HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210930PAC to Staff 199.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN Hgy.E*n"* :)i:a.I:!\/t:{\r.i-\zi*l V l-J :;i1 sii'3s PH 2: I I ',; :'-,ii i.) ' I : :t i-,,].rii'i*iSSlON 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 September 30,2021 Jan Noriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 jan.noriyuki@puc. idaho. gov (C) RE ID PAC-E.2I.07 IPUC Set 8 (196-199) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC 8ft Set Data Request 199. The remaining response will be provided under separate cover. lf you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, -Jsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Ronald L. Williams/PIIC ron@williamsbradburv.com Bradley G. Mullins/PIIC brmullin cs.com Adam Gardner/PIIC AGardner@idahoan.com (W) Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@byui.edu (W) Val Steiner/PIIC val.steiner@itafos.com (W) Eric L. Olsen/IIPA elo@echohawk.com (C) Anthony Yankel/IIPA tonv@yankel.net (C) Randall C. Budge/Bayer rand),@racineo I son.com (C) Thomas J. BudgeiBayer tj @.racineolson.com (WXC) Brian C. Collins/Bayer bco I I in s@con su ltbai.com (WXC) Maurice Brubaker/Bayer mbrubaker@consultbai.com (C) Kevin Higgins/Bayer khi geins@.energystrat.com (C) Lance Kaufrnan/Bayer I ance@.aeqi sinsi eht.com (C) James R. Smith/Bayer i im.r. sm ith @i c loud.com (C) Brad Purdy bmpurdy@hotmail.com (C) Ben Otto/ICL botto@idahoconservation.org (C) PAC-E-2I-07 / Rocky Mountain Power September 30,2021 IPUC Data Request 199 IPUC Data Request 199 Please provide data and any analyses showing the following tansmission categorized capital investments are directly beneficial to PacifiCorp's Bulk Electric System (NERC definition - Bulk Electric System (BES) wivw.nerc. com/palRAPA/Page s/BES. aspx. P lease al so prov ide an expl anation with specific examples for how these investments are beneficial to Idaho customers for each project listed below: a. APR 24000998 Mona-Oquirrhline b. APR 24000926 Sigurd Red Butte Crystal345kV Line c. APR 2400l854Vantage Pomona Heights 230kV Line d. APR 24004106 Snow Goose 500-230kV Sub TPLOO2 e. APR 24001I I I Union Gap Add 230-l l5kv Capacity f. APR 24005440 Purgatory Flat New l38kv (UAMPS) g. APR 24002551Whetstone 230-l l5kv Sub Phase I h. APR 24005792 Troutdale Sub 230kV Swtchyd ll5kv Rg Bus i. APR 24006434 Sams Valley 500-230kV New Substation j. APR 24005218 Fry Sub Instl I 15 kV Capacitor Bank TPL2 k. APR 24006772N8 Portland Trans Upgrade l. APR 24009285 Q0092 Cowlitz PUD Interconnection m. APR 14000046 Cameron Milford l38kv Trns 138-46 Tmsfm n. APR 24002099 Southwest WY Silver Creek Build l38kV Ln o. APR 14000051 Black Rock New 230-69kV Substation p. APR 14000042 Carbon County System Reinforcement q. APR 24003424 Tooele Sub: Rpl Xfmr I & 3, Add l38kV So r. APR 24001816 West Point-New 138 kV Line & 40 MVA Sub Response to IPUC Data Request 199 PacifiCorp's transmission system, including the assets identified in the data request, provides direct benefits to the Company's Idaho customers by enhancing the reliability of the interconnected transmission system, ability to dispatch resources, and access to energy markets. PacifiCorp's transmission system is designed to reliably transport electricity from a broad array of generation resources to load across both of its Balancing Authority Areas (BAA). Transmission investments are analyzed based on engineering requirements, PacifiCorp's legal and regulatory obligations, and the ability to enhance service across the transmission system. PacifiCorp's transmission system is operated as an interconnected grid, allowing for the dispatch of various resources to serve PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power September 30,2021 IPUC Data Request 199 load. Accordingly, PacifiCorp's various allocation methodologies, including the current 2020 PacifrCorp Inter-Jurisdictional Allocation Protocol, have specifically allocated all transmission assets based on a system generation allocation factor. The dynamic allocation of transmission costs ensures that PacifiCorp's customers in each state pay an appropriate share ofthe costs based on the usage ofthe system. As a balancing authority, PacifiCorp is required under North American Reliability Corporation (NERC) reliability standards to balance loads and resources in real-time. This is primarily accomplished by dispatching resources physically interconnected to the BAA that are not scheduled for export. lmported energy from generation facilities located outside the BAA generally cannot be dispatched by the balancing authority to balance its BAA in real-time. On April l, 2005, NERC established a set of transmission operations reliability standards. A subset of the transmission reliability standards are the transmission planning standards (TPL Standards). The purpose of the TPL Standards is to "establish Transmission system planning performance requirements within the planning horizon to develop a Bulk Electric System (BES) that will operate reliably over a broad spectrum of System conditions and following a wide range of probable Contingencies." The TPL Standards, along with regional planning criteria (i.e., regional planning criteria established by the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)) and utility-specific planning criteria, define the minimum transmission system requirements to safely and reliably serve customers. Compliance with the reliability standards is not optional. The reliability standards are a federal requirement, subject to oversight and enforcement by WECC, NERC, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). PacifiCorp is subject to compliance audits every three years and may be required to prove compliance during other NERC or WECC reliability initiatives or investigations. Failure to comply with the reliability standards could expose the Company to penalties of up to $l million per day, per violation. PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power September 30,2021 IPUC Data Request 199 The Company plans, designs, and operates its transmission system to meet NERC Standards for BES and WECC Regional standards and criteria. To ensure compliance with applicable TPL Standards, PacifiCorp conducts an annual system assessment to evaluate the performance of the Company's transmission system and to identify system deficiencies. The annual system assessment is comprised of steady-state, stability, and short circuit analyses to evaluate peak and off-peak load seasons in the near term (one-, two-, and five year) and long term (10 year) planning horizons. The assessment is performed using power flow base cases maintained by WECC and developed in coordination among all transmission planning entities in the Western Interconnection. These base cases include load and resource forecasts along with planned transmission system changes for each of the future year cases and are intended to identifu future system deficiencies to be mitigated. As part of the annual system assessment, corrective action plans are developed to mitigate identified deficiencies, and may prescribe construction of transmission system reinforcement projects or, as applicable, adoption of new operating procedures. In certain instances, operating procedures prescribing action to change the configuration of the transmission system can prevent deficiencies from occurring when there are two back-to-back (N-l-l) (or concurrent) transmission system events. However, the use of operating procedure actions has limitations. Actions taken in connection with operating procedures that are designed to protect the integrity of the larger integrated transmission system in the Western Interconnection of the United States can lead to large numbers of customers being at risk of an outage upon the occurrence of the second oftwo back- to-back (N-l-l) events. An effective corrective action plan is critical to ensuring system reliability so that large numbers of customers are not subjected to avoidable outage risk. In addition to the reliability standards, there are several other drivers that inform whether PacifiCorp will build new distribution and transmission facilities, including increased demand for transmission capacity, requests for transmission service, increased demand for distribution capacity, and the age and condition of PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power September 30,2021 IPUC Data Request 199 existing distribution and transmission facilities. PacifiCorp's geographic diversity, access to adjacent transmission providers and BAAs, and access to regional energy market hubs allows PacifiCorp to economically dispatch units across its system and transfer energy from other systems as facilitated by the Company's participation in the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM). As the result of PacifiCorp's expansive footprint, PacifiCorp is also uniquely situated to access some of the nation's best wind and solar resources to serve load throughout PacifiCorp's service territories. PacifiCorp also takes advantage of its transmission system to minimize operation costs related to generation reserve requirements and generator blackstart capability. Per the Company's Open Access Transmission Tariff PacifiCorp is required to carry reserves to ensure system reliability in the event ofchanges in load or system events. Instead ofbeing required to carry reserves and generator blackstart capability in each individual BAA, PacifiCorp can operate its transmission as a collective system and use resources that are geographically remote to meet the system requirements in all areas that PacifiCorp serves. This allows the Company to engage in the most economic dispatch to lower costs for its customers. PacifiCorp often meets its reserve requirements in PACE with resources located in PACW. While meeting the reserve requirements in the reliability standards is not a transmission function, PacifiCorp's transmission system provides flexibility for PacifiCorp to meet its reserve requirements. The ability to flexibly use a diverse set of energy resources is significantly dependent on the strength and reliability of PacifiCorp's transmission system connecting those resources to PacifiCorp's retail customers in all six states that PacifiCorp seryes customers in. PacifiCorp's entire transmission system facilitates access to some of the best wind resources in the nation located in Wyoming as well as access to solar resources in Utah and the desert southwest. Additionally, dispatch benefits from the EIM include access to CAISO markets. PacifiCorp's entire transmission system facilitates these benefits. Transmission system outages and other real-time operation constraints place additional burden on the remainder of PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power September 30,2021 IPUC Data Request 199 the transmission system as corrective action plans are implemented to maintain compliance with NERC and WECC standards and guidelines and ensure the reliability of service to all PacifiCorp customers. A summary of the project drivers is listed below for reference: Recordholder: Richard A. Vail Sponsor: Richard A. Vail Proiect Proiect Driver a. APR 24000998 Mona-Oquirrh Line Load srowth and reliabiliW b. APR 24000926 Sigurd Red Butte Crystal 345kV Line Load growth, reliability, and access to markets c. APR 24001854Vantage Pomona Heiehts 230kV Line NERC TPL-OO1-4 d. APR 24004105 Snow Goose 500-230kV Sub TPLOO2 NERC TPL.OO2 e. APR 24001111 Union Gap Add 230-115kV Capacity NERC TPL-OO2 f. APR 24005440 Purgatory Flat New 138kV (UAMPS)OATT transmission service request e. APR 24002551Whetstone 230-l l5kV Sub Phase I NERC TPL-OO2 h. APR 24005792 Troutdale Sub 230kV Swtchyd ll5kV Rg Bus NERC TPL-OO2 i. APR 24006434 Sams Valley 500-230kV New Substation NERC TPL-OO2 j. APR 24005218 Fry Sub lnstl 115 kV Capacitor Bank TPL2 NERC TPL-002 / BPA reactive penalties k. APR 24006772NE Portland Trans Upgrade Load srowth and reliabilitv 1. APR 24009285 Q0092 Cowlitz PUD lnterconnection OATT transmission service request m. APR 14000046 Cameron Milford 138kV Trns 138-45 Trnsfm Load growth and reliability n. APR 24002099 Southwest WY Silver Creek Build 138kV Ln ReliabiliW o. APR 14000051 Black Rock New 230-59kV Substation Load erowth and reliability p. APR 14000042 Carbon CounW System Reinforcement Load srowth and reliabiliW q. APR 24003424 Tooele Sub: Rpl Xfmr 1 & 3, Add 138kV So Load growth and reliabiliW r. APR 24001815 West Point-New 138 kV Line & 40 MVA Sub Load growth and reliabilitv