HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211012PAC to Staff 213-228 - Redacted.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN PO'I'ER g'J\_,( j'.* --,li v- :t 1 ;../r lL ,1 4 8: C'inil J'!r, -;lt.\t i,iv!\Jll 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah &4116 October 8,2021 Jan Noriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 ian.noriyuki@puc. idaho. gov (C) RE ID PAC-E.21-07 IPUC Set l0 (213-228) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC 10ff Set Data Requests 213-228. Provided via BOX is Confidential Responses IPUC 213,214,216 - 223, and225 - 228 along with Confidential Attachments IPUC 217 and22l. Confidential information is provided subject to protected under IDAPA and 31.01 .01.233, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequent Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963 Sincerely, -Jsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Ronald L. Williams/PIIC ron(Ewilliamsbradbury.com Bradley G. Mullins/?IlC brmu I I i ns @.mwanalytic s.com Adam Gardner/PIIC AGardner@idahoan.com (W) Kyle Williams/PIIC wilIiamsk@byui.edu (W) Val Steiner/PIIC val. ste iner@.itafos.com (W) Eric L. Olsen/IIPA elo@echohawk.com (C) Anthony Yankel/IIPA tony@yankel.net (C) Randall C. Budge/Bayer randy@rac ineo lson.conr (C) Thomas J. BudgelBayer tj @rac ineol son.com (WXC) Brian C. Collins/Bayer bcollins@consultbai.com (WXC) Maurice Brubaker/Bayer mbrubaker@consu ltbai. com (C) Kevin Higgins/Bayer kh i g gins@energystrat.com (C) Lance KaufinanlBayer lance@aeeisinsieht.com (C) James R. Smith/Bayer iim.r.smith@icloud.com (C) Brad Purdy bmpurdy@hotnrail.com (C) Ben Otto/lCL botto@i dahoconservation. ore (C) PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mormtain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request 213 IPUC Drtr Request 213 COMIDENTIAL REQIIEST - Page 13 of Mr. Eller's Confidential Direct Testimony states that the Company's 2019 IRP preferred portfolio includes a SCCT et Nrughton in 2026, and that as evidenced by its selection in the IRP preferred portfolio, this resource is cost-effective and thus best represents the Company's current cost of meeting its capacity needs. In addition, the 2019 IRP shows that the Company's load and resource balance first becomes capacity deficient in 2028 after early coal plant retirements. Please aoswer the following questions: (a) Please eplain why this resouroe best represents the Coryany's current cost of meeting is capacity needs in the context of valuing both operating reserves and economic curtailment, compared to other resouroes selected in the preferred portfolio? o)Please reasoDs,, ora combination of reasons? (c)a reasonable Response to IPUC Dete Request 213 (a) A simplecycle combustion hnbine (SCCT) cm be dispatched at short notice to its morimtrm capacity in any hour, ufrich is comparable to offerings in the operating reserve md economic curtailment products. In contrast, the wind and solar resources added in the prefened portfolio thnough 2026 have variable output based on weather conditions, and their prinary benefit is energy production with a zero variable cost (or negative for wind quali$ing for production tax credits). This is a very different mix of benefits from the operating reserve and economic curtailment products. (b) The 2026 Naughton SCCT was added to cover reliability shortfalls identified in the reliability assessment phase of portfolio development, so it is needed to meet capacity requirements and was also selected based on its economics. For details on the reliability assessment in the 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), please refer to Volume tr, Appendix R (Coal Studies), pages 609 througfi 6l l. The Company's 2019 IRP is publicly available and can be accessed by utilizing 6e following t "6si1s link: Intesrated Resource Plan (pacificorp.com) PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request 213 (c) Yes, based on the information available from the 2019 IRP at the time of the Company's filing, the net costs (i.e., costs less benefits) of the 2026 Naughton SCCT provide a reasonable basis for establishing the incremental cost of capacity in2026. Consistent with past Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) orders, the Company's valuation includes compensation for capacity in the first year of the contract, since it is a renewal of an existing agreement. The Company notes that changing market dynamics and resource options, such as the proliferation of battery storage or the establishment of a reserve market, may make it appropriate to revisit incremental capacity costs before contracting for 2024 and beyond. Recordholder: Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request 214 IPUC Drtr Request 214 COMIDENTIAL REQUEST - In Ords No. 32196, the Commission "blends the current condition with the longer-term capacity view that corresponds with " Please a Reqlonse to IPUC Drtr Request 214 The Compauy will continue to incur the costs of its existing resource fleet whether or not it enters a cotrhact for int€mptible products. Since the decision of entering a contract for P4 Prodrction's intemptible commiments cannot atter ufrefter or not the Company will incur the costs of its existing resource fleet, using such resourices in the evaluation is rmwarranted. Similarly, the decision not to enter a contact for P4 Production's internptible commihents would not allow the Company to replicate previously constnrcted units and the Company would need to acquire replacement resources providing similar attributes; thereby establishing the net costs (i.e., costs less benefits) of the incremental unit as a reasonable pro:ry cost. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request 215 IPUC Data Request 215 Please list the resource(s) on the Company's system or those in the 2019 IRP Preferred Portfolio menu of resources that best (the least expensive resources that meet the performance criteria needed for each service) provide operating reserves and economic curtailment (list resources for each service separately). Please provide the work papers for these intemrptible credits for each resource and for each service in the same format as Confidential Exhibit No. 36 - Intemrptible Product Value Update. Response to IPUC Data Request 215 Of PacifiCorp's 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (lRP) preferred portfolio resources, the2026 Naughton simple-cycle combustion turbine (SCCT) resource is the best aligned with the operating reserves and economic curtailment products. For work papers supporting the intemrptible credits based on this resource, please refer to the confidential work paper accompanying the direct testimony of Company witness, Craig M. Eller. The Company has not prepared intemrptible credits based on any other resource options from the 2019 IRP preferred portfolio. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor Craig M. Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mormtain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request 216 IPUC Detr Request 216 CoMTDENTTAL REQUEST - Please describe what the arc describe the steps involved to determine them. Responsc to IPUC Detr Request 216 The referenced values are the reduction in system net power costs (NPC) as a result of adding an operating reserve prodrct comprable to that in the proposed intemrptible contract. The units are in dollars per megawatt-hour ($/MWh) of operating reserves, and the value in columns D through O represent the average value of I MWh of operating reserve provided in every horu. The Company has sufficient rcsources which could be backed down to provide operating reserves; however, doing so results in reduced generation from the rmits. Higher cost market purchases or generation resources that don't have additional operating reserve capability would then need to be dispatched to serve load. When ao operating reserve prodtrct is added to the Company's portfolio, more genexation can come from lower-cost resources that are freed from holding reserves. These lower cost resources can also support incremental wholesale sales. The referenced value of operating reserves is thus the margin between higher cost alternative soluces of srryply (or incremental sales) and lower cost sources that are released from holding operating teserves. Two Generation and Regulation Initiative Decision Tool (GRID) studies were prepared for this analysis. The first GRID study did not include any operating rcserve capability from the P4 Prodnction facility. The second GRID study is identical, exc€pt the reserve obligation for the PacifiCorp East (PACE) balancing authority area @AA) was reduced by l(X) MW in every hour. This allows for redispatch of lower cost resources as described above. The net impact of the resulting changes in fuel costs, market purchases, and market revenues is then reported on a monthly basis and summarized as shown in the referenced columns. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request 217 IPUC Drtr Request 217 COI\TFIDENTIAL T - Please answer the (a) walt (b)Please define (c)Please and work shown in the (d) was Conlidentiel Response to IPUC Drte Request 217 (a)The O) In the Company's 2019 lntegrated Resource Plan (IRP), duration-limited resoluces have a lower capacity contibution than resources that can sustain maximum output for a long time or indefinitely. This is because a resource that can only sustain its output for one hour will not be able to cover as meny potential loss of load hours (LOLH) as a resource that can sustain its output for several hours in a row. As illushated in the confidential work paper supporting the direct testimony of Conrpany witness, Craig M. Eller, specifically "Confidential Exhibil No. 36 - Intemrptible Product Value Ulfate", tab "Summary", colum[s Q through S, many loss of load events (LOLE) in the 2019 IRP analysis were only one hotu long but other events extended up to nine hours in duration. As an example, a four-hou duration resource can only cover 4/9ths of a nine-hour event, or 44 percent. When all of the events and durations were considered, a four-hour resource would have ls the Itrftr:'titEttitftfilt Erili rsln Frfifl ftrffiiirilErill PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request?lT been available during 95.8 percent of all LOLH, so this value is used to identiff its capacity contribution. (c) The referenced confidential work paper was provided on the confidential data disk supporting PacifiCorp's 2019 tRP in the support of Volume I[, Appendix N (Capacity Contribution Study), specifically file "Composite Reliability Event Summer-WinterJ0l9 l0 04 CONF.xlsx". For ease of reference a copy of this file is provided as Confidential Attachment IPUC 217. Discussion in the 2019 IRP of this topic occurs in Volume II, Appendix N (Capacity Contribution Study) on page 400. Capacity contribution values for battery storage resources of various durations are shown in Table N.4 on page 404. (d) The referenced value is the demand loss factor for transmission voltage from the Company's Idaho 2018 Electric System Loss Study, which is used for line losses in this proceeding. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request 218 IPUC Date Request 218 CONFIDENTIAL (a)Please coufinn o) (c) (d)Please reserves. (e) Please with a reflect l3 of Mr. Eller's Confidential Direct answer cannot are to illustrate how the benefits associated reserves margm betweeu its operating cost and that of the hip&er-priced altematives. Confidential Response to IPUC Dete Request 218 (a) Confirmed. (b) No. In Confidential D5 and Dl I represent the Value cells PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request 218 (c) While the SCCT is dispatchable to its maximum output, at times it is expected to expenence it from (d) Prior to an hour, the Company must set aside flexible capacity to msintain adequate operating reserves. Capacity designated as operating reserves to cover contingency events fuenerator and nansmission outages) must remain in a stand-by state and is therefore not available as part of the economic dispatch in the energy imbalance market (EM).Because the referenced cell is related to EIM dispatch benefits, it is not applicable to operating reserves used to cover contingency events. (e) Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 216 for a discussion of the value of operating reserves. The vdue of operating reserves reflects the margin between the operating costs of the lowest cost resoruce that would otherwise have needed to hold reserve capacity, and the lowest cost resource (or market tansaction) that would have been needed to provide energy in its place. In terms of the Generation and Repulation Initiative Decision Tool (GRID) dispatch, and the value of operating resenres themselves, the variable costs of the resource holding the reserves is not relevant, as GRID does not deploy resoruces for reserves. In achral operation, this is comparable to the Company scheduling capacity as reseryes as part of its senrp for EIM going into each hour. The Company must submit balanced base schedules that account for expected loads and resources plus operating reserve requirements, so it must adjust its generation schedules and hourly purchases and sales volumes to meet these requirements. The expected energy volume on these operating resewe requirements is zero. Inside the operating hour, resources which were made available to EIM can be dispatched up when they are economic, as discussed above. Inta-hou dispatch results in PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request 218 additional net benefits (beyond those associated with dispatch changes associated with balanced base schedule and operating reserve submission) based on the difference between the market price and the resource's variable costs. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and 31.01 .01.233, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request 219 IPUC Detr Request 219 COMIDENTIAL l3 of Mr. Eller's Confidential Direct arutwer (a)At whet does the o)Please of the rs not reserve Responsc to IPUC Drtr Request 219 (a) The'Tront Office Model" used in Case PAC-E-I l-12 applied hourly scalars to monthly heary load horu Gil-fD and light load hour GLID forward prices for valuation. The scalars are for three tlpical days (Monday-Friday, Satuday, and Smday/Holiday) per month for PacifiCorp East (PACE) and PacifiCorp West @ACW).The "Front OI[ce Model" dso incorporated a limited reserve stack containing primarily natural gas resources, and did not capture the variation in reserve requirements as a result of operating reserve requirements forwind and solar. (b) As discussed in the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 216, the value of operating reserves is inherently tied to the Company's resouf,ce srryply stack, and in particular the amormt of operating reserves being assigned to otherwise economic generating assets. While contingency reserve requirements are tied to load, regulation reserve requirements are more volatile as they are tied to wind and solar output, which has increased dramatically since the prior analysis. These requirements in turn impact where operating reserve s fall in the supply stack. Wind and solar output also impact the supply stack because they have zero operating costs and will be dispatched ahead ofthermal assets with variable fuel costs. As a result, it is no longer reasonable to cdculate operating reserve vdue based on the margir between market prices and the incnementd cost of a gas plant. Recordholder:Alex Lee / Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mormtain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request220 IPUC Detr Request 220 COMIDENTIAL Direct use runs to estimate the value of the Economic Cuilaihnent product. What has any Reqronsc to IPUC Detr Rcquest 220 The Company's erergy valuation of the Economic Curtaihnent Product is based on both a value for operating reserves from the Generation and Regulation Initiative Decision Tool (GRID), plu" an energy imbalance market (EM) dispatch value. Please refer to the confidential wort paper supporting the direct testimony of Company wihess, Craig M. Eller, specifically file'Confidential Exhibit No. 36 - Intemrytible hoduct Value Update", cell D9. At the time of I&ho Public Utilities Commission (tr UC) OrderNo. 32196, the Company did not have readily available data to identiff inta-hour costs aod did not have the opportunity to dispatch on an intra-hour basis to support tansfers to other utilities. EIM operations began in October 2014 with the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) and PacifiCorp. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request22l IPUC Dete RequestZ2l answer (a) work papers used to determine these amounts in Excel format with formula intact. O) Ulhy are there months in both tables with missing data? Conlidentid Response to IPUC Drtr Requcst 221 (a) Referencing the confidential work papers supporting the direct testimony of Company witness, Craig M. Eller, specifically file "Confidential Exhibit No. 36 - Internrptible Product Value Up&te", the referenced values in cells C5 through N8 represent the net benefit (in dollars per kilowaft-month ($ftW- month) the Economic Curtaihnent Product would have provided relative to the acnral etrergy imbalance market GnQ prices at its location over the period 20 mar$n the EIM price and the Schedule 400 enerly charge The referenced values in cells Cl7 through N20 represent the net benefit (in $/kW-month) the proxy simple.cycle combustion turbine (SCCT) would have provided relative to achral EIM prices over the period 2017 through 2O20.For each interval in which the market price exceeded the SCCT strt-rry cost and variable operating cost, the margh for the SCCT is the difference between the EIM price and the SCCT costs. Please refer to Confidential Aftachment IPUC 221for linked copies of the work papers associated with the Company's analysis of the Intemrptible Products. The file "Bayer-SCCT EIM Value 2Ol7 - 2020 CONF.xlsb" is the source ofthe referenced values. (b) A month with a value of zero indicates that there were no interyals in which prices were high enoug& that it would have been economic to deploy the resource. PAC-E-21-07 i Rocky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC DataRequest22l Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and 31.01 .01.233,tho Idaho Fublic Utilities Co:mmission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt fum Public Review, and firrther subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreemont 0tIDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller PAC-E-21'07 / Rocky Mormtain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data RequestZZ? IPUC Dete Request222 COMIDENTIAL REQUEST - Currently, the Product Response to IPUC Drte Request222 Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 221which provides details on how the vdue was determined. If the proposed Economic Curtailment was expected to be called in additional hours, it would have resulted in additional net benefits, based on the margin betrreen energy imbdance martet (EM) prices in those hous and the Schedule 4fi) energy charge. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request223 IPUC Drtr Request 223 COMIDENTIAL 5 of Mr. Ellet's Confidential Direct ls v reserves.rt any t,rpe Please explain. Confidentid Response to IPUC Drte Reqnest 223 Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedtue No. 67 - Information Exempt from hrblic Review, and further subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement (I{DA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholds:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller larrrEr5nnfirfiill PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power Ootober 8,2021 IPUC DataRequestzz4 IPUC Deta RequqtZ24 Is the EIM ever used for the ffi of events that the Operating Reserve product is designed to mitigate? Please explain. Reoponse to IPUC Data Requstt24 No. As indicated in the Company's rcsponse to IPUC Data Request223,the Opemting Reserve product is used solely for contingency reserves, which are not visible to the elrergy imbalance market (EM) and not economically dispatched by EIM. Recordholder: DanMacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request225 IPUC Drtr Request 225 14 of Mr. Eller's Confidential Direct answer (a) (b)in detail and how the (c) Please Confidentirl Response to IPUC Drtr Request 225 (a)contract (b) Capacity offered into the energy imbalance market (Etrv1) must submit bids with capacig and prices prior to the operating hour. EIM do not bids to be rescinded witlr;n the horu so the a mtntmlnn, en partcrpatmg resource rnstructrons m the lS-minute -narket, which are interval. (c)No. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of PAC-E-21-07 / Rooky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC DataRequestz2l Proccdure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non-Disolosure Agrcernent (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder: Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller PAC-E-2 1-07 1 Rocky Mountain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request226 IPUC Drtr Request 226 CONFIDENTIAL operatmg reserves. Conlidentid Response to IPUC Detr Request226 The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) defines operating reserve as "the capability above firm system demand required to provide for regulation,load forecasting error, equipmeot forced aod scheduled outages and local area protection," Please also refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 218 subpart (d) for details on the tlpes of operating reserves. must available and offer it into the EIM. The Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and 31.01 .01.233, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from hrblic Review, and frrther subject to the Non-Disclosure Agtreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mormtain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request 227 IPUC Dete Rcquest22T COMIDENTIAL REQIIEST - OrderNo. 32196 states that the Commission that an the Rcsponse to IPUC Drtr Request22T Please refer to the Company's teslrcnse to IPUC Data Request226.In order to reliably serve customers, the Company is required to maintain nrfficieot capability to sene load and hold operating reserves. The proposed Economic CurtaiLnent prodrrct differs significantly from the Ecouomic C\rrtailment product at the time of Idaho hrblic Utilities Commission (tr'UC) OrderNo. 32196 and would now quali$ in its proposed form as operating reserves and thus would count toward the Company's overall capacity requirements, avoiding the need to acqtrire capacity from other sources. Recordholder: Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller fI t'r{:r: ltit tililrili rrrfl I|, NIr il! PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mormtain Power October 8,2021 IPUC Data Request22S IPUC Drtr Request 22t COMIDENTIAL answef (a) (b)Please the rationale for Response to IPUC Detr Request 22t (a) The "SCCT EIM Benefit" rqresents the expected net revenues from dispatching the simple-cycle combustion turbine (SCCT) in the energy imbalance market (EM). The SCCT would dispatch when EIM prices exceeded its variable costs, and would generate revenues based on the EM pricing in those intervals. Because the resource is only dispatched when martet prices are higher than its variable cost, this would result in a positive net revenue, representing benefits that would flow to the Company and to retail customers as part of net power costs (NPC). (b) Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 218, subpart (b). Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig M. Eller rt