HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221101PAC to Staff 1-22.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER HEC E IVE D ?$?2 t{0Y - | Att ll: k6 ri; j.ilC PUtsLlC : iTil iTilS COt{MlSSl0N 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 November 1,2022 Jan Noriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 ian.noriyuki @puc. idaho. sov (C) RE: ID PAC-E-22-13 IPUC Set I (l-22) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC lst Set Data Requests l-22. Also provided is Attachment IPUC I l. The Confidential Attachment IPUC 16 is provided via BOX. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of ProcedureNo.6T -lnformation Exempt from Public Review. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, --Jsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request I IPUC Data Request 1 Please explain and quantify how the commercial and industial demand response program will directly benefit customers of Rocky Mountain Power in Idaho ttrat are not part of the program. Response to IPUC Data Request I The 2021Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) selected commercial and industrial demand response @R) resources in Idaho as part ofthe Company's preferred portfolio. The preferred portfolio is an outcome of extensive stakeholder engagement and optimization modeling in PLEXOS. The resources included in the prefened portfolio represent a least cost, least risk portfolio of resources to meet customer load. The marginal resource that would be procured in lieu of this DR program is more expensive or risky and therefore more costly to all customers in Idatro, even if they do not participate in the program. Recordholder: Peter Schaffer Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 /Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request 2 IPUC Data Request 2 Please explain the rationale for considering automated dispatch without advance notice with a total response time within 50 seconds as being considered a real- time event. Please provide industry or Company referenced documentation supporting these parameters. Application at 2. Response to IPUC Data Request 2 A demand response @R) product must be capable of responding within 50 seconds to be qualified for a frequency response resewe. North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) reliability standard BAL-003-3 requires sufficient Frequency Response from a Balancing Authority (BA) or Frequency Response Sharing Group. PacifiCorp is a member of Western Power Pool Frequency Response Sharing Group. The defined Primary Response Evaluation Period is the first 50 seconds ofthe Frequency Response Event. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request 3 IPUC Data Request 3 Please explain the rationale for considering a dispatched event with an advanced notice and a response within 7 minutes to be considered an advanced notice event. Please provide indusfiry or Company referenced documentation supporting ttre parameters. Application at 2. Response to IPUC Data Request 3 North American Electricity Reliability Corporation (NERC) reliability standard BAL-002-WECC-3 requires that resources for Contingency Reserve Obligations are fully deployable within l0 minutes. Requiring seven minutes allows for communication and response time. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 /Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request 4 IPUC Data Request 4 Please explain the rational for ttre lower initial offered incentive amount of $100/kW if the customer is able to participate in Real Time Option. Application at 5. Response to IPUC Data Request 4 Incentives are typically set at amounts the Company believes will spark participation among customers. The Company believes the proposed incentives amounts will produce the anticipated participation. However, given that the proposed pro$am is new, incentive levels and participation will be monitored and adjusted if needed to maintain participation levels Recordholder: Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau P AC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC DataRequest 5 IPUC Data Request 5 Please explain the rational for the lower initial offered incentive amount of $100/kW if the customer is able to participate in Advance Notice Option. Application at 5. Response to IPUC Data Request 5 Please refer to the Comparry's response to IPUC Data Request 4. Recordholder: Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau P AC-E-Z}-I 3 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC DataRequest 6 IPUC Dah Request 6 Please explain the rational forthe lower initial offered incentive amountof $175&W ifthe customer is able to participate in both the Real Time and Advance Notice Option. Application at 5. Restrronse to IPUC Data Request 6 Please refer to the Company's rcsponse to IPU{ DataRequest 4. Recordholder: Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comoau PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request 7 IPUC Data Request 7 Please explain and quantify the amount of incentive a participant in the Demand Response program would receive if no events were called during the program year. Application at 5. Response to IPUC Data Request 7 If a program participant committed I megawatts O[!V) of load to be available for curtailment all 8,760 hours of the year and the Company called no events during the year, the customer would receive a $100,000 incentive (1,000 kilowatts (kW) x $100 per kW: $100,000). The MW committed to participate in the program provide value as a contingency reserve even when events are not actively being called. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 /Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request 8 IPUC Data Roquest 8 Is ttre value of peak load reduction, contingency reserves, frequency response, and other gid services consistent throughout the year for the Company? If noL please explain why the program incentives have fxed annual amounts. Response to IPUC Data Request 8 The value for energy fluctuates depending on real-time market conditions. Factors such as, but not limited to, temperafure, time, local generation consfiaints, generation plant outages, weather, etc. impact the value of load. The fixed annual incentive proposed in the program are a cost-effective amount for an annual incentive basis. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request 9 IPUC Data Request 9 Please explain why the Wattsmart Business Demand Response Program should be managed through a flexible tariffprocess. Application at 7. In providing the Company response, please indicate the circumstances that would change the amount of the incentive and how often this would occur. Response to IPUC Data Request 9 Program offerings and incentive amounts are typically adjusted for reasons such as program maturity, market tansformation, increased or decreased program participation, cost effectiveness maintenance, PacifiCorp's lntegrated Resource Plan (IRP), budget modifications, stakeholder feedback, etc. The frequency with which these events occur is intermittent, even wittr mafure programs. Having a flexible tariffwill help to manage this new progftm by enabling the Company to make swift adjusftnents if needed via the flexible tariff process and reduce risk. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request l0 IPUC Data Request 10 Please provide the website link to the program incentives referenced wittrin the tariff. Response to IPUC Data Request 10 A website specifically dedicated to an Idaho commercial and industial program will not be developed until the program has been approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC). As an example, please refer to the website link provided below to the commercial and industial demand response (DR) program approved by the Public Service Commission of Utah (IPSC): Demand Response (rockymountainpower.net) Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request I I IPUC Data Request 11 Please provide a listing of all current PacifiCorp Demand Response programs. The listing should identify each of the following items below: (a) Jurisdiction/State. O) Program Name.(c) Participant Type (i.e. residential, commercial, industrial, irrigation, other). (d) Participant Count by Participant Type.(e) Participant Commitment Period (i.e. full year, months, days, hours).(0 Program Dispatch Period. (g) Dispatch Days.(h) Available Dispatch Hours.(i) Maximum Dispatch Hours. 0) Maximum Dispatch Events.(k) Dispatch Duration. 0) DispatchNotification. (m) Incentive.(n) Methodology for Calculating the Participant Incentive.(o) Opt-out Count by Participant Type.(p) Penalty for Opt-Out.(q) Total Enrolled MW (Gross - at Generator) for 2021.(r) Average Realized Load MW (at Generator) for 2021.(s) Maximum Realized Load MW (at Generator) for 2021. Response to IPUC Data Request 11 Currently approved demand response (DR) programs include Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Idaho Irrigation Load Control programs, Utah Cool Keeper program, Utah and Idaho Wattsmart Batteries programs, and Utah's Wattsmart Business DR program. Please refer to Attachment IPUC I I for the requested details for each of these programs. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request l2 IPUC Data Request 12 Please explain how each of the following program parameters were determined. In the explanation please include: (l) the rationale used (basis); (2) the work papers of the calculations (or by using an example where appropriate); (3) the specific source of information for any inputs. (a) initial and maximum incentives for real time option (Table No. 3), (b) initial and maximum incentives for advance notice option (Table No. 3), (c) initial and maximum incentives for real time/advance notice option (Table No.3), (d) the amounts in Table No.4, (e) the amounts in Table No. 5, (0 maximum dispatch hours for real time and advance notice programs, (g) maximum events per year for the real time and advance notice programs, (h) dispatch duration for the real time and advanced notice programs, and (i) the avoided cost used in the cost/benefit analysis in Exhibit C. Response to IPUC Data Request 12 (a) The maximum incentive is a dollar value per kilowatt (kW) determined to be cost effective based on the assumptions noted in Confidential Exhibit C in Case No. PAC-E-22-13. The initially offered incentive is a cost effective estimated amount anticipated to incent customers to participate. The incentive may increase or decrease as the program matures to achieve program goals. (b) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a) above. (c) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a) above. (d) The amounts in Table 4 are based on planning estimates, participation estimates from Table 5, and contractual amounts from a third-party program administrator. (e) The estimates in Table 5 are based on potential commercial and industrial customers in Idaho who have load that could participate in the proposed demand response (DR) program. (f) The program parameters were designed to avoid customer participation fatigue P AC-E-22-1 3 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC DataRequost 12 along with providing sufEcient value for the Company as a rpsource. The maximtm dispatchhours may change astho Company gains nore eryerienoe after theprogram is implemented ad attainprogram dataand customer fedback (g) Please referto tre Company's response to subpart (0 above. (h) Please referto tre Company's response to zubpart (f) abwe. (i) Please refer to the Company's reqponse to IPUC Data Request 16, specifically Confidential Arachment IPUC 16. Recordholder: Shawn Crant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request 13 IPUC Data Request 13 Why does the capacity factor not include when a customer's load is available for curtailment given that some customer's loads may occur only when the Company has the highest amount of excess capacity? Response to IPUC Data Request 13 The design and intent of the program is to provide an incentive to participants for load available for curtailment. Customer incentives would be calculated based on hourly availability. If load is available, customers would receive an incentive or credit for being available. If ttrere is no load available during certain hours customers would not receive an incentive for those hours. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request 14 IPUC Data Request 14 How can the incentive structure be modified to account for the time value of capacity? Response to IPUC Data Request 14 The incentive structure is based on an annual kilowatt (kW) perfornance. Calculation of payment could theoretically weigh eligible loads by month or hours where capacity is more or less valuable or likely to be needed. However, for frequency response services, events are unpredictable and therefore differentiating value by hour or month may not reflect the actual value or need for capacity in a given hour of the year. Note: it is presently unknown how customers might respond to such an incentive structure. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC DataRequest l5 IPUC Data Request 15 Why are the combined advanced notice and real time participants priced higher than real time only participants? Response to IPUC Data Request 15 Program participants who participate in the advance notice program and the real- time program receive a higher incentive because the load can be used for more demand response @R) use cases and therefore provide more value and flexibility to the Company. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request 16 IPUC Data Request 16 For the Company's cost-effectiveness calculation provided in Exhibit C, please provide the following in Excel format with all formulas enabled: (a) Please provide all work papers for ttre cost effectiveness study shown in Exhibit C including all modeled assumptions; (b) Please provide the Company's benefits calculation for each year for the entire analysis period; (c) Please provide the benefits calculations from the Utility Cost Test (UCT) perspective; and (d) Please provide the avoided cost used for the Company's benefits calculations and brief explanation of how the Company calculates the avoided cost. Response to IPUC Data Request 16 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 16. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and,the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review. Recordholder: Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 /Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request 17 IPUC Data Request 17 How frequently (i.e., annually, quarterly, as needed, etc.) does the Company expect to consider program changes? Response to IPUC Data Request 17 Program changes are typically based on a variety of factors, including program maturity, market transformation, increased or decreased program participation, cost effectiveness maintenance, PacifiCorp's Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), budget modifications, stakeholder feedback, etc. The frequency with which these events occur is intermittent even with mature programs. Based on these factors, and given that the proposed program will be new, the Company will consider program changes on an as needed basis, which may be frequent or sparse depending on how the program performs. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUCDataRequest 18 IPUC Data Roquest 18 What ctiteria will the Company use to evaluate progxam changes? Response to IPUC Data Request 18 The Companywill consider ite'nrs such as butnot limited to, program participation, ineentive levels, customer satisfaction, PacifiCorp's Intograted Resource Plan (IRP), program energy savings, cost effectiveness, budget stakeholder Hback, markEt transformation, eto. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 /Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request 19 IPUC Data Request 19 Please provide estimates for the cost range, inventory requirements, O&M costs, reliability, and any other assumptions for the automatic transfer switches and frequency relays. Please provide any additional documentation or worksheets to support these estimates. Response to IPUC Data Request 19 The Company contacted with a program administrator @nel X) who will be responsible for equipment installation, technical configurations, and general program management functions. Installations for automatic transfer switch will be handled by Enel X and will require a customized configuration based on the site and specific equipment to be curtailed. The estimated costs associated with the installation per Enel X could be $1,500 to $2,000 per site. The Company is assuming participation in Idaho from customers that can respond to frequency response events that would require automatic nansfer swirches and/or frequency relays to be low. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-EA2-13 /Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC DataRequest 20 IPUC Ilata Roqust 20 Please provide the reasoning for the propos€d dispatch period and available dispatch hours. Response to IPUC Data Request 20 The dispatch period is 24 hours.a-My, seven days-a-weeJg 365 days-a-year. A comprehensive dispatch period is necessary to modmize tre benefits associated with this program. The dispatch hours were based on erperience with prwious progmms and prograrn retention. Recordholder:Shawn Cnant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-EA2-13 / Rocky Mountain Porrer November 1,2022 IPUC DataRequest 21 IPUC Data Roquest 21 Please explain if thene any operational, differing prr,cesses, or othor dlfferEnces between Demand Response plograms and Energy Effciency measunes for the flexible ariffprooess. Response to IPUC Dah Requect 21 There are no ditrering process€$ or other differences between demand reqponse (DR) and energy efficiency (EE) pograms for the flexible tariff prcoess. Reoordtrolder: Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2022 IPUC Data Request 22 IPUC Data Request22 In the Company's Application, it is stated that the progftrm may be used to provide other grid services. Application at 2. Please describe these other services and their value to the proposed Demand Response program. Response to IPUC Data Requst22 Other services cannot be fully defined or valued at this time. As the program evolves and the grid fiansitions over time, the Company will look for opportunities to utilize demand response @R) programs for additional grid services as they apply. Any changes to DR programs will be implemented in compliance with regulatory and flexible tariffprocesses. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau