HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030818_587.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:KEITH HESSING DATE:AUGUST 13, 2003 RE:UNITED WATER FRANCHISE FEES PAID TO BOISE CITY On August 6, 2003 , United Water Idaho filed a Tariff Advice with the Commission requesting an increase in rates within the City of Boise. The increase would allow United Water to recover the cost of an increase in franchise fees that United Water is required to pay the city beginning October 2003. The franchise fee was increased from 3 % to 4 % by Boise City Resolution No. 17692 that is attached to this Decision Memorandum with the Company s filing. COMMISSION DECISION The Staff recommends that Schedule 8, Sheet lOB, be approved with an effective date of October 2003 as proposed by the Company. Does the Commission agree? udmemos/un i tedwaterboiseci ty DECISION MEMORANDUM AUGUST 13 , 2003 J!'" ,I (./UJ"-"v. ,. ~!i McDevitt & Miller LLP''hcJlj"n (\ c.l, c_! ~, L ~Lawyers ;::' , E i i2J ..--. (208) 343-7500 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) 420 "w'" ~! '0 '" 11"M n. . annoc ree ldUj i;Uu -Hi'! o' v O. Box 2564-83701 . ,),., ,. Chas. F. McDevittBoise, Idaho 83702 T!l ~g' ::;,.?~~- i~~ C:;! fl~ f)ean J. (Joe) Miller'-'1"-,1,,-,, v .iI""".ui'r' August 4, 2003 Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702s Re:United "\XI ater Idaho Inc. Schedule 8, Sheet lOB Dear Ms. Jewell: Transmitted herewith is a proposed revision to United Water Idaho s Schedule 8, Sheet lOB. The revision increases the franchise fee assessed by the City of Boise from 3% to 4%. Attached also is a copy of Boise City Resolution # 17692, by which the city increased the Franchise Fee. The Ordinance takes effect on October 1 , 2003; accordingly, an effective date for this tariff change of October 1 2003 is requested. Very truly yours McDEVITT & MILLER LLP ~\ uO() ~ \ r:f) l tA_'-1f~~ J. Miller DJM/sg Enclosures Greg Wyatt MarLGenn~ Sheet No. lOB UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE FEES Purpose: The purpose of this schedule is to set forth the charges such license, franchise, business occupation, operating, eXClse, use of street taxes or other charges that are imposed on the Company by munlcipal corporations and billed separately by the Company to its Customers wi thin the corporate limits of a municipality. Applicability: This schedule is applicable to the gross operating revenues received by the Company from the sale of water and water serVlces within the corporate limits of the city. Rate: The rates and charges for the sale of water and water services provided under the Company s schedules will be proportionately increased by the following charge wi thin the municipality on and after the effective date of the applicable munlcipal ordinance. The charges will be shown as a separate item on the customerbilling. Municlpali ty Ordinance No.Effecti ve Date Charge ci ty of Boise 5623 October I, 2003 Ci ty of Eagle 414 May 15, 2003 1. 0% Issued:Effecti ve: Issued by:UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. By: Gregory P. Wyatt, President 07/31/2003 10: 57 FAX 2083627069 Uni ted Water Idaho 141003 RESOLUTION 17.692 BY THE COUNCIL:BISTE~LDT FORL"fEY, JORDAl" fylAPP,MASON AND SHEALY A RESOLUTION INCREASING THE FRANCmSE RATE CHARGED TO UNITED WATER IDAHO FROM 3 % TO 4 % OF THE GROSS OPERATING REVENUES OFUNTIED WATER RECEIVED FROM THE SALE OF WATER AND WATER SERVICES WITHIN THE BOISE CITY CORPORATE LIl\1ITS; AND PROVIDING ANEFFECTIVE DATE. . WHER:E-AS onApriI-1-, 1995 pUrsuant to Ofdilicn;ice No. 5623, the Bosie City CounCil approved a non-exclusive Franchise Agreement with United Water Idaho to construct, extendimprove, maintaill and operate a water utility system in the City of Boise; and WHEREAS ,. the Franchise Agreement is for a period of 21 years ending November 12015; and WHEREAS, Section 7 ofllie Franchise Agreement required United Water Idaho to pay the City of Boise each month an amount equal to 3% gross openltIDg revenue received during the preceding month iTom the sale of water and water services within the corporate limits ofBosieCity; and WHEREAS, Section 7 of the Franchise Agreement also provided that the 3% ftanchise'rate may be changed to 4% during the term of the Agreement upon paSsage of a resolution by the Boise City Council; and WHEREAS, the Boise City Council has determined that an increase in the franchise rateis necessary to provide revenue for water-related and other critical programs managed by theCity. . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MA"XOR AND COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF BOISE CITY, IDAHO: Section 1. That pursuant to Section 7 ofthe April 11 , 1995 Franchise Agreement entered into between the City of Boise City and United Water Idaho the monthly franchise rate paid by United Water Idaho to Boise City is hereby increased ITom 3% to 4% ofllie gross operating revenue received during the preceding month from the sale of water and water services within the corporate limits ofBosie City. Section 2. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect on October 1 , 2003. ADOPTED by the Colmcil of the City of Boise City, Idaho, this 22BD 2003. day of July I; LEGALDOC\RESO-ORD\2003 \RESO2003 \UNITEDWATERRATEXNCREASE . R-328- 07/31/2003 10:57 FAX 2083627069 United Water Idaho APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Boise City, this ??"NT)day of July 2003. ATTEST:.A-PPROVED: I4J 004 I: \LEGALDOC\RESO-ORD\2 003 \RESO2 003 \ UNI TEDWATERRATEINCREASE 32 8 -