HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221219PAC to Staff 25-34.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A O,VISION OF MClFrcORP [TEC E IVED Ill? ffiC 19 Pl{ lrr hS irlr.ii:il trUEl-lCil; Iilr.li COMMISSION 14Ol W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 December 19,2U2 Jan Noriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 ian.noriyuki@nuc.idaho.eov (C) RE:ID PAC.E-22.14 IPUC Set 2 (25-34) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC 2nd Set Data Requests 33-34. Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801)220-2313. Sincerely, -Jsl-Mark Alder Manager, Regulation Enclosures PAC-E-22-14 / Rocky Mountain Power December 19,2022 IPUC Data Request 33 IPUC Data Request 33 The Company's response to Production Request Nos. 9, 13,14,16,17,18, and l9 discussed reconciliation between the 2021 IRP and 2021 tRP Update. Also, response to Production Request No. 9 states that the capacity contribution in the 2021 IRP Update uses a method closely aligned with the Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP). Please respond to the following: (a) How is the method used inthe202l tRP Update closely aligned with the WRAP method? (b) What is the difference between the two methods? (c) What needs to be reconciled? (d) Why do they need to be reconciled? (e) How are they being reconciled? (f) When will the reconciliation effort be completed? Response to IPUC Data Request 33 (a) The Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP) uses a series of Effective Load Carrying Capability (ELCC) analyses to identiff the aggregate capacity contribution of wind, solar, and run-of-river hydro. Attribution of capacity to individual resources is based, in part, on a resource's generation during the top 5 percent net load hours, i.e. those hours in which the remaining load is highest after subtracting out wind and solar generation. Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 9. Pacifi Corp' s 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Update allocated capacity primarily based on generation during the top 5 percent net load hours, which was also part of the WRAP design. Because ELCC analyses require very data intensive studies with long run times, they were not performed for the 2021 IRP Update load and resource reporting. lnstead, the remaining capacity between the net load peak and the coincident peak (CP) (including the planning reserve margin (PRM)) was allocated based on a resource's generation during the top 5 percent load hours. (b) The 2021 IRP used a different capacity allocation methodology, based on the amount of load in excess of the derated capacity of its long-duration dispatchable resources, and proportionately allocated among all non- dispatchable resources available in that hour. This results in allocation of small amounts of capacity to'many more hours beyond the top 5 percent and PAC-E-22-14 / Rocky Mountain Power December 19,2022 IPUC Data Request 33 differences in the weighting of the different periods results in different allocations to individual resources. (c) For the202l IRP Update and parts of the 2021 IRP, the capacity calculations were based on aggregate generation by resource type, making it diflicult to identiff the contribution of individual resources within the categories identified in the reported results. (d) As a practical matter, it is not necessary to reconcile the resource-by-resource capacity attributions between the202l IRP and the202l IRP Update. tn both analyses, the achieved PRM and the remaining front office transaction (FOT) requirements are calculated based on the hourly resource availability of the portfolio as a whole. The hour(s) when the fewest additional resources are available as a percentage of the hourly load represent the achieved PRM, and if that is less than 13 percent, the shortfall has to be made up via FOTs. As a result, attributing additional capacity to one resource based on different methodologies necessarily results in other resources being attributed less capacity, since the achieved PRM of the portfolio as a whole is fixed. (e) Please refer to the Company's l" Supplemental response to IPUC Data Request 9 which provides resource-specific capacity contribution values from the202l IRP Update and the 2021 IRP. For the reasons described in the Company's response to subpart (d) above, PacifiCorp has not prepared a resource-by-resource comparison of capacity contribution to identi$ differences. (f) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (e) above. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Dan MacNeil PAC-E-22-14 / Rocky Mountain Power December 19,2022 IPUC Data Request 34 IPUC Data Request 34 In the 2021 IRP, Ancillary Services are captured in the Planning Reserve Margin, while, in the 2021 IRP Update, Ancillary Services are broken out as a line item in the L&R. Response to Production Request No. l5 (b) states breaking out Ancillary Services slightly increases both the obligation and the resources by an equivalent amount. Please respond to the following: (a) Please use an example to illustrate "[b]reaking out this category slightly increases both the obligation and the nesources by an equivalent amount" (b) If Ancillary Services is broken out from the Planning Reserve Margin, should there be an adjustment to the Planning Reserve Margin? Please explain. Response to IPUC Data Request 34 (a) As discussed in the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 33 subpart (d), the planning reserve margin (PRM) achieved by the portfolio is based on the minimum hourly resource availability in excess of load. In PacifiCorp's 2021Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), the sales of Ancillary Services were treated as negative resources reducing the resource side ofthe equation, thus resulting in lower remaining resource availability. This resource availability represents the "achieved capacity" of the portfolio, and it was reported as a slightly lower number, because it was reduced by the negative values for sales of Ancillary Services. This is reflected in the allocation of capacity among a large number of resources. Please refer to the simplified example below: Load (mesawatts (MW))113 113 Retail Load 100 100 Plannins Reserve Marsin (PRM)l3 l3 Resources (MW)113 113 Available Generation 133 r43 Wholesale Sales -20 -20 Requirements for Ancillary Services Not Applicable Netted from Generation -10 (b) The referenced Ancillary Services are not part of the PRM, but rather are closer to a type of Wholesale Sales as they are sales of ancillary services to wholesale counterparties rather than energy. Ancillary Services do not have entirely the same risks as load because the spinning and non-spinning reserve obligation does not apply, as these Ancillary Services are not generation or load (which incur the requirements), but rather the resulting requirements themselves. Therefore, increasing these reserve requirements for the 3 percent requirement associated with generation and/or load is not necessary or appropriate. As a result, the 6 percent spinning and non-spinning reserve PAC-E-22-14 / Rocky Mountain Power December 19,2022 IPUC Data Request 34 obligation associated with load and generation to serve that load, which is nearly half of the PRM, would not be applicable to Ancillary Services. The Company provides some Ancillary Services for other wholesale transmission customers' end-use loads, which could increase unexpectedly, and the Company must have sufficient resources to cover these requirements, even in bad hydro years or periods with higher than expected forced outages. Those factors are also part of the PRM and would indicate that a portion of the remaining PRM after subtracting 6 percent for spinning and non-spinning reserve obligations could be applicable, however, the Company did not attempt determine the specific level of stochastic risk associated with Ancillary Services or to modiff the aggregate PRM requirement to account for it. The 2021 IRP Update load and resource balance only included the expected Ancillary Services obligation, so any additional resources to ensure this obligation could be met under a range of possible conditions would result in a larger resource need and a shorter system position, either a larger deficit or smaller surplus. If the entirety of the 7 percent of the remaining PRM was applied to the Sales and Ancillary Services line item inthe 2021 IRP Update, it would represent approximately 33 megawatts (MW) of capacity need in 2023. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Dan MacNeil