HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210810PIIC 22-54 to PAC.pdfRonald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. P.O. Box 388 Boise ID, 83701 Telephone : 208-344-6633 ron@willi amsbradbury. corn Attorneys for PIIC IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) oF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES IN IDAHO AND ) APPROVAL OF PROPOSED ELECTRIC ) SERVICE SCHEDULES AND ) REGULATIONS rl; .r. I t:-.; iu i'li J' lJ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. PAC-E-21-07 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF PACIFICORP IDAHO INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS TO ROCI(Y MOUNTAIN POWER PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers ("PIIC"), by and through its attorney of record Ronald L. Williams and pursuant to the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), hereby requests that Rocky Mountain Power ("RMP") provide the following documents on or before August 31, 2021. Please provide answers to each question and supporting work papers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations. ln addition to the written copies provided as response to the questions, please provide all Excel and electronic files on CD with formulas activated. Please provide a copy of all responses electronically to PIIC consultant, Brad Mullins, via his email as shown on the attached service list, or through an electronic portal. Request No. 22: Please identifu the historical test period, or base period, that is being proposed in this proceeding, along with the accounting conventions being used (e.g. year-end, 13-month averages, etc.). Request No 23: Reference McDougal workpaper "8.5 - Major Plant Additions", Tab*8.5.2": Please explain why an adjustment is necessary for major plant placed into service in calendar year in 2020 ("e.g. Vantage Pomona Heights 230kV Line") when the PIIC 2ed Set of Production Requests to RMP, Case No. IPUC-E-21-07 Page I unadjusted results used in this proceeding in the RAM are already based on Year End balances as of December 31, 2020. Request No. 24: Reference McDougal workpaper "6.1 and 6.2 Depr and Amort Exp_Reserve", Tab "6.1.1": Please explain why an adjustment is necessary for depreciation expenses associated with major plant placed into service in calendar year 2020 when the unadjusted results used in this proceeding in the RAM are already based on Year End plant balances as of Decernber 31, 2020. Request No. 25. Reference McDougal workpaper "8.5 - Major Plant Additions", Tab*8.5.2": Please provide similar project detail for the major plant additions proposed for calendar year 2020, including the actual cost and in service dates for each project. Request No. 26: Reference McDougal workpaper "8.5 - Major Plant Additions", Tab "8.5.2": Please provide monthly construction work in progress balances and actual transfers to plant associated with each project identified in the referenced workpaper through Jnly 2021. Request No. 27: Reference McDougal, Di at 38:3-5: Rocky Mountain Power states that "The Company identified capital projects with expenditures over $5 million that will be used and useful by Decernber 31, 2021:' Please explain why the expenditures identified in McDougal workpaper "8.5 - Major Plant Additions", Tab "8.5.2" include several projects with capital budgets of less than $5 million. Request No. 28: Reference McDougal workpaper'08.5 - Major Plant Additions", Tab "8.5.2": For each project where the in service date is listed as various, please provide a monthly schedule of transfers to plant assumed for each such project. Request No. 29: Reference McDougal workpaper "8.5 - Major Plant Additions, Tab "8.5.2", Cell "G46", Project *AM[ - Idaho 2019 meters": a. Please provide a workpaper detailing the calculation of the hardcoded value in the referenced cell. b. Please explain why Rocky Mountain Power is proposing an adjustment for meters placed into service in20l9, prior to the start of the test period. c. Please provide a general explanation of Rocky Mountain Power's AMI program in Idaho and the nafure of the referenced pro forma adjustment. d. Please identifr the transfers to plant by month associated with Rocky Mountain Power's Idaho AMI program over the period January 1,2016 through July 31, 2021. e. Please identifu the plant in service associated with Idaho meter retirements by month over the period January 1,2016 through July 31, 2021. PtrC 2ed Set of Production Requests to RMP, Case No. IPUC-E-21-07 Page2 f. Please state the oZ of customers by rate schedule with an AMI meter deployed as of December 31, 2019, December 31,2020 and July 31,2021. Request No. 30: Reference McDougal workpaper "8.5 - Major Plant Additions, Tab *8.5.2", Cell uG25", "Lloyd Center Tower Open Offtce": a. Please provide a description of the referenced capital project, including supporting project justification forms and project approvals from management. b. Did the referenced project result in the retirement of previous leasehold improvements at the Lloyd Center? If yes, please identifu the plant in service that was, or will be retired, in connection with the referenced project. c. Please state the date that Rocky Mountain Power expects the project to be completed. Request No. 31: Reference McDougal workpaper "8.5 - Major Plant Additions, Tab "8.5.2", Cell "G25", "Lloyd Center Tower Open Office": a. Please provide a description of the referenced capital project, including supporting project justification forms and project approvals from management. b. Did the referenced project result in the retirement of previous leasehold improvements at the Lloyd Center? If yes, please identifu the plant in service that was, or will be retired, in connection with the referenced project. c. Please state the date that Rocky Mountain Power expects the project to be completed. Request No. 32: Reference McDougal workpaper "8.5 - Major Plant Additions, Tab "8.5.2": For each project with an expected or actual in service date prior to the date of this request, including projects listed as "various", please identiff the date that the project was placed into service and the actual capital costs transferred to plant. Request No. 33: Reference McDougal workpaper "8.5 - Major Plant Additions, Tab "8.5.2", Project Transmission Wildfire Mitigation: a. Please explain why there are two projects identified as wildfire mitigation under the Transmission category. b. Please provide detailed project justification documentation and planning documents supporting Rocky Mountain Power's proposed wildfire mitigation activities on its transmission system. Request No. 34: Reference McDougal workpaper "8.5 - Major Plant Additions, Tab "8.5.2", Project'oC7 Data Centers, Load Increase": a. Please provide a detailed description, supporting project justification analyses, and managernent approval documentation for the referenced project. PIIC 2ed Set of Production Requests to RMP, Case No. IPUC-E-21-07 Page 3 b. Please identifu the amount of the load increase associated with the referenced project both in terms of MWhs and 12-CP demand. c. Please identifu the jurisdiction where the load is or will be located. Request No. 35: Reference McDougal workpaper "Exhibit No. 43 - TCJA Regulatory Liability Balance (Clean)": Please provide workpapers, will all links and formulae intact, supporting the calculation of the following hardcoded values in the referenced workpaper: a. Cell "H10" Classification Correction b. Cells "Fl2:F15" Deferred Amortization c. Cell "F17" Gross-up Factor d. Cells "H19","J19", and "Ll9" Amounts Used e. Cell "H28" Current Tax Benefitf. Cell"H29" Wheeling Revenue Offset g. Cells "H39:H40", "J39.J40" ECAM Offset h. Cell "L4l" Plant Buy-Down (Cholla")i. Cell'N43" Powerdale Decommissioningj. Cell'N44" Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustment - Craig and Haydenk. Cell "N45" 2017 Protocoll. Cell'N46" Intervenor Funding m. Cell "N47" Cholla Balances. Request No. 36: Reference McDougal workpaper "Exhibit No. 43 - TCJA Regulatory Liability Balance (Clean)": Did the retirement of wind facilities in connection with the Wind repowering program result in incremental amortization of Protected EDFIT balances and/or deferred amortization? If yes, please identiff the amounts of the incremental amortization and explain how the amounts were considered in the referenced workpapers. Request No. 37: Reference McDougal workpaper "'7.6 - TCJA Tax Deferred" Tab "Page 7.6.1": a. Please explain the difference between the protected EDFIT balances accrued to SAP Account 288932 and SAP Account 288942. b. Please explain why SAP Account 288942 is expected to amortize to zero by December 3 l, 2021. c. Please explain why the cumulative change in Protected EDFIT account balances in202l for SAP Account 288932 and SAP Account 288942 of $10,392,381 (sum of cells "E9" and "E13") is different than the $2,912,455 of protected EDFIT amortizationfor 2027 identified cell "E45." PIIC 2ed Set of Production Requests to RMP, Case No. IPUC-E-21-07 Page 4 Request No. 38. Reference McDougal workpaper "S.l l - Cholla 4," Tab "8.1 1.3", Cell"CI7": Please detail the monthly deprecation expenses associated with the referenced value, including detail of the monthly plant balances, and the assumed depreciation rates. Request No. 39: Please identiff the remaining fuel stock balances at Cholla on Decernber 31,2020. Please also include a description of how the fuel was disposed and identification ofany sales proceeds and dates received or expected to be received. Request No. 40: Please identifo all salvage proceeds recognized, or expected, in connection with the retirement of Cholla 4. Request No. 4l: Please identiff the amount of Fly Ash in storage at Cholla 4 as of December 31, 2020 and describe plans for selling the remaining fly ash at the facility. Please also identifu all such sales of Cholla 4 Fly Ash in2020 and to date. Request No. 42: Reference McDougal workpaper "8.l l - Cholla 4," Tab "8.11.2", Cell "F9": Please provide detail of each type of materials and supplies expenses that are expected to be recognized in connection with the Cholla 4 retirements. Request No. 43: Reference McDougal workpaper "8.l l - Cholla 4," Tab "8.11.2", Cell "Fll": a. Have the referenced liquidated damages amounts been paid? If yes, please provide invoices supporting the liquidated damages amount. If no, please state when the amounts are expected to be paid. b. Please provide a copy of the contract(s) where the obligation to pay liquidated damages are included and identifu the specific contract language requiring the payment of liquidated damages. Request No. 44: Reference McDougal workpaper "8.1I - Cholla 4," Tab "8.11": Please identifu the protected EDFIT balances associated with Cholla 4 as of December 31,2020, and provide a description of how those freed-up EDFIT amounts are being treated in revenue requirement. Request No. 45: Reference McDougal workpaper "6.5 - New Depreciation Study", Tab"6.5.4": Please provide detail supporting the2020 depreciation and amortization expenses by FERC account and FERC sub account. Please include monthly detail of the plant balances (gross plant), the associated depreciation rate applied and the applicable Idaho jurisdictional allocation factor. Please reconcile the response to the PIIC 2ed Set of Production Requests to RMP, Case No. IPUC-E-21-07 Page 5 $40,448,993 of depreciation expense and $2,682,363 amortization expenses included in the unadjusted result of operations for the Idaho jurisdiction for calendar year 2020. Request No. 46: Reference McDougal workpaper "6.5 - New Depreciation Study", Tab "6.5.4": Please provide detail supporting the old and new depreciation rates. Specifically, please provide electronic copies (in Excel format) of Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and Attachment 3 supporting the Phase I Stipulation in Case No. PAC-E- 18-08, or provide workpaper(s) with a comparable set of data. Request No. 47: Reference Attachment 3 of the Phase I Stipulation in Case No. PAC-E-18-08: Please provide actual plant in service as of December 31, 2020 for each FERC Account, FERC sub account, including separate detail for each generation unit using the same account classifications and level of detail identified in the referenced Stipulation Attachment. Request No. 48. Reference McDougal workpaper 006.5 - New Depreciation Study", Tab *6.5.4": Please explain why there is no adjustment removing the property plant and equipment associated with wind property plant and equipment that was retired in2020 in connection with the repowering progr{Lm. Request No. 49: Please identifr the amount of plant retirements by month associated with each of the repowering projects, including the cumulative amount of plant retirements for each project. Request No. 50. Please identiff the actual in-service date and the actual amount of capital placed into service for each EY 2020 (including Pryor Mountain) project, the associated EV 2020 Transmission investment, and the repowering investments. Please detail the transfers to plant for each project by month on a system basis. Request No. 51: Did the Capital costs associated with EY 2020, including the Transmission investment exceed the caps identified on Page l3 of Order No. 34104 in Case No. PAC-E-I7-07. If yes, please identifu the amount by which the cap was exceeded, including project by project capital cost details. If no, please demonstrate that the cap was not exceeded including project by project capital cost details. Request No. 52. Please provide an unredacted copy of the May 8, 2018, Multi- party Settlement Stipulation between the Company and Staffin Case No PAC-E-17-07. Please also state whether the redactions continue to be confidential, given that the underlying facilities have since been constructed and placed into service. PIIC 2ed Set of Production Requests to RMP, Case No. IPUC-E-21-07 Page 6 Request No. 53: Please provide Rocky Mountain Power's Idatro results of operations over the period 2012 through 2020, including actual and normalized results and supporting adjustments. Please provide supporting RAM and JAM files. Request No. 54: Please state Rocky Mountain Power's actual and normalized return on equity earned in Idaho over the period 2012 through 2020. Dated this 10th day of August,2|2l. Respectfully submitted, tstPo,,vrll L. Will;*n Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. Attorneys for PIIC PtrC 2ed Set of Production Requests to RMP, Case No. IPUC-E-21-07 PageT CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this lOth day of Auzust 2021,I caused to be served a true and correct electronic copy of the second set of discovery of the PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers upon the following individuals: Jan Norkyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720, Boise ID 83720-0074 11331 W. Chinden Blvd, Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 Jan. noriyuki @puc. idaho. eov Dayn Hardie John Hammond, Jr. Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg No. 8, Suite 201-A (83714) PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 davn.hardie@puc. idaho. eov i ohn.hamrnond@pucl. idaho. gov Ted Weston Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, UT 841l6 ted. weston@pacifi corp. com Emily L. Wegener Matthew D. McVee Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North Ternple, Suite 320 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 emily. we gener@pacifi corp. com matthew. m cv ee@p acifi com. com Data Request Response Center PacificCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OP.97232 datareq uest@paci fi corp. com Randall C. Budge Thomas J. Budge Racine, Olson, Nye & Budge, Chtd 201E. Center PO Box 1391 Pocatello, tD 83204-1391 r andy Gr)r aci n e I a w. n et ti@,racineolson.com Bradley G. Mullins MW Analytics, Energy & Utilities brm u I I in s@m wanalyt i cs. com PIIC Electronic Service Only: Val Steiner: Val. Steiner(ditafos.com Kyle Williams: williamsk@.byui.edu Adam Gardner: AGardner@idahoan.com Additional Bayer Representatives : (Electronic Service Only) James Smith: jim.r.smith@icloud.com Mike Velie: mike.velie@bayer.com Brubaker @ Associates Brian Collins: bcollins(D.consultbai.com Maurice Brubaker: mbrub aker(@consu ltba i . corn Eric L. Olsen Echo Hawk & Olsen PLLC 505 Pershing Ave., Suite 100 PO Box 6119 Pocatello, ID 83205 elo(@echohawk.com Energy Strategies Kevin C. Higgins: khissins@enersystrat.com Courtney Higgins chi s gins@ energystrat. com Milli Picharo: mpichardo@enerqystrat.corn Neal Townsend: ntownsend@enerqystrat.com PTIC CERTIFICATE OF MAILING Page I Anthony Yankel 1277 Lake AvenTe, Unit 2505 Lakewood, OH 44107 tony@yankel.net Aegis Strategies Lance Kaufrnan: lance@aeeisinsiqht.com Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6ttr Street Boisen Idaho 83702 botto@idahoconservation. ore Brad M. Furdy Community Action Partrership Association of Idaho Attorney atLaw 2019 N. 17th Street Boise,lD 83702 E-mail: bmpurdy@hotrnail.com rsrPrlrrllLWbn RonaldL. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. Attorney for PIIC PIIC CERTIFICATE OF MAILING Page2