HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230612Customer Hearing Transcript Idaho Falls Idaho.pdfIn The Matter Of: ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR A CERT. OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE June 12, 2023 T&T Reporting, LLC 477 Shoup Avenue, Suite 105 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 (208) 529-5491 Min-U-Script® with Word Index 1 1 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 2 3 4 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR A )CASE NO. PAC-E-23-01 5 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE ) AND NECESSITY AUTHORIZING )NOTICE OF CUSTOMER 6 CONSTRUCTION OF THE BOARDMAN- )HEARING TO-HEMINGWAY 500-KV TRANSMISSION ) 7 LINE PROJECT )ORDER NO. 35769 ) 8 ____________________________________) 9 10 11 LOCATION: Idaho Falls Public Library 12 457 Broadway Street Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 13 DATE & TIME: June 12, 2023; 6:00 p.m. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Reported by: Karla Steed-Layfield, RMR, CSR #1182 25 2 1 A P P E A R A N C E S 2 President Eric Anderson 3 Commissioner John R. Hammond, Jr. Commissioner Edward Lodge 4 Assistant Attorney General Michael Duval Maria Barratt-Riley - Idaho Public Utilities Comm. 5 Mark Alder - Rocky Mountain Power 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 - June 12, 2023 3 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 MR. ANDERSON: Good evening. This is the 3 time and place for a customer hearing in Case 4 Number PAC-E-23-01, also referred to as In the 5 Matter of the Application of Rocky Mountain Power 6 for a Certificate of Public Convenience and 7 Necessity Authorizing Construction of the 8 Boardman-to-Hemingway 500-kilovolt Transmission 9 Line Project. 10 The purpose of this hearing is to take 11 testimony from members of the public in reference 12 to Rocky Mountain Power's request that was filed 13 with the Commission on January 27, 2023. 14 My name is Commissioner Eric Anderson. I am 15 the Chair of tonight's proceedings. And I am 16 joined by Commissioner John Hammond to my left 17 and Commissioner Lodge to my right. We comprise 18 the Commission in this case that will 19 collectively make a final determination on this 20 matter. 21 To this point, two parties have intervened, 22 the Bayer Corporation and Idaho Irrigation 23 Pumpers Association, and an informational 24 workshop for the public has been conducted. 25 Tonight's objective is to take live public - June 12, 2023 4 1 testimony which will be added to the underlying 2 record in the case. The commissioners will 3 review the facts and evidence in the record to 4 make its final decisions on the proceedings. 5 We have no one signed up at this point to 6 speak, so we'll continue on until we do. Please 7 defer to their comments and we will make that 8 notation. 9 As far as this procedure goes tonight, I 10 will call your name from the sign-up sheet and 11 you will take the stand to be sworn in. I will 12 ask you to raise your right hand and swear or 13 affirm that the testimony you're about to give is 14 the whole truth. 15 Our Deputy Attorney General tonight is 16 Michael Duval over to my right. He will ask you 17 to identify yourself for the record which will 18 include your name, spelling and your last name 19 and also your city of residence. Then you may 20 present your testimony. 21 All testimony tonight has to be pertinent to 22 the subject matter that is before us. If it is 23 some other subject matter, we will try to assist 24 you and guide you to the property authorities 25 that need to discuss those other matters. - June 12, 2023 5 1 For those in the audience we ask that you 2 reframe from reacting to any testimony while it 3 is being presented or after. That means no 4 clapping and no verbal comment. And we 5 appreciate your willingness to respect this 6 process. 7 Since our cases are judicial in nature, we 8 have a court reporter taking an official 9 transcript this evening. The court reporter this 10 evening is Ms. Karla Steed-Layfield. Please 11 don't speak too softly or too fast or we may need 12 to give you a little nudge to speak up or slow 13 down. 14 The transcript is necessary because in our 15 quasi-judicial role, we must base our decisions 16 on that official record of which this is a part. 17 And that record is also significant in the event 18 of any appeal to this decision. 19 Appearance of the parties this evening: 20 Let's go ahead and recognize Rocky Mountain 21 Power. 22 MR. ALDER: Yeah, hi. Mark Alder with Rocky 23 Mountain Power. 24 MR. ANDERSON: Thank you. And welcome, 25 Mark. - June 12, 2023 6 1 And our attorney general for staff. 2 MR. DUVAL: Michael Duval with the Public 3 Utility Commission Staff. 4 MR. ANDERSON: Thank you. Do we have 5 anybody from the Bayer Corporation? 6 (No response.) 7 MR. ANDERSON: No. Idaho Irrigation Pumpers 8 Association? 9 (No response.) 10 MR. ANDERSON: No. Are there any other 11 parties here that I misplaced or forgotten? 12 Seeing none. We are ready to call our first 13 witness. And at this point in time we do not 14 have anybody on the sign-up sheet. 15 So I think what we'll do, we're going to 16 give it five minutes to see if anybody -- we'll 17 recess for five minutes, and we'll come back in 18 to see if anybody shows up for testimony. With 19 that, we are in recess. 20 (Break taken.) 21 MR. ANDERSON: Our five minute period of 22 time is past so we'll call the meeting back to 23 order. It's 6:12 in the evening, and we have 24 nobody signed up for comment, and we have waited 25 for a period of time. And with that, and no one - June 12, 2023 7 1 here to give public comment, we are now 2 adjourned. 3 4 (Hearing concluded at 6:12 p.m.) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 8 1 REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE 2 3 I, Karla Steed-Layfield, certified shorthand 4 reporter #1182, State of Idaho, do hereby certify that the 5 foregoing transcript, consisting of pages 1 to 7, inclusive, 6 is a true and accurate record of the proceedings had on the 7 date and at the time indicated therein as stenographically 8 reported by me to the best of my ability, 9 dated the 16th day of June, 2023. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 __________________________ Karla Steed-Layfield 21 Idaho CSR No. 1182 Notary Public in and for 22 the State of Idaho 23 24 25 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR A CERT. OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE June 12, 2023 A added (1) 4:1 adjourned (1) 7:2 affirm (1) 4:13 ahead (1) 5:20 ALDER (2) 5:22,22 ANDERSON (7) 3:2,14;5:24;6:4,7, 10,21 appeal (1) 5:18 Appearance (1) 5:19 Application (1) 3:5 appreciate (1) 5:5 assist (1) 4:23 Association (2) 3:23;6:8 Attorney (2) 4:15;6:1 audience (1) 5:1 authorities (1) 4:24 Authorizing (1) 3:7 B back (2) 6:17,22 base (1) 5:15 Bayer (2) 3:22;6:5 Boardman-to-Hemingway (1) 3:8 Break (1) 6:20 C call (3) 4:10;6:12,22 Case (3) 3:3,18;4:2 cases (1) 5:7 Certificate (1) 3:6 Chair (1) 3:15 city (1) 4:19 clapping (1) 5:4 collectively (1) 3:19 comment (3) 5:4;6:24;7:1 comments (1) 4:7 Commission (3) 3:13,18;6:3 Commissioner (3) 3:14,16,17 commissioners (1) 4:2 comprise (1) 3:17 concluded (1) 7:4 conducted (1) 3:24 Construction (1) 3:7 continue (1) 4:6 Convenience (1) 3:6 Corporation (2) 3:22;6:5 court (2) 5:8,9 customer (1) 3:3 D decision (1) 5:18 decisions (2) 4:4;5:15 defer (1) 4:7 Deputy (1) 4:15 determination (1) 3:19 discuss (1) 4:25 down (1) 5:13 Duval (3) 4:16;6:2,2 E Eric (1) 3:14 evening (5) 3:2;5:9,10,19;6:23 event (1) 5:17 evidence (1) 4:3 F facts (1) 4:3 far (1) 4:9 fast (1) 5:11 filed (1) 3:12 final (2) 3:19;4:4 first (1) 6:12 five (3) 6:16,17,21 forgotten (1) 6:11 G General (2) 4:15;6:1 goes (1) 4:9 Good (1) 3:2 guide (1) 4:24 H Hammond (1) 3:16 hand (1) 4:12 hearing (3) 3:3,10;7:4 hi (1) 5:22 I Idaho (2) 3:22;6:7 identify (1) 4:17 include (1) 4:18 informational (1) 3:23 intervened (1) 3:21 Irrigation (2) 3:22;6:7 J January (1) 3:13 John (1) 3:16 joined (1) 3:16 judicial (1) 5:7 K Karla (1) 5:10 L last (1) 4:18 left (1) 3:16 Line (1) 3:9 little (1) 5:12 live (1) 3:25 Lodge (1) 3:17 M Mark (2) 5:22,25 Matter (4) 3:5,20;4:22,23 matters (1) 4:25 may (2) 4:19;5:11 means (1) 5:3 meeting (1) 6:22 members (1) 3:11 Michael (2) 4:16;6:2 minute (1) 6:21 minutes (2) 6:16,17 misplaced (1) 6:11 Mountain (4) 3:5,12;5:20,23 must (1) 5:15 N name (4) 3:14;4:10,18,18 nature (1) 5:7 necessary (1) 5:14 Necessity (1) 3:7 need (2) 4:25;5:11 nobody (1) 6:24 none (1) 6:12 notation (1) 4:8 nudge (1) 5:12 Number (1) 3:4 O objective (1) 3:25 official (2) 5:8,16 one (2) 4:5;6:25 order (1) 6:23 over (1) 4:16 P PAC-E-23-01 (1) 3:4 part (1) 5:16 parties (3) 3:21;5:19;6:11 past (1) 6:22 period (2) 6:21,25 pertinent (1) 4:21 place (1) 3:3 Please (2) 4:6;5:10 pm (1) 7:4 point (3) 3:21;4:5;6:13 Power (3) 3:5;5:21,23 Power's (1) 3:12 present (1) 4:20 presented (1) 5:3 procedure (1) 4:9 proceedings (2) 3:15;4:4 process (1) 5:6 Min-U-Script®(1) added - process ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR A CERT. OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE June 12, 2023 Project (1) 3:9 property (1) 4:24 Public (6) 3:6,11,24,25;6:2; 7:1 Pumpers (2) 3:23;6:7 purpose (1) 3:10 Q quasi-judicial (1) 5:15 R raise (1) 4:12 reacting (1) 5:2 ready (1) 6:12 recess (2) 6:17,19 recognize (1) 5:20 record (5) 4:2,3,17;5:16,17 reference (1) 3:11 referred (1) 3:4 reframe (1) 5:2 reporter (2) 5:8,9 request (1) 3:12 residence (1) 4:19 respect (1) 5:5 response (2) 6:6,9 review (1) 4:3 right (3) 3:17;4:12,16 Rocky (4) 3:5,12;5:20,22 role (1) 5:15 S Seeing (1) 6:12 sheet (2) 4:10;6:14 shows (1) 6:18 signed (2) 4:5;6:24 significant (1) 5:17 sign-up (2) 4:10;6:14 slow (1) 5:12 softly (1) 5:11 speak (3) 4:6;5:11,12 spelling (1) 4:18 staff (2) 6:1,3 stand (1) 4:11 Steed-Layfield (1) 5:10 subject (2) 4:22,23 swear (1) 4:12 sworn (1) 4:11 T testimony (7) 3:11;4:1,13,20,21; 5:2;6:18 tonight (3) 4:9,15,21 tonight's (2) 3:15,25 transcript (2) 5:9,14 Transmission (1) 3:8 truth (1) 4:14 try (1) 4:23 two (1) 3:21 U underlying (1) 4:1 up (4) 4:5;5:12;6:18,24 Utility (1) 6:3 V verbal (1) 5:4 W waited (1) 6:24 welcome (1) 5:24 whole (1) 4:14 willingness (1) 5:5 witness (1) 6:13 workshop (1) 3:24 2 2023 (1) 3:13 27 (1) 3:13 5 500-kilovolt (1) 3:8 6 6:12 (2) 6:23;7:4 Min-U-Script®(2) Project - 6:12