HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221214PAC to Staff 12-17.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN P|OWER A DN'EK)NOFmlClFlOOiP I.{ECEIVED :i'iZ 0[t ll+ PH 2; 3l ii' "^.:li,) PLr[iLlC"' ;ls cOt'{L{lssloN 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 RE December 14,2022 Jan Noriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 ian.norilvuki@ouc.idaho.sov (C) ID PAC-EA2.I2 IPUC Set2 (12-17) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC 2d SetData Requests 12-17. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, --Jsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power December 14,2022 IPUC Data Request 12 IPUC Data Request 12 For the Low-Income Energy Conservation Education kits in 2020 and202l, please provide a table for SEICAA and EICAP kits: ordered; delivered/served to households; beginning of year inventory; end of year inventory; and any other relevant metrics for tracking kit inventories (i.e., transferred kits or damaged products). If the reported numbers differ from the numbers provided in Response to Production Request No. 9, 2020 Annual Report at 8-9, and the 2021 Annual Report at 8-9, please explain why and provide a reconciliation. For example, Response to Production RequestNo. 9 indicates SEICAA hada2020 beginning inventory of 350 kits and ayear-end inventory of 175 kits; yet the2020 Annual Report indicates that only 40 households were served. Response to IPUC Data Request 12 Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership @ICAP) The count provided in the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 9 was incorrect. EICAP reviewed past reports and verified numbers in their database and confirmed that the above listed counts are accurate. Southeastern Idaho Community Action Agency Inc" (SEICAA) The Company reached out to SEICAA to request information and confirm reported kit counts served and in inventory. Due to management changes, SEICAA had challenges with data tracking for the Low Income program. As such, SEICAA was only able to provide the total number of kits purchased at the end of 201 9, and the amount spent for the kits and admin costs for the preparation of kit shipments. SEICAA did not ship kits n 2020 or 2021. SEICAA committed to improve their tracked data for the program going forward. Recordholder: Charity Spires Sponsor: Clay Monroe EICAP 2020 2021 Beginning of the year inventory L/t Ordered (July 2020) Delive red/served to households Other relevant metrics (ie transferred kits or damaged products End of year inventory: as of t2/3t 276 500 -276 0 s0( 50( -2n ( 500 722 276 188 876 N umbe r of Households Served I number of Families who Received Kits I numberof who Received Kits PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power December 14,2022 IPUC Data Request l3 IPUC Data Request 13 The Company's 2019 DSM Annual Report indicates that SEICAA purchased $ I 5,750 of energy savings kits using program year 2019 and 2020 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funding. 2019 Annual Report at 24. In the 2020 Annual Report, the Company reports no expenditures for the SEICAA agency and a positive balance of the full $9,000 allocation from the Company's annual funding. Please reconcile the outstanding SEICAA expenditures used in 2019 to purchase energy savings kits from the 2020 LIHEAP funding, as described in the 2019 Annual Report. Response to IPUC Data Request 13 Southeastern Idaho Community Action Agency Inc. (SEICAA) Conservation Education allocation is $9,000 annually. In December 2019, SEICAA purchased $15,750 of energy savings kis using Conservation Education funds previously received August 23,2018, andNovember 25,2019, which totaled $18,000. The 2019 Conservation Education Activities table (Table l2) in the Company's 2019 Demand-Side Management (DSM) Annual Report should have reflected total "Expenditure" of $ I 5,750 and not $9,000. In November 2020, SEICAA received another Conservation Education allocation of $9,000. SEICAA did not purchase kits in 2020 and the balance as of December 31,2020, was $9,000. Please refer to the table below for additional clarity: Calendrr Year 2018 Beginning Balance as of0l/01/201E $ PYl9 RMP Energy Conservation Fund (Check Date: 08/23118)$ 9,000.00 Total $9.000.00 Zero kits purchased $ Endine Balance as of 12l31/2018 $9.000.00 Celender Ycer 2019 Beginnins Balance as of0l/01/2019 $9.000.00 PY20 RMP Energv Conservation Fund (Check Date: I ll25ll9\$9.000.00 Total s 18.000.00 Purchase of 350 Kits at $45.00 each (l2l3l19\$ fl 5.750.00) Endine Balance as of l2l3ll20l9 $2.2s0.00 Update received 1210812022 - Ending Balance after Admin costs for preparation of kits shioment $675.00 Calendar Yeer 2020 Beginning Balance as of 0l/01/2020 $ PY2l RMP Energy Conservation Fund (Check Date: I l106120)$ 9,000.00 Total $9.000.00 No kit ourchased $ Endins Balance as of 1213112020 s 9-000.00 PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power December 14,2022 IPUC Data Request 13 Recordholder: Sponsor: Charity Spires Clay Monroe PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power December 14,2022 IPUC Data Request 14 IPUC Data Request 14 The 2020 DSM Annual Report states SEICAA planned to utilize a portion of 2021 funds to cover the cost to ship kits to participant households. Please provide the following for the 2020 and 2021 program years: (a) The number ofkits mailed to participant households; (b) the total costs of mailing ttre kits; (c) the number kits not delivered by mail; and (d) a description of ttre delivery method for any kits not shipped by mail. Response to IPUC Data Request 14 While Southeastern Idaho Community Action Agency Inc. (SIECAA) didplan to use a portion of the 2021 funds received n2020 to cover the costs to ship kits to households, due to the COMD-I9 pandemic and fewer in-person clients, SIECAA ended up not shipping any kis to customers during the2020-2021 period and did not incur any mailing costs. SEICAA was able to confirm that 40 kits and 65 kits were delivered in 2020 and 2021, respectively, but was unable to confirm the specific delivery method of those kits due to their management and personnel changes. Recordholder:Charity Spires Clay MonroeSponsor: PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power December 14,2022 IPUC Data Request l5 IPUC Data Request 15 Please describe the Company's practices regarding the use of IRP avoided cost data to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of its programs for a given year and for program planning for the next year (i.e., use the avoided costs available at program planning for evaluating the cost-effectiveness for that given year, use the most current avoided costs at the time of evaluation, etc.). Response to IPUC Data Request 15 The term "avoided cost" is used to describe the incremental cost to an electric utility to generate and purchase power relative to procuring energy and capacity from a proposed DSM program. A net savings results when the Company can meet demand with DSM at a lower cost than could be achieved without the proposed program. The calculation of net savings depends on whether only direcUintemal costs are considered, or whether indirect/external costs are included as well. Calculations of avoided costs for DSM programs are intended to be consistent with the [ntegrated Resource Plan (IRP) methodologies, to identify least-cost least-risk resources consistent with the regulatory requirement to provide fair, just and reasonable rates to customers. The avoided energy and capacity costs are delineated on an hourly basis based on the most recent IRP preferred portfolio and are applied to DSM programs following methodologies prescribed and used by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council. These include the use oftransmission and distibution deferral credits and risk reduction credits, which is determined in the [RP. Cost- effectiveness is calculated based on the net present value of the costs and benefits over the expected life of each program or measure. This net present value assessment is used throughout the IRP and in the Company's procurement of util ity-scale resources. Recordholder: Alesha Mander Sponsor:Clay Monroe PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power December 14,2022 IPUC Data Request 16 IPUC Data Request 16 In the Company's confidential202l cost-effectiveness worksheet, two input values for Non-Energy Impacts (NED are provided and both are used to calculate the PacifiCorp Total Resource Cost (PIRC) benefits forthe Low-Income Weatherization program. See Attach IPUC 4 CONF BenCost_PAC_ID_PY202I_05-12-2022_FINAL, CE Inputs, L43 and PS l. Please provide an explanation detailing the difference between these two NEI values and how they are calculated. Response to IPUC Data Request 16 The Non-Energy Impact (NEI) input value of $41,000 from the Company's confidential202l cost effectiveness worksheet was pulled directly from the 2021 annual progam data The $l I1,000 value was a remnant from the previous 2015- 2016 program evaluation that should have been removed. The $111,000 value was not used for the calculations of the 2021 cost effectiveness. Recordholder: Alesha Mander Sponsor:Clay Monroe PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power December 14,2022 IPUC Data Request 17 IPUC Data Request 17 In Order No. 34970, the Commission directed the Company to track all measurable costs and to report progftrm metrics in the Company's Annual DSM reports for the Company's demand response programs. Please describe the Company's efforts to ffack detailed data for cost and savings metrics. Specifically, please describe the Company's efforts to fiack the cost and savings metrics @ through U) listed in Production RequestNo. 10. Response to IPUC Data Request 17 The reference to Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) Order No. 34970 regarding the tracking of all measurable costs is specific to the Irrigation Load Control program. The Company's other approved demand response progmm, Wattsmart Batteries, has its own reportable metrics specified in IPUC Order No. 35370. With respect to the Company's efforts to tack detailed data for the Inigation Load Control program, the Company is developing intemal processes and controls to provide the necessary data to fulfill this request. Internal processes have been delayed, however, due to employee turnover with many new employees being trained. The Company will continue working with the new employees to find new pathways to develop processes and controls to provide the requested data for the Irrigation Load Control program. Recordholder: Chris Kanoff Sponsor:Clay Monroe