HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230717Customer Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN )POWER'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL )OF THE ASSET TRANSFER AGREEMENT )CASE NO.PAC-E-23-15BETWEENROCKYMOUNTAINPOWER)AND THE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS - )PIONEER ROAD ) BEFORE COMMISSIONER JOHN HAMMOND,JR.(Presiding) COMMISSIONER EDWARD LODGE PLACE:Commission Conference Room 11331 West Chinden Blvd.Building 8,Suite 201-ABoise,Idaho DATE:July 10,2023 VOLUME I -Pages 1 -6 I CSB REPORTINGORIGINALCertgiedShorthandReporters PostOfficeBox9774 Boise,Idaho 83707 Reporter:csbreporting yahoo.com Constance Bucy,Ph:208-890-5198 CSR 1 A PPE A R A NCES 2 3 For the Staff:Michael Duvall Deputy Attorney General 4 11331 West Chinden Blvd. Building 8,Suite 201-A 5 PO Box 83720 Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 6 7 For Rocky Mountain Power:Mark Alder(Telephonically)Rocky Mountain Power 8 1407 West North Temple Suite 330 9 Salt Lake City,Utah 84116 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING APPEARANCES 208.890.5198 1 BOISE,IDAHO,MONDAY,JULY 10,2023,11:00 A.M 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND:Good morning.This 5 is the time and place for a customer hearing in Case 6 No.PAC-E-23-15,also referred to as in the matter of the 7 application of Rocky Mountain Power for approval of the 8 asset transfer agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and 9 the City of Idaho Falls -Pioneer Road. 10 The purpose of this hearing is to take 11 testimony from members of the public in reference to 12 Rocky Mountain Power's request that was filed with the 13 Commission on June 2nd,2023. 14 My name is Commissioner John Hammond.I 15 am the Chair of today's proceedings.I am joined by 16 Commissioner Edward Lodge.We comprise the Commission in 17 this case that will collectively make a determination on 18 this matter.To this point,no parties have intervened 19 and,of course,today's objective is to take live public 20 testimony,which will be added to the underlying record 21 in this case. 22 The Commissioners will review the facts 23 and evidence in the record to make its final decisions 24 for this proceeding.At this point,I'm unaware of 25 anyone who has signed up to testify,but I thought I'd CSB REPORTING 1 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 check.If we have someone join,please let us know so we 2 will set you up to testify in this matter. 3 As far as procedure goes today,I will 4 call your name if there is anyone that wishes to testify 5 and I will ask you to raise your right hand and swear or 6 affirm that the testimony you're providing is the whole 7 truth.The Deputy Attorney General,Mr.Michael Duvall, 8 will then ask you to identify yourself for the record, 9 which will include your name,spelling of your last name, 10 your city of residence,and whether you are a customer of 11 Rocky Mountain Power.Then you may present your 12 testimony. 13 Please remain on the line to see if 14 parties or the Commissioners have questions after which 15 you will be excused.I want to take this opportunity to 16 remind anyone who plans to offer testimony today that the 17 substance of your testimony should focus on the matters 18 decided in this case or being decided,excuse me.Any 19 testimony that focuses on policy issues that we as 20 economic regulators do not have authority over or the 21 ability to change should be directed instead to the 22 appropriate decision making bodies. 23 While we invite and encourage anyone who 24 wishes to testify to do so,we want to respect the time 25 of those who came prepared to testify on the merits of CSB REPORTING 2 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 the matters this Commission will ultimately be deciding 2 on and ensure the record contains relevant testimony to 3 help us make our final decision. 4 As you provide your testimony today, 5 please remember that the decorum of this proceeding is 6 similar to a courtroom.Your comments should be directed 7 to Commissioners and not members of the audience.Since 8 our cases are judicial in nature,we have a court 9 reporter,Connie Bucy,here today.Please don't speak 10 too softly and not too fast or we may need to give you a 11 little nudge to speak up or slow down for purposes of 12 ensuring that we get the transcript officially for the 13 record. 14 The transcript is necessary,because in 15 our quasi judicial role,we must base our decisions on 16 that official record of which this is a part,and that 17 record is also significant in the event that our decision 18 is appealed,so at this point let's begin by taking the 19 appearances of the parties and let's begin with the 20 Applicant.Is there anyone attending on behalf of Rocky 21 Mountain Power? 22 MR.RUSH:Good morning.I see we have 23 two callers on the line,a caller with a 360 area code 24 and a caller with an 801 area code.If you guys could 25 unmute yourselves using Star 6,that would be great. CSB REPORTING 3 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 Thank you. 2 I see the caller with the 801 area code, 3 your line has been unmuted,can you let us know if you're 4 a party? 5 MR.ALDER:Yeah,hi,this is Mark with 6 Rocky Mountain Power. 7 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND:Thank you,Mark.I 8 appreciate that.Is there anyone else attending on 9 behalf of Rocky Mountain Power,do you know,Mark? 10 MR.ALDER:Yeah,I have --Joe is on the 11 line,Joe Dallas,our attorney,I think he may be here on 12 the line. 13 MR.RUSH:Okay. 14 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND:Thank you. 15 MR.RUSH:Joe,if you're in the 360 area 16 code,you can hit Star 6 on your phone to unmute 17 yourself. 18 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND:Let's move on next. 19 Let's have the Deputy Attorney General who represents the 20 Staff of the Idaho Public Commission,Idaho Public 21 Utilities Commission,identify himself.Thank you. 22 MR.DUVALL:Thank you,Commissioner 23 Hammond.This is Michael Duvall representing Staff of 24 the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. 25 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND:Thank you.Are CSB REPORTING 4 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 there any other parties to the case that need to be 2 recognized?With that,we're ready to call our first 3 witness.Is there anyone on the line --there's nobody 4 here attending in person in our Hearing Room that I see 5 that wishes to testify.Is there anybody on the 6 telephone that wishes to testify? 7 And I'm told you can hit Star 3 to raise 8 your hand and our folks here in the room can see that and 9 that will give us the signal that you are here and wish 10 to testify. 11 Since we currently have no one present on 12 the line or to testify here,we will go off the record 13 for approximately 10 minutes.If no one appears or calls 14 during that time,I will adjourn this customer hearing, 15 and with that,we will go off record.Thank you. 16 (Recess.) 17 COMMISSIONER HAMMOND:Hello,everyone, 18 this is Commissioner John Hammond.I'm here with 19 Commissioner Ed Lodge.We are back on the record in this 20 case.No customers,to my knowledge,have yet appeared 21 here in person or called in to testify,so at this point, 22 I believe it's appropriate to adjourn this matter.Thank 23 you everyone for attending today and have a good Monday. 24 (The Hearing adjourned at 11:15 a.m.) 25 CSB REPORTING 5 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 A UTHENT I C A T I ON 2 3 4 This is to certify that the foregoing 5 proceedings held in the matter of Rocky Mountain 6 Power's application for approval of the asset transfer 7 agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and the City of 8 Idaho Falls -Pioneer Road,commencing at 11:00 a.m.,on 9 Monday,July 10,2023,at the Commission Conference Room, 10 11331 West Chinden Blvd,Building 8,Suite 201-A,Boise, 11 Idaho,is a true and correct transcript of said 12 proceedings and the original thereof for the file of the 13 Commission. 14 15 16 CONSTANCE S.BUCY 19 Certified Shorthand Reporter #18 20 21 CONSTANCE S BUCY NOTARY PUBUC-STATE OF IDAHO22 COMMISSION NUMBER 12995 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 9-5-202423 24 25 CSB REPORTING 6 AUTHENTICATION208.890.5198