HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210920PAC to Bayer 117-1 Q0542 Bowler Flats LGI FS FINAL.pdfBowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page i CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL Large Generator Interconnection Facilities Study Report FINAL Completed for Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC Bowler Flats Energy Hub LGIQ# Q0542A, B & C Proposed Interconnection To the Existing 230 kV Frannie - Yellowtail Transmission Line April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page ii CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Description of the Project .................................................................................................... 1  2.0 Scope & Objectives.............................................................................................................. 1  3.0 Study Assumptions .............................................................................................................. 1  4.0 Scope of Work ..................................................................................................................... 2  4.1 Facilities Analysis Results ............................................................................................... 2  4.1.1 Collector Station - Phases 1, 2 and 3 ........................................................................ 4  4.1.2 Radial Interconnection Line ...................................................................................... 9  4.1.3 Point of Interconnection Substation ........................................................................ 10  4.1.4 Transmission Modifications.................................................................................... 12  4.1.5 Other Substations/Remote Sites .............................................................................. 12  5.0 Cost Estimate ..................................................................................................................... 13  6.0 Schedule ............................................................................................................................. 15  7.0 Appendix 1: Property Requirements .................................................................................. 16  Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 1 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL 1.0 Description of the Project Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC (“Interconnection Customer”) proposed interconnecting three 80 MW phases for a total of 240 MWs of new generation to PacifiCorp’s (“Transmission Provider”) Frannie – Yellowtail 230 kV transmission line approximately 2.75 miles north of the Frannie substation located in Park County, Montana. The Bowler Flats Energy Hub project (“Project”) will consist of 120 Gamesa 2.0 G114 wind turbine generators for a total output of 240 MWs. The project will consist of three phases of 40 turbines each. The requested commercial operation date is approximately December 1, 2016. Interconnection Customer will operate this generator as a Qualified Facility (QF) as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Transmission Provider has assigned the project “Q0542.” 2.0 Scope & Objectives The objective of the facilities study is to:  Complete a facilities analysis, which shall specify and estimate the cost of equipment, engineering, procurement, and construction required to address issues as outlined in the system impact study, and  Provide a scope of work and an estimated cost and schedule for completing the scope of work. 3.0 Study Assumptions  All active higher priority transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests, if any, will be considered in this study. If any of these requests are withdrawn, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request, as the results and conclusions contained within this study could significantly change.  For study purposes there are two separate queues: o Transmission Service Queue: to the extent practical, all network upgrades that are required to accommodate active transmission service requests and are expected to be in- service on or after the Interconnection Customer’s requested in-service date for the Project will be modeled in this study. o Generation Interconnection Queue: when relevant, interconnection facilities associated with higher queue interconnection requests will be modeled in this study. However, network upgrades required to provide delivery will only be modeled for projects which have requested network resource integration service. No generation will be simulated from any higher queued project unless a commitment has been made to obtain transmission service.  The Interconnection Customer’s request for interconnection service in and of itself does not convey transmission service.  This study assumes the Project will be integrated into Transmission Provider’s system to the existing Frannie – Yellowtail 230kV line at or near a point approximately 2.75 miles north of Frannie substation located in Park County, Wyoming.  The Interconnection Customer will construct and own any facilities required between the Point of Change of Ownership and the Project. Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 2 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL  Generator tripping may be required for certain outages.  This study assumes that the Railroad-Silver Creek 138kV line planned for December 2015 is in service.  This study assumes that the Q0542 Project is in-service in summer 2016. The 2016 heavy and light load conditions are applied to this Project.  This study assumes the Latham/Platte 230kV line upgrades from a DUTT relaying scheme to a POTT relaying scheme using mirrored bits, associated with the TOT4 project, have been completed.  The 230kV bus configuration modifications at Latham substation associated with the TOT4A project have been completed.  All facilities will meet or exceed the minimum WECC, NERC, and Transmission Provider performance and design standards.  This report is based on information available at the time of the study. It is the Interconnection Customer’s responsibility to check the Transmission Provider’s web site regularly for Transmission system updates at http://www.pacificorp.com/tran.html  If the assumptions used in this study significantly change, the Transmission Provider reserves the right to re-evaluate this results of this study. 4.0 Scope of Work 4.1 Facilities Analysis Results To interconnect the Q0542 Project to the 230 kV Frannie – Yellowtail transmission line will require the construction of a new 230 kV three breaker ring bus switching substation approximately 2.75 miles north of the Frannie substation. The installation will include a control house and the installation of metering, protection and control and communications equipment. Communication system upgrades will also be required at Frannie substation, Yellowtail substation, Cedar Mountain substation, Oregon Basin substation, McCullough Peak microwave station, Cody Service Center, Casper Service Center, Portland Control Center and Salt Lake Control Center. The following is a one-line diagram for this Project: Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 3 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL Figure 1: System one line diagram Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 4 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL 4.1.1 Collector Station - Phases 1, 2 and 3 Phase 1 Work to be completed by the Interconnection Customer  As the Transmission Provider cannot submit a user written model to WECC for inclusion in base cases, a standard model from the WECC Approved Dynamic Model Library is required prior to interconnection. The list of approved generator models is continually updated and is available on the http://www.WECC.biz website.  Obtain all necessary permits, lands, Rights of way and easements required for the construction and continued maintenance of the Q0542 collector substation.  Engineer, procure, and construct all facilities required for the Q0542 collector substation except for those facilities/components indicated as supplied/installed by the Transmission Provider.  Prior to back feed the Interconnection Customer must arrange distribution voltage retail meter service for electricity consumed by the project and arrange back up station service for power that will be drawn from the transmission or distribution line when the Project is not generating. The Interconnection Customer must call the PCCC Solution Center 1-800-640-2212 to arrange this service prior to back feed if the Project lies within the Transmission Provider’s electric service territory. If outside the Transmission Provider’s electric service territory Interconnection Customer must contact the electric utility holding the electric service territory rights to arrange for station service. Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service.  Install one (1) 230kV, 2000A circuit breaker at the Q0542 collector substation for the radial interconnect line connection to the Point of Interconnection substation. This will be needed to isolate the 230-34.5kV transformer for faults in that transformer. The Transmission Provider will review the Interconnection Customers specifications for the breaker to insure compatibility with the Transmission Providers control and protection schemes.  Install, to the Transmission Provider’s standards, the revenue metering equipment for Phase 1 including the 230kV instrument transformers, meter foundations and junction boxes and the secondary lead conductors. The Transmission Provider will supply the metering transformers, meters, secondary lead conductors and junction boxes. Transmission Provider will supply and install the metering panels. The Transmission Provider will own and maintain all metering equipment for the Q0542 Project.  The Transmission Provider recommends the installation of meter by-pass switches to reduce operational disruption during metering repair and testing.  Provide secure climate controlled area in the Q0542 collector substation control building for installation of the Transmission Provider owned and maintained panels and racks. Interconnection Customer will design the equipment layout and install the equipment except for the metering panels. Front and rear access will be required for this equipment. This separate area shall be accessible from the outside and have a lock that only the Transmission Provider’s personnel can access. Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 5 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL  At any of the Interconnection Customer sites where the Transmission Provider’s personnel will be accessing the Transmission Provider’s equipment, a CDEGS analysis and report must be provided by the Interconnection Customer to the Transmission Provider which indicates that the sites have been designed to meet safe step and touch potential requirements.  The following equipment, installed in the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation will be owned and maintained by the Transmission Provider: an RTU, metering panels and communications equipment.  Provide power supplies with battery backup for the Transmission Provider supplied communications equipment at configurations and voltages specified by the Transmission Provider.  Design, procure and install the necessary raceways (3” conduit minimum), splice boxes, patch panels and racks required for installing/terminating ADSS fiber cable. All fiber optic equipment used on the Q0542 Project including the fiber optic cable, conduit, splice boxes, and termination panels will be owned and maintained by the Transmission Provider.  Design, procure and install Transmission Provider standard 3/8 inch ADSS fiber optic cable to link the Q0542 collector substation with the Transmission Provider’s RTU located in the Point of Interconnection substation control building. The Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for the fiber installation and termination from the patch panel located in the Q0542 collector substation control building to a fiber splice box located on the final dead-end structure on the 230 kV radial interconnection line.  Perform continuity testing to ensure fiber cable installation meets the specifications and standards provided by the Transmission Provider. The Transmission Provider will make the final fiber terminations to the end use equipment in the collector substation control house.  The following data points from the Q0542 collector station will be monitored for the operation of the power system. A RTU will be installed to acquire the data and transmit it back to the Transmission Provider’s operation center. From the Point of Interconnection substation: Analogs:  Net generation MW  Net generator MVAr  Energy register values  230kV A phase voltage  230kV B phase voltage  230kV C phase voltage From the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation: Analogs:  Real power flow 34.5kV line #1  Reactive power flow 34.5kV line #1  Real power flow 34.5kV line #2  Reactive power flow 34.5kV line #2 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 6 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL  Real power flow 34.5kV line #3  Reactive power flow 34.5kV line #3  Real power flow 34.5kV line #4  Reactive power flow 34.5kV line #4  Reactive power flow 34.5kV from reactive device  Total Wind Farm Generation (MW)  Average Wind Farm Wind Speed (m/s)  Average Wind Farm Atmospheric Pressure (Bar)  Average Wind Farm Temperature (Celsius)  Wind direction Status:  230kV transformer breaker  34.5kV transformer breaker  34.5 kV Feeder breaker #1  34.5 kV Feeder breaker #2  34.5 kV Feeder breaker #3  34.5 kV Feeder breaker #4  34.5kV reactive device breaker Work to be completed by the Transmission Provider  Design, and procure the revenue metering equipment to be installed by the Interconnection Customer in Phase 1 of the Q0542 collector substation. The revenue metering will be designed as bidirectional and rated for the total net load (per tariff) delivered to the customer. The equipment will include the instrument transformers, metering panels, junction boxes and secondary metering wire. The Transmission Provider will install the metering panels and own and maintain all metering equipment for the Q0542 Project.  Design, procure and install a data concentrator or RTU and related data handling and communications equipment in the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation control house.  Provide a list of data inputs and outputs required for protection, control, and data collection for Phase 1 in accordance with the interconnection agreement.  The Transmission Provider will complete wiring of outputs to the Transmission Provider’s end use fiber communications equipment located in the collector substation control house.  Design, procure, install own and maintain an Ethernet connection for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. If an Ethernet connection is not possible, dial-up or cell phone service is required.  Perform final checkout and testing of the protection and control system for the interconnection of Phase 1 of the Q0542 Project.  Perform final checkout and testing/commissioning of the metering and communications equipment in the Interconnection Customer’s Q0542 collector substation. Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 7 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL Phase 2 Work to be completed by the Interconnection Customer  Engineer, procure, and construct all facilities required for Phase 2 of the Q0542 collector substation except for those facilities/components indicated as supplied/installed by the Transmission Provider.  Install, to the Transmission Provider’s standards, the revenue metering equipment for Phase 2 including the 230kV instrument transformers, meter foundations and junction boxes and the secondary lead conductors. The Transmission Provider will supply the metering transformers, meters, secondary lead conductors and junction boxes. Transmission Provider will supply and install the metering panels. The Transmission Provider will own and maintain all metering equipment for the Q0542 Project.  The Transmission Provider recommends the installation of meter by-pass switches to reduce operational disruption during metering repair and testing.  The following data points from the Q0542 collector station will be monitored for the operation of the power system. A RTU will be installed in the collector station control building in Phase 1 to acquire the data and transmit it back to the Transmission Providers operation center. From the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation: Analogs:  Real power flow 34.5kV line #5  Reactive power flow 34.5kV line #5  Real power flow 34.5kV line #6  Reactive power flow 34.5kV line #6  Real power flow 34.5kV line #7  Reactive power flow 34.5kV line #7  Real power flow 34.5kV line #8  Reactive power flow 34.5kV line #8 Status:  34.5 kV Feeder breaker #5  34.5 kV Feeder breaker #6  34.5 kV Feeder breaker #7  34.5 kV Feeder breaker #8 Work to be completed by the Transmission Provider  Design, and procure the revenue metering equipment to be installed for the Phase 2 collector substation. The revenue metering will be designed identical to the Phase 1 metering. The equipment will include the instrument transformers, metering panels, junction boxes and secondary metering wire. The Transmission Provider will install the metering panels and own and maintain all metering equipment for the Q0542 Project.  Design, procure and install a data concentrator or RTU and related communications equipment in the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation control house. Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 8 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL  Provide a list of data inputs and outputs required for protection, control, and data collection for Phase 2 in accordance with the interconnection agreement.  The Transmission Provider will complete wiring of outputs to the Transmission Provider’s end use fiber communications equipment located in the collector substation control house.  Design, procure, install own and maintain an Ethernet connection for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. If an Ethernet connection is not possible, dial-up or cell phone service is required.  Perform final checkout and testing of the protection and control system for the interconnection of Phase 2 of the Q0542 Project. Phase 3 Work to be completed by the Interconnection Customer.  Engineer, procure, and construct all facilities required for Phase 3 of the Q0542 collector substation except for those facilities/components indicated as supplied/installed by the Transmission Provider.  Install, to the Transmission Provider’s standards, the revenue metering equipment for Phase 3 including the 230kV instrument transformers, meter foundations and junction boxes and the secondary lead conductors. The Transmission Provider will supply the metering transformers, meters, secondary lead conductors and junction boxes. Transmission Provider will supply and install the metering panels. The Transmission Provider will own and maintain all metering equipment for the Q0542 Project.  The Transmission Provider recommends the installation of meter by-pass switches to reduce operational disruption during metering repair and testing.  The following data points from Phase 3 of the Q0542 collector station will be monitored for the operation of the power system. An RTU will be installed for Phase 1 to acquire the data and transmit it back to the Transmission Providers operation center. From the Interconnection Customer’s collector substation: Analogs:  Real power flow 34.5kV line #9  Reactive power flow 34.5kV line #9  Real power flow 34.5kV line #10  Reactive power flow 34.5kV line #10  Real power flow 34.5kV line #11  Reactive power flow 34.5kV line #11  Real power flow 34.5kV line #12  Reactive power flow 34.5kV line #12 Status:  34.5 kV Feeder breaker #9  34.5 kV Feeder breaker #10  34.5 kV Feeder breaker #11  34.5 kV Feeder breaker #12 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 9 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL Work to be completed by the Transmission Provider  Design, and procure the revenue metering equipment to be installed by the Interconnection Customer in the Phase 3 Q0542 collector substation. The revenue metering will be designed identical to the Phase 1 metering. The equipment will include the instrument transformers, metering panels, junction boxes and secondary metering wire. The Transmission Provider will install the metering panels and own and maintain all metering equipment for the Q0542 Project.  Provide a list of data inputs and outputs required for protection, control, and data collection in accordance with the interconnection agreement.  The Transmission Provider will complete wiring of outputs to the Transmission Provider’s end use fiber communications equipment located in the collector substation control house.  Design, procure, install own and maintain an Ethernet connection for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. If an Ethernet connection is not possible, dial-up or cell phone service is required.  Perform final checkout and testing of the protection and control system for the interconnection of Phase 3 of the Q0542 Project.  Perform final checkout and testing/commissioning of the metering and communications equipment in the Interconnection Customer’s Q0542 collector substation. 4.1.2 Radial Interconnection Line Work to be completed by the Interconnection Customer  Interconnection Customer will obtain all necessary permits, easements, and rights of way for the construction of the 230kV radial interconnection line from the Point of Interconnection substation to the Q0542 collector station.  Design, procure, own, and construct a 230kV transmission line of approximately 9.51 miles from a three pole full dead-end structure located at least 20 feet outside the Point of Interconnection substation fence to the Q0542 collector station.  Construct the sagged and properly tensioned last span into the Point of Interconnection substation take-off tower.  Design, procure, and install PacifiCorp standard 3/8 inch OPGW fiber optic cable on the new 230kV radial interconnect line to the collector station. This cable will be used for the line protection systems and to communicate status and loading information back to the Transmission Provider’s energy control center. Fiber optic cable and termination panels will be owned by the Transmission Provider.  Terminate the OPGW fiber optic cable on the last dead-end structure at the Q0542 collector substation using an appropriate fiber optic splice box.  Terminate the OPGW fiber optic cable on the 230kV radial interconnection line take- off structure at the Point of Interconnection substation using an appropriate fiber optic splice box.  Procure and install an underground raceway (3” conduit minimum) from the fiber optic splice box on the Q0542 radial interconnect take-off structure to the Point of Interconnection fence line. Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 10 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL Work to be completed by the Transmission Provider  Review the design of the last transmission line structure outside the Point of Interconnection substation to ensure compatibility with the substation termination structure. 4.1.3 Point of Interconnection Substation Work to be completed by the Interconnection Customer  Obtain all necessary permits, lands, rights of way and easements required for the construction and continued maintenance of the Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation. All easements and permits shall be recorded in the name of the Transmission Provider and shall be on forms acceptable to the Transmission Provider. All easements and rights of way will be obtained for durations acceptable to the Transmission Provider; this includes all permits/easements for ingress and egress prior to the start of construction. The Point of Interconnection substation will be owned and operated by the Transmission Provider.  Procure and install Transmission Provider standard 3/8 inch ADSS fiber optic cable in the underground raceway from the fiber optic splice box on the radial interconnect take-off structure to a fiber optic patch panel inside the Point of Interconnection substation control building. The raceway from the fence line will be installed by the Transmission Provider. Fiber optic cable and all installation components will be owned by the Transmission Provider.  Terminate the ADSS fiber cable at the splice box located on the dead-end structure and the patch panel located in the control building.  Perform checkout and testing of the complete fiber optic installation from the patch panel in the Q0542 collector station to the patch panel in the Point of Interconnection substation. The installation must be in compliance with the standards and specifications provided by the Transmission Provider. Work to be completed by the Transmission Provider  Interconnection of the Q0542 project into the Fannie-Yellowtail 230kV line will require the construction of a new 230kV three breaker ring bus switching substation including bus, bus support structures, dead-end towers, cable trench and a control house for the metering and control equipment. The substation will be fenced to PacifiCorp’s standards and have a ground grid, yard lighting system and a standby generator with an automatic transfer switch.  The list of major equipment identified for this portion of the Project is as follows: o 3 – 242kV 2000A, 40 kA, circuit breaker o 8 – 230kV, 2000A, group operated breaker disconnect switch, without motor operator, without grounding blade o 3 – 230kV, 2000A, group operated line disconnect switch with motor operator, without grounding blade o 4 – 230kV CCVT without line tuner and carrier accessories Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 11 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL o 2 – 230kV CCVT with line tuner and carrier accessories o 9 – 144kV MCOV (180kV) lightning arresters o 3 – 230 kV combined metering units o 2 – 230kV 1200A, wavetrap o 1 – SSVT, 230kV, 100kVA o 1 – 125VDCC, 200Ah battery system with a 25A charger o 1 – GE D20 RTU o 1 – 29’x40’ control building with AC and DC panels, temperature controlled and outdoor alcoves  Design, and procure transmission line current differential relays for line fault detection and protection of the 230kV transmission line to the Q0425 collector station. Provide a line protection relay panel to be installed in the collector substation.  Design, procure, install, and own the Point of Interconnection substation interchange metering system. The system will be bidirectional and designed for the total net generation of the Project. This includes the metering transformers, metering panels, junction boxes and secondary metering wire.  Revenue metering is required for each phase of the Project. The Transmission Provider will design and procure the revenue metering panels. The primary metering transformers shall be combination CT/VT extended range for high accuracy metering with ratio’s to be determined during the design phase of the Q0542 Project. The Interconnection Customer has the option to procure the metering instrument transformers or they can be ordered by the Transmission Provider.  An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system.  Perform final checkout and testing/commissioning of the metering system.  Design, procure, and install a relay for under/over voltage and over/under frequency protection of the system at the Point of Interconnection substation. If an out of operating range condition occurs, a signal will be sent over the fiber optic cable to trip open the 34.5kV line breakers at the Q0542 collector station.  Coordinate with the Interconnection Customer and install an underground raceway (3” conduit minimum) from the substation fence line to a fiber optic patch panel inside the Point of Interconnection substation control building. Interconnection Customer will install the ADSS cable to the fiber patch panel.  Install a raceway (3” conduit minimum) from a fiber optic splice box on the take-off structure for the 230kV line to Frannie substation and a fiber optic patch panel inside the Point of Interconnection substation control building. Install and terminate PacifiCorp standard 48 fiber ADSS cable at the panels.  Design, procure and install frequency shift transmitters and receivers for a power line carrier communications system to the Yellowtail and Oregon Basin substations. The line relays at Yellowtail and Oregon Basin substations have been replaced in recent years and will function with the relays to be installed in the Q0542 point of interconnection substation with the development of new relay settings. Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 12 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL 4.1.4 Transmission Modifications Work to be completed by the Transmission Provider  The Point of Interconnection substation will be looped into the Frannie-Yellowtail 230kV line approximately 2.75 miles north of the Frannie substation. The substation will be located one span away from the transmission line between structures 8/123 and 1/124.  Remove the existing H-frame structures 8/123 and 1/124 and replace them with two new 3-pole TI452 structures. All structures will be guyed wood poles.  Replace the existing static wire on the 230kV line to Frannie substation with Transmission Provider standard 48 fiber OPGW cable and terminate in fiber splice boxes located on the dead end structures at the Point of Interconnection and Frannie substations. This cable will be used for the line protection systems and to communicate status and loading information back to the Transmission Provider’s energy control center. 4.1.5 Other Substations/Remote Sites Work to be completed by the Transmission Provider  Frannie substation o Install a raceway (3” conduit minimum) from a fiber optic splice box on the take- off structure for the 230kV line to the Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation and a fiber optic patch panel inside the control building. Install and terminate Transmission Provider standard 48 fiber ADSS cable at the panels. o Upgrade the MAS radio system between Frannie substation and McCullough Peak microwave station. o Install a new microwave tower at Frannie substation.  Oregon Basin substation: o Replace the existing plc frequency shift transmitter and receiver; this is a single channel DUTT scheme. o Develop new relay settings for the line to the Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation.  Yellowtail substation: o Replace the existing plc frequency shift transmitter and receiver; this is a single channel DUTT scheme. o Develop new relay settings for the line to the Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation.  Upgrade the Fractional T1 radios from McCullough Peak to Cedar Mountain microwave stations and Cody Service Center. Install a leased T1 line at Cody Service Center and interface with the microwave.  Install fiber DMX nodes at Frannie, Q0542 Point of Interconnection and the Q0542 collector substations.  Communications upgrades will be required at Casper Service Center, Portland Control Center (PCC), and Salt Lake Control Center (SCC). Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 13 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL 5.0 Cost Estimate Q0542 Collector substation Phase 1 –Engineering, procurement and installation of protection and control, communications and metering equipment. $392,000 Q0542 Collector substation Phase 2 –Engineering, procurement and installation of metering equipment. $95,000 Q0542 Collector substation Phase 3 –Engineering, procurement and installation of metering equipment. $95,000 Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation - Engineering, procurement and construction of a substation take-off structure and associated installation of the Interconnection Customer’s last span of conductor. $449,000 Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation - Engineering, procurement and installation of metering and communications equipment. $231,000 Sub-total Direct Assignment Costs $1,262,000 Interconnection – Upgrade Costs Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation – Engineering, procurement and construction of the 230 kV three breaker ring bus point of interconnection switching substation. $9,309,000 230 kV Frannie – Yellowtail transmission line – Engineering, procurement and construction to loop in/out the 230 kV Frannie – Yellowtail transmission line. $385,000 Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation to Frannie substation – Engineering, procurement and installation of approximately 2.75 miles of fiber optic cable. $397,000 Frannie substation - Engineering, procurement and installation of communication upgrades. $302,000 McCullough Peak microwave station - Engineering, procurement and installation of communication upgrades. $359,000 Cedar Mountain substation - Engineering, procurement and installation of communication upgrades. $309,000 Cody Service Center - Engineering, procurement and installation of $313,000 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 14 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL communication upgrades. Yellowtail substation - Engineering, procurement and installation of protection and control upgrades. $102,000 Oregon Basin substation - Engineering, procurement and installation of protection and control upgrades. $102,000 Casper Service Center, Portland Control Center and Salt Lake Control Center - Engineering, procurement and installation of communication upgrades. $41,000 Sub-total Upgrade Costs $11,619,000 Total Cost – QF Interconnection Service – Interconnection Only $12,881,000 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 15 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL 6.0 Schedule This schedule is contingent upon Transmission Provider receiving the signed Interconnection Agreement by March 15, 2015. If the signed agreement is not received by that date there will be, at a minimum, a day for day slip in the entire schedule. Initiating task Date Execute interconnection agreement March 15, 2015 *Engineering & procurement commences July 6, 2015 Engineering design completed January 15, 2016 Field construction commences April 1, 2016 Generator step-up transformer receives back feed power September 21, 2016 Generations testing October 1, 2016 Commercial operation December 1, 2016 Within 60 days of the interconnection customer’s authorization for the transmission provider to begin engineering, the interconnection customer shall provide a detailed short circuit model of their generation system. This model must be constructed using the ASPEN OneLine short circuit simulation program, and contain all individual electrical components of the interconnection customers generation system. The Transmission Provider estimates it will require approximately 21 months to design and build both the Energy Resource and Network Resource facilities described in this report after the completion of the items below. 1. Obtain the necessary permits and rights of way to construct the facilities necessary to interconnect the Q0542 Project (Interconnection Customer’s responsibility). 2. Completion of the Transmission Provider’s Energy Imbalance Market modeling requirements. 3. Execute a Large Generation Interconnection Agreement. Please note, the time required to obtain the necessary permits, execute the interconnection agreement and perform the scope of work appears to result in a timeframe that does support the Interconnection Customer’s requested in-service date of December 1, 2016. Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 16 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL 7.0 Appendix 1: Property Requirements Property Requirements for Point of Interconnection Substation The following applies to property acquired by an Interconnection Customer on which a point of interconnection substation will be built to accommodate the Interconnection Customer’s project. The property will ultimately be assigned to the Transmission Provider.  Property must be environmentally, physically and operationally acceptable to Transmission Provider without any material defects of title (or as deemed acceptable to Transmission Provider) and without unacceptable encumbrances. The property shall be a permitted or permittable use in all zoning districts. Property lines shall be surveyed and show all encumbrances, roads (private or public); easements (prescriptive or express) etc. Examples of potentially unacceptable environmental, physical, or operational conditions:  Environmentally unacceptable conditions could include but are not limited to known contamination of site; evidence of environmental contamination by any dangerous, hazardous or toxic materials as defined by any governmental agency; property is in violation of building, health, safety, environmental, fire, land use, zoning or other such regulation, ordinances, or statues of any governmental entities having jurisdiction over the property; underground or above ground storage tanks; known remediation sites on property; ongoing mitigation activities or monitoring activities; asbestos; lead-based paint, etc. At a minimum, a phase I environmental study is required for company land being acquired in fee. Evidence will be required 60 days prior to the start of construction.  Physically unacceptable conditions could include but are not limited to inadequate drainage; in flood zone; erosion issues; wetland overlays; threatened and endangered species; archeological or culturally sensitive areas; inadequate sub- surface elements, etc. Geotechnical studies are required by company.  Operationally unacceptable conditions could include but are not limited to inadequate access for company equipment; existing structures on land that require removal prior to building of substation; ongoing maintenance for landscaping or extensive landscape requirements; ongoing homeowner's or CC&R's that are not acceptable to company.  Property should be acquired by fee ownership. If fee acquisition is not possible, then the term shall be perpetual and the use exclusive and provide Transmission Provider with all property rights it deems necessary (perpetual easement). All contracts are subject to Transmission Provider approval prior to execution.  The Interconnection customer is required to identify any and all land rights to the subject property, which are to be retained by the Interconnection customer prior to conveying property. All retained land rights are subject to Transmission Provider approval.  If the Interconnection Customer is building facilities to be owned by the Transmission Provider, then the Interconnection Customer must obtain all permits required by all relevant jurisdictions for the use including but not limited to conditional use permits, Bowler Flats Energy Hub, LLC April 6, 2015 Bowler Flats Energy Hub, Q0542 Page 17 CONFIDENTIAL / FINAL Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, California Environmental Quality Act, etc., as well as all construction permits for the project  Interconnection Customer will not reimburse through network upgrades for more than the market value of the property.  Property must be assignable to company and without litigation, suit, liens, condemnation actions, foreclosures actions, etc.