HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210823PAC to Staff 1-21-Redacted.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DNISION OF PAOFrcORP r :: . ", i 1_1..')L\i_.,.,-."t r LLr :::: j iiai 13 PH 5: C9 1/+07 W North Temple, Suite 330 Saft Lake Cig, Utah 84116 August 23,2021 Jan Noriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 i an. noriyuki@puc. idaho. eov (C) RE:ID PAC.E-21-16 IPUC Set I (l-21) Please find enclosed Rocky Morurtain Power's Responses to IPUC ls Set Data Requests l-21. Also provided are Attachments IPUC 8 and 9. Confidential documents will be provided upon receipt of a signed confidentiality agreement. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, -lsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 1 IPUC Data Request 1 Please provide the source of funds for the expenses shown in Table No. 2 of the Application. Response to IPUC Data Request 1 The Wattsmart Battery progmm is being proposed as a Class I demand-side management @SM) program. Therefore, if approved, expenses for this program, including expenses shown in Table No. 2 ofthe Application, will be funded through the Schedule 191 (Customer Services Efficiency Rate Adjustnent). Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,202I IPUC Data Request 2 IPUC Data Request 2 What process does the Company propose for making program changes to this proposed tarifl How frequently (i.e., annually, quarterly, as needed, etc.) does the Company expect to consider program changes? Response to IPUC Data Request 2 The Company proposes to manage this tariff the same way it manages its other demand-side management (DSM) tariffs. If changes are necessary to the Schedule 114 tariff sheets, provided as Exhibit A to the Application, the Company will submit a filing before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) seeking approval. If changes are necessary to the incentive tables and other program information provided in Exhibit B to the Application, the Company will follow the same flexible tariff process as it currently does for other DSM programs, which is described on page 2 of the Company's Application. The Company intends to consider program changes on an as needed basis. The Company frequently reviews its DSM programs and makes changes to them on a regular basis, mainly in response to market conditions, changes in material costs, product availability, price competition, etc., and to stay in alignment with the Company's savings targets, budgets, and cost effectiveness requirements. Recordholder: Michael Snow Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 3 IPUC Data Request 3 Please provide the projected costs for establishing the Trade Ally Network. Have these costs been included in Table No. 2 of the Application? Response to IPUC Data Request 3 Trade Ally costs are not included in Table No. 2 of the Application. The costs to establish a Trade Ally Network for the Wattsmart Battery Program are expected to be minimal with potential no cost at all. Experience from the battery demand response program in Utah has shown that battery contactors are anxious and willing to promote the Wattsmart Battery progftlm. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC DataRequest4 IPUC Data Roquest 4 Please provide the criteria for "axr event that is e4pected to cause syst€m outages," shown on page 9 of the Applicarion? Response to IPUC lletr Request 4 An event ftsf might be erryected to cause a system outage could bs severe foreoasted weather, planned outages, wildfires, natural disastors, etc. Recordholder: Shavm Crrant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 5 IPUC Data Request 5 For the Company's cost-effectiveness calculation provided in Exhibit C, please provide the following in Excel format with all formulas enabled: (a) Please provide all work papers for the cost effectiveness study shown in Exhibit C. Please include all modeled assumptions; (b) Please provide the Company's benefits calculation for each year for the entire analysis period. Please provide the benefits calculations from the Utility Cost Test (UCT) perspective; (c) Please provide the avoided cost used for the Company's benefits calculations; and (d) Please provide the modeled estimated battery life for the Company's analysis. Confidential Response to IPUC Data Request 5 (a) Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 5. (b) Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 5. !tl"u.. refer to the confidential table provided below: (d) The model assumed a2}-year battery measure life Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA 31.01.01 .067 and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and furttrer subject to any subsequentNon-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder Shawn Grant Program Year Avoided Costs 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026-2041 Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 6 IPUC Data Request 6 For batteries, please provide the following: (a) A list of battery-storage equipment and equipment manufacturers that are capable of communicating with the Company's Distributed Battery Grid Management Solution (DBGMS); O) A list of battery-storage equipment and equipment manufacturers that meet the requirements for utility-controlled demand response; (c) The requirements for a battery-storage system to be integrated into DBGMS; and (d) The average life for each battery that is currently available to be integrated into ttre DBGMS. If not available, please provide the battery warranty length. Response to IPUC Data Request 6 (a) Currently, only Sonnen batteries are eligible to participate in the Wattsmart Battery program. Rocky Mountain Power AMP) is working with a third-party aggregator to allow for other battery manufacturers to participate. The third- party aggregator has established a protocol to connect batteries with PacifiCorp's energy management system (EMS). Once proposed batteries are connected and communicating, they will be tested to ensure batteries respond according to program design. (b) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a) above. (c) Minimum requirements for participation are provided on RMP's website, and can be accessed by utilizing the following website link: hftos://www.rockymountainpower.neVsavings-energy-choices/utah-wattsmart- battery-prog ram,/batterv -manufacturers. htm I (d) Batteries are required to have a minimum l0-year battery life (wananty) with a minimum of 7,500 battery cycle life. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 7 IPUC Data Request 7 The Application states that the Wattsmart Battery program can potentially be used for frequency reserves, contingency reserves, and regulation reseryes. Please answer the following: (a) How large would the program need to be, approximated by the number of kilowaffs, to utilize it eflectively and operationally for the described purposes? (b) Please provide a list of investnents in infrastructure, software, labor, or any other requirements necessary and sufficient to make this feasible for the described purposes. Response to IPUC Data Request 7 (a) The reserve requirements for compliance with North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standards BAL-00 I (regulation), BAL-002 (contingency) and BAL-003 (frequency) are measured in megawatts (MW). Therefore, the minimum program size would need to be an aggregate of 1,000 kilowatts (kW) to be utilized effectively and operationally. There is currently more than 1,000 kW of batteries enrolled in Rocky Mountain Power's AI!P) Wattsmart Battery Program. (b) No additional investments would be necessary to implement a Wattsmart Battery Program in Idaho for frequency reserves, contingency reserves, and regulation reserves. Recordholder:Tom Burns / Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 8 IPUC Data Request 8 In Exhibit B, the Company states the program "may be deployed when the utility is experiencing a qualiSing event as defined by Norttrwest Power Pool." Please provide the requirements for an event to be considered a quahfring event. Response to IPUC Data Request 8 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 8, which provides a copy of the Northwest Power Pool's (N\IPP) Reserve Sharing Program Documentation. Specifically, please refer to Attachment B (Quati$ing Events). Note: this information is publicly available and can be accessed on the NWPP website by utilizing the following website link: hffps://www.nwpp.org/ Recordholder:Tom Bums Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 9 IPUC Data Request 9 Exhibit A, states "The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Public Service Commission of the State of Utah, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming apart of and incorporated in said Agreement." Please provide an updated Exhibit A with Idaho specific information for Staffs review. Response to IPUC Data Request 9 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 9. Recordholder:Michael Snow Sponsor:Bill Comeau Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOWER A DMSION OF PACIR@NP LP.U.C. No. I Original Sheet No. 114.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 114 STATE OF IDAHO Load Management Program APPLICABLE: This tariff is applicable to eligible Customers who have premises located in designated areas. Customers served by the Company in the state of Idaho taking service under the Company's electric service schedules listed on Schedule l9l - Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjusfinent locatedwithinthe designated areas are eligible to participate in a Load Management Program (Program). PIJRPOSE: To manage electric loads through a Company-dispatched Direct Load Control System (System). PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: A detailed description of the Program(s) is found on the Company website. CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION: Participating premises are considered Program participants for the duration of the Program(s). Customers may cancel their participation in the Program(s) at any time. The Company or its Program contractors shall have the right to qualify progftlm participants, at their sole discretion based on criteria the Company or Program contractors consider necessary to ensure the effective operation of the Program(s) and utility System. Program details can be viewed on the Company's website. PROVISIONS OF SERYICE: l. Qualifuing Equipment or Services, incentive amounts, and participation procedures will be listed on the Load Management Program website. 2. lncentive delivery may vary by technology and may include cash payments and/or bill credits. 3. Incentives may be offered year-round or for selected time periods. 4. Incentive offer availability, incentive levels, and Qualiffing Equipment or Services may be changed to reflect changing codes and standards, sales volumes, quality assurance data, or to enhance program cost effectiveness.5. All changes will occur with a minimum of 45 days notice and be prominently displayed as a change on the Company's website. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service underthis Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including futrue applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-16 FILED: July 15,2021 EFFECTM: October 15, 2021 PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 10 IPUC Data Request 10 Please provide the number of customers in the Company's Idaho service territory that have solar installed. Please provide a breakdown of the number of customers by electric service schedule that are listed on Schedule 191. Response to IPUC Data Request 10 As of June 30,2021, Rocky Mountain Power (RNP) hadl,470 customers with installed solar systems. A break down by service schedules listed on Schedule 191 is provided in the table below: Schedule Customer Count Schedule I 1.160 Schedule 6 6 Schedule 6A I Schedule 7 0 Schedule 7A 0 Schedule 9 0 Schedule 10 0 Schedule ll 0 Schedule 12 0 Schedule 19 0 Schedule 23 45 Schedule 23A 0 Schedule 24 0 Schedule 35 0 Schedule 35A 0 Schedule 36 258 Total 1,470 Recordholder: Tony Worthington \ Honorino Lora Jr Sponsor: Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request I I IPUC Data Request 11 Please provide the number of customers in the Company's Idaho service tenitory that completed a solar installation for 2019 and2020. Please provide a breakdown ofthe number of customers by electric service schedule that are listed on Schedule 191. Response to IPUC Data Request 11 Rocky Mountain Power (RNP) had74l customers complete installation of a solar system in 2019 and2020. A break down by service schedules listed on Schedule 191 is provided in the table below: Schedule Customer Count Schedule I s90 Schedule 6 4 Schedule 6A I Schedule 7 0 Schedule 7A 0 Schedule 9 0 Schedule 10 0 Schedule ll 0 Schedule 12 0 Schedule 19 0 Schedule 23 t7 Schedule 23A 0 Schedule 24 0 Schedule 35 0 Schedule 35A 0 Schedule 36 129 Total 741 Recordholder: Tony Worthington \ Honorino Lora Jr Sponsor: Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 12 IPUC Data Request 12 On page 7 of the Application, the Company states "the Company may provide a lease type agreement option, where the Company will work with qualified trade- allies to install and maintain the batteries." Please provide additional details around the "lease type agreement option" by answering the following: (a) How does the Company plan to fund this option? (b) What is the length of the proposed lease options? (c) Will customers still receive other incentives? (d) Who are the qualified tade-allies and what services will the trade-allies provide? (e) What are the requirements to qualiff for a "lease type agreement"? (e.g., kW size or residential services with solar only) Response to IPUC Data Request 12 As the program is intoduced to ldaho customers, the "lease" option will not be available. Details on a "lease" option are still being considered and developed. Once a "lease" option is more developed the details will be shared with Idaho stakeholders prior to being offered. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 13 IPUC Data Request 13 Page 3 of the Application states "[i]nitially, batteries will be used to oflset customers' load". Who is proposed to have contol over dispatch decisions when batteries are used to of[set customers' load? Please explain. Response to IPUC Data Request 13 Rocky Mountain Power AI\4P) / PacifiCorp will have contol over the dispakh decisions for when batteries are used to offset customer load based on current and future grid needs. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 14 IPUC Data Request 14 Page 5 of the Application states "[i]ntially, residential incentives will be split between customers with and without existing solar. The incentive for customers with solar installed prior to September 2021 will be the maximum amount of $15O/kilowatt (kVO multiplied by the commitrnent term. The offered incentive for customers with solar installed after August202l will be set at $100/kW multiplied by the commitnent term." Please answer the following questions: (a) Please confirm "installed" above refers to the installation of a solar generator, not the installation of a battery; (b) Please explain why the incentive is reduced after August202l; (c) Will this incentive structure apply to commercial customers now or in the future? Please explain why or why not; (d) Please confirm that the incentives apply to solar-powered batteries only and that batteries powered by other resources such as wind do not qualifu for these incentives. If so, please explain why the incentives are available for solar- powered batteries only; and (e) Please confirm that the enrollment incentive and the participation incentive are applied to the nameplate capacity of a battery, not the nameplate of a solar generator. Response to IPUC Data Request 14 (a) The term "installed" in this context is referring to the installation of solar generation and not the installation of a battery. If a customer has installed solar generation prior to September 1,2021, they will be eligible to receive the $150 per kilowatt ($ltW) incentive. If a customer has installed solar generation on or after September l, 2021, they will be eligible for the $100/kW incentive. (b) It will be more challenging to get customers with existing solar to participate in the program than customers without existing solar, thus requiring a lower incentive for customers who install solar on or after September 1,2021. If the Wattsmart Battery progftrm is approved, Trade Allies will market both solar and batteries as an attractive package to customers. However, customers with existing solar will have to purchase a battery separately, which is not as desirable as a packaged deal. Additionally, customers with existing solar are already generating excess energy on the grid. Offering a higher incentive to obtain participation from customers with existing solar will enable the Company to utilize the excess solar already being generated. PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 14 (c) The incentive sfructure will be immediately available to commercial customers if they install qualified eligible batteries. (d) At this time, participation incentives are intended to only be available for batteries charged by solar power. If wind power battery technology is a proven technology, it may be considered for future inclusion within the Wattsmart Battery program. (e) Participation incentives are based on continuous output (kW) of the battery which is available to Rocky Mountain Power (RMP). Incentive will not be based on nameplate solar generation capacity. Recordholder: Shawn Grant Sponsor: Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC DataRequest 15 IPUC Data Request 15 Do Table No. 2 @stimated Program Costs by Category) and Table No. 3 (Estimated 6-Year Program Participation) assume that batteries are used to offset customers' load only, without providing any other capabilities, such as gnd management? Please explain. Response to IPUC Data Request 15 Estimates provided in Table No. 2 and Table No. 3 in the Application assume batteries may be used for all grid management applications. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUCDataRequest 16 IPUC Data Rcquest 16 Please confirm whether Table No. 1 in the Application shows incentives for using batteries only to offseJ customerso load. Will new incentives be developed when batteries are used for other utility purposes? Ploase e4plain. Response to IPUC Deta Request 16 Table No. I in the Application (Wattsmart Battery Inccntives) assumes batteries may be used for all gnd services. Recordholdq: Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC DataRequest 17 IPUC Data Request 17 Please explain the impact of this program on the Company's ability to recover its fixed costs due to currenfly collecting those costs through volumetric rates and explain how the Company will address this issue. Response to IPUC Data Request 17 Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request l. The Company will recover the costs specifically associated with the Wattsmart Battery progftrm through Schedule l9l (Customer Effrciency Services Rate Adjustnent). ln terms of broader recovery of overall utility fixed costs, the Company does not anticipate that battery adoption itself will lower volumetic sales and reduce fixed cost recovery. Customer-sited batteries rather change the timing of energy consumption and can increase volumetic energy sales as efficiency losses are experienced. Recordholder: Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 18 IPUC Data Request 18 Exhibit C includes the cost-effectiveness findings for Guidehouse's analysis of the proposed Battery Demand Resource Program in Idaho. Please answer the following questions: (a) V/hy does the analysis utilize the ten-year benefit estimates developed for the Utah Cool Keeper Program, which is a Utah program? (b) Please provide work papers that illustrate "[e]ach year after ttre initial forecast utilized the year 10 assumption to calculate annual benefits." Response to IPUC Data Request 18 (a) The analysis utilizes a "methodology" developed to calculate cost effectiveness for Rocky Mountain Power's (RMP) Utah Cool Keeper demand response program. This same "methodology" was used to calculate cost eflectiveness for the proposed Wattsmart Battery program. The proposed progftrm in Idaho has unique savings, costs, program benefits, etc. (b) Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 5, specifically Confidential Attachment IPUC 5. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 19 IPUC Data Request 19 Exhibit C states that the program is projected to include 8,600 batteries at the end of 2041. However, if the trend in Table No. 3 in the Application is linearly extapolatedto204l, the numberwill be significantly less. Please explainwhy the anticipated amount in Exhibit C does not align with the extrapolated tend. Response to IPUC Data Request 19 The participation numbers in the second column of Table No. 3 in the Application are estimated participation numbers each year and are not cumulative. Estimated program participation during 2022 throtgh2027 is estimated to be 1,950 batteries. The Company's model estimates an additional475 batteries will be added to the progftrm each year from 2028 through 2041. This would equate to 6,650 batteries from 2028 through 2A41. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 20 IPUC Data Request 20 Table No. 2 and Table No. 3 in Exhibit C show that the ratio between Total Site kW, which is the battery capacity, and Total Generator kW, which is the generator capacity, is close to l:1. Please explain whether it is a reasonable ratio in the industry, given the fact that many battery projects use 1:4 or l:2 ratios in the industry. Response to IPUC Data Request 20 The difference between total site kilowatt (kW) and total generator kW is line loss. The values at generation include line losses between the customer site and the generation source. The analysis in Confidential Exhibit C has factored in what is cunently known about the battery technology and capacity being used for the proposed Wattsmart Battery progftrm. As technology advances and more data is gathered over time, the evaluation of battery capacity and other meffics will evolve. Recordholder: Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau PAC-E-21-16 / Rocky Mountain Power August 23,2021 IPUC Data Request 21 IPUC Data Request 21 Table No. 2 of the Application shows that Softrryare Costs for 2022,2023, and 2024 are $5,000, $15,000, and $31,000, respectively. Table No. 2 in Exhibit C shows that Softrvare Costs for 2022,2023, and2024 are $5,200, $15,600, and $31,200, respectively. Please reconcile the differences. Response to IPUC Data Request 21 The costs in Table No. 2 from Confidential Exhibit C were used to calculate the estimated cost effectiveness, meaning that based on the cost effectiveness results, it is assumed the program would be cost effective if these costs came to fruition. ln Table No. 2 of the Application, it was forecasted that softrvare costs would come in slightly under the assumptions used in the cost effectiveness analysis. Recordholder:Shawn Grant Sponsor:Bill Comeau