HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030904_607.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:NANCY HARMAN DATE:SEPTMBER 2, 2003 RE:FORMAL COMPLAINT OF GLOBAL TRAVEL AGAINST ELECTRIC LIGHTWAVE. On August 15 2003, Global Travel (Global) submitted a letter, attached, requesting that a formal complaint be filed against Electric Lightwave, Inc. (ELI). ELI is the customer s local and long distance service provider. Global states that during the time period of May 22 - May 26 2003 , the customer was billed for alleged fraudulent international toll calls totaling $25 853.75. Included on ELI's bill were charges on behalf of itself ($8 911.03) , MCI ($3 370.80), Sprint ($12 760.95) and Zero Plus Dialing ($16.18). Included in the total disputed amount are charges ($794.79) billed directly to the customer by AT&T for calls placed over its network. Global is disputing its responsibility for the charges and states that ELI is now threatening to terminate its telephone service. BACKGROUND An informal complaint was filed by Global on June 24 2003, stating that on May 23 2003 , AT&T, Sprint, and MCI all contacted Global because it appeared Global's PBX was compromised. These companies had noticed an unusually high number of international calls that appeared to be made from Global's main telephone number. Global immediately contacted ELI. ELI immediately blocked all international call traffic, removed the Equal Access Codes (hackers were then unable to diall0-l0-xxx) and changed the customer s verified account codes. ELI advised Global that Global had not taken appropriate security measures in its PBX to DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -SEPTEMBER 2, 2003 prevent fraud. The disputed calls were made using a dial around and by using the customer Verified Account Code. On June 5 , 2003 , Global requested ELI's assistance on how to dispute the calls and have them removed from Global's account. ELI provided a list of the calls placed using its network but refused to remove the disputed charges. Global Travel was advised by ELI to file a police report concerning the fraudulent calls. A report was filed with the FBI since the Boise Police Department believed it would not be able to handle this type of alleged criminal activity. On August 11, Staff received from Global copies of bills showing the disputed charges. Global disputes all the charges and wants to file a formal complaint on the advice of its attorney. Electric Lightwave has been directed by Staff to recourse all the disputed charges billed by ELI on behalf of other carriers. These charges are to be returned to each respective toll carrier for further billing and collection activity. MCI, Sprint, Zero Plus Dialing and AT&T have been contacted by Staff regarding the disputed charges. On August 21 , an MCI representative contacted Staff and indicated that MCI would not be pursuing collection ofthe recoursed amount. On August 26 2003, NCIC Operator Services notified Staff that full credit was given for the charges billed on its behalf by Zero Plus Dialing. As of today, responses have not yet been received from either AT&T or Sprint. Rule 205 of the Telephone Customer Relations Rules (TCRR) requires that charges for services not authorized by the customer of record must be removed from the customer s bill no later than two (2) billing cycles. Rule 310.03 states that local exchange service may not be disconnected for non-payment of toll. Rule 314.02 states that a customer may lose 0+ and 1+ access to MTS services for non-payment of undisputed charges. Since the international charges are disputed, it is Staff's belief that toll cannot be restricted for non-payment of the disputed charges. The full text of these rules is attached. ELI agreed to delay any disconnection or blocking of any services. Global filed a complaint regarding the disputed calls with the Federal Communications Commission early in June. On July 14 2002, ELI provided a response to the FCC very similar to its response to the PUC. Specifically the response stated that the fault was with Global Travel's PBX, not ELI's network and Global was therefore responsible for all the disputed charges. To Staff's knowledge, the FCC has taken no further action on the customer complaint. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -SEPTEMBER 2 , 2003 STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION ELI has agreed to remove from its bill the charges from MCI, Sprint and Zero Plus Dialing. MCI and Zero Plus Dialing have stated they will not pursue collection. AT&T, which separately billed the customer, and Sprint have not yet responded to Staff's inquiry about holding the customer responsible for the disputed charges. The charges for calls carried by AT&T Sprint and ELI remain at issue. Determining the customer s responsibility to pay for disputed international calls raises jurisdictional questions concerning the Commission s authority. Staff believes the FCC is the appropriate venue for determining the legitimacy of the disputed calls. Therefore, Staff does not believe that the Commission can absolve the customer of responsibility for payment of these disputed charges. Since absolution is the remedy requested by the customer, Staff recommends that the Commission not accept Global's formal complaint. This does not mean, however, that there is no remedy available to the customer. With respect to the issue of disconnection of service for nonpayment of the disputed charges, the PUC does have jurisdiction. ELI must follow the Telephone Customer Relations Rules. This means that ELI cannot disconnect local service or block toll access because the customer refuses to pay for the disputed calls. As a practical matter, Staff recommends that charges for the disputed calls both carried and billed by ELI be removed from the customer s regular monthly bill. This will prevent accidental disconnection of local service or blocking of 1 + toll access. ELI may choose to pursue collection by separately billing the customer for the disputed calls carried over its network. Staff has provided a copy of this memo to ELI. It is Staff's expectation that ELI' treatment regarding the disputed toll charges will follow the Telephone Customer Relations Rules as stated above. Staff expects the remaining question of whether ELI, Sprint and AT&T will pursue collection of charges for calls carried over their respective networks to be resolved shortly. In any event, since these disputed charges may not be collected through ELI, the customer s local service and primary toll access will not be affected. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 -SEPTEMBER 2, 2003 COMMISSION DECISION else? Does the Commission want to initiate a formal complaint case against ELI? Something i:umisc/global trave dec memo DECISION MEMORANDUM - 4 -SEPTEMBER 2, 2003 AUG. 18. 2003 10: 04AM NO.2 3 5 P. 2 GLOBAL TRAVEL Ms. Jean Jewell Commissioner Secretary Idaho PUC O. Box 83702 Boise, Idaho 83720 August 15, 2003 Dear Ms. Jewell, I am requesting to file a formal complaint with the Idaho PUC. During the time period of May 22 May 26th 2003, Global Inc. has been billed $25 853.75 in international phone calls that were not made, authorized or otherwise made with any knowledge of Global Inc., via our lone distance telephone call provider Electric Lightwave. We dispute that Global Inc. is obligated for these charges. Electric Lightwave is now threatenina to terminate Global Inc. 's telephone service. Backup infonnanon surrounding these calls has been forwarded to Ms. Nancy Hannon at the Idaho PUC, and we ask for your consideration in hearing our complaint. What we are asking is to have said international calls removed from our billing, as the remedy. We sincerely appreciate your consideration of same. Respectfully submitted, Cynthia A. Michalski Executive Vice President HEADQUARTERS 900 W. Jefferson. P.O. Box 270 . Boise, Idaho 83701 . Phone: 2081387-1000 . FAX: 208/338-6023 TELEPHONE CUSTOMER RELA TrONS RULES IDAPA 31.41.01 204. INACCURATELY BILLED SERVICE OR FAILURE TO BILL SERVICE UNDER CORRECT RATES (Rule 204). 01. Errors in Preparation--Malfunctions--Failure to Bill. Whenever the billing for telephone service was not accurately billed because of malfunction in billing equipment or error in preparation of bills, the telephone company shall prepare a corrected billing. If the telephone company has not billed a customer for service provided, the telephone company shall prepare a bill for the period in which service was provided and the customer was not billed. The telephone company may waive rebilling for underbillings in its discretion. (7 -93) 02. Corrections. If the time when the error in preparation or malfunction of billing equipment or failure to bill began cannot be reasonably determined, the corrected billings shall not exceed the most recent six (6) months before the discovery of the error or malfunction. If the time when the malfunction or error or failure to bill began can be reasonably determined, the corrected billings shall go back to that time, but need not exceed the time provided by Section 61-642, Idaho Code (three (3) years). (7-93) 03. Refunds and Additional Payments. The telephone company shall prepare a corrected billing indicating the refund due the customer or the amount due the telephone company. A customer who has been underbilled shall be given the opportunity to make payment arrangements under Rule 312 on the amount due. At the customer s option, the term of the payment arrangement may extend for the length of time that the underbilling accrued. The telephone company shall promptly refund amounts overpaid by the customer unless the customer consents to a credit against future bills, except overbillings not exceeding fifteen dollars ($15) may be credited to future bills. (7-93) (Adopted as Rule 6.2 and 6., O.N. 17744; amended, O.N. 17872; amended and recodified, G.O. 181. Statutory Reference: Idaho Code g 61-642. Cross Reference: Rules 5 200 204 311 312. 205. BILLING PROHIBITED (Rule 205). No person shall bill or cause another person to bill for unanswered or unaccepted telephone calls telephone calls placed to a toll-free number, or telephone service or other service(s) or merchandise not ordered or otherwise authorized by the customer of record. Any charges for these services that appear on a customer s bill shall be removed from the customer s bill no later than two (2) billing cycles following notice to the telephone company. Disputed charges must be removed from the customer s bill within two (2) months of when customers notify the company that the customer has been unable to either contact or successfully resolve a dispute with the service or goods provider and that the charge is still in dispute. A telephone company that unknowingly submits a bill containing charges for unanswered or unaccepted telephone calls telephone calls placed to a toll-free number, or telephone service or other service(s) or 15- TELEPHONE CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES IDAPA 31.41.01 merchandise not ordered or otherwise authorized by the customer of record shall not be considered in violation of this rule if the disputed amounts are removed from the customer s bill. (Adopted, G.O. 181; amended, G.O. 197.) (7-99) Cross Reference: Rules 5, 200. 206. TRANSFER OF BILLS--RESIDENTIAL SERVICE (Rule 206). 01. Customer Defined. For purposes of this rule , " customer" means a person whose name appears on the telephone company s regular bill for residential service or who signed a written application for residential service or another document informing the customer that he or she was assuming an obligation for payment of service. (7 -93) 02. Customer s Responsibility. A customer shall not be held responsible for payment of an amount not billed for the customer s own service or through use of the customer s own credit or facilities and whose own name does not appear on the current bill or application for serviceunless: (7 -93) a. The customer expressly accepts responsibility for payment of the other person s bill; or (7 -93) b. The customer has a legal obligation to pay the other person s bill.(7 -93) 03. Notice of Transfer of Bill to Another Customer. No telephone company shall transfer any amount owed by a customer or former customer to another customer s account without notice to the latter. The notice must include the following information concerning the amount the telephone company is proposing to transfer: (7-93) a. The name of the customer of record who owes the bill;(7 -93) b. The service location and telephone number or account number involved;(7 -93) c. The time over which the transferred bill was accumulated;(7 -93) d. The amount owed;(7 -93) e. The reasons for transferring the bill to the customer s account;(7 -93) f. Statement that payment arrangements may be made on the amount owed;(7-93) g. A statement that the customer has a right to contest the transfer with the telephonecompany or the Commission; and (7 -93) 16- TELEPHONE CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES IDAPA 31.41.01 05. Second Postponement. The telephone company must postpone termination of local exchange and necessary MTS service upon receipt of a second certificate stating that the serious illness or medical emergency still exists, unless during the period of the first certificate excessive or unwarranted MTS calls were incurred and not paid or the customer refused to enter intopayment arrangements. (1-95) 06. Verification of Medical Certificate. The telephone company may verify the authenticity of the certificate and may refuse to delay termination of service if the certificate is a forgery or is otherwise fraudulent. (7-93) (Adopted as Rule 3.4, O.N. 15290; amended and recodified, G.O. 181; amended, G.O. 189. Cross Reference: Rules 5, 300, 302, 305, 307, 312. 309. MEDICAL FACILITIES--SHELTER CARE (Rule 309). Where local exchange or MTS is provided to a customer known by the telephone company to be or identifying itself as a medical care facility, including a hospital, medical clinic with resident patients, nursing home, intermediate care facility or shelter care facility, notice of pending termination shall be provided to the Commission and to the State Department of Health and Welfare as well as to the customer. Upon request from the Commission, a delay in termination of no less than seven (7) calendar days from the date of notice shall be allowed so that action may be taken to protect the interests of the facility's residents. (1-95) (Adopted as part of Rule 3.4, O.N. 15290; amended and recodified, G.O. 181; amended, G.O. 189. Cross Reference: Rules 5, 300, 302. 310. INSUFFICIENT GROUNDS FOR TERMINATION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE (Rule 310). No customer shall be given notice of termination of local exchange services nor shall the customer s local exchange service be terminated if:(1-95) 01. Less than Fifty Dollars. The customer s unpaid bill cited as grounds for terminationis less than fifty ($50) dollars. (7-99) 02. Telephone Service to any Other Customer or Former Customer. The unpaid bill cited as grounds for termination is for telephone service to any other customer or former customer (unless that customer has a legal obligation to pay the other bill) or for any other classof service. (1-95) 03. Results from the Purchase of MTS and Other Services. The unpaid bill cited as grounds for termination of service results from the purchase of MTS and other services including but not limited to: (1-95) a. Directory advertising;(1-95) 22- TELEPHONE CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES IDAPA 31.41.01 b. Information servIces, operator servIces or other serVIces not provided by localexchange companies; (1-95) c. Leased or purchased customer premises equipment or other merchandise; or (1-95) d. Inside wire maintenance.(3-30-01) 04. Other Person Has an Unpaid Balance for Service. The customer lives at a residence where another person lives and the other person has an unpaid balance for service except when the customer has a legal obligation to pay the other person s bill. (1-95) (Adopted as Rule 3., O.N. 15290; amended, O.N. 17744; O.N. 17807; amended, O.N. 17872; amended and recodified, G.O. 181; amended, G.O. 189; amended, G.O. 207. Cross Reference: Rules 5 103 300 302 311 313. 311. RESTRICTIONS ON TERMINATION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE-- OPPORTUNITY TO AVOID TERMINATION OF LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE (Rule 311). 01. When Termination Not Allowed. Unless the customer affected has consented in writing, local exchange service shall not be terminated on any Friday after twelve noon or on any Saturday, Sunday, legal holidays recognized by the state of Idaho, or after twelve noon on any day immediately before any legal holiday, or at any time when the telephone company s business offices are not open for business, except as authorized by Rules 303.01 and 303., or for non- residential customers, as authorized by any Subsection of Rule 303. Local exchange services may be terminated only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p., except as authorized by Rules 303.01 and 303.02. (1-95) 02. Personnel to Authorize Reconnection. Each telephone company providing local exchange service shall have personnel available after the time of termination who are authorized to reconnect service if the conditions cited as grounds for termination are corrected to the telephone company s satisfaction. Customers may be asked to pay reconnection fees beforerestoration of service. (1-95) 03. Service to Persons Not Customers. If local exchange service is provided to a residence and the account is in the name of one who does not reside there, the telephone company, prior to termination, shall notify the person(s) receiving service and afford the person(s) a reasonable opportunity to negotiate directly with the telephone company to purchase service in the resident's(s ) own name(s). (1-95) 04. No Termination while Complaint Pending. Except as authorized by order of the Commission or of the Judiciary, local exchange service shall not be terminated for failure to pay amounts in dispute while a complaint over that telephone service filed pursuant to Rule 402 is 23- TELEPHONE CUSTOMER RELATIONS RULES IDAPA 31.41.01 314. DENIAL, RESTRICTION, MODIFICATION, OR TERMINATION OF MTS OR OTHER SERVICES (Rule 314). 01. Compliance. Telephone companies providing MTS or other services must comply with Rules 301 , 303 , Subsections 311.03 and 311.04, and Rule 312 in connection with denial restriction, modification, or tennination of those services. Telephone companies providing MTS or other services must provide reasonable notice before tenninating or restricting access to such services, except as provided by Rule 303. Telephone companies providing MTS must provide reasonable notice before modifying a customer s existing service. Nothing in this rule abrogates customers ' rights under those telephone companies ' tariffs or filings, written agreements with customer, or obligations otherwise imposed by statutory or common law. (7-99) 02. Failure to Pay. A customer s failure to pay for undisputed MTS charges billed by the local exchange company may result in loss of 0+ or 0- and 1 + dialing access to MTS services until such time as the customer pays the undisputed charges and applicable reconnection chargesif any. (7-99) 03. Loss of Services. Customer failure to pay undisputed charges for other services mayresult in loss of those services. (1-95) (Adopted, G.O. 181; amended, G.O. 189. Cross Reference: Rules 5, 300, 301 , 303, 311 , 312. 315. -- 400. (RESERVED). RULES 401 THROUGH 500. COMPLAINT PROCEDURE 401. COMPLAINT TO TELEPHONE COMPANY (Rule 401). 01. Subject Matter. A customer or applicant for service may complain to the telephone company about any deposit or guarantee required as a condition of service, billing, tennination of service, quality or availability of service, or any other matter regarding telephone company services, policies or practices for local exchange service, MTS , operator and directory assistance services, or other services. The customer or applicant may request a conference with the telephone company, but this provision does not affect any statute of limitation that might otherwise apply. Complaints to the telephone company may be made orally or in writing. A complaint is considered filed when received by the telephone company. In making a complaint or request for conference, the customer or applicant shall state the customer s or applicant's name, service address, telephone number and the general nature of the complaint. (7-93) 02. Obligations for Billing Disputes. A local exchange company that bills and collects for other entities is responsible for either addressing complaints for all services and merchandise 25-