HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210823PAC to Staff NWPP Reserve Sharing Program.pdf NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Northwest Power Pool Reserve Sharing Program Documentation Approved Version: Approved May 6, 2021 (see Documentation History) NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 2 NWPP Reserve Sharing Documentation TABLE OF CONTENTS NWPP Reserve Sharing Program A. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW .................................................................................... 5 B. KEY TERMINOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 7 C. OVERVIEW OF KEY RESERVE SHARING PROGRAM ELEMENTS ....................................... 11 C.1. How Much Contingency Reserve a Participating Balancing Authority Must Carry (Contingency Reserve Obligation) ............................................................... 11 C.2. When a Participating Balancing Authority May Deploy Contingency Reserve and Request Assistance Reserve (Qualifying Events) ........................................... 11 C.3. What a Participating Balancing Authority Must Do Before Requesting Assistance Reserve ................................................................................................ 12 C.4. Where to Find Additional Information on Participant Eligibility and Obligations ............................................................................................................ 12 D. RESERVE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 12 D.1. How NWPP Reserve Sharing Program Rules Relate to BAL-002 ........................... 12 D.2. Contingency Reserve Obligations and Associated Requirements Related to WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental. ........................................................... 13 D.3. Additional Policies Governing Contingency Reserve ............................................ 14 D.4. Additional Operating Reserve: Obligations Under R3 and R4 of WECC BAL-002-WECC-3 and Compliance Documentation ............................................. 18 E. REQUESTING ASSISTANCE RESERVE .............................................................................. 20 E.1. Qualifying Events .................................................................................................. 20 E.2. Action Required Before Requesting Assistance Reserve ...................................... 20 E.3. Timing of Requests for Assistance Reserve .......................................................... 21 E.4. Accounting for Energy; Transmission for Delivery................................................ 22 E.5. Restoring Reserves ................................................................................................ 23 F. OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE RESERVE .......................................................... 23 G. ELIGIBILITY FOR AND PARTICIPATION IN RESERVE SHARING PROGRAM ........................ 23 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 3 G.1. Eligibility to Participate in the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program .......................... 24 G.2. Treatment of Third-Party Generation ................................................................... 24 H. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................... 24 H.1. Participant Responsibilities ................................................................................... 24 H.2. NWPP Staff Monitoring and Reporting Responsibilities ....................................... 24 H.3. Monitoring, Backup, and Reporting Responsibilities ........................................... 25 I. GENERAL DATA REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 26 I.1. Data Telemetered from Participating Balancing Authorities to the Reserve Sharing Computer System .................................................................................... 26 I.2. Participants Responsible for Major Transmission Facility Information ................ 27 I.3 Functions of the Reserve Sharing Computer System ........................................... 28 I.4. Data Telemetered from the Reserve Sharing Computer System to Participating Balancing Authorities....................................................................... 29 I.5. Informational Data Telemetered from the Reserve Sharing Computer System to the Reliability Coordinators ................................................................. 32 J. DATA REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO RESERVE SHARING REQUESTS................................ 32 J.1. Requesting Participant .......................................................................................... 33 J.2. Responding Participants ....................................................................................... 34 K. SETTLEMENT ................................................................................................................ 34 K.1. Settlement Data .................................................................................................... 35 K.2. Financial Settlement ............................................................................................. 36 L. INTERNAL NWPP RESERVE SHARING GROUP REPORTING ............................................. 37 L.1 Obligation to Submit a NWPP RSG Verification Form .......................................... 37 L.2 Reporting Balancing Authority Obligation to Notify NWPP Staff ......................... 38 M. RESERVE SHARING ZONES ............................................................................................ 38 N. BACKUP PROCEDURES.................................................................................................. 39 O. PROCEDURES FOR ADDRESSING ISSUES AFFECTING RESERVE SHARING PROGRAM WHEN AGENCY AGREEMENT PROCESS IS INSUFFICIENT ............................................... 39 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 4 ATTACHMENTS Attachment A – Calculation of Contingency Reserve Obligation; Requirements Related to WECC WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental ......................................................... 42 Attachment B – Qualifying Events ................................................................................................ 53 Attachment C – Reserve Sharing Zone and Levels........................................................................ 55 Attachment D – NWPP Process Charts ......................................................................................... 59 Attachment E – Backup Procedures for NWPP Reserve Sharing Program ................................... 64 Attachment F – Transmission Mapping and Tag Template Change Process ................................ 68 Attachment G – Backup Process for ATF Reserve Sharing Tags ................................................... 70 Attachment H – Balancing Authority Areas of Participating Balancing Authorities ..................... 72 Attachment I – NERC Standard BAL-002-3 ................................................................................... 73 Attachment J – WECC Standard BAL-002-WECC-3 ....................................................................... 82 Attachment K – Northwest Power Pool Reserve Sharing Group Most Severe Single Contingency Tables ........................................................................................... 97 Attachment L – Transmission Facilities Making Up Cut Planes Between Reserve Sharing Zones ................................................................................................................ 101 Attachment M – Overview of BPA Remedial Action Schemes That Suspend Automatic Generation Control and Result in Expected Changes to NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE .......................................................................... 104 Attachment N – Correlation Table of Participants, Reliability Coordinators, and Reserve Sharing Zones ................................................................................................... 106 DOCUMENTATION HISTORY ....................................................................................................... 108 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 5 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program A. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW Standards established by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) require all Balancing Authorities to carry reserve for defined categories of contingencies. As permitted by NERC and WECC standards, Participating Balancing Authorities within the Northwest Power Pool (NWPP) have instituted the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program for Contingency Reserve. By sharing Contingency Reserve, Participants are entitled to use not only their own “internal” reserve resources, but to call on other Participants for assistance if internal reserve does not fully cover a contingency. Except when communication links are down or the Reserve Sharing Computer System is not functioning, the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program is automated, operating through direct communication of data and Contingency Reserve deployment signals between the Reserve Sharing Computer System and the Participating Balancing Authorities. The NWPP Staff is responsible for preparing and submitting required NERC and WECC compliance reports, and responding to compliance audits, on behalf of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group for BAL-002. Participants are relieved of BAL-002 compliance reporting obligations, and do not report to NERC or WECC on BAL-002 compliance individually. This document describes how the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program works. It covers: • key terminology for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program (Section B), • an overview of the key elements of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program (Section C), • how much Contingency Reserve each participant is required to carry (Attachment A), • what events allow participants to deploy their own Contingency Reserve, and, if necessary, request assistance reserve, how a participant may request assistance reserve from other participants (Attachment B and Section E), • participants’ obligations to supply assistance reserve (Section F), • eligibility to participate in reserve sharing and how eligible Balancing Authorities become participants (Section G), • the roles and responsibilities of participants, the NWPP Staff, and others (Section H), • general data requirements and the functions of the reserve sharing computer system (Section I), • data requirements related to requests for assistance reserve (Section J), • how participants settle when assistance reserve is supplied under the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program (Section K and Attachment D), NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 6 • tracking and reporting procedures related to the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program (Section L), • identification of “zones” within the NWPP for delivering reserve energy, and the sequence in which assistance reserve from adjacent zones is deployed if the assistance reserve inside a given zone is insufficient to meet a contingency (Section M and Attachment C); • backup procedures participants will use if the communication links that enable automated reserve sharing go down (Section N and Attachment E); • procedures for addressing issues that affect the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program when the process under the Agreement Appointing Agent and Establishing Responsibilities Related to Reserve Sharing Group Compliance with BAL-002 is insufficient (Section O); • an explanation of why the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group does not activate Contingency Reserve during operation of BPA remedial action schemes that are designed to suspend automatic generation control (Attachment M), • a correlation table of Participants, Reliability Coordinators, and Zones. This document includes several attachments, some of which have been noted above. The full set of attachments and their titles are as follows: Attachment A – Calculation of Contingency Reserve Obligations; Requirements Related to WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental Attachment B – Qualifying Events Attachment C – Reserve Sharing Zone and Levels Attachment D – Process Chart Attachment E – Backup Procedures for NWPP Reserve Sharing Program Attachment F – Transmission Mapping and Tag Template Change Process Attachment G – Backup Process for After-the-Fact Reserve Sharing Tags Attachment H – Balancing Authority Areas of Participating Balancing Authorities Attachment I – NERC Standard BAL-002-3 Disturbance Control Performance – Contingency Reserve for Recovery from a Balancing Contingency Event Attachment J – WECC Standard BAL-002-WECC-3 – Contingency Reserve Attachment K – Northwest Power Pool Reserve Sharing Group Most Severe Single Contingency Tables Attachment L – Transmission Facilities Making Up Cut Planes Between Reserve Sharing Zones NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 7 Attachment M – Overview of BPA Remedial Action Schemes That Suspend Automatic Generation Control and Result in Expected Changes to NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE Attachment N – Correlation Table of Participants, Reliability Coordinators, and Zones B. KEY TERMINOLOGY The terms identified below have the meanings given to them in this document for purposes of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program. Most terms defined by NERC or the WECC are conformed to the NERC or WECC definitions, but some terms’ definitions may not be identical to those established by NERC or the WECC. ACE: Area Control Error, as defined in the NERC Glossary. Actual Net Interchange (NIA): Actual Net Interchange, as defined in the NERC Glossary. Agency Agreement: The Agreement Appointing Agent and Establishing Responsibilities Related to Reserve Sharing Group Compliance with BAL-002, as initially effective on July 1, 2008, together with any subsequent amendments or restatements. Assistance Reserve: Contingency Reserve of one Participant that is delivered to another Participant in response to a Reserve Sharing Request. BAL-002: For the RSG, BAL-002 means: • NERC Reliability Standards BAL-002 and BAL-002-WECC • And with respect to a Participant, those provisions of the foregoing (or any substantially similar standard) applicable to the Participant by law or regulation. Balancing Authority (BA): Balancing Authority, as defined in the NERC Glossary. Balancing Authority Area: Balancing Authority Area, as defined in the NERC Glossary. Balancing Contingency Event: Balancing Contingency Event, as defined in the NERC Glossary. Contingency Event Recovery Period: Contingency Event Recovery Period, as defined in the NERC Glossary. Contingency Reserve: Contingency Reserve, as defined in the NERC Glossary. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 8 Contingency Reserve Available (CRA): Contingency Reserve committed by a Participating Balancing Authority, which the Participating Balancing Authority reports to the Reserve Sharing Computer Program, that: • is fully deployable within ten minutes for use as Internal Reserve (except for amounts reported as already deployed for Qualifying Events); • is fully deployable within ten minutes of a Reserve Sharing Request for delivery as Assistance Reserve (except for amounts reported as already deployed for Qualifying Events); and • once deployed, can sustain delivery over a period of not less than 60 minutes following the start of a Qualifying Event. Subject to the foregoing requirements, a Participating Balancing Authority’s Contingency Reserve Available: • will, for monitoring purposes, be deemed to include a Participant’s Contingency Reserve reported as available for deployment as well as any portion of a Participant’s Contingency Reserve reported as deployed for Qualifying Events; • may include Contingency Reserve purchased by the Participating Balancing Authority; • may include load committed to be shed for Contingency Reserve if a Participant is in an EEA; and • must exclude Contingency Reserve the Participating Balancing Authority has sold to any other party. A Participating Balancing Authority’s Contingency Reserve Available (including amounts reported as deployed for Qualifying Events, together with amounts available for deployment) must be equal to or greater than its Contingency Reserve Obligation. Contingency Reserve Obligation (CRO): As specified in Attachment A to this document, Contingency Reserve Obligation is the minimum amount of Contingency Reserve that must be carried by a particular Participant for its Balancing Authority Area(s) or by the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group as a whole (as the context requires) to respond to Qualifying Events. Although the acronym “CRO,” as used in this document, may sometimes designate base calculation of a Participating Balancing Authority’s Contingency Reserve Obligation (before adjustments described in Attachment A), the written term “Contingency Reserve Obligation” as used in this document refers to the total amount of Contingency Reserve that must be carried for a Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s) (or the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group as a whole), taking into account all applicable adjustments specified in Attachment A. Firm Demand: Firm Demand, as defined in the NERC Glossary. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 9 Internal Reserve: The Contingency Reserve of a Participating Balancing Authority when deployed to respond to a Qualifying Event on the Participating Balancing Authority’s own system (as opposed to Contingency Reserve delivered as Assistance Reserve to another Participating Balancing Authority). Most Severe Single Contingency (MSSC): The Most Severe Single Contingency, as defined in the NERC Glossary. NERC Glossary: The NERC Glossary of Terms Used in Reliability Standards. North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC): A self-regulatory nonprofit organization, subject to oversight by the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and governmental authorities in Canada, whose mission is to ensure the reliability of the bulk power system in North America. NERC develops and enforces reliability standards, assesses reliability annually via 10-year and seasonal forecasts, monitors the bulk power system, and educates trains, and certifies industry personnel. Northwest Power Pool (NWPP): The geographic area encompassed by the electric systems of the NWPP Agreement Signatories. There is also a separate corporation named “Northwest Power Pool,” which provides staffing and other resources to support implementation of the NWPP Agreement. In general, when this document refers to the Northwest Power Pool or the NWPP, it is referring to the geographic area and the associated electric power systems of the NWPP Agreement Signatories. NWPP Agreement: A multilateral agreement to promote cooperation among participating organizations to achieve reliable operation, coordinate generation operation and power system planning, and assist in planning of transmission within the NWPP area. NWPP Agreement Signatory (Signatory): An entity that is a party to the NWPP Agreement. NWPP Reserve Sharing Group: The group composed of all Participants, collectively. NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE: The “Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE,” as that term is defined in the NERC Glossary, for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program: The procedures, data, computer programs, and related information and requirements described in this document that enable Participants to request and provide Assistance Reserve as needed to respond to Qualifying Events. NWPP Staff: The employees of the Northwest Power Pool Corporation. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 10 Operating Plan: Operating Plan, as defined in the NERC Glossary. Operating Process: Operating Process, as defined in the NERC Glossary. Operating Reserve: Operating Reserve, as defined in the NERC Glossary. Participating Balancing Authority or Participant: An entity that (a) operates one or more Balancing Authority Areas and (b) has become a participant in the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program as described in Section G.1. The terms “Participant” and “Participating Balancing Authority” are used interchangeably in this document. Attachment H contains a list of the Balancing Authority Areas of the current Participating Balancing Authorities. Qualifying Event: Those events designated in Attachment B of this document as Qualifying Events. Reliability Coordinator (RC): Any one or more organizations performing the NERC-registered function (or its equivalent in Canada) of reliability coordination within the Northwest Power Pool. Reportable Balancing Contingency Event: Reportable Balancing Contingency Event, as defined in the NERC Glossary. Reporting ACE: Reporting ACE, as defined in the NERC Glossary. Reserve Sharing Computer System: The software and hardware used for automated reserve sharing under the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program. Reserve Sharing Request: A request by Participating Balancing Authority that has satisfied the conditions specified in Section E.2 for delivery of Assistance Reserve. Reserve Sharing Zone: A designated set of Balancing Authority Area(s) within the Reserve Sharing Group that is separated from other Balancing Authority Area(s) within the Reserve Sharing Group by transmission facilities that have been shown through studies to constrain reserve deliveries, at times, between the designated set and the other Balancing Authority Areas. Attachment C to this document identifies the Reserve Sharing Zones that have been established for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program, together with the sequence through which Assistance Reserve is deployed for each Reserve Sharing Zone. RSG Committee: The committee established under the terms of the NWPP Agreement to administer the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 11 Scheduled Net Interchange (NIS): Scheduled Net Interchange, as defined in the NERC Glossary. System Operator: System Operator, as defined in the NERC Glossary. Third-Party Generation: Any generating resource that is within the metered boundaries of the Balancing Authority Area of a Participating Balancing Authority but is neither owned by nor under contract to that Participating Balancing Authority. WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental: WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental is the portion of Operating Reserve consisting of: • generation (synchronized or capable of being synchronized to the system) that is fully available to serve load within the Contingency Event Recovery Period following a contingency event; or • load fully removable from the system within the Contingency Event Recovery Period following the contingency event; provided, however, that for purposes of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program (as required by WECC Standard BAL-002-WECC-3), WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental must also be: • capable of fully responding within ten minutes. Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC): A nonprofit corporation with the mission to foster and promote reliability and efficient coordination in the Western Interconnection. C. OVERVIEW OF KEY RESERVE SHARING PROGRAM ELEMENTS C.1. How Much Contingency Reserve a Participating Balancing Authority Must Carry (Contingency Reserve Obligation) The processes for calculating how much Contingency Reserve each Participant must carry for its Balancing Authority Area(s), and the Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group as a whole, are set forth in Attachment A to this document along with the process chart as reflected in Attachment D. C.2. When a Participating Balancing Authority May Deploy Contingency Reserve and Request Assistance Reserve (Qualifying Events) A Participating Balancing Authority must experience a “Qualifying Event” before it is entitled to deploy any portion of its Contingency Reserve Obligation (as Internal Reserve) or request Assistance Reserve. The definition of Qualifying Event is set forth in Attachment B to this document. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 12 C.3. What a Participating Balancing Authority Must Do Before Requesting Assistance Reserve A Participating Balancing Authority must fully commit an amount of its Balancing Authority Area’s Internal Reserve that equals or exceeds the requesting Participant’s CRO requirement to the NWPP before requesting Assistance Reserve to respond to a Qualifying Event. This requirement is more fully explained in Section E.2 of this document. There are also requirements concerning the timing and duration of Assistance Reserve Sharing Requests, which are set forth in Section E.3. C.4. Where to Find Additional Information on Participant Eligibility and Obligations Eligibility Provisions governing eligibility to participate in the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program are in Section G of this document. Additional Operating Reserve for R3 and R4 of WECC BAL-002-WECC-3 Section D.4 describes Participating Balancing Authorities’ obligations to enable the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group to demonstrate compliance with Sections R3 and R4 of BAL-002-WECC-3. Data Obligations Section I contains information on the data requirements for the general operation of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program, as well the functions of the Reserve Sharing Computer System. Section J describes data requirements for making and responding to Reserve Sharing Requests. Providing Assistance Reserve Participants’ obligations to provide Assistance Reserve are explained in Section F. Restoring Contingency Reserve Following Deployment Section E.5 describes Participants’ obligations to restore their Contingency Reserve following deployment (either as Internal Reserve or Assistance Reserve). D. RESERVE REQUIREMENTS D.1. How NWPP Reserve Sharing Program Rules Relate to BAL-002 The NWPP Reserve Sharing Program is intended to enable the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group to comply with BAL-002, as well as certain additional rules the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group has elected to adopt for itself. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 13 Participants are required at all times to meet the requirements of BAL-002, as revised, supplemented, or superseded from time to time in accordance with applicable NERC, WECC, or regulatory procedures. BAL-002 constitutes the foundation on which the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group rules are built. Compliance with the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group rules for Contingency Reserve is intended to ensure compliance with the BAL-002, but cannot serve to excuse any compliance failure related to the NERC or WECC standards. NERC Standard BAL-002-3 (included as Attachment I) requires Balancing Authorities (or reserve sharing groups) to recover, within the Contingency Event Recovery Period, from Reportable Balancing Contingency Events (subject to certain exceptions). WECC Standard BAL-002-WECC-3 (included as Attachment J) governs Contingency Reserve, but also includes requirements (set forth in Sections R3 and R4 of BAL-002-WECC-3) for additional Operating Reserve that must be carried by Participants engaging in certain types of transactions involving purchases from units supplying Contingency Reserve or sales of Operating Reserve. This document addresses, at Section D.4, requirements for Participating Balancing Authorities to enable the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group to demonstrate compliance with Sections R3 and R4 of BAL-002-WECC-3. D.2. Contingency Reserve Obligations and Associated Requirements Related to WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental. Section 1 of Attachment A to this document provides a detailed explanation of how to calculate the Contingency Reserve Obligation for each Participating Balancing Authority. Section 1 also explains the manner in which the Participating Balancing Authorities’ Contingency Reserve Obligations are combined to yield an aggregate obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group. Section 2 of Attachment A specifies what portion of Participating Balancing Authorities’ Contingency Reserve Obligations must be carried as as permitted sources of WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental. Every Participating Balancing Authority must include in its operating procedures provisions that require it to: a. maintain and have available an amount of Contingency Reserve Available that is equal to or greater than its Contingency Reserve Obligation, b. perform such calculations as may be necessary (including consideration of transmission constraints) to ensure that it can deploy Contingency Reserve reported as available, and c. deploy its Contingency Reserve Available for Qualifying Events as provided in this document. Section 3 explains the Participating Balancing Authorities calculation of Contintgency Reserve Obligation(s) when communications with the Reserve Sharing Computer System are disrupted. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 14 D.3. Additional Policies Governing Contingency Reserve a. No Double Counting As expressed in the policies of the RSG Committee, multiple Participants may not count the same portion of resource capacity (e.g., reserves from jointly owned generation) toward any portion of their Contingency Reserve Obligations, and the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group rules do not permit this. b. Contingency Reserve Available All Participants must continuously calculate and update their Contingency Reserve Available. A Participant’s Contingency Reserve Available must at all times equal or exceed its Contingency Reserve Obligation. c. Purchased Power To provide flexibility in recovering from a Qualifying Event, any Participant may use power purchased from another Participant (or another supplier) to meet its Contingency Reserve Obligation. Any Participant that uses purchased power for recovery must report the source Balancing Authority(s) of the purchased power, the time the power was purchased, the start time and ramp rate for the mutually agreed-upon purchased power (or transaction). The NWPP Staff will be responsible for determining whether a Participant providing purchased power fulfilled its obligations to deploy Contingency Reserve to enable the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group to comply with BAL-002. The requesting Participant must also arrange for transmission for delivery of the power. If the Balancing Authority from which the power was purchased is not a Participant in the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program, then any failure of the selling Balancing Authority to deliver the purchased power will be deemed, for purposes of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program, as a failure to deliver of the Participant relying on the purchased power. d. Aggregate Contingency Reserve Available The aggregate Contingency Reserve Available for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group (together with any Contingency Reserve deployed for Qualifying Events) must at all times equal or exceed both the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s Most Severe Single Contingency and its combined Contingency Reserve Obligation. e. RSG Committee Responsibilities; Monitoring and Follow-Up NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 15 The RSG Committee is responsible for developing guidelines and arranging for periodic reporting of the Contingency Reserve Obligation of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group and the Contingency Reserve Available within the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group. NWPP staff monitors Participants’ compliance with Contingency Reserve Obligations. The RSG Committee is responsible for addressing problems with deficient or poorly performing Participants, for developing remedies and proposed solutions, and for identifying and implementing any follow-up actions. f. Determination of NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s Most Severe Single Contingency Each Participant is responsible for (i) determining, based on appropriate system modeling and applicable NERC definitions and guidelines, the Most Severe Single Contingency for its Balancing Authority Area(s), (ii) reporting its Most Severe Single Contingency determinations to the NWPP Staff and making sure they are correctly reflected in Attachment K, and (iii) notifying NWPP Staff whenever previously submitted Most Severe Single Contingency determinations need to be updated. The Most Severe Single Contingency for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group at any given time is set by whichever of the Participants’ Most Severe Single Contingencies is greatest at that time. The RSG Committee will review, at each of its meetings (and in any event no less than once a year), the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s Operating Processes and its Most Severe Single Contingency to ensure that the Most Severe Single Contingency table in Attachment K is up to date and complies with applicable NERC and WECC requirements. g. Participants’ Monitoring of Real-Time Most Severe Single Contingencies Every Participant is responsible for determining and telemetering to the Reserve Sharing Computer System, as provided in Section I.1.g, its Most Severe Single Contingency (and any adjustments upward or downward) based on real-time operating conditions. When determining Most Severe Single Contingencies in real time, each Participant must take into account its real-time generation output and its real-time generation and transmission outages. Real-time adjustments to a Participant’s Most Severe Single Contingency should be captured and updated every data scan cycle. h. All Participants’ Contingency Reserve Available Constitutes NWPP Reserve Sharing Program Contingency Reserve Available NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 16 The amount of Contingency Reserve carried by the Participants to meet the requirements of NERC, WECC, and the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program is calculated so as to meet the needs of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group as a whole and the Contingency Reserve Available reported by each Participant is deemed to be Contingency Reserve Available to the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program. Accordingly, if any Participant activates a portion of its Contingency Reserve to respond to a Qualifying Event, this will constitute activation of a portion of NWPP Reserve Sharing Program Contingency Reserve, including for purposes of calculating whether the Qualifying Event constitutes a Reportable Balancing Contingency Event, even if the activation of Contingency Reserve is not for a Reportable Balancing Contingency Event and even if the affected Participant does not make a Reserve Sharing Request. Any Qualifying Event affecting any Participant constitutes a Qualifying Event for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group, and therefore, unless at the time of the Qualifying Event the affected Participant is in “non-participating” status, recovery from the Qualifying Event will be determined with respect to the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group as a whole, and not the individual Participant. i. Participant Obligation to Respond to Reportable Balancing Contingency Events A Participant that has experienced a Qualifying Event (within its Balancing Authority Area): • should promptly take all commercially reasonable actions that are necessary, in its good-faith judgment, to recover from the Qualifying Event (regardless of its magnitude) and maintain or restore system reliability, and • must, if the Qualifying Event is equal to or greater than the threshold for Reportable Balancing Contingency Events, take all commercially reasonable actions that are necessary, in its good- faith judgment, to enable the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group to recover its Reporting ACE according to the requirements of BAL- 002. To fulfill this obligation, the Participant is expected, among other things, to (i) deploy its Contingency Reserve, and (ii) if the Participant meets the conditions specified in Section E.2 and cannot fully recover from the Qualifying Event with reserve capability on its own system (and any purchased reserve rights), make a Reserve Sharing Request. For Qualifying Events that result from the loss of a jointly owned facility, affected Participants must use the total MW of facility output lost to NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 17 determine whether the Qualifying Event is equal to or greater than the threshold for Reportable Balancing Contingency Events (rather than whatever portion of the lost output a given Participant may have scheduled or been entitled to). j. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program Automation and Exceptions. Every Participant is always in active status with respect to the Reserve Sharing Program. All Participants must continuously and automatically telemeter to the Reserve Sharing Computer System the data specified in Section I.1, (unless unable to do so due to failure of communications capabilities between the Participant and the Reserve Sharing Computer System). Every Participant must also indicate (unless unable to do so) whether its participation is through automatic or manual capabilities. Valid reasons for Participants to indicate manual participation mode include, but are not limited to: failure of inter-control center communications protocol (ICCP) links, suspension of automatic generation control (AGC), and system testing. k. NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Procedures Related to Energy Emergency Alerts. NERC Standard EOP-011-1 (as it may be revised, supplemented, or superseded from time to time in accordance with NERC procedures) calls for Reliability Coordinators to issue Energy Emergency Alerts under specified conditions, including a Balancing Authority’s inability to maintain minimum levels of Contingency Reserve. Because the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program will shift Contingency Reserve allocations among Participants if necessary to compensate for a deficient Participant, the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group should, in most circumstances, have adequate Contingency Reserve Available even when one of its Participants is deficient. To help minimize unnecessary Energy Emergency Alerts (when the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group has sufficient Contingency Reserve Available even though one of its Participants is deficient), each Participant will make good faith efforts to develop and maintain, in its emergency Operating Plans, instructions for operators who are contacted by a Reliability Coordinator about potential Contingency Reserve deficiencies to: (i) acknowledge the Reliability Coordinator’s authority to determine, according to its procedures and discretion, whether and when to issue Energy Emergency Alerts for the Participant, and NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 18 (ii) explain to the Reliability Coordinator that the Participant is part of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group, and (iii) note that the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program will reallocate any Participant deficiencies in Contingence Reserve to remaining Participants to meet or exceed the Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group, and (iv) explain to the Reliability Coordinator why the Participant is deficient, as well as anticipated steps and time needed to correct the deficiency, and (v) ask the Reliability Coordinator to consider whether (x) the total Contingency Reserve Available within the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group is sufficient to meet or exceed the Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group and (y) an Energy Emergency Alert is necessary to protect system reliability. If a Participant experiences a Reliability Coordinator declared Energy Emergency Alert that triggers an obligation for the Participant to submit an ACE recovery plan and a target recovery time to its Reliability Coordinator (as described in R1 part 1.3.1 of NERC BAL-002) to be excused from compliance with R1 part 1.1, the Participant must (1) maintain records demonstrating it has submitted the required information to its Reliability Coordinator, and (2) provide copies those records to the NWPP Staff upon request as needed for monitoring, compliance, or reporting purposes. D.4. Additional Operating Reserve: Obligations Under R3 and R4 of WECC BAL-002-WECC-3 and Compliance Documentation a. Participants Must Carry Required Additional Operating Reserve Each Participating Balancing Authority must carry, in addition to its Contingency Reserve Obligation calculated in accordance with Attachment A, sufficient Operating Reserve to fulfill the requirements of R3 and R4 of BAL-002-WECC-3. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 19 b. Participants Must Maintain and Provide Documentation to Demonstrate Compliance Each Participating Balancing Authority must maintain appropriate documentation for any periods during which it has implemented • any Interchange Transactions (as that term is defined by NERC) (i) with counterparties that are not Participants, (ii) for which it was the sink Balancing Authority, and (iii) that were designated as part of the source Balancing Authority’s WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental; or • any Operating Reserve transactions (x) with counterparties that are not Participants, and (y) for which it was the source Balancing Authority. The Participating Balancing Authority’s documentation must be sufficient to demonstrate that, during all relevant periods, it maintained additional Operating Reserve as required by R3 and R4 of BAL-002-WECC-3. Each Participating Balancing Authority must, on at least a quarterly basis, submit summaries to the NWPP Staff of transactions subject to R3 and R4 of BAL-002-WECC-3, in the form specified by the NWPP Staff (in consultation with the Participating Balancing Authorities). Participating Balancing Authorities that prefer to submit this information to the NWPP Staff on a more frequent basis (including through the Reserve Sharing Computer System in real-time) may do so in coordination with the NWPP Staff. In addition, all Participating Balancing Authorities must supply copies of supporting documentation to the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group (or the NWPP Staff) promptly upon request. c. Deployment of Additional Operating Reserve Not Restricted to Qualifying Events Because the additional Operating Reserve necessary to comply with R3 and R4 of BAL-002-WECC-3 is incremental to Participants’ Contingency Reserve Obligations, Participants are not limited in their use of this additional Operating Reserve to Qualifying Events. Participants are entitled to deploy this additional Operating Reserve to respond to interruption of Interchange Transactions (as described in BAL-002-WECC- 3 R3) or fulfillment of Operating Reserve transactions (as described in BAL- 002-WECC-3 R4) even if these do not constitute Qualifying Events. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 20 E. REQUESTING ASSISTANCE RESERVE E.1. Qualifying Events The Qualifying Events that permit Participants to deploy Internal Reserve, and, if the conditions specified in Section E.2 are satisfied, request Assistance Reserve, are specified in Attachment B to this document. E.2. Action Required Before Requesting Assistance Reserve If a Participant experiences a Qualifying Event, that Participant (the requesting Participant) is entitled to request and schedule Assistance Reserve (if necessary, to fully recover from the Qualifying Event) through the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program only after the requesting Participant has made commitments to use an amount of Internal Reserve that equals or exceeds the requesting Participant’s Contingency Reserve Obligation. At the time of the Participant’s request for Assistance Reserve, the fulfillment of the Participant’s obligation to fully commit its Contingency Reserve Obligation will be evaluated taking into account any Internal Reserve lost because of the Qualifying Event (such as the loss of a generator on which reserve was being carried, whether due to conditions affecting the generator itself or due to loss of generator interconnection or transmission facilities necessary for delivery of output from the generator). The amount of Contingency Reserve carried by any unit that is lost due to the Qualifying Event will be considered deployed and added to the used Contingency Reserve reported. a. Actions Required to respond to an Energy Emergency Alert A deficient Participant may utilize Contingency Reserves to respond to an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA), a Qualifying Event under Attachment B, Section D. If a Participant is placed into an EEA by its Reliability Coordinator (or if the Reliability Coordinator confirms that the Participant will be placed in one), the requesting Participant: 1. Will utilize an amount of Internal Reserve that equals or exceeds the Participant’s CRO prior to requesting additional resources through the RSG Reserve Sharing Program. 2. Will promptly take all commercially reasonable actions that are necessary, in its good-faith judgment, to recover from the Qualifying Event (regardless of its magnitude) and maintain or restore system reliability, and 3. May request Assistance Reserve through the RSG reserve sharing program to prevent shedding load if additional energy is required to meet load. If contacted by the Participant’s Reliability Coordinator, the Participant will comply with the requirements in Section D.3.k. The Participant should also assist the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 21 Reliability Coordinator with identifying whether its Reserve Sharing Zone has sufficient Contingency Reserves, and if adequate transmission is available to deliver the required reserves. Individual BAA’s are responsible for complying with a Reliability Coordinator’s Operating Instructions. E.3. Timing of Requests for Assistance Reserve After experiencing a Qualifying Event and fulfilling the conditions specified in Section E.2, a Participant that requires Assistance Reserve may submit a Reserve Sharing Request, however, must do so within 60 minutes following the start of the Qualifying Event. Reserve Sharing Requests must be made in whole MWs (and cannot be for less than one MW). Even though an eligible Participant may make a Reserve Sharing Request at any time within 60 minutes following that start of a Qualifying Event, the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group may, with respect to administering the terms of the Agency Agreement, differentiate between Reserve Sharing Requests submitted promptly—that is, within four minutes following the start of the Qualifying Event—and Reserve Sharing Requests that are delayed beyond four minutes. The “four-minute rule” does not affect Participants’ obligations to deliver Assistance Reserve to other Participants that have made Reserve Sharing Requests, which, as stated in Section F, applies to all Reserve Sharing Requests made within 60 minutes following the start of the Qualifying Event. If (a) a Reserve Sharing Request is made more than four minutes following the start of the Qualifying Event, and (b) the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s Reporting ACE does not recover from the Qualifying Event within the applicable Contingency Event Recovery Period, then for purposes of any potential compliance consequences associated with the Qualifying Event, the matter will be addressed in accordance with Sections 7.2, 7.3, 8, and 9 of the Agency Agreement. A Participant that has made a Reserve Sharing Request may rely on Assistance Reserve for a maximum period of 60 minutes from the time of the Qualifying Event. If a Participant makes an Assistance Reserve request and/or utilizes its Contingency Reserve held to meet its CRO in response to a Qualifying Event for an Energy Emergency Alert, the Participant will only have access to this Assistance Reserve and/or portion of Contingency Reserve for a maximum period of 60 minutes from the time of the declared Energy Emergency Alert. Subsequent hours or a change in EEA level is not a new Qualifying Event. If a Participant is placed in an Energy Emergency Alert (or if their Reliability Coordinator confirms that the Participant will be placed in one) due to Qualifying Event per Attachment B as defined under A, B, or C, the Participant may utilize its Contingency Reserve held for CRO and make an Assistance Reserve request each hour they remain in the Energy Emergency Alert. The combined NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 22 amount of Contingency Reserve held to meet CRO used and the Assistance Reserve request may not exceed the amount of their loss. Section E.2 still applies, and the deficient entity should utilize its own reserves prior to making an Assistance Reserve request and will promptly take all commercially reasonable actions that are necessary, in its good-faith judgment, to recover. E.4. Accounting for Energy; Transmission for Delivery Any Participant that requests Assistance Reserve must complete a NWPP RSG Verification Form and must account for scheduled receipt and delivery of Assistance Reserve energy as “Contingency Reserve.” Tagging of Energy with respect to deliveries of Assistance Reserve energy is implemented as described in Section K.1.c. of this document. The delivery of Assistance Reserve is exempt from any costs or charges associated with transmission wheeling or losses. The Reserve Sharing Computer System builds in sufficient transmission capacity for delivering Assistance Reserve. There may be incremental transmission usage between some Reserve Sharing Zones, but this usage is effectively limited in real-time up to the current System Operating Limit (SOL) of the transmission facilities making up the cut planes between Reserve Sharing Zones (subject to certain further limitations with respect to particular cut planes as described in the next two paragraphs). Participants in the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program recognize the regional benefits associated with the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program and have agreed to waive any rights to financial settlement for any transmission needed to deliver Assistance Reserve to other Participants. In determining how much transmission capacity is available for delivery of Assistance Reserve energy between the Participants in the Northern California Zone (Turlock Irrigation District and Balancing Authority of Northern California) and the remaining Participants, the Reserve Sharing Computer System does not merely calculate the difference between actual flows and System Operating Limits for the relevant cut plane, which consists of (a) the Captain Jack - Olinda 500 kV transmission line, (b) the Malin - Round Mountain #1 500 kV transmission line, (c) the Malin - Round Mountain #2 500 kV transmission line, and (d) the Hilltop - Bordertown 345 kV transmission line. There are other parties (not members of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group) that own or are entitled to use portions of the transfer capability of this cut plane. Therefore, the Reserve Sharing Computer System cannot treat the full transfer capability of the cut plane as available for use by members of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group. Accordingly, in determining the amount of capacity on the cut plane available for deliveries of Assistance Reserve energy, the calculation will be the lesser of: (i) the limit on the cut plane, as provided by the applicable parties as listed in Attachment L, minus the actual flows, or (ii) the positive difference (if any) between the maximum transmission scheduling rights available on the cut plane to the applicable Participants and the amount actually scheduled by those Participants on the cut plane during the relevant operating period. This calculation is made in both the North-to-South and South-to- North directions. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 23 There are also unique considerations with respect to the maximum amount of Assistance Reserve energy that can be delivered to or from B.C. Hydro to or from the Alberta Electric System Operator across the B.C. - Alberta cut plane. This is due to energy import and export limitations applicable to the Alberta Electric System Operator, which, under many conditions, can be lower than the System Operating Limits for the B.C. - Alberta cut plane. In determining how much Assistance Reserve energy can be delivered from B.C. Hydro to the Alberta Electric System Operator and from the Alberta Electric System Operator to BC Hydro, the calculation will be the lesser of: (a) the System Operating Limits on the B.C. - Alberta cut plane minus the actual flows, or (b) the applicable system import/export limits for the Alberta Electric System Operator minus the actual flows. E.5. Restoring Reserves If a Participant uses any portion of its Contingency Reserve Obligation in response to a Qualifying Event (whether use is limited to Internal Reserve or requires additional Assistance Reserve), the Participant should take appropriate action to restore Contingency Reserve Available on its system (to at least the level of its Contingency Reserve Obligation) as promptly as practicable. A Participant may not take longer than 60 minutes (measured from the start of the Qualifying Event) to restore Contingency Reserve Available on its system to at least the level of its Contingency Reserve Obligation. F. OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE RESERVE Each Participant is obligated to deliver Assistance Reserve up to the full amount of its Balancing Authority Area’s Contingency Reserve Obligation (after deducting for any capacity that has been deployed to respond to any Qualifying Events) in response to any Reserve Sharing Request that has met the requirements in Section E.2 and is made within 60 minutes following the start of the Qualifying Event. If a Participant has deployed all or a portion of its Balancing Authority Area’s Contingency Reserve Obligation to respond to a Reserve Sharing Request by another Participant and then, while the deployment is still in effect, experiences its own Qualifying Event, the responding Participant may deploy whatever portion of its Contingency Reserve Obligation is required to recover from its own Qualifying Event. If the conditions necessary to receive Assistance Reserve are satisfied, the Participant may also make a Reserve Sharing Request even if one or more other Participants’ Reserve Sharing Requests remain in effect. If the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group experiences sequential Qualifying Events that require one or more responding Participants to deploy Assistance Reserve that was being provided to other Participants, the Reserve Sharing Computer System will recalculate the distribution of Assistance Reserve and allocate to remaining Participants any amount necessary to replace the deployed Assistance Reserve. G. ELIGIBILITY FOR AND PARTICIPATION IN RESERVE SHARING PROGRAM NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 24 G.1. Eligibility to Participate in the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program All Balancing Authorities that operate Balancing Authority Areas located within the Northwest Power Pool and that elect to become NWPP Agreement Signatories must participate in the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program and must become parties to the Agency Agreement. G.2. Treatment of Third-Party Generation Each Participating Balancing Authority must, in calculating its Contingency Reserve Obligation, include all generation that is within its metered boundaries and for which the Participating Balancing Authority has an obligation or has agreed to provide Contingency Reserve. The term “Qualifying Event” with respect to a Participating Balancing Authority applies to any generation (including Third-Party Generation) that has been included in that Participating Balancing Authority’s calculation of its Contingency Reserve Obligation. H. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES H.1. Participant Responsibilities Participants are responsible for abiding by the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group rules specified in this document, together with any corresponding policies adopted by the RSG Committee. These include requirements to meet Contingency Reserve Obligations, to provide Assistance Reserve when requested by another Participant, and to settle for deliveries of Assistance Reserve energy as provided in Section K. Participants must also provide and receive data for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program in accordance with Section I for general operation of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program and Section J for making and responding to requests for Assistance Reserve. H.2. NWPP Staff Monitoring and Reporting Responsibilities The NWPP Staff is responsible for monitoring Participants’ compliance with Contingency Reserve Obligations. The RSG Committee is responsible for addressing problems related to Participant deficiencies or poor performance, for developing remedies and presenting proposed solutions, and for identifying and implementing any follow-up actions. The RSG Committee is also responsible for developing guidelines and arranging for periodic reports on the Contingency Reserve Obligation of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group and Contingency Reserve Available within the NWPP as a whole. The NWPP Staff is responsible for receiving NWPP RSG Verification Forms from Participants that have made Reserve Sharing Requests under the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program. The NWPP Staff will perform analysis on each Reportable Balancing Contingency Event that the NWPP RSG experiences with relationship to Particpant’s adherence to the Program Rules. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 25 Subject to appropriate confidentiality and use restrictions (as determined by the NWPP Staff), the NWPP Staff may make available, to a Participant hosting implementation of an ACE Diversity Interchange arrangement, data related to the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program for the purpose of enabling the hosting Participant to harmonize the operation of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program and the implementation of the ACE Diversity Interchange arrangement. H.3. Monitoring, Backup, and Reporting Responsibilities NWPP Staff is responsible for monitoring and assisting in the implementation of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program. Although Participants are responsible for telemetering data to the Reserve Sharing Computer System as described in Sections I.1, and I.2, if NWPP Staff notices missing information, NWPP Staff follows up with the affected Participants. The Participating Balancing Authorities are responsible to provide planned system failover notifications that may have an impact to data being telemetered to the Reserve Sharing Computer System to NWPP Staff via an email to nwpprsg@nwpp.org. In addition, the Participating Balancing Authorities are responsible to monitor the NWPP RSG “heartbeat” (as explained in Section I.1.n). If any Participating Balancing Authority discovers the NWPP RSG heartbeat is inactive for a period of 10 minutes, that Participating Balancing Authority will contact the NWPP Staff (503.445.1079, or 503.445.1086, or 503.445.1089, or nwpprsg@nwpp.org ) if it is during normal business hours. Outside of normal business hours Participating Balancing Authorities should contact an adjacent Participating Balancing Authority to confirm this is a system-wide problem and not just a problem with their system or communication link. If a Participating Balancing Authority’s heartbeat appears to be inactive at the time it needs to make a Reserve Sharing Request, it should initiate the Reserve Sharing Request as described in Attachment E – Backup Procedures for NWPP Reserve Sharing Program. During normal business hours the NWPP Staff can review that status of each of the individual Participating Balancing Authorities’ heartbeats. If a NWPP Staff member discovers a Participating Balancing Authority heartbeat is inactive, he or she will follow up with the affected Participating Balancing Authority, and document any findings by e-mail to all Participating Balancing Authorities. It is all Participating Balancing Authorities’ responsibility to inform all other Participating Balancing Authorities and the NWPP Staff if they have discovered a problem. In addition, Participating Balancing Authorities should e-mail questions or issues to nwpprsg@nwpp.org. NWPP Staff will respond as soon as possible. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 26 I. GENERAL DATA REQUIREMENTS This section describes data responsibilities for Participants in the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program. Although in general all required data are relayed automatically to the Reserve Sharing Computer System, all Participants must also have the capability to enter data manually if communications between Participating Balancing Authorities and the Reserve Sharing Computer System are interrupted. I.1. Data Telemetered from Participating Balancing Authorities to the Reserve Sharing Computer System Each Participant must telemeter the following data to the Reserve Sharing Computer System for each of its Balancing Authority Areas within the Northwest Power Pool: a. the portion of its Contingency Reserve Available that is WECC Operating Reserve - Spinning (TotCSRCA) ready for use as Internal Reserve or Assistance Reserve, b. total Contingency Reserve Available (TotAvailCRCA) ready for use as Internal Reserve or Assistance Reserve, c. its total Balancing Authority Area Load (LOAD), as used to calculate its Contingency Reserve Obligation (CROCA) in accordance with Attachment A, d. its total Balancing Authority Area Generation (GEN), as used to calculate its Contingency Reserve Obligation (CROCA) in accordance with Attachment A, e. any portion of its reported Contingency Reserve Available already in use (UsedCRCA), f. its Reporting ACE (ACEraw), as calculated according to the NERC glossary of terms, g. its Most Severe Single Contingency (MSSCCA), h. Scheduled Net Interchange values (NET_SCHED_INT), as used to calculate an equivalent ACE, i. Actual Net Interchange values (NET_ACTUAL_INT), as used to calculate an equivalent ACE, j. its Reserve Sharing Request dynamic schedule (RSReqCA), k. request for Reserve Sharing Status Indication (RSReq_ConfirmdCA) No Request = Status Open Assistance Requested = Status Closed, l. reserve sharing response (RSResp), NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 27 m. indication (manually entered) of availability to provide Assistance Reserve (Participating Balancing Authorities not available to provide Assistance Reserve can still receive Assistance Reserve) (BA_Participate) Cannot Provide Assistance Reserve = Status Open Can Provide Assistance Reserve = Status Closed, n. status of the communications links that enable it to participate in the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program on an automated basis, also known as its “heartbeat” (signaled by continuing changes to indicator data not to exceed 999,999, which the Reserve Sharing Computer System monitors at 10-second intervals; if there is no change to the data for a period of 60 seconds, the Participating Balancing Authority is presumed to be able to participate in the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program only through manual action; when the indicator data begin to change again, the Participating Balancing Authority is presumed to have regained the ability to participate in the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program through automated action) (BA_heart_beat), and o. its frequency bias setting. (BA_FBS) p. its meter error term (BA_Ime) q. its ATEC term (BA_ATEC) r. its ADI term if not included in Scheduled Net Interchange or Actual Net Interchage values above (BA_ADI) I.2. Participants Responsible for Major Transmission Facility Information Explanatory note: As used in this Section I.2, the term “cut plane” is intended generally to describe an imaginary line separating two areas within a transmission system (or two different transmission systems) to enable the evaluation of flow of electrical energy on multiple lines connecting these two areas (or systems). The cut planes referred to below are sets of multiple lines connecting Reserve Sharing Zones. Participants that are operators of the major transfer facilities listed in Attachment L and summarized below in this Section I.2 must telemeter to the Reserve Sharing Computer System actual flow (ACTUALPATHnn) and transfer limit (LIMITPATHnn) for each direction of flow for the following cut planes between Reserve Sharing Zones: a. the cut plane connecting the Alberta Reserve Sharing Zone with the British Columbia Reserve Sharing Zone, b. the cut plane connecting the Pacific Northwest-Montana Reserve Sharing Zone with the British Columbia Reserve Sharing Zone, NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 28 c. the cut plane connecting the Idaho Reserve Sharing Zone with the Pacific Northwest-Montana Reserve Sharing Zone, d. the cut plane connecting the Idaho Reserve Sharing Zone with the High Desert Reserve Sharing Zone, e. the cut plane connecting the Pacific Northwest-Montana Reserve Sharing Zone with the Northern California Reserve Sharing Zone, f. the cut plane connecting the High Desert Reserve Sharing Zone with the Western Colorado Reserve Sharing Zone, and g. the cut plane connecting the Western Colorado Reserve Sharing zone with the Eastern Colorado Reserve Sharing Zone I.3 Functions of the Reserve Sharing Computer System Except when communications links or the necessary computer capabilities are down, the Reserve Sharing Computer System performs the tasks listed below. NWPP Staff is able to monitor the Reserve Sharing Computer System and receive all Participants’ data described in Sections I.1 and I.2. If NWPP Staff notices that there is missing information, NWPP Staff will consult directly with any Participating Balancing Authorities for which information is missing to make any necessary corrections. a. Determine the Most Severe Single Contingency for the NWPP as a whole (MSSCNWPP). b. Determine the aggregate Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP as a whole (TotCRONWPP) to ensure that the Contingency Reserve Available within the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group is sufficient to cover the Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP as a whole. c. Determine the Contingency Reserve Obligation (TotCROCA) for each Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s), calculated in accordance with Attachment A. d. Compute a pro rata allocation of any applicable adjustments to Contingency Reserve Obligations (AdjCRO_MSSCCA and AdjCRO_ZONE_MSSCCA, which together are summed into AdjCROCA) for each Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s) to address shortages with respect to the MSSC for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group or within a particular Reserve Sharing Zone. e. In calculating any potential need to carry additional Contingency Reserve within a Reserve Sharing Zone, take into account transfer limits (LIMITPathnn), actual flows (ACTUALPathnn), and, where applicable, scheduled flows (SCHEDPathnn) on the transmission facilities connecting that Reserve Sharing Zone to its adjacent Reserve Sharing Zone(s). With respect to the facilities linking the Pacific NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 29 Northwest-Montana Reserve Sharing Zone with the Northern California Reserve Sharing Zone, this also reflects limits on ownership rights. f. Maintain a pro rata allocation of the Reserve Sharing delivery dynamic schedule based upon each TotCROCA for each Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s) relative to the TotCRONWPP. g. Upon receipt of a Reserve Sharing Request dynamic schedule from a Participating Balancing Authority that is requesting Assistance Reserve, validate and activate the pro rata sharing signal to all other Participating Balancing Authorities. h. Whenever Assistance Reserve is being delivered across facilities connecting two different Reserve Sharing Zones, continue to monitor actual flows (ACTUALPathnn) in comparison to transfer limits (LIMITPathnn) between the Reserve Sharing Zones, and, to the extent actual flows fall below transfer limits, allow deliveries to increase if needed to fully respond to the Reserve Sharing Request. i. Maintain hourly integrated Reserve Sharing Request dynamic schedules from each Participating Balancing Authority. j. Calculate a NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE (TOTACE_POOL). Each Participating Balancing Authority should consistently review the Contingency Reserve Obligation (CROCA) value transmitted to it by the Reserve Sharing Computer System to confirm the accuracy of the calculation and should promptly contact NWPP Staff if it suspects there may be an error in the Reserve Sharing Computer System’s calculation. I.4. Data Telemetered from the Reserve Sharing Computer System to Participating Balancing Authorities The Reserve Sharing Computer System makes available to each Participant the following telemetered data: a. The Reserve Sharing Computer System’s calculation of total Contingency Reserve Obligation (TotCROCA) for the Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s), as described in Attachment A. This includes, as applicable, • calculation of base Contingency Reserve Obligation based on three percent of load and three percent of generation (CROCA), • any adjustment to address shortages with respect to the MSSC for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group (AdjCRO_MSSCCA), • any adjustment to address shortages within a particular Reserve Sharing Zone (AdjCRO_ZONE_MSSCCA), and NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 30 • combined adjustments to Contingency Reserve Obligation (AdjCROCA) to address shortages with respect to the MSSC for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group or within a particular Reserve Sharing Zone. • total Contingency Reserve Obligation (TotCROCA) as adjusted to address shortages with respect to the MSSC for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group or within a particular Reserve Sharing Zone. b. If the total Contingency Reserve Available within the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group (TotAvailCRNWPP) is less than to total Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group (TotCRONWPP), the NWPP Reserve Sharing Computer System calculates and telemeters necessary adjustments to total Contingency Reserve Obligation (TotCROCA) for each Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s) to reflect the shortfall in total Contingency Reserve Available within the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group (AdjCRO_SHORTCA). Each Participant must carry this adjustment amount in addition to its TotCROCA. c. [Reserved.] d. Reserve Sharing Delivery dynamic schedule (RSDel) for Participating Balancing Authority that is delivering Assistance Reserve:1 RSDelCA(Level 1) = RSReqCA * (TotCROCA / Σ TotCROCA(Level 1)), limited to the portion of its Contingency Reserve Obligation (TotCROCA), if any, the Participating Balancing Authority is able to deliver at that time (after accounting for any portion of its TotCROCA previously deployed) Where, RSReqCA ≤ MWLOSS - TotCROCA  If Σ RSDelCA(Level 1) < RSReqCA, then RSReqShort = RSReqCA - Σ RSDelCA(Level 1) and, RSDelCA(Level 2) = RSReqShort * (TotCROCA / Σ TotCROCA(Level 2)).  If the amount of Assistance Reserve that can be delivered from the Participating Balancing Authorities at Level 2 is insufficient to meet whatever portion of the Reserve Sharing Request remains after 1 (All “CA” designations in these formulas refer to the particular Participating Balancing Authority to which a given value applies. References to “Levels” are to the Levels related to the Reserve Sharing Zones, as identified in Attachment C.) NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 31 deliveries from Participating Balancing Authorities at Level 1, the process is repeated as described above for Level 3, and, if applicable, Level 4 and Level 5.  If there are multiple requests for Assistance Reserve, the RSDelCA would be calculated to reflect the sum of all amounts to be delivered as Assistance Reserve to requesting Participants, but the Reserve Sharing Computer System separately tracks the amounts to be delivered to each of the requesting Balancing Authorities (so that payment and return energy obligations can be properly determined).  Requests for Assistance Reserve are not allowed to exceed the Contingency Reserve Available for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group as a whole.  Transmission constraints are included the Reserve Sharing Computer System’s calculation of how much Assistance Reserve can be delivered from each Level for each Reserve Sharing Zone, and so do not need to be separately computed and applied. e. Delivery of Reserve Sharing Confirmation Flag (RSDel_ConfirmdCA), No Request = Status Open Assistance Requested = Status Closed f. Reserve Sharing time remaining for the requesting Balancing Authority from the most recent request for Assistance Reserve (TimeLeft) g. Number of active Reserve Sharing Requests (RSAct) h. The MSSC for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group as a whole (MSSCNWPP) i. The Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group as a whole (TotCRONWPP) j. The Contingency Reserve Available for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group as a whole (TotAvailCRNWPP) k. NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE (ACENWPP) l. Reportable Balancing Contingency Event (RpDist) Where, RpDist = the lesser of (a) 0.8 * MSSCNWPP or 500 MW m. Total number of minutes remaining since the most recent request for the NWPP (RSTimRem) NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 32 n. The indication that the Reserve Sharing Computer System and associated communication links are operational is also known as the NWPP RSG “heartbeat.” o. When activity on the Reserve Sharing Computer System is due to testing rather than power system conditions, this is indicated by a testing flag. NWPP Staff will arrange for this flag to be set while testing is underway, which may include helping a Participating Balancing Authority test its system(s). (The NWPP Reserve Sharing Program is fully operational while testing is in progress and Reserve Sharing Requests may be made normally. If there is a Reserve Sharing Request during testing, the test will be terminated.) I.5. Informational Data Telemetered from the Reserve Sharing Computer System to the Reliability Coordinators The Reserve Sharing Computer System telemeters to the Reliability Coordinators the following informational data: a. The MSSC for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group as a whole (MSSCNWPP), b. The NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE (ACENWPP), c. The Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group as a whole (TotCRONWPP), and d. The Contingency Reserve Available for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group as a whole (TotAvailCRNWPP). e. Data for each of the Reserve Sharing Zones as follows:  The MSSC for the Reserve Sharing Zone,  The Contingency Reserve Obligation for the Reserve Sharing Zone, and  The Contingency Reserve Available for the Reserve Sharing Zone. Attachment N is a correlation table of Participants, Reliability Coordinators, and Reserve Sharing Zones. J. DATA REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO RESERVE SHARING REQUESTS The general data requirements for Participants in the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program are described in Section I. The provisions below explain the steps for making and responding to Reserve Sharing Requests. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 33 J.1. Requesting Participant a. A Participant that has met the conditions to make a Reserve Sharing Request (as described in Section E.2) must calculate the amount of Assistance Reserve for which it is eligible, enter the deficient amount needed into a Reserve Sharing Request dynamic schedule, and send the request, at a zero-ramp span time, to the Reserve Sharing Computer System. Where, RSReqCA ≤ MWLOSS – TotCROCA RqstRSSI = 1. b. At this point in time, the Participant’s anticipated CRCA should be at or below zero. TotCROCA – UsedCRCA ≤ 0 c. Requesting Participants are expected to restore the Contingency Reserve Available on their systems, to at least the level of their Contingency Reserve Obligations, as promptly as practicable, but in no event longer than 60 minutes from the start of the Qualifying Event. d. As a safeguard, the Reserve Sharing Computer System will remove the Reserve Sharing Request dynamic schedule within 65 minutes following the Reserve Sharing Request. RSReqCA = 0, ten-minute ramp to zero beginning at 55 minutes after the request first started. RqstRSSI = 0 e. If during the request the Requesting Participant detects a Reserve Sharing Computer System failure, it should assume that the Responding Participants will continue to deliver reserves for the full 65 minutes as called for in J.1.d. f. If a Participant makes a Reserve Sharing Request for an initial Qualifying Event and, before the end of the 60 minutes during which the Participant is allowed to rely on Assistance Reserve (as provided in Section E.3 of this document), experiences one or more additional Qualifying Events for which it wishes to request Assistance Reserve, the Participant may initiate additional Reserve Sharing Requests by (1) activating the additional Reserve Sharing Request toggle on the Reserve Sharing Computer System (which indicates that the requesting Participant has two or more active Reserve Sharing Requests), then (2) revising the deficient amount needed, as calculated in accordance with Section J.1.a above, to include the additional amount of Assistance Reserve required for the additional Qualifying Event(s). The activation of any additional Reserve Sharing NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 34 Request will re-set the overall event timer to 65 minutes (the permitted 60- minute reliance period plus an additional five minutes to complete ramping). While the Reserve Sharing Computer System continues to run separate event timers for each Qualifying Event, Participants are able to see only the time remaining for a Participant’s last-initiated Reserve Sharing Request, and not for any of its previously initiated Reserve Sharing Requests. J.2. Responding Participants a. Responding Participants should initiate a response to a Reserve Sharing Delivery dynamic schedule from the Reserve Sharing Computer System by including RSDelCA in their ACE equation shown below. A security check on the Reserve Sharing Request dynamic schedule includes a crosscheck such that Reserve Sharing Status Indication = 1. The sign of the RSDelCA is negative for Participating Balancing Authorities requesting Assistance Reserve. The sign of the RSDelCA is positive for Participating Balancing Authorities providing Assistance Reserve. Where, ACECA = (NIA − NIS) − 10B (FA − FS) – IME + IATEC NIS = Σ(adjacent Balancing Authority schedules) + Σ(dynamic schedules) + RSDelCA b. Each responding Participant will maintain an internal timer equal to TotTmRemNWPP and continue to count down this timer to zero if the value from the Reserve Sharing Computer System fails to decrement (indicating probable loss of data link). Whenever a responding Participant is operating in an assumed disconnected mode, RSDelCA is internally frozen. When the internal count-down timer reaches zero, the responding Participant should set RSDelCA to zero. K. SETTLEMENT A Participant that receives Assistance Reserve energy must compensate all Participants that deliver Assistance Reserve energy financially. Participants may mutually agree to an alternate procedure, provided the affected Participants can account for the transaction appropriately. This section explains how the data used for settlement is developed and the process through which Participants complete financial settlement. Attachment D includes a settlement process chart as reference of this process. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 35 K.1. Settlement Data Each hour, whether or not there has been a Reserve Sharing Request, the Reserve Sharing Computer System will transmit the hour-ending integrated dynamic schedule quantities (MWh) to all Participating Balancing Authorities. These data will be referred to as “Settlement Data” and will include source/sink energy information without consideration of transmission “wheeling” through intervening systems. Settlement Data are rounded and used to develop adjacent Balancing Authority interchange schedules. Settlement Data will be used to construct the official reserve sharing energy matrix (the “Matrix”). a. Rounding Settlement Data are rounded to whole integers to accommodate scheduling and accounting systems: • All Settlement Data quantities less than 1 MWh will be rounded to 0 MWh (e.g., 0.7 yields 0 MWh). This practice will reduce nuisancescheduling of small quantities. • For quantities equal to or greater than 1 MWh, conventional rounding practices will apply. Fractional quantities less than 0.5 will be rounded down (e.g., 27.2 yields 27 MWh) and fractional quantities of 0.5 or greater will be rounded up (e.g., 27.9 yields 28 MWh). After rounding, Settlement Data are compiled into the matrix. b. Mapping of Energy Schedules Energy schedules must be mapped to adjacent Balancing Authorities to allow proper energy accounting consistent with existing reliability standards and regional business practices. The Participants have agreed to a pre-defined set of tag templates to account for the transmission mapping for the deliveries of Assistance Reserve Energy. This mapping includes wheeling parties between nonadjacent Balancing Authorities, and as further explained in Section K.1.c below, serves as the basis to create after-the-fact tags. c. Automatic Tagging and Tag Templates The Participants’ tag templates reflect the transmission mapping for the delivery of Assistance Reserve energy between Participating Balancing Authorities. The Northwest Power Pool Corporation has a contract with Open Access Technology International, Inc. (OATI) to produce after-the-fact energy schedule tags for all deliveries of Assistance Reserve energy. These tags are provided to the Participants and the WECC Western Interchange Tool (WIT). The NWPP Staff is responsible for assisting with the maintenance of these tag templates used by OATI, and keeping them up-to-date in accordance with requests made by Participating Balancing Authorities. Attachment F describes the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s procedures for revising the transmission mapping as reflected in the tag templates. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 36 The Participants’ tag templates are not publicly available and are only accessible to the RSG Representatives, their designated RSG Alternate Representatives and tagging personnel. The designated representatives may access and download the most current version of NWPP RSG Tagging Templates.xls on the Northwest Power Pool Corporation’s website (www.nwpp.org) in the Reserve Sharing Group’s Resources section. K.2. Financial Settlement A Participant will be financially reimbursed for providing Assistance Reserve energy, a. for purposes of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program, the “Settlement Price” will be the average of the Powerdex Mid-Columbia hourly price for (1) the hour during which the Participant first requests Assistance Reserve (the “Request Hour”) and (2) each of the two hours immediately following the Request Hour; provided, however, that in no event will the Settlement Price be less than zero or greater than the price cap in effect for the WECC in accordance with regulations and orders of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in effect as of the Request Hour; provided further, that if Assistance Reserve is provided in more than one hour, each hour in which Assistance Reserve is provided shall be deemed to be a Request Hour for purposes of determining the Settlement Price. b. With respect to FERC-jurisdictional entities, the Settlement Price will be set forth in the Participant’s individual tariff on file with and approved by FERC. In the event that the Settlement Price set forth in a. above is amended, such amended Settlement Price will not be effective until 90 days after the date of such amendment in order to allow FERC-jurisdictional entities time to amend their tariffs. c. On or about July 1 of each year, the RSG Committee (or a work group or task force appointed by the RSG Committee) will review the definition of “Settlement Price,” and may elect to either maintain the current definition of “Settlement Price” or propose a modified definition to be considered for approval at the next meeting of the RSG Committee. The effective date of any modification to the definition of “Settlement Price” will be coordinated to allow Participants with applicable tariffs filed with FERC to make any necessarily filings with FERC. d. Unless the affected Participants have agreed otherwise, financial settlements will occur under the responding Participant’s normal monthly billing cycle. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 37 e. NWPP Staff will be responsible for determining and posting Settlement Prices, calculated as described in subsection (a) above of this Section K.3, in accordance with the following procedures: 1. NWPP Staff will use the applicable hourly prices posted by Powerdex as of the first (U.S.) business day of the month following the month during which the Assistance Reserve energy was delivered (referred to in these procedures as the “lock-down date”). 2. Within three (U.S.) business days following the lock-down date, NWPP Staff will confer with designated Participants for assistance in validating the applicable prices posted by Powerdex on the lock-down date and the computation of the relevant averages for the hours needed to calculate Settlement Prices. 3. By the end of the third (U.S.) business day following the lock-down date, NWPP Staff will post Settlement Prices for all Assistance Reserve energy delivered during the preceding month, computed as described in this subsection (e). 4. If, as of the lock-down date, information needed to compute one or more Settlement Prices has not yet been posted by Powerdex, NWPP Staff will compute and post Settlement Prices for those applicable dates and hours within three (U.S.) business days following the date on which the necessary information is first posted by Powerdex. 5. Settlement Prices that have been posted by NWPP Staff in accordance with the procedures set forth above will not be subject to further adjustment, except by agreement of all affected Participants. L. INTERNAL NWPP RESERVE SHARING GROUP REPORTING L.1 Obligation to Submit a NWPP RSG Verification Form A Participant must, within two (U.S.) business days following the triggering event, prepare and submit to the NWPP Staff a completed NWPP RSG Verification Form whenever any one of four conditions described below occurs: a. The Participant makes a Reserve Sharing Request under the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program (including use of backup procedures specified in Section N if the automated process fails). NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 38 b. The Participant or the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group has experienced a Qualifying Event that is a Reportable Balancing Contingency Event (equal to or greater than the lesser of (i) 500 MW, or (ii) 80% of the Most Severe Single Contingency) for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group at the time of the Qualifying Event. c. The NWPP Staff contacts the Participant requesting a NWPP RSG Verification Form because the Participant has ownership or contractual rights in a jointly owned facility and the NWPP Staff is following up with the Participant as described in Section L.2. d. The Participant has experienced a Reliability Coordinator declared Energy Emergency Alert (as described in NERC Standard EOP-011-1 or successor standard). NWPP RSG Verification Forms are available on the NWPP Website. The Participants will transmit completed forms via e-mail to nwpprsg@nwpp.org. The Northwest Power Pool Corporation, in its capacity as agent for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group, may request additional data and information as may be required and is responsible for submitting periodic reports to the WECC and NERC in accordance with their requirements. L.2 Reporting Balancing Authority Obligation to Notify NWPP Staff A Participant that is the Reporting/Operating Balancing Authority (as specified in Attachment K) for a jointly owned facility must, as soon as feasible, but in any case within two (U.S.) business days following the triggering event, provide written notice to the NWPP Staff (which may be by electronic mail) whenever the jointly owned facility for which it is the Reporting/Operating Balancing Authority has experienced a Qualifying Event that is a Reportable Balancing Contingency Event (equal to or greater than the lesser of (a) 500 MW, or (b) 80% of the Most Severe Single Contingency) for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group at the time of the Qualifying Event. The NWPP Staff will promptly follow up with all other Participants that have ownership or contractual rights in the jointly owned facility to request that those Participants submit completed NWPP RSG Verification Forms. M. RESERVE SHARING ZONES The NWPP Reserve Sharing Program takes into account the effect constrained transmission facilities can have on the ability of Participants to deliver Assistance Reserve energy to one another. When a Participating Balancing Authority (or a group of Participating Balancing Authorities) is separated from remaining Participants by constrained transmission facilities, the effect of the constraint is reflected in the establishment of Reserve Sharing Zones. Attachment C to this document identifies the Reserve Sharing Zones for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program, NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 39 together with the sequence (levels) through which Assistance Reserve is deployed for each Reserve Sharing Zone. N. BACKUP PROCEDURES Reserve Sharing Requests and delivery of Assistance Reserve energy are normally implemented through the Reserve Sharing Computer System. When a Participant cannot access the Reserve Sharing Computer System (or the system is inoperable), the Participant should use the manual backup procedures as reflected in Attachment D’s respective process chart and described in Attachment E and to make any Reserve Sharing Requests. In these circumstances, a responding Participant is obligated to provide Assistance Reserve only up to the amount of its available transmission capacity or its Contingency Reserve Obligation, whichever is smaller. The settlement process for delivery of Assistance Reserve energy using the backup procedure is the same as for the automated reserve sharing process, except that requesting and responding Participants must agree (on a case-by-case basis) to any reserve sharing transactions instead of obtaining the information from the Reserve Sharing Computer System. This process must be in accordance with Attachment G for production of after-the-fact tags and in accordance with existing reliability standards and regional business practices. O. PROCEDURES FOR ADDRESSING ISSUES AFFECTING RESERVE SHARING PROGRAM WHEN AGENCY AGREEMENT PROCESS IS INSUFFICIENT To facilitate reporting and compliance activities related to NERC or WECC reliability standards that may affect the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program, the Participating Balancing Authorities have entered into the Agency Agreement. All Participating Balancing Authorities, as well as the Northwest Power Pool Corporation, are parties to the Agency Agreement. The Agency Agreement contains provisions that enable Participating Balancing Authorities to call meetings on specified prior notice and make decisions about matters concerning the Agency Agreement or the NWPP Reserve Sharing Program. Any meeting or vote under the Agency Agreement requires at least 10 days’ prior notice. If an urgent matter related to NWPP Reserve Sharing Program arises, and the NWPP Staff determines in good faith that either (1) there is insufficient time to address the matter through the procedures in the Agency Agreement or (2) the matter is outside the scope of the Agency Agreement, the NWPP Staff will: • make commercially reasonable efforts to promptly deliver electronic notice of the matter to each designated contact for notice under the Agency Agreement; NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program – Page 40 • convene a meeting by telephone conference (with the option of in-person attendance at the offices of the Northwest Power Pool Corporation if feasible) of all available Participating Balancing Authorities, giving as much advance notice and facilitating attendance of as many Participating Balancing Authorities as feasible in view of any need for prompt action; • seek input from the Participating Balancing Authorities as to what action should be taken, and, if appropriate in the judgment of the NWPP Staff or requested by any Participating Balancing Authority, take a vote of the Participating Balancing Authorities (on the basis that a vote of not less than two-thirds of the Participating Balancing Authorities present at the time the vote is taken will be necessary to approve an action or decision); and • make commercially reasonable efforts to take follow-up action consistent with the input received or results of any vote taken in accordance with this Section O. No vote of the Participating Balancing Authorities conducted in accordance with this Section O may have the effect of (a) amending this NWPP Reserve Sharing Program documentation, (b) amending the Agency Agreement, (c) authorizing settlement of any NERC or WECC compliance-related matter that will or could cause any party to incur violation(s), monetary penalties or other legal liability (unless the party or parties incurring violation(s), monetary penalties or legal liability have given their prior written consent); or (d) restricting the ability of any party to independently exercise whatever legal or procedural rights it may have to challenge action taken by or petition an Enforcement Authority (as that term is defined in the Agency Agreement) in connection with any NERC or WECC compliance-related matter. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 { Attachments – Page 41 ATTACHMENTS Attachment A – Calculation of Contingency Reserve Obligations; Requirements Related to WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental Attachment B – Qualifying Events Attachment C – Reserve Sharing Zones and Levels Attachment D – NWPP Process Charts Attachment E – Backup Procedures for NWPP Reserve Sharing Program Attachment F – Reserve Tagging Change Process Attachment G – Backup Process for After-the-Fact Reserve Sharing Tags Attachment H – Balancing Authority Areas of Participating Balancing Authorities Attachment I – NERC Standard BAL-002-3 – Disturbance Control Performance – Contingency Reserve for Recovery from a Balancing Contingency Event Attachment J – WECC Standard BAL-002-WECC-3 – Contingency Reserve Attachment K – Northwest Power Pool Reserve Sharing Group Most Severe Single Contingency Table Attachment L – Transmission Facilities Making Up Cut Planes Between Reserve Sharing Zones Attachment M – Overview of BPA Remedial Action Schemes That Suspend Automatic Generation Control and Result in Expected Changes to NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE Attachment N – Correlation Table of Participants, Reliability Coordinators, and Zones NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment A – Page 42 Attachment A Calculation of Contingency Reserve Obligations; Requirements Related to WECC WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental 1. Calculation of Participating Balancing Authority Contingency Reserve Obligation The NWPP Reserve Sharing Group has determined that the Contingency Reserve Obligation for each Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s), as well as the Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group as a whole, will be calculated as set forth below. The measure of the Contingency Reserve Obligation for each Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s), as well as the Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group as a whole, will be based on real-time measurements of load and generation, which, for compliance purposes, will be used to calculate integrated hourly averages. These integrated hourly averages will be compared to hourly averages of Contingency Reserve Available (also based on real-time measurements) to determine whether the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s Contingency Reserve Available was sufficient to meet the requirements of BAL-002. The amount of Contingency Reserve Available within the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group for each clock hour must be equal to or greater than the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s Contingency Reserve Obligation during that same clock hour. As described in detail in Section 1 of this Attachment A and reflected in Attachment D’s process chart for Calculation of CRO, the Reserve Sharing Computer System uses a four-step process to determine the Contingency Reserve Obligation a Participating Balancing Authority is required to meet for its Balancing Authority Area(s) under normal circumstances, using real-time measurements as described above. The Reserve Sharing Computer System completes the calculations necessary for this process (with updated real-time measurements) every data scan cycle (that is, no less frequently than every six seconds). These calculation processes can be summarized as follows: First, the Reserve Sharing Computer System calculates three percent of load plus three percent of generation. Next, the Reserve Sharing Computer System sums of all Participants’ Contingency Reserve calculations to see whether this calculated sum is at least equal to the Most Severe Single Contingency for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group. If it is not, the Reserve Sharing Computer System allocates, on a pro rata basis, the additional amount of Contingency Reserve necessary to cover the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s Most Severe Single Contingency and determines the Contingency Reserve Obligation for each Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s) as adjusted for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s Most Severe Single Contingency. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment A – Page 43 The third step calculates the amount of any additional Contingency Reserve that may be needed in a Reserve Sharing Zone to cover the Most Severe Single Contingency within that Reserve Sharing Zone and determines each the Total Contingency Reserve Obligation for each Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s), reflecting both applicable adjustments for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s Most Severe Single Contingency and any adjustments necessary to address the Most Severe Single Contingency within a Reserve Sharing Zone. The fourth step checks to make sure the aggregate amount of Contingency Reserve Available within the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group is at least equal to Contingency Reserve Obligation of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group according to the requirements of BAL-002 (both the WECC and the NERC versions). If it is not, the Reserve Sharing Computer System allocates, on a pro rata basis, the additional amount of Contingency Reserve necessary to fully comply with the Contingency Reserve requirements of BAL-002. Each Participating Balancing Authority must add this adjustment amount to its total Contingency Reserve Obligations and stand ready to deploy this adjusted Contingency Reserve Obligation (excluding amounts already deployed to respond to Qualifying Events) at all times for use as Internal Reserve and Assistance Reserve. Section 4 of this Attachment sets out the process a Participating Balancing Authority should follow to determine its Contingency Reserve Obligation(s) when communication links between the Participating Balancing Authority and the Reserve Sharing Computer System are down, or when the Reserve Sharing Computer System is unavailable. Set forth below are explanations and formulas for each step in the process to determine the total amount of Contingency Reserve a Participating Balancing Authority is required to carry.2 For any Participant that has more than one Balancing Authority Area within the Northwest Power Pool, the calculations below are done separately for each of its Balancing Authority Areas. a. Step One – Calculation of Participating Balancing Authority Base Contingency Reserve Obligation: 2 For consistency with formulas used in the Reserve Sharing Computer System, individual Participating Balancing Authority obligations are designated by the subscript “CA.” This is because the formulas in the Reserve Sharing Computer System were established when the function roughly corresponding to a Balancing Authority was referred to as a control area. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment A – Page 44 The base Contingency Reserve Obligation for each Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s), or “CROCA” (before the adjustments described in the remainder of Section 1 of this Attachment A), is the sum of (i) three percent of the Load (as defined below) for the Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s), plus (ii) three percent of the Generation (as defined below) for the Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s). CROCA = (0.03 × Generation) + (0.03 × Load), Where, • CROCA = base Contingency Reserve Obligation • Generation = BAA Net Generation - Designated Dynamically Scheduled Exports + Designated Dynamically Scheduled Imports [see Note 1] • Load = BAA Net Generation - Actual Net Interchange [see Notes 2 and 3] • BAA Net Generation = the sum of Net Generation for all generating units (whether measured by individual units or at the plant level or both) inside the Balancing Authority Area • Net Generation (whether for an individual generating unit or a generating plant) = the greater of (a) the gross metered generation minus station service load, or (b) zero • Actual Net Interchange (NIA) has the meaning given to this term in the NERC Glossary • Scheduled Net Interchange (NIS) has the meaning given to this term in the NERC Glossary • Designated Dynamically Scheduled Exports = all Dynamically Scheduled exports for which the sink (receiving) Balancing Authority has agreed to carry Contingency Reserve, as reflected in the Balancing Authority Area’s Scheduled Net Interchange value [see Note 4] • Designated Dynamically Scheduled Imports for which the sink (receiving) Balancing Authority has agreed to carry Contingency Reserve, as reflected in the Balancing Authority Area’s Scheduled Net Interchange value [see Note 4] • Dynamically Scheduled corresponds to the term “Dynamic Schedule,” as defined in the NERC Glossary NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment A – Page 45 Note 1: All generation within the Balancing Authority Area’s or the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s metered boundaries should be included in this calculation, with the only exception being generation expressly permitted to be excluded by the terms of BAL-002-WECC-3 (or comparable standards in jurisdictions outside the United States). Generation within a Balancing Authority Area by Pseudo-Tie (as defined in the NERC Glossary) is considered within the metered boundaries of the Balancing Authority Area into which it is Pseudo-Tied and is included in its generation calculation. Note 2: Generation within a Balancing Authority Area by Pseudo-Tie is reflected in Actual Net Interchange in the ACE equation. Note 3: Load within a Balancing Authority Area by Pseudo-Tie is reflected in Actual Net Interchange in the ACE equation. Load within a Balancing Authority Area by Pseudo-Tie is considered within the metered boundaries of the Balancing Authority Area into which it is Pseudo-Tied and is included in its load calculation by virtue of its inclusion in the Actual Net Interchange equation. Note 4: This term captures net generation responsibility transferred, reflecting that Dynamically Scheduled generation exports can be subtracted from the exporting Balancing Authority’s generation obligation (except when the source Balancing Authority and sink Balancing Authority have agreed otherwise), and Dynamically Scheduled generation imports should be added to the importing Balancing Authority’s generation obligation (except when the source Balancing Authority and sink Balancing Authority have agreed otherwise). b. Step Two – Check for Deficiency Related to Most Severe Single Contingency for the NWPP: Once the Participating Balancing Authorities’ base Contingency Reserve Obligations have been calculated, the second step in the process is to check for any potential deficiency, should the Most Severe Single Contingency for the NWPP exceed the sum of the Participating Balancing Authorities’ Contingency Reserve Obligations as calculated in step one. The NWPP’s Most Severe Single Contingency is compared to the sum of all Participating Balancing Authorities’ base Contingency Reserve Obligations. If the Most Severe Single Contingency is greater, the difference between these two figures (the “shortfall”) is allocated among the Participating Balancing Authorities in proportion to their relative shares of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s base Contingency Reserve Obligation, as calculated in step one. This results in an upward adjustment to the base Contingency Reserve Obligation for each Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s). NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment A – Page 46 The formulas for this step are as follows: If Σ CROCA < MSSCNWPP, then CRO_SHORTNWPP = MSSCNWPP - Σ CROCA and AdjCRO_MSSCCA = CRO_SHORTNWPP * CROCA / Σ CROCA Where, Σ CROCA = sum of all Participating Balancing Authorities’ base Contingency Reserve Obligations, as calculated through step one; MSSCNWPP = the Most Severe Single Contingency for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group, determined in accordance with the table set forth in Attachment K; CRO_SHORTNWPP = the amount by which the Most Severe Single Contingency for the NWPP exceeds the sum of the Participating Balancing Authorities’ base Contingency Reserve Obligations; CROCA = the Participating Balancing Authority’s base Contingency Reserve Obligation as calculated in step one; AdjCRO_MSSCCA = the adjustment to the Participating Balancing Authority’s base Contingency Reserve Obligation to reflect the Most Severe Single Contingency for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group. MSSCNWPP is revised whenever the output of the generator (or loading of the transmission line) that sets the MSSCNWPP increases or decreases by one MW or more. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment A – Page 47 c. Step Three – Check for Deficiency Related to Most Severe Single Contingency for a Reserve Sharing Zone and Sum of Adjustments: The third step in the process is to check for any potential deficiency within a Reserve Sharing Zone if the Zone’s Most Severe Single Contingency exceeds the sum of (i) the Contingency Reserve Obligation for the Zone’s Participating Balancing Authorities and (ii) the amount of Contingency Reserve that can be imported from adjacent Reserve Sharing Zones. This Zone adjustment is then summed with the adjustment from step two and added to the Participant’s base Contingency Reserve Obligation to give Total Contingency Reserve Obligation. The Reserve Sharing Computer System continuously monitors transfer limits (LIMITPathnn), actual flows (ACTUALPathnn), and, where applicable, scheduled flows (SCHEDPathnn) on transmission facilities connecting Reserve Sharing Zones. If, after accounting for Contingency Reserve Obligation that can be delivered from adjacent Reserve Sharing Zones, the combined Contingency Reserve Obligations within the Zone is less than the Zone’s Most Severe Single Contingency, this shortfall is allocated among the Zone’s Participating Balancing Authorities in proportion to their relative shares of the aggregate Contingency Reserve Obligations (as calculated through steps one and two) for the Reserve Sharing Zone. The formulas for adjusting Contingency Reserve Obligations, if necessary, for the Most Severe Single Contingency for a Reserve Sharing Zone are as follows: If Σ (CROCA + AdjCRO_MSSCCA) + ASDELZONE < MSSCZONE, then CRO_SHORTZONE = MSSCZONE - (Σ (CROCA + AdjCRO_MSSCCA) + ASDELZONE) and AdjCRO_ZONE_MSSCCA = CRO_SHORTZONE * (CROCA + AdjCRO_MSSCCA) / Σ (CROCA + AdjCRO_MSSCCA) and AdjCROCA = AdjCRO_MSSCCA + AdjCRO_ZONE_MSSCCA and TotCROCA = CROCA + AdjCROCA NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment A – Page 48 Where, Σ CRO_MSSCCA = the sum of Contingency Reserve Obligations for all Participating Balancing Authorities in the Reserve Sharing Zone (as calculated through steps one and two); CRO_MSSCCA = the Contingency Reserve Obligation for a Participating Balancing Authority in the Reserve Sharing Zone, as adjusted to reflect the Most Severe Single Contingency for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group; ASDELZONE = the amount of Assistance Reserve that can be delivered to the Reserve Sharing Zone from adjacent Reserve Sharing Zones, after accounting for relevant transfer limits, actual flows, and if applicable, scheduled flows on transmission facilities connecting Reserve Sharing Zones; MSSCZONE = the Most Severe Single Contingency for the Reserve Sharing Zone; CRO_SHORTZONE = the amount by which the Most Severe Single Contingency for the Reserve Sharing Zone exceeds the sum of (i) the aggregate Contingency Reserve Available of the Participating Balancing Authorities in the Reserve Sharing Zone (Σ CRO_MSSCZONE), plus (ii) amount of Assistance Reserve that can be delivered to the Reserve Sharing Zone from adjacent Reserve Sharing Zones (ASDELLim); CROCA = the Participating Balancing Authority’s Contingency Reserve Obligation; AdjCRO_ZONE_MSSCCA = the additional amount of Contingency Reserve a Participating Balancing Authority needs to carry to reflect the Most Severe Single Contingency for the Reserve Sharing Zone; NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment A – Page 49 AdjCRO_MSSCCA = the adjustment to the Participating Balancing Authority’s base Contingency Reserve Obligation to reflect the Most Severe Single Contingency for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group; AdjCROCA = the total adjustment amounts to be added to a Participant’s base Contingency Reserve Obligation to reflect any applicable adjustments for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s Most Severe Single Contingency and the Most Severe Single Contingency for a Reserve Sharing Zone; and TotCROCA = the Participating Balancing Authority’s Contingency Reserve Obligation as adjusted to reflect the Most Severe Single Contingency for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group and for its Reserve Sharing Zone. MSSCZONE is revised whenever the output of the generator (or loading of the transmission line) that sets the MSSCZONE increases or decreases by one MW or more. d. Step Four – Calculation of Aggregate Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group and Check for NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Shortfall: The fourth step in the process calculates the aggregate Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group and makes sure the total Contingency Reserve Available within the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group is at least equal to the aggregate Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group. The aggregate Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group is calculated by summing the total Contingency Reserve Obligations (as calculated in steps one through three) for all Participants’ Balancing Authority Areas. The formula for this step is as follows: TotCRONWPP = Σ TotCROCA Where, TotCRONWPP = the aggregate Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group; and NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment A – Page 50 Σ TotCROCA = the sum of the total Contingency Reserve Obligations of all Participating Balancing Authorities, as adjusted to reflect the Most Severe Single Contingency for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group and for applicable Reserve Sharing Zones. If the Contingency Reserve Available within the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group is less than the aggregate Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group, the difference between these two figures (the “shortfall”) is allocated among the Participating Balancing Authorities in proportion to their relative shares of the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s Contingency Reserve Obligation (without factoring in adjustments for shortfalls within a Reserve Sharing Zone). This results in an upward adjustment to the Contingency Reserve Obligation for each Participant’s Balancing Authority Area(s). The formulas for this final check are as follows: If TotAvailCRNWPP < TotCRONWPP, then TotCRO_SHORTNWPP = TotCRONWPP - TotAvailCRNWPP and AdjCRO_SHORTCA = (TotCRO_SHORTNWPP * (CROCA + AdjCRO_MSSCCA) / Σ (CROCA + AdjCRO_MSSCCA)) Where, TotCRONWPP = the aggregate Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group; TotAvailCRNWPP = the total amount of Contingency Reserve Available in the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group; TotCRO_SHORTNWPP = the amount by which the aggregate Contingency Reserve Obligation for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group exceeds the total Contingency Reserve Available; NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment A – Page 51 CROCA = the Participating Balancing Authority’s base Contingency Reserve Obligation as calculated in steps one; AdjCRO_SHORTCA = the adjustment to the Participating Balancing Authority’s Contingency Reserve Obligation to reflect the shortfall in total Contingency Reserve Available; and AdjCRO_MSSCCA = the adjustment to the Participating Balancing Authority’s base Contingency Reserve Obligation to reflect the Most Severe Single Contingency for the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group. Each Participant must add the adjustment amount (AdjCRO_SHORTCA) to the total Contingency Reserve Obligation for its Balancing Authority Area(s) as calculated in step three (TotCROCA) and stand ready to deploy the combined amount of Contingency Reserve Available (excluding amounts already deployed to respond to a Qualifying Event) at all times for use as Internal Reserve and Assistance Reserve. The NWPP Reserve Sharing Group will experience a shortfall only if one or more Participants have not fully met their Contingency Reserve Obligations. 2. Permitted Amounts and Types of WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental A Participating Balancing Authority’s Contingency Reserve Obligation(s) may be met with WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental, provided that any WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental applied to a Participating Balancing Authority’s Contingency Reserve Obligation can be made fully effective within 10 minutes. Permitted Sources of WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental A Participating Balancing Authority is permitted to use WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental to meet a portion of its Contingency Reserve Obligation(s) calculated in accordance with Section 1 of this Attachment A, the following may be used as sources of WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental: 1. WECC Operating Reserve - Spinning, 2. WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental, NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment A – Page 52 3. Interchange Transactions designated by the Source Balancing Authority as WECC Operating Reserve - Supplemental, 4. Reserve held by other entities by agreement that is deliverable on Firm Transmission Service, 5. A resource, other than generation or load, that can provide energy or reduce energy consumption, 6. Load, including demand response resources, demand-side management resources, direct control load management, interruptible load or interruptible demand, or any other load made available for curtailment by the Participating Balancing Authority or the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group via contract or agreement, and 7. All other load, not identified in the foregoing items, once a Reliability Coordinator for the Northwest Power Pool has declared an energy emergency alert signifying that interruption of Firm Demand is imminent or in progress. 3. Participating Balancing Authority Calculation of Contingency Reserve Obligation(s) When Communications with Reserve Sharing Computer System Are Disrupted During periods when communication links between a Participating Balancing Authority and the Reserve Sharing Computer System are down, or when the Reserve Sharing Computer System is unavailable, responsibility for calculating Contingency Reserve Obligations shifts to the Participating Balancing Authority. Any Participating Balancing Authority that is unable to access the Reserve Sharing Computer System's calculation of its Contingency Reserve Obligations should use good-faith estimates of the inputs needed to determine its Contingency Reserve Obligation, based on the last available input data known to be valid, and apply as many of the steps described in Section 1 of this Attachment A as it can, consistent with good utility practice. The Participating Balancing Authority should continue this process, adjusting as appropriate for relevant changes to system conditions, until availability of and communications with the Reserve Sharing Computer System are restored. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment B – Page 53 Attachment B Qualifying Events A “Qualifying Event” is any single event described in subsections (A), (B), (C), or (D) below, or any series of such otherwise single events, with each separated from the next by one minute or less. Any capitalized term used below that is not defined within this document has the meaning given to it in the NERC Glossary. This Attachment B may be modified from time to time by action of the RSG Committee. (A) Sudden Loss of Generation a. due to i. unit tripping (see note 1 below), or ii. loss of generator Facility resulting in isolation of the generator from the Bulk Electric System or from the responsible entity’s System, or iii. sudden unplanned outage of transmission Facility; b. and, that causes an unexpected change to the responsibly entity’s ACE (see note 2 below) (B) Sudden Loss of an Import a. due to forced outage of transmission equipment that causes an unexpected imbalance between generation and Demand on the Interconnection. (See note 3 below). (C) Sudden Restoration of Demand a. that was used as a resource that causes an unexpected change to the responsible entity’s ACE (D) Energy Emergency Alert a. where a Participating Balancing Authority’s inability to meet firm Demand such that the Participating Balancing Authority has requested its Reliability Coordinator to declare, and the Reliability Coordinator has declared (or confirmed it will declare) an Energy Emergency (as described in NERC Standard EOP-011-1 or a successor standard. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment B – Page 54 Note 1: For purposes of this Attachment B, the term “unit tripping” means: (1) the automatic operation of a device or capability designed to protect a power- producing resource from damage, or (2) the unexpected failure of a power-producing resource to maintain, increase, or remain available due to equipment failure, or (3) the unexpected failure of a power-producing resource to start (a) due to equipment failure, and (b) not associated with the failure to procure fuel, which, in all cases, results in loss of MW output serving (or needed to serve) one or more Participants’ Demand obligations. Note 2: The events described in Note 1 are Qualifying Events even when they do not result in an immediate change to the responsible entity’s ACE. Note 3: Given typical operating practices followed in the Western Interconnection, the loss of an import would generally be expected to result in a corresponding adjustment to generation. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment C – Page 55 Attachment C Reserve Sharing Zones and Levels Each Reserve Sharing Zone as identified in the table below has one or more Balancing Authority Participants. Zones Balancing Authority Participants Alberta (AB) AESO British Columbia (BC) BCHA Eastern Colorado (ECO) PSCo Idaho (ID) IPCO High Desert (HD) NEVP and PACE Pacific Northwest - Montana (PNWMT) AVA, AVRN, BPA, CHPD, DOPD, GCPD, GRID, GWA, NWMT, PACW, PGE, PSE, SCL, TPWR, WAUW, and WWA Northern California (NCAL) BANC and TID Western Colorado (WCO) WACM Each Reserve Sharing Zone has multiple levels for providing Assistance Reserve. Level 1 is the list of initial providers. If there is insufficient Assistance Reserve at Level 1 or there are transmission constraints between Reserve Sharing Zones, additional zones will be included by moving out one level at a time until there is sufficient Assistance Reserve or all Participating Balancing Authorities are included. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment C – Page 56 Responding Zone AB - 1 6 4 3 3 2 5 BC 1 - 5 3 2 2 1 4 ECO 5 4 - 1 2 4 3 1 HD 4 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 ID 3 2 2 1 - 2 1 1 NCAL 4 3 6 4 3 1 2 5 PNWMT 3 2 5 3 2 2 1 4 WCO 4 3 1 1 1 3 2 - Alberta Zone (AB) Level 1: BC Level 2: BC + PNWMT Level 3: BC + PNWMT + ID + NCAL Level 4: BC + PNWMT + ID + NCAL + HD Level 5: BC + PNWMT + ID + NCAL + HD + WCO Level 6: BC + PNWMT + ID + NCAL + HD + WCO + ECO British Columbia Zone (BC) Level 1: AB + PNWMT Level 2: AB + PNWMT + ID + NCAL Level 3: AB + PNWMT + ID + NCAL + HD Level 4: AB + PNWMT + ID + NCAL + HD + WCO Level 5: AB + PNWMT + ID + NCAL + HD + WCO + ECO Eastern Colorado Zone (ECO) Level 1: HD + WCO Level 2: HD + WCO + ID Level 3: HD + WCO + ID + PNWMT Level 4: HD + WCO + ID + PNWMT + BC + NCAL Level 5: HD + WCO + ID + PNWMT + BC + NCAL + AB High Desert Zone (HD) Level 1: HD + ID + WCO + ECO Level 2: HD + ID + WCO + ECO + PNWMT Level 3: HD + ID + WCO + ECO + PNWMT + BC + NCAL Level 4: HD + ID + WCO + ECO + PNWMT + BC + NCAL + AB Idaho Zone (ID) NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment C – Page 57 Level 1: HD + PNWMT + WCO Level 2: HD + PNWMT + WCO + BC + ECO + NCAL Level 3: HD + PNWMT + WCO + BC + ECO + NCAL + AB Northern California Zone (NCAL) Level 1: NCAL Level 2: NCAL + PNWMT Level 3: NCAL + PNWMT + BC + ID Level 4: NCAL + PNWMT + BC + ID + AB + HD Level 5: NCAL + PNWMT + BC + ID + AB + HD + WCO Level 6: NCAL + PNWMT + BC + ID + AB + HD + WCO + ECO Pacific Northwest-Montana Zone (PNWMT) Level 1: PNWMT Level 2: PNWMT + BC + ID + NCAL Level 3: PNWMT + BC + ID + NCAL + AB + HD Level 4: PNWMT + BC + ID + NCAL + AB + HD + WCO Level 5: PNWMT + BC + ID + NCAL + AB + HD + WCO + ECO Western Colorado Zone (WCO) Level 1: ECO + HD + ID Level 2: ECO + HD + ID + PNWMT Level 3: ECO + HD + ID + PNWMT + BC + NCAL Level 4: ECO + HD + ID + PNWMT + BC + NCAL + AB The following are a schematic and a geographic representation of the Northwest Power Pool Reserve Sharing Program Reserve Sharing Zones. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment C – Page 58 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment D – Page 59 Attachment D NWPP Process Charts NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment D – Page 60 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment D – Page 61 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment D – Page 62 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment D – Page 63 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment E – Page 64 Attachment E BACKUP PROCEDURES FOR RESERVE SHARING PROGRAM 1. Participant Cannot Access Reserve Sharing Computer System or Reserve Sharing Computer System Is Inoperable Reserve Sharing Requests and delivery of Assistance Reserve are normally implemented through the Reserve Sharing Computer System. When the Reserve Sharing Computer System is inoperable or inaccessible, a Participant that needs to make a Reserve Sharing Request should contact other Participants by telephone to request Assistance Reserve. Attachment D reflects the respective process described in this attachment. The provisions below (Sections 1.a, 1.b, and 1.c) will apply for the manual backup procedure. The settlement process for delivery of Assistance Reserve using the backup procedure is the same as for the automated reserve sharing process, except that requesting and responding Participants must agree (on a case-by-case basis) to any reserve sharing transactions instead of obtaining the information from the Reserve Sharing Computer System. This process must be in accordance with Attachment G for production of after-the-fact tags and in accordance with existing reliability standards and regional business practices. a. Transmission Limitations; Adjacent Utilities To minimize potential transmission problems, whenever possible a Participant that needs to request Assistance Reserve by telephone should contact an adjacent Participant first. b. Backup Reserve Sharing Procedure – Telephone Requests Because NERC BAL-002-2 requires recovery of Reporting ACE within 15 minutes, the number of telephoned assistance requests that a Participant’s dispatcher can make is limited. To enhance Participants’ ability to meet this standard, Participants may use the following procedure (and Participants may use any economic arrangements under existing contracts by mutual agreement at any point in the following sequence): (1) As provided in Section E.2, a Participant must commit its Internal Reserve up to the full amount of its Contingency Reserve Obligation before requesting Assistance Reserve. (2) If a Participant that has deployed its Contingency Reserve Obligation and needs additional capacity to meet the 15-minute criterion, that Participant may call another Participant for assistance. The responding Participant will make available its unused Contingency Reserve Available up to its Contingency Reserve Obligation. The caller must: NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment E – Page 65 (a) state that the purpose of the call is to make a Reserve Sharing Request, (b) identify who is making the request, (c) identify the Qualifying Event it has experienced and the start time of the event, (d) confirm that it committed to use Contingency Reserve up to the full amount of its Contingency Reserve Obligation to respond to the event, (e) state the amount of Assistance Reserve that is required to make up the remaining deficiency, and (f) agree with the responding Participant on the amount, start-time, and end- time of the Contingency Reserve delivery to be entered into the AGC controller total. The end-time may be shortened thereafter, if the requesting Participant determines that it does not need Assistance Reserve through the original end-time. (3) If the Assistance Reserve made available and delivered from the responding Participant is insufficient to cover the Qualifying Event, the requesting Participant will cover the remaining deficit by requesting Assistance Reserve from another Participant. (4) As soon as possible, the requesting Participant must notify any intermediate wheeling Balancing Authority(s) of the scheduled delivery of Assistance Reserve and its duration. Each Participating Balancing Authority that is needed for intermediate wheeling will make transmission capacity available up to its maximum operating limit by any means necessary including the curtailment of interruptible schedules. (5) The Participant requesting assistance must re-establish its Contingency Reserve Available that is ready for deployment (to at least the level of its Contingency Reserve Obligation) as soon as possible by adding generation, adjusting interchange schedules, or dropping load. As provided in Section F.3, a Participant that requests Assistance Reserve must relinquish the Assistance Reserve within 60 minutes following the start of the Qualifying Event. (6) Any Participant that requests Assistance Reserve must contact the party within its organization that is responsible for energy scheduling and notify that party of the actions taken to request Assistance Reserve. The party responsible for scheduling must then contact its counterpart from the responding Participant to determine an agreed-upon hourly energy transaction and to agree on transaction wheeling amounts in accordance with the paths identified in the Participants pre-defined tag templates. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment E – Page 66 c. Backup Reserve Sharing Procedure – Telephone Responses The following responses may be appropriate for a Participant that receives a Reserve Sharing Request by telephone: (1) If a Participant that has deployed its Contingency Reserve needs additional capacity to meet the 15-minute criterion, that Participant may call another Participant for assistance. The responding Participant will make available its unused Contingency Reserve up to its Contingency Reserve Obligation. (2) The Participant that is being asked to provide Assistance Reserve may make the following responses: (a) confirm that the purpose of the call is to make a Reserve Sharing Request, (b) confirm who is making the request, (c) confirm the reason for the request (e.g., identify the Qualifying Event and the start time of the event), (d) confirm that the requesting Participant has committed to use Contingency Reserve Available up to the full amount of its Contingency Reserve Obligation to respond to the event, (e) state the amount of Assistance Reserve available to the requesting Participant, (f) agree with the requesting Participant on the amount, start-time, and end- time of the Assistance Reserve to be entered into the AGC controller total. (3) As soon as possible, the responding Participant should notify any intermediate wheeling Balancing Authority(s) of the scheduled delivery of Assistance Reserve energy and its duration. Each Participating Balancing Authority that is needed for intermediate wheeling will make transmission capacity available up to its maximum operating limit by any means necessary including the curtailment of interruptible schedules. (4) Any Participant that provides Assistance Reserve must contact the party within its organization that is responsible for energy scheduling and notify that party of the actions taken to provide Assistance Reserve. The party responsible for scheduling must then contact its counterpart from the requesting Participant to determine an agreed-upon hourly energy transaction. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment E – Page 67 2. Documentation Any Participant that requests Assistance Reserve using the backup procedures in this Attachment E must document its load, generation, Contingency Reserve Obligation, and Contingency Reserve Available immediately before the Qualifying Event. It must document the amount of its capacity lost or other characteristics of the Qualifying Event, the amount and components of Contingency Reserve deployed, and the amount of Assistance Reserve requested and received. The requesting Participant must also comply with Attachment G, Backup Process for After-the Fact Reserve Sharing Tags. NWPP RSG Verification Forms are available on the NWPP Website. The requesting Participant must send this documentation to all responding Participants, and to the NWPP Staff, on the next working day. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment F – Page 68 Attachment F TRANSMISSION MAPPING AND TAG TEMPLATE CHANGE PROCESS A. Process for Changing Tagging Templates Delivery Paths Between NWPP Reserve Sharing Participants 1. Any Participant that wishes to request a change to the transmission mapping set forth in Participants’ pre-defined tag templates must first obtain the agreement of all other Participants that would be affected by the requested change. 2. All affected Participants must be given adequate time to make any software changes to downstream or legacy scheduling systems. 3. Participant(s) requesting the change must complete any necessary registrations (or updates to registrations) related to the NAESB Electric Industry Registry (EIR) and Western Interchange Tool (WIT) Registry, or any successor industry registration systems. 4. Participants must submit requests for changes to the tag templates to the NWPP Staff. 5. OATI will coordinate testing of the new or revised tag templates and confirm that the templates will pass WIT Registry validations. 6. NWPP Staff and the affected Participants will coordinate with OATI to determine an implementation date and time for the new templates. 7. NWPP Staff will advise all Participants of the implementation date for the revised templates. 8. OATI will make appropriate tag template changes effective as of the implementation date and time. B. Process for Changing Tag Templates with No Change to Delivery Paths (No Impact to Other Balancing Authorities) 1. The Participant with changes will notify the NWPP Staff and provide NWPP Staff with required changes to its tag templates. 2. The Participant with changes will complete any necessary EIR and WIT registrations or updates. 3. NWPP Staff will communicate the requested changes to OATI. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment F – Page 69 4. OATI will coordinate testing of new or revised tag templates and confirm that the templates will pass WIT validations. 5. NWPP Staff and the requesting Participant will determine an implementation date and time for the new tag templates. 6. OATI will make appropriate tag template changes effective as of the implementation date and time. 7. OATI will provide the NWPP with the most current workbook of NWPP tag templates. C. Process for Adding a New Participant to NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1. NWPP Staff will provide a newly admitted Participant(s) with the tag templates for further development to reflect the inclusion of the new Participant(s). If a new Reserve Sharing Zone is required, Attachment C will be revised to reflect the addition of a new Reserve Sharing Zone. 2. The New Participant(s) will provide NWPP Staff with a workbook containing only their newly developed tag matrix (to and from each Participant BA) of completed tag templates. 3. NWPP Staff will assist with distribution of these new tag templates to all Participants for review as required. 4. Participant(s) must review the new templates and implement any necessary changes to their own accounting and billing systems. 5. NWPP Staff will communicate approved new tag templates to OATI. 6. OATI will coordinate testing of the new tag templates and confirm that the templates will pass WIT validations. 7. NWPP Staff and all Participants will determine an implementation date and time for the new templates. 8. NWPP Staff will advise all Participants of the implementation date and time for the new templates. 9. OATI will make the new tag templates effective as of the implementation date and time. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment G – Page 70 Attachment G Backup Process for After-The-Fact Reserve Sharing Tags A. Failure of Participant Internal Program or Reserve Sharing Computer System If a Participant that has requested Assistance Reserve (or is providing Assistance Reserve) experiences a failure of any internal program related to reserve sharing, or if a Reserve Sharing Request is made or in effect during a time when the Reserve Sharing Computer System is not functioning, then the Participants receiving and providing Assistance Reserve energy will be responsible for all necessary after-the-fact tagging. B. Failure of Automated After-the-Fact Tagging Process If the automated tag creation process fails, 1. NWPP Staff will a. contact OATI and coordinate the next possible time OATI can rerun automated tag creation for the event; b. make reasonable efforts (and request that OATI make reasonable efforts) to give Participants at least 24 hours’ advance notice before the reissuing of the tags, and if this is not possible, attempt to give notice as far in advance as feasible; and c. notify Participants by e-mail distribution of the re-issuance of the tags. 2. If the affected Participants anticipate that the automated tag creation process will not be able to reissue the tags before the after-the-fact tagging deadline, the sink Participant will coordinate with the source Participants to facilitate the sink Participant’s efforts to manually issue after-the-fact tags according to the most recent reserve sharing tag templates. 3. Participants shall contact NWPP Staff to resolve failure of the automated tag creation process during normal business hours. C. Replacing Denied Reserve Sharing Tags 1. If one Participant denies an after-the-fact the tag (properly or not), the denying Participant will coordinate with all other Participants to facilitate the denying Participant’s efforts to manually reissue the after-the-fact tag(s). NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment G – Page 71 a. If the problem with the original tag was due to an error in the tag template, the denying Participant will immediately notify all other Participants listed in the template of the necessary correction. b. Participants needing to correct a tag template will follow the appropriate procedures specified in Attachment F to make changes to the tag template. 2. If more than one Participant denies a tag, the sink Participant will coordinate with all other affected Participants to facilitate the sink Participant’s efforts to manually reissue the after-the-fact tag. c. If the problem with the original tag was due to an error in the tag template, the denying Participants will immediately notify all other Participants listed in the template of the necessary correction. d. Participants needing to correct a tag template will follow the appropriate procedures specified in Attachment F to make changes to the tag template. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment H – Page 72 Attachment H Balancing Authority Areas of the Participating Balancing Authorities Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) Avangrid Renewables, LLC (AVRN) Avista Corporation (AVA) Balancing Authority of Northern California (BANC) British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BCHA) Bonneville Power Administration (BPAT) Chelan County Public Utility District (CHPD) Douglas County Public Utility District (DOPD) Grant County Public Utility District (GCPD) Gridforce Energy Management, LLC (GRID) Idaho Power Company (IPCO) NaturEner Power Watch, LLC (GWA) NaturEner Wind Watch, LLC (WWA) Nevada Power (NEVP) NorthWestern (NWMT) PacifiCorp East (PACE) PacifiCorp West (PACW) Portland General Electric (PGE) Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCo) Puget Sound Energy (PSE) Seattle City Light (SCL) Tacoma Power (TPWR) Turlock Irrigation District (TID) Western Area Colorado-Missouri (WACM) Western Area Power Administration Upper Great Plains West (WAUW) NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment I – Page 73 Attachment I NERC Standard BAL-002-3 – Disturbance Control Performance – Contingency Reserve for Recovery from a Balancing Contingency Event NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment I – Page 74 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment I – Page 75 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment I – Page 76 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment I – Page 77 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment I – Page 78 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment I – Page 79 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment I – Page 80 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment I – Page 81 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 82 Attachment J WECC STANDARD BAL-002-WECC-3 – Contingency Reserve NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 83 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 84 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 85 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 86 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 87 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 88 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 89 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 90 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 91 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 92 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 93 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 94 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 95 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment J – Page 96 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment K – Page 97 Attachment K Northwest Power Pool Reserve Sharing Group Most Severe Single Contingency Tables TABLE 1 Resource(s) Reporting/ Operating BA MSSC MW Plant Capability MW Balancing Authorities Participating Jointly In Generation and MW Value as applicable. Rock Island CHPD 216 606 AVRN AVA CHPD PSE Rocky Reach - River Crossing 7-8-9 CHPD 410 1,272 AVRN AVA CHPD DOPD PSE Wells DOPD 168 840 AVA DOPD PGE PSE Priest Rapids - 4 units GCPD 372 930 AVA GCPD PACW PGE PSE SCL TPWR Wanapum - 4 units GCPD 388 970 AVA GCPD PACW PGE PSE Colstrip 3 & 4 NWMT 740 1480 AVA 222 NWMT 222 PACW 148 PGE 296 PSE 370 Jim Bridger - 2 units PACW 1,100 2,120 IPC 707 PACW 1413 Hermiston / Perennial PACW 474 474 GRID 237 PACW 237 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment K – Page 98 TABLE 2 Resource(s) Reporting/ Operating BA MSSC MW Plant Capability MW Balancing Authorities Participating Jointly in Generation Not Dynamically Signalled. Valmy #1 & 2 NEVP 268 397 IPC 133 NEVP 260 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment K – Page 99 TABLE 3 Zonal Resource(s) Reporting/ Operating BA MSSC MW Plant Capability MW Modeled Outage Alberta (AB): Genesse #3 AESO 466 1266 Loss of Generation British Columbia (BC): Revelstoke - 3 units BCHA 1505 2505 Revelstoke 500 kV main bus, three units (5MB2) Eastern Colorado (ECO): Rush Creek Gen-Tie PSCo 1400 1400 Loss of tie line Idaho Zone (ID): Langley Gulch IPC 300 329 Unit trip of Langley Gulch – various issues High Desert (HD): Chuck Lenzie PB1 or PB2 NEVP 560 1120 Outage of PB lead line for either PB1 or PB2 Lakeside #2 PACE 645 645 Radial Transmission Line Pacific Northwest - Montana Zone (PNWMT): Noxon Plant RAS Trip AVA 540 550 Nox 230 East Bus with RAS armed. Schoolhouse AVRN 598 598 Loss of John Day 230/500 kV transformer Columbia Generating Station BPAT 1180 1,180 Loss of Generation Rocky Reach - River Crossing 7-8- 9 CHPD 410 1,272 River Crossing 7-8-9 Wells DOPD 168 840 Loss of one Generator Step-Up Transformer (T1-T5) at Wells Wanapum - 4 Units GCPD 388 970 Trip of Wanapum Powerhouse #1 line/ #2 line Centralia #2 GRID 710 710 Loss of Generation NaturEner Power Watch GWA 106 210 GW1 115/34kV transformer NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment K – Page 100 Colstrip #3 or #4 NWMT 740 1480 Loss of Generation or generator lead line Jim Bridger - 2 units on RAS PACW 1100 2120 RAS Action Carty PGE 490 490 Loss of generation or generator lead line Poison Springs - Wind Ridge Wind Ridge - Wanapum PSE 260 364 Loss of 230kV Poison Springs – Wind Ridge line / 230 kV Wind Ridge – Wanapum line Boundary Unit #55 or #56 SCL 223 1064 Loss of Generation Mossyrock TPWR 203 378 Generator – Transmission Outage Fort Peck WAUW 44 64 Loss of Generation NaturEner Rim Rock WWA 189 189 Loss of Hay Lake – Rim Rock East & West 230 kV generation tie line Northern California (NCAL): Cosumnes BANC 298 596 1X1 Generator Outage, Gen Tie to plant Walnut Energy Center TID 129 258 Loss of Generation Western Colorado (WCO): Laramie River Station #2 or #3 WACM 570 570 Loss of Generation NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment L – Page 101 Attachment L Transmission Facilities Making Up Cut Planes Between Reserve Sharing Zones a. The facilities associated with the cut plane connecting the Alberta Reserve Sharing Zone with the British Columbia Reserve Sharing Zone are the following (defined by Alberta Electric System Operator): Cranbrook – Bennett 500kV / 1201L FORDC_BRITT_C– Pocaterra 138kV / 887L Natal – Coleman 138kV / 786L Hay Lake – Picture Butte 240kV / 941L b. The facilities associated with the cut plane connecting the Pacific Northwest- Montana Reserve Sharing Zone with the British Columbia Reserve Sharing Zone are the following (defined by British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority and the Bonneville Power Administration): Custer - Ingledow #1 500kV / 5L51 Custer - Ingledow #2 500kV / 5L52 Boundary - Nelway 230kV / 2L112 Boundary - Waneta 230kV / 71L c. The facilities associated with the cut plane connecting the Idaho Reserve Sharing Zone with the Pacific Northwest-Montana Reserve Sharing Zone are as follows (defined by Idaho Power Company): Hemingway - Summer Lake 500 kV Imnaha - Lolo 230 kV Hells Canyon - Hurricane 230 kV North Power - LaGrande 230 kV Hines - Harney 115 kV Total Brownlee East Lines: Hemingway - Summer Lake 500 kV Brownlee - Boise Bench #1 230 kV Brownlee - Boise Bench #2 230 kV Brownlee - Boise Bench #3 230 kV Brownlee - Horse Flat #4 230 kV Brownlee - Ontario 230 kV Oxbow - Starkey 138 kV Quartz - Ontario 138 kV NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment L – Page 102 d. The facilities associated with the cut plane connecting the Idaho Reserve Sharing Zone with the High Desert Reserve Sharing Zone, are as follows (defined by PacifiCorp and NV Energy): Malad - American Falls 138 kV Ben Lomond - Populus #1 & #2 345kV Terminal - Populus 345 kV Treasureton - SunBeam - Brady 230 kV FishCreek - Goshen 161kV Threemile Knoll 138/345 kV transformer Threemile Knoll 138/115 kV transformer (future) Humboldt - Midpoint 345 kV Osceola-Black Rock 230 kV - Pavant Gonder 230 kV leg only Harry Allen - Red Butte 345 kV e. The facilities associated with the cut plane connecting the Pacific Northwest- Montana Reserve Sharing Zone with the Northern California Reserve Sharing Zone are as follows (defined by Balancing Authority of Northern California): Captain Jack - Olinda 500 kV line (metered at Captain Jack) Malin - Round Mountain #1 500 kV line (metered at Malin) Malin - Round Mountain #2 500 kV line (metered at Malin) Hilltop - Bordertown 345 kV line (metered at Bordertown) f. The facilities associated with the cut plane connecting the High Desert Reserve Sharing Zone with the Western Colorado Reserve Sharing Zone are as follows (defined by Western Area Colorado-Missouri): Craig-Bonanza 345 kV Hayden-Artesia 138 kV Meeker-Rangley 138 kV Waterflow-San Juan 345 kV Hersperus-Glade Tap 115 kV Lost Canyon-Shiprock 230 kV g. The facilities associated with the cut plane connecting the Western Colorado Reserve Sharing Zone with the Eastern Colorado Reserve Sharing Zone are as follows (defined by Western Area Colorado-Missouri): NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment L – Page 103 Archer-Ault 230 kV Laramie River-Ault 345 kV Laramie River-Keota 345 kV Cheyenne-Owl Creek 115 kV Sidney-Sterling 115 kV Sidney-Spring Canyon 230 kV Terry Ranch Road-Ault 230 kV North Park-Terry Ranch Road 230 kV Craig-Ault 345 kV Hayden-Gore Pass 230 kV Hayden-Gore Pass 138 kV N. Gunnison-Salida (Poncha Jct.) 115 kV Curecanti-Poncha 230 kV Basalt-Malta 230 kV Hopkins-Malta 230 kV NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment M – Page 104 Attachment M Overview of BPA Remedial Action Schemes That Suspend Automatic Generation Control and Result in Expected Changes to NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE Background: This attachment (1) describes the operation and purposes of BPA Remedial Action Schemes (as defined in the NERC Glossary; also known as RAS) that are designed to drop generation and intentionally suspend Automatic Generation Control (AGC) actions to achieve the required flow mitigation effects of the RAS for transmission line outages that have large impacts to the integrity of the Western Interconnection, (2) explains why efforts by a Participating Balancing Authority or by the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group to immediately recover NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE following operation of this category of RAS would undermine the designed reliability benefits of the RAS, and (3) explains that the change in NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE that results from the planned, intentional generation dropping of these RAS is not unexpected and therefore does not meet the definition of a Balancing Contingency Event. RAS Description: For certain types of potential exceedances of System Operating Limits and Interconnection Reliability Operating Limits (SOL/IROL), BPA has designed RAS to intentionally drop generation and suspend related AGC actions. This category of RAS is intended to mitigate flow and stability impacts associated with various contingency events on transmission facilities. These transmission facilities are designed to operate at maximum transfer levels that rely on protection provided by the associated RAS. For example, RAS for the California-Oregon Intertie system (COI) and Pacific Direct Current Intertie system (PDCI) are in this category. There are other transmission facilities in the Northwest that also rely on this category of RAS to maximize transfer capability. Additional remedial actions for this category of RAS may include other actions such as fast switching of reactive devices and insertion of dynamic braking resistors. This category of RAS intentionally suspends AGC within the BPA Balancing Authority and any other host Balancing Authorities of the associated generating units to avoid counteracting the intended flow mitigation benefit of the RAS. Even with AGC suspended, active governors of synchronized generators are expected to respond to the changed load-resource balance and resulting frequency drop. The Bulk Electric System within the Western Interconnection, including the affected areas, are expected to perform according to the BAL-003 requirements and immediately provide primary frequency control through governor action to arrest the frequency decline and stabilize the system. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment M – Page 105 Overall system recovery continues as the affected systems adjust transfers and generation or deploy contingency reserves, and the affected systems rebalance for the new level of transfers associated with the SOL/IROL. Each affected Balancing Authority restores its AGC once transfers are adjusted. Generation then ramps up (receiving areas with imports curtailed) or down (sending areas with exports curtailed) to the new required levels, which enables each affected Balancing Authority to recover its Reporting ACE. The Significance of BPA RAS in Relation to Reporting ACE: Because certain planned generation dropping through RAS action is intended to protect affected transmission facilities within the NWPP from overloads, instability, or cascading outages, any action by Participants in the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group to immediately recover Reporting ACE following these specific RAS events may adversely affect reliability of the Bulk Electric System. Changes to the NWPP Reserve Sharing Group’s Reporting ACE due to RAS actions are expected and, as such, are not Balancing Contingency Events. Generation is dispatched appropriately to accommodate the post-RAS system configuration, which may take more than 15 minutes. BPA is responsible for notifying the NWPP Staff whenever an event involving operation of this category of RAS has occurred, and therefore 15-minute recovery of NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE is not expected for that event. NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment N – Page 106 Attachment N Correlation Table of Participants, Reliability Coordinators, and Reserve Sharing Zones Participant Reliability Coordinator Zone Transfer Date AESO AESO AB N/A AVA RC West PNWMT 11/1/2019 AVRN RC West PNWMT 11/1/2019 BANC RC West NCAL 7/1/2019 BCHA BC Reliability Coordinator BC 9/2/2019 BPAT RC West PNWMT 11/1/2019 CHPD RC West PNWMT 11/1/2019 DOPD RC West PNWMT 11/1/2019 GCPD RC West PNWMT 11/1/2019 GRID SPP RC PNWMT 12/3/2019 GWA RC West PNWMT 11/1/2019 IPC RC West ID 11/1/2019 NVE RC West HD 11/1/2019 NWMT RC West PNWMT 11/1/2019 PACE RC West HD 11/1/2019 PACW RC West PNWMT 11/1/2019 PGE RC West PNWMT 11/1/2019 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Attachment N – Page 107 Participant Reliability Coordinator Zone Transfer Date PSCo SPP ECO 12/3/2019 PSE RC West PNWMT 11/1/2019 SCL RC West PNWMT 11/1/2019 TID RC West NCAL 7/1/2019 TPWR RC West PNWMT 11/1/2019 WACM SPP WCO 12/3/2019 WAUW SPP WCO 12/3/2019 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Documentation History – Page 108 DOCUMENTATION HISTORY Updates: Date: NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Accommodation for new Balancing Authorities: SMUD & TID 6-07-2007 Combining of SPP and PACE zones into SPP-PACE zone 3-31-2008 Update of section D.3 for jointly owned generation 5-18-2008 Accommodation for new Balancing Authorities: GWA 10-13-2008 Updated terminology and addition of Attachments F, G, and H. 1-30-2009 Update of Attachment D to reflect tag template updates 3-31-2009 Update for requirement omission from 10-13-2008 version to 01-30-2009 version 3-31-2009 Clarity to sections I.5.l and H.2 4-8-2009 Update for computer failure, continuance to deliver reserve for full 60 minutes 4-8-2009 Clarification to Attachment B – Covered contingencies 5-12-2009 Update to Attachment B – Loss of wind generation due to temperature 7-1-2009 Grammar revision to definition of “Reportable Disturbance” 7-30-2009 Accommodation of information for the ACE Diversity Interchange (ADI) program 10-15-2009 Update of Attachment D – transmission mapping between NWMT and PGE 11-1-2009 Clarifying revisions and reorganization throughout; addition of language to Attachment B specifying Operating Committee authority to designate additional “Qualifying Events”; addition of Attachment K 10-18-2010 British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority NERC Registry acronym change from BCTC to BCHA 12-1-2010 Addition of definition of “RSG Committee”; replacement of most references to Operating Committee and all references to NWPP Reserve Sharing Subcommittee with references to RSG Committee; Updates of Attachment K 4-6-2011 Revision to Attachment B – addition of energy emergency as a Qualifying Event 10-5-2011 Update to section K.3. Financial Settlement with Powerdex Mid-Columbia Hourly 1-1-2012 Update to definition of Single Contingency, Section J.1.f with additional request language, and Section K.3. Financial Settlement clarification 6-7-2012 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Documentation History – Page 109 Revisions to Section 1.a of Attachment A to incorporate new requirements for photovoltaic and other types of generation; threshold in second bullet of definition of “Reportable Disturbance” lowered from 190 MW to 170 MW and updates to Attachment K Tables 1 and 3 1-10-2013 Clarifying updates throughout document including the addition of Section D.3.f, revisions to Sections E.2, E.4, F and updates to Attachments B, C, F and K 4-4-2013 Update to Attachment B and removal of (e) Unexpected loss of Contingency Reserve with new language to section (c) 6-6-2013 Updates to Attachments D, H, and K for incorporation of NaturEner Wind Watch BA, WWA into program documentation 10-30-2013 Updates to Attachments D, H, and K for incorporation of the Constellation Energy Control and Dispatch BA, WWA into program documentation along with other clarifying updates throughout the document 11-25-2013 Updates to Attachments C, D, H, and K to reflect Nevada Power Company (NEVP), as operator of the consolidated Balancing Authority Area encompassing the Balancing Authority Areas previously operated separately by Sierra Pacific Power Company (SPPC) and Nevada Power Company (NEVP) 1-9-2014 Revisions throughout document to reflect implementation of WECC Standard BAL- 002-WECC-2, to incorporate terms governing Loss of a Unit-Contingent Purchase, and to reflect the name change of the organization formerly known as Constellation Energy Control and Dispatch (CSTO) to Gridforce Energy Management, LLC (GRID) 8-15-2014 – Effective 10-1-2014 Revisions to incorporate language concerning RSG compliance with R3 and R4 of WECC BAL- 002-WECC-2 8-22-2014 – Effective 10-1-2014 Clarifying revisions to the description of Contingency Reserve Obligation calculation in Attachment A, with conforming changes in body of document and other minor clean-up items 1-8-2015 Clarifying revisions to timing of requests for assistance reserve in section E.3; changes to section I.2, Major Transmission Facility Information; Attachment A, revisions regarding Balancing Authority Calculation of Contingency Reserve Obligation When Communications with Reserve Sharing Computer System Are NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Documentation History – Page 110 Disrupted; and a new Attachment L, Transmission Facilities Making up Cut Planes Between Reserve Sharing Zones 4-2-2015 Clarifying revisions to section K.3.e to address how and when the NWPP Staff will complete and post calculations of applicable settlement prices 4-17-2015 – Effective 5-1-2015 Revisions to “Introduction and Overview” section to clarify that NWPP Staff are responsible for compliance reporting, not individual Participants; revisions to Section D.4.b to require at least quarterly reporting of data for R.3. and R.4 of WECC Standard BAL-002-WECC-2 10-8-2015 Addition and incorporation of the defined term “Contingency Reserve Available” and editorial cleanup revisions 4-1-2016 Clarifications related to NWPP Reserve Sharing Program participation status, determining real-time Most Severe Single Contingency, and reflection of NWPP Reserve Sharing Program requirements in Participant operating procedures 10-13-2016 Removal of language in Attachment B Qualifying Events, (d) Declaration of Energy Emergency Alert 2 or 3 05-12-2017 Effective May 12, 2017 - Participation in WECC Field Test Waiving Enforcement of BAL-002-WECC-2a, Requirement R2 05-12-2017 Revisions to harmonize definitions and other relevant provisions to NERC Standard BAL-002-2(i) and the NERC Glossary; miscellaneous cleanup and clarifying revisions 10-25-2017 Newly added definition for Operating Plan, clarifying changes to MSSC definition, and conforming changes sections D. 3., E.4. and L. 11-30-2017 Clarifying changes to term Reserve Sharing Zone, addition of terms: System Operator, BAA Net Generation, Net Generation, Actual Net Interchange, Scheduled Net Interchange; clarifying changes to Sections D.3.j, revisions to Section I.1,, addition of Section I.5.d., clarifying changes to Attachment A of BAA Net Generation, Net Generation, Actual Net Interchange, Scheduled Net Interchange; revisions to Attachments D, H, and K to reflect addition of Avangrid Renewables as a new Participant. Changes to update the WECC and NERC BAL-002 standards to conform through the entire document. 5-10-2018 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Documentation History – Page 111 Clarifying changes to section D.3.k. to clarify NWPP RSG procedures related to Energy Emergency Alerts. In addition, clarifying language was addded to Section L. regarding Obligation to submit a NWPP RSG Verification Form and new Section L.2. added regarding Reporting Balancing Obligation to Notify NWPP Staff. 11-8-2018 New term added for NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE. In addition, new Attachment M – Overview of BPA Remedial Action Schemes That Suspend Automatic Generation Control and Result in Expected Changes to NWPP Reserve Sharing Group Reporting ACE and Attachment N - Correlation Table of Participants, Reliability Coordinators and Zones. Clarifying changes to section I.5. regarding data telemetered from Reserve Sharing Program to the Reliability Coordinator with the addition of the NWPP RSG Reporting ACE and new Section I.6. – Management of Data Related to Reserve Sharing Zones. 2-14-2019 Reviewed and updated the Operating Process (including all tables in Attachment K) to determine the NWPP’s MSSC and make preparations to have Contingency Reserve equal to, or greater than the NWPP’s MSSC available for maintaining system reliability. 2-14-2019 Clarifying notes to Attachment B - Qualifying Events with new note 2 and formatting (similar to NERC Definition for Balancing Contingency Event). Additional housekeeping items to clarify front page with BAL-002-WECC-2a, Section H.3. with updated contact information, corrected bulleting in Attachment A, and updated Attachment L with appropriate AESO Cut Plane facilities. 5-16-2019 Reviewed and updated the Operating Process (including all tables in Attachment K) to determine the NWPP’s MSSC and make preparations to have Contingency Reserve equal to, or greater than the NWPP’s MSSC available for maintaining system reliability. 5-16-2019 Clarification to WECC Waiver regarding BAL-002-WECC-2a R2. Balancing Contingent Event term added and conforming changes throughout document for a Reportable Balancing Contingent Event. Reporting ACE clarification to Section I.1.f. and J.2.a. Language added to section L.1 to address RSG reporting of EEAs. Clarification of zones to response levels to Attachment C, including new tables for zones and associated BAs along with responding levels. In addition, the removal of Attachment D with new reference to NWPP RSG Tag Templates and conforming changes. Housekeeping changes to conform document with Attachment N. 7-1- 2019 Reviewed and updated the Operating Process (including all tables in Attachment K) to determine the NWPP’s MSSC and make preparations to have Contingency Reserve equal to, or greater than the NWPP’s MSSC available for maintaining system reliability. 7-1-2019 NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Documentation History – Page 112 Updates to address the addition of new BA Participants, WACM and PSCO for live operation 9- 3-2019. Conforming changes throughout document (Section I.2., I.4.d., Attachment C, Attachment H, Attachment K, Attachmnet L, and Attachment N). 7-1-2019 – effective 9-3-2019 Revisions to Attachment M by removing “Reportable” from references to Balancing Contingency Event. 8-8-2019 Reviewed and updated the Operating Process (including all tables in Attachment K) to determine the NWPP’s MSSC and make preparations to have Contingency Reserve equal to, or greater than the NWPP’s MSSC available for maintaining system reliability. 8-8-2019 Reviewed and updated the Operating Process (including all tables in Attachment K) to determine the NWPP’s MSSC and make preparations to have Contingency Reserve equal to, or greater than the NWPP’s MSSC available for maintaining system reliability. 11-7-2019 Clarifications made to section E.3. Timing of Requests for Assistance Reserve. Additions to section H.3. with respect providing ICCP failover notifications to NWPP staff. Revisions to section I.5. regarding Data Telemetered to the RCs and elimination of section I.6 as it is all covered in the revised section I.5. Revisions to section K. Settlement with the elimination of Energy In-Kind settlement and conforming changes. 11-7-2019 Reviewed and updated the Operating Process (including all tables in Attachment K) to determine the NWPP’s MSSC and make preparations to have Contingency Reserve equal to, or greater than the NWPP’s MSSC available for maintaining system reliability. 2-6-2020 Housekeeping update to WECC Waiver extension to BAL-002-WECC-2a R2 on front page. 4-6-2020 Reviewed and updated the Operating Process (including all tables in Attachment K) to determine the NWPP’s MSSC and make preparations to have Contingency Reserve equal to, or greater than the NWPP’s MSSC available for maintaining system reliability. Housekeeping update to font formatting and indexing. Addition of Process Diagrams as Attachment D (General Process Diagram, Settlement Process, Calculation of CRO, and Back-up Procedures). Consistent naming of generator contingencies in Attachment K. 5-7-2020 Reviewed and updated the Operating Process (including all tables in Attachment K) to determine the NWPP’s MSSC and make preparations to have Contingency Reserve equal to, or greater than the NWPP’s MSSC available for maintaining system reliability. Revised Section B. term for Participating Balancing Authority or Participant. Revisions to Section C.3. to address Balancing Authority versus Balancing Authority Area and program functionality. Revisions to Section F. to further clarify program functionality for committment of Contingency Reserve NWPP Reserve Sharing Program 1-18-2006 Approved 5-6-2021 Documentation History – Page 113 Obligation when requesting Assistance Reserve, including conforming changes to Section I.4.d. and elimination of Section 2. Discretion of Participating BA to Carry More Contingency Reserve Than Required by Calculation of Minimum Contingency Reserve Obligation; Obligation to Make All Reported Contingency Reserve Available. Section I.1. revsion and addition of new data from Participant BAs to program (BA_FBS, BA_Ime, BA_ATEC, and BA_ADI). Updates to section L. as related to Internal RSG Reporting. Revisions to Attachment A, Section 1. to address program update to MSSC Deadbans. Attachment K MSSC Updates to PGE MSSC. 11-5-2020 Reviewed and updated the Operating Process (including all tables in Attachment K) to determine the NWPP’s MSSC and make preparations to have Contingency Reserve equal to, or greater than the NWPP’s MSSC available for maintaining system reliability. Housekeeping update to font formatting and indexing. Revisions to Section B. Terminology’s BAL-002 term. Revisions to Sections E.2. regarding actions required to respond to an EEA. Revisions to Section E.3. regarding length of time for accessing Contingency Reserve to respond to EEAs. Conforming changes to address Section B. Contingency Reserve Available term relating to EEA. Last, updates to Section I.1. h. & i. to reflect correct use of NIA and NIS. 2-4-2021 Updated language to Section H.2. to for NWPP Staff to perform analysis on each Reportable Balancing Contingency Event that the NWPP RSG experiences. 3-30-2021 Updated cover page to reflect WECC-0115 BAL-002-WECC-2a, Requirement R2, Compliance Waiver Extension 4-6-2021 Reviewed and updated the Operating Process (including all tables in Attachment K) to determine the NWPP’s MSSC and make preparations to have Contingency Reserve equal to, or greater than the NWPP’s MSSC available for maintaining system reliability. Revisions to section D.2. to address appropriate reference to Attachment A and its sections. Revisions to Attachment A. 1 to remove the 1.5 shortfall multiplier to address the current functionality of computer program. 5-6-2021 RSGC approved updates (Feb. 4, 2021) to conform documentation with new Standard BAL-002- WECC-3, effective June 28, 2021 6-28-2021