HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210827Staff 175-195 to PAC-Redacted.pdfDAYN HARDIE (ISB No. 9917) JOHN R. HAMMOND, JR. 0SB No. 5470) DEPUTY ATTORNEYS GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-03t2 ., , .. t.-, '; * -) ' -i 411 4. I I'-I i'ii J'll J, li;= Street Address for Express Mail: I 1331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attomeys for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. PAC-8.2I-07 REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER The Staff of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attomeys of record, Dayn Hardie and John R. Hammond, Jr., Deputy Attorneys General, request that Rocky Mountain Power ("Company") provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2021.r This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and the Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it, or any person acting on its behalf, may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name, job title, and telephone number of I Stuff ir requesting an expedited response. If responding by this date will be problematic, please call Staff s attorney at (208) 334-0312. REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER I ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) AUGUST 27,2021 the person preparing the documents. Please also identify the name, job title, location, and telephone number of the record holder. In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests, please provide all EXCEL spreadsheets and electronic files on CD with formulas intact and enabled. REQUEST NO. 175: Please provide the workpapers for adjustment 7.6 in Witness McDougal's testimony. REQUEST NO. 176: As a follow-up to the response to IPUC Production Request No. 119, please provide a description of the Balancing Authority Services Agreement with Western Area Power Administration ("WAPA") executed in March 2021. Please provide the Normalization Adjustment for the Test Period (pro forma adjustment) for this WAPA contract REQUEST NO. 177: Describe the Company's criteria for determining when a customer should pay for a line extension to serve its load versus it being recovered as a system cost. Please explain how the criteria applies to different size customers and different amounts of capacity of the line extension infrastructure (e.g. primary distribution, secondary distribution, or transmission) needed to serve the customer's load. REQUEST NO. 178: Describe the Company's criteria for determining when a transmission line should be situs assigned. Please include in the explanation how cost causation is factored into the Company's criteria. REQUEST NO. 179: Does the Company have any lines at transmission voltages that are currently situs assigned rather than system allocated? If so, please explain why these lines are situs assigned. REQUEST NO. 180: Provide the Company's method, guidelines, and/or procedures for calculating the amount of Contributions in Aid of Construction ("CIAC") to be charged to the customer, developer, or entity requesting the work for transmission capital costs. How is the amount allocated between CIAC and capital costs attributed to network upgrades? REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOLINTAIN POWER 2 AUGUST 27,2021 REQUEST NO. 181: For capital project Please provide the following information with all workpapers in Excel format with formulas enabled REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 3 a. If the customer,did not request service, would the project be needed? Please explain. b. Please explain how Idaho customers other than I benefit from this project. c. Please provide a breakdown in Megawatts ("MW") of the total capacity of the project by: the amount of transfer capacity needed Uy I the amount of capacity needed by current customers connected to the project, the amount of capacity projected for future customers, and the amount of capacity needed to support the Company's system. d. Please provide a breakdown by the sources ofrevenue projected to recover the cost of the transmission line between (1) I (2) Wheeling Revenue, and (3) the Company's native load customers, excludirg I e. Please provide the criteria describing how the Company separated the costs to be paid by I through the CIAC versus costs included as network upgrades. f. Please provide a breakdown of the total project cost by the major pieces of equipment/ffiastructure included in the CIAC versus the equipmenVinfrastructure included as network upgrades. In the breakdown, describe the different pieces of equipment/infrastructure, an explanation describing why the cost was included as part of the CIAC or as a system upgrade, and the amount of cost for each piece of equipment/infrastructure. g. Please explain why the costs of the project (not including the cost of the CIAC) are system assigned and not situs assigned. h. In file the Company indicates that Please provide evidence that the customer has made a commitment to add the loads indicated before 2022. Please explain why network upgrades are included within the project cost. Specifically, did the Company identifu a need for the project to benefit the system AUGUST 27,2021 before the customer requested the line extension. If so, please provide the cost estimate for the upgrades before the customer's request for the line extension. j. Please provide a breakdown of the incremental costs needed to compress the construction schedule. Please include a description of the costs and the amounts. k. Were costs attributed to the compressed schedule recovered through the CIAC? If not, please explain why not. REQUEST NO. 182: Please provide the Company's policy, guidelines, and/or procedures for protecting transmission lines and substation facilities from forest/wildfire. REQUEST NO. 183: For capital project I, please provide the following: a. Does the Company have insurance to cover this loss? If not, please explain why not. b. If the Company has insurance for this loss, did the Company file a claim? If not, please explain why not. c. Please explain why ratepayers outside the state/jurisdiction where the fire occurred should pay for costs to repair the damaged facilities caused by the fire. d. Please provide a transmission/distribution map showing the Company's facilities affected by the fire. Please detail and label the damaged facilities specific to transmission and separately distribution. e. Please explain whether there are any transmission line segments affected by this fire that supply electricity at transmission level voltages to customers from a single flow direction (i.e. a radial transmission line)? If so, please explain whether the Company is seeking recovery of those costs, from ratepayers outside of the state/jurisdiction affected by the fire. f. Please explain how distribution costs for the project arelwill be recovered by the Company. REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 4 AUGUST 27,2021 REQUEST NO. 184: For capital project I, please provide the following: REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 5 a. Does the Company have insurance to cover this loss? If not, why not, please explain. b. If the Company has insurance for this loss, did the Company file a claim? If not, please explain why not. c. Please explain why ratepayers outside the state/jurisdiction where the fire occurred should pay for costs to repair the damaged facilities caused by the fire. d. Please provide a transmission/distribution map showing the Company's facilities affected by the fire. Please detail and label the damaged facilities specific to transmission and separately distribution. e. Please explain whether there are any transmission line segments affected by this fire that supply electricity at transmission level voltages to customers from a single flow direction (i.e. a radial transmission line)? If so, please explain whether the Company is seeking recovery of those costs, from ratepayers outside of the state/jurisdiction affected by the fire. REQUEST NO. 185: For capital project please provide the following: a. Does the Company have insurance to cover this loss? If not, please explain why not. b. If the Company has insurance for this loss, did the Company file a claim? If not, please explain why not. c. Please explain why ratepayers outside the state/jurisdiction where the fire occurred should pay for costs to repair the damaged facilities caused by the fire. d. Please provide a transmission/distribution map showing the Company's facilities affected by the fire. Please detail and label the damaged facilities specific to transmission and separately distribution. e. Please explain whether there are any transmission line segments affected by this fire that supply electricity at transmission level voltages to customers from a single flow direction (i.e. a radial transmission line)? If so, please explain AUGUST 27,2021 whether the Company is seeking recovery of those costs, from ratepayers outside of the state/jurisdiction affected by the fire. REQUEST NO. 186: Please provide the following documentation for submitted in response to IPUC Production Request No. 48. If any of the information requested below cannot be provided--or is not available- please explain why and explain how the Company assured the construction of the project was completed at least cost. a. Analysis of Need - a justification of need for the project and a cost/benefit analysis comparing alternatives. b. Project Plan i. Initial project scope. ii. Proposed budget. iii. Proposedschedule. c. Requests for proposals ("RFP") i. Project requirements. ii. Specifications. iii. Short list bidder scorecard. iv. RFP from winning bid. d. Project construction documentation including: i. Constructioncontract. ii. Organizational chart. iii. Scope document. iv. Work breakdown structure. v. Baseline Schedule. vi. Monthly project status report(s). vii. Action items list(s). viii. Contractors change order request(s). e. Company project completion analysis i. Lessons learned. ii. Budget-to-actual comparisons for overall project and by year. REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOI-INTAIN POWER 6 AUGUST 27,2021 iii. Baseline schedule-to-actual schedule comparison. iv. For any actual costs differing from the budget amount by plus or minus five percent during a particular year please list and explain the reason(s) for the budget amount difference. REQUEST NO. 187: Please provide the following documentation submitted in response to IPUC Production Request No. 48. If any of the information requested below cannot be provided or is not available, please explain why and explain how the Company assured the construction of the project was completed at least cost. a. Please provide justification and evidence why the project should be system assigned rather than situs assigned to Utah. Specifically, please provide evidence that the transmission line provides benefits to the overall system. b. Analysis of Need - a justification of need for the project and a cost/benefit analysis comparing alternatives. c. Project Plan i. Initial project scope. ii. Proposed budget. iii. Proposed schedule. d. Requests for proposals ("RFP"; i. Project requirements. ii. Specifications. iii. Short list bidder scorecard. iv. RFP from winning bid. e. Project construction documentation including: i. Constructioncontract. ii. Organizational chart. iii. Scope document. iv. Work breakdown structure. v. Baseline Schedule. vi. Monthly project status report(s). REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 7 AUGUST 27,2021 vii. Action items list(s). viii. Contractors change order request(s). f. Company project completion analysis i. Lessons learned. ii. Budget-to-actual comparisons for overall project and by year. iii. Baseline schedule-to-actual schedule comparison. iv. For any actual costs differing from the budget amount by plus or minus five percent during a particular year please list and explain the reason(s) for the budget amount difference. REQUEST NO. 188: Please provide the following documentation for submitted in response to IPUC Production Request No 48. If any of the information requested below cannot be provided or is not available, please explain why and explain how the Company assured the construction of the project was completed at least cost. a. Analysis of Need - a justification of need for the project and a cost/benefit analysis comparing alternatives. b. Project Plan i. Initial project scope. ii. Proposed budget. iii. Proposedschedule. c. Requests for proposals ("RFP") i. Project requirements. ii. Specifications. iii. Short list bidder scorecard. iv. RFP from winning bid. d. Project construction documentation including: i. Construction contract. ii. Organizational chart. iii. Scope document. iv. Work breakdown structure. REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 8 AUGUST 27,2021 v. Baseline Schedule. vi. Monthly project status report(s). vii. Action items list(s). viii. Contractors change order request(s). e. Company project completion analysis i. Lessons leamed. ii. Budget-to-actual comparisons for overall project and by year. iii. Baseline schedule-to-actual schedule comparison. iv. For any actual costs differing from the budget amount by plus or minus five percent during a particular year please list and explain the reason(s) for the budget amount difference. R-EQUEST NO. 189: Please provide the following documentation for submiued in response to IPUC Production Request No. 48. If any of the information requested below cannot be provided or is not available, please explain why and explain how the Company assured the construction of the project was completed at least cost. a. Analysis of Need - a justification of need for the project and a cost/benefit analysis comparing alternatives. b. Project Plan i. Initial project scope. ii. Proposed budget. iii. Proposed schedule. c. Requests for proposals ("RFP") i. Project requirements. ii. Specifications. iii. Short list bidder scorecard. iv. RFP from winning bid. d. Project construction documentation including: i. Construction contract. ii. Organizational chart. REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 9 AUGUST 27,2021 iii. Scope document. iv. Work breakdown structure. v. Baseline Schedule. vi. Monthly project status report(s). vii. Action items list(s). viii. Contractors change order request(s). e. Company project completion analysis i. Lessons learned. ii. Budget-to-actual comparisons for overall project and by year. iii. Baseline schedule-to-actual schedule comparison. iv. For any actual costs differing from the budget amount by plus or minus five percent during a particular year please list and explain the reason(s) for the budget amount difference. REQUEST NO. 190: Please provide the following documentation for submitted in response to IPUC Production Request No. 48. If any of the information requested below cannot be provided or is not available, please explain why and explain how the Company assured the construction of the project was completed at least cost. a. Analysis of Need - a justification of need for the project and a cost/benefit analysis comparing alternatives. b. Project Plan i. Initial project scope. ii. Proposed budget. iii. Proposedschedule. c. Requests for proposals ("RFP") i. Project requirements. ii. Specifications. iii. Short list bidder scorecard. iv. RFP from winning bid. d. Project construction documentation including: i. Construction contract. REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 10 AUGUST 27,2021 ii. Organizational chart. iii. Scope document. iv. Work breakdown structure. v. Baseline Schedule. vi. Monthly project status report(s). vii. Action items list(s). viii. Contractors change order request(s). e. Company project completion analysis i. Lessons learned. ii. Budget-to-actual comparisons for overall project and by year. iii. Baseline schedule-to-actual schedule comparison. iv. For any actual costs differing from the budget amount by plus or minus five percent during a particular year please list and explain the reason(s) for the budget amount difference. REQUEST NO. 191: Please provide the following documentation for submitted in response to IPUC Production Request No. 48. If any of the information requested below cannot be provided or is not available, please explain why and explain how the Company assured the construction of the project was completed at least cost. a. Analysis of Need - a justification of need for the project and a cost/benefit analysis comparing alternatives. b. Project Plan i. Initial project scope. ii. Proposed budget. iii. Proposed schedule. c. Requests for proposals ("RFP") i. Project requirements. ii. Specifications. iii. Short list bidder scorecard. iv. RFP from winning bid. REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOI.INTAIN POWER 11 AUGUST 27,2021 d. Project construction documentation including: i. Construction contract. ii. Organizational chart. iii. Scope document. iv. Work breakdown structure. v. Baseline Schedule. vi. Monthly project status report(s). vii. Action items list(s). viii. Contractors change order request(s). e. Company project completion analysis i. Lessons leamed. ii. Budget-to-actual comparisons for overall project and by year. iii. Baseline schedule-to-actual schedule comparison. iv. For any actual costs differing from the budget amount by plus or minus five percent during a particular year please list and explain the reason(s) for the budget amount difference. REQUEST NO. 192: Please provide the following documentation for submitted in response to IPUC Production Request No. 48. If any of the information requested below cannot be provided or is not available, please explain why and explain how the Company assured the construction of the project was completed at least cost. a. Analysis of Need - a justification of need for the project and a cost/benefit analysis comparing alternatives. b. Project Plan i. Initial project scope. ii. Proposed budget. iii. Proposed schedule. c. Requests for proposals ("RFP") i. Project requirements. ii. Specifications. iii. Short list bidder scorecard. REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 12 AUGUST 27,2021 iv. RFP from winning bid. d. Project construction documentation including: i. Construction contract. ii. Organizational chart. iii. Scope document. iv. Work breakdown structure. v. Baseline Schedule. vi. Monthly project status report(s). vii. Action items list(s). viii. Contractors change order request(s). e. Company project completion analysis i. Lessons leamed. ii. Budget-to-actual comparisons for overall project and by year. iii. Baseline schedule-to-actual schedule comparison. iv. For any actual costs differing from the budget amount by plus or minus five percent during a particular year please list and explain the reason(s) for the budget amount difference. REQUEST NO. 193: Please provide the following documentation for submitted in response to IPUC Production Request No. 48. If any of the information requested below cannot be provided or is not available, please explain why and explain how the Company assured the construction of the project was completed at least cost. a. Analysis of Need - a justification of need for the project and a cost/benefit analysis comparing alternatives. b. Project Plan i. Initial project scope. ii. Proposed budget. iii. Proposed schedule. c. Requests for proposals ("RFP") i. Project requirements. REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOLTNTAIN POWER 13 AUGUST 27,2021 ii. Specifications. iii. Short list bidder scorecard. iv. RFP from winning bid. d. Project construction documentation including: i. Construction contract. ii. Organizationalchart. iii. Scope document. iv. Work breakdown structure. v. Baseline Schedule. vi. Monthly project status report(s). vii. Action items list(s). viii. Contractors change order request(s). e. Company project completion analysis i. Lessons learned. ii. Budget-to-actual comparisons for overall project and by year. iii. Baseline schedule-to-actual schedule comparison. iv. For any actual costs differing from the budget amount by plus or minus five percent during a particular year please list and explain the reason(s) for the budget amount difference. REQUEST NO. 194: Please provide the following documentation for submitted in response to IPUC Production Request No. 48. If any of the information requested below cannot be provided or is not available, please explain why and explain how the Company assured the construction of the project was completed at least cost. a. Analysis of Need - a justification of need for the project and a cost/benefit analysi s comparing alternatives. b. Project Plan i. Initial project scope. ii. Proposed budget. iii. Proposedschedule. REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 14 AUGUST 27,2021 c. Requests for proposals ("RFP") i. Project requirements. ii. Specifications. iii. Short list bidder scorecard. iv. RFP from winning bid. d. Project construction documentation including: i. Construction contract. ii. Organizational chart. iii. Scope document. iv. Work breakdown structure. v. Baseline Schedule. vi. Monthly project status report(s). vii. Action items list(s). viii. Contractors change order request(s). e. Company project completion analysis i. Lessons learned. ii. Budget-to-actual comparisons for overall project and by year. iii. Baseline schedule-to-actual schedule comparison. iv. For any actual costs differing from the budget amount by plus or minus five percent during a particular year please list and explain the reason(s) for the budget amount difference. REQUEST NO. 195: For all substation project investments included in this case for recovery, please provide a breakdown of each project and the associated investment amounts by the cost of infrastructure needed to connect and transfer power between two or more transmission lines versus the cost of any infrastructure needed to transfer power from the transmission system to the distribution system of a local load area. Please include the jurisdiction(s) the project and the distribution area supports. REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOLTNTAIN POWER 15 AUGUST 27,2021 DATED at Boise,Idaho, *r2Jbu*of August 2021. Dayn Doputy Attorney General i:umiso:ptodroq/paoo?I.7.dhmhjt prod req 7 REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTI ]\I REQUEST TO ROCKY MOIJNTAIN POWER 16 AUGUST 27,2CI21 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 27fi DAY OF AUGUST 2021, SERVED THE FOREGOING REDACTED SEVENTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ROCKY MOIJNTAIN POWER, IN CASE NO. PAC-E-21-07, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: TED WESTON ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER I4O7 WEST NORTH TEMPLE STE 330 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84I 16 E-MAIL: ted.weston@paciflcorp.com idahodockets@.pac i fi corp. com DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER E.MAIL ONLY: datarequest@paci fi corp.com ANTHONY YANKEL I27OO LAKE AVE UNIT 2505 LAKEWOOD OH 44107 E-MAIL: tony@yankel.net BRIAN C COLLINS MAURICE BRUBAKER BRUBAKER & ASSOCIATES 16690 SWINGLEY RIDGE RD #I4O CHESTERFIELD MO 63017 E-MAIL : bcollins@consultbai.com mbrubaker@.consultbai.com LANCE KAUFMAN AEGIS INSIGHT E-MAIL: lance@aegisinsieht.com EMILY L WEGENER MATTHEW D McVEE ROCKY MOI.'NTAIN POWER I4O7 WN TEMPLE STE 320 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84I16 E-MAIL : emi ly.wegener@pacificorp.com m atth ew. mc vee @ pac i ficorp. c om ERIC L OLSEN ECHO HAWK & OLSEN PLLC PO BOX 6119 POCATELLO ID 83205 E-MAIL: elo@.echohawk.com RANDALL C BUDGE THOMAS J BUDGE RACINE OLSON PO BOX l39l POCATELLO ID 83204 E-MAIL: randy @racineolson.com ti@racineolson.com JAMES R SMITH MIKE VEILE BAYER CORPORATION E-MAIL: jim.r.smithr@icloud.com mike.veile@bayer.com KEVIN HIGGINS COURTNEY HIGGINS MILLI PICHARO NEAL TOWNSEND ENERGY STRATEGTES E-MAIL: khigqins@energystrat.com chiq gins@enersystrat.com mpichardo@energy strat.com ntownsend@energy strat.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE RONALD L WILLIAMS WILLIAMS BRADBURY PC PO BOX 388 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL : ron@williamsbradbury.com ADAM GARDNER IDAHOAN FOODS E-MAIL: AGardner@idahoan.com VAL STEINER ITAFOS CONDA LLC E-MAIL: val.steiner@itafos.com BRAD M PURDY ATTORNEY AT LAW 2019 N ITTH ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL : bmpurdy@hotmail.com BRADLEY G MULLINS MW ANALYTICS ENERGY E-MAIL: brmullins@mwanalvtics.com KYLE WILLIAMS BYU IDAHO E-MAIL: williamsk@bvui.edu BENJAMIN J OTTO ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE 7IO N 6TH ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: botto@idahoconservation.org ""ld /L2r-r< SECRETAFIY-- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE