HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211124Public Hearing Exhibits Vol I and II.pdfBEEORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERI S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES IN IDAHO AND APPROVAL OE PROPOSED ELECTRTC SERVICE SCHEDULES AND REGULATIONS CASE NO. PAC-E-21-07 EXHIBITS rl-. r\1.-J e *TH #"' j,'', t\) 1' jr:tll "r rnk*r- {*F,# EJ* \.rr(#C) -E crr(J (:) BEFORE COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER (Presiding) COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 11331 West Chinden B1vd.Building 8, Suite 201-ABoise, Idaho DATES:November 15 & 16, 2021 VOLUM.ES I & II Pages 1 - 97 CSB REPORTING C e rtifrc d S h o rth an d Rep o rterc Post Offrce Box9774 Boise,Idaho 83707 csbreportinq@yahoo. com Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: 1-888-623-6899 Reporter: Constance Boay, CSR ORIGINAL REDACTEI) CaseNo. PAC-E-21-07 ExhibitNo.5T Witness: Joelle R. Steward BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOI.JNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Settlement Testimony of Joelle R. Steward Electric Service Agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and P4 Production November 2021 EXHIBIT 57 ? 07n THIS ATTACHMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL IN ITS ENTIRETY AND IS PROVIDED UNDER SEPARATE COVER Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ExhibitNo.58 Witness: Joelle R. Steward BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOIJNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Settlement Testimony of Joelle R. Steward Compliance Tariff Sheets November 2021 EXHIBIT o.5A ?.n*r LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POtttER Aorvl3oiloFnorconP RodVffotnbhPoffi trlUtlilo.58P{G1of l2S CrrcNo.PAG€-21{7 tltltrcls: Joda R. Sbtflsrd Fifeu{h Rcvlrion of Shoct No. B.l Cencclinc ltourthlti?d Rcvlrlon of Sbcct No. B.l ROCI(Y MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCf,EI'ULES STATE OF IDAHO Schcdulc Shcct No Clrrr of Scrvloe No. I Rcsidential Servicc l.l & 1.2 6 General Service - Large Power 6.1 - 6.3 6A General Service - Large Power (Residential and Fam) 6A.l - 64.4 7 Security Area Lighttng 7.1 -7.24 7A Security Area Lighting (Residcntial and Farm) 7A.l -74.!5 9 General Service - High Voltage 9.1 + 9.33 l0 Inigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service l0.l - 10.4 I t Street Lighting Service- Company0wned System I l.l - I1.3 12 Street and Securitv Area Lighting Service- Consumer-Owned System l2.l - 12.5 14 Temporary Service Conncction Facilities - No New Service* 14 19 Gemmereial anC lnCustriel Spaee HeatinE Ne New Serviee' l9,l 19,4 2l Low lncome Weatherization Services 2l.l -21.6 (Continued) Submitted Under Casc No. PAC-F-21{7{4-R ISSTIED:EFIECIIM: January l, 20-1fl Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POIiIER AOlvtsrcilOFmOrcORP Rodry Mouf,eln Pontr EfilbltNo. $Pry2of1n Care No. P!C-E-2147 IlU|tprs: Jocto R, Stcwad SlIFifth Rwirion of Shcct No 8.3 Cenccling fforrrth Rwlrion of Shect No B"3 LP.U.C. No 1 Schcdulc r35 No.No. ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDITLES - Continued Chss of Scrvice Net Metering Service Shcet t35.1 - 135.3 t40 t9t Non-Residential Energ Efficiency Customer Efticiency Services Rate Adjrstnent 140.1 :- 140.3 l9l 300 400 Regulation Charges Special Contract 300.1 - 300.4 400.1 Schedule numbers not listed are not curently used. ' These schedules arc not available to new customers or pemises. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-1.4-082 l -07 ISSIIED:EFFDCTWE: LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POIreR a wl$Olrl OFtOEOOi? RodqMonl*r Pm EtrlUt No. 5t Plgc 3 ot r20 Clr.ib.PloE-2147 ElevenTonth Rcvlrion of Shcct No l.l Cenccllng TglNiith Rcvlrion of Shcct No. l.l R(rcICY MOT'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDULE NO. T STATE OF IDAHO Rerldcntiel Scrvicc AVAIL/IBILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system whcrc thcre are facilities of adequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alrcrnating curr€nt clecric service supplied at approximately 120 or 240 volts througlt one kilowatt-hour mcter at a single point of delivery for all scrvice required on the premises for Resideritial purposes. When conditions are such that scrvicc is supplied ttrough onc meter to mort than onc dwelling or apar[nent unit, ttrc charge for such service will be conputcd by multiplying the minimtm charges by the manimum number of dwelling or apartnent units that may be sewed. When a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for business, professional or other gainful purposes, the premises will be classified as nonresidential and the appropriate schedule applied. However, if the wiring is so arranged that thc scrvicc for Residential purposes can be mctered separately, this Schedule will be appliod to such scrvice. MONTELY BILL: Customcr Scrvice Chergc: $5seE.00 perCustomer Energr Chujc:(l) Billing months l,lafJune __ througtt October inclusive I l.l966l-l#l perkWh first700 kWh 13.0999-l-4J3831 per kWh dl additional kWh (Continued) EFFECTM: January l, 20UFt Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E l{-t?21-07 ISSUED: Novembcr 8. 2021+1+016 LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADOmil(rHOruf,P Rodry Montain Porvcr E$lblt No. 58 Pagp 4 d 129Crr No. PAW-2147 llYltrac: Jo€lc R. Samd ElevenTcrth Rcvlrlon of Shcet No. 1.2 Cenccllng Tcnllinth Rwblon of Shoct No. l2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDITLE NO. I -Contlnucd MONTELY BILL: (continued) Billing months November throush edr*Mav inclusive 9.33058'58061 per kWh first 1,000 kWh 10.9165+14944 per kWh all additional kWh MONTIILY BILLING REIIUCTION: Ratcs in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustnent set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. SEASONAL SERVICE: When scasonal senice is supplied under this Schedule the minimtm seasonal charge will be $96.006eS0. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGUL/\TIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electic Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on lile with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{+|+21-07 ISSUED: November f]r30]6EJO2l (2) EFFECTM: Janury 1,20U+4 LP.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERAUYBilOFalcH@if Rodry lJlouil*r Pomr E d{b[ Irb. 58 PrOc 5 of t20 C.tcNo. PiC,E-2147 lftfrrcr: Joct R. Srrlnl NlgEitlth Rcvlrlon of Shcct No.5.l Cencclinc EisL5a$th R:nldon of Shcct No.6.l R(rcIil MOT'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDULE NO. 5 STATE OF IDAHO Gcnerrl Scrvlcc - Lergc Powcr AVAIL/\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconncctcd system where there are facilities of adequate cspacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating cunrnt single or thrce-phase elcctic scrvicc supplid at Company's available volage tluough one mctering installation at a single point of dclivery for dl scrvice requircd on thc premiscs. MONTf,LY BILL: Rrtc: Curtomor Savicc Chrrjc: Secondary voltage delivcry (Lcss than 2300 volts) himary voltage dclivery (2300 vols or higher) Billing Months t loyJune throudr October. Inclusive pcr Customer 3!.093+ $ I14.001+{# per Customcr Billing Months November throudr I'pdlMay. Incluive $ e0 pcr CuSomer 38.003+ $ I14.00+l{s $ 0e per Customer Power Rrtc:per kW for all kW $ !2.?:71+ &L per kW for dl kW !3.6214 Enctgr Rrtc: 4.2506*. per kWh for all kWh 4.250* per kWh for all kWh $ x Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{.6-1-|}21 -07 ISSIIEID: November l-H+69,202 I EFFECTM: January l,20UE Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POITi'ER AOMeOilOFilOTOnP RodrytlolnirhP0f,r E dJUt No. 58 Pltp 0 of f29 Cae t{o. P C€21{r7 NlEEigNh Rcvblon of Shcct No 6.1 Cenccllng EiqhSorruf,th Rcvblon of ShoctNo 62LP.U.C. No.l wl e8801 (Continued) Submitted Under Casc No. PAC-E-|61i}2!1QZ ISSIIDD: November 1WL202L EFFECTM: Janury l,20$#l LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AUVI8II{ OFnOTlclOA? Rodry MoutdnPtrrr EtrlUt 1{o. 5E Pagc 7 of 129 Crto No. PAGE-2t{r7 Whc.s: JocL R. $arud flLneu*l Rcvirlon of Shect No 5.2 Crncellng IourtHild Rcvirion of Shcct No 52 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDULE NO. 6 - Contlnucd Powcr Fector: This rate is based on the Customer mainAining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the avcrage power factor is found to be less than 85% lqgging, the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 314 of lo/ofor every lo/o tttd the powcr factor is less than 85%. Voltrgc Dlrcount: Whcre Customer talces service from Company's available lines of 2300 volts or highcr and provides and maintaim all rursformen and other nccessary equipment, the voltagc discount based on measured Powerwill be: 30.65 per kW for dl kW of Power Mlnimun Blll: firc Customer Service Clurgc. PIOIYER: Ttrc kW as shown by or comprned from the readings of Company's Power meter for the lS-minute period of Cu*omer's greatest use duringthe month, determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recuning periods of seasonal use wherc service is normally discontinued or curtailcd during a part of the ycar may be contracted for under this Schedule under either of the following conditions: (a)Customer may contract for service under this Schedule on a year-round basis paying for all sewice, including fiansformer losses where applicable, under the mtes set forth under 'Monthly Bill' above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailcd or is not utilized in the Cutomefs operation. (b)Customer may confact for seasonal scrvice under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 456.0044.4*0 plus Power and Energl Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts and $ 1.368.0W plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking sewice at 2300 volts or higher. (Continued) Submittcd Under ISSTTED:EFFECTM: January l, 202211 LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAINPO[ffiR ADrvlsbtt OFHOHOORP Rodry llomtdn Po$tt E fabfr trb. 58 Prgp 8 of 12e Crrc No. PACE-2147 tt\,ltrccr: Joatc R. $mrd NlqDfuhth Rcvlsion of Shcct No SrLl Cenceling ElgbsGrcrth Rcn'bion of Shect No 5.Ll ROCKY MOT'NTAIN FOWER EI,ECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO.5A STATE OT IDAEO Gencnl Scrvicc - Llr?c Powcr (Rcridcntlrl rnd Frrm) AVNL/\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconrrccted system where there are facilities of adequate capacrty for service to any customer who qualifies as a 'Residential Loadn or nFarm Load" under both (t) the Pacific Northwcst Elechic Power Planning and Conscrvation Act, P.L. 96-501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Salc Agrcement, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect betwcen the Company and thc Bonrrcville Power Administation. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating currcnt, single or three-phase elecnic service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the prunises. MONTIILY BILL: Cuctomer Scrvlce Chrrgc: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Power Rrtc: Billing Months l*ayJune throueh October. Inclusive per Customer lE 0_031 $ I t4.00+HS per Customer $ x per kW for all kW )3.621+ Billing Months November through LpdlMav. Inclusive $ 0e per Cusomer 3E=t03+ $ I r4.00++{# per Customer $ perkWforallkwpn++. $ 0e &l Submitted Under Casc No. PAC-E-{6-1321-07 ISSIIED: Novembcr +{;le{6L202f EFEDCTM: January l, 20U1;l Y ROCKY MOU}ITAIN POWER AOlvrgoir oFnoEooa? Rodrylrbur0dn Pomr Etrltlt No. 58 Plep I d 129 CttcNo. PAGE-21{7 N[Eitbth Rcvtolon of Shcct No 5A.1 Crnoeling Eiqh$c+cf,tt Rcnlrton of ShcotNo 6A2LP.U.C. No I Enagy Rete:4.250* perk\-h forall kWh e8801 (Continued) 4.2506*^ per kWh for all kWh e8801 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-I6-#12147 ISSIIED: Novcmber {+2e+69. 202f EFIECTM: January l,20_1t. I.P.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POTTER A DTVBOil (r mclHq)nP RodryMoutdnPorrtt tr$ll1{o.58 Pagc l0 of 129 Crrei,lo. P,c€-2147 tUlfrrclc: Jocle R. $aflerd fllbtrl{h Rcvlrlon of Shcct No.6A.3 Cenccling FourthThird Rcvirion of Shcet No 5A3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDT LE NO.6A- Continucd SEASONAL SERVICE: (continued) Customer may conmct for seasonal scrvicc under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 456.00444d00 plus Power and Energr Charges for Customcr taking servicc at less than 23fl) volts and $1.368.00{1332;00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking scrvice at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECHL CONDflON: Domestic use meam all usual residential, apaftnent, seasonal dwelling, and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use me,ans all usual farrr electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing nooessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and inigation pumping. Contiguous parcels land under single-ownenhip or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee ofthe parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constihrte one or more Farms. These factors shall include, but alr not limited to: - slze - use - ownership - control - operating practiccs - distance between parcels - custom in the trade - billing Seatment by the utility Operators of Farms may bc required to certiry to the utility all inigation accounts, including horsepower rating. (Continued) (b) Submitted Under ISSUED:EFFECTWE: Janury 1,20_11 Roc*y Mountdn Poucr Ed{blt No. 58 Pagc ll ot 12S Cste No. PAC-E-2t-{r7 lrlllne3s: Jo.llo R. SlowadYROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADnHOil(rmoE@R? I.P.U.C. No. I NlgEighth Rcvbion of Shcct No. 7.1 Crnceling ElgL$e+.cnth Revlrion of Shcet No. 7.1 ROCKY MOT'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7 STATE OF II'AEO Securlty Arcr Ltghting Cleccd+e*{cl{oryicc AVAIL/\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. @ isttts installed on a structure other than an existine distribution oole are closed to new service. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for ($clectic service required for Security Area Lighting and for Security Flood Ligftting service wherc service is supplied from a Company-owned everfread+,vee#pole ine. MONTELY BILL: Rrte: Lisht Level LED Jsuiyeleil I,unoen Ranse Total Level I <=5.500 $r2.96 Level2 5.501-12.000 9t4.72 Level 3 >12.000 $r 7.48 @iag lleminel+"e#p&tine MereuqAiapor{,amF7;000 175 $37.33 per lsflrp Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{6.{32 I -07 ISSUED: November +H+68-2021 EFFECTTE: January l, 20221J x ROCKY POWHT i,()tnffAhl RodyllonlhFor EIrSf ilo.60Pre.12d1n Cr..ilo. P&E-2t{f, lbftin R:vllorof SLoctNo 7.1 AUYNGilMil LP.U.C No I CelaolLrElffi kvldu of Slc.tNo 7J (Continrcd) Sutmittod Under CasoNo. PAGE fe-fA2!=gZ I$SIIDID: Novcmbcr flrtel&ZQll EFIICTM: Janury l,zfiUUFl Rod(yUoutaln Po$!r E filblt No. 58 Page 13 of 129 CarNo. PAG€-2147 Iltfrrccr: JoCo R. $etmrdYROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A UUAO'{OFilCIROOiP Sgyggirth Rcvlrion of Shcct No.7.2 LP.U.C. No t Crncelinc Sirt$i*h Revlrion of Shcct No.7.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 7 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) EtECTf,I€ SERVIGESCHDDUTENO, 7 Centinucd M @ 16;000 high intensity disehergp 150 $36,07 per larnp en new pek (€ea+inued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E 16#12l -07 ISSLIED: November t-.1#+6L 202f EFFECTM: January l, 20221;l Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AOII'EION OF m/OFI@RP Rodry Mourtaln Powcr Eldrblt No. 58 PtSr 11al 129 Care No. PAW-2147 I,l,lha!s: Joolh R. Stcwud @i*th Revision of Shcct No.7.2 CrncelingSi51!ni*h Revicion of Shcct No.7.2LP.U.C. No.1 SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICE FOR SECURITY AREA LIGHTING: SECUTiW flood liehts mav be mounted on Company-owned poles or on Customer-owned supports acceptable to the Company. The type and kind of fixtures and supports will be in accord- arce with the Company's specifications. Service includes enerey supplied from the Company's overhead circuits. maintenance and lamp and glassware renewals. Lamps will be controlled bv the Comoany to bum each night from dusk to dawn. COITIVERSIONS: The Company. upon written request of customer. will convert existine street liehtine facilities to other tvpes of lamps (i.e.. convert mercury vapor fixtures and lamps to sodium vapor fixtures and lamps. etc.). In such an event. customer shall pay to Companv an amount equal to the depreciated value of all Company-owned facilities removed from service and replaced rvith new equipment plus the cost of removal less any salvage value. Prioritv in making conversions shall be determined by the order in which reguests are received by the Company. CONTR.ACT PERIOD: Five vears or lonser- PROVISIONS l. Inoperable lights will be repaired as soon as reasonably possible. during reeular business hours or as allowed b), company's operatine schedule and requirements. provided the Company receives notification of inooerable liehts form Customer or a member of the public bv either notiffine Rockv Mountain Power's customer service (l-888-221-7070) or www.rockymountainpower.net/streetlights Rocky Mountain Power's oblieation to repair liehts is limited to this tariff.2. The Companv reserves the right to contract for the maintenance of lightine service provided hereunder. 3. Temporarv disconneclion and subseouent reconnection of electrical service requested bll, the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer mav reguest temporary sus[pnsion of power for lishtine by rvritten notice. Durine such periods. the nronthly rate will be reduced b)' the Company's estimated averaee monthlv relamping and enerqv costs for the luminaire. The facilities mav be considered idle and mav be removed after l2 months of inactiviB.4. Pole re-paintine. when requested by the Customer and not required for safetv reasons. shall be done at the Customer's expense. using the orieinal pole color.5. Glare or vandalism shieldine. when requested bJ.- the Customer. and subject to availabiliw. shall be installed at the Customer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism. the Company may notiry the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense. or otherwise have the liehtine removed. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Reeulations of the Company on file with and approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. includine future applicable amendments. will be considered as formins a part of and incorporated in said Aereement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-]{-I+21-07 ISSUED: November +ffi-202f EFFECTM: January l, 202214 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTVISION OF monCORP Rody Mounlein Power E)fiibit No. 58 Page 15 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21{7 Wlness: Joelle R. Sleuard Originel Sheet No.7.3!.P.U.C. No.l ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 7 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) The unit charge includes installation, maintenance and energr costs for unit on existing or one new wood pole without guys. Where more than one wood pole and more than 200 feet of extension are required, an additional charge of l.5o/o of the estimated additional cost will be made. Should Customer desire a steel pole instead of a wood pole, an additional charge will be made according to the following schedule: All steel poles installed prior to June 1,1973. I I gauge $1.00 per pole per month 3 gauge $1.50 per pole per month Steel poles installed after June l, 1973. 30 ft., I I gauge, direct buried $2.35 per pole per month 30 ft., 3 gauge, dircct buried $3.95 per pole per month 35 ft., I I gauge, direct buied $2.85 per pole per month 35 ft., 3 gauge, direct buried $4.65 per pole per month For anchor base poles, addz0l per pole per month to all poles installed after Jurrc 1,1973. SPECIFICATIONSANDSERVICE FOR SECURITY AREA LIGHTING: Security flood lights may be mounted on Company-owned poles or on Customer-owned supports acceptable to the Company. The type and kind of fixtures and supports will be in accord- ance with the Company's specifications. Service includes enerry supplied from the Company's overhead circuils, maintenance and lamp and glassware renewals. Lamps will be controlled by the Company to burn each night from dusk to dawn. COIYVERSIONS: The Company, upotr written request of customer, will convert existing street lighting facilities to other types of lamps (i.e., convert mercury vapor fixtures and lamps to sodium vapor fixtures and lamps, etc.). ln such an event, customer shall pay to Company an amount equal to the depreciated value of all Company-owned facilities removed from service and replaced with new equipment plus the cost of removal less any salvage value. Priority in making conversions shall be determined by the order in which requests are received by the Company. CONTRACT PERIOD: Five years or longer (Continued) 2 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTIVE: September 15, 2006 LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POIAIER A Dlrr8or{ (r ncHooaP Rodry llomtain Porvcr E Alblt No. 5E PaSc 16 of l2S Cers No. PAC€-21{,7 ll\llhccr: Jodle R. Sbward Eighth Rcnirion of Sheet No 7.4 Ceucellng Sevcnth Rcvirion of Shoct No 7.{ ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDULE NO. 7 - Continucd MONTHLY BILL: (continued) (2) Customer-Owned/Customer-Maintained Area Lightins Enerry otily (NoNew Servicc): Initial Lumens Watts 16,000 Sodium Vapor Flood 150 Per Lamo $15.13 CONTRACI PERIOD: Orc year or longcr. PROVISIONSl. Inoperable lights will be repaired as sq)n as reasonably possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by company's operating schedule and requirements, prrovided the Company receives notification of inoperable lights form Customer or a member of the public by either notiSing Rocky Mountain Pow€tr's customer service (l-888-221-7070) or www.rocklvmountainpower.neVstreetlis,hts Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair lights is limited to this triff.2. The Company reserves ttrc right to contrrct for the maintenance of liglting service provided hereunder.3. Temporary disconnection and subsequcnt rcconretion of elcstrical scrvice requested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's o{pense. The Customer may rcquest temporary suspension of power for lighting by written notice. During such pcriods, the monthly rate will be reduced by the Company's estimated average monthly relamping and cncrg costs for the luminaire. The facilities may be considered idle and may be removed after 12 months of inactivity.4. Pole re-painting, when requested by the Customer and not required for safety reasons, shall be done at the Customer's expense, using the original pole color.5. Glare or vandalism shieldin& when requested by the Customer, and subject to availability, shall be installed at the Customer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism, the Company may noti$ the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense, or othenvise have the lighting removed. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGITLATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Elecric Scrvice Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Elecric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-F-16-12 ISSUED: November I l, 2016 EFFECTM: January 1,2017 [P.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Aon,tEloilOf nonconP Rodry Mortteln Powcr Ef{Ut No.58 Plgc 17 st12g Cerc No. PAC€-2147 IrVIhc$: Jodlr R. $amrd Soveet*plgfllL Rcvirion of Shect No.7A.l Crnccling Sgirth Rwirion of Shect No. 7A.l ROCKY MOI'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.7A STATE OF II'AHO Socurity Arer Ltghting (Rcsidcntlrl end Frm) Clecod{ellcqrSoeiec AVAIL/\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system for service to any customer who qualifies as a "Residential Load" or "Farm Load" under both (l) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreemant, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. l,{sv+--l4i8.* Liehts installed on a structure other than an existine distribution oole are closed to new service. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for elecric service required for Security Area Lighting and for Security Flood Lighting service where service is supplied fiom a Company-owned o+erh€od-r,#€€d-pole srstem. MONTHLY BILL: Rrte: Lisht Level LED Equivalent Lumen Ranse Total Level I <=5.500 $t2.96 Level 2 5.501- 12.000 $t4.72 Level 3 >12.000 $ r 7.48 MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this Schedule shall be reduced bv the monthlv kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currentlv effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICE FOR SECURITY AREA LIGHTING: Securitv flood liehts ma), be mounted on Company-owned poles or on Customer-owned supports acceptable to the Compan.v. The t),pe and kind of fixtures and supports will be in accordance with the Companv's specifications. Service includes energy supplied from the Company's overhead circuits. maintenance and Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-+6.+:!2 I -07 ISSUED: November +W6L-202!EFFECTM: January 1,20_1J' x ROCKY MOUNTAIN PON'ERAOllmiroFnorcm Ro*yllarfrrFonr EfiD[ tib. 58 Pagc 18 d 129Crt No.PM-2147 Vutncls: Joclc R. $amrd Sc+ortlElg@Ro,blon of Shcet No TrLl Crnccllng SgCqiff Rcvblon of Shect No 7AJLP.U.C. No I lamo and elassware renewals. Lamps will be controlled bv the Cornpan), to burn each nidf from dusk to dawn. @ llemin*+amp*stin& ld€Fuqtfrop€r{ry 1000 l?5 S37,32 per lamp €ea+inu*) Submitted Under CaseNo. PAC-E {+1i!2!:07 ISSIIED: November H-r+0{{8. 202t EFITECTM: Janury 1,20U+1 RodqMoutdnPorcr Erhblt No. 58 Pagc l0 of t29 Casc No. PAGE-2I{7 Whess: JoGXG R. SbtrardYROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Amflsl()il(NiloaooiP Sgggi*th Rcvision of Sheet No 7AJ LP.U.C. No. I Crnccllng$Sifth Revirion of Shcct No 7A2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO. 7A - Continued MONTELY BILL: (continued) CONTRACT PERIOD: One vear or loneer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential. apartment. seasonal dwelline. and mobile home court use including domestic water pumpine. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raisine of crops. livestock or pasturaee and includes primary processine necessar.v for safe and efficient storage or shipment and irrieation pumpins. Contieuous parcels of land under sinsle-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels ofland under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm. unless demonstrated otherwise bl, the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontieuous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include. but are not limited to: stTe -- use ownershio -- control nraclices distance hetween narcels in the trade - billine heatment bv the utilitv Onerators of Farms mav be reouired to ifu to the rililifv all irrisation accorrnts inclrrdins horsepower rating. no{e:@ Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-+C|42l:0? ISSUED: November l{cl0{68. 202!EFFECTM: January l,WM Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADIVEION OF HCIF'OOEP Rod<y Momtaln Pover Enlilblt No. 58 Pagc 20 of 129 Caao No. PAC+-2147 Vlturets: Joelle R. Stevrard Sgyeni*th Revision of Shect No.7A.2 Cenccling Si*ifth Rwision of Sheet No 7A2[P.U.C. No.l (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{+|+2 l -07 ISSUED: November +*#+6&20X EFFECTM: January l,$W Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AUtEoiloFnclH@nP Rodry lrofldn PoulrE rblt No. 58 Pago2l of 120 Carol{o. PA*-2147 Vliln6r: Jocflc R. Silamd Firct Revision of Sheet No.7A.3 Crnccling Oridnrl Shoct No 7A.3I.P.U.C. No I ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDITLE NO. 7A - Continucd ne{ei ing€r will be rnade aeeerCing te the fellewing ^ehCule: |, /tll steel peles insellC prier te June l; 1973, 30 ft'; I I gaugs; direet btried $3J5 per pele per menth 30 ft,; 3 gsuge; Cireet buriC $3,95 per pole psr m€nth 35 ft.; I I gaugo; direet buriC $3 t5 per pele per menth 35 ft,; 3 gauge; diree buriC $1,65 per pele p€r menth Fer enelrer base peles; add 20/ per pele per menth te all peles menthly kitewatt heur € in be eentrelled by the eempery te burn eaeh night frem Cusk te Carvn, €entiauee) SPECIAL CONDITION: (continued) Cuslomers who thev meet the definitions of a Farm witl have to make annlicarinn with the Conrpanv for review. lf Customer application is denied by the Company. the Customer may appeal the decision to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Submitted Under'qd#i€+geg-1,€fter No. 06-06PAC-E-1LIU ISSUED: EFTTECTIVE: Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AOTVE|Oi{ OFnclHcont Rod<y Montdn Porvcr Edlhlt No.5E Pegc22 ol'129 Clso No. PAE-2147 First Revision of Sheet No.7AJ Crncelins Originrl Shcct No. 7A{[P.U.C. No I PROVISIONSl. Inoperable lights will be repaired as soon as reasonabl), possible. during resular business hours or as allowed by companlr's operatine schedule and r€quirements. provided the Company receives notification of inoperable liehts from Customer or a member of the public b), either notiffine Rocky Mountain Power's customer service (l-888-221-7070) or www.rock),mountainpower.net/streetlights Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to rcpair lighs is limited to this tariff.2. The Companv reserves the rieht to contract for the maintenance of lighting service provided hereunder. 3. Temporary disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical service requested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer may reguest temporary suspension of power for liehting by wriften notice. Durine such periods. the monthlv rate will be reduced bl/ the Companv's estimated averaee monthly relamoing and enerqy costs for the luminaire. The facilities ma), be considered idle and may be removed after l2 months of inactiviU.4. Pole re-painting. when requested bv the Customer and not required for safety reasons. shall be done at the Customer's expense. using the orieinal pole color.5. Glare or vandalism shieldine. when requested b), the Customer. and subject to availabilitv. shall be installed at the Customer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism. the Comoanlv may noti& the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense. or otherwise have the liehtine removed. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Aereement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Reeulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. includine future applicable amendments. will be considered as formine a part of and incorporated in said Aereement. Submitted Under Ad*ee{ase l,ese+ No. 06-06PAjC-E:1 !:!0f ISSUED: @2021 EFIECTM: LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OTVTSTON OF mORCORP Rocky Mouttaln Power Exhitxl No. 58 Page 23 of '129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 lMhess: Joolle R. Stewad Third Rcvision of Sheet No.7A.4 Crncelinc Socond Revision of Sheet No.7A.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 7A - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, aparbnent, seasonal dwelling, and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and irrigation pumping. Contiguous parcels ofland under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single.ownership or leasehold shall be considercd as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee ofthe parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or nonsontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include, but are not limited to: ownership control operating practices distance between parcels custom in the trade billing treatment by the utility Operators of Farms may be required to certiry to the utility all irrigation accounts, including horsepower rating. slze use (Continued) EFFECTM: April24,2012 Submined Under Case No. PAC-E-|2-04 ISSUED: January 18,2012 LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AOrYtSrOt{ OF ilCTCEOiP Rod(ytlomtlhPoE E fi5fi No. 5E Pqc 2t of 129 C!!s t{o. PAGE-21-07 llllhccr: Joclc R. Sbmd Sccond Rcvlrlon of Shoet No 7A.5 Crnccling Flnt Rcvlrion of Shcct No. 7lL5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDITLE NO. 7A - Continucd SPECIAL CONDITION: (continucd) Customers who feel they mect thc definitions of a Farm will have to make application with the Company for review. If Customer application is denied by the Company, the Customer may appeal the decision to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. PROYISIONSl. lnoperable lights will be rcpaired ar sq)n as rcasonably possible, drning regular business hours or as allowed by company's operating schedule and requirements, provided thc Company reccives notification of inoperable lights fum Customer or a membcr of the public by eithcr noti$ing Rccky Mountain Power's customer service (l-888-221-7070) or www.rockvmountainpower.net/streetlishts. Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair lights is limited to thistariff.2. The Company rcserves ttrc right to contract for the maintenance of lighting sewice provided hereunder.3. Temporary disconnection and subsequent reconnsction of electrical service requested by tlrc Customer shall be at the Customer's expensc. The Customcr may reqrcst temporary suspension of power for lighting by written notice. Durfury such pcriods, thc monthly rate will be reduced by the Company's estimated average monthly relamping and energr costs for the luminaire. The facilities may be considered idle and may be rcmoved aftcr 12 months of inactivity.4. Pole re-paintirry, when requested by the Customer and not rcquired for safety neasons, shall be dorrc at the Customer's expense, using the original pole cola.5. Glare or vandalism shielding when requested by the Customer, and subjoct to availability, shall be installed at the Customer's expensc. In cases of repetitive vandatism, the Company may noti$ the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense, or othenuise havc the lighting removed. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGITLATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electic Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file witr and approved by the ldatro Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Advice No. 1603 ISSUED: February 10, 2016 EFFECTM: March 15,2016 LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AUvElor{of ilaEcoiP RodryMomtelnPqnr E fihlt No. 58 Pagc 25 ol 129Clt No. Prc-E-2141 First Revision of Sheet No 9.1 Crncclioc OrldErl Shcet No. 9.1 ROCI(Y MOT'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDT'LE NO.9 STATE OT IDAHO Gcncrrl Servlce - Etgh Voltegc AVAIL/\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for dternating curent, ttree phase elecric service supplied at approximately 44,000 volts or 69,000 volts or greater, tlrough a single point of delivery, for all service requircd on the Customefs prcmises by crstomers contacting for not less than t0 kW nor morp than 38{5,000 kW. Seasonal service will be available only under other appropriate schedulcs. Servicc under this Schedulc is limited to a morimum power rcquirement of L0{5,000 kW. Whcn a Cutomer's load reaches a level in excoss of &15,0fl) kW, continued service will require special contract arangemcnts; provided, however, that special contract arrangements will not be required in those cascs where elecfic service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which, because of ernergancy conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 38{5,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in exoess of L0{5,000 kW nor to existing opcrations whose maximr.m power requirement, because of increascd operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, excceds 3815,000 kW. In this latter casc, a madmum power requirement in exccss of 301+,000 kW shall be deemed to exist whcn a Crstomer's maximum power requiremcnt cxceeds 3915,000 kW in at least ttuee (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive mqrths. (Continued) Submitted Undcr Adviee{,efie+eaSe No. ffiPAe-E-21-{ ISSUED: ETFEC:TIVE: LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POUIIER AOoEIrl{ OF ArCmOOit RodVuotrl0lrlPoitr E d$lt No. 58 Prg.26 of IZA Cil.No.?lc-E-2147 tllhcll: Jot R. $amrd &Eiglth Rsvblon of Shect No. 9.2 Crnccling EiglS*eith Rcvlrion of Shcot No.92 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 9 - Continucd MONTHLY BILL: Rrtc: Billing MonthsMayJsug throustl Octob€r. Inclusive Curtomcr Scnice Chugc: Powcr Rrtc: Encrgr Rrte: On-Peak Off-Peak $372.00 per Customer 170S0 $]().31+ per kW for all kWw Billing Months Novembcr throuqh LprilMav. Inclusive $372.00 per Customer 3r0Je $ pcrklVforallkw L*7 4 5.t I 154wt 3.9086d per kWh oer kWh{eral}*\Yh per kWh oer kWh{eral}kl#h 4.63654wt 3.52t3d TIME PERIODS: On-Peak: November through May inclusive 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m.. all days. -Iune October inclusive 3:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m.. all days. Off-Peak: All other times. Powcr Frctor: This rate is based on the Customer mainuining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than t5% lagging, the Power as recorded by the Company's meter witl be increased W 314 of l% for every lo/o that the power factor is less than 85%. Minimum: The Customer Service Charge plus the minimum Power Charge and appropriate Energr Charges. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{6+;!21-07 ISSIIED: November -l*'-3e{68 2021 EFFECTryE: January l, 20-1{. Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A0nEIril OFmOEOOi? Rodry Momtdn Pov[r Bdtblt No. 58 Pry 27 of 129 Carc No. PAC.E-2147 Witross: Jodlc R. Sward NinEiglth Rcvirlon of Shcct No.9.2 Cencclinc EishMh Rovirion of Shcct No. 92LP.U.C. No I 15 minr*e peried ef Cu^temer's greetest tre during the menth; adju^ted fer pewer faeter as speeified; ETEGTRI€ SERYI€E*=GUr ATI0NS: Serviee under this Seh€dule will be in eeeerdmee with iee ing Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{6+a!:02 ISSIIED: November {{;4e*6E-202.f EFFECIM: January 1,20Q1fl LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AUT'EDT{ OFNCHOORP Rodry Moutdn Powrr Ertlblt t{o.58 Pagp 28 ot t29 Crrc No. P,.c€-21{i1 ttlhcra: Joc[. R. S:bwlrd ElevenTcnth Rcvlrlon of Shcct No. 10.2 Crncclinq TelNioth Rcvirlon of Shcct No 10.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDITLE No l0 - Continucd MONTHLY BILL: (Continued) Powcr Retc: $5.968 per kW for all kW Port-Sason Rrtc Curtomcr Scnicc Cherge: Encrgr Rrtc: Energr Rrtc:8.83887+1, per kWh for first 25,000 kwh6$WX$ per klVh for the next 225,000 kwh 4943516141per kWh for all additional kWh Power Frctor: This rate is based on the Cwtomer mainaining at all times a power factor of tSo/o lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average powcr factor is found to be less thsn 85% lagging the powo as recorded by thc Company's mcter will be increascd by 314 of l% for every lo/o that the power factor is less than 85%. Mininum: The Customer Service Clurge. $23.00 per Customer l.iyil*++f per klVh for all kWh Minimum: The Customer Service Cturge. ADJUSTMENTS: All monthly bills shall be adjusted in accordance with Schedules 34 and 94. PAYMENT: All monthly service billings will be due and payablc when rendercd and will be considered delinquent if not paid within fifteen (15) days. An advance payment may be required of the Customer by the Company in accordance with Electric Service Regulaion No. 9. An advancc may be required under any of the following conditions: (l) the Customer failed to pay all amounts owed to the Company when due and payable; (2\the Customer paid an advance the previous season that did not adequately cover bills for the entire season and the Customer failed to pay any balance owing by the due date of the final billing issued for the season. (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,20U+1 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E {{+2I{7 ISSUED: November +-l-+016&202f Rod(y Morntdn Porcr Exhlbit No. 58 Page 29 of '129 Carc llo. PAC€-2'|-07 VVIUr*s: Jodlc R. SbtrsrdYROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADTVETOT{ Of mOnCoRa TenNisth Reviclon of Shcct No. l1.l I.P.U.C. No. I Crncclins NinEiehth Rcvfuion of Shoct No. 11.1 ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. T1 STATE OF IDAHO Street Lighting Service Compeny-Owncd Syttcm AVAIL/\BILITY: In all tenitory served by ttrc Company in the State of ldaho. APPLICATTON: To unmetered lighting service provided to municipalities or agencies of municipal, county, state or federal governments for dusk to dawn illumination of public sEeets, highways and thoroughfares by means of Company owned, operaled and maintained street lighting systems controlled by a photoelectric control or time switch. MONTHLY BILL: The Monthly Billing shall be the rate per luminaire as specified in the rate tables below. Functional Liehtine LED Eouivalent Lumen Ranse Total Level I <=3.500 s16.24 Level 2 3l0l-5.s00 $ r 7.32 Level 3 5.50 r -8.000 $ r 7.84 Level 4 8.00r-12.000 $ r 8.44 Level 5 r 2.001- 15.500 $ r 9.48 Level 6 > 15.500 $23.21 ffi ffi 4{e0 6100 {iJ0g re8e0 fYens(}{e*imu+)5e #+35 t85 I.uneiienotUehtire $H4 $.1683 $33"84 $383+ ffi tr*m*otin*#eet 95e0 ff*00e 23S 5e{00 Wo{ts n l{0 +50 250 400 M6n*hf++l#h 38 I 59 t)6 t48 EFFECTI.: January l, 202214 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-F-{6-+;!21-07 ISSUED: November +l;40{68-2021 \ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADrVrSrOr{OF nOEAoet Rodq lrloutdn Pomr E 6lblt No. 58 Page 30 of 129 Gl.c No. PrO+-2147 l/\lhc$: Joclo R. Slrm]d &Nilth Rcvldon of Shcct No ll.1 Cucolhg NinEEHh Rcvislon of Shcct No ll.2LP.U.C. No I De€or€titp{ori€#+N/A $+158 w N/A NIA De€oratir+€€rios3 hlA{sr5s7 s29S7 -+{lA }.IIA * Existing fixttres enly' Serviee is net evdleblc under this eehCule te new 5;800 lunren High @ (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E +6{421-07 ISSIIED: November $.;.30{68. 202f EFFECTM: January l, 20?21| LP.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AUVISDilOFnlCMF Rodry tluntriln Po*rr E fiblt No. 58 Paec 31 ot t29 Cerc No. PAGE2t{r7 neu*UIl&nc*ion of Shcct No ll.2 Crnceling FourthThird Rcvidon of Shcct No ll2 ELECTRIC SERVICI SCHEDULE NO. 11- Continucd DEFINITIONS: X'unctlond rlghting: Common, less expersive luminaires that may be mountcd either on wood, fiberglass or nondecorative mctal poles. willndntdn e listing ef -endord deeerative sreet light fi'fturcs thet ore evaileble rCer this Eleetrie Sorvi€e PROVISIONS: t. lnstallation, daily oper,ation, rcpair and maintenance of lights on this rate schedule to be performed by the Company, providing that the facilities fumished rernain readily acccssible for maintenance purposcs. 2. Company will install only Company approved sreet lighting equipment at locations acceptable to Company. 3. Inoperable lights will be repaired as soon as reasonably possible, during rcgular business hours or as allowed by Company's operating schedule and requiremenE, provided the Company reccives notification of inoperable lights from the Customer or a member of the public by either noti$ing Rocky Mountain Power's customer service at (l-t8&221-7070) or www.rock:vmountainpower.neUsueetlights. Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair street lights is limited to this tariff. 4. Existing fixnres and facilities that are deemed irreparable will be replaced with comparable fr,xtures and facilities from the Company's Construction Stsndards. 5. The Company will, upon written r€quest of CuSomer, convert existing sheet lighting facilities to other types of Company approved facilities. In srrch event, should the revenue incrcase, tlrc streetlighting extension allowance defined in Rule 12, section 3.f is applicable only to the increase in annual revenue due to the replacement. If there is no irrcrease in rcvenue, there is no allowance. The Customer shall advancc the estimated cost of all materials and labor associated with installation and removal, less the estimated salvage on all the rcmoved facilities, in excess of the applicable allowance. 6. The entire system, including initial lamp requirements and wiring suitable for connection to Company's system, will be furnished and installed by the Company. The Customer is rcsponsible for all associatcd costs that exceed the Street Lighting Extension Allowance as described in the General Rules of this tariff. Customer shall not perform the elecrical connection of mcters or service conductor to the point of delivery. (Continued) Submitted Under Adviedase No. I6.03PAGE1L0? ISST]ED:EffiECTM:@ Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADn EOilOFATCTOaP Rodry Murildn Porvcr E dthlt No. 58 Paec 32 of li€ CelcNo.P!.GE-2147 EiSHbNlEgLRcvbton of Shoct No l2.l Cenccling EishScvef,th Rcc'irion of Shcct No l2.lLP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOT'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDI'LE NO. 12 STATE OF IDAITO Strcct rnd Securitv Area Llghtlng Scrvicc Curtomcr-Owncd Syrtcm AVAIL/\BILIIY: In all territory served by the Company in the State of ldaho. APPLICATION: To lighting service provided to municipalities or agencies of municipal, cormty, state or federal governments for dusk to dawn ilhunination of public streeB, highways and thoroughfares by means of Customer owned street lighting systems controlled by a photoelectric control or time switch. Securiw Area Liehtins service on this Schedule is closed to new service. MONTHLY BILL: l. Energy Only Servicc - Rrte pcr Luminrirc Energr Only Service includes energ/ supplied from Company's overhead or underground circuits and does not include any maintenance to Customer's facilities. The Monthly Billing shall be the rate per lwrinaire as specified in the rate tables below. rrtr hcrrc So&r VrponNo Lumen Ratine 5.800 9.500 16.m0 27.5N 50.000 Watts 70 100 r50 250 400 Monthlv kWh 28 39 59 96 r48 Energy Only Service $2.502J0 $3.s04{6 $5.2rs4 $8.9018 sr3.67{+85 (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{6-+;}21-07 I rssuBo: Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER a DtvrBtor oF nqnconP Rodry Momtaln Powsr Efilblt No. 5E Page 33 of 129 Cage No. PrO+-2147 Vuficls: Joelle R. Stevrerd NinEighth Rcvlslon of Shect No. 12.2 Cenceling EtshSffith Rcvlsion of Sheet No. 12.2LP.U.C. No.l Mctd EdHc- Lumen Ratine 9.000 12.000 19.500 32.000 107.800 Watts 100 175 250 400 t000 Monthlv kWh 39 69 93 145 3s2 Energy Only Service s3.54ffi $6.2tm $8.509J6 $13.36{5*19 $3 t.993i{9 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEITULE NO. f2 - Continucd MONTHLY BILL: (continued) Sodium Veoor Sccuritv Arce Fl,ood Llsht: Noi&iatelrgce Lumen Ratine 16.000 Watts 150 Monthlv kWh 39 Enersy Only Serviee $r4.20 For nonJisted luminaires, the cost will be calculated fot 4167 annual hours of operation including applicable loss factors for ballasts and starting aids at the cost per kWh given below. Non-Listed Lumineire $/kwh Enersy Only Service $0.09068H45{39 in @ Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{{.{42LQ? ISSUED: November +{r4e+6E 202-t Low Pncuurc Sodlm Vtpor- No Melntcmne Lumen Rating 33,000 Watts 180 Monthlv kWh 74 Enerpy Only Service $8.079J6 EFFECTM: January l,20-1F x ROCKY RodquotnlrhFotr t Arttih.6CP|e.3.d129Gr.ib.PrC€,Zl{l NhE|lill R:vldon of Slcct No l2J Cenochr nrrlSrurlh Rcvffor of ffi No 122 FOffirAUmCrmil LP.U.C No I (Codinrd) Subrnitod Un&r Caso No. PAGE T+*I2l.l0Z ISSIIEID: l.Iotcmber +lr30f6l-421 EFIECTM: Jrnury I,WUL#I Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POTI'ER ADN'ET'il OFmiOH@fiP Rodty Moutaln Pouor Exhhlt No. 58 Page 35 of 129 Caae No. PAGE-21{7 lMtnes!: Joelle R. Steuvard Seventh Rcvicion of Sheet No. 12.3 Crnceling Sirth Rcvirion of Shect No. 12.3LP.U.C. No. I ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 - Continued MONTIILY BILL: (continued) 2. Maintenance Service (No New Service) Monthly maintenance is only applicable for existine monthly maintenance service agreements in effect oriorto June 29.2007. A. Street Liehtine. "Partial Maintenance" McrcunVeoor- Prrtiel Meintenrnce Lumen Ratins t0.000 20.000 Watts 250 400 Monthlv kWh 93 145 Partial Maintenance Service $ r 4.55 $ 19.47 B. Sheet Liehtine. "Full Maintenance" Elg[ kclrurc Sodlun -hrthl Mrlntcnrncc Lumen Ratins 5.800 9.500 27.500 50.000 Watts 70 100 250 400 Monthly kWh 28 39 96 148 Partial Maintenance Service ss.2264?s6.727,75 S 10.7514+10 sr4.48.1+7+ Elgh Prarurc Sodiun - Full Mrlatcnrncc Lumen Rating 5.800 9.500 16.000 27.500 50.000 Watts 70 r00 150 250 400 Monthlv kWh 28 39 59 96 148 FullMaintenance Service $5.846++$7.458# $g.e1{e* 1. $lLJo{+#$ls.6os*l (Continued) EX'FECTIYE: January l,*+4M Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16-++21-07 ISSUED : November-l-l#{6.!;202 I Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POTER AOnEloilOFmORCOP Rodry llan0rh Power E fi5lt No. 58 Pagp 30 of 129 C.!G No. PltC-€.2147 Sevcnth Rcvision of Shoct No. l2J Cenccling Slrth Revicion of Shect No. 123I.P.U.C. No. I moi mei --<een+inueg) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{+{+21-07 ISSUED: November-{{ffifu]Q! I EFFDCTM: January l,X+4M Rodry Momtdn PouGr Extrhlt No. 58 Prgc U d fie Gare No. PAGE-21{7 l^lllnels: Joollc R. SlaradYROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER aDtvlsroit of iloRcoRP Lp.u.c. No. r crnccrins $*onoffi ff*i:l :l3H:Nl ll.l ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEITULE NO. 12 - Continucd MONTHLY BILL: (continucd) SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICE FOR STREET LIGHTING WTTE PARTHL ANI) FI'LL MAINTENANCE (NO NEW SERVICE): Installations must have met Companv construction standards in place at the time of installation in order to receive "full maintenance." If Company is unable to obtain materials to perform maintenance. the street lieht facilities will be deemed obsolete and must be upsraded at customer expense in order to qualift for maintenance under the Electric Service Schedule. Street Lishtins Service under '?artial maintenance" includes enerqv. lamp and elassware renewals and cleaning of slassware. Street Liehting Service under "full maintenance" includes enerqv. lamp and elassware reolacements and cleaning of glassware. and reolacement of damaged or inoperative photocells. ballasts. startine aids. poles. mast arms and luminaires: provided. however. that any costs for materials which are over and above costs for Company's standard materials. as determined by the Companv. are not included in this Electric Service Schedule. Such extra costs shall be paid bv Customer. Burninq-hours of lamps will be controlled by the Company. The Company shall not be liable under the maintenance provided under *Full Maintenance" for damages caused by (a) war; (b) earthquakes; and (c) acts of God, exceping lighhing snikes; or (d) sabotage. The costs associated with replacements and repatrs to Crstomer-owned facilities associated with these acts will be billed to the Customer on an as if and when basis. PROVISIONS: l. The Company will not maintain new Customer owned street lights. Such maintenance will bc the responsibility of the Customer; however the Company may insall pole identification tags for the purposes of racking unmetercd Customer owned lights. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2 I -07A'Cvieell+{6-e3 ISSUED: EFTECTIVE:@ Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A Olvl6(,NOF hdFIOORP Rodty Montdn Povrot E djblt No. 5E Prgc 38 of 120 CarNo. PAGE-2147 V$hcar: Jo.tc R. S:taflerd Iirct&eE{-Rcvicion of Shect No. 12.5 Cenccling Mhect No. 12.5LP.U.C. No.l ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 - Continued PROVISIONS: (continued) 2. Customer owned lishts. mounted to Companv owned disnibution poles. shall be installed. maintained. transferred or removed only by qualified personnel. Appurtenances or other alterations to the Companlr's standard will not be supported bv. or become the responsibilitv of. the Compan),. Followine notification bli, the Customer. inoperable liehts under this provision will be repaired as soon as possible. during regular business hours or as allowed bv Companlv's operatine schedule and reouirements. Costs describ€d in this provision will be invoiced to the Customer upon completion of the work. 3. The entire s),stem. includine the desien of facilities. installation of fixtures on Customer poles. and wiring suitable for connection to Company's system. will be furnished bv the Customer. 4. Customer must notifo the Company in writine of anv chanees to the streel lighting svstem which would affect billine. including new installations. removals or wattaee chanees. Standard notification procedure will be throueh online forms at www.rockvmtnpower.net/streetlishts. 5. All new underground-fed lights on this schedule will reouire a Customer installed means of disconnect acceptable to both the Company and the local electrical inspectine authority. 6. Temporary disconnection and subsequent reconnection of electrical seryice r€quested by the Consumer shall be at the Consumer's expense. 7. Where approved by the Company, all new pole mounted outles used for holiday or other decorations, as well as traffrc or other sigrral systems, will be supplied with service on a metered General Service rate schedule via a Consumer-insalled meter basc. CONTRACT PERIOD: Not less than one (l) year for both new and replacement fixtures. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGUIIITIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this schedule is part and to those prescribed by regulatory authorities. Submitted Under,qdy@l,ett€r No. 07-06PAC-E2!:Q? ISSUED:@ EFIDCTM:J@ Rodry Momlain PoEr Exhlblt No. 58 Page 39 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 Wilnegs: Joclle R. StewerdROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OrYrSrOr{ OF PACIROORP I.P.U.C. No. I Originel Shect No. l9.l ROCKY MOTJNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 19 STATE OF IDAHO Commercirl rnd Industrirl Sprce Heeting (No New Service) AVAIII\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected systcm where there are facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for altcrnating current single or three-phase electric service to Commercial and Industrial Customers at Company's available voltage for all service required on the Custome/s premises subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. Service for electric resistance heaters and year round heat pumps will be supplied through a special circuit and metered through one kilowatt-hour meter. All other lighting and power requirements will be supplied through a separate circuit and will be separately metered, except that electric motordrived compressors installed to provide comfoft cooling and electric water heating equipment may be connected to the special space heating circuit. No other equipment shall be connected to the wiring serving the space heating equipment. This Schedule is available for space heating only when the Customer regularly uses electric energy for all other service requirements including but not limited to lighting, cooking, water heating, air conditioning, and the operation of machines and other equipment. (Continued) EFFECTM: September 15, 2006 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06{6 ISSUED: August 14,2006 LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNHIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFI@RP Rodcy Momtain Power Exhibit No. 58 Page 40 o, 129 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 lMhess: Joelle R. Stewarl Tenth Revision of Sheet No. 19.2 Cenceling Ninth Revision of Sheet No. 19.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 19 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: Rete for space heeting: Billing Months May through October. lnclusive Customer Service Chrrge: $23.00 per Customer Billing Months November through April. Inclusive $23.00 per Customer 7.2175(, per kWh for all kWhEnergy Rete: 9.6502( per kWh for all kWh Rrte for ell other serrice All other service requirements will be supplied under Electric Seruice Schedule No. 6, or Electric Service Schedule No. 6A, or Electric Service Schedule No. 23, or Electric Service Schedule No. 23A, or Electric Service Schedule No.35, or Electric Service Schedule No. 35A. SPACE HEATING: All space heating equipment shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole means of heating the building space occupied by the Customer. All space heating equipment and installation thereof and all supply wiring shall conform with the Company's specifications. AIR CONDITIONING: All air conditioning equipment shall be permanently installed and shall be the sole means of providing comfort cooling for the building space occupied by the Customer. All air conditioning equipment and installation thereof and all supply wiring shall conform with the Company's specifications. Electric service for comfort cooling will be metered and billed at the above rate only when Customer also uses electric service for his total space heating requirements. WATER HEATING: Water heaters served hereunder shall be insulated storage, single or multiple- unit type of construction approved by the Company, the heating units of which shall be noninductive and controlled by separate thermostats. Electric service of storage water heating will be metered and billed at the above rate only when Customer also uses electric service for his total space heating requirements. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-|6-12 ISSUED: November I 1, 2016 EFFECTM: January 1,2017 Rodry Momtaln Po^lf Extribit No. 58 Page 4t of 129 Case No. PAC€-21-07 V\lltress: Joelle R. StewardROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP LP.U.C. No. I Originel Sheet No. 19.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 19 - Continued WATER HEATING: (continued) Water heaters shall have a minimum capacity of 30 gallons each and the total capacity of heating elements in each heater shall not exceed 50 kilowatts except that, when heaters arc opetsd for swimming pool heating, more than 50 kilowatts capacity in a heater may be permined upon written authorization of the Company. All equipment shall be so designed and confiolled that not more than l0 kilowatts will be switched on or offat one time unless otherwise permitted by written authorization of the Company. INSULI\TION STANDARDS: Commercial and industrial buildings constructed after September I , I 984, and such buildings constructed prior to September I , 1984, but which previously did not otherwise qualiff for service under this electric service schedule must now also meet the following minimum insulation standards in order to qualiS for service under this electric service schedule. The maximum heat loss of the building to be heated while maintaining a reasonable and appropriate indoor air temperature during periods of winter desigrr outdoor weather conditions as defined in the latest ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals including inliltration and excluding ventilation losses for electrically heated buildings shall not exceed 2l btu/trour/square foot in new buildings or 24 btu/hour/square foot in converted buildings. Electrically heated buildings shall have double glass except where it may be impractical such as at entrance doors or display windows etc. Electrically heated buildings can be considered to meet the requirements if the following criteria are met: Minimum Insulation Facton New Buildings Converted Buildings Ceilings Opaque Walls Floors Over Vented Crawl Spaces or Over Unheated Basements Walls of Heated Basement ..[Jtt Factor 0.032 0.096 0.053 0.077 "R" Factor 3l 10.4 t9 "fJ, Factor 0.032 0.1 56 0.053 0.1 25 ..Rtt Factor 3l 6.4 l9 8 (Continued) l3 EFFECTM: September 15, 2006 Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 06'06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 Rodry Mounlain Powrr Efiiblt No. sgPryl2ot 129 Case No. PA\GIE-2147 Wltrtess: Joelle R. Sta,valdROCKY MOUNTAIN FOWER A OVTSTON Of PACTFTOORP LP.U.C. No.l Originrl Shcet No. 19.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. t9 - Continucd INSUL/ITION STANDARDS: (continued) Concrete slabs on grade shall have insulation24" wide by 2" thick around the perimeter of the slab. This requircment may be waived for converted buildings at the disretion of the Company. Glazing shall be double glass except where it may be impractical such as at enhance doors or display windows, etc. Weather stripping shall be installed on all exterior doors and windows. Ducts and Plenums, both supply and retum, not enclosed within the heated space, shall have a minimum of 2" insulation (U = 0.13). CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the ldatro Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Advice Lefter No. 06-06 ISSUED: August 14,2006 EFFECTM: September I 5, 2006 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POM'ER AUt lsror{OFnOaOohP RodryllqntdnPow Erdrlblt No. 58 Pagc € of 129 Cstc No. PA*-2147 tf\itlcr: Jo.[t R. Sblnltl NinEiglth Rcvlclon of Shct No.23.l Crnccllng EiqhSo+prtt Rcvlrton of Shcct No. 23.1I.P.U.C. No I ROCICY MOT'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDIJLE NO. Z} STATE OF IDAEO Gcncnl Scrvicc AVAIL/IBILITY: At any point on the Company's intcrconnected system wherc ttrcre are frcilities of adequarc capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for altenrating cuncnt, single or thrce-ptuse elecnic service supplied d Compan/s availablc voltage tttrough one metering ircallation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the prernises. MONTALY BILL: Curtomcr Scrvice Chrrge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Energr Rrte: Billing Months lr{ailune throueh October. Inclusive $18.00+ per Customerffi $499.00 per Customer 9.513@ per kWh for all kWhw( Billing Months November ttrough *pdlM.r. hr.l*rr. $18.00+ per Customer 6Se $4E9.00 per Customer 7.928W per kWh for all kWhmt (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,20U{l Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E {6f?2!-02 ISSUED: November +1#8. 2021 LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AUVlSDr{ OFilCmooit RodqMontahPonr Edrblt lto.5E Pry4lof 120 Clrcltb. Pr@-2147 tltlltprc: JoCe R. $amnl f!&trtth Rcvldon of Shect No 23.2 Crtrccling EourthllirdRcvblon of ShcctNo 23.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCUEIII LE NO. Z) - Continucd Powcr Fector: This rate is based on the Crstomer mainaining at all times a powcr factor of 85% lagging" or higher, as determined by measurcment. If the average power factc is found to be less than 85olo lagging Customer will be billed for 314 of l% of trc Power recordod by ttrc Company's meter for every lo/o that fte power factor is less than 85%. This Power will be billed at ttre Power Rate stated in Electic Service Schedule No. 6. Voltrgo Dhcount: Where Crstomer takes service from Compan/s availablc lines of 2,300 vols or higher and provides and maintains dl ransformers and odrer necessary equipment the voltage discount based on mea$rcd Energ will be: 0.43971per klvh for all kWh. Mlnlmum Bll: The Cutomcr Sewice Clurge PTOWER: Ttte kW as shown by or computed from the readings of the Company's Power meter for the lS-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month, determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually rccuning periods of seasonal rse where scrvice is normally discontinued or curtailed dwing a part of the year may be contnacted for under this Schedule wrder either of thc following conditions: (a)Customer may contact for service under this Schedule on a yeam)und basis paying for all service, including transformer losscs where applicable, under the rdes set forth under 'Monthly Bill' above including the monthly minimunr bill during tlroee months service is curtailed or is not Uilizd in the Cusomcds operations. (b)Customer may conract for seasonal scnrice under this Schcdule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $216{4e.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2,300 volts and $57588.00 plus Energ Charges for Crstomer taking service at 2,300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer (Continued) Submitted Under Advi€e{ggqNo. {}03PA!Ci1!:!0? ISSIIED:EFFECTM: January l,20-1?l LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADlvBOI{Of ilCmiP RodryMolrltthPortr E$bfr lilo. 58 Prop a5 of l29 C!!c ttlo. Prc-E-2147 Vlitrcsr: Joctc R. Silctmd NiEEEhth Rcvblon of Shcct No 23A.1 Crnccllng EishSo+c*h Rcvirlon of Shcct No at.Ll ROCIil MOT'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDULE NO.23A STATE OF IDAEO Gcncnl Scrvlcc (Rcridcnthl rnd Ferm) AVAIIABILITY: At any pornt on thc Company's intcrconnected system whcre thcre are facilities of adequate capacity for service to any customer who qulifies as a nResidential Load' or'Farm Load' under both (l) ttrc Pacific Northwcst Electic Power Plaming and Conscrvation Act P.L. 9G501 as tlrc same may be anrende4 and (2) a Residential htrchase and Sale Agrccrnern, uder Section 5(c) of nrch Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Adminisuation. APPLTCATION: This Schedulc is for dtcmming currcnt, single or threc-pluse elcctic service supplied at Company's available voltage ttrongh one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. MONTELY BIr.r.: Curtomcr Servicc Chrrgc: Sccondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 vols or higher) Enerry Rrte: Billing Months UoyJune throuch ftober. Inclusive $18.00+ per Customer 6{e $48O04 per Customer 9S0 9.51369 perkWhforall kWhMt Billing Months November hroudr i,pi,lMav. Inclusive $18.00+ per Customer 630 $48.004 per Customer 9Se 7.928W perkWh forall kWhmt (Continued) EFFECTM: January l,20pg Submitted Under Casc No. PAC-E,{6ti!2.g)z ISSIIED: Novcmbcr H$l.6L!02[ LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAINPOIreR AqvE()floFncmof,, Rodq tlorildn Po$tr E drDlt I{o. 58 P.gp 46 ot 129 CaGNo. PrcE-2147 Vlifus: Joch R. Sblmd +hir+[gg{L RGvision of Shcct No.2itA3 Crnceling ThirdSocead Rstlsion of Shcet No. ItA3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDT LENO. a3A-Continucd SEASONAL SERVICE: (cor$inued) (b) Customer may contract for scasonal service r.urder this Schedulc wi0r a net minimum seasonal payment as follou,s: $2!6#XL00 plus Energ Charges for Customer taking senrice al less than 2,300 volts and $576588.00 plus Energr Chargps for Customer talcing service at 2,300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIALCONDffiON: Domestic usc means all tsual residential, apartn€mt, seasond dwelling and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm elecrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary proccssing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and inigation pumping. Contiguous parcels of land under singleownership or leasehold shall be considcred to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels ofland under single-ownership or leaschold shall be considerd as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated ottret'rrise by the owncr or lessoe of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whatrer contiguous or noncontiguons parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include, but ale not limited to: ov*,nerShip contnol operating practices distance beween parcels custom in the fade billing treatnent by the utility @raton of Farms may be rcquired to certifr to the utility all inigation accounts, including horsepower rating. Customers who feel they meet the definitions of a Farm will have to make application with the Company for review. If Crstomer application is denied by the Company, the Customer may appeal the decision to the ldatro Public Utilities Commission. (Continued) siz: use Submittcd Under,qd#i€€{AsqNo. ll!4PAlLE* !:!0? ISSIIED:EFIECTM: January l, 20-13l LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWEIT A Dn!3lo1{ oFnoEcoi? Rod(y Uotrt0lan Fonr Ed$t 1{o.58 Plgp47 d l29cr. No. P,c-6.2147 tlJthar: JocL R. $md rimtSgglnc*lon of Shect No 3l.lCrncclingMoctNo3l.l ROCKY MOT'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERYICE SCUEDI'LE NO.3I STATE OFIDAIIO Pertlel Requiremenb Scrvlcc- Lergc Gcncml Scrvlcc- Irln0 kW rnd Ovcr AVAIL/IBILITY: At any polnt on the Companfs interconnectcd system where there arc facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, thrce phase elecric service supplied at Company's available voltage throWh a single point of dclivery for Supplemernary, Back-tp, Maintenarce Power or B:rcess Servioe (prtial roquiremcns scrvice) in addition to rcgular elcctric requirements ohained fiom any service dhcr Uun ttre Company, inclding on*itc gen€ration This Schedule is applicable to crrtomc$ with orrsite gcneration of more ftan 1,000 kW btil ttd docs nc exceed 3015,000 kW. Ctstorncn not contractitg for Back-up Power shall not be sufiect to ttis ScMule f,rd shall receive elecaic service undcr tte ryplicable gerrral scrvicc schedule. This Schcdule is mt qplicable to scnicc for rcsale, intermittcnt or highly flwtuding loads, or scasonal use. This Sctrcdule is nd roqufued where on*ite gencration is used only for emcrgency supply during timcs of utility outage. This ScHule is not available to loads in excess of l-015,000 kW, a morimum power rcquirernent in excess of lS$5,000 kW shall bc deemed to exist when a Custdner's morimurr power requirement exceeds 3015,000 kW in at least ttree (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive mmths. MONIBLY BILL: Rrtc: Billing Months MoyJglQ through October. Inclusive Billing Months November through,{?dlMay. Inclusive Curtomcr Scrice Chuge: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage Beck-up Ftcilitics Rrte: Secondary Voltage Primary Vohage Transmission Voltage per Customer pcr Customer per Customer per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per Customer per Customer per Customer per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW $38.003 7J0 $ll_4.00 +r+so 3372.00 3+es0 $8J4tr,v $7.77* 58 $38.003 7S0 $r 14.00r-Hs $372.00 3?e30 $6.656I $6286 1+ Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-19-E2HZ ISSTIED: (continued) EFFECTIVE: Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POTi'ER AUVEOilOf mclrcOF Rodry tlbuntaln Pomr E dlDlt No. 68 Proc 48 o, li|g Crrc tlo. ?t@-2147 fh*SggtlRcvbtotr of Shcct No 3l.lCenccllng@cctNo.!!2[P.U.C. No.l $s.73r $4.32+n* Thc Facilities Rate applies to thc kW of Back-up Contract Power Submittd Under Casc No. PAC-E-P-E2I_{7 ISSIJED: (continued) EFFECTIVE: ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER AOnHOilOCnqFEot Rod(y llouteh Pomr E Obil lrb. 5E Pagc 49 ol 129 Cllc ltb. Plo€-2147ttln as: Jo.lc R. Sbrm]d T}i*founlU ncvbion of Shcct No.3l.2 I.P.U.C No. I Crncclinc Sccea*Third Rcvirion of Shcct No 312 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDITLE NO.3l - Continuod MONTELY BILL: Rrtc: Billing Months l{ofJune through October. Inchsive Billing Momhs November throueh AorilMav. Inclusive Blclr-up Povcr Rrte: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage Erccg Powcr Rrte: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage Supplcmentrry Powcr Rrtc: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage Supplemcntery end Blck-up Energr Rrte: Secondary Voltagc Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage On-Peak Off-Peak per kW for all kW per kW for all kW pcr kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kWh per kWh per kWh ner kWh pcr k\il for all kW perkW forall kW perkW forall kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW pcr kWh per kWh per kWh oer kWh $022e dl kW Day $q23s all kW DayX all kW Day n a[ kW Day SqL6e all kW Day $q22e all kW DayE*t$0.1e $0.14 Back-up Pourcr is billod on a pcr day basis and is based on the fiftoen (15) minutc period oftrc Ctsqncds greatcst use of Back-up Powcrduingthc day Schdulod Maintcnance Power rate is orrc half (12) of trc Back-up Power $ww $28 103w $2o.gt2 $r:!.62+# 8)2.e7+** $10.3 r3 6 4.2506t J8801 4.2s0e 98801 5.1 I 154ffit $M2# $22J83m $t5.554I $)2.n+t+t 3l1.62+ 6 $9.n+T 4.250e J8801 4.250e e8801 Submitted Under Casc No. PAC-ru] ISSTIEID: (continued) EFFECTIVE: Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADII/EDilOf H/OFICORP Rod<y Montdn Povor Erhlblt No. 5E Pagc 50 of 129 Crcc No. PAC{-21-07 Il\lltnerc: J€lh R. $cwerd Thir+fgurtlL Rcvbion of Shoct No.3l2 Cenccling Soeend-Mflncvirion of Shect No.3l2LP.U.C. No.l 3.9086d 4.63654wt 3.5213t, TIME PERIODS: On-Peak: November throueh Mav inclusive 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m.. all days. June throush October inclusive 3:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m.. all days. Off-Peak: All other times. ing than{sch VOLTTIGE tEVE'Sr SeeenCary Veltage applies where a disributien Gustemer ta*es serviee frem i€e frem gemna*y's av*taUle Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{9-1521-07 ISSUED: (continued) EFFECTM:@ ROCKY MOUNTAINFO[ffiR A Dn!S|OX OF ACmOoeP Rocfy Momtdn Porrrr Exhblt No. 58 PaSc 5l of 129 Carc No. PACE-21{|1 llvlhe3s: Joc0e R. $arad First Revision of Sheet No. 31.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEIDITLE NO.3f - Contlnued POIVER FACTOR: This rate is based on the Customer maintainine at all times a power factor of 85olo lassine. or hieher. as determined b), measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85oZ lasging. the Power as r€corded by the Companv's meter will be increased by % of lolo for every l% that the power factor is less than 85%. VOLTAGE LEVEIS: Secondarv Voltase applies where a distribution Customer takes service from Companv's available lines of less than 2.300 volts. Primarv Voltaee aoplies where a distribution Customer takes service from Compan),'s available lines of 2.300 to less than 46.000 vols and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary related equipment. Transmission Voltage applies where sewice is supplied at approximatelv 46.000 volts or ercater throush a sinele point of delivery. PTOWER: Ttrc kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the lS-minute perid of Customefs greatest use during the month or day, adjusted for power factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. TYPE OF SERVICE: Whedter Power is considerod scheduled maintcnance, supplementary, back- up, or e)rcess is daennined as follows. When the Cutomer has pre-scheduled Maintenance Service, the power measurements fiom 0 kW up to the level cqual to ttrc pne*chedulod Back-up Powcr shall be considered Scheduled Maintenance Power. Power measrrernents above the Scheduled Maintenance Power rry to the level equal to the Srryplementary Conract Power shall be considered supplementary power. Power measured above the sum of the Scheduled Mafurenance Power and Supplernentary Conhact Power level up to the Total Conhact Power (ttrc sum of the Supplementary Contact Power and the Back-up Contract Power) shall be corsiderod Back-up Power. Power measunemenb in excess of Toal Contract Power shall bc corsidered Ercess Power. When the Customer has not pre-sclrcduled Maintenarrce Service, power measurcments from 0 kW np to the level equal to the Supplementary Contract Power shall be considered Supplementary Power. Power measurements above tre Supplementary Confact Power level but less than Total Confact Power (the sum of the Supplementary Conract Power and the Back-up Contract Power) shall be considered back-up power. Power measurements in excess of Total Contrrct Power shall be considered Exccss Power. DEFINTTIONS: BACK-UP CONTRACT PIOIYER: The specified Power in kilowatts of Back-up Power thal the Customer contracts witlt ttte Company to supply and which the Company agrces to have available for delivery to the Customer in excess of which the Company is under no obligation to suprply. The Back-up Contract Power shall be established by agreement bhveen the Customer and tlre Compary. The level of Back-up Contract Power shall not exceed the total ouput capacity of the Customer's generation facilities. ine Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-#!-til2l:Qz ISSUED:EFFECTM: January l,WM Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POTER AUVETO|{Of ACmOit RodryllonhlnPor E drDlt No. 68 Pegr 5a of f 29 Crtcl,lo. P,o€-2147 First Rcviriotr of ShGGt No 313 Crncclins Orlglnd Shoet No.3l3LP.U.C. No I or\€K UP SERYICET oeek up serviee is eleetsi€ mryi€o Esed by tho €Bstern€r to roplaee oleetsie (continucd) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E #l+l2l.07 ISSTIED:EFIECTM: January l,W ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOtffiR A OrV'ErOil OF nqaqoiP Rodryilol,lttlnPomrEfi5i No. 58 Pagc sit of 129 C!..1{o. PAGE-21{,? l,l/lhs!!: JoCe R. $twlrd First Rcvirion of Sheet No. 31.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCf,EDULE NO.3f - Continucd I onnmuoxs(continrrcd): BACK-UP POWER - DAILY: The kW of Back-uo Contract Power supolied bv the Comoanv to the Customer. Back-up Power shall be determined for each da), of the Billins Period. The kW of Back-up Power each day shall be the kW for the fifteen (15) minute period of the Customer's greatest use of Back-up Power that day. adjusted for power factor as specified. determined to the nearest kW. The Back-up Power for the Billine Period shall be the sum of the Back-up Power for each day of the Billine Period. For each lifteen minute period. Back-up Power shall equal the Measured Power minus the Supplernentary Contract Power but shall not be less than zero nor ereater than the Back-up Contract Power. BACK-UP SERVICE: Back-uo service is electric service used bv the Customer to reolace electric service ordinarily eenerated by the Customefs own generation equioment during outaqes of the facility. BILLING PERIOD: The period of approximately 30 days imervening behueen rogular successive meter reading dates. Therc sttall be 12 billing petiods p€r ycar. FOWEk The rale in kilowatts at which clectric enerry is gencrated, tansfen€d or used. Power measurernents are calculated based on the average (integrated) usage over consecutive 15 minute periods of time. Power mcasut€ments may be based on any one such fifteen minute period in a Billing Perio4 on the period of greatest use during the Billing Perio{ or qr the period of greaest use during each day, adjusted for pow€r factor as specified, determined to thc nearest kW. EXCESS P(OIVER: Excess Power is the power sup,plied by ttp Company to the Customer in excess of ttre Total Contact Power. The kW of Excess Power for the Billing Period shall be the kW for the 15 minute period of thc Customefs greatest use of Excess Power during ttrc Billing Perio4 adjusted for powa factor as specifie4 daermined to tlp nearest kW. For each 15 minute petio{ Fxcess Power shall equal the Measured Power minus thc Total Contract Power but shall not be less than aro. EXCESS SERVICE: Excess service is service used by the Customer over and above the confacted arnount for both Supplementary Service and Back-up Service or Maintenance Service. MAINTENANCE SERVICE: Maintenance sewice is electic service used by the Cwtomer to replace electric service ordinarily generated by the Customet's own generation equipment during scheduled outages of the facility. MEAST RED FOWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the reading of the Power meter located at the Comparly's point of delivery, fq tbe 15 minute period of the Customer's gteatest use during the Billing Period or thal day. MEASITRED ENERGY: The electic ener5/ in kWh as shown by or computed frrom the readings of the kilowatt-hourmeter located atthe Compaty's point of delivery. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E #!-l2z1.0z ISSIIED:EFIDCTM: January 1,20U+3 Y AOrUaDtGnffiF ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POTTER RodryllouhhPonrEd$t No.58 P.gp Cr d l29 Camllo.PlG.€-2147 Fint Rcvision of Shcet No 31.4 Crncclinq Orldnd ShoctNo 31.4LP.U.C. No I (continued) Submitted Under Casc No. PAC-E-H!-+?2L02 ISSIIED:EFFECTM: January l,20AB I.P.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POITYER aDtYrcrot{of noF@iP Rodryilun0rlnPornr E dt5lt lilo. 5E Pagc 55 of 129 Cerc No. P,{-E-2147 First Revirion of eddr.lShcct No.31.5 Cencclinq Orighel Shcct No.3l.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEILJLE NO.3l - Continucd DEFINITIONS (continued): SCHEDIJLED MAINTENAI\CE PTOWER: Electic Power and enerw made available bv the Companv to a Customer drnine the scheduled maintenarce periods established in accordance with the provisions of this sctrcdule to replace Back-uo Power. Sctrcduled Maintenance Power shall not exceed the Back-uo Contract Power. SITPPLEMENTARY CONTRACT FOWE& The specified Power in kW of Stpplementary Power that 0te C\rstomer contracts with the Company to supply ard which the Company agroes to have available for dclivery to ttrc Crstomer. The Supplenrsttary Contract Power shall bc cstablished by agrecrnent bctrreen the Customer and ttre Compny. Measured Power in erto*s of the Supplemenhry Conract Power slrall mt establistr new Supplementary Contact Power. SITPPLDMENTARY PIOIVER: The kW of Srypleme,ntary Confiact Power supplied by trc Comparly to thc C\rstomer. The kW of Sttpplemcntary Powcr for tre Billing Pcriod shall be $€ kW for thc 15 minute period of the Crstomcds geatcst tsc of Supplemcntary Power during ttrc Billing Pcrio4 adjnsted for power factor as specifio( detcrmined to the nearest kW. For each 15 minute perioO druing ttrc Billing Perio4 Sup,plementary Power dull equal the Measwod Power bnt shall not be less than zero nor grcder than the Supplementary Contact Power. SITPPLEMENTARY SERVICE: Srpplementary service is electic scnice regularly rsod by a Customer in addition to that which ttrc Cwtomer gencratcs iself. TOTAL CONTRACI PO\ilER: The sum of the Supplementary Conbact Power and dre Back-up Contract Power. SCEEDITLED MAINTENANCE: Crstomer shall subrnit to the Cornpany, in writing Cwtome/s proposcd maintenance schedule and norninated Scheduled Maintcnarrcc Power for erh mornh of an l8 month period beginning wi0r the date of the Cusqneds initial receip of scrvice under this schedule. Cutomer shall, prior to September lst ofeach subsequent year, submit to the Company, in writing Custome/s proposd maintenarrce schedule for each month of an I 8 month period beginning with January I r of the following year. The proposed schcdutes will not bc decmed a rcqrcst for Maintenance Service unless so desigrated by the Customer and accepted by the Conpany in writing. Maintenance shall be sctpduled for a morimurn of 30 days per year. These 30 days may be taken in either one continuots period, or two continuou 15 day periods. Solely a the discrction of the Company and for good Gause, the maintenance maximum may be e:rteirded. The Customer may pr€seil a r€quest for a maintenance outage in writing to the Company no less than 30 days in advance of the date of the scheduled maintenance with the nonrfurued Scheduled Maintenance Power. The Conpany rcseryes the right to modi$ Cnstorner's Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-#!-{+21-0? ISSIIED:EFFECTM: January l,W Y R(NKY MOI..INTAIN PO[ifER amt8|oxof ncmoaP Rodcylrouf$Pqrtr Erd5il No. 58 P.gp 50 of 129 Cltcl,lo. Plo.E-2147 First Rcvision of edgin lShcct No.3lS Crncclinc Orisinrl Shcct No.3l.5 LP.U.C. No.l requestcd maintenance schedule. Any modificaions by ttrc Cmpury mrtst be madc witt rcasrn \dttrin scvcn days after tha schcdule has been received by ttrc Company. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E l+#!2L8? ISSIJED:EFXTECTI.: January l, ?013.2022 Y ROCKYM(ruNTAIN POWERAUrrErr{cacmm Rodq lroudCn rroulr Exrtil No.58 P.Cp 57d t29 Cltct{o. PAc.,E.2l.{17 tlftrar: Joclc R. Slam]d @trofShcctNo.34.1 Cenccllng Scven*th Rcnlrlon of Shect No 34.1LP.U.C. No.l ROCI(Y MOI'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDT'LE NO.34 STATE OF II'AIIO Prclfic Northwcst ElccHc Power Plrnnlng end Conrcrvrtlron Act Rcddcnthl rnd Frrm Klbwett-Hour Crcdlt APPLICATION AND AVAIL/IBILITY: firis Schedule is applicable and available to qualifring Residential md/or Farm Customers of the Cmpany under the jurisdiction of the ldatro Public Utilities Commission. MONTELY RATESi: The monthly clurges for se,rvice under each of the Elcctric Service Schedules shown below shall be reduccd by the appmpriate kilowatt-horn credit for all quali$ing kilowdt-hours of residcntial and/or farm use. Irrication Customers: SchcduleNo. l0 $0.010133 perkwh Non-Irriqation Customers: $0.010133 per klVh Schedule Nos. l, 6A, 7 A, 23A 35A, 36,-l9r*i*h6A (continued) EFFECTM:@ Submitted Under Case No. PAGE.2I-f80? ISSTIED: LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POIiIER A DirErot{oFnclnoonP Rodry Mou{dn Pornr Efiblt No. 58 Prgp 58 of r20 GareNo. PAGE-2147 IrUltpec Jodlo R. Slemrd First Revision of Shect No. 35.1 Cencelins Originel Shect No. 35.1 ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDT'LE NO.35 STATE OFIDAIIO Optlonrl Tlmo-of-Dry Gencrel Scrvlce - Dirtribution Voltegc AVNL/\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity to a limited number of customers each year on a priority basis, and is dcpendent upon the ability of the Company to obtain adequate metering equipnent. The priority is based on the time the application is filed with the Company. Those custoners applyrng first would have the highest priorrty. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for drcrnating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage, but less than 46,000 volts through a single point of delivery for non-residential, non-irrigation, non-strcet lighting, and non-area lighting customets, for all service required on the Customer's premises by Customers contracting for not morc than 3915,000 kW. Service under this Schedule is limited to a morimum power requirement of 30{5,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of l_0.15,000 kW, continued service will require special conbact arangements; provided, however, that special conract arrangements will not be required in those cases where electric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which, because of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 1015,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in exoess of LO15,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power rcquirements, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 3015,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power requirement in excess of 3015,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's morimum power requiremant exceeds 3015,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. (Continued) Submitted Under Casem+iee+,e*er No. 0646PA!]-E-:|!=![ ISSUED: ETFECTIVE: ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOIAIER aDn6llt{of acm(F Rodq ilouf.antbtrlr E d$t lrb. 58 Prgc 5e of 129 Cilc lrb. PrGE-21q1 V\itur: Jo.tc R. Sbrmrd UNhth Rcvirton of ShcctNo 352 LP.U.C. No I Crncolinc NitrEir}th Rsvirbn of Shcct No.35J ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDITI,E NO.35 - Coetinued MONIELY BILL: Curtoncr Scrvicc Cterjc: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts)S 697.00 per Customer Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher)$17065.00 per Customer Powcr Cbrrjc: otr-PeakkW $ 16.945 per kW Encrgr Chrrgc: PerkWh forall kWh 5.Ww71 TIME PERIODS:OrPeak 7:00 am. to lO:fl) p.m., Monday thru Friday, except holidays.Otr-Peak All othertimes. Dtre to the expansions of Daylight Saving Time @ST) as adoptcd under Section I l0 of ttrc U.S. Energr Policy Act of 2005 the time pcriods shown above will bcgin and end onc hour later for the period between the second Sunday in March and tre first Srmday in April, and for the period baween the last Sunday in October and the firs Sunday in November. Holidays include only New Ycat's Day, hesident's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Ctuistnas Day. When a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday befolp the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Saturday) or the Monday following the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Sunday) will bc considered a holiday and consequently Off-Pcak. Power Frctor: This rate is basod on the Customer maintaining at all times a Power factor of 85% laggrng or highcr, as daemincd by measurement. If the average Power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging the Power as recorded by tlrc Company's meter will be increased by 314 of l%c for every l% that the Power factor is less than t57o. Voltrgc Dlrcount Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all nansformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on highest measured Power during the billing cycle will be: $0.84 pokW Mlnlmum: Customer Service Charge plus applicable Dcmand and Energl charges. (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,20U)J Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-16#I2I:0? ISSIIED: November lFXel6!-202 L LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN PolTER AUVrgOilOf nqFEOm Rod<y Moulaln Powcr Edr5lt No. 58 Pagc 00 of 129 Crtc No. PAC-E-21-07 $!iDu{h Rcvlrion of Shoet No 353 Cenceling FourthThird Rcvirion of Shcct No 353 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO.35 - Continued POWER: Thc Or-Peak kW shall be the kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the lS-minute period of Custome/s greatest use during the orr-Peak periods during the month as prcviously defined, adjusted for Power Factor as specified, determined to the nearest kw. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually rrcuning periods of seasonal ue wherc servicc is normally discontinucd or curtailed during a part of the year may bc contrrrcted for under this schedule under eithcr of the following conditions: (a)Customer may contract for servicc under this schedule on a year-rcund basis paying for dl service, irrcluding transformer losses where applicable, under the rates sct forth under 'Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilizod in the Customer's operation. (b)Customer may contract for seasonal scrvice undcr this schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 82E04.00 plu Power and Enerry Clurges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 volts, and $2.040J+8e.00 plus Power and Energr Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer ELECTRIC SERVICE REGUL/|TIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Elecric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the ldatro Public LJtilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under *e+iee{ese_No. I.2'IBPAC-E2!:O? ISSIIED:EFFECTryE: January l, 20-11 RodryilotrltdnPowlr E drlbft No. 58 Pagc 61 of 129 Ca:c No. PAC€-21-{17 tI\ltrecr: Jo6[e R. StcrndROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERadvrsu{of ilcrtEoiP LP.U.C. No. I First Revision of Sheet No.35A.l Cenceline Orlglnrl Shcet No. 35A.1 ROCI(Y MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDTILE NO.35A STATE OF IDAEO Optionrl Time.of-Dry Genonl Scrvlco - Dirtribution Voltrge (Ferm) AVAIL/\BILIIY: This Electric Service Schedule is available at any point on the Company's interconnected system wherc therc arc facilities of adequate capacity to a limitcd number of customers each year on a priority basis. Such availability is dependent upon thc ability of the Company to obain adequate metering equipment. The priority is based on the time the application is filed with the Company. Those customers applying first would have the highest priority. This schedule is for service to any customer who qualifies as nFarm Load" under both (l) the Pacific Northwest Elesrric Power Planning and Corservation Act, P.L. 9G501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Adminishation. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electic service supplied at Company's available voltage, but less than 46,000 volts tluough a single point of delivery for non-residential, non-irrigation, non-stneet lighting, and non-area lighting customers, for all service required on the Customer's premises by Customers contacting for not more than 3015,000 kW. Service under this Schedule is limited to a manimum power requirement of 1QJ5,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of LO[5,000 kW, continued service will require special contact arrangements; provided, however, that special contact arrangements will not be required in those cases whert elecric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which, because of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions onty, may exceed 3015,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in excess of l$t5,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power requirements, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 3015,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power rcquirement in excess of 30{5,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customeds manimum power rcquirement exceeds 3915,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. (Continued) Submitted Under,q@ase Lctter No. 0646PAC-E2]:!U ISSUED: EFtrTECIM: LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DI'BON (r nclAOOAP Rodq tlol,lte|n Poucr E d$[ No. 5E Plgc 6,1 of 129 CereNo.PAG.E-2147 t,r/itrcs: Jocl6 R. Sbtmrd bNioth Rcvlslon of Shect No.35A.2 Cencellng NinEighth Rcvldon of Sheet No.35A.2 ELECIRIC SERVICE SCIIEDITLE NO.35A - Contlnucd MONTHLY BILL: Cuctomcr Scrvlcc Ctrrgc: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 vols)$ 69?.00 per Customer Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher)S1206+.00 pcr Customer Powcr Chrrgc: OrPeak kW $ 16.945 pcr kW Energy Chujc: PerkWh forall kWh s.37923'1J.7, TIME PERIODS:OrFPeak 7:00 am. to 10:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday, except holidays.Off-Peak All other times. Due to the expansions of Daylight Saving Time (DST) as adopted under Section I l0 of the U.S. Ene1ry Policy Act of 2005 the time pcriods shown above will begin and end one hou later for the period between the second Sunday in March and the firs Sunday in April, and for ttrc period betrrecn the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November. Holidays include only New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday before the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Saturday) or the Monday following the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Sunday) will be considered a holiday and consequently Off-Peak. Powcr Fector: This rate is bascd on the Customer maintaining at all times a Power factor of 85% lagging or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average Power factor is found to be less than t5% lagging the Power as recorded by tlrc Company's meter will be increascd by 314 of lo/o for every l% that the Power factor is less than 85%. Voltrge Discount Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all tansformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discourt based on highest measured Power during the billing cycle will be: $0.84 per kW Minimum: Customer Service Charge plus applicable Demand and Energy charges. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-{6-|32 I 47 ISSUED: November {-{-${-6e 202f EITFECTM: January 1,20_1;l LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AOtVISrOl{Of ilOFbom Rodry Momtlln Ponrr Edrhlt No. 58 Pagc 63 d 129 Cltc t{o. PAC€-2'|{7tUftar: Joclc R. $crmrd fgeoltt Rcvlrion of Shoct No 35Aj Cenccling FourthTlird Rcvlrion of Shcct No 35A3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDITLE NO. 35A - Continucd MONIHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Ratcs in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour cr€dit adjustment set forth under 'Monthly Ratcs' in the currently effective Electic Servicc Schedule No. 34. PTOWER: The On-Peak kW shall be the kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the lS-minute perid of Custsner's greatest usc during the orFPcak periods during the month as previously defined, adjusted for Power Factor as specified, determined to the nearest kw. SEASONAL SERVICE: Servicc for annually recuring pcrids of seasonal usc where service is normally discontinued or curtailed durirg a part of the year may be contracted for under this schedule under either of the following conditions: (a)Cwtomer may conract for service under this schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses where applicable, undcr the rates s€t forth under 'Monthly Bill' above including the monthly minimrrn bill during thosc months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Cusomer's operation. (b)Customer may contract for seasonal service under this schedule with a net minimum scasonal payment as follows: $ 82804.00 plus Power and Energr Clurges for Ctstomer taking service at less than 23fi) vols, and $e,04q{+80.00 plus Power and Energr Chargcs for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higtrcr. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECHL COhIDITION: Farm use means all usual farm elechical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment. Contiguous parcels of land undo single-ovmership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguou parcels of lurd under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated othenvise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. (Continued) Submitted Under Advioe{aseNo.-li!-e3 PAC-E-2 l -07 ISSTIED:EtrtrECTM: January l, 20221? LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POITER ADTV!SOi{ OFnofE(m Rodry ltunblnPower E d{blt No. 5E Plgp e4 of 129 Crc No. PAGE-21{7 lllfrac: Joctr R. $afl.rd Twelfth 8lctceth Rcvlrlon of Shcct No 352 Crnccllnc ElcvenTeth Rcvlrlon of Shect No 35.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEITULE NO.35 - Continucd MONIELY BILL: Rrte: Billing Months May Billing Months Novcmber tluouqh fuobcr. Inclusive through April. lnclusivcCuctomcrscrvhc $15.00t+ perCustomer $15.00{4S0 perCustomerChergc: 00 On Peak Energr Charge: 15.2201{t4. per kWh 13.0395#lf per klVhMt *tOffPeakEnergr 5.3672* perkWh 4.93464J42 perkWhCharge: +Xt 6t Mlnimum Blll: Crstomer Service Charge. On Peak, Summer months-All kWh used from 8:00 A.M. to I l:00 P.M., Monday Utrouglt Friday, except holidays. Winter months-All kWh uscd from 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Holidays include only: New Yeafs Day, Prcsident's Day, Memorial Day, Independencc Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Cluistmas Day. OffPeak: All other kWh usage. Due to the expansions of Daylight Saving Time (DST) as adopted under Section I l0 of the U.S. Encrgr Policy Act of 2005 the time periods shown above will begin and end one hour later for the period behueen the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in April, and for tlrc period between the last Sunday in October and the fint Sunday in November. SEASONAL SERVICE: When seasonable service is supplied under this Schedule, the minimum seasonal charge will be $180.00+68J0 plus energr charges. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. MONTIILY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the cunrntly effectivc Electric Service Schedule No. 34. (Continued) EFFECIM: January l,20$t1 Submitted Under Casc No. PAC-E-{61{}21-07 ISSIIED: November l{#&2021 I.P.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POTffiR A Olrlslol{ OF n/OFIOOiP Rodry MounHnPomr Eldrlblt No. 58 Pags 65 of 129 Carc No. PrtG€-2147 In/ltpes: Jocfie R. Sam]d ElcvenTcnth Revlrion of Shcct No 94.1 Cenceling@Nhth Rcvblon of Shcot No. 94.1 ROCKY MOT'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.94 STATE OF IDAHO Encryy Cort Adlurtncnt AVAIL/\BILITY: At any point on thc Company's intetronnectod system. APPLICATION: This ScMule shall be applicable to dl rctail tariffCustomcn taking servicc undsr the Company's elec'tric service schedules. ENERGY COST AIDJUSTIIENT: The Energy Cost Adjusfinent is oalculated to collect the accumulatcd differcnce betweon total Company Base Net Powcr Cost and total Company Actual Nct Powor Cost calculated on a cctrE pcr kWh basis. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Clrarges contaid in ttre C\rstomefs ap,plicable schedulg all monthly bills shall have applied ttrc following c€nts pcr kiloratt-hou rare by delivery voltage. Dclivcry Voltagc Sccondary 0.5711pcr kWh 0.5711pcrkUh 0.5711pcr klvh 0.5711pcr kWt 0.5711, pcr kWt Primarv Transmission 0.5321pcr kWh Schedule Schedulc Schedule Schcdulc Schcdulc Schedulc Schcdulc Schedule Schedulc Schedule Schedule Schcdulc Schcdulc Schedulc Schedule Schedulc Schedulc S,ehCule 0.5711pcr klVh 0.5711pcr kWt 0.571i pcr klvh O$+ltf€r+lYh 0.5711pcr kWh 0.57U pcrklvh 0.5711pcr klVh 0.5711pcr klvh 0.5711pcr kWh 0.5711pcr klvh 0.54% pcrkUft 05491pcrkWh 0.5491pcrkWh 0.5491pcr klVh 0.549i pcrkWh 0.54% pcr klvh 0.5491pcr k\fiIh I 6 6A 7 7A 9 t0ll t2 l4 23 23A. 24 35 35A 36 400M 0.5321, pcr klvh 0533r+or+lVh Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-204321-02 ISSTJED:@ EFI'ECTM:@ ROCKY MOUNTAINPO[ffiR aorvrsl()t{of ncmonP Rodq Mantrln Powrr Edr5lt No. 58 Pagp 80 ot 129 CascNo. P,c€-21{,7 $ltrcar: Joclc R. Sbtf,rd First Revision of Shcet No. 140.1 Crncelins OriginelLP.U.C. No.1 Shcet No. l4ll.l ROCKY MOT'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDT'LE NO. t{O STATE OT IDAIIO Non-Rccidentiel EnerEr Efficioncy PITRPOSE: Servicc undcr this Schedule is intended to morimizc thc cfficient utilization of the electricity requirements of new and existing loads in Non-residcntial Facilities through the installation of Energy Efficicncy Measurcs and encrgy managcment protocols. Service under this Schedule is subject to funding availability. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company's General Scrvicc Schedules 6,6A,7,7A,9, 10,12, ++23,23A,24,35 and 35A in all territory served by the Company in the Statc of ldatro. This Schedule is applicable to new and existing Non-rcsidential Facilities and dairy barns served under the Company's residential rate schedules. CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION: Customer participation is voluntary and is initiated by following the participation procedures on the ldaho energy effrciency progam section of the Company website, and available to customen without online ascess upon request. The Company shall have the right to qualifr participants, at its discretion, bascd on criteria the Company considers necessary to ensure the effective operation of the measurcs and utility system. Criteria may include, but will not be limited to cost effectiveness. DESCRIPTION: Ongoing program to provide incentives for a variety of equipment and opcrational improvements intended for and located in Non-rcsidential Facilities. Periodic program changcs will be made to enoourage customer participation in the prognm and to insurc or enhance program cost-effectiveness as defined by the Company. QUALIFYING MEASURE: Measures wtrich when installed in an eligible facility result in verifiable electric energy efficiency improvement compared to existing cquipment or baseline equipment as defined by the Company. The baseline will be determined with reference to existing equipment, applicable state or federal energy codes, industry standard practice and other relevant factors. QUALIF^NNG ENERGY MANAGEMENT: Operational improvements which when implemented in an eligible facility result in verifiable electric energy savings comparcd to standard operations as determined by the Company. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E {.44t21-07 ISSUED: November l{#'e+48-202f EFTECf,IVE: LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POTER ADtvt3t()ilOf morcon? Rodry llortrhPomr EfiDt No.58 Preco7of 120 Crl.No. PAGE-21{7 lfglSmth Rcvblon of ShoetNo l9l Cencellng @iilh Rcvlrlon of ShcetNo 191 ROCI(Y MOI'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEI'T'LE NO. T9T STATE OF IDAHO Curtomcr Effichncy Scrviccs Rrtc AdJurtmcnt PIIRFOSE: The Customcr Efficiency Services Ratc Adjusunent is designcd to recover the costs incurred by the Company associated with Commissiorrapproved demand-side management expenditures. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariff Customers taking service under the Company's electric scrvice sctledules. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Chargcs containcd in thc Customer's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have the following pcrcentage increases applied prior to the application of electric service Schcdule 34. Schedule I Schedule 6 Schedule 6A Schedule 7 Schedule 7A Schedule 9 Schedule l0 Schedule I I Schcdule I 2+e*+iehting @ SehedCo{9 Schedule 23 Schedule 23A Schedule 24 Schedule 35 Schedule 35A Schedule 36 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/oww 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E"i{+?ZI-07 ISSIIED:@ EFFECTM:@ LP.U.C. No.1 R(NKY MOUNTAIN POVI'ER AUYrSEt{Of nofEoi? RodryMontaln Pomr E drbl t{o. 58 Plgc 08 or 129 CroNo. PAW-2147 Wttsr:JocllcR. Srmrd fiil€ggtlkvbion of Shoct No 197.1 Crneling First Revirion olel{gimlllhcet No. 197.1 ROCI(Y MOT'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDT'LE NO. I97 STATE OF IDAEO Fcdcnl Tu Act Adturtmcnt APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariffCustomen talcing scnice undr the Company's electric service schcdules. MONTIILY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customefs applicable schedulc, all monthly bills shall have applied the following cents per kilowatt-hour rate. Schcdule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Sofiedu'le Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schcdule Schedule Schedule Sehedule I 6 6A 7 7A 9 l0ll t2 {4 23 23A 24 35 35A 36 400 4e+ -0.)nMt perklVh -0.!lE3+61 per klVh -0.!1Eeffl perklvh 4.U41$t psrklVh 4._415t perkWh 4.086r$l per kWh -0.15t36# per kWh -0.rul8€,iper kWh 4.1009# perkWh +g'eaherl€*Ih 4.)St?43t perkWh 4.)St?/.3t per klVh -0.1183{{l per kWh 4.1_1{,t perkWh 4.lQ18t perkWh 4.Jiul3[lt perkWh -0.078{€9, per kwh 4J{?rfer+lVh Submitted Under Case No. W ISSUED:@ EFFECTM:@ I.P.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERaDvHil(rilcmoaP Rodry llontrln Pomr E fi5lt lrb. 58 Prgp 00 ot f20 C!.Gl{o. Pffi2147 Wtr6s: JoCc R. $rmrd firctSeggg LRcvislon of Shcct No 3fi1.1CencollngMcctNo3l[.1 ROCI(Y MOT'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDI'LE NO. 3OO STATE OT IDAEO Rcgdrtion Cberya AVAIL/IBILIIY: In all service tcnitory scrved by the Company in the State of ldaho. APPLICATION: For all customers utilizing the serviccs of the Company as defined and described in the Electric Senice Regulations. SERVICE CEARGES: Shea No. Elescription3R.l Service Connectiott Charge: Normal Office Hours Charge No Charge $50.00 $50.00 No charge Actual Cos $ I . I 5 per month per occupied space l% of delinquent balance per montlr $.!23e.oo *Charge assessed if connection is requested and completed on the following holidays: New Year's Day Labor Day Idalro Human Rights Day Thanlsgiving Memorial Day Friday afier Thanlsgrving Independence Day Clristnas Day Pioneer Day (July 24) Monday through Friday except holidays 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Weekends and holidays* 8:fl) A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Meter Test for Accuracy Once in twelve months Ttvo or more times in twelve months Fee paid to mobile home operators who submeter tenants Late Payment Charge: Returned Payment€heclt Charge: (continued) I zn.z+ 7R.13 8R.l tR.2 Submitted Under Advi€o+Ierl+Otcase No. PAC-E 2I-07 ISSIIED:@ EFFECTryE:@ LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POITERAt vEDr{of ilofDonP RodVMomtrin Porcr Edrlblt No. 58 Prgp 70 of 129 CetsNo. PAGE-2t{r7 W8rcss: JoCh R. Sottard @ofShcetNo3filJ Crnccling$[Silth Revkion of Shoct No 3lXl2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEITULE NO. 300 - Continued Sheet No. Description Charee8R.2 Paperless Bill Credit -$0.509R.43 Security Deposit forNew Service: Residential and Small Commercial Up to one sixth of estimated annual billings. Indusrial and Large Commercial Up to two months peak billings. t0R.8 Reconnection Charges: Remote Rcconnection $7.00 NorrRemote Reconnection Monday through Friday except holidays. 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. to ?:00 P.M. Tampering Unauthorized Reconnection Charge: Field Visit Charge: Tues Weekends and holidayst 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.s50.00 fCharge assessed if reconnection is requested and completed on the following holidays: New Year's Day Labor Day Idaho Human Rights Day Thanksgiving Memorial Day Friday after Thanksgiving Independence Day Ctristmas Day Pioneer Day (July 24) $2s.00 $s0.00 $7s.00 $20.00 t0R.8 10R.8 I lR.l Municioaliw City ofArco City of Ammon City of Bloomington City of Dubois City of Firth City of Franklin City of lona City of Lewisville City of McCammon City of Mud Lake City of Paris City of Preston Type of Tax or Fee Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Ordinance No. No.2(X)7-8 No.50l No.2012-01 No.268 No. 159 No. 2004-81 I No.40 No.20l l-2 No.462 No.60904 No.338 No.2ffi5-4 Amount of To< or Fee 3.0o/o 3.0o/o 10.0o/o 10.0o/o 1.0% 3.0o/o 3.0o/o 2.0o/o 3.0o/o 2.0o/o 3.0o/o 3.0o/o Date Ordinance Adonted July 23,2007 May 19,201I May 10,2012 March 7,2012 March 14,2000 September 23,2004 June 22, 1989 September l4,20ll September 7,2011 June 9, 2004 November 2,1998 August 8, 2005 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-1507 ISSUED:@ EFtrECTIVE: \ ROCKY MOI'NTAINPOffiR AUvrgoirof tqaoon? RodryllhnfCnPoa E,f$fr ltb. 58 Plglc 71 of 129 Cacllo. PAC4-2147tIIiB] JoC.R. $wenl @nofShoctNo3fll2 Cenccling$irFHh Rcr&lon of Shcct No. 3fl12 LP.U.C. No.l (Continucd) Submitted Under Casc No. PAC-E2I-I€Q] ISSIJED:@ ETTECTIVE: Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Aolvrslofl oF ilctHooi? Rodty Montaln Pomr E$Ut 1'lo. 58 Pegp Zl of li'9 Csc No. PAO.E-2147 tft/lheu: Joctc R. Swad +mr+fourtlL Rsvblon of Shoct No.3lXl3 CrnccllncSocen*rhb( ncrrlrion of Shet No 3lX)3[P.U.C. No. I Municioaliw City of Rexburg City of Rigby City of Ririe City of St. Anthony City of Shelley City of Spencer City of Sugar City Sheet No. Descriptionl2Rl Minimum Engineering Costs l2R.-13 Temporary Service Charge: Service Drop and Meter only (Charge is for connection and disconnection) l2R.r5 25Rl Contract Administration Allowance Customcr Guarantee Credit l: Restoring Supply After an Outage For each additional 12 horns 25k2 Customer Guarantee Credit 2: Appointments 25R.2 customer Guarantee credit 3: Switching on Power 25R.2 Customer Guarantee Credit 4: Estimates for New Supply ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDULE NO.300- Continucd Type of Amount of Date Ordinance Ta:r or Fee Ordinance No. Tor or Fee Adopted Franchisc No. 929 6.Wo Dece'mber 8, 20(M Franchisc No. 453 3.Wo May 21, 1996 Franchise No. lO4 3.V/o Dscember3l, 1990 Franchise No. 2001l-10 l.@/o September 22,2011 Franchise No.375 3.0o/o October l, 1995 Franchise No.2008-l 2.@/o June 20,2008 Franchise No.2O4 3.0o/o June 13, 1996 l2R3 Facilities Charges on Facilities less than 46,000 Vols Facilities Instatled at Cutomet's Expense 0.35o/o per month Facilities Installed at Company's Expcnse l.l5o/o per month Facilities Charges on Facilities at and above 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Custome/s E:rpense 0.15o/o per month Facilities Installed at Company's Expense 0.80o/o per month Charee $200 Singlof hosei$200{5.00 Threephgse+${-l+00 $250 $50.00 $25.00 $s0.00 $50.00 (continued) 350.00 ETTI Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-f9-B2|-07 ISSUED: R(XKY MOUNTAIN PIOWERAUVmiloFncrcont RodtyllcnldnPow E dSt trb. 58 Plgp 73 d t29 Cr..No. Plo.E-21.{'7 It\frrcr: Joclc R. $amld First Revision of Shect No 3l[.4 Crncclinq Or{glnrl Shcct No 300.{LP.U.C. No I ELBCIRIC SERVICE SCEEDT LE NO. 3m - Condnucd SheetNo. 2sR.33 2sR3 Description Crstmcr Guarantce Crcdit 5 Rcsponding to Bill ltquiries Custsner Guarmtee Credit 6: Resolvittg Metsr hoblcms Chargc $s0.00 ss0.00 25R.3 Customcr Guarantce Crcdit 7: Noti$ing of Plarurcd Intcmrptions ts0.(x) Submitted Under '@-M. 0ffiPAGE-2.1-07 ISSIIED: EFXtsCTM: LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POIA'ER AUVSilOFilOHOoAP Rodtyllomteln Pomr Edrblt No. 58 Pagc 74 of l2s CemNo.PACE-2147 lrllt!|s: Joclc R. Srmd @ofShectNo4{X}.1 Crnccllns Elevcn$cnth Rcvbion of Shcct No 4{X}.1 ROCIil MOUNTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCUEDI'LE NO. {OO STATE OT IDAIIO Spochl Contrrct PIIRFOSE: The purpose of this Schedule is to describe generally the terms and conditions provided by ttre Company pursuant to a Special Contract approved by the ldaho Public Utility Commission. Availabilitv This schedule is available for firm and internrptible retail service of electric power and energr delivered for all service required on the Customer's premises by customcrs conEacting for not less than I 50,000 kW as of May I E, 2006 and as provided in the Electric Service Ageement between the two parties. Monthlv Charse @: Firm Energr Charge: ?P*€[tl3-|f0mills per kilowatt hour Customer Charge: $tr586$q!.556.00 per Billing Period Firm Demand Charge: $+5#+156IperkW Intcmrotible Power and Enerpy: Intemrptible Enerry Charge: Wmills per kilowatt hour Intemrptible Demand Charge: Firm Demand charge minus Intemrptible Credit Excess KVAR: $0.96/KVAR Replacement Enercy: Adjusted Index Price multiplied by Replacernent Energ/ TariffRates:The Commission approved rates applicable to the Special Conract Customer, including but not limited to, customer charges, demand charges, enerry charges, surcharges, and credits, as specified in Idatro Electric Service Schedule No. 4fi) or its successor. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E {61+2 I 47 ISSUED: November t{;4e{€E 2021 EFFECTM: January l, W2022 LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A Or\nsroil oF monconP Rocky Mountain PorYer Exhibit No. 58 Pagc 75 of 129 Care No. PAC+-2147 Wtneas: Jodle R.$eward Eleventh Revision of Sheet No. 401.1 Crnceling Tcnth Revision of Sheet No. 401.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.4OI STATE OF IDAHO Spcciel Contrrct PURPOSE: The purpose of this Schedule is to describe generally the terms and conditions provided by the Company pursuant to a Special Contract approvcd by the ldaho Public Utility Commission. Availability This schedule is available for firm retail service of electric power and energr delivered for the operations of ltafos Conda LLC's facilities located at Soda Springs, Idaho, as provided in the Power Supply Agreement between the two parties. Monthly Charge Customer Charge - $ per Month Demand Charge - $ per kW-month Enerry Charge - $ per MWh HLH Monday through Friday HE0800 to H82300 MPT LLH All other hours and Holidays May -October $ 442.00 $ 17.60 $ 39.460 $ 30.240 November - April $ 442.00 $ 14.19 $ 33.254 $ 30.240 TariffRates: The Commission approved rates applicable to ltafos Conda LLC, including, but not limited to, customer charges, demand charges, energy charges, surcharges, and credits, as specified in ldaho Electric Service Schedule No. 401 or its successor. Submitted Under Advice No. l8-01 ISSUED: January 12, 2018 EFFECTI-: February l, 2018 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POTA'ERAUYrgOil(rnof,oop RodtyttlotntahPow Ed$lt No. 5E Plec 70 o, r29 C.tcNo.PAffi-2147 tfUtrar: JoCcR. $md First Rcvision of Shect No. C Crncelinq Orldul Shcct No CLP.U.C. No I ELECTRIC SERVICE REGT'IITTIONS ROCI(Y MOT'NTAIN FOWER Srlt IrkG Clty, Uarh ELECTRIC SERVICE In Thc STATE OF IDAEO Undcr IDT"EO PI'BLIC TJTILITIES COMIWSSION TARIFF NO. I Imuing Ofrccr Vicc Prrsidcnt, Rcgulellon Srlt Lrkc City, UT Submitted Under ISSIIED: November 8.202lAcgustsl4,-t006 EFIECTwE: of for [P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Amr!8EilOFilOrcOiP Rodry MoutrhPomr Edrblt No. iiPagoTl d 1fr CacNo. Pr0rt-2147 Irtfinco: Joclr R. Sbwerd fix(SesontLRcvbion of Shect No. tR2Cenccling@hcctNo.tR2 6.AIUUSTMENT FOR BILLING ERROR, Corrected billin$ may be made to adjust for billing errors including but rlot limitcd to rcasons such as a meter malfunctioned or failed, bills w€re cstimatcd, metering equipment was incorrectly installed or programme( or bills were inaccurately prepared as follorvs: If the time whcn the malfunction or eror began cannot bc reasonably daermined to have occurred within a specific billing period, the corrected billfurgs shall not exceed the most recent six months before the discovery of the malfinrction or eror. If the time when the malfirnction or eror began can be reasonably deterrnined and the Customcr was undercharged, the conected billing may not excccd thc most reccnt six (6) months. If a rpasonable person should have known of thc inconect billing the djustment may be extended for a pcriod not to exce€d thr€e (3) ycars. If the time when the malfunction or enor began can be reasonably daermined and the Customcr was overcharged, the conected billing may go back to that time but not to exceed three (3) years from the time thc malfunction or eror occurred. Under no circunstances shall the adjutment exceed three (3) yean. BILLING I'NDER INAPPROPRHTE TARITT SCHEI'I'LE Corrected billingr shall be made to adjust for billing under inappropriate tariffSchedules as follows: If the time when the enor began cannot be reasonably determined to have occurred within a specific billing period, ttrc corrccted bill shall not exceed the most rccent six (6) months. lf the time when the error began can bc reasonably determined and the Customer was undcrcharged, the corected billing shall not excced the most rcoent six (6) months. If a reasonable penlon should have known of the incorrect billing the adjustnent may b€ extended for a period not to €xceed thrce (3) yean. (c) If the time when the eror can be reasonably determined and the Company dAermined the Customer was overcharged the corrected billing shall go back to tlrat time, but not to excced tluee (3) years from the time the error occurred. The Company shall not be required to adjust billings when it has acted in good faith based on the best available information or when the Customer was given written notice of options under the tariff schedules and did not make timely election to choose available options. t. RETI'RNED@EARGE A charge as specified in Schedule 300 may be made and collected by Company for each ehoelr payment r€turned by a bank to the Company. 9. PAPERLESS BILL CREDIT The Comoanv will provide a Paperless Bill Credit as shown in Schedule 300 to Customers on a metercd service schedule who enroll in oaoerless billins. Submitted Under @c No. 0944PAGE2I47 ISSTIED: EFTECTIVE: (r) o) (c) 7. (e) o) Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POTAIER AIXUSpilOFmOH@f,P Rodry llomOain Pomr E d$lt No. 58 PagG 7t ot t29 Caro No. Pl\c€-2147 VWprs: Joele R. St€ward Fifth Rcvirion of Shcet No B.1 Crncelinr Fourth Rcvirion of Shcct No B.lLP.U.C. No.l Schedulc 7A t0 il l2 l4 2l No. ROCICY MOI'NTAIN P'OWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES STATE OF IDAHO Cless of Service Residential Service General Service - Large Power General Service - Large Power (Residential and Farm) Security Area Lighting Security Area Lighting (Residential and Farm) General Service - High Voltege Inigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service Street Lighting Service- Company-Owned System Street and Security Area Lighting Service- Consumer-Owned System Temporary Service Connection Facilities - No New Service+ Low lncome Weatherization Services (Continued) Shcet No. 1.1 & t.2 6.t - 6.3 6A.l - 64.4 7.r -7.2 7A.t -7A.3 9.t -9.3 r0.l - t0.4 il.t - l t.3 tz.t - t2.5 l4 2t.t -2t.6 6 6A 7 9 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2|-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January l,2022 I.P.U.C. No. I Sirth Rervirion of Shect No. B.3 Y Schedulc No. 135 r36 140 l9l 197 300 400 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POA'ER ADnE(I{Of mcln@hP ELEC.TRIC SERYICE SCTEDIJLES - Continuod Clmr of Servicc Net Mctering Scrvice Net Billing Service Non-Residential Energ Effi ciency Cutomer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment Federal Tax Act Adjus0nent Regulation Charges Special Contact Rodry Mofitdn Porcr E Gblt No. 58 Pagc 79 of 129 Caao No. PAGE21{7 Vl,,ltEs: Jocte R. Stamd Shcet No r35.r - r35.3 136.t - t36.4 140.1 - 140.3 t9t 197 300.1 - 300.4 400.1 Schedule numbers not listed are not cunently used. * These schedules ar€ not available to new customem or premises. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-F-2147 ISSIIED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTI.: January l, 2A22 LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POIAIER A OlrEro0{ oF nqEcoiP RodryMorildn Ponrr Enhhlt No. 5E Pagc 80 of 129 CeloNo. Prc-E-2147 Uifl.!t: Jodle R. Stervad Elcvcnth Renicion of Shect No 1.1 Crnccling Tcnth Rcvicion of Shcct No. 1.1 ROCI(Y MOI'NTAIN PIOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. I STATE OF IDAIIO Rcsidcntid Scrvice AVAIL/\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnectcd system where there are facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current electric service supplied at approximately 120 or 240 volts through one kilowatt-hour meter al a single point of delivery for all service required on the prcmises for Residential purposes. When conditions are such that service is supplied through one meter to more than one dwelling or apartment unit, the charge for such service will be computed by multiplying the minimum charges by the maximum number of dwelling or apartment units that may be served. When a portion of a dwelling is used regularly for business, professiond or other gainful purposes, the premises will be classified as nonresidential and the appropriate schedule applied. However, if the wiring is so arranged that the service for Residential purposes can be metered separately, this Schedule will be applied to such service. MOT{THLY BILL: Customer Scrvice Chergc: $t.00 per Customer Encrry Chrrgc:(l) Billing months June through October inclusive I L1966 I per kWh first 700 kWh 13.0999 I per kWh all additional kwh ISSIIED: November t, 2021 (Continued) EFIECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AmnSg{oFmoHooRP Rodty Montain Povcr Erdrblt No. 58 Pagc 81 of 129 CalcNo. Pr\Ge-2147 lrlrlhcss: JoG{e R. $amrd Elcventh Revision of Shcct No. 1.2 Crncclinc Tenth Rcvirlon of Shcct No 12 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. I -Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) B illing months November throush May inclusive 9.33051 pcr kWh first 1,000 kWh 10.91651 per kWh all additional kWh MONIflLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this sclredule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustnent set forth under *Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No.34. SEASONAL SERVICE: When seasonal serice is supplied under this Schedule, the minimum seasonal charge will bc $96.00. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGUL/ITIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Elecric Service Agreement betrveen the Cusomer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and app,roved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agrecment. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E 2l-07 ISSIIED: November t, 2021 (2) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POUIER A ONISION OF MOHCORP Rodty Montaln Porvcr E d{bft No. 58 Page 82 of 129 Carc No. PAGE-2147 Wtro$: Joolc R. Stcward Ninth Revlslon of Shect No. 5.1 Crnceling Etchth Revlsion of Shect No. 6.1 ROCICY MOT'NTAIN P'OWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDULE NO.6 STATE OF IDAHO Generrl Service - Largc Power AVAIL/IBILITY: At any point on the Company's inlerconnected system where there are facilities ofadequate capaclty. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating cuntnt, single or three-phase elecuic service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premiscs. MONTHLY BILL: Rrte: Customer Scrvice Chrrgc: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 vols or higher) Billing Months June through October. Inclusive $ 38.00 per Customer $ I14.00 per Customer Billing Months November through May.lnclusive $ 38.00 per Customer $ I 14.00 per Customer Power Rrte: Encrgr Retc: $ 13.62 4.2s06i, per kW for all kW per kWh for all kWh (Continued) per kW for all kW per kWh for all kWh $ t2.27 4.2s06( Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2147 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January l, 2022 LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POTER A Dftr6()l{ oFtloFc(nP Rodq Momtdn PovrGr Edrlblt No. 58 Page 83 of 129 Caro t{o. P|\AE-2147 l/\,lhcr!: Joolle R. Slcrvard Flfth Rcvldon of Sheet No 6.2 Crnccling Fourth Rcvirion of Shcct No.62 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO. 5 - Continucd Powcr Fector: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurcment. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% Iagging, the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 314 of lo/o for every l% that the power factor is less than 85%. Voltrge lliscount: Where Customer takes seruice from Company's available lines of 2300 volts or higher and provides and maintains dl ransformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on measured Power will be: $0.65 per kW for all kW of Power Mlnlmum Bill: The Customer Service Charge. PTOWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the lS-mintrte period of Customer's greatest use during the month, determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contacted for under this Schedule under either of the following conditions: (a)Customer may conract for service under this Schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses wherc applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customefs operation. (b)Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 456.00 plus Power and Enerry Charges for Customer taking seryice at less than 2300 vols and $ 1,368.00 plus Power and Energr Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. (Continued) EFITECTI-: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POITi'ER AOI\rElOl{Of m/OmOfiP Rodry Mountaln Pomr Efilblt No.58 Pegc 8,.ol12l) Care No. PAGE-21-07 Wlhcas: Jo.llo R. Stervrd Ninth Rcvlrlon of Shcct No.5A.l Cmccling Eighth @{onpt!!cct nq.{rl ROCKY MOT'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO.6A STATE OF IDAIIO Gcnerel Scricc - Lerge Powcr (Residentlrl end Frrm) AVNL/IBIIJTY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity for service to any customer who qualifies as a 'Residential Loadn or "Farm Load" under both (l) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96-501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreanent, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, single or three-phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the premises. MONTHLY BILL: Customcr Senlce Chujc: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Powcr Rete: Energ;r Rrtc Billing Months June throueh October. Inclusive $ 38.00 per Customer Billing Months November throush Ma),. Inclusive $ 38.00 per Customer $ I14.00 $ r3.62 4.2506i per Customer per kW for all kW per kWh for all kWh (Continued) per Customer per kW for all kW per kWh for all kWh $ r 14.00 $ t2.2t 4.2s061 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2I-07 ISSI,IED: November 8,2021 EFFECTM: January l, 2022 LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER aDlvra[,iloFnqn@nP Rodty ttloutildn Powar E$blt No. 5E PaSe E5 ol 129 CrrcNo. P^cE-2147 Wtrcls: Jocfle R. Slcw!]d Fifth Rcvision of Shcct No.6AJ Crnccllng Fourth Rovirion of Shect No.6AJ ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDITLE NO. 5A - Continued SEASONAL SERVICE: (continued) Customer may conract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 456.00 plus Power and Enerry Charges for Customer taking seryice at less than 2300 volts and $1,368.00 plus Power and Energr Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Dometic use means all usual residential, apartmenl seasonal dwelling, and mobile home court use including domestic water pumping. Farm ure means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing nccessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and inigation pumping. Contiguous parcels land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under singleownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated othenvise by the owner or tessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include, but are not limited to: - size - use - ownenhip - control - operating practices - distance between parcels - custom in the trade - billing treatment by the utility Operators of Farms may be requircd to certiff to the utility all irrigation accounts, including horsepower rating. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E2I-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (b) EFIECTM: January 1,2022 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POYI'ER A DIYIST,il()F ilclHOOAP Rodry Moutdn Pover E fihlt No. 58 Page 80 ot lZ'9 Carc No. PAW-2147 Ninth Revirlon of Shcet No.7.l Cenceling Eighth Rwirion of Shcct No.7.lLP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOI'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDT'LE NO.7 STATE OF IDAEO Security Aree Lighting AVNL/IBILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. Lights insalled on a stnrctur€ other than an existing distibution pole are closed to new service. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for elecfic sewice required for Security Area Lighting and for Security Flood Lighting service where seryice is supplied from a Company-owned pole. MONTflLY BILL: Rrte: Lisht Lwel LED Eouivalent Lumen Ranse Total Level I <=5,500 $12.96 Level 2 5.501-12.000 sr4.72 Level 3 >12.000 $r7.48 (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-F-2147 ISSUEII: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January 1,2022 LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POTTER A Dn EX,l{ OFnCtrcOiP Ro*y}lonb|nPonr Exhblt t{o. 58 Pagc 87 of 129 Cac ib. Prc-E-2147 WlUrcr: Jortr R. Sltmrd Scvcnth Rcvbion of Shcct No. 7.2 Crnccling Shth RGvLbn of Shcct No 72 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 7- Continucd MONTELY BILL: (continued) SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICE FOR SECITRITY AREA LIGETING: Security flood lights may be mountcd on Company-owned poles or on Customer-owncd supports acceptable to the Company. The type and kind of fuxtures and suppors will be in accord- ance wi0t the Company's specifications. Service includes encr5/ supplied from the Company's overhead circuits, maintenance and lamp and glassware rcnewals. Lamps will be controlled by the Company to burn cach night from dusk to dawn. CONVERSIONS: The Company, upotr written rcqucat of customer, will convert existing stneet lighting facilities to other types of lamps (i.e., convert mercury vapor furtures and lamps to sodiul vapor fixtures and lamps, etc.). In such an event, customer shall pay to Company an amount equal to the deprecided value of all Company-ownod facilities rcmoved from service and replaccd with ncw equipmcnt plus the cct of removal less any salvagc value. Priority in making conversions shall be dctermined by tlre order in which requests arc received by the Company. CONTRACT PERIOD: Five years or longer. PROVISIONSl. Inoperable lights will be repaired as soon as reasonably possible, during regular busincss hours or as allowed by company's operating schedule and requirements, provided the Company rcceives notification of inopcrablc lights form Cwtomer or a member of the public by either notifying Rocky Mountain Power's customcr service (l-888-221-7070) or www.rockvmountainpower.neUstreetlie,hts Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair lights is limited to this tariff. 2. The Company rleserves ttrc right to contact for the maintenance of lighting sewice provided hereundcr.3. Temporary disconnection and subscqucnt rcconnection of electrical service requosted by the Customer shdl be at the Customer's expcnse. The Customer may request temporary suspension of power for lighting by written notice. During such periods, the monthly rate will be reduced by the Company's estimated average monthly relamping and energy costs for the luminaire. The facilities may be corsidered idle and may be rcmoved after 12 months of inactivity.4. Pole re-painting, when requested by the Customer and not required for safety realxrns, shall be done at the Crstomer's expense, using the original pole color. 5. Glare or vardalism shielding when requested by the Customer, and subject to availability, shall be insalled at the Cutomer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandalism, the Company may notifr the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense, or otherwise have the lighting removed. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGITL/\TIONS: Scrvice under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Elecric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission" including future applicable amendments, will be considercd as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-R2I-07 ISSUED: Novembq 8,2021 EFFECTM: January 1,2022 LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POir rER AOMS|oNOFTOHOORP Rodry Muntrln Pornr Eldriblt No. 58 Pagc 88 o1129 Car6 No. PAC-E-21-07 tlvltnesr: Jodle R. Stewad Eighth Rcvision of Shcet No.7A.l Cencoling Sevcnth Rcvirion of Shect No 7A.1 ROCICY MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 7A STATE OF IDAEO Security Aree Lighting (Resldcntirl rnd Ferm) AVAIII\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system for service to any customer who qulifies as a "Residential Load" or nFarm Load" under both (l) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 9G501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, mder Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. Lights installed on a structure other than an existing distribution pole are closed to new sewice. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for elecric service required for Security Area Lighting and for Security Flood Lighting service where service is supplied from a Company-owned pole. MONTIILY BILL: Rrte: Lisht Level LED Eouivalent Lumen Renee Total Level I <=5,500 $r2.96 Level2 5.501-12.000 $t4.72 Level 3 >12.000 $17.48 MONTHLY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this Schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment sel forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Elechic Service Schedule No. 34. SPECIFICATIONS AND SERVICE FOR SECtruTY AREA LIGHTING: Security flood lights may be mounted on Company-owned poles or on Customer-owned supports accepable to the Company. The type and kind of fixtures and supports will be in accordance with the Company's specifications. Service includes energy supplied from the Company's overhead circuits, maintenance and lamp and glassware renewals. Lamps will be controlled by the Company to bum each night from dusk to dawn. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2I-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECITM: January l, 2022 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADn tBtolloFmclE@RP Rodry Motnttln Pancr Ed{Ut No. 58 PagB 89 of 129 Ca:e No. PAC+-21-07 wl[rcss: JoCIc R. Stervard Scvcnth Revision of Sheet No. 7A2 LP.U.C. No. I Sirth Rcvirion of Shect No 7A.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEITULE NO. 7A - Continued MONTELY BILL: (continued) CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, aparfinent, seasonal dwelling and mobile home court use including domestic water pumprng. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raisrng of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storqge or shipment and inigation pumping. Contiguous parcels of land under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ovmership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee ofthe parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contiguous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include, but are not limited to: ownership confol operating practices distance between parcels custom inthetrade billing tneatnent by the utility Operaton of Farms may be required to certifr to the utility dl inigation accounts, including horsepower rating. (Continued) size use Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFIECTIYE: January 1,2022 LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POIi'ER AOlYrSOt(,F t/ClR@ftP Rodty Mouilrin Porvcr E drD[ No. 5E Prgp 90 of 129 CapNo. P^c€-2147 ll\llups: Jo€L R. Samrd llnt Rcvlrion of Shcct No 7A.3 Crnccling Origind ShEa No 7AJ ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDT LE NO. 7A - Contlnucd SPECTAL CONDITION: (continucd) Customers who feel thcy meet thc definitions of a Farm will have to make application with the Company for review. If Customer applicdion is denied by the Company, the CuSomer may appeal the decision to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. PROVISIONSl. Inoperable lights will be repaired as soon as rcasonably possible, during regular business houn or as allowed by company's operating schedule and requirements, provided thc Company receives notification of inoperable lights from Crstomer or I member of the public by either notifying Rocky Mountain Power's customer service (l-Ett-221-7070) or www.rockymountainpower.neUstreetliehts Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair lights is limited to this tariff.2. The Company rescwes the right to contract for the maintenance of lighting senice provided hereunder.3. Temporary disconncction and subsequent r€comection of electrical sewice rtquested by the Customer shall be at the Customer's expense. The Customer may request temporary suspension of power for lighting by written noticc. During such periods, the monthly rate will bc rcduccd by the Company's estimated average monthly rclamping and enerry costs for the lwrinaire. Tlrc facilities may be considered idle and may be removed after 12 months of inactivity.4. Pole re-painting when requested by ttrc Customer and not required for safety rsasons, shall be done at the Customer's expense, using the original pole color.5. Glare or vandalism shielding when requested by the Customer, and subject to availability, shall be installed at the Crstomer's expense. In cases of repetitive vandatism, the Company may notiff the Customer of the need to install vandal shields at the Customer's expense, or othenvise havc thc lighting rcmoved. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGUII\TIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Elecric Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Elecric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submittcd Under Case No. PAC-E-2I-07 ISSIIED: Novernber 8, 2021 EFIECTM: January 1,2022 LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PiOWER A OryET'N OF BOFI@RP Rodry Montdn Porvcr Edrlblt No. 58 Pagc 9'l of 129 Cae No. PAC€-21-07 lMtrress: Jocfie R. Sleuad First Rcvirion of Shcet No. 9.1 Cenceling Originel Shcct No 9.1 ROCKY MOT'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.9 STATE OF IDAHO Gencrel Scrvicc - Eigh Voltegc AVAIL/\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there arc facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alhrnating curr€nt, three phase elecric service supplied at approximately ,14,000 volts or 69,000 volts or greater, through a single point of delivcry, for all service required on the Customey's premises by customers contracting for not less than 80 kW nor more than 30,000 kW. Seasonal service will be available only under other appropriate schedules. Seryice under this Schedule is limited to a maximum power requirement of 30,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of 30,000 kW, continued service will require special confact arrangements; provided, however, that special confact arrangements will not be required in those cases where electric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which, because of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 30,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in excess of 30,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power requirement, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 30,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power requirement in excess of 30,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's maximum power requirement exceeds 30,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2 l -07 ISSLIEII: November t, 2021 LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADtVlStOt{ OFnOEOOiP Rodry liuntaln Pontr E*lUt No. 58 Pegc 92 of 129 Case t0o. P|{c€.2147 l llhess: Joelle R. Shrert Ninth Rcvision of Sheet No.9.2 Cenceling Eigbth Revirion of Shcct No.9.2 MONTHLY BILL: Rrte: ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDULE NO. 9 - Continued Billing Months June throuch October. Inclusive $372.00 per Customer $10.31 per kW for all kW Billing Months November throush May. Inclusive $372.00 per Customer $ 9.29 per kW for all kW Customcr Scnice Cherge: Powcr Rrtc: Energr Rrtc: On-Peak Off-Peak s.r r r5l 3.90861 perkWh per kWh 4.6365( 3.s2t3i per kWh per kWh TIME PERIODS: On-Peak: OftPeak: November through May inclusive 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m., all days. June through October inclusive 3:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m., all days. All other times. Power Fector: This rate is bascd on the Customer mainaining at all times a power factor of 85olo lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging, the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 314 of lo/o for every lo/othat the power factor is less than 85%. Minimum: The Customer Service Charge plus the minimum Power Charge and appropriate Energr Charges. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2I-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFIECTM: January l,2022 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN Pot[UER AOllrE()l{Ot iliOECORP Rodry Momtaln Porvcr Efitbll l{o. 58 Page 90 of '129 Csct{o.P|Gf.2147 tftrltprr: Joole R. $amd Origbrl Shcet No 93LP.U.C. No.l ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 9 - Contlnucd MONTHLY BILL (contlnued): POIVER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the lS-minute period of Customeds grcatest use during the montlu adjusted for power factor as specified, detennined to the nearest kW, but not less than 80 kW. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGUL/ITIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Elecuic Service Agreement between the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, $,ill be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E'2 I 47 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFItsCTM: January 1,2022 LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOWER ADtVE()l{Of ilCtB@eP Rodry MoLntdn Powu E d$lt No. 58 Page 9{ of 129 Carc No. PAC+-2147 Ittlltrar: Joefie R. Sla,vard Elcventh Rcvirlon of Shoct No. 102 Crnceling Tcnth Rcvirion of Shect No.l02 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEIIITLE No. 10 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (Continued) Power Rrte:$5.96 per kW for all kW 8.83881 per kWh for first 25,000 kWh 6.60541, per kWh for the next 225,000 kwh 4.94351per kWh for all additional kWh Encrgr Rete Power Frctor: This ratc is based on the Customer maintaining u all times a power factor of 85% Iagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging the power as recorded by the Company's meter will be incrcased by 314 of lo/o for every lo/othat the power factor is less than t5%. Minlmum: The Customer Service Charge. Post-Seeron Rate Customer Scrvice Chergc: Eneqgr Rete: $23.00 per Customer 7.5ll0i per kWh for all kWh Minimum: The Customer Service Charge. ADJUSTMEITITS: Allmonthly bills shallbe adjrsted in accordance with Schedules 34 and 94. PAYMENT: All monthly service billings will be due and payable when rendered and will be considered delinquent if not paid within fifteen (15) days. An advance payment may be required of the Customer by the Company in accordance with Electric Service Regulation No. 9. An advance may be required under any of the following conditions: (l) the Customer failed to pay all amounts owed to the Company when due and payable; (2)the Customer paid an advance the previous season that did not adequately cover bills for the entire season and the Customer failed to pay any balance owing by the due date ofthe final billing issued forthe season. (Continued) EFIECTIVE: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E 2l-07 ISSUED: Novembcr 8, 2021 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AO rtsror{oFHctEcoiP Rodq Mourtdn Porrlr Edilblt No. 5E Pagc 9i5sl129 Carc No. P|C-E-2147 l/llltrcsr: Jooie R. Sbtflsrd Tcnth Revislon of Shect No ll.1 Cenccling Nirth Rcvlrion of Shect No. 11.1LP.U.C. No. I ROCI(Y MOT'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. T1 STATE OFIDAIIO Street Lighting Servicc Compeny-0wned Syrtem AVAIL/IBILITY: In all tenitory served by the Company in the State of ldaho. APPLICATION: To unmetered lighting serice provided to municipalities or agencies of municipal, county, state or federal governments for dusk to dawn illumination of public sheets, highways and thoroughfares by means of Company owned, operated and maintained street lighting systems controlled by a photoelectric control or time switch. MONTELY BILL: The Monthly Billing shall be the rate per luminaire as specified in the rate tables below. Functionrl Lishtins LED Equivelent Lumcn Rrncc Totel Level I <=3.500 $16.24 Level2 3,501-5.500 $r7.32 Level 3 s.50r-8.000 $r7.84 Level 4 8.00r-12.000 $18.44 Level 5 12.00r-t5.500 $t9.48 Level 6 >15.500 j23.2t (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21{7 ISSIIED: November 8, 2021 EFFtsCTM: January l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POM'ER AOilrED0tOf nAE@fiP Rodry Morildn Porrtr Ed$lt No. 5E Pagc S ot 129 Cerct{o. PAW-2147 trJlh6s: Joolo R. $cimrd Flfth Rarlrton of Shcet No 11.2 Cenccllng Fourth Rcvldon of Shoet No. ll2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDITLE NO. 1l - Continuod DEFINITIONS: Functionrl lJghtlng: Common, less expensive luminaires that may be mounted either on wood, fiberglass or nondecorative maal poles. PROVISIONS: l. Installation, daily operatiorl repair and maintenance of lights on this rate schedule to be performed by the Company, providing that the facilities furnished rcmain readily accessible for maintenance purposes. 2. Company will install only Company approved street lighting equipment at locaions acceptable to Company. 3. Inoperable lights will be repaircd as so<)n as reasonably possible, during regular busirrss hours or as allowed by Company's operating schedulc and requiremcnts, provided the Company receives notification of inoperable lights from the Cutomer or a member of the public by either noti$ing Rocky Mountain Power's customer scrvice at (l-tt&221-7070) or www.rock),mountainpower.neUsneetlights. Rocky Mountain Power's obligation to repair strrea lights is limited to this tarifr. 4. Existing fixtures and facilities that are deemed ineparable will be replaced with compar:ablc fixtures and facilities from the Company's Construction Standards. 5. The Company will, upon written request of Customer, convcrt existing street lighting facilities to other types of Company approved facilities. In such event, should the revenue increase, the streetlighting extension allowance defined in Rule 12, section 3.f is applicable only to the increase in annual revenue due to the replacement. If there is no increase in rcvenue, there is no allowance. The Customer shall advance the estimated cost of all materials and labor associated with installation and removal, less the estimated salvage on all the rcmoved facilities, in excess of the applicable allowance. 6. The entire system, including initial lamp requirements and wiring suiable for connection to Company's system, will be firnished and installed by the Company. The Customer is rcsponsible for all associated costs that exceed the Street Lighting Extension Allowarrce as described in the General Rules of this tariff. Customer shall not perform the elecfical connection of meters or service conductor to the point of delivery. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSIIED: November t, 2021 EFFECTM: January l, 2022 Rod(ymolrltdnPomr Eldtblt t{o. 5E Prgp 97 of t29 C.lc No. PAU-2147 V\frrcu; Joc[c R. SbtmnlROCKY MOUNTAIN POITTER AD|vFrriloFncmooiP LP.U.C. No I Nttrth Rcvlrlon of Shcct No. l2.l Cenccllng Etghth Rcvlrion of Shcct No l2.l ROCI(Y MOT'NTNN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDT'LE NO. 12 STATE OF II'AEO Strcct rnd Sccurlty 531 l-lghdng Scnie Curtomcr-Owncd Sptcm AVAIIJ\BILITY: In all tenitory scrved by the Company in the State of ldalro. APPIJCATION: To lighting service provided to municipalities or agencies of municipal, county, state or federal goyemm€nts for dusk to dawn ilhuninaion of public streeb, highways and thoroughfares by means of Customer owned str€et lighting systcms contolled by a photoclectric control or time switch. Security Area Lighting service om this Schcdule is closcd to new scrvice. MONTULY BILL: l. Encrgy Only Servlcc - Rrte pcr Luminrlrc Enerry Only Service includes energp/ supplied from Company's overhead or undelground circuits and does not incltdc any maintenancc to Customer's facilities. The Monthly Billing shall be the rate per luminaire as specified in thc rate tables below. ELt tlrrrl Sedm Yrperl{o Lumen R*inc 5.800 9.500 r6.000 27.500 50.000 Watts 70 100 r50 250 4fi) Monthly kWh 28 39 59 96 148 Eners otdy Service $2.s0 $3.s0 s5.21 s8.90 sr3.67 (Continued) EFFECTM: January l, 2022 Submittcd Under Case No. PAC-B2I -07 ISSIJED: November 8, 2021 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POIAIER Rodry Momtaln Porrr Extrlblt No. 58 Page 98 of 129 Cere No. PK-E-2147 l,\llhess: Joctc R. Steward Nlnth Rcvision of Shect No. 12.2 Cenceling Eighth Rcvirion of Shcct No. 12.2LP.U.C. No.l Lumen Ratine 9.000 12.000 r9.500 32.000 107.800 Watts r00 t75 250 400 t000 Monthlv kWh 39 69 93 145 352 Enercy Onlv Service s3.54 $6.21 $t.50 $r3.36 $3 r.99 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) Sodlun Vrpor Socurfty Arc. nood I&ht - No Mdntcnencc Lumen Ratine 16.000 Watts 150 Monthlv kWh 39 Enersv Onlv Service $r4.20 For non-listed luminaires, the cost will be calculated for 4167 annual hours of operation including applicable loss factors for ballasts and starting aids at the cost per kWh given below. Non-Listcd Lumincire sftwh Enercy Onlv Service $0.090681 Lor Prcmurc Sodlum Vrpor- No Melntcnmcc Lumen Ratine 33,000 Watts 180 Monthlv kWh 74 Enerw Onlv Service $8.07 (Continued) EFFECTTE: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2I-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AONI$ON OFmOHC!fiP Rodq Momlain Porcr Efrlblt No. 58 PaSc 99 of 129 Case No. Prc.€.2147 lAllhegg: Joelle R. Stewerd Seventh Revision of Shcct No. 12.3 Cenccling Sirth Rcvision of Sheet No. 123LPU.C. No.l ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 - Continued MONTHLY BILL: (continued) 2. Meintenrnce Servicc (No New Scrvice) Monthly maintenance is only applicable for existing monthly maintenance service agreements in effect prior to June 29,2007. McrcuryVrpor- hrdrl Mjrtcuncc Lumen Ratins 10.000 20.000 Watts 250 400 Monthlv kWh 93 145 Partial Maintenance Service s14.55 $19.47 B. Street Liehtine. "Full Maintenance" IIlSh ft33arc Sodlun- Prrthl Mehtcmrcc Lumen Ratins 5.t00 9,500 27,500 50,000 Watts 70 100 2s0 400 Monthlv kWh 2E 39 96 148 Partial Maintenance Service ss.22 s6.72 $r0.7s $14.48 E[h hcuurc Sodlum - Full Mrhtcmncc Lumen Ratins 5.800 9.500 16.000 27.500 50.000 Watts 70 r00 r50 250 400 Monthlv kWh 28 39 59 96 r48 FullMaintenance Service $s.E4 $7.45 $8.93 $ r 1.70 $r5.60 (Continued) EFFECTM: January l,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2I-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OrVrSrOr{ OFilCrFr@RP Rodq Momtdn Porrr Exfilblt No. 58 Page 100 of 129 Cerc No. PAGE-21{7 lMtncss: Joelle R. Steward Fourth Rcvlslon of Shect No. 12.4 Crnccling Third Revicion of Shcct No 12.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 - Continucd MONTIILY BILL: (continued) SPECIFICATIONS ANI} SERVICE FOR STREET LIGHTING WITII PARTIAL AND Ft LL MAINTENANCE (NO NEril SERVICE): Installations must have met Company construction standards in place at the time of installation in order to receive "full maintenance." If Company is unable to obtain materials to perform maintenance, the street light facilities will be deemed obsolete and mrst be upgraded at customer expense in order to qualiff for maintenance under the Electric Service Schedule. Street Lighting Service under "partial maintenance" inctudes energy, lamp and glassware renewals and cleaning of glassware. Street Lighting Service under "full maintenance" includes energy, lamp and glassware replacemants and cleaning of glassware, and replacement of damaged or inoperative photocells, ballasts, starting aids, poles, mast arms and luminaires: provided, however, that any costs for materials which are over and above costs for Company's standard materials, as determined by the Company, are nol included in this Electric Service Schedule. Such extra costs shall be paid by Customer. Burning-hours of lamps will be controlled by the Company. The Company shall not be liable under the maintenance provided under "Full Maintenance" for damages caused by (a) war; (b) earthquakes; and (c) acts of God, excepting lighning strikes; or (d) sabotage. The costs associated with rcplacements and rcpairs to Customer-owned facilities associated with these acts will be billed to the Customer on an as if and when basis. PROVISIONS: The Company will not maintain new Customer owned strcet lights. Such maintenance will be the responsibility of the Customer; however the Company may install pole identification tags for the purposes of tracking unmetered Customer owned lights. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-R2I-07 ISSUED: November E, 2021 EFFECTM: January l,2022 LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A On/rsr(,t{ OFBOFI@6P Rodry Mouttaln Power Exl*blt No. 58 Page 101 of '129 Cesa No. PAGE-2147 l,VtEcr: Jocile R. S:teward Sccond Rcvision of Shcct No. 12.5 Crnccling Flrrt Rcvirion of Shcet No 12.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. 12 - Continued PROVISIONS: (continued) 2. Customer owned lights, mounted to Company owned distribution poles, shall be installed, maintained, ransferrcd or removed only by qualified personnel. Appurtenances or other alterations to the Company's standard will not be supported by, or become the responsibiliry ot the Company. Following notification by the Customer, inoperable lighs under this provision will be repaired as s(rcn as possible, during regular business hours or as allowed by Company's opcrating schedule and requirements. Costs described in this provision will be invoiced to the Customer upon completion of the work. 3. The entire system, including the design of facilities, installation of fixtures on Customer poles, and wiring suitable for connection to Company's system, will be furnished by the Customer. 4. Customer must notiry the Company in writing of any changes to the stneet lighting system which would affect billing, including new installations, rcmovals or wattage changes. Standard notification procedure will be ttuough online forms at www.rockymtnpower.neUsrealights. 5. All new underground-fed lights on this schedule will require a Customer instdled means of disconnect acceptable to both the Company and the local electrical inspecting authority. 6. Temporary disconnection and subsequent rcconnection of electrical service requested by the Consumer shall be at the Consumer's expense. 7. Where approved by the Company, all new pole mounted outlets used for holiday or other decorations, as well as traffic or other signal systems, will be supplied with service on a metercd General Service rate schedule via a Consumer-installed meter base. CONTRACT PERIOD: Not less than one (l) year for both new and replacement fixtures. ELECTRIC SERVICE REGUII\TIONS: Service under this schedule is subject to the General Rules and Regulations contained in the tariff of which this schedule is part and to those prescribed by rrgulatory authorities. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-R2I -07 ISSUED: November 8,2021 EFFECTIYE: January 1,2022 \ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AUtEpt{of norcoiP Rodry Morilaln Ponrr E Abn No. 58 PaSG 1Oi2 ot 129 Care No. Pr@-2147 tlJlhcas: Jocis R. S:tafle]d Nlnth Rcvtsion of Shect No 23.1 Crnccling Elghth Rcvirion of Shect No.2it.lLP.U.C. No.1 ROCI(Y MOI'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDT'LE NO.23 STATE OF II'AIIO Generrl Servtce AVAIL/IBILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected systcm where there are frcilities of adequate caFcrty. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for altemding cunrnt, single or three-ptnsc electric service supplied at Compan/s available voltage throWh one metering irstallation at a single point of delivery for all service required on the prernises. MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Cherge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 vols or higher) Energy Rrte: Billing Months June thnoush October. Inclusive $1E.00 per Customer $48.00 per Customer 9.5136, per kWh for all kWh Billing Months November throuch MaY.lnclusive $18.00 per Customer $4E.00 7.92801, per Customer per kWh for all kWh (Continued) EFITECTM: January l, 2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-B2!-07 ISSUED: Novembcr 8, 2021 I.P.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AOMSrOr{ OFnOfl@RP Rodq Momtaln Porver Exhlblt No. 58 Page 103 of 129 Cato No. PAGE-21-07 l/\ltrerc: Jocllo R. Slcrmrd Flfth Rcvirton of Shcct No.23.2 Cencoling Fourth Rcvlrion of Shoct No 23.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDITLE NO.23 - Continucd Powcr Fector: This ratc is based on the Cutomer mainaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging" Customer will be billed for 314 of l% of 0re Power recordod by the Company's meter for anery lo/o thd the power factor is less than 85%. This Power will be billed at the Power Rate stated in Electic Service Schedule No. 6. Voltrge l)focount: Wherc Cutomer takes service frorn Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and mainains all ransformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on measuned Enerry will be: 0.43971per kWh forall kWh. Mlnlmum Bll: The Customer Service Charge PTOWER: The kW as shown by or computed from the rcadings of the Company's Power meter for the lS-minute perid of Cusomer's grcatest ue duringthe month determined to the nearest kW. SEASONAL SERYICE: Service for annually recuning penods of seasonal use whene service is normally discontinued or curtailod during a part of the year may bc confiacted for under this Schedule under either of the following conditions: (a)Customer may conmct for serice under this Schedule on a year-rcund basis paying for all sewice, including transformer losses where applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill' above including the monthly minimun bill during those months scrvice is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customet's operations. (b)Customer may contract for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $216.00 plus Energl Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2,300 volts and $576.00 plus Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 2,300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 LP.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POA'ER AOn 6I,N OFnOHCORP Rod<y Moulaln Porvcr Erhlblt No. 58 Page 1(x of 129 Care No. PACE-21-tl llllthols: Joo[6 R. $ewa]d Nitrth Rcvision of Shect No. 23A.1 Cenccling Eighth Revirion of Shoct No.23,Ll ROCKT MOI'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.23A STATE OF IDAHO Gencrel Senice (Rcldcntiel end Frrm) AVAIIJ\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilitis of adequate capacity for service to any customer who qualifies as a "Residential Load'or nFarm Load" under both(l) the Pacific Northwest Electic Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 9G501 as the same may be amende4 and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the C-ompany and tlrc Bonneville Power Administration. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating cunenl single or thrce'phase elecric service supplied at Company's available voltage through one metering installation at a single point of delivery for all seryice required on the premises. MONTHLY BILL: Customer Service Cherge: Secondary voltage delivery ([rss than 2300 volts) Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Energr Rete: Billing Months June throush Octob€r. Inclusive $ 18.00 per Customer Billing Months November throueh Ma),. Inclusive $18.00 per Customer $48.00 9.51361 per Customer per kWh for all kWh (Continued) per Customer per kWh for all kWh $48.00 7.92801 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E2I{7 ISSUED: November 8,2021 EFFECTM: January l,2022 LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A On'tsl(,il OF NONCORP Rod<y Momtaln PorDr E*{bit No. 5E Page 105 of 129 Cslo No. PIc€.-2147 l/t/ltre$: Joe[e R. S:iarerd Fourth Revision of Sheet No.23Aj Cenceling Third Revirbn of Sheet No.23A3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDITLE NO. 23A - Continucd SEASONAL SERVICE: (continued) (b) Customer may contact for seasonal service under this Schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $216.00 plus Energr Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2,300 volts and $576.00 plus Energr Charges for Customer taking service at 2,300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL CONDITION: Domestic use means all usual residential, apartnent, seasonal dwelling and mobile home court use including domesic water pumping. Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing neoessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment and inig$ion pmping. Contiguous parccls of land under single-ovmership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels of land under single-ovmership or leaschold shall be considered as orrc Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonsbated othenuise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. A number of factors shall determine whether contignous or noncontiguous parcels constitute one or more Farms. These factors shall include, but are not limited to: ownership control operating practices distance betrreen parcels custom in the trade billing treatment by the utility Operators of Farms may be required to certi$ to the utility aU inigation ac@unts, including horsepower rating. Customers who feel they meet the definitions of a Farm will have to make application with the Company for review. If Customer application is denied by the Company, the Customer may appeal the decision to the ldatro Public Utilities Commission. size use (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSIIED: Novembcr 8, 2021 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AOMSIO|{ OF B/CIF|GOBP Rod<y Morrtaln Poncr E)drhit No.68 Page 1()6 of 129 Care No. P|C-E-2147 ll\llUrcss: Jo€le R. Stewed Sccond Rcvirion of Shcet No. 31.I Canceling Flrrt Revlrion of Sheet No 31.1 ROCKY MOI'NTAIN FOWER, ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDULE NO.3I STATE OT IDAEO Pertiel Requlremcnts Service - Lerge Gcnerel Scrvice- 1rfi)0 kW rnd Over AVAIL/\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities ofadequate capacity. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating current, thrce phase electric service supplied at Company's available voltage through a single point of delivery for Supplementary, Back-ry, Maintenance Power or Excess Service (partial requirements service) in addition to regular elecric requircments obtained from any service other than the Company, including on-site generation. This Schedule is applicable to customers wifrr on-site generation of morc than 1,000 kW but that do€s not exceed 30,000 kW. Crstomers not conracting for Back-up Power shall not be zubject to this Schedule and shall receive elecric service under the applicable general service schedule. This Schedule is not applicable to service for resale, intennittent or highly fltrctuaing loads, or seasonal use. This Schedule is not required where on+ite generation is ued only for emergpncy supply during times of utility outage. This Schedule is not available to loads in excess of 30,000 kW, a maximum power requircment in excess of 30,000 kW shall be deemed to exisl when a Customer's morimum power requirement exceeds 30,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous pedod of six (6) successive months. MONTHLY BILL: Rate: Billing Months June throuch October. Inclusive Billing Months November throuqh Mav.Inclusive Customcr Scnlcc Cherge: Secondary Voltage himary Voltage Transmission Voltage Brck-up Frcilities Ratc: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage per Customer per Customer per Customer $38.00 $r r4.00 $372.00 $38.00 $l t4.00 $372.00 per Customer per Customer per Customer $8. l4 $7.77 $s.73 per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW $6.6s $6.28 $4.32 The Facilities Rate applies to the kW of Back-up Contact Power Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: Novernber 8, 2021 (continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOWER AOr\rBtot{ oF noEcoP Rodry Moutlin Porcr Extjblt No. 58 Pege 1Ol d 129 Cerc No. PAC-E-21-07 tl/lhcrs: JoGile R. Sblf,a]d Fourth Rcvision of Sheet No.3l.2 Crncclinc Third Rcvision of Shcct No.3l.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.3l - Continued MONTHLY BILL: Rrtc: Billing Months June throueh October. Inclusive Brck-up Power Rrte: Secondary Voltage himary Voltage Transmission Voltage Billing Months November throueh May.Inclusive Ercerr Power Rrte: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Voltage Supplemcntery Powcr Rrte: Secondary Voltage Primary Voltage Transmission Volage Supplcmentrty rnd Brck-up Energr Rrtc: Secondary Voltage himary Voltage Transmission Voltage On-Peak Off-Peak all kW Day allkW Day all kW Day per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kWh per kWh per kWh per kWh all kW Day all kW Day dl kW Day per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW per kW for all kW Back-up Power is billed on a per day basis and is based on the fifteen (15) minute period ofthe Customet's greatest use of Back-rp Powerduingthe day Scheduled Maintenance Power rate is one tralf (l/2) ofthe Back-up Power $0.27 $0.26 $0.r9 s29.U $28.r0 s20.62 $0.23 $0.22 $0.14 $24.21 $22.88 $r s.ss 1t2.27 $r 1.62 s9.29 $13.62 $12.97 $r0.3r 4.25061 4.2s061 4.2s06i 4.2s061 per kWh per kWh 5.r r r5l 390t61 4.636s( 3.s2t3t per kWh per kWh TIME PERIODS: On-Peak: Off-Peak: Novembcr through May inclusive 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m., all days. June through October inclusive 3:00 p.m. to I l:00 p.m., all days. All other times. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-&,2I-07 ISSLIED: Novembcr 8, 2021 (continued) EFIECTM: January l, 2022 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PO'UER ADUHOT{ Of mrOF@fiP Rodry Moutain Porcr Erfilblt No. 58 Page 108 of 129 Case No. PIC-E-2147 llllltrless: Joeile R. Srietvard [P.U.C. No. I Firrt Revision of Shcct No. 31.3 Cenceling Originel Shcct No.3l.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO.3r - Continued POWER FACTOR: This rate is based on the Customer mainaining at all times a power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average power factor is fourd to be less than 85% lagging, the Power as recorded by ttrc Company's mercr will be incrcased by % of lo/o for every lo/o that the power factor is less than 85%. VOLTAGE LEVEIS: Secondary Voltage applies where a distribntion Cr.stomer takes service from Company's available lines of less than 2,300 volts. himary Voltage applies where a disribution Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 to less than 46,000 volts and provides and mainains all fansformers and ofter nec€ssary related equipment. Transmission Voltage applies where service is supplied a approximately 46,000 volb or greater through a single point of delivery. POIVER: The kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the lS-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the month or day, adjusted for power factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. TYPE OF SERVICE: Whether Power is considercd scheduled maintenance, supplementary, back- up, or exoess is daerrnined as follows. When the Cutomer has pre-scheduled Maintenalrce Service, the power measurements from 0 kW up to the level equal to the pre-scheduled Back-up Power shall be considered Scheduled Maintenance Power. Power measuements above tlre Sctreduled Maintenance Power up to the level equal to the Supplementary Contract Power shall be considered supplementary power. Power measured above the sum of the Scheduled Maintenance Power and Supplementary Contact Power level up to thc Total Confiacl Power (the sum of the Supplementary Contract Power and the Back-up Contract Power) shall be considered Back-up Power. Power measurements in excess of Total Contract Power shall be considered Excess Power. When the Customer has not pre-scheduled Maintenance Service, power measurements from 0 kW up to the level equal to the Supplementary Conbact Poner shall be considered Supplernentary Power. Power measurements above the Supplementary Contact Power level but less than Total Confiact Power (the sum of the Supplementary Contract Power and the Back-up Contract Power) shall be mnsidered back-up power. Power measurements in excess of Toal Contract Power shall be considered Excess Power. DEFIIYITIONS: BACK-IrP CONTRACT POTilER: The specified Power in kilowatts of Back-up Power that the Customer contracts with the Company to supply and which the Company agees to have available for delivery to the Customer in excess of which the Company is under no obligation to supply. The Back-up ConCIact Power shall be establislpd by agreement betrveen the Cusomer and the Company. The level of Back-up Contact Power shdl not exceed the total output capacity ofthe Custome/s gernration facilities. (continued) EFIECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVEloilOFnlOFloONP Rodry Motntaln Powcr Erdrlbll No. 58 Page 109 of 129 Care No. PAC+-2147 Firrt Revirion of Sheet No 31.4 Crnceling Origind Shect No.3l.4 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDULE NO.3r - Continued DEFINITIONS (continued): BACK-I P FOWER - DAILY: The kW of Back-up Contract Power supplied by ttre Company to the Cutomer. Back-up Power shallbe determined for each day of the Billing Period. The kW of Back-up Power each day shall be the kW for the fifteen (15) minute period of the Customer's greatest use of Back-rp Power thd day, adjusted for power factor as specifie( determined to the nearest kW. The Back-r.p Power for the Billing Period shall be tlre sum of the Back-up Power for each day ofthe Billing Period. For each fifteen minute period, Back-up Power shallequal the Measured Power minus the Srryplanentary Confact Power but shdl not be less than zero nor greater ttran the Back-up Conract Power. BACK-IIP SERVICE: Back-up service is electic scrvice used by the Customer to replace electic service ordinarily genetated by the Customeds own generation equipment during outages oftlrc facility. BILLING PERIOD: The period of approximately 30 days intervening between regular successive meter reading dates. There shall be 12 billittg periods per year. POWE& The rate in kilowatts al which electric enerry is generated, transfened or used. Power measurements are calculaed based on the average (integrated) usage over consecutive 15 minurc periods of time. Power measuttments may be based on any one srrch fifteen minute period in a Billing Perio4 on the period of greatest use dtnittg the Billing Perio4 or on the period of greatest use during each day, adjusted for power factor as specified, determined to the nearest kW. EXCESS POWER: Excess Power is the power supplied by the Company to the Customer in excess of the Total C,ontract Power. The kW of Excess Power for the Billing Period shall be the kW for ttre 15 minute period of the Cutomet's greatest use of Excess Power drning ttre Billing Perio4 adjusted for power factor as specified determined to the nearest kW. For erch 15 minute period, Excess Power shall equal the Measured Power minus the Toal Conract Power but shall not be less than zero. EXCESS SERVICE: Excess service is service nsed by ttre Cutomer over and above the confacted amount for both Supplementary Service and Back-up Service or Maintenance Service. MAINTENAIICE SERVICE: Maintenance service is elecfic service used by the Crstomer to rcplacc electric service ordinarily generated by the Customefs own generation equipment during scheduled outages of the facility. MEASURED PtOtilER: The kW as shown by or compurcd from the readings of the Power meter located at the Company's point of delivery, for the 15 minute period of the Customer's grcatest use during the Billing Period or thu day. MEASITRED ENERGY: The elechic enerry in kWh as shown by or computed fiom the readings of the kilowatt-hour meter located at the Company's point of delivery. (continued) Submitted Under Case No. P AC-F'2I 47 ISSUED: November 8,2021 EFFECTM: January l, 2022 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A Dlvrgor{ of mclFlcoiP Rodry Molrltdn Porver Erd{bit No. 58 Page 110 of 129 Case No. PAC-E-2147 l/Wresr: Joell€ R. Steward [P.U.C. No.1 First Revision of Shect No 31.5 Cenccling Originel Shcct No. 31.5 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEITITLE NO.3r - Continucd ITEFINITIONS (continued): SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE PTOIVER: Electic Power and enerry made available by the Company to a Customer during the schcduled maintenance periods established in accordance with the provisions of 0ris schedule to replace Back-up Power. Scheduled Maintenance Power shall not exceed the Back-up Contract Power. ST PPLEMENTARY CONTRACT PTOWDR: The specified Power in kW of Supplementary Power that fte Customer contracts with the Company to supply and which the Company agrees to have available for delivery to ttre Customer. The Supplementary Contact Power shall be established by agreement benveen the Customer and the Compar,y. Measured Power in excess ofthe Supplementary Contract Power shall not establish new Supplementary Contract Power. SUPPLEMENTARY FOWER: The kW of Supplernentary Contract Power supplied by the Company to the Customer. The kW of Supplernentary Power for ttre Billing Period shall be the kW for the 15 minute period of the Customefs grcatest use of Supplementary Power during the Billing Period, adjustd for power factor as specified, determined to the rrcarest kW. For each 15 minute period during the Billing Period, Supplementary Power shall equal the Measured Power but shall not h less than zeno nor greater than the Supplementary Confiact Power. ST PPLEMENTARY SERVICE: Supplementary service is electric service regularly tsed by a Customer in addition to that which the Customer generates itself. TOTAL CONTRACT POWER: The sum of the Supplementary Contact Power and the Back-up Contact Power. SCHEDITLED MAINTENAITICE: Customer shall submit to the Company, in writing, Crstomet's proposed maintenance schedule and nominated Scheduled Maintenance Power for each month of an l8 month period beginning with the date of the Custome/s initial rcceipt of service under this schedule. Customer shall, prior to September lst of each subsequent year, submit to the Company, in writing Customet's proposed maintenance schedule for each month of an I 8 month period begtnning with January I r of the following year. The proposed schedules will not be deemed a request for Maintenance Service unless so designated by the Customer and accepted by the Company in writing. Mainlenance shall be scheduled for a maximum of 30 days per year. These 30 days may be taken in either one continuous period, or two continuous 15 day periods. Solely at the discretion of the Company and for good cause, the maintenance maximum may be extended. The Customer may present a request for a maintenance outage in writing to the Company no less than 30 days in advance of the date of the scheduled maintenance with the nominated Scheduled Maintenance Power. The Company rcseryes the right to modiff Customer's requested maintenance schedule. Any modifications by the Company must be made with rea$)n witrin seven days after that sclredule has been received by the Company. (continued) Submined Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTIYE: January l, 2022 Rodry fiouialn Porvcr Erdrlblt No. 58 Prgo lll of 129 Carc No. PAC.E-214I1 Wlt|es3: Jocle R. SbrardYROCKY MOUNTAIN POUI'ER A otus(,il ortlclFEonP Eighth Rcvirion of Shect No.34.l I.P.U.C. No. I Crnccling Scventh Rcnidon of Shcct No 34.1 ROCI(Y MOI'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO.34 STATE OF IDAHO Pecifc Northwct Ehctrlc Powcr Plenning tnd Consclvrtion Act Recidcndrl end Ferm Kilowrtt-Hour Crcdit APPLICATION ANL AVAIL/\BILITY: This Schedule is applicable and available to qualifting Residential and/or Fann Customers of the Company under the jurisdiction of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. MONTELY RATES: The monthly charges for service under each of the Electric Service Schedules shown below shall be reduced by the appropriate kilowatt-hour crcdit for all qualiSing kilowatt-hours of residential and/or farm rse. Kilowdt-Hour Credit Adjtstnents : Irrigation Customers: ScheduleNo. l0 $0.010133 per kWh Non-lnieation Customers: Schedule Nos. l, 6A,7A,23A 35A,36 $0.010133 perkWh (continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSIIED: Novembcr E, 2021 LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DtVtSOt{ OFmCtfFOfiP Rodry Mountain PorcrEfslt No. 5E Page 112o1129 Case No. PAC€-21-07 Vl/lhesr: Jelle R. Silervant Firct RcvilioD of Shcct No.35.1 Crncclinc Oricinel Shect No. 35.1 ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35 STATE OF IDAHO Optionrl Tlme.of-Dry Generrl Senice - Distribution Voltege AVAIL/\BILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system where there are facilities of adequate capacity to a limited number of customers each year on a priority basis, and is dependent upon the ability of the Company to obtain adequate metering equipment. The priority is based on the time the application is filcd with the Company. Those customers applying first would have the highest priority. APPLICATION: This Schedule is for alternating curent, single or three-phase electic seryice supplied at Company's available voltage, but less than 46,000 vols through a single point of delivery for non-residential, non-iniguion, non-street lighting, and non-area lighting customers, for all service required on the Customer's premises by Customers contracting for not more than 30,000 kW. Service under this Schedule is limited to a maximum power requirement of 30,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of 30,000 kW, continued service will require special conract arrangements; provided, however, that special contract arangements will not be required in those cases where electric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule which, because of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 30,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in excess of 30,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power requirements, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 30,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power requirement in excess of 30,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's maximum power requirement exceeds 30,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. ISSUED: November 8, 2021 (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 I.P.U.C. No. I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADrUS|of{of mEmcofiP Rodry Mountain PoYEr E)dliblt No. 58 Page 113 of 129 Casc No. PAG€,21{i7 ItYlhcss: Joolle R. $ewerd Tcnth Rcvirion of Shcct No.35.2 Crnceling Nhth Rcvirion of Shcct No.352 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.35- Continued MONTTILY BILL: Curtomer Scrvice Chrrge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts)$ 69.00 per Customer Primary voltage delivery (2300 volts or higher) Power Chergc: On-Peak kW $170.00 per Customer S 16.95 per kW Energr Chrrge: Per kWh for all kWh s.37921 TIME PERIODS:On-Peak 7:00 am. to 10:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday, except trclidays.Off-Peak All othertimes. Due to the expansiom of Daylight Saving Time (DST) as adoprcd under Section I l0 of the U.S. Energr Policy Act of 2005 the time periods shown above will begin and end one hour later for the period betrveen the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in April, and for the period between the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November. Holidays include only New Yeads Day, hesident's Day, Memorial Day,Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday before the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Saturday) or the Monday following the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Sunday) will be considered a holiday and consequently Off-Peak. Powcr Frc{or: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a Power factor of 85% lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the sverage Power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 314 of loh for every l% that the Power factor is less than 85%. Voltrge Discount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on highest measured Power during the billing cycle will be: $0.84 per kW Mlnimum: Customer Service Charge plus applicable Demand and Energl charges. (Continued) EFFECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Undcr Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8,2021 LP.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AOtVEDt{Of mOEOOiP Rodcy Momtaln Power Edrblt No. 58 Page 111 ol 129 Caso No. Prff-2147 l,Vtns$: Joelle R. Stsward Fifth Revicion of Sheet No.35J Crnceling Fourth Revision of Shect No 35.3 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEITULE NO.35- Continued PTOWER: The On-Peak kW shall be the kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Company's Power meter for the lS-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the On-Peak periods during the month as previously defined, adjusted for Power Factor as specified, determined to the nearest kw. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring periods of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a part of the year may be contracted for under this schedule under either of the following conditions: (a)Customer may conract for service under this schedule on a year-round basis paying for all service, including transformer losses wherc applicable, under the rates set forth under 'Monthly Bill' above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customer's operation. (b)Customer may conmd for seasonal servicc undet this schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 828.00 plus Power and Energr Charges for Cutomer taking service at less than 2300 volts, and $2,040.00 plus Power and Energy Charges for Customer taking service at 23CI volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer ELECTRIC SERVICE REGUL/ITIONS: Service under this Schedule will be in accordance with the terms of the Electric Service Agreement betrveen the Customer and the Company. The Electric Service Regulations of the Company on file with and approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, including future applicable amendments, will be considered as forming a part of and incorporated in said Agreement. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8,2021 EFFECTWE: January l, 2022 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISEil (TilqFFORP Rodry Momtdn Powlr Edriblt No. 58 Pegc 115 of 129 ClrcNo. PAGE-2147 tl/tltrcc!: Jo€llc R. Stervad Flrrt Revirion of Shcct No.35A.1 LP.U.C. No. I Cenceling Originel Sheet No.3sA.l ROCKY MOT'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEI'ULE NO.35A STATE OF IDA,IIO Optionel Tlmeof-Dey Gencrel Scrvice - Ilirtdbution Voltrgc (Ferm) AVAIT /\BILITY: This Electric Service Schedule is available at any point on the Company's interconnected system where therc arc facilities of adequate capacity to a limited number of customers each year on a priority basis. Such availability is dependent upon the ability of the Company to obtain adequate metering equipment. The priority is based on the time the application is filed with the Company. Those customem applying first would have the highest priority. This schedule is for service to any customer who qualifies as "Farm Load' under both (l) the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, P.L. 96.501 as the same may be amended, and (2) a Residential Purchase and Sale Agreement, under Section 5(c) of such Act and in effect between the Company and the Bonneville Power Administration. ^A,PPLICATION: This Schedule is for altemating current, single or three-phase electric serice supplied at Company's available voltage, but less than 46,000 volts through a single point of delivery for non-residential, non-iniguion, non-street lighting and non-area lighting customem, for all service required on the Custome/s premises by Customers contracting for not more than 30,000 kW. Service under this Schedule is limited to a maximum power requirement of 30,000 kW. When a Customer's load reaches a level in excess of 30,000 kW, continued service will require special contact arrangements; provided, however, that specid contract arangements will not be required in those cases wherc electric service is being supplied by Company under this Schedule to operations existing as of the effective date of this Schedule whictu bccaue of emergency conditions, or which on sporadic occasions only, may exceed 30,000 kW. This Schedule is not available to new loads in excess of 30,000 kW nor to existing operations whose maximum power requirements, because of increased operations, plant expansion or equipment additions, exceeds 30,000 kW. In this latter case, a maximum power requirement in excess of 30,000 kW shall be deemed to exist when a Customer's ma:rimum power requirement exceeds 30,000 kW in at least three (3) months of any continuous period of six (6) successive months. (Continued) EFFECTI-: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case Letter No. PAC-E-2147 ISSUED: Novembcr 8, 2021 LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADIVE|oilOFMqH@BP Rodry Montrin Pontr E Oblt No. 58 Page l'16 of 129 CascNo. Prc+-2147 lIvltrps8: Joele R. Sbtred Tcnth Rcvlslon of Sheet No.35A.2 Cenccling Ninth Rwirion of Sheet No.35A.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDULE NO.35A - Continued MONTIILY BILL: Curtomer Sen ice Chelge: Secondary voltage delivery (Less than 2300 volts)$ 69.00 per Customer Primary voltage delivery (2300 vols or higher) Power Charge: On-Peak kW $170.00 per Customer $ 16.95 per kW Energy Cherge: Per kWh for all kWh s.37921 TIME PERIODS:On-Peak 7:00 am. to 10:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday, except holidays.Off-Peak All other times. Due to the expansions of Daylight Saving Time (DST) as adopted under Section ll0 of the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 2005 the time periods shown above will begin and end one hour later for the period between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in April, and for the period between the last Sunday in October and the fint Sunday in November. Holidays include only New Year's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the Friday before the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Saturday) or the Monday following the holiday (if the holiday falls on a Sunday) will be considered a holiday and consequently Off-Peak. Power Factor: This rate is based on the Customer maintaining at all times a Power factor of E5olo lagging, or higher, as determined by measurement. If the average Power factor is found to be less than 85% lagging the Power as recorded by the Company's meter will be increased by 314 of lo/o for every l% that the Power factor is less than 85olo. Voltrge Dlscount: Where Customer takes service from Company's available lines of 2,300 volts or higher and provides and maintains all transformers and other necessary equipment, the voltage discount based on highest measured Power during the billing cycle will be: $0.84 per kW Minimum: Customer Service Charge plus applicable Demand and Energy charges. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-B2l{7 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January l, 2022 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DMSTOI{ OF HCIFICOf,P Rodry MomtdnPolylr E fiddl No. 5E Pagc 117 sl 129 Case No. P|\GE-2147 l/lllhess: Jodle R. Steward Fifth Rcvision of Shect No.35AJ Fourth Rcvision of Shoet No.35AJLP.U.C. No.l ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDITLE NO.35A - Continucd MONTHLY BILLING RDDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjusfnent set forth under nMonthly Ratesn in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. PTOWER: The On-Peak kW shall be the kW as shown by or computed from the readings of Compan/s Power meter for the lS-minute period of Customer's greatest use during the On-Peak penods during the month as previously defined, adjusted for Power Factor as specified, determined to the nearest kw. SEASONAL SERVICE: Service for annually recurring perio& of seasonal use where service is normally discontinued or curtailed during a pan of the year may be contracted for under this schedule under either of the following conditions: (a)Customer may contract for service under this schedule on a year-round basis paying for all sewice, including transformer losses wherc applicable, under the rates set forth under "Monthly Bill" above including the monthly minimum bill during those months service is curtailed or is not utilized in the Customerrs operation. (b)Customer may contract for seasonal service under this schedule with a net minimum seasonal payment as follows: $ 828.00 plus Power and Enerry Charges for Customer taking service at less than 2300 vols, and $2,040.00 plus Power and Energr Charges for Customer taking service at 2300 volts or higher. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. SPECIAL COIDITION: Farm use means all usual farm electrical loads for raising of crops, livestock or pasturage and includes primary processing necessary for safe and efficient storage or shipment. Contiguous parcels ofland under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered to be one Farm and noncontiguous parcels ofland under single-ownership or leasehold shall be considered as one Farm unit when operated as a single Farm, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner or lessee of the parcels. (Continued) EX'FECTI.: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-F-2147 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN PotTI'ER A OTVEON OFnqnCORP Rod(y Mountaln Porvor Extrlbit No. 58 Page 118 ol 129 Case No. PAC4-2147 Wtrrcas: Joelle R. Sile*ad Twelfth Revbion of Sheet No.35.2 Crnceling Elcvcnth Rcvicion of Shcet No.36.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.36 - Continucd MONTHLY BILL: Rrtc: Billing Months May throueh October. Inclusive $15.00 per CustomerCustomer Service Chrrge: On Peak Energr Charge: OffPeak Energr Charge: 15.2201( per kWh 5.36721 per kWh Billing Months November throueh Aoril. Inclusive$15.00 per Customer 13.0395, per kWh4.93461 per kWh Minimum Bill: Customer Service Charge. On Peak: Summer months-All kWh used from 8:00 A.M. to I l:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Winter months-All kWh used from 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays. Holidays include only: New Year's Day, hesident's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christnas Day. Off Peak: All other kWh usage. Due to the expansions of Daylight Saving Time (DST) as adopted under Section ll0 of the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 2005 the time periods shown above will begin and end one hour later for the period between the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in April, and for the period between the last Sunday in October and the first Sunday in November. SEASONAL SERVICE: When seasonable service is supplied under this Schedule, the minimum seasonal charge will be $180.00 plus energr charges. CONTRACT PERIOD: One year or longer. MONTIILY BILLING REDUCTION: Rates in this schedule shall be reduced by the monthly kilowatt-hour credit adjustment set forth under "Monthly Rates" in the currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 34. (Continued) EFI|ECTM: January 1,2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E 2l{7 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POIi'ER A DrVrSXilOrnclflconP Rodry Momtdn Flomr ExHblt No. 58 P.S€ fA d ng Carc No. PrcE-2147 wlhers: JoCo R. SGtmrd Eleventh Rcvlclon of Shoct No.94.l I.P.U.C. No.1 Tenth Rcvirion of Shcct No.94.1 ROCKT MOI'NTNN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.94 STATE OT IDAEO Encrgr Cost Adiurtment AVAIIABILITY: At any point on the Company's interconnected system. APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariffCusomers taking service under the Company's ele.ctric serice schedules. ENERGY COST NDJUSTMENT: The Energy Cost Adjrstrrent is calculatcd to collect the accumulated difference between tobl Company Base Na Power Cosl and total Company Actual Ne{ Power Cost calculated on a ccnts per kWh basis. MONTHLY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Clrarges contained in the Customey's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have applied the following csnts per kilowatt-hour ratc ry dcfivery voltage. flclivcrv Secondery 0.5711pcr klvh 0.5711pcr kWh 0.571) pcr klvh 0.5711pcr kVYh 0.5711pcr kWh Primanr Transmission 0.5321pcr klvh 0.5711, pcr klVh 0.5711pcr kWh 0.5711pcr kWh 0.5711pcr klVh 0.5711pcr kWh 0.5711pcr kWh 0.5711pcr kWh 0.5711pcr kWh 0.571i pcr kWh 0.5321pcr kWh Schcdule Schcdule Schcdulc Schedulc Schcdulc Schcdulc Schcdulc Schcdulc Schcdulc Schedulc Schcdulc Schcdulc Schedule Schedulc Schedulc Schedule I 6 6A 7 7A 9 l0ll t2 23 23A' 24 35 354 36 400 0.5491per kWh 0.5491, pcr kWh 0.549( pcr kWh 0.5491 pcr kWh 0.549i per kWh 0.5491pcr kWh 0.5491pcr kWh Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8,2021 EFFECTM: Juruary 1,2022 I.P.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DII'EION OF mIOFEORP Rodcy Montaln Pourr Ext{blt No. 5E Page 120 ol 129 Crrc No. PAC+-2147 tlt/ltrle$: Jo€llo R. Stcwad First Rcvilion of Shcet No. 140.1 Cenceling Oricinrl Shcct No. 140.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO. I4O STATE OF IDAHO Non-Residentiel Energr Eflicicncy PURPOSE: Service under this Schedule is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of the electricity requirements of new and existing loads in Non-residential Facilities through the installation of Energy Efficiency Measures and energy management protocols. Service under this Schedule is subject to funding availability. APPLICABLE: To service under the Company's General Service Schedules 6, 6A,7,7 A,9, 10, 12, 23,23A,24, 35 and 35A in all tenitory served by the Company in the State of ldaho. This Schedule is applicable to new and existing Non-residential Facilities and dairy barns served under the Company's residential rate schedules. CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION: Customer participation is voluntary and is initiated by following the participation procedures on the ldaho energy efficiency program section of the Company website, and available to customers without online access upon request. The Company shall have the right to qualifo participants, at its discretion, based on criteria the Company considers nec€ssary to ensure the effective operation of the measunes and utility system. Criteria may include, but will not be limited to cost effectiveness. DESCRIPTION: Ongoing program to provide incentives for a variety of equipment and operational improvements intended for and located in Non-residential Facilities. Periodic program changes will be made to encourage customer participation in the program and to insure or enhance program cost-effectiveness as defined by the Company. QUALIFIING MEASURE: Measures which when installed in an eligible facility result in verifiable electric energy efficiency improvement compared to existing equipment or baseline equipment as defined by the Company. The baseline will be determined with reference to existing equipment, applicable state or federal energy codes, industry standard practice and other relevant factors. QUALIFNNG ENERGY MANAGEMENT: Operational improvements which when implemented in an eligible facility rcsult in verifiable electric energy savings compared to standard operations as determined by the Company. (Continued) Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWERAWErOilOlirofEmP Rod(y Moutdn Pontr Etr{blt No. 5t PagE 121 ol fie Cate No. PAC-E-2147 l/lllUrccs: Joo[e R. Stcrva]d Etghth Rcvlsion of Shcet No. l9l Crnceling Scventh Rcvision of Shect No l9l ROCI(Y MOI'NTAIN POWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDI'LE NO. I9I STATE OF II'AIIO Customer Efiicicncy Serviccs Rrte Adfurtment PURPTOSE: The Customer Effrciency Services Rate Adjustment is designed to recover the costs incurred by the Company associated with Commissiorrapproved demand-side management expenditures. APPLICATION: This Schedule shdl be applicable to all retail tariff Customen taking sewice under the Company's elecric service schedules. MONTELY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customet's applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have the following percentage increases applied prior to the application of electric service Schedule 34. Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule I 6 6A 7 7A 9 l0ll t2 23 23A 24 35 35A 36 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.250/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.250/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o 2.25o/o Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8,2021 EFFECTM: January l, 2022 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POtifER ADnEloilOfilqFrcOf,? Rodry Moufiln Po$!r ErHblt No. 58 Pagc 122of125 Cars No. PAGE-21{7 Irultna$: Joollc R. Silarard Socond Rcvirion of Sheet No. 197.1 Cenceling Fint Rcvlrion of Shect No. 197.1 ROCKY MOT'NTAIN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDT'LE NO. T97 STATE OF IDAHO Federel Tu Act Adlurtment APPLICATION: This Schedule shall be applicable to all retail tariffCustomers taking service under the Company's electric service schedules. MONTELY BILL: In addition to the Monthly Charges contained in the Customerrs applicable schedule, all monthly bills shall have applied the following cents pcr kilowatt-hour rue. Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule -0.1821per kWh -0.1l8l per kWh 4.1l8l per kWh 4.2241per kWh 4.2241per kWh -0.0t61 per kWh -0.1551perkWh 4.2681perkWh -0.1001perkWh -0.l5ll per kWh -0.l5ll per kWh 4.118, perkWh 4.1221per kWh 4.t221per kWh 4.1541perkWh 4.0781per kWh I 6 6A 7 7A 9 t0 II t2 23 23A 24 35 35A 36 400 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2I-07 ISSUED: November E,2021 EFFECTM: January 1,2022 LP.U.C. No.l ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A UlrlsloltlOFilOE@AP Rodry MomtdnPornr ExHblt No. 58 Pege 123o1 129 Carc No. PK-E-2147 Sccond Revision of Shect No. 3fi).1 Crnccling Fint Rcvirion of Shcct No.3(X).1 ROCKY MOI'NTAIN ROWER, ELECTRIC SERVICE SCIIEDULE NO.3OO STATE OF IDAHO Rcguhffou Cherycs AVAILABILITY: In all service tenitory served by the Company in the State of ldaho. APPLICATION: For all customers utilizing the services of the Company as defined and described in the Electric Service Regulations. SERVICE CHAR,GES: Sheet No. Descriotion3R.l Service Connection Charge: Normal Offtce Hours Charce No Charge $s0.00 $50.00 No charge Actual Cost $ I . I 5 per month per occupied space l% of delinquent balance per month $12.00 .Charge assessed if connection is rcquested and completed on the following holidays: New Year's Day Labor Day Idaho Human Rights Day Thanksgiving Memorial Day Friday after Thanksgiving Independence Day Christmas Day Pioneer Day (July 24) Monday through Friday except holidays 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Weekends and holidays* 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Meter Test for Accuracy Once in twelve months Two or more times in twelve months Fee paid to mobile home operators who submeter tenants Late Payment Charge: Returned Payment Charge: ?R.2 7R.3 8R.l 8R.2 (continued) EFIECTIYE: January 1,2022 Submifted Under Case No. PAC-E-21{7 ISSUED: November 8,2021 I.P.U.C. No.1 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POTER AOMS{)NOF,lffT@nP Rodry Montain Porver Entrlblt No. 58 Page 121 ot 125 Case No. Pr@-2147 Seventh Rcvirion of Sheet No.3fi1.2 Crnceling Sirth Revirion of Sheet No.3(X)2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULE NO.300 - Continued Sheet No. 8R.2 9R.4 t0R.8 10R.8 r0R.8 I lR.l Description Paperless Bill Credit Security Deposit for New Service: Residential and Small Commercial Industrial and Large Commercial Reconnection Charges: Remote Reconnection Non-Remote Reconnection Monday through Friday except holidays. 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. Tampering Unauthorized Reconnection Charge: Field Visit Charge: Taxes Charse -$0.50 Up to one sixth of estimated annual billings. Up to two months peak billings. $7.00 $25.00 $50.00 $7s.00 $20.00 Weekends and holidays* t:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.$50.00 tCharge assessed if reconnection is requested and completed on the following holidays: New Year's Day Labor Day Idaho Human Rights Day Thanksgiving Memorial Day Friday after Thanksgiving Independence Day Christmas Day Pioneer Day (July 24) Municipality City of Arco City of Ammon City of Bloominglon City of Dubois City of Firth City of Franklin City of Iona City of Lewisville City of McCammon City of Mud Lake City of Paris City of Prcston Type of Tax or Fee Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Franchise Ordinance No. No.2007-8 No.50l No.20l2-01 No.268 No. 159 No.2004-81I No.40 No.20l l-2 No.462 No.60904 No.338 No.2005-4 (Continued) Amount of Ta:r or Fee 3-0o/o 3.0o/o lO.0o/o 10.0o/o l.0o/o 3.0o/o 3.0o/o 2.0o/o 3.0o/o 2.0o/o 3.00/o 3.0o/o Date Ordinance Adooted luly 23,2007 May 19,201I May 10,2012 March 7,2012 March 14,2000 September 23,2004 June 22, 1989 September 14,20ll September 7,2011 June 9,2004 November 2,1998 August 8,2005 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2147 ISSIIED: November 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January l,2022 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A Oilr8oil ormclFlooi? Rodq Momlein Powlr Edlbit No. 58 Plop 125of 125 Celc tlo. PAC€-21-07 Wherc: Jodlc R. Stcwad Fourth Rcnision of Sheet No.3fl).3 Cenccling Third Rcvirion of Shect No 31D.3LP.U.C. No I Municipalitv City of Rexburg City of Rigby City of Ririe City of St. Anthony City of Shelley City of Spencer City of Sugar City Sheet No. l2R.r t2R.3 r2R.t3 r2R.l5 25R.1 25R.2 25R.2 25R.2 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEITULE NO.300 - Continucd Type of Amount of Date Ordinance Tor or Fee Ordinance No. Ta:r or Fee Adopted Franchise No.929 6.00/o December t,2N4 Franchise No.453 3.0% May 21, 1996Franchise No. 104 3.0% December3l, 1990 Franchise No. 2001l-10 l.0o/o September 22,2011Franchise No.375 3.0o/o October l, 1995Franchise No. 200t-l 2.0o/o June 20, 2008Franchise No.204 3.0o/o June 13, 1996 Facilities Charges on Facilities at and above 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Customeds Expense 0.15o/o per month Facilities Installed at Company's Expense 0.80% per month Temporary Service Charge: Service Drop and Meter only $200.00 (Charge is for connection and disconnection) Contract Administation Allowance $250 Description Minimum Engineering Costs Facilities Charges on Facilities less than 46,000 Volts Facilities Installed at Customer's Expense Facilities Installed at Company's Expense Customer Guarantee Credit l: Restoring Supply After an Outage Foreach additional 12 houn Customer Guarantee Credit 2 Appointments Customer Guarantee Credit 3 Switching on Power Customer Cuarantee Credit 4 Estimates for New Supply Charee $200 0.35% per month l,l5o/o per month $s0.00 $2s.00 $s0.00 $50.00 $s0.00 (continued) EFFECTWE: January l, 2022 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADtt EotoFmcnooen Ro*yMantaln Power E0rlblt No. 58 Ptgc ne ol ng Care l{o. PAC€-21{7 Wtrclc: JoCcR. Stamd Flnt Ro,lrlon of Shcct No 3l[.4 Crnccling Originrl Shoct No.3lD.4LP.U.C. No.1 ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDULE NO.300 - Continucd Sheet No. 25R.3 25R.3 25R.3 Description Customer Guarantee Credit 5: Responding to Bill Inquiries Customer Guarantee Credit 6: Resolving Meter Proble,ms Customer Guarantee Credit 7: Notifr ing of Planned Intemrptions Charce $50.00 $s0.00 $s0.00 Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E2!-07 ISSUED: November 8,2021 EFFECTM: January 1,2022 LP.U.C. No I ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER AONEl()ilOFMOECOiP Rodry Momtdn Power Ertr{bft No.5E PagE 127 d te Calc No. Pr\W-2147 lMh.rs: J6llc R. S:tewad Twelfth Rcvlsion of Shcet No.4fi).1 Cenceling Elevcnth Rcvirion of Shect No 4fl).1 ROCKY MOI'NTNN FOWER ELECTRIC SERVICE SCEEDT'LE NO.4OO STATE OF IDAHO Specirl Contrect PIJRPTOSE: The purpose of this Schcdule is to describe generally the terms and conditions provided by ttrc Company pursuant to a Special Confact approved by the ldaho Public Utility Commission. Availabilitv This schedule is available for firm and intemrptible retail serice of electric power and energr delivered for all service required on the Customer's premises by customers contracting for not less than 150,000 kW as of May 18, 2006 and as provided in the Electric Service Agreement between the two parties. Monthly Charse Firm Power and Enerct/: Firm Energy Charge: 33.2@ mills per kilowatt hour Customer Charge: S1,556.00 per Billing Period Firm Demand Charge: $15.61 per kW Intemrptible Power and Enerey: Intemrptible Energy Charge: 33.260 mills per kilowatt hour Intemrptible Demand Charge: Firm Demand charge minus Intemrptible Credit Excess KVAR: $0.96/KVAR Replacement Energy: Adjusted Index Price multiplied by Replacement Ener6/. TariffRates:The Commission approved rates applicable to the Special Confiact Customer, including, but not limited to, customer charges, demand charges, energ/ charges, surcharges, and credits, as specified in ldaho Electric Service Schedule No.400 or its successor. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E2I-07 ISSUED: November 8, 2021 EtrIrECTWE: January l, 2022 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN P(nTT'ER AON'E(,O{OF ilOFOORP Rodry llantain Powcr EddiltNo.58Pagc 128d1m Cr$ No. Prc€-z1-Ol WltresE: Jo.lc R. SEweld FiEt Rcvldon of Shcct No C Cenccling Orlgind Shcct No CLP.U.C. No I ELECTRIC SERVICE REGI]LATIONS ROCKY MOT'NTAIN FOWER Srlt Lrke Ctty, Uteh ELECTRIC SERVTCE In lhc STATE OF IIIAHO Under IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TARIFFNO.l of for Isruing Officer Joelle R Stcwrrd Vice Prcsldent, Reguhdon Selt Loke City, UT Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-21-07 ISSIJED: November 8, 2021 EFITECTM: January l, 2022 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OrlrEtot{ of noFcoBP Rodry Mouttain Power EdIblt No. 58 PagB 12A ol 129 Caac No. PAC-E-21-07 l/Vltrcis: Joe[e R. S:tewad LP.U.C. No.1 Second Revision of Sheet No. tR2 Cenceling Fint Revicion of Shcet No. tR2 5. ADJUSTMENT FOR, BILLING ERROR Corrected billings may be made to adjust for billing errors including but not limited to reasons such as a meter malfunctioned or failed, bills were estimated, metering equipment was inconectly installed or programmed, or bills were inaccurately prepared as follows: (e) If the time when the malfunction or eror began cannot be reasonably determined to have occurred within a specific billing period, the corrected billings shall not exceed the most recent six months before the discovery of the malfunction or error. O) If the time when the malfunction or eror began can be reasonably determined and the Customer was undercharged, the comected billing may not exceed the most recent six (6) months. If a reasonable penon should have known of the incorrect billing the adjustment may be extended for a period not to exceed three (3) years. (c) If the time when the malfunction or eror began can be reasonably determined and the Customer was overcharged, the corrected billing may go back to that time but not to exceed three (3) years from the time the malfunction or error occurred. Under no circumstances shall the adjustment exceed three (3) yean. 7. BILLING UNDER INAPPROPRHTE TARIFF SCHEDULE Corrected billings shall be made to adjust for billing under inappropriate tariffSchedules as follows: (a) If the time when the error began csmot be reasonably determined to have occurred within a specific billing perid, the corrected bill shall not exceed the most recent six (6) months. (b) If the time when the error began can be rcasonably determined and the Customer was undercharged, the conrcted billing shall not exceed the most recent six (6) months. If a reasonable person should have known of the incorrect billing, the adjustment may be extended for a period not to exceed three (3) years. (c) If the time when the error can be reasonably daermined and the Company determined the Customer was overcharged the corrected billing shall go back to that time, but not to exceed three (3) years from the time the error occurred. The Company shall not be rcquired to adjust billings when it has acted in good fahh based on the best available information or when the Customer was given written notice of options under the tariff schedules and did not make timely election to choose available options. t. RETURNED PAYMENT CIIARGE A charge as specified in Schedule 300 may be made and collected by Company for each payment returned by a bank to the company. 9. PAPERLESS BILL CREDIT The Company will provide a Paperless Bill Credit as shown in Schedule 300 to Customers on a metered service schedule who enroll in paperless billing. Submitted Under Case No. PAC-E-2I-07 ISSUED: Novernber 8, 2021 EFFECTM: January l, 2022 Mr. English joined the IPUC in 2003 as a Staff Auditor. In 2016, he was promoted to Audit Team Lead, and in 2018 he became the Program Manager for the Accounting and Audit Department within the Utilities Division. In 2020, Mr. English also accepted the responsibility of supervising the Technical Analysis and Energy Efficiency team. At the Commission, Mr. English has audited a number of utilities including electric, water, and natural gas companies, and provided comments and testimony in numerous cases that deal with general rates, tax issues, pension issues, depreciation and other accounting issues, and other regulatory policy decisions. Mr. Englishparticipates in the Energy Efficiency Advisory Groups and External Stakeholder Advisory Committees for Idaho Power, Avista Utitit.ies, Rocky Mountain Power, and fnLermountain Gas Company. He is the Commission's representative on the NARUC Subcommittee of Accounting and Finance and the Subcommittee on Education and Research. Mr. English is also a volunteer on the faculty of NARUC Rate School. Sf.r€F Exhibit No. 101 Case No. PAC-E-21-07 D. EngIish, Staff tL/08/2L Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT Exhibit 301 - Electric Service Agreement EXHIBIT o r ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROCKY MOUNTNN POWER ANI) P4 PRODUCTION This Electric Service Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation doing business as Rocky Mountain Power (*Rocky Mountain Power"), and P4 Production, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company ("Customer"). Rocky Mountain Power and Customer are referred to herein individually as a "Part5/" and jointly as "Parties." RECMALS A. Rocky Mountain Power provides retail electric service to Customer's elemental phosphorous production facilities located at 1853 Highway 34, Soda Springs, Idaho 83276 (the "Plant"). B. PacifiCorp and Customer's predecessor in intcrest, Monsanto Company, entered into an Electic Service Agreement with respect to the Plant effective January 1,2016, which ex- pires on December 31,2021. C. Customer desires to purchase electric service for the Plant under this Agreement beginning January l, 2022. D. Rocky Mountain Power has agreed, subject to regulatory approvals, to provide elec- tric service to the Plant in accordance with this Agrecment. AGREEMENT The Parties agree as follows: Section l: Definitions As used in this Agreement, the following terms have the meanings specified: l.l Average Kilovar Demand means the average of the Daily Kilovar Demands for that Billing Period. 1.2 Billine Period means the period of approximately thirty (30) days intervening be- tween regular successive meter reading dates. 1.3 Curtailment Products means the Operating Reserve and Economic Curtailment products as described and set forth in Exhibit A. ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT I .4 Curtailment Producs Credit means the credit to Customer for the Curtailment Prod- ucts as calculated and set forth in Exhibit A. 1.5 Customer Charee means the "Customer Charge" amount set forth in the then-cur- rent vcrsion of ldaho Elecnic Service Schedule No.400 or its successor. I .6 Customer Electrical Facilities means all facilities and equipment within Customer's 138 kV substation at its Plant except for Rocky Mountain Power's metcring equipment, under- frequency relays, capacitors and any other equipment owncd by Rocky Mountain Power and in- stalled in Customer's substation under the terms and conditions of this Agreement or any other agrcement. 1.7 Dailv Kilovar Demand mcans, as to any day, the kilovar demand measured during the IS-minute interval corresponding to the lS-minute intcrval during which Customer's Demand occum for the Billing Period which includes that day. 1.8 Demand means Customer's greatest use during the Billing Period in kilowatts av- eraged over a fifteen ( l5) minute period of time during which electric energy is delivered by Rocky Mountain Power to Customer's Point of Delivery. 1.9 Demand Charse means the "Demand Charge" amount set forth in the then-current version of ldaho Electric Service Schedule No. 400 or its successor. l.l0 Electric Service Reeulations means Rocky Mountain Power's currently effective electric service rules and regulations on file with and approved by the ldalro Public Utilities Com- mission ("Commission"), as they may be amended or superscded from time to time with the ap proval of the Commission. l.l I Energy moans the total electric energy, measured in kilowatt-hours, delivered to Customcr during the Billing Period. l.l2 Enerey Charee means the "Energy Charge" amount set forth in the then-current version of Idaho Electric Service Schedule No. 400 or its succcssor. l.l3 Excess Kilovar means each kilovar of Average Kilovar Demand in excess of 33 kilovars per 100 kW of Demand. I .14 Excess Kilovar Charge means the "Excess Kilovar Charge" amount set forth in the then-currcnt version of Idaho Elechic Service Schedule No. 400 or its successor. l.l5 Plant means Customer's elemental phosphorous production facilities located at 1853 Highway 34, Soda Springs, Idaho 83276. l.16 Point of Delivery for all elechic service delivered to the Plant means the termina- tion of Rocky Mountain Power's two l3t kV transmission lines at Customer's substation located approximately one point six (1.6) miles south from Rocky Mountain Power's Threemile Knoll substation in Caribou County, Idaho, or such other point(s) of metering as Rocky Mountain Power and Customer shall agnee. 2ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT l.l7 Prudent Electrical Practices means those practices, methods and equipmenl as changed from time to time, that are commonly used in prudent electrical engineering and opera- tions to operate electric equipment lawfully and with safety, dependability, efficiency and econ- omy and that are in accordancc with the IEEE Standards, the National Electrical Safety Code or the National Electric Code or any other applicable govemment code in effect during the term of this Agreement. l.l8 Reliability Authoritv means the North American Electic Reliability Corporation, the Westem Electricity Coordinating Council, or any additional or successor organization which is responsible for managing or enforcing hansmission system reliability. I .19 Retail Customer means a Rocky Mountain Power customer, other than Customer, who purchases electric service for its own consumption (i.e., not for resale). 1.20 Termination Date means the hour ending 2400 on December 3l of the year estab- lished in paragraph 2.1. l.2l Total Contract Demand means the specified Demand in kilowatts that Customer contracts with Rocky Mountain Power to supply for the Plant and that Rocky Mountain Power agrces to have available for delivery to Customer. Customer may require the delivery of such amounts of Demand as Customer may require to meet load requirements at the Plant up to, but not in excess of, 215,000 kW unless otherwise agreed in writing in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Section 2: Term: Reooeners 2.1 Term. The initial term of this Agreement shall commence January 1,2022, contingent upon (i) the Parties' agreement on the Operating Procedure as defined in Exhibit A, and (ii) Commission approval of the Agreement without modification, and the initial term of this Agreement shall end on the hour ending 2400 on December 31,2023. This Agreement shall au- tomatically renew for successive one (l ) year terms unless and until either Party gives not less than 180 days written notice of termination. Such notice may be given at any time to terminate the Agreement at the end of any annual renewal year. After the Termination Date, Rocky Mountain Power shall continue to provide any electric service to Customer as specified in Idaho Electric Service Schedule No.400 or its successor then in effect until such time as the Commission estab- lishes or approves other terms and conditions and prices. 2.2 Reopeners and Price Adjustments. The charges specified in Section 4.1 of this Agreement shall be adjusted from time to time so that the charges equal the Commission- approved rates applicable to Customer, including, but not limited to, customer charges, demand charges, energy charges, surcharges, and credits, as specified in Idaho Electric Service Schedule No. 400 or its successor. Adjustments to the charges in Section 4.1 ofthis Agreement shall become effective on the effective date of any adjustment to ldaho Electric Service Schedule No. 400 re- sulting from any general rate case or other filing by Rocky Mountain Power. 2.2.1 Rocky Mountain Power may apply to the Commission for a modification of this Agreement if Rocky Mountain Power demonstrates that any of the Curtailment Products are materially reduced in value to Rocky Mountain Power due to any action or inaction by Customer, 3ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT including without limitation (a) Customer's modifrcatioru replacement or abandonment of any fur- nace at the Plant, (b) Customer shutting down one or more of its furnaces for economic reasons for an extended period of time, excluding shutdowns for maintenance, repair or capital improve- ments, or (c) Customer installs electric generation equipment at the Plant during the term of the Agreement; and as a consequence of Customer's actions or inactions as described above, Rocky Mountain Power is materially financially harmed by reason of such reduction in Plant load, taking into account the price that could be obtained by Rocky Mountain Power in a market sale of the energy available from the reduced load, among othcr things. Rocky Mountain Power shall bear the bunden of satis$ing these conditions. The Commission shall determine whether these condi- tions have been satisfied and whether and in what respects this Agreement may be modified to address the change in Customer's furnace operations and the financial harm to Rocky Mountain Power. 2.2.2 Without limiting Rocky Mountain Power's rights in Section 2.2.1, Rocky Mountain Power may apply to the Commission for a modification of Rocky Mountain Power's Idaho Electric Service Schedule No.400 and, as necessary and with approval of the Commission, make associated modifications to this Agrcement to facilitate such changes, if Rocky Mountain Power demonstrates that it is materially financially harmed due to Customer installing electric generation equipment at the Plant during the term ofthe Agreement. Customer shall inform Rocky Mountain Power of any plans to install elecfic generation equipment at the Plant at least 270 days prior to the anticipated operation date of the electric generation equipment. 2.2.3 To the extent Customer increases its operating load or othenrise modifies its operations at the Plant such that additional energy or capacity products are available from the Plant in addition to the Curtailment Products, Customer $ants a right of first offer for such incre- mental products to Rocky Mountain Power. Section 3: Purchase end Sale of Electric Service 3.1 Scope of Deliveries. Rocky Mountain Power shall deliver such amounts of electric service to the Point of Delivery as Customer requires to meet its load requirements at the Plant up to, but not in excess ofl Toal Contract Demand, subject to the provisions of Exhibit A. 3.2 Delivery Voltage. Rocky Mountain Power shall deliver electric service at the Point of Delivery in the form of three-phase, alternating current at a nominal frequency of 60 cycles per second, and at a nominal voltage of 138,000 volts, in accordance with Prudent Electical Practices. Except during temporary emergency conditions, Rocky Mountain Power shall maintain voltage within the limits of 5 percent above and 5 percent below a normal operating voltage, such normal voltage to be established by Rocky Mountain Powcr from time to time upon neasonable notice to Customer, between the limits of 120,000 volts and 138,000 volts. Rocky Mountain Powerreserves the right to modiff the voltage standards in this Section to conform to changes in applicable ANSI standards. 3.3 Reactive Requirements. Customer shall conhol and limit the flow of reactive power between Rocky Mountain Power's system and Customer's system so as to maintain a nom- inal power factor of 0.95 or higher at all times, coresponding to a kilovar demand of 33 kilovars per 100 kW of Demand. In the event Customer does not comply with this section in any Billing 4ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT Period, Customer shall pay thc Excess Kilovar Charge multiplied by the Excess Kilovar for such Billing Period, as set forth in Section 4.1 .l . 3.4 Phase Balance. Customer shall balance its loads among phases to the e:rtent prac- ticable. If the difference between maximum and minimum phase loads rcgularly or fr,equently exceeds ten percent (l0o/o), based upon a defined place of measurEment, Rocky Mountain Power may require that Demand be detcrmined on the basis of three times the load in the maximum phase. 3.5 Wave Form. ln the design, selection, and operation of equipment using elechic power, Customer shall observe due precautions to avoid distortion of wave form that, reacting through the system of Rocky Mountain Power, may result in interference to operation oftelephonc systems or in other injurious effects to Rocky Mountain Power's electrical system or other Retail Customers. lf such adverse effects result at any time from distortion of wave form by causes originating in the Customer Electrical Facilities, Customer shall remediate such effects in accord- ance with Section 3.7 of this Agreement. 3.6 Cooperation in Ooeration. Customer shall endeavor to supply Rocky Mountain Power in advance with information as to conditions affecting Customer's electric service that may aid Rocky Mountain Power in load dispatching and in planning Rocky Mountain Power's power system operation, such as the probable times and durations of substantial daily load changcs. Fol- lowing an unexpected furnace outage, Customer shall noti$ Rocky Mountain Power's dispatcher as quickly as possible of the expected duration of such outage. Such estimates or advance infor- mation shall not be binding on either Parly. 3.7 Remediation. In the event Customer's opcrations fail to comply with technical rc- quirements of this Agreement or the Electric Service Regulations, or adversely affect the opcration of Rocky Mountain Power's transmission or distribution system or impair service of other Retail Customers, Rocky Mountain Power will promptly give Customer written notice thereof. Within thirty (30) days after such notice a working team will be formed with members designated by each Party. The working team will then consult and meet as needed to identifr and agree upon: (l) the nature and extent of the alleged problem or deficiency; (2) the cause and responsibility for the problem; (3) reasonable alternative solutions together with the costs and implementation time as- sociated with each; and (4) a mutually acceptable remedial action plan. Ifthe Parties fail to agnse, either may petition the Commission to resolve any disputes, which determination shall be binding. Any remedial action agreed upon by the Parties or determined by the Commission shall be promptly undertaken and pursued to completion. Should Customer fail without good cause to begin to take corrective action within thirty (30) days after the established start date, Rocky Moun- tain Power may perform the necessary action and Customer shall reimburse Rocky Mountain Power the reasonable costs thcreof. 4.1 Section 4: Pavment for Electric Seruice Determination of Billine Amounts. 4.1.1 The charges in the then-cunent version of ldaho Electric Service Schedule No. 400 or its successor will apply each Billing Period to all electric service delivered to Customer under this Agreement. All billing statements for electric service shall show the amount due for the 5ELECTRJC SERVICE AGREEMENT type and quantity of Demand and Energy purchased and charged in accordance with this Agree- ment. Total charges for the Billing Period shall be the sum of (i) through (v) of this Section 4.1.1 lcss the applicable portion of the Curtailment Products Credit for the Billing Period as set forth in Exhibit A, where (i) equals the Energy Charge times the Energy for the Billing Period; (ii) is the Customer Charge; (iii) equals the Demand Charge times the Demand for the Billing Period; (iv) equals the Exccss Kilovar Charge times the Excess Kilovar for the Billing Period; and (v) is any and all other charges or credits applicable to ldaho Electric Service Schedule 400, as approved by the Commission, not identified in (i) through (iv) above. The billing statement shall also include any details as set forth in Exhibit A. 4.1.2 Electric service delivered under this Agreemcnt shall be recorded by appro- priate metering devices as installed and described in Section 7. 4.1.3 All payments to Rocky Mountain Power under this Agreement shall bc de- livered by wire transfer as follows within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice. 4.2 Billing Disputes. In the event that all or a portion of Customer's bill, or of any other claim or adjustrnent arising hercunder, is disputed, Customer will pay the undisputcd portion of the bill when due. At the time of the payment, Customer shall provide Rocky Mountain Power with a written explanation of any disputed portion withheld ("Customer Notice of Billing Dis- pute"). Customer and Rocky Mountain Power shall seek to make a determination on any disputed amount within sixty (60) days after issuance of Customer's Notice of Billing Dispute. If it is determined that the disputed portion is due Rocky Mountain Power, Customer shall pay such to Rocky Mountain Power within fifteen (15) days following such determination, together with in- terest from the date the bill was originally due at the rate then specified in the Electric Service Regulations or, if no rate is specified, the publicly announced prime rate or reference rate for com- mercial loans to large businesses in effect from time to time quoted by Citibank, N.A. as its "prime rate." If a Citibank, N.A. prime rate is not available, the applicable prime rate shall be the an- nounced prime rate or reference rate for commercial loans in effect from time to time quoted by a bank with $10 billion or mone in assets in New York City, N.Y., as selccted by Rocky Mountain Power. 4.3 Deposits. If at any time either Party becomes awarc of information regarding the other Party which it believes will substantially impair the other Party's ability to pcrform is obli- gations under this Agreement, such Party may request assurances of performance in writing from the other Party. If such assurances are not satisfactory to the requesting Party, after consultation with the other Party, the requesting Party may petition the Commission for appropriate protections including but not limited to a financial deposit, guarantee or letter of credit. Section 5. Curteilment Products ln exchange for the Curtailment Products Crpdit, Customer agrees to provide Rocky Moun- tain Power with the Curtailment Products in the amounts and in accordance with the terms and conditions of Exhibit A. 6ELECTRJC SERVICE AGREEMENT Section 6: Ooerations end M.intenance 6.t Licenses. Customer hereby licenses to Rocky Mountain Power for its use in con- nection with this Agreement and during the term of this Agreement, reasonably sufficient space in Customer's 138 kV substation to be used solely by Rocky Mountain Power's metering equipment, static capacitors, not to exceed 30,000 kilovars, and associated facilities necessary or useful for Rocky Mountain Power's provision of electric service to Customer, consistcnt with Prudent Elec- trical Practices, which license shall include rcasonable rights of ingress and egress necessary for Rocky Mountain Power's exercise of such license. In the exercise of this license and their rights, Rocky Mountain Power shall, acting consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices, not interfere with the operations of Customer, shall schedule and coordinate its activities to avoid such interference and shall abide by Customer safety rcquirements. 6.2 Customer's 138 kV Substation. Customer shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of its own facilities and equipment within Customer's 138 kV substation. Any equipment supplied by Rocky Mountain Power shall remain the propcrty of Rocky Mountain Power and shall be maintained by Rocky Mountain Power. 6.3 Operation of Customer Electrical Facilities. 6.3.1 In orderto minimize the hazards to both Rocky Mountain Power's and Cus- tomer's electrical systems, protective devices, circuit breakers and other Customer Electrical Fa- cilities interconnected with Rocky Mountain Power shall be operated by qualified Customer per- sonnel only upon prior notification to, and receipt of permission fnom, Rocky Mountain Power's SCC Region Dispatcher, except as provided in Paragraph 6.4 hereof. Rocky Mountain Power's Dispatcher shall honor Customer's verbal requests for permission to operate Customer's protective devices and other Customer Electrical Facilities if such operation will not, in the opinion of Rocky Mountain Power, impair such facilities and the reliable operation of Rocky Mountain Power's electrical system or impair service to other Retail Customers; provided. that Customer may operate Customer's circuit breakers and other Customer Electrical Facilities without prior notification when Customer deems it necessary to protect persons or property at its Plant. In such event, Cus- tomer shall assume full and sole liability for injury or damages to pcrsons or property at the Plant resulting from such opcration of the circuit breakers or other Customer Electical Facilities. 6.3.2 Customer cunently provides potential and current transformers for use in connection with is own relaying and metering operations and Rocky Mountain Power may use such transformers to any reasonable extent for Rocky Mountain Power's metering, relaying, and communication requirements. Should Customer's potential and current transformers not meet Rocky Mountain Power's requirements, Customer shall install any potential and curent trans- formers required by Rocky Mountain Power that are supplied by Rocky Mountain Power. 6.3.3 Rocky Mountain Power may operate the circuit breakers feeding Cus- tomer's interconnections to accommodate operation of Rocky Mountain Power's and Customer's systems in a manner consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices; orovided. that, except as provided in Paragraph 6.4, Rocky Mountain Power shall notiff Customer prior to operating such circuit breakers and shall keep Customer informed as to the operating status of such breakers. 7ELECTRJC SERVICE AGREEMENT 6.3.4 Upon notice to Customer, Rocky Mountain Power shall have reasonable access to Customer's substation control building(s). Rocky Mountain Power personnel shall com- ply with all health, safety, and confidentiality rules, regulations and practices that Customer has provided to Rocky Mountain Power. 6.3.5 Any failure of the Customer Electrical Facilities to operate adequately or properly shall not subject Rocky Mountain Power to liability to Customer for any resulting loss or damages, or consequential damagcs of any kind, and Customer hereby rcleascs Rocky Mountain Power from any such liability. 6.4 Emergenc), Conditions. In the event of an emergency resulting in dangerto persons or property, or potential danger to Customer's and/or Rocky Mountain Power's systems, either Rocky Mountain Power or Customer may open their respective circuit breakers without notice to the other Party. Whenever possible, the Parties shall noti$ the other Party prior to opening any such device, and notifrcation shall be made as soon as possible after the device has been opened. When corrective actions have been completed, Rocky Mountain Power shall restore service upon receiving notice and being satisfied that all necessary conections have been made. 6.5 Rela}rs. Rocky Mountain Power may provide and install on Customer's relay panel under-frequency relays for the purpose of tripping Customer's power circuit breakers at such un- der-frequencies as may be specified by Rocky Mountain Power in accordance with Prudent Elec- trical Practices. 6.6 Maintenance of Customer Electrical Facilities. 6.6.1 Customer shall be solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Customer Electrical Facilities. Customer shall inspect the Customer Electrical Facilities on a regularly scheduled basis and maintain them in safe operating condition. 6.6.2 Roclqy Mountain Power may, but is not required to, inspect the Customer Electrical Facilities during reasonable business hours and if, in the sole judgment of Rocky Moun- tain Power, the Customer Electrical Facilities ar€ not maintained in safe operating condition, thereby creating a hazard to persons or property or to the operation of Rocky Mountain Power's system, Rocky Mountain Power shall notifr Customer promptly stating the rcquired maintenance, replacement, or repair necessary to put the Customer Electrical Facilities in safe operating condi- tion and speciffing a reasonable period in which to make repair. Such inspections shall be per- formed by a person or persons that have been certified as safety trained. Rocky Mountain Power will advise Customer of the names and titles of persons to be admitted to the Customer site. Cus- tomer shall make such or equivalent repairs, replacement or maintenance within a reasonable time. In the event specified corrective procedures ar€ not completed as required by the notice, Rocky Mountain Power may, without further notice to Customer, discontinue service to Customer. In the event Rocky Mountain Power discontinues service under this Section, Rocky Mountain Power shall not be liable to Customer for any resulting loss or damage, including, but not limited to, lost profits or consequential damages of any kind, and Customer hereby releases Rocky Mountain Power from any such liability. The provisions of this Section for the restoration of safe operating conditions ar€ not subject to the remediation procedures of Section 3.7 of this Agreement. tELECTRJC SERVICE AGREEMENT Section 7: Meterins 7.1 Rock), Mountain Power Obligations. Rocky Mountain Power shallprovide, main- tain, and test meters and metering equipment required for purposes of settlement hereunder, except any potential transformers and current transformers owned by Customer under Section 6.3.2. Me- ters, metering equipment and me&surement shall be located at the Point of Delivery. Maintenance and periodic testing procedures with respect to meters and metering equipment shall be in accord- ance with generally accepted practices and the rules and standards cstablished by the Commission. In addition to Rocky Mountain Power's periodic tests, specialtests shall be made if requested by Customer, which special tests shall be conducted at the expcnse of Customer. Customer shall furnish without charge reasonable incidental senice, such as removal of tapes and charts, and shall communicate to Rocky Mountain Power the meter readings necessary for operation. Rocky Moun- tain Power's designated agents shall have acccss to such metering equipment at all reasonable times and shall be permitted to install and operate from time to time any testing equipment needed in connection with operations or settlements hereunder. 7.2 Obligations. If either Customer or Rocky Mountain Power provides check-meter- ing equipment, information with respect to regishations thereof will be provided. 7.3 Meter Testing. Representatives of Rocky Mountain Power and Customer may be prcsent at all routine or specialtests of meters and mctering equipment and upon occasions when any readings are taken for purpose of settlements. 7.4 AdjusEnents to Bills. If, at any test of any meter or metcring equipment, an inac- curacy is disclosed exceeding two percent (2Yo),the account for service theretofore supplied shall be adjusted to corr€ct for such inaccuracy for a period ofninety (90) days prior to the date ofsuch test, or for the period during which such inaccuracy may be determined to have existed, whichever period is the shorter. Should any meter at any time fail to register, or should the registration be so erratic as to be meaningless, the quantities shall be determined from Rocky Mountain Power's check meters or otherwise from the best available data. 7.5 Telecommunications Facilities. Upon Rocky Mountain Power's request, Customer shall maintain a dedicated telephone line for meter reading purposes without charge to Rocky Mountain Power. Customer shall pay all recurring charges related to line operation. Section 8: Force Maieure Neither Rocky Mountain Power nor Customer shall be subject to any liability or damages for inability to provide or receive service to the extent that such failure shall be due to causes beyond the control of either Rocky Mountain Power or Customer, including, but not limited to the following: (a) the operation and effect of any rules, regulations and orders promulgated by any commission, municipality, or govemmental agency of the United States, or subdivision thereof (so long as the claiming Party has not applied for or assisted in the application for, and has opposed where and to the extent reasonable, such government action); O) reshaining order, injunction or similar decree of any court; (c) war; (d) explosion; (e) fire; (f) major breakage or failure of equip menq (g) flood; (h) earthquake; (i) act of God; () sabotage; or (k) strikes or boycotts (such events constituting a "Force Majeure"). Should a Force Majeure occur, the Party claiming Force Majeure IELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT shall have no liability for performance during the period of Force Majeure; provided, the Party claiming Force Majeure shall make every reasonable attempt to remedy the cause thereof as dili- gently and expeditiously as possible. Section 9: Resale No component of the electric service delivered to and purchased by Customer pursuant to this Agreement may be resold directly or indirectly by Customer, or any affiliate of Customer, to any person or entity. Sec,tion l0: Liabilitv l0.l Liability. Each Party hereto (the "liability causing Party") shall defend, indemni$ and hold harmless the other Party from and against any liability, damage, loss, costs and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fecs, on account of injury to or death of persons including, but not limited to, Customer's employees and Rocky Mountain Power's employees, or damage to property to the extent caused by or arising from the negligent acts or omissions of the liability causing Party. 10.2 Limitation of Liability. Rocky Mountain Power shall endeavor at all times to pro- vide steady and continuous service to Customer and shall make reasonable efforts to prevent ir- regularities and intcmrptions. Rocky Mountain Power shall use its best efforts to notifr Customer prior to or, in any event, immediately after an intemrption or irregularity in order that Customer may attempt to mitigate its damages resulting thercfrom. If due to causes beyond the control of Rocky Mountain Power the supply of electricity is irregular, defective, or fails, Rocky Mountain Power shall not be liable for any physical damages, economic losses, costs or damages resulting therefrom, including but not limited to special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, or GX- emplary damages. Scction ll: Successon end Assisns Neither Rocky Mountain Power nor Customer shall assign this Agreement without the wrinen consent of the other Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, except Cus- tomer may assign this Agreement without any such consent to the acquirer of the majority of the value of the Plant, provided that Customer as assignor shall continue to guarantee the performance by the assignee of the Customer obligations under this Agreement and further provided that Rocky Mountain Power may assign this Agreement without any such consent to an entity that acquires the majority of the value of Rocky Mountain Power's facilities, in which event Rocky Mountain Power as assignor, shall guarantee the assignee's performance of Rocky Mountain Power's obli- gations. Any assignee or suocessor of Customer shall remain subject to such assignee's or succes- sor's qualification as a customer under Rocky Mountain Power's policies and Electric Service Regulations, and shall be bound by this Agreement, the Electric Service Regulations, and assume the obligations of Customer from the date of assignment. If assigned with such consent, this Agreement shall inure to the benefit and be binding upon the assignee, its agents and assigns; plgvided, that nothing herein shall prevent either Party from assigning this Agreement to its par€nt ELECTRJC SERVICE AGREEMENT l0 corporation or to its survivor in connection with a corporate reorganization, provided that such assignee is solvent and is able to meet its obligations hereunder. Section 12: Jurisdiction of Regulstorv Authoritieg l2.l Regulatory Authorities. This Agreement is subject to the approval of the Commis- ston. 12.2 Electric Service Reeulations. The Electric Service Regulations are incorporated herein and made a part of the Agreement. Once the Commission approves the Agreement, the provisions of the Agreement shall take precedence over any conflicting provisions of Rocky Mountain Power's Electrical Service Regulations. The Parties acknowledge and agree that they are familiar with such existing regulations and agree to abide by them and all amendments and changes thereto so approved by the Commission. In the event that the Commission or any other state, federal, or municipal authority having jurisdiction issues any rules, rcgulations, or orders that rcquire Rocky Mountain Power to alter or amend any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or to terminate or curtail electric service to Customer, neither Party shall be liable for damages or losses of any kind whatsoever which the other Party may sustain as a result of such rule, regulation or order, including consequential damages. Section 13: Remedkx Each Party may exercise any or all of its rights and remedies under this Agreement, the applicable Electric Service Regulations and under any applicable laws, rules and regulations. No provision of this Agreement or the Electric Service Regulations shall be deemed to have been waived unless such waiver is in writing signed by the waiving Party. No failure by any Party to insis upon the strict performance of any provision of this Agreement, the Electric Service Regu- lations or to exercise any right or remedy consequent upon a breach thereof, shall constitute a waiver of any such breach of such provision or of any other provision. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement or the Electric Service Regulations shall be deemed a waiver of any other pro- vision of this Agreement, the Electric Service Regulations or a waiver of such provision with re- spect to any subsequent breach, unless expressly provided in writing. Section 14: Renresentetives and Notices For the purposes of this Agreement, any notices required to be given hereunder shall be sent postage prepaid, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested (or alternately by electronic mail or any other method acceptsble by both Parties) to the Parties at the respective addresses below and shall be deemed to have been given when received as evidenced by the ap propriate receipt verifring delivery: Representatives of Customer: Energy Manager P4 Production, L.L.C. 1853 Highway 34; P.O. Box 816 Soda Springs, Idaho 83276 ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT ll Tel: (208) 5464300 mike.veile@bayer.com Assistant General Counsel - Procurement Bayer 800 N. Lindbergh Blvd.; mail stop EINE St. Louis, MO 63167 Tel: (314) 694-7762 al ice.conway@bayer.com With a copy to: Racine Olson, PLLC 201 E. Center St.; P.O. Box l39l Pocatello, ID 83204 Representatives of Rocky Mountain Power: Legal Department PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suirc 2000 Portland, OR97232 Attn: Assistant General Counsel With a copy to: Contract Admin istration PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 600 Portland, OR 97232 Attn: cntadmin@pacificorp.com This notice requirement does not apply to regular and ordinary business and operation communi- cations between the Parties' employees. Section 15: Other Contrscts This Agreement constitutes and contains the entire Agreement of the Parties hereto and supersedes any and all prior negotiations, correspondence, understanding, and agreements between the Parties respecting the subject herein. This Agreement may not be modified, altered, or changed in any manner whatsoever except pursuant to the express provisions of this Agreement or by writ- ten agreement between the Parties hereto, subject to Commission approval. Section 16: Governine Lew: Jurfudiction: Venue All provisions of this Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall in all cases be governed by and constnted in accordance with the laws of the State of ldaho applicable to contracts executed in and to be wholly pcrformed in ldaho by persons domiciled in the State of ELECTRJC SERVICE AGREEMENT l2 Idaho. Each Party hereto agrees that any suit, action or proceeding seeking to enforce any provi- sion of, or based on any matter arising out of or in connection with, this Agreement, the Electric Service Regulations or the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby, may only be brought be- fore the Commission, the Federal courts located within the State of ldaho, or state courts of the State of ldaho, and each Party hereby consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of such forums (and of the appellate courts therrfrom) in any such suit, action or procecding. Section 17: Attornw's Fces If any suit or action arising out of or related to this Agrcement or the Electric Service Reg- ulations is brought by any Party, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to recover the costs and fees (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys'fees, the fecs and costs of experts and consult- ants, copying, courier and telecommunication costs, and deposition costs and all other costs of discovery) incurred by such Party in such suit or action, including, without limitation, any post- trial or appellate proceeding, or in the collection orenforcement of any judgment or award entered or made in such suit or action. Section lt: Coooeretion Whenever this Agrcement requires that one Party comply with the rules, regulations, stand- ards or requirements of the other Party, the Parties agree to cooperate with each other in requesting and providing such rules, regulations, standards or requirements on a timely basis. Section 19: Headin$/Referenceg The descriptive headings contained in this Agreement are included for reference only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. References in this Agreement to Sections are to Sections of this Agreement unless othenrise stated or evident from the context. Section 20: Construction of Aereement This Agreement was drafted as a joint effort of both Parties and may not be constnred against one Party over the other in the event of a controversy over its meaning. Scction 2l : Counteroarts This Agreement may be executed as one instrument signed by the Parties or may be exe- cuted in separate counterparts. Each separate counterpart is deemed an original. Scction 22: Juru Trial Waiver TO THE FIJLLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EACH OF THE PARTIES HERETO WAIVES ANY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF LITIGATION DIRECTLY OR TNDIRECTLY ARJSTNG OUT OF, I.JNDER OR IN CONNEC. TION WITH TI{IS AGREEMENT. EACH PARTY FURTHER WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT l3 CONSOLIDATE A}{Y ACTION IN WHICH A JI.'RY TRIAT HAS BEEN WAII'ED WTIH AIIIY OTIIEB ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL CAIINOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN WANTED. THI€ PARAGN,APH WILt ST.IRVN/E THE EXPIRATION OR TEN,MINATION OF 1III8 ACREBMENT. fsigadwv Wgeftllowt] ELECINrc ffiVI@A(NBBIIB{T t4 IN WITNHS WHEREOF, thc Prrtios havc oursod this Agrcancnt o bo qeermd by drir atdmrized offiooro or rtplacrfiativGo eB of thc ddc fitil lrcrelmbovc writEn. PACINCORP db. Rodry Mmilrle Porror Nanrc: Tfth: P4 ,LLC. By:By: Titlc: ELECTruC SERVICE AGREEIT{ENT t5 EXIIIBIT A OPERATING RESERVE AND ECONOIVIIC CURTAILMENT OPTIONS This ExhibitA is apart ofthe Elecnic Service Agrecment ("Agrecment") between Rocky Mountain Power and P4 Production, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company ('Customer"), and is subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Section l. Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Exhibit A and not otherwise defined in the Agreement, shall have the meaning sct forth below: "Economic Curtailmenf' means the curtailment of Fumace No. 9 by Rocky Mountain Power for economic reasons in accordance with this Exhibit A. An Fronomic Curtailment is not an Operating Rescrve Curtailment or a Transmission Operator Curtailment. "EIM RTPD'mcans rcal-time predispatch price within the western Encrgy Imbalance Market. "Fwnace No. 7'msans that certain electric phosphorus furnace in operation at the Plant with an electrical demand of approximately 46 MWs. "Frtrnace No. 8'means that certain electric phosphorus fumace in operation at the Plant with an electrical demand of approximately 49 MWs. "Fwnace No. 9'me,ans that certain electric phosphorus furnace in operation at the Plant with an electrical demand of approximately 67 MWs. "Planf'means that certain elemental phosphorus plant located near Soda Springs City in Caribou County,ldaho. "Transmission Operator Cwtailmenf" means a system emergency curtailment or intemrp tion as instnrcted by Rocky Mountain Power's transmission operator consistent with applicable grid reliability standards. "Monsanto Price Node" means the MONSANTO_NCL2 price node for the western En- ergy Imbalance Market, as available in the *FMM Locational Marginal Prices" tab within the Cal- ifornia Independent System Opcrator websirc at oasis.caiso.com. "Operating Procedure" meians the separate written operating procedure agrecd to between Rocky Mountain Power and Customer implementing the technical and communication procedures set forth in this E:fiibit A. ELECTRJC SERVICE ACREEMENT l6 "Operating Reserlte" means a specific amount of electical resources that all balancing authority areas must have available at all times to ensurc the reliable operation of the intercon- nected elecfiical system pursuant to applicable requircments or guidelines of a Reliability Au- thority. "Operating Reserye Curtailmenf'means the curtailment of one or both of Furnace No. 7 and Fumace No. 8 by Rocky Mountain Power for Operating Reserves in accordance with this ExhibitA. An Operating Reserve Curtailment is not an Economic Curtailment in accordance with this Exhibit A or a Transmission Operator Curtailment. Section 2. Operating Reserve Curtailment. 2.1 Upon not less than six (6) minutes notice via the Operating Procedure, Customer will reduce load to zero for one or both of Furnace No. 7 and Furnace No. 8 as direcled by Rocky Mountain Power. Rocky Mountain Power may direct Operating Reserve Curtailment when Rocky Mountain Power determincs in its sole discretion that such curtailment is needed to meet Operating Reserve rcquirements, subject to the terms and conditions of the Agrccmcnt, the Oper- ating Procedure, and this Exhibit A. 2.2 Customer is permined to restore to service any curtailed furnace under this Section 2 at the earlier of: (l) notice from Rocky Mountain Power, or (2) one hundred and nrenty (120) minutes after the start of such Operating Reserve curtailment as provided in Section 3.2(c) below. 2.3. Nothing in this Section 2 is intended to limit Rocky Mountain Power's rights and obligations consistent with Prudent Electrical Practiccs to curtail or intemrpt all or some portion of the load at the Plant due to a Transmission Operator Curtailment Event. Section 3. Limitations on Operatine Reserye Curtailments. 3.1 The maximum number of hours per calendar year that Rocky Mountain Power may direct Operating Reserve Curtailment under this Exhibit A shall be one hundred eighty-eight (188) hours. 3.2 Without limiting the hourly limit set forth in Section 3.1 above, the instances in which Rocky Mountain Power may direct an Operating Reserve curtailment shall be limited as follows: (a)No more than twenty-five (25) instances of Operating Reserve curtailment in any calendar month; and (b) No more than four (4) instances of Operating Reserve curtailment in any fou(a) hour period; and (c)No more than one hundred twenty (120) minutes forany individual instance of Operating Reserve curtailment. ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT t7 3.3 Any Operating Rescrve Curtailment that is less than one (l) hour shall be treated ar one (l) hour. Any Operating Reserve Curtailment that lasts longer than one (l) hour but shorcr than or equal to two (2) hours shall be heated as two (2) hours. Section 4. Economic Curtailment. 4.1 Upon not less than 22.5 minutes notice via the Operating Procedure, Customer will reduce Fumace No. 9 load to zero, as directed by Rocky Mountain Power. Economic Curtailment shall occur in lS-minute intervals. Rocky Mountain Power shall provide notice of Economic Cur- tailment via the Operating Procedure for each interval. 4.2 Upon the conclusion of the Economic Curtailment period, Customer is permitted to restorc to service Fumace No. 9, consistent with the Operating Procedure. 4.3 Nothing in this Section 4 is intended to limit Rocky Mountain Power's rights and obligations consistent with Prudent Electrical Practices to curtail or intemrpt all or some portion of the load at the Plant due to a Transmission Operator Curtailment Event. Section 5. Limitations on Economic Curtailmens. 5.1 Roclcy Mountain Power may only call for an Economic Curtailment under Section 4 above if the EIM RTPD locational marginal price at the Monsanto Price Node exceeds $250 per megawatt-hour (MWh). If the price at the Monsanto Price Node is no longer publicly available, Rocky Mountain Power shall provide such pricing information to Customer upon Customer's re- quest. 5.2 The maximum numberof hours percalendaryearthat Rocky Mountain Powermay direct Economic Curtailments under this Exhibit A shall be 400 hours. Scction 6. Curtailment Products Credit. 6.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, including this Exhibit A, Rockv Mountain Power shall credit to Customer an annual Curtailment Products Credit amount of fofwhichone.nvelfth(lll2)shallbecreditedcachBillingPeriod. Section 7. Nonperformance. 7.1 lffor any neason other than as provided in Section 9 of this ExhibitA orneasons outside of the reasonable control of Customer, Customer fails to comply with a notification from Rocky Mountain Power as provided in this Exhibit A and the Opcrating Procedure, Rocky Moun- tain Power shall have the following remedies as set forth below. (a)With respect to Customer failing to comply with an Operating Reserve Cur- tailment instruction, Customer shall reimburse Rocky Mountain Power for all penalties, costs or other liabilities of any natur€ imposed on Rocky ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT t8 Mountain Power by any applicable state or federal regulatory agency, in- cluding without limitation, any applicable Reliability Authority or the Fed- eral Energy Regulatory Commission directly resulting from Customer's failure. In the event, at the request of Customer, Rocky Mountain Power challenges any such alleged penalties, costs or other liabilities, Customer shall reimburse Rocky Mountain Power for all reasonable legal fees and associated costs. (b) With respect to Customer failing to comply with an Economic Curtailment instruction, Customer shall reimburse Rocky Mountain Power for penalties or other costs imposed on Rocky Mountain Power for uninstnrcrcd imbal- ance or otherwise in connection with Fumace No. 9's participation in the western Energy Imbalance Market directly rcsulting from Customer's fail- ure. Furthennore, in the event of trvo or more failurcs by Customer to fully comply with an Economic Curtailment instruction results in Fumace No. 9 no longer being deemed an eligible resource of Rocky Mountain Power for purposes of participation in the western Energy Imbalance Market or any future successor imbalance or day-ahead market, as determined by the third- party market operator, the Parties agree that Rocky Mountain Power may petition the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for a reduction in the Cur- tailment Products Credit used in the Agreement. (c)In the event Customer fails to comply with either an Operating Reserve Curtailment instnrction or an Economic Curtailment instruction, Rocky Mountain Power may demand that Customer provide allsurances in writ- ing that Customer will in the futurc comply with curtailment notifications as specified in this Exhibit A. including describing in detail such actions Customer will take in the future to remedy the cause of such failurc to comply. (d) Without limiting Rocky Mountain Power's rights under subsection (b) above, in the event of a second failure by Customer to comply with a curtailment instnrction under this Exhibit A, Rocky Mountain Power may petition the ldaho Public Utilities Commission for appropriate relief. 7.2 If Rocky Mountain Power requires Customer to proceed with an Operating Re- serve Curtailment or Economic Curtailment under circumstances not permitted in this Exhibit A, and Customer complies with such curtailment request, Customer shall have the following remedies: (a) Rocky Mountain Power shall pay Customer as damages the amount of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) for each occunence, which the Parties agree is a reasonable estimate of the damages expected to be incurred by reason of such curtailment. (b) Customer may demand that Rocky Mountain Power provide assurances ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT t9 in writing that Rocky Mountain Power will in the future comply with the requirements for curtailment as specified in this Exhibit A. including de- scribing in detail such actions Rocky Mountain Power will take in the future to remedy the cause of such failure to comply. (c)In the event of a second failure by Rocky Mountain Powerto comply with the requirements for Operating Reserve Curtailment or Economic Curtail- ment as specified in this Exhibit A. Customer may petition the Idaho Pub- lic Utilities Commission for appropriate relief. 7.3 The remedies provided in this Section 7 for the specified failures to comply with the requirements of this Exhibit A are the sole and exclusive remedies for such nonperformance. Section 8. Maintenance of Automated Communication Devices and Dedicated Phone Line.8.1 Customer and Rocky Mountain Power shall maintain all equipment and software neoessary to facilitate automated electonic communications at the Plant from Rocky Mountain Power consistcnt with the Operating Procedure. 8.2 Customer and Rocky Mountain Power shall maintain a dedicated telephone line at their own cost in their respective control nooms. This line shall be solely dedicated for com- munications between Customer fumace operators and Rocky Mountain Power dispatchers, as such fumace operators and dispatchers are identified by each Party in Section I I bclow and up dated from time-to-time by written notice and acknowledged in writing by the receiving Party. Section 9. Communication of Furnace Shutdowns. 9.1 Rocky Mountain Power acknowledges that the electric phosphorus furnaces at the Plant will be removed from service from time to time during the term of this Agreement for maintenance, overhauls, regulatory compliance, production, or emergency purposes ("Furnace Shutdowns"). Customer will make reasonable efTorts to (a) notiff Rocky Mountain Power at least two (2) months in advance of planned Furnace Shutdowns perthe notice provisions in Section I I below, and (b) avoid or minimize scheduling Furnace Shutdowns between June I'r and September 30s of each year; orovided, however, that Customer shall have no obligation to defer Furnace Shutdowns in a manner that adversely impacts the operating conditions, life, maintenance, regu- latory compliance, or production of the furnaces. Customer shall inform Rocky Mountain Power dispatchers prior to restoring electrical power to furnaces after Furnace Shutdowns. Notwith- standing the foregoing, if Customer rcasonably determines that a fumace must be shut down due to an emergency event and two (2) month's advance notice under this Section 9.1 is not possible, such emergency shutdown shall not be a violation of this Section 8 provided Customer gives notice to Rocky Mountain Power as soon as reasonably practicable following it becoming aware of the emergency event. Should Customer shut down one or more fumaces for a period of ten (10) con- tinuous days or more, Customer shall provide regular status updates on when such furnace or fur- naces are estimated to be returned to service. ELECTRJC SERVICE AGREEMENT 20 9.2 If Furnace No. 7 or Furnace No. 8 is unavailable due to maintcnance or overhaul, and an Operating Reserve curtailment notification is delivercd by Rocky Mountain Power under 0ris Exhibit A. Customcr will not resume operation of the unavailable fumace(s) until thc earlier of: (a) notice from Rocky Mountain Power dispatcher, or O) one hundred twenty (120) minutcs after the notification by Customer to r€sume scrvicc. 9.3 If FurnaceNo. 9 is unavailable due to maintenance or overhaul, and an Economic Curtailment notification is delivered by Rocky Mountain Power under Ods Exhibit A. Customer will not resume opcration of FurnaccNo.9 until notice is received from Rocky Mounain Power dispatcher. Section 10. Rclprtinq. 10. I Simultaneous with Rocky Mountain Power's monthly invoicc to Customer for elec- tric service purchased under this Agrcement Rocky Mountain Power shall providc Customer with a rcport detailing all curtailments directed by Rocky Mountain Power during the prcvious month, including the following information: (a) Type of curtailment (i.e., Transmission Operator Curtailment Event, Oper- ating Reserve curtailment, or Economic Curtailment); (b) (c) (d) Datc(s) of such curtailment(s); Beginning and end time of each incident of curtailmeng For each incident of curtailmcnt, identification of the Plant furnaces cur- tailed; and (e) Year-todste total hours of each type of curtailment. Section I l. Contacts. The designated reprcsentatives for pcrformance under this Exhibit d are set forth below and may bc updated from time-to-time by writrcn notice to the other Party. Customer's Plant operator:Mike Vcile Energy Manager P4 Production, L.L.C. 1853 Highway 34, P.O. Box 816 Soda Springs, ID 83275 Telephone: (208) 5464300 Email : mike.veile@baver.com Rocky Mountain Power: Generation Dispatcher Telephone: (503) 8 I 3-5394 Email : CTRealTimeGenerationDeskfa).Pacifi Corp.com ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT 2t Sooomary contrct: Ihomrr Bums t25 NE Mulmrnah Sfilst, Stp. 600 Portlare OR9'n32 Tclcphm: (503) 81 3-5436 Eruift Thornrelurnr@rcificorp.com E.ECINrc MVICE AGREEXTIEXIIT y2 Final 11-5-2021 Operating Procedure Effective January l, 2022 This Operating Procedure, effective as stated above, is intended by PacifiCorp and P4 Production, [.1.C. ("P4") to be that certain "Operating Procedure" as referenced in Exhibit A to the Electric Service Agreement. This Operating Procedure may be revised at any time upon mutual written agreement of the Parties to the Electric Service Agreement. Capitalized terms used and not othenrise defined in this Operating Procedure shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Electric Service Agreement. P4 - Operatint Reserue Use of Furnace No. 7 and Furnace ilo.8 PacifiCorp recognizes that each of P4's electric phosphorus furnaces operate at different electrical rates. Upon telephone notification by PacifiCorp for Operating Reserves interruption, P4 will interrupt within six (61 minutes its available furnace load on Furnace No. 7 and Fumace No. 8 as defined below, subject to the terms of Exhibit A to the Electric Service Agreement. At the time of the notification, P4's operator shall inform PacifiCorp's dispatcher of the amount of service it will be interrupting. Curtailments for Operating Reserve will be as follows depending upon fumace availability (i.e., operation) at the time of notification: Furnace No. Operatlng P4 to Curtal! 7 and 8 Operating Curtail Furnace No.7 and No.8 8 Operating Curtail8 7 Operatinc CurtailT P4 is permitted to restore to service any curtailed furnace the earlier of: (1) notice from PacifiCorp, or (2) one hundred and twenty (120) minutes after the start of such Operating Reserve curtailment. P4 - Furnace No. 9 Economic Curtailment ControlScheme. This is a control description to allow P4 to satisfy the Economic Curtailment of Fumace No. 9 when the EIM (Energy lmbalance Market) RealTime Pre-Dispatch is greater than S250/MWh. The EIM RealTime Pre-Dispatch intervals are whole 15-minute periods, starting at )fi:fi), XX:15, )O(:30 and XX:45. PacifiCorp will installa new relay board in the existing D20 RTU at P4's 138 kV Substation to pass the curtailment signal to P4. The curtailment signal that generates out of the Automated Dispatch System ("ADS") or other system utilized to communicate market awards from a security constrained economic dispatch and passes through PacifiCorp's Energy Management System ("EMS"} will register in the Page I of 8 Fina! 11-5-2021 Remote Termina! Unit ('RTU") and a dry contact, a standard 500 milliseconds pulse, will be issued to one of the momentary controls in the RTUs relay board. P4 engineen wlll interface directly to the output contacts of the RTU's relay board to pass thas slgnal to their Distributed Control System ("DCS'!. Similarly, P4 is expected to pass a feedback signal back to PaclfiCorp to acknowledge that curtailment signal has been received and that a change of state of the furnace will be executed. tf P4's feedback signal is not received by PacifiCorp in the next scan cycle the curtailment signalwill be sent again, and repeated up to five times. After fre retries, if there is still no feedback signal received from P4, PacifiCorp operators will make all rcasonable efforts to issue a manual curtailment phone callto P4 operatoE. To allow the Parties to work through any equipment-related issues upon the initiation of the Agreement's term, forthe period January 1,2022 through June 3O 2022, there will be no more than three waivers of penahies by PacifiCorp for P4's failure to curtail Furnace No. 9. 1. P4 receives an economic curtailment signalof momentary "L" via PacifiCorp from the dry contact at the Rru bcated in their power meter at the substation. a. Upon receipt of the economic curtailment signal, P4 acknowledges receipt to PacafiCorp via a telemetered response. P4's feedback slgnalwill be active for the remainder of P4's current 10 min 30 sec signal cycle. (e.g.- up to 23:37 min 30 seg 23:52 min 30 sec, etc.l and deactivated after the current slgnal cycle ends. b. ln the errent economic curtailment is awarded to Furnace No. 9 in the EIM and an economic curtailment signal is not sent to P4 due to failure of PacifiCorp's facilities, a PacifiCorp operator may notify the P4 control room via telephone of an upcoming economic curtailment and P4 shall comply with such telephonic economic curtailment instruction, prcvided the intended curtailment period is to begin no sooner than 22.5 minutes from the time of notification. ln this circumstance, PacifiCorp's operator will provide the start time of the ls-minute curtailment, c. lf a failure of either parties' automated telemetered process occurs and the start of the curtailment period is occurrlng wlthin 22.5 minutes, P4 will make a reasonable effort to abide by the manual curtailment instruction. d. ln the event of a failure of either partaes' automated telemetered process, no assumption of fauh will be made during realtime opentions. PacifiCorp operators will make all reasonable efforts to lssue a manual curtallment and P4 will make all reasonable efforts to comply with the manual curtailment. Both parties will convene at the earliest reasonable time to determine the root cause of the falhd automated telemetered process. e. Telemetered issuance and response is intended to be the primary and prefened communication channel for economic curtailment under the Electric Service Agreement ln the arent of failure of PacifiCory's facilities to send and receive economic curtallment signals, a good faith effort will be made to restore functionality as soon as possible. 2. Upon receiving this momentary "1" signal P4 passes a feedback signal back to PacifiCorp and will identlfy the next 15 minute intervalthat is applicable per the "24 HourTlme lntcrval Map.' a. This means P4 and PacifiCorp are specifically looking for 15 min periods such as those beginning 1:00, 1:15, 1:30, 1:45 etc. b. A signa! received between 10:42 minutes and 10:52 minutes for example would mean that the curtailment perlod begins at 11:15 Page 2 of 8 Final 11-5-2021 c. Each 10 min signalcycle P4 will receive a new momentary "1'sflnalfrom PacifiCorp if curtailment is needed for the relevant 15 mln period. 3. Upon P4 receiving the economic curtaalment sfnal, an alarm from P4's Deha V control system sounds as wellas visually signals on the P4's Human Machine Interface ("HM!')to notify P4's furnace operator that Furnace No. 9 ls scheduled to shut down for economic curtailment at a designated time for 15 minutes. Furnace No. 9 will be tripped automatically from P4's Deha V controlsystem at the appropriate scheduled curtailment time interval and will lock P4's operator out from starting the furnace until the curtailment cycle is over. 4. When the designated time arrives to automatically trip Fumace No. 9 . a. lf Furnace No. 9 is already out of service due to maintenance or overhaul, the fumace will not resume op€ration if a curtailment cych is active. When active curtailment cycle ls complete, the fumace operator shall be notified. b. Fallure by P4 to perform is subiect to provbions in Section 7.1(b) and 7.1(c) of Exhibit A to the Electric Service Agreement. 5. P4 remains curtailed for each 15 minute interval as long as a momentary "1" signal is recelved by P4 on each consecutlve signal lnterval until there is no change ln signal state to "1" detected in the next signal cycle. Furnace No. 9 will be allowed to start at the beginning of the relevant 15 minute period. (Refer to 24 hour tlme lnteruol mop ond exomple motrix ottoched). a. Restarting Furnace No. 9 will be manually initiated by the P4 Control Operator, 6. Untilthe 40Ghour annual limit has been reached for Economic Curtailments as set forth in Section 5.2 of the Electric Service Agreement, there is no limit to the frequency of 15-minute economic curtailments PacifiCorp can call upon, or to the number of successive 15-minute curtailment periods. 7. Each economic curtailment event will be recorded by PacifiCorp's Pi historian database (or, should Pi be replaced, a similar recording database used by PacifiCorpl and maintained by PacifiCorp. At P4's request, PaclflCorp will provide a log of economic curtailments for the requested prior period, not to exceed one year. 8. For testing and checkout purposes only, the Parties will agree to a limfted operating mode where PacifiCorp can send the curtallment signalto P4 for P4's acknowledgment but without Furnace No. 9 being tripped as provided above. Page 3 of8 Earliest Sl8nel Start/Send by PaclfiCorp lrtcst Slmal Sent for an tnterral by PeclfiCorp lrtcot Slgnal Recelved for an lntennl bv P4 For Curt.alment Pcriod Hypothctlcal Examplc 23:27 min 23:37 min 23:37 min 30 seconds 00:00 Original signal on January L,2022 at 00:00 willbe set at "0" representing no curtailment lonlinel 23:42 min 23:52 min 23:52 mln 30 seconds 00:15 No slgnal change detected lonlinel 23:57 min 00:07 min fi):07 min 30 seconds 00:30 No signal change detected lonlinel 0O:12 min fi):22 min 00:22 min 30 seconds 00:45 No signal change detected lonlinel 00:27 min 00:37 min fl):37 mln 30 seconds 01:00 Momentary Signal "1" is sent at 00:30 min 25 seconds representing curtail at 01:00 intervah Upon recelpt of the signal P4 willsend the feedback shnaltill0O:37 min 30 sec. fi):42 min fl):52 min fl):52 min 30 seconds 01:15 Momentary Signal '1" is sent at fi):45 mln 25 seconds representang stay curtailed for 01:15 interval. Upon receipt of the curtallment signal P4 sends feedback signal till 00:52 min 30 sec. 0O:57 min 01:07 mln 01:07 min 30 seconds 01:30 No curtailment signal received for this interval. P4 can comes back online at 01:30 interval 01:12 min 01:22 min 01:22 min 30 seconds 01:45 No signa! change detected Ionlinel 01:27 min 01:37 min 01:37 min 30 seconds 02:fl)No signal change detected lonlinel 01:42 min 01:52 min 01:52 min 30 seconds 02:15 No signal change detected lonlinel 01:57 min 02:07 min 02:07 min 30 seconds 02:30 No signal change detected lonlinel 02:12 min 02:22 min 02:22 min 30 seconds 02:45 No signa! change detected Ionlinel 02:27 min 02:37 mln 02:37 min 30 seconds 03:00 No signal change detected lonlinel Final 11-5-2021 2f HourTimc lntcrvzl Mapand Example [ln Mllit rynmcl Page I of 8 Final 11-5-2021 Earliest Slgnal Start/Send by PacifiCorp latest Slgnal Sent for an lnterual by PacifiCorp Lat$t SiSnal Recelved for an lnterva! bv P4 For Curtallment Period Hypothctlcal Examplc 02:42 min 02:52 min 02:52 min 30 seconds 03:15 No slgnal change detected Ionlinel 02:57 min 03:07 min 03:07 mln 30 seconds 03:30 No signal change detected lonlinel 03:12 min 03:22 min 03:22 min 30 seconds 03:45 No signal change detected lonlinel 03:27 min 03:37 min 03:37 min 30 seconds 04:00 No signal change detected lonlinel 03:42 min 03:52 min 03:52 min 30 seconds 04:15 No signal change detected lonlinel 03:57 min 04:07 min O0:07 min 30 seconds O4:30 No signal change detected Ionlinel O4:12 min 04:22 min 04:22 min 30 seconds 04:45 No signal change detected lonlinel O4:27 min 04:37 min O4:37 min 30 seconds 05:00 No signal change detected lonlinel 04:42 min 04:52 min 04:52 min 30 seconds 05:15 No signal change detected lonlinel 04:57 min 05:07 min 05:07 min 30 seconds 05:30 No signal change detected lonlinel O5:12 min 05:22 min 05:22 min 3O seconds O5:45 No signal change detected lonlinel 05:27 min 05:37 min 05:37 min 30 seconds 06:fl)No signa! change detected Ionllnel 05:42 min 05:52 min 05:52 min 30 seconds 05:15 No slgnal change detected Ionlinel 05:57 min 06:07 mln 06:07 min 30 seconds 06:30 No signal change detected lonlinel 06:12 min 06:22 min 06:22 min 30 seconds 05:45 No signal change detected lonlinel 06:27 min 05:37 min 06:37 min 30 seconds 07:fi)No signal change detected lonlinel 06:42 min 06:52 min 06:52 min 30 seconds 07:15 No signal change detected lonlinel 06:57 min 07:07 min 07:07 mln 30 seconds 07:30 No signal change detected lonlinel 07:12 mln 07:22 min 07:22 mln 30 seconds O7:45 No signal change detected lonlinel 07:27 min 07:37 min 07:37 min 30 seconds 08:00 No siSnal change detected lonlinel 07:42 min 07:52 min 07:52 min 30 seconds 08:15 No slgnal change detected lonlinel 07:57 min 08:07 min 08:07 min 3O seconds 08:30 No signal change detected lonllnel Page 5 of8 Finalll-5-2021 Earllest Slgnal Start/Send by PaclfiCorp Letest Slgnal Scnt hr an lnterval by PacifiCorp [et6tS[n l Recehrcd for an lntennl bv Pl For Curtallment Perlod Hypothedcal Erample 08:12 min 08:22 min 08:22 min 30 seconds 08:45 No signal change detected lonlinel 08:27 min 08:37 min 08:37 min 30 seconds (D:00 No signal change detected Ionlinel 08:42 min 08:52 min 08:52 min 30 seconds (D:15 No signal change detected lonlinel O8:57 min O9:07 min 09:07 min 30 seconds 09:30 No signal change detested lonlinel @:12 min 09:22 min 09:22 min 30 seconds 09:45 No signal change deteded lonllnel G):27 min 09:37 min 09:37 min 30 seconds 10:fi)No signal change detected lonlinel (D:42 min 09:52 min G):52 min 30 seconds 10:15 No signal change detected lonlinel 09:57 min 10:07 min 10:07 min 30 seconds 10:30 No signal change detected lonlinel 10:12 min 10:22 min 10:22 mln 30 seconds 10:45 No signal change detected Ionlinel 10:27 min 10:37 min 10:37 min 30 seconds 11:00 No signal change detected lonlinel 1O:42 min 10:52 min 10:52 min 30 seconds 11:15 No signal change detected Ionlinel 10:57 min 11:07 min 11:07 min 30 seconds l1:30 No signal change detected Ionlinel 11:12 min 11:22 min 11:22 min 30 seconds 11:45 No signal change detected lonlinel 11:27 min 11:37 min 11:37 min 30 seconds 12:00 No signal change dete'cted lonlinel 11:42 min 11:52 min 11:52 min 30 seconds 12:15 No sfnal change detected lonlinel 11:57 min 12:07 min 12:07 mln 30 seconds 12:30 No signal change detected lonlinel 12:12 min t2:22min 12:22 min 30 seconds 12:45 No signal change detected lonllnel 12:27 min 12:37 min 12:37 min 3O seconds 13:00 No signal change detected lonlinel 12:42 min 12:52 min 12:52 min 30 seconds 13:15 No signal change detected lonlinel 12:57 min 13:07 min 13:07 min 30 seconds 13:30 No signal change detected lonlinel 13:12 min 13:22 mln 13:22 min 30 seconds 13:45 No slgnal change detected [onlinel 13:27 min 13:37 min 13:37 min 30 seconds 14:fl)No signal chanSe detected lonlinel Page 6 of 8 Final 11-5-2021 Errllcst Slgnal StarVScnd by PaclfiCoro trt6t SlgnalScnt for an lnterval by PaclfiCorp L.t6t Sfnal Rccefued fioran lnterval bv P4 For Curtallmcnt Period Hypodrctlcel Examplc 13:42 min 13:52 min 13:52 min 30 seconds 14:15 No signal change detected Ionlinel 13:57 min 14:07 min 14:07 min 30 seconds 14:30 No signal change detected lonlinel 14:12 min 14:22 min 14:22 min 30 seconds 14:45 No signal change detected lonlinel 14:27 min 14:37 min 14:37 min 30 seconds 15:fi)No signal change detected lonlinel 14:42 min 14:52 min 14:52 min 30 seconds 15:15 No signal change detected lonlinel 14:57 min 15:07 min 15:07 min 30 seconds 15:30 No signal change detected [onlinel 15:12 min 15:22 min 15:22 min 30 seconds 15:45 No signal change detected lonlinel 15:27 min 15:37 min 15:37 min 30 seconds 15:fl)No signal change detected Ionllnel 15:42 min 15:52 min 15:52 min 30 seconds 15:15 No slgnal change detected lonlinel 15:57 min 16:07 min 16:07 min 30 seconds 16:30 No slgnal change detected Ionlinel 16:12 min 16:22 min 16:22 min 30 seconds 15:45 No slgnal change detected [onlinel 16:27 min 16:37 min 16:37 min 30 seconds 17:00 No signal change detected lonllnel 15:42 min 16:52 min 15:52 min 30 seconds 17:15 No slgnal change detected lonlinel 16:57 min 17:07 min 17:07 min 30 seconds 17:30 No signal change dete.cted lonlinel 17:12 min L7:22min 17:22 min 30 seconds 17:45 No signal change detected lonlinel t7:27 min 17:37 min 17:37 min 30 seconds 18:00 No signal change detected lonlinel 17:42 min 17:52 min 17:52 min 30 seconds 18:15 No signal change dete.cted lonlinel 17:57 min 18:07 min 18:07 min 30 seconds 18:30 No signal change detected lonlinel 18:12 min 18:22 min 18:22 min 30 seconds 18:45 No signal change detectcd lonlinel 18:27 min 18:37 min 18:37 min 30 seconds 19:(X)No signal change detected [onlinel 18:42 min 18:52 min 18:52 min 30 seconds 19:15 No signal change detected lonlinel 18:57 min 19:07 min 19:07 min 30 seconds 19:30 No signal change detected Jonlinel Page 7 of 8 Flnalll-5-2021 Earliest Slgnal Start/Send by PaclfiCorp l,at6t Slgnal Sent fior an lntennl by PecifiCorp L.t6t Slgnel Rccclvcd for an lntervalby P4 For Curtallment Period Hypothctlcal Example 19:12 mln 19:22 min 19:22 min 30 seconds 19:45 No signal change detected Ionlinel 19:27 mln 19:37 min 19:37 min 30 seconds 20:00 No signal change detected lonlinel 19:42 min 19:52 min 19:52 min 30 seconds 20:15 No signal change detected lonlinel 19:57 min 20:07 min 20:07 min 30 seconds 20:30 No signal change detected lonlinel 20:12 min 20:22 min 20:22 min 30 seconds 20:45 No signal change detected lonlinel 20:27 min 20:37 min 20:37 min 30 seconds 21:00 No signal change detected lonlinel 20:42 min 20:52 min 20:52 min 30 seconds 21:15 No signal change detected lonlinel 20:57 min 21:07 min 21:07 min 30 seconds 21:30 No signal change detected lonlinel 21:12 min 21:22min 21:22 min 30 seconds 21:45 No signal change detected lonlinel 2L:27 min 21:37 mln 21:37 mln 30 seconds 22:OO No signal change dete.cted Ionlinel 21:42 min 21:52 min 21:52 min 30 seconds 22:LS No signal change detected lonlinel 21:57 mln 22207 min 22:07 min 30 seconds 22:30 No signal change detected lonlinel 22:t2min 22:22min 22:22 min 30 seconds 22:45 No signal change detected lonlinel 22:27 mln 22:37 min 22:37 min 30 seconds 23:00 No signal change detected lonlinel 22:42min 22:52 min 22:52 min 30 seconds 23:15 No signal change detected lonlinel 22:57 min 23:07 min 23:07 min 30 seconds 23:30 No signa! change detected [onlinel 23:12 min 23:22 min 23:22 min 30 seconds 23:45 No signal change detected lonlinel Page 8 of8 1 2 3 4 5 6 a A a A QuallftcaUons of Brlan G. Colllns PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND BUSINESS ADDRESS. Brian C. Co!!ins. My business address is 16690 Swingley Ridge Road, Suite 140, Chesterfield, MO 63017. WHAT IS YOUR OCCUPANON AND BY WHOM ARE YOU EHPLOYED? I am a consultant in the field of public utili$ regulation and a Principalwith the firm of Brubaker & Associates, lnc. CBAI), energy, economic and regulatory consultants. PLEASE STATE YOUR EDUCANONAL BACKGROUND AND WORK EXPERIEl{CE. I graduated ftom Southem lllinois University Carbondale with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. I also graduated ftom the Universlty of lllinois at Springfield with a Master of Business Administration degree. Prior to joining BAl, I was employed by the lllinois Commerce Commission and Gity Water Light & Power ("CWLP) in Springfield, lllinois. My responsibilities at the lllinois Commerce Commission included the review of the prudence of utilities' fuel costs in fuel adjustment reconciliation cases bebre the Commission as wel! as the revieur of utilities' requests for certificates of public convenience and necessrty for new electric transmission lines. My responsibilities at CWLP included generation and transmission system planning. While at CWLP, I completed several thermal and voltage studies in support of CWLP's operating and planning decisions. I also performed duties for C\A/l-P's Operations Department, including calculating C\A/l-P's monthly cost of production. I also determined CWLP's 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 o A 3o)AppendlxA Colllnr, Dl - I Baycr CorporrUon EXHIBIT Boye r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 allocation of wholesale purchased power costs to retail and wholesale customers for use in the monthly fueladjustment. ln June 2001, I joined BAI as a Consultant. Since that time, I have partbipated in the analysis of various utility rate and other matters in several strates and before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC'). I have filed or presented testimony bebre the Arkansas Public Service Commission, the Calibmia Public Utilities Commission, the Delaware Public Service Commiseion, the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia, the Florida Public Service Commission, tls Georgia Public Service Commission, the Guam Public Utilities Commission, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, the lllinois Commerce Commission, the lndiana Utility Regulatory Commiseion, the Kentucky Public Service Commission, the Public Utilities Board of Manitoba, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, the Mississippi Public Service Commission, the Missouri Public Servbe Commission, the Montana Public Service Commission, the North Carolina Ufflities Commission, the Nor$ Dakota Public Service Commission, the Public Utili$es Commission of Ohio, the Oklahoma Corponation Commission, the Oregon Public Utility Commission, the Rhode lsland Public Utilities Commission, the Public Service Commission of Utah, the Mrginia State Corporation Commission, tfio Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, the Washlngton Utilities and Transportation Gommission, and the Wyoming Public Service Commission. ! have also assisted in the analysis of transmission line routes proposed in certiffcate of convenience and necessity proceedings before the Public Utility Gommission of Texas. ln 2009, I completed the University of Wsconsin - Madison High Voltage Direct Cunent ('HVDC) Transmission Course for Planners that was sponsored by the Midwest lndependent Transmission System Operator, lnc. ('MISO'). Appendlr A Colllns, Dl - 2 BayorCorporadon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 '11 BAI was forned in April 1995. BAI and ib predecessorfirm has padicipated in more than 700 rcgulatory proceedings in forty states and Canada. BAI provkles consulting services in the economic, technical, accounting, and financial aspects of public utility rates and in the aquisition of utility and energy servies through RFPs and negotiations, in both regulated and unregulated markets. Our clienb include large induskial and institutional customers, some utilities and, on o@asion, state regulatory agencies. We also prepare special studies and reports, furscasts, surveys and siting studies, and present seminars on utillty-related issues. ln genera!, ws arc engaged in energy and regulatory consulting, economic analysis and contrac{ negotlation. ln addition to our main office in St. Louis, the firm also has branch offices in Phoenh. Arizona and Corpus Christ, Texas. Appendh A Golllnr, Dl-3 Bayer CorporeUon 4?,210E