HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221222PAC to Staff 23-33 - Redacted.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A IXVtStOt{OF mgflOOnP i;Ii:CIIVED :n:i [[c 22 PH 12: l7 ,-r,iii-1 PiJBLICr,,-;i :i-(lOl,'ti'{lSSl0N 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 December 22,2022 Jan Noriyuki Idatro Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 ian.norivuki@nuc.idaho. gov (C) RE D PAC-E-22-13 IPUC Set 2 (23-33) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC 2d Set Data Requests 23-33. The Confidential Reqponse to Data Request IPUC 23 and Confidential Attachment IPUC ?.6 are provided via BOX. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and,the Idatro Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801)220-2313 Sincerely, --Jsl-Mark Alder Manager, Regulation Enclosures PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power December 22,2022 IPUC Data Request 23 IPUC Data Request 23 Please provide estimates for the range in cost, inventory requirements, O&M costs, product life, reliability, and any other assumptions for the remote conftolled relays used for automated curtailment. Please provide any additional supporting documentation or worksheets to support these estimates. Confidential Response to IPUC Data Request 23 for per set-up any other costs related to installing and maintaining equipment for automated contols and/or manual controls. If there is a need for additional equipment at a site, it would require a custom bid based on the specific location and/or equipment. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under TDAPA and,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - lnformation Exempt from Public Review. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Clay Monroe PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mounain Power December 22,2022 IPUC DataRequest 24 IPUC Data Request24 Please describe the Company's process for recovering physical devices if a participant drops out of the program. Please provide analysis of how the additional costs associated with the retieval of the device, if any, will affect the program's cost effectiveness. Response to IPUC Data Requst24 To recover physical devices from previous program participant, the equipment would either be uninstalled by on-site maintenance staff, by a third-party program administator, or by Company staff. The costs to retieve ttrese devices would be minimal and would be expected to have an immaterial impact to overall program cost effectiveness. Recordholder: Shawn Grant Sponsor:Clay Monroe PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power December 22,2022 IPUC DataRequest 25 IPUC Data Request 25 Please describe the incentive structures the Company considered for the proposed program (i.e., individual rates for grid management functions such as peak load reduction, contingency reseryes, and frequency response, fixed annual incentive, etc.) and the reasoning used to select the proposed fxed incentive sfucture. Response to IPUC Data Request 25 The proposed fixed incentive structure for this demand response @R) program was ultimately selected for cost effectiveness and customer experience. The Company considered offering different incentive values based on different hours, days, and months of the year. The Company considered developing a sophisticated incentive structure for different use cases and hourly rates throughout the year. Ultimately, the Company determined a sophisticated incentive stucture would be a deterrent for customer participation. An easy-to- understand fixed incentive stucture is expected to be the best option for program adoption and success. Recordholder:Shawn Crrant Sponsor:Clay Monroe PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power December 22,2022 IPUC DataRequest 26 IPUC Data Request 26 ln Response to Production Request No. 8, the Company indicates that the value of energy flucfuates in response to several market conditions. Please provide an explanation of how the Company facks the fluctuation of these values and provide the workpapers detailing the valuation ofthe different grid management functions with all formulas intact and enabled. Response to IPUC Data Request 26 Real-time operations' monitors reserve holdings and locational marginal prices (Lt{P) on a continuous basis. Operators use the energy management system (EMS) and Pi Historian to monitor total reserve holdings to determine sufficiency meeting reserve obligations as a member of the Western Power Pool Reserve (WPP) Sharing Group. Operators monitor individual resources for performance and demand response @R) programs holding reserves using the EMS, Pi Historian, and the Yukon application which administers flre CoolKeeper progftlm. Additionally, real-time operations' monitors LMP for energy using SettleCore software and California Independent System Operator (CAISO) applications. The Company's current process for DR valuation generally work as follows: Contingency Reserves - to count as contingency reserve, resources must respond within l0 minutes following a loss of generation or transmission. These events typically last less than 60 minutes. The Company has a number of different load control resources that could be deployed and depending on the magnitude of the need and contractual details related to the frequency and duration of events, system operators will deploy one or more resources when an event occurs. On a forecast basis, the Company's Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) production cost modeling tool, PLEXOS, reports the marginal cost of holding contingency reserves on an hourly basis, and the results from the IRP preferred portfolio are used for DR program analysis. Frequency Response - to count as frequency response, resources must respond within seconds to a dip in the frequency of the Westem lnterconnect. The Company currently has automated processes which deploy the Coolkeeper Air Conditioning Confrol progtam in response to frequency events. These events typically last less than l0 minutes. When they are enabled for frequency response, all available frequency responsive resources respond automatically to frequency events. The PLEXOS model is not configured to account for frequency reqponse requirements, which overlap with spinning reserves. Energy, peak load reduction, and other grid services - when DR is available and not being held ready for one of the short-notice reserve products above, it can be deployed to provide energy value, which may occur during peak load periods. PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power December 22,2022 IPUC DataRequest 26 To the extent the Company has DR available to call on, it can avoid market purchases or not start-up thermal resources that might be needed to cover peak load hours. The PLEXOS model reports the marginal energy cost by location, and results from the IRP preferred portfolio arc used for DR program analysis. Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 26 which provides the work paper detailing the Company's valuation of the grid management functions. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review. Recordholder: Peter Schaffer Sponsor:Clay Monroe PAC-F-22-13 /Rocky Mountain Power December 22,2022 IPUC DataRequest 27 IPUC Deb Requellt27 Please exphin how the Company intends to report on the proposed progam. Responce to IPUC Data Requ6t27 Ifthe proposed program is approvedn the Company intends to report on the prcgram annually within the pro-existing Demand-Side Managenrent (DSM) Annual Report, consistentwith otherde,nrand rcsponse (DR) program r€porting. Reordholder: Shawn Ctrant Sponsor:CIay Monroe PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power December 22,2022 IPUC DataRequest 28 IPUC Data Request 28 Please explain how the Company will evaluate and report the performance and cost-effectiveness of the program. Please include all metics, such as cost, savings, and any ottrer metics the Company plans to use in its evaluation. Response to IPUC Data Request 28 The Company will consult with third-party evaluators to determine the best methodology for evaluating the proposed commercial and industial demand response @R) program. It is anticipated the evaluation will include items such as kilowatt ftW) savings, cost effectiveness, customer experience, etc. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Clay Monroe P AC-EA2-13 / Rocky Mountain Power December 22,2022 IPUC DataRequest 29 IPUC DeteRoqust29 Please explain the Company's intentions for evaluating the program? (i.e., process and impact evaluations) Reoponse to IPUC Dato Rquest 29 The Company intmdsto discuss evaluation options in fifitre stakeholder meetings with Idatro Public Utilities Commission (PUC) *aff. The pregram would need to have zufficient participation levels before an evaluation would provide meaningful data. Recordtrolder: Shawn Grant Sponsor:Clay Monroe PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power December 22,2022 IPUC Data Request 30 IPUC Data Request 30 In the confidential worksheet provided in Response to Production RequestNo. 16, Utatr export credit values for energy and capacity (energy+s6p) and incremental resewes are provided and used to calculate the benefits for ttre proposed program. Please answer the following questions related to the Utah export credit values: (a) Please describe the reasoning for using Utah values for an ldatro progftm. (b) Please identiff the risk associated with using Utah values for Idaho and how the Company accounted for them. (c) Please provide work papers for the energy*cap and incremental reserve export credit values in electonic format with formulas intact. Please include a detailed description and examples of how these values are calculated. (d) The Company uses the sum of 2022 energy*cap and incremental reserve export credit values to calculate the benefits lrl.2023. Please explain why 2022 export credits are used to calculate 2023 benefrts. Response to IPUC Data Request 30 (a) An Idaho-specific value for commercial and industrial demand response @R) was not available at the time of filing. The Company utilized the calculated value for Utah to calculate an estimated cost effectiveness for the proposed program. Idaho-specific values were developed for cost effectiveness for this proposed program and recalculated to ensure the proposed program is still cost effective. Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 26, specifically Confidential Attachment IPUC 26, which provides a copy of the work paper supporting the development of ldaho-specific values. (b) The risks of using Utah-specific values to estimate proposed cost effectiveness are limited. [t was assumed the values for Idaho would be very similar to values calculated for Utah as market prices for energy and reserves are relatively similar between the two states. (c) Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 26, specifically Confidential Attachment IPUC 26, which provides a copy of the work paper supporting the development of ldaho-specific energy+cap and incremental reserve values. (d) The Company proposed cost effectiveness assuming five years of cumulative megawatts (MW) for curtaihnent along with five years of total program costs. The Company elected to use annual values starting with2022 values, with the PAC-&22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power Dmember 22,2022 IPUC DataRquest 30 assumption curmtvalues would be more accura@ than values five years into ttre future. In lieu ofUtah elport oledit values, Idaho-specific values were developed for eost effectiveness forthis proposd program and recalculated to ensure tho proposed program is still cost effective. Please reforto the Company's rcsponse to IPUC Data Request 26, speoifically Confidential Attaehmot IPUC 26, which provides & oopy of the work paper suppotting the development of ldalro-specific values. Recordholden Shawn Crrart Sponsor:Clay Monroe PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power December 22,2022 IPUC Data Request 3l IPUC Data Request 31 Does the Company intend to use the Commercial and [ndustrial Demand Response program as part of a "flexible load" program? If so, please explain the Company's approach to the "flexible" load program. If not, please explain why the Company has not considered this approach as part of its Demand Response program. Response to IPUC Data Request 31 The Company's interprets "flexible load" to mean loads that can shift the timing of demand, or modiff the timing of demand, to optimize based on prices, emissions, or other priorities. Based on the foregoing interpretation, the Company responds as follows: The proposed program was designed for customers who have consistent load available for curtailment. Customers are compensated based on their specific load available for curtailment throughout a calendar year and participation in scheduled events. Customers who have "flexible load" may participate in the proposed program. Depending on the type of customers who have "flexible load" may or may not be a good fit for a real-time program depending on the flexibility of their industry (e.g. start and stop production lines, real-time modification of business operations, etc.). Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Clay Monroe PAC-E-22-13 /Rocky Mountain Power December 22,2022 IPUC Data Request 32 IPUC Data Request 32 Does the Company intend to use the Commercial and Industial Demand Response progmln to allow for intraday shifting of electricity use during hours wittr high elecricity prices or peak load (i.e. load shifting)? If so, please explain the Company's approach to "load shifting" within the program. If not please explain why the Company has not considered this approach as part of its Demand Response program. Response to IPUC Data Request 32 The Company interprets "load shifting" to include time-of-day (TOD) rates, on- peak rates / off-peak rates, and market-based rates. Based on the foregoing inteqpretation, the Company responds as follows: The initial design of the program did not consider "load shifting" as the program was designed to curtail customer load (megawatts (MW) from the electric grid when activated. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Clay Monroe PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power December 22,2022 IPUC DataRequest 33 IPUC Data Request 33 In reference to Table 6 on page 6 ofthe Application, please explain why the values for Maximum Dispatch Hours, Maximum Events per year, and the Dispatch Duration for the Real-Time Program and the AdvanceNotice Program differ from or are not shown in proposed changes to the load management flexible tariff identified in Exhibit B of the Application. Response to IPUC Data Request 33 Table 6 of the Company's Application lists the granular dispatch parameter details for the Real-Time and Advance Notice components of the program, whereas the dispatch parameter table in Exhibit B of the Company's Application reflects the maximum combined parameters. For example, the maximum dispatch hours for the Real-Time and Advance Notice options in Table 6 are five hours and 60 hours respectively, so the combined maximum hours listed in Exhibit B is 65 hours. The Exhibit B flexible tarifftable is meant to provide the highJevel maximum overview that can be updated as necessary through the flexible tariff process. The Company's website will list the granular information which customers will be able to access. This is similar to how the Company's other demand-side management @SM) flexible tariffs operate. With respect to the Marimum Events per year parameter, this detail was inadvertently omitted from the table in Exhibit B. Table 6 lists the maximum events for the Real-Time and Advance Notice options at 50 events and25 events per year, respectively. The table below from Exhibit B has been updated to incorporate the maximum events per year parameter, listing the total combined maximum events at 75. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Loed Control Program Dispatch Pcriod Available Disprtch Hours Maximum Dispetch Hours / Events (ocr Prosram Yerr) Dispatch Deys Dispatch Duration Wattsmert Batteries S-Yeer Pilot January I through December 3l l2:00am to ll:59pm Mountain Time Not applicable Monday through Sunday Events may be held multiple times perday up to two full battery dutv cvcles Wattsmart Business Demand Resnonse January I through December 3l l2:00am to I l:59pm Mountain Time 65 hours / 75 events Monday through Sundav Events will be limited to four hours per day Sponsor:Clay Monroe