HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211007PAC to Bayer Supplemental 122.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN BP,:IY,E*"B""." ,ii;i- [iV*t] ijji ::i;'i -l A?{ 3: 3l Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 October 7,2021 Randall C. Budge/Bayer randy@.rac ineolson. com (C) Thomas J. Budge/Bayer ti @racineolson. com (WXC) Brian C. Collins/Bayer bcol I ins@consultbai.com (WXC) Maurice Brubaker/Bayer mbrubaker@consultbai.com (C) Kevin HigginVBayer kh is gins@enereystrat. com (C) Lance Kaufman/Bayer I an ce @ae e i sin si eht. com (C) James R. Smith/Bayer i im. r. smi th @ic loud. com (C) Mike Veile lBayer m ike. vei le@bay er.com Courfirey Higgins/Bayer chi ssins@enersy strat. com Mill i Picharo lBay er moichardo @en ersy strat. com Neal Townsend/Bayer ntownsend@ener gystrat. com RE: ID PAC-E-21-07 Bayer Set l0m (l I l-130) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's I't Supplemental Response to Bayer 1Otr Set Data Request 122. Also provided via encryption and BOX are Confidential Attachments Bayer 122 -(l-2) I't Supplemental. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and31.01.01.233, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and furttrer subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963 Sincerely, -Jsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Jan Noriyuki/IPUC ian.noriyuki@puc.idaho.sov (C) Ronald L. Williams/PIIC ron@.wi I I iamsbradbury. cont Bradley G. Mullins/PIIC brmullins@mwanalytics.com Adam Gardner/PIIC AGardner@idahoan.com Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@bvui.edu (W) Val Steiner/PIIC val.steiner@itafos.com (W) Eric L. Olsen/IIPA elo@echohawk.com (C) Anthony Yankel/IIPA tony(Dvankel.net (C) (w) Ben Otto/ICL bofio@.idahoconservation.ors (C) Ronald L. Williams/PIIC ron@.williamsbradburv.com Bradley G. Mullins/PIIC brmullins@mwanalytics.com Adam Gardner/PlC AGardner@idahoan.com (W) Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@bvui.edu (W) Val Steiner/PIIC val. steiner@,itafos.com (W) Eric L. Olsen/IIPA elo@echohawkcom (C) Anthony Yankel/IIPA tonv@vankel.net (C) Brad Purdy bmpurdy@hotmail.com (C) PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power October 7,2021 Bayer Data Request 122- I't Supplemental Bayer Data Requestl22 Generation. Please provide PacifiCorp's hourly generation, including PPAs and QFs, from January 1,2019 to present, separately for dispatchable and non- dispatchable resources. l't Supplemental Response to Bayer Data Requestl22 Further to the Company's response to Bayer Data Request 122 dated September 20,2021, the Company provides the following additional information: The Company continues to interpret "dispatchable" resources and "non- dispatchable" resources to mean generating resources (owned or contracted), excluding non-generating resources, such as demand-side management (DSM) prograrns. Based on the foregoing interpretation, the Company responds as follows: Please refer to Confidential Attachment Bayer 122-l l't Supplemental which provides actual hourly owned generation data for PacifiCorp's owned resources for calendar year 2021 (January 2021 through June 2021). Please also refer to Confidential Attachment Bayer 122-l I't Supplemental which provides actual hourly data for qualiffing facility (QF) power purchase agreements (PPA) and non-QF PPAs for calendar year 2021(January 2021 through June 2021). Note: actual hourly generation data for 2021 is considered preliminary and subject to change. Please refer to Confidential Attachment Bayer 122-2 l"t Supplemental which provides a list of generating resources (as defined above) and included in ttre data provided in Confidential Attachment Bayer 122-l l"t Supplemental, with an indication of whether the generating resource is "dispatchable", has "limited dispatch capabil ity", or is "non-dispatchable". Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and31.01.01.233, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder:Ray Zacharia I Mary Kelly / Cato Wagne1lll I Tom Burns To Be DeterminedSponsor: