HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210430PAC to PIIC 1-10.pdft.,t I. i'-i- LROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DMSIOI{ OF 'ACIFICORP l.:i irl 30 f'H B' L0 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Apil29,2Al Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. P.O. Box 388 Boise ID, 83701 ron@williamsbradburv. com RE: ID PAC-E-21-09 PIIC Set I (l-10) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to PIIC I't Set Data Requests l-10. Also provided are Attachments PIIC l-1, 2-1,8, and 10. Confidential Attachments PIIC l-2,2- 2,3, 4, and 6 will be provided upon receipt of a signed non-disclosure agreement. Confidential information is provided subject to protected under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequentNon-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, -Jst-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Jan NoriyukiAPUC ian.norivuki@puc.idaho.eov (C) Joseph Terry/IPU C ioseph.terrv@puc. idaho.qov Donn English/IPUC donn.enelish@puc.idaho. eov PAC-E-21-09 / Rocky Mountain Power Apil29,202l PIIC Data Request I PIIC Data Request 1 Please provide electronic versions of all exhibits and work papers, with all formulas and links intact, supporting Rocky Mountain Power's filing in this case. Response to PIIC Data Request 1 Please refer to Attachment PIIC l-l and Confidential Attachment PIIC l-2 Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequent Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder:Not Applicable Not ApplicableSponsor: PAC-E-21-09 / Rocky Mountain Power April29,202l PIIC Data Request 2 PIIC Data Request 2 Please provide PacifiCorp's actual net power costs over the period 2016 through 2020. Please provide all workpapers used to calculate actual net power costs, including the underlying monthly fuel reports and FERC reporting database (formerly TORIS). If a map is necessary to assign database entries or fuel items to the lines in the actual net power cost report, please provide a copy of the spreadsheet used to map the data. (See e.g. PCA Data Request l4 in Washington Docket No. UE-I91024). Response to PIIC Data Request 2 The Company objects to this data request as overly broad and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. This data request seeks information outside of the energy cost adjustment mechanism (ECAM) defenal period relevant in this proceeding, namely calendar year 2020 (January 1,2020 through December 31,2020). Notwithstanding the foregoing objection, the Company responds as follows: Please refer to Attachment PIIC 2-l which provides actual net power costs (NPC) reports for 2016 through 2020. Please refer to Confidential AttachmentPllC 2-2 which provides the actual NPC database enties, along with their mapping and fuel supply cost calculations for 2016 through2020. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequent Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder:Jack Painter Sponsor:Jack Painter PAC-E-21-09 / Rocky Mountain Power April29,202l PIIC Data Request 3 PIIC Data Request 3 Please provide PacifiCorp's actual net power cost, in the manner identified in PIIC Data Request 01, but for calendar year 2021 through the latest month available. This is an ongoing request. Response to PIIC Data Request 3 The Company assumes that the reference to "PIIC Data Request 0l" is intended to be a reference to PIIC Data Request 2. Based on the foregoing assumption, the Company responds as follows: The Company objects to this data request as overly broad and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. This data request seeks information outside of the energy cost adjustnent mechanism (ECAM) deferral period relevant in this proceeding, namely calendar year 2020 (January 1,2020 through December 31,2020). Notwithstanding the foregoing objection, the Company responds as follows: Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 3 which provides the actual net power costs (NPC) report for 2021(January 2021and February 2021). Note: PacifiCorp's actual NPC are confidential until the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Form I for calendar year 2021has been filed with FERC (April 2022). Please also refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 3 which provides the actual NPC database entries, along with their mapping and fuel supply cost calculations for 2021 (January 202I andFebruary 2021). The Company will supplement the response to this data request as additional information becomes available. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA 31.01.01 .067 and31.01.01.233, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - lnformation Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequent Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder:Jack Painter Sponsor:Jack Painter PAC-E-21-09 / Rocky Mountain Power April29,202l PIIC Data Request 4 PIIC Data Request 4 Please provide an outage log for calendar years 2019,2020, and202l (to date) in a format substantially similar to the information typically provided as an exhibit to Rocky Mountain Power's Wyoming ECAM filings, (see e.g Wy.PSC docket 20000-582-EM-20, Exhibit RMP_(DGW-8) CONF). Response to PIIC Data Request 4 The Company objects to this data request as overly broad and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. This data request seeks information outside of the energy cost adjustnent mechanism (ECAM) deferral period relevant in this proceeding, namely calendar year 2020 (January 1,2020 through December 31,2020). Notwithstanding the foregoing objection, the Company responds as follows: Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 4 which provides the Company's thermal outage information for calendar years 2019 and2020. At this time, thermal outage information for calendar year 2021(to-date) is not available. The Company will supplement this data request response when the information becomes available. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA 31.01 .01.067 and 31 .01.01.233, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequent Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder:Gavin Mangelson Jack PainterSponsor PAC-E-21-09 / Rocky Mountain Power April29,202l PIIC Data Request 5 PIIC Data Request 5 Please provide a description of each adjustnent applied to actual net power costs when calculating the ECAM defenal. Response to PIIC Data Request 5 Net Power Costs (NPC) Adiustments - The Company increased actual NPC $769,008 to account for the following adjustments: (l) prior period adjustments, (2) coal cost adjustnents, (3) removal of special contract curtailment buy-through, (4) Leaning Juniper revenue, (5) Black Cap Solar allocation, (6) Old Mill Solar power purchase agreement (PPA) allocation, (7) Pavant Solar III PPA, (8) Oregon Solar Incentive Plan (OSP) resources allocation, (9) Utah Transition Program for Customer Generators (Transition Program), ( I 0) Mead-Phoenix amortization, (11) Amor IX -University of Utah PPA, (12) Cove Mountain Solar 2 -Facebook PPA, (13) Reasonable Energy Price Quali$ing Facility (QF) Adjustnents, and (14) Reclassification of Wholesale Sales due to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Price Cap. l. Prior Period Adjustments Prior period adjustrnents represent accounting tansactions booked during the energy cost adjusftnent mechanism (ECAM) defenal period of calendar year 2020 (January 2020 through December 2020), but that are related to operating periods prior to the inception of the ECAM in July 1,2009. Prior period adjustnent accounting entries were zero in this 2021ECAM defenal period. 2. Coal Cost Adjustments Coal cost adjustments increased actual NPC by $5,518,271. These adjustments are necessary to include 2020 liquidated damages accrued in 2019, and legal fees related to fines and citations. In addition, adjustnents are made to coal inventory to reflect coal costs in the correct period. Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 6, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 6, file "Adjustnents_ID ECAM CONF", tabs "Prior Period Coal Adjusfrnents", "Aerial Survey Adjustments", "Choll a LD",'Naughton LD", and "Wyodak LD". 3. Removal of Special Contract Curtailment Buy-Through The removal of special contract curtailment buy-through reduced actual NPC by $2,1 14,572. This adjusfrnent is required to remove the effects of special contract customer elections to purchase market energy during curtailment events. Buy-through energy costs are a direct pass-through cost to special contract customers and is not included in NPC. Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 6, specifically Confidential Auachment PIIC 6, file "AdjustnentsJD ECAM CONF", tab "Buy-Through". PAC-E-21-09 / Rocky Mountain Power Apil29,202l PIIC Data Request 5 4. Leaning Juniper Revenue In October 2013, the Company reached an agreement resulting in additional revenue for energy, renewable energy credits EEC), and production tax credits (PTC) related to the Leaning Juniper wind project. Actual revenue is booked in FERC Account 456. An adjustment is made to include $69,459 in revenue related to Leaning Juniper energy output for purposes of the ECAM. Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 6, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 6, file "AdjustrnentsJD ECAM CONF", tab "Leaning Juniper". 5. Black Cap Solar Allocation Black Cap Solar was procured to satisfu Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 757 .370 solar capacity standard. Therefore, the zero cost energy benefit of Black Cap Solar generation is situs assigned to Oregon. For the purposes of the ECAM, the Black Cap Solar adjusftnent increases NPC $78,600. Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 6, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 6, file "Black Cap_JAN-DEC}0 CONF". 6. Old Mill Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Allocation Old Mill Solar PPA was procured to satisfr ORS 757.370 solar capacity standard. Therefore, the above market cost or benefit of Oregon Mill Solar generation is situs assigned to Oregon. For the purposes of the ECAM, the Old Mill Solar adjustnent decreases NPC $622,947.Ptease refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 6, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 6, file "Old MiII-JAN-DEC2O CONF". 7. Pavant Solar III Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Pavant Solar III PPA was procured to satisff the Utah "Subscriber Solar Program Rider - Optional" Tariff Schedule 73, which created a limited pilot progrurm to enable Utah customers who choose to participate to purchase electricity from a specific solar resource. Therefore, the above market cost or benefit of Pavant Solar III generation is situs assigned to Utah. For purposes of the ECAM, the Pavant Solar III adjustrnent decreases NPC $392,594. Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 6, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 6, file'oPavant III JAN-DEC20 CONF". 8. Oregon Solar Incentive Plan (OSIP) Resources Allocation OSIP is a solar pilot project in Oregon which enables Oregon customers to own solar panels and sell any excess energy to the Company at an agreed upon rate. Therefore, the above market cost or benefit of OSIP generation is situs assigned to Oregon. For the purposes of the ECAM, the OSIP adjusfinent decreases NPC $31,896. Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 6, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 6, file "Adjustments_ID ECAM CONF", tab "OSIP Resources". PAC-E-21-09 / Rocky Mountain Power April29,202l PIIC Data Request 5 9. Utah Transition Program for Customer Generators (Transition Program) The Utah Transition Program for Customer Generators under the Transition Program Tariff Schedule 136 measures the difference between the electicity supplied by the Company and the electricity generated by an eligible customer-generator and fed back to the electric grid. The progftrm enables eligible customers to offset part or all of their own electrical requirements with self-generation and receive export credits for energy fed back to the electric grid. Therefore, the above market cost or benefit of the Transition Program is situs assigned to Utah. For purposes of the ECAM, the Transition Program adjustnent decreases NPC by $3,090,398. Please refer to PIIC Data Request 6, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 6, file "Adjusfrnents_ID ECAM CONF", tab "Transition Program". I 0. Mead-Phoenix Amortization The amortization of Mead-Phoenix wheeling expense was updated to reflect the Cholla Unit 4 Oregon depreciation schedule. Therefore, the incremental variance in amortization expense associated with Mead-Phoenix is situs assigned to Oregon and added to NPC for the purposes of the ECAM. The Mead-Phoenix adjustrnent increases NPC $80,096. Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 6, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 6, file "AdjusfrnentsJD ECAM CONF", tab "Mead- Phoenix". I l. Amor IX - University of Utah PPA The Amor IX -University of Utah PPA was procured to satisff the Utah Schedule 32 tariff . This schedule is a unique retail service option that allows customers to direct the Company to serve all or part of its electricity from a renewable energy facility. Therefore, the above market cost or benefit of the Amox IX - University of Utah generation is situs assigned to Utah. For purposes of the ECAI\4 the Amor IX - University of Utah adjustnent reduces NPC by $3,136,295. Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 6, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 6, file "Amor JAN- DEC2O CONF''. 12. Cove Mountain Solar 2 - Facebook PPA The Cove Mountain Solar 2 - Facebook PPA was procured to satisfu the Utah Schedule 34 tariff. This schedule is a unique retail service option that allows customers to direct the Company to serve all or part of its electicity from a renewable energy facility. Therefore, the above market cost or benefit of the Cove Mountain Solar 2 - Facebook generation is situs assigned to Utah. For purposes of the ECAM, the Cove Mountain Solar 2 - Facebook adjustnent increases NPC by $l,278,39L Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 6, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 6, file "Facebook JAN-DEC2O CONF". PAC-E-21-09 / Rocky Mountain Power April29,202l PIIC Data Request 5 13. Reasonable Energy Price QF Adjustments An adjustment increasing NPC $31,892 due to the situs assignment of costs associated with the reasonable energy price (REP) allocated to the state of origin in the Multi-State Process (MSP) 2020 Protocol. Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 6, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 6, file "Adjustrnents_ID ECAM CONF", tab "Reasonable Energy Price". 14. Reclassilication of Wholesale Sales due to FERC Price Cap An adjustment increasing NPC $3,239,918 for reclassification of wholesale sales revenue above the FERC price cap. Sales pending refund are accounted for in FERC Account 449, anon-regulatory NPC account instead of FERC Account 447. Because this tansaction is recorded in a non-NPC account and the wholesale sales revenue is recorded in FERC Account 447, the adjustnent should be included in the 2021 ECAM to align the pending refund with the matching sales revenue in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 6, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 6, file "AdjusftnentllD ECAM CONF", tab "FERC Reclassification". Recordholder:Jack Painter Sponsor:Jack Painter PAC-E-21-09 / Rocky Mountain Power Apnl29,202l PIIC Data Request 6 PIIC Data Request 6 Please provide supporting work papers for each adjustnent applied to actual net power costs when calculating the ECAM defenal. Response to PIIC Data Request 6 Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 6. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequentNon-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding Recordholder:Jack Painter Sponsor:Jack Painter PAC-E-21-09 / Rocky Mountain Power April29,202l PIIC Data Request 7 PIIC Data Request 7 Please provide work papers used to support the fuel supply costs for PacifiCorp's gas and coal plants over the period 2016 through the most recent month available. Response to PIIC Data Request 7 The Company objects to this data request as overly broad and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. This data request seeks information outside of the energy cost adjustnent mechanism (ECAM) defenal period relevant in this proceeding, namely calendar year 2020 (January 1,2020 through December 31,2020). Notwithstanding the foregoing objection, the Company responds as follows: Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 2, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 2-2wlnchprovides the actual net power costs (NPC) database entries, along with their mapping and fuel supply cost calculations for 2016 through 2020. Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 3, specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 3 which provides the available actual NPC database entries, along with their mapping and fuel supply cost calculations for calendar year 2021 (January 2021 through February 2021). Recordholder:Jack Painter Sponsor:Jack Painter PAC-E-21-09 / Rocky Mountain Power April29,202l PIIC Data Request 8 PIIC Data Request 8 Reference McDougal Exhibit 4: Please provide work papers used to calculate the pretax rate of return applicable to the EV 2020 and repowering projects. Response to PIIC Data Request 8 Please refer to Attachment PIIC 8 for pre-tax rate of retum (ROR) calculations applicable to the Energy Vision 2020 (EV 2A2q and repowering projects. Recordholder:Justin Waterman Sponsor:Steve McDougal PAC-E-21-09 / Rocky Mountain Power Aptil29,202l PIIC Data Request 9 PIIC Data Request 9 Reference McDougal Exhibit 4: Please explain why the rate of return is different for the repowering resources compared to the EY 2020 resources. Response to PIIC Data Request 9 The difference of the rate of return (ROR) between repowering resources and Energy Vision 2020 (EV 2020) resources was agreed upon during settlement negotiations and those agreements are confidential. ROR agreements are provided in Case No. PAC-E-17-06, Order 33954, updated for the new federal tax rate change, and Case No. PAC-E-17-07, Order 34104. Recordholder: Justin Waterman Sponsor:Steve McDougal PAC-E.21-09 / Rocky Morurtain Power April29,202l PtrC DataRequest l0 PtrC Data Request 10 Please provide the actual jurisdictional SE and SG allocation factors for all jurisdietions for calendar yerrr 2020, including the load wor* papers supporting the allocation faotor calculations. Response to PIIC Deta Request 10 Please refer to Attachment PIIC 10 for weather normalized actual loads for calendar yex2020. Recordholder: Justin Waterman Sponsor:Steve McDougal