HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221005PAC to Staff 1-11.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A tlMsroir oF P crFlcoBP iTECEIVED i0il0[T -5 PH lr: lt+ i"r.:,;iti I-tiSLlCI it ir:rr:j cohtMl$sloN 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 October 5,2022 Jan Noriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 ian.nori),uki@ouc.idaho. eov (C) RE ID PAC.E.22-12 IPUC Set I (l-l l) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC I't Set Data Requests l-l I Also provided areAttachments IPUC 1,2,3,5,7-2,9-1,9-2, and I l. TheConfidential Attachments IPUC 4 andT-l are provided via BOX. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and 31.01 .01.233,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, -Jsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power October 5,2022 IPUC DataRequest 1 IPUC Data Request 1 Please provide a list of all expenses charged to the Company's Demand Side Management (DSM) tariffrider account for years 2020 and 2021. Please include date, vendor, amount, type of expense, and a brief descripion of the expense. Please separate expenses by program so that the total arrount for each program ties to the amounts reported in the Annual DSM reports. Response to IPUC Data Request 1 Please refer to Attachment IPUC I which provides a list of all expenses for demand-side management @SM) for2020 and202l. Recordholder:Michael Snow Sponsor:Michael Snow PAC-EA2-12 / Rocky Mountain Power October 5,242 IPUC DataRequest2 IPUC Data Roquest 2 Please provide ttre monthly interest calculations for the balanc,e in fte DSM tariff rider account for 2020-2021. Responso to IPUC Data Request 2 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 2 which provides monthly interest calculations for202A and20zl. Recordholder: Michael Snow Sponsor:Michael Snow PAC-E-22-12 / RockyMountain Power October 5,2V22 IPUC DataRequest 3 IPUC DataRequest3 Please provide the tariffrider reveoue by month and by customer class for 2020- 202t. Response to IPUC Data Requeot 3 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 3 which provides tariffdder rwenu€, by month and by customer class for 2020 and202l. Recodtrolder:James Ztnng RobertMercdittrSponsor: PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power October 5,2022 IPUC Data Request 4 IPUC Data Request 4 Please provide the cost-effectiveness work papers and calculations for all DSM programs for years 2020 and202l n Excel format. (a) Please provide the basis used to calculate and include the Non-Energy Benefits (NEBs) value for the Low-Income Weatherization program. Response to IPUC Data Request 4 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 4 which provides cost effectiveness work papers and calculations for 2020 and 2021 in Microsoft Excel format. The Low Income Weatherization Non-Energy Benefits are taken from the most recent program evaluationo which in this case was the2016-2017 evaluation published in November 2020.1Table 4-3 and Table 44 from the 2016-2017 evaluation were used to calculate the Non-Energy Benefits, included below for convenience: Table 4-3: Analysls of Changes ln Extemal Assislancc Payments Easedon Mean Monthly fuytonts ProenmPedcbrtr CompedronGpup ]LrdflrnncrErllotrAfl.r Ch.ng.%Cltllgt B.lbrr AfL?Clr.rq.% Cttaoo 2016 3411.S8 3335.94 -376,(N 3L44%3350.98 3330.96 -sao.02 -5.7096 366.Or 2017 0361.13 334{r.12 sl3-01 1?L41%3333.88 3396.17 3e.28 18.65%376.30 Table 44: Analysls of Changes ln Anearages Based on Mean Monthty Anec,rqe &lancrs I A copy of the 2016-2017 Low Income Program Evaluation can be found on the Company's website at the following: https://www.pacificorp.com/content/dam/pcorp/documents/en/pacificorp/environment/dsm/idaho/2016- I 7 Pacifi Coro Low-lncome-Weatherization-Report I D-F I N AL-clean.pdf Progil Perdclprntr CoqrtonOmtp lld4llmncr B.iorr Afhr Ctrango %Chm Btrtr Arhr Clnneo % CNnro 2016 $9{t.39 $r06.91 t8.52 8.66%s45.53 $74.24 tza.71 63.(b%320.r9 zlJ17 ss4.25 $114.66 s20.41 21.66:or $66.85 s117.55 350.70 75.U%330.29 PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power October 5,2022 IPUC DataRequest 4 Program Year Eveluetcd Kllowett- hours (kWh) Monthly Peyment Assistence Monthly Arrearese Multipller 20r6 140.069 ss6.02 s20.19 t2 2017 131.340 $75.30 s20.29 Monthlv Non-Enersv Impacts $65.35 $2s.08 Yearly Non-Enercy Impects s784.20 $300.93 The low income program evaluation for 2018-2019 is currently underway. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and 31.01 .01.233, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - lnformation Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequent Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding Recordholder: Alesha Mander Sponsor:Clay Monroe PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power October 5,2022 IPUC Data Request 5 IPUC Data Request 5 Please provide a listing of all legal and consulting fees, including, but not limited to Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V), charged to the Idatro DSM taritrrider during 2020 and202l.lf any of the fees were allocated among jurisdictions, please provide the calculation and explanation of the allocation. Response to IPUC Data Request 5 There were no legal fees incurred during 2020 and 2021. Please refer to Attachment IPUC 5 which provides consulting fee expenditures included in the deferred account during 2020 and202l. Note: the attachment does not include consulting fees ttrat were part of program administration. For common costs shared between states, achieved kilowatt-hour (kWh) savings from the prior program year are typically used. These common costs receive the appropriate percentage of the expenditures based on the allocation percentage in place. Recordholder:Scott Judkins Sponsor:Clay Monroe PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power October 5,2022 IPUC Data Request 6 IPUC Data Request 6 Please provide the amount of labor expense charged to the DSM tariffrider for the years 2020 and202l.For each ofthose years, please also include the number of Full Time Equivalents funded by the rider. Please also provide the general wage adjusfrnent percentage for non-union personnel approved by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors for each year. Response to IPUC Data Request 6 Please refer to the table below. The full-time equivalent GTE) was calculated using the intemal labor hours charged to Idaho demand-side management (DSM) divided by possible full-time hours in a year of 2,080. Labor expense includes salary and benefits. Note: the general wage adjustment percentage reflects the approved percentages for non-union personnel Company-wide, and is not necessarily equal to the percentage of the actual payout. Yeer Lebor Expense FTE GenenlWage (ncrcent) 2020 $144.101.04 0.78 2.8 percent 202t $169-814.42 0.92 1.5 oercent Recordholder:Scott Judkins Sponsor:Clay Monroe PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power October 5,2022 IPUC DataRequest 7 IPUC Data Request 7 Please provide a current organizational chart by title and name showing all Rocky Mountain Power and contract employees who charge time to the DSM rider. Please include complete job descriptions, required qualifications, salary ranges, bonus opportunities, and total compensation ranges, including benefits, for all employees identified in this request. Response to IPUC Data Request 7 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 7-l which provides job titles of specific employees who have charged time to the demand-side management (DSIO rider wittrin the past 12 months. Included in the attachment are employee titles, salary ranges and bonus opportunities. Because benefits costs vary greatly based on personal options selected by each employee, total compensation ranges are not readily available. Please refer to Attachment IPUC 7-2 which provides associated job descriptions. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequent Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder: Leslie Chase Sponsor:Julie Lewis PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power October 5,2022 IPUC DataRequest 8 IPUC Data Request 8 Please provide copies of all internal audit reports referencing any of the Company's DSM expenses and processes for 2020 to current date. If no reports were issued, please provide the date and scope ofthe audit and all internal auditor work papers. Response to IPUC Data Request 8 PacifiCorp intemal audits are based on yearly risk assessments. There were no internal audits related to demand-side management (DSIO expenses and processes for2020 to current date. Recordholder:John Caspar Pete ParmenterSponsor: PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power October 5,2022 IPUC Data Request 9 IPUC Data Request 9 Please provide the following information related the Energy Conservation Education kits (Kits) for the Low-lncome Weatherization program. (a) Please provide the Kit inventories for EICAP and SEICAA at the beginning and end ofthe 2020 and202l program years. (b) Please provide all invoices for Kits ordered by either agency for 2020 and 2021program years. (c) Please breakdown total cost of the Kits in 2020 and202l per agency by Kit contents, packaging, sh ipping, and adm inistation/overhead. (d) Please breakdown each individual Kit cost in 2020 and202l per agency by Kit contents, packaging, shipping, and administration/overhead. (e) Please provide a reconciliation of Kit purchases and Low-lncome expenses for the EICAP and SEICAA for each year for 2018 to 202l.Please clearly identiff which program year expenses were charged to the Customer Efficiency TariffRider. Response to IPUC Data Request 9 (a) Please refer to the tables provided below for kit inventory information: EICAP Besinnins End 2020 276 42s 2021 425 648 SEICAA Besinnins End 2020 350 175 2021 t7s 66 (b) Please refer to Attachment IPUC 9-l and Attachment IPUC 9-2 which provide copies of 2020 and202l invoices from Easterrr ldaho Comrnunity Actiolr I)artnership (EICAP). Note: there were no invoices from Sorrthr:aslent ldaho ('ornrrLrrrill, Action Agerrc5, Inc. (SIECAA) for the2020-2021 period as SEICAA used existing inventory from 2019 and did not purchase additional kits for 2020 or 2021. (c) Please refer to the tables provided below for a breakdown of total kit cost. Note: SEICAA used existing inventory from 2019 for2020-2021anddid not purchase additional kits in 2020 or 2021: PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power October 5,2022 IPUC Data Request 9 SEICAA Kit Contents Packaging Shipping Administration/ Overhead Total 2020 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2021 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (d) Please refer to the tables provided below for a breakdown of individual kits cost. Note: SEICAA used existing kit inventory from 2019 for 2020-2021and did not purchase additional kits in 2020 or 2021. EICAP Cost per Kit Packaging Shipping Administration/ Overhead Total 2020 $2s.95 $0.00 $0.00 $4.04 929.99 202r $2r.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.94 s25.94 SEICAA Cost per Kit Content Packaging Shipping Administration/ Overhead Total 2020 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2021 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (e) EICAP and SEICAA invoice Rocky Mountain Power (RI\{P) for their annual conservation education fund allocation, and purchase kits once they receive funds from RMP. EICAP's annual allocation is $16,000, and SEICAA is $9,000. Please refer to the tables provided below which reflect disbursement for years 2018 through202l. Note: all the annual conservation education funds/allocations were charged to the Customer Efliciency TariffRider: EICAP .A,llocation Kit Purchase Low Income Expenses 2018 $16,000.00 $r2,975.00 $1229.7r 2019 $16,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2020 s0.00 s12.975.00 $2.017.88 2U2t $16,000.00 $10,500 $2,471.66 SEICAA Allocation Kit Purchase Low Income ExDenses 2018 $9.000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2019 $9.000.00 $15.750 $1.312.50 2020 $9.000.00 $0.00 $0.00 2021 $9.000.00 $0.00 $0.00 Recordholder:Charity Spires Clay Monroe EICAP Kit Contents Packaging Shipping Administration/ Overhead Total 2020 $12,97s s0.00 s0.00 $2.018.88 $14.993.88 2021 $10,s00 s0.00 s0.00 92.471.66 st2-971.66 Sponsor: PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power October 5,2022 IPUC Data Request l0 IPUC Data Request 10 Please provide detailed data of the lnigation Load Control program administered and managed by EnerNOC for years2020 and202l. This includes, but is not limited to the following: (a) the date and time for each initiated inigation event; (b) the amount of demand saved in megawatts for each event hour; (c) the amount of energy saved in megawatt-hours for each event hour; (d) the value of demand saved in each event hour; (e) the program cost for demand saved in each event hour; (f) the value and cost ofenergy saved in each eventhour; (g) the corresponding market price of energy for each event hour; (h) a breakdown of incentives paid to each participant by event; (i) any event adjustment for participant opt-outs; and 0) any event adjustments for non-participation. Response to IPUC Data Request 10 The detailed data requested in subparts (b) through O of this data request are not currently tracked metrics for the Inigation Load Contol program. For datathat is tracked, please refer to Table 8 and Table 9 in PacifiCorp's 2020 and202l Annual Reports,l inserted below for convenience. t 2020 Annual Report: https://www.pacificom.com/content/dam/ocorp/documents/en/pacificorp/environment/dsm/idaho/2020-lda ho_Energy_Effi ciency-and-Peak-Reduction Report.pdf 2021 Annual Report: httrrs://www.pacificorp.com/content/dam/pcorp/documents/en/pacificorp/environment/dsm/idaho/2021-lda ho_En e rgv Effi ci ency-P eak-R educt i on A nn ual-Report.pd f PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power October 5,2022 IPUC Data Request 10 2020 lrrigation Load Control Data: to.d 202llwrgation Load Control Data: Trbh 8 lord Control Enrntrt T$L 9 Prriormarcr Tebh 8 l.o.d Control Evartru Teblc 9 hrig.ton lod ?rognm Perfornrrnce 4{]O PIt,l.8trO PM MDTI 62ililNn 4dDru-SOOPMMDT2 788fi412o/2o 5d)0ru -8d)0 PM MDT3 a78lt?l2ozo S:fi) Plii -8OO PM MDT4 7A8/1812o,o sfi ru .8OO PM MDT5 a,8l,l9,l?0/?o sflPlrl -8OOPM MDT6 81812012o/?o 4fl ru .9OO PM MDT7 60alztl?o20,1vl 4dDPIrl -9trPM MDTI 53el22lao?olvl /rfl ru -gfl PM MDT9 26sl2sl?fEf{vl Tota! Enrolled MfV(Groes-atGen) 2(xl ltni, AuEraSe Reellzed t-oad irmt (at Gen) 6&54 i/n , Madmum Reelzed toad MW l8t Genl t&91 lvlll, Participston Grstomes L52 ParudDatlm{Slt6l LZ1o SOOPM -9OOPM MDT1 1556lL1,l202t SOOPM.9OOPM MDT2 1456lL6l202r 5{X} PM.9:(X} PM MDT7nnglt3 145 4:il)PM.8:fi}PM MDT7lLU202t4 121 5OO PM - 9$O PM MDT5 1257ny202t 8fi} PM .9OO PM MDT6 657t2il202r 7SO PM - 9OO PM MDT71291202t7 79 Totd Enrolled MtU (Gross -at 6enl 193 MW Average Realized Load MW (at Cen) 119 MW Marimum Reslized Load MW (atGenl 155 MW Par$cipatlrn Customers t:67 Participatlon (Sites) L204 PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power October 5,2022 IPUC Data Request l0 Recordholder: Chris Kanoff Sponsor:Clay Monroe PAC-E-22-12 / Rocky Mountain Power October 5,2022 IPUC DataRequest I I IPUC Data Request 11 Please provide AppendixA referenced in the footnote in the2020ldaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report at 16. Response to IPUC Data Request 11 Please refer to Attachment IPUC I I which provides a copy of Appendix A (Cost- effectiveness Results). Rocky Mountain Power's (RI\P) 2020ldaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report, which includes Appendix A, can also be accessed with the following link: https://puc.idaho.gov/Fileroom/PublicFiles/ElEC/PAC/PACE05l0/Companv/202 I 0420Annual%20D S Mo/o202020%o20Report.pdf Recordholder: Alesha Mander Sponsor:Clay Monroe