HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220210PAC to Staff Transition Cluster Study.pdf Generation Interconnection Transition Cluster Transition Cluster Study Report Cluster Area 1 March 31, 2021 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page i March 31, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 3 3.1 Transmission Interconnection Requests ............................................................................................ 3 3.2 Distribution Interconnection Requests .............................................................................................. 6 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................... 6 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 1 .......................................................................................................................... 7 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-06 ........................................................................... 7 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 8 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ 9 7.1 Transmission System Requirements ................................................................................................. 9 7.2 Distribution System Requirements ................................................................................................... 9 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements ...................................................................................................... 9 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit ........................................................................... 9 7.5 Protection Requirements ................................................................................................................. 10 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements .............................................................................................................. 10 7.7 Substation Requirements ................................................................................................................. 11 7.8 Communication Requirements ........................................................................................................ 11 7.9 Metering Requirements ................................................................................................................... 12 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES ......................................................................................................... 12 9.0 COST ESTIMATE .......................................................................................................................... 14 9.1 Interconnection Facilities ................................................................................................................ 14 9.2 Station Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 14 9.3 Network Upgrades .......................................................................................................................... 14 10.0 SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................................... 14 11.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................. 15 12.0 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................ 15 12.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results ............................................... 16 12.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests ............................................................................................ 18 12.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements ............................................................................................... 19 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 1 March 31, 2021 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY Cluster Area 1 (CA1) generally includes the east Wyoming area and includes the following Interconnection Request: TCS-06 Consistent with Attachment W, Section 3.4.2 and Section 51.4 of PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), this interconnection Transition Cluster Study (“Cluster Study”) evaluated the impact of the proposed interconnections on the reliability of the Transmission System. The Cluster Study considered the Base Case as well as all generating facilities (and with respect to (iii) below, any identified Network Upgrades associated with such higher queued interconnection) that, on the date the Cluster Request Window closes: (i) are existing and directly interconnected to the Transmission System; (ii) are existing and interconnected to Affected Systems and may have an impact on the Interconnection Request; (iii) have a pending higher queued or higher clustered interconnection request to interconnect to the transmission system; and (iv) have executed an LGIA or requested that an unexecuted LGIA be filed with FERC. The Cluster Study consisted of power flow, stability, and short circuit analyses. This Cluster Study report provides the following information: • identification of any circuit breaker short circuit capability limits exceeded as a result of the interconnection; • identification of any thermal overload or voltage limit violations resulting from the interconnection; • identification of any instability or inadequately damped response to system disturbances resulting from the interconnection and • description and non-binding, good faith estimated cost of facilities required to interconnect the Generating Facilities to the Transmission System and to address the identified short circuit, instability, and power flow issues. 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS • All active higher priority transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests that were considered in this study are listed in Appendix 2. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, and the results and conclusions could significantly change. • For study purposes there are two separate queues: o Transmission Service Queue: to the extent practical, all network upgrades that are required to accommodate active transmission service requests were modeled in this study. o Generation Interconnection Queue: Interconnection Facilities and network upgrades associated with higher queued or higher clustered interconnection requests were modeled in this study. • The Interconnection Customers’ request for energy or network resource interconnection Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 2 March 31, 2021 service in and of itself does not request or convey transmission service. Only a Network Customer may make a request to designate a generating resource as a Network Resource. Because the queue of higher priority transmission service requests may be different when a Network Customer requests network resource designation for this Generating Facility, the available capacity or transmission modifications, if any, necessary to provide Network Integration Transmission Service may be significantly different. Therefore, Interconnection Customers should regard the results of this study as informational rather than final. • Under normal conditions, the Transmission Provider does not dispatch or otherwise directly control or regulate the output of generating facilities. Therefore, the need for transmission modifications, if any, that may be required to provide Network Resource Interconnection Service will be evaluated on the basis of 100 percent deliverability (i.e., this study did not model displacement of other resources in the same area). • This study assumed the Projects will be integrated into the Transmission Provider’s system at agreed upon and/or proposed Points of Interconnection (“POI” or “POIs”). • If Interconnection Customers proceed through the interconnection process, they will be required to construct and own any facilities required between the Point of Change of Ownership and the Project unless specifically identified by the Transmission Provider. • Line reconductor or fiber underbuild required on existing poles were assumed to follow the most direct path on the Transmission Provider’s system. If during detailed design the path must be modified it may result in additional cost and timing delays for the Interconnection Customer’s Project. • Generator tripping either automatic or manual may be required for certain outages to maintain the reliability of the system under outage conditions. • All facilities will meet or exceed the minimum Western Electricity Coordinating Council (“WECC”), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”), and the Transmission Provider’s performance and design standards. • Power flow analysis requires WECC base cases to reliably balance under peak load conditions the aggregate of generation in the local area, with the Generating Facility at full output, to the aggregate of the load in the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System. As the PacifiCorp East (“PACE”) balancing authority area (“BAA”) has more existing and proposed generation than load, it is necessary to assume some portion of other remote resources are displaced by this Project’s output in order to assess the impact of interconnecting this Project’s generation to transmission system operations. For the purposes of this study, generation in the Transmission Provider’s southern Utah area was assumed to be displaced. • PacifiCorp performed the analysis on 2025 Heavy summer and 2025 Light summer TPL base cases. • The following transmission improvements were assumed in-service: o Transmission Provider’s planned projects: ▪ Energy Gateway South (Aeolus-Clover) 500 kV transmission line project. (Q4 2024). ▪ A Transmission Provider planned upgrade of the existing Jim Bridger 345/230 kV #2 transformer to 700 MVA (Q3 2021) o Upgrades assigned to higher priority Interconnection Request Q0835: ▪ A new 230 kV transmission line between Aeolus and Freezeout substations Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 3 March 31, 2021 (Q4 2024) ▪ Upgrades assigned to higher priority Interconnection Request Q0836: ▪ A Static VAR Compensator at Anticline 345 kV. ▪ Rebuild of the WAPA Casper–Spence 230 kV transmission line. ▪ Replacement of the Jim Bridger 345/230 kV transformers # 1 and #3 with a single 700 MVA transformer. • Jim Bridger Unit 1 was assumed offline in the study. • Spence substation is owned by Western Area Power Administration (“WAPA”) therefore any requirements in the substation must be coordinated and approved by WAPA. • All existing and proposed RAS are assumed to be in service for this study. • This report is based on information available at the time of the study. It is the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to check the Transmission Provider’s web site regularly for Transmission System updates at https://www.oasis.oati.com/ppw 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS The following requirements are applicable to all Interconnection Requests. The Transmission Provider will identify any site-specific generating facility requirements in addition to the following in this report and in facilities studies. Certain Interconnection Requests requesting service at a voltage level traditionally defined as distribution may be subject to the transmission interconnection request requirements listed below should the Transmission Provider make that determination. 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests All interconnecting synchronous and non-synchronous generators are required to design their Generating Facilities with reactive power capabilities necessary to operate within the full power factor range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging. This power factor range shall be dynamic and can be met using a combination of the inherent dynamic reactive power capability of the generator or inverter, dynamic reactive power devices and static reactive power devices to make up for losses. For synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the Point of Interconnection. For non-synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the high side of the generator substation. The Generating Facility must provide dynamic reactive power to the system in support of both voltage scheduling and contingency events that require transient voltage support and must be able to provide reactive capability over the full range of real power output. If the Generating Facility is not capable of providing positive reactive support (i.e., supplying reactive power to the system) immediately following the removal of a fault or other transient low voltage perturbations, the facility must be required to add dynamic voltage support equipment. These additional dynamic reactive devices shall have correct protection settings such that the devices will remain online and active during and immediately following a fault event. Generators shall be equipped with automatic voltage-control equipment and normally operated with the voltage regulation control mode enabled unless written authorization (or directive) from the Transmission Provider is given to operate in another control mode (e.g. constant power factor Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 4 March 31, 2021 control). The control mode of generating units shall be accurately represented in operating studies. The generators shall be capable of operating continuously at their maximum power output at its rated field current within +/- 5% of its rated terminal voltage. All generators are required to ensure the primary frequency capability of their Facility by installing, maintaining, and operating a functioning governor or equivalent controls as indicated in FERC Order 842. As required by NERC standard VAR-001-4.2, the Transmission Provider will provide a voltage schedule for the Point of Interconnection. In general, Generating Facilities should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the Point of Interconnection, typically between 1.00 per unit to 1.04 per unit, or other designated point as deemed appropriated by Transmission Provider. The Transmission Provider may also specify a voltage and/or reactive power bandwidth as needed to coordinate with upstream voltage control devices such as on-load tap changers. At the Transmission Provider’s discretion, these values might be adjusted depending on operating conditions. Generating Facilities capable of operating with a voltage droop are required to do so. Voltage droop control enables proportionate reactive power sharing among Generation Facilities. Studies will be required to coordinate voltage droop settings if there are other facilities in the area. It will be the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to ensure that a voltage coordination study is performed, in coordination with Transmission Provider, and implemented with appropriate coordination settings prior to unit testing. For areas with multiple generating facilities additional studies may be required to determine whether or not critical interactions, including but not limited to control systems, exist. These studies, to be coordinated with Transmission Provider, will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. If the need for a master controller is identified, the cost and all related installation requirements will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. Participation by the generation facility in subsequent interaction/coordination studies will be required pre- and post-commercial operation in order ensure system reliability. Interconnection Requests that are 75 MVA or larger may be required to facilitate collection and validation of accurate modeling data to meet NERC modeling standards. The Transmission Provider, in its roles as the Planning Coordinator, requires Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) at all new Generating Facilities with an individual or aggregate nameplate capacity of 75 MVA or greater. In addition to owning and maintaining the PMU, the Generating Facility will be responsible for collecting, storing (for a minimum of 90 days) and retrieving data as requested by the Planning Coordinator. Data must be stored for a minimum of 90 days. Data must be collected and be able to stream to Planning Coordinator for each of the Generating Facility’s step-up transformers measured on the low side of the GSU at a sample rate of at least 60 samples per second and synchronized within +/- 2 milliseconds of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Initially, the following data must be collected: • Three phase voltage and voltage angle (analog) • Three phase current (analog) Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 5 March 31, 2021 Data requirements are subject to change as deemed necessary to comply with local and federal regulations. All generators must meet the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. Inverters must be designed to stay connected to the grid in the case of severe faults and may not momentarily cease output within the no-trip area of the voltage curves. Figure 1 illustrates the voltage ride-through capability as per NERC PRC- 024. Importantly, inverters should be designed such that a trip outside of the curves is a “may- trip” area (if needed to protect equipment) not a “must-trip” area. Inverters that momentarily cease active power output for these voltage excursions should be configured to restore output to pre- disturbance levels in no greater than five seconds, provided the inverter is capable of these changes. Generators must provide test results to the Transmission Provider verifying that the inverters for this Project have been programmed to meet all PRC-024 requirements rather than manufacturer IEEE distribution standards. Figure 1 – Voltage Ride-Through Curve As the Transmission Provider cannot submit a user written model to WECC for inclusion in base cases, a standard model from the WECC Approved Dynamic Model Library is required 180 days prior to trial operation. The list of approved generator models is continually updated and is available on the http://www.WECC.biz website. Interconnection Customer with an Interconnection Request for a Generating Facility that is both 75 MVA or larger as well as being interconnected at a voltage higher than 100 kV shall register with NERC as the Generator Owner (“GO”) and Generator Operator (“GOP”) for the Large Generating Facility and provide the Transmission Provider documentation demonstrating registration in order to be approved for Commercial Operation. This registration must be maintained throughout the lifetime of the Interconnection Agreement. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 6 March 31, 2021 Interconnection Customers are responsible for the protection of transmission lines between the Generating Facility and the Point of Interconnection substation. For Interconnection Requests that are smaller than 75 MVA or are interconnected at a voltage less than 100 kV which have a tie line that is longer than 1,000 feet the Interconnection Customer shall construct and own a tie-line substation to be located at the change of ownership (separate fenced facility adjacent to the Transmission Provider’s Point of Interconnection substation). The tie line substation shall include an Interconnection Customer owned protective device and associated transmission line relaying/communications. The ground grids of the Transmission Provider’s Point of Interconnection substation and the Interconnection Customer’s tie-line substation will be connected to support the use of a bus differential protection scheme which will protect the overhead bus connection between the two facilities. 3.2 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests The Generating Facility and interconnection equipment owned by the Interconnection Customers are required to operate under constant power factor mode with a unity power factor setting unless specifically requested otherwise by the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities are expressly forbidden from actively participating in voltage regulation of the Transmission Provider’s system without written request or authorization from the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities shall have sufficient reactive capacity to enable the delivery of 100 percent of the plant output to the applicable POI at unity power factor measured at 1.0 per unit voltage under steady state conditions. Generators capable of operating under voltage control with voltage droop are required to do so. Studies will be required to coordinate the voltage droop setting with other facilities in the area. In general, the Generating Facility and Interconnection Equipment should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the Point of Interconnection between 1.01 pu to 1.04 pu. At the Public Utility’s discretion, these values might be adjusted depending on the operating conditions. Within this voltage range, the Generating Facility should operate so as to minimize the reactive interchange between the Generating Facility and the Public Utility’s system (delivery of power at the Point of Interconnection at approximately unity power factor). The voltage control settings of the Generating Facility must be coordinated with the Public Utility prior to energization (or interconnection). The reactive compensation must be designed such that the discreet switching of the reactive device (if required by the Interconnection Customer) does not cause step voltage changes greater than +/-3% on the Public Utility’s system. All generators must meet applicable WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. As per NERC standard VAR-001-1, the Public Utility is required to specify voltage or reactive power schedule at the Point of interconnection. Under normal conditions, the Public Utility’s system should not supply reactive power to the Generating Facility. 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS The Transmission Provider performed the Transition Cluster Study based on geographically and/or electrically relevant areas on the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System known as Cluster Areas. The Transmission Provider has determined that the Interconnection Requests discussed in Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 7 March 31, 2021 Section 5.0 are located in a geographically and/or electrically relevant area on Transmission Provider’s Transmission System, and thus, were assigned Cluster Area 1 in the Transition Cluster Study process. 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 1 Cluster Area 1 (CA1) generally includes the east Wyoming area. The Cluster area includes all generation interconnection requests in the Wyoming area east of the Jim Bridger West Path and also east of the Rock Springs – Firehole West cutplane which is shown with the red arrow in the diagram below. The Jim Bridger West path provides a transmission path to the west into southeast Idaho and the Rock Springs – Firehole West cutplane traverses through southwest Wyoming providing a transmission path into northern Utah. The diagram below provides a high- level description of the Wyoming cluster area. Figure 2 – Cluster Area 1 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-06 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 80 MW of new generation to PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Mustang-Spence 230 kV transmission line located in Fremont County, Wyoming. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of 31 3150 KVA Sungrow SG3150U solar inverters for a total output of 80 MW at the Point of Interconnection. The Interconnection Request is also proposed to consist of 80 MW of DC coupled battery storage with no grid charging capability. The requested commercial operation date is October 31, 2022. Figure 3 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (“PURPA”). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 8 March 31, 2021 The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-06” MUSTANG 230kV TO JIM BRIDGER 69kV ~14.5 mi ~61.5 mi SPENCE 230kV (WAPA) Change of Ownership New Facilities M 34.5kV PV ARRAY BATTERY BANK PV ARRAY BATTERY BANK 630V 3150kVA 8 IDENTICAL BANKS 52-F1 PV ARRAY BATTERY BANK PV ARRAY BATTERY BANK 630V 3150kVA 8 IDENTICAL BANKS 52-F2 PV ARRAY BATTERY BANK PV ARRAY BATTERY BANK 630V 3150kVA 8 IDENTICAL BANKS 52-F3 PV ARRAY BATTERY BANK PV ARRAY BATTERY BANK 630V 3150kVA 7 IDENTICAL BANKS 52-F4 230-34.5-13.8 kV 51/68/85 MVA 230kV TC-06 SOLAR AND BATTERY STATION 80 MW 52-TP Meter TCS-06 POI 230kV(NEW SUBSTATION) ~100ft Figure 3: Simplified System One Line Diagram 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS Based on the model provided by the Interconnection Customer, the study showed that the Generating Facility was not able to meet the +/- 0.95 power factor in the inductive range as it was Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 9 March 31, 2021 not able to provide enough capacitive VARs to the POI without exceeding the voltage limit. The Interconnection Customer needs to ensure that the Generating Facility is capable of maintaining the +/- 0.95 power factor and provide dynamic VARs at all output levels. 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Transmission System Requirements A three-breaker 230 kV ring bus with associated switches and line terminations on the Spence– Mustang 230 kV line is required. This new substation, temporarily named as “TCS-06 POI”, will be built at the Point of Interconnection as shown in the simplified one-line diagram of Figure 3. Additionally, the Transmission Provider’s study results have concluded that the Interconnection Request in this Cluster Area triggers the need for an additional segment of the Transmission Provider’s planned Energy Gateway transmission project. Construction of the Gateway West Segment D3 (Anticline/Populus) 500 kV transmission line and all associated upgrades included in that project are required to be completed before the Interconnection Customer’s proposed Generating Facility can go into service. For more details on the study results and the Gateway West Segment D3 project please see Appendix 1. The currently assumed in service date for the Transmission Provider’s Gateway West Segment D3 is 2027. The Transmission Provide has concluded that 0 MW can be interconnected prior to the upgrades described above are complete. 7.2 Distribution System Requirements No distribution upgrades are required for the Interconnection Request in this Cluster Area. 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements The Mustang-Spence 230 kV transmission line will be looped through a new POI substation. It is assumed that the new substation location will be directly adjacent to the Mustang-Spence 230 kV transmission line. New line construction will match the existing line conductor size and will require four new guyed wood structures. Approximately 14.5 miles of the existing 230 kV transmission line between Mustang substation and the new POI substation will have one of the existing shield wires replaced with OPGW. 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit The addition of the TCS-06 Generating Facility at a point in the 230 kV line between Mustang and Spence substations as indicated in the simplified one line diagram (Figure 3) with a three-winding transformer of 85 MVA maximum, 23-35.5-13.8 kV, with the impedances provided by the Interconnection Customer in their Single-Line Diagram drawing #E-001 of 05/20/2020, and with four collector circuits connected at 34.5kV, will cause an increase in the system’s fault duty which will not violate the interrupting capacity of any of the existing interrupting equipment of Mustang or Spence substations. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 10 March 31, 2021 7.5 Protection Requirements The 230kV system around the TCS-06 POI substation will be protected using very fast redundant schemes, which guarantee a maximum clearing time of five (5) cycles (see Figure 3). The 230 kV transmission line between Mustang substation and the TCS-06 POI substation will be protected with redundant line differential using communications over fiber optic cable. When the POI-to-Mustang line is out of service for maintenance, a fault in the POI-to-Spence line might not be cleared at POI if a non-transfer-trip STEPD scheme is used. Therefore, the transmission line between the TCS-06 POI substation and Spence substation will be protected with a redundant POTTD scheme using communications over fiber optic cable and digital microwave between these sites. New relays will need to be installed in Mustang substation to be compatible with the relays to be installed in the POI substation. Relay settings changes will likely be required in Spence substation. The 230 kV interconnection segment between the TCS-06 POI substation and the Interconnection Customer will be protected with redundant high impedance bus differential scheme. The bus differential zone will be extended to the 230 kV BCT located the transformer side of the 52-PT circuit breaker; therefore the Interconnection Customer must specify two sets of its current transformers to have the same full-winding ratio as the ones used in BCTs in the TCS-06 POI substation. The high impedance bus differential scheme will trip the two circuit breakers of the TCS-06 POI substation and the Interconnection Customer’s 230 kV 52-TP circuit breaker. A multifunction directional overcurrent relay set to operate for faults at the 230 kV interconnection segment will be installed. This relay will have enough overvoltage, undervoltage, overfrequency and underfrequency elements to implement the supervision scheme established by the Transmission Provider policy regarding tolerable limits of voltage and frequency. The lockout relay will trip the two TCS-06 POI 230 kV circuit breakers associated with the interconnection and the Interconnection Customer’s 52-TP circuit breaker. 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements Data for the operation of the Transmission Provider’s system will be needed from the new POI substation and the Interconnection Customer collector substation. The Interconnection Customer will hard wire all source devices to a marshalling cabinet to be installed on the POI substation fence in order to provide this data. From the collector substation: Analogs from Customer: ▪ Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) ▪ Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) ▪ Average Plant Temperature (Celsius) ▪ Max Generator Limit MW (set point control) ▪ Potential Power MW Status from Customer: ▪ 34.5 kV 52-F1 circuit breaker ▪ 34.5 kV 52-F2 circuit breaker Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 11 March 31, 2021 ▪ 34.5 kV 52-F3 circuit breaker ▪ 34.5 kV 52-F4 circuit breaker ▪ 230kV 52-TP circuit breaker From the POI substation: Analogs from PAC Meters: ▪ Net Generation real power MW ▪ Net Generator reactive power MVAR ▪ Energy Register KWH ▪ A-phase 12.5 kV voltage ▪ B-phase 12.5 kV voltage ▪ C-phase 12.5 kV voltage 7.7 Substation Requirements A new three-breaker 230 kV ring bus substation will need to be constructed to serve as the Point of Interconnection. The following major equipment has been preliminarily identified for this project and may change during actual design: 3 – 230 kV, 3000 A Circuit Breakers 2 – 230kV-120/240V, 100KVA, SSVT 8 – 230kV, 3000A, horizontal mount, vertical break switch 3 – 230kV, 3000A, vertical mount, vertical break switch with motor operator 1 – 230kV, 3000A, vertical mount, vertical break switch 6 – 230 kV CCVT 3 – 230 kV CT/VT metering units 1 – 28’ x 40’ control house 6 – 230KV surge arresters Mustang Substation A new relay panel will be installed. Communications equipment to support the new fiber running from the POI substation will be installed. WAPA Spence Substation A new relay panel will be installed. Communications equipment will be installed to support the new microwave system required at this substation. 7.8 Communication Requirements The communications between Mustang substation and TCS-06 POI will be done via 14.5 miles of OPGW. Path studies were run to all adjacent locations that have existing communications and none had a clear line of site to the POI for digital microwave communications. The POI and Mustang substation will use Carrier Ethernet and channel banks for the transport of line protection circuits and RTU data to the EMS. From Mustang substation the communications will be on an existing communications network to Casper substation. From Casper the Transmission Provider assumes that the signal can be Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 12 March 31, 2021 sent via WAPA’s network to Spence substation. This arrangement will require an agreement with WAPA. 7.9 Metering Requirements Generation Project Metering This Interconnection Request proposes DC coupled battery and solar facilities. The Transmission Provider has no approved method to meter battery and solar in this configuration separately therefore the solar and battery storage will essentially be a single generating facility from a revenue metering perspective. The metering will be located at the Point of Interconnection substation and rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 230kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV- 90 translation system. Station Service/Construction Power The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Project is not generating. Interconnection Customer must call the Help Desk at 1-800‐625‐ 6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES The following Interconnection Facilities and/or upgrades to the Transmission Provider’s system are Contingent Facilities applicable to this Cluster Area. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 13 March 31, 2021 Contingent Facilities Table Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre- Cluster Overload/ Violation Level Post- Cluster Overload / Violation Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Gateway South and the anscillary improvements Aeolus – Anticline 500 kV line with the Aeolus RAS dropping 627 MW Non- conver- gence Non- conver- gence N/A Yes PAC Estimated December 2024 An upgrade of the existing Jim Bridger 345/230 kV #2 transformer to 700 MVA Loss of Jim Bridger #1 and # 3 345/230 kV auto transformer. 129% 141% 9.3% Yes PAC Estimated September 2021 A new 230 kV transmission line between Aeolus and Freezeout substations Aeolus – Freezeout 230 kV line with the RAS to drop generation at Freezeout 100% 100% 0% No Q835 Estimated December 2024 A Static VAR Compensator (SVC) - 125/+350 MVAR at Anticline 345 kV Gateway South 500 kV line with the Aeolus RAS dropping 627 MW Non- convergen ce Non- converge nce N/A Yes Q0836 Estimated December 2024 The rebuild of the Casper – Spence 230 kV line with a bundled 2x954 ACSR conductor Casper – Riverton 230 kV line 106% 101% -4.72% No Q0836 N/A Jim Bridger 345/230 kV transformer # 1 and #3 replaced with a single 700 MVA transformer Breaker failure at Rock Springs 230 kV (1H132) losing both Rock Springs – Firehole 230 kV and Rock Springs – Palisades – Raven 230 kV lines. 108% 114% 5.55% Yes Q0836 TBD Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 14 March 31, 2021 9.0 COST ESTIMATE The following estimate represents only scopes of work that will be performed by the Transmission Provider. Costs for any work being performed by the Interconnection Customer and/or Affected Systems are not included. 9.1 Interconnection Facilities The following facilities are directly assigned to Interconnection Customer(s) using such facilities. If multiple Interconnection Requests are utilizing the same Transmission Provider Interconnection Facilities the costs shall be shared pursuant to Section 39.2.3 of Transmission Provider’s OATT. POI Substation $1,200,000 Line termination and metering 9.2 Station Equipment The following are Network Upgrades which are allocated based on the number of Generating Facilities interconnecting at an individual station on a per Interconnection Request basis. Interconnection Requests utilizing the same Interconnection Facilities shall be consider one request for this allocation. POI Substation $6,775,000 Build 3-breaker 230 kV substation for interconnection 9.3 Network Upgrades The funding responsibility for Network Upgrades other than those identified in the previous section shall be allocated based on the proportional capacity of each individual Generating Facility. Mustang Substation $260,000 Install line protection panel and communications Spence Substation $188,000 Install line protection panel and communications Mustang-Spence 230 kV Loop and OPGW $1,566,000 Loop line through new POI substation, install fiber Grand Total $9,990,000 10.0 SCHEDULE The Transmission Provider estimates it will require approximately 24 months to design, procure and construct the facilities described in this report following the execution of an Interconnection Agreement. The schedule will be further developed and optimized during the Facilities Studies. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 15 March 31, 2021 11.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS Transmission Provider has identified the following affected systems: Western Area Power Administration and Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association. A copy of this report will be shared with each Affected System. 12.0 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests Appendix 3: Property Requirements Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 16 March 31, 2021 12.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results The cluster study was completed using a PacifiCorp TPL base case representing the 2025 Heavy Summer and 2025 Light summer case. The studies were completed using PSSE Version 34.8.0. Each case was studied considering prior generator interconnection queue projects with signed interconnection agreements and prior queued and granted transmission service requests. Major system improvements identified in the assumptions section of this report were modeled, regardless of in-service date, as well as any improvements related to prior generation queue projects. The following planned capital projects were assumed in-service: (1) The Energy Gateway South and ancillary improvements associated with the project (in- service date 12/2024). (2) Upgrade the Jim Bridger #2 345 230 kV auto transformer (in-service date 09/2021) Jim Bridger Unit 1 was assumed to be offline. For the cluster study, TPL category P1, P2 and P7 contingencies were simulated. A significant number of outages within the cluster area along with outages on the neighboring clusters were considered and the system performance was monitored before and after each contingency. The generation interconnection projects in CA1 need to ensure that they meet the power factor range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging. It is the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer to ensure that the power factor requirement is met. The following results were observed for the CA1 which had one interconnection project TCS-06 along with the required contingent facilities listed in Section 8. N-0 With all lines in-service (P0) and assuming facilities identified in the assumption section of this report are in-service, no thermal overloads or voltage violations were observed. N-1 The following thermal overloads and voltage issues were observed for the N-1 outages. Contingency Overloaded Element/ Voltage Violation Bus Overload (% Rate C) or Voltage Magnitude Mitigation Aeolus – Anticline 500 kV line with the Aeolus RAS Non-convergence N/A Energy Gateway Segment D.3 (Anticline – Populus 500 kV line) along with its ancillary improvements. Gateway South with the Aeolus RAS Threemile Knoll Series Capacitor 101% Energy Gateway Segment D.3 (Anticline – Populus 500 kV line) along Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 17 March 31, 2021 Contingency Overloaded Element/ Voltage Violation Bus Overload (% Rate C) or Voltage Magnitude Mitigation with its ancillary improvements. Latham STATCOM Transformer 101% Energy Gateway Segment D.3 (Anticline – Populus 500 kV line) along with its ancillary improvements. The outage of the Gateway West 500 kV D.2 (Aeolus – Anticline 500 kV line) line with the implementation of the Aeolus RAS results in non-convergence with the generation projects in CA1 in-service at its full output. The non-convergence is occurring due to inadequate voltage support on the 230 kV transmission system near Latham. The outage of the Gateway South 500 kV line (Aeolus – Clover 500 kV line) with the Aeolus RAS results in thermal overload of the series capacitor at Threemile Knoll on the Jim Bridger – Threemile Knoll 345 kV line. In order to mitigate these issues the Transmission Provider’s planned Energy Gateway West Segment D.3 Anticline – Populus 500 kV line must be constructed which will provide a parallel transmission path to Populus in addition to the Jim Bridger West path. The D.3 project includes constructing a 204-mile-long series compensated Anticline–Populus 500 kV line along with the following ancillary improvements • Two bypassable series compensation segments of approximately 30.18 ohms each. The bypassable series compensation will be installed at Populus. • Installation of two bypassable series compensation segments of approximately 21.03 ohms each, on the existing Aeolus – Anticline 500 kV line in the middle of the line around Latham. • Installation of three single phase 525/345 kV transformers (533/597 MVA) at Populus and one single phase 525/345 kV spare transformer • One additional 200 MVAr 500 kV capacitor bank at Anticline • Three 200 MVAr 500 kV each capacitor banks at Populus • One additional 200 MVAR 500 kV shunt capacitor banks at Aeolus. • Modify the Aeolus RAS to include the outage of the Anticline–Populus 500 kV line and the Populus 500/345 kV auto transformer. Depending on real time outages and system operating conditions, certain N-1-1 (P6) contingencies may require curtailment of the TCS-06 Project. There were no double element (P7) contingencies that triggered elements to exceed their emergency thermal limit as a result of addition of the TCS-06 Project. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 18 March 31, 2021 12.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests All active higher priority Transmission Provider projects, and transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests were considered in this cluster area study and are identified below. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, as the results and conclusions contained within this study could significantly change. Transmission/Generation Interconnection Queue Requests considered: Q0409 (320 MW) Q0713 (350 MW) Q0719 (280 MW) Q0783 (30 MW) Q0784 (80 MW) Q0785 (100 MW) Q0789 (74.9 MW) Q0801 (80 MW) Q0802 (50 MW) Q0807 (75.9 MW) Q0835 (190 MW) Q0836 (400 MW) TSR Q2594 (500 MW) Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 19 March 31, 2021 12.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Requirements for rights of way easements Rights of way easements will be acquired by the Interconnection Customer in the Transmission Provider’s name for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and removal of Transmission Provider’s Interconnection Facilities that will be owned and operated by PacifiCorp. Interconnection Customer will acquire all necessary permits for the Project and will obtain rights of way easements for the Project on Transmission Provider’s easement form. Real Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Real property for a point of interconnection substation will be acquired by an Interconnection Customer to accommodate the Interconnection Customer’s Project. The real property must be acceptable to Transmission Provider. Interconnection Customer will acquire fee ownership for interconnection substation unless Transmission Provider determines that other than fee ownership is acceptable; however, the form and instrument of such rights will be at Transmission Provider’s sole discretion. Any land rights that Interconnection Customer is planning to retain as part of a fee property conveyance will be identified in advance to Transmission Provider and are subject to the Transmission Provider’s approval. The Interconnection Customer must obtain all permits required by all relevant jurisdictions for the planned use including but not limited to conditional use permits, Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, California Environmental Quality Act, as well as all construction permits for the Project. If eligible, Interconnection Customer will not be reimbursed through network upgrades for more than the market value of the property. As a minimum, real property must be environmentally, physically, and operationally acceptable to Transmission Provider. The real property shall be a permitted or able to be permitted use in all zoning districts. The Interconnection Customer shall provide Transmission Provider with a title report and shall transfer property without any material defects of title or other encumbrances that are not acceptable to Transmission Provider. Property lines shall be surveyed and show all encumbrances, encroachments, and roads. Examples of potentially unacceptable environmental, physical, or operational conditions could include but are not limited to: 1. Environmental: known contamination of site; evidence of environmental contamination by any dangerous, hazardous or toxic materials as defined by any governmental agency; violation of building, health, safety, environmental, fire, land use, zoning or other such regulation; violation of ordinances or statutes of any governmental entities having jurisdiction over the property; underground or above ground storage tanks in area; known remediation sites on property; ongoing mitigation activities or monitoring activities; asbestos; lead-based paint, etc. A Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 1 Page 20 March 31, 2021 phase I environmental study is required for land being acquired in fee by the Transmission Provider unless waived by Transmission Provider. 2. Physical: inadequate site drainage; proximity to flood zone; erosion issues; wetland overlays; threatened and endangered species; archeological or culturally sensitive areas; inadequate sub-surface elements, etc. Transmission Provider may require Interconnection Customer to procure various studies and surveys as determined necessary by Transmission Provider. Operational: inadequate access for Transmission Provider’s equipment and vehicles; existing structures on land that require removal prior to building of substation; ongoing maintenance for landscaping or extensive landscape requirements; ongoing homeowner's or other requirements or restrictions (e.g., Covenants, Codes and Restrictions, deed restrictions, etc.) on property which are not acceptable to the Transmission Provider. Generation Interconnection Transition Cluster Transition Cluster Study Report Cluster Area 2 March 31, 2021 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page i March 31, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY ....................................................................................... 1 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS ...................................................................................... 1 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS .................................................... 3 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests .................................................... 3 3.2 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests ...................................................... 6 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS ......................................................................... 6 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 2 ................................................................................................ 7 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-10 ................................................. 9 5.2 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-16 ............................................... 10 5.3 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-17 ............................................... 10 5.4 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-19 ............................................... 11 5.5 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-22 ............................................... 12 5.6 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-26 ............................................... 13 5.7 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-31 ............................................... 14 5.8 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-23 ............................................... 16 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS ...................... 17 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ........................... 17 7.1 Transmission System Requirements ..................................................................... 17 7.2 Distribution System Requirements ....................................................................... 18 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements ......................................................................... 18 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit .............................................. 20 7.5 Protection Requirements ....................................................................................... 22 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements .................................................................................... 24 7.7 Substation Requirements ...................................................................................... 27 7.8 Communication Requirements.............................................................................. 34 7.9 Metering Requirements ......................................................................................... 35 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES .............................................................................. 41 9.0 COST ESTIMATE................................................................................................ 61 9.1 Interconnection Facilities ...................................................................................... 61 9.2 Station Equipment ................................................................................................. 63 9.3 Network Upgrades ................................................................................................ 64 9.4 Total Estimated Project Costs ............................................................................... 67 10.0 SCHEDULE .......................................................................................................... 68 11.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS ....................................................................................... 68 12.0 APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 68 12.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results .................... 69 12.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests .................................................................. 93 12.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements ..................................................................... 94 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 1 March 31, 2021 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY Cluster Area 2 (CA2) generally covers the geographic area which includes the Trona area (from Rock Springs & Firehole substations to Monument substation), Naughton area (Southwest Wyoming, Northeast Utah, Southeast Idaho), Park City area, Ogden area and Northern Utah area. This Cluster Area includes the following Interconnection Requests: TCS-10, TCS-16, TCS-17, TCS-19, TCS-22, TCS-23, TCS-26 and TCS-31 Consistent with Attachment W, Section 3.4.2 and Section 51.4 of PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), this interconnection Transition Cluster Study (“Cluster Study”) evaluated the impact of the proposed interconnections on the reliability of the Transmission System. The Cluster Study considered the Base Case as well as all generating facilities (and with respect to (iii) below, any identified Network Upgrades associated with such higher queued interconnection) that, on the date the Cluster Request Window closes: (i) are existing and directly interconnected to the Transmission System; (ii) are existing and interconnected to Affected Systems and may have an impact on the Interconnection Request; (iii) have a pending higher queued or higher clustered interconnection request to interconnect to the transmission system; and (iv) have executed an LGIA or requested that an unexecuted LGIA be filed with FERC. The Cluster Study consisted of power flow, stability, and short circuit analyses. This Cluster Study report provides the following information: • identification of any circuit breaker short circuit capability limits exceeded as a result of the interconnection; • identification of any thermal overload or voltage limit violations resulting from the interconnection; • identification of any instability or inadequately damped response to system disturbances resulting from the interconnection and • description and non-binding, good faith estimated cost of facilities required to interconnect the Generating Facilities to the Transmission System and to address the identified short circuit, instability, and power flow issues. 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS • All active higher priority transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests that were considered in this study are listed in Appendix 2. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, and the results and conclusions could significantly change. • For study purposes there are two separate queues: Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 2 March 31, 2021 o Transmission Service Queue: to the extent practical, all network upgrades that are required to accommodate active transmission service requests were modeled in this study. o Generation Interconnection Queue: Interconnection Facilities and network upgrades associated with higher queued or higher clustered interconnection requests were modeled in this study. • The Interconnection Customers’ request for energy or network resource interconnection service in and of itself does not request or convey transmission service. Only a Network Customer may make a request to designate a generating resource as a Network Resource. Because the queue of higher priority transmission service requests may be different when a Network Customer requests network resource designation for this Generating Facility, the available capacity or transmission modifications, if any, necessary to provide Network Integration Transmission Service may be significantly different. Therefore, Interconnection Customers should regard the results of this study as informational rather than final. • Under normal conditions, the Transmission Provider does not dispatch or otherwise directly control or regulate the output of generating facilities. Therefore, the need for transmission modifications, if any, that may be required to provide Network Resource Interconnection Service will be evaluated on the basis of 100 percent deliverability (i.e., this study did not model displacement of other resources in the same area). • This study assumed the Projects will be integrated into the Transmission Provider’s system at agreed upon and/or proposed Points of Interconnection (“POI” or “POIs”). • If Interconnection Customers proceed through the interconnection process, they will be required to construct and own any facilities required between the Point of Change of Ownership and the Project unless specifically identified by the Transmission Provider. • Line reconductor or fiber underbuild required on existing poles were assumed to follow the most direct path on the Transmission Provider’s system. If during detailed design the path must be modified it may result in additional cost and timing delays for the Interconnection Customer’s Project. • Generator tripping may be required for certain outages. • All facilities will meet or exceed the minimum Western Electricity Coordinating Council (“WECC”), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”), and the Transmission Provider’s performance and design standards. • Power flow analysis requires WECC base cases to reliably balance under peak load conditions the aggregate of generation in the local area, with the Generating Facility at full output, to the aggregate of the load in the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System. As the PacifiCorp East (“PACE”) balancing authority area (“BAA”) has more existing and proposed generation than load, it is necessary to assume some portion of other remote resources are displaced by this Project’s output in order to assess the impact of interconnecting this Project’s generation to transmission system operations. For the purposes of this study, generation in the Transmission Provider’s southern Utah area was assumed to be displaced. • The existing proposed Remedial Action Schemes associated with prior queued Generating Facilities are assumed to be in service for this study. • The follow transmission system improvements are assumed to be in service. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 3 March 31, 2021 o Transmission Provider planned projects: ▪ The Energy Gateway South projects which includes the new 500 kV Aeolus-Clover transmission line and other associated upgrades. (Q4 2024) ▪ The Jordanelle–Midway 138 kV line will be assumed to be in service. (Q4 2021) ▪ Path C Improvement project. (Q4 2023) o Separation of the double circuit portion of the Naughton–Ben Lomond and Birch Creek– Ben Lomond 230 kV transmission lines required as part of higher priority Interconnection Request Q0810. (ISD Unknown) • This report is based on information available at the time of the study. It is the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to check the Transmission Provider’s web site regularly for Transmission System updates at https://www.oasis.oati.com/ppw 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS The following requirements are applicable to all Interconnection Requests. The Transmission Provider will identify any site-specific generating facility requirements in addition to the following in this report and in facilities studies. Certain Interconnection Requests requesting service at a voltage level traditionally defined as distribution may be subject to the transmission interconnection request requirements listed below should the Transmission Provider make that determination. 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests All interconnecting synchronous and non-synchronous generators are required to design their Generating Facilities with reactive power capabilities necessary to operate within the full power factor range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging. This power factor range shall be dynamic and can be met using a combination of the inherent dynamic reactive power capability of the generator or inverter, dynamic reactive power devices and static reactive power devices to make up for losses. For synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the Point of Interconnection. For non-synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the high-side of the generator substation. The Generating Facility must provide dynamic reactive power to the system in support of both voltage scheduling and contingency events that require transient voltage support, and must be able to provide reactive capability over the full range of real power output. If the Generating Facility is not capable of providing positive reactive support (i.e., supplying reactive power to the system) immediately following the removal of a fault or other transient low voltage perturbations, the facility must be required to add dynamic voltage support equipment. These additional dynamic reactive devices shall have correct protection settings such that the devices will remain on line and active during and immediately following a fault event. Generators shall be equipped with automatic voltage-control equipment and normally operated with the voltage regulation control mode enabled unless written authorization (or directive) from the Transmission Provider is given to operate in another control mode (e.g. constant Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 4 March 31, 2021 power factor control). The control mode of generating units shall be accurately represented in operating studies. The generators shall be capable of operating continuously at their maximum power output at its rated field current within +/- 5% of its rated terminal voltage. All generators are required to ensure the primary frequency capability of their Facility by installing, maintaining, and operating a functioning governor or equivalent controls as indicated in FERC Order 842. As required by NERC standard VAR-001-4.2, the Transmission Provider will provide a voltage schedule for the Point of Interconnection. In general, Generating Facilities should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the Point of Interconnection, typically between 1.00 per unit to 1.04 per unit, or other designated point as deemed appropriated by Transmission Provider. The Transmission Provider may also specify a voltage and/or reactive power bandwidth as needed to coordinate with upstream voltage control devices such as on-load tap changers. At the Transmission Provider’s discretion, these values might be adjusted depending on operating conditions. Generating Facilities capable of operating with a voltage droop are required to do so. Voltage droop control enables proportionate reactive power sharing among Generation Facilities. Studies will be required to coordinate voltage droop settings if there are other facilities in the area. It will be the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to ensure that a voltage coordination study is performed, in coordination with Transmission Provider, and implemented with appropriate coordination settings prior to unit testing. For areas with multiple generating facilities additional studies may be required to determine whether or not critical interactions, including but not limited to control systems, exist. These studies, to be coordinated with Transmission Provider, will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. If the need for a master controller is identified, the cost and all related installation requirements will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. Participation by the generation facility in subsequent interaction/coordination studies will be required pre- and post-commercial operation in order ensure system reliability. Interconnection Requests that are 75 MVA or larger may be required to facilitate collection and validation of accurate modeling data to meet NERC modeling standards. The Transmission Provider, in its roles as the Planning Coordinator, requires Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) at all new Generating Facilities with an individual or aggregate nameplate capacity of 75 MVA or greater. In addition to owning and maintaining the PMU, the Generating Facility will be responsible for collecting, storing (for a minimum of 90 days) and retrieving data as requested by the Planning Coordinator. Data must be stored for a minimum of 90 days. Data must be collected and be able to stream to Planning Coordinator for each of the Generating Facility’s step-up transformers measured on the low side of the GSU at a sample rate of at least 60 samples per second and synchronized within +/- 2 milliseconds of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Initially, the following data must be collected: • Three phase voltage and voltage angle (analog) • Three phase current (analog) Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 5 March 31, 2021 Data requirements are subject to change as deemed necessary to comply with local and federal regulations. All generators must meet the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. Inverters must be designed to stay connected to the grid in the case of severe faults and may not momentarily cease output within the no-trip area of the voltage curves. Figure 1 illustrates the voltage ride-through capability as per NERC PRC-024. Importantly, inverters should be designed such that a trip outside of the curves is a “may-trip” area (if needed to protect equipment) not a “must-trip” area. Inverters that momentarily cease active power output for these voltage excursions should be configured to restore output to pre-disturbance levels in no greater than five seconds, provided the inverter is capable of these changes. Generators must provide test results to the Transmission Provider verifying that the inverters for this Project have been programmed to meet all PRC-024 requirements rather than manufacturer IEEE distribution standards. Figure 1 – Voltage Ride-Through Curve As the Transmission Provider cannot submit a user written model to WECC for inclusion in base cases, a standard model from the WECC Approved Dynamic Model Library is required 180 days prior to trial operation. The list of approved generator models is continually updated and is available on the http://www.WECC.biz website. Interconnection Customer with an Interconnection Request for a Generating Facility that is both 75 MVA or larger as well as being interconnected at a voltage higher than 100 kV shall register with NERC as the Generator Owner (“GO”) and Generator Operator (“GOP”) for the Large Generating Facility and provide the Transmission Provider documentation demonstrating registration in order to be approved for Commercial Operation. This registration must be maintained throughout the lifetime of the Interconnection Agreement. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 6 March 31, 2021 Interconnection Customers are responsible for the protection of transmission lines between the Generating Facility and the Point of Interconnection substation. For Interconnection Requests that are smaller than 75 MVA or are interconnected at a voltage less than 100 kV which have a tie line that is longer than 1,000 feet the Interconnection Customer shall construct and own a tie-line substation to be located at the change of ownership (separate fenced facility adjacent to the Transmission Provider’s Point of Interconnection substation). The tie line substation shall include an Interconnection Customer owned protective device and associated transmission line relaying/communications. The ground grids of the Transmission Provider’s Point of Interconnection substation and the Interconnection Customer’s tie-line substation will be connected to support the use of a bus differential protection scheme which will protect the overhead bus connection between the two facilities. 3.2 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests The Generating Facility and interconnection equipment owned by the Interconnection Customers are required to operate under constant power factor mode with a unity power factor setting unless specifically requested otherwise by the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities are expressly forbidden from actively participating in voltage regulation of the Transmission Provider’s system without written request or authorization from the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities shall have sufficient reactive capacity to enable the delivery of 100 percent of the plant output to the applicable POI at unity power factor measured at 1.0 per unit voltage under steady state conditions. Generators capable of operating under voltage control with voltage droop are required to do so. Studies will be required to coordinate the voltage droop setting with other facilities in the area. In general, the Generating Facility and Interconnection Equipment should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the Point of Interconnection between 1.01 pu to 1.04 pu. At the Public Utility’s discretion, these values might be adjusted depending on the operating conditions. Within this voltage range, the Generating Facility should operate so as to minimize the reactive interchange between the Generating Facility and the Public Utility’s system (delivery of power at the Point of Interconnection at approximately unity power factor). The voltage control settings of the Generating Facility must be coordinated with the Public Utility prior to energization (or interconnection). The reactive compensation must be designed such that the discreet switching of the reactive device (if required by the Interconnection Customer) does not cause step voltage changes greater than +/-3% on the Public Utility’s system. All generators must meet applicable WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. As per NERC standard VAR-001-1, the Public Utility is required to specify voltage or reactive power schedule at the Point of interconnection. Under normal conditions, the Public Utility’s system should not supply reactive power to the Generating Facility. 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS The Transmission Provider will perform the cluster study based on geographically and/or electrically relevant areas on the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System known as Cluster Areas. The Transmission Provider has determined that the Interconnection Requests discussed in Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 7 March 31, 2021 Section 5.0 are located in a geographically and/or electrically relevant area on Transmission Provider’s Transmission System, and thus, were assigned Cluster Area 2 in the Transition Cluster Study process. 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 2 Cluster Area 2 (CA2) generally covers the geographic area which includes the Trona area (from Rock Springs & Firehole substations to Monument substation), Naughton area (Southwest Wyoming, Northeast Utah, Southeast Idaho), Park City area, Ogden area and Northern Utah area. This area is predominantly impacted by Path C and Rock Springs/ Firehole paths. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 8 March 31, 2021 Craven Creek Lima Ben Lomond Birch Creek Canyon Compression STR 204 Muddy Creek Mountain Wind Hinshaw Wind Long HollowPainter Naughton Naughton #1 Naughton #2 Naughton #3 WyomingIdaho Utah Franklin Honeyville Brigham City Wheelon Populus Rock Springs El MonteCold Water Syracuse Parrish Treasureton Terminal N/O N/O Gadsby Jordan McClelland Cottonwood Snyderville Silver Creek Midvalley 90th South Oquirrh Tooele Jordanelle Riverdale Weber Devils Slide Henefer Coalville Midway Judge Spanish Fork Parrish Tap Grace Park City N/O Croydon Railroad 345 kV 138 kV 230 kV 46 kV 12.5 kV Bridgerland Jim Bridger Point of Rock Atlantic City Little Mountain Firehole RavenMonument CA2 Figure 2 – Cluster Area This Cluster Area shall consist of eight Interconnection Requests as follows. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 9 March 31, 2021 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-10 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 32.75 megawatts (“MW”) of new generation to PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Promontory 46 kV substation located in Box Elder County, Utah. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of twelve (12) 2.75 MW Sunny Central 2750 EV-US solar inverters for a total output of 32.75 MW at the Point of Interconnection. The requested commercial operation date is November 1, 2023. Figure 3 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-10” 12.47kV 46-12.47 kV 30/50 MVA Z=6.25% TCS-10 BE SOLAR 32.75 MW Max New Facilities Change of Ownership PROMONTORY SUBSTATION TO LAMPO TO HONEYVILLE M Meter 46 kV 46 kV 52-F3 52-F4 52-F2 52-F1 2.75MVA Z=5.75%, X/R=10 550V 5MVAZ=5.75%, X/R=12 550V 5MVA Z=5.75%, X/R=12 550V 5MVAZ=5.75%, X/R=12 550V 12.47kV DISTRIBUTION Interconnection SubstationAdjacent to Promontory ~ 1 mile Figure 3: Simplified System One Line Diagram for TCS-10 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 10 March 31, 2021 5.2 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-16 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 80 megawatts (“MW”) of new generation to PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Naughton–Treasureton 230 kV transmission line located in Lincoln County, Wyoming. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of twenty (20) 4.2 MW GE LV5 solar inverters for a total output of 80 MW at the Point of Interconnection. The requested commercial operation date is December 31, 2023. Figure 4 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will NOT operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-16” 34.5kV 52-C New Facilities 52-F1 52-F2 52-F3 7 Transformers/Inverters 7 Transformers/Inverters +5 Transformers/Inverters Change of Ownership M 230-34.5-19.9 kV 53/70/88 MVA230kV 52-TP Meter Q0974 POI PREVIOUSLY PLANNED 230kV SUBSTATION ~1 mile TO NAUGHTON SUBSTATION (~26 mi) TO TREASURETON SUBSTATION (~ 52.6 mi) TCS-16 LINCOLN SOLAR II 80 MW Max TO LINCOLN SOLAR I (~ 0.1 mi) PV ARRAY 550V 4.2MVA Z=6.5%, X/R=8.5 R Optical Fiber Cable Figure 4: Simplified System One Line Diagram for TCS-16 5.3 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-17 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 80 MW of new generation to PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) 3.3-mile on the Birch Creek – Railroad 230 kV transmission line from Birch Creek 230 kV substation located in Rich County, Utah. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of twenty-eight (28) 3.15 MVA Sungrow SC3150U solar inverters for a total output of 80 MW at the Point of Interconnection. The Interconnection Request also consists of 20 MW of six (6) 3.51 MVA Power Electronics HEM battery storage with no capability to charge from the Transmission Provider’s grid. The requested commercial operation date is December 31, 2023. Figure 5 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 11 March 31, 2021 Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-17” 34.5kV New Facilities 52-F1 52-F2 52-F3 7 Transformers/Inverters +6 Transformers/Inverters Change of Ownership 230-34.5-??? kV 53/70/88 MVA 230kV52-TP Meter TCS-17 POI 230kV SUBSTATION ~0.5 mile TO RAILROAD SUBSTATION 230kV (15.91 mi) TO BIRCH CREEK SUBSTATION 230kV (~ 3.3 mi) PV ARRAY 550V 4.2MVA Z=6.5%, X/R=8.5 TCS-17 Francis Road Solar I 80 MW Max Optical Fiber Cable RM M 7 Transformers/Inverters 52-C Figure 5: Simplified System One Line Diagram for TCS-17 5.4 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-19 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 80 MW of new generation to PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Chimney Butte 230 kV substation located in Sublette County, Wyoming. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of twenty-five (25) 3.6 MW Sungrow SG3600UD-MV solar inverters for a total output of 80 MW at the Point of Interconnection. The requested commercial operation date is October 1, 2023. Figure 6 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-19” Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 12 March 31, 2021 34.5kV New Facilities 52-F1 52-C1 +7 Transformers/Inverters Change of Ownership M 230-34.5-13.2 kV 52.8/70.4/88 MVA 230kV 52G1 Meter CHIMNEY BUTTE 230kV SUBSTATION ~0.25 miles TO CIMAREX VIA RILEY RIDGE SUBSTATION 230kV (16 mi) TCS-19 Piney Flats Solar 80 MW Max PV ARRAY 2.5MVA Z=5.75% Optical Fiber Cable R 8 Transformers/Inverters 8 Transformers/Inverters 8 Transformers/Inverters 52-F2 TO CHAPPEL CREEK SUBSTATION 230kV (18.6 mi) PARADISE(FUTURE) Figure 6: Simplified System One Line Diagram for TCS-19 5.5 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-22 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 80 MW of new generation to the PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) 3.3-mile on the Birch Creek – Railroad 230 kV transmission line from Birch Creek 230 kV substation located in Rich County, Utah. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of twenty-two (22) 4200 KVA GE LV5 solar inverters for a total output of 80 MW at the Point of Interconnection. The Interconnection Request also consists of 50 MW of nineteen (19) 2.84 MW Power Electronics FP2800 battery storage with no capability to charge from the Transmission Provider’s grid. The requested commercial operation date is December 31, 2022. Figure 7 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-22” Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 13 March 31, 2021 34.5kV New Facilities 52-F1 52-F2 52-F3 19 BATTERY BLOCKS 7 Transformers/Inverters +6 Transformers/Inverters Change of Ownership 230-34.5-??? kV105/140/175 MVA 230kV52-TP Meter ~0.5 mile TO RAILROAD SUBSTATION 230kV (15.91 mi) TO BIRCH CREEK SUBSTATION230kV (~ 3.3 mi) PV ARRAY 550V 4.2MVAZ=6.5%, X/R=8.5 TCS-17 Francis Road Solar I 80 MW Max(Previous request) Optical Fiber Cable RM M M MM 52-F6 52-F5 52-F4 7 Transformers/Inverters +6 Transformers/Inverters TCS-22 Francis Road Solar II 80 MW MaxPV ARRAY 550V 4.2MVA Z=6.5%, X/R=8.5 M M MM 7 Transformers/Inverters 52-C Figure 7: Simplified System One Line Diagram for TCS-22 5.6 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-26 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 50 MW of new generation to the PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) 6.7-mile on the Railroad – Croydon 138 kV transmission line from Railroad 138 kV substation located in Uinta County, Wyoming. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of eighteen (18) 2.82 MW Power Electronics FS 2800 PV solar inverters with Sungrow SC3150U conversion system for a total output of 50 MW at the Point of Interconnection. The Interconnection Request also consists of 30 MW of Power Electronics DC-DC battery storage with no capability to charge from the Transmission Provider’s grid. The requested commercial operation date is December 31, 2022. Figure 8 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-26” Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 14 March 31, 2021 TCS-26 Uinta Solar and Battery I 55 MW Max 34.5kV New Facilities 52-1 52-2 52-3 +7 Transformers /Inverters/ PV+Batteries Change of Ownership 138-34.5-?? kV 55MVA 138kV 52G1 Meter TCS-26 POI 138kV SUBSTATION ~700ft TO RAILROAD SUBSTATION 138kV (16 mi) TO CROYDON SUBSTATION 138kV (18.6 mi) 3.2MVA Z = 6% R 138kV 8 Transformers /Inverters/ PV+Batteries 8 Transformers /Inverters/ PV+Batteries M M MMM Figure 8: Simplified System One Line Diagram for TCS-26 5.7 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-31 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 30 MW of new generation to the PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) 6.7-mile on the Railroad – Croydon 138 kV transmission line from Railroad 138 kV substation located in Uinta County, Wyoming. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of twelve (12) 2.55 MW Power Electronics FS 2800 PV solar inverters with Sungrow SC3150U conversion system for a total output of 30 MW at the Point of Interconnection. The Interconnection Request also consists of 15 MW of Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 15 March 31, 2021 Power Electronics DC-DC battery storage with no capability to charge from the Transmission Provider’s grid. The requested commercial operation date is December 31, 2022. Figure 9 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-31” TCS-26 Uinta Solar and Battery II 45 MW Max 34.5kV New Facilities 52-1 52-2 +7 Transformers /Inverters/PV+Batteries Change of Ownership 138-34.5-?? kV 55/72/90 MVA 138kV 52G1 Meter TCS-26 POI 138kV SUBSTATION ~700ft TO RAILROAD SUBSTATION 138kV (16 mi) TO CROYDON SUBSTATION 138kV (18.6 mi) 3.2MVA Z = 6% R 138kV 8 Transformers /Inverters/ PV+Batteries M M MM 52-3 M 52-4 12 Transformers /Inverters/PV+Batteries M 8 Transformers /Inverters/ PV+Batteries Figure 9: Simplified System One Line Diagram for TCS-31 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 16 March 31, 2021 5.8 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-23 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 50 megawatts (“MW”) of new generation to PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Raven 34.5 kV substation located in Sweetwater County, Wyoming. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of twenty- two (22) 3.665 MW GE LV5 solar inverters for a total output of 50 MW at the Point of Interconnection. The Interconnection Request also consists of 26.8 MW of Power Electronics FP2800 battery storage with no capability to charge from the Transmission Provider’s grid. The requested commercial operation date is December 31, 2022. Figure 10 below, is a one- line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will NOT operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-23” Change of Ownership MeterM 34.5kV 52-F1 RAVEN SUBSTATION TCS-23 RAVEN SOLAR AND BATTERY STATION 50 MW Max 52MAIN ~1.5 mi 8 IDENTICAL BLOCKS 52-F2 3.51MVAZ=6%X/R=6.8 34.5kV TR #2TR #1 230kV Interconnection Substation by Customer Grounding Transformer TO BLACKS FORK VIA WESTVACO TO ROCK SPRINGS VIA PALISADES N New Facilities R 52-F2 8 IDENTICAL BLOCKS +7 IDENTICAL BLOCKS PV ARRAY BATTERY BANK 630 V Figure 10: Simplified System One Line Diagram for TCS-23 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 17 March 31, 2021 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS No additional Generating Facility specific requirements have been identified. 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Transmission System Requirements The following transmission system improvements are required to accommodate the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area: • Rebuild 1.4 miles of the Silver Creek–Snyderville 138 kV transmission line and replace the existing jumpers with higher ratings. • Rebuild 17 miles of the Snyderville–Cottonwood 138 kV transmission line. • Rebuild 23 miles of the Oneida–Ovid 138 kV transmission line. • Replace the existing Ovid substation 138/69 kV 75/75/75 MVA transformer with 100 MVA transformer. • Install 80 MVAR or larger cap banks at the Croydon 138 kV substation. • Upgrade the existing Ben Lomond substation 345/230 kV 448/502/502 MVA transformer #1 to a 700 MVA transformer. • Upgrade the existing Ben Lomond substation 345/230 kV 448/502/502 MVA transformer #2 to a 700 MVA transformer. • Rebuild 14 miles of the Wheelon–Honeyville 138 kV transmission line. • Rebuild 16 miles of the Ben Lomond–Honeyville 138 kV transmission line. • Rebuild 16 miles of the Ben Lomond–Plain City 138 kV transmission line. • Rebuild 43 miles of the Ovid–Sage Junction 69 kV transmission line. • Rebuild 3 miles of the Birch Creek–TCS-17 POI 230 kV transmission line. • Rebuild 53 miles of the Treasureton – Q974 POI 230 kV transmission line. • Rebuild 55 miles of the Ben Lomond–Birch Creek 230 kV transmission line. • Rebuild 16 miles of the Naughton–Craven Creek 230 kV transmission line. • Replace the existing wavetraps and CTs on Naughton–Lima 230 kV transmission line • Rebuild 1 mile of the Canyon Compression–Canyon Compression Tap 138 kV transmission line. • Rebuild 0.4 miles of the Canyon Compression Tap–Q715 POI 138 kV transmission line. • Rebuild 5 miles of the Naughton–Glenco Tap 138 kV transmission line • Rebuild 17 miles of the Glenco Tap–Structure (STR) 204 138 kV transmission line. • Rebuild 0.4 miles of the Raven–Westvaco 230 kV transmission line. • Rebuild 10 miles of the Westvaco–Blacks Fork 230 kV transmission line. • Rebuild 7 miles of the Blacks Fork–Monument 230 kV transmission line. • Modify a RAS associated with the Transmission Provider’s planned Path C Improvement project to monitor the Populus–Bridgerland 345 kV line. Refer to Appendix 1 for more details regarding the necessity for these required upgrades. TCS-10 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 18 March 31, 2021 Expand the Promontory 46 kV substation and install a new four breaker ring bus including four circuit breakers. The existing bus work will need to be removed. A new 46 kV transrupter will need to be installed to protect the existing transformers. TCS-16 Expand the proposed Q0974 POI substation to a breaker and a half configuration in order to create a new line position to serve as the POI including three 230 kV circuit breakers and six 230 kV circuit switches. TCS-17 and TCS-22 Construct a new 230 kV three breaker ring bus substation to serve as the POI. Loop the Birch Creek-Railroad transmission line in/out of the new substation. TCS-19 Install one 230 kV circuit breaker and two 230 kV circuit switches in Chimney Butte substation to create a new line position which will serve as the POI. TCS-23 Expand the Raven substation 34.5 kV bus by installing six 34.5 kV switches, two 34.5kV breakers, and a new line position. TCS-26 and TCS-31 Construct a new 138 kV three breaker ring bus substation to serve as the POI. Loop the Croydon-Railroad transmission line in/out of the new substation. 7.2 Distribution System Requirements No improvements to the Transmission Provider’s distribution system have been determined as necessary for this Cluster Area. 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements The following transmission lines require upgraded conductor. Silver Creek – Snyderville 138 kV Approximately 1.413 miles requires the existing 397.5 ACSR conductor to be replaced with 1272 ACSR conductor. This reconductor will require the full rebuild of the double circuit line segment. Cottonwood – Silver Snyderville 138 kV Approximately 0.54 miles requires the existing 500 AAC conductor to be replaced with 1272 ACSR conductor. This reconductor will require the full rebuild of the double circuit line segment supporting this circuit. The existing conductor of the other side of the double circuit would be transferred to the new poles. Oneida – Ovid 138 kV Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 19 March 31, 2021 Approximately 22.85 miles requires the existing mix of 336.4 ACSR and 397.5 ACSR conductor to be replaced with 795 ACSR conductor. This reconductor will require the full rebuild of the existing line. Ben Lomond – Honeyville – Wheelon 138 kV Approximately 30.22 miles requires the existing 250 Copper conductor to be replaced with 795 ACSR conductor. The reconductor of this line will require the full rebuild of the existing line. Ben Lomond – Plain City 138 kV Approximately 1.87 miles requires the existing 250 Copper conductor to be replaced with 795 ACSR conductor. The reconductor of this line will require the full rebuild of the existing line. Ovid – Sage 138 kV Approximately 43.46 miles requires the existing 397.5 ACSR conductor to be replaced with 795 ACSR conductor. The reconductor of this line will require the full rebuild of the existing line. Birch Creek - Railroad 230 kV Approximately 3.3-mile segment requires the existing 954 ACSR conductor from Birch Creek to the new TCS-17 POI substation to be replaced with 2x1272 ACSR conductor. The reconductor of this line will require the full rebuild of this line segment. Naughton - Treasureton 230 kV Approximately 52.58-mile segment requires the existing single 1272 ACSR conductor from Treasureton to the new Q974 POI substation to be replaced with 2x1272 ACSR conductor. The reconductor of this line will require the full rebuild of this line segment. Ben Lomond - Birch Creek 230 kV Approximately 55.13 miles requires the existing 2x795 ACSR conductor (existing double bundle) to be replaced with 2x1272 ACSR conductor. The reconductor of this line will require the full rebuild of the existing line. Naughton - Craven Creek 230 kV Approximately 15.88 miles requires the existing 954 ACSR conductor to be replaced with 1272 ACSR conductor. Review of this line shows that the existing tangent structures have the required strength to accommodate the larger conductor size. Existing deadend and angle structures are assumed to need replacement due to increased conductor tension of the larger conductor. It is also assumed that approximately ten of the existing tangent structures will need to be replaced to provide additional ground clearance as required for the larger conductor size and increased conductor sag. Canyon Compression - Railroad 138 kV Approximately 1.41-mile segment requires the existing 795 ACSR conductor from Canyon Compression to the new Q0715 POI substation to be replaced with 1272 ACSR conductor. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 20 March 31, 2021 Several the existing tangent structures in this line segment will accommodate the increased conductor size while the existing deadend structures will need to be replaced due to increased conductor tension of the larger conductor. Naughton – Glenco Tap – Evanston 138 kV Approximately 22.3-mile segment requires the existing 795 ACSR conductor from Naughton south to the tap to Canyon Compression (Str 204) to be replaced with 1272 ACSR conductor. The reconductor of this line segment will require the full rebuild of this line segment. Raven – Westvaco – Blacks Fork – Monument 230 kV Approximately 17.04 miles requires the existing 795 ACSR conductor to be replaced with 2x795 ACSR conductor. The reconductor of this line will require a full line rebuild. Connection of two new POI substations will require transmission lines to be looped in/out of the new substations. The Birch Creek – Railroad 230 kV line will loop through a new TCS-17 POI substation. This new substation is assumed to be approximately 0.5 miles from the existing transmission line. The Croydon – Railroad 138kV line will loop through a new TCS-26 POI substation. This new substation is assumed to be at the POI location requested by the TCS-26 Interconnection Customer. To avoid a new transmission line crossing over I-80 it is assumed that the existing transmission line will be tapped where it crosses to the south side of I-80, west of the Utah/Wyoming state line. This will require approximately 0.75 miles of double circuit 138kV transmission line to connect to the POI substation located in Wyoming. Coordination of the exact location for each POI substation will be required and the exact line route/length and resulting cost for the new transmission line could vary. Each of the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area shall construct its last structure and span/bus connection into the POI substation to Transmission Provider standards. The Transmission Provider will review the design of the Interconnection Customer line for the last span into the POI substations. The Interconnection Customers shall coil enough fiber and conductor on the last deadend structure to make the span into the POI substations. The Transmission Provider shall construct the final terminations into the POI substations. If the Interconnection Customer’s tie line is required to cross a Transmission Provider line, the Interconnection Custer shall make application with the Transmission Provider to do so. The Customer’s line shall cross below the Transmission Provider’s line in all cases unless is Customer’s line is of a higher voltage. 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit TCS-10 The addition of the TCS-10 generation facility with 7 transformer-inverter blocks, with transformers of 2.75MVA MVA, Z=5.75% transformers, in Figure 3, will cause an increase Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 21 March 31, 2021 in the system’s fault duty which will not violate the interrupting capacity of any of the existing interrupting equipment at or around Promontory substation. TCS-16 The addition of the TCS-16 generation facility with 20 transformer-inverter blocks, with transformers of 4.2 MVA, Z=6.5% transformers, and a main 230-34.5kV, 88MVA three- winding transformer as shown in Figure 4, will cause an increase in the system’s fault duty which will not violate the interrupting capacity of any of the existing interrupting equipment of Naughton, Treasureton, or the Q0974 POI 138kV substations. TSC-17 The addition of the TCS-17 generation facility with 21 transformer-inverter blocks, with transformers of 4.2 MVA, Z=6.5% transformers, and a main 230-34.5kV, 88MVA three- winding transformer as shown in Figure 5, will cause an increase in the system’s fault duty which will not violate the interrupting capacity of any of the existing interrupting equipment in the neighborhood of Birch Creek and Railroad 230 kV substations. TCS-19 The addition of the TCS-19 generation facility with 24 transformer-inverter blocks, with transformers of 2.5 MVA, Z=5.75% transformers, and a main 230-34.5kV, 88MVA three- winding transformer as shown in Figure 6, will cause an increase in the system’s fault duty which will not violate the interrupting capacity of any of the existing interrupting equipment in the neighborhood of Chimney, Chappell Creek and Riley Ridge 230 kV substations. TCS-22 The addition of the TCS-22 generation facility with 14 transformer-inverter blocks, with transformers of 4.2 MVA, Z=6.5% transformers, and a main 230-34.5kV, 175MVA three- winding transformer as shown in Figure 7, will cause an increase in the system’s fault duty which will not violate the interrupting capacity of any of the existing interrupting equipment in the neighborhood of Birch Creek and Railroad 230 kV substations. TCS-26 The addition of the TCS-26 generation facility with 24 transformer-inverter blocks, with transformers of 3.2 MVA, Z=6.%, and a main 138-34.5kV, 55MVA three-winding transformer as shown in Figure 8, will cause an increase in the system’s fault duty which will not violate the interrupting capacity of any of the existing interrupting equipment in the neighborhood of Croydon and Railroad 138 kV substations. TCS-31 The addition of the TCS-26 generation facility with 24 transformer-inverter blocks, with transformers of 3.2 MVA, Z=6.%, and a main 230-34.5kV, upgraded to 55/72/90 MVA three- winding transformer as shown in Figure 9, will cause an increase in the system’s fault duty which will not violate the interrupting capacity of any of the existing interrupting equipment in the neighborhood of Croydon and Railroad 138 kV substations. TCS-23 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 22 March 31, 2021 The addition of the TCS-23 generation facility with 24 transformer-inverter blocks, with transformers of 3.51 MVA, Z=6% transformers, including a 20 ohms grounding transformer as shown in Figure 10, will cause an increase in the system’s fault duty which will not violate the interrupting capacity of any of the existing interrupting equipment of Raven, 34.5kV or 230kV. 7.5 Protection Requirements Relay settings will be updated for all of the transmission lines that are required to be reconductored. This will include updates at the following substations. • Silver Creek • Snyderville • Cottonwood • Oneida • Ovid • Wheelon • Honeyville • Ben Lomond • Plain City • Sage Junction • Birch Creek • Treasureton • Naughton • Craven Creek • Canyon Compression • Westvaco • Blacks Fork • Monument Relay settings will be created/modified for the new Ovid substation transformer, Croydon substation capacitor banks and Ben Lomond substation transformer. TCS-10 Expand the Promontory 46 kV substation and install a new four breaker ring bus including four circuit breakers. Since the POI and the collector substations will be adjacent to each other, the ground mats of the two substations can be tied together. This will permit the use of metallic control cables between the substations. The line between POI substation and the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation will be protected with a bus differential relay system. The maximum ratio of the bushing CTs associated with the customer’s circuit breaker must be the same as the one for the new ring in the Promontory substation. Relay elements in the line relays at the Promontory substation will monitor the line voltages. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range these relay elements will trip open the 46 kV tie line breakers. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 23 March 31, 2021 Line differential relays will be updated for the lines to Lampo and Honeyville substation. Overcurrent protection will be applied for the transformer. TCS-16 Line current differential relay systems will be applied for 230 kV tie line. The Transmission Provider will install, own, and maintain a relay panel at the TCS-16 collector substation with line relays that will be compatible with the line relays to be installed at POI Substation. The line relays at the collector substation will communicate with the line relays at POI substation over a communication path. The relays on this panel will be connected to monitor the current through the 230 kV transformer breaker at the collector and the voltage on the 230 kV line. For faults on the tie line the line breakers at the POI Substation and the transformer breaker at the collector substation will be tripped. Relay elements in the line relays at the POI substation will monitor the line voltages. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range these relay elements will trip open the 230 kV tie line breakers at the POI Substation. TCS-17 and TCS-22 Redundant line current differential relay systems will be applied for 230 kV tie line. The Transmission Provider will install, own, and maintain a relay panel at the shared TCS-17/22 collector substation with line relays that will be compatible with the line relays to be installed at POI Substation. The line relays at the collector substation will communicate with the line relays at POI substation over a communication path. The relays on this panel will be connected to monitor the current through the 230 kV transformer breaker at the collector and the voltage on the 230 kV line. For faults on the tie line the line breakers at the POI Substation and the transformer breaker at the collector substation will be tripped. Relay elements in the line relays at the POI substation will monitor the line voltages. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range these relay elements will trip open the 230 kV tie line breakers at the POI Substation. POTT line protection scheme will be applied for the 15.9-miles 230 kV line to Railroad substation. Line current differential protection will be applied for the 230 kV line to Birchcreek. This requires a replacement of the line protection panel at Birch Creek with a new panel with new relays set for line differential. TCS-19 Line current differential relay systems will be applied for 230 kV tie line. The Transmission Provider will install, own, and maintain a relay panel at the TCS-16 collector substation with line relays that will be compatible with the line relays to be installed at POI Substation. The line relays at the collector substation will communicate with the line relays at POI substation over a communication path. The relays on this panel will be connected to monitor the current through the 230 kV transformer breaker at the collector and the voltage on the 230 kV line. For faults on the tie line the line breakers at the POI Substation and the transformer breaker at the collector substation will be tripped. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 24 March 31, 2021 Relay elements in the line relays at the POI substation will monitor the line voltages. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range these relay elements will trip open the 230 kV tie line breakers at the POI Substation. TCS-26 and TCS-31 Since the POI and the collector substations will be adjacent to each other, the ground mats of the three substations can be tied together. This will permit the use of metallic control cables between the substations. The line between POI substation and the Interconnection Customers’ collector substations will be protected with a bus differential relay system. The maximum ratio of the bushing CTs associated with the customer’s circuit breaker must be the same as the one for the new ring in the Promontory substation. Relay elements in the line relays at the Promontory substation will monitor the line voltages. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range these relay elements will trip open the 46 kV tie line breakers. POTT line protection scheme will be applied for the lines to Railroad and Croydon substations. The new relays must be time-synchronized with the existing relay at Railroad and Croydon. Communications with the POI substation must be added. TCS-23 The Interconnection Customer will be required to build a tie line substation adjacent to the POI substation with a 34.5 kV breaker. The ground mats of the POI substation and the Interconnection Customer’s tie line substation will be tie together so that metallic control cables can be used for protection and control circuits between the two substations. The Interconnection Customer will be responsible for the line relays to detect faults on the 34.5 kV tie line between its tie line substation and collector substation. The tie line between the POI substation the Interconnection Customer’s tie line substation will be protected with a bus differential relay system. The Interconnection Customer will need to provide the output from a set of current transformers from the 34.5 kV tie line breaker. These currents will be fed into the bus differential relays. If a fault is detected both the 34.5 kV breakers in the POI substation and the 34.5 kV breaker in the tie line substation will be tripped. A set of line relays set in a backup mode will be installed in POI substation to monitor the current and voltages on the tie line. Relay elements in the line relays monitor the line voltages. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range these relay elements will trip open the 34.5 kV tie line breaker. 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements The Transmission Provider will update its EMS system to provide data from the new/upgraded equipment required for this Cluster Area including the new Ovid substation transformer, Croydon substation capacitor banks and Ben Lomond substation transformers Status points of all Interconnection Customer equipment including breakers, transformers, capacitor, etc. will be required. A detailed list of points will be developed during the facilities study. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 25 March 31, 2021 TCS-10 The Interconnection Customer will hard wire its source devices from its collector substation to a marshalling cabinet to be installed on the POI substation fence line. The following points will be required for this Interconnection Request. Analogs • Irradiance • Ambient temperature • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back • Potential Power MW Send analog quantities • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point TCS-16 The Interconnection Customer will hard wire its source devices from its collector substation to the Transmission Provider’s data concentrator to be installed in the Transmission Provider’s collector substation control building. The following points will be required for this Interconnection Request. Analogs • Irradiance • Ambient temperature • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back • Potential Power MW Send analog quantities • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point TCS-17 The Interconnection Customer will hard wire its source devices from its collector substation to the Transmission Provider’s data concentrator to be installed in the Transmission Provider’s collector substation control building. The following points will be required for this Interconnection Request. Analogs • Irradiance • Ambient temperature • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back • Potential Power MW Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 26 March 31, 2021 Send analog quantities • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point TCS-19 The Interconnection Customer will hard wire its source devices from its collector substation to the Transmission Provider’s data concentrator to be installed in the Transmission Provider’s collector substation control building. The following points will be required for this Interconnection Request. Analogs • Irradiance • Ambient temperature • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back • Potential Power MW Send analog quantities • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point TCS-22 The Interconnection Customer will hard wire its source devices from its collector substation to the Transmission Provider’s data concentrator to be installed in the Transmission Provider’s collector substation control building. The following points will be required for this Interconnection Request. Analogs • Irradiance • Ambient temperature • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back • Potential Power MW Send analog quantities • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point TCS-26 The Interconnection Customer will hard wire its source devices from its collector substation to a marshalling cabinet to be installed on the POI substation fence line. The following points will be required for this Interconnection Request. Analogs • Irradiance • Ambient temperature • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 27 March 31, 2021 • Potential Power MW Send analog quantities • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point TCS-31 The Interconnection Customer will hard wire its source devices from its collector substation to a marshalling cabinet to be installed on the POI substation fence line. The following points will be required for this Interconnection Request. Analogs • Irradiance • Ambient temperature • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back • Potential Power MW Send analog quantities • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point TCS-23 The Interconnection Customer will install a Transmission Provider approved data concentrator in its collector substation and hard wire its source devices to the data concentrator. The data points are to be brought back to the POI substation by the Interconnection Customer. The following points will be required for this Interconnection Request. Analogs • Irradiance • Ambient temperature • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back • Potential Power MW Send analog quantities • Max Gen Limit MW Set Point 7.7 Substation Requirements Ben Lomond Substation To meet the new transmission line ratings, the substation conductors on the 230 kV line to Birch Creek will be replaced and the bay equipment will be upgraded. Two, 345-230 kV autotransformers will be replaced with larger units. The fault duty is increasing above the interrupting capability of the 138 kV breakers. The substation fence will be expanded to encompass a new 138 kV breaker and a half yard to the west of the existing substation. A new control house will be installed for the protection and control, metering, communication, and SCADA equipment. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. The following Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 28 March 31, 2021 major equipment has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • 2 – 345-230 kV, autotransformer • 3 – 230 kV, circuit breaker • 6 – 230 kV, switch, breaker disconnect • 30 – 138 kV, circuit breaker • 72 – 138 kV, switch • 40 – 138 kV, CCVT • 30 – 138 kV, arrester Birch Creek Substation The new transmission line ratings push the existing substation equipment and conductors above their current ratings and will be replaced. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. The following equipment has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • 3 – 230 kV, circuit breaker • 10 – 345 kV, switch, breaker disconnect Blacks Fork Substation To meet the new transmission line ratings, the substation jumpers on the 230 kV line to Monument will be replaced. Some of the 230 kV bay equipment and conductor will be upgraded. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. The following equipment has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • 1 – 230 kV, switch Canyon Compression Substation To meet the new transmission line ratings, the substation jumpers on the 138 kV line to Railroad will be replaced. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. Cottonwood Substation To meet the new transmission line ratings, the substation jumpers on the 138 kV line to Snyderville will be replaced. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. Croydon Substation The east and west 138 kV busses will be expanded to the north. Four, 138 kV shunt capacitors will be installed. The substation fence will be expanded to support the project. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. New relay panels will be installed. The following equipment has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • 4 – 138 kV, circuit breaker • 4 – 138 kV, switch • 4 – 138 kV, shunt capacitor, with current limiting reactor Honeyville Substation Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 29 March 31, 2021 To meet the new transmission line ratings, the substation jumpers on the 138 kV line to Ben Lomond and the 138 kV line to Wheelon will be replaced. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. Monument Substation To meet the new transmission line ratings, the substation jumpers on the 230 kV line to Blacks Fork will be replaced. Some of the 230 kV bay equipment and conductor will be upgraded. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. The following equipment has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • 5 – 230 kV, switch • 3 – 230 kV, arrester Naughton Substation To meet the new transmission line ratings, the substation jumpers on the 230 kV line to Craven Creek and the 138 kV line to Glenco Tap will be replaced. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. Oneida Substation To meet the new transmission line ratings, the substation jumpers on the 138 kV line to Ovid will be replaced. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. Ovid Substation To meet the new transmission line ratings, the substation jumpers on the 138 kV line to Oneida and the 69 kV line to Sage Junction will be replaced. One, 138-69 kV transformer will be replaced with a higher rated unit. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. Plain City Substation A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. Raven Substation To meet the new transmission line ratings, the substation jumpers on the 230 kV line to Westvaco will be replaced. Some of the 230 kV bay equipment and conductor will be upgraded. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. The following equipment has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • 5 – 230 kV, switch • 3 – 230 kV, arrester Silver Creek Substation To meet the new transmission line ratings, the substation jumpers on the 138 kV line to Snyderville will be replaced. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. Snyderville Substation A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. Treasureton Substation Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 30 March 31, 2021 To meet the new transmission line ratings, the substation jumpers on the 230 kV line to Naughton will be replaced. The 230 kV bay equipment and conductor will be upgraded. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. The following equipment has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • 3 – 230 kV, circuit breaker • 6 – 230 kV, switch, breaker disconnect Westvaco Substation The substation will be expanded to support the installation of a three breaker, 230 kV ring bus adjacent to the existing substation yard. A new control house will be installed for the protection and control, metering, communication, and SCADA equipment. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. The following equipment has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • 3 – 230 kV, breaker • 10 – 230 kV, switch • 6 – 230 kV, CCVT • 9 – 230 kV, arrester Wheelon Substation To meet the new transmission line ratings, the substation jumpers on the 138 kV line to Honeyville will be replaced. The breaker disconnect switches for CB 114 will be replaced. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. Honeyville Substation A new relay panel will be installed; relay settings will be developed. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. Lampo Substation A new relay panel will be installed; relay settings will be developed. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. Birch Creek Substation One relay panel will be replaced; relay settings will be developed. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. Railroad Substation One relay panel will be replaced; relay settings will be developed. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. TCS-10 TCS-10 Collector Substation The TCS-10 collector substation and the Promontory substation ground grids will be tied together. All conduit and cable to the marshalling cabinet inside Promontory Substation will be the responsibility of the Customer. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be provided by the Customer. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 31 March 31, 2021 Promontory Substation The substation fence will be expanded to support the installation of a four breaker 46 kV ring bus. A new control house will be installed for the protection and control, metering, communication, and SCADA equipment. The Promontory Substation and TCS-10 interconnection station ground grids will be tied together. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. A marshalling cabinet will be installed to facilitate the control cable transition between the two yards. The following major equipment has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • 4 – 69 kV, circuit breaker • 19 – 69 kV, switch • 3 – 46 kV, combined CT/VT metering instrument transformer • 9 – 46 kV, CCVT • 1 – 69 kV, transrupter • 9 – 46 kV, arrester • 1 – Marshalling cabinet TCS-16 TCS-16 Collector Station The Interconnection Customer will provide a separate graded, grounded and fenced area along the perimeter of the Interconnection Customer’s Generating Facility for the Transmission Provider to install a control house for any required metering, protection and/or communication equipment. This area will share a fence and ground grid with the Generating Facility and have separate, unencumbered access for the Transmission Provider. The Customer shall perform and provide a CDEGS grounding analysis. AC and DC power for the control house will be supplied by the Transmission Provider. Q0974 POI Substation A new 230 kV line position to the TCS-16 Collector station will be added to the Q0974 POI substation. The following equipment has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • 1 – 230 kV, circuit breaker • 3 – 230 kV, switch • 3 – 230 kV, CT/VT metering instrument transformer • 3 – 230 kV, arrester TCS-17 and TCS-22 TCS-17 and TCS-22 Shared Collector Station The Interconnection Customer will provide a separate graded, grounded and fenced area along the perimeter of the Interconnection Customer’s Generating Facility for the Transmission Provider to install a control house for any required metering, protection and/or communication equipment. This area will share a fence and ground grid with the Generating Facility and have separate, unencumbered access for the Transmission Provider. The Customer shall perform and provide a CDEGS grounding analysis. AC and DC power for the control house will be supplied by the Transmission Provider. Twenty-Four, 34.5 kV combined CT/VT metering instrument transformers will be installed. The Customer shall Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 32 March 31, 2021 provide a disconnect switch on each side of each instrument transformer. Metering panels will be installed in the control house. POI Substation A new 230 kV, three breaker ring bus substation will be constructed in the existing 230 kV line between Railroad and Birch Creek substations. A new control house will be installed for the protection and control, metering, communication, and SCADA equipment. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. The following major equipment has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • 3 – 230 kV, circuit breaker • 12 – 230 kV, switch • 3 – 138 kV, combined CT/VT metering instrument transformer • 6 – 138 kV, CCVT • 9 – 138 kV, arrester • 1 – 138 kV, SSVT • 1 – Emergency generator TCS-19 TCS-19 Collector Substation The Interconnection Customer will provide a separate graded, grounded and fenced area along the perimeter of the Interconnection Customer’s Generating Facility for the Transmission Provider to install a control house for any required metering, protection and/or communication equipment. This area will share a fence and ground grid with the Generating Facility and have separate, unencumbered access for the Transmission Provider. The Customer shall perform and provide a CDEGS grounding analysis. AC and DC power for the control house will be supplied by the Transmission Provider. Chimney Butte Substation The east and west 230 kV bus will be expanded to the south to construct a third 230 kV bay. The substation fence will be expanded. The Chappel Creek 230 kV line position and the future Paradise 230 kV line position will each be moved one bay to the south to accommodate the new 230 kV line to the TCS-19 collector station. The TCS-19 line will enter the substation in the former position for the future line to Paradise. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. New relay panels will be installed. The following major equipment has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • 2 – 230 kV, circuit breaker • 3 – 230 kV, combined CT/VT metering instrument transformer • 3 – 230 kV, CCVT • 3 – 230 kV, arrester • 6 – 230 kV, switch, breaker disconnect • 2 – 230 kV, switch, line disconnect • 1 – 230 kV, switch, metering instrument transformer disconnect Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 33 March 31, 2021 TCS-26 and TCS-31 TCS-26 Collector Station The TCS-26 POI and TCS-26 collector substation ground grids will be tied together. All conduit and cable to the marshalling cabinet inside the TCS-26 POI substation will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. Twelve, 34.5 kV combined CT/VT metering instrument transformers will be installed. The Interconnection Customer shall provide a disconnect switch on each side of each instrument transformer. Metering panels will be installed in the control house. POI Substation A new 138 kV, three breaker ring bus substation will be constructed in the existing 138 kV line between Railroad and Croydon substations. A new control house will be installed for the protection and control, metering, communication, and SCADA equipment. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. A marshalling cabinet will be installed to facilitate the control cable transition between the two yards. The following major equipment has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • 3 – 138 kV, circuit breaker • 13 – 138 kV, switch • 3 – 138 kV, combined CT/VT metering instrument transformer • 6 – 138 kV, CCVT • 9 – 138 kV, arrester • 1 – 138 kV, SSVT • 1 – Emergency generator • 1 – Marshalling cabinet TCS-23 TCS-23 Tie Line Substation The TCS-23 tie line substation and the Raven substation ground grids will be tied together. All conduit and cable to the marshalling cabinet inside Raven substation will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be provided by the Interconnection Customer. Raven Substation The Raven Substation fence will be expanded to install an additional 34.5 kV bay on the north side of the substation. The TCS-23 interconnection substation and the Raven Substation ground grids will be tied together. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed. A marshalling cabinet will be installed to facilitate the control cable transition between the two yards. The following major equipment has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • 2 – 34.5 kV, circuit breaker • 7 – 34.5 kV, switch • 3 – 34.5 kV, combined CT/VT metering instrument transformer • 3 – 34.5 kV, arrester • 1 – Marshalling cabinet Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 34 March 31, 2021 7.8 Communication Requirements Approximately 3.1 miles of OPGW will be installed between Lampo substation and Promontory substation. Relaying between Promontory and Lampo substations will be direct fiber. Communications equipment will be installed at both substations. Install approximately 53 miles of OPGW between Treasureton substation and the Q0974 POI substation. Communications equipment will be installed at both substations. Install approximately 18.6 miles of OPGW between Croydon substation and the TCS-26 POI substation. Communications equipment will be installed at both substations. TCS-10 Communications equipment will be installed in the POI substation to support the metering and SCADA communications. TCS-16 The Interconnection Customer will install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable on its tie line between its collector substation and the POI substation. This fiber will be owned and maintained by the Transmission Provider and used to provide relaying and data signals. The Transmission Provider will terminate the fiber in its control buildings at both sites. Communications equipment will be installed in the POI substation to support the metering and SCADA communications. TCS-17 and TCS-22 The Interconnection Customers will install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable on the tie line between the shared collector substations and the POI substation. This fiber will be owned and maintained by the Transmission Provider and used to provide relaying and data signals. The Transmission Provider will terminate the fiber in its control buildings at both sites. Communications equipment will be installed in the POI substation to support the metering and SCADA communications. TCS-19 The Interconnection Customer will install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable on its tie line between its collector substation and the POI substation. This fiber will be owned and maintained by the Transmission Provider and used to provide relaying and data signals. The Transmission Provider will terminate the fiber in its control buildings at both sites. Communications equipment will be installed in the POI substation to support the metering and SCADA communications. TCS-26 and TCS-31 Communications equipment will be installed in the POI substation to support the metering and SCADA communications. TCS-23 The Interconnection Customer will install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable on its tie line between its collector substation and the POI substation in order to provide the Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 35 March 31, 2021 Transmission Provider the required data. The Transmission Provider will terminate the fiber in the POI substation. Communications equipment will be installed in the POI substation to support the metering and SCADA communications. 7.9 Metering Requirements Ovid Substation Update CT ratio on existing meter at Ovid. Q0974 POI substation Update CT ratio on state line meter at Q0974. Birch Creek substation CT ratio on state line meter at Birch Creek substation. Naughton substation Update existing metering at Naughton on this line for the new CTs. Birch Creek The existing state line meter at Birch Creek may be affected by the rebuild of the Ben Lomond–Birch Creek 230 kV transmission line. The CT ratio for the state line meter should be revised, if needed. TCS-10 Interchange Metering The overall project metering will be located at the Point of Interconnection at Promontory substation and rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 46kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per- phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 36 March 31, 2021 Project is not generating. Interconnection Customer must call the Help Desk at 1-800‐625‐ 6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. TCS-16 Interchange Metering The overall project metering will be located at the Q0974 Point of Interconnection substation and rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 230kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high- accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per- phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Project is not generating. Interconnection Customer must call the Help Desk at 1-800‐625‐ 6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. TCS-17 and TCS-22 Note: The customer’s revised application materials led us to assume the two facilities are basically identical, and that they both share a power transformer. Interchange Metering The overall project metering will be located at the Point of Interconnection and rated for the total net generation of the two projects. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 230kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 37 March 31, 2021 control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per- phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Project Metering The TCS-17 and TCS-22 projects share the low side of the same power transformer and must be measured separately. This will require two metering points. The metering will be located at the customer’s collector substation, and each metering point will be rated for its individual project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panels, junction boxes, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 34.5kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters for each meter point with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. TCS-17 Generator Metering The solar generator and battery storage are to be separately metered. Specifically, the two breakers for the solar generator, and the one breaker for the battery storage will be metered. This will require three metering points. The metering will be located at the customer’s collector substation, and each metering point will be rated for its individual circuit on the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panels, junction boxes, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 34.5kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high- accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters for each meter point with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 38 March 31, 2021 An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. TCS-22 Generator Metering The solar generator and battery storage are to be separately metered. Specifically, the two breakers for the solar generator, and the one breaker for the battery storage will be metered. This will require three metering points. The metering will be located at the customer’s collector substation, and each metering point will be rated for its individual circuit on the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panels, junction boxes, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 34.5kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high- accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters for each meter point with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Project is not generating. Interconnection Customer must call the Help Desk at 1-800‐625‐ 6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. TCS-19 Interchange Metering The overall project metering will be located at Chimney Butte Substation and rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 230kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 39 March 31, 2021 control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per- phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Project is not generating. Interconnection Customer must call the Help Desk at 1-800‐625‐ 6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service TCS-23 This Interconnection Request proposes DC coupled battery and solar facilities. The Transmission Provider has no approved method to meter battery and solar in this configuration separately therefore the solar and battery storage will essentially be a single generating facility from a revenue metering perspective. Interchange Metering The overall project metering will be located at the Raven substation and rated for the total net generation. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 34.5kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per- phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Project is not generating. Interconnection Customer must call the Help Desk at 1-800‐625‐ 6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 40 March 31, 2021 TCS-26 and TCS-31 This Interconnection Request proposes DC coupled battery and solar facilities. The Transmission Provider has no approved method to meter battery and solar in this configuration separately therefore the solar and battery storage will essentially be a single generating facility from a revenue metering perspective. Interchange Metering The overall project metering will be located at the Point of Interconnection and rated for the total net generation of the two projects. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 138kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per- phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Project Metering TCS-26 and TCS-31 share the low side of the same power transformer and must be metered separately. This will require four metering points. The metering will be located at the customer’s collector substation and each metering point will be rated for its individual circuit on the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panels, junction boxes, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 34.5kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high- accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters for each meter point with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. State Line Metering Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 41 March 31, 2021 Th customer’s chosen Point of Interconnection is between the Wyoming state line and the existing state line metering at Railroad substation. Therefore, new state line metering will need to be installed. This will require one metering point at the Point of Interconnection substation on the Croydon line. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers are expected to be breaker CTs and line VTs from relay. The metering design package will include one revenue quality meter with bidirectional KWH and KVARH quantities. Cellular or Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Project is not generating. Interconnection Customer must call the Help Desk at 1-800‐625‐ 6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES The following Interconnection Facilities and/or upgrades to the Transmission Provider’s system are Contingent Facilities applicable to this Cluster Area. Table 1. Contingent Facilities Table for Path C improvement Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level Post-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Path C improvement Wheelon 138 kV bus fault (P2-2) Overload on Franklin - Green Canyon Tap 138 kV line to 114% of its 30- minute emergency rating Overload on Franklin - Green Canyon Tap 138 kV line to 120% of its 30-minute emergency rating 9.6 Yes PacifiCorp 2023 Overload on Green Canyon Tap - Green Canyon 138 kV line to 114% of its 30-minute Overload on Green Canyon Tap - Green Canyon 138 kV line to 120% of its 30-minute 9.6 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 42 March 31, 2021 emergency rating emergency rating N-2 of Treasureton - Grace 138 kV #1 & #2 lines (P7) No issues on Grace - Oneida 138 kV line Overload on Grace - Oneida 138 kV line to 107% of its 30-minute emergency rating 22.9 Yes It is observed that P2-2 contingency exacerbate the overload issues on the Franklin – Green Canyon Tap – Green Canyon 138 kV line without Path C improvement during peak load stressed condition. Additionally, P7 contingency also causes the overload issue on the Grace – Oneida 138 kV line without Path C improvement during off-peak load stressed condition. Path C improvement project will mitigate these issues on Table 1. Therefore, Path C improvement project is a Contingent Facility for the CA2 cluster. Table 2. Contingent Facilities Table for Wheelon – Bridgerland 138 kV line Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level Post-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line N-1 of Ben Lomond - Birch Creek 230 kV line (P1-2) No issues on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line Overload on Franklin - Green Canyon Tap 138 kV line to 100% of its 30-minute emergency rating 19.8 Yes Q799 TBD N-1 of Ben Lomond - Honeyville 138 kV line (P1-2) No issues on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line Overload on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line to 110% of its 30-minute emergency rating 19.0 Yes Ben Lomond 138 kV east bus fault (P2-2) No issues on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line Overload on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line to 104% of its 30-minute emergency rating 19.0 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 43 March 31, 2021 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 245 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) No issues on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line Overload on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line to 102% of its 30-minute emergency rating 20.0 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB L135, CB L110 & CB 111 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) No issues on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line Overload on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line to 103% of its 30-minute emergency rating 19.2 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 102 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) No issues on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line Overload on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line to 103% of its 30-minute emergency rating 19.2 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 107 & CB C149 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) No issues on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line Overload on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line to 103% of its 30-minute emergency rating 18.6 Yes Internal circuit tie breaker fault CB 131I at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-4) No issues on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line Overload on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line to 104% of its 30-minute emergency rating 19.0 Yes N-2 of Ben Lomond - Honeyville & Ben Lomond - Rocky Point - Wheelon 138 kV lines (P7) Overload on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line to 108% of its 30- minute emergency rating Overload on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line to 128% of its 30-minute emergency rating 18.6 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 44 March 31, 2021 N-2 of Populus - Bridgerland & Populus - Ben Lomond 345 kV lines (P7) No issues on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line Overload on Wheelon - Bridgerland 138 kV line to 117% of its 30-minute emergency rating 22.0 Yes It is observed that some P1-2, P2-2, P2-3, P2-4 and P7 contingencies exacerbate the overload issues on the Wheelon – Bridgerland 138 kV line during off-peak load and peak load stressed conditions. Rebuilding 1.118-mile 795 ACSR section, which is a limiting factor, on the Wheelon – Bridgerland 138 kV line with 1272 ACSR is required to mitigate the issues on Table 2. This project will be responsible for a prior queue customer. Therefore, rebuilding 1.118-mile 795 ACSR section on the Wheelon – Bridgerland 138 kV line with 1272 ACSR is a Contingent Facility for the CA2 cluster. Table 3. Contingent Facilities Table for El Monte RAS Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level Post-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD El Monte RAS Ben Lomond 138 kV east bus fault (P2-2) Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 104% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 107% of its 30-minute emergency rating 2.0 Yes PacifiCorp 2029 Internal circuit breaker fault CB L135, CB L110 & CB 111 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 100% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 103% of its 30-minute emergency rating 1.6 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 102 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 100% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 103% of its 30-minute emergency rating 1.6 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 45 March 31, 2021 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 105 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 100% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 103% of its 30-minute emergency rating 1.6 Yes Internal circuit tie breaker fault CB 131I at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-4) Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 104% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 107% of its 30-minute emergency rating 2.0 Yes It is observed that some P2-2, P2-3 and P2-4 contingencies exacerbate the overload issues on the Ben Lomond – El Monte 138 kV line during peak load stressed condition. There is a proposed RAS called El Monte RAS which mitigate these issues in Table 3. However, this RAS was proposed in 2029. This RAS should be expedited before the cluster. Therefore, El Monte RAS is a Contingent Facility for the CA2 cluster. Table 4. Contingent Facilities Table for Naughton - Ben Lomond & Birch Creek - Ben Lomond 230 kV lines Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level Post-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Naughton - Ben Lomond & Birch Creek - Ben Lomond 230 kV lines (sharing the same structures) Naughton - Ben Lomond & Birch Creek - Ben Lomond 230 kV lines (P7) No overload issues Overload on Silver Creek - Snyderville 138 kV line to 111% of its 30-minute emergency rating 27.5 Yes Q0810 TBD No overload issues Overload on Snyderville - Cottonwood 138 kV line to 113% of its 30-minute emergency rating 32.0 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 46 March 31, 2021 No overload issues Overload on Treasureton - Q0974 POI 230 kV line to 108% of its 30-minute emergency rating 29.8 No voltage issues Low voltage (less than 0.9 pu) in Croydon and Coalville areas 10.9 It is observed that N-2 of Naughton – Ben Lomond and Birch Creek – Ben Lomond 230 kV lines causes the overload and voltage issues during off-peak load condition. The Contingent Facility analysis confirm that the generation additions in CA2 do exacerbate the voltage and thermal overload. Therefore, separation of Naughton – Ben Lomond and Birch Creek – Ben Lomond 230 kV lines is a Contingent Facility for the CA2 cluster. Table 5. Contingent Facilities Table for 2.35-mile 795 ACSR rebuild project on Railroad – Croydon 138 kV line Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level Post-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Rebuild 2.35- mile 795 ACSR section with 1272 ACSR on Railroad - Croydon 138 kV line Birch Creek - Q1083 (TCS-17) POI 230 kV line (P1-2) No overload issues Overload on Railroad - Q1116 (TCS- 26) 138 kV line to 104% of its 30- minute emergency rating 27.6 Yes Q786 TBD Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) No overload issues Overload on Railroad - Q1116 (TCS- 26) 138 kV line to 115% of its 30- minute emergency rating 25.9 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) No overload issues Overload on Railroad - Q1116 (TCS- 26) 138 kV line to 115% of its 30- minute 25.9 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 47 March 31, 2021 emergency rating Internal circuit breaker fault CB 264 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) No overload issues Overload on Railroad - Q1116 (TCS- 26) 138 kV line to 115% of its 30- minute emergency rating 25.9 Yes The location of the 795 ACSR section on the Railroad–Croydon 138 kV line starts 1.74-miles from the Railroad substation. The cluster queues TCS-26 and TCS-31 are interconnected 6.7 miles south from the Railroad substation on the Railroad–Croydon 138 kV line. Due to the point of interconnection, power flows on the Railroad – TCS-26 POI 138 kV line are decreasing whereas power flows on the Croydon–TCS-26 POI 138 kV line are increasing. With TCS-26 and TCS-31 in service there are no overload issues identified. However, it is observed that some of contingencies described in Table 5 above during off-peak and peak conditions cause the thermal overload issues considering out of service of TCS26 and TCS-31 due to overhaul, for example. The Contingent Facility analysis confirms that the generation additions in CA2 do exacerbate the thermal overload. Therefore, rebuilding 2.35-mile 795 ACSR section with 1272 ACSR on the Railroad – Croydon 138 kV line is a Contingent Facility for the CA2 cluster. Table 6. Contingent Facilities Table for replacing the existing relays and jumper on Naughton – PM Mine 138 kV line with higher ratings Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level Post-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Replace the existing relays and jumpers on Naughton - PM Mine 138 kV line Birch Creek - Railroad 230 kV line (Birch Creek - Q1083 POI 230 kV line) (P1-2) No issues on Naughton - PM Mine 138 kV line Overload on Naughton - PM Mine 138 kV line to 133% of its 30- minute emergency rating 51.0 Yes Higher Priority Interconnection Request TBD Railroad 138 kV bus fault (P2-2) Overload on Naughton - PM Mine 138 kV line to 109% of its 30- minute Overload on Naughton - PM Mine 138 kV line to 109% of its 30- minute 0.0 No Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 48 March 31, 2021 emergency rating emergency rating Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) No issues on Naughton - PM Mine 138 kV line Overload on Naughton - PM Mine138 kV line to 126% of its 30- minute emergency rating 55.8 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) No issues on Naughton - PM Mine 138 kV line Overload on Naughton - PM Miner 138 kV line to 126% of its 30- minute emergency rating 55.8 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 264 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) No issues on Naughton - PM Mine 138 kV line Overload on Naughton - PM Mine 138 kV line to 126% of its 30- minute emergency rating 55.8 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 132, CB 133, CB134 or CB 135 at Railroad 138 kV (P2-3) Overload on Naughton - PM Mine 138 kV line to 109% of its 30- minute emergency rating Overload on Naughton - PM Mine 138 kV line to 109% of its 30- minute emergency rating 0.0 No It is observed that some P1-2 and P2-3 contingencies exacerbate the overload issues on the Naughton–PM Mine 138 kV line during off-peak and peak load conditions. In order to get higher ratings, replacing the existing relays and jumpers on the Naughton–PM Mine 138 kV line is required because the first and second limiting factors on the Naughton–PM Mine 138 kV line are relays and jumpers respectively. Therefore, replacing the existing relays and jumpers on the Naughton–PM Mine 138 kV line is a Contingent Facility for the CA2 cluster. Table 6. Contingent Facilities Table for replacing the existing relays and jumper on PM Mine – Carter 138 kV line with higher ratings Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 49 March 31, 2021 Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level Post-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Replace the existing relays and jumpers on PM Mine - Carter 138 kV line Birch Creek - Railroad 230 kV line (Birch Creek - Q1083 POI 230 kV line) (P1-2) Overload on PM Mine - Carter 138 kV line to 111% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on PM Mine - Carter 138 kV line to 169% of its 30-minute emergency rating 51.0 Yes Higher Priority Interconnection Request TBD Birch Creek - Railroad 230 kV line (Railroad - Q1083 POI 230 kV line) (P1-2) Overload on PM Mine - Carter 138 kV line to 111% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on PM Mine - Carter 138 kV line to 125% of its 30-minute emergency rating 12.9 Yes Railroad 230/138 kV transformer (P1-3) Overload on PM Mine - Carter 138 kV line to 111% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on PM Mine - Carter 138 kV line to 125% of its 30-minute emergency rating 14.8 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) Overload on PM Mine - Carter 138 kV line to 105% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on PM Mine - Carter 138 kV line to 167% of its 30-minute emergency rating 56.5 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) Overload on PM Mine - Carter 138 kV line to 105% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on PM Mine - Carter 138 kV line to 167% of its 30-minute emergency rating 56.5 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 264 at Birch Overload on PM Mine - Carter 138 kV line to 105% of its Overload on PM Mine - Carter 138 kV line to 167% of its 30-minute 56.5 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 50 March 31, 2021 Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 30-minute emergency rating emergency rating It is observed that some P1-2, P1-3 and P2-3 contingencies exacerbate the overload issues on the PM Mine–Carter 138 kV line during off-peak and peak load conditions. In order to get higher ratings, replacing the existing relays and jumpers on the PM Mine–Carter 138 kV line is required because the first and second limiting factors on the PM Mine–Carter 138 kV line are relays and jumpers respectively. Therefore, replacing the existing relays and jumpers on the PM Mine–Carter 138 kV line 138 kV line is a Contingent Facility for the CA2 cluster. Table 8. Contingent Facilities Table for replacing the existing relays and jumper on Carter – Canyon Compression 138 kV line with higher ratings Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level Post-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Replace the existing relays and jumpers on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line Birch Creek - Railroad 230 kV line (Birch Creek - Q1083 POI 230 kV line) (P1-2) No issues on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line Overload on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line to 143% of its 30- minute emergency rating 47.2 Yes Higher Priority Interconnection Request TBD Birch Creek - Railroad 230 kV line (Railroad - Q1083 POI 230 kV line) (P1-2) No issues on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line Overload on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line to 107% of its 30- minute emergency rating 11.3 Yes Railroad 230/138 kV transformer (P1-3) No issues on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line Overload on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line to 107% of its 30- minute emergency rating 11.3 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 51 March 31, 2021 Railroad 138 kV bus fault (P2-2) Overload on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line to 123% of its 30- minute emergency rating Overload on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line to 123% of its 30- minute emergency rating 0.0 No Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) No issues on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line Overload on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line to 141% of its 30- minute emergency rating 51.0 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) No issues on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line Overload on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line to 141% of its 30- minute emergency rating 51.0 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 264 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) No issues on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line Overload on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line to 141% of its 30- minute emergency rating 51.0 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 132, CB 133, CB134 or CB 135 at Railroad 138 kV (P2-3) Overload on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line to 123% of its 30- minute emergency rating Overload on Carter - Canyon Compression 138 kV line to 123% of its 30- minute emergency rating 0.0 No It is observed that some P1-2, P1-3, P2-2 and P2-3 contingencies exacerbate the overload issues on the Carter–Canyon Compression 138 kV line during off-peak and peak load conditions. In order to get higher ratings, replacing the existing relays and jumpers on the Carter–Canyon Compression Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 52 March 31, 2021 138 kV line is required because the first and second limiting factors on the Carter–Canyon Compression 138 kV line are relays and jumpers respectively. Therefore, replacing the existing relays and jumpers on the Carter–Canyon Compression 138 kV line is a Contingent Facility for the CA2 cluster. Table 9. Contingent Facilities Table for replacing the existing Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 with a new 450 MVA transformer Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level Post-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Replace Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 with new 450 MVA transformer Birch Creek - Railroad 230 kV line (Birch Creek - Q1083 POI 230 kV line) (P1-2) No issues on Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 Overload on Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 to 133% of its 30-minute emergency rating 51.0 Yes Higher Priority Interconnection Request TBD Railroad 138 kV bus fault (P2-2) Overload on Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 to 124% of its 30- minute emergency rating Overload on Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 to 124% of its 30-minute emergency rating 0.0 No Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) No issues on Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 Overload on Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 to 131% of its 30-minute emergency rating 56.7 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) No issues on Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 Overload on Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 to 131% of its 30-minute emergency rating 56.7 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 53 March 31, 2021 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 264 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) No issues on Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 Overload on Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 to 131% of its 30-minute emergency rating 56.7 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 132, CB 133, CB134 or CB 135 at Railroad 138 kV (P2-3) Overload on Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 to 124% of its 30- minute emergency rating Overload on Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 to 124% of its 30-minute emergency rating 0.0 No It is observed that some P1-2, P2-2 and P2-3 contingencies exacerbate the overload issues on the Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 during off-peak and peak load conditions. In order to get higher ratings, replacing the Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 with a new transformer is required. Therefore, replacing the Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #10 with a new 450 MVA transformer is a Contingent Facility for the CA2 cluster. Table 10. Contingent Facilities Table for replacing the existing Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 with a new 700 MVA transformer Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level Post-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Replace Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 with new 700 MVA transformer Treasureton - Q974 POI 230 kV line (P1-2) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 102% of its 30- minute emergency rating 18.9 Yes Higher Priority Interconnection Request TBD Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 (P1-3) Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 102% of its 30- minute emergency rating Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 122% of its 30- minute emergency rating 20.2 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 54 March 31, 2021 Ben Lomond 345/230 kV transformer #1 (P1-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 102% of its 30- minute emergency rating 22.3 Yes Ben Lomond 345/230 kV transformer #2 (P1-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 103% of its 30- minute emergency rating 22.6 Yes Ben Lomond 138 kV west bus (P2-2) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 116% of its 30- minute emergency rating 18.6 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 230 at Treasureton 230 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 102% of its 30- minute emergency rating 22.5 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 240 at Treasureton 230 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 102% of its 30- minute emergency rating 22.9 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 55 March 31, 2021 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 329 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 102% of its 30- minute emergency rating 25.4 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 349 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 102% of its 30- minute emergency rating 25.4 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 328 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 102% of its 30- minute emergency rating 25.4 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 368 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 102% of its 30- minute emergency rating 25.4 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 327 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 102% of its 30- minute emergency rating 22.1 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 56 March 31, 2021 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 367 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 102% of its 30- minute emergency rating 22.1 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 326 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 104% of its 30- minute emergency rating 23.8 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 366 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 102% of its 30- minute emergency rating 25.4 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 323 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 104% of its 30- minute emergency rating 22.5 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 343 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 104% of its 30- minute emergency rating 22.8 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 57 March 31, 2021 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 242 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 102% of its 30- minute emergency rating 25.7 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 205 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 121% of its 30- minute emergency rating Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 151% of its 30- minute emergency rating 25.5 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB L125, CB L120 & CB 108 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 116% of its 30- minute emergency rating 18.6 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 103 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 116% of its 30- minute emergency rating 18.3 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 113 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 116% of its 30- minute emergency rating 18.3 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 58 March 31, 2021 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 115 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 115% of its 30- minute emergency rating 18.8 Yes Internal tie circuit breaker fault CB B130 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-4) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 to 116% of its 30- minute emergency rating 18.6 Yes It is observed that some P1-2, P1-3, P2-2, P2-3 and P2-4 contingencies exacerbate the overload issues on the Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 during peak load, peak load stressed off- peak load stressed conditions. In order to get higher ratings, replacing the Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 with a new transformer is required. Therefore, replacing the Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 with a new 700 MVA transformer is a Contingent Facility for the CA2 cluster. Table 8. Contingent Facilities Table for replacing the existing Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 with a new 700 MVA transformer Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level Post-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Replace Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 with new 700 MVA transformer Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #1 (P1-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 to 117% of its 30- minute emergency rating 20.3 Yes Higher Priority Interconnection Request TBD Ben Lomond 138 kV east bus (P2-2) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 to 109% of its 30- minute emergency rating 14.0 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 59 March 31, 2021 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 343 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 to 135% of its 30- minute emergency rating 35.6 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 204 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 to 118% of its 30- minute emergency rating Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 to 146% of its 30- minute emergency rating 25.8 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB L135, CB L110 & CB 111 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 to 113% of its 30- minute emergency rating 13.9 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 102 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 to 113% of its 30- minute emergency rating 13.9 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 107 & CB C107 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 to 111% of its 30- minute emergency rating 14.4 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 60 March 31, 2021 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 105 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 to 112% of its 30- minute emergency rating 14.3 Yes Internal tie circuit breaker fault CS 131I at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-4) No issues on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 Overload on Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 to 109% of its 30- minute emergency rating 14.0 Yes It is observed that some P1-3, P2-2, P2-3 and P2-4 contingencies exacerbate the overload issues on the Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 during peak load, peak load stressed and off-peak stressed conditions. In order to get higher ratings, replacing the Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 with a new transformer is required. Therefore, replacing the Ben Lomond 230/138 kV transformer #2 with a new 700 MVA transformer is a Contingent Facility for the CA2 cluster. Table 9. Contingent Facilities Table for El Monte RAS Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level Post-CA2 Overload/ Violation Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD El Monte RAS Ben Lomond 138 kV east bus fault (P2-2) Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 104% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 107% of its 30-minute emergency rating 2.0 Yes PacifiCorp 2029 Internal circuit breaker fault CB L135, CB L110 & CB 111 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 100% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 103% of its 30-minute emergency rating 1.6 Yes Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 61 March 31, 2021 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 102 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 100% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 103% of its 30-minute emergency rating 1.6 Yes Internal circuit breaker fault CB 105 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 100% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 103% of its 30-minute emergency rating 1.6 Yes Internal circuit tie breaker fault CB 131I at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-4) Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 104% of its 30-minute emergency rating Overload on Ben Lomond - El Monte 138 kV line to 107% of its 30-minute emergency rating 2.0 Yes It is observed that some P2-2, P2-3 and P2-4 contingencies exacerbate the overload issues on the Ben Lomond – El Monte 138 kV line during peak load stressed condition. There is a proposed RAS called El Monte RAS which mitigate these issues in Table 9. However, this RAS was proposed in 2029. This RAS should be expedited before the cluster. Therefore, El Monte RAS is a Contingent Facility for the CA2 cluster. The thermal overload issue on the Syracuse – Clint East Tap 138 kV line is observed during peak load and peak load stressed conditions. However, this line is not considered a Contingent Facility because this overload issue is mitigated by the existing Operating Procedure PCC-919. The Jordanelle – Midway 138 kV line is planned to be in-service in October 2021. This line is not considered a Contingent Facility because it will be in service before the cluster queues start to be constructed. 9.0 COST ESTIMATE The following estimate represents only scopes of work that will be performed by the Transmission Provider. Costs for any work being performed by the Interconnection Customer and/or Affected Systems are not included. 9.1 Interconnection Facilities The following facilities are directly assigned to Interconnection Customer(s) using such facilities. If multiple Interconnection Requests are utilizing the same Transmission Provider Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 62 March 31, 2021 Interconnection Facilities the costs shall be shared pursuant to Section 39.2.3 of Transmission Provider’s OATT. TCS-10 TCS-10 Collector Substation $54,000 Relay coordination Promontory Substation $557,000 Line termination and metering Total: $6,441,000 TCS-16 TCS-Collector Substation $494,000 Control building, protection and communications equipment Q0974 POI Substation $812,000 Line termination and metering Total: $2,885,000 TCS-17 TCS-17 Collector Substation $1,025,000 Control building, protection and communications equipment TCS-17 POI Substation $958,000 Line termination and metering Total: $9,750,000 TCS-19 TCS-19 Collector Substation $542,000 Control building, protection and communications equipment Chimney Butte Substation $545,000 Line termination and metering Total: $1,087,000 TCS-22 TCS-17/TCS-22 Collector Substation $718,000 Metering equipment TCS-17 POI Substation $14,000 Install communications Total: $732,000 TCS-23 TCS-23 Collector Substation $62,000 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 63 March 31, 2021 Relay coordination Raven Substation $781,000 Line termination and metering Total: 843,000 TCS-26 TCS-26 Collector Substation $1,055,000 Metering and relaying equipment TCS-26 POI Substation $553,000 Line termination and metering Total: $1,608,000 TCS-31 TCS-31 Collector Substation $164,000 Metering equipment TCS-26 POI Substation $13,000 Install communications Total: $177,000 9.2 Station Equipment The following are Network Upgrades which are allocated based on the number of Generating Facilities interconnecting at an individual station on a per Interconnection Request basis. Interconnection Requests utilizing the same Interconnection Facilities shall be consider one request for this allocation. TCS-10 Promontory Substation $5,682,000 Substation expansion and line positions TCS-16 Q0974 POI Substation $1,578,000 Substation expansion and line position TCS-17 and TCS-22 TCS-17 POI Substation $7,457,000 Build new three-breaker 230kV substation TCS-19 Chimney Butte Substation $4,056,000 Expand substation and construct line position TCS-23 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 64 March 31, 2021 Raven Substation $1,374,000 Expand substation and line position TCS-26 and TCS-31 TCS-26 POI Substation $4,412,000 Build new three-breaker ring 138kV substation 9.3 Network Upgrades The funding responsibility for Network Upgrades other than those identified in the previous section shall be allocated based on the proportional capacity of each individual Generating Facility. Ben Lomond-Honeyville-Wheelon 138kV Line $36,750,000 Rebuild ~20.72 miles of line Ben Lomond-Honeyville-Wheelon 138kV Line $1,780,000 Reconductor of ~4.75 miles of line Ben Lomond-Plain City 138kV Line $2,670,000 Rebuild ~1.87 miles of line Cottonwood-Snyderville 138kV Line $2,860,000 Rebuild ~1.4 miles of line Cottonwood-Snyderville 138kV Line $890,000 Rebuild ~0.5 miles of line Oneida-Ovid 138kV Line $17,740,000 Rebuild ~22.9 miles of line Ovid-Sage 69kV Line $30,000,000 Rebuild ~43.46 miles of line Ben Lomond-Birch Creek 230kV Line $85,630,000 Rebuild ~55.13 miles of line Birch Creek-Railroad 230kV and Loop to TCS-17 POI $6,030,000 Rebuild ~3.3 miles of line Canyon Compression-Q0715 POI 138kV Line $1,380.000 Reconductor of ~1.41 miles of line Craven Creek-Naughton 230kV Line $10,500,000 Reconductor of ~15.88 miles, replace ~20 structures Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 65 March 31, 2021 Naughton-Evanston 138 kV Line $21,960,000 Rebuild ~22.3 miles of line Treasureton-Q0974 230kV Line $90,800,000 Rebuild ~52.6 miles of line Monument-Raven 230kV Line $18,070,000 Rebuild ~17 miles of line Ben Lomond Substation $43,740,000 Replace transformers with 700 MVA units, rebuild 138 kV yard Birch Creek Substation $1,830,000 Replace three 230kV breakers and switches Black Fork Substation $100,000 Replace one 230kV switch and conductor Canyon Compression Substation $30,000 Replace jumpers on 138kV line to Railroad substation Cottonwood Substation $30,000 Replace jumpers on 138kV line to Snyderville substation Croydon Substation $5,260,000 Install four 20 Mvar Shunt Cap Banks, yard expansion Honeyville Substation $60,000 Replace jumpers on 138kV lines to Ben Lomond and Wheelon substations Monument Substation $280,000 Replace five switches, add motor operator and three arrestors Naughton Substation $$60,00 Replace jumpers on lines to Craven Creek and Glenco Tap Oneida Substation $30,000 Replace jumpers on line to Ovid Substation Ovid Substation $2,070,000 Replace 138/69 transformer with 100 MVA unit Raven Substation $280,000 Replace five switches, add motor operator and three arrestors Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 66 March 31, 2021 Silver Creek Substation $30,000 Replace jumpers on 138kV line to Snyderville Substation Treasureton Substation $1,380,000 Replace three 230kV breakers and six switches Westvaco Substation $8,920,000 New 230kV Ring bus yard Wheelon Substation $60,000 Replace jumpers and disconnect switches Honeyville Substation $134,000 Replace line protection panel Lampo Substation $163,000 Replace line protection panel Honeyville-Lampo transmission line $245,000 Loop in/out of Promontory expansion ADSS for Lampo to Promontory substation $164,000 Install ~3.1 miles of ADSS fiber Birch Creek Substation $175,000 Replace line protection panel Railroad Substation $134,000 Replace line protection panel Chappel Creek-Paradise transmission line $169,000 Loop in/out of Chimney Creek substation Croydon Substation $99,000 Adapt protective relay settings Railroad Substation $46,000 Adapt protective relay settings Croydon-Railroad transmission line $2,169,000 Loop line in/out of TCS-26 POI substation, install fiber Network Upgrades Total: $394,718,000 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 67 March 31, 2021 9.4 Total Estimated Project Costs TCS-10 Interconnection Facilities $611,000 Station Equipment $5,125,000 Network Upgrades $26,778,000 Total: $32,514,000 TCS-16 Interconnection Facilities $1,306,000 Station Equipment $1,578,000 Network Upgrades $65,412,000 Total: $68,296,000 TCS-17 Interconnection Facilities $1,983,000 Station Equipment $3,729,000 Network Upgrades $65,412,000 Total: $71,123,000 TCS-19 Interconnection Facilities $1,087,000 Station Equipment $4,056 Network Upgrades $65,412,000 Total: $70,555,000 TCS-22 Interconnection Facilities $732,000 Station Equipment $3,729,000 Network Upgrades $65,412,000 Total: $69,872,000 TCS-23 Interconnection Facilities $843,000 Station Equipment $1,374,000 Network Upgrades $40,882,000 Total: $43,099,000 TCS-26 Interconnection Facilities $1,608,000 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 68 March 31, 2021 Station Equipment $2,206,000 Network Upgrades $40,882,000 Total: $44,696,000 TCS-31 Interconnection Facilities $177,000 Station Equipment $2,206,000 Network Upgrades $24,529,000 Total: $26,912,000 10.0 SCHEDULE The Transmission Provider estimates it will require approximately 72 months to design, procure and construct the facilities described in this report following the execution of Interconnection Agreements. The schedule will be further developed and optimized during the Facilities Studies. 11.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS Transmission Provider has identified the following affected systems: None A copy of this report will be shared with each Affected System. 12.0 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests Appendix 3: Property Requirements Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 69 March 31, 2021 12.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results The Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) approved 2020 Heavy Summer case was used to perform the power flow studies using PSS/E version 34.8. The 2020 Heavy Summer case was modified for the study year, 2025. The local 345 kV, 230 kV and 138 kV transmission system outages were considered during the study. Different conditions were considered for the cluster CA2: 1. Normal conditions (peak and off-peak load conditions) 2. Rock Springs/ Firehole and Path C paths stressed conditions (peak and off-peak load conditions) 3. Rock Springs/ Firehole and Bridger West paths stressed conditions (peak and off-peak load conditions) Rock Springs/ Firehole path The Rock Springs/ Firehole path is defined as the sum of the flows on the Rock Springs – Raven 230 kV line and the Firehole – Mansface 230 kV line. In order to push the power flow on the Rock Springs/ Firehole path to its maximum, the Monument phase shifters must be in service. The path rating is 640 MW. Bridger West path The Bridger West, which is a WECC rated path, is defined as the sum of the flows on the Jim Bridger – 3 Mile Knoll 345 kV line, Jim Bridger – Populus 345 kV #1 line and Jim Bridger – Populus 345 kV #2 line. This path is a major passageway for the power flows from east to west, from Wyoming to Idaho. The path rating is 2400 MW. Path C path The Path C, which is a WECC rated path, is defined as the sum of the flows on the Malad – American Falls 138 kV line, Ben Lomond – Populus 345 kV #1 line and Ben Lomond – Populus 345 kV #2 line, Populus – Terminal 345 kV line, Sunbeam – Brady 230 kV line, Fish Creek – Goshen 161 kV line, Three Mile Knoll 345/138 kV transformer and Three Mile Knoll 138/115 kV transformer. This path is a major passageway for the power flows from north to south, from Idaho to Utah. The path ratings are 1600 MW and 1250 MW for southbound and northbound respectively. N-0 Results: No outage (P0 contingency) • Overload on 0.42-mile of the Raven – Westvaco 230 kV line to 105% of its normal rating during off-peak load with high Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed (mitigation: Rebuild 0.42-mile of the Raven – Westvaco 230 kV line with 2 x 795 ACSR) • Overload on 9.94-mile of the Westvaco – Blacks Fork 230 kV line to 105% of its normal rating during off-peak load with high Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed (mitigation: Rebuild 9.94-mile of the Westvaco – Blacks Fork 230 kV line with 2 x 795 ACSR) Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 70 March 31, 2021 Figure 11: No outage condition (P0) during off-peak load with Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed • Overload on 3.3-mile of the Birch Creek–TCS-17 POI 230 kV line to 110% of its normal rating during off-peak load (mitigation: Rebuild 3.3-mile Birch Creek – Q1083 (TCS-17) POI 230 kV line with 2 x 1272 ACSR) Figure 12: No outage condition (P0) during off-peak load • Overload on 52.85-mile of the Treasureton – Q974 POI 230 kV line to 105% of its normal rating during off-peak load with high Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed (mitigation: Rebuild 52.58-mile Treasureton – Q974 (prior cluster queue) POI 230 kV line with 2 x 1272 ACSR) Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 71 March 31, 2021 Figure 13: No outage condition (P0) during off-peak load with Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed P1, P2 & P7 Results: Opening the Firehole – Mansface 230 kV line at Firehole (P2-1 contingency) • Overload on 0.42-mile of the Raven – Westvaco 230 kV line to 112% of its 30-minute emergency rating during off-peak load with high Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed (mitigation: Rebuild 0.42-mile of the Raven – Westvaco 230 kV line with 2 x 795 ACSR) • Overload on 9.94-mile of the Westvaco – Blacks Fork 230 kV line to 111% of its 30-minute emergency rating during off-peak load with high Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed (mitigation: Rebuild 9.94-mile of the Westvaco – Blacks Fork 230 kV line with 2 x 795 ACSR) • Overload on 6.68-mile of the Blacks Fork – Monument 230 kV line to 111% of its 30- minute emergency rating during off-peak load with high Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed (mitigation: Rebuild 6.68-mile of the Blacks Fork – Monument 230 kV line with 2 x 795 ACSR) Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 72 March 31, 2021 Figure 14: Open the Firehole – Mansface 230 kV line at Firehole 230 kV (P2-1) during off-peak load with Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed • Overload on the Oneida – Ovid 138 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Treasureton - Q974 POI 230 kV line (P1-2) 118% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stress - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Rebuild 22.85-mile Oneida – Ovid 138 kV line with 795 ACSR because the limiting factor on this line is 336.4 ACSR conductor N-1 of Naughton - Q974 POI 230 kV line (P1-2) 108% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stress - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 N-1 of Naughton - Ben Lomond 230 kV line (P1-2) 104% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stress - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 N-1 of Birch Creek - Ben Lomond 230 kV line (P1-2) 106% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stress - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 230 at Treasureton 230 kV (P2-3) 116% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 240 at Treasureton 230 kV (P2-3) 118% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 104% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 73 March 31, 2021 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 105% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 225 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 107% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 245 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 107% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Bus-tie circuit breaker fault CB B232 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 106% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 106% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 264 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 106% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 • Overload on the Ovid 138/69 kV transformer Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Treasureton - Q974 POI 230 kV line (P1-2) 107% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Replace the existing Ovid 138/69 kV 75/75/75 MVA transformer with 150 MVA emergency rating Internal circuit breaker fault CB 230 at Treasureton 230 kV (P2-3) 106% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 240 at Treasureton 230 kV (P2-3) 107% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 • Overload on the Ovid – Sage Junction 69 kV line Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 74 March 31, 2021 Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Treasureton - Q974 POI 230 kV line (P1-2) 101% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Rebuild 43.46-mile 397.5 ACSR Ovid – Sage Junction 69 kV line with 795 ACSR Figure 15: outage of Treasureton – Q974 POI 230 kV line (P1-2) during off-peak load with Path C northbound and Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed • Overload on Silver Creek – Snyderville 138 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Birch Creek - Q1083 POI 230 kV line (P1-2) 101% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Rebuild 1.413-mile of 397 ACSR section on Silver Creek – Snyderville 138 kV line with 1272 ACSR and replace the existing jumpers with higher N-1 of Birch Creek - Ben Lomond 230 kV line (P1-2) 106% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 N-1 of Jordanelle - Midway 138 kV line (P1-2) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 75 March 31, 2021 Open Jordanelle - Heber Tap 138 kV line at Jordanelle (P2- 1) 101% of its 30- minute rating Light Load ratings because the limiting factors on this line are 397 ACSR conductor and jumpers Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 118% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 118% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 264 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 118% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 225 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 106% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 245 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 107% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 • Overload on Snyderville – Cottonwood 138 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Birch Creek - Ben Lomond 230 kV line (P1-2) 101% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Rebuild 16.853-mile of 500 AAC (0.54 miles), 397 ACSR (1.413 miles) and 397.5 ACSR (14.9 miles) sections on Snyderville – Cottonwood 138 kV line with 1272 ACSR because the limiting factor on this line are 500 AAC, 397 ACSR and 397.5 ACSR conductors Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 113% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 113% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 264 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 113% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 225 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 101% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 76 March 31, 2021 Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 245 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 101% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 • Low voltage in Croydon and Coalville areas Contingency Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Birch Creek - Q1083 POI 230 kV line (P1-2) Light Load At least 80 Mvar cap banks at Croydon 138 kV are required to mitigate the low voltage issues. The optimal shunt capacitor bank size is 4 x 20 Mvar. Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 264 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 77 March 31, 2021 Figure 16: Internal Breaker Fault CB 244 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) during off-peak load with Path C northbound and Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed • Overload on Ben Lomond 345/230 kV transformer #1 Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation Ben Lomond 345/230 kV transformer #2 (P1-3) 107% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Upgrade the existing Ben Lomond 345/230 kV 448/502/502 MVA transformer #1 to 700 MVA rating Internal circuit breaker fault CB 349 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) 106% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 368 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 367 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) 113% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 366 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 343 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) 109% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 242 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 106% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 78 March 31, 2021 Figure 17: Internal Breaker Fault CB 367 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) during off-peak load with Path C northbound and Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed • Overload on Ben Lomond 345/230 kV transformer #2 Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation Ben Lomond 345/230 kV transformer #1 (P1-3) 108% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Upgrade the existing Ben Lomond 345/230 kV 448/502/502 MVA transformer #2 to 700 MVA rating Internal circuit breaker fault CB 329 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) 108% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 328 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) 108% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 327 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) 115% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 79 March 31, 2021 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 326 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) 108% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 323 at Ben Lomond 345 kV (P2-3) 113% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 204 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 134% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 205 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 131% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed - Path C: N1250 & RS/F: 640 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 205 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 103% of its 30- minute rating Heavy Load Stressed - Path C:1560 & RS/F: 640 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 80 March 31, 2021 Figure 18: Internal Breaker Fault CB 204 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) during off-peak load with Path C northbound and Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed • Overload on Wheelon – Honeyville 138 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Ben Lomond - Honeyville 138 kV line (P1-2) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Rebuild 13.76-mile 250 CUHD section on Wheelon – Honeyville 138 kV line with 795 ACSR Bus fault at Ben Lomond 138 kV east bus (P2-2) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Bus fault at Wheelon 138 kV bus (P2-2) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB L135, CB L110 & CB 111 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 102 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 107 & CB C149 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 105 at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-3) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal bus-tie circuit breaker fault CS 131I at Ben Lomond 138 kV (P2-4) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load N-2 of Ben Lomond - Honeyville & Ben Lomond - Rocky Point - Wheelon 138 kV lines (P7) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 81 March 31, 2021 Figure 19: N-2 of Ben Lomond – Honeyville and Ben Lomond – Rocky Point – Wheelon 138 kV lines (P7) during off-peak load • Overload on Ben Lomond – Plain City 138 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-2 of Ben Lomond - Syracuse & Ben Lomond - Terminal 345 kV lines (P7) 101% of its 30- minute rating Heavy Load Stressed - Path C: S1560 & RS/F: 640 Rebuild 16.46-mile 2 x 250 CUHD section on Ben Lomond – Plain City 138 kV line with 1272 ACSR Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 82 March 31, 2021 Figure 20: N-2 of Ben Lomond – Syracuse and Ben Lomond – Terminal 345 kV lines (P7) during peak load with Path C southbound and Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed • Overload on Ben Lomond – Honeyville 138 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation Internal circuit breaker fault CB 103, CB 104, CB 105, CB 107, CB 112, CB 114 & CB 115 at Wheelon 138 kV (P2-3) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Rebuild 16.46-mile 250 CUHD section on Ben Lomond – Honeyville 138 kV line with 795 ACSR Internal circuit breaker fault CB 102 at Wheelon 138 kV (P2-3) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 116 at Wheelon 138 kV (P2-3) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 113 at Wheelon 138 kV (P2-3) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load N-2 of Bridgerland - Wheelon & Ben Lomond - Rocky Point - Wheelon 138 kV lines (P7) 109% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 83 March 31, 2021 N-2 of Bridgerland - Ben Lomond & Populus - Ben Lomond 345 kV #2 lines (P7) 109% of its 30- minute rating Heavy Load Stressed - Path C: S1600 & RS/F: 575 • Overload on Wheelon – Rocky Point 138 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-2 of Bridgerland - Ben Lomond & Populus - Ben Lomond 345 kV #2 lines (P7) 100% of its 30- minute rating Heavy Load Stressed - Path C:1600 & RS/F: 575 Modify a RAS associated with the Transmission Provider’s planned Path C Improvement project to monitor the Populus–Bridgerland 345 kV line • Overload on Bridgerland – Brigham City 138 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-2 of Bridgerland - Ben Lomond & Populus - Ben Lomond 345 kV #2 lines (P7) 103% of its 30- minute rating Heavy Load Stressed - Path C:1600 & RS/F: 575 Modify a RAS associated with the Transmission Provider’s planned Path C Improvement project to monitor the Populus–Bridgerland 345 kV line Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 84 March 31, 2021 Figure 21: N-2 of Ben Lomond – Bridgerland and Ben Lomond – Populus #2 345 kV lines (P7) during peak load with Path C southbound and Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed • Overload on the Birch Creek–TSC-17 POI 230 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Naughton - Glenco - STR 204 - Ricky Man - Canyon Compression 138 kV line (P1-2) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Rebuild 3.3-mile Birch Creek – Q1083 (TCS-17) POI 230 kV line with 2 x 1272 ACSR because the limiting factor on this line is 954 ACSR conductor N-1 of Railroad - Q1116 POI 138 kV line (P1-2) 105% of its 30- minute rating Light Load N-1 of Croydon - Q1116 POI 138 kV line (P1-2) 116% of its 30- minute rating Light Load N-1 of Croydon - Coalville - Silver Creek 138 kV line (P1- 2) 115% of its 30- minute rating Light Load N-1 of Naughton 230/138 kV transformer #1 (P1-3) 100% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Open Silver Creek - Lost Canyon Pump 138 kV line at Silver Creek (P2-1) 114% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 85 March 31, 2021 Open Croydon - Coalville 138 kV line at Croydon (P2-1) 115% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Open Naughton - Glenco 138 kV line at Naughton (P2-1) 100% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Bus fault at Silver Creek 138 kV (P2-2) 114% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 139 at Canyon Compression 138 kV (P2-3) 103% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 135 at Canyon Compression 138 kV (P2-3) 103% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 137 at Canyon Compression 138 kV (P2-3) 123% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 131 at Silver Creek 138 kV (P2-3) 115% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 7A3 at Croydon 138 kV (P2-3) 115% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 7A13 at Croydon 138 kV (P2-3) 116% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 7A17 at Croydon 138 kV (P2-3) 116% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 7A25 at Croydon 138 kV (P2-3) 116% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 86 March 31, 2021 Figure 22: Internal Breaker Fault CB 137at Canyon Compression 138 kV (P2-3) during off-peak load • Overload on Treasureton – Q974 POI 230 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Naughton - Ben Lomond 230 kV line (P1-2) 106% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed Rebuild 52.58-mile Treasureton – Q974 (prior cluster queue) POI 230 kV line with 2 x 1272 ACSR because the limiting factor on this line is 1 x 1272 ACSR conductor N-1 of Birch Creek - Ben Lomond 230 kV line (P1-2) 110% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 107% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 107% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed Internal circuit breaker fault CB 225 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 110% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed Internal circuit breaker fault CB 245 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 111% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 87 March 31, 2021 Figure 23: Internal Breaker Fault CB 245at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) during off-peak load with Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed • Overload on Ben Lomond – Birch Creek 230 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Naughton - Ben Lomond 230 kV line (P1-2) 103% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed Rebuild 55.13-mile Ben Lomond – Birch Creek 230 kV line with 2 x 1272 ACSR because the limiting factor on this line is 2 x 795 ACSR conductor Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Ben Lomond 230 kV (P2-3) 102% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 88 March 31, 2021 Figure 24: Outage of Naughton – Ben Lomond 230 kV line (P1-2) during off-peak load with Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed • Overload on Naughton – Craven Creek230 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Naughton - Lima 230 kV line (P1-2) 110% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed Rebuild 15.88-mile Naughton – Craven Creek 230 kV line with 1272 ACSR because the limiting factor on this line is 795 ACSR conductor N-1 of Monument - Lima 230 kV line (P1-2) 109% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 89 March 31, 2021 Figure 25: Outage of Naughton – Lima 230 kV line (P1-2) during off-peak load with Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed • Overload on Naughton – Lima 230 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Monument - Craven Creek 230 kV line (P1-2) 109% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed Replace the existing wavetraps and CTs on Naughton – Lima 230 kV line with the higher ratings because the limiting factors on this line are wavetraps and CTs N-1 of Naughton - Craven Creek 230 kV line (P1-2) 111% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed Internal circuit breaker fault CB 1H632 at Craven Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 108% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Stressed Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 90 March 31, 2021 Figure 26: Outage of Naughton – Craven Creek 230 kV line (P1-2) during off-peak load with Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed • Overload on Canyon Compression – Canyon Compression Tap 138 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Birch Creek - Q1083 POI 230 kV line (P1-2) 125% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Rebuild 1.07-mile Canyon Compression – Canyon Compression Tap 138 kV line with 1272 ACSR because the limiting factor on this line is 795 ACSR conductor Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 124% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 124% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 264 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 124% of its 30- minute rating Light Load • Overload on Canyon Compression Tap – Q715 POI 138 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Birch Creek - Q1083 POI 230 kV line (P1-2) 126% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Rebuild 0.34-mile Canyon Compression Tap – Q715 (prior cluster queue) POI 138 kV line with 1272 ACSR because the limiting factor on Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 125% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 125% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 91 March 31, 2021 Internal circuit breaker fault CB 264 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 125% of its 30- minute rating Light Load this line is 795 ACSR conductor • Overload on Naughton – Glenco Tap 138 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Birch Creek - Q1083 POI 230 kV line (P1-2) 104% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Rebuild 0.34-mile Canyon Compression Tap – Q715 (prior cluster queue) POI 138 kV line with 1272 ACSR because the limiting factor on this line is 795 ACSR conductor Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 103% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 104% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 264 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 104% of its 30- minute rating Light Load • Overload on Glenco Tap – Structure (STR) 204 138 kV line Contingency % of Overload Worst Case Mitigation N-1 of Birch Creek - Q1083 POI 230 kV line (P1-2) 105% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Rebuild 17.03-mile Glenco Tap – Structure (STR) 204 138 kV line with 1272 ACSR because the limiting factor on this line is 795 ACSR conductor Internal circuit breaker fault CB 224 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 104% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 244 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 104% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Internal circuit breaker fault CB 264 at Birch Creek 230 kV (P2-3) 104% of its 30- minute rating Light Load Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 92 March 31, 2021 Figure 27: Outage of Birch Creek – Q1083 (TCS-17) POI 230 kV line (P1-2) during off-peak load Information • It is assumed that the common structures sharing the Naughton – Ben Lomond and Birch Creek – Ben Lomond 230 kV lines are separated by a higher priority Interconnection Request. Otherwise, N-2 of the Naughton – Ben Lomond and Birch Creek – Ben Lomond 230 kV lines make the case not even converged during light load with off-peak load with Rock Springs/ Firehole path stressed. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 93 March 31, 2021 12.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests All active higher priority Transmission Provider projects, and transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests will be considered in this cluster area study and are identified below. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, as the results and conclusions contained within this study could significantly change. Transmission/Generation Interconnection Queue Requests considered: Q0753 (80 MW) (TSR 2790) Q0754 (80 MW) (TSR 2846) Q0799 (67 MW) Q0862 (45 MW) Q0941 (45 MW) Q0715 (120 MW) Q0786 (100 MW) Q0810 (101 MW) Q0958 (21 MW) (TSR 2409) Q0974 (80 MW) Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 94 March 31, 2021 12.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Requirements for rights of way easements Rights of way easements will be acquired by the Interconnection Customer in the Transmission Provider’s name for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and removal of Transmission Provider’s Interconnection Facilities that will be owned and operated by PacifiCorp. Interconnection Customer will acquire all necessary permits for the Project and will obtain rights of way easements for the Project on Transmission Provider’s easement form. Real Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Real property for a point of interconnection substation will be acquired by an Interconnection Customer to accommodate the Interconnection Customer’s Project. The real property must be acceptable to Transmission Provider. Interconnection Customer will acquire fee ownership for interconnection substation unless Transmission Provider determines that other than fee ownership is acceptable; however, the form and instrument of such rights will be at Transmission Provider’s sole discretion. Any land rights that Interconnection Customer is planning to retain as part of a fee property conveyance will be identified in advance to Transmission Provider and are subject to the Transmission Provider’s approval. The Interconnection Customer must obtain all permits required by all relevant jurisdictions for the planned use including but not limited to conditional use permits, Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, California Environmental Quality Act, as well as all construction permits for the Project. If eligible, Interconnection Customer will not be reimbursed through network upgrades for more than the market value of the property. As a minimum, real property must be environmentally, physically, and operationally acceptable to Transmission Provider. The real property shall be a permitted or able to be permitted use in all zoning districts. The Interconnection Customer shall provide Transmission Provider with a title report and shall transfer property without any material defects of title or other encumbrances that are not acceptable to Transmission Provider. Property lines shall be surveyed and show all encumbrances, encroachments, and roads. Examples of potentially unacceptable environmental, physical, or operational conditions could include but are not limited to: 1. Environmental: known contamination of site; evidence of environmental contamination by any dangerous, hazardous or toxic materials as defined by any governmental agency; violation of building, health, safety, environmental, fire, land use, zoning or other such regulation; violation of ordinances or statutes of any governmental entities having jurisdiction over the property; underground or above ground storage tanks in area; known remediation sites on property; ongoing mitigation activities or monitoring activities; asbestos; lead-based paint, etc. A Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 2 Page 95 March 31, 2021 phase I environmental study is required for land being acquired in fee by the Transmission Provider unless waived by Transmission Provider. 2. Physical: inadequate site drainage; proximity to flood zone; erosion issues; wetland overlays; threatened and endangered species; archeological or culturally sensitive areas; inadequate sub-surface elements, etc. Transmission Provider may require Interconnection Customer to procure various studies and surveys as determined necessary by Transmission Provider. Operational: inadequate access for Transmission Provider’s equipment and vehicles; existing structures on land that require removal prior to building of substation; ongoing maintenance for landscaping or extensive landscape requirements; ongoing homeowner's or other requirements or restrictions (e.g., Covenants, Codes and Restrictions, deed restrictions, etc.) on property which are not acceptable to the Transmission Provider. Generation Interconnection Transition Cluster Transition Cluster Study Report Cluster Area 3 March 31, 2021 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page i March 31, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 2 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests .............................................................................. 3 3.2 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests ................................................................................ 5 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................... 6 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 3 .......................................................................................................................... 6 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-27 ........................................................................... 6 5.2 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-48 ........................................................................... 8 6.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ 9 6.1 Transmission System Requirements ................................................................................................. 9 6.2 Distribution System Requirements ................................................................................................... 9 6.3 Transmission Line Requirements ...................................................................................................... 9 6.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit ........................................................................... 9 6.5 Protection Requirements ................................................................................................................... 9 6.6 Data (RTU) Requirements .............................................................................................................. 10 6.7 Substation Requirements ................................................................................................................. 12 6.8 Communication Requirements ........................................................................................................ 13 6.9 Metering Requirements ................................................................................................................... 14 7.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES ......................................................................................................... 16 8.0 COST ESTIMATE .......................................................................................................................... 17 8.1 Interconnection Facilities ................................................................................................................ 17 8.2 Station Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 18 8.3 Network Upgrades .......................................................................................................................... 18 8.4 Total Estimated Project Costs ......................................................................................................... 18 9.0 SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................................... 19 10.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................. 19 11.0 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................ 19 11.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results ............................................... 20 11.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests ............................................................................................ 21 11.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements ............................................................................................... 22 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 1 March 31, 2021 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY Cluster Area 3 (CA3) generally includes the Salt Lake Valley and includes the following two Interconnection Requests: TCS-27 and TCS-48 Consistent with Attachment W, Section 3.4.2 and Section 51.4 of PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), this interconnection Transition Cluster Study (“Cluster Study”) evaluated the impact of the proposed interconnections on the reliability of the Transmission System. The Cluster Study considered the Base Case as well as all generating facilities (and with respect to (iii) below, any identified Network Upgrades associated with such higher queued interconnection) that, on the date the Cluster Request Window closes: (i) are existing and directly interconnected to the Transmission System; (ii) are existing and interconnected to Affected Systems and may have an impact on the Interconnection Request; (iii) have a pending higher queued or higher clustered interconnection request to interconnect to the transmission system; and (iv) have executed an LGIA or requested that an unexecuted LGIA be filed with FERC. The Cluster Study consisted of power flow, stability, and short circuit analyses. This Cluster Study report provides the following information: • identification of any circuit breaker short circuit capability limits exceeded as a result of the interconnection; • identification of any thermal overload or voltage limit violations resulting from the interconnection; • identification of any instability or inadequately damped response to system disturbances resulting from the interconnection and • description and non-binding, good faith estimated cost of facilities required to interconnect the Generating Facilities to the Transmission System and to address the identified short circuit, instability, and power flow issues. 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS • All active higher priority transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests that were considered in this study are listed in Appendix 2. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, and the results and conclusions could significantly change. • For study purposes there are two separate queues: o Transmission Service Queue: to the extent practical, all network upgrades that are required to accommodate active transmission service requests were modeled in this study. o Generation Interconnection Queue: Interconnection Facilities and network upgrades associated with higher queued or higher clustered interconnection requests were modeled in this study. • The Interconnection Customers’ request for energy or network resource interconnection Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 2 March 31, 2021 service in and of itself does not request or convey transmission service. Only a Network Customer may make a request to designate a generating resource as a Network Resource. Because the queue of higher priority transmission service requests may be different when a Network Customer requests network resource designation for this Generating Facility, the available capacity or transmission modifications, if any, necessary to provide Network Integration Transmission Service may be significantly different. Therefore, Interconnection Customers should regard the results of this study as informational rather than final. • Under normal conditions, the Transmission Provider does not dispatch or otherwise directly control or regulate the output of generating facilities. Therefore, the need for transmission modifications, if any, that may be required to provide Network Resource Interconnection Service will be evaluated on the basis of 100 percent deliverability (i.e., this study did not model displacement of other resources in the same area). • This study assumed the Projects will be integrated into the Transmission Provider’s system at agreed upon and/or proposed Points of Interconnection (“POI” or “POIs”). • If Interconnection Customers proceed through the interconnection process, they will be required to construct and own any facilities required between the Point of Change of Ownership and the Project unless specifically identified by the Transmission Provider. • Line reconductor or fiber underbuild required on existing poles were assumed to follow the most direct path on the Transmission Provider’s system. If during detailed design the path must be modified it may result in additional cost and timing delays for the Interconnection Customer’s Project. • Generator tripping may be required for certain outages. • All facilities will meet or exceed the minimum Western Electricity Coordinating Council (“WECC”), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”), and the Transmission Provider’s performance and design standards. • Power flow analysis requires WECC base cases to reliably balance under peak load conditions the aggregate of generation in the local area, with the Generating Facility at full output, to the aggregate of the load in the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System. As the PacifiCorp East (“PACE”) balancing authority area (“BAA”) has more existing and proposed generation than load, it is necessary to assume some portion of other remote resources are displaced by this Project’s output in order to assess the impact of interconnecting this Project’s generation to transmission system operations. For the purposes of this study, generation in the Transmission Provider’s southern Utah area was assumed to be displaced. • The case was studied before and after the addition of relevant capital projects up to year 2022. They are the Magna capacitor project and Path C Improvement project. • This report is based on information available at the time of the study. It is the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to check the Transmission Provider’s web site regularly for Transmission System updates at https://www.oasis.oati.com/ppw 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS The following requirements are applicable to all Interconnection Requests. The Transmission Provider will identify any site-specific Generating Facility requirements in addition to the following in this report and in Facilities Studies. Certain Interconnection Requests requesting service at a voltage level traditionally defined as distribution may be subject to the transmission Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 3 March 31, 2021 interconnection request requirements listed below should the Transmission Provider make that determination. 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests All interconnecting synchronous and non-synchronous generators are required to design their Generating Facilities with reactive power capabilities necessary to operate within the full power factor range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging. This power factor range shall be dynamic and can be met using a combination of the inherent dynamic reactive power capability of the generator or inverter, dynamic reactive power devices and static reactive power devices to make up for losses. For synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the POI. For non- synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the high-side of the generator substation. The Generating Facility must provide dynamic reactive power to the system in support of both voltage scheduling and contingency events that require transient voltage support, and must be able to provide reactive capability over the full range of real power output. If the Generating Facility is not capable of providing positive reactive support (i.e., supplying reactive power to the system) immediately following the removal of a fault or other transient low voltage perturbations, the Generating Facility must be required to add dynamic voltage support equipment. These additional dynamic reactive devices shall have correct protection settings such that the devices will remain on line and active during and immediately following a fault event. Generators shall be equipped with automatic voltage-control equipment and normally operated with the voltage regulation control mode enabled unless written authorization (or directive) from the Transmission Provider is given to operate in another control mode (e.g. constant power factor control). The control mode of generating units shall be accurately represented in operating studies. The generators shall be capable of operating continuously at their maximum power output at its rated field current within +/- 5% of its rated terminal voltage. All generators are required to ensure the primary frequency capability of their facility by installing, maintaining, and operating a functioning governor or equivalent controls as indicated in FERC Order 842. As required by NERC standard VAR-001-4.2, the Transmission Provider will provide a voltage schedule for the POI. In general, Generating Facilities should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the POI, typically between 1.00 per unit to 1.04 per unit, or other designated point as deemed appropriated by Transmission Provider. The Transmission Provider may also specify a voltage and/or reactive power bandwidth as needed to coordinate with upstream voltage control devices such as on-load tap changers. At the Transmission Provider’s discretion, these values might be adjusted depending on operating conditions. Generating Facilities capable of operating with a voltage droop are required to do so. Voltage droop control enables proportionate reactive power sharing among Generation Facilities. Studies will be required to coordinate voltage droop settings if there are other facilities in the area. It will Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 4 March 31, 2021 be the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to ensure that a voltage coordination study is performed, in coordination with Transmission Provider, and implemented with appropriate coordination settings prior to unit testing. For areas with multiple Generating Facilities additional studies may be required to determine whether or not critical interactions, including but not limited to control systems, exist. These studies, to be coordinated with Transmission Provider, will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. If the need for a master controller is identified, the cost and all related installation requirements will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. Participation by the Generation Facility in subsequent interaction/coordination studies will be required pre- and post-commercial operation in order ensure system reliability. Interconnection Requests that are 75 MVA or larger may be required to facilitate collection and validation of accurate modeling data to meet NERC modeling standards. The Transmission Provider, in its roles as the Planning Coordinator, requires Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) at all new Generating Facilities with an individual or aggregate nameplate capacity of 75 MVA or greater. In addition to owning and maintaining the PMU, the Generating Facility will be responsible for collecting, storing (for a minimum of 90 days) and retrieving data as requested by the Planning Coordinator. Data must be stored for a minimum of 90 days. Data must be collected and be able to stream to Planning Coordinator for each of the Generating Facility’s step-up transformers measured on the low side of the GSU at a sample rate of at least 60 samples per second and synchronized within +/- 2 milliseconds of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Initially, the following data must be collected: • Three phase voltage and voltage angle (analog) • Three phase current (analog) Data requirements are subject to change as deemed necessary to comply with local and federal regulations. All generators must meet the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. Inverters must be designed to stay connected to the grid in the case of severe faults and may not momentarily cease output within the no-trip area of the voltage curves. Figure 1 illustrates the voltage ride-through capability as per NERC PRC- 024. Importantly, inverters should be designed such that a trip outside of the curves is a “may- trip” area (if needed to protect equipment) not a “must-trip” area. Inverters that momentarily cease active power output for these voltage excursions should be configured to restore output to pre- disturbance levels in no greater than five seconds, provided the inverter is capable of these changes. Generators must provide test results to the Transmission Provider verifying that the inverters for this Project have been programmed to meet all PRC-024 requirements rather than manufacturer IEEE distribution standards. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 5 March 31, 2021 Figure 1 – Voltage Ride-Through Curve As the Transmission Provider cannot submit a user written model to WECC for inclusion in base cases, a standard model from the WECC Approved Dynamic Model Library is required 180 days prior to trial operation. The list of approved generator models is continually updated and is available on the http://www.WECC.biz website. Interconnection Customer with an Interconnection Request for a Generating Facility that is both 75 MVA or larger as well as being interconnected at a voltage higher than 100 kV shall register with NERC as the Generator Owner (“GO”) and Generator Operator (“GOP”) for the Large Generating Facility and provide the Transmission Provider documentation demonstrating registration in order to be approved for Commercial Operation. This registration must be maintained throughout the lifetime of the Interconnection Agreement. Interconnection Customers are responsible for the protection of transmission lines between the Generating Facility and the POI substation. For Interconnection Requests that are smaller than 75 MVA or are interconnected at a voltage less than 100 kV which have a tie line that is longer than 800 feet the Interconnection Customer shall construct and own a tie-line substation to be located at the change of ownership (separate fenced facility adjacent to the Transmission Provider’s POI substation). The tie line substation shall include an Interconnection Customer owned protective device and associated transmission line relaying/communications. The ground grids of the Transmission Provider’s POI substation and the Interconnection Customer’s tie-line substation will be connected to support the use of a bus differential protection scheme which will protect the overhead bus connection between the two facilities. 3.2 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests The Generating Facility and interconnection equipment owned by the Interconnection Customers are required to operate under constant power factor mode with a unity power factor setting unless specifically requested otherwise by the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities are Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 6 March 31, 2021 expressly forbidden from actively participating in voltage regulation of the Transmission Provider’s system without written request or authorization from the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities shall have sufficient reactive capacity to enable the delivery of 100 percent of the plant output to the applicable POI at unity power factor measured at 1.0 per unit voltage under steady state conditions. Generators capable of operating under voltage control with voltage droop are required to do so. Studies will be required to coordinate the voltage droop setting with other facilities in the area. In general, the Generating Facility and Interconnection Equipment should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the POI between 1.01 pu to 1.04 pu. At the Public Utility’s discretion, these values might be adjusted depending on the operating conditions. Within this voltage range, the Generating Facility should operate so as to minimize the reactive interchange between the Generating Facility and the Public Utility’s system (delivery of power at the POI at approximately unity power factor). The voltage control settings of the Generating Facility must be coordinated with the Public Utility prior to energization (or interconnection). The reactive compensation must be designed such that the discreet switching of the reactive device (if required by the Interconnection Customer) does not cause step voltage changes greater than +/-3% on the Public Utility’s system. All generators must meet applicable WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. As per NERC standard VAR-001-1, the Public Utility is required to specify voltage or reactive power schedule at the POI. Under normal conditions, the Public Utility’s system should not supply reactive power to the Generating Facility. 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS The Transmission Provider performed the Transition Cluster Study based on geographically and/or electrically relevant areas on the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System known as Cluster Areas. The Transmission Provider has determined that the Interconnection Requests discussed in Section 5.0 are located in a geographically and/or electrically relevant area on Transmission Provider’s Transmission System, and thus, were assigned Cluster Area 3 in the Transition Cluster Study process. 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 3 Cluster Area 3 (CA3) generally includes the Salt Lake Valley and includes the following two Interconnection Requests. 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-27 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 60 megawatts (“MW”) of new generation to PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Terminal-Goggin-Grow 138 kV transmission line located in Salt Lake County, UT. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of twenty four (24) 2500 KVA SMA Sunny Central 2500-EV-US solar inverters for a total output of 60 MW at the POI. The Interconnection Request also consists of 30 MW of battery storage with no capability to charge from the Transmission Provider’s grid. The requested commercial operation date is December 31, 2021. Figure 2 below, is a one-line diagram that Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 7 March 31, 2021 illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-27” 30/50 MVAZ = 8.35 % TCS-27 Collector Substation M Lee Creek Substation M Point of Interconnection Change of Ownership Grow- Terminal Line Goggin Substation MM 30/50 MVA Z = 8.35 % M M M M M 2.5 MW DC/AC 2.5 MW DC/AC 5 MVA Z = 5 % 6 transformer / inverters combinations total 0.5 MW DC/AC 2 MVAZ = 3 % 15 transformer / inverters / battery combinations total 0.5 MW DC/AC 0.5 MW DC/AC 0.5 MW DC/AC 480 V 480 V 480 V Saltair 138 kV 34.5 kV F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 2.5 MW DC/AC 2.5 MW DC/AC 5 MVAZ = 5 % 480 V 480 V 6 transformer / inverters combinations total 12.5 kV T2T1 Figure 2: Simplified System One Line Diagram for TCS-27 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 8 March 31, 2021 5.2 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-48 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 200 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s Terminal substation located in Salt Lake County, Utah. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of sixty-eight (68) Power Electronics PCSM FP3510M3 US-UL battery storage inverters for a total output of 200 MW at the POI. The requested commercial operation date is December 31, 2023. Figure 3 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will NOT operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-48.” M Point of Interconnection Terminal Substation – kVTransformer Midvalley Change of ownership 4,850 ft F6F5F4F3F2F1 141/188/236 MVAZ = 10.9 % 3.51 MVA DC/AC 3.51 MVAZ = 8.5 % – Ba t t e r y / I n v e r t e r s To t a l – Ba t t e r y / I n v e r t e r s – Ba t t e r y / I n v e r t e r s – Ba t t e r y / I n v e r t e r s – Ba t t e r y / I n v e r t e r s M Au x . L o a d 345 kV 34.5 kV TCS-48 Energy Storage Project M1 660 V Figure 3: Simplified System One Line Diagram for TCS-48 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 9 March 31, 2021 6.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Transmission System Requirements The TCS-27 project will require construction to create a ring bus at the new Lee Creek substation, which is currently under construction, with a planned in-service date of May 2021. TCS-27 construction will include addition of a 138 kV bus, expansion of two bays, a new line position with two new 138 kV circuit breakers and three switches. The TCS-48 project will require expansion of the Terminal substation yard to the east with a new 345 kV bay and new line position with four switches and two circuit breakers. The north and south buses will need to be extended to this new 345 kV bay. 6.2 Distribution System Requirements No distribution system upgrades are required for the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area. 6.3 Transmission Line Requirements TCS-48 The Interconnection Customer shall construct the transmission tie line between the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation and the Terminal substation. The Interconnection Customer shall construct it’s last tie line structure to Transmission Provider standards. The Interconnection Customer shall coil conductor, OPGW and/or shield wire, and line hardware with sufficient quantities to allow the Transmission Provider to terminate on the Emery substation deadend structure. 6.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit The TCS-27 project will have photovoltaic arrays fed through 24 – 2,500 kVA inverters connected 12 – 34.5 kV – 480 V 5 MVA transformers with 5 % impedance and batteries connected to 45 - 500 kW inverters fed through 15 – 2 MVA transformers with 3 % impedance. The combination of the solar and batteries inverters is connected to the power network with a pair of 138 – 34.5 kV 30/50 MVA transformers with 8.35 % impedance. The TCS-48 project is an energy storage facility with batteries connected to 68 – 3.51 MVA inverters fed through 68 – 3.51 MVA 34.5 kV – 660 V transformers with 8.5 % impedance and then connected to the power system with a 345 – 34.5 kV 141/188/236 MVA transformer with 10.9 % impedance. The increase in the fault duty on the system as the result of the addition of the two generation facilities TCS-27 and TCS-48 will not exceed interrupting rating of any of the existing equipment. 6.5 Protection Requirements The TCS-27 project will be connected to the transmission network through Lee Creek substation. The 138 kV bus at the substation will be expanded to form a ring bus with the addition of two 138 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 10 March 31, 2021 kV breakers. The existing line relays for the Grow – Terminal and the Goggin lines will be reconnected to include the two new breakers. Due to the plan to locate the collector substation for this Project adjacent to Lee Creek substation the two substations can share a common ground mat. This will permit the use of metallic control cables between the substations. The line between Lee Creek substation and the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation will be protected with a bus differential relay system. The bus differential relays will be in Lee Creek substation. The Interconnection Customer will need to provide the output from sets of current transformers from each of the transformer 138 kV breakers. These currents will be fed into a set of bus differential relays. If a fault is detected both the 138 kV breakers in Lee Creek substation and the 138 kV breakers in the collector substation will be tripped. The installation and maintenance of protective relays to detect faults in the Interconnection Customer’s main power transformers and the 34.5 kV lines to the solar arrays from the collector substation will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. In addition to the line protective relaying a relay used for under/over voltage and over/under frequency protection of the system will be installed in Lee Creek substation. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range this relay will trip the 138 kV breakers in the Interconnection Customer’s Collector substation. For the TCS-48 project the 345 kV tie line will be protected with line current differential relay systems. The 345 kV breakers at Terminal substation will be connected into the existing redundant north and south bus differential relay systems. A relay panel with line current differential relays will be installed at the TCS-48 collector substation. The panel will be owned and maintained by the Transmission Provider. The line relays at Terminal substation and at the collector substation will communicate over digital communication circuits. Redundant diverted routed communication circuits will be required for the two relay systems. For a fault on the tie line the two breakers at Terminal substation and breaker M1 at the collector substation will be tripped. There will be under and over voltage and frequency relay elements in the line relays for the tie line in Terminal substation. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency is outside of the normal operation range, these relay elements will trip the two 345 kV breakers at Terminal substation. 6.6 Data (RTU) Requirements TCS-27 Data for the operation of the Transmission Provider’s system will be needed from Lost Creek substation and the Interconnection Customer collector substation. From the collector substation: Analog Written to the RTU: ▪ Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Analogs: ▪ Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back ▪ Potential Power MW ▪ Real power flowing through the #1 138 – 34.5 kV transformer Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 11 March 31, 2021 ▪ Reactive power flowing through the #1 138 – 34.5 kV transformer ▪ Real power flowing through the #2 138 – 34.5 kV transformer ▪ Reactive power flowing through the #2 138 – 34.5 kV transformer ▪ 34.5 kV Real power 52-F1 ▪ 34.5 kV Reactive power 52-F1 ▪ 34.5 kV Real power 52-F2 ▪ 34.5 kV Reactive power 52-F2 ▪ 34.5 kV Real power 52-F3 ▪ 34.5 kV Reactive power 52-F3 ▪ 34.5 kV Real power 52-F4 ▪ 34.5 kV Reactive power 52-F4 ▪ 34.5 kV Real power 52-F5 ▪ 34.5 kV Reactive power 52-F5 ▪ 34.5 kV Real power 52-F6 ▪ 34.5 kV Reactive power 52-F6 ▪ Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) ▪ Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) ▪ Average Plant Temperature (Celsius) Status: ▪ 138 kV transformer breaker 52-T1 ▪ 138 kV transformer breaker 52-T2 ▪ 34.5 kV breaker 52-F1 ▪ 34.5 kV breaker 52-F2 ▪ 34.5 kV breaker 52-F3 ▪ 34.5 kV breaker 52-F4 ▪ 34.5 kV breaker 52-F5 ▪ 34.5 kV breaker 52-F6 From the POI substation: Analogs: ▪ Net Generation MW ▪ Net Generator MVAR ▪ Interchange metering kWH TCS-48 Data for the operation of the Transmission Provider’s system will be needed from Terminal substation and the Interconnection Customer collector substation. From the collector substation: Analog Written to the RTU: ▪ Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Analogs: ▪ Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back ▪ Potential Power MW ▪ A phase 345 kV voltage ▪ B phase 345 kV voltage Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 12 March 31, 2021 ▪ C phase 345 kV voltage ▪ 34.5 kV Real power 52-F1 ▪ 34.5 kV Reactive power 52-F1 ▪ 34.5 kV Real power 52-F2 ▪ 34.5 kV Reactive power 52-F2 ▪ 34.5 kV Real power 52-F3 ▪ 34.5 kV Reactive power 52-F3 ▪ 34.5 kV Real power 52-F4 ▪ 34.5 kV Reactive power 52-F4 ▪ 34.5 kV Real power 52-F5 ▪ 34.5 kV Reactive power 52-F5 ▪ 34.5 kV Real power 52-F6 ▪ 34.5 kV Reactive power 52-F6 Status: ▪ 345 kV transformer breaker 52-M1 ▪ 34.5 kV breaker 52-F1 ▪ 34.5 kV breaker 52-F2 ▪ 34.5 kV breaker 52-F3 ▪ 34.5 kV breaker 52-F4 ▪ 34.5 kV breaker 52-F5 ▪ 34.5 kV breaker 52-F6 ▪ Line relay alarm From the POI substation: Analogs: ▪ Net Generation MW ▪ Net Generator MVAR ▪ Interchange metering kWH 6.7 Substation Requirements The following major equipment has been preliminarily identified for this Project and may change during actual design: TCS-27 The Lee Creek substation and Interconnection Customer collector substation will be adjacent to each other and share a ground grid. The Interconnection Customer shall perform a CDEGS grounding analysis of the collector substation location and provide the results to the Transmission Provider. Lee Creek Substation: Lee Creek substation will be expanded to create a new line position and the addition of a 138 kV bus. (2) – 145KV, 2000A Breaker (3) – 138 KV, 2000 AMP Horizontal Mount, Group Operated Switch (1) – 138 KV, 2000 AMP, Vertical Mount, Group Operated Switch Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 13 March 31, 2021 (1) – 138 KV, 2000 AMP, Vertical Mount, Group Operated Switch, w/ Motor Operator (3) – 138kV Surge Arresters (3) – CT/VT Metering Units TCS-27 collector substation: (1) – 14’ x 28’ Control House (24) – CT/VT Metering Units TCS-48 Terminal Substation: Terminal substation will be expanded to create a new 345 kV bay and new line position with four switches and two circuit breakers. The north and south buses will need to be extended to this new 345 kV bay. (2) – 362KV, 3000A, Breaker (5) – 345KV, 3000A, Horizontal Mount, Group Operated Switch (1) – 345KV, 3000A, Horizontal Mount, Group Operated Switch, w/ Motor Operator (3) – 345kV surge arresters (1) – 480V – 120/240V pad mount station service transformer (3) – CT/VT Metering Units TCS-48 collector substation: (1) – 12’ x 12’ Control House (3) – CT/VT Metering Units 6.8 Communication Requirements TCS-27 Because the Interconnection Customer collector substation will be constructed adjacent to the Lee Creek substation the Interconnection Customer will bring all necessary data points to the Lee Creek substation by hard wiring its source devices to a marshalling cabinet to be installed at the Lee Creek substation fence by the Transmission Provider. TCS-48 In order to meet line protection standards, the Transmission Provider will require redundant communications between the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation and the Terminal substation. For the first path the Interconnection Customer will install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable on its transmission tie line. The fiber will be owned and maintain by the Transmission Provider. The Interconnection Customer will leave sufficient quantities of fiber optic cable at both ends of the tie line for the Transmission Provider to terminate the fiber inside its control buildings at both sites. The second path is assumed to be microwave. The Transmission Provider will install towers at both facilities. These communications paths will also be utilized to provide the necessary data and metering information from the Interconnections Customer’s collector substation to the Transmission Provider’s communications network. The Transmission Provider will install metering and communications equipment at the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation. The Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 14 March 31, 2021 Interconnection Customer will hard wire all source devices to the Transmission Provider’s communications equipment in its control building at the collector substation site in order to provide the required data points. 6.9 Metering Requirements TCS-27 Interchange Metering The overall Project metering will be located at the POI at Lee Creek substation. This will require one metering point. This metering will be rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 138kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. GSU Metering Each of the Interconnection Customer’s GSU transformers will require metering, which will require two metering points at 138kV. The metering will be located at the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation, and each metering point will be rated per transformer size. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 138kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters for each meter point with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 15 March 31, 2021 Generator Metering The solar generator and battery storage are to be separately metered. Specifically, the four breakers for the solar generators, and the two breakers for the battery storage will be metered. This will require six metering points. The metering will be located at the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation and each metering point will be rated for its individual circuit on the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panels, junction boxes, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 34.5kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters for each meter point with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Project is not generating. Interconnection Customer must call the Help Desk at 1-800‐625‐6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. TCS-48 Interchange Metering The overall Project metering will be located at the POI at Terminal substation. This will require one metering point. This metering will be rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 345kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 16 March 31, 2021 will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Auxiliary Metering The auxiliary load at the Project site will be metered. This will require one metering point at the energy storage facility. This metering will be rated for the expected aux load of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 34.5kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Project is not discharging. Interconnection Customer must call the Help Desk at 1-800‐625‐6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. 7.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES Table 1. Contingent Facilities Table Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre-CA3 Level Post-CA3 Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Capacitors at Magna two 15 MVAr each Breaker internal fault at Terminal CB 109 or open Terminal- 0.8851 PU 0.8858 PU +0.07% No PAC 2022 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 17 March 31, 2021 Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Pre-CA3 Level Post-CA3 Level % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Magna 138 kV line (HS) Path C Improvement Project Bus fault at Wheelon 115.0% 114.5% -0.5% No PAC 2023 Path C Improvement Project Breaker internal fault Ben Lomond CB 204 or CB 205 103.0% 102.8% -0.2% No PAC 2023 It was observed that a breaker failure at Terminal substation or opening of the Terminal-Magna 138 kV line during heavy loads will produce low voltage at Magna and Praxair substations, but an existing capital project is already planned to mitigate this issue in 2022. This new project will install two new 15 MVAr capacitors at Magna substation. The Contingent Facility analysis confirmed that the generation additions in this Cluster Area did not exacerbate the voltage and therefore the Magna capacitor project is not a Contingent Facility for the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area. Prior to the Path C Improvement project, the Wheelon substation bus outage produces an overload on the Green Canyon-Franklin 138 kV line. Also prior to the Path C Improvement project an internal fault of Ben Lomond CB 204 or CB 205 will overload the Ben Lomond 230/138 kV #2 transformer. Addition of the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area did not exacerbate the overloads and therefore the Path C Improvement project is not a Contingent Facility. 8.0 COST ESTIMATE The following estimate represents only scopes of work that will be performed by the Transmission Provider. Costs for any work being performed by the Interconnection Customer and/or Affected Systems are not included. 8.1 Interconnection Facilities The following facilities are directly assigned to Interconnection Customer(s) using such facilities. If multiple Interconnection Requests are utilizing the same Transmission Provider Interconnection Facilities the costs shall be shared pursuant to Section 39.2.3 of Transmission Provider’s OATT. TCS-27 Collector substation $1,657,000 Control building, metering and communications equipment Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 18 March 31, 2021 Lee Creek substation $351,000 Line termination and metering Total: $2,008,000 TCS-48 TCS-48 Collector Substation $768,000 Control building, relays, metering, and communication equipment Terminal substation $882,000 Line termination and metering Total: $1,650,000 8.2 Station Equipment The following are Network Upgrades which are allocated based on the number of Generating Facilities interconnecting at an individual station on a per Interconnection Request basis. Interconnection Requests utilizing the same Interconnection Facilities shall be consider one request for this allocation. TCS-27 Lost Creek Substation $1,453,000 New line position with two new 138 kV breakers in the ring bus TCS-48 Terminal substation $5,124,000 Construct new 345 kV bay with two 345 kV breakers 8.3 Network Upgrades The funding responsibility for Network Upgrades other than those identified in the previous section shall be allocated based on the proportional capacity of each individual Generating Facility. None 8.4 Total Estimated Project Costs TCS-27 Interconnection Facilities $2,008,000 Station Equipment $1,453,000 Network Upgrades $0 Total: $3,459,000 TCS-48 Interconnection Facilities $1,650,000 Station Equipment $5,124,000 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 19 March 31, 2021 Network Upgrades $0 Total: $6,774,000 9.0 SCHEDULE The Transmission Provider estimates it will require approximately 24 months to design, procure and construct the facilities described in this report following the execution of Interconnection Agreements. The schedule will be further developed and optimized during the Facilities Studies. 10.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS Transmission Provider has identified the following affected systems: None. A copy of this report will be shared with each Affected System. 11.0 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests Appendix 3: Property Requirements Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 20 March 31, 2021 11.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results The study was completed using a heavy summer load 2025 case and a light summer load 2025 case. Each case was studied considering prior generator interconnection queue projects with signed interconnection agreements and prior queued and granted transmission service requests. Two relevant capital improvement projects were considered in the study: 1) the addition of two 15 MVAr capacitor banks at Magna substation and 2) the Path C Improvement project. The Path C project loops the Populus-Terminal 345 kV line in and out of Bridgerland substation and adds a 345/138 kV transformer at Bridgerland, it also will connect the same line in and out of Ben- Lomond substation. Existing generation in the study area was left at or very near maximum generation levels. These cases were studied with a wide variety of outage contingencies and system performance was monitored before and after each contingency. The CA3 cluster was studied again as described above with the addition of the prior transmission queued project Q2611 (Carbon Free - 600MW) due to its later transmission service request start date in 2026. Study results did not identify any system issues requiring additional network upgrades or contingent projects. For the addition of TCS-27 and TCS-48, both requesting NRIS, the only required improvements would be those described in section 6.0 “Site Specific Generator Facility Requirements.” Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 21 March 31, 2021 11.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests All active higher priority Transmission Provider projects, and transmission service requests (TSR and/or generator interconnection (GI) requests will be considered in this cluster area study and are identified below. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, as the results and conclusions contained within this study could significantly change. Transmission/Generation Interconnection Queue Requests considered: TSR Q2611 (600 MW) TSR Q2417 (32 MW) TSR Q2789 (75 MW) TSR Q2790 (80 MW) TSR Q2865 (70 MW) TSR Q2882 (25 MW) GI Q0524 (6 MW) GI Q0754 (80 MW) GI Q0799 (67 MW) GI Q0846 (75 MW) GI Q1003 (10 MW) Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 22 March 31, 2021 11.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Requirements for rights of way easements Rights of way easements will be acquired by the Interconnection Customer in the Transmission Provider’s name for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and removal of Transmission Provider’s Interconnection Facilities that will be owned and operated by PacifiCorp. Interconnection Customer will acquire all necessary permits for the Project and will obtain rights of way easements for the Project on Transmission Provider’s easement form. Real Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Real property for a POI substation will be acquired by an Interconnection Customer to accommodate the Interconnection Customer’s Project. The real property must be acceptable to Transmission Provider. Interconnection Customer will acquire fee ownership for interconnection substation unless Transmission Provider determines that other than fee ownership is acceptable; however, the form and instrument of such rights will be at Transmission Provider’s sole discretion. Any land rights that Interconnection Customer is planning to retain as part of a fee property conveyance will be identified in advance to Transmission Provider and are subject to the Transmission Provider’s approval. The Interconnection Customer must obtain all permits required by all relevant jurisdictions for the planned use including but not limited to conditional use permits, Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, California Environmental Quality Act, as well as all construction permits for the Project. If eligible, Interconnection Customer will not be reimbursed through network upgrades for more than the market value of the property. As a minimum, real property must be environmentally, physically, and operationally acceptable to Transmission Provider. The real property shall be a permitted or able to be permitted use in all zoning districts. The Interconnection Customer shall provide Transmission Provider with a title report and shall transfer property without any material defects of title or other encumbrances that are not acceptable to Transmission Provider. Property lines shall be surveyed and show all encumbrances, encroachments, and roads. Examples of potentially unacceptable environmental, physical, or operational conditions could include but are not limited to: 1. Environmental: known contamination of site; evidence of environmental contamination by any dangerous, hazardous or toxic materials as defined by any governmental agency; violation of building, health, safety, environmental, fire, land use, zoning or other such regulation; violation of ordinances or statutes of any governmental entities having jurisdiction over the property; underground or above ground storage tanks in area; known remediation sites on property; ongoing mitigation activities or monitoring activities; asbestos; lead-based paint, etc. A Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 3 Page 23 March 31, 2021 phase I environmental study is required for land being acquired in fee by the Transmission Provider unless waived by Transmission Provider. 2. Physical: inadequate site drainage; proximity to flood zone; erosion issues; wetland overlays; threatened and endangered species; archeological or culturally sensitive areas; inadequate sub-surface elements, etc. Transmission Provider may require Interconnection Customer to procure various studies and surveys as determined necessary by Transmission Provider. Operational: inadequate access for Transmission Provider’s equipment and vehicles; existing structures on land that require removal prior to building of substation; ongoing maintenance for landscaping or extensive landscape requirements; ongoing homeowner's or other requirements or restrictions (e.g., Covenants, Codes and Restrictions, deed restrictions, etc.) on property which are not acceptable to the Transmission Provider. Generation Interconnection Transition Cluster Transition Cluster Study Report Cluster Area 7 March 31, 2021 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page i March 31, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 3 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests .............................................................................. 3 3.2 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests ................................................................................ 6 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................... 6 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 7 .......................................................................................................................... 6 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request(s) – TCS-55 ....................................................................... 7 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 7 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ 8 7.1 Transmission System Requirements ................................................................................................. 8 7.2 Distribution System Requirements ................................................................................................... 9 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements ...................................................................................................... 9 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit ......................................................................... 10 7.5 Protection Requirements ................................................................................................................. 10 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements .............................................................................................................. 11 7.7 Substation Requirements ................................................................................................................. 11 7.8 Communication Requirements ........................................................................................................ 13 7.9 Metering Requirements ................................................................................................................... 13 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES ......................................................................................................... 14 9.0 COST ESTIMATE .......................................................................................................................... 15 10.0 SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................................... 15 11.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................. 15 12.0 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................ 15 12.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results ............................................... 16 12.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests ............................................................................................ 17 12.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements ............................................................................................... 18 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 1 March 31, 2021 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY Cluster Are 7 (CA7) generally consists of the Dalreed/Arlington, Oregon area and consists of the following Interconnection Requests: TCS-55 Consistent with Attachment W, Section 3.4.2 and Section 51.4 of PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), this interconnection Transition Cluster Study (“Cluster Study”) evaluated the impact of the proposed interconnections on the reliability of the Transmission System. The Cluster Study considered the Base Case as well as all generating facilities (and with respect to (iii) below, any identified Network Upgrades associated with such higher queued interconnection) that, on the date the Cluster Request Window closes: (i) are existing and directly interconnected to the Transmission System; (ii) are existing and interconnected to Affected Systems and may have an impact on the Interconnection Request; (iii) have a pending higher queued or higher clustered interconnection request to interconnect to the transmission system; and (iv) have executed an LGIA or requested that an unexecuted LGIA be filed with FERC. The Cluster Study consisted of power flow, stability, and short circuit analyses. This Cluster Study report provides the following information: • identification of any circuit breaker short circuit capability limits exceeded as a result of the interconnection; • identification of any thermal overload or voltage limit violations resulting from the interconnection; • identification of any instability or inadequately damped response to system disturbances resulting from the interconnection and • description and non-binding, good faith estimated cost of facilities required to interconnect the Generating Facilities to the Transmission System and to address the identified short circuit, instability, and power flow issues. 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS • All active higher priority transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests that were considered in this study are listed in Appendix 2. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, and the results and conclusions could significantly change. • For study purposes there are two separate queues: o Transmission Service Queue: to the extent practical, all network upgrades that are required to accommodate active transmission service requests were modeled in this study. o Generation Interconnection Queue: Interconnection Facilities and network upgrades associated with higher queued or higher clustered interconnection requests were modeled in this study. • The Interconnection Customers’ request for energy or network resource interconnection Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 2 March 31, 2021 service in and of itself does not request or convey transmission service. Only a Network Customer may make a request to designate a generating resource as a Network Resource. Because the queue of higher priority transmission service requests may be different when a Network Customer requests network resource designation for this Generating Facility, the available capacity or transmission modifications, if any, necessary to provide Network Integration Transmission Service may be significantly different. Therefore, Interconnection Customers should regard the results of this study as informational rather than final. • Under normal conditions, the Transmission Provider does not dispatch or otherwise directly control or regulate the output of generating facilities. Therefore, the need for transmission modifications, if any, that may be required to provide Network Resource Interconnection Service will be evaluated on the basis of 100 percent deliverability (i.e., this study did not model displacement of other resources in the same area). • This study assumed the Projects will be integrated into the Transmission Provider’s system at agreed upon and/or proposed Points of Interconnection (“POI” or “POIs”). • If Interconnection Customers proceed through the interconnection process, they will be required to construct and own any facilities required between the Point of Change of Ownership and the Project unless specifically identified by the Transmission Provider. • Line reconductor or fiber underbuild required on existing poles were assumed to follow the most direct path on the Transmission Provider’s system. If during detailed design the path must be modified it may result in additional cost and timing delays for the Interconnection Customer’s Project. • Generator tripping may be required for certain outages. • All facilities will meet or exceed the minimum Western Electricity Coordinating Council (“WECC”), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”), and the Transmission Provider’s performance and design standards. • The Dalreed Sub 4K16 Willow Cove Feeder has SCADA metering and shows 0.0 kW minimum daytime load at times during the year. Maximum load on 4K16 does not exceed 20 MW under any loading conditions throughout the year, thus backfeed onto the 230 kV transmission bus is likely under all configurations, with backfeed onto Bonneville Power Administration’s (“BPA”) transmission system likely under all configurations outside of the summer months. • The Generator Facility is expected to operate during daylight hours every day 7 days per week 12 months per year. • The Generator Facility is expected to operate in constant power factor mode with a unity power factor setting unless otherwise requested by the Transmission Provider. The study was conducted assuming the generation stayed within the 0.95 +/- power factor range. • The Transmission Provider assumes the Interconnection Customer’s generating facility will interconnect at/near existing facility point 01103023.0060100 located north of Dalreed substation at approximate coordinates of 45.764655°N, 119.999374°W. • This report is based on information available at the time of the study. It is the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to check the Transmission Provider’s web site regularly for Transmission System updates at https://www.oasis.oati.com/ppw Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 3 March 31, 2021 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS The following requirements are applicable to all Interconnection Requests. The Transmission Provider will identify any site-specific generating facility requirements in addition to the following in this report and in facilities studies. Certain Interconnection Requests requesting service at a voltage level traditionally defined as distribution may be subject to the transmission interconnection request requirements listed below should the Transmission Provider make that determination. 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests All interconnecting synchronous and non-synchronous generators are required to design their Generating Facilities with reactive power capabilities necessary to operate within the full power factor range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging. This power factor range shall be dynamic and can be met using a combination of the inherent dynamic reactive power capability of the generator or inverter, dynamic reactive power devices and static reactive power devices to make up for losses. For synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the POI. For non-synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the high-side of the generator substation. A Generating Facility must provide dynamic reactive power to the system in support of both voltage scheduling and contingency events that require transient voltage support, and must be able to provide reactive capability over the full range of real power output. If a Generating Facility is not capable of providing positive reactive support (i.e., supplying reactive power to the system) immediately following the removal of a fault or other transient low voltage perturbations, the facility must be required to add dynamic voltage support equipment. These additional dynamic reactive devices shall have correct protection settings such that the devices will remain on line and active during and immediately following a fault event. Generators shall be equipped with automatic voltage-control equipment and normally operated with the voltage regulation control mode enabled unless written authorization (or directive) from the Transmission Provider is given to operate in another control mode (e.g. constant power factor control). The control mode of generating units shall be accurately represented in operating studies. The generators shall be capable of operating continuously at their maximum power output at its rated field current within +/- 5% of its rated terminal voltage. All generators are required to ensure the primary frequency capability of their facility by installing, maintaining, and operating a functioning governor or equivalent controls as indicated in FERC Order 842. As required by NERC standard VAR-001-4.2, the Transmission Provider will provide a voltage schedule for the POI. In general, Generating Facilities should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the POI, typically between 1.00 per unit to 1.04 per unit, or other designated point as deemed appropriated by Transmission Provider. The Transmission Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 4 March 31, 2021 Provider may also specify a voltage and/or reactive power bandwidth as needed to coordinate with upstream voltage control devices such as on-load tap changers. At the Transmission Provider’s discretion, these values might be adjusted depending on operating conditions. Generating Facilities capable of operating with a voltage droop are required to do so. Voltage droop control enables proportionate reactive power sharing among Generating Facilities. Studies will be required to coordinate voltage droop settings if there are other facilities in the area. It will be the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to ensure that a voltage coordination study is performed, in coordination with Transmission Provider, and implemented with appropriate coordination settings prior to unit testing. For areas with multiple generating facilities, additional studies may be required to determine whether or not critical interactions, including but not limited to control systems, exist. These studies, to be coordinated with Transmission Provider, will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. If the need for a master controller is identified, the cost and all related installation requirements will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. Participation by the generation facility in subsequent interaction/coordination studies will be required pre- and post-commercial operation in order ensure system reliability. Interconnection Requests that are 75 MVA or larger may be required to facilitate collection and validation of accurate modeling data to meet NERC modeling standards. The Transmission Provider, in its roles as the Planning Coordinator, requires Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) at all new Generating Facilities with an individual or aggregate nameplate capacity of 75 MVA or greater. In addition to owning and maintaining the PMU, the Generating Facility will be responsible for collecting, storing (for a minimum of 90 days) and retrieving data as requested by the Planning Coordinator. Data must be stored for a minimum of 90 days. Data must be collected and be able to stream to Planning Coordinator for each of the Generating Facility’s step-up transformers measured on the low side of the GSU at a sample rate of at least 60 samples per second and synchronized within +/- 2 milliseconds of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Initially, the following data must be collected: • Three phase voltage and voltage angle (analog) • Three phase current (analog) Data requirements are subject to change as deemed necessary to comply with local and federal regulations. All generators must meet the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. Inverters must be designed to stay connected to the grid in the case of severe faults and may not momentarily cease output within the no-trip area of the voltage curves. Figure 1 illustrates the voltage ride-through capability as per NERC PRC-024. Importantly, inverters should be designed such that a trip outside of the curves is a “may-trip” area (if needed to protect equipment) not a “must-trip” area. Inverters that momentarily cease active power output for these voltage excursions should be configured to restore output to pre-disturbance levels in no greater than five seconds, provided the inverter is capable of these changes. Generators must provide test results to the Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 5 March 31, 2021 Transmission Provider verifying that the inverters for this Project have been programmed to meet all PRC-024 requirements rather than manufacturer IEEE distribution standards. Figure 1 – Voltage Ride-Through Curve As the Transmission Provider cannot submit a user written model to WECC for inclusion in base cases, a standard model from the WECC Approved Dynamic Model Library is required 180 days prior to trial operation. The list of approved generator models is continually updated and is available on the http://www.WECC.biz website. Interconnection Customer with an Interconnection Request for a Generating Facility that is both 75 MVA or larger as well as being interconnected at a voltage higher than 100 kV shall register with NERC as the Generator Owner (“GO”) and Generator Operator (“GOP”) for the Large Generating Facility and provide the Transmission Provider documentation demonstrating registration in order to be approved for Commercial Operation. This registration must be maintained throughout the lifetime of the Interconnection Agreement. Interconnection Customers are responsible for the protection of transmission lines between the Generating Facility and the POI substation. For Interconnection Requests that are smaller than 75 MVA or are interconnected at a voltage less than 100 kV which have a tie line that is longer than 1,000 feet the Interconnection Customer shall construct and own a tie-line substation to be located at the change of ownership (separate fenced facility adjacent to the Transmission Provider’s POI substation). The tie line substation shall include an Interconnection Customer owned protective device and associated transmission line relaying/communications. The ground grids of the Transmission Provider’s POI substation and the Interconnection Customer’s tie-line substation will be connected to support the use of a bus differential protection scheme which will protect the overhead bus connection between the two facilities. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 6 March 31, 2021 3.2 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests The Generation Facility and Interconnection Equipment owned by the Interconnection Customer are required to operate under constant power factor mode with a unity power factor setting unless specifically requested otherwise by the Transmission Provider. The Generation Facility is expressly forbidden from actively participating in voltage regulation of the Public Utilities system without written request or authorization from the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facility shall have sufficient reactive capacity to enable the delivery of 100 percent of the plant output to the POI at unity power factor measured at 1.0 per unit voltage under steady state conditions. Generators shall be capable of operating under Voltage-reactive power mode, Active power- reactive power mode, and Constant reactive power mode as per IEEE Std. 1547-2018. This project shall be capable of activating each of these modes one at a time. The Transmission Provider reserves the right to specify any mode and settings within the limits of IEEE Std 1547- 2018 needed before or after the Generation Facility enters service. The Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for implementing settings modifications and mode selections as requested by the Transmission Provider within an acceptable timeframe. The reactive compensation must be designed such that the discreet switching of the reactive device (if required by the Interconnection Customer) does not cause step voltage changes greater than +/-3% on the Transmission Provider’s system. In all cases the minimum power quality requirements in PacifiCorp’s Engineering Handbook section 1C shall be met and are available at https://www.pacificpower.net/about/power-quality-standards.html. Requirements specified in the System Impact Study that exceed requirements in the Engineering Handbook section 1C power quality standards shall apply. All generators must meet applicable WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. As per NERC standard VAR-001-1, the Transmission Provider is required to specify voltage or reactive power schedule at the POI. Under normal conditions, the Transmission Provider’s system should not supply reactive power to the Generating Facility. 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS The Transmission Provider performed the Transition Cluster Study based on geographically and/or electrically relevant areas on the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System known as Cluster Areas. The Transmission Provider has determined that the Interconnection Requests discussed in Section 5.0 are located in a geographically and/or electrically relevant area on Transmission Provider’s Transmission System, and thus, were assigned Cluster Area 7 in the Transition Cluster Study process. 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 7 Cluster Are 7 (CA7) generally consists of the Dalreed/Arlington, Oregon area of the Transmission Provider’s system. This area is an isolated load pocket. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 7 March 31, 2021 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request(s) – TCS-55 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 20 megawatts (“MW”) of new generation to PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) distribution circuit 4K16 out of Dalreed substation located in Gilliam County, Oregon. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of seven (7) 3,550 KVA Power Electronics FS3430 solar inverters for a total output of 20 MW at the POI. The requested commercial operation date is June 1, 2023. Figure 2 shows a simplified one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Transmission Provider Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-55” 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS In addition to the requirements described above the Interconnection Customer’s Generating Facility must also comply with the following: The Interconnection Customer’s proposed step-up transformers are ungrounded-wye (645 V) – grounded-wye (34.5 kV). These transformers alone do not comply with the standards of the Transmission Provider. In order to meet the requirements of the effectively grounded 34.5 kV system, the Interconnection Customer must install a grounding transformer at the 34.5 kV location indicated in Figure 2. The grounding transformer could be a grounded-wye/delta transformer or a zig-zag transformer with 20 ohms impedance (at 34.5 kV) and solidly grounded neutral. The Interconnection Customer will be responsible for the detailed specification of such a grounding transformer following the current American Standards. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 8 March 31, 2021 4K16 R DALREED SUBSTATION Change of Ownership Point of Interconnection Optical Fiber Cable ~0.1 mile TOWILLOW COVESUBSTATION New Facilities 34.5kV Meter M R TCS-55 – 20 MW- SEVEN (7) IDENTICAL GROUPS - TRANSFORMERS ARE: 34500-645 V, GY-Y, 3550 kVA, Z=6% 34.5kV GROUNDING TRANSFORMER TBD XFMR3 XFMR2 XFMR1 TO BOARDMAN(PGE) TOJONES CANYON PV ARRAYPV ARRAY PV ARRAY PV ARRAY PV ARRAYPV ARRAYPV ARRAY XFMR4 52 PTs and CTs owned by Transmission Provider 230kV TO MORROW FLAT PST WINE COUNTRY SUBSTATION ~50 mi (FUT) TO BPA 230kV YARD XFMR1 115 kV 230 kV Meter M N. O. Figure 2: System Simplified one-line diagram 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Transmission System Requirements Except the 230 kV bus within Dalreed substation, the transmission system serving Dalreed substation is owned and operated by BPA. While no steady-state power flow deficiencies were Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 9 March 31, 2021 noted in this study, BPA has been identified as an Affected System and is responsible for studying and identifying any impacts to their transmission system. As a Qualifying Facility, TCS-55 must be used to serve network load. The Dalreed/Arlington area is non-contiguous, both within the local system and with other portions of the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System. For a significant portion of the year, loads in the Dalreed area are less than the sum of all existing and proposed network resources, with up to 10 MW of existing network resources already flowing onto BPA’s 230 kV transmission system. The addition of the TCS-55 generation facility will result in a direct increase of this flow onto the BPA 230 kV system by 20 MW. Therefore, the Dalreed area is considered generation surplus prior to the interconnection of TCS-55, and the output of TCS-55 must be transmitted to another area of the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System that is not generation surplus. The Yakima, Washington area is the nearest load surplus pocket. The Transmission Provider does not have an existing Transmission System between the Dalreed/Arlington and Yakima areas therefore new transmission construction will be required. In order to tie these two areas together the Transmission Provider will construct a new, approximately 50 mile 230 kV transmission line from Dalreed substation to the Transmission Provider’s Wine Country substation. A phase shifting transformer will be required to direct power flow from Dalreed toward Wine Country substation, and expansions of the 230 kV buses at both Wine Country and Dalreed substations would be required to accommodate the additional 230 kV line positions at each substation. 7.2 Distribution System Requirements From the POI north of Dalreed substation at the pole with facility point 060100 the Transmission Provider will design, procure, and install a 477AAC 34.5 kV primary and 4/0 AAC neutral conductor line extension to the Point of Ownership Change (“POC”). One pole will hold a Transmission Provider owned and operated gang switch with the next structure being owned and installed by the Interconnection Customer where the primary metering transformers will be installed. Conductor from the gang operated switch pole to the first Interconnection Customer structure will be installed by the Transmission Provider, the termination of this conductor at the Interconnection Customer’s structure will be the POC. These Transmission Provider facilities will require Right of Ways obtained by the Interconnection Customer as required in Appendix 3. 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements A new 230 kV transmission line will be constructed from Dalreed substation to Wine Country substation near Yakima, Washington. The line is estimated at 50 miles in length but could significantly change during the line routing process. The line route will also require a new crossing of the Columbia River which in this vicinity will require a long span of high tension type conductor supported on steel lattice towers. The line route is assumed to be 40 miles of horizontal configured line supported on two and three pole wood structures with twelve structures per mile and an additional 10 miles of delta configured line supported on a combination of wood and steel single pole structures with roughly 18 structure per mile. Minimum conductor size will be a single 954 kcmil ACSR unless further study identifies a larger conductor size being required. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 10 March 31, 2021 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit The addition of the TCS-55 generation facility with seven (7) 3.55 MVA, 34.5kV-645V, Z=6% transformers, including a 20 ohms grounding transformer as shown in Figure 2, will cause an increase in the system’s fault duty which will not violate the interrupting capacity of any of the existing interrupting equipment of Dalreed or Wine Country substations. 7.5 Protection Requirements Dalreed 230-34.5kV Substation Any fault in the 4K16 34.5kV line will be cleared by tripping CB 4K16 at Dalreed substation and the circuit breaker (or recloser) at the TCS-55 Generating Facility. Faults close to Dalreed and TCS-55 will have to be cleared using high-speed relaying. The 4K16 line load during daytime can be lower than the generated power output of TCS-55; therefore, anytime CB 4K16 is open, an instantaneous transfer trip to the generating facility will be sent through the multifunction digital relay associated with CB 4K16 at Dalreed. This relay will be set to issue fast automatic reclosing after a fault clearing with the provision to delay the reclosing until the Generating Facility is disconnected by monitoring the line voltage using a line potential transformer to be installed for this project (dead-line checking). There are other generators connected to the 34.5kV lines of Dalreed substation. If the 230 kV connection of Dalreed to the system is lost, the total load can be lower than the total day-time generation; therefore, if line relays (11A and 11B) at Dalreed detect a fault in the 230 kV lines, they must issue an automatic transfer trip to TCS-55 through the multifunction relay associated with CB 4K16. In the same way, direct transfer trip to TCS-55 must be issued when transformer #3 and/or #4 are taken out of service or if the partial bus differential of the 34.5kV bus operates. TCS-55 Site The multifunction digital relay associated with the TCS-55 automatic disconnecting device (circuit breaker or recloser), must have: • Ability to receive transfer trip from Dalreed substation using Mirrored Bits communication protocol and send information to the relay at Dalreed to indicate the status of the disconnecting device. • Directional overcurrent relay elements to detect faults in the 4K16 34.5kV line. • Directional overcurrent relay elements to detect faults in the Generating Facility. • Monitor the voltage and disconnect the plant in case the voltage and/or frequency fall out of the Transmission Provider’s standard tolerable limits. Dalreed 230 kV Substation The 230 kV lines to Morrow Flats (BPA), Jones Canyon (BPA) and Wine Country (PacifiCorp, proposed) will have permissive overreaching transfer trip scheme (POTT) using distance relay elements; therefore, communications between Dalreed and those three substations will be needed. The new 230 kV Phase Shifting Transformer (PST) will have Transmission Provider standard redundant differential and overcurrent protection. Due to the lack of unused available current transformers on the 230kV side of the transformers, the 230kV buses of the existing substation will be protected using a Transmission Provider standard redundant low impedance Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 11 March 31, 2021 bus differential scheme. For the same reason, a stand-alone current transformer with three cores will be needed at the connection to the existing line to Portland General Electric plant. Wine Country 230 kV Substation Permissive overreach transfer trip protection will be installed for the new transmission line to Dalreed. The Transmission Provider will have to install the communications equipment and the line relay panels needed to implement the POTT protection scheme. Dual bus differentials for the interconnection with the BPA 230kV yard and the 230-115kV transformer. 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements TCS-55 Site The following data associated with the TCS-55 Generating Facility will be monitored by the Transmission Provider EMS by installing a SEL RTAC/Axion RTU at the collector site and from PAC meters. Meters will be direct connected to EMS. Analogs from PAC Meters: ▪ Net Generation real power MW ▪ Net Generator reactive power MVAR ▪ Energy Register KWH ▪ A phase 12.5 kV voltage ▪ B phase 12.5 kV voltage ▪ C phase 12.5 kV voltage Analogs from Customer: ▪ Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) ▪ Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) ▪ Average Plant Temperature (Celsius) ▪ Max Generator Limit MW (set point control) ▪ Potential Power MW Status from Customer: ▪ 34.5 kV circuit recloser ▪ Recloser relay failure alarm Dalreed 230kV Substation Install an RTU in the new control house to bring in all the necessary points associated with the new 230kV yard station equipment, relay equipment and communication equipment. Wine Country Substation The existing substation GE D20 RTU will require the addition of control boards to accommodate the circuit breaker additions at the substation. Spare points are available in the existing RTU to accommodate what is needed for status and analog points associated with the substation additions. 7.7 Substation Requirements TCS-55 Site Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 12 March 31, 2021 At the Interconnection Customer site, the Interconnection Customer will provide a separate graded, grounded and fenced area along the perimeter of the Interconnection Customer’s Generating Facility for the Transmission Provider to install a control house for any required metering and communication equipment. This area will share a fence and ground grid with the Generating Facility and have separate, unencumbered access for the Transmission Provider. The Interconnection Customer shall perform and provide a CDEGS grounding analysis. AC station service will be supplied by the Customer. DC power for the control house will be supplied by the Customer. Three (3), 34.5 kV combined CT/VT metering instrument transformers will be installed. A gang switch will be required on each side of the metering instrument transformer. The switch on the transmission provider side will be supplied and owned by Transmission Provider. The switch on the generation side of the VT/CT structure will be supplied and owned by the customer but operated by Transmission Provider. Dalreed 34.5 kV Substation Install a single-phase potential transformer on the line side of the 4K16 feeder. This will be used to implement the dead-line checking feature in the feeder relay reclosing function. Setting changes on the Load Tap Changer (LTC) controls for bank #3 and bank #4 will be required to account for regulating voltage during periods of reverse power. Dalreed 230 kV Substation A yard expansion to the south portion of the Dalreed substation yard is required for a new transmission line from Dalreed substation to Wine Country substation. The yard expansion will consist of rebuilding the high side of the substation to a breaker and a half layout and adding a phase shifting transformer. There will be seven 230 kV breakers, three line switches, three bus/transformer switches and 14 breaker switches. The three line switches will have motor operators. Each of the lines will require three CCVTs, the two buses will each require a CCVT, and the phase shifting transformer will need one CCVT on each side. Six lighting arresters will be installed (Three at each line entrance). A new control house will be needed to accommodate the new panels that will be needed for the yard expansion. A third source (distribution feeder) is required for the station service. Three stand-alone CTs, with three cores, will be installed at the Boardman line. A CDEGS study will be needed for the substation expansion. The equipment identified may change during the detailed design. Wine Country 230 kV Substation A yard expansion to the east of the 115 kV yard at Wine Country substation is required for a new transmission line from Dalreed substation to Wine Country substation. The yard expansion will consist of adding a 230 kV ring bus with three breakers to add a line position for the new Dalreed-Wine Country 230 kV line. There will be eight breaker switches, one meter disconnect switch, and three line switches installed. The three line switches will have motor operators. Three 230 kV combined CT/VT metering instrument transformers will be installed. A gang switch will be required on each side of the metering instrument transformer. Nine lightning arresters will be installed, three at each line entrance. Four CCVTs will be installed (one for the transformer and three for the line). A CDEGS study will be needed for the substation expansion. The equipment identified may change during the detailed design. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 13 March 31, 2021 7.8 Communication Requirements A 48-fiber, single-mode, ADSS cable will be installed, either underbuilt, or in trench, between the Interconnection Customer Generation Facility and Dalreed substation for protective relaying and data monitoring. It will be terminated in patch panels at both ends. SEL and RLH fiber optic transceivers will be installed at both ends. At the Interconnection Customer site the equipment will be placed in a pole-mounted cabinet with a power supply and batteries. At the Dalreed end, the equipment will be rack-mounted in the control house. Fiber optic jumpers will be installed between the patch panels and the transceivers. Data circuits from the Interconnection Customer facility will be routed on existing communications systems to control centers, or to the RTU at Dalreed. For protective relaying between Dalreed and Jones Canyon, Morrow Flats, and Wine Country, circuits will be routed on existing microwave radios from Dalreed to Kennewick Communications Site. At Kennewick, the circuits will cross-connect into BPA’s communication system which will deliver the circuits to the various sites. An agreement with BPA will be required for this. Loop channel banks will be installed at Dalreed and Wine Country with C37.94 cards. Fiber optic jumpers will be installed between the C37.94 cards and the relays’ fiber optic transceivers. BPA will install C37.94 channel cards in their channel banks at Jones Canyon and Morrow Flats, and install fibers to the relays’ fiber optic transceivers. 7.9 Metering Requirements Transmission Metering The new transmission line from Dalreed to Wine Country substation will require metering at Wine County because there will be a new 230kV connection between PacifiCorp and BPA at Wine County Substation. Exact parameters of this requirement are subject to future agreements between PacifiCorp and BPA, but here it is assumed that PacifiCorp will own the metering. The metering will be located at Wine County substation on the 230kV connection between BPA and PacifiCorp. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 230kV CT/VT units. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV- 90 translation system. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 14 March 31, 2021 State Line Metering The new transmission line from Dalreed to Wine Country substation will require metering at Dalreed to measure the state line between Oregon and Washington. The metering will be located at Dalreed substation on the 230 kV line to Wine Country. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the meter, meter panel, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers are expected to be breaker CTs and line VTs from relay. The metering design package will include one revenue quality meter with bidirectional KWH and KVARH quantities. Cellular or Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Interchange Metering The Point of Interconnect metering will be located at the customer’s substation and rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 34.5kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV- 90 translation system. Station Service/Construction Power The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Project is not generating. Interconnection Customer must call the PCCC Solution Center 1- 800‐625‐6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES The following Interconnection Facilities and/or upgrades to the Transmission Provider’s system are Contingent Facilities applicable to this Cluster Area: None. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 15 March 31, 2021 9.0 COST ESTIMATE The following facilities are directly assigned to Interconnection Customer(s) using such facilities. If multiple Interconnection Requests are utilizing the same Transmission Provider Interconnection Facilities the costs shall be shared pursuant to Section 39.2.3 of Transmission Provider’s OATT. TCS-55 Site $481,000 Control house, metering & communications Distribution $40,000 Tap feeder and line extension Dalreed Substation $19,266,000 New line position, phase shifter, voltage transformer Wine Country Substation $3,816,000 New line position, metering, communications Dalreed-Wine Country Transmission Line $53,417,000 Construct ~50-mile 230 kV transmission line Grand Total $77,020,000 10.0 SCHEDULE The Transmission Provider estimates it will require approximately 120 months to permit, design, procure and construct the facilities described in this report following the execution of an Interconnection Agreement. The schedule will be further developed and optimized during the Facilities Study. Please note, the time required to perform the scope of work identified in this report does not support the Interconnection Customers’ requested Commercial Operation date. 11.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS Transmission Provider has identified the following affected systems: Bonneville Power Administration and Portland General Electric A copy of this report will be shared with each Affected System. 12.0 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests Appendix 3: Property Requirements Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 16 March 31, 2021 12.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results Two case studies were assembled and studied in power flow simulation at the transmission level: • Case 1: Normal configuration with circuit 4K16 fed by Dalreed 230-34.5 kV transformer banks 3 and 4 in parallel. • Case 2: Contingency configuration with circuit 4K16 fed by Dalreed 230-34.5 kV transformer bank 3 or 4 alone. Certain other contingency configurations may warrant generation curtailment until the system returns to a normal state. This includes the following scenarios: • An outage of BPA’s 230 kV system serving Dalreed substation, resulting in a restoration of service from the 69 kV Arlington source. • An outage of both Dalreed 230-34.5 kV transformer banks 3 and 4, resulting in restoration from bank 1 or 2. No identified power flow restrictions were identified on the Transmission Provider’s transmission system with the proposed generation online. Voltages and post transient voltage steps are projected in power flow simulation to remain within permissible limits during the interruption of the TCS-55 generation in the Transmission Provider’s configuration cases 1 and 2 for all load levels. During all times of the year, TCS-55 generation at maximum levels will result in export to the Dalreed 230 kV bus. Peak summer loads on the PacifiCorp 34.5 kV are sufficient to sync TCS-55 generation. Outside of summer, the Dalreed area load is less than the sum of existing and proposed generation, so generation at even low levels will result in export to the Dalreed 230 kV bus and to BPA’s transmission system during these periods. A stability study will be required to determine the effects of generating into the Dalreed system due to possible stability issues resulting from conflict with existing wind and biofuel generation. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 17 March 31, 2021 12.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests All active higher priority Transmission Provider projects, and transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests will be considered in this cluster area study and are identified below. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, as the results and conclusions contained within this study could significantly change. Transmission/Generation Interconnection Queue Requests considered: None Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 18 March 31, 2021 12.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Requirements for rights of way easements Rights of way easements will be acquired by the Interconnection Customer in the Transmission Provider’s name for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and removal of Transmission Provider’s Interconnection Facilities that will be owned and operated by PacifiCorp. Interconnection Customer will acquire all necessary permits for the Project and will obtain rights of way easements for the Project on Transmission Provider’s easement form. Real Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Real property for a POI substation will be acquired by an Interconnection Customer to accommodate the Interconnection Customer’s Project. The real property must be acceptable to Transmission Provider. Interconnection Customer will acquire fee ownership for interconnection substation unless Transmission Provider determines that other than fee ownership is acceptable; however, the form and instrument of such rights will be at Transmission Provider’s sole discretion. Any land rights that Interconnection Customer is planning to retain as part of a fee property conveyance will be identified in advance to Transmission Provider and are subject to the Transmission Provider’s approval. The Interconnection Customer must obtain all permits required by all relevant jurisdictions for the planned use including but not limited to conditional use permits, Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, California Environmental Quality Act, as well as all construction permits for the Project. Interconnection Customer will not be reimbursed through network upgrades for more than the market value of the property. As a minimum, real property must be environmentally, physically, and operationally acceptable to Transmission Provider. The real property shall be a permitted or able to be permitted use in all zoning districts. The Interconnection Customer shall provide Transmission Provider with a title report and shall transfer property without any material defects of title or other encumbrances that are not acceptable to Transmission Provider. Property lines shall be surveyed and show all encumbrances, encroachments, and roads. Examples of potentially unacceptable environmental, physical, or operational conditions could include but are not limited to: 1. Environmental: known contamination of site; evidence of environmental contamination by any dangerous, hazardous or toxic materials as defined by any governmental agency; violation of building, health, safety, environmental, fire, land use, zoning or other such regulation; violation of ordinances or statutes of any governmental entities having jurisdiction over the property; underground or above ground storage tanks in area; known remediation sites on property; ongoing mitigation activities or monitoring activities; asbestos; lead-based paint, etc. A Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 7 Page 19 March 31, 2021 phase I environmental study is required for land being acquired in fee by the Transmission Provider unless waived by Transmission Provider. 2. Physical: inadequate site drainage; proximity to flood zone; erosion issues; wetland overlays; threatened and endangered species; archeological or culturally sensitive areas; inadequate sub-surface elements, etc. Transmission Provider may require Interconnection Customer to procure various studies and surveys as determined necessary by Transmission Provider. Operational: inadequate access for Transmission Provider’s equipment and vehicles; existing structures on land that require removal prior to building of substation; ongoing maintenance for landscaping or extensive landscape requirements; ongoing homeowner's or other requirements or restrictions (e.g., Covenants, Codes and Restrictions, deed restrictions, etc.) on property which are not acceptable to the Transmission Provider. Generation Interconnection Transition Cluster Transition Cluster Study Report Cluster Area 10 March 31, 2021 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page i March 31, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 2 3.1 Distribution Interconnection Requests .............................................................................................. 3 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................... 3 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 10 ........................................................................................................................ 3 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-38 ........................................................................... 3 5.2 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-39 ........................................................................... 4 5.3 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-40 ........................................................................... 4 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 5 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ 6 7.1 Transmission System Requirements ................................................................................................. 6 7.2 Distribution System Requirements ................................................................................................... 6 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements ...................................................................................................... 8 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit ........................................................................... 8 7.5 Protection Requirements ................................................................................................................... 9 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements ................................................................................................................ 9 7.7 Substation Requirements ................................................................................................................... 9 7.8 Communication Requirements .......................................................................................................... 9 7.9 Metering Requirements ................................................................................................................... 10 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES ......................................................................................................... 11 9.0 COST ESTIMATE .......................................................................................................................... 11 9.1 Interconnection Facilities ................................................................................................................ 11 10.0 SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................................... 12 11.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................. 12 12.0 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................ 12 12.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results ............................................... 13 12.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests ............................................................................................ 14 12.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements ............................................................................................... 15 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 1 March 31, 2021 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY Cluster Area 10 (CA10) generally covers the Transmission Provider’s Willamette Valley load pocket in west-central Oregon and consists of the following Interconnection Requests: TCS-38, TCS-39 and TCS-40 Consistent with Attachment W, Section 3.4.2 and Section 51.4 of PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), this interconnection Transition Cluster Study (“Cluster Study”) evaluated the impact of the proposed interconnections on the reliability of the Transmission System. The Cluster Study considered the Base Case as well as all generating facilities (and with respect to (iii) below, any identified Network Upgrades associated with such higher queued interconnection) that, on the date the Cluster Request Window closes: (i) are existing and directly interconnected to the Transmission System; (ii) are existing and interconnected to Affected Systems and may have an impact on the Interconnection Request; (iii) have a pending higher queued or higher clustered interconnection request to interconnect to the transmission system; and (iv) have executed an LGIA or requested that an unexecuted LGIA be filed with FERC. The Cluster Study consisted of power flow, stability, and short circuit analyses. This Cluster Study report provides the following information: • identification of any circuit breaker short circuit capability limits exceeded as a result of the interconnection; • identification of any thermal overload or voltage limit violations resulting from the interconnection; • identification of any instability or inadequately damped response to system disturbances resulting from the interconnection and • description and non-binding, good faith estimated cost of facilities required to interconnect the Generating Facilities to the Transmission System and to address the identified short circuit, instability, and power flow issues. 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS • All active higher priority transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests that were considered in this study are listed in Appendix 2. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, and the results and conclusions could significantly change. • For study purposes there are two separate queues: o Transmission Service Queue: to the extent practical, all network upgrades that are required to accommodate active transmission service requests were modeled in this study. o Generation Interconnection Queue: Interconnection Facilities and network upgrades associated with higher queued or higher clustered interconnection requests were modeled in this study. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 2 March 31, 2021 • The Interconnection Customers’ request for energy or network resource interconnection service in and of itself does not request or convey transmission service. Only a Network Customer may make a request to designate a generating resource as a Network Resource. Because the queue of higher priority transmission service requests may be different when a Network Customer requests network resource designation for this Generating Facility, the available capacity or transmission modifications, if any, necessary to provide Network Integration Transmission Service may be significantly different. Therefore, Interconnection Customers should regard the results of this study as informational rather than final. • Under normal conditions, the Transmission Provider does not dispatch or otherwise directly control or regulate the output of generating facilities. Therefore, the need for transmission modifications, if any, that may be required to provide Network Resource Interconnection Service will be evaluated on the basis of 100 percent deliverability (i.e., this study did not model displacement of other resources in the same area). • This study assumed the Projects will be integrated into the Transmission Provider’s system at agreed upon and/or proposed Points of Interconnection (“POI” or “POIs”). • If Interconnection Customers proceed through the interconnection process, they will be required to construct and own any facilities required between the Point of Change of Ownership and the Project unless specifically identified by the Transmission Provider. • Line reconductor or fiber underbuild required on existing poles were assumed to follow the most direct path on the Transmission Provider’s system. If during detailed design the path must be modified it may result in additional cost and timing delays for the Interconnection Customer’s Project. • Generator tripping may be required for certain outages. • The Transmission Provider has assumed that the current contractual arrangement of the leased system between the Interconnection Customer and the Transmission Provider remains as it currently stands. Should that contractual arrangement change, metering and communications changes could be required. • All facilities will meet or exceed the minimum Western Electricity Coordinating Council (“WECC”), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”), and the Transmission Provider’s performance and design standards. • This report is based on information available at the time of the study. It is the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to check the Transmission Provider’s web site regularly for Transmission System updates at https://www.oasis.oati.com/ppw 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS The following requirements are applicable to all Interconnection Requests. The Transmission Provider will identify any site-specific generating facility requirements in addition to the following in this report and in facilities studies. Certain Interconnection Requests requesting service at a voltage level traditionally defined as distribution may be subject to the transmission interconnection request requirements listed below should the Transmission Provider make that determination. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 3 March 31, 2021 3.1 Distribution Interconnection Requests The Generating Facility and interconnection equipment owned by the Interconnection Customers are required to operate under constant power factor mode with a unity power factor setting unless specifically requested otherwise by the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities are expressly forbidden from actively participating in voltage regulation of the Transmission Provider’s system without written request or authorization from the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities shall have sufficient reactive capacity to enable the delivery of 100 percent of the plant output to the applicable POI at unity power factor measured at 1.0 per unit voltage under steady state conditions. Generators shall be capable of operating under Voltage-reactive power mode, Active power- reactive power mode, and Constant reactive power mode as per IEEE Std. 1547-2018. This Project shall be capable of activating each of these modes one at a time. The Transmission Provider reserves the right to specify any mode and settings within the limits of IEEE Std 1547- 2018 needed before or after the generating facility enters service. The Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for implementing settings modifications and mode selections as requested by the Transmission Provider within an acceptable timeframe. The reactive compensation must be designed such that the discreet switching of the reactive device (if required by the Interconnection Customer) does not cause step voltage changes greater than +/-3% on the Transmission Provider’s system. In all cases the minimum power quality requirements in Transmission Provider’s Engineering Handbook section 1C shall be met and are available at https://www.pacificpower.net/about/power-quality-standards.html. Requirements specified in the System Impact Study that exceed requirements in the Engineering Handbook section 1C power quality standards shall apply. 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS The Transmission Provider will perform the cluster study based on geographically and/or electrically relevant areas on the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System known as Cluster Areas. The Transmission Provider has determined that this Cluster Study will be comprised of the following Cluster Areas: 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 10 The Transmission Provider performed the Transition Cluster Study based on geographically and/or electrically relevant areas on the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System known as Cluster Areas. The Transmission Provider has determined that the Interconnection Requests discussed in Section 5.0 are located in a geographically and/or electrically relevant area on Transmission Provider’s Transmission System, and thus, were assigned Cluster Area 10 in the Transition Cluster Study process. 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-38 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 0.3 megawatts (“MW”) of new generation to PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) distribution circuit 4M182 located in Benton County, Oregon. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of six (6) 50 KVA Solectria PV150TL solar inverters for a total output of 0.3 MW at the POI. The requested commercial operation date is September 1, 2021. Figure 1 below, is a one-line diagram that Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 4 March 31, 2021 illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will NOT operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Energy Resource Interconnection Service (“ERIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-38” 5.2 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-39 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 0.15 megawatts (“MW”) of new generation to PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) distribution circuit 4M182 located in Benton County, Oregon. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of three (3) 50 KVA Solectria PV150TL solar inverters for a total output of 0.15 MW at the POI. The requested commercial operation date is September 1, 2021. Figure 1 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will NOT operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Energy Resource Interconnection Service (“ERIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-39” 5.3 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-40 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 0.8 megawatts (“MW”) of new generation to PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) distribution circuit 4M182 located in Benton County, Oregon. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of eight (8) 100 KVA Solaredge SE100KUM solar inverters for a total output of 0.8 MW at the POI. The requested commercial operation date is September 1, 2021. Figure 1 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will NOT operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Energy Resource Interconnection Service (“ERIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-40” Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 5 March 31, 2021 NO 115kV Hillview Substation Energy Center R 1.25 MVA 6 MVALoad 750 kVAZ=2.4% 20.8 kV 50 kWDC/AC 50 kWDC/AC 50 kWDC/AC R 50 kWDC/AC 50 kWDC/AC 50 kWDC/AC 750 kVA Z=3% 300 kVA Z=6% 45 kVAZ=6%Grounding Transformer 480 V 208 V 4.16 kV Load M 1000 kVA Z=5.75% M480 V R 50 kWDC/AC50 kWDC/AC50 kWDC/AC 50 kWDC/AC50 kWDC/AC 50 kWDC/AC 50 kWDC/AC50 kWDC/AC R 50 kWDC/AC50 kWDC/AC 50 kWDC/AC LoadLoad 480 V 15 kVAZ=6%GroundingTransformer 75 kVAZ=6%GroundingTransformer 300 kVAZ=3.66% R Coliseum Substation TCS-38 TCS-39TCS-40 Optical Fiber Cable Optical Fiber Cable 4M182 2.39 miles 630 ft 3580 ft 300 kWDC/AC500 kWDC/AC500 kWDC/AC 20.8 kV R 35th Street Substation 750 ft 2015 ftRabbit Solar Load Mary s River Grant 808 ft NO M M M Figure 1: Simplified System One Line Diagram 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS In addition to the requirements described above the following Generating Facility are required for the specific Interconnection Requests listed below. TCS-38 The TCS-38 Interconnection Customer will be required to install a transformer that will hold the phase to neutral voltages within limits when the generation facility is isolated with the Transmission Provider’s local system until the generation disconnects. The circuit that the Project is connecting to is a four wire multi-grounded circuit with line to neutral connected load. The 45 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 6 March 31, 2021 kVA grounding transformer specified by the Interconnection Customer and shown in Figure 1 will satisfy this requirement. The electric generation facility will need to be equipped with a main 480 V generation breaker that can disconnect all generation sources and the grounding transformer from the distribution network. The main breaker needs to have stored energy operate capability so that the breaker can be tripped open in a zero AC voltage state. TCS-39 The TCS-39 Interconnection Customer will be required to install a transformer that will hold the phase to neutral voltages within limits when the generation facility is isolated with the Transmission Provider’s local system until the generation disconnects. The circuit that the Project is connecting to is a four wire multi-grounded circuit with line to neutral connected load. The 15 kVA grounding transformer specified by the Interconnection Customer and shown in Figure 1 will satisfy this requirement. The electric generation facility will need to be equipped with a main 480 V generation breaker that can disconnect all generation sources and the grounding transformer from the distribution network. The main breaker needs to have stored energy operate capability so that the breaker can be tripped open in a zero AC voltage state. TCS-40 The TCS-40 Interconnection Customer will be required to install a transformer that will hold the phase to neutral voltages within limits when the generation facility is isolated with the Transmission Provider’s local system until the generation disconnects. The circuit that the Project is connecting to is a four wire multi-grounded circuit with line to neutral connected load. The 75 kVA grounding transformer specified by the Interconnection Customer and shown in Figure 1 will satisfy this requirement. The electric generation facility will need to be equipped with a main 480 V generation breaker that can disconnect all generation sources and the grounding transformer from the distribution network. The main breaker needs to have stored energy operate capability so that the breaker can be tripped open in a zero AC voltage state. 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Transmission System Requirements No transmission system modifications are required to accommodate the three Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area. 7.2 Distribution System Requirements TCS-38 No distribution system upgrades were identified as necessary to accommodate this Interconnection Request. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 7 March 31, 2021 TCS-39 No distribution system upgrades were identified as necessary to accommodate this Interconnection Request. TCS-40 To accommodate this Interconnection Request the Transmission Provider will need to replace an existing 300 kVA transformer with a 1000 kVA transformer and vault. The Transmission Provider will also need to install a new PME-3 gang operated switchgear and vault between an existing sectionalizer and the new transformer. New conduit and 4/0 AL conductor will be required from the sectionalizer to switchgear and on to the new transformer. The placement of required distribution equipment has not been finalized and will require input from Interconnection Customer. The Transmission Provider has identified two possible options for the installation of the new equipment that will be coordinated with the Interconnection Customer: • Replace in existing location, this will require prolonged outage to remove transformer and vault and pull new wire as required. • Install new vault, conduit and transformer in a new location near existing without taking extended outage and cut over to new transformer with smaller outage. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 8 March 31, 2021 Figure 2: Map for TCS-40 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements No transmission line upgrades are necessary for the proposed interconnection requests in this Cluster Area. 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit The increase in the fault duty on the system as the result of the addition of the Generation Facilities with photovoltaic arrays fed through 6 – 50 kW inverters connected to a 300 kVA 208 – 480 V transformer with 6% impedance then through a 750 kVA 4160 – 208 V Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 9 March 31, 2021 transformer with 3 % impedance then through a 750 kVA 20.8 – 4.16 kV transformer with 2.4 % impedance along with photovoltaic array fed through 3 – 50 kW inverters connected to a 300 kVA 20.8 kV – 480 V transformer with 3.66 % impedance along with photovoltaic array fed through 8 – 50 kW inverters connected to a 1000 kVA 20.8 kV – 480 V transformer with 5.75 % impedance will not push the fault duty above the interrupting rating of any of the existing fault interrupting equipment. 7.5 Protection Requirements The three solar projects in this Cluster Area will need to disconnect from the network in a high- speed manner for faults on the 20.8 kV line on circuit 4M182 out of Hillview substation or for faults in the 115–20.8 kV transformers at Hillview substation. There are existing generators on this circuit that required the installation of relays at Hillview substation to detect faults in the 115–20.8 kV transformers and send transfer trip to the generators. The TCS-38, 39 and 40 Generating Facilities will also need to receive this transfer trip signal from Hillview substation. The transfer trip signal is currently being received at the Energy Center. As part of there Interconnection Requests a communication circuit will need to be installed that can carry this signal from the Energy Center to the relays for the generation main 480 V breakers for each of the three Generating Facilities. Each of the three proposed Generating Facilities will need to be equipped with a main 480 V generation breaker that can disconnect all generation sources from the distribution network. The main breaker needs to have stored energy operate capability so that the breaker can be tripped open in a zero AC voltage state. An SEL 751 relay would meet these requirements. The source of sensing voltage for the relay will need to be on the utility side of the main breaker for the Generating Facilities. The SEL 751 relay will be configured to perform the following functions: 1. Detect faults on the 480 V equipment at the Generating Facilities 2. Detect faults on the 20.8 kV line to Hillview substation 3. Monitor the voltage and react to under or over frequency, and /or magnitude of the voltage 4. Monitor the unbalance current flowing through the grounding transformers and protect the transformers from damage due to phase unbalances on the 20.8 kV circuit 5. Receive transfer trip from Hillview substation via the Energy Center 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements Due to the power size of these proposed Generating Facilities, no real time data will be required. 7.7 Substation Requirements No substation upgrades have been identified as necessary for the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area. 7.8 Communication Requirements An optical fiber cable will be required between the Interconnection Customer’s Energy Center and each of the three Generating Facilities. The Transmission Provider will install communications equipment, assumed to be pole mounted, at each of the three sites. Fiber will be extended to the Interconnection Customers’ relays. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 10 March 31, 2021 7.9 Metering Requirements TCS-38 A production meter to measure the output from the generator is required. The generator output rating does not require metering DNP real-time data. The Transmission Provider will provide the metering instrument transformers, meter, test switch and communication cellular package. The Transmission Provider will create the meter program/design, test, and complete an in- service accuracy verification of the metering package. The Interconnection Customer will install the meter mounting and transformer enclosure, which will conform to the Transmission Provider’s Six State Electric Service Requirements manual. Station Service/Construction Power Presumably the Interconnection Customer will provide construction power within their existing system. However, if the customer does require a feed from the Transmission Provider, the customer must arrange temporary construction power metering. Interconnection Customer must call the PCCC Solution Center 1-800-640-2212 to arrange this service TCS-39 A production meter to measure the output from the generator is required. The generator output rating does not require metering DNP real-time data. The Transmission Provider will provide the metering instrument transformers, meter, test switch and communication cellular package. The Transmission Provider will create the meter program/design, test, and complete an in- service accuracy verification of the metering package. The Interconnection Customer will install the meter mounting and transformer enclosure, which will conform to the Transmission Provider’s Six State Electric Service Requirements manual. Station Service/Construction Power Presumably the Interconnection Customer will provide construction power within their existing system. However, if the customer does require a feed from the Transmission Provider, the customer must arrange temporary construction power metering. Interconnection Customer must call the PCCC Solution Center 1-800-640-2212 to arrange this service TCS-40 A production meter to measure the output from the generator is required. The generator output rating does not require metering DNP real-time data. The Transmission Provider will provide the metering instrument transformers, meter, test switch and communication cellular package. The Transmission Provider will create the meter program/design, test, and complete an in- service accuracy verification of the metering package. The Interconnection Customer will install the meter mounting and transformer enclosure, which will conform to the Transmission Provider’s Six State Electric Service Requirements manual. Station Service/Construction Power Presumably the Interconnection Customer will provide construction power within their existing system. However, if the customer does require a feed from the Transmission Provider, the customer must arrange temporary construction power metering. Interconnection Customer must call the PCCC Solution Center 1-800-640-2212 to arrange this service Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 11 March 31, 2021 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES There are no contingent facilities identified for this interconnection request. 9.0 COST ESTIMATE The following estimate represents only scopes of work that will be performed by the Transmission Provider. Costs for any work being performed by the Interconnection Customer and/or Affected Systems are not included. 9.1 Interconnection Facilities The following facilities are directly assigned to Interconnection Customer(s) using such facilities. If multiple Interconnection Requests are utilizing the same Transmission Provider Interconnection Facilities the costs shall be shared pursuant to Section 39.2.3 of Transmission Provider’s OATT. TCS-38 Project Administration $7,000 Project management, administrative support Develop Relay Settings $9,000 P&C Engineer and Relay Technician Metering $9,000 Metering equipment Communications $75,000 Fiber from Energy Center to POI, equipment at POI and Energy Center Other Costs $19,000 Capital surcharge and contingency Total $119,000 TCS-39 Project Administration $7,000 Project management, administrative support Develop Relay Settings $9,000 P&C Engineer and Relay Technician Metering $9,000 Metering equipment Communications $18,000 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 12 March 31, 2021 Fiber from Energy Center to POI, equipment at POI and Energy Center Other Costs $19,000 Capital surcharge and contingency Total $62,000 TCS-40 Project Administration $7,000 Project management, administrative support Develop Relay Settings $9,000 P&C Engineer and Relay Technician Metering $9,000 Metering equipment Distribution $64,000 Install transformer, switchgear, conductor Communications $18,000 Fiber from Energy Center to POI, equipment at POI and Energy Center Other Costs $19,000 Capital surcharge and contingency Total $126,000 10.0 SCHEDULE The Transmission Provider estimates it will require approximately 15-18 months to design, procure and construct the facilities described in this report following the execution of Interconnection Agreements. The schedule will be further developed and optimized during the Facilities Studies. Please note, the time required to perform the scope of work identified in this report does not support the Interconnection Customers’ requested Commercial Operation dates. 11.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS Transmission Provider has identified the following affected systems: None 12.0 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests Appendix 3: Property Requirements Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 13 March 31, 2021 12.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results Three base cases were developed to represent heavy summer, heavy winter and light spring load conditions. A Power flow analysis was performed on each case for various system configurations. The study focused on the 115 kV system that make up the Corvallis loop and distribution bus at Hillview substation. Voltage and thermal limitation of surrounding substation buses and lines were monitored. The results for the transmission study concluded that steady state and post transient voltages are within acceptable limits. No thermal violations were identified. The proposed Generation Facilities TCS-38, 39 and 40 do not result in additional deficiencies to the Transmission Provider’s transmission system. No transmission upgrades are required. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 14 March 31, 2021 12.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests All active higher priority Transmission Provider projects, and transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests will be considered in this cluster area study and are identified below. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, as the results and conclusions contained within this study could significantly change. Transmission/Generation Interconnection Queue Requests considered: OCS008 (2.16 MW) Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 15 March 31, 2021 12.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Requirements for rights of way easements Rights of way easements will be acquired by the Interconnection Customer in the Transmission Provider’s name for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and removal of Transmission Provider’s Interconnection Facilities that will be owned and operated by PacifiCorp. Interconnection Customer will acquire all necessary permits for the Project and will obtain rights of way easements for the Project on Transmission Provider’s easement form. Real Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Real property for a POI substation will be acquired by an Interconnection Customer to accommodate the Interconnection Customer’s Project. The real property must be acceptable to Transmission Provider. Interconnection Customer will acquire fee ownership for interconnection substation unless Transmission Provider determines that other than fee ownership is acceptable; however, the form and instrument of such rights will be at Transmission Provider’s sole discretion. Any land rights that Interconnection Customer is planning to retain as part of a fee property conveyance will be identified in advance to Transmission Provider and are subject to the Transmission Provider’s approval. The Interconnection Customer must obtain all permits required by all relevant jurisdictions for the planned use including but not limited to conditional use permits, Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, California Environmental Quality Act, as well as all construction permits for the Project. If eligible, Interconnection Customer will not be reimbursed through network upgrades for more than the market value of the property. As a minimum, real property must be environmentally, physically, and operationally acceptable to Transmission Provider. The real property shall be a permitted or able to be permitted use in all zoning districts. The Interconnection Customer shall provide Transmission Provider with a title report and shall transfer property without any material defects of title or other encumbrances that are not acceptable to Transmission Provider. Property lines shall be surveyed and show all encumbrances, encroachments, and roads. Examples of potentially unacceptable environmental, physical, or operational conditions could include but are not limited to: 1. Environmental: known contamination of site; evidence of environmental contamination by any dangerous, hazardous or toxic materials as defined by any governmental agency; violation of building, health, safety, environmental, fire, land use, zoning or other such regulation; violation of ordinances or statutes of any governmental entities having jurisdiction over the property; underground or above ground storage tanks in area; known remediation sites on property; ongoing mitigation activities or monitoring activities; asbestos; lead-based paint, etc. A Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 10 Page 16 March 31, 2021 phase I environmental study is required for land being acquired in fee by the Transmission Provider unless waived by Transmission Provider. 2. Physical: inadequate site drainage; proximity to flood zone; erosion issues; wetland overlays; threatened and endangered species; archeological or culturally sensitive areas; inadequate sub-surface elements, etc. Transmission Provider may require Interconnection Customer to procure various studies and surveys as determined necessary by Transmission Provider. Operational: inadequate access for Transmission Provider’s equipment and vehicles; existing structures on land that require removal prior to building of substation; ongoing maintenance for landscaping or extensive landscape requirements; ongoing homeowner's or other requirements or restrictions (e.g., Covenants, Codes and Restrictions, deed restrictions, etc.) on property which are not acceptable to the Transmission Provider. Generation Interconnection Transition Cluster Transition Cluster Study Report Cluster Area 6 March 31, 2021 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 6 Page i March 31, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 2 3.1 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests ................................................................................ 2 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................... 3 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 6 .......................................................................................................................... 3 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request - TCS-12 ............................................................................ 3 5.2 Description of Interconnection Request - TCS-13 ............................................................................ 4 5.3 Description of Interconnection Request - TCS-14 ............................................................................ 5 5.4 Description of Interconnection Request - TCS-15 ............................................................................ 6 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 7 6.1 Interconnection Request Cluster #6 .................................................................................................. 7 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - ERIS ............................................ 7 7.1 Transmission System Requirements ................................................................................................. 7 7.2 Distribution System Requirements ................................................................................................... 7 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements ...................................................................................................... 8 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit ........................................................................... 8 7.5 Protection Requirements ................................................................................................................... 9 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements .............................................................................................................. 11 7.7 Substation Requirements ................................................................................................................. 12 7.8 Communication Requirements ........................................................................................................ 12 7.9 Metering Requirements ................................................................................................................... 13 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES (ERIS) ............................................................................................ 14 9.0 COST ESTIMATE (ERIS) ............................................................................................................. 14 9.1 Interconnection Facilities ................................................................................................................ 14 10.0 SCHEDULE (ERIS) ....................................................................................................................... 16 11.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS – NRIS ......................................... 16 12.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................. 16 13.0 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................ 16 13.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results ............................................... 17 13.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests ............................................................................................ 18 13.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements ............................................................................................... 19 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 1 March 31, 2021 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY Cluster Area 6 (CA6) generally covers the Sunnyside/Yakima, Washington area and consists of the following four Interconnection Requests.: TCS-12, TCS-13, TCS-14 and TCS-15 Consistent with Attachment W, Section 3.4.2 and Section 51.4 of PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), this interconnection Transition Cluster Study (“Cluster Study”) evaluated the impact of the proposed interconnections on the reliability of the Transmission System. The Cluster Study considered the Base Case as well as all generating facilities (and with respect to (iii) below, any identified Network Upgrades associated with such higher queued interconnection) that, on the date the Cluster Request Window closes: (i) are existing and directly interconnected to the Transmission System; (ii) are existing and interconnected to Affected Systems and may have an impact on the Interconnection Request; (iii) have a pending higher queued or higher clustered interconnection request to interconnect to the transmission system; and (iv) have executed an LGIA or requested that an unexecuted LGIA be filed with FERC. The Cluster Study consisted of power flow, stability, and short circuit analyses. This Cluster Study report provides the following information: • identification of any circuit breaker short circuit capability limits exceeded as a result of the interconnection; • identification of any thermal overload or voltage limit violations resulting from the interconnection; • identification of any instability or inadequately damped response to system disturbances resulting from the interconnection and • description and non-binding, good faith estimated cost of facilities required to interconnect the Generating Facilities to the Transmission System and to address the identified short circuit, instability, and power flow issues 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS • All active higher priority transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests that were considered in this study are listed in Appendix 2. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, and the results and conclusions could significantly change. • For study purposes there are two separate queues: o Transmission Service Queue: to the extent practical, all network upgrades that are required to accommodate active transmission service requests were modeled in this study. o Generation Interconnection Queue: Interconnection Facilities and network upgrades associated with higher queued or higher clustered interconnection requests were modeled in this study. • The Interconnection Customers’ request for energy or network resource interconnection Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 2 March 31, 2021 service in and of itself does not request or convey transmission service. Only a Network Customer may make a request to designate a generating resource as a Network Resource. Because the queue of higher priority transmission service requests may be different when a Network Customer requests network resource designation for this Generating Facility, the available capacity or transmission modifications, if any, necessary to provide Network Integration Transmission Service may be significantly different. Therefore, Interconnection Customers should regard the results of this study as informational rather than final. • Under normal conditions, the Transmission Provider does not dispatch or otherwise directly control or regulate the output of generating facilities. Therefore, the need for transmission modifications, if any, that may be required to provide Network Resource Interconnection Service will be evaluated on the basis of 100 percent deliverability (i.e., this study did not model displacement of other resources in the same area). • This study assumed the Projects will be integrated into the Transmission Provider’s system at agreed upon and/or proposed Points of Interconnection (“POI” or “POIs”). • If Interconnection Customers proceed through the interconnection process, they will be required to construct and own any facilities required between the Point of Change of Ownership and the Project unless specifically identified by the Transmission Provider. • Line reconductor or fiber underbuild required on existing poles were assumed to follow the most direct path on the Transmission Provider’s system. If during detailed design the path must be modified it may result in additional cost and timing delays for the Interconnection Customer’s Project. • Generator tripping may be required for certain outages. • All facilities will meet or exceed the minimum Western Electricity Coordinating Council (“WECC”), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”), and the Transmission Provider’s performance and design standards. • This report is based on information available at the time of the study. It is the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to check the Transmission Provider’s web site regularly for Transmission System updates at https://www.oasis.oati.com/ppw 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS The following requirements are applicable to all Interconnection Requests. The Transmission Provider will identify any site-specific generating facility requirements in addition to the following in this report and in facilities studies. Certain Interconnection Requests requesting service at a voltage level traditionally defined as distribution may be subject to the transmission interconnection request requirements listed below should the Transmission Provider make that determination. 3.1 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests The Generating Facility and interconnection equipment owned by the Interconnection Customers are required to operate under constant power factor mode with a unity power factor setting unless specifically requested otherwise by the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities are expressly forbidden from actively participating in voltage regulation of the Transmission Provider’s system without written request or authorization from the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities shall have sufficient reactive capacity to enable the delivery of 100 percent of the plant output to the applicable POI at unity power factor measured at 1.0 per unit voltage under steady state conditions. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 3 March 31, 2021 Generating Facilities shall be capable of operating under Voltage-reactive power mode, Active power-reactive power mode, and Constant reactive power mode as per IEEE Std. 1547-2018. This project shall be capable of activating each of these modes one at a time. The Transmission Provider reserves the right to specify any mode and settings within the limits of IEEE Std 1547-2018 needed before or after the generating facility enters service. The Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for implementing settings modifications and mode selections as requested by the Transmission Provider within an acceptable timeframe. The reactive compensation must be designed such that the discreet switching of the reactive device (if required by the Interconnection Customer) does not cause step voltage changes greater than +/-3% on the Transmission Provider’s system. In all cases the minimum power quality requirements in Transmission Provider’s Engineering Handbook section 1C shall be met and are available at https://www.pacificpower.net/about/power-quality-standards.html. Requirements specified in the System Impact Study that exceed requirements in the Engineering Handbook section 1C power quality standards shall apply. 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS The Transmission Provider performed the Transition Cluster Study based on geographically and/or electrically relevant areas on the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System known as Cluster Areas. The Transmission Provider has determined that the Interconnection Requests discussed in Section 5.0 are located in a geographically and/or electrically relevant area on Transmission Provider’s Transmission System, and thus, were assigned Cluster Area 6 in the Transition Cluster Study process. 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 6 Cluster Area 6 (CA6 generally covers the Sunnyside/Yakima, Washington area and consists of the following four Interconnection Requests. 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request - TCS-12 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 3 megawatts (“MW”) of new generation to Transmission Provider’s (“Transmission Provider”) distribution circuit 5Y690 out of White Swan substation located in Yakima County, Washington. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of twenty (20) 150 KVA SMA Sunny High Power Peak3 solar inverters for a total output of 3 MW at the POI. The requested commercial operation date is December 31, 2021. Figure 1 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will NOT operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Transmission Provider Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Energy Resource Interconnection Service (“ERIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-12” Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 4 March 31, 2021 5.2 Description of Interconnection Request - TCS-13 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 5 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s distribution circuit 5Y690 out of White Swan substation located in Yakima County, Washington. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of thirty-four (34) 150 KVA SMA Sunny High Power Peak3 solar inverters for a total output of 5 MW at the POI. The requested commercial operation date is December 31, 2021. Figure 1 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Transmission Provider Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-13” Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 5 March 31, 2021 911 feet 5Y690 TOUNION GAP115kV TOBPA WHITE SWAN115kV 12.0kV MM R WHITE SWAN SUBSTATION Change of Ownership Point of Interconnection 12.0kV Meter Optical Fiber Cable LTC R R LTC LOADS 150 kWDC/AC 150 kWDC/AC150 kWDC/AC 150 kWDC/AC 20InvertersTotal 5000 kVA Z=6%3000 kVA Z=6% 600 V 600 V 34InvertersTotal 750 kVA Z=6% TCS-12TCS-13 Figure 1: Simplified System One Line Diagram 5.3 Description of Interconnection Request - TCS-14 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 2.99 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s distribution circuit 5Y312 out of Sunnyside substation located in Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 6 March 31, 2021 Yakima County, Washington. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of one (1) 3,300 KVA Power Electronics FP3190K2 solar inverter to be factory limited for a total output of 2.99 MW at the POI. The Interconnection Request also consists of 2.99 MW of battery storage with no capability of charging from the Transmission Provider’s grid. The requested commercial operation date is December 31, 2020. Figure 2 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Transmission Provider Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-14” 5.4 Description of Interconnection Request - TCS-15 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 2 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s distribution circuit 5Y312 out of Sunnyside substation located in Yakima County, Washington. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of one (1) 2,125 KVA Power Electronics FP2125K2 solar inverter for a total output of 2 MW at the POI. The Interconnection Request also consists of 2 MW of battery storage with no capability of charging from the Transmission Provider’s grid. for a total output of 2 MW at the POI. The requested commercial operation date is December 31, 2020. Figure 2 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Transmission Provider Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-15” Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 7 March 31, 2021 NO NO NO NO NONO 115kV SUNNYSIDE SUB 5Y312 Change of ownership M Point of Interconnection12.0 kV 1.7 Miles Wine Country Sub Outlook Sub R Loads 12 kV TCS-14 600 V 125 kWDC/AC 600 V 125 kWDC/AC 3000 kVA Z=5.75% 2000 kVA Z=5.75% R Optical Fiber Cable 1000 kVA Z=7.5% M M TCS-15 Figure 2: Simplified System One Line Diagram 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS In addition to the requirements described above the following Generating Facility are required for the specific Interconnection Requests listed below. 6.1 Interconnection Request Cluster #6 The Interconnection Customers will be required to install a transformer that will hold the phase to neutral voltages within limits when the generating facilities are isolated with the Transmission Provider’s local system until the generation disconnects. All four Interconnection Requests have proposed grounded-wye/ungrounded-wye step-up transformers which will not accomplish the stabilization of the phase to neutral voltages on the 12 kV system. The circuits that the Interconnection Requests are proposing to connect to are four wire multi-grounded circuits with line to neutral connected load. Figures 1 & 2 show the addition of a wye – delta grounding transformer of adequate power size and impedance that will meet the requirement as each of the two Points of Interconnection. 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - ERIS 7.1 Transmission System Requirements The Transmission Provider has determined that it is possible to have reverse power flow at White Swan substation on both banks 1 and 2 caused by the added generation from TCS-12 and 13. Protection and control equipment will need to be updated to accommodate reverse power from the distribution system to the transmission system. 7.2 Distribution System Requirements TCS-12 and TCS-13 To create a POI the Transmission Provider will extend 12 kV facilities from its existing infrastructure to the Interconnection Customers’ Generating Facilities location. This line Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 8 March 31, 2021 extension will require a minimum of two new poles. A three-phase, gang-operated, load break disconnect switch is required on the first pole. A primary metering assembly is required on the second pole. The TCS-12 and TCS-13 interconnection projects will require modification to the existing voltage regulation scheme on Feeder 5Y690. These modifications are necessary to maintain steady state voltage levels within ANSI Range A during heavy loading conditions while the generation facility is online. Without these network upgrades customers on Feeder 5Y690 will experience voltage levels below 0.94 p.u. while the generation facility is operating a full output which exceeds ANSI Range A limits. A new 438A regulator bank will be installed near facility point 02111016.0366000. An existing regulator bank will be moved from its current location at facility point 02111016.0259001 to a location near 02111016.0192000. The interconnection will require modifications to the LTC settings on transformers T-1000 and T-961 at White Swan substation. It will also require setting changes to a new set of line regulators just east of this interconnection as well as the next set of downstream line regulators. TCS-14 and TCS-15 To create a POI the Transmission Provider will extend 12 kV facilities from its existing infrastructure to the Interconnection Customers’ Generating Facilities location. This line extension will require a minimum of two new poles. A three-phase, gang-operated, load break disconnect switch is required on the first pole. A primary metering assembly is required on the second pole. The TCS-14 and TCS-15 interconnection projects will require relocation of a bank of voltage regulators and modification of the LTC settings on T-3798 at Sunnyside substation. The regulator bank will be moved from the present location on Outlook Road east of Maple Grove to a new location on Maple Grove south of Outlook Road. This is required to maintain voltage within the ANSI Range A level of 0.95 per unit to 1.05 per unit. Without this change the voltage level on the Maple Grove branch near the end is calculated at 0.94 per unit. Modification of the LTC settings at Sunnyside substation are required to ensure that the other two feeders served from T-3798 (5Y311 and 5Y316) maintain voltages within ANSI Range A during peak load, as well. 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements No Transmission line upgrades are required for the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area. 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit TCS-12 and TCS-13 The increase in the fault duty on the system as the result of the addition of the generating facilities with photovoltaic arrays, inverters and transformers as specified in the Interconnection Customers’ applications as shown in Figure 1, assuming transformers with 6% impedance will not push the fault duty above the interrupting rating of any of the existing fault interrupting equipment. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 9 March 31, 2021 TCS-14 and TCS-15 The increase in the fault duty on the system as the result of the addition of the generating facilities with photovoltaic arrays, inverters and transformers as specified in the Interconnection Customers’ applications as shown in Figure 2, assuming transformers with 5% impedance will not push the fault duty above the interrupting rating of any of the existing fault interrupting equipment. 7.5 Protection Requirements TCS-12 and TCS-13 Protective relaying systems will need to be installed that will detect faults and cause the disconnection of the Generating Facilities for the following: • 12 kV line faults on circuit 5Y690 out of White Swan substation • Faults in the 115 – 12 kV transformers at White Swan substation • Faults on the 115 kV line out of White Swan to Union Gap and BPA White Swan Faults in the 12 kV distribution circuit will be cleared by timely operation of circuit breaker 5Y690. The faults will be detected by overcurrent relay elements at White Swan substation. The existing relays do not have this capability therefore a new SEL-751 relay and associated equipment will be installed. This relay will be set to be directional which will required a set of three 12 kV line potential transformers at the substation. The relay will also be set to produce successive automatic reclosing operations of the line breaker 5Y690 in order to automatically recover the service for temporary faults. The reclosing should not take place when the Generating Facilities are connected to the distribution feeder; therefore, the relay will not execute the reclosing order unless the line is de-energized (“dead-line checking”). This requires the installation of 12 kV line potential transformers. As the generation capacity of the proposed Generating Facilities will surpass the feeder’s load during certain daylight periods, the dead-line checking scheme may lead to a condition with 5Y690 circuit breaker open for long periods of time. This will be avoided by sending direct transfer trip to the facility’s main recloser from the 5Y690 SEL-751 relay through a communications path anytime 5Y690 is open. The two substation 115-12 kV transformers are protected with fuses installed on the 115 kV side. This protection scheme will not be effective when the Generating Facilities are put in service because during a transformer fault there will be a current contribution from the Generating Facilities that will not be cleared by the fuses. In addition to that, faults in the 115 kV line, which are currently cleared by the existing line protection scheme, will have a contribution from the Generation Facilities. To detect those faults in the transformer and in the 115 kV lines, two multifunction relays (SEL-321 or similar) will be installed using the existing 115 kV current transformers and the 115 kV voltage. Three new 115 kV voltage transformers and three slip on CTs on the high side of transformer T-961 are needed in this scheme. When a fault is detected in the direction from 12 kV to 115 kV, the relays will send transfer trip to Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 10 March 31, 2021 the generating facility reclosers. The LTC control for T-961 is to be replaced with Beckwith controller and LTC settings modified for T-1000 to accommodate reverse power flow. At the Generating Facility site, the Interconnection Customers will need to install a circuit recloser equipped with a SEL 351R relay/controller and voltage instrument transformers mounted on the utility side of the circuit recloser. The 351R will perform the following protection functions: • Receive transfer trip from White Swan substation • Detect faults on the 12 kV at the Generating Facility • Detect faults on the 12 kV line to White Swan substation • Monitor the voltage and react to under or over frequency, and / or magnitude of the voltage TCS-14 and TCS-15 Protective relaying systems will need to be installed that will detect faults and cause the disconnection of the generation facility for 12.5 kV line faults on circuit 5Y312 out of Sunnyside substation. The minimum day time load on this circuit is 1.7 MW which is well below the maximum potential power output of the proposed Generating Facilities. For this reason, the unbalance condition of the load and generation cannot be relied upon to cause the high-speed disconnection of the Generation Facilities for faults on the Distribution System. Existing relay SEL-751 will be set to detect the fault conditions and send transfer trip from Sunnyside substation to the generating facilities to cause the disconnection of the Generation Facilities. For 12.5 kV circuit faults the transfer trip will be keyed by the opening of breaker 5Y312 at Sunnyside substation. The line relay associated with breaker 5Y312 need to have two functions: directional overcurrent and dead-line checking. Both the functions will require the addition of 12.5 kV VTs on the line side of the CB 5Y312. The secondaries of these voltage transformers will connect to the feeder protection relay. With the addition of the Generation Facilities, current in excess of the overcurrent pickup setting will flow into the substation for faults on the other feeder. This would cause CB 5Y312 to trip for faults on the other feeder which would be unacceptable. With the directional overcurrent function these unacceptable operations can be prevented. The dead-line checking will be required to block the automatic reclosing of CB 5Y312 for the cases when a failure of the protective systems leads to delayed tripping of the Generation Facilities for a feeder fault. Reclosing for this type of situation could cause damage to the equipment and needs to be prevented. At the Generating Facility site, the Interconnection Customers will need to install a circuit recloser equipped with a SEL 351R relay/controller and voltage instrument transformers mounted on the utility side of the circuit recloser. The 351R will perform the following protection functions: • Receive transfer trip from Sunnyside substation • Detect faults on the 12.5 kV at the generation facility • Detect faults on the 12.5 kV line to Sunnyside substation • Monitor the voltage and react to under or over frequency, and / or magnitude of the • voltage Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 11 March 31, 2021 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements TCS-12 and TCS-13 Data for the operation of the power system will be needed from the Interconnection Customer’s Generating Facilities. This data will be acquired by installing an RTU at the collector station. The following data will be acquired from the collector station. Analogs:  Net Generation MW  Net Generator MVAR  Energy Register  Real power flow TCS-12  Reactive power flow Circuit TCS-12  Real power flow Circuit TCS-13  Reactive power flow Circuit TCS-13  A phase 12.5 kV voltage  B phase 12.5 kV voltage  C phase 12.5 kV voltage  Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI)  Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar)  Average Plant Temperature (Celsius)  Max Generator Limit MW (set point control)  Potential Power MW Status:  12.5 kV tie recloser  Relay alarm TCS-14 and TCS-15 Data for the operation of the power system will be needed from the Interconnection Customer’s Generating Facilities. This data will be acquired by installing an RTU at the collector station. The following data will be acquired from the collector station. Analogs:  Net Generation MW  Net Generator MVAR  Energy Register  A phase 12.5 kV voltage  B phase 12.5 kV voltage  C phase 12.5 kV voltage  Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI)  Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar)  Average Plant Temperature (Celsius)  Max Generator Limit MW (set point control)  Potential Power MW Status:  12.5 kV tie recloser  Relay alarm Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 12 March 31, 2021 7.7 Substation Requirements White Swan Substation The following will be installed at White Swan substation to accommodate the protection scheme and may change during detailed design: • (3) 12.5 kV voltage transformers • (3) 115 kV CTs on T-961 • (3) 115 kV CCVT TCS-12 and TCS-13 POI The TCS-12 and TCS-13 POI. Grading, grounding, fencing, and all other construction activities to support the installation of the new control house and will be performed by the transmission provider. AC station service and DC battery banks will be provided and installed by the transmission provider. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed by the transmission provider. The following major equipment, which will be provided by the transmission provider, has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • Control house Sunnyside Substation The following will be installed at Sunnyside Substation to accommodate the protection scheme and may change during detailed design: • (3) 12.5kV voltage transformers TCS-14 and TCS-15 The TCS-14 and TCS-15 POI. Grading, grounding, fencing, and all other construction activities to support the installation of the new control house and will be performed by the transmission provider. AC station service and DC battery banks will be provided and installed by the transmission provider. A CDEGS grounding analysis will be performed by the transmission provider. The following major equipment, which will be provided by the transmission provider, has been identified as being required and may change during detailed design. • Control house 7.8 Communication Requirements TCS-12 and TCS-13 The existing single channel MAS radio will be replaced with a 960 multiple channel radio to Rattlesnake Hill communications site. A channel bank for SCADA, Ethernet and metering channels will be installed along with a DC power system for communications. A new network router and switch will be required to support MV-90 communications. To support relaying and SCADA at the Generating Facilities site approximately 900 feet of ADSS fiber optic cable will be built along the distribution route to the Generating Facilities site. Communications equipment including an RTU will be installed at the Generating Facilities site. Fiber will be extended to the Interconnection Customers’ recloser relay. TCS-14 and TCS-15 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 13 March 31, 2021 The existing single channel MAS radio will be replaced with a 960 multiple channel radio to Prosser Hill communications site. A channel bank for SCADA, Ethernet and metering channels will be installed along with a DC power system for communications. A new network router and switch will be required to support MV-90 comms. To support relaying and SCADA at the Generating Facilities site approximately 1.7 miles of ADSS fiber optic cable will be built along the distribution route to the Generating Facilities site. Communications equipment including an RTU will be installed at the generating facilities site. Fiber will be extended to the Interconnection Customers’ recloser relay. 7.9 Metering Requirements TCS-12 and TCS-13 Interchange Metering Three metering points will be required: one metering point at the POI, one metering point for TCS-12, and one metering point for TCS-13. All metering points will be located on the high side of the Interconnection Customers’ generator step up transformers. The metering transformers will be installed overhead on poles per distribution DM construction standards. The meters will be installed in a meter panel or outdoor enclosure. The Transmission Provider will procure, install, test, and own all revenue metering equipment including the instrument transformers, meters, test switches, panels/enclosures, junction boxes, and secondary metering wire. The metering design package for each point will include two revenue quality meters, for a total of six meters. Each meter will have DNP real time digital data output. One meter for each point will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter for each point will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection to each meter is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the meter data management system. Station Service/Construction Power The Interconnection Customers must arrange distribution voltage retail meter service for electricity consumed by the project when not generating. Temporary construction power metering shall conform to the Six State Electric Service Requirements manual. Interconnection Customer must call the PCCC Solution Center 1-800-640-2212 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. TCS-14 and TCS-15 Both Interconnection Requests propose DC coupled battery and solar facilities. The Transmission Provider has no approved method to meter battery and solar in this configuration separately therefore the solar and battery storage will essentially be a single Generating Facility from a revenue metering perspective. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 14 March 31, 2021 Interchange Metering Three metering points will be required: one metering point at the POI, one metering point for TCS-14, and one metering point for TCS-15. All metering points will be located on the high side of the Interconnection Customers’ generator step up transformers. The metering transformers will be installed overhead on poles per distribution DM construction standards. The meters will be installed in a meter panel, outdoor enclosure, or outdoor meter base. The Transmission Provider will procure, install, test, and own all revenue metering equipment including the instrument transformers, meters, test switches, panels/enclosures, junction boxes, and secondary metering wire. The metering design package for the POI will include two revenue quality meters. Each meter will have DNP real time digital data output. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection to the POI meters is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the meter data management system. The metering design package for each individual generator will include one revenue-quality meter with bidirectional KWH and KVARH, revenue quantities. A cellular connection to each individual generator meter is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the meter data management system. Station Service/Construction Power The Interconnection Customer must arrange distribution voltage retail meter service for electricity consumed by the project when not generating. Temporary construction power metering shall conform to the Six State Electric Service Requirements manual. Interconnection Customer must call the PCCC Solution Center 1-800-640-2212 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES (ERIS) There are no contingent facilities identified for any of these interconnection requests. 9.0 COST ESTIMATE (ERIS) The following estimate represents only scopes of work that will be performed by the Transmission Provider. Costs for any work being performed by the Interconnection Customer and/or Affected Systems are not included. 9.1 Interconnection Facilities The following facilities are directly assigned to Interconnection Customer(s) using such facilities. If multiple Interconnection Requests are utilizing the same Transmission Provider Interconnection Facilities the costs shall be shared pursuant to Section 39.2.3 of Transmission Provider’s OATT. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 15 March 31, 2021 TCS-12 and TCS-13 Collector Substation $466,000 Install control building, metering, communications and develop relay settings Metering $157,000 Projects metering equipment White Swan Substation $806,000 Replace relay panel, install PT’s, CCVT’s and clip-on CT’s Rattlesnake Hill Substation $58,000 Communications Distribution $201,000 Line extension, install new regulator bank, relocate existing bank Total $1,688,000 TCS-12 Total $844,000 TCS-13 Total $844,000 TCS-14 and TCS-15 Collector Substation $448,000 Install control building, communications and develop relay settings Metering $75,000 Projects metering equipment Sunnyside Substation $269,000 Install VT And communications Prosser Hill Communications Site $58,000 Install communications Distribution $99,000 Line extension, relocate regulator bank Total $949,000 TCS-14 Total $475,000 TCS-15 Total $475,000 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 16 March 31, 2021 10.0 SCHEDULE (ERIS) The Transmission Provider estimates it will require approximately 18-20 months to design, procure and construct the facilities described in the ERIS sections of this report following the execution of Interconnection Agreements. The schedule will be further developed and optimized during the Facilities Studies. 11.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS – NRIS The Transmission Provider has determined that there are no additional requirements to provide NRIS for TCS-13, TCS-14 or TCS-15 beyond the requirements identified as necessary for ERIS. 12.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS Transmission Provider has identified the following affected systems: None 13.0 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests Appendix 3: Property Requirements Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 17 March 31, 2021 13.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results Three base cases were developed to represent heavy summer, heavy winter and light spring load conditions. A Power flow analysis was performed on each case for various system configurations. The study focused on the 115 kV system near White Swan and Sunnyside substation and distribution bus at each substation. Voltage and thermal limitation of surrounding substation buses and lines were monitored. The results for the transmission study concluded that steady state and post transient voltages are within acceptable limits. No thermal violations were identified. The proposed generation facilities do not result in additional deficiencies to the Transmission Provider’s transmission system. Although no voltage or thermal violations were found, the addition of TCS-12/TCS- 13 can cause reverse power flow on banks 1 and 2 at White Swan substation. Protection settings will need to be updated and regulator controls to accommodate reverse power from the distribution system to the transmission system. The distribution analysis includes load flow and voltage analysis of the distribution systems under summer peak conditions and fall light load conditions (minimum daytime load). No conductor capacity issues have been identified. In the case of TCS-14 and TCS-15 the issues identified relate to maintaining voltage within the ANSI Range A criteria on the Emerald Road section of the Maple Grove Branch during summer peak demand on the system and maximum output from the two generation facilities. Also, it is possible that the transient impact of adding the generation during this condition may momentarily result in voltage levels on the primary system near the POI that exceed 1.05 per unit. That condition will persist until the substation transformer voltage regulation acts to reduce the bus voltage and thus the line voltage level. A possible way to mitigate this issue is to operate the generation facility in such a way that the generation facility consumes kVAR. In the case of TCS-12 and TCS-13 the issues identified relate to maintaining voltage within the ANSI Range A criteria near the intersection of Progressive Road and Stevenson Road in the Wapato area during summer peak demand on the system and maximum output from the two generation facilities. Load transfers, load balancing, and volt-var regulation through existing and potentially new switched capacitor banks were considered for alternative solutions to resolve the voltage violation at peak conditions, but each alternative studied failed to fully resolve the negative impact to the feeder voltage caused by the two generation installations. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 18 March 31, 2021 13.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests All active higher priority Transmission Provider projects, and transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests will be considered in this cluster area study and are identified below. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, as the results and conclusions contained within this study could significantly change. Transmission/Generation Interconnection Queue Requests considered: Q1008 (94 MW) Q0953 (80 MW) Bonneville Power Administration requests considered: G0634 (80 MW) G0596 (80 MW) G0578 (80 MW) Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 19 March 31, 2021 13.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Requirements for rights of way easements Rights of way easements will be acquired by the Interconnection Customer in the Transmission Provider’s name for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and removal of Transmission Provider’s Interconnection Facilities that will be owned and operated by Transmission Provider. Interconnection Customer will acquire all necessary permits for the Project and will obtain rights of way easements for the Project on Transmission Provider’s easement form. Real Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Real property for a POI substation will be acquired by an Interconnection Customer to accommodate the Interconnection Customer’s Project. The real property must be acceptable to Transmission Provider. Interconnection Customer will acquire fee ownership for interconnection substation unless Transmission Provider determines that other than fee ownership is acceptable; however, the form and instrument of such rights will be at Transmission Provider’s sole discretion. Any land rights that Interconnection Customer is planning to retain as part of a fee property conveyance will be identified in advance to Transmission Provider and are subject to the Transmission Provider’s approval. The Interconnection Customer must obtain all permits required by all relevant jurisdictions for the planned use including but not limited to conditional use permits, Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, California Environmental Quality Act, as well as all construction permits for the Project. If eligible, Interconnection Customer will not be reimbursed through network upgrades for more than the market value of the property. As a minimum, real property must be environmentally, physically, and operationally acceptable to Transmission Provider. The real property shall be a permitted or able to be permitted use in all zoning districts. The Interconnection Customer shall provide Transmission Provider with a title report and shall transfer property without any material defects of title or other encumbrances that are not acceptable to Transmission Provider. Property lines shall be surveyed and show all encumbrances, encroachments, and roads. Examples of potentially unacceptable environmental, physical, or operational conditions could include but are not limited to: 1. Environmental: known contamination of site; evidence of environmental contamination by any dangerous, hazardous or toxic materials as defined by any governmental agency; violation of building, health, safety, environmental, fire, land use, zoning or other such regulation; violation of ordinances or statutes of any governmental entities having jurisdiction over the property; underground or above ground storage tanks in area; known remediation sites on property; ongoing mitigation activities or monitoring activities; Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area Page 20 March 31, 2021 asbestos; lead-based paint, etc. A phase I environmental study is required for land being acquired in fee by the Transmission Provider unless waived by Transmission Provider. 2. Physical: inadequate site drainage; proximity to flood zone; erosion issues; wetland overlays; threatened and endangered species; archeological or culturally sensitive areas; inadequate sub-surface elements, etc. Transmission Provider may require Interconnection Customer to procure various studies and surveys as determined necessary by Transmission Provider. Operational: inadequate access for Transmission Provider’s equipment and vehicles; existing structures on land that require removal prior to building of substation; ongoing maintenance for landscaping or extensive landscape requirements; ongoing homeowner's or other requirements or restrictions (e.g., Covenants, Codes and Restrictions, deed restrictions, etc.) on property which are not acceptable to the Transmission Provider. Generation Interconnection Transition Cluster Transition Cluster Study Report Cluster Area 8 September 17, 2021 System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page i September 17, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 2 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests .............................................................................. 3 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................... 5 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 8 .......................................................................................................................... 6 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-43 ........................................................................... 6 5.2 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-44 ........................................................................... 7 5.3 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-45 ......................................................................... 10 5.4 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-52 ......................................................................... 11 5.5 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-53 ......................................................................... 11 5.6 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-54 ......................................................................... 12 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS ................................................. 14 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ...................................................... 14 7.1 Transmission System Requirements ............................................................................................... 14 7.2 Distribution System Requirements ................................................................................................. 15 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements .................................................................................................... 15 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit ......................................................................... 15 7.5 Protection Requirements ................................................................................................................. 16 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements .............................................................................................................. 18 7.7 Substation Requirements ................................................................................................................. 23 7.8 Communication Requirements ........................................................................................................ 25 7.9 Metering Requirements ................................................................................................................... 27 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES ......................................................................................................... 35 9.0 COST ESTIMATE .......................................................................................................................... 35 9.1 Interconnection Facilities ................................................................................................................ 35 9.2 Station Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 37 9.3 Network Upgrades .......................................................................................................................... 37 9.4 Total Estimated Project Costs ......................................................................................................... 37 10.0 SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................................... 38 11.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................. 38 12.0 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................ 38 12.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results ............................................... 39 12.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests ............................................................................................ 43 12.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements ............................................................................................... 44 System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 1 September 17, 2021 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This cluster restudy is being performed due to the withdrawal of interconnection requests that were included in the original cluster study. Cluster Area 8 (CA8) generally covers the geographic area of the Transmission Provider’s system referred to as the Prineville load pocket. This Cluster Area consists of the following Interconnection Requests: TCS-43, TCS-44, TCS-45, TCS-52, TCS-53, and TCS-54 Consistent with Attachment W, Section 3.4.2 and Section 51.4 of PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), this interconnection Transition Cluster Study (“Cluster Study”) evaluated the impact of the proposed interconnections on the reliability of the Transmission System. The Cluster Study considered the Base Case as well as all generating facilities (and with respect to (iii) below, any identified Network Upgrades associated with such higher queued interconnection) that, on the date the Cluster Request Window closes: (i) are existing and directly interconnected to the Transmission System; (ii) are existing and interconnected to Affected Systems and may have an impact on the Interconnection Request; (iii) have a pending higher queued or higher clustered interconnection request to interconnect to the transmission system; and (iv) have executed an LGIA or requested that an unexecuted LGIA be filed with FERC. The Cluster Study consisted of power flow, stability, and short circuit analyses. This Cluster Study report provides the following information: • identification of any circuit breaker short circuit capability limits exceeded as a result of the interconnection; • identification of any thermal overload or voltage limit violations resulting from the interconnection; • identification of any instability or inadequately damped response to system disturbances resulting from the interconnection and • description and non-binding, good faith estimated cost of facilities required to interconnect the Generating Facilities to the Transmission System and to address the identified short circuit, instability, and power flow issues. 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS • All active higher priority transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests that were considered in this study are listed in Appendix 2. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, and the results and conclusions could significantly change. • For study purposes there are two separate queues: o Transmission Service Queue: to the extent practical, all network upgrades that are required to accommodate active transmission service requests were modeled in this study. System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 2 September 17, 2021 o Generation Interconnection Queue: Interconnection Facilities and network upgrades associated with higher queued or higher clustered interconnection requests were modeled in this study. • The Interconnection Customers’ request for energy or network resource interconnection service in and of itself does not request or convey transmission service. Only a Network Customer may make a request to designate a generating resource as a Network Resource. Because the queue of higher priority transmission service requests may be different when a Network Customer requests network resource designation for this Generating Facility, the available capacity or transmission modifications, if any, necessary to provide Network Integration Transmission Service may be significantly different. Therefore, Interconnection Customers should regard the results of this study as informational rather than final. • Under normal conditions, the Transmission Provider does not dispatch or otherwise directly control or regulate the output of generating facilities. Therefore, the need for transmission modifications, if any, that may be required to provide Network Resource Interconnection Service will be evaluated on the basis of 100 percent deliverability (i.e., this study did not model displacement of other resources in the same area). • This study assumed the Projects will be integrated into the Transmission Provider’s system at agreed upon and/or proposed Points of Interconnection (“POI” or “POIs”). • If Interconnection Customers proceed through the interconnection process, they will be required to construct and own any facilities required between the Point of Change of Ownership and the Project unless specifically identified by the Transmission Provider. • Line reconductor or fiber underbuild required on existing poles were assumed to follow the most direct path on the Transmission Provider’s system. If during detailed design the path must be modified it may result in additional cost and timing delays for the Interconnection Customer’s Project. • Generator tripping may be required for certain outages. • All facilities will meet or exceed the minimum Western Electricity Coordinating Council (“WECC”), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”), and the Transmission Provider’s performance and design standards. • This study assumes that a Transmission Provider planned project to construct a new 115 kV transmission line between Houston Lake and Ponderosa substations is in service. (2025) • Upgrades associated with all previously queued projects are assumed to be in-service. • Contingency transmission configuration for the Transmission Provider’s system is defined as any configuration other than normal transmission configuration. • This report is based on information available at the time of the study. It is the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to check the Transmission Provider’s web site regularly for Transmission System updates at https://www.oasis.oati.com/ppw 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS The following requirements are applicable to all Interconnection Requests. The Transmission Provider will identify any site-specific generating facility requirements in addition to the following in this report and in facilities studies. Certain Interconnection Requests requesting service at a voltage level traditionally defined as distribution may be subject to the transmission interconnection request requirements listed below should the Transmission Provider make that determination. System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 3 September 17, 2021 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests All interconnecting synchronous and non-synchronous generators are required to design their Generating Facilities with reactive power capabilities necessary to operate within the full power factor range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging. This power factor range shall be dynamic and can be met using a combination of the inherent dynamic reactive power capability of the generator or inverter, dynamic reactive power devices and static reactive power devices to make up for losses. For synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the Point of Interconnection (“POI”). For non-synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the high-side of the generator step-up transformer. The Generating Facility must provide dynamic reactive power to the system in support of both voltage scheduling and contingency events that require transient voltage support, and must be able to provide reactive capability over the full range of real power output. If the Generating Facility is not capable of providing positive reactive support (i.e., supplying reactive power to the system) immediately following the removal of a fault or other transient low voltage perturbations, the facility must be required to add dynamic voltage support equipment. These additional dynamic reactive devices shall have correct protection settings such that the devices will remain on line and active during and immediately following a fault event. Generators shall be equipped with automatic voltage-control equipment and normally operated with the voltage regulation control mode enabled unless written authorization (or directive) from the Transmission Provider is given to operate in another control mode (e.g. constant power factor control). The control mode of generating units shall be accurately represented in operating studies. The generators shall be capable of operating continuously at their maximum power output at its rated field current within +/- 5% of its rated terminal voltage. All generators are required to ensure the primary frequency capability of their Generating Facility by installing, maintaining, and operating a functioning governor or equivalent controls as indicated in FERC Order 842. As required by NERC standard VAR-001-4.2, the Transmission Provider will provide a voltage schedule for the POI. In general, Generating Facilities should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the POI, typically between 1.00 per unit to 1.04 per unit, or other designated point as deemed appropriated by Transmission Provider. The Transmission Provider may also specify a voltage and/or reactive power bandwidth as needed to coordinate with upstream voltage control devices such as on-load tap changers. At the Transmission Provider’s discretion, these values might be adjusted depending on operating conditions. Generating Facilities capable of operating with a voltage droop are required to do so. Voltage droop control enables proportionate reactive power sharing among Generation Facilities. Studies will be required to coordinate voltage droop settings if there are other facilities in the area. It will be the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to ensure that a voltage System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 4 September 17, 2021 coordination study is performed, in coordination with Transmission Provider, and implemented with appropriate coordination settings prior to unit testing. For areas with multiple generating facilities additional studies may be required to determine whether or not critical interactions, including but not limited to control systems, exist. These studies, to be coordinated with Transmission Provider, will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. If the need for a master controller is identified, the cost and all related installation requirements will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. Participation by the generation facility in subsequent interaction/coordination studies will be required pre- and post-commercial operation in order ensure system reliability. Interconnection Requests that are 75 MVA or larger may be required to facilitate collection and validation of accurate modeling data to meet NERC modeling standards. The Transmission Provider, in its roles as the Planning Coordinator, requires Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) at all new Generating Facilities with an individual or aggregate nameplate capacity of 75 MVA or greater. In addition to owning and maintaining the PMU, the Generating Facility will be responsible for collecting, storing (for a minimum of 90 days) and retrieving data as requested by the Planning Coordinator. Data must be stored for a minimum of 90 days. Data must be collected and be able to stream to Planning Coordinator for each of the Generating Facility’s step-up transformers measured on the low side of the GSU at a sample rate of at least 60 samples per second and synchronized within +/- 2 milliseconds of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Initially, the following data must be collected: • Three phase voltage and voltage angle (analog) • Three phase current (analog) Data requirements are subject to change as deemed necessary to comply with local and federal regulations. All generators must meet the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), NERC, and WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. Inverters must be designed to stay connected to the grid in the case of severe faults and may not momentarily cease output within the no-trip area of the voltage curves. Figure 1 illustrates the voltage ride-through capability as per NERC PRC-024. Importantly, inverters should be designed such that a trip outside of the curves is a “may-trip” area (if needed to protect equipment) not a “must-trip” area. Inverters that momentarily cease active power output for these voltage excursions should be configured to restore output to pre-disturbance levels in no greater than five seconds, provided the inverter is capable of these changes. Generators must provide test results to the Transmission Provider verifying that the inverters for this Project have been programmed to meet all PRC-024 requirements rather than manufacturer IEEE distribution standards. System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 5 September 17, 2021 Figure 1 – Voltage Ride-Through Curve As the Transmission Provider cannot submit a user written model to WECC for inclusion in base cases, a standard model from the WECC Approved Dynamic Model Library is required 180 days prior to trial operation. The list of approved generator models is continually updated and is available on the http://www.WECC.biz website. An Interconnection Customer with an Interconnection Request for a Generating Facility that is both 75 MVA or larger as well as being interconnected at a voltage higher than 100 kV shall register with NERC as the Generator Owner (“GO”) and Generator Operator (“GOP”) for the Large Generating Facility and provide the Transmission Provider documentation demonstrating registration in order to be approved for Commercial Operation. This registration must be maintained throughout the lifetime of the Interconnection Agreement. Interconnection Customers are responsible for the protection of transmission lines between the Generating Facility and the POI substation. For Interconnection Requests that are smaller than 75 MVA or are interconnected at a voltage less than 100 kV which have a tie line that is longer than 1,000 feet the Interconnection Customer shall construct and own a tie-line substation to be located at the change of ownership (separate fenced facility adjacent to the Transmission Provider’s POI substation). The tie line substation shall include an Interconnection Customer owned protective device and associated transmission line relaying/communications. The ground grids of the Transmission Provider’s POI substation and the Interconnection Customer’s tie-line substation will be connected to support the use of a bus differential protection scheme which will protect the overhead bus connection between the two facilities. 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS The Transmission Provider performed the Transition Cluster Study based on geographically and/or electrically relevant areas on the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System known as Cluster Areas. The Transmission Provider has determined that the Interconnection Requests discussed in System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 6 September 17, 2021 Section 5.0 are located in a geographically and/or electrically relevant area on Transmission Provider’s Transmission System, and thus, were assigned Cluster Area 8 in the Transition Cluster Study process. 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 8 Cluster Area 8 (CA8) generally covers the geographic area of the Transmission Provider’s system referred to as the Prineville load pocket. This Cluster Area consists of the following Interconnection Requests: 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-43 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 40 megawatts (“MW”) of new generation to PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Stearns Butte 115 kV substation located in Crook County, Oregon. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of thirty-two (32) Ingeteam Ingecon Sun 1600TL B615 2,720 KVA inverters for a total requested output of 40 MW at the POI. The Interconnection Request also consists of a Tesla Megapack 40 MW battery storage with no capability to charge from the Transmission Provider’s grid. The requested commercial operation date is December 30, 2022. Figure 2 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Large Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-43” System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 7 September 17, 2021 Point of Interconnection Stearns Butte Substation Houston Lake Substation Ponderosa Substation Q-0850 collectorSubstation Change of OwnershipM 115 kV 34.5 kV 615 V 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 615 V 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 615 V 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 615 V 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 615 V 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 615 V 52CAP(optional) 32InvertersTotal 16Inverters 16Inverters+= M MMBatteries(Future) TCS-43 30/40/50 MVAZ = 7.5 % TCS-45 M Facility Substation CS CS Figure 2: Simplified System One Line Diagram 5.2 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-44 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 80 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s Ponderosa 115 kV substation located in Crook County, Oregon. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of sixty-four (64) Ingeteam Ingecon Sun 1600TL B615 2,720 KVA inverters for a total requested output of 80 MW at the POI. The Interconnection Request also consists of a Tesla Megapack 80 MW battery storage with no capability to charge from the Transmission Provider’s grid. The requested commercial operation date is December 30, 2022. Figure 3 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Large Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 8 September 17, 2021 Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-44” System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 9 September 17, 2021 115 kV Ponderosa Substation 230 kV 230 kV Stearns Butte M Q0443 Gala Solar Q0824Q0734 TCS-44 TCS-52,53,54 Q0731 Change of Ownership M 65/80/90 MVAZ = 7.5 % 34.5 kV 615 V 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 615 V 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 615 V 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 615 V 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 615 V 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 615 V 52CAP(optional) 16Inverters 16Inverters+= 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 615 V 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 615 V 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 615 V 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 2.75 MVA Z=5.75% 1.336 MW DC/AC 615 V 16Inverters 16Inverters++64Inverters 0.5 mi M M M M M Batteries(Future) 230 kV Figure 3: Simplified System One Line Diagram System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 10 September 17, 2021 5.3 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-45 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 40 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s Stearns Butte 115 kV substation located in Crook County, Oregon. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of thirty-two (32) Ingeteam Ingecon Sun 1600TL B615 2,720 KVA inverters for a total requested output of 40 MW at the POI. The Interconnection Request also consists of a Tesla Megapack 40 MW battery storage with no capability to charge from the Transmission Provider’s grid. The requested commercial operation date is May 30, 2023. Figure 4 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Large Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-45” Point of Interconnection Stearns Butte Substation Houston Lake Substation Ponderosa Substation Q-0850 collectorSubstation Change of OwnershipM 115 kV 34.5 kV 16Inverters16Inverters 32Inverters TCS-45 30/40/50 MVAZ = 7.5 % M M M TCS-43 M Facility Substation CS CS Figure 4: Simplified System One Line Diagram System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 11 September 17, 2021 5.4 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-52 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 20 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s Ponderosa 115 kV substation located in Crook County, Oregon. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of eight (8) 2,500 KVA Sungrow SG2500 solar inverters for a total nameplate output of 20 MW at the POI. The requested commercial operation date is May 1, 2023. Figure 7 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Small Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-52” 115 kV Ponderosa Substation 230 kV 230 kV Stearns Butte M Q0443 Gala Solar Q0824Q0734 230 kV Q0731 TCS-44 M Change of Ownership TCS-52 390 V 2500 kWDC/AC 390 V 2500 kWDC/AC 2.5 MVA Z=5.75% 390 V 2500 kWDC/AC 390 V 2500 kWDC/AC 2.5 MVA Z=5.75%2.5 MVA Z=5.75% 390 V390 V 2500 kWDC/AC 390 V 2500 kWDC/AC 2.5 MVA Z=5.75% 390 V 2500 kWDC/AC 2500 kWDC/AC 2.5 MVA Z=5.75%2.5 MVA Z=5.75%2.5 MVA Z=5.75%2.5 MVA Z=5.75% 34.5 kV 18/20/24 MVAZ = 7.5 % TCS-54 TCS-53 M CS CS CS Facility Substation Figure 7: Simplified System One Line Diagram 5.5 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-53 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 20 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s Ponderosa 115 kV substation located in Crook County, Oregon. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of eight (8) 2,500 KVA Sungrow SG2500 solar inverters for a total nameplate output of 20 MW at the POI. The requested commercial operation date is May 1, 2023. Figure 8 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Small Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 12 September 17, 2021 Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-53” 115 kV Ponderosa Substation 230 kV 230 kV Stearns Butte M Q0443 Gala Solar Q0824Q0734 230 kV Q0731 TCS-44 M Change of Ownership TCS-53 18/20/24 MVAZ = 7.5 % 390 V 2500 kWDC/AC 390 V 2500 kWDC/AC 2.5 MVA Z=5.75% 390 V 2500 kWDC/AC 390 V 2500 kWDC/AC 2.5 MVA Z=5.75%2.5 MVA Z=5.75% 390 V390 V 2500 kWDC/AC 390 V 2500 kWDC/AC 2.5 MVA Z=5.75% 390 V 2500 kWDC/AC 2500 kWDC/AC 2.5 MVA Z=5.75%2.5 MVA Z=5.75%2.5 MVA Z=5.75%2.5 MVA Z=5.75% 34.5 kV M TCS-52 CS CS CS Facility Substation TCS-54 Figure 8: Simplified System One Line Diagram 5.6 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-54 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 40 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s Ponderosa 115 kV substation located in Crook County, Oregon. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of thirty-two (32) Ingeteam Ingecon Sun 1600TL B615 2,720 KVA inverters for a total requested output of 40 MW at the POI. The Interconnection Request also consists of a Tesla Megapack 40 MW battery storage with no capability to charge from the Transmission Provider’s grid. The requested commercial operation date is May 30, 2024. Figure 9 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Large Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-54” System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 13 September 17, 2021 115 kV Ponderosa Substation 230 kV 230 kV Stearns Butte M Q0443 Gala Solar Q0824Q0734 230 kV Q0731 TCS-44 M Change of Ownership 34.5 kV 16Inverters16Inverters 32Inverters TCS-54 30/40/50 MVAZ = 7.5 % MMM Batteries(Future) M TCS-52 CS CS CS TCS-53 Facility Substation System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 14 September 17, 2021 Figure 9: Simplified System One Line Diagram 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS TCS-52 and TCS-53 The winding configuration of the step-up transformer, 115 – 34.5 kV transformer, shown in the Generation Interconnection application will not be acceptable for this project. The step-up transformer must be a source of ground current for phase to ground faults on the 115 kV transmission system. The transformer will be required to have a wye winding on the 115 kV side, with the neutral grounded, and a delta on the 34.5 kV side. If a ground reference is needed for the 34.5 kV system, then a grounding transformer could be added or a three winding transformer could be used for the step-up transformer. The three winding transformer would have wye winding with the neutrals ground for both the 115 kV and 34.5 kV side along with a delta tertiary winding. 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Transmission System Requirements The following transmission system improvements are required to accommodate the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area: • Expansion of the 115 kV yard to the east at Ponderosa substation (0 MW additional cluster generation can be accommodated without this transmission upgrade) • Addition of a new 230 kV transmission line between Ponderosa substation to Corral substation. • Addition of a third 280 MVA, 230-115 kV transformer at Ponderosa substation. o Up to 55 MW total cluster generation can be accommodated without this transmission upgrade. Note: existing mitigation procedures in place for this area may warrant curtailment of all TCA-8 generation to 0 MW following the loss of a single element to avoid overloads for a subsequent outage. Refer to Appendix 1 for more details regarding the necessity for these required upgrades. The Transmission Provider observed overloads on Bonneville Power Administration’s (“BPA”) 500-230 kV transformer after the addition of CA8 generation. These overloads are subject to verification by an Affected System study performed by BPA. Identification of overloads outside the Transmission Provider’s system are for informational purposes only. System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 15 September 17, 2021 115 kV Ponderosa Substation 230 kV 230 kV Stearns Butte M Q0443 Gala Solar Q0824Q0734 TCS-44 TCS-52,53,54 230 kVCorral Q0731 Corral Substation Ponderosa Ponderosa (BPA) Ponderosa (BPA) Ochoco Q0731 Figure 10: System one line diagram In addition to the requirements described above, the following construction is required for the specific Interconnection Requests listed below. TCS-43 and TCS 45 Create a new line position on the existing ring bus layout at Stearns Butte substation. This new line position will accommodate both TCS-43 and TCS 45 via a shared transmission tie line. TCS-44, TCS-52, TCS-53, and TCS-54 The existing 115 kV yard at Ponderosa substation will be expanded to allow the construction of two new line positions. One new line position will accommodate TCS-44, and the other line position will accommodate TCS-52, TCS-53, and TCS-54 via a shared transmission tie line. 7.2 Distribution System Requirements There are no distribution upgrades required in this Cluster Area. 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements The addition of a new 230 kV transmission line between the Transmission Provider’s Ponderosa substation and Corral substation is required. The poles for this additional transmission line already exist as they were previously constructed as part of a double circuit line, however the conductor for this additional circuit was not installed. The conductor for this additional circuit will need to be installed as part of the work for this Cluster group. The last structure of each of the Interconnection Customer tie lines outside the Transmission Provider POI substations shall be constructed to Transmission Provider standards. The Interconnection Customers shall coil enough fiber and conductor on the last deadend structure to make the span into the POI substations. The Transmission Provider shall construct the final terminations into the POI substations and own the final span across the substation fence. 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit TCS-43 System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 16 September 17, 2021 The increase in the fault duty on the system as the result of the addition of the Generating Facility with photovoltaic arrays fed through 32 – 2750 kVA inverters connected 32 – 34.5 kV – 615 V 2750 kVA transformers with 5.75 % impedance and then through a 115 – 34.5 kV 30/40/50 MVA transformer with 7.5 % impedance will not push the fault duty above the interrupting rating of any of the existing fault interrupting equipment. TCS-44 The increase in the fault duty on the system as the result of the addition of the Generating Facility with photovoltaic arrays fed through 64 – 2750 kVA inverters connected 64 – 34.5 kV – 615 V 2750 kVA transformers with 5.75 % impedance and then through a 115 – 34.5 kV 65/80/95 MVA transformer with 7.5 % impedance will not push the fault duty above the interrupting rating of any of the existing fault interrupting equipment. TCS-45 The increase in the fault duty on the system as the result of the addition of the Generating Facility with photovoltaic arrays fed through 32 – 2750 kVA inverters connected 32 – 34.5 kV – 615 V 2750 kVA transformers with 5.75 % impedance and then through a 115 – 34.5 kV 30/40/50 MVA transformer with 7.5 % impedance will not push the fault duty above the interrupting rating of any of the existing fault interrupting equipment. TCS-52 The increase in the fault duty on the system as the result of the addition of the Generating Facility with photovoltaic arrays fed through 8 – 2500 kVA inverters connected 8 – 34.5 kV – 390 V 2500 kVA transformers with 5.75 % impedance and then through a 115 – 34.5 kV 18/20/24 MVA transformer with 7.5 % impedance will not push the fault duty above the interrupting rating of any of the existing fault interrupting equipment. TCS-53 The increase in the fault duty on the system as the result of the addition of the Generating Facility with photovoltaic arrays fed through 8 – 2500 kVA inverters connected 8 – 34.5 kV – 390 V 2500 kVA transformers with 5.75 % impedance and then through a 115 – 34.5 kV 18/20/24 MVA transformer with 7.5 % impedance will not push the fault duty above the interrupting rating of any of the existing fault interrupting equipment. TCS-54 The increase in the fault duty on the system as the result of the addition of the Generating Facility with photovoltaic arrays fed through 32 – 2750 kVA inverters connected 32 – 34.5 kV – 615 V 2750 kVA transformers with 5.75 % impedance and then through a 115 – 34.5 kV 30/40/50 MVA transformer with 7.5 % impedance will not push the fault duty above the interrupting rating of any of the existing fault interrupting equipment. 7.5 Protection Requirements At Ponderosa substation, modify the north and south bus differential logic to add the new expanded 115 kV bay breakers. System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 17 September 17, 2021 The new 230 kV line out of Ponderosa to Corral substation will have 411Ls with current differential protection scheme. The CTs on the high side of Ponderosa #3 transformer will be connected to 411Ls. These relays protect the section of the line between Corral substation and the high side of Ponderosa transformer #3. Any faults in this section of the line will trip the low side breakers at Ponderosa and the 230 kV breakers at Corral substation. Transformer differential protection with redundant SEL-387E relays will be implemented on the 230-115 kV transformer #3 at Ponderosa. For internal faults in the Ponderosa transformer #3, the respective transformer lockout will trip the low side breakers and send a transfer trip to the breakers at Corral substation via the 411L relays. TCS-43,45 The tie-line between Stearns Butte and the Interconnection Customers’ shared facilities substation will be protected with a current differential scheme. Transmission line relays will need to be installed at Stearns Butte substation and a panel with compatible line relays will be installed in the Transmission Provider’s shared facilities substation control building. Relay elements for under/over voltage and over/under frequency protection of the system will be enabled in the line relays for the tie line to the collector substation installed at Stearns Butte substation. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range these relay elements will cause the tripping of the 115 kV breakers at Stearns Butte substation for the tie line to the collector substation. TCS-44 The Interconnection Customer’s tie line between the Large Generating Facility substation and Ponderosa substation will be protected with a line current differential relay system. A panel containing the line relay equipment is to be installed in the Transmission Provider collector substation control building that will communicate with the relay equipment at Ponderosa substation for detecting faults on the tie line. The relays in this panel will be connected to the Interconnection Customer’s current transformers, 115 kV voltage transformers, 115 kV breaker trip circuit, and a DC power source. In addition, the line relaying is also used for under/over voltage and over/under frequency protection of the system will be installed in Ponderosa substation. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency is outside of the normal operation range, this relay will send a trip signal over the optical fiber cable to trip the breaker at Interconnection Customer’s collector substation. TCS-52,53,54 The tie-line between Ponderosa and the Interconnection Customers’ shared facilities substation will be protected with current differential scheme. Transmission line relays will need to be installed at Ponderosa substation and a panel with compatible line relays will be installed in the Transmission Provider’s shared facilities substation control building. Relay elements for under/over voltage and over/under frequency protection of the system will be enabled in the line relays for the tie line to the collector substation installed at Ponderosa substation. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 18 September 17, 2021 these relay elements will cause the tripping of the 115 kV breakers at Ponderosa substation for the tie line to the collector substation. 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements Ponderosa Substation Add additional rack, I/O cards and aux power supply to existing dual ported RTU. Update RTU legacy protocols to DNP. Install a primary and backup data concentrator in the new control building for the integration of the metering below. Analogs from meters at Ponderosa substation for TCS 52, 53, 54 (1 Primary and 1 Backup): • Net Generation real power MW • Net Generator reactive power MVAR • Energy Register KWH • A phase 115 kV voltage • B phase 115 kV voltage • C phase 115 kV voltage Analogs from meters at Ponderosa substation for TCS 44 (1 Primary and 1 Backup): • Net Generation real power MW • Net Generator reactive power MVAR • Energy Register KWH • A phase 115 kV voltage • B phase 115 kV voltage • C phase 115 kV voltage Stearns Butte Sub Install a primary and backup data concentrator for the integration of the metering below. Analogs from meters at Stearns Butte (1 Primary and 1 Backup): • Net Generation real power MW • Net Generator reactive power MVAR • Energy Register KWH • A phase 115 kV voltage • B phase 115 kV voltage • C phase 115 kV voltage TCS43 and TCS-45 Shared Facility Substation Data for the operation of the power system will be required from the Interconnection Customer’s generating facility and collector substation. The Interconnection Customer will install a data concentrator and hard wire it to all source devices. Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable will be installed from the data concentrator to the POI substation. The Transmission Provider will install an RTU here as well to integrate the Transmission System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 19 September 17, 2021 Provider’s comm equipment alarms into their EMS. The following points will be required which are subject to change based on the Interconnection Customer’s final design: Status: • 115 kV Circuit Switcher 1 • 115 kV Circuit Switcher 2 • 115 kV Facility Circuit Breaker TCS-43 Collector Substation From the collector station, the following points will be required which are subject to change based on the Interconnection Customer’s final design: Analogs: • Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Average Plant Temperature (Celsius) • Max Generator Limit MW (set point control) • Potential Power MW Status: • 34.5 kV Circuit Breaker 1 • 34.5 kV Circuit Breaker 2 • 34.5 kV Battery Circuit Breaker • 34.5 kV Transformer Breaker • 115 kV Transformer Breaker • 34.5 kV Cap Bank Circuit Breaker (Optional) Analogs from meters at the TCS-43 collector site (4 Primary and 4 Backup): • Net Generation real power MW • Net Generator reactive power MVAR • Energy Register KWH • A phase 34.5 kV voltage • B phase 34.5 kV voltage • C phase 34.5 kV voltage TCS-45 Collector Substation From the collector station, the following points will be required which are subject to change based on the Interconnection Customer’s final design: Analogs: • Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Average Plant Temperature (Celsius) • Max Generator Limit MW (set point control) • Potential Power MW System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 20 September 17, 2021 Status: • 34.5 kV Circuit Breaker 1 • 34.5 kV Circuit Breaker 2 • 34.5 kV Battery Circuit Breaker • 34.5 kV Transformer Breaker • 115 kV Transformer Breaker • 34.5 kV Cap Bank Circuit Breaker (Optional) Analogs from meters at the TCS-45 collector site (4 Primary and 4 Backup): • Net Generation real power MW • Net Generator reactive power MVAR • Energy Register KWH • A phase 34.5 kV voltage • B phase 34.5 kV voltage • C phase 34.5 kV voltage TCS-44 Collector Substation Data for the operation of the power system will be required from the Interconnection Customer’s generating facility and collector substation. The Interconnection Customer will install a data concentrator and hard wire it to all source devices. Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable will be installed from the data concentrator to the POI substation. The Transmission Provider will install an RTU here as well to integrate the Transmission Provider’s comm equipment alarms into their EMS. The following points will be required which are subject to change based on the Interconnection Customer’s final design: Analogs: • Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Average Plant Temperature (Celsius) • Max Generator Limit MW (set point control) • Potential Power MW Status: • 34.5 kV Circuit Breaker 1 • 34.5 kV Circuit Breaker 2 • 34.5 kV Circuit Breaker 3 • 34.5 kV Circuit Breaker 4 • 34.5 kV Battery Circuit Breaker • 34.5 kV Transformer Breaker • 115 kV Transformer Breaker • 34.5 kV Cap Bank Circuit Breaker (Optional) TCS-52, TCS-53 and TCS-54 Shared Facility Substation Data for the operation of the power system will be required from the Interconnection Customer’s generating facility and collector substation. The Interconnection Customer will System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 21 September 17, 2021 install a data concentrator and hard wire it to all source devices. Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable will be installed from the data concentrator to the POI substation. The Transmission Provider will install an RTU here as well to integrate the Transmission Provider’s comm equipment alarms into their EMS. The following points will be required which are subject to change based on the Interconnection Customer’s final design: Analogs: • Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Average Plant Temperature (Celsius) • Max Generator Limit MW (set point control) • Potential Power MW Status: • 115 kV Circuit Switcher 1 • 115 kV Circuit Switcher 2 • 115 kV Circuit Switcher 3 • 115 kV Facility Circuit Breaker TCS-52 Collector Substation Analogs: • Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Average Plant Temperature (Celsius) • Max Generator Limit MW (set point control) • Potential Power MW Status: • 34.5 kV Transformer Breaker • 115 kV Transformer Breaker Analogs from meters at the TCS-52 collector site (1 Primary and 1 Backup): • Net Generation real power MW • Net Generator reactive power MVAR • Energy Register KWH • A phase 115 kV voltage • B phase 115 kV voltage • C phase 115 kV voltage TCS-53 Collector Substation Analogs: • Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Average Plant Temperature (Celsius) System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 22 September 17, 2021 • Max Generator Limit MW (set point control) • Potential Power MW Status: • 34.5 kV Transformer Breaker • 115 kV Transformer Breaker Analogs from meters at the TCS-53 collector site (1 Primary and 1 Backup): • Net Generation real power MW • Net Generator reactive power MVAR • Energy Register KWH • A phase 115 kV voltage • B phase 115 kV voltage • C phase 115 kV voltage TCS-54 Collector Substation Analogs: • Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) • Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) • Average Plant Temperature (Celsius) • Max Generator Limit MW (set point control) • Potential Power MW Status: • 34.5 kV Circuit Breaker 1 • 34.5 kV Circuit Breaker 2 • 34.5 kV Battery Circuit Breaker • 34.5 kV Transformer Breaker • 115 kV Transformer Breaker • 34.5 kV Cap Bank Circuit Breaker (Optional) Analogs from meters at the TCS-54 collector site (4 Primary and 4 Backup): • Net Generation real power MW • Net Generator reactive power MVAR • Energy Register KWH • A phase 115 kV voltage • B phase 115 kV voltage • C phase 115 kV voltage System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 23 September 17, 2021 7.7 Substation Requirements Corral Substation Construct a new line position to feed a third 230/115kV transformer in the Ponderosa substation. The following substation equipment has been identified as required for this improvement: (2) 230 kV Circuit Breaker (4) 230 kV Horizontal Mount Vertical Break Group Operated Switches (1) 230 kV Vertical Mount Vertical Break Group Operated Switch (1) 125 VDC Motor Operator (3) 230 kV CCVT (3) 230 kV Lightning Arresters Ponderosa Substation Install a new 230/115kV transformer. Transformer installation will require expansion of the substation and the following major equipment: (1) 230/115 kV 250 MVA Transformer (1) 230 kV Horizontal Mount Vertical Break Group Operated Switch (1) 125 VDC Motor Operator (3) 115 kV CCVT (7) 115 kV Vertical Break Group Operated Switch (3) 145 kV Circuit Breakers (1) 28’ X 40’ Control Building (1) 125 VDC Battery Bank TCS-43 and TCS-45 Stearns Butte Substation The Interconnection Requests will require an additional breaker in the Stearns Butte substation ring bus to create a line position for the shared TCS-43, 45 tie line. The following substation equipment has been identified as required and may change during detailed design: (1) 145 kV Circuit Breaker (4) 115 kV Vertical Break Group Operated Switch (1) 125 VDC Motor Operator (3) CT/VT Combo Metering Units (3) 115 kV Lightning Arresters TCS-43 and TCS-45 Shared Facility Substation The Interconnection Customer will provide a separate graded, grounded and fenced area along the perimeter of the Interconnection Customers’ shared facility substation for the Transmission Provider to install a control building for metering, protection and communication equipment. This area will share a fence and ground grid with the Interconnection Customer substation and have separate, unencumbered access for the Transmission Provider. The Interconnection Customer shall perform and provide a CDEGS grounding analysis. The Interconnection Customer shall procure AC service for the Transmission Provider building. DC power for the System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 24 September 17, 2021 control building will be supplied by the Transmission Provider. The Interconnection Customer shall provide a disconnect switch on each side of each metering of the Transmission Provider’s instrument transformers. The Interconnection Customer will provide the necessary easements for the Transmission Provider control building. TCS-44 Ponderosa Substation One new line position will be required at Ponderosa substation for this Interconnection Requests. The Ponderosa ground grid shall be connected to the customer single breaker tie line substation. The following major equipment has been identified as required and may change during detailed design: (2) 145 kV Circuit Breakers (3) 115 kV Vertical Break Group Operated Switches (3) CT/VT Combination Metering Units (3) 115 kV Surge Arresters (1) 125 VDC Motor Operator (1) 115 kV, Vertical Mount Vertical Break Group Operated Line Disconnect Switch with Ground Switch. TCS-44 Collector Substation The Interconnection Customer will provide a separate graded, grounded and fenced area along the perimeter of the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation for the Transmission Provider to install a control building for metering, protection and communication equipment. This area will share a fence and ground grid with the Interconnection Customer collector substation and have separate, unencumbered access for the Transmission Provider. The Interconnection Customer shall perform and provide a CDEGS grounding analysis. The Interconnection Customer shall procure AC service for the Transmission Provider building. DC power for the control building will be supplied by the Transmission Provider. The Interconnection Customer shall provide a disconnect switch on each side of each metering of the Transmission Provider’s instrument transformers. The Interconnection Customer will provide the necessary easements for the Transmission Provider control building. TCS-52, TCS-53, and TCS-54 Ponderosa Substation One new line position will be required in Ponderosa substation for these Interconnection Requests. The following major equipment has been identified as required and may change during detailed design: (1) 115 kV Vertical Break Group Operated Switch (1) 145 kV Circuit Breakers (3) CT/VT Combination Metering Unit (3) 115 kV Lightning Arresters (1) 115 kV, Vertical Mount Vertical Break Group Operated Line Disconnect Switch With Ground Switch (1) 125 VDC Motor Operator System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 25 September 17, 2021 TCS-52, TCS-53, and TCS-54 Shared Facility Substation The Interconnection Customer will provide a separate graded, grounded and fenced area along the perimeter of the Interconnection Customers’ shared facility substation for the Transmission Provider to install a control building for metering, protection and communication equipment. This area will share a fence and ground grid with the Interconnection Customer substation and have separate, unencumbered access for the Transmission Provider. The Interconnection Customer shall perform and provide a CDEGS grounding analysis. The Interconnection Customer shall procure AC service for the Transmission Provider building. DC power for the control building will be supplied by the Transmission Provider. The Interconnection Customer shall provide a disconnect switch on each side of each metering of the Transmission Provider’s instrument transformers. The Interconnection Customer will provide the necessary easements for the Transmission Provider control building. 7.8 Communication Requirements TCS-44 The Interconnection Customer will install fiber from their generation SCADA data concentrator to the fiber patch panel, the fiber will be terminated with an optical transceiver at the data concentrator. The generation customer shall install sufficient fiber between the generation metering and the collector substation to support direct serial and IP connections to each meter. The transmission provider will install network communications equipment for line protection and metering in a dedicated rack. Battery backup and associated charger system will be required for the communications equipment. The Interconnection Customer will install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable on its transmission line from the Transmission Provider’s collector substation control building to the last tie line structure outside the POI substation. The Interconnection Customer shall leave a sufficient quantity of fiber on its final structure outside the POI substation to allow the Transmission Provider to terminate the fiber into the POI substation control building. The Transmission Provider will own and maintain the fiber. The Interconnection Customer shall provide any necessary easement(s) for the Transmission Provider’s fiber. TCS-43 The Interconnection Customer shall install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable from each of the Transmission Provider’s metering cabinets and splice to fiber optic cable to be installed on the Interconnection Customer tie line. The Interconnection Customer shall install a data concentrator and hard wire all source devices requiring SCADA points to the data concentrator. The Interconnection Customer will install fiber from its data concentrator to a splice with the Transmission Provider’s tie line fiber. The Interconnection Customer shall install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable on the tie line between the TCS-43 collector substation and the shared facility substation. This fiber will be owned and maintained by the Transmission Provider. The Interconnection Customer shall provide any necessary easements for the Transmission Provider’s fiber on the tie line. System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 26 September 17, 2021 TCS-45 The Interconnection Customer shall install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable from each of the Transmission Provider’s metering cabinets and splice to fiber optic cable to be installed on the Interconnection Customer tie line. The Interconnection Customer shall install a data concentrator and hard wire all source devices requiring SCADA points to the data concentrator. The Interconnection Customer will install fiber from its data concentrator to a splice with the Transmission Provider’s tie line fiber. The Interconnection Customer shall install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable on the tie line between the TCS-45 collector substation and the shared facility substation. This fiber will be owned and maintained by the Transmission Provider. The Interconnection Customer shall provide any necessary easements for the Transmission Provider’s fiber on the tie line. TCS-43 and TCS-45 Shared Facilities The Interconnection Customers will provide sufficient fiber from their respective tie lines into the shared facility substation for the Transmission Provider to terminate the runs of fiber into the Transmission Provider’s shard facility substation control building. The Interconnection Customers shall provide sufficient fiber optic cable from the shared tie line to the POI substation for the Transmission Provider to terminate the fiber into the Transmission Provider’s shard facility substation control building. The Interconnection Customers will install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable on the transmission line to the POI substation. The Interconnection Customer shall leave a sufficient quantity of fiber on its final structure outside the POI substation to allow the Transmission Provider to terminate the fiber into the POI substation control building. The Transmission Provider will own and maintain the fiber. The Interconnection Customer shall provide any necessary easements for the Transmission Provider’s fiber. TCS-52 The Interconnection Customer shall install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable from each of the Transmission Provider’s metering cabinets and splice to fiber optic cable to be installed on the Interconnection Customer tie line. The Interconnection Customer shall install a data concentrator and hard wire all source devices requiring SCADA points to the data concentrator. The Interconnection Customer will install fiber from its data concentrator to a splice with the Transmission Provider’s tie line fiber. The Interconnection Customer shall install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable on the tie line between the TCS-52 collector substation and the shared facility substation. This fiber will be owned and maintained by the Transmission Provider. The Interconnection Customer shall provide any necessary easements for the Transmission Provider’s fiber on the tie line. TCS-53 The Interconnection Customer shall install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable from each of the Transmission Provider’s metering cabinets and splice to fiber optic cable to System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 27 September 17, 2021 be installed on the Interconnection Customer tie line. The Interconnection Customer shall install a data concentrator and hard wire all source devices requiring SCADA points to the data concentrator. The Interconnection Customer will install fiber from its data concentrator to a splice with the Transmission Provider’s tie line fiber. The Interconnection Customer shall install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable on the tie line between the TCS-53 collector substation and the shared facility substation. This fiber will be owned and maintained by the Transmission Provider. The Interconnection Customer shall provide any necessary easements for the Transmission Provider’s fiber on the tie line. TCS-54 The Interconnection Customer shall install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable from each of the Transmission Provider’s metering cabinets and splice to fiber optic cable to be installed on the Interconnection Customer tie line. The Interconnection Customer shall install a data concentrator and hard wire all source devices requiring SCADA points to the data concentrator. The Interconnection Customer will install fiber from its data concentrator to a splice with the Transmission Provider’s tie line fiber. The Interconnection Customer shall install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable on the tie line between the TCS-54 collector substation and the shared facility substation. This fiber will be owned and maintained by the Transmission Provider. The Interconnection Customer shall provide any necessary easements for the Transmission Provider’s fiber on the tie line. TCS-52, TCS-53, and TSC-54 Shared Facilities The Interconnection Customers will provide sufficient fiber from their respective tie lines into the shared facility substation for the Transmission Provider to terminate the runs of fiber into the Transmission Provider’s shard facility substation control building. The Interconnection Customers shall provide sufficient fiber optic cable from the shared tie line to the POI substation for the Transmission Provider to terminate the fiber into the Transmission Provider’s shard facility substation control building. The Interconnection Customers will install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable on the transmission line to the POI substation. The Interconnection Customer shall leave a sufficient quantity of fiber on its final structure outside the POI substation to allow the Transmission Provider to terminate the fiber into the POI substation control building. The Transmission Provider will own and maintain the fiber. The Interconnection Customer shall provide any necessary easements for the Transmission Provider’s fiber. 7.9 Metering Requirements TCS-43 and TCS-45 Interchange Metering The POI metering will be located at Stearns Butte substation and rated for the total net generation of the TCS-43 and TCS-45 Projects. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 28 September 17, 2021 meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 115 kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. TCS-52, TCS-53 and TCS-54 Interchange Metering The POI metering will be located at Ponderosa substation and rated for the total net generation of the TCS-52, TCS-53, and TCS-54 Projects. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 115kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. TCS-43 Project metering The project metering will be located at the Interconnection Customer collector substation on the high side of the GSU and rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter enclosure, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 115kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 29 September 17, 2021 center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. Depending on the distance from the project site to the Point of Interconnection, a loss calculation may be added to the project metering. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Generator Metering The solar generator and battery storage are to be separately metered. Assuming the Interconnection Customer supplied one line is correct, the two breakers for the solar generator, and the one breaker for the battery storage will be metered. This will require three metering points. The metering will be located at the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation, and each metering point will be rated for its individual circuit of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter enclosures, junction boxes, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 34.5kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters for each meter point with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service/Construction Power Prior to construction, Interconnection Customer must arrange construction power with the Transmission Provider holding the certificated service territory rights for the area in which the load is physically located. Station service and temporary construction power metering shall conform to the Transmission Provider’s requirements. Please note, prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project with the Transmission Provider holding the certificated service territory rights for the area in which the load is physically located. TCS-44 Interchange Metering System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 30 September 17, 2021 The overall project metering will be located at Ponderosa substation and rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 115kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Generator Metering The solar generator and battery storage are to be separately metered. Assuming the Interconnection Customer supplied one line is correct, the four breakers for the solar generator, and the one breaker for the battery storage will be metered. This will require five metering points. The metering will be located at the Interconnection Customer collector substation and each metering point will be rated for its individual circuit on the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panels, junction boxes, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 34.5kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters for each meter point with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service/Construction Power Prior to construction, Interconnection Customer must arrange construction power with the Transmission Provider holding the certificated service territory rights for the area in which the load is physically located. Station service and temporary construction power metering shall conform to the Transmission Provider’s requirements. System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 31 September 17, 2021 Please note, prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project with the Transmission Provider holding the certificated service territory rights for the area in which the load is physically located. TCS-45 Project metering The project metering will be located at the Interconnection Customer collector substation on the high side of the GSU and rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter enclosure, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 115kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. Depending on the distance from the project site to the Point of Interconnection, a loss calculation may be added to the project metering. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Generator Metering The solar generator and battery storage are to be separately metered. Assuming the Interconnection Customer supplied one line is correct, the two breakers for the solar generator, and the one breaker for the battery storage will be metered. This will require three metering points. The metering will be located at the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation and each metering point will be rated for its individual circuit on the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter enclosures, junction boxes, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 34.5kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters for each meter point with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 32 September 17, 2021 revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service/Construction Power Prior to construction, Interconnection Customer must arrange construction power with the Transmission Provider holding the certificated service territory rights for the area in which the load is physically located. Station service and temporary construction power metering shall conform to the Transmission Provider’s requirements. Please note, prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project with the Transmission Provider holding the certificated service territory rights for the area in which the load is physically located. TCS-52 Project Metering The overall project metering will be located at the Interconnection Customer collector substation on the high side of the GSU and rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter enclosure, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 115kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. Depending on the distance from the project site to the Point of Interconnection, a loss calculation may be added to the project metering. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service/Construction Power According to the location description from the Interconnection Customer, this project is not in the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Central Electric Coop (“CEC”) appears to be the service provider in the project area. Prior to approval of backfeed CEC will be required to submit a transmission service request to the Transmission Provider in order to wheel the retail power across the Transmission Provider’s system. Should CEC wish to gain access to the Transmission Provider’s meter data a request must be submitted to the Transmission Provider System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 33 September 17, 2021 during the design phase of the project. The Transmission Provider will install communications equipment from the meters to the substation fence line where CEC can install a data collector. Prior to construction, Interconnection Customer must arrange construction power with the Transmission Provider holding the certificated service territory rights for the area in which the load is physically located. TCS-53 Project Metering The overall project metering will be located at the Interconnection Customer collector substation on the high side of the GSU and rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter enclosure, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 115kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. Depending on the distance from the project site to the Point of Interconnection, a loss calculation may be added to the project metering. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service/Construction Power According to the location description from the Interconnection Customer, this project is not in the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Central Electric Coop (“CEC”) appears to be the service provider in the project area. Prior to approval of backfeed CEC will be required to submit a transmission service request to the Transmission Provider in order to wheel the retail power across the Transmission Provider’s system. Should CEC wish to gain access to the Transmission Provider’s meter data a request must be submitted to the Transmission Provider during the design phase of the project. The Transmission Provider will install communications equipment from the meters to the substation fence line where CEC can install a data collector. Prior to construction, Interconnection Customer must arrange construction power with the Transmission Provider holding the certificated service territory rights for the area in which the load is physically located. TCS-54 Project Metering System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 34 September 17, 2021 The overall project metering will be located at the Interconnection Customer collector substation on the high side of the GSU and rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter enclosure, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 115kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. Depending on the distance from the project site to the Point of Interconnection, a loss calculation may be added to the project metering. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Generator Metering The solar generator and battery storage are to be separately metered. Assuming the Interconnection Customer supplied one line is correct, the two breakers for the solar generator, and the one breaker for the battery storage will be metered. This will require three metering points. The metering will be located at the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation and each metering point will be rated for its individual circuit on the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter enclosures, junction boxes, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 34.5kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters for each meter point with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service/Construction Power System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 35 September 17, 2021 Prior to construction, Interconnection Customer must arrange construction power with the Transmission Provider holding the certificated service territory rights for the area in which the load is physically located. Station service and temporary construction power metering shall conform to the Transmission Provider’s requirements. Please note, prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project with the Transmission Provider holding the certificated service territory rights for the area in which the load is physically located. 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES The following Interconnection Facilities and/or upgrades to the Transmission Provider’s system are Contingent Facilities applicable to this Cluster Area. Houston Lake – Ponderosa 115 kV Transmission Line Table 8.1 below identifies that the addition of the generation proposed for CA8 will increase potential overloads on the existing Houston Lake – Stearns Butte 115 kV transmission line. The Transmission Provider has a preliminarily planned project to install a new 115 kV transmission line between Ponderosa substation and Houston Lake substation by Q4 2025. The project is currently being evaluated for approval. For the purposes of this study, the Transmission Provider assumes this project will be approved to proceed forward as a Transmission Provider project. If not, this transmission line will become a requirement of the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area. 9.0 COST ESTIMATE The following estimate represents only scopes of work that will be performed by the Transmission Provider. Costs for any work being performed by the Interconnection Customer and/or Affected Systems are not included. 9.1 Interconnection Facilities The following facilities are directly assigned to Interconnection Customer(s) using such facilities. If multiple Interconnection Requests are utilizing the same Transmission Provider Interconnection Facilities the costs shall be shared pursuant to Section 39.2.3 of Transmission Provider’s OATT. TCS-43 Table 8.1: Contingent Facility Identification Potential Contingent Facility Description Outage(s) Level Level % Change Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Lake – Ponderosa 115 kV transmission line addition Road – Q0731 POI 115 kV transmission line (HS) Lake – Stearns Butte 147% overloaded Lake – Stearns Butte 170% overloaded System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 36 September 17, 2021 TCS-43 Collector Substation $342,000 Metering and communications equipment Shared Facility Substation $391,000 Control building, relaying, metering, and communications equipment Stearns Butte Substation $200,000 Line termination and breaker TCS-44 TCS-44 Collector Substation $380,000 Metering and communications equipment Ponderosa Substation $400,000 Line termination and metering TCS-45 TCS-45 Collector Substation $342,000 Metering and communications equipment Shared Facility Substation $391,000 Control building, relaying, metering, and communications equipment Stearns Butte Substation $200,000 Line termination and metering TCS-52 TCS-52 Collector Substation $106,000 Metering and communications equipment Shared Facility Substation $175,000 Control building, relaying, metering, and communications equipment Ponderosa Substation $134,000 Line position and metering TCS-53 Collector Substation $106,000 Metering and communications equipment Shared Facility Substation $175,000 Control building, relaying, metering, and communications equipment Ponderosa Substation $134,000 Line position and metering System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 37 September 17, 2021 TCS-54 TCS-54 Collector Substation $339,000 Metering and communications equipment Shared Facility Substation $175,000 Control building, relaying, metering, and communications equipment Ponderosa Substation $134,000 Line position and metering 9.2 Station Equipment The following are Network Upgrades which are allocated based on the number of Generating Facilities interconnecting at an individual station on a per Interconnection Request basis. Interconnection Requests utilizing the same Interconnection Facilities shall be consider one request for this allocation. Ponderosa Substation $2,873,000 Substation expansion, generator line positions and breakers Stearns Butte Substation $744,000 Line position and breaker 9.3 Network Upgrades The funding responsibility for Network Upgrades other than those identified in the previous section shall be allocated based on the proportional capacity of each individual Generating Facility. Ponderosa Substation $9,744,000 Substation expansion, line position, breaker, transformer Corral Substation $2,500,000 Line position Corral-Ponderosa Transmission Line $1,840,000 Install transmission line Total Network Upgrades $14,084,000 9.4 Total Estimated Project Costs TCS-43 Interconnection Facilities $933,000 Station Equipment $372,000 Network Upgrades $2,348,000 Total $3,653,000 System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 38 September 17, 2021 TCS-44 Interconnection Facilities $780,000 Station Equipment $1,437,000 Network Upgrades $4,695,000 Total $6,912,000 TCS-45 Interconnection Facilities $933,000 Station Equipment $372,000 Network Upgrades $2,348,000 Total $3,353,000 TCS-52 Interconnection Facilities $414,000 Station Equipment $479,000 Network Upgrades $1,174,000 Total $2,067,000 TCS-53 Interconnection Facilities $414,000 Station Equipment $479,000 Network Upgrades $1,174,000 Total $2,067,000 TCS-54 Interconnection Facilities $647,000 Station Equipment $479,000 Network Upgrades $2,348,000 Total $3,474,000 10.0 SCHEDULE The Transmission Provider estimates it will require approximately 30 months to design, procure and construct the facilities described in this report following the execution of Interconnection Agreements. The schedule will be further developed and optimized during the Facilities Studies. 11.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS Transmission Provider has identified the following affected systems: - Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) - Portland General Electric (PGE) A copy of this report will be shared with each Affected System. 12.0 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests Appendix 3: Property Requirements System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 39 September 17, 2021 12.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results • In addition to the normal configuration, ten (10) contingency configurations were studied in power flow simulation at the transmission level: o Normal Configuration is defined as follows: Ponderosa substation 115 kV bus supplied from the energized 230 kV and 500 kV grids via two existing 500-230 kV transformers and two existing 230-115 kV transformers; the existing 115 kV Line CO19 path (Ponderosa-Stearns Butte and Stearns Butte-Houston Lake substation) is closed; the proposed 115 kV line from Ponderosa to Houston Lake is in service and closed; the existing 115 kV Line CO14 path (Ponderosa-Baldwin Road, Baldwin Road-Prineville and Prineville-Houston Lake) is closed; the 115 kV Line CO3 and CO7 path between Houston Lake substation and BPA Redmond substation is closed between PAC Redmond and Powell Butte; BPA Redmond substation is supplied from the energized 230 kV grid. The following contingency cases start from the Normal Configuration described above; the described element is then removed from service in a power flow simulation. The response of the transmission system is then tested. o Contingency Configuration #1: one 230-115 kV transformer at Ponderosa substation out of service. o Contingency Configuration #2: one BPA 500-230 kV transformer at BPA Ponderosa out of service. o Contingency Configuration #3: Ponderosa – 115 kV transmission line between Ponderosa and the proposed Q0731 POI substation out of service o Contingency Configuration #4: 115 kV transmission line between the proposed Q0731 POI substation and Baldwin Road out of service o Contingency Configuration #5: 115 kV transmission line between Baldwin Rd and Prineville out of service o Contingency Configuration #6: 115 kV transmission line between Houston Lake and Prineville out of service o Contingency Configuration #7: 115 kV transmission line between Houston Lake and Stearns Butte out of service o Contingency Configuration #8: 115 kV transmission line between Ponderosa and Stearns Butte out of Service o Contingency Configuration #9: 115 kV transmission line between Houston Lake and Ponderosa out of service o Contingency Configuration #10: 230 kV transmission line between Ponderosa substation and Pilot Butte substation out of service A power flow simulation of the addition of TCA-8 generation to the Transmission Provider’s system was performed with the following system conditions: • Minimum daytime loading of 123.7 MW on the 115 kV system (not including Friend), including Redmond and Powell Butte loads. o Includes network loads and non-network loads o Data center loads modeled at daily minimums seen in the past 12 months • Peak Summer loading of 285.6 MW on the 115 kV system (not including Friend) System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 40 September 17, 2021 o Prineville substation loads modeled at 2025 projected maximums, including expected block load additions. o Data center loads (network and non-network) modeled at contractual maximums for the purposes of a power flow study. Network Resource Interconnection Service deliverability was determined based on the following system conditions: • Peak Summer network loads of 297 MW on the 115 kV and 230 kV systems o Prineville substation loads modeled at 2025 projected maximums, including expected block load additions o Data Center Loads at Houston Lake and Friend substations modeled at 2025 projected maximums. o Non-network loads at Baldwin Road not included Addition of the TCA-8 Cluster Generation to the 115 kV system in Prineville, Oregon, causes overloads for contingency configurations #1 and 2 during minimum daylight loading conditions as shown in Table 12.1 below. Table 12.1 – Identified Overloads (Min Daylight Loading) Addition of the TCA-8 Cluster Generation to the 115 kV system in Prineville, Oregon, causes overloads for contingency configurations #1, 4, 5, 9, and 10 during heavy summer loading conditions as shown in Table 12.2 below. Transmission Configuration Number Contingency description Overloaded element (MDL loading, heavy generation) Min. Daytime Post project loading Normal Config. Contingency Config. #1 Contingency Config. #2 Contingency Config. #3 Contingency Config. #4 Contingency Config. #5 Contingency Config. #6 Contingency Config. #7 Contingency Config. #8 Contingency Config. #9Contingency Config. #10 System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 41 September 17, 2021 Table 12.2 – Identified Overloads (Heavy Summer Loading) Voltages and post transient voltage steps are projected in power flow simulation to remain within permissible limits during the interruption of the TCA-8 generation in the Transmission Provider’s normal transmission configuration and all contingency configurations for all load levels. The following table summarizes the transient voltage for various network configurations: Transmission Configuration Number Contingency description Overloaded element (heavy summer loading, heavy generation) Heavy Summer Post project loading Normal Config. Contingency Config. #1 Contingency Config. #2 Contingency Config. #3 Contingency Config. #4 Contingency Config. #5 Contingency Config. #6 Contingency Config. #7 Contingency Config. #8 Contingency Config. #9 106% Contingency Config. #10 145% 104% System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 42 September 17, 2021 (Ponderosa – Q0731 POI 115 kV transmission line trips offline) System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 43 September 17, 2021 12.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests All active higher priority Transmission Provider projects, and transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests will be considered in this cluster area study and are identified below. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, as the results and conclusions contained within this study could significantly change. Transmission/Generation Interconnection Queue Requests considered: Responsible Utility Project Number POI: Size (MW) PAC Q443 Ponderosa 115 kV bus 34.56 PAC Q594 Ponderosa 115 kV bus –in service 56 PAC Q621 Baldwin Road substation 55 PAC Q731 Baldwin Road-Ponderosa 115 kV line 55 PAC Q734 Ponderosa 115 kV bus (shared tie with Q594) 63.5 PAC Q824 Ponderosa 115 kV bus (shared tie with Q594) 40 PAC Q850 Stearns Butte 115 kV substation – in service 61 Oregon Community Solar Projects: PAC OCS001 Prineville 5D69 1.46 PAC OCS002 Prineville 5D126 0.9 Distributed Energy Resources (DER) – in service PAC DER Prineville sub (transformer 1 aggregate) 0.897 PAC DER Prineville sub (transformer 2 aggregate) 0.188 PAC DER Powell Butte substation 1.355 PAC DER Redmond sub(transformer 1 aggregate) 0.801 PAC DER Redmond sub (transformer 2 aggregate) 0.757 Foreign Utility Requests: BPA G0501 Captain Jack 500 kV substation 1100 BPA G0527 Fort Rock 500 kV substation 105 BPA G0539 BPA Ponderosa 230 kV Bus 600 BPA G0640 Captain Jack 500 kV substation 238.5 PGE 17-065 Fort Rock 500 kV substation 400 PGE QF17-068 Pelton-Round Butte 230 kV line 65 PGE 18-071 Grizzly - Malin 500 kV line (near Fort Rock) 600 PGE 19-080 Redmond - Round Butte 230 kV line 80 PGE QF19-081 Redmond - Round Butte 230 kV line 53 System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 44 September 17, 2021 12.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Requirements for rights of way easements Rights of way easements will be acquired by the Interconnection Customer in the Transmission Provider’s name for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and removal of Transmission Provider’s Interconnection Facilities that will be owned and operated by PacifiCorp. Interconnection Customer will acquire all necessary permits for the Project and will obtain rights of way easements for the Project on Transmission Provider’s easement form. Real Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Real property for a POI substation will be acquired by an Interconnection Customer to accommodate the Interconnection Customer’s Project. The real property must be acceptable to Transmission Provider. Interconnection Customer will acquire fee ownership for interconnection substation unless Transmission Provider determines that other than fee ownership is acceptable; however, the form and instrument of such rights will be at Transmission Provider’s sole discretion. Any land rights that Interconnection Customer is planning to retain as part of a fee property conveyance will be identified in advance to Transmission Provider and are subject to the Transmission Provider’s approval. The Interconnection Customer must obtain all permits required by all relevant jurisdictions for the planned use including but not limited to conditional use permits, Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, California Environmental Quality Act, as well as all construction permits for the Project. If eligible, Interconnection Customer will not be reimbursed through network upgrades for more than the market value of the property. As a minimum, real property must be environmentally, physically, and operationally acceptable to Transmission Provider. The real property shall be a permitted or able to be permitted use in all zoning districts. The Interconnection Customer shall provide Transmission Provider with a title report and shall transfer property without any material defects of title or other encumbrances that are not acceptable to Transmission Provider. Property lines shall be surveyed and show all encumbrances, encroachments, and roads. Examples of potentially unacceptable environmental, physical, or operational conditions could include but are not limited to: 1. Environmental: known contamination of site; evidence of environmental contamination by any dangerous, hazardous or toxic materials as defined by any governmental agency; violation of building, health, safety, environmental, fire, land use, zoning or other such regulation; violation of ordinances or statutes of any governmental entities having jurisdiction over the property; underground or above ground storage tanks in area; known remediation sites on property; ongoing mitigation activities or monitoring activities; System Impact Study Report Transition Cluster Area 8 Page 45 September 17, 2021 asbestos; lead-based paint, etc. A phase I environmental study is required for land being acquired in fee by the Transmission Provider unless waived by Transmission Provider. 2. Physical: inadequate site drainage; proximity to flood zone; erosion issues; wetland overlays; threatened and endangered species; archeological or culturally sensitive areas; inadequate sub-surface elements, etc. Transmission Provider may require Interconnection Customer to procure various studies and surveys as determined necessary by Transmission Provider. Operational: inadequate access for Transmission Provider’s equipment and vehicles; existing structures on land that require removal prior to building of substation; ongoing maintenance for landscaping or extensive landscape requirements; ongoing homeowner's or other requirements or restrictions (e.g., Covenants, Codes and Restrictions, deed restrictions, etc.) on property which are not acceptable to the Transmission Provider. Generation Interconnection Transition Cluster Transition Cluster Study Report Cluster Area 4 October 22, 2021 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page i October 22, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 3 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests .............................................................................. 3 3.2 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests ................................................................................ 6 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................... 6 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 4 (CA4) ............................................................................................................... 7 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-07 ........................................................................... 7 5.2 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-09 ........................................................................... 9 5.3 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-25 ......................................................................... 10 5.4 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-41 ......................................................................... 10 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS ................................................. 13 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - ERIS .......................................... 13 7.1 Transmission System Requirements ............................................................................................... 13 7.2 Distribution System Requirements ................................................................................................. 14 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements .................................................................................................... 14 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit ......................................................................... 14 7.5 Protection Requirements ................................................................................................................. 15 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements .............................................................................................................. 17 7.7 Substation Requirements ................................................................................................................. 20 7.8 Communication Requirements ........................................................................................................ 24 7.9 Metering Requirements ................................................................................................................... 24 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES (ERIS) ............................................................................................ 28 9.0 COST ESTIMATE (ERIS) ............................................................................................................. 29 9.1 Interconnection Facilities ................................................................................................................ 29 9.2 Station Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 30 9.3 Network Upgrades .......................................................................................................................... 30 9.4 Total Estimated Project Costs ......................................................................................................... 32 10.0 SCHEDULE (ERIS) ....................................................................................................................... 32 11.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS – NRIS ......................................... 32 12.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................. 32 13.0 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................ 33 13.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results ............................................... 34 13.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests ............................................................................................ 35 13.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements ............................................................................................... 36 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 1 October 22, 2021 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This cluster restudy is being performed due to the withdrawal of several interconnection requests that were included in the original cluster study. Cluster Area 4 (CA4) is generally described as the Transmission Provider’s southern Utah area and includes the following Interconnection Request: TCS-07, TCS-09, TCS-25 and TCS-41 Consistent with Attachment W, Section 3.4.2 and Section 51.4 of PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), this interconnection Transition Cluster Study (“Cluster Study”) evaluated the impact of the proposed interconnections on the reliability of the Transmission System. The Cluster Study considered the Base Case as well as all generating facilities (and with respect to (iii) below, any identified Network Upgrades associated with such higher queued interconnection) that, on the date the Cluster Request Window closes: (i) are existing and directly interconnected to the Transmission System; (ii) are existing and interconnected to Affected Systems and may have an impact on the Interconnection Request; (iii) have a pending higher queued or higher clustered interconnection request to interconnect to the transmission system; and (iv) have executed an LGIA or requested that an unexecuted LGIA be filed with FERC. The Cluster Study consisted of power flow, stability, and short circuit analyses. This Cluster Study report provides the following information: • identification of any circuit breaker short circuit capability limits exceeded as a result of the interconnection; • identification of any thermal overload or voltage limit violations resulting from the interconnection; • identification of any instability or inadequately damped response to system disturbances resulting from the interconnection and • description and non-binding, good faith estimated cost of facilities required to interconnect the Generating Facilities to the Transmission System and to address the identified short circuit, instability, and power flow issues. 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS • All active higher priority transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests that were considered in this study are listed in Appendix 2. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, and the results and conclusions could significantly change. • For study purposes there are two separate queues: o Transmission Service Queue: to the extent practical, all network upgrades that are required to accommodate active transmission service requests were modeled in this study. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 2 October 22, 2021 o Generation Interconnection Queue: Interconnection Facilities and network upgrades associated with higher queued or higher clustered interconnection requests were modeled in this study. • The Interconnection Customers’ request for energy or network resource interconnection service in and of itself does not request or convey transmission service. Only a Network Customer may make a request to designate a generating resource as a Network Resource. Because the queue of higher priority transmission service requests may be different when a Network Customer requests network resource designation for this Generating Facility, the available capacity or transmission modifications, if any, necessary to provide Network Integration Transmission Service may be significantly different. Therefore, Interconnection Customers should regard the results of this study as informational rather than final. • Under normal conditions, the Transmission Provider does not dispatch or otherwise directly control or regulate the output of generating facilities. Therefore, the need for transmission modifications, if any, that may be required to provide Network Resource Interconnection Service will be evaluated on the basis of 100 percent deliverability (i.e., this study did not model displacement of other resources in the same area). • This study assumed the Projects will be integrated into the Transmission Provider’s system at agreed upon and/or proposed Points of Interconnection (“POI” or “POIs”). • If Interconnection Customers proceed through the interconnection process, they will be required to construct and own any facilities required between the Point of Change of Ownership and the Project unless specifically identified by the Transmission Provider. • Line reconductor or fiber underbuild required on existing poles were assumed to follow the most direct path on the Transmission Provider’s system. If during detailed design the path must be modified it may result in additional cost and timing delays for the Interconnection Customer’s Project. • Generator tripping may be required for certain outages. • All facilities will meet or exceed the minimum Western Electricity Coordinating Council (“WECC”), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”), and the Transmission Provider’s performance and design standards. • Power flow analysis requires WECC base cases to reliably balance under peak load conditions the aggregate of generation in the local area, with the Generating Facility at full output, to the aggregate of the load in the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System. As the PacifiCorp East (“PACE”) balancing authority area (“BAA”) has more existing and proposed generation than load, it is necessary to assume some portion of other resources are displaced by this Project’s output in order to assess the impact of interconnecting this Project’s generation to transmission system operations. For the purposes of this study, generation in the Transmission Provider’s Wyoming area was assumed to be displaced. • The following transmission system improvements were assumed in-service: o Energy Gateway South (12/2024) o Lakeside I Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) modification Planned (4/2022) o Milford 138 kV three breaker ring bus and Blundell 138 kV breaker(Q0820) o New South Milford – Milford 46 kV line (Q0820) o Rebuild of Cameron – Tushar - Sevier Tap – Sigurd 138 kV line (Q0820) o Upgrade of the Emery 345-138 kV transformers (Q0823) o Magna Cap Bank (Not contingent) Planned (2023) Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 3 October 22, 2021 o Camp Williams bus improvements (Not contingent) (2024) o Lakeside II RAS modifications (TSR Q2867) o Cottonwood - Snyderville Reconductor (Planned project) (2024) • The Transmission Provider assumes it will be required to meter DC coupled solar and battery storage separately. This may result in a significant amount of Interconnection Facilities for Interconnection Customer’s proposing this type of design. It may also result in significant, annual maintenance costs for Interconnection Customers. Please note that the Transmission Provider does not currently have an approved meter capable of this function therefore cost estimates and schedules are preliminary at this time. The Transmission Provider assumes it will not be able to support a Commercial Operation Date for any Interconnection Request with DC coupled battery storage prior to Q4 2023. • This report is based on information available at the time of the study. It is the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to check the Transmission Provider’s web site regularly for Transmission System updates at https://www.oasis.oati.com/ppw 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS The following requirements are applicable to all Interconnection Requests. The Transmission Provider will identify any site-specific generating facility requirements in addition to the following in this report and in facilities studies. Certain Interconnection Requests requesting service at a voltage level traditionally defined as distribution may be subject to the transmission interconnection request requirements listed below should the Transmission Provider make that determination. 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests All interconnecting synchronous and non-synchronous generators are required to design their Generating Facilities with reactive power capabilities necessary to operate within the full power factor range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging. This power factor range shall be dynamic and can be met using a combination of the inherent dynamic reactive power capability of the generator or inverter, dynamic reactive power devices and static reactive power devices to make up for losses. For synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the Point of Interconnection. For non-synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the high side of the generator substation. The Generating Facility must provide dynamic reactive power to the system in support of both voltage scheduling and contingency events that require transient voltage support and must be able to provide reactive capability over the full range of real power output. If the Generating Facility is not capable of providing positive reactive support (i.e., supplying reactive power to the system) immediately following the removal of a fault or other transient low voltage perturbations, the facility must be required to add dynamic voltage support equipment. These additional dynamic reactive devices shall have correct protection settings such that the devices will remain online and active during and immediately following a fault event. Generators shall be equipped with automatic voltage-control equipment and normally operated with the voltage regulation control mode enabled unless written authorization (or directive) from Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 4 October 22, 2021 the Transmission Provider is given to operate in another control mode (e.g. constant power factor control). The control mode of generating units shall be accurately represented in operating studies. The generators shall be capable of operating continuously at their maximum power output at its rated field current within +/- 5% of its rated terminal voltage. All generators are required to ensure the primary frequency capability of their Facility by installing, maintaining, and operating a functioning governor or equivalent controls as indicated in FERC Order 842. As required by NERC standard VAR-001-4.2, the Transmission Provider will provide a voltage schedule for the Point of Interconnection. In general, Generating Facilities should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the Point of Interconnection, typically between 1.00 per unit to 1.04 per unit, or other designated point as deemed appropriated by Transmission Provider. The Transmission Provider may also specify a voltage and/or reactive power bandwidth as needed to coordinate with upstream voltage control devices such as on-load tap changers. At the Transmission Provider’s discretion, these values might be adjusted depending on operating conditions. Generating Facilities capable of operating with a voltage droop are required to do so. Voltage droop control enables proportionate reactive power sharing among Generation Facilities. Studies will be required to coordinate voltage droop settings if there are other facilities in the area. It will be the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to ensure that a voltage coordination study is performed, in coordination with Transmission Provider, and implemented with appropriate coordination settings prior to unit testing. For areas with multiple generating facilities additional studies may be required to determine whether or not critical interactions, including but not limited to control systems, exist. These studies, to be coordinated with Transmission Provider, will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. If the need for a master controller is identified, the cost and all related installation requirements will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. Participation by the generation facility in subsequent interaction/coordination studies will be required pre- and post-commercial operation in order ensure system reliability. Interconnection Requests that are 75 MVA or larger may be required to facilitate collection and validation of accurate modeling data to meet NERC modeling standards. The Transmission Provider, in its roles as the Planning Coordinator, requires Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) at all new Generating Facilities with an individual or aggregate nameplate capacity of 75 MVA or greater. In addition to owning and maintaining the PMU, the Generating Facility will be responsible for collecting, storing (for a minimum of 90 days) and retrieving data as requested by the Planning Coordinator. Data must be stored for a minimum of 90 days. Data must be collected and be able to stream to Planning Coordinator for each of the Generating Facility’s step-up transformers measured on the low side of the GSU at a sample rate of at least 60 samples per second and synchronized within +/- 2 milliseconds of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Initially, the following data must be collected: • Three phase voltage and voltage angle (analog) • Three phase current (analog) Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 5 October 22, 2021 Data requirements are subject to change as deemed necessary to comply with local and federal regulations. All generators must meet the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. Inverters must be designed to stay connected to the grid in the case of severe faults and may not momentarily cease output within the no-trip area of the voltage curves. Figure 2 illustrates the voltage ride-through capability as per NERC PRC-024. Importantly, inverters should be designed such that a trip outside of the curves is a “may-trip” area (if needed to protect equipment) not a “must-trip” area. Inverters that momentarily cease active power output for these voltage excursions should be configured to restore output to pre- disturbance levels in no greater than five seconds, provided the inverter is capable of these changes. Generators must provide test results to the Transmission Provider verifying that the inverters for this Project have been programmed to meet all PRC-024 requirements rather than manufacturer IEEE distribution standards. As the Transmission Provider cannot submit a user written model to WECC for inclusion in base cases, a standard model from the WECC Approved Dynamic Model Library is required 180 days prior to trial operation. The list of approved generator models is continually updated and is available on the http://www.WECC.biz website. Interconnection Customer with an Interconnection Request for a Generating Facility that is both 75 MVA or larger as well as being interconnected at a voltage higher than 100 kV shall register with NERC as the Generator Owner (“GO”) and Generator Operator (“GOP”) for the Large Generating Facility and provide the Transmission Provider documentation demonstrating registration in order to be approved for Commercial Operation. This registration must be maintained throughout the lifetime of the Interconnection Agreement. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 6 October 22, 2021 Interconnection Customers are responsible for the protection of transmission lines between the Generating Facility and the Point of Interconnection substation. For Interconnection Requests that are smaller than 75 MVA or are interconnected at a voltage less than 100 kV which have a tie line that is longer than 1,000 feet the Interconnection Customer shall construct and own a tie-line substation to be located at the change of ownership (separate fenced facility adjacent to the Transmission Provider’s Point of Interconnection substation). The tie line substation shall include an Interconnection Customer owned protective device and associated transmission line relaying/communications. The ground grids of the Transmission Provider’s Point of Interconnection substation and the Interconnection Customer’s tie-line substation will be connected to support the use of a bus differential protection scheme which will protect the overhead bus connection between the two facilities. 3.2 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests The Generating Facility and interconnection equipment owned by the Interconnection Customers are required to operate under constant power factor mode with a unity power factor setting unless specifically requested otherwise by the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities are expressly forbidden from actively participating in voltage regulation of the Transmission Provider’s system without written request or authorization from the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities shall have sufficient reactive capacity to enable the delivery of 100 percent of the plant output to the applicable POI at unity power factor measured at 1.0 per unit voltage under steady state conditions. Generators capable of operating under voltage control with voltage droop are required to do so. Studies will be required to coordinate the voltage droop setting with other facilities in the area. In general, the Generating Facility and Interconnection Equipment should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the Point of Interconnection between 1.01 pu to 1.04 pu. At the Public Utility’s discretion, these values might be adjusted depending on the operating conditions. Within this voltage range, the Generating Facility should operate so as to minimize the reactive interchange between the Generating Facility and the Public Utility’s system (delivery of power at the Point of Interconnection at approximately unity power factor). The voltage control settings of the Generating Facility must be coordinated with the Public Utility prior to energization (or interconnection). The reactive compensation must be designed such that the discreet switching of the reactive device (if required by the Interconnection Customer) does not cause step voltage changes greater than +/-3% on the Public Utility’s system. All generators must meet applicable WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. As per NERC standard VAR-001-1, the Public Utility is required to specify voltage or reactive power schedule at the Point of interconnection. Under normal conditions, the Public Utility’s system should not supply reactive power to the Generating Facility. 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS The Transmission Provider will perform the cluster study based on geographically and/or electrically relevant areas on the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System known as Cluster Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 7 October 22, 2021 Areas. The Transmission Provider has determined that this Cluster Study will be comprised of the following Cluster Areas: 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 4 (CA4) The Transmission Provider performed the Transition Cluster Study based on geographically and/or electrically relevant areas on the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System known as Cluster Areas. The Transmission Provider has determined that the Interconnection Requests discussed in Section 5.0 are located in a geographically and/or electrically relevant area on Transmission Provider’s Transmission System, and thus, were assigned Cluster Area 4 in the Transition Cluster Study process. 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-07 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 20 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s Nebo-Vickers-Scipio 46 kV transmission line located in Juab County, Utah. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of eleven (11) 2,200 KVA SMA Sunny Central SC2200-US solar inverters a total output of 20 MW at the Point of Interconnection. The requested commercial operation date is October 1, 2022. Figure 6 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-07” Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 8 October 22, 2021 Change ofOwnership Point of Interconnection M 46 kV TCS-07 POI Substation 3.0 miles 2.6 miles VickersSubstation 46 kV12.5 kV TCS-07 CollectorSubstation R R 41 Nebo Nebo Nebo Gunnison Nephi City 8.59 miles Moroni FeedIFA Coastal States Kuhni 15/19.95/24.94 MVAZ = 6.0 % 2.2 MVADC/AC 385 V 2.5 MVAZ = 6.0 % 34.5 kV11 transformer / inverterstotal Figure 6: Simplified System One Line Diagram for the TCS-07 Project Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 9 October 22, 2021 5.2 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-09 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 300 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s Camp Williams-Mona #1 345 kV transmission line located in Utah County, Utah. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of eighty-six (86) 4,200 KVA SMA SC4200-UP-US solar inverters for a total output of 300 MW at the Point of Interconnection. The Interconnection Request also consists of 150 MW of DC coupled battery storage with no capability to charge from the Transmission Provider’s grid. The requested commercial operation date is November 30, 2023. Figure 8 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will NOT operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Energy Resource Interconnection Service (“ERIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-09” Change of ownership M TCS-09 POI Substation 100/133.3/166.7 MVAZ = 9.5 % 34.5 kV F6 F5 F4 F2 7 Transformer /Inverter Units 7 Transformer /Inverter Units Point of Interconnection F1 600 V 4.2 MVA Z = 6.5% 7 Transformer /Inverter Units Total 4.2 MVA DC/AC DC/DC SolarArray 7 Transformer /Inverter UnitsF3 8 Transformer /Inverter Units 7 Transformer /Inverter Units 100/133.3/166.7 MVAZ = 9.5 % 34.5 kV F12 F11 F10 F8 7 Transformer /Inverter Units 7 Transformer /Inverter Units F7 7 Transformer /Inverter Units 7 Transformer /Inverter UnitsF9 8 Transformer /Inverter Units 7 Transformer /Inverter Units M M 345 kV TCS-09Collector Substation L1 Camp Williams Mona Figure 8: Simplified System One Line Diagram for the TCS-9 Project Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 10 October 22, 2021 5.3 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-25 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 30 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s West Cedar-Red Butte 138 kV transmission line located in Iron County, Utah. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of nine (9) 4,000 KVA TMEIC Solar Ware Samurai PVH-L4000GR solar inverters for a total output of 30 MW at the Point of Interconnection. The requested commercial operation date is December 31, 2022. Figure 10 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will NOT operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for both Energy Resource Interconnection Service and Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-25” Change of ownership 138 kV Point of Interconnection 3.6 MW DC/AC Holt M TCS-25 POISubstation 8.67 miles 138 kV bus WestCedarSubstation 23/30.6/38.3 MVAZ = 7% H1 C1 F1 6 MVAR 3.8 Miles 34.5 kV TCS-25 CollectorSubstation 3.6 MVAZ = 5.75 % 630 V 9 InvertersTotal TCS-03 Three Peaks Figure 10: Simplified System One Line Diagram for the TCS-25 Project 5.4 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-41 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 31.1 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s South Milford 46 kV substation located in Beaver County, Utah. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of a 31,176 KVA Brush DG185ZL-04 geothermal steam turbine for a total output of 31.1 MW at the Point of Interconnection. The requested Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 11 October 22, 2021 commercial operation date is December 31, 2021. Figure 11 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will NOT operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for both Energy Resource Interconnection Service and Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-41” Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 12 October 22, 2021 Change ofOwnership Point of Interconnection M 12.5 kV 25 kV South Milford Substation 12.5 kV Blundell Substation Sevier WUCC 46 kV 138 kV MilfordSubstation 46 kV Q0820 Cameron TCS-41 Plant Cameron 7.2 Miles 16.2 Miles CB1 CBX CBTX 13.8 kV 31.176 MVA 35 MVAZ = 14 % Figure 11: Simplified System One Line Diagram for the TCS-41 Project Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 13 October 22, 2021 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS In addition to the requirements described above the following Generating Facility are required for the specific Interconnection Requests listed below. TCS-41 The winding configuration of the Interconnection Customer’s proposed 46–13.8 kV step-up transformer will not be acceptable. The step-up transformer must be a source of ground current for phase to ground faults on the 46 kV transmission system. The transformer will be required to have a wye winding on the 46 kV side, with the neutral grounded, and a delta on the 13.8 kV side. If a ground reference is needed for the 13.8 kV system then a grounding transformer could be added or a three winding transformer could be used for the step-up transformer. The three winding transformer would have wye windings with the neutrals ground for both the 46 kV and 13.8 kV side along with a delta tertiary winding. 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - ERIS 7.1 Transmission System Requirements The following transmission system improvements are required to accommodate the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area: • Construction of a new 50-mile Spanish Fork -Mercer 345 kV transmission line. The new line will be terminated in an existing bay in the Spanish Fork substation. A new circuit breaker will be installed in Mercer substation. • Replace jumpers on the Huntington end of the Emery-Huntington 345 kV transmission line. • Upgrade the existing 75 MVA, 138-46 kV LTC transformer at Milford substation to 125 MVA. • Rebuild both the existing and the new (identified for Q0820) 46 kV Milford – South Milford transmission lines. The following are station upgrades required for each of the Interconnection Requests within this Cluster Area. TCS-07 Install 46 kV single breaker substation on the Nebo-Vickers-Scipio 46 kV line. TCS-09 Construct a new 345 kV three breaker ring bus substation on the Camp Williams – Mona 345 kV line at the Point of Interconnection, with associated line terminations, switches, etc. TCS-25 Construct a new 138 kV three breaker ring bus substation on the Red Butte-West Cedar 138 kV line at the Point of Interconnection, with associated line terminations, switches, etc. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 14 October 22, 2021 TSC-41 Install a 46 kV circuit breaker at the South Milford substation. 7.2 Distribution System Requirements No upgrades to the Transmission Provider’s distribution system have been identified for the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area. 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements It is assumed that each POI substation will be located directly adjacent to the existing transmission line. Coordination of the exact location for each POI substation will be required and the exact line route/length and resulting cost for the new transmission line loop in/out could vary. Each of the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area shall construct its last structure and span/bus connection into the POI substation to Transmission Provider standards. The Transmission Provider will review the design of the Interconnection Customer line for the last span into the POI substations. The Interconnection Customers shall coil enough fiber and conductor on the last deadend structure to make the span into the POI substations. The Transmission Provider shall construct the final terminations into the POI substations. If the Interconnection Customer’s tie line is required to cross a Transmission Provider line, the Interconnection Custer shall make application with the Transmission Provider to do so. The Interconnection Customer’s line shall cross below the Transmission Provider’s line in all cases unless is Interconnection Customer’s line is of a higher voltage. 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit The increase in the fault duty on the system as the result of the addition of each of the individual Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area along with the modifications to the transmission system to support these Interconnection Requests does not push the fault duty over the ratings of the present current interrupting equipment. The combination of all four Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area do result in the requirement to increase the interrupting capacity of the following circuit breakers: Substation Circuit breakers to upgrade interrupting capacity OQUIRRH O 138.kV CBB145 MONA 345.kV CB349 SIGURD 230.kV CB253 CAMP WILLIAM 345.kV CB301, CB307, CB323, CB326, CB327, CBC363 MIDVALLEY E 138.kV CBC142, CBC141, CB133 TCS-07 The TCS-07 Interconnection Request will have photovoltaic arrays fed through 11 – 2.2 MVA inverters connected to 11 – 34.5 kV – 385 V 2.5 MVA transformers with 6 % impedance connected to the transmission network via a 46 – 34.5 kV 15/19.95/24.94 MVA transformer with impedance of 6 %. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 15 October 22, 2021 TCS-09 The TCS-09 Interconnection Request will have photovoltaic arrays and batteries fed through 86 – 4.2 MVA inverters connected to 86 – 34.5 kV – 600 V 4.2 MVA transformers with 6.5 % impedance connected to the transmission network via two 345 – 34.5 kV 100/133/166.7 MVA transformers with impedance of 9.5 %. TCS-25 The TCS-25 Interconnection Request will have photovoltaic arrays fed through 9 – 3.6 MVA inverters connected to 9 – 34.5 kV – 630 V 3.6 MVA transformers with 5.75 % impedance connected to the transmission network via a 138 – 34.5 kV 23/30.6/38.3 MVA transformer with impedance of 7 %. TCS-41 The TCS-41 Interconnection Request will have a 31.176 MVA generator fed through a 35 MVA 46 – 13.8 kV transformer with 14 % impedance. 7.5 Protection Requirements TCS-07 The proposed TCS-07 project will be connected to the transmission network via the Vickers substation 46 kV bus. For the opening of the 46 kV line breaker 41 at Vickers substation the TCS-07 Generating Facility will need to disconnect in a high-speed manner. This will permit the automatic high-speed reclosing of the line breaker. Most faults on overhead transmission circuits are temporary so that after all sources of power to the fault are disconnected the circuit can be re-energized. The circuit can then continue to carry the connected load. The 46 kV system is lightly loaded. The minimum daytime load on the 46 kV circuits that is fed out of Vickers substation on circuit CB 41 is 20 kVA. Because the potential unbalance between the generation and the load following the opening of the breaker cannot be relied upon to cause a high-speed disconnection of the Generating Facility a transfer trip communication circuit will be needed between Vickers and the TCS-07 POI substations. A communication circuit will be required to carry the transfer trip signals. Since the POI and the collector substations will be adjacent to each other, the ground mats of the two substations can be tied together. This will permit the use of metallic control cables between the substations. The line between POI substation and the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation will be protected with a bus differential relay system. The bus differential relays will be in the POI substation. The Interconnection Customer will need to provide the output from a set of current transformers from the 46 kV transformer breaker’s bushings. These currents will be fed into the bus differential relays. If a fault is detected on the 46 kV bus the 46 kV breakers in the collector substation and POI substation will be tripped. In addition to the bus relay, a relay used for under/over voltage and over/under frequency protection of the system will be installed at the POI substation. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range this relay will trip open the 46 kV transformer breaker in the collector substation. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 16 October 22, 2021 A control circuit will be installed at Vickers substation to delay the automatic reclosing of the 46 kV line breaker until there is indication that the line to the TCS-07 Project in no longer energized. This control circuit is required to prevent potential damage to existing customer equipment if the transfer trip signal does not get to the TCS-07 POI substation or was delayed in disconnecting the generation. At Vickers substation an instrument voltage transformer will be installed on the line side of the breaker to accommodate the control circuit. A relay will be installed at Vickers substation to delay the automatic reclosing of CB 41 until there is indication that the line is no longer energized. TCS-09 The proposed TCS-09 project will be connected to the Camp Williams – Mona #3 345 kV line. A three breaker 345 kV ring bus substation will be built adjacent to the line. The installation of protective relays for line fault detection will be required at the Transmission Provider’s new 345 kV POI substation for the protection of the line to the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation and the lines to Camp Williams and Mona substations. The lines to Camp Williams and Mona substations will be protected with line current differential relay systems. The line relays at Camp Williams and Mona substations will need to be replaced with line relays that will compatible with the relays to be installed at the TCS-09 POI substation. It is planned that the collector substation will be adjacent to the POI substation. With the two substations sharing a common fence the ground mats of the two substations can be tied together and metallic control cables can be used for protection and control circuits. The line between POI substation and the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation will be protected with redundant bus differential relay systems. The bus differential relays will be in the POI substation. The Interconnection Customer will need to provide the output from two sets of current transformers from the 52L1 345 kV breaker. These currents will be fed into redundant sets of bus differential relays. If a fault is detected both the 345 kV breakers in the POI substation and the 345 kV breaker in the collector substation will be tripped. In addition to the line protective relaying a relay used for under/over voltage and over/under frequency protection of the system will be installed at the POI substation. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range this relay will trip the Interconnection Customer’s 345 kV breaker at the collector substation. TCS-25 The proposed TCS-25 project will be connected to the West Cedar – Holt 138 kV line with a three- breaker ring bus at the TCS-25 POI substation. The installation of protective relays for line fault detection will be required at the Transmission Provider’s new 138 kV POI substation for the protection of the line to the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation and the lines to West Cedar and Holt substations. The line to West Cedar substation will be protected with line current differential relay systems. The line to Holt substation will be protected with a permissive overreaching line relays system. The line relays at West Cedar substation will need to be replaced with line relays that will compatible with the relays to be installed at the TCS-25 POI substation. The line relays at Holt Substation will need to have new relays settings developed for them. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 17 October 22, 2021 It is planned that the collector substation will be adjacent to the POI substation. With the two substations sharing a common fence the ground mats of the two substations can be tied together and metallic control cables can be used for protection and control circuits. The line between POI substation and the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation will be protected with a bus differential relay system. The bus differential relays will be in the POI substation. The Interconnection Customer will need to provide the output from a set of current transformers from the 52H1 138 kV breaker. These currents will be fed into the bus differential relays. If a fault is detected both the 138 kV breakers in the POI substation and the 138 kV breaker in the collector substation will be tripped. In addition to the line protective relaying a relay used for under/over voltage and over/under frequency protection of the system will be installed at the POI substation. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range this relay will trip the Interconnection Customer’s 138 kV breaker at the collector substation. TCS-41 The proposed TCS-41 project will be connected to the same 46 kV ring bus switchyard in South Milford substation planned for the Q0820 project. Another 46 kV breaker will be added to the ring bus. The Interconnection Customer will be required to build a tie line substation adjacent to South Milford substation with a 46 kV breaker. The ground mats of the South Milford substation and the Interconnection Customer’s tie line substation will be tie together so that metallic control cables can be used for protection and control circuits between the two substations. The Interconnection Customer will be responsible for the line relays to detect faults on the 46 kV tie line between its tie line substation and collector substation. The Interconnection Customer’s breaker and line relay system must detect and isolate any fault on the 46 kV tie line in 7 cycles or less. The tie line between South Milford substation the Interconnection Customer’s tie line substation will be protected with a bus differential relay system. The Interconnection Customer will need to provide the output from a set of current transformers from the 46 kV tie line breaker. These currents will be fed into the bus differential relays. If a fault is detected both the 46 kV breakers in the South Milford substation and the 46 kV breaker in the tie line substation will be tripped. A set of line relays set in a backup mode will be installed in South Milford substation to monitor the current and voltages on the tie line. Relay elements in the line relays monitor the line voltages. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range these relay elements will trip open the 46 kV tie line breaker. 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements The Transmission Provider will remotely monitor and operate new infrastructure to be installed for this Cluster Area in the substations in which new transmission lines will be connected. TCS-07 The Interconnection Customer will hard wire its source devices from its collector substation to a marshalling cabinet to be installed on the POI substation fence line. The following points will be required for this Interconnection Request. TCS-07 POI substation: Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 18 October 22, 2021 Analogs:  Net Generation MW  Net Generator MVAR  Interchange metering kWH TCS-07 collector substation: Analog Written to the RTU:  Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Analogs:  Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back  Potential Power MW  Average Horizontal Irradiance (GHI)  Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar)  Average Plant Temperature (Celsius) Status:  46 kV transformer breaker  34.5 kV collector line breaker TCS-09 The Interconnection Customer will hard wire its source devices from its collector substation to a marshalling cabinet to be installed on the POI substation fence line. The following points will be required for this Interconnection Request. TCS-09 collector substation: Analog Written to the RTU:  Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Analogs:  Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back  Potential Power MW  Average Horizontal Irradiance (GHI)  Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar)  Average Plant Temperature (Celsius)  345 – 34.5 kV transformer #1 MW  345 – 34.5 kV transformer #1 MVAR  345 – 34.5 kV transformer #2 MW  345 – 34.5 kV transformer #2 MVAR  34.5 kV Collector circuit #1 MW  34.5 kV Collector circuit #1 MVAR  34.5 kV Collector circuit #2 MW  34.5 kV Collector circuit #2 MVAR  34.5 kV Collector circuit #3 MW  34.5 kV Collector circuit #3 MVAR  34.5 kV Collector circuit #4 MW  34.5 kV Collector circuit #4 MVAR  34.5 kV Collector circuit #5 MW  34.5 kV Collector circuit #5 MVAR Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 19 October 22, 2021  34.5 kV Collector circuit #6 MW  34.5 kV Collector circuit #6 MVAR  34.5 kV Collector circuit #7 MW  34.5 kV Collector circuit #7 MVAR  34.5 kV Collector circuit #8 MW  34.5 kV Collector circuit #8 MVAR  34.5 kV Collector circuit #9 MW  34.5 kV Collector circuit #9 MVAR  34.5 kV Collector circuit #10 MW  34.5 kV Collector circuit #10 MVAR  34.5 kV Collector circuit #11 MW  34.5 kV Collector circuit #11 MVAR  34.5 kV Collector circuit #12 MW  34.5 kV Collector circuit #12 MVAR Status:  345 kV transformer breaker L1  34.5 kV collector line breaker F1  34.5 kV collector line breaker F2  34.5 kV collector line breaker F3  34.5 kV collector line breaker F4  34.5 kV collector line breaker F5  34.5 kV collector line breaker F6  34.5 kV collector line breaker F7  34.5 kV collector line breaker F8  34.5 kV collector line breaker F9  34.5 kV collector line breaker F10  34.5 kV collector line breaker F11  34.5 kV collector line breaker F12 TCS-25 The Interconnection Customer will hard wire its source devices from its collector substation to a marshalling cabinet to be installed on the POI substation fence line. The following points will be required for this Interconnection Request. TCS-25 POI Substation: Analogs:  Net Generation MW  Net Generator MVAR  Interchange metering kWH TCS-25 collector substation: Analog Written to the RTU:  Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Analogs:  Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 20 October 22, 2021  Potential Power MW  Average Horizontal Irradiance (GHI)  Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar)  Average Plant Temperature (Celsius)  34.5 kV Collector circuit MW  34.5 kV Collector circuit MVAR  34.5 kV Capacitor circuit MVAR Status:  138 kV transformer breaker H1  34.5 kV collector line breaker F1  34.5 kV capacitor breaker C1 TCS-41 The Interconnection Customer will install a Transmission Provider approved data concentrator in its collector substation and hard wire its source devices to the data concentrator. The data points are to be brought back to the POI substation by the Interconnection Customer. The following points will be required for this Interconnection Request. South Milford Substation: Analogs:  Net Generation MW  Net Generator MVAR  Interchange metering kWH Status:  46 kV tie line breaker TCS-41 plant substation: Analog Written to the RTU:  Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Analogs:  Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back  Potential Power MW  46 kV A phase voltage  46 kV B phase voltage  46 kV C phase voltage Status:  46 kV transformer circuit switcher CBTX  13.8 kV transformer breaker CBX  13.8 kV generator breaker CB1 7.7 Substation Requirements Mercer Substation Existing substation will be expanded. A new line from Spanish Fork will be terminated at the substation. The following is a preliminary list of the major equipment required for this project and may change during detailed design. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 21 October 22, 2021 (2) – 345 kV breakers (1) – 345 kV shunt reactor (4) – 345 kV group operated switches (3) – 345 kV CCVTs (3) – surge arresters Spanish Fork Substation Existing substation will be expanded to accommodate a new 345 kV bay. Existing lines will be relocated to minimize line crossing. The following is a preliminary list of the major equipment required for this project and may change during detailed design. (2) – 345 kV breaker (7) – 345 kV group operated switches (1) – 345 kV shunt reactor (3) – 345 kV CCVTs Milford Substation The 138-46 kV, 75 MVA transformer will be replaced with a 125 MVA unit. Conductor inside the substation will be replaced with higher rated conductor to support the capacity increase along with six (6), 46 kV hook stick operated breaker disconnect switches. Huntington Substation Conductor associated with the 345 kV line to Emery Substation will be upgraded. Camp Williams Substation Five (5), 345 kV circuit breaker will be replaced with a breaker with a higher interrupting capability. If the ground fault duty increases above the growth factor, a CDEGS grounding analysis will be required. Mona Substation One (1), 345 kV circuit breaker will be replaced with a breaker with a higher interrupting capability. If the ground fault duty increases above the growth factor, a CDEGS grounding analysis will be required. Oquirrh Substation One (1), 138 kV circuit breaker will be replaced with a breaker with a higher interrupting capability. If the ground fault duty increases above the growth factor, a CDEGS grounding analysis will be required. Sigurd Substation One (1), 230 kV circuit breaker will be replaced with a breaker with a higher interrupting capability. If the ground fault duty increases above the growth factor, a CDEGS grounding analysis will be required. Vickers Substation Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 22 October 22, 2021 A voltage transformer will be installed at Vickers substation. Camp Williams Substation A relay panel will be replaced at the substation. Mona Substation A relay panel will be replaced at the substation. Holt Substation Relay settings will be updated. West Cedar Substation A relay panel will be replaced at the substation. TCS-07 TCS-07 POI Substation A single breaker (built to 4 breaker ring bus) POI substation will be required for this project. The Interconnection Customer’s collector substation will be located adjacent to the TCS-07 POI substation. The ground grids for the two substations will be tied together. A marshalling cabinet will be installed to facilitate the installation of protection, control, and indication cables. The following is a preliminary list of major equipment required for this project and may change during detailed design. (1) – 72.5 kV breaker (9) – 69 kV group operated switches (1) – control house (1) – 46 kV VT (1) – 46 kV SSVT (6) – Surge arresters (1) – marshalling cabinet TCS-09 TCS-09 POI Substation A 345 kV substation will be built. The Interconnection Customer’s collector substation will be located adjacent to the Clover substation. The ground grids for the two substations will be tied together. A marshalling cabinet will be installed to facilitate the installation of protection, control, and indication cables. The following is a preliminary list of major equipment required for this project and may change during detailed design. (3) – 345 kV breakers (11) – 345 kV group operated switches (6) – 345 kV CCVTs (1) – 345 kV SSVT (3) – 345 kV CT/VT metering combination units (1) – control house (2) – bus differential CT junction cabinets Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 23 October 22, 2021 (1) – marshalling cabinet (6) – Surge arresters TCS-09 Collector Substation The Interconnection Customer will provide a separate graded, grounded and fenced area along the perimeter of the Interconnection Customer’s Generating Facility for the Transmission Provider to install a control house for any required metering, protection and/or communication equipment. This area will share a fence and ground grid with the Generating Facility and have separate, unencumbered access for the Transmission Provider. The Interconnection Customer shall perform and provide a CDEGS grounding analysis. The TCS-09 POI substation ground grid will be tied to the TCS-09 collector substation ground grid. AC station service will be supplied by the Interconnection Customer. DC power for the control house will be supplied by the Transmission Provider. Six (6), 345 kV combined CT/VT metering instrument transformers will be installed. TCS-25 TCS-25 POI Substation A new 138 kV ring bus will be required. The Interconnection Customer’s collector substation will be located adjacent to the POI substation. The ground grids for the two substations will be tied together. A marshalling cabinet will be installed to facilitate the installation of protection, control, and indication cables. The following is a preliminary list of major equipment required for this project and may change during detailed design. (3) – 138 kV breakers (6) – 138 kV CCVTs (11) – 138 kV group operated switches (3) – 138 kV CT/VT metering combination units (1) – control house (1) – 138 kV SSVT (3) – surge arresters (1) – marshalling cabinet TCS-41 South Milford Substation It is assumed that the Q820 project will be responsible for the yard expansion, build out the 46 kV ring bus, and install a new control house at South Milford, and that it will be in-service before the start of this project. The Interconnection Customer’s tie line substation will be located adjacent to the South Milford substation. The ground grids for the two substations will be tied together. A marshalling cabinet will be installed to facilitate installation of protection, control, and indication cables. The following is a preliminary list of major equipment required for this project and may change during detailed design. (1) – 72.5 kV breaker (4) – 69 kV group operated switch (3) – 46 kV CT/VT metering combination units (1) – marshalling cabinet Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 24 October 22, 2021 7.8 Communication Requirements TCS-07 The Transmission Provider will install fiber optic cable on approximately 14.19 miles of transmission line on a line between Vickers Substation and the TCS-07 POI substation. This fiber cable will provide the communications path required for the project metering and the relaying between Vickers substation and the TCS-07 POI substation. Communications equipment will be installed in the Vickers substation to support the relaying, metering, and SCADA communications. TCS-09 The existing Mona – Camp Williams line fiber will be looped in/out of the new POI substation, creating a fiber ring and allowing for redundant communications paths. This will accommodate required relaying between the TCS-09 POI substation and the Mona substation and between the TCS-09 substation and the Camp Williams substation. Communications equipment will be installed in the TCS-09 POI substation and the Transmission Provider’s collector substation control building to support the relaying, metering, and SCADA communications. Communications equipment will be installed to support the metering equipment required for this Interconnection Request. It is assumed that a significant number of enclosures will need to be installed in the Interconnection Customer’s solar facility. TCS-25 This project requires that approximately 8.67 miles of OPGW be installed on the existing 138 kV line between the West Cedar substation and the TCS-25 POI substation. This will accommodate the required relaying between the TCS-25 POI substation and the West Cedar substation and between the TCS-25 POI substation and the Holt Substation. Communications equipment will be installed in the POI substation to support the relaying, the net metering, and SCADA communications. TCS-41 The Interconnection Customer will install Transmission Provider approved fiber optic cable on its tie line between its collector substation and the POI substation in order to provide the Transmission Provider the required data. The Transmission Provider will terminate the fiber in the POI substation. Communications equipment will be installed in the POI substation to support the net metering and SCADA communications. 7.9 Metering Requirements TCS-07 Interchange Metering The overall project metering will be located at Point of Interconnection substation. This will require one metering point. This metering will be rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 46kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 25 October 22, 2021 for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Project is not generating. Interconnection Customer must call the Help Desk at 1-800‐625‐6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. TCS-09 Interchange Metering The overall project metering will be located at the Point of Interconnection substation. This will require one metering point. This metering will be rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 345kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. A Direct Serial connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. GSU Metering Each of the Interconnection Customer’s GSU transformers will require metering, which will require two metering points at 345kV. The metering will be located at the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation, and each metering point will be rated per transformer size. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 26 October 22, 2021 primary metering transformers will be combination 345kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters for each meter point with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Generation Metering The solar and battery activity will be metered separately. Metering for this purpose will be located at the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation on the DC side of each inverter. Separate metering will be required for each individual battery resource and each individual solar resource. The metering will be rated for the capacity of each source. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the current and voltage sensors/converters, meters, meter enclosures, and secondary metering wire. The Interconnection Request consists of 86 inverters, with battery and solar attached at the DC side of each inverter. This will require 172 metering points to measure battery and solar separately. For meters measuring generation, the Transmission Provider requires primary and backup meters at each point. Therefore, this project is expected to require 344 DC meters. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters at each metering point with real time digital data to the Transmission providers SCADA system. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous MW, voltage, and amps data. Station Service The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Project is not generating. Interconnection Customer must call the Help Desk at 1-800‐625‐6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. TCS-25 Interchange Metering The overall project metering will be located at Point of Interconnection substation. This will Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 27 October 22, 2021 require one metering point. This metering will be rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 138kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Project is not generating. Interconnection Customer must call the Help Desk at 1-800‐625‐6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. TCS-41 Interchange Metering The overall project metering will be located at South Milford substation. This will require one metering point. This metering will be rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 46kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 28 October 22, 2021 The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Project is not generating. Interconnection Customer must call the Help Desk at 1-800‐625‐6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES (ERIS) The following Interconnection Facilities and/or upgrades to the Transmission Provider’s system are Contingent Facilities applicable to this Cluster Area. Potential Contingent Facility Outage(s) Overload/ Violation Overload/ Violation % Change Contingent Facility (Yes/No) Responsible Entity Planned ISD Four breaker ring bus adjacent to South Milford substation N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Q0820 TBD Milford 138-46 kV XFMR upgrade to 112 MVA N-0 113% 150% 37% Yes Q0820 TBD Milford 2nd 397 ACSR 46 kV line and additional 46 kV breaker at Milford-South Milford 46 kV 128% (Brooklawn-Cameron) 185% (estimated. Case won't solve) 57% Yes Q0820 TBD Tushar - Sevier Tap- Sigurd 138 CB 112 @ Parowan 105% 110% 101% 108% 112% 103% 3% 2% 2% Yes Q0820 TBD Gateway South N-2 Mona - Mercer #2 & #4 78% 84% 6% No PAC 4Q24 Lakeside I RAS Modification City and Dynamo - Shoreline - Tri City 345 kV lines (credible Highland - Hale 123.6% Timp - Cherrywood 125.8% Highland - Hale 124.2% Timp - Cherrywood 126.2% 0.6% 0.4% No PAC 1Q22 0.02 PAC 2Q22 transformer and yard project N-1-1 No PAC Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 29 October 22, 2021 9.0 COST ESTIMATE (ERIS) The following estimate represents only scopes of work that will be performed by the Transmission Provider. Costs for any work being performed by the Interconnection Customer and/or Affected Systems are not included. 9.1 Interconnection Facilities The following facilities are directly assigned to Interconnection Customer(s) using such facilities. If multiple Interconnection Requests are utilizing the same Transmission Provider Interconnection Facilities the costs shall be shared pursuant to Section 39.2.3 of Transmission Provider’s OATT. TCS-07 TCS-07 Collector substation $20,000 Develop new relay settings POI substation $540,000 Line position and metering Total: $560,000 TCS-09 TCS-09 Collector substation $4,630,000 Control house, metering and communications equipment POI substation $980,000 Line termination and metering Total: $5,610,000 TCS-25 TCS-25 Collector substation $80,000 Relay settings and communications POI substation $560,000 Line termination and metering Total: $640,000 TCS-41 South Milford substation $520,000 Line termination and metering Total: $520,000 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 30 October 22, 2021 9.2 Station Equipment The following are Network Upgrades which are allocated based on the number of Generating Facilities interconnecting at an individual station on a per Interconnection Request basis. Interconnection Requests utilizing the same Interconnection Facilities shall be consider one request for this allocation. TCS-07 POI substation $4,400,000 New single 46kV breaker substation Total: $4,400,000 TCS-09 POI substation $11,240,000 Install new 345kV three breaker ring bus with three line positions Total: $11,240,000 TCS-25 POI substation $6,470,000 New 138kV breaker & a half substation with three line positions &transformer protection panel Total: $6,470,000 TCS-41 South Milford substation $1,200,000 Add 46kV breaker, switches, line relay panel, and buss differential panel Total: $1,200,000 9.3 Network Upgrades The funding responsibility for Network Upgrades other than those identified in the previous section shall be allocated based on the proportional capacity of each individual Generating Facility. Mercer substation $5,200,000 New 345kV line position, breaker, & shunt reactor Spanish Fork substation $9,360,000 New 345kV bay, breakers, shunt reactor, and yard expansion Camp Williams substation $4,820,000 Replace 345kV breakers, install bus differential and breaker control panels Mona substation $1,480,000 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 31 October 22, 2021 Replace 345kV breaker, install bus differential and breaker control panels Oquirrh substation $344,000 Replace 138kV breaker Sigurd substation $506,000 Replace 230kV breaker Milford substation $2,350,000 Increase Transformer Capacity Mercer – Spanish Fork 345kV Transmission line $96,640,000 Construct new 50-mile 345 kV transmission line Milford – Q0820 POI 46kV #1 tie line $4,880,000 Reconductor approximately 7.22 miles Milford – Q0820 POI 46kV #2 tie line $4,880,000 Reconductor approximately 7.22 miles Nebo substation $40,000 Modify communications Vickers substation $380,000 Install 46kV VT’s, relaying, and communications Scipio – Vickers 46kV tie line $180,000 Loop in/loop out of new TCS-07 POI substation Camp Williams – Mona 345kV tie line $1,720,000 Loop in/loop out of new TCS-09 POI substation West Cedar substation $230,000 Replace line relay panel and modify communications Holt substation $40,000 Update relay settings Red Butte – West Cedar 138kV tie line $320,000 Loop in/loop out of new TCS-25 POI substation Network Upgrade Total: $133,370,000 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 32 October 22, 2021 9.4 Total Estimated Project Costs TCS-07 Interconnection Facilities $560,000 Station Equipment $4,400,000 Network Upgrades $6,999,000 Total: $11,959,000 TCS-09 Interconnection Facilities $5,610,000 Station Equipment $11,240,000 Network Upgrades $104,988,000 Total: $121,838,000 TCS-25 Interconnection Facilities $640,000 Station Equipment $6,470,000 Network Upgrades $10,499,000 Total: $17,609,000 TCS-41 Interconnection Facilities $520,000 Station Equipment $1,200,000 Network Upgrades $10,884,000 Total: $12,604,000 Grand Total $164,010,000 10.0 SCHEDULE (ERIS) The Transmission Provider estimates it will require approximately 72 months to design, procure and construct the facilities described in this report following the execution of Interconnection Agreements. The schedule will be further developed and optimized during the Facilities Studies. 11.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS – NRIS The Transmission Provider has not identified any additional requirements to provide NRIS to those Interconnection Customer’s requesting NRIS beyond the ERIS requirements identified in this report. 12.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS Transmission Provider has identified the following affected systems: NV Energy, UAMPS, Deseret Power A copy of this report will be shared with each Affected System. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 33 October 22, 2021 13.0 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests Appendix 3: Property Requirements Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 34 October 22, 2021 13.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results A Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) approved 2025 Heavy Summer case was used to perform the power flow studies using PSS/E version 34.6.0. Power flow studies were performed on a peak load base case. Local 345 kV, 230 kV and 138 kV transmission system outages were considered. The following table describes the outage, the issue(s) that arises from each outage and the proposed mitigation. line 345 kV line overloads to 101% of Huntington on the Emery – Huntington 345 kV line Steel Mill – Spanish Fork 345 kV 138 kV line overloads to 100.2% Spanish Fork – Mercer 345 kV line Camp Williams – Steel Mill 345 kV lines 138 kV line overloads to 104.3% Spanish Fork – Mercer 345 kV line Replace the 75 MVA 138 – 46 kV transformer at Milford Substation with a 125 MVA unit. Reduction of generation to 22 MW would avoid transformer replacement. Rebuild both the existing and the new (identified for Q0820) 46 kV Milford-South Milford lines to 795 ACSR. Reduction of generation to 15.1 MW would avoid required line rebuilds from Milford to South Milford. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 35 October 22, 2021 13.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests All active higher priority Transmission Provider projects, and transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests will be considered in this cluster area study and are identified below. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, as the results and conclusions contained within this study could significantly change. Transmission/Generation Interconnection Queue Requests considered: LGI Q# MW TSR Q# 632 2.99 634 99 636 99 642 58 752 40 2867 763 200 2872/2873 777 100 778 200 2879 787 200 788 200 792 80 799 67 804 80 2602 805 95 815 20 823 178 838 525 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 36 October 22, 2021 13.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Requirements for rights of way easements Rights of way easements will be acquired by the Interconnection Customer in the Transmission Provider’s name for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and removal of Transmission Provider’s Interconnection Facilities that will be owned and operated by PacifiCorp. Interconnection Customer will acquire all necessary permits for the Project and will obtain rights of way easements for the Project on Transmission Provider’s easement form. Real Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Real property for a point of interconnection substation will be acquired by an Interconnection Customer to accommodate the Interconnection Customer’s Project. The real property must be acceptable to Transmission Provider. Interconnection Customer will acquire fee ownership for interconnection substation unless Transmission Provider determines that other than fee ownership is acceptable; however, the form and instrument of such rights will be at Transmission Provider’s sole discretion. Any land rights that Interconnection Customer is planning to retain as part of a fee property conveyance will be identified in advance to Transmission Provider and are subject to the Transmission Provider’s approval. The Interconnection Customer must obtain all permits required by all relevant jurisdictions for the planned use including but not limited to conditional use permits, Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, California Environmental Quality Act, as well as all construction permits for the Project. If eligible, Interconnection Customer will not be reimbursed through network upgrades for more than the market value of the property. As a minimum, real property must be environmentally, physically, and operationally acceptable to Transmission Provider. The real property shall be a permitted or able to be permitted use in all zoning districts. The Interconnection Customer shall provide Transmission Provider with a title report and shall transfer property without any material defects of title or other encumbrances that are not acceptable to Transmission Provider. Property lines shall be surveyed and show all encumbrances, encroachments, and roads. Examples of potentially unacceptable environmental, physical, or operational conditions could include but are not limited to: 1. Environmental: known contamination of site; evidence of environmental contamination by any dangerous, hazardous or toxic materials as defined by any governmental agency; violation of building, health, safety, environmental, fire, land use, zoning or other such regulation; violation of ordinances or statutes of any governmental entities having jurisdiction over the property; underground or above ground storage tanks in area; known remediation sites on property; ongoing mitigation activities or monitoring activities; asbestos; lead-based paint, etc. A Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 4 Page 37 October 22, 2021 phase I environmental study is required for land being acquired in fee by the Transmission Provider unless waived by Transmission Provider. 2. Physical: inadequate site drainage; proximity to flood zone; erosion issues; wetland overlays; threatened and endangered species; archeological or culturally sensitive areas; inadequate sub-surface elements, etc. Transmission Provider may require Interconnection Customer to procure various studies and surveys as determined necessary by Transmission Provider. Operational: inadequate access for Transmission Provider’s equipment and vehicles; existing structures on land that require removal prior to building of substation; ongoing maintenance for landscaping or extensive landscape requirements; ongoing homeowner's or other requirements or restrictions (e.g., Covenants, Codes and Restrictions, deed restrictions, etc.) on property which are not acceptable to the Transmission Provider. Generation Interconnection Transition Cluster Transition Cluster Study Report Cluster Area 5 October 22, 2021 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page i October 22, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 3 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests .............................................................................. 3 3.2 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests ................................................................................ 6 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................... 6 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 5 .......................................................................................................................... 6 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-11 ........................................................................... 7 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 8 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - NRIS ............................................ 9 7.1 Transmission System Requirements ................................................................................................. 9 7.2 Distribution System Requirements ................................................................................................... 9 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements ...................................................................................................... 9 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit ........................................................................... 9 7.5 Protection Requirements ................................................................................................................. 10 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements .............................................................................................................. 10 7.7 Substation Requirements ................................................................................................................. 12 7.8 Communication Requirements ........................................................................................................ 13 7.9 Metering Requirements ................................................................................................................... 13 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES (NRIS) ............................................................................................ 14 9.0 COST ESTIMATE (NRIS) ............................................................................................................. 14 9.1 Interconnection Facilities ................................................................................................................ 14 9.2 Station Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 15 9.3 Network Upgrades .......................................................................................................................... 15 9.4 Total Estimated Project Costs ......................................................................................................... 16 10.0 SCHEDULE (NRIS) ....................................................................................................................... 16 11.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................. 16 12.0 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................ 16 12.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results ............................................... 17 12.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests ............................................................................................ 18 12.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements ............................................................................................... 19 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 1 October 22, 2021 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This cluster restudy is being performed due to the withdrawal of several interconnection requests that were included in the original cluster study. Cluster Area 5 (CA5) is generally described as eastern Idaho and includes the following Interconnection Request: TCS-11 Consistent with Attachment W, Section 3.4.2 and Section 51.4 of PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), this interconnection Transition Cluster Study (“Cluster Study”) evaluated the impact of the proposed interconnections on the reliability of the Transmission System. The Cluster Study considered the Base Case as well as all generating facilities (and with respect to (iii) below, any identified Network Upgrades associated with such higher queued interconnection) that, on the date the Cluster Request Window closes: (i) are existing and directly interconnected to the Transmission System; (ii) are existing and interconnected to Affected Systems and may have an impact on the Interconnection Request; (iii) have a pending higher queued or higher clustered interconnection request to interconnect to the transmission system; and (iv) have executed an LGIA or requested that an unexecuted LGIA be filed with FERC. The Cluster Study consisted of power flow, stability, and short circuit analyses. This Cluster Study report provides the following information: • identification of any circuit breaker short circuit capability limits exceeded as a result of the interconnection; • identification of any thermal overload or voltage limit violations resulting from the interconnection; • identification of any instability or inadequately damped response to system disturbances resulting from the interconnection and • description and non-binding, good faith estimated cost of facilities required to interconnect the Generating Facilities to the Transmission System and to address the identified short circuit, instability, and power flow issues. 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS • All active higher priority transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests that were considered in this study are listed in Appendix 2. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, and the results and conclusions could significantly change. • For study purposes there are two separate queues: o Transmission Service Queue: to the extent practical, all network upgrades that are required to accommodate active transmission service requests were modeled in this study. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 2 October 22, 2021 o Generation Interconnection Queue: Interconnection Facilities and network upgrades associated with higher queued or higher clustered interconnection requests were modeled in this study. • The Interconnection Customers’ request for energy or network resource interconnection service in and of itself does not request or convey transmission service. Only a Network Customer may make a request to designate a generating resource as a Network Resource. Because the queue of higher priority transmission service requests may be different when a Network Customer requests network resource designation for this Generating Facility, the available capacity or transmission modifications, if any, necessary to provide Network Integration Transmission Service may be significantly different. Therefore, Interconnection Customers should regard the results of this study as informational rather than final. • Under normal conditions, the Transmission Provider does not dispatch or otherwise directly control or regulate the output of generating facilities. Therefore, the need for transmission modifications, if any, that may be required to provide Network Resource Interconnection Service will be evaluated on the basis of 100 percent deliverability (i.e., this study did not model displacement of other resources in the same area). • This study assumed the Projects will be integrated into the Transmission Provider’s system at agreed upon and/or proposed Points of Interconnection (“POI” or “POIs”). • If Interconnection Customers proceed through the interconnection process, they will be required to construct and own any facilities required between the Point of Change of Ownership and the Project unless specifically identified by the Transmission Provider. • Line reconductor or fiber underbuild required on existing poles were assumed to follow the most direct path on the Transmission Provider’s system. If during detailed design the path must be modified it may result in additional cost and timing delays for the Interconnection Customer’s Project. • Generator tripping may be required for certain outages. • All facilities will meet or exceed the minimum Western Electricity Coordinating Council (“WECC”), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”), and the Transmission Provider’s performance and design standards. • Power flow analysis requires WECC base cases to reliably balance under peak load conditions the aggregate of generation in the local area, with the Generating Facility at full output, to the aggregate of the load in the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System. As the (“PACE”) balancing authority area (“BAA”) has more existing and proposed generation than load, it is necessary to assume some portion of other resources are displaced by this Project’s output in order to assess the impact of interconnecting this Project’s generation to transmission system operations. For the purposes of this study, generation in the Transmission Provider’s southern Utah area was assumed to be displaced. • The following Transmission Provider planned system improvements were assumed in service: o Path C improvement project, Bridgerland 345 kV substation (Q4 2023) o Third Goshen 345/161 kV transformer (Q4 2022) o Goshen – Ammon – Sugar Mill 161 kV line (Q2 2022) o Antelope – Goshen 345 kV line • This report is based on information available at the time of the study. It is the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to check the Transmission Provider’s web site Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 3 October 22, 2021 regularly for Transmission System updates at https://www.oasis.oati.com/ppw 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS The following requirements are applicable to all Interconnection Requests. The Transmission Provider will identify any site-specific generating facility requirements in addition to the following in this report and in facilities studies. Certain Interconnection Requests requesting service at a voltage level traditionally defined as distribution may be subject to the transmission interconnection request requirements listed below should the Transmission Provider make that determination. 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests All interconnecting synchronous and non-synchronous generators are required to design their Generating Facilities with reactive power capabilities necessary to operate within the full power factor range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging. This power factor range shall be dynamic and can be met using a combination of the inherent dynamic reactive power capability of the generator or inverter, dynamic reactive power devices and static reactive power devices to make up for losses. For synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the POI. For non- synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the high-side of the generator substation. The Generating Facility must provide dynamic reactive power to the system in support of both voltage scheduling and contingency events that require transient voltage support, and must be able to provide reactive capability over the full range of real power output. If the Generating Facility is not capable of providing positive reactive support (i.e., supplying reactive power to the system) immediately following the removal of a fault or other transient low voltage perturbations, the facility must be required to add dynamic voltage support equipment. These additional dynamic reactive devices shall have correct protection settings such that the devices will remain on line and active during and immediately following a fault event. Generators shall be equipped with automatic voltage-control equipment and normally operated with the voltage regulation control mode enabled unless written authorization (or directive) from the Transmission Provider is given to operate in another control mode (e.g. constant power factor control). The control mode of generating units shall be accurately represented in operating studies. The generators shall be capable of operating continuously at their maximum power output at its rated field current within +/- 5% of its rated terminal voltage. All generators are required to ensure the primary frequency capability of their Facility by installing, maintaining, and operating a functioning governor or equivalent controls as indicated in FERC Order 842. As required by NERC standard VAR-001-4.2, the Transmission Provider will provide a voltage schedule for the POI. In general, Generating Facilities should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the POI, typically between 1.00 per unit to 1.04 per unit, or other designated point as deemed appropriated by Transmission Provider. The Transmission Provider may also specify a Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 4 October 22, 2021 voltage and/or reactive power bandwidth as needed to coordinate with upstream voltage control devices such as on-load tap changers. At the Transmission Provider’s discretion, these values might be adjusted depending on operating conditions. Generating Facilities capable of operating with a voltage droop are required to do so. Voltage droop control enables proportionate reactive power sharing among Generation Facilities. Studies will be required to coordinate voltage droop settings if there are other facilities in the area. It will be the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to ensure that a voltage coordination study is performed, in coordination with Transmission Provider, and implemented with appropriate coordination settings prior to unit testing. For areas with multiple generating facilities additional studies may be required to determine whether or not critical interactions, including but not limited to control systems, exist. These studies, to be coordinated with Transmission Provider, will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. If the need for a master controller is identified, the cost and all related installation requirements will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. Participation by the Generation Facility in subsequent interaction/coordination studies will be required pre- and post-commercial operation in order ensure system reliability. Interconnection Requests that are 75 MVA or larger may be required to facilitate collection and validation of accurate modeling data to meet NERC modeling standards. The Transmission Provider, in its roles as the Planning Coordinator, requires Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) at all new Generating Facilities with an individual or aggregate nameplate capacity of 75 MVA or greater. In addition to owning and maintaining the PMU, the Generating Facility will be responsible for collecting, storing (for a minimum of 90 days) and retrieving data as requested by the Planning Coordinator. Data must be stored for a minimum of 90 days. Data must be collected and be able to stream to Planning Coordinator for each of the Generating Facility’s step-up transformers measured on the low side of the GSU at a sample rate of at least 60 samples per second and synchronized within +/- 2 milliseconds of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Initially, the following data must be collected: • Three phase voltage and voltage angle (analog) • Three phase current (analog) Data requirements are subject to change as deemed necessary to comply with local and federal regulations. All generators must meet the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. Inverters must be designed to stay connected to the grid in the case of severe faults and may not momentarily cease output within the no-trip area of the voltage curves. Figure 1 illustrates the voltage ride-through capability as per NERC PRC-024. Importantly, inverters should be designed such that a trip outside of the curves is a “may-trip” area (if needed to protect equipment) not a “must-trip” area. Inverters that momentarily cease active power output for these voltage excursions should be configured to restore output to pre- disturbance levels in no greater than five seconds, provided the inverter is capable of these changes. Generators must provide test results to the Transmission Provider verifying that the inverters for Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 5 October 22, 2021 this Project have been programmed to meet all PRC-024 requirements rather than manufacturer IEEE distribution standards. Figure 1 – Voltage Ride-Through Curve As the Transmission Provider cannot submit a user written model to WECC for inclusion in base cases, a standard model from the WECC Approved Dynamic Model Library is required 180 days prior to trial operation. The list of approved generator models is continually updated and is available on the http://www.WECC.biz website. Interconnection Customer with an Interconnection Request for a Generating Facility that is both 75 MVA or larger as well as being interconnected at a voltage higher than 100 kV shall register with NERC as the Generator Owner (“GO”) and Generator Operator (“GOP”) for the Large Generating Facility and provide the Transmission Provider documentation demonstrating registration in order to be approved for Commercial Operation. This registration must be maintained throughout the lifetime of the Interconnection Agreement. Interconnection Customers are responsible for the protection of transmission lines between the Generating Facility and the POI substation. For Interconnection Requests that are smaller than 75 MVA or are interconnected at a voltage less than 100 kV which have a tie line that is longer than 1,000 feet the Interconnection Customer shall construct and own a tie-line substation to be located at the change of ownership (separate fenced facility adjacent to the Transmission Provider’s POI substation). The tie line substation shall include an Interconnection Customer owned protective device and associated transmission line relaying/communications. The ground grids of the Transmission Provider’s POI substation and the Interconnection Customer’s tie-line substation will be connected to support the use of a bus differential protection scheme which will protect the overhead bus connection between the two facilities. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 6 October 22, 2021 3.2 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests The Generating Facility and interconnection equipment owned by the Interconnection Customers are required to operate under constant power factor mode with a unity power factor setting unless specifically requested otherwise by the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities are expressly forbidden from actively participating in voltage regulation of the Transmission Provider’s system without written request or authorization from the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities shall have sufficient reactive capacity to enable the delivery of 100 percent of the plant output to the applicable POI at unity power factor measured at 1.0 per unit voltage under steady state conditions. Generators capable of operating under voltage control with voltage droop are required to do so. Studies will be required to coordinate the voltage droop setting with other facilities in the area. In general, the Generating Facility and Interconnection Equipment should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the POI between 1.01 pu to 1.04 pu. At the Public Utility’s discretion, these values might be adjusted depending on the operating conditions. Within this voltage range, the Generating Facility should operate so as to minimize the reactive interchange between the Generating Facility and the Public Utility’s system (delivery of power at the POI at approximately unity power factor). The voltage control settings of the Generating Facility must be coordinated with the Public Utility prior to energization (or interconnection). The reactive compensation must be designed such that the discreet switching of the reactive device (if required by the Interconnection Customer) does not cause step voltage changes greater than +/-3% on the Public Utility’s system. All generators must meet applicable WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. As per NERC standard VAR-001-1, the Public Utility is required to specify voltage or reactive power schedule at the POI. Under normal conditions, the Public Utility’s system should not supply reactive power to the Generating Facility. 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS The Transmission Provider performed the Transition Cluster Study based on geographically and/or electrically relevant areas on the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System known as Cluster Areas. The Transmission Provider has determined that the Interconnection Requests discussed in Section 5.0 are located in a geographically and/or electrically relevant area on Transmission Provider’s Transmission System, and thus, were assigned Cluster Area 5 in the Transition Cluster Study process. 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 5 Cluster Area 5 (CA5) is generally described as eastern Idaho. It is electrically defined as Amps 230 kV and Big Grassy 161 kV substations on the northern border, the Midpoint 345 kV substation on the western border, the Threemile Knoll 345 kV substation on the eastern border, and the Populus 345 kV substation on the southern border. This Cluster Area consists of the following Interconnection Request. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 7 October 22, 2021 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-11 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 600 megawatts (“MW”) of new generation to PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Antelope 230 kV substation located in Butte County, Idaho. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of twelve (12) 70.59 MVA Siemens nuclear powered steam turbine generators for a total output of 600 MW at the POI. The requested commercial operation date is September 1, 2030. Figure 2 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will NOT operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-11” Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 8 October 22, 2021 230 kV 345 kV 161 kV Change of Ownership 11 Miles 230 kV 138 kV 70 .4 MV A 13 .8 kV a c h 240/320/400 MVAZ = 7.5 % Each TC-11Generation Facility Points of Interconnection AntelopeSubstation 15.5 MVAR 420/560/700 MVAZ = 7 % Brady Lost River MM M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Amps Goshen Figure 2: Simplified System One Line Diagram TCS-11 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS In addition to the requirements described above the following Generating Facility are required for the specific Interconnection Requests listed below. Nothing additional identified. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 9 October 22, 2021 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - NRIS 7.1 Transmission System Requirements The following transmission system improvements are required to accommodate the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area: • Rebuild 44-miles of the Goshen–Fish Creek 161 kV transmission line. • Rebuild 25-miles of the Grace–Oneida–Treasureton 138 kV transmission line. • Improvements to West of Populus path (Adelaide – Borah 345 kV). Mitigation to be coordinated with Idaho Power Company who is a joint owner. Refer to Appendix 1 for more details regarding the necessity for these required upgrades. The following are station upgrades required for each of the Interconnection Requests within this Cluster Area. TCS-11 Expand the Antelope substation to the east to incorporate two additional 230 kV bays and line positions to serve as the POI. 7.2 Distribution System Requirements No upgrades to the Transmission Provider’s distribution system have been identified for the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area. 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements The requirement to rebuild the 44-mile Goshen – Fish Creek 161kV line to accommodate a larger conductor has been identified. It is assumed this will be a complete line rebuild with pole for pole structure replacements. The requirement to rebuild the 25-mile Grace – Oneida – Treasureton 138kV line with a larger conductor has also been identified. This will also be a pole for pole line rebuild. The Interconnection Customer shall construct the last structures of each of its two tie lines and span/bus connection into the POI substation to Transmission Provider standards. The Transmission Provider will review the design of the Interconnection Customer lines for the last span into the POI substations. The Interconnection Customers shall coil enough fiber and conductor on the last deadend structures to make the span into the POI substation. The Transmission Provider shall construct the final terminations into the POI substation. If the Interconnection Customer’s tie lines are required to cross a Transmission Provider line, the Interconnection Customer shall make application with the Transmission Provider to do so. The Interconnection Customer’s line(s) shall cross below the Transmission Provider’s line in all cases unless the Interconnection Customer’s line is of a greater voltage. 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit TCS-11 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 10 October 22, 2021 The TCS-11 project will have 12 – 70.4 MW nuclear reactor generators each fed through a 75 MVA 138 – 13.8 kV transformer with 9 % impedance and then the power from the generators is fed through 3 – 230 – 138 kV 240/320/400 MVA transformers with 7.5 % impedance. 7.5 Protection Requirements Due to the rebuilding of the Goshen–Grace 161 kV line, and the Grace–Oneida and Oneida–Treasureton 138 kV lines; new line relay settings will need to be developed for each terminal of these transmission lines. TCS-11 The proposed TCS-11 project will be connected to the transmission network via the Antelope substation 230 kV bus. The Amps 230 kV line will be moved two bays to the east to accommodate the termination of the two 230 kV tie lines at Antelope substation. The west tie line will be terminated in the old Amps line position. Line current differential relay systems will be applied for each of the three 230 kV lines. The Transmission Provider will install, own, and maintain two relay panels at the TCS-11 collector substation with line relays that will be compatible with the line relays to be installed at Antelope substation. The line relays at the collector substation will communicate with the line relays at Antelope substation. The relays on this panel will be connected to monitor the current through the 230 kV line breakers at the collector substation that the 230 kV lines are terminated between and the voltage on the 230 kV line. For faults on the tie lines the line breakers at both terminals will be tripped. Relay elements in the line relays at the Antelope substation will monitor the line voltages. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range these relay elements will trip open the 230 kV tie line breakers at Antelope substation. 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements The Transmission Provider will remotely monitor and operate the new breakers at the POI substations using the RTU at those substations. RTUs will need to be installed in TCS-11 collector substation to monitor activities in those substations. The following data must be monitored for these projects in the individual substations: TCS-11 Collector Substation: Analog Written to the RTU:  Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Analogs:  Max Gen Limit MW Set Point Feed Back  Potential Power MW  230 – 138 kV transformer #1 MW  230 – 138 kV transformer #1 MVAR  230 – 138 kV transformer #2 MW  230 – 138 kV transformer #2 MVAR  230 – 138 kV transformer #3 MW  230 – 138 kV transformer #3 MVAR  230 kV A phase voltage  230 kV B phase voltage Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 11 October 22, 2021  230 kV C phase voltage  Generator #1 MW  Generator #1 MVAR  Generator #2 MW  Generator #2 MVAR  Generator #3 MW  Generator #3 MVAR  Generator #4 MW  Generator #4 MVAR  Generator #5 MW  Generator #5 MVAR  Generator #6 MW  Generator #6 MVAR  Generator #7 MW  Generator #7 MVAR  Generator #8 MW  Generator #8 MVAR  Generator #9 MW  Generator #9 MVAR  Generator #10 MW  Generator #10 MVAR  Generator #11 MW  Generator #11 MVAR  Generator #12 MW  Generator #12 MVAR Status:  230 kV breaker #1  230 kV breaker #2  230 kV breaker #3  230 kV breaker #4  230 kV breaker #5  230 kV breaker #6  230 kV breaker #7  230 kV breaker #8  138 kV breaker #1  138 kV breaker #2  138 kV breaker #3  138 kV breaker #4  138 kV breaker #5  138 kV breaker #6  138 kV breaker #7  138 kV breaker #8  138 kV breaker #9  138 kV breaker #10  138 kV breaker #11  138 kV breaker #12 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 12 October 22, 2021  138 kV breaker #13  138 kV breaker #14  138 kV breaker #15  138 kV breaker #16  138 kV breaker #17  138 kV breaker #18  138 kV breaker #19  138 kV breaker #20  138 kV breaker #21  138 kV breaker #22  138 kV breaker #23  138 kV breaker #24  13.8 kV breaker Gen #1  13.8 kV breaker Gen #2  13.8 kV breaker Gen #3  13.8 kV breaker Gen #4  13.8 kV breaker Gen #5  13.8 kV breaker Gen #6  13.8 kV breaker Gen #7  13.8 kV breaker Gen #8  13.8 kV breaker Gen #9  13.8 kV breaker Gen #10  13.8 kV breaker Gen #11  13.8 kV breaker Gen #12  Tie line #1 relay alarm  Tie line #2 relay alarm 7.7 Substation Requirements The following substation modifications have been identified as required and may change during the detailed design: TCS-11: TCS-11 Collector Substation The Interconnection Customer will provide a separate graded, grounded and fenced area along the perimeter of the Interconnection Customer’s Generating Facility for the Transmission Provider to install a control house for any required metering, protection or communication equipment. This area will share a fence and ground grid with the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation and have separate, unencumbered access for the Transmission Provider. Moreover, The interconnect customer shall provide120/240VAC power to the Transmission Provider’s control building. The DC power to the control building will be provided by the Transmission Provider. Antelope Substation Expand the substation yard to the east. Expand the 230kV bus and build (2) new 230kV bays. Move the 230kV Amps line two bays to the east to make room for the (2) 230kV Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 13 October 22, 2021 generation tie lines. The following equipment has been identified as required and may change during the detailed design: (4) 230 kV 3000 A 40 kA breakers (6) 230kV CT/VT Combined Metering units (6) 230kV (144kV MCOV) arrestors (5) 230kV, 2000A Group Operated Switches (8) 230kV, 3000A Group Operated Switches 7.8 Communication Requirements TCS-11 To support proposed new relay circuits from Antelope substation to the TCS-11 site, the Interconnection Customer will install approximately 11 miles of OPGW fiber optic cable on the line between the two sites. The Transmission Provider will terminate the fiber into Antelope substation as well as into its portion of the collector substation control building. At Antelope, Amps and the TCS-11 substation, install the electronic communications required to support the new relay circuits. At the TCS-11 collector substation it is assumed that the Interconnection Customer will provide space in its control building for the Transmission Provider to install its electronic communications equipment. 7.9 Metering Requirements TSC-11 Interchange Metering The overall Project metering will be located at the POI at Antelope substation and rated for the total net generation of the Project. There will be two lines connecting into the POI, which will require two metering points. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panels, junction boxes, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 230kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters for each meter point with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. A direct serial connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV- 90 translation system. The Interconnection Customer’s proposed Generating Facility, as currently planned, appears to be in Lost River Electric Coop retail service territory. Therefore, Lost River Electric, through its Transmission Provider, will need to submit a transmission service request to obtain the rights to wheel station service power over the Transmission Provider’s system. Should Lost River Electric desire to receive data from the POI meters they would need to submit a request. Following which Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 14 October 22, 2021 the Transmission Provider will plan to install communications equipment to provide KYZs from the meters to a device that can be installed at the substation fence by Lost River Electric. Generation Facility Metering Interconnection Customer will be expected to provide metering at the Generation Facility. Real-time and profile data outputs from Generation Facility meters to the Transmission Provider SCADA system and Meter Data Management system will be required. Station Service/Construction Power Prior to construction, Interconnection Customer must arrange construction power with the Public Utility holding the certificated service territory rights for the area in which the load is physically located. Please note, prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project when not generating. 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES (NRIS) The following Interconnection Facilities and/or upgrades to the Transmission Provider’s system are Contingent Facilities applicable to this Cluster Area. The Transmission Provider’s planned Path C Improvement project is considered contingent for the Interconnection Requests in this Cluster Area and must be complete before any of the Cluster Area generators can be interconnected. The projected in-service date of the Path C Improvement project is Q4 2023. A new, approximately 45-mile, Antelope-Goshen 345 kV transmission line as identified in the Transmission Service Request (TSR) study Q2611 is considered contingent and must be complete before any of the Cluster Area generators can be interconnected. 9.0 COST ESTIMATE (NRIS) The following estimate represents only scopes of work that will be performed by the Transmission Provider. Costs for any work being performed by the Interconnection Customer and/or Affected Systems are not included. 9.1 Interconnection Facilities The following facilities are directly assigned to Interconnection Customer(s) using such facilities. If multiple Interconnection Requests are utilizing the same Transmission Provider Interconnection Facilities the costs shall be shared pursuant to Section 39.2.3 of Transmission Provider’s OATT. TCS-11 Collector substation $1,100,00 Install line relay panels and control house Antelope substation $1,500,000 Two line terminations and metering Total: $2,600,000 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 15 October 22, 2021 9.2 Station Equipment The following are Network Upgrades which are allocated based on the number of Generating Facilities interconnecting at an individual station on a per Interconnection Request basis. Interconnection Requests utilizing the same Interconnection Facilities shall be consider one request for this allocation. TCS-11 Antelope substation $5,300,000 New 230kV bay, line positions, and four 230kv breakers Total: $5,300,000 9.3 Network Upgrades The funding responsibility for Network Upgrades other than those identified in the previous section shall be allocated based on the proportional capacity of each individual Generating Facility. Goshen substation $80,000 Develop new line relay settings Grace substation $17,000 Develop new line relay settings Oneida substation $17,000 Develop new line relay settings Treasureton substation $10,000 Develop new line relay settings Antelope – Amps 230kV transmission line $120,000 Reroute the Antelope-Amps/Peterson Flat 230kV line Goshen – Fish Creek 161kV transmission line $36,100,000 Rebuild 44 miles of transmission line Grace – Oneida – Treasureton 138kV transmission line $24,800,000 Rebuild 26 miles of transmission line Goshen substation $95,000 Install communication equipment Amps substation $25,000 Install communication equipment Network Upgrade Total: $61,000,000 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 16 October 22, 2021 9.4 Total Estimated Project Costs TCS11 Interconnection Facilities $2,600,000 Station Equipment $5,300,000 Network Upgrades $61,000,000 Total: $68,900,000 10.0 SCHEDULE (NRIS) The Transmission Provider estimates it will require approximately 48 months to design, procure and construct the facilities described in this report following the execution of Interconnection Agreements. The schedule will be further developed and optimized during the Facilities Studies. 11.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS Transmission Provider has identified the following affected systems: Idaho Power Company A copy of this report will be shared with each Affected System. 12.0 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests Appendix 3: Property Requirements Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 17 October 22, 2021 12.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results The Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) approved 2020 Heavy Summer case was used to perform the power flow studies using PSS/E version 34.8. The 2020 Heavy Summer case was modified for the study year, 2025. The local 345 kV, 230 kV and 138 kV transmission system outages were considered during the study. kV line #1 overloads to 105% of its Idaho Power Company. Coordinate transformer 161 kV line overloads to 104% of of Goshen – Fish Creek 161 kV line Treasureton 138 kV line overloads to 107% of its of Grace – Oneida – Treasureton 138 kV line Three Mile Knoll 161 kV line overloads to 103% of of Goshen – Fish Creek 161 kV line 115, or CBL 102 internal breaker fault at Treasureton Treasureton 138 kV line overloads to 107% of its of Grace – Oneida – Treasureton 138 kV line 138 kV lines Treasureton 138 kV line overloads to 120% of its of Grace – Oneida – Treasureton 138 kV line Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 18 October 22, 2021 12.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests All active higher priority Transmission Provider projects, and transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests will be considered in this cluster area study and are identified below. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, as the results and conclusions contained within this study could significantly change. Transmission/Generation Interconnection Queue Requests considered: Q0255 (152 MW) TSR Q2611 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 19 October 22, 2021 12.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Requirements for rights of way easements Rights of way easements will be acquired by the Interconnection Customer in the Transmission Provider’s name for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and removal of Transmission Provider’s Interconnection Facilities that will be owned and operated by Transmission Provider. Interconnection Customer will acquire all necessary permits for the Project and will obtain rights of way easements for the Project on Transmission Provider’s easement form. Real Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Real property for a POI substation will be acquired by an Interconnection Customer to accommodate the Interconnection Customer’s Project. The real property must be acceptable to Transmission Provider. Interconnection Customer will acquire fee ownership for interconnection substation unless Transmission Provider determines that other than fee ownership is acceptable; however, the form and instrument of such rights will be at Transmission Provider’s sole discretion. Any land rights that Interconnection Customer is planning to retain as part of a fee property conveyance will be identified in advance to Transmission Provider and are subject to the Transmission Provider’s approval. The Interconnection Customer must obtain all permits required by all relevant jurisdictions for the planned use including but not limited to conditional use permits, Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, California Environmental Quality Act, as well as all construction permits for the Project. If eligible, Interconnection Customer will not be reimbursed through network upgrades for more than the market value of the property. As a minimum, real property must be environmentally, physically, and operationally acceptable to Transmission Provider. The real property shall be a permitted or able to be permitted use in all zoning districts. The Interconnection Customer shall provide Transmission Provider with a title report and shall transfer property without any material defects of title or other encumbrances that are not acceptable to Transmission Provider. Property lines shall be surveyed and show all encumbrances, encroachments, and roads. Examples of potentially unacceptable environmental, physical, or operational conditions could include but are not limited to: 1. Environmental: known contamination of site; evidence of environmental contamination by any dangerous, hazardous or toxic materials as defined by any governmental agency; violation of building, health, safety, environmental, fire, land use, zoning or other such regulation; violation of ordinances or statutes of any governmental entities having jurisdiction over the property; underground or above ground storage tanks in area; known remediation sites on property; ongoing mitigation activities or monitoring activities; asbestos; lead-based paint, etc. A Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 5 Page 20 October 22, 2021 phase I environmental study is required for land being acquired in fee by the Transmission Provider unless waived by Transmission Provider. 2. Physical: inadequate site drainage; proximity to flood zone; erosion issues; wetland overlays; threatened and endangered species; archeological or culturally sensitive areas; inadequate sub-surface elements, etc. Transmission Provider may require Interconnection Customer to procure various studies and surveys as determined necessary by Transmission Provider. Operational: inadequate access for Transmission Provider’s equipment and vehicles; existing structures on land that require removal prior to building of substation; ongoing maintenance for landscaping or extensive landscape requirements; ongoing homeowner's or other requirements or restrictions (e.g., Covenants, Codes and Restrictions, deed restrictions, etc.) on property which are not acceptable to the Transmission Provider. Generation Interconnection Transition Cluster Transition Cluster Study Report Cluster Area 9 October 22, 2021 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page i October 22, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 3 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests .............................................................................. 3 3.2 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests ................................................................................ 6 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................... 6 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 9 .......................................................................................................................... 6 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-28 ........................................................................... 7 5.2 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-30 ........................................................................... 8 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS ................................................. 10 6.1 Interconnection Request .................................................................................................................. 10 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - ERIS .......................................... 10 7.1 Transmission System Requirements ............................................................................................... 10 7.2 Distribution System Requirements ................................................................................................. 11 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements .................................................................................................... 11 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit ......................................................................... 11 7.5 Protection Requirements ................................................................................................................. 12 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements .............................................................................................................. 13 7.7 Substation Requirements ................................................................................................................. 14 7.8 Communication Requirements ........................................................................................................ 14 7.9 Metering Requirements ................................................................................................................... 15 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES (ERIS) ............................................................................................ 16 9.0 COST ESTIMATE (ERIS) ............................................................................................................. 16 9.1 Interconnection Facilities ................................................................................................................ 16 9.2 Station Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 17 9.3 Network Upgrades .......................................................................................................................... 17 9.4 Total Estimated Project Costs ......................................................................................................... 17 10.0 SCHEDULE (ERIS) ....................................................................................................................... 18 11.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - NRIS .......................................... 18 12.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................. 18 13.0 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................ 18 13.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results ............................................... 19 13.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests ............................................................................................ 35 13.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements ............................................................................................... 36 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 1 October 22, 2021 1.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This cluster restudy is being performed due to the withdrawal of several interconnection requests that were included in the original cluster study. Cluster Area 9 (“CA9”) generally covers the geographic area of the Transmission Provider’s in the southern Oregon and northern California region and includes the following Interconnection Requests: TCS-28 and TCS-30 Consistent with Attachment W, Section 3.4.2 and Section 51.4 of PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), this interconnection Transition Cluster Study (“Cluster Study”) evaluated the impact of the proposed interconnections on the reliability of the Transmission System. The Cluster Study considered the Base Case as well as all generating facilities (and with respect to (iii) below, any identified Network Upgrades associated with such higher queued interconnection) that, on the date the Cluster Request Window closes: (i) are existing and directly interconnected to the Transmission System; (ii) are existing and interconnected to Affected Systems and may have an impact on the Interconnection Request; (iii) have a pending higher queued or higher clustered interconnection request to interconnect to the transmission system; and (iv) have executed an LGIA or requested that an unexecuted LGIA be filed with FERC. The Cluster Study consisted of power flow, stability, and short circuit analyses. This Cluster Study report provides the following information: • identification of any circuit breaker short circuit capability limits exceeded as a result of the interconnection; • identification of any thermal overload or voltage limit violations resulting from the interconnection; • identification of any instability or inadequately damped response to system disturbances resulting from the interconnection and • description and non-binding, good faith estimated cost of facilities required to interconnect the Generating Facilities to the Transmission System and to address the identified short circuit, instability, and power flow issues. 2.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS • All active higher priority transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests that were considered in this study are listed in Appendix 2. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, and the results and conclusions could significantly change. • For study purposes there are two separate queues: o Transmission Service Queue: to the extent practical, all network upgrades that are required to accommodate active transmission service requests were modeled in this study. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 2 October 22, 2021 o Generation Interconnection Queue: Interconnection Facilities and network upgrades associated with higher queued or higher clustered interconnection requests were modeled in this study. • The Interconnection Customers’ request for energy or network resource interconnection service in and of itself does not request or convey transmission service. Only a Network Customer may make a request to designate a generating resource as a Network Resource. Because the queue of higher priority transmission service requests may be different when a Network Customer requests network resource designation for this Generating Facility, the available capacity or transmission modifications, if any, necessary to provide Network Integration Transmission Service may be significantly different. Therefore, Interconnection Customers should regard the results of this study as informational rather than final. • Under normal conditions, the Transmission Provider does not dispatch or otherwise directly control or regulate the output of generating facilities. Therefore, the need for transmission modifications, if any, that may be required to provide Network Resource Interconnection Service will be evaluated on the basis of 100 percent deliverability (i.e., this study did not model displacement of other resources in the same area). • This study assumed the Projects will be integrated into the Transmission Provider’s system at agreed upon and/or proposed Points of Interconnection (“POI” or “POIs”). • If Interconnection Customers proceed through the interconnection process, they will be required to construct and own any facilities required between the Point of Change of Ownership and the Project unless specifically identified by the Transmission Provider. • Line reconductor or fiber underbuild required on existing poles were assumed to follow the most direct path on the Transmission Provider’s system. If during detailed design the path must be modified it may result in additional cost and timing delays for the Interconnection Customer’s Project. • Generator tripping may be required for certain outages. • All facilities will meet or exceed the minimum Western Electricity Coordinating Council (“WECC”), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”), and the Transmission Provider’s performance and design standards. • Solar generators are assumed to operate during daylight hours, 7 days per week, 12 months per year. • TCS-28 Interconnection Request: distribution system line extension is assumed to originate at the closest Transmission Provider pole to the POI shown on the Interconnection Customer’s site plan. • TCS-28 Interconnection Requests: the Interconnection Customer will provide constant power factor control at unity power factor (100% power factor). • TCS-28 Interconnection Requests: daytime minimum load values were based on SCADA measurements. For the proposed interconnections to distribution system, the new generation is expected to provide reverse flow to the circuit and in some cases the substation transformer. • TCS-30 Interconnection Request: the technical analysis performed in this study modeled the TCS-30 generating plant with a maximum nameplate generating capability of 10 MW and with 2.56 MW of total plant-side loads. However, the scope of the Cluster Study does not address load service requirements associated with the Interconnection Customer’s site Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 3 October 22, 2021 loads. A separate request needs to be submitted to the Transmission Provider through a separate load interconnection process. • This report is based on information available at the time of the study. It is the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to check the Transmission Provider’s web site regularly for Transmission System updates at https://www.oasis.oati.com/ppw 3.0 GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS The following requirements are applicable to all Interconnection Requests. The Transmission Provider will identify any site-specific generating facility requirements in addition to the following in this report and in Facilities Studies. Certain Interconnection Requests requesting service at a voltage level traditionally defined as distribution may be subject to the transmission interconnection request requirements listed below should the Transmission Provider make that determination. 3.1 Transmission Voltage Interconnection Requests All interconnecting synchronous and non-synchronous generators are required to design their Generating Facilities with reactive power capabilities necessary to operate within the full power factor range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging. This power factor range shall be dynamic and can be met using a combination of the inherent dynamic reactive power capability of the generator or inverter, dynamic reactive power devices and static reactive power devices to make up for losses. For synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the POI. For non-synchronous generators, the power factor requirement is to be measured at the high-side of the generator substation. The Generating Facility must provide dynamic reactive power to the system in support of both voltage scheduling and contingency events that require transient voltage support, and must be able to provide reactive capability over the full range of real power output. If the Generating Facility is not capable of providing positive reactive support (i.e., supplying reactive power to the system) immediately following the removal of a fault or other transient low voltage perturbations, the facility must be required to add dynamic voltage support equipment. These additional dynamic reactive devices shall have correct protection settings such that the devices will remain on line and active during and immediately following a fault event. Generators shall be equipped with automatic voltage-control equipment and normally operated with the voltage regulation control mode enabled unless written authorization (or directive) from the Transmission Provider is given to operate in another control mode (e.g. constant power factor control). The control mode of generating units shall be accurately represented in operating studies. The generators shall be capable of operating continuously at their maximum power output at its rated field current within +/- 5% of its rated terminal voltage. All generators are required to ensure the primary frequency capability of their Facility by installing, maintaining, and operating a functioning governor or equivalent controls as indicated in FERC Order 842. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 4 October 22, 2021 As required by NERC standard VAR-001-4.2, the Transmission Provider will provide a voltage schedule for the POI. In general, Generating Facilities should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the POI, typically between 1.00 per unit to 1.04 per unit, or other designated point as deemed appropriated by Transmission Provider. The Transmission Provider may also specify a voltage and/or reactive power bandwidth as needed to coordinate with upstream voltage control devices such as on-load tap changers. At the Transmission Provider’s discretion, these values might be adjusted depending on operating conditions. Generating Facilities capable of operating with a voltage droop are required to do so. Voltage droop control enables proportionate reactive power sharing among Generation Facilities. Studies will be required to coordinate voltage droop settings if there are other facilities in the area. It will be the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to ensure that a voltage coordination study is performed, in coordination with Transmission Provider, and implemented with appropriate coordination settings prior to unit testing. For areas with multiple Generating Facilities additional studies may be required to determine whether or not critical interactions, including but not limited to control systems, exist. These studies, to be coordinated with Transmission Provider, will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. If the need for a master controller is identified, the cost and all related installation requirements will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. Participation by the generation facility in subsequent interaction/coordination studies will be required pre- and post-commercial operation in order ensure system reliability. Interconnection Requests that are 75 MVA or larger may be required to facilitate collection and validation of accurate modeling data to meet NERC modeling standards. The Transmission Provider, in its roles as the Planning Coordinator, requires Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) at all new Generating Facilities with an individual or aggregate nameplate capacity of 75 MVA or greater. In addition to owning and maintaining the PMU, the Generating Facility will be responsible for collecting, storing (for a minimum of 90 days) and retrieving data as requested by the Planning Coordinator. Data must be stored for a minimum of 90 days. Data must be collected and be able to stream to Planning Coordinator for each of the Generating Facility’s step-up transformers measured on the low side of the GSU at a sample rate of at least 60 samples per second and synchronized within +/- 2 milliseconds of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Initially, the following data must be collected: • Three phase voltage and voltage angle (analog) • Three phase current (analog) Data requirements are subject to change as deemed necessary to comply with local and federal regulations. All generators must meet the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. Inverters must be designed to stay connected to the grid in the case of severe faults and may not momentarily cease output within the no-trip area of the voltage curves. Figure 1 illustrates the voltage ride-through capability as per NERC PRC- 024. Importantly, inverters should be designed such that a trip outside of the curves is a “may-trip” area (if needed to protect equipment) not a “must-trip” area. Inverters that momentarily cease Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 5 October 22, 2021 active power output for these voltage excursions should be configured to restore output to pre-disturbance levels in no greater than five seconds, provided the inverter is capable of these changes. Generators must provide test results to the Transmission Provider verifying that the inverters for this Project have been programmed to meet all PRC-024 requirements rather than manufacturer IEEE distribution standards. Figure 1 – Voltage Ride-Through Curve As the Transmission Provider cannot submit a user written model to WECC for inclusion in base cases, a standard model from the WECC Approved Dynamic Model Library is required 180 days prior to trial operation. The list of approved generator models is continually updated and is available on the http://www.WECC.biz website. Interconnection Customer with an Interconnection Request for a Generating Facility that is both 75 MVA or larger as well as being interconnected at a voltage higher than 100 kV shall register with NERC as the Generator Owner (“GO”) and Generator Operator (“GOP”) for the Large Generating Facility and provide the Transmission Provider documentation demonstrating registration in order to be approved for Commercial Operation. This registration must be maintained throughout the lifetime of the Interconnection Agreement. Interconnection Customers are responsible for the protection of transmission lines between the Generating Facility and the POI substation. For Interconnection Requests that are smaller than 75 MVA or are interconnected at a voltage less than 100 kV which have a tie line that is longer than 1,000 feet the Interconnection Customer shall construct and own a tie-line substation to be located at the change of ownership (separate fenced facility adjacent to the Transmission Provider’s POI substation). The tie line substation shall include an Interconnection Customer owned protective device and associated transmission line relaying/communications. The ground grids of the Transmission Provider’s POI substation and the Interconnection Customer’s tie-line substation will be connected to support the use of a bus differential protection scheme which will protect the overhead bus connection between the two facilities. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 6 October 22, 2021 3.2 Distribution Voltage Interconnection Requests The Generating Facility and interconnection equipment owned by the Interconnection Customers are required to operate under constant power factor mode with a unity power factor setting unless specifically requested otherwise by the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities are expressly forbidden from actively participating in voltage regulation of the Transmission Provider’s system without written request or authorization from the Transmission Provider. The Generating Facilities shall have sufficient reactive capacity to enable the delivery of 100 percent of the plant output to the applicable POI at unity power factor measured at 1.0 per unit voltage under steady state conditions. Generators shall be capable of operating under Voltage-reactive power mode, Active power- reactive power mode, and Constant reactive power mode as per IEEE Std. 1547-2018. This project shall be capable of activating each of these modes one at a time. The Transmission Provider reserves the right to specify any mode and settings within the limits of IEEE Std 1547-2018 needed before or after the Generation Facility enters service. The Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for implementing settings modifications and mode selections as requested by the Transmission Provider within an acceptable timeframe. The reactive compensation must be designed such that the discreet switching of the reactive device (if required by the Interconnection Customer) does not cause step voltage changes greater than +/-3% on the Transmission Provider’s system. In all cases the minimum power quality requirements in PacifiCorp’s Engineering Handbook section 1C shall be met and are available at https://www.pacificpower.net/about/power- quality-standards.html. Requirements specified in the System Impact Study that exceed requirements in the Engineering Handbook section 1C power quality standards shall apply. All generators must meet applicable WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. As per NERC standard VAR-001-1, the Transmission Provider is required to specify voltage or reactive power schedule at the POI. Under normal conditions, the Transmission Provider’s system should not supply reactive power to the Generating Facility. 4.0 CLUSTER AREA DEFINITIONS The Transmission Provider performed the Transition Cluster Study based on geographically and/or electrically relevant areas on the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System known as Cluster Areas. The Transmission Provider has determined that the Interconnection Requests discussed in Section 5.0 are located in a geographically and/or electrically relevant area on Transmission Provider’s Transmission System, and thus, were assigned Cluster Area 9 in the Transition Cluster Study process. 5.0 CLUSTER AREA 9 Cluster Area 9 (“CA9”) generally covers the geographic area of the Transmission Provider’s in the southern Oregon and northern California region including Grants Pass, Medford, Klamath Falls and Lakeview, Oregon as well as Alturas, Crescent City and Yreka, California. This Cluster Area consists of two sub-clusters. The first, referred to as CA9A, consists of one Interconnection Request proposed on the distribution network located in Jackson County, Oregon. The second, Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 7 October 22, 2021 referred to as CA9B, consists of one Interconnection Request proposed on the transmission system in Klamath County, Oregon. 5.1 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-28 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 2.99 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s distribution circuit 5R110 out of Vilas Road substation located in Jackson County, Oregon. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of twenty-four (24) 600 KVA Chint CSP SCA125KTL-DO/US-600-UL solar inverters for a total output of 2.99 MW at the POI. The requested commercial operation date is July 15, 2021. Figure 2 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Transmission Provider Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-28” and is part of CA9A. M Change of Ownership Vilas RoadSubstation Optical Fiber Cable Point of Interconnection 1.5 Miles Lone Pine Q0578 3 MWDC/AC 3.3 MVA 12.47 kV – 600 VZ=5.75% 1000 KVAZ=7% R Figure 2: Simplified System One Line Diagram Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 8 October 22, 2021 5.2 Description of Interconnection Request – TCS-30 The Interconnection Customer has proposed to interconnect 10 MW of new generation to the Transmission Provider’s Klamath Falls-Fishhole 69 kV transmission line (Line 9) located in Klamath County, Oregon. The proposed POI is between structures 7/12 and 8/12 on the Lakeview Junction-Dairy section of Line 9. The proposed POI is located approximately 5.48 miles from Transmission Provider’s Dairy substation and 3.90 miles from Lakeview Junction. The Interconnection Request is proposed to consist of a 12,000 KVA Exergy GEX 1000 organic rankine cycle expander generator for a total output of 10 MW at the POI. The Interconnection Customer’s facility is specified with customer site loads totaling 2,560 kW, including in-plant loads of 1,560 kW and wellfield loads of 1,000 kW. The requested commercial operation date is July 1, 2021. Figure 5 below, is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider’s system. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Transmission Provider Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Interconnection Request will be studied for Network Resource Interconnection Service (“NRIS”). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project Cluster Number “TCS-30” and is part of CA9B. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 9 October 22, 2021 Change of ownership 13.2 kV 12.5 MVA 69kV Point of Interconnection TCS-30 POISUB M DAIRY SUB TO FISHHOLESUBNO NO TO MALINSUB KLAMATH FALLSSUB 3L9 3L8 3L6 NO NO NO BRYANTSUB TEXUMSUB ROSS AVESUBLAKEPORTSUB WESTSIDESUB HENLEYSUB MERRILLSUB HORNETSUB TO BONAZA & CASEBEERSUB New Proposed Facilities Loads TCS-30 SUB 3.86 miles 5.52 miles M Figure 3: Simplified System One Line Diagram Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 10 October 22, 2021 6.0 SITE SPECIFIC GENERATING FACILITY REQUIREMENTS In addition to the requirements described above the following Generating Facility requirements apply for the specific Interconnection Requests listed below. 6.1 Interconnection Request TCS-28 The Interconnection Customer will be required to install a transformer that will hold the phase to neutral voltages within limits when the Generating Facility is isolated with the Transmission Provider’s local system until the generation disconnects. The proposed grounded-wye/ungrounded-wye step-up transformer will not accomplish the stabilization of the phase to neutral voltages on the 12 kV system. The circuit that the Project is connecting to is a four wire multi-grounded circuit with line to neutral connected load. Figure 2 shows the addition of a wye – delta grounding transformer of adequate power size and impedance that will meet the requirement. 7.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - ERIS 7.1 Transmission System Requirements TCS-30 The following transmission system improvements are required to accommodate the TCS-30 Interconnection Request in this Cluster Area: A new 69 kV substation will need to be constructed to serve as the POI. Transmission line switching devices on the 69 kV Line 9 toward Lakeview Junction and Dairy substation require a combination of loop opening and line dropping capability or circuit breakers with SCADA control. The 69 kV circuit breaker at the TCS-30 POI substation toward the generating plant requires SCADA control to allow disconnecting the Interconnection Customer’s generating facility from the Transmission Provider’s system during certain system conditions when generation from TCS-30 could not be accepted. Protective relaying systems may need to be modified or installed to accommodate increased reverse power flow on the following transmission facilities: • 69 kV Line 9 (K5) at Klamath Falls circuit breaker 3L9 • 69 kV Line 56 (K7) at Klamath Falls circuit breaker 3L6 • Klamath Falls substation 230-69 kV transformers Generation could not be accepted from TCS-30 when the Transmission Provider’s system is operated in contingency transmission configurations no. 2 and 3 (fully defined in Appendix 1) due to limitations on the existing system until a planned reinforcement project is in service. Interim operating procedures will be developed to curtail the generating facility when the transmission system is in one of the abnormal configurations. These contingency transmission configurations will be replaced with the future transmission configuration no. 4, as described in Appendix 1, following completion of a planned capital project on the Transmission Provider’s system to construct a new 69 kV transmission line between Malin substation and Bonanza substation. The future 69 kV transmission line will provide a new contingency source to several substations in the area including the proposed TCS-30 POI, eliminating the use of contingency Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 11 October 22, 2021 configurations no. 1, 2 and 3 for an outage of the Klamath Falls-Hornet, Hornet-Lakeview Junction and Lakeview Junction-Dairy sections of 69 kV Line 9. Refer to Appendix 1 for more details regarding these requirements. 7.2 Distribution System Requirements TCS-28 The load flow model was modified from its present state to its future state by extending 12.47 kV circuitry from the existing facility point 01336001.0330341 to the new POI. This line extension will require a minimum of two new utility poles. A three-phase gang-operated, load break disconnect switch is required on the first pole. A primary metering assembly is required on the second pole. Note that the Interconnection Customer’s one-line diagram shows a utility owned recloser; instead, the Transmission Provider requires an Interconnection Customer owned recloser on the customer side of the POI. This recloser will replace what the one-line diagram shows as “FUSED CUTOUT.” The load flow model identified that the substation Load Tap Changer requires a decrease in voltage from the present setting of 123 base volts with no compensation to 122 base volts with no compensation. The daytime minimum load condition at full generation showed excessive overvoltage on the Vilas Road 5R110 circuit; the Load Tap Changer setting change is required to provide tolerable voltage. Reverse power flow of -10.92 MW is projected at the Vilas Road 5R110 circuit breaker during the daytime minimum load with full generation condition. Reverse power flow of -5.30 MW is projected on the Vilas Road substation transformer T-3877 during the daytime minimum load and full generation condition. The calculated voltage fluctuation from full generation to no generation in the daytime minimum load case was 1.7%. 7.3 Transmission Line Requirements TCS-30 A new tap from the Klamath Falls-Fishhole 69 kV transmission line has been identified as a requirement for this connection. This will require the installation of a new tap structure in the existing line along with one existing structure in each direction being replaced with a transmission line switch structure. 7.4 Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades – Short Circuit TCS-28 The increase in the fault duty on the system as the result of the addition of the Generating Facility with photovoltaic arrays, inverters and transformers as specified in the Interconnection Customer’s application as shown in Figure 2, assuming transformers with 5.75% impedance will not push the fault duty above the interrupting rating of any of the existing fault interrupting equipment. TCS-30 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 12 October 22, 2021 The increase in the fault duty on the system as a result of the addition of the generation facility fed through a 8 MVA step-up transformer with 7% impedance will not push the fault duty above the interrupting rate of any of the existing fault interrupting equipment. 7.5 Protection Requirements TCS-28 Protective relaying systems will need to be installed that will detect faults and cause the disconnection of the generation facility for 12.5 kV line faults on circuit 5R110 out of Vilas Road substation. Circuit 5R110 is lightly loaded during the majority of the year. The reaction of the generation facility after being isolated with the load will not cause a timely disconnection of the generation for power system faults. Faults on the 12.5 kV circuit must result in the disconnection of the generation facility in a timely manner. The circuit can be quickly restored to service after the fault is cleared. Most faults on overhead lines are temporary in nature so that after all the sources of energy to the fault have been disconnected the circuit can be reenergized and the service to the loads restored. A transfer trip system will be needed between Vilas Road substation and the solar facility. When a fault is detected at Vilas Road substation on circuit 5R110, a trip signal will be sent to the solar facility to cause the 12.5 kV breaker or recloser to open. Fiber optic cable was installed on a portion of circuit 5R110 as part of a previous interconnection project. That fiber will be tapped and extended to the TCS-28 facility to provide the communication circuit for the transfer trip. At the solar site the Interconnection Customer will need to install an SEL 351R/651R protective relay to perform the following functions: • Receive transfer trip from Vilas Road substation • Detect faults on the 12.5 kV at the generation facility • Detect faults on the 12.5 kV line to Vilas Road substation • Monitor the voltage and react to under or over frequency, and / or magnitude of the voltage TCS-30 Figure 3 illustrates the interconnection of the proposed generation facility to the 69 kV line out of Klamath Falls substation. The normal operating configuration for the interconnection will be to over the 69 kV line out of Klamath Falls substation through breaker 3L9. Two possible alternate feeds include Klamath Falls substation through breaker 3L6 and from Malin substation. The generation facility needs to disconnect from the 69 kV system any time breaker 3L9 opens at Klamath Falls substation or for the alternate feeds any time breaker 3L6 at Klamath Falls substation or 3L179 at Malin substation opens. During some periods of time the potential power output from this generation facility will be greater than the connected load on the 69 kV line. When this occurs, the load/generation unbalance cannot be relied upon to cause the generators to disconnect. Protective relays will need to be installed at the Transmission Provider’s POI substation to detect faults on the 69 kV system. When a fault occurs on the 69 kV system, the generator will need to be disconnected in less than 10 cycles so that the 69 kV breakers at Klamath Falls substation can Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 13 October 22, 2021 automatically reclose to reenergize the line. Most faults are not permanent. The fast interruption of the fault and the re-energization of the system will restore service to the connected load. The relay package will be installed at the Transmission Provider’s POI substation will receive a transfer trip signal from Klamath Falls substation. The relay package at the Transmission Provider’s POI substation will detect line faults independent of the transfer trip if the signal fails to reach the Transmission Provider’s POI substation relays but will function after a time delay. This delayed clearing will delay the restoration of the load and will not be acceptable for normal operation. The relays will be set to be time coordinated with the other relays on the lines out of Klamath Falls substation. The controls for both breaker 3L6 and 3L9 will be configured to send the transfer trip. A control switch will be used to enable the correct controls based on the configuration of the transmission system. For the occasional operation of the transmission system with the primary source being from Malin substation via Line 78 and 5, an alternate relay setting group will be enabled in the line relay at the POI substation to provide the line protection for this configuration. The protective relaying systems for the 69/12.5 kV transformer will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. The protection for the transformer needs to detect faults in the transformer in two cycles or less. The POI substation and the Interconnection Customer’s generation facility substation will be adjacent to each other and located on a common ground mat. Bus differential protection shall be provided for the short tie between the POI and the Interconnection Customer’s substation. The Interconnection Customer will need to supply a set of 2000A C800 CTs for connection to the differential circuit. The bus lockout relay will trip the Interconnection Customer’s 69 kV breaker as well as the Transmission Provider’s breaker. In addition to the line protective relaying, a relay used for under/over voltage and over/under frequency protection of the system will be installed at the Transmission Provider’s POI substation. If the voltage, magnitude or frequency, is outside of the normal operation range this relay will trip open the tie breaker . At Klamath Falls substation a dead line checking exists on this control circuit to block the automatic reclosing from closing the breaker if due to a failure of the protective systems leads to delayed tripping of the 69 kV breaker at the generation facility for a transmission line fault. A similar dead line checking control circuit also exists on breaker 3L6 to accommodate the alternate transmission feed. This type of control circuitry already exists on 3L179 at Malin substation. 7.6 Data (RTU) Requirements TCS-30 The Transmission Provider will install an RTU in the new POI substation to collect all required data points. The Interconnection Customer will hardwire all source devices from its collector substation to a marshalling cabinet to be installed on the POI substation fence. The following points will be required: From the Customer collector station: Analogs (Meter Data):  13.2 kV A phase voltage  13.2 kV B phase voltage  13.2 kV C phase voltage Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 14 October 22, 2021  Real power MW (generator)  Reactive power MVAR (generator)  Energy Register KWH  Energy Register KVARH Analogs:  Unit GEN Setpoint MW (send/receive) Status:  69 kV customer breaker  13.2 kV customer breaker (transformer)  13.2 kV customer breaker (generator) From the POI: Analogs (Meter Data):  69 kV A phase voltage  69 kV B phase voltage  69 kV C phase voltage  Real power MW  Reactive power MVAR  Energy Register KWH  Energy Register KVARH 7.7 Substation Requirements TCS-30 A new 69 kV, single breaker substation will be built to serve as the POI. The substation will include a 69 kV breaker, two (2) 69kV group operated switches, three CT/VT metering units along with its support structures and a substation control house for housing the protective relay and communication equipment. A ground grid and conduit system will be installed. The Interconnection Customer’s collector substation will be constructed adjacent to the POI substation and will share a ground grid. The Interconnection Customer shall provide a CDEGS grounding analysis of the collector substation location. 7.8 Communication Requirements TCS-28 Existing ADSS fiber on the distribution line out of Vilas Road substation will be spliced and extended approximately 1.5 miles to the Interconnection Customer’s generating facility site. The fiber will be terminated in a patch panel in an enclosure to be installed at the generating facility site. Communications equipment will be installed in the enclosure to collect meter data from the site. TCS-30 If FAA approval can be obtained, a 6 GHz Aviat Eclipse microwave link will be installed between the POI substation and the Transmission Provider’s Hamaker Mountain communications site. A self-supporting tower will be installed at the POI substation, along with an antenna, waveguide, Aviat Eclipse radio, Loop AM3440-A channel bank, and support systems. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 15 October 22, 2021 If FAA approval can’t be obtained, fiber will be installed on the transmission line between the POI substation and the Transmission Provider’s Dairy substation. There, the fiber will be terminated in a fiber optic transceiver, and circuits from the substations cross-connected to the existing microwave system at Dairy and on to Klamath substation and control centers. 7.9 Metering Requirements TCS-28 Interchange Metering The metering will be located on the high side of the customer generator step up transformer at the POI. The metering transformers will be installed overhead on a pole per distribution DM construction standards. The meter itself will be installed at the base of the pole. The Transmission Provider will procure, install, test, and own all revenue metering equipment. The metering will be bi-directional to measure KWH and KVARH quantities for both generation received and back feed retail load delivered. There will be no additional station service metering for supplying generation load. The metering generation and billing data will be remotely interrogated via the Transmission Provider’s MV90 data acquisition system. Station Service/Construction Power The Interconnection Customer must arrange distribution voltage retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project when not generating. Temporary construction power metering shall conform to the Six State Electric Service Requirements manual. Interconnection Customer must call the PCCC Solution Center 1-800-640-2212 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. TCS-30 Interchange Metering The overall Project metering will be located at the POI and rated for the total net generation of the Project. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be combination 69kV CT/VT units with extended range CTs for high-accuracy metering. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Generator Metering The generation metering will be located in the Interconnection Customer’s facility and rated per the generator capacity. The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 16 October 22, 2021 revenue metering, including the instrument transformers, meters, meter panel/enclosure, junction box, and secondary metering wire. The primary metering transformers will be discrete 13.2kV CTs and VTs rated for high-accuracy metering. It is assumed that the Interconnection Customer will provide an enclosure for the CTs and VTs which is compliant with the Transmission Provider’s Electric Service Requirements. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block. One meter will be designated as primary SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the primary control center. A second meter will be designated as backup SCADA meter with DNP data delivered to the alternate control center. The metering data will include bidirectional KWH and KVARH revenue quantities. The meter data will also include instantaneous PF, MW, MVAR, MVA, per-phase voltage, and per-phase amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service/Construction Power The Project is within the Transmission Provider’s service territory. Please note that prior to back feed, Interconnection Customer must arrange transmission retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project that will be drawn from the transmission system when the Project is not generating. Interconnection Customer must call the Help Desk at 1-800‐625‐6078 to arrange this service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. 8.0 CONTINGENT FACILITIES (ERIS) The following Interconnection Facilities and/or upgrades to the Transmission Provider’s system are Contingent Facilities applicable to this Cluster Area. None 9.0 COST ESTIMATE (ERIS) The following facilities are directly assigned to Interconnection Customer(s) using such facilities. If multiple Interconnection Requests are utilizing the same Transmission Provider Interconnection Facilities the costs shall be shared pursuant to Section 39.2.3 of Transmission Provider’s OATT. 9.1 Interconnection Facilities The following a directly assigned to Interconnection Customer(s) using such facilities. If multiple Interconnection Requests are utilizing the same Transmission Provider Interconnection Facilities the costs shall be split equally between those requests. TCS-28 TCS-28 Collector Substation $59,000 Metering, relay settings Distribution $49,000 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 17 October 22, 2021 Line extension Communications $167,000 Install 1.5 miles of fiber and communications equipment Total: $275,000 TCS-30 POI substation $600,000 Line termination and metering TCS-30 Generation Site $90,000 Metering Total: $690,000 9.2 Station Equipment The following are Network Upgrades which are allocated based on the number of Generating Facilities interconnecting at an individual station on a per Interconnection Request basis. Interconnection Requests utilizing the same Interconnection Facilities shall be consider one request for this allocation. TCS-30 POI substation $1,500,000 Construct new single breaker 72.5kV substation 9.3 Network Upgrades The funding responsibility for Network Upgrades other than those identified in the previous section shall be allocated based on the proportional capacity of each individual Generating Facility. Klamath Falls-Fishhole Transmission Line $390,000 Loop in/out of POI substation Hamaker Mountain Communication Site $60,000 Communication upgrades Klamath Falls substation $20,000 Relay upgrades 9.4 Total Estimated Project Costs TCS-28 Interconnection Facilities $275,000 Station Equipment N/A Network Upgrades N/A Total: $275,000 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 18 October 22, 2021 TCS-30 Interconnection Facilities $690,000 Station Equipment $1,500,000 Network Upgrades $470,000 Total: $2,660,000 10.0 SCHEDULE (ERIS) The Transmission Provider estimates it will require approximately 60 months to design, procure and construct the facilities described in the ERIS sections of this report following the execution of Interconnection Agreements. The schedule will be further developed and optimized during the Facilities Studies. 11.0 TRANSMISSION PROVIDER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - NRIS There are no additional requirements for those Interconnection Requests that have requested NRIS above those identified as required for ERIS. 12.0 AFFECTED SYSTEMS Transmission Provider has identified the following affected systems: None A copy of this report will be shared with each Affected System. 13.0 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests Appendix 3: Property Requirements Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 19 October 22, 2021 13.1 Appendix 1: Cluster Area Power Flow and Stability Study Results Distribution TCS-28 Interconnection Request: six cases were assembled and studied at the distribution voltage level. • Daytime minimum load, no generation. • Daytime minimum load, full generation. • Summer peak, no generation. • Summer peak, full generation. • Winter peak, no generation. • Winter peak, full generation. The Interconnection Customer’s Generating Facility must be operated in a manner so as not to cause objectionable power quality issues to other Distribution Provider customers. Voltage fluctuations caused by the generation facility are required to meet the Distribution Provider’s Engineering Handbook, Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker, Standard 1C.5.1 which is found at https://www.pacificpower.net/about/power-quality-standards.html. Table 1 of Standard 1C.5.1 indicates that for this Project the medium voltage planning levels for voltage fluctuation under any condition is a Pst < 0.9 and a Plt < 0.7. It is the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to design and construct a system capable of meeting these levels. Specific system information will be provided on request to the Interconnection Customer for design purposes. During operation if measured voltage fluctuation levels exceed the limits specified in Standard 1C.5.1 the Interconnection Customer is required to cease generation until the condition is mitigated. The requirement for the Interconnection Customer’s system to meet Standard 1C.5.1 will be incorporated in the interconnection contract. The Distribution Provider may, at its’ discretion, disconnect the Interconnection Customer’s Generating Facility until mitigations to meet these standards are made. The Interconnection Customer must also comply with all of the Distribution Provider’s Engineering Handbook standards addressing power quality, including but not limited to Voltage Level, Voltage Balance, Harmonic Distortion, and Voltage Frequency. For calculation of the forecasted voltage fluctuation, it was assumed that the power flow from the Interconnection Customer would change from full generation to no generation during a one-minute interval. For some new interconnection sites, substation voltage regulation setting changes are required to mitigate projected overvoltage during the daytime minimum load and full generation condition. Transmission Steady state voltage is defined as the voltage after all voltage regulating devices, both electronic and mechanical, have reached a quiescent state for the power flow and voltage conditions at a specific time. Post transient voltage is defined as the voltage measured after high speed switching transients and the effects of generator exciter controls have settled out and before any mechanically operated load tap changing and voltage regulating devices have started to adjust to new system conditions. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 20 October 22, 2021 Post transient voltage deviation is defined as the difference between the voltage before an event and the post transient voltage after the event. Transmission Provider’s Engineering Handbook, Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker, Standard 1C.5.1 limits post transient voltage deviation on distribution buses to a maximum of 6.0% for infrequent switching events such as the separation of a Generating Facility from the Transmission Provider’s system. In addition, the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) limits the post transient voltage deviation on transmission buses to a maximum of 8.0% for single outage events including trip of a Generating Facility or generation tie line, disconnecting the generation from the transmission system. Any post transient voltage deviation occurring on the transmission system is imposed directly on customers in the region. Reactive margin is a volt-ampere measure of power system voltage stability that may be reduced in magnitude by the connection of load or generation operating at constant power factor. Higher magnitude negative reactive margin indicates greater voltage stability. Zero magnitude and positive magnitude reactive margin indicate impending voltage collapse. The measurement of reactive margin is made in a power flow simulation model. Contingency transmission configuration for the Transmission Provider’s system is defined as any configuration other than normal transmission configuration. Eight initial base cases were developed for the Cluster Area 9 study, covering 2025 heavy summer (HS), 2025-26 heavy winter (HW) and 2025 daytime minimum load (DML) conditions in the Southern Oregon and Northern California region prior to and with the addition of the five Interconnection Requests. Transmission path flows for WECC Path 25 (PacifiCorp/PG&E 115 kV Interconnection) were set the north-to-south transfer limit of 80 MW, while transfers on WECC Path 76 (Reno-Alturas 345 kV line) were set to the north-to-south transfer limit of 300 MW. The daytime minimum load base cases were also stressed with the Path 76 transfers set to the south-to-north transfer limit of 300 MW. Case Cluster Area 9 Flow (MW) and Flow (MW) and 1 2025 DML Out of service 80 N-S 300 N-S 2 2025 DML Out of service 80 N-S -300 S-N 3 2025 HS Out of service 80 N-S 300 N-S 4 2025 HW Out of service 80 N-S 300 N-S 5 2025 DML In service 80 N-S 300 N-S 6 2025 DML In service 80 N-S -300 S-N 7 2025 HS In service 80 N-S 300 N-S 8 2025 HW In service 80 N-S 300 N-S Table 1: Cluster Area 9 Main Base Cases Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 21 October 22, 2021 Power flow analysis was performed on all base cases for system normal conditions and category P1, P2, P4, P5 and P7 contingency events on the Transmission Provider’s Bulk Electric System (BES) in Southern Oregon and Northern California region to evaluate impacts of the Cluster Area 9 Interconnection Requests on the transmission system. The analysis did not identify any planning events for which the system does not meet the performance criteria of the NERC TPL-001-4 Reliability Standard with the addition of two Interconnection Requests in Cluster Area 9. Additional base cases were developed that focused on the local area system near each POI to evaluate different transmission system configurations and system conditions applicable to each POI. These base cases were studied as part of the detailed analysis described in the following sections. TCS-28 Study Results The following 12 base cases were developed and studied in power flow simulation at the transmission level to evaluate different transmission system configurations and load levels prior to and with the TCS-28 Interconnection Request. Case Transmission System Cluster Area 9 Interconnection 1 2025 DML Normal Out of service 2 2025 DML Normal In service 3 2025 DML Contingency 1 In service 4 2025 DML Contingency 2 In service 5 2025 HS Normal Out of service 6 2025 HS Normal In service 7 2025 HS Contingency 1 In service 8 2025 HS Contingency 2 In service 9 2025 HS Normal Out of service 10 2025-26 HW Normal In service 11 2025-26 HW Contingency 1 In service 12 2025-26 HW Contingency 2 In service Table 2 – TCS-28 Additional Study Base Cases The study evaluated three transmission system configurations: Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 22 October 22, 2021 • Normal transmission configuration: Vilas Road substation supplied by looped 115 kV transmission system served from Lone Pine 230-115 kV substation and Whetstone 230- 115 kV substation via Line 40. • Contingency transmission configuration 1: Lone Pine-Vilas Road segment of 115 kV Line 40 is out of service. Vilas Road substation supplied from Whetstone 230-115 kV source via Line 40. • Contingency transmission configuration 2: Whetstone-White City segment of 115 kV Line 40 is out of service. Vilas Road substation supplied from Lone Pine 230-115 kV source via Line 40. The results of the transmission study show that the proposed TCS-28 Interconnection Request does not result in negative impacts to the Transmission Provider’s transmission system. Power flow simulation indicates that steady state and post transient voltages are projected to remain within acceptable limits and loading on transmission facilities is projected to remain within facility ratings. TCS-30 Study Results The following 30 base cases were developed and studied in power flow simulation to evaluate different transmission system configurations and load levels prior to and with the TCS-30 Interconnection Request. Case Year / Transmission System Cluster Area 9 Interconnection 1 2025 DML Normal Out of service 2 2025 DML Normal In service 3 2025 DML Contingency 1 Out of service 4 2025 DML Contingency 1 In service 5 2025 DML Contingency 2 Out of service 6 2025 DML Contingency 2 In service 7 2025 DML Contingency 3 Out of service 8 2025 DML Contingency 3 In service 9 2025 DML Contingency 4 Out of service 10 2025 DML Contingency 4 In service 11 2025 HS Normal Out of service 12 2025 HS Normal In service 13 2025 HS Contingency 1 Out of service 14 2025 HS Contingency 1 In service 15 2025 HS Contingency 2 Out of service 16 2025 HS Contingency 2 In service Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 23 October 22, 2021 17 2025 HS Contingency 3 Out of service 18 2025 HS Contingency 3 In service 19 2025 HS Contingency 4 Out of service 20 2025 HS Contingency 4 In service 21 2025-26 HW Normal Out of service 22 2025-26 HW Normal In service 23 2025-26 HW Contingency 1 Out of service 24 2025-26 HW Contingency 1 In service 25 2025-26 HW Contingency 2 Out of service 26 2025-26 HW Contingency 2 In service 27 2025-26 HW Contingency 3 Out of service 28 2025-26 HW Contingency 3 In service 29 2025-26 HW Contingency 4 Out of service 30 2025-26 HW Contingency 4 In service Table 3 – TCS-30 Additional Study Base Cases The Transmission Provider’s Klamath Falls-Fishhole 69 kV line (Line 9) is operated in an open loop configuration, with most sections of this line having a primary transmission source and one or more alternate transmission sources. The proposed POI for TCS-30 is on the Lakeview Junction- Dairy section of Line 9. The primary or normal transmission source to this line section is from the Klamath Falls 230-69 kV substation via 69 kV circuit breaker 3L9. Depending on the outage affecting the transmission supply of Line 9 and system conditions, there are three alternate transmission configurations available on the existing system and one future configuration as described below. The study evaluated five transmission system configurations to determine requirements associated with the proposed interconnection of TCS-30: • Normal transmission configuration: Klamath Falls 230-69 kV substation supplies Hornet, Dairy, Casebeer and Bonanza substations as well as the proposed TCS-30 POI via 69 kV Line 9 (K5). • Contingency transmission configuration 1: Klamath Falls-Hornet section of 69 kV Line 9 is out of service; Ross Avenue substation is transferred to Line 56 via Lakeport; Hornet substation is transferred to the Malin 230-69 kV source via Line 5; Casebeer and Bonanza substations are transferred to the Fishhole 115-69 kV source via Line 9; Bryant Tap-Lakeview Junction section of Line 56-2 is closed; Klamath Falls 230-69 kV substation supplies Texum, Bryant and Dairy substations as well as the proposed TCS-30 POI via Line 56 (K7). Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 24 October 22, 2021 • Contingency transmission configuration 2: Klamath Falls-Hornet section of 69 kV Line 9 is out of service; Hornet-Henley Tap section of Line 5 is closed; Malin 230 -69 kV s ubstation supplies Newell, Clear Lake, Perez, Tulelake, Turkey Hill, Merrill, Henley, Hornet, Dairy, Casebeer and Bonanza substations as well as the proposed TCS-30 POI via Line 5 (K4). • Contingency transmission configuration 3: Lakeview Junction-TCS-30 POI substation section of Line 9 is out of service; Bonanza Tap-Sprague River Tap section of Line 9 is closed; Fishhole 115-69 kV substation supplies Bly, Beatty, Sprague River, Casebeer, Bonanza and Dairy substations as well as the proposed TCS-30 POI via Line 9 (K5); • Future contingency transmission configuration 4: planned Malin-Casebeer 69 kV line is in service; outage of Line 9 on the Klamath Falls-Hornet or Hornet-Lakeview Junction-TCS-30 POI sections; Malin 230-69 kV substation supplies Bonanza, Casebeer and Dairy substations as well as the proposed TCS-30 POI via the planned 69 kV transmission line. 1. SUMMARY OF POWER FLOW SIMULATION A power flow simulation of the TCS-30 generating facility (operating at 10 MW maximum) added to the Transmission Provider’s transmission system concluded the following: • The Transmission Provider’s system is expected to have adequate thermal capacity for the flow of TCS-30 generation in normal transmission configuration, in contingency transmission configuration no. 1 and in future contingency configuration no. 4. • The Transmission Provider’s system steady state voltages and post transient voltage deviation are predicted in power flow simulation to be acceptable in normal transmission configuration, in contingency transmission configuration no. 1 and in future contingency configuration no. 4. • The Transmission Provider’s system does not have adequate thermal capacity for the flow of TCS-30 generation in transmission configurations no. 2 and 3. • The Transmission Provider’s system voltages and post transient voltage deviation are predicted in power flow simulation to exceed acceptable limits in contingency transmission configuration no. 2. • The Transmission Provider’s system voltage is predicted to collapse in contingency transmission configuration no. 3 at moderate to heavy load levels. • Generation can be accepted from TCS-30 in normal transmission configuration, in contingency transmission configuration no. 1 and in future contingency configuration no. 4. • Generation could not be accepted from TCS-30 in contingency transmission configurations no. 2 and 3. Operating procedures will be developed to curtail the generating facility when the transmission system is in one of the abnormal configurations. This configuration will be replaced with the future transmission Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 25 October 22, 2021 configuration no. 4 following completion of a planned capital project on the Transmission Provider’s system. 2. NORMAL TRANSMISSION CONFIGURATION In normal transmission configuration Klamath Falls 230-69 kV substation supplies Hornet, Dairy, Casebeer and Bonanza substations as well as the proposed TCS-30 POI via 69 kV Line 9. Power Flow Analysis The following table summarizes loading on Line 9 and on the Klamath Falls 230-69 kV transformers with the addition of TCS-30 generation in normal transmission configuration during various seasonal load levels with maximum solar generation in the area. Table 4: Power flow results with TCS-30 in normal transmission configuration Monitored Facility Rating* Klamath Falls-Hornet 69 kV line 60/90 -21.6 36% -7.3 12% -9.4 11% Hornet-Lakeview Jct 69 kV line 60/90 -25.8 43% -12.5 21% -22.0 24% TCS-30 POI-Lakeview Jct 69 kV line 60/90 -25.9 43% -12.6 21% -22.1 24% Klamath Falls 230-69 kV XFMR 1 125/150 -30.0 24% 29.0 23% 25.8 17% Klamath Falls 230-69 kV XFMR 2 125/150 -29.8 24% 28.8 23% 25.6 17% *Seasonal facility rating (summer/winter) The power flow results show that the thermal rating of the 69 kV Line 9 transmission supply path is adequate to carry generation from TCS-30. The existing generation and higher priority generation Interconnection Requests can exceed the local load on Line 9 and on the area 69 kV system during certain system conditions. There is reverse power flow on the 69 kV circuit breaker 3L9 and on the 230-69 kV transformers at Klamath Falls substation prior to the proposed interconnection of TCS-30. The addition of the TCS-30 generation will increase the reverse power flow on these transmission facilities, but the loading is projected to remain within the facility ratings. Protective relaying systems will need to be reviewed and modified/installed as necessary to accommodate reverse power flow on the 69 kV Line 9 (K5) and on the Klamath Falls 230-69 kV transformers due to the addition of TCS-30 generation. A higher priority interconnection request Q0907, with proposed interconnection on the Klamath Falls-Copco No. 2 230 kV line, requires a Remedial Action Scheme that will disconnect the Q0907 generation for an N-1-1 outage of the Meridian-Klamath Co-gen 500 kV line and Snow Goose- Captain Jack 500 kV line to avoid an overload of the Malin-Snow Goose 230 kV line during generation surplus in the Klamath Falls area. The addition of the proposed TCS-30 generation was tested for impacts on this contingency scenario. The contribution from the TCS-30 generation to Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 26 October 22, 2021 the 230 kV line loading in this N-1-1 contingency is less than 1%. Therefore, the TCS-30 Interconnection Request will not be required to participate in the Remedial Action Scheme associated with the Q0907 interconnection request. Voltage Deviation Analysis The following table compares the post-transient voltage deviation on the Bonanza substation 12 kV bus for a trip of the TCS-30 generation in normal transmission configuration during maximum solar generation and without solar generation on this system. Two scenarios were tested in the power flow simulation - a trip of the main step-up transformer and a trip of the generator, which leaves the plant-side loads supplied from the 69 kV system. Table 5 Voltage deviation for TCS-30 generation trip in normal configuration Season/Load Level Scenario Monitored Bus Post-Transient Solar Solar Summer Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 69-13.2 kV XFMR Bonanza 12 kV -1.4% -2.3% Summer Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 generator Bonanza 12 kV -2.3% -3.4% Winter Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 69-13.2 kV XFMR Bonanza 12 kV -0.4% -0.8% Winter Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 generator Bonanza 12 kV -1.1% -1.6% DML Trip of TCS-30 69-13.2 kV XFMR Bonanza 12 kV -0.5% DML Trip of TCS-30 generator Bonanza 12 kV -1.1% Voltages and post-transient voltage steps are projected in power flow simulation to remain within permissible limits during trip of the TCS-30 generation in normal transmission configuration under various load and generation conditions. Reactive Margin Analysis The following table compares reactive margin on the Bonanza substation 69 kV bus in normal transmission configuration prior to and with the TCS-30 generation during summer peak load with maximum solar generation in the area. This analysis measures voltage stability, with more negative reactive margin magnitude indicating greater voltage stability. The WECC requires electric utilities to maintain adequate voltage stability to protect the operating integrity of the power grid. Table 6: Reactive margin during normal transmission configuration Contingency Event Monitored Bus Voltage Stability Magnitude of Reactive Margin System normal configuration Bonanza 69 kV -38.3 -40.1 Loss of Klamath Falls 230-69 kV XFMR #1 Bonanza 69 kV -31.3 -37.4 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 27 October 22, 2021 Loss of Klamath Falls-Snow Goose 230 kV line Bonanza 69 kV -38.5 -33.5 The TCS-30 Interconnection Request does not negatively impact the reactive margin on the Transmission Provider’s system. Generation can be accepted from TCS-30 in normal transmission configuration. 3. CONTINGENCY TRANSMISSION CONFIGURATION NO. 1 In contingency configuration no. 1 the Klamath Falls 230-69 kV substation supplies Texum, Bryant and Dairy substations as well as the proposed TCS-30 POI via 69 kV Line 56 (K7). This configuration is used for an outage of the Klamath Falls-Hornet section of Line 9 during the summer operating season or during heavy load periods as an alternate supply to Dairy substation from Klamath Falls, while Hornet substation is transferred to the Malin 230-69 kV source and Casebeer and Bonanza substations are transferred to the Fishhole 115-69 kV source. This configuration will be replaced with the future transmission configuration no. 4 following completion of a planned capital project on Transmission Provider’s system. Power Flow Analysis The following two tables compare loading on Line 56 in contingency transmission configuration no. 1 with maximum solar generation in the area prior to and with the TCS-30 generation. Table 7: Power flow results prior to TCS-30 in contingency configuration no. 1 Monitored Facility Rating* Klamath Falls-Texum 69 kV line 60/90 -8.1 14% 30.2 51% 27.7 31% Texum-Bryant 69 kV line 40/52 -7.9 20% 19.6 50% 16.3 31% 37/55 -14.9 40% -9.4 26% -15.3 28% Lakeview Jct-TCS-30 POI 69 kV line 60/90 -15.0 25% -9.4 16% -15.4 17% Klamath Falls 230-69 kV XFMR 1 125/150 -27.6 22% 23.1 18% 22.2 15% Klamath Falls 230-69 kV XFMR 2 125/150 -27.4 22% 23.0 18% 22.0 15% *Seasonal facility rating (summer/winter) Table 8: Power flow results with TCS-30 in contingency configuration no. 1 Monitored Facility Rating* (MVA) Seasonal Loading Heavy Summer Heavy Winter MVA % MVA % MVA % Klamath Falls-Texum 69 kV line 60/90 -14.4 24% 23.4 39% 20.7 23% Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 28 October 22, 2021 Texum-Bryant 69 kV line 40/52 -14.7 37% 13.7 35% 9.5 18% 37/55 -22.4 60% -16.8 46% -22.6 41% 60/90 -22.5 37% -16.9 28% -22.7 25% Klamath Falls 230-69 kV XFMR 1 125/150 -31.2 25% 21.1 17% 20.1 13% Klamath Falls 230-69 kV XFMR 2 125/150 -30.9 25% 21.0 17% 19.9 13% *Seasonal facility rating (summer/winter) The existing generation and higher priority generation Interconnection Requests can exceed the local load on Line 56 during certain system conditions. There is reverse power flow on the 69 kV circuit breaker 3L6 at Klamath Falls substation prior to the proposed interconnection of TCS-30. The addition of the TCS-30 generation will increase the reverse power flow on these transmission facilities, but the loading is projected to remain within the facility ratings. Protective relaying systems will need to be reviewed and modified/installed as necessary to accommodate reverse power flow on the 69 kV Line 56 (K7) due to the addition of TCS-30 generation. Voltage Deviation Analysis The following table compares the post-transient voltage deviation on the Dairy substation 12 kV bus for a trip of the TCS-30 generation in contingency transmission configuration no. 1 during maximum solar generation and without solar generation on this system. Table 9: Voltage deviation for TCS-30 generation trip in contingency configuration no. 1 Season/Load Level Scenario Monitored Bus Post-Transient Solar Solar Summer Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 69-13.2 kV XFMR Dairy 12 kV -1.1% -1.9% Summer Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 generator Dairy 12 kV -2.0% -3.0% Winter Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 69-13.2 kV XFMR Dairy 12 kV -0.5% -1.0% Winter Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 generator Dairy 12 kV -1.3% -1.8% DML Trip of TCS-30 69-13.2 kV XFMR Dairy 12 kV -0.4% DML Trip of TCS-30 generator Dairy 12 kV -1.3% Voltages and post-transient voltage steps are projected in power flow simulation to remain within permissible limits during trip of the TCS-30 generation in contingency transmission configuration no. 1 under various load and generation conditions. Reactive Margin Analysis Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 29 October 22, 2021 The following table compares the reactive margin on the Dairy substation 69 kV bus in contingency transmission configuration no. 1 prior to and with the TCS-30 generation during summer peak load with maximum solar generation in the area. Table 10: Reactive margin during contingency configuration no. 1 Contingency Event Monitored Bus Voltage Stability Magnitude of Reactive Margin System normal configuration Dairy 69 kV -62.3 -66.0 Loss of Klamath Falls 230-69 kV XFMR #1 Dairy 69 kV -50.0 -53.6 Loss of Klamath Falls-Snow Goose 230 kV line Dairy 69 kV -62.3 -66.0 The TCS-30 Interconnection Request does not negatively impact the reactive margin on the Transmission Provider’s system. Generation can be accepted from TCS-30 in contingency transmission configuration no. 1. 4. CONTINGENCY TRANSMISSION CONFIGURATION NO. 2 This configuration is generally used for an outage of the Klamath Falls-Hornet section of Line 9 during the winter operating season or when the contingency supply out of Klamath Falls via Line 56 is unavailable to provide an alternate supply to Hornet, Dairy, Casebeer and Bonanza substations from the Malin 230-69 kV substation via Line 5. This configuration will be replaced with the future transmission configuration no. 4 following completion of a planned capital project on Transmission Provider’s system. Power Flow Analysis The following two tables compare loading on the Malin 230-69 kV transformer and the Malin-Malin tap 69 kV line in contingency transmission configuration no. 2 with maximum solar generation in the area prior to and with the TCS-30 generation. Table 11: Power flow results prior to TCS-30 in contingency configuration no. 2 Monitored Facility Rating* Malin 230-69 kV XFMR 125/150 -23.1 18% 33.5 27% -3.1 2% Malin-Malin Tap 69 kV line 73/109 -23.1 33% 33.5 45% -3.1 3% *Seasonal facility rating (summer/winter) Table 12: Power flow results with TCS-30 in contingency configuration no. 2 Monitored Facility Seasonal Loading Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 30 October 22, 2021 Rating* Malin 230-69 kV XFMR 125/150 -30.8 25% -21.4 17% -8.7 7% Malin-Malin Tap 69 kV line 73/109 -30.8 44% -21.4 29% -8.7 12% *Seasonal facility rating (summer/winter) The existing generation and higher priority generation Interconnection Requests can exceed the local load on Line 78/Line 5 and on the area 69 kV system during certain system conditions. The 69 kV circuit breaker 3L179 and the 230-69 kV transformer at Malin substation can experience reverse power flow prior to the proposed interconnection of TCS-30. Addition of TCS-30 in contingency transmission configuration no. 2 will increase the reverse power flow on these facilities, but the loading is projected to remain well under the facility ratings. Voltage Deviation Analysis The following table compares the post-transient voltage deviation on the Bonanza substation 12 kV bus for a trip of the TCS-30 generation in contingency transmission configuration no. 2 during maximum solar generation on this system. Table 13: Voltage deviation for TCS-30 generation trip in contingency configuration no. 2 Season/Load Level Scenario Monitored Bus Post-Transient Summer Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 69-13.2 kV XFMR Bonanza 12 kV -7.8% Summer Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 generator Bonanza 12 kV -11.8% Winter Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 69-13.2 kV XFMR Bonanza 12 kV -4.6% Winter Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 generator Bonanza 12 kV -6.9% DML Trip of TCS-30 69-13.2 kV XFMR Bonanza 12 kV -4.3% DML Trip of TCS-30 generator Bonanza 12 kV -6.4% The post-transient voltage deviation was shown in power flow simulation to exceed the 6.0% limit on the Bonanza substation 12 kV bus during trip of the TCS-30 generation in contingency transmission configuration no. 2. An additional simulation was performed to trip TCS-30 generation during summer peak load and during winter peak load without solar generation on this system. This condition was shown in the simulation to cause an excessive post-transient voltage deviation of up to 12.9% for a trip of the main step-up transformer and up to 23.5% for a trip of the generator. Generation from TCS-30 could not be accepted while the Transmission Provider’s system is operating in contingency transmission configuration no. 2. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 31 October 22, 2021 5. CONTINGENCY TRANSMISSION CONFIGURATION NO. 3 In this system configuration, Fishhole 115-69 kV substation supplies Bly, Beatty, Sprague River, Dairy, Casebeer and Bonanza substations via Line 9. This configuration is generally used for an outage of the Dairy-Lakeview Junction section of Line 9 during light to moderate loading periods as an alternate supply to Casebeer and Bonanza substations. Due to a potential risk of voltage collapse during heavy load conditions with low generation, Dairy substation can only be supplied in this configuration during the lightest loading conditions. This configuration will be replaced with the future transmission configuration no. 4 following completion of a planned capital project on Transmission Provider’s system. Power Flow Analysis The following two tables compare loading on the Fishhole 115-69 kV substation equipment and on the Fishhole-Bly 69 kV line in contingency transmission configuration no. 3 with maximum solar generation in the area prior to and with the TCS-30 generation. Table 14: Power flow results prior to TCS-30 in contingency configuration no. 3 Monitored Facility Rating* Fishhole 115-69 kV XFMR 18.8/23.4 -25.6 136% - - -20.7 89% Fishhole 69 kV regulator 28/35.5 -25.6 91% - - -20.7 58% Fishhole-Bly 69 kV line 29/38 -17.6 68% - - -12.3 35% *Seasonal facility rating (summer/winter) Transmission line loading cannot be evaluated at moderate to heavy loading due to voltage collapse discussed below. Table 15: Power flow results with TCS-30 in contingency configuration no. 3 Monitored Facility Rating* Fishhole 115-69 kV XFMR 18.8/23.4 -31.5 168% -16.6 88% -27.0 144% Fishhole 69 kV regulator 28/35.5 -31.5 113% -16.6 59% -27.0 97% Fishhole-Bly 69 kV line 29/38 -23.9 93% -8.8 33% -19.0 56% *Seasonal facility rating (summer/winter) The existing generation and higher priority generation Interconnection Requests can exceed the local load on Line 9, causing significant reverse power flow toward the 115 kV system at Fishhole substation. The existing and higher priority generation exceeds the capacity of the Fishhole 115- 69 kV transformer and is curtailed in this system configuration. Addition of the TCS-30 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 32 October 22, 2021 generation in contingency transmission configuration no. 3, is shown in the power flow simulation to increase the overload of the Fishhole 115-69 kV transformer by 32% and cause a new overload of the Fishhole 69 kV voltage regulator. Voltage Deviation Analysis Existing load at Dairy substation would cause voltage collapse at moderate to heavy loading when operating in contingency transmission configuration no. 3. Voltage stability at light load is adequate but minimal. Contingency transmission configuration no. 3 is typically used for short periods of time to perform scheduled maintenance on Line 9 west of Dairy substation. Generation from TCS-30 could not be accepted while the Transmission Provider’s system is operating in contingency transmission configuration no. 3. 6. CONTINGENCY TRANSMISSION CONFIGURATION NO. 4 This is a future transmission system configuration following completion of Transmission Provider’s planned capital project to construct a new 69 kV transmission line between Malin substation and Bonanza substation. The future 69 kV transmission line will become the primary source to Bonanza, Casebeer and Dairy substations and it will provide a new contingency source to several substations in the area including the proposed TCS-30 POI, eliminating the use of contingency configurations no. 1, 2 and 3 for an outage of the Klamath Falls-Hornet, Hornet-Lakeview Junction and Lakeview Junction-Dairy sections of Line 9. Power Flow Analysis The following table compares loading on the 69 kV system between TCS-30 POI and Malin substation during maximum solar generation in the area with the TCS-30 generation in service. Table 16: Power flow results with TCS-30 in future contingency configuration no. 4 Monitored Facility Rating* Malin 230-69 kV XFMR 125/150 -35.4 28% -12.3 10% -23.2 13% Malin-Bonanza 69 kV line (future) 102/150 -25.7 26% -12.7 13% -21.6 15% Bonanza-Casebeer 69 kV line 102/150 -27.2 27% -17.4 17% -23.7 16% Casebeer-Bonanza Tap 69 kV line 102/150 -24.7 25% -19.3 19% -25.3 17% Bonanza Tap-Dairy 69 kV line 60/90 -24.9 42% -19.4 33% -25.5 29% Dairy- TCS-30 POI 69 kV line 60/90 -10.0 17% -10.0 17% -10.0 11% *Seasonal facility rating (summer/winter) The power flow results show that the thermal rating of the 69 kV path between TCS-30 POI and Malin is adequate to carry generation from TCS-30. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 33 October 22, 2021 The existing generation and higher priority generation Interconnection Requests can exceed the local load on this 69 kV system, which can cause reverse power flow on the future Malin-Casebeer 69 kV line and on the 230-69 kV transformer at Malin substation prior to the proposed interconnection of TCS-30. The addition of the TCS-30 generation is shown to increase the reverse power flow on these transmission facilities. Reverse power flow at Malin substation is within the facility ratings. As part of the planned 69 kV line project, protective relaying systems will need to be installed to accommodate reverse power flow on the future Malin-Casebeer 69 kV line and on the Malin 230-69 kV transformer due to the existing generation, higher priority Interconnection Requests and the proposed addition of TCS-30. Voltage Deviation Analysis The following table compares the post-transient voltage deviation on the Dairy substation 12 kV bus for a trip of the TCS-30 generation in contingency transmission configuration no. 4 during maximum solar generation and without solar generation on this system. Table 17: Voltage deviation for TCS-30 generation trip in future contingency configuration no. 4 Season/Load Level Scenario Monitored Bus Post-Transient Solar Solar Summer Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 69-13.2 kV XFMR Dairy 12 kV -1.2% -1.9% Summer Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 generator Dairy 12 kV -2.6% -3.5% Winter Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 69-13.2 kV XFMR Dairy 12 kV -2.3% -2.9% Winter Peak Load Trip of TCS-30 generator Dairy 12 kV -3.7% -4.4% DML Trip of TCS-30 69-13.2 kV XFMR Dairy 12 kV -2.7% - DML Trip of TCS-30 generator Dairy 12 kV -4.0% - Voltages and post-transient voltage steps are projected in power flow simulation to remain within permissible limits during trip of the TCS-30 generation in contingency transmission configuration no. 4 under various load and generation conditions. Reactive Margin Analysis The following table compares the reactive margin on the Dairy substation 69 kV bus in contingency transmission configuration no. 4 prior to and with the TCS-30 generation during summer peak load with maximum solar generation in the area. Table 18: Reactive margin during contingency configuration no. 4 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 34 October 22, 2021 Contingency Event Monitored Bus Voltage Stability Magnitude of Reactive Margin System normal configuration Dairy 69 kV -45.3 -47.6 Loss of Malin 500-230 kV XFMR Dairy 69 kV -42.7 -44.9 The TCS-30 Interconnection Request does not negatively impact the reactive margin on the Transmission Provider’s system. Generation can be accepted from TCS-30 in future contingency configuration no. 4. Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 35 October 22, 2021 13.2 Appendix 2: Higher Priority Requests All active higher priority Transmission Provider projects, and transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests will be considered in this cluster area study and are identified below. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, as the results and conclusions contained within this study could significantly change. Transmission/Generation Interconnection Queue Requests considered: GI Queue Size (MW) 687 415.8 721 55 741 40 757 20 806 20 825 10 826 10 827 10 828 13 829 10 830 10 849 100 905 50 906 80 907 80 Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 36 October 22, 2021 13.3 Appendix 3: Property Requirements Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Requirements for rights of way easements Rights of way easements will be acquired by the Interconnection Customer in the Transmission Provider’s name for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and removal of Transmission Provider’s Interconnection Facilities that will be owned and operated by PacifiCorp. Interconnection Customer will acquire all necessary permits for the Project and will obtain rights of way easements for the Project on Transmission Provider’s easement form. Real Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation Real property for a POI substation will be acquired by an Interconnection Customer to accommodate the Interconnection Customer’s Project. The real property must be acceptable to Transmission Provider. Interconnection Customer will acquire fee ownership for interconnection substation unless Transmission Provider determines that other than fee ownership is acceptable; however, the form and instrument of such rights will be at Transmission Provider’s sole discretion. Any land rights that Interconnection Customer is planning to retain as part of a fee property conveyance will be identified in advance to Transmission Provider and are subject to the Transmission Provider’s approval. The Interconnection Customer must obtain all permits required by all relevant jurisdictions for the planned use including but not limited to conditional use permits, Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, California Environmental Quality Act, as well as all construction permits for the Project. If eligible, Interconnection Customer will not be reimbursed through network upgrades for more than the market value of the property. As a minimum, real property must be environmentally, physically, and operationally acceptable to Transmission Provider. The real property shall be a permitted or able to be permitted use in all zoning districts. The Interconnection Customer shall provide Transmission Provider with a title report and shall transfer property without any material defects of title or other encumbrances that are not acceptable to Transmission Provider. Property lines shall be surveyed and show all encumbrances, encroachments, and roads. Examples of potentially unacceptable environmental, physical, or operational conditions could include but are not limited to: 1. Environmental: known contamination of site; evidence of environmental contamination by any dangerous, hazardous or toxic materials as defined by any governmental agency; violation of building, health, safety, environmental, fire, land use, zoning or other such regulation; violation of ordinances or statutes of any governmental entities having jurisdiction over the property; underground or above ground storage tanks in area; known remediation sites on property; ongoing mitigation activities or monitoring activities; asbestos; lead-based paint, etc. A Transition Cluster Study Report Transition Cluster Area 9 Page 37 October 22, 2021 phase I environmental study is required for land being acquired in fee by the Transmission Provider unless waived by Transmission Provider. 2. Physical: inadequate site drainage; proximity to flood zone; erosion issues; wetland overlays; threatened and endangered species; archeological or culturally sensitive areas; inadequate sub-surface elements, etc. Transmission Provider may require Interconnection Customer to procure various studies and surveys as determined necessary by Transmission Provider. Operational: inadequate access for Transmission Provider’s equipment and vehicles; existing structures on land that require removal prior to building of substation; ongoing maintenance for landscaping or extensive landscape requirements; ongoing homeowner's or other requirements or restrictions (e.g., Covenants, Codes and Restrictions, deed restrictions, etc.) on property which are not acceptable to the Transmission Provider.