HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220527PAC to Staff 1-8.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN Po\AIER A DrvlSO|{OF moflOORP ''1.,-\i-,rrir_ i\Er!*!:..tLr-rtI1.L- -.,-|(L-LJ ;r1i Hi'i l I PH 2: l0 ON !-!.: .i !..1i - '.: ._- i.--l-:r:;iiLi i : :i, il,-,i,iriiiSSl 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 May 27,2022 Jan Noriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 ian.nori),uki@ouc. idaho. eov (C) RE rD PAC-E-22-06 IPUC Set I (l-8) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC l$ Set Data Requests l-8 Also provided is Attachment IPUC 4. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, -Jsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures PAC-E-22-06 / Rocky Mountain Power Ivf.ay 27,2022 IPUC DataRequest I IPUC Data Request I Bottr the original contract and Application in CaseNo. PAC-E-2I-I I stated that the nameplate of the Facility is 330 kW. However, the renewal Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) states that the nameplate of ttre Facility is 480 kW. Please respond to the following: (a) What was the actual nameplate installed when the Facility was first constructed? (b) Have there been any modifications to the Facility that increased its nameplate size since it was first constructed? (c) Please reconcile the 330 kW and the 480 kW. Response to IPUC Data Request I (a) 480 kilowatts (kW) is the original nameplate installed when facility was first constructed. Please refer to the proof of generator nameplate provided by tre qualifying facility (QF), Georgetown Inigation Company, below: PAC-E-22-06 / Rocky Mountain Power May 27,2022 IPUC Data Request 1 O) No. (c) The contracting parties had made an estimate of ttre capacrty of the unit to execute the legacy power purchase agreement (PPA) in July 1984 at 330 kW. Case PAC-E-zL-ll was filed with ttre Idatro Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) to extend the legacy PPA such that the existing generator interconnection contact would be automatically extended at 330 kW. The QF owner sent the above provided photograph of the generator nameplate (refer to ttre Company's response to subpart (a) above) in support of the PPA renewal; this was when the generator was discovered to have a nameplate that was higher than the capacity reflected in the existing legacy PPA and generator interconnection agreement. Recordholder:Irene Heng Craig EllerSponsor: PAC-E-22-06 / Rocky Mountain Power May 27,2022 IPUC Data Request 2 IPUC Data Request 2 Page 4 of the Application states that the Seller secured a new standalone transmission interconnection agreement on September 1,2021, but the Seller continued working through March 24,2022, to secure and provide information and proof of insurance to support the execution of the renewal PPA. Please respond to the following: (a) Please list and provide all the information that ttre Seller was required to provide between September 1,2021, and March 24,2022. (b) Please explain why the information was required. (c) Did any of the information required depend on ttre completion of the transmission interconnection agreement? (d) Is the insurance information required by previous Commission order? If so, please provide the order number. (e) If the information required did not depend on the fiansmission interconnection agreement, why couldn't the information be obtained earlier so that the renewal PPA could be submitted to the Commission prior to the expiration date of the original PPA on March 31,2022? Response to IPUC Data Request 2 (a) Seller was required to provide an executed interconnection agreement, water rights evidence, proof of nameplate capacity, generator detail required in Exhibit B of power purchase agreement (PPA), and insurance certificate in accordance with Exhibit I of PPA. (b) A copy of an executed interconnection agreement is required to ensure the generator has transmission interconnection. Water rights evidence is needed to confirm the generator has rights to the water used to generate electical output. The nameplate capacity and generator detail establishes that ttre generator is the original generator from the legacy qualiffing facility (QF) PPA, provision of the insurance certificate ensures that the Seller bears its own risk of operations and that PacifiCorp's regulated customers do not bear operational risk of the QF generator. (c) The Company obtained some generator information from the interconnection agreement for purposes of populating Exhibit B of the PPA. Information required of Seller for purposes of the PPA which was not required in connection with the interconnection agreement includes an insurance certificate evidencing Seller has obtained the coverages required under the PAC-E-22-06 / Rocky Mountain Power May 27,2022 IPUC DataRequest 2 PPA and evidence that Seller holds suffrcient water rights to operate the facility. (d) The insurance provisions in the PPA, as well as ttre obligation to provide an insurance certifrcate confirming that such coverages have been obtained, are required under PacifiCorp's energy risk management policy and are imposed on all counterparties that want to sell generation output from a generator to PacifiCorp. (e) Despite multiple reminders by the Company, Seller did not obtain the required coverages until March 24,2022. Recordholder:lrene Heng Craig EllerSponsor: PAC-E-22-06 / Rocky Mountain Power May 27,2022 IPUC DataRequest 3 IPUC Data Request 3 Page l5 of the PPA defines the period between the expiration date of the Prior PPA and the Initial Delivery Date as "Lapse Period." Please answer the following questions: (a) Did the project generate and sell energy to the Company during the Lapse Period? (b) Is the project planning to generate energy and sell to the Company from now until the end of the Lapse Period? (c) What price has the Company paid for the energy delivered during the Lapse Period? Response to IPUC Data Request 3 (a) Not initially. The Company could not accept power without obtaining designated network resource (DNR) status for the generator from PacifiCorp Transmission. DNR designation ensures compliance with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) requirements. The Company requested DNR status, which can take up to 90 days to obtain, for the facility upon execution of the powerpurchase agreement (PPA).On May 12,2022, the Company advised the Seller that DNR status had been obtained and that Seller could resume generation activities. (b) Yes, per the Seller (c) The Company will pay the price per Exhibit K of the PPA when generation is received from Seller, subject to adjusfinent consistent with any order issued by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in this case. Recordholder:Irene Heng Craig EllerSponsor: PAC-E-22-06 / Rocky Mountain Power May 27,2022 IPUC Data Request 4 IPUC Data Request 4 Page 10 of the PPA states that the Seller is obligated to sell its Net Output from the Scheduled Initial Delivery Date, which is April 1,2022, through March 31, 2042. However, Page 15 states that during the Lapse Period Seller shall be prohibited from delivering Output without the Company's prior written consent and the Company will not be obligated to pay Seller for any power. Please respond to the following questions: (a) Should the "Scheduled Initial Delivery Date" have been "lnitial Delivery Date'? (b) Is the Seller obligated to sell energy during the Lapse Period, or is the Seller allowed to sell energy with the Company's prior written consent during the Lapse Period? Please explain. (c) If the Seller is prohibited from delivering energy by default during ttre Lapse Period, are the parties deviating from the Commission's expectations established in prior orders' for QFs' continuous operations when they request capacrty payments in their renewal contracts? (d) If the Seller is delivering energy during the Lapse Period, did the Seller receive the Company's prior written consent? If so, please provide a copy of the consent. Response to IPUC Data Request 4 (a) The Initial Delivery Date is the date on which contractually enumerated conditions have occurred. The Initial Delivery Date should occur on the Scheduled Delivery Date, which is the date immediately following the expiration of the legacy power purchase agreement (PPA), ensuring continuous operations. By definition, the Initial Delivery Date will occur on the Scheduled Delivery Date if on or before the Scheduled Delivery Date: (i) the Initial Delivery Requirements are met, (ii) the Company has obtained designated network resource (DNR) status for the facility and (iii) Commission approval of the PPA has been obtained. Seller has the obligation to ensure that the Initial Delivery Requirements are met (and can be held in default if the Initial Delivery Date does not occur by the Scheduled Delivery Date). Thus, the provision requiring Seller to sell its Net Output starting on the Scheduled Delivery Date is accurate except in certain circumstances where the Company's consent to deliver is required, including the circumstances contemplated under Section 4.1, in which the Initial Delivery Date does not occur on or before the Scheduled Delivery Date (i.e., because certain conditions, such as the requirement for DNR status have not been obtained). PAC-E-22-06 / Rocky Mountain Power May 27,2022 IPUC Data Request 4 (b) Seller must not deliver energy unless it obtains the Company's prior written consent during the Lapse Period. The reason for the consent requirement is to account for the lead time needed for the Company to obtain DNR status for transmission service when PPA execution does not occur at least 90 days before the Scheduled Delivery Date. (c) The purpose of including the Lapse Period provision is not to intemrpt operations but simply to facilitate compliance with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) requirements (i.e., by ensuring DNR status is obtained before the Company's system receives power from a facility) in case the PPA is executed less than 90 days before the Scheduled Delivery Date, as in this case. DNR status is requested only after a PPA is executed and can take up to 90 days to obtain. The qualiffing facility (QF) generator equipment that supported the legacy QF PPA is the same QF generator equipment to be used to generate energy to be sold to the Company under the new PPA. PacifiCorp has relied on this facility for estimated 0.33 megawatts (MW) of capacity over the years of operations of the QF unit and will continue to do so. Thus, capacity payments under the PPA are appropriate. The incremental additional 0.15 MW of nameplate capacity that was not recognized in the legacy PPA (which referred to the QF as having a 0.33 MW generator when it actually had a 0.48 MW generator) will not receive any capacity payments until2029, when PacifiCorp identified that it needs additional capacity in its 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (lRP). (d) Seller was informed of DNR approval on May 12,2022. Please refer to Attachment IPUC 4. Recordholder:Irene Heng Craig EllerSponsor: Ftpm!Heng. Irene (Pacifi Corp) Lynette Smitfi MiBud. CYnthia Hansen OacifiCorp); Weston. Ted (PacifiCom); Blake. Debbie (PacifiCom); Liechtv. Steven (PaciffCom) Geooetown Inigauon @mpany QF PPA (Generator Refirt) Thumday, May t2,2022 2:15:fi) Pfi To: Gc: SubjGct! D.b: Hi Lynette, The Designated Network Resource (DNR) approval from PacifiCorp Transmission Services for Georgetown lrrigation Company (GlC) Qualifying Facility generator has been received. As such, GIC can restart its generator and put its output onto Pacificorp's transmission system without violating FERC rules on transmission services. The PPA is still subject to ldaho Public Utility Commission approval at this writing but PacifiCorp will apply the rates on Exhibit K of the PPA unless told otherwise by Commission when the order is issued. Please advise if there are any questions. Thank you. Best, lrene Heng PacifiCorp | 825 NE Multnomah Street, Ste 500, Portland, OR97232-2135 | Direa (503) 813-5589 | Cell (503) 956-6881 PAC-E-22-06 / Rocky Mountain Power May 27,2022 IPUC Data Request 5 IPUC Data Request 5 Regarding the Company's Transmission Provider and Interconnection Provider: (a) Please describe the responsibilities of Transmission Provider and lnterconnection Provider. (b) Please describe the role each plays in this PPA. (c) Please describe the role each plays in the Transmission Interconnection Agreement. Response to IPUC Data Request 5 (a) The tansmission provider is responsible for managing all requests for transmission service utilizing PacifiCorp's fiansmission system per Section II and III of PacifiCorp's Open Access Transmission Tariff(OATT). The interconnection provider is responsible for managing all requests for generation interconnection proposed to connect to PacifiCorp's fansmission system per Section IV of PacifiCorp's OATT. (b) Neither the transmission provider nor interconnection provider has no role to play in the power purchase agreement (PPA). (c) The tansmission provider has no role to play in the transmission interconnection agreement. The generation provider is responsible for drafting, negotiating and managing the interconnection agreement per the terms in PacifiCorp's OATT. Recordholder: Brian Fritz Sponsor:To Be Determined PAC-E-22-06 / Rocky Mountain Power May 27,2022 IPUC Data Request 6 IPUC Data Request 6 Page 23 of the PPA requires the Seller to "provide an annual update to the expected long-term monthly/diurnal mean net energy and net capacity factor estimates (l2X 24 profile)" by December I of each year during the contract term. Please respond to the following: (a) Please explain the role of the annual 12X24 profile plays (b) Please explain the relationship betweenthe 12 X 24 profile and the monthly estimates used for the 90/l l0 rule. Response to IPUC Data Request 6 (a) The 12x24 profile is a generator output profile used by PacifiCorp for Long- Range Forecasting of Seller's generator output over the course of a forward calendar year. The Seller's 12y24 profile is only one data source used by PacifiCorp to estimate what energy resource the Company is projected to have to serve its customers' load requirements. (b) While the 12x24 profile is provided by December I of each year per Section 6.7.1 of the power purchase agreement (PPA), the Seller has the ability to update the estimated energy schedule each 20m of the month for the following month per Section 4.9.2 of the PPA. That estimated energy schedule, if provided timely for the respective month, will update the applicable month that was provided inthe 12x24 profile. The Seller's estimated energy schedule, as may be modified by any timely updates, is what is used in the 90/l l0 rule settlement calculation to determine if the Seller has met the 90/l l0 threshold band to receive compensation at the Conforming Energy Purchase Price or the Non-Conforming Energy Purchase Price. Recordholder:Irene Heng Craig EllerSponsor: PAC-E-22-06 / Rocky Mountain Power May 27,2022 IPUC Data Request 7 IPUC Data Request 7 Please explain why the contact does not contain provisions that: (a) requires an "As-Built Supplement", which provides the final as-built characteristics of the Facility such as Nameplate Capacrty Rating, Net Output technology type, generator fuel type, etc., after it becomes operational under the proposed renewal PPA; (b) addresses potential deviations that could affect the contract materially(such as pricing) between the final characteristics contained in an "As-Built Supplement" and ttre proposed facility characteristics in the renewal PPA approved by the Commission; (c) declares that Seller would be in default of the contract if the Seller materially modifies ttre Facility from the "As-Built Supplement" during the contract term without promptly notifring the Company; and (d) requires that the Company is required to file an amendment for Commission approval if the Seller materially modifies the Facility per the As-Built Supplement. Response to IPUC Data Request 7 (a) The power purchase agreement (PPA) does not require 'As-Built Supplemenf'because this PPA is for an existing qualifring facility (QF) generator installed in 1984 and not for a new facility. The facility is comprised of the original physical equipment that had been used to generate and sell output under the legacy PPA that had just expired. Please also refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request l. (b) Not Applicable. Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a) above. (c) Not Applicable as no "As-Built Supplement" is required as discussed in the Company's response to subpart (a) above. However, please refer to Section ll.l.2(g;) of the PPA which provides that Seller will be in default under the PPA in the event of "[a]ny modification of the Facility that (i) results in the Facility increasing its Nameplate Capacrty Rating beyond that stated in Exhibit B of the PPA, or (ii) is reasonably likely to result in the expected annual Net Output, as calculated in Exhibit A of the PPA, to increase. (d) Not Applicable as no "As-Built Supplemenf is required as discussed in the Company's response to subpart (a) above. However, please refer to the Company's response to subpart (c) above. In the event of a facility modification that gives rise to a default under Section I1.1.2(g), unless Seller PAC-E-2246 / Rocky Mountain Power Ivlay 27,2022 IPUC DataRequest 7 cures such default within the applicable cure perid, the Company has a right to terminate the PPA. Altematively, the Company could choose to ronegotiato and amend the PPA which amendment would be subjwt to Idaho Pubfic Utilities Commission (tr UC) approval. Reoordholder:Irene Heng Craig EllerSponsor: PAC-E-22-06 / Rocky Mountain Power N'{ay 27,2022 IPUC Data Request 8 IPUC Data Request 8 Page2 ofthe PPA defmes Contract Year as "any consecutive twelve (12) month period during the Term, commencing at 00:00 hours on April l, 2022 or any of its anniversaries and endingat24:0O hours on the last day of such twelve (12) month period." Page2l of ttre PPA describes how "Contract Year" is used in the annual forecast of Planned Outages. With the final Effective Date being later ttran April 1,2022, does the definition of Contract Year need to be changed? Please explain. Response to IPUC Data Request 8 ln the event the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) approves the power purchase agreement (PPA), the Company respectfully requests ttrat such approval be retroactive to April 1,2022. The Company does not believe the definition of Contact Year requires amendment particularly given that the Expected Net Output requirements start in the first$l! Contact Year. Recordholder:Irene Heng Craig EllerSponsor: