HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220210PAC to Staff 1-38-2.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN Egg,EA" ,- -: i-'F l\i: n-LU!IILU i_. j ii; iil f,i.t il: 0* Salt Lake City, Utah 84116i-,-'lUlT February 10,2022 Jan Noriyuki ian.norivuki@ouc. idaho. eov (C) Riley Newton riley.newton@nuc. idaho. eov RE ID PAC-E.2I.I9 IPUC Set I (l-38) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to [PUC's I't Set Data Requests l-5, 7, 9-l l, 15, and 30. Also provided are Attachments IPUC I and 5-1. Provided via BOX is Confidential Attachment IPUC 5-2. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and,the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - lnformation Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non- Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, -Jsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c. : Rose Monahan/Sierra Club rose.monahan@sierraclub.ors (C) Ana Boyd/S ierra CIub ana. boyd @.sierraclu b. ore (C) Benjamin J. Otto/ICL botto@ idahoconservation. ore PAC-E-2 l-19 / Rocky Mountain Pourer February 9,2022 IPUCDaaRequest I IPUC Data Request 1 2021 Integrated Rqource Phn (IRP) Rooponso to IPUC Data Request 1 Please rcfer to Attaphment trUC l. Recordholder: Kris Brcmer Sponsor:Rick.4,. Vail Pleaso provide a copy of the most cunenttansitioual cluster sfrrdy (Volume I - Chapter 4, page 86). PAC-E-21-19 / Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2022 IPUC Data Request 2 IPUC Data Request 2 2021 lntqrated Resource Plln (IRP) Please describe in detail the direct benefits to Idaho customers that are identified in the transitional cluster study. Response to IPUC Data Request 2 PacifiCoqp's generation interconnection cluster study process allows developers to efficiently submit requests to propose new generation facilities on PacifiCorp's system. The process provides developers the requirements and cost estimates necessary to constuct their facilities. The result of this process is that new generation ttrat is cost effective for PacifiCorp's customers can be identified and contracted. For example, the cluster study used to inform PacifiCorp's2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) modeling and analysis to identiff transmission costs for PacifiCorp's2020 All Source Request for Proposals (2020AS RFP) final shortlist bids resulting in a portfolio $1,265 billion more cost-effective than a portfolio without these resources. Please refer to the 2021IRP, Volume I, Chapter 9 (Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results), page 277.Idaho customers benefit directly from PacifiCorp's ability to provide safe and reliable service by selecting the least-cost, least-risk altematives which provides system benefits to all customers. Recordholder:Kris Bremer Sponsor:Rick A. Vail PAC-E-21-19 / Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2022 IPUC Data Request 3 IPUC Data Request 3 202tln'tqrated Resource P}nn (IRP) The Aeolus-to-Mona ftansmission line (Gateway South), will provide delivery of new renewable energy resources across the West. Please provide how Gateway South will connect Idaho customers to the renewable resources when the said transmission line runs north-south between Wyoming and Utah? (Volume I - Chapter 4, page 86). Response to IPUC Data Request 3 With the completion of Energy Gateway South, the capacity on the fransmission system between eastern Wyoming and the Jim Bridger substation will increase allowing opportunities for energy produced by additional zero-fuel-cost renewable resources in Wyoming to flow to PacifiCorp's customers, including its customers in Idaho. Recordholder:Brian Fritz Sponsor:Rick A. Vail PAC-E-21-19 / Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2022 IPUC Data Request 4 IPUC Data Request 4 2021 lnteg:rated Resource Plan (IRP) The 2021preferred portfolio includes "near-term tansmission upgrades" when discussing Boardman-to-Hemingway @2fD tansmission line. Are the transmission upgrades necessary prior to B2H coming online? (Volume I - Chapter 4,page 88). Please explain. Response to IPUC Data Request 4 There is no relationship between the "near-term tansmission upgrades" and the Boardman-to-Hemingway @2H) transmission line project. Recordholder:Brian Fritz Sponsor:Rick A. Vail PAC-E-21-19 / Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2022 IPUC Data Request 5 IPUC Data Request 5 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan (IRP) Please provide the date and times in the last five years when the Midpoint-to- Summer Lake pathway was capacrty constained for east to west and west to east directions justifying ttre need for B2H. Response to IPUC Data Request 5 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 5-l forthe dates over the past five years when the Midpoint to Summer Lake 500 kilovolt (kV) line was out of service. The 500 kV line is part of Western Electricity Coordinating Council's (WECC) Path 14 "Idaho to the Northwest" with a rating of 2,400 megawatts (MW) east to west and 1,200 MW to 1,340 MW west to east. Per WECC's path rating catalog, Patr l4 rating is reduced with an outage of the Midpoint to Summer Lake line requiring tripping of 350 MW to 700 MW of Jim Bridger and Wyoming wind generation. In PacifiCorp's2021Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), a primary impact of the Boardman-to-Hemingway (B2H) project is the increase of ttre Borah-Pop-to- Hemingway tansmission path from 1,090 MW to 1,690 MW, enabling the addition of 600 MW of enabled new wind, solar and battery resources. These components allow for the re-optimized dispatch of the portfolio without creating congestion and increase the value of the poffilio by $453 million compared to the case without B2H. Based on a comparison of the least cost portfolio @02- MM) to the'No BZH" variant case @02(d)-MM), during the three months of highest usage of this path, B2H inueases energy transfers between the Borah-Pop and Hemingway topology bubbles by an average of 90 percent. The system benefits of B2H, including congestion relief, are clear in establishing the least- cost least-risk portfolio and justi$ its inclusion. Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 5-2. Please also refer to the 2021 IRP, Volume [, Chapter 9 (Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results), page27l. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder:Brian Fritz / Randy Baker Rick A. Yail lShay LaBraySponsor: PAC-E-21-19 / Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2022 IPUC Data Request 7 IPUC Data Request 7 202llntqrated Resource Plan (IRP) Please provide an update as to the completion date of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure currently being deployed in Idaho. Also include when real-time data will be available to Idaho customers. Response to IPUC Data Request 7 The Idaho Advanced Metering Infrastucture (AMI) project is scheduled to be completed by December 31, 2022,baring any unforeseen resource or supply issues. Real-time data will not be available to customers. Nextday, or nearreal- time, interval data will be available to most customers. The data will be available to each customer starting within 45 days of their meter installation. Recordholder:Douglas Mam Douglas MamSponsor: PAC-E-21-19 / Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2022 IPUC Data Request 9 IPUC Data Request 9 202llntegrated Resource Plan gRP) Please provide the projected cost of the Populus-to-Hemingway tansmission project and explain why the project is the least-cost least-risk alternative for Idaho ratepayers. Response to IPUC Data Request 9 Please refer to the confidential data disk accompanying PacifiCorp's2021 Integrated Resource Plan (RP), specifically folder "LT studies CONF.zip\LT studies\LT Plan Summary\CETA", fi le " I 8609_2 I IRP 20yr_P02-MM-CETA", tab "Transmission Annual Data" and look for "NC B2H Borah >Hemingway 2026" and column U for the build cost. Please refer to the202l IRP, Volume I, Chapter 9 (Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results), page2Tl for the analysis of removing the Boardman to Hemingway (B2H) project. The project provides system benefits to PacifiCorp's customers, including its customers in Idaho. Please also refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 5. Recordholder: Dan Swan Sponsor:Shay LaBray PAC-E-21-19 / Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2022 IPUC Data Request l0 IPUC Data Request 10 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan (IRP) Please provide the projected cost of the Goshen area projects and explain why the project is the least-cost least-risk altemative for Idaho ratepayers. Response to IPUC Data Request 10 The"2023 Goshen RFP Wind", l5l megawatts (MW) project, was selected as part of the final shortlist in PacifiCorp's 2020 All Source Request for Proposals (2020AS RFP). Demand Response (DR) programs were selected in the PLEXOS model as least-cost. These projects are least-cost, least-risk altematives that provide system benefits to PacifiCorp's customers, including its customers in Idaho. PacifiCoqp plans on a system-wide basis to provide benefits to all of its customers. In the 2021lntegated Resource Plan (lRP) variant analysis, inclusion of the 2020AS RFP projects resulted in $1,265 billion higher benefits to customers relative to a portfolio without the projects. Please refer to the confidential data disk accompanying PacifiCorp's 2021 IRP, specifically folder "ST Studies CONF.zip\ST Studies\CETA", file "ST Cost Summary -P02-MMGR-CETA ST Split Run Cost Data LT 18609 ST 19709", tab "Generator Annual Data" for the resource cost. Please also refer to the 2021 IRP, Volume I, Chapter 9 (Modeling and Portfolio Selection Results), page277. Recordholder: Dan Swan Sponsor:Shay LaBray PAC-E-21-19 / Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2022 IPUC DataRequest I I IPUC Data Request 11 2021 Integrated Resource P}rn (IRP) Please describe and quantiff "ongoing investnent in transmission infrastructure in Idaho". (Volume I - Chapter 4, page 83). Response to IPUC Data Request 11 Please refer to PacifiCorp's2021lntegrated Resource Plan (tRP), Volume I, Chapter 4 (Transmission), section "Planned Transmission System Improvements" on pages 100 through 103, which provides a list of ftansmission projects that reflect ongoing investnents in PacifiCorp's transmission system. Recordholder: Brian Fritz Sponsor:Rick A. Vail PAC-E-21-19 / Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2022 IPUC DataRequest 15 IPUC Data Roquest 15 2021 lnteg:rated Resource Plan (IRP) Please explain the benefrts and differences in costs for the new ITRON Riva AMI meters and softrryare to be installed in ldaho. Response to IPUC Data Request 15 The ITRON Riva Advanced Metering Infrasnucture (AMI) meters and software will provide nextday interval data for customers via a web portal, on demand meter register reads for customer service agents, remote disconnect/reconnect, outage notifications, and remote reprogramming. Differences in cost vary by meter type. Recordholder:Douglas Mam Douglas MarxSponsor: PAC-E-21-19 / Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2022 IPUC DataRequest 30 IPUC Data Request 30 2021 lntegrated Resource Plan (IRP) Table 5.12 of the 2019 IRP shows that Planning Reservr (Load- Private Generation -Energy Efliciency) x l3%o, in which Intemrptible Load is not used in the calculation. However in the 2021 IRP, Table 6.1l, Table 6.12,and Table 6.13 shows that Planning Reserve = (Load - Private Generation - Existing Demand Response - Existing Energy Efficiency - New Effrciency) x l3Yo where, according to Page l52in$e2021 [RP, the intemrptible loads are contained in Existing Demand Response and therefore is used in determining the Planning Reserve. Please reconcile the two ways of calculating planning margin reserves and explain why netting of the additional items from load is appropriate. Response to IPUC Data Request 30 Note: the Company takes an opportunity to clarify that there is no "Table 6.13" in the official published version of PacifiCorp's2021Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), Volume I, Chapter 6 (Load and Resource Balance). The Company's responses to IPUC Data Request 30 are therefore only referencing Table 6.1I (Summer Peak - System Capacrty Loads and Resources without Resource Additions) and Table 6.12 (Winter Peak System Capacity Loads and Resources without Resource Additions). The Company reports demand response as a reduction to load in the Total Obligation section of Table 6.1I and Table 6.12 because demand response resources differ from other resources in that they represent the opportunity to reduce or shift load as needed to balance the system. The planning reserve calculation n the 2021 IRP accounts for all of the programs that reduce load in the same way. Recordholder: Brian Osborn Sponsor:Shay LaBray