HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210831PAC to PIIC-Redacted.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN HPyy,E^F"""" ''I : '1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 August 31,2021 Ronald L. Williams/PIIC ron@williamsbradburv. com Bradley G. Mullins/PIIC brmullins@mwanalytics. com (C) Adam GardnerlPIIC AGardner(didahoan. com (W) Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@bvui.edu (W) Val Steiner/PIIC val.steiner@itafos.com (W) RE: ID PAC-E-21-07 PIIC Set 2 (22-s4) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to PIIC I't Set Data Requests22-27, 38, 40, 44, arrd 4748. The remaining responses will be provided separately. Provided via e- mail are the non-confidential Attachments and provided via encryption is the Confidential Response PIIC 40. Confidential information is provided subject to protected under IDAPA 31.01.01 .067 and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequent Non- Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963 Sincerely, -Jsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Jan Noriyuki/IPUC jan.norivuki@puc.idaho.eov (C) Eric L. Olsen/IIPA elo@echohawk.com (C) Anthony Yankel/IPA tonv(@yankel. net (C) Randall C. Budge/Bayer randy @rac ineolson. com (C) Thomas J. Budge/Bayer [i @racineolson.com (WXC) Brian C. Collins/Bayer bcollins@consul tbai. com $D(C) Maurice B rubaker/B ayer mbrubaker@c onsu ltba i. c om (C ) Kevin Higgins/Bayer khi esins@enerey strat. com (C) Lance Kaufrnan/Bayer lance@ae sisinsisht. com (C) James R. Smith/Bayer i im. r. smith@ic loud. com (C) Brad Purdy bmpurdy@hotmail.com (C) Ben Ouo/ICL botto@idahoconservation.ore (C) PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 31,2021 PIIC Data Request 22 PIIC Data Request 22 Please identifu the historical test period, or base period that is being proposed in this proceeding, along with the accounting conventions being used (e.g. year-end, 1 3-month averages, etc.). Response to PIIC Data Request22 Please refer to the direct testimony of Company witness, Steven McDougal, specifically pages 6 through 8, for the Company's base period, proposed test period, and rate base accounting convention. Recordholder:Steve McDougal Steve McDougalSponsor: PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 31,2021 PIIC Data Request 23 PIIC Data Request 23 Reference McDougal work paper "8.5 - Major Plant Additions", Tab"8.5.2": Please explain why an adjustnent is necessary for major plant placed into service in calendar year in 2020 ("e.9. Vantage Pomona Heights 230kV Line") when the unadjusted results used in this proceeding in the RAM are already based on Year End balances as of December 31,2020. Response to PIIC Data Request 23 The in-service date listed on Tab 8.5.2 reflects the in-service date of the listed asset, but does not represent the date of final project spend. As such, an adjusfrnent can be required for assets that have in-service dates listed in calendar year 2020 to include tailing dollars which are required to fully complete a project. Recordholder: Steve McDougal Sponsor:Steve McDougal PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 31,2021 PIIC Data Request 24 PIIC Data Request 24 Reference McDougal work paper "6.1 and 6.2Depr and Amort Exp_Reserve", Tab "6. 1.1": Please explain why an adjustnent is necessary for depreciation expenses associated with major plant placed into senrice in calendar year 2020 when the unadjusted results used in this proceeding in the RAM are already based on Year End plant balances as of December 31, 2020. Response to PIIC Data Request24 Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 23. Recordholder:Steve McDougal Steve McDougalSponsor: PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mormtain Power August 31,2021 PIIC DataRequest 25 PIIC Date Request 25 Reference McDougal work paper *8.5 - Major Plant Additions", Tab "8.5.2": Please provide similar project detail for the major plant additions proposed for calendar year 202A, including the actual cost and in service dates for each project. Response to PIIC Data Requeat25 Please referto Attachment PIIC 25. Recordholder: Steve McDougal Sponsor:Steve McDougal PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 31,2021 PIIC Data Request 26 PIIC Data Request 26 Reference McDougal work paper "8.5 - Major Plant Additions", Tab "8.5.2": Please provide monthly construction work in progress balances and actual transfers to plant associated with each project identified in the referenced work paper through July 2021. Response to PIIC Data Request 26 Construction work in progress (CWP) is not included in the revenue requirement calculation. The capital addition projects on page 8.5.2 represent in-service amounts that will be booked to electric plant in-service (EPIS). For a listing of the acfual plant in-service amounts through July 2021, please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 32. Recordholder: Craig Larsen Sponsor: Steve McDougal PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 31,2021 PIIC Data Request 27 PIIC Data Request 27 Reference McDougal, Di at 38:3-5: Rocky Mountain Power states that "The Company identified capital projects with expenditues over $5 million that will be used and useful by December 31, 2021:" Please explain why the expenditures identified in McDougal work paper *8.5 - Major Plant Additions", Tab "8.5.2" include several projects with capital budgets of less than $5 million. Response to PIIC Data Request2T Certain projects the Company has included are functionalized in multiple Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) categories. For example, the Monarch Upgrade project includes a portion of the project categorized as General plant and another portion categorized as Intangible plant. The total cost of the project sum to an amount greater than $5 million. In addition, the Company has included any trailing dollars of major projects such as the Vantage Pomona Heights 230 kilovolt (kV) Line in which the total project is greater than $5 million. Recordholder:Steve McDougal Steve McDougalSponsor: PAC-E41-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3l,202l PIIC DataRequest 38 PIIC Dete Request 38 Reference McDougal work paper *8.11 - Cholla 4," Tab "8.11.3", Cell"Cl'l": Please detail the monthly deprecation expen$es associated with the referenced value, including detail of the monthly plant balances, and the assumed depreciation rates. Response to PIIC Data Request 38 Please referto Attachment PIIC 38 which details the monthly depreciation expense, gross plant balances, and approved depreciation rates associate.d with the referenced value. Recordholder:Ju$us Evangelista Steve McDougalSponsor: PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 3I,2021 PIIC Data Request 40 PIIC Data Request 40 Please identifu all salvage proceeds recognized, or expected, in connection with the retirement of Cholla 4. Confidential Response to PIIC Data Request 40 Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder: Justus Evangelista / Tom Evans Sponsor:To Be Determined PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 31,2021 PIIC Data Request 44 PIIC Data Request 44 Reference McDougal work paper "8.l I - Cholla 4," Tab "8.l l": Please identifr the protected EDFIT balances associated with Cholla4 as of December 31, 2020, and provide a description of how those freed-up EDFIT amounts are being treated in revenue requirement. Response to PIIC Data Request 44 All of the Excess Deferred Federal Income Taxes (EDFIT) amortization related to Cholla Unit 4 was deferred and included in Exhibit No. 43. The total EDFIT balance related to Cholla Unit 4 that was defened as of December 31, 2020 is 91,643,567, before tax gross-up, or $2,179,409, including tax gross-up. Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 35, specifically Attachment PIIC 35-2, tab "Attach PIIC 35(b)-2", cells Ml26 and M127. The Company has proposed to use the remaining non-protected EDFIT balances consistent with the proposals made in the testimonies of Company witress, Steven R. McDougal and Joelle R. Steward. Furttrer details on this proposal are included in Exhibit No. 43. Recordholder: Brian Keyser Sponsor:Steve McDougal / Joelle Steward PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 31,2021 PIIC Data Request 47 PIIC Data Request 47 Reference Attachment 3 of the Phase I Stipulation in Case No. PAC-E-I8-08: Please provide actual plant in service as of December 31, 2020 for each FERC Account, FERC sub account, including separate detail for each generation unit using the same account classifications and level of detail identified in the referenced Stipulation Attachment. Response to PIIC Data Request 47 Please refer to Attachment PllC 47 which provides actual plant in service as of December 31,2020 for the items in Attachment 3 of the Phase I Stipulation in Case No. PAC-E-I8-08. Recordholder:Justus Evangelista Steve McDougalSponsor PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 31,2021 PIIC Data Request 48 PIIC Data Request 48 Reference McDougal work paper o'6.5 - New Depreciation Study", Tab"6.5.4": Please explain why there is no adjustnent removing the property plant and equipment associated with wind property plant and equipment that was retired in 2020 n connection with the repowering program. Response to PIIC Data Request 48 Assets retired prior to December 31,2020 were already removed from FERC Account l0l (Electic Plant in Service) in unadjusted data, and therefore no adjustnent was required on Page 6.5.4. Recordholder: Steve McDougal Sponsor:Steve McDougal