~1~!j~\4~~~ DTHEII STorr I:':mti!illt-.IIHIIIIJ:I :i: Code Table Job 1i'Wefltherizfltion Audit Aministrfltion Select the region the customer's account is located in.Choose the date range you wish to view, The degree days for the region and date range are displayed. 04-30-215 Estimating Usage In Box Out Box Things to keep in mind. . When closing an account in CSS Workplace you have the option of allowing the computer to estimate the final bill for you. This is usually the best choice as the computer bases its estimate on the recent use at an address. Choose Manual Estimate when you know of circumstances that would dramatically affect an estimate. Examples would include an empty apartment or increased use over the past few months that would skew the closing bill period. This module is focused on manual estimating to develop your skills so you can confidently estimate bills or describe use to our customers. If an account has both electric and gas service, the odds are that the gas service is used for heating. Sometimes you will come across an account where both services provide heat. ./ In these instances the gas is most likely the primary source of heating, with the electric heat used for specific space or zonal heating. The zonal heating can be for a room that is insufficiently heated by a gas furnace, or where an addition has been built on the house, Knowing the basics is your ticket to understanding the details. 04-30-215 Estimating Usage Interpreting Usage Infor ation Usage information can be found on the Billin Histo screen. Remember how to get there? Let's look at the usa e histo for an electric service. See the RBC column? This tells us the t e of meter readin obtained and the t e of bill that was sent. Date range of the billing, (Dates the meter was read) The letter on the left is the Meter Read Code. The letter on the right is the Bill Code. For example: RR is Regular read - Regular bill. ~ 2003-10-292003-11-19 KG 21 696 1160 4.48 74,73 10 2811 2927 1 IF. 2003-09-29 2003-10-29 VR 30 343 170 0,84 13,96 10 2794 2811 ~ ~~~~~~:~~~ ~~~~~~:~~: ~~ ~: 14 ~~~ ~::~ ~ :::~ ~ ~~~: ~~~: fi 2003-07-29 2003-08-01 31 0 0.00 0.00 10 2754 2754 ~ 2003-06-27 2003-07-29 RI 32 0 0.00 0,00 10 2754 2754 Using the list of codes below, If 2003-05-29 2003-06-27 RI can ciPh the ~BC'S . ~ 2003-05-05 2003-05-29 VI 24 279 150 0.00 0,00 10 2739 2754 on IS I mg IS ory . . ~ I;~ 2003-04-28 2003-05-05 KG 11 0 250 1.1 5 19_12 10 2714 2739 't; I* 2003-03-26 2003-04-28 RR 33 649 1180 4.26 71,08 10 2596 2714 i,O?)~ 2003-02-24 2003-03-26 RR 30 787 1410 5.18 86.43 10 2455 2596 t!~:~. 2003-01-24 2003-02-24 RY 31 914 1610 6.04 100.66 10 2294 2455 ~lc!~ 2002-12-27 2003-01-24 RR 28 923 1690 6.30 105,06 10 21252294 ... ........ .. r~n t~~~::~=:::;;=~~:;::~;;:~;;~~=::~;:i~~:;;:::~:~~i=:'= ~;::.~~;:::==;::;::=::~~ A complete list of these codes can be found in the Flip Chart. Common Meter Read Codes Common Bill Codes C Customer read Estimated read K Computer estimated read Regular read Verified read Special read F Estimated from next read 0 New customer, first bill Closing bill nactive meter Regular bill X Prorated bill - abnormal days of service Y Prorated bill - rate change A Adjusted bill 04-30-215 Estimating Usage Why is it important to look at the RBC column? The read bill code is a key ingredient in determining which month we should use to base an estimate on. Never base an estimate on an estimate. Any bill that has a read code of "K" or "E" in the RBC column should not be used as a basis for an estimate. What months can we base an estimate on? It is always best to use the previous month as long as it is an accurate meter reading. This represents the most current usage information we have. The next best option is to look at the month prior to that or the same month last year. Say you wanted to estimate the usage for 6/26. t\ 2001-05-29 2001-06- !Ii~; 2001-0'1-26 2001-05-29 RY It 2001-03-27 2001-0'1-26 RR ~ 2001-02-23 2001-03-27 RR f~ 2001-01-26 2001-02-23 RR ll2000-12-22 2001-01-26 RR ~ 2000-11-21 2000-12-22 RY Ii: I~ 2000-10-20 2000-11-21 RR ~. 2000-09-22 2000-10-20 RR ;1 2000-08-2'1 2000-09-22 RR !\: 2000-07-26 2000-08-2'1 RR !12O00-06-23 2000-07-26 RR ~, 2000-05-26 2000-06-23 RR h:i' 1007 . 1231 1507 '1.41 73. 1355 3.89 6'1, 2015 6.1'1 102. 1758 5.31 88. 1362 3.99 66.5'1 8'10 2AO 39. 760 2.16 35. 677 1.91 31. 810 2.31 38.'18 7'12 1 32012 33519 1 30657 32012 286'12 30657 2688'1 286'12 1 25522 2688'1 2'1682 25522 1 23922 2'1682 232'15 23922 22'135 232'15 Prior Month Same month last year In the above example, any of those months could be used for an estimate, but the previous month is the best choice. 04-30-215 Estimating Usage Important points Always make sure the month you are basing an estimate on has at least 10 days of service in it. It can be any type of read but an estimate. It should have similar usage when compared to the same time last year. Use caution on the "same month last year method" when the customer has less than one year of service at the address. You may find that the closed customer s usage was higher or lower than the current tenant's usage. Using the same month last year to estimate is fine , if the usage is nearly identical for both tenants. If the the closing bill was estimated (For example: an RBC of "KC"), do not estimate the first bill for the new customer. Get a Special Read for the new open or ask the customer to get a reading for us. . The main idea is to choose a month with consistent usage that complements the type of estimate you are making. ./ For example , if you are estimating a heating account, choose usage that will best represent that time of year. The use for the previous month or the same month last year will be similar to the month you are estimating. For a non-heating account, the same should hold true. . First , look at the last month's usage for an accurate read. Second , look at the month prior. Third , look at the same month last year for an accurate read. Let's look at some examples. 04-30-215 Estimating Usage Which month is the best one to base the 07/30/02 estimate on? Read RBC Dys Deg Usa Tax Billed Mult Begin EndDate Svc Dys Amt Amt Read Read 07/30/02 ???????? 06/25/02 117 470 20. OS/28/02 225 510 22. 04/28/02 519 850 36. 03/27/02 670 920 39. 02/26/02 917 1450 65. 01/26/02 1214 1840 86. 12/26/01 1190 1800 84. 11/24/01 835 1260 55. 10/24/01 463 790 33. 09/25/01 231 520 22. 08/25/01 490 21. 07/24/01 460 20. The previous month (06/25/02) is the best choice since we have a good read for that month. How about an estimate for 11/1 0/02? Read RBC Dys Deg Usa Tax Billed Mult Begin EndDate Svc Dys Amt Amt Read Read 11/10/02 ???????????? 9215 ???? 11/03/02 499 480 22.44 9167 9215 0/06/02 134 490 22.9118 9167 09/03/02 310 14.9087 9118 08/11/02 500 23.9037 9087 07/09/02 530 24.42 8984 9037 06/10/02 228 410 19.8943 8984 05/12/02 328 490 22.8894 8943 04/10/02 625 440 20.8850 8894 03/12/02 821 500 22.8800 8850 02/09/02 1122 520 22.8748 8800 01/09/02 1152 550 23.8693 8748 12/09/01 1094 560 23.8637 8693 11/09/01 1094 560 23.8629 8637 Either the prior month (10/06/02) or the same month last year (11/09/01) could be used. The previous month (11/03/02) cannot be used because it was an estimate, as indicated by the ER in the RBC column. 04-30-215 Estimating Usage Which month would you use to estimate the usage for 05/08/02? Read RBC Dys Deg Usa Tax Billed Mult Begin EndDate Svc Dys Amt Amt Read Read 05/08/02 ???????????? 8814 ???? 04/28/02 610 14.45 8785 8814 03/28/02 639 15.8754 8785 02/27/02 1026 16.8721 8754 01/25/02 1214 16.8686 8721 12/26/01 1190 16.42 8652 8686 11/24/01 835 15.8620 8652 10/24/01 463 14.8590 8620 09/25/01 231 14.8561 8590 08/25/01 14.8533 8561 07/24/01 13.8506 8533 06/25/01 13.8479 8506 05/27/01 405 15.8448 8479 Here we see the previous and prior months were both estimated (EY and ER), so we cannot use them. Since the same month last year (05/27/01) usage would probably be consistent with the 05/02 usage, this would be the best one to use for an estimate. How about an estimate for 07/30/02? Read RBC Dys Deg Usa Tax Billed Mult Begin EndDate Svc Dys Amt Amt Read Read 07/30/02 ???????? 3212 ???? 06/25/02 117 470 20.3165 3212 OS/28/02 225 510 22.3114 3165 04/28/02 519 850 36.3029 3114 03/27/02 670 920 39.2937 3029 02/26/02 917 1450 65.2792 2937 01/26/02 1214 1840 86.2608 2792 12/26/01 1190 1800 84.2428 2608 11/24/01 835 1260 55.2302 2428 10/24/01 463 790 33.2223 2302 09/25/01 231 520 22.2171 2223 08/25/01 490 21.2122 2171 07/24/01 460 20.2076 2122 This one is a little trickier. The previous month (06/25/02) is an estimate, so we can t use that one. You may be tempted to use the prior month (05/28/02) or the same month last year (07/24/01). However, the RBC for the previous month is KC (Computer estimated read, Closing bill). Remember: Never estimate a new customer s opening bill when the closing bill was estimated. Send for a special read or get a customer read. 04-30-215 Estimating Usage IIi atin With UsofiE rBB Day Now that you can determine if an account is heating or non-heating, and which month to base an estimate on , let's learn how to do an actual estimate. Remember: Always use the use-er-method to estimate a non-heating account. Here we want to estimate the usa~e For this electric non-heating for 30 da~s of service from Jan. account, basing our estimateto Feb. 6 . on the usage for the previous -""'-'~"'-"""'"~'~'~~-'.=,~~. '""'~~"W""""" "=... ~~.",.".",~",~""""~~""~"",~.""""",~,,, ~,,,-c,-~~,~, .,.~~..,..~..~-.",...,.="- ~.,,-,, month is the best choice, ~~ ~~~' ~. ~:E',f' ~? ;~02-01-07 2002-02-06 ,., W 2001-12-06 2002-01-07 RR k12001-11-05 2001-12-06 RR 11\ 2001-10-05 2001-11-05 RRl(, ~ 2001-09-05 2001-10-05 RY ~ 2001-08-06 2001-09-05 RR ~ 2001-07-06 2001-08-06 RR ~' 2001-06-07 2001-07-06 RR ~\ 2001-05-07 2001-06-07 RR ~I 2001-04-05 2001-05-07 RY . 2001-03-06 2001-04-05 RR ,0. 887 2.99 49. 0 2.73 45.45 782 2.63 43. 702 2.10 34. 820 2.38 39. 851 2.47 41.21 713 2.07 34.277 752 2.19 36.45617 799 2.30 38_756 790 2.27 37. 8 1032 778 2_23 !1\~!!.~~!!IJ~~!!r'~1 S t e p Using the previous month's usage, calculate the customer's average use per day. 6287 7174 5477 6287 4695 5477 3993 4695 3173 3993 2322 3173 1609 2322 857 1609 58 857 9268 Now that you know the average amount of energy the customer is using each day, calculate the total amount of usage for the number of days in your estimate, Usage + Dys Svc = Use per day887 32 = 27.719 kwh' Use per day x Dys Svc Estimated Usage 832 kwh'27.719 Time for a little practice. 04-30-215 Estimating Usage PRACTICE ACTIVITY For the following non-heating accounts, choose the best month to base an estimate on and use the use-per-day formula to calculate usage for the missing (????) month. Round your final answer for estimated usage. Read RBC Dys Deg Usa Tax Billed Mult Begin EndDate Svc Dys Amt Amt Read Read 02/03/02 ???? 01/20/02 1264 1430 63.5008 5151 12/18/01 1044 1320 58.4876 5008 11/18/01 819 1380 61.4738 4876 10/17/01 435 1270 55.4611 4738 09/18/01 136 1240 54.4487 4611 08/19/01 1390 61.4348 4487 07/20101 1400 62.4208 4348 06/19/01 151 1310 57.44 4077 4208 OS/20/01 220 1340 59.3943 4077 04/19/01 681 1290 56.44 3814 3943 03/20/01 597 1190 51.3695 3814 02/18/01 1145 1280 55.3567 3695 I Use per day =Estimated use = Read RBC Dys Deg Usa Tax Billed Mult . Begin EndDate Svc Dys Amt Amt Read Read 12/21/02 ???? 12/02/02 1180 590 24.5124 5183 11/01/02 925 570 24.5067 5124 0/02/02 525 590 24.5008 5067 09/01/02 319 540 21.4954 5008 08/03/02 580 24.4896 4954 07/02/02 610 25.4835 4896 06/02/02 109 640 27.4771 4835 05/01/02 529 600 25.4711 4771 04/03/02 578 660 28.4645 4711 03/02/02 716 520 22.4593 4645 02/05/02 1105 580 24.4535 4593 01/06/02 1256 640 27.4471 4535 I Use per day =Estimated use = 04-30-215 Estimating Usage Read RBC Dys Deg Usa Tax Billed Mult Begin EndDate Svc Dys Amt Amt Read Read 12/03/02 ???? 11/19/02 680 10.3110 3131 11/01/02 925 16.41 3076 3110 0/02/02 525 15.3044 3076 09/01/02 319 14.3014 3044 08/03/02 15.2982 3014 07/02/02 14.45 2953 2982 06/02/02 109 16.2920 2953 05/01/02 529 15.2889 2920 04/03/02 578 16.41 2855 2889 03/02/02 716 16.2822 2855 02/05/02 1105 16.2787 2822 01/06/02 1256 17.2751 2787 I Use per day =Estimated use = Read RBC Dys Deg Usa Tax Billed Mult Begin EndDate Svc Dys Amt Amt Read Read 11/21/02 ???? 0/22/02 378 856 37.2793 3649 09/22/02 889 39.1904 2793 08/20/02 805 35.1099 1904 07/22/02 738 31.0361 1099 06/22/02 151 665 28.9696 0361 05/22/02 220 588 24.9108 9696 04/22/02 681 606 25.8502 9108 03/19/02 728 597 24.7905 8502 02/18/02 941 1145 52.6760 7905 01/19/02 1264 981 43.5779 6760 12/17/01 1111 788 34.4991 5779 11/14/01 735 596 24.4256 4991 I Use per day =Estimated use = Answers to practice questions appear on next page. 04-30-215 Estimating Usage Exercise The previous month 1/20/02 is the best month to use for your estimate. Use per day =43.333 Estimated use =607 kwh' Exercise 2 Both the previous and prior months were estimates , so cannot be used. The same month last year 1/06/02 is the best month to use for your estimate. Use per day =20.645 Estimated use =392 kwh' Exercise 3 The previous month 11/19/02 is the best month to use for your estimate. Use per day =167 Estimated use =16 therms Exercise 4 The previous month was estimated , so the prior month 9/22/02 is the best month to use for your estimate. Use per day =27.781 Estimated use =833 kwh' 04-30-215 Estimating Usage Esti ating Using Degree Days Using degree days allows us to provide a more accurate estimate for heating accounts during the heating season (approximately October - April). Remember: Always use the deqree days method to estimate a heating account during the heating season. You may use the use-per-day method for months when no heat is used. Here we want to estimate the usa for 34 d~tS of service from Mar. 6to Apr. 9 , For this gas heating account basing our estimate on the usage for the previous month is the best choice. iit fij 2003-03-06 2003-04- wi 2003-02-05 2003-03-06 RR i; 2003-01-07 2003-02-05 RR IT! 2002-12-09 2003-01-07 RR ~ 2002-11-07 2002-12-09 RR ~. 2002-10-07 2002-11-07 RY i\J2002-09-09 2002-10-07 RR ~; Using the previous ~ ~~n;~~~~~:~I~' a :~~~~~e ~ use per e ree ay. 8 $3.12 $65.46 0.952 7 $3.08 $64.67 0.950 76 $3.04 $63.87 0.953 56 $2.28 $47.96 0.952 61 $2.81 $58.91 0.953 13 $0.75 $15.70 0.951 3402 3484 3321 3402 3241 3321 3182 3241 3118 3182 3104 3118 9:24:08 AM 7:43:50 AM 1 :00:54 PM 8:11 :05 AM 8:39:57 AM 8:59:04 AM Now that you know the average amount of energy the customer is using per de ree day, calculate the total amount of usage for the number of degree days in the time frame of your estimate. In this example: from 3/6/03 to 4/9/03 there were 770 degree days. This number has already been entered for you. Normally you would have to get this number from the degree day program in Workplace. Usage + Deg Dys = Use per deqree day78 908 = 0.0859 therms Use per de ree day x Deg Dys = Estimated Usage 0859 770 66 therms Time for some more practice. 04-30-215 Estimating Usage PRACTIVE ACTIVITY Use the degree days program in Workplace to complete this table. For the following heating accounts, choose the best month to base an estimate on and use the degree days formula to calculate usage for the missing (????) month. The degree days for the missing month have already been entered for you. Round your final answer for estimated usage. Read RBC Dys Deg Usa Tax Billed Mult Begin End Date Svc Dys Amt Amt Read Read 03/27/02 670 ???? 02/26/02 917 1450 65. 01/26/02 1214 1840 86. 12/26/01 1190 1800 84. 11/24/01 835 1260 55. 10/24/01 463 790 33. 09/25/01 231 520 22. 08/25/01 490 21. 07/24/01 460 20. 06/25/01 117 470 20. OS/28/01 225 510 22. 04/28/01 519 850 36. 03/30/01 782 1280 56.45 Use per degree day =Estimated use = 04-30-215 Estimating Usage Read RBC Dys Deg Usa Tax Billed Mult Begin EndDate Svc Dys Amt Amt Read Read 11/19/02 861 ???? 0/20/02 477 36. 09/21/02 19. 08/20/02 16. 07/22/02 16. 06/22/02 151 28. OS/22/02 220 32. 04/22/02 681 132 54. 03/19/02 728 149 61. 02/18/02 941 161 66. 01/19/02 1264 187 76. 12/17/01 1111 173 71. 11/14/01 735 151 62. Use per degree day =Estimated use = Read RBC Dys Deg Usa Tax Billed Mult Begin EndDate Svc Dys Amt Amt Read Read 12/09/03 1101 ???? 11/06/03 644 1130 71. 10/07/03 158 760 47. 09/08/03 990 62. 08/06/03 840 52. 07/10/03 950 59. 06/09/03 252 1300 82. 05/08/03 525 1360 86.44 04/09/03 737 2060 131. 03/07/03 906 2300 147. 02/06/03 869 2300 145.40 01/09/03 909 2470 155. 12/09/02 953 1760 110. Use per degree day =Estimated use = Answers to practice questions appear on next page. 04-30-215 Estimating Usage Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Both the previous month , and same month last year were estimates so cannot be used. The prior month 1/26/02 is the best month to use for your estimate. Use per degree day =516 Estimated use =1015 kwh' Exercise 3 The previous month 10/20/02 is the best month to use for your estimate. Use per degree day =178 Estimated use =153 therms Exercise 4 The previous month was an estimate, so cannot be used. The prior month was not a heating month , so is not a good choice. The same month last year 12/09/02 is the best month to use for your estimate. Use per degree day =847 Estimated use =2033 kwh' 04-30-215 Estimating Usage 04-30-215 Estimating Usage """. \P, . - "~~ ~. ~, ."'"" ~iI'l' ......~...'"" (~i"ce9ts ,"),"~ I~ . ~~ .. ~:...~ Heating accounts have high energy use in the winter, low use in the summer and the usage rises and falls with degree days. ~ Non-heating accounts have consistent use all year long, and low use overall. Base use includes any kilowatt-hours or therms not used for heating purposes. Heating accounts are estimated using degree days during the heating season. ~ Non-heating accounts are always estimated using the use-per-day method. Degree days are the difference between the average temperature outside and 65 degrees. );. The higher the number of degree days , the colder it is. Therefore, more energy is needed to heat the home. Always make sure the month you are basing an estimate on has at least 10 days of service in it. );. Never base an estimate on an estimate. );. First, look at the last month's usage for an accurate read. Second, look at the month prior. Third , look at the same month last year for an accurate read. );. Do not estimate a new open when the closing bill was estimated. Get a Special Read for the new customer or ask the customer to get a reading. );. The RBC (Read Bill Code) column tells us the type of meter reading obtained and the type of bill that was sent. If an account has both electric and gas service , the odds are that the gas service is used for heating. This concludes the Estimating Usage module. Please see your course manager if you have additional questions that were not addressed. 04-30-215 Estimating Usage AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff 192 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: D EP AR TMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/30/2004 Don Kopczynski DJ Spooner Customer Svs. Mgr (208) 769-1314 REQUEST: When Avista estimates a meter reading either manually or by computer for the purpose of preparing a closing or initial bill, does the customer s bill show "estimated" or "actual" to the right of the reading? RESPONSE: The word "Estimate" shows on the customer s bill when a bill is estimated and is listed under the word "Type" in the Meter Readings section to the left of the reading. Please see the attached example. CUSTOMER NAlvIE SERVICE ADDRESS CITY ST ZIP ENERGY USE ACCOUNT NUMBER9876543211 CHECK DIGIT: 2 ~~~'iI'STA. Utilities (800) 227-9187 (TOLL FREE) DATE TYPE OF SERVICE METER NUMBER RATE METER READINGS MULTI-SCH TYPE PRESENT ' PREVIOUS FACTOR ENERGY FRANCHISEUSAGE OR TAX AMOUNT 61435790 PREVIOUS BALANCE DUE APR 06 2004 001 1072 1059 10 130 31.11BILLING DATE MAR 30 2004 03/24/04 ELECTRIC PAYMENT RECEIVED 70'frtL 'Al10Ul-iT 38. ::':) 7 DAYS OF SERVICE FROM MAR 17 2004 TO MAR 24 2004 AVERAGE DAILY USE ELECTRICITY THIS MONTH 19 LAST YEAR AVERAGE DAILY TEMPERATURE THIS YEAR 53.LAST YEAR 47. YIETER NUMBER: :ONSUMPTION 61435790 03/17/04 129.9667 KILOWATT HOURS g 05255 :I'.BEE ( 1. 00 ~ LATE FEE OF 1% WILL BE ADDED TO PAST DUE BALANCES ~OUR ELECTRIC BILL INCLUDES FEDERAL COLUMBIA RIVER BENEFITS SUPPLIED BY BPA. PINAL BILL: CUSTOMER HAD AN EXCELLENT PAYMENT RECORD. (KEEP AS A REFERENCE) ~ LITTLE EACH MONTH GOES A LONG WAY. PLEASE DONATE $2, $5, $10 TO PROJECT SHARE :~GES ARE PRORATED BECAUSE THE BILLING PERIOD IS SHORTER OR LONGER THAN NORMAL AMOUNT DUE DUE DATE $ 38. APR 14 2004 TEAR HERE . RETURN BOTIOM PORTION WITH PAYMENT - ADDRESS ON BACK ACCOUNT NUMBER 9876543211 ~~' 'V'STA' Utilities 987654321120- 0 00 0 0311100 0 000 07 840 000003 8 9 5 0 SERVICE ADDRESS:SERVICE ADDRESS DUE DATE AMOUNT APR 14 2004 38. CUSTOMER NAlvIE MAll..ING ADDRESS CITY ST ZIP PROJECT SHARE CONTRIBUTION AMOUNT PAID BILLING DATE KILOW A TT THERMS ESTIMATED BILL TERMS USED ON YOUR BILL Billing date is the date our computer printed your bill. Charges and payments processed after that date will appear on your next bill. PRORATED BILL We prorate charges when billing periods are outside the normal day periods or when rates change during your billing period. If you have questions about a prorated bill please call our office.We measure the amount of electricity in watt hours. One kilowatt hour equals 1000 watt hours. The kilowatt hours on your bill equal the rate or speed of use (kilowatts) x the length of time electricity was used. Running a 5000 watt (5 kilowatt) dryer for 1 hour uses 5 kilowatt hours of electricity. Burning a 100 watt light bulb for 10 hours uses 1 kilowatt hour. MUL TIFACTOR After your meter is read and the difference between the old and new reads is established multifactor is used to convert the difference into use. Your gas meter measures gas in cubic feet. We use a multifactor to convert cubic feet into therms.Your use of gas is billed in units called therms. Therms identify the heating capacity provided by gas. One therm equals the heating capacity of 100,000 British Thermal Units or BTU's. A single BTU is approximately the amount of heat in a standard wooden kitchen match. Our estimating procedure takes into account past use, weather conditions, and the number of days service was provided. If an error is made in estimating, your bill will be automatically' corrected the next time we actually read your meter. Each electric meter has its own multifactor. Meters which count each kilowatt hour used have a multiplier of 1. Meters which count kilowatt hours by 10s have a multiplier of 10. Other common electric meter multipliers are 120, and 240. Your rate schedule determines how much you are charged for each kilowatt hour or thermo We mail out lists and descriptions of our rate schedules once a year. If you want a copy out- side of this time, please call our office. WE ARE PLEASED TO PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES TO OUR CUSTOMERS. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THESE SERVICES, PLEASE CALL 1-800-227-9187 IN WASHINGTON & IDAHO, OR 1-800-659-4427 IN OREGON & CALIFORNIA OR VISITWWW.A VISTAUTILITIES.COM: . Avista eBiII- receive and pay your bill on-line at . Customer assistance representatives to help and advise www.avistautilities.com customers with financial or other hardships. . Comfort Level Billing . Safety demonstrations for groups and classes . Special payment plans . Advice or information on energy use and management . For landlords - arrangements to automatically continue service . TTY Service for Hearing Impaired - (509) 495-4861 !'-' ' - een tenants at rental properties . n erpre a Ion service ~r Billing offers convenient once a month billing for your multiple customer accounts. Write one check for all your bills. . Credit counseling is available in our service areas with Consumer Credit Counseling Services, a non-profit organization. Call our office for the counseling office nearest you. PLEASE, FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR METER READERS AND THE ACCURACY OF YOUR BILLS, PROVIDE CLEAR AND SAFE ACCESS TO YOUR METER. Project Share is a community-sponsored program administered by the local agencies providing emergency energy assistance for families throughout our service area. This one-time assistance is given based on need, regardless of the type of fuel used in the home. All donations to Project Share made by Avista Utilities customers, shareholders and employees are forwarded directly to the local agencies and are tax deductible. If you can help, please give to Project Share. RATE SCHEDULE Should you question this bill, please request an explanation from the Company. If you thereafter believe you have been billed incorrectly, a Company representative will be happy to explain the procedure for obtaining review of the amount in question by the state agency which regulates public utility companies.0026 (05/02) PLEASE BRING ENTIRE BILL WHEN PAYING AT ONE OF OUR PAY STATIONS. Questions or concerns about your account? Please contact one of our representatives at the phone number on the front of this bill. Representatives are available to take your phone calls Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00p.m. or visit our website at www.avistautilities.com. Place address in envelope window. AVISTA UTILITIES 1411 E MISSION AVE SPOKANE WA 99252-0001 PLEASE: Return this portion when paying by mail. PKN ~~' JV'STA' Utilities of ~ " , (800) 227-9187 (TOLL FREE) ACCOUNT NUMBER 770073219 CHECK DIGIT: ~PT COEUR D ALENE , ID 83814 C~'C--C'--~-- --'- ;-C-;-7~;;;i~~-~;i'2,:~,=;:~~it~~~'~;';%!C":;;)igL0_;;i;i,PR:;21+,1~f!~'4 , . ' TEAR HEkEi-RETlTRN BOTTOM PORTION WITH PAYMENT-ADDRESS ONB\o,.CK AGC60'NT -NUMBER~~~I 'il' "'-', ':'; /i.' '~.: :' ,)~: --II ." ::, '/;i:;::;: ;;:, " Utilities " ";_):; i~,%y~ :;-,:;;'~~' .L,:.,,;(;;,:,,ci' "." 077007321960000015932000()OOOOOOOOOO0216326 ------- SERVICE ADDRESS:951 W EMMA AVE APT 73 DUE DATE AMOUNT 1111 111,11,I"II II,I",II,II"",IIII'I,ll,!,,111, APR 27 2004 216. ------- PROJECT SHARE CONTRIBUTION -------------- AMOUNT P A I D Your rate schedule determines how much you are charged for each kilowatt hour or thermo We mail out lists and descriptions of our rate schedules once a year. If you want a copy out- side of this time, please call our office. WE ARE PLEASED TO PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING SERVICES TO OUR CUSTOMERS. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THESE SERVICES, PLEASE CALL 1-800-227-9187 IN WASHINGTON & IDAHO, OR 1-800-659-4427 IN OREGON & CALIFORNIA OR VISIT WWW.AVISTAUTILITIES.COM: . Avista eBiII- receive and pay your bill on-line at . Customer assistance representatives to help and advise www.avistautilities.com customers with financial or other hardships. . Comfort Level Billing . Safety demonstrations for groups and classes . Special payment plans . Advice or information on energy use and management . For landlords - arrangements to automatically continue service . TTY Service for Hearing Impaired - (509) 495-4861 ,.. . 'Ieen tenants at rental properties . n erpretatlon service " , er Billing offers convenient once a month billing for your multiple customer accounts. Write one check for all your bills. . Credit counseling is available in our service areas with Consumer Credit Counseling Services, a non-profit organization. Call our office for the counseling office nearest you. PLEASE, FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR METER READERS AND THE ACCURACY OF YOUR BILLS, PROVIDE CLEAR AND SAFE ACCESS TO YOUR METER. BILLING DATE KILOW A TTHC THERMS ESTIMATED BILL TERMS USED ON YOUR BILL Billing date is the date our computer printed your bill. Charges and payments processed after that date will appear on your next bill. PRORATED BILL We prorate charges when billing periods are outside the normal day periods or when rates change during your billing period. If you have questions about a prorated bill please call our office.We measure the amount of electricity in watt hours. One kilowatt hour equals 1000 watt hours. The kilowatt hours on your bill equal the rate or speed of use (kilowatts) x the length of time electricity was used. Running a 5000 watt (5 kilowatt) dryer for 1 hour uses 5 kilowatt hours of electricity. Burning a 100 watt light bulb for 1 0 houis uses 1 kUo.'Vatl hour. MUL TIFACTOR After your meter is read and the difference between the old and new reads is established multifactor is used to convert the difference into use. Your gas meter measures gas in cubic feet. We use a multifactor to convert cubic feet into therms.Your use of gas is billed in units called therms. Therms identify the heating capacity provided by gas. One therm equals the heating capacity of 100 000 British Thermal Units or BTU's. A single BTU is approximately the amount of heat in a standard wooden kitchen match. Our estimating procedure takes into account past use, weather conditions, and the number of days service was provided. If an error is made in estimating, your bill will be automatically corrected the next time we actually read your meter. Each electric meter has its own multifactor. Meters which count each kilowatt hour used have a multiplier of 1. Meters which count kilowatt hours by 10s have a multiplier of 10. Other common electric meter multipliers are 40,120, and 240. RATE SCHEDULE Project Share is a community-sponsored program administered by the local agencies providing emergency energy assistance for families throughout our service area. This one-time assistance is given based on need, regardless of the type of fuel used in the home. All donations to Project Share made by Avista Utilities customers, shareholders and employees are forwarded directly to the local agencies and are tax deductible. If you can help, please give to Project Share. Should you question this bill, please request an explanation from the Company. If you thereafter believe you have been billed incorrectly, a Company representative will be happy to explain the procedure for obtaining review of the amount in question by the state agency which regulates public utility companies.0026 (05/02) PLEASE BRING ENTIRE BILL WHEN PAYING AT ONE OF OUR PAY STATIONS. Questions or concems about your account? Please contact one of our representatives at the phone number on the front of this bill. Representatives are available to take your phone calls Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. 7:00p.m. or visit our website at www.avistautilities.com. Place address in envelope window. AVISTA UTILITIES 1411 E MISSIQN AVE SPOKANE WA 99252-0001 PLEASE: Return this portion when paying by mail. JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Idaho A VU-04-01/ A VU-04- IPUC Data Request Staff 193 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/2912004 Brian Hirschkorn Jon Powell Utility Finance (509) 495-4047 How much money did A vista provide for weatherization programs in Idaho for each of the past 4 years? Please identify the recipient and dollar amount provided. RESPONSE: A vista s weatherization program is available to residential customers through two separate program delivery mechanisms; a limited-income program implemented in cooperation with community action agencies and a prescriptive program for non-limited income residential customers. Per the table below, A vista provided service to 402 Idaho limited income residential customers during 2000 to 2003. Total funding does not include community action agency administrative costs. Year 2000 2001 2002 ' 2003 TOT AL Customer incentives Total customers $210,000 92 customers $210,000 116 customers $210,000 111 customers $210,000 83 customers $840 000 402 customers Residential customers who are not limited-income qualified participate in a prescriptive weatherization program first initiated in 2001. Funding amounts and numbers of participating customers are represented in the table below. Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 TOTAL Customer incentives Total customers (program offerings initiated in 2001) $61 839 257 customers $38,666 179 customers088 111 customers $118,594 547 customers A compilation of addresses and incentive amounts for participating customers during this period is attached. Page 1 of 8 Idaho only Weatherization Customers 2001 to 2003 YTD I Address I I Suffix I State IStreetCity Zip Incentive 1637 LEMHI MOSCOW 83843 $ 838 7TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $ 204 RAILROAD 0 CLARK FORK 83811 $ 314 2ND MOSCOW 83843 $ 301 3RD 0 OLDTOWN 83822 $ 1895 CARMICHAEL MOSCOW 83843 $10, 7075 CONIFER HARRISON 83833 $12. 1717 DAVES AVE MOSCOW 83843 $13, 534 LAVINA AVE SANDPOINT 83864 $15, 1103 8TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $17, 110 SPUR SANDPOINT 83864 $18. 132 MULLAN AVE KELLOGG 83837 $20. 3315 9TH LEWISTON 83501 $20, 9 RED CLOVER KOOTENAI 83640 $20. 816 9TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $20. 9155 FINUCANE HAYDEN 83835 $23. 7288 4TH DALTON GARDENS 83815 $24, 10955 FRIAR HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $24, 1653 CLUB HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $25, 640 BRYDEN AVE LEWISTON 83501 $26. 1311 5TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $27. 16375 HOLLISTER HILLS POST FALLS 83854 $29, 12260 KELLY RAE HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $30. 1053 A COEUR D ALENE 83814 $30. 812.5 BOYD AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $30.45 11894 THAMES HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $31, 2323 14TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $31, 717 RACHEL TROY 83871 $31.68 12450 GRAND AVE OROFINO 83544 $32, 941 5TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $33. 2066 SPRING CREEK HOPE 83836 $34. 23 AGATE KELLOGG 83837 $34. 780 ELM GRANGEVILLE 83530 $35, 860 8TH MOSCOW 83843 $36, 920 B MOSCOW 83843 $38, 1031 PENNY POST FALLS 83854 $40. 7232 4TH DALTON GARDENS 83815 $41. 1309 8TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $42. 2540 GRAND TOUR HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $42. 1131 POWERS AVE LEWISTON 83501 $42. 1612 9TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $43, 3511 TIMOTHY COEUR D ALENE 83814 $43, 2285 STONEBRIDGE POST FALLS 83854 $43, 3801 TAMARACK COEUR D ALENE 83815 $44. 710 7TH MOSCOW 83843 $44, 3222 HIGHWAY 8 0 MOSCOW 83843 $44, 3603 11TH LEWISTON 83501 $45, 319 18TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $48. 823 YOUNG AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $50, 322 CHESTNUT GENESEE 83832 $50, 834 CEDAR AVE LEWISTON 83501 $50, 817 JEFFERSON MOSCOW 83843 $51, 7485 WINTER VIEW COEUR D ALENE 83815 $52. 1021 F MOSCOW 83843 $54, 1019 GRAND FIR MOSCOW 83843 $56, 2407 8TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $57, 4734 MOEN HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $57, 329 NORTH 3RD GRANGEVILLE 83530 $57, 21112TH AVE POST FALLS 83854 $57. 2317 TRESTLE CREEK HOPE 83836 $58, 247 PONDER POINT KOOTENAI 83864 $58, 842 7TH MOSCOW 83843 $60. 1117 HENRY POST FALLS 83854 $60, 3101 7TH LEWISTON 83501 $62. 2701 9TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $63. 0 GENESEE 83832 $63. 307 RIVENES PRIEST RIVER 83856 $64. 317 HAYES MOSCOW 83843 $65, 714 9TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $68.64 24809 CANYON CATALDO 83810 $68. 312 11TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $69, Page 2 of 8 Idaho only Weatherization Customers 2001 to 2003 YTD I Address I I Suffix I State IStreetCity Zip Incentive 3325 8TH LEWISTON 83501 $70, 700 DIVISION AVE SANDPOINT 83864 $71, 816 8TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $71, 1017 7TH MOSCOW 83843 $72, 824 BOYD AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $72, 1110,511TH LEWISTON 83501 $72. 603 RESIDENCE MOSCOW 83843 $72. 2225 9TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $73, 33727 HIGHWAY 200 0 KOOTENAI 83864 $73, 6007 15TH DALTON GARDENS 83815 $74, 2026 14TH LEWISTON 83501 $75. 29957 HARDY LOOP 0 CATALDO 83810 $75. 26645 BITTERROOT ATHOL 83801 $75. 916 15TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $75, 5353 MT CARROL COEUR D ALENE 83815 $77.60 8 KULLYSPELL HOPE 83836$79, 824 13TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $79. 809 RACHEL TROY 83871 $80, 514 ELLA AVE SANDPOINT 83864 $80, 736 2ND COEUR D ALENE 83814 $81. 633 AIRWAY AVE LEWISTON 83501 $81.50 513 2ND KELLOGG 83837 $83. 30563 HIGHWAY 97 0 HARRISON 83833 $84. 1379 WILBUR AVE DALTON GARDENS 83815 $85, 1422 BRYDEN AVE LEWISTON 83501 $85. 620 FLORENCE AVE SANDPOINT 83864 $86, 3262 2ND AVE POST FALLS 83854 $86, 1809 GRELLE AVE LEWISTON 83501 $89, 1926 CEDAR AVE LEWISTON 83501 $90. 823 BIRCH AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $90. 511 RIVERSIDE AVE KELLOGG 83837 $93, 5356 HUDLOW HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $93. 306 PINE TROY 83871 $94, 714 29TH LEWISTON 83501 $95. 1902 9TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $96. 2802 9TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $96. 1328 11TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $96. 1106 COEUR D ALENE AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $96, 607 11TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $96, 252 PINTAIL MOSCOW 83843 $97. 1310 CEDAR SANDPOINT 83864 $98. 11820 MARQUETTE OROFINO 83544 $98, 1110 SAINT MARIES AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $98, 702 BRYDEN AVE LEWISTON 83501 $99, 703 9TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $99, 416 13TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $100. 1331 MULLAN AVE POST FALLS 83854 $100, 805 WYOMING AVE HAYDEN 83835 $100. 3321 16TH LEWISTON 83501 $102, 17 SHIPLETT KINGSTON 83839 $103. 0 KINGSTON 83839 $103, 721 HAYDEN AVE HAYDEN 83835 $104. 401 4TH AVE POST FALLS 83854 $104. 703 6TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $104, 702 3RD KELLOGG 83837 $105. 508 1ST MOSCOW 83843 $105. 24233 BRIDGE LAKE RATHDRUM 83858 $105. 1615 BILL POST FALLS 83854 $105, 2702 THOMAS HILL COEUR D ALENE 83815 $106, 3607 18TH LEWISTON 83501 $106. 514 1ST WALLACE 83873 $106, 225 MAIN ST 0 FERDINAND 83526 $107. 981 FAIRVIEW HAYDEN 83835 $107, 726 WARNER AVE LEWISTON 83501 $107. 3415 8TH LEWISTON 83501 $108, 924 FRONT AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $108, 509 WARNER AVE LEWISTON 83501 $108. 106 SHERMAN COEUR D ALENE 83814 $108. 839 17TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $108, 2116 HEMLOCK AVE LEWISTON 83501 $109. 1027 15TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $109, Page 3 of 8 Idaho only Weatherization Customers 2001 to 2003 YTD I Address I I Suffix I State IStreetCity Zip Incentive 2008 G LEWISTON 83501 $111, 605 21ST COEUR D ALENE 83814 $112. 503 PROSPECT AVE LEWISTON 83501 $112. 1627 BURRELL AVE LEWISTON 83501 $112. 3311 4TH LEWISTON 83501 $112, 809 8TH MOSCOW 83843 $112. 606 CONESTOGA MOSCOW 83843 $112, 2407 13TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $112, 103 GARDEN AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $114, 621 A GRANGEVILLE 83530 $115. 2351 SUNSET LEWISTON 83501 $115. 217 EMERALD KELLOGG 83837 $115. 931 TINSMITH POST FALLS 83854 $116, 1132 LACEY AVE HAYDEN 83835 $117, 146 RIVERSIDE 0 WALLACE 83873 $117. 4025 JACOBS LADDER HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $117. 3532 13TH LEWISTON 83501 $118, 839 GRELLE AVE LEWISTON 83501 $118, 421 WARNER AVE LEWISTON 83501 $118, 8256 OREGON RATHDRUM 83858 $118, 103 20TH AVE POST FALLS 83854 $119, 1105 LINCOLN POST FALLS 83854 $120, 741 PEACHTREE HAYDEN 83835 $120. 1903 9TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $120, 5271 HEATHER POST FALLS 83854 $121. 316 SHILOH LEWISTON 83501 $121. 1121 12TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $123. 819 11TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $123. 404 3RD SAINT MARIES 83861 $124, 720 YELLOWSTONE OSBURN 83849 $124, 901 LACROSSE AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $124. 12383 RIO VISTA POST FALLS 83854 $124, 1702 GILBERT AVE COEUR D ALENE 83815 $124. 1219 9TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $125, 806 BOYD AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $126, 719 8TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $126. 0 BONNERS FERRY 83805 $126. 708 C MOSCOW 83843 $127. 3417 8TH LEWISTON 83501 $127. 1160 ELLIS OROFINO 83544 $128. 1255 MOUNTAIN VIEW SANDPOINT 83864 $128. 224 14TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $128, 910 GRELLE AVE LEWISTON 83501 $129, 11348 TRAFALGAR HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $129, 206 CEDAR WALLACE 83873 $130. 309 13TH AVE POST FALLS 83854 $132. 11751 KELLEY RAE HAYDEN 83835 $132. 1318 17TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $132. 522 PINE TROY 83871 $132, 1803 DAVIS AVE COEUR D ALENE 83815 $132, 2322 CONCORD MOSCOW 83843 $133, 2010 12TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $133. 408 MAIN CRAIG MONT 83523 $133. 206 10TH AVE POST FALLS 83854 $134. 1710 JENNY LYNN COEUR D ALENE 83815 $134, 624 SOUTH E GRANGEVILLE 83530 $135. 10241 FIR HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $135, 821 23RD COEUR D ALENE 83814 $135. 607 MAIN LEWISTON 83501 $135. 1520 SYRINGA POST FALLS 83854 $136, 607 12TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $136, 209 14TH AVE POST FALLS 83854 $137. 148 BENTLEY POST FALLS 83854 $137. 212 CEDAR PRIEST RIVER 83856 $138, 1813 SPOKANE POST FALLS 83854 $138. 1020 TANAGER 0 HAYDEN 83835 $138, 214 ROOSEVELT MOSCOW 83843 $139, 13989 HIGHWAY 97 0 HARRISON 83833 $140, 102 16TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $140, 1159 HIGHLAND MOSCOW 83843 $141, 523 AIRWAY LEWISTON 83501 $141. Page 4 of 8 Idaho only Weatherization Customers 2001 to 2003 YTD I Address I I Suffix I State IStreetCity Zip Incentive 1806 A COEUR D ALENE 83814 $142. 10145 REED HAYDEN 83835 $143. 1418 14TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $143. 802 PRESTON AVE LEWISTON 83501 $144, 3304 PINE HILL COEUR D ALENE 83815 $144. 1215 12TH LEWISTON 83501 $144. 2302 9TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $144. 1431 OCEAN AVE COEUR D ALENE 83815 $144. 1515 19TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $144, 1150 LAMBERT COEUR D ALENE 83814 $144. 1708 CEDAR AVE LEWISTON 83501 $144. 304 DIVISION AVE CRAIG MONT 83523 $146. 1508 HEMLOCK AVE LEWISTON 83501 $146, 410 3RD CRAIGMONT 83523 $147, 11287 TRAFALGAR HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $147. 3110 5TH COEUR D ALENE 83815 $149. 12845 HAUSER LAKE POST FALLS 83854 $149. 1412 11TH LEWISTON 83501 $150, 502 PEACHTREE HAYDEN 83835 $150. 510 20TH AVE POST FALLS 83854 $150. 705 2ND AVE POST FALLS 83854 $150. 1905 RIDGEWAY LEWISTON 83501 $150. 5922 MALLORY RATHDRUM 83858 $150, 3070 HIGHWAY 95 0 MOSCOW 83843 $150. 413 15TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $150. 2827 FAIRWAY COEUR D ALENE 83815 $150. 531 DENTON HOPE 83836 $150, 1016 24TH LEWISTON 83501 $152. 1332 HEMLOCK AVE LEWISTON 83501 $153. 4675 BALDY MOUNTAIN SANDPOINT 83864 $153, 2611 4TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $154, 310 22ND AVE POST FALLS 83854 $154, 2009 GRELLE AVE LEWISTON 83501 $155. 403 ROOSEVELT MOSCOW 83843 $155. 2224 CEDAR AVE LEWISTON 83501 $155. 516 ELLA AVE SANDPOINT 83864 $156. 4108 MOCCASIN COEUR D ALENE 83815 $156, 7633 PINE RATHDRUM 83858 $157. 834 16TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $157, 2005 POST POST FALLS 83854 $159, 415 1ST AVE SANDPOINT 83864 $159, 3293 FOOTHILL MOSCOW 83843 $159, 805 PARK AVE LEWISTON 83501 $160. 20788 ALTAMONT RATHDRUM 83858 $160. 101 14TH AVE POST FALLS 83854 $160, 915 BRYDEN AVE LEWISTON 83501 $161, 108 MAIN TROY 83871 $161, 512 ANNIE AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $162, 1902 PINE HILL 0 COEUR D ALENE 83815 $162, 6699 COMANCHE BONNERS FERRY 83805 $163. 2223 NURSERY MOSCOW 83843 $164, 3521 CANYON COEUR D ALENE 83815 $164. 204 D MOSCOW 83843 $165. 2119 14TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $165, 215 ASH AVE LAPWAI 83540 $165. 414 POLK MOSCOW 83843 $166. 2615 WILLOW LEWISTON 83501 $168. 1013 LOGAN MOSCOW 83843 $168, 15436 OAK GENESEE 83832 $168. 27870 JULIAETT A GRADE 0 JULIAETT A 83535 $169. 709 11TH AVE POST FALLS 83854 $170. 1214 MOUNTAIN AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $172. 610 JEFFERSON AVE PRIEST RIVER 83856 $172. 3504 7TH LEWISTON 83501 $172, 127 GRANT MOSCOW 83843 $172. 819 BURRELL AVE LEWISTON 83501 $173. 2319 MONTE VISTA COEUR D ALENE 83814 $174, 3201 BUCKSKIN COEUR D ALENE 83815 $174. 418 9TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $174, 624 HAYCRAFT AVE COEUR D ALENE 83815 $175, 1414 10TH LEWISTON 83501 $175. Page 5 of 8 Idaho only Weatherization Customers 2001 to 2003 YTD I Address I I Suffix I State IStreetCity Zip Incentive 818 19TH LEWISTON 83501 $176, 3419 FAIRWAY COEUR D ALENE 83815 $176. 132 HAYES MOSCOW 83843 $176, 1232 BURRELL AVE LEWISTON 83501 $176, 1216 LAKE SANDPOINT 83864 $176, 362 MILL AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $176, 2028 SAINT EMILION HAYDEN 83835 $177.50 3523 14TH LEWISTON 83501 $177.50 242 PINECREST SANDPOINT 83864 $178, 1136 LINDEN AVE LEWISTON 83501 $180. 4583 WOODLAND POST FALLS 83854 $180. 3365 EBERT COEUR D ALENE 83814 $180. 1317 FRONT AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $180. 3536 8TH LEWISTON 83501 $180. 0 BONNERS FERRY 83805 $180. 1700 GOLD RUSH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $180. 1028 JULIENE WAY MOSCOW 83843 $182. 220 ORCHARD AVE HAYDEN 83835 $182. 1000 WILD ROSE POST FALLS 83854 $183. 2280 HANLEY AVE DALTON GARDENS 83815 $183. 738 BRENT MOSCOW 83843 $183, 1914 14TH LEWISTON 83501 $183. 815 CHURCH SANDPOINT 83864 $184, 407 MILITARY COEUR D ALENE 83814 $184, 3719 16TH LEWISTON 83501 $185. 920 BURRELL AVE LEWISTON 83501 $186. 2251 HARRISON AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $186, 506 16TH AVE POST FALLS 83854 $187, 1049 HEMLOCK LEWISTON 83501 $187. 1051 HEMLOCK LEWISTON 83501 $187, 1527 AIRWAY AVE LEWISTON 83501 $187. 815 8TH MOSCOW 83843 $187. 332 STEWART LEWISTON 83501 $187. 6662 PIERCE BONNERS FERRY 83805 $188. 1305 VICTORIA AVE HAYDEN 83835 $189. 519 10TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $189, 1410 10TH LEWISTON 83501 $189, 317 4TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $189. 511 MAPLE FERDINAND 83526 $191. 708 BOULEVARD AVE CRAIGMONT 83523 $192. 3633 18TH LEWISTON 83501 $192, 204 RYAN HAYDEN 83835 $192, 827 GRELLE AVE LEWISTON 83501 $192, 1026 HEMLOCK LEWISTON 83501 $192, 75 SYRINGA HTS 0 SANDPOINT 83864 $192, 808 MAIN KENDRICK 83537 $193, 509 SUNRISE COEUR D ALENE 83815 $195, 16634 HOLLISTER HILLS POST FALLS 83854 $196. 44630 SILVER VALLEY PINEHURST 83850 $197, 1127 12TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $197. 604 CANAL COEUR D ALENE 83814 $198. 4309 HOLMES COEUR D ALENE 83815 $198. 1335 PONDEROSA MOSCOW 83843 $199. 2211 MONTEVISTA COEUR D ALENE 83814 $199, 3619 13TH LEWISTON 83501 $199, 818 BIRCH AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $200, 515 CEDAR AVE LEWISTON 83501 $200, 16052 EATON LEWISTON 83501 $200. 130 1ST KOOSKIA 83539 $200. 924 GILBERT AVE COEUR D ALENE 83815 $200, 613 LOCUST AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $200. 2201 CANYON COEUR D ALENE 83815 $200. 12282 HUGHES POST FALLS 83854 $200, 1206 HARRISON AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $200. 3327 6TH LEWISTON 83501 $200. 127 18TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $200, 216 HOMESTEAD AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $200. 9190 CHATEAUX AVE COEUR D ALENE 83815 $201. 305 15TH AVE POST FALLS 83854 $201. 1201 COLLEGE AVE SAINT MARIES 83861 $202. 102 3RD LAPWAI 83540 $204. Page 6 of 8 Idaho only Weatherization Customers 2001 to 2003 YTD I Address I I Suffix I State IStreetCity Zip Incentive 811 COUNTRY CLUB PINEHURST 83850 $204, 2152 GARWOOD HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $205, 3536 14TH LEWISTON 83501 $205. 1830 13TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $206. 421 OAK NEZ PERCE 83543 $209, 609 CEDAR AVE LEWISTON 83501 $210. 215 MONICA TROY 83871 $210, 651 18TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $210, 1719 10TH LEWISTON 83501 $211, 1306 HEMLOCK AVE LEWISTON 83501 $212. 252 JACKSON GENESEE 83832 $212. 3514 5TH LEWISTON 83501 $213, 1130 CEDAR AVE LEWISTON 83501 $214. 3135 10TH LEWISTON 83501 $214. 1745 WOODLAND DALTON GARDENS 83815 $215, 3804 BROKEN ARROW COEUR D ALENE 83815 $216. 5072 WOODLAND POST FALLS 83854 $216, 1241 ROYAL ANNE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $216, 419 1ST MOSCOW 83843 $216. 3424 5TH LEWISTON 83501 $218. 111 DWORSHAK OROFINO 83544 $218, 824 HASTINGS AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $219. 1213 JOSEPH MOSCOW 83843 $220, 507 16TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $220. 3416 8TH LEWISTON 83501 $220. 3705 15TH LEWISTON 83501 $220. 314 CEDAR WALLACE 83873 $223. 1612 LEMHI MOSCOW 83843 $223. 1003 29TH LEWISTON 83501 $224. 2421 OLD PULLMAN MOSCOW 83843 $224, 1205 GRELLE AVE LEWISTON 83501 $224, 13642 STONE AVE POST FALLS 83854 $224. 803 8TH MOSCOW 83843 $225. 5900 SHORELINE POST FALLS 83854 $225. 401 16TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $226, 1422 49TH LEWISTON 83501 $226, 321 ELLIS AVE WINCHESTER 83555 $228. 1212 BIRCH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $228. 1605 CEDAR AVE LEWISTON 83501 $229. 1914 CONESTOGA MOSCOW 83843 $230, 804 BIRCH AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $230. 3135 7TH LEWISTON 83501 $230. 820 COURTNEY MOSCOW 83843 $230. 912 BURRELL AVE LEWISTON 83501 $234, 1457 ALPOWA MOSCOW 83843 $235, 1666 HILLCREST MOSCOW 83843 $235. 3502 FAIRWAY COEUR D ALENE 83815 $235. 11719TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $238, 221 SCHELL SAGLE 83860 $239. 1632 CANFIELD AVE DALTON GARDENS 83815 $240, 4925 ANNE COEUR D ALENE 83815 $240, 13195 CHASE RATHDRUM 83858 $240. 30100 DAVIS ATHOL 83801 $240. 3228 7TH LEWISTON 83501 $240. 4990 EZY COEUR D ALENE 83815 $240, 916 FOREST AVE SANDPOINT 83864 $240. 1902 16TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $240, 3110 WESTWOOD COEUR D ALENE 83815 $240. 2315 WEYMOUTH MOSCOW 83843 $241. 1317 COEUR D ALENE AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $241. 3415 5TH LEWISTON 83501 $241, 3417 5TH LEWISTON 83501 $242, 12260 GRAND AVE OROFINO 83544 $242, 1120 RIPON AVE LEWISTON 83501 $244, 11710 AVONDALE LOOP HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $244, 611 SUNRISE COEUR D ALENE 83815 $244, 220 PINE POTLATCH 83855 $246, 2017 ALDER AVE LEWISTON 83501 $247, 4351 COVE HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $247. 413 PONDEROSA POST FALLS 83854 $248, 3812 13TH LEWISTON 83501 $248. Page 7 of 8 Idaho only Weatherization Customers 2001 to 2003 YTD I Address I I Suffix I State IStreetCity Zip Incentive 329 JACKSON GENESEE 83832 $249. 10533 LAKEVIEW HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $250. 480 ORCHARD AVE HAYDEN 83835 $250. 12275 JEROME AVE OROFINO 83544 $252, 310 STEWART AVE LEWISTON 83501 $252. 509 OLIVE AVE SANDPOINT 83864 $253. 3229 7TH LEWISTON 83501 $254, 131 CLEVELAND MOSCOW 83843 $255. 1411 24TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $255. 2749 FISHER AVE POST FALLS 83854 $256. 753 BRENT MOSCOW 83843 $257, 306 RIVERSIDE HARBOR POST FALLS 83854 $258, 1221 3RD MOSCOW 83843 $258, 3216 7TH LEWISTON 83501 $260. 819 BLAINE MOSCOW 83843 $260. 1417 27TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $260, 1658 JOHNSON COEUR D ALENE 83814 $261, 6654 PIERCE BONNERS FERRY 83805 $262, 10480 REED HAYDEN 83835 $267, 1798 BLUE CREEK COEUR D ALENE 83814 $268. 958 PLACER HAYDEN 83835 $268. 3133 7TH LEWISTON 83501 $270, 1308 8TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $270. 925 7TH LEWISTON 83501 $270. 767 BRENT MOSCOW 83843 $273, 501 15TH AVE POST FALLS 83854 $275. 10180 FIR HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $276. 605 20TH COEUR D ALENE 83814 $279, 506 WALNUT GENESEE 83832 $280, 520 D MOSCOW 83843 $280, 1771 WILBUR AVE DALTON GARDENS 83815 $280. 1607 KING COTTONWOOD 83522 $280. 27 LORAHAMA CRAIGMONT 83523 $281. 425 14TH LEWISTON 83501 $282. 401 CHURCH SANDPOINT 83864 $284. 504 SUNSET 0 GENESEE 83832 $286. 1905 COEUR D ALENE AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $286, 3619 CANYON COEUR D ALENE 83815 $288. 6907 ATLANTA BONNERS FERRY 83805 $288. 5935 16TH DALTON GARDENS 83815 $290. 2804 9TH COEUR D ALENE 83815 $290. 530 WARNER LEWISTON 83501 $290, 12189 BALDY MOUNTAIN SANDPOINT 83864 $290, 2435 LUNDY BLVD POST FALLS 83854 $291. 534 PRESTON AVE LEWISTON 83501 $295. 1024 DAVIDSON AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $295, 3910 BELMONT COEUR D ALENE 83815 $296. 110 SOUTH 4TH GRANGEVILLE 83530 $297. 402 WARNER AVE LEWISTON 83501 $297, 3414 MEADOWLARK LEWISTON 83501 $298, 1609 RICHARDSON AVE LEWISTON 83501 $299, 311 PINEWOOD POST FALLS 83854 $300, 5507 SUNNYSIDE SANDPOINT 83864 $300, 442 ASH GENESEE 83832 $300. 310 PINEWooD POST FALLS 83854 $300. 311 1ST AVE SANDPOINT 83864 $300, 1529 BURNHAM AVE HAYDEN 83835 $301, 521 MCFARLAND AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $301. 1137 3RD COEUR D ALENE 83814 $302.40 1508 BURRELL LEWISTON 83501 $308, 2304 SUNSET LEWISTON 83501 $309. 104 14TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $309. 1350 WALENTA MOSCOW 83843 $310, 1427 RICHARDSON AVE LEWISTON 83501 $312. 5931 HARBOR COEUR D ALENE 83814 $313, 1837 ALLMON LEWISTON 83501 $315, 806 LEWISTON COTTONWOOD 83522 $315. 1024 AIRWAY AVE LEWISTON 83501 $318. 44342 SILVER VALLEY KINGSTON 83839 $319, 1131 HOWELL TROY 83871 $320. 509 POLK MOSCOW 83843 $320, Page 8 of 8 Idaho only Weatherization Customers 2001 to 2003 YTD I Address I I Suffix I State IStreetCity Zip Incentive 871 LINCOLN MOSCOW 83843 $320, 833 PECAN GENESEE 83832 $323, 5725 PINEGROVE COEUR D ALENE 83815 $323. 665 GooBY SANDPOINT 83864 $324. 1320 15TH AVE LEWISTON 83501 $324. 3802 BROKEN ARROW COEUR D ALENE 83815 $327. 307 KOOTENAI KOOTENAI 83840 $328. 2004 E MOSCOW 83843 $329. 2215 AVON CIR HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $334, 4441 INVERNESS POST FALLS 83854 $335. 1223 BURRELL AVE LEWISTON 83501 $338. 830 MABELLE MOSCOW 83843 $340 , 7519 VALLEY DALTON GARDENS 83815 $340 , 12333 HUGHES POST FALLS 83854 $355, 613 BURRELL AVE LEWISTON 83501 $360. 0 CRAIGMONT 83523 $360. 18376 HAUSER VIEW HAUSER 83854 $360, 249 CIRCLE MOSCOW 83843 $360, 2134 1ST LEWISTON 83501 $360. 1141 HIGHLAND MOSCOW 83843 $361, 2022 CRESTLINE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $377, 1424 2ND COEUR D ALENE 83814 $380. 1389 PROGRESS HAYDEN 83835 $383, 809 PARK AVE LEWISTON 83501 $393. 1218 BIRCH SANDPOINT 83864 $400. 6045 MAIN BONNERS FERRY 83805 $402, 1306 SAINT MARIES AVE COEUR D ALENE 83814 $409. 605 C MOSCOW 83843 $427. 6211 SLEEPY COEUR D ALENE 83814 $435. 6347 HARBOR COEUR D ALENE 83814 $472, 1855 STRATFORD HAYDEN LAKE 83835 $494, 335 MAIN MOSCOW 83843 $498. 1230 CANYON AVE WALLACE 83873 $498, 7383 16TH 0 DALTON GARDENS 83815 $531, 540 CHESTNUT GENESEE 83832 $563, 6918 DIAGONAL RATHDRUM 83858 $627, St a t e I A A Ha m e WW F E x c h a n g e P r o g r a m FY I 9 5 (f Y ' U: ' I J I 5 l C t 1 ~" ' M U ~ I . :t r . . . . 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WW F E x c h a n g e P r o g r a m F Y ' ~~ ~ /f J ; U ~ - 6 d2 a o I St a t e j2 j .. . . . . . ~" - t ~ Na m e Co u n t y El l I I p p Fu r n a c e II W T a n k WW P R e b a t e Cl i e n t C o s t Le v e ~ a d i n q o r wi j ~ S Pr o m i s e d ~p i e l 1 o n D a t e II . . i . 1 .F I ! ... , IV 9& : . 3 tf V /J t - l l - i i / ,. 71 - - 9 ' t J / 7 - 7:, 7 kI / T J ;r ~a &' 1 J ~ I 3 . : : r V -r :f ~ 76 If / 5', j ' 14 s 1( - 7 - e ) 70 U ' J / : J . . . ( p Cl l J 1- 9 ' - d I J9 t 1 d J 5 " " " tf - c5 1 t . -0 1 '- i T q'/ q / tl O tJ l '1 7 t : ~S - if c; : l . b -z J - Jf . J -f 7 78 " " 7- 9 - r J I ' .5 " 6 ( . , 7 0 l/ ~" - ~ 7 li T ? I t t : , : J . CJ O /' - -C ' .1 j) l . if 5 .3 . . , 2 7. . e r 1- 0 0 1( ' - 3, e1 t 1 / ~ . :J ~ 7- d / --- - WW P R e b a t e HI I P \ J l l I I m 1 n ww P w I I I d m i n Le v e r a q 1 n q $ o r HI I P $ o r cl i e n t C o s t ~t t - C L- E - ' t i c S 1 h l LO M M U ~ t T ~T t . a . 1 ., q . ~ ~ - , . ) Av i s t a P r o g r a m I d a h o Co n t r a c t A m o u n t Wl \ Ba l a n c e "" il l Na m e Co u n t y Fu r n a c e Ta n k H/ S Mi s c . Re i m b . Up G r a d e To t a l Co s t Ca m p . Da t e Ad m i n KO O T 15 4 2 8 21 3 0 . !l J j ~ f i ~ ~ , ~~ ~ r l 1/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 2 31 9 . SH O NO N E 24 7 0 . .~ ~ m . ~~ ; Q , (i 1 : 1/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 2 37 0 . NE Z 15 4 3 0 61 6 . 16 5 6 . ;. ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 2 34 0 . KO O T E N 15 4 4 7 20 0 0 . 10 5 6 . .~ ~ . ! i X $ , g ~ Q Q 4/ 2 2 / 2 0 0 2 45 8 . 4 0 KO O T E N 15 4 5 0 20 0 0 . 10 5 6 . ~i ' l ~ g , Q~ ~ P ~ P , 4/ 2 2 / 2 0 0 2 45 8 . 4 0 LA T A H 15 4 4 9 22 7 2 . 4 3 lH i ~ f ~ ~ l i , ~ l ~ , 4/ 3 0 / 2 0 0 2 34 0 . SH O S H 15 4 3 1 15 6 0 . 83 4 . It ~ N ~ $ , ~p J Q ' 6/ 2 4 / 2 0 0 2 35 9 . KO O T E N 22 6 5 . i. t ~ ~ g : q 1 € ~ Q : 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 2 33 9 . BO N N E R 17 9 4 . ill l ~ r 1 t t ~ , ~~ ' ! ; Q I ; ) : 4/ 1 1 2 0 0 2 26 9 . BO N N E R 18 6 9 . i. 1 : ~ p ~ J ~ Q , 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 2 28 0 . LA T A H 26 7 9 . 1. ~ g , ' t : ~ l ( ) J ? ) 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 2 40 1 LA T A H 27 0 3 . .J J 1 ~ 1 ( ; Q ' ~! ; Q i 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 2 40 5 . 4 5 NE Z PE R 28 2 4 . Ir t f t l ( ~ g i t ~ ; I ! l . ! l : 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 2 42 5 . NE Z PE R 25 5 6 . OC . , ~ p , gg ~ q Q 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 2 38 3 . 4 0 LA T A H 20 8 7 . ~~ Q a W J Q , 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 2 31 3 . KO O T E N 15 7 0 7 16 7 0 . 84 2 . r. ~ g ~ ; ~ Q : 0 i 4/ 2 2 / 2 0 0 2 37 6 . KO O T E N 15 7 1 4 16 5 7 . 85 5 . :1 ; Y ; ; J ~ g ~ ' ;~ j t Q ! f ) , 4/ 3 0 / 2 0 0 2 37 6 . KO O T E N 15 7 1 3 84 0 . 14 0 8 . .~ ~ ~ , af Q Q : 4/ 2 2 / 2 0 0 2 33 7 . SH O S H O 15 7 2 1 71 3 . 4 5 rf r l t l l i j t : p J ~ g : 4/ 2 2 / 2 0 0 2 10 7 . SH O S H O 15 7 2 4 50 0 0 . 10 9 8 . ~t ~ t q Q ~ . ! J j ~ ~ 6/ 3 / 2 0 0 2 91 4 . KO O T E N 19 8 0 . l. l ' ~ : $ , Qg Q Q 4/ 2 2 / 2 0 0 2 29 7 KO O T E N 27 8 0 . i~ ~ ~ ~ ' l c ~ P J Q Q ' . 4/ 2 2 / 2 0 0 2 41 7 KO O T E N 15 7 3 7 15 3 1 . 98 1 . li 1 , ~ g ~ ~ , ~f Q J i 5 " 4/ 3 0 / 2 0 0 2 37 6 . KO O T E N 15 7 3 3 28 1 5 . 59 4 . !. V , Q ~ t Q ~ , ~q l ! 6/ 3 / 2 0 0 2 51 1 . KO O T E N 15 7 4 1 13 5 4 . 63 0 . .l l ~ g ~ ~ g , 10 / 1 5 / 2 0 0 2 29 7 . KO O T E N 15 7 4 2 14 9 4 . 98 1 . .f ~ ~ ~ i 9~ I ; ) : ~ 4/ 3 0 / 2 0 0 2 37 1 KO O T E N 15 7 4 7 12 4 9 . WL ( ~ ; 1 r ~ ~ , ~~ ~ ( l ) ' 4/ 3 0 / 2 0 0 2 18 7 . KO O T E N 15 7 4 8 25 9 0 . 10 7 5 . 1t . ~ J p ' Q , ~f Q Q ' 6/ 3 / 2 0 0 2 54 9 . KO O T E N 15 7 1 4 16 5 7 . 85 5 . ~1 : ~ 1 ~ , ~1 ! : ~ ( i 5 , . 4/ 2 2 / 2 0 0 2 37 6 . KO O T E N 56 8 . ft l r $ J $ ' ( ~ , aJ ! Q ~ Q i 6/ 1 7 / 2 0 0 2 85 . NE Z PE R 29 7 . r~ ~ ~ : n l ~ t t 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 2 44 . NE Z PE R 16 0 5 6 20 9 8 . 10 2 0 . \. J r a : f f ~ ~ I ; $ J 1 , 6/ 2 4 / 2 0 0 2 46 7 . LA T A H 16 0 5 7 23 0 0 . 13 6 5 . fi ' l ~ g p ' ~ ~ ~ ' 1/ 1 2 / 2 0 0 2 54 9 . ,. . .. . . . . -. . u _ -. . . , .. , - - - - . -- - - _ _. _ ..m _ _- - -- - - " - - . .. " " " ' - - 0 ' _" ' KO O T E N 60 6 7 65 0 . ~1 ! f I F I ~ p , ~ ~ ~ Q , 6/ 3 / 2 0 0 2 97 . LA T A H 1~ . 1 ~ ' J f 1 i ~ j ~ ~~ I j ~ ' 6/ 3 / 2 0 0 2 81 LA T A H 35 2 0 . Yl j m ~ p g ~ ~ Q Q J 6/ 3 / 2 0 0 2 52 8 LA T A H 36 5 6 . ;~ 1 f i l l 1 ~ ~ ~ J ; 3 : ; !t Q 6/ 3 / 2 0 0 2 54 8 . 4 LA T A H 83 5 . t~ ~ , ': ! \ 1 I a ~ ~ i ~ D 1 6/ 3 / 2 0 0 2 27 5 . BE N E W A H 99 6 . ~1 1 ~ ' ~ ~ q ~ ~ ~ 6/ 3 / 2 0 0 2 29 9 . 4 BE N E W A H 29 6 7 . .t 1 i ? . 9j ' Z ~ Q , 6/ 3 / 2 0 0 2 44 5 . LE W I S 39 0 9 . ~1 ~ i : ~ ~ : Q ~ ~ Q Q : 6/ 3 / 2 0 0 2 58 6 . LA T A H 00 2 . 11 1 i 6 ; , P , Q~ ~ Q , 6/ 3 / 2 0 0 2 50 . 36 3 . 1~ % ' i ; 1 ~ p , ~~ J ! Q 6/ 3 / 2 0 0 2 54 . 4 5 20 2 . !f c ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ i g Q 7/ 8 / 2 0 0 2 30 . BO U N D R 66 0 9 88 5 . '8 ~ ~ : & $ j Q g , 9/ 9 / 2 0 0 2 32 . BO U N D R 65 6 3 29 7 5 . .f . ~ ~ J L ~ ~ ~ P : 9/ 9 / 2 0 0 2 44 6 . NE Z PE R 66 1 66 5 . Rf , .W ; Q : Q 9 J ~ f f i p : 1/ 1 2/ 2 0 0 2 99 . SH O S H 48 5 . tl \ : i ~ 1 ~ , a~ i : Q Q 10 / 1 5/ 2 0 0 2 22 2 . BO N N E R 28 9 3 . ~i l . ~ ~ ~ , ~n ~ Q 0/ 1 5/ 2 0 0 2 43 3 . SH O S H 72 1 tl i l : 1 \ t t J ~ I ~ j 1 r Q P , 25 - 25 8 . SH O S H 39 9 4 . j. ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ : r P d 0/ 1 5/ 2 0 0 2 59 9 . LA T A H 25 4 0 . B~ ~ l c ~ q ~ : Q , ;Q P 2 0/ 1 5/ 2 0 0 2 38 1 KO O T E N 66 3 5 ~i f P ~ 1 , !; t 1 Q ~ : Q Q , 1/ 1 2/ 2 0 0 2 28 6 . NE Z PE R 66 3 9 85 . 1/ 1 2/ 2 0 0 2 77 . NE Z PE R 66 2 9 58 . 1/ 1 2/ 2 0 0 2 BO N N E R 66 4 0 67 0 . 1/ 3 0 / 2 0 0 2 00 . BO N N E R 66 3 8 32 4 9 . 57 0 . .j ~ ~ 1 1 , ~~ Q ' 1/ 3 0 / 2 0 0 2 57 2 . KO O T E N 25 2 3 %l t ~ q ( ~ ' !i i ~ ~ t Q Q 1/ 1 2/ 2 0 0 2 37 8 . 4 5 BO U N D A 66 4 1 38 2 7 67 9 \~ 1 ! ~ ~ Q P b Q ~ 2/ 2 3 / 2 0 0 2 67 5 . NE Z PE R 02 5 iW f " / t Q ~ g J Q ! i ) /3 0 / 2 0 0 2 53 . '_ _ - "'~ , To t a l Co s t s i~ S 1 ! l i ~ l : ~ l j i i. ~ J J ~ 1 t 7 J : Q ~ ji i , ~ Q 9 , ~m ; ' Q~ : i1 $ J ~ ~ p ~ , tI Q P " ~j i f a : ~ ~ I ! 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J ' r y kr r o r - f kl E ~ Av i s t a P r o g r a m I d a h o Sp e n t Co n t r a c t A m o u n t 1! ! ~ j ~ ~ f I J j ( i j ~ : r~ r Q ~ ~ ( j ) J l ~ , ~J ~ Na m e Co u n t y Po # Fu r n a c e HW T a n k H/ S M i s c . Ga s R e i m El e c R e i m Up G r a d e Ad m i n Ad m . P a i d KO O T E N 17 2 5 4 22 6 9 . 34 0 . 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 NE Z P E R 17 3 3 3 13 0 9 . 20 3 8 . 50 2 . 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 NE Z P E R 17 2 7 3 14 9 4 . 44 5 . 15 0 . 31 3 . 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 BO N N E R 17 2 7 8 11 7 5 . 17 6 . 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 BO U N D A 17 2 7 9 21 1 2 . 31 6 . 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N 17 2 8 3 22 3 2 . 33 4 . 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 NE Z P E R 17 2 8 0 84 4 . 12 6 . 4/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N 17 2 8 2 25 3 2 . 80 0 . 49 9 . 5/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N 17 2 8 4 25 5 0 . 92 5 . 52 1 . 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N 17 2 8 5 21 2 0 . 31 8 . 4/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N 17 2 8 7 25 3 5 . 80 0 . 50 0 . 2 5 5/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N 17 2 8 6 21 0 0 . 84 9 . 44 2 . 4/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 3 NE Z P E R 16 3 . 20 2 5 32 8 . 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 NE Z P E R 26 2 . 18 6 7 31 9 . 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 , N E Z P E R 21 3 5 32 0 . 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 NE Z P E R 20 5 . 23 2 5 37 9 . 3/ 1 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N 11 8 . 12 0 4 19 8 . 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N 85 . 19 2 9 30 2 . 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N 36 5 . 24 3 1 41 9 . 4 0 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N 28 5 . 23 7 2 39 8 . 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N 13 0 . 15 8 6 25 7 . 4 0 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N 17 8 5 26 7 . 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N 22 6 . 29 7 0 47 9 . 4 0 3/ 2 5 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N 26 2 1 39 3 . 4/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 3 NE Z P E R 18 9 7 3 21 6 0 . 4 5 32 4 . 6/ 2 3 / 2 0 0 3 NE Z P E R 18 9 7 4 94 3 . 4 4 14 1 . KO O T E N 18 9 8 5 21 0 0 . 31 5 . 7/ 2 8 / 2 0 0 3 BO N N E R BE N E W A H '. . _ '_ ~ _ BE N E W A H BO N N E R BO N N E R BO N N E R BO N N E R BO N N E R BO N N E R BO N N E R BO N N E R 19 1 3 9 26 0 0 . 39 0 . 8/ 1 9 / 2 0 0 3 NE Z P E R 17 5 3 2 85 7 . 12 8 . 8/ 1 2 / 2 0 0 3 BO N N E R 17 7 5 1 17 9 5 . 26 9 . 9/ 2 9 / 2 0 0 3 SH O S H O 17 7 5 2 19 8 0 . 29 7 . 10 / 1 4 / 2 0 0 3 KO O T E N BO N N E R LA T A H 18 0 0 3 13 3 4 . 62 4 . 29 3 . LA T A H 18 0 0 6 99 7 . 4 6 14 9 . 10 / 1 4 / 2 0 0 3 LA T A H 10 / 1 4 / 2 0 0 3 BO N N E R 10 / 1 4 / 2 0 0 3 BO N N E R 10 / 1 4 / 2 0 0 3 NE Z P E R 10 / 1 4 / 2 0 0 3 BO N N E R 10 / 1 4 / 2 0 0 3 LA T A H 18 0 0 9 21 6 0 . 43 2 . 38 9 . SH O S H O 18 0 1 8 40 3 0 . 56 5 . 68 9 . KO O T E N 18 0 2 1 21 6 2 . 32 4 . LA T A H 17 4 2 26 1 . BO N N E R 16 2 5 24 1 . LA T A H 23 5 2 32 8 . LA T A H 20 9 5 31 4 . NE Z P E R 31 4 2 20 1 3 . 81 8 . CL E A R W KO O T E N 18 2 6 27 3 . BO N N E R .- - - - - - - -- - . - - - KO O T E N 18 0 2 7 60 8 22 8 2 . 43 3 . KO O T E N 18 0 3 3 20 3 9 30 5 . KO O T E N 18 0 4 3 23 7 2 35 5 . KO O T E N 18 0 5 0 21 1 4 . 4 5 31 7 . LA T A H BO N N E R SH O S H O KO O T E N To t a l Co s t s ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ 1 ~ ~ 1 ~j j i ~ ( ~ J ? l ~ l ~ : ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J ; ; W & t i i~ s ~ ~ ~ : i ~ ~ ~ i ~~ , IJ i J l ~ : a a ~ J ~ ~ \~ ; \ g ~ j ( . ~ I ~ ~ ~ ' rf ~ ~ ' ) W ~ T h ~ ' ~~ ~ ~ 11 1 l 1 l i 1 - Av i s t a r e i m b u r s m e n t Ba l a n c e Sp e n t Co n t r a c t A m o u n t To t a l C o s t Co m . Da t e ~W t I ~ ~ 9 J ~ 1 : ~ ~ 2 / 1 8 / 2 0 0 3 !r m ~ 1 1 ~ ~ ~ 4 l ~ l i ; Q ~ 2/ 1 8 / 2 0 0 3 l~ f I E : ~ J ~ ~ l t 1 ) , ~ ' 2 / 1 8 / 2 0 0 3 t. f , 1 f l ~ ~ ~ i ~ f ' Z ( $ J ~ ~ 2/ 1 8 / 2 0 0 3 mt I S \ ; ~ i ~ I ~ ; i ~ 2 / 1 8 / 2 0 0 3 ~K u ! ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ Q , ; 3 / 5 / 2 0 0 3 ~" . i f , \ ; ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 3 &\ ~ . ~~ ~ , ~~ J ~ Q 1 4 / 2 2 / 2 0 0 3 ;G L ~5 f 2/ 1 8 / 2 0 0 3 ;m " " , " " , J& . 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Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff 194 DATE PREPARED: WITNES S RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/29/2004 Brian Hirschkom Jon Powell Utility Finance (509) 495-4047 REQUEST: How many Idaho Avista customers received the benefit of weatherization in each of the past 4 years? How many of these were residential customers? What is the average amount spent per home receiving weatherization benefits? RESPONSE: A total of 402 limited income customers received service under Avista s weatherization program during the 2000 through 2003 (four years inclusive) at an average cost of $2 090. Non-limited income customers installed $118,594 weatherization measures between the programs initiation in 2001 through the end of calendar year 2003. The total customer participation during this time period was 533 different customers. (Note that this does not equal the sum of the number of unique customers per year because customers may participate in more than one year). The average weatherization rebate for these customers was $222.50. Avista s weatherization program is available only to residential customers. Non-residential customers may access our Site-Specific program to install any measure that has a demonstrable energy-efficiency value. Shell measures installed in non-residential structures are included within the scope of that program. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQ UES TER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01/ A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff 197 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/30/2004 Don Kopczynski DJ Spooner Customer Svs. Mgr (208) 769-1314 REQUEST: Please provide the number ofldaho Avista customers who applied for Project Share assistance in each of the past 4 years but were denied assistance. RESPONSE: Local Community Action Agencies administer the distribution of Project Share funds. Avista does not have access to the number of customers who applied for Project Share assistance. JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. REQUEST: VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff 198 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/3012004 Don Kopczynski DJ Spooner Customer Svs. Mgr (208) 769-1314 Please provide the reason(s) why customers were denied Project Share assistance? RESPONSE: Please see the Company s response to Staff Request No. 197. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff 199 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/30/2004 Don Kopczynski DJ Spooner Customer Svs. Mgr (208) 769-1314 REQUEST: Please explain why Avista increased its donations to Project Share from $50 000 in 2001 to $200 000 in 2002 and 2003. RESPONSE: Avista s Project Share donations were increased as part of the settlement of its Washington 2001 General Rate Case. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff 200 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/3012004 Don Kopczynski DJ Spooner Customer Svs. Mgr (208) 769-1314 REQUEST: In response to Production Request No. 63, A vista states that if an answering machine is reached or a live person is reached that a recorded phone message is left. Please explain what efforts are made to obtain viable telephone numbers for customers at the time of application for service. What efforts are made to update telephone numbers so that messages are not being left at incorrect telephone numbers? Please explain why, if a live person is reached, a recorded message is played rather than transferring the call to a CSR. RESPONSE: At the time of application, CSRs request a home phone number. If there is no home number, a message number is requested. A vista attempts to verify the customers phone number each time the customer contacts A vista. Avista s outbound IVR technology is not able to transfer a call to a CSR. A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff 202 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/30/2004 Don Kopczynski DJ Spooner Customer Svs. Mgr (208) 769-1314 REQUEST: The response to Production Request No. 70 indicates service is disconnected when there is no responsible person to bill and usage exceeds 500 kWh or 40 therms. Does this mean that the Company takes a meter reading but leaves the service on until such time as the 500 kWh or 40 therm thresholds are reached? Who pays for the energy usage between 0 and 500 kilowatt hours and between 0 and 40 therms when service is subsequently disconnected because no one signs up for service before the limits are met? RESPONSE: If a customer contacts A vista to close an account, and A vista has no record of the property owner, A vista requests the name and phone number of the owner, from the caller. Service is not disconnected at the time of an account closing, and the meter continues to be read on the regular monthly meter reading schedule. The majority of account opens and closes occur within a relatively short period of time, and it is the Company s position that disconnecting and reconnecting in between open and close dates is not cost effective. A vista attempts to locate and contact property owners after an account closes and the usage threshold, which is approximately a half-months average usage, is reached. If no responsible party can be located, A vista Utilities is ultimately responsible for the energy used "in between" customers. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff 203 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/30/2004 Don Kopczynski DJ Spooner Customer Svs. Mgr (208) 769-1314 REQUEST: The response to Production Request No. 77 was unresponsive. Please provide how often the Company failed to read meters on the regularly scheduled meter reading date in 2003. If the Company does not read on the scheduled date, does the date shown on the bill correspond to the actual reading date as opposed to the date the meter was scheduled to be read? RESPONSE: If a meter does not get read on the scheduled read date, the actual read date is stated on the bill and the bill is calculated based on customer usage through the actual read date. (During Avista s 04-28-04 phone conversation with Marilyn Parker, Staff clarified that Avista did not need to provide an exact number regarding meters not read on the regularly scheduled meter read date. VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU-O4-01 / A VU-O4- IPUC Data Request Staff 204 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEP ARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 05/01/2004 Don Kopczynski Nancy Holmes Cust. Service Mgr. (509) 495-8004 REQUEST: In response to Production Request No. 62, the Company states it offers Language Line assistance to customers who speak languages other than English. How are customers made aware that this service is available? RESPONSE: Customers are referred to the service through our customer service representatives. The Avista Utilities web-page also mentions this service in the "products and services" section (See attached). Translation Service - A vista Utilities .I-"lv..r. UtiIiVJ1$ Home Page lllt;J AvistaUifliUes ite Search -- --------Page 1 of I Products & Services;;. Assistance Programs;;. Translation Services . It pays to conserve. Residential Eneray- Efficiency Rebates available to customers Translation Services Our complimentary Language Line provides quick access to an interpreter 24- hours-a-day. The service provides a three-way conference call involving the non-English speaking customer, the interpreter and the Avista Utilities customer service representative. Language Line offers customers interpreter service for dozens of languages including Spanish, Vietnamese, Cambodian Laotian, and Russian. View and Dav your bill on-line. Save time and money with an interactive Home Eneray Analysis Need Help? Choose of the options below to contact one of our Customer Service representatives: Phone: Inquiries about myAvistaUtilities (including eBili service): 1-877-576-9282 All other Avista Utilities inquires: 1-800-227-9187 E-Mail: AskChristine(Q)AvistaUtilities.com if) 2004 Avista Corporation. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy http://www.a vistautilities.com/products/ assistance/translation.asp 5/3/2004 A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO. Idaho A VU - E-O4-0 1 / A VU -O4-0 1 IPUC Data Request Staff 206 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: D EP AR TMENT: TELEPHONE: 04/30/2004 Don Kopczynski Greg Smith Elect. Engineers (509) 495-4479 REQUEST: For each of the past 7 years (1997-2003), please provide the following Idaho-specific system reliability data:(a) System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAID!); (b) System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI); (c) Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index (MAIFI); (d) Number of trouble calls received from customers; and (e) Five worst performing circuits. RESPONSE: (a) System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAlOl); (Data is available beginning in 2001. Idaho SAID I 140 Excluding Major E\ents Tree Caused 40% ... CII 120 CII c:: iij f/) 30%s i 100:;:; '5 c::'- 80::iE .!. c:: CII51 E .... 0c. .... g: 40.... (J.E 20% 10% 2001 2002 2003 (b)System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI); (Data is available beginning in 2001. (c) ~ 1.CI) 1ii 1. ::::I -;; 0. :g, 0. ::::I CI) t: 0.4 CI) jij 0. I/) ::::I rn Idaho SAIFI E!!I Excluding Major E-.ents Tree Caused 30% 20% 10% 2001 2002 2003 Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index (MAIFI); (Data is available beginning in 2001. t 10 gJ 8 I/) ;:; ::::I J!! 4 J9 2 CI) Idaho MAIFI E3!iI Excluding Major E-.ents -+- Tree Caused 30% 20% 10% 2001 2002 2003 (d)Number of trouble calls received from customers; 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 NO POWER 7284 9710 7887 6329 5361 5901 7331 PARTIAL POWER 421 489 300 288 289 281 258 Idaho Trouble Calls 12000 -- NO POWER 600 10000 -+- PARTIAL POWER 500 ... ; 8000 ... 400 ; m eI) eI) ~ )- 0 )-0 - 6000 300 D.. D.. 1/1 1/10 =nI 4000 200 i ~ D.. 2000 100 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 (e)Five worst performing circuits. (Data is available for 2001 2003. Idaho Worst Performing Feeders 3 yr Total Customer-Hours Excluding Major Events 120000 I!! 96000 ::I :.;: 72000 ... eI) 48000 1/1 24000 Grangeville Jaype 1287 8andpoint1273 4821 Ogara 611 8t. Maries 633