HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230112PAC to Staff 19-3.pdfPAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power December 22, 2022 IPUC Data Request 26 IPUC Data Request 26 In Response to Production Request No. 8, the Company indicates that the value of energy fluctuates in response to several market conditions. Please provide an explanation of how the Company tracks the fluctuation of these values and provide the workpapers detailing the valuation of the different grid management functions with all formulas intact and enabled. Response to IPUC Data Request 26 Real-time operations’ monitors reserve holdings and locational marginal prices (LMP) on a continuous basis. Operators use the energy management system (EMS) and Pi Historian to monitor total reserve holdings to determine sufficiency meeting reserve obligations as a member of the Western Power Pool Reserve (WPP) Sharing Group. Operators monitor individual resources for performance and demand response (DR) programs holding reserves using the EMS, Pi Historian, and the Yukon application which administers the CoolKeeper program. Additionally, real-time operations’ monitors LMP for energy using SettleCore software and California Independent System Operator (CAISO) applications. The Company’s current process for DR valuation generally work as follows: Contingency Reserves - to count as contingency reserve, resources must respond within 10 minutes following a loss of generation or transmission. These events typically last less than 60 minutes. The Company has a number of different load control resources that could be deployed and depending on the magnitude of the need and contractual details related to the frequency and duration of events, system operators will deploy one or more resources when an event occurs. On a forecast basis, the Company’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) production cost modeling tool, PLEXOS, reports the marginal cost of holding contingency reserves on an hourly basis, and the results from the IRP preferred portfolio are used for DR program analysis. Frequency Response – to count as frequency response, resources must respond within seconds to a dip in the frequency of the Western Interconnect. The Company currently has automated processes which deploy the Coolkeeper Air Conditioning Control program in response to frequency events. These events typically last less than 10 minutes. When they are enabled for frequency response, all available frequency responsive resources respond automatically to frequency events. The PLEXOS model is not configured to account for frequency response requirements, which overlap with spinning reserves. Energy, peak load reduction, and other grid services - when DR is available and not being held ready for one of the short-notice reserve products above, it can be deployed to provide energy value, which may occur during peak load periods. PAC-E-22-13 / Rocky Mountain Power December 22, 2022 IPUC Data Request 26 To the extent the Company has DR available to call on, it can avoid market purchases or not start-up thermal resources that might be needed to cover peak load hours. The PLEXOS model reports the marginal energy cost by location, and results from the IRP preferred portfolio are used for DR program analysis. Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 26 which provides the work paper detailing the Company’s valuation of the grid management functions. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Rules of Procedure No. 67 – Information Exempt from Public Review. Recordholder: Peter Schaffer Sponsor: Clay Monroe