HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210803PAC to Staff 1-18.pdf'' .' ."1 ir l i ,-J -.-{ ..- i l,! t; 'J'--t 'Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AOIvlsl()t{ OF PACIffCORP :rjri I1j; -3 [H lil:58 ':t t 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake Clty, Utah 84116 i$3i0N August 3,2021 JanNoriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 i an. norivuki@puc. idaho. eov (C) RE ID PAC.E-2T-15 IPUC Set I (l-18) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC 1s Set Data Requests l-18. Also provided is Attachment IPUC 4. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963 Sincerely, --!sl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2021 IPUC Data Request I IPUC Data Request 1 Please provide workpapers showing the number of AMI service meters that have been replaced and a schedule for replacing the remaining meters by fall of 2022. Response to IPUC Data Request I No AMI meters have been installed as of July 31,2021. The pole mounted field area network required prior to meter installations has been completed. Technical system changes are underway and will be completed prior to AMI installations beginning. The current schedule for replacing the meters is as follows: Rexburg: Q4 2021 through Q2 2022 Shelley: Ql-Qz2022 Laval\{ontpelier: Q2-Q 3 2022 Preston/Jvlal ad: Q3 -Q4 2022 Recordholder: Douglas Mam / June Sabbah / Allison Frazier Sponsor: Melissa Nottingham PAC-E-21-L5 I Rocky N{ouatEin Power August 3,2021 IPUC Data Request 2 IPUC Data Requcst 2 Does the Company expect to achieve IW%AMI deployme, t? ffnot v&y? Rosponso to IPUC Data Roquest 2 No. The Company anticipa@s some localized pockets where network coyerage will not be available and some targe infustial customes thatwill not have AMI meters. Reeordholder: Douglas tvlail / June Sabbah Sponsor: MelissaNottingham PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2021 IPUC Data Request 3 IPUC Data Request 3 If the Company achieves full AMI deployment whenwill the non-remote reconnection fee be removed from tariffschedule 300? Response to IPUC Data Request 3 PacifiCorp will maintain the non-remote reconnection fee as needed to charge for work performed by the Company. It is expected that AMI will eliminate most, but not all, site visits to disconnect and reconnect service. PacifiCorp intends to review the need for a non-remote reconnection charge in the future after AMI deployment is completed to determine if the charge should remain or be eliminated. Recordholder: Jason Hoffrnan Sponsor: Melissa Nottingham PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2021 IPUC DataRequest4 IPUC Data Rqucst 4 Please ptovide supporting documentation for the costs and cells data shoum inthe Company's worlryapors. Rerponce to IPUC Date Requet 4 Please see AttachmmtIPUC 4. Recordholder: Tony Worlhington /Jarad Breezr /Amy Hoskins Sponsor: MelissaNottingham PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2021 IPUC Data Request 5 IPUC Data Request 5 Has the Company instituted similar remote reconnection services in any of its other jurisdictions? If so, please provide any data on the volume of calls the Company has received from its customers for such services. Response to IPUC Data Request 5 Yes, the Company has instituted similar remote reconnection services in Oregon and California. Customers are not required to contact the Company to be reconnected following termination for non-payment. Upon receip of a satisfactory payment the service is automatically remotely reconnected. Further, the Company does not tack calls specific to reconnection. Recordholder: Tony Worthington / Chris Clark Sponsor: Melissa Nottingham PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2021 IPUC DataRequest 6 IPUC Data Request 6 When did the Company begin insta[ing AMI meters in Idaho? Responsc to IPUC Data Request 5 Installation of AMI meters is scheduled to begin in Q4 2021. Recordholder: Douglas Mam / June Sabbah Sponsor: MelissaNottingham PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2021 IPUC Data Request 7 IPUC Data Request 7 Has the Company charged any Idaho customers for remote reconnection through AMI? If so, how much were customers charged, and how was that charge determined? Response to IPUC Data Request 7 No. Rocky Mountain Power does not have an approved tariff in Idaho speciSing a remote reconnection fee. Cunently there are no meters installed in Idaho with remote disconnect functionality. Recordholder: Tony Worthington / Chris Clark. Sponsor: MelissaNottingham PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2021 IPUC Data Request 8 IPUC Data Request 8 Are the Total O&M Costs [sted in the workpapers calculated at the System level for the Calendar Year2017? Additionally, please explain why the Company used 2017 dat^ for its workpapers for this Application. Response to IPUC Data Request 8 Yes, the total O&M costs listed in workpapers are calculated at the system level for the Calendar Yew2017. The Company filed for a $7 fee, as represent€d in the 2017 workpapers, to ensure consistency across the multi-jurisdictional service territory. Both Oregon and California have the same remote reconnection fee of $7. Recordholder: Tony Worthington I larrad Breeze /Amy Hoskins Sponsor: MelissaNottingham PAC-E-21-15 / R.ocky Mountain Power August 3,2021 IPUC DataRequest 9 IPUC Data Request 9 Please provide O&M Costs for calls (Labor and Employee Expense; Mat€rials, Confracts and Services; Telephony) and Actual Live Agent Calls data for the years 20 1 8, 2019, md 2A20. Response to IPUC Data Request 9 Please see Attachment IPUC 4. Reeordholder: Tony Worthington / Jarad Breeze / Amy Hoskins Sponsor: MelissaNofiingham PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2A21 IPUC DataRequest 10 IPUC Data Request 10 Please provide a b,reckdown for eact cost item, the Total O&M Costs, andactual live agent calls by state and recalculate the oost per call value for eaph state for calendaryears 2017 through 2020. Reoponco to IPUC Data Request 10 Please refer to Attach IPUC 4. Costs are frapked at a total system level and not available by state. Recordholder: Tony Worthington / Jar&d Breeze / Amy Hoskins Sponsor: fuIelissaNottingham PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2027 IPUC DataRequest 1l IPUC Data Request 11 Please define each cost category in the workpapers and provide specific examples that cause the costs in each category. Response to IPUC Data Request 11 Please see Attachment IPUC 4. Labor expense includes salary and benefits for employees within the customer contact centers. Employee expenses include tavel, meals, parking, and related expenses. Material and supplies expense include office related supplies used by the company's contact centers. Contracts and services include professional services related to the contact centers. Telephony costs include the costs associated with in and outbound calls for lines served by the contact centers (l- 888, outage numbers and dedicated customer lines). Recordholder: Tony Worthington / Jarad Breeze / Amy Hoskins Sponsor: Melissa Nottingham PAC-E41-15 / Rooky Mountain Power August 3,2021 IPUC DataRequest 12 IPUC Dete Roquest 12 For customers \rith AMI meters wi& remote disconnocUreoonnect capability, will the Compauy keep its existing options forreconnections outside regular business hours? Rosponse to IPUC Date Requwtl2 Yes. Recordholder: Douglas Manr / Juue Sabbah Sponsor: MelissaNotingham PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2421 IPUC DataRequest 13 IPUC Data Roquost 13 Once payment arrangements are made and apayment is received for involuntary loss of servioe, how quicHy does the Company anticipate being able to reconnect seruice? Response to IPUC Data Request 13 Typically, less tban 60 minutes. Recordholder: Douglas Marx / Jrure Sabbah Sponsor: IvtrelissaNofiinghom PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2021 IPUC Data Request 14 IPUC Data Rquest 14 Please explainthe automated reconnectionplooess for customers oncepayrrent arrangements are made and apayment is made following involuntary loss of service. Rerponse to IPUC Date Request 14 Onse notification of payment is received a work request is generated and a oommsnd to reconnect sorvice is se-nt through the AMI syst€m. Reoordholder: Douglas Mam / June Sabbah Sponsor: MelissaNofiingham PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2021 IPUC Data Request 15 IPUC Data Request 15 How will the Company determine what time of day to remotely disconnect service for customers for non-payment who have AMI meters with remote disconnect/reconnect capability? Response to IPUC Data Request 15 Commands to disconnect service for non-payment are bundled and incrementally released to the AMI system between the hours of 9am and l2pm Monday through Thursday. Recordholder: Douglas Man< / June Sabbah Sponsor: Melissa Nottingham PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2021 IPUC Data Request 16 IPUC Data Request 16 For calendar years 2019,2020 and202l to date, please provide the number of scheduled disconnections that were delayed by an on-site employee who had concems about the impact of disconnection on the customer's health and/or safety. Response to IPUC Data Request 16 The table below summarizes the number of scheduled disconnections that were delayed by an on-site employee based on claimed moratorium, medical, or concern on customer health \ safety. Count 2019 5 2020 8 2021 throueh Julv 20 2 Recordholder: Tony Worthington / Chris Clark. Sponsor: Melissa Nottingham PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2021 IPUC Data Request 17 IPUC Data Request 17 Please explain the notification process for disconnecting service for non-payment for customers with AMI meters with remote disconnect/reconnect capability and customers who do not have AMI meters. Response to IPUC Data Request 17 The following notification process will be used for both AMI and non-AM customers. Notification lssuance (work days)Timing Past Due Notice (PDN)Day 1 Due in 10 working days Outbound Call (Paperless)Dav 3 Final Notice (FNL)Day 5 Due in 5 working days Reminder Email (Paperless)Day 8 Outbound Call (Paper)Day 8 Outbound Calls Days 10-12 Two Calls a day, three consecutive days prior to disconnect Recordholder: Jason Hoffinan Sponsor: Melissa Nottingham PAC-E-21-15 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3,2021 IPUC Data Request 18 IPUC Data Request 18 Will the Company seek to update its tariffto eliminate the Field Visit Charge of $20.00 once the replacement of existing electric meters with AMI meters is complete? If no, please explain. Response to IPUC Data Request 18 PacifiCorp will maintain the Field Visit Charge as needed to charge for work performed by the Company. It is expected that AMI will eliminate most but not all visits to a customer's residence to disconnect service. PacifiCorp intends to review the need for the Field Visit Charge in the future after AMI deployment is completed to determine if the charge should remain or be eliminated. Recordholder: Jason Hoffinan Sponsor: Melissa Nottingham