HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031015_643.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:BIRDELLE BROWN DATE:OCTOBER 6, 2003 RE:QWEST ADVICE 03-10-N TO ESTABLISH NONRECURRING CHARGES TO APPLY TO CANCELLATION OF DIGITAL SWITCHED SERVICE (DSS), ISDN PRIMARY RATE SERVICE (PRS) AND UNIFORM ACCESS SOLUTION (UAS), EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 17, 2003 Qwest has filed this Tariff Advice to establish nomecurring charges to be applied to three elements of its ISDN network in Northern Idaho. Qwest proposes a $1 500 nomecurring charge to apply to each of: Primary Rate Service (PRS), Digital Switched Service (DSS), and Uniform Access Solution Service (UAS) in the event that service is cancelled before installation is completed. Qwest has established a "Critical Date" schedule that approximates a percentage of the costs incurred to the date of cancellation and this percentage will determine the amount of the cancellation charge that will be applied. The Critical Dates monitored by Qwest are: 1) the Application date, which is the date the order is entered into the system, 2) the Design Layout Report Date, which is the date a design is forwarded to the customer, 3) Plant Test Date, which is the day acceptance testing is performed, and 4) Service Date, which is when the service is made available to the customer. Qwest has determined the applicable percentages to be 13%,44%, 77% and "minimum billing period charges " respectively. Prior to the approval of this Advice, Qwest's tariffed procedure for recovering costs of cancelled orders was to bill the customer for the actual total costs Qwest had incurred to date. Qwest's "critical date" method will be a more consistent way to recover basically the same costs and will better conform to Qwest tariffs in other states. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 - STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Advice 03-10-N effective October 17 2003. Does the Commission agree? lrde1le Brown coITesp/dmemos/2003/AdvO310n.qwe DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -