HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210805PAC to Bayer 35-56-Redacted.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ''' ''!''l'il: .- -.) . '., ';, ' ".i Pi'i 5: l'+1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 August 5,2021 Randall C. Budge/B ayer randv (a)rac ineo lson. com (C) Thomas J. Budge/Bayer ti @racineolson. com (WXC) Brian C. Collins/Bayer bcollins@consultbai. com OID(C) Maurice B rubaker/B ayer mbmbaker(Ec on su ltb a i. c orn (C) Kevin Higgins/Bayer khig gins@,enereystrat. com (C) Lance Kaufrnan/Bayer lance@aeei sinsi sht. com (C) James R. Smith/Bayer j im. r. smith@ic loud. com (C) Mike Veile/Bayer m ike. vei le@bayer.com Courfirey Higgins/Bayer ch i sein s@enersv strat. conr Milli Picharo/B ayer m p ich ard o @en er s.v strat. c om Neal Townsend/Bayer ntownsen d@enerqystrat.com RE ID PAC.E.2I-07 Bayer Set 3'd (35-56) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to Bayer 3'd Set Data Request 35-56. Also provided is Attachment Bayer 38. Provided via encryption is Confidential Attachment Bayer 35 and Confidential Response Bayer 41. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Provided via encryption to Bayer and IPUC only are Customer-Specific Confidential Responses Bayer 48 and 49. Customer-Specific Confidential Attachments contain customer-specific information and are considered business confidential. The Company requests special handling which includes destroying or retuming customer-specific information within 30 days after the docket is completed. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, -Jsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Jan Noriyuki/IPUC jan.norivuki(@puc.idaho.eov (C) Ronald L. Williams/PIIC ron@,williamsbradburv.corn Bradley G. Mullins/PIIC brmullins@mwanalytics. com Adam Gardner/PIIC AGardner@idahoan. com (W) Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@bvui.edu (W) Val Steiner/PIIC val. steiner@itafos.com (W) Eric L. Olsen/IIPA elo@echohawk.com (C) Anthony Yankel/IPA tony@vankel.net (C) Ben Otto/ICL botto@i dahoconservation. ore (C) Ronald L. Williams/PIIC ron@rvilliamsbradbury.com Bradley G. Mullins/PIIC brmullins@mwanalytics.com Adarn Gardner/PIIC AGardner@idahoan.com (W) Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@bvui.edu (W) Val Steiner/PIIC val.steiner@ itafos.com (W) Eric L. Olsen/IIPA elo@echohawk.com (C) Anthony Yankel/IIPA tonv@vankel. net (C) Brad Purdy bmpurdy@hotmail.com (C) PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 35 Bayer Data Request 35 Please provide the amount of overtime dollars and overtime hours incurred by RMP for each of the last five years (2016-2020). Response to Bayer Data Request 35 Please refer to Confidential Attachment Bayer 35 which provides a breakout of PacifiCorp's general ledger (G/L) account balances of overtime dollars and hours for calendar years 2016 through 2020. Note: overtime dollars include accruals, adjustnents, capitalued labor and cutback (credits) for costs associated with j oint-owned facilitie s. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA 31.01 .01.067 and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder:Dave Cumow Sponsor:Steve McDougal PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 36 Bayer Data Request 36 Please list the employees who are eligible to receive overtime payments and provide the average number of employees eligible for overtime each year from 20t6-2020. Response to Bayer Data Request 36 Non-union/non-exempt employees who work more than 40 hours in a week, union employees and a very limited number of non-union supervisory employees are eligible for overtime. Note: the counts below do not include the supervisory employees: Year-end Count 2016 3,273 2017 3-228 2018 3.204 2019 3,066 2020 3,013 Recordholder:Dave Curnow / Shelley Zoller Steve McDougalSponsor: PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 37 Bayer Data Request 37 Please breakdown the amount of overtime dollars for each of the last five years Q0l6-2020) by type of overtime paid. For example, time and a hall double time, etc. Response to Bayer Data Request 37 The Company does not tack the breakout of overtime pay into the categories of time and a half, double time, etc., as each union contract contains different provisions for overtime. PacifiCorp only tacks the cos! hours and number of people associated with overtime pay by union or non-union category. Recordholder:Dave Curnow Sponsor:Steve McDougal PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 38 Bayer Data Request 38 Please provide RMP's vacation policy including an explanation of the ability to accrue unused leave. Response to Bayer Data Request 38 Please refer to Attachment Bayer 38 for a copy of the PacifiCorp 2020 Personal Time Program which contains RMP's personal time policy. The Company's personal time program for non-union employees provides pay when employees are away from work. Note: all time taken off is considered personal time, with the exception of holidays, civic duty, certain leaves of absence and disability. Employees are eligible for personal time benefits if they are a regular full-time or part-time non-represented employee (salaried and hourly) regularly scheduled to work 20 or more hours per week. For part-time exempt, non-represented employees, time offallocations (including personal time and floating holidays) are based on scheduled work hours. For part- time, hourly, non-represented employees, time offallocations will be pro-rated, based on actual hours worked the previous year. Participation is automatic, and benefits begin accruing the first pay period in which your regular full-time or part-time employment begins. *Only available to employees with a current hire date before Janua-y l, 2010. Vacation, sick and other leave accommodations for union employees are dependent on the contract for each union. Recordholder:Leslie Chase Length of Seruice Per Pay Period Annual Accrual Maximum Accrual Personal Time Cap G49 months 6.00 hours 144 hours 216 hours 50-145 months 7.67 hours 1 84 hours 276 hours 146-277 months 9.33 hours 224hours 336 hours 278 or more months*I 1.00 hours 264 hours 396 hours Sponsor Steve McDougal PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 39 Boyer Data Request 39 Please describe the types of employees who are legible to accrue leave (unused leave). For each employee group identified, please state whether these employees are salaried or paid by the hour. Response to Bayer Data Requost 39 Please refer to the Company's response to Bayer Data Request 38. Recordholder: Leslie Chase Sponsor:Steve McDougal PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 40 Bayer Data Request 40 Please provide the balance of unused leave accrual at year end for each ofthe last five calendar years. Response to Bayer Data Request 40 Please refer to the table below for the Company's unused leave expense balance, in dollars, as of December 3l for calendar years 2016 through 2020. Recordholder: Dave Cumow Sponsor: Steve McDougal General Ledger (G/L) Account Description 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 500515 Unused Leave Accrual - IBEW 57 73,047.19 (171,393.32)(l r,134.40)184,556.00 (144,409.59) 500516 Unused Leave Accrual - Non Union l,9 r 8,859.31 389,342.36 143,895.71 3s,759.31 Q36,864.97) 500517 Unused Leave Accrual - Local 125 198,007.55 (11,472.59)87,096.35 (30,001.07)61,756.01 500518 Unused Leave Accrual - l-ocal 127 163,7 4r.37 (58,613.82)160,541.20 76,291.81 (43,817.74) 5005 I 9 Unused Leave Accrual - Local 197 2,000.00 (1,500.00)(500.00)(1,000.00)(500.00) 500520 Unused Leave Accrual - Local 659 232,473.77 96,645.75 34,3 81.s0 Q2,307.36)10,176.07 Subtotal Unused Leave Expense 2,588,129.19 243,008.38 414,280.36 243,298.69 (353,660.22) PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 41 Bayer Data Request 41 Please provide all documentation that explains the different components of RMP's Annual Incentive Plan (AIP). The response should describe the different metrics used to award AIP payments. Response to Bayer Data Request 41 PacifiCorp's Annual Incentive Plan (AIP), part of PacifiCorp's compensation package, provides incentive awards to reward employees for achieving objective targets (as measured by scorecards) and the contributions for advancing the business. Awards will be made based upon measurable achievement of results. This approach supports the philosophy of incentive compensation as pay at risk that is earned based on the Company, departrnent and individual performance. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder:Leslie Chase Sponsor:Steve McDougal PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2421 Bayer Data Request 42 Bayer Data Request 42 Please provide the RMP Bonus and Awards payment balances for the last five years. Response to Bayer Data Request 42 Please refer to the table below for bonuses and Annual Incentive Plan (AIP) payments made for the last five years: Calendar Yealt)AIP Bonuses (2)Total 2020 $ 22,432,780 $ 10,313,401 $ 32,746,181 20t9 $ 29,221,443 $ 5,840,957 $ 35,062,400 2018 $ 25,017,322 $ 4,966,509 $ 29,983,830 2017 $ 28,011,574 $ 4,418,418 $ 32,429,992 2016 $ 28,312,137 $ 4,753,778 $ 33,065,915 ( l) Bonus payments may include estimates for retention and hiring, safetyferformmce awrds not related o AIP md Long-tem Incentive Plan (LTIP) payments. (2) Amounts are as of December 3l Recordholder:Dave Curnow Sponsor:Steve McDougal PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 43 Bayer Date Request 43 For 2020, please provide a detailed description of all actions performed that would quali& for a bonus or award payment. Response to Bayer Data Request 43 Performanee awards are given at the discretion ef managers and are based on the individuals' performanee and achiwements dudng the year. Recordholder: Leslie Chase Sponsor:Steve McDougal PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 44 Bayer Data Request 44 In annualizing payroll for wage increases during 2020, did RMP restate payroll, overtime and premium pay to reflect those months in2020 when the payroll increase was not in effect? Please explain your response. Response to Bayer Data Request 44 Yes. To properly reflect the level of regular, premium, and overtime pay that will be incurred with the rate effective date of January 1,,2022, the Company annualized all increases during calendar year 2020 and projected in calendu year 2021. Further details on this calculation is provided in Confidential Exhibit No. 4l,Page 4.2.4. Recordholder:Nick Highsmith Steve McDougalSponsor: PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 45 Bayer Data Request 45 Is RMP seeking to include payroll increases in cost of service beyond the test year in this case. If so, please provide a detailed explanation of all increases. Response to Bayer Data Request 45 No. As shown on Confidential Exhibit No. 41, Page 4.2.4, the Company is annualizing regular, overtime, and premium labor for increases that have or are forecasted to occur in calendar year 2021. These annualizations ensure the appropriate level of labor expense is included in the revenue requirement beginning with the requested rate effective date in this docket, January 1,2022. Recordholder:Nick Highsmith Sponsor:Steve McDougal PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 46 Bayer Data Request 46 Please provide detailed explanation of the negative expense associated with Joint Owners Cutbacks. In the last five years except for 2020, was there a negative expense for this item. If so please provide all negative expenses for the period 2016-2019. Response to Bayer Data Request 46 Joint-owner cutbacks to coal plants represent billed amounts to minority owners within operation and maintenance (O&M) expense (excluding fuel), which credit expense and debit accounts receivable. Please refer to the table below for cutbacks within O&M expense accounts for joint-owned plants, as reported in the Company's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Form I for calendar years 2016 through 2020: Joint-Owner Cutback (Smillions) Calendar Year Ilunter Unit I Hunter Unit 2 Jim Bridser Wvodak 2020 $ 1.2 $ 6.8 924.2 $ 4.0 2019 $ 1.2 $ ll.8 $ 30.9 $ 3.9 2018 $ 2.0 $ 7.6 s 33.7 $ 4.0 2017 $ 1.4 $ 7.3 $ 28.3 $ 3.9 2016 $ 1.3 $ 7.6 $27.6 $ s.l Recordholder:Catherine Docekal Sponsor:Steve McDouga1 PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 47 Bayer Data Request 47 Please provide the percentage of total labor dollars assigned to Non-Utility and Capitalized Labor for the last five years (2016-2020). Response to Bayer Data Request 47 Please refer to the table below for PacifiCorp's estimated bare labor (salary and annual incentive plan) costs, for the following years, as reported in the Company's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Form I for non- utility and capitalized labor: Recordholder:Catherine Docekal Sponsor:Steve McDougal CY Estimated Misc. Non- Operating and Non- Utility 7o ofNon- Utility Estimated Capitalized Labor o/o of Capitalized Labor Total Estimated Salaries and Wages 2020 478,060 %177.240.117 3t%56s.827.631 2019 912,471 %163.070.510 30%543.112.097 201 8 546,524 %162-409-945 3t%531.461.M8 2017 1.294.351 %t44.084.590 28%517.404.188 2016 671,391 %146.930.576 29 o/o 514,882.176 PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 48 Bayer Data Request 48 With respect to the testimony of Craig Eller at page 13, please provide the amount of elapsed time between start-up and full rated capacity output for the following: (a) The proposed Naughton SCCT. O) A SCCT Frame F. (c) A SCCT Aero. (d) An lntercooled SCCT Aero. (e) The proposed Bayer operating reserve product. (f) The proposed Bayer economic curtailment product. Customer-Specific Confidential Response to Bayer Data Request 48 The start times of supply side resources identified in PacifiCorp's 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) are provided in answers to subparts (a) through (d) below. Start time for simple cycle combustion turbines (SCCT) was defured as the time required to achieve full load output from start initiation under normal operating conditions. It is possible to reduce start times to approximately half the values shown below under abnormal operating conditions but such operation could result in increased maintenance costs and shortened maintenance intervals. (a) The proposed Naughton SCCT Frame F : 225 minutes. (b) A SCCT Frame F:22.5 minutes. (c) A SCCT Aero: 10 minutes. (d) An Intercooled SCCT Aero: l0 minutes. (e) Public Utilities (0 Commission (IPUC) and the requester / customer, Bayer customer- PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 48 specific information is being provided only to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) and the requester / customer, Bayer. The customer-specific confidential information provided in this data request response is customer-specific information and is considered business confidential. The Company requests special handling which includes destroying or retuming customer-specific information within 30 days after the docket is completed. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA and, the IPUC's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to the Non- Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder:Irene Heng / Grant Laughter / Tom Burns Craig EllerSponsor: PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 49 Bayer Data Request 49 With respect to the testimony of Craig Eller page 13, please provide the ramp rate in MW per minute for the following: (a) The proposed Naughton SCCT. (b) A SCCT Frame F. (c) A SCCTAero. (d) An Intercooled SCCT Aero. (e) The proposed Bayer operating reserve product. (f) The proposed Bayer economic curtailment product. Customer-Specific Confidential Response to Bayer Data Request 49 The ramp rates of supply side resources identified in PacifiCorp's 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) are provided in response to subparts (a) through (d) below. Ramp rate is the maximum rate of change in unit load, either an increase or decrease, expressed as megawatts per hour (MWh), while maintaining stable load and stack emissions targets when operating at a load between minimum load and tull load. (a) The proposed Naughton SCCT: 2,400 MW/h (40 MWmin) (b) A SCCT Frame F:2,400 MW/h (40 MWmin) (c) A SCCT Aero: 3,000 MW/h (50 MWmin) (d) An Intercooled SCCT Aero: 3,000 MWh (50 MWmin) (e) Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and the requester / customer, Bayer. (f) ote customer- PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 49 specific information is being provided only to the IPUC and the requester / customer, Bayer. The customer-specific confidential information provided in this data request response is customer-specific information and is considered business confidential. The Company requests special handling which includes destroying or returning customer-specific information within 30 days after the docket is completed. Confidential information is provided subject to protection under IDAPA 3l.01.01.067 and, the IPUC's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and furttrer subject to the Non- Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder:Irene Heng I Grant Laughter / Tom Burns Craig EllerSponsor: PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2421 Bayer DataRequest 50 Bayer Data Roquest 50 rWith respect to the testimony of Craig Eller at page 13, please confirm that expected benefits of a SCCT were notnetted from the valuatioa of Bayer's operating reserve product in Commission Order No. 32196 in Case No. PAC-E- l0-07. Responso to Bayer Data Requet 50 Confirmed. Recordholder: Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig Eller PAC-E-2147 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2421 Bayer DataReguest 5l Bayer Dete Requect 51 With respect to the testimony of Craig Eller at page 13, please provide a narrative explanation of the fonnula used to derive the expected benefits of a SCCT that are netted from the valuation of Bayer's operating resetrve product. Recponse to BayerData Request 51 Please refer to the Company's response to Bayer Data Request 34. Recordholder: Dan MacNeil Sponsor: Craig Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 52 Bayer Data Request 52 With respect to the testimony of Craig Eller at page l3 regarding Bayer's operating reserve product, please provide a narrative explanation of how, on a system operational basis, energy benefits are lost as a result of not installing a SCCT. Response to Bayer Data Request 52 If the Company acquires a simple cycle combustion turbine (SCCT), retail rates would reflect the costs of the SCCT, but would also reflect the energy benefits that resource provides, in the form of reduced net power costs (IIPC) whenever the SCCT generates instead of a more expensive altemative or holds operating reserves freeing up economic resources to serve load or support wholesale sales As a result, a SCCT provides both energy benefits, from resource dispatch and the provision of operating reserves, and capacity benefits, representing the additional cost of ensuring sufficient resources are available to reliably serve load. This is analogous to the values calculated for the Bayer operating reserve product which also include both energy and capacity. The energy benefits of the SCCT would be "lost" to retail customers (and their rates would be higher) if the Company contracts to provide compensation for capacity based on the full cost of a SCCT and does not account for the energy benefits a SCCT would have provided. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 53 Bayer Data Request 53 With respect to the testimony of Craig Eller at page 13 regarding Bayer's operating reserve product, please describe and quantifr the reduced revenue requirement mentioned at line 10. Response to Bayer Data Request 53 For a description of the reduced revenue requirement, please refer the Company's response to Bayer Data Request 34. For a quantification of the reduced revenue requirement, please refer to the direct testimony of Company witness, Craig M. Eller, specifically Confidential Exhibit 36, and to the Company's response to Bayer Data Request 34, specifically Confidential Attachment Bayer 34,file "Bayer-SCCT EIM Value 2017 - 2020 CONF.xlsb". Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 54 Bayer Data Request 54 With respect to the testimony of Craig Eller at page 15, please confirm that expected benefits of a SCCT were not netted from the valuation of Bayer's economic curtailment product in Commission Order No. 32196 in Case No. PAC- E-10-07. Response to Bayer Data Request 54 Confirmed. The Company would note that the valuation of the economic curtailment product in Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) Order No. 32196 in Case No. PAC-E-I0-07 also did not include costs associated with a simple cycle combustion turbine (SCCT). Recordholder: Dan MacNeil Sponsor: Craig Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 55 Bayer Data Request 55 With respect to the testimony of Craig Eller at page 15, please provide a narrative explanation of the formula used to derive the expected benefits of a SCCT that are netted from the valuation of Bayer's economic curtailment product. Response to Bayer Data Request 55 Please refer to the Company's response to Bayer Data Request 34. Recordholder: Dan MacNeil Sponsor: Craig Eller PAC-E-21-07 / Rocky Mountain Power August 5,2021 Bayer Data Request 56 Bayer Data Request 56 With respect to the testimony of Craig Eller at page 15 regarding Bayer's economic curtailment product, please provide a narrative explanation of how, on a system operational basis, energy benefits are lost as a result of not installing a SCCT. Response to Bayer Data Request 56 If the Company acquires a simple cycle combustion turbine (SCCT), retail rates would reflect the costs of the SCCT, but would also reflect the energy benefits that resource provides, in the form of reduced net power costs (NPC) whenever the SCCT generates instead of a more expensive alternative or holds operating reserves freeing up economic resources to serve load or support wholesale sales. As a result, a SCCT provides both energy benefits, from resource dispatch and the provision of operating reserves, and capacity benefits, representing the additional cost of ensuring sufficient resources are available to reliably serve load. This is analogous to the values calculated for the Bayer operating reserye product which also include both energy and capacity. The energy benefits of the SCCT would be "lost" to retail customers (and their rates would be higher) if the Company contracts to provide compensation for capacity based on the full cost of a SCCT and does not account for the energy benefits a SCCT would have provided. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Craig Eller