HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231016Staff 14-38 to PAC.pdfMICHAEL DUVAL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 (208)334-0357 IDAHO BAR NO.11714 Street Address for Express Mail: 11331 W CHINDEN BLVD,BLDG 8,SUITE 201-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN )POWER'S APPLICATION TO COMPLETE )CASE NO.PAC-E-23-17 THE STUDY REVIEW PHASE OF THE ) COSTS AND BENEFITS OF ON-SITE )CUSTOMER GENERATION )THIRD PRODUCTION )REQUESTOF THE )COMMISSION STAFF )TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN )POWER Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,by and through its attorney of record, Michael Duval,Deputy AttorneyGeneral,requests that Rocky Mountain Power ("Company") provide the followingdocuments and information as soon as possible,but no later than MONDAY,NOVEMBER 6,2023. This Production Request is to be considered as continuing,and the Company is requested to provide,by way of supplementaryresponses,additional documents that it,or any person acting on its behalf,may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question,supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations,and the name,job title,and telephone number of the person preparing the documents.Please also identify the name,job title,location,and telephonenumber of the record holder. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 1 OCTOBER 16,2023 In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests,please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic files with formulas intact and enabled. REQUESTNO.14:Please explain the basis the Company used to decide which terms it included in the On-Site Generation Study ("Study")glossary. REQUESTNO.15:Please provide all 2021 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") workpapers used to support the Study appendices. REQUESTNO.16:Table 2.1 provides a breakdown of the on-site generationtypes. Please identifyhow many of the systems include battery storage. REQUESTNO.17:In section 3.0 of the Study,the Company explains the effects of monthly,hourly,and instantaneous netting intervals.However,Table 3.4 presents a fourth option,'Traditional Net Metering.'Please explain the difference between Monthly Netting and Traditional Net Metering. REQUESTNO.18:Table 3.4 presents the bill impacts for customers with different average consumptions (the "Average Bill"column).Please clarify if the average consumption categories are average monthlyconsumption,or annual consumption.Please clarify if the average consumption categories are net imports or full imports.Please provide a breakdown of how many customers are in each of the groups. REQUESTNO.19:Please describe any alternative means considered by the Company for determining the value of customer-exportedenergy besides the IRP energy forecast and the Energy Imbalance Market hourly historic pricing.If there were any,please list the reason(s)the Company rejected those alternatives. REQUESTNO.20:Please describe any alternative means considered by the Company for distributing the value of customer-exported energy on a seasonal time variant basis,as THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 2 OCTOBER 16,2023 opposed to a flat annual rate.If there were any alternatives,please list the reason(s)the Company rejected them. REQUESTNO.21:Please describe any alternative means considered by the Company for determining the value of avoided generation capacity costs besides the Capacity Factor approximation method.If there were any alternatives,please list the reason(s)the Company rejected them. REQUESTNO.22:Please describe the Company's policies regarding the use of Effective Load Carrying Capability calculations for generationresources. REQUESTNO.23:Please explain why the Company proposes using 2030 as the test yearn. REQUESTNO.24:In its response to Production Request No.8,the Company declined to provide the avoided capacity valuation for 2022 because "[t]he Company does not have an estimate of actual export contributions for 2022."AlthoughStaff is aware that Idaho customer export data was not available for 2022,please provide the following: a.The avoided capacity valuation for 2022 using the same Utah proxy data that the Company used for the Study in this case;and b.An overview of how much avoided capacity valuation can change (and why) depending on the test period. REQUESTNO.25:In section 5.0 of the Study,the Company provided justification for leaving the existing Project EligibilityCap in place for residential customers.However,the Company did not address the other classes with on-site generation,especially those with a 100- kilowatt cap,as requested by the Commission.Please provide the pros and cons for the omitted classes. REQUESTNO.26:In section 6.0 of the Study,the Company states that its "...evaluation of energy efficiency measures includes assumed deferraloflocal transmission THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 3 OCTOBER 16,2023 and distribution upgrades."(Emphasis added).Staff interprets this to mean that the energy efficiencyprogram uses a value for avoided transmission and distribution ("T&D")costs. However,the report does not provide this value,and the ensuing comments discuss other issues, leaving this possibility unanswered.Please clarify this section of the report. REQUESTNO.27:In section 6.0 of the Study,the Company states that the avoided T&D cost is "likelyto differ"from the avoided generation cost.However,the Company applies the avoided generation capacity contribution of 3.0 percent anyway,without explanation.Please clarify why this is appropriate.Also,the Company provides a final value of $1.10/MWh without identifying where the reader can find the underlyingcalculations.Please describe where to find the calculations. REQUESTNO.28:Please describe any alternative means considered by the Company for distributing the value of avoided T&D costs on a seasonal time variant basis,as opposed to a flat annual rate.If there were any alternatives,please list the reason(s)the Company rejected them. REQUESTNO.29:In section 7.0 of the Study,the Company refers to its 2018 Line Loss Study.Please provide a searchable version of that study. REQUESTNO.30:In section 7.0 of the Study,the Company omits consideration of transformer core losses.Please explain whether the Company intends to adjust the line loss factors for transformer core losses or not.Please explain the Company's reason(s)for either includingor excluding them. REQUESTNO.31:Please explain why the Company included pages in Appendix 8.2 beyond the first two pages because they appear to be unreadable and not relevant to the Study. REQUESTNO.32:In section 9.1.1 of the Study,the Company describes the Wattsmart Batteries program in effect in Utah.Please discuss the impact this program might have on the proxy Utah export profile.Please provide any supporting analysis. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 4 OCTOBER 16,2023 REQUESTNO.33:Please clarify the Company's position regarding Schedule 135 - Net Metering Service customers with respect to section 11.0. REQUESTNO.34:In section 11.1.1 of the Study,the Company recommends seasonal export credit pricing,but not time-of-day pricing.Please provide the following: a.Examples of how pricing would vary under different seasonal scenarios and time- of-day scenarios; b.A description of the advantages and disadvantages of each scenario;and c.The underlyingworksheets for these examples. REQUESTNO.35:In section 11.1.2 of the Study,the Company's input does not address the Commission's order,which states,"[p]lease explain how customer-generators will have accurate and adequate information to make informed choices about the economics of on- site generation over the expected life of the system."Order No.34753.Please discuss any informational assistance the Company may offer to help customers evaluate the economics of on-site generation.Please discuss the trade-offs of a fixed export credit rate versus one that varies,either frequentlyor infrequently. REQUESTNO.36:In section 11.2.2 of the Study,the Company's input misinterprets the Commission's order,which states,"[q]uantify the impact to customers of a 2-year,5-year, and 10-year expiration periods [sic]."Please answer this same question with the understanding that the expiration periods are projecting forward into the future,and not backward into the past. Please discuss whether kilowatt-hour credits should expire or not. REQUESTNO.37:In section 11.2.3 of the Study,the Company discusses export credit expiration policy.Please answer the following: a.Both the Commission Order and the Company's response are ambiguous about the term "credits."Please clarify if the Company's response contemplates kilowatt-hour credits or financialcredits; THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 5 OCTOBER 16,2023 b.If the Company is proposing that financialcredits expire,please explain why they should expire.Please explain why the Company should not pay the customer for any unused financial credits; c.Please discuss how customers can utilize their financial credits,and if customers can be paid for fmancial credits;and d.Please clarify the Company's proposed timing for the use and expiration of both kilowatt-hour credits and financial credits. REQUESTNO.38:In section 11.3 of the Study,the Company recommends that it update the ECR annually.Please provide a table that lists all the components of the ECR,the proposed source of data for determining each component,and the proposed update frequency for each component.Please discuss the reasons for each proposed update frequency. DATED at Boise,Idaho,this (9 day of October 2023. Michael Duval Deputy AttorneyGeneral i:umisc:prodreq/pace23.17 prod req 3 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 6 OCTOBER 16,2023 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 16th DAY OF OCTOBER 2023, SERVED THE FOREGOING THIRD PRODUCTION REQUESTTO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER,IN CASE NO.PAC-E-23-17,BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF,TO THE FOLLOWING: MARK ALDER JOE DALLAS ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLE STE 330 825 NE MULTNOMAH ST SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116 STE 2000 E-MAIL:mark.alder@pacificorp.com PORTLAND OR 97232 E-MAIL:joseph.dallas@pacificorp.com DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER E-MAIL ONLY: datarequest@pacificorp.com ERIC L OLSEN LANCE KAUFMAN PhD ECHO HAWK &OLSEN PLLC 2623 NW BLUEBELL PLACE PO BOX 6119 CORVALLIS OR 97330 POCATELLO ID 83205 E-MAIL:lance aegisinsight.com E-MAIL:elo echohawk.com SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE