HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220112PAC to Staff 1-2.pdfx ROCKY MOI.'NTAINFOIffiRAslrgcrcrcmw RgCE IVED ?$?? J*tr t2 Pil lr: 58 i*riH0 FiJBLIC r l'r lt- I T1i:..rj C O*jil{lSStOH Satt Lake City, Utah 84116 January 12,2022 Jan Noriyuki Idatro Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 ian.norivuki@fuc.idatp. gov (C) RE: ID PAC-E-21-21 IPUC Set I (1-2) Please find enclored Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC l$ SetData Requests l-2. If you have any questions, please feel free to coll me at (801)220.29$. Sincerely, --lsl-J. Ted Weston Marugo, Regulation Enclosures PAC-E-21-21 / Rocky Mountain Power January 12,2022 IPUC Data Request I IPUC Data Request I Please explain and show in detail how the Company tracks and accounts for wheeling expense paid to Idaho Power for these transmission assets over the period from October 1,2020, to September 30,2021, given the respective agreements (Application-3, Section-8). Response to IPUC Data Request 1 For clarification purposes, the Company interprets "these transmission assets" to be referring to the transmission assets that were subject to the Joint Purchase and Sale Agreement (JPSA), dated October 24,2014, as well as the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement (JOOA), also dated October 24,2014, between Idaho Power Company (IPC) and PacifiCorp. These agreements were provided as exhibits in Case IPC-E-14-41 / PAC-E-14-l I before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). Based on this interpretation, the Company responds as follows: The capacity on the assets included in the above referenced JPSA is wholly owned by each party, and as such, PacifiCorp does not pay IPC any wheeling costs for use of the assets and the capacity that were part of the JPSA. As part of the JPSA, PacifiCorp energy supply management (ESM) received 510 megawatts (MW) of long-term firm (LTF) point-to-point (PTP) transmission service from IPC. The costs for that service are paid for in accordance with IPC's open access transmission tariff(OATT) rate (the current rate - at the time of preparing this data request response - is $2,599.20 per megawatt-month ($/TvlW-month)). PacifiCorp tracks transmission charges to FERC Account 565 (Transmission of Electricity by Others) or wheeling expense. Once the Company receives an invoice from IPC, the Company verifies that each invoice is accompanied by sufficient supporting data; PacifiCorp then validates the invoice charges against its own records to allow the identification of any potential discrepancies at the transactional level and make any necessary corrections. Recordholder:Rubi Duran / Rohan Chatterjee / Brian Fritz To Be DeterminedSponsor: PAC-E-21-21 / Rocky Mountain Power January 12,2022 IPUC Data Request 2 IPUC Data Request 2 Please explain how OATT rates are generally determined and charged to transmission customers. In addition, please provide the calculations for the change in PacifiCorp's OATT rate as a result of the sale of transmission assets in Case No. PAC-E-I4-I l. Response to IPUC Data Request 2 For clarification purposes, the Company interprets "transmission assets" to be refening to the transmission assets that were subject to the Joint Purchase and Sale Agreement (JPSA), dated October 24,2014, as well as the Joint Ownership and Operating Agreement (JOOA), also dated October 24,2014, between Idaho Power Company (tPC) and PacifiCorp. These agreements were provided as exhibits in Case IPC-E-1441 / PAC-E-I4-I I before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). Based on the foregoing interpretation, the Company responds as follows: The Company's current transmission formula rate (included in PacifiCoqp's Open Access Transmission Tariff(OATT)) was approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in Docket ERI l-3643. Charges for PacifiCorp's Network Integration Transmission Service (NITS), Schedule 7 (Firm Point-to- Point (PTP) Service), and Schedule 8 (Non-Firm (NF) PTP Service), are determined by this formula rate, as well as ancillary service Schedule I (Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service) included on Appendix B of Attachment H-l of the Formula Rate template. The Formula Rate template (Formula) is provided in Attachment H-l of PacifiCorp's OATT, and the Formula Rate Implementation Protocols (Protocols) is provided in Attachment H-2 of PacifiCorp's OATT (the Formula and the Protocols collectively, the Formula Rate). The Company's transmission formula rate is updated annually with the annual transmission revenue requirement (ATRR) that represents the annual total cost of providing firm transmission service over the test year. The majority of the data inputs come from the annual FERC Form l. The ATRR calculation incorporates all transmission system investments by the Company, a return on rate base, income taxes, expenses (including operations and maintenance (O&M), and certain revenue credits, among other specific elements and adjustments. Transmission assets, including new transmission capital and transmission network upgrades, are included in the ATR& weighted by months in service. The ATRR is converted into a rate by dividing the ATRR by firm transmission demand (this demand includes PacifiCorp's retail load and contracts) which makes up approximately 80 percent of the demand). All third-party revenues for transmission service (along with third-parly revenues for ancillary services) are PAC-E-21-21 / Rocky Mountain Power January 12,2022 IPUC Data Request 2 included as revenue credits in the calculation of rates in each of the Company's state retail juri sdictions PacifiCorp's annual tansmission formula filings, and the OATT billing determinant used each year, are publicly available and can be accessed by utilizing the following website link (specifically the PacifiCorp OASIS TariffCompany Information folder) on PacifiCorp's Open Access Same-Time lnformation System: www. oatioasis.com/ppil Navigate the "Documents" folders > PacifiCorp OASIS TariffCompany Information > OATT Pricing > Year in question. Note: The value of the assets purchased from IPC were included in PacifiCorp's FERC Form I and incorporated as an input into the tansmission formula rate annual update (on Attachment 5) published by May 15 of each year. The net impact of the tansmission asset exchange increased PacifiCorp's transmission invesfinent by less than $160,000. The rate impact due to the minor increase in Transmission Plant in Service balance is negligible. Recordholder: Brian Fritz / Eva Kwitnan Sponsor:To Be Determined