HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210715Staff 50-110 to PAC-Redacted.pdfDAYN HARDIE (ISB No. 9917) MATT HUNTER (ISB No. 1066s) DEPUTY ATTORNEYS GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSTON PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 --, tii-ji I. ' L.J t ll L:._:J Street Address for Express Mail: I 1331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE,ID 83714 Attorneys for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. PAC.E.TI.O1 REDACTED THIRI) PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorneys of record, Dayn Hardie and Matt Hunter, Deputy Attorneys General, request that Rocky Mountain Power ("Company") provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than THURSDAY, AUGUST 5,2021. This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and the Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it, or any person acting on its behalf, may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name, job title, and telephone number of the person preparing the documents. Please also identiff the name, job title, location, and telephone number of the record holder. REDACTED THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) JULY 15,2O2I In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests, please provide all EXCEL spreadsheets and electronic files on CD with formulas intact and enabled. REQUEST NO. 50: Following up on Production Request No. 3, please provide a description of the services rendered, copies of invoices, and status of any ongoing litigation involved for the following events. REQUEST NO. 51: Following up on Production Request No. 6, please provide a description, status report, and a list of 2020 invoices for the following cleanup projects: a. Astoria / Unocal; b. Eugene MGP- PacifiCorp; c. Idaho Falls Pole Yard-Plant; d. Portland Harbor Source Control; e. Silver Bell / Telluride; f. Pacific Power - Spill Prevention, Containment and Countermeasure (SPCC); and g. Rocky Mountain - Spill Prevention, Containment and Countermeasure (SPCC). REQUEST NO. 52: Please separate the Annual Incentive Plan ("AIP") amounts on Exhibit No. 40 page 4.2.5 by the group codes included in page 4.2.2. REQUEST NO. 53: Does the AIP amount stated on page 4.2.2 inchtde the Incentive Payment and Long Term Incentive Plan ("LTIP") shown on the response to Production Request No. 24? If not please state where the Incentive Payments and LTIP are included in the rate case REQUEST NO. 54: Please include the amount of AIP available (potential AIP) and the annual amounts awarded for 2018 through 2020. REDACTED THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 2 a. b. c. d. e. JULY 15,2021 REQUEST NO. 55: Please provide the Company policy manual and categories for the AIP. Please include the annual amounts awarded for each category for 2018 through 2020. REQUEST NO. 56: Please provide the Commission-approved ROE in PacifiCorp's last rate case for Washington, Oregon, California, Wyoming, and Utah. REQUEST NO. 57: Following up on Production Request No. 4, please separate the IT expenses in Attachment IPUC 4-5 by individual IT projects. REQUEST NO. 58: Please provide the base rate impact of Lake Side 2 power plant. Please separate these costs into categories including O&M, Depreciation, Retum on Rate Base, Fuel Costs, etc. REQUEST NO. 59: Please provide the total costs included in the case for the Green House Gas ("GHG") compliance as well as the amounts allocated to Idaho. REQUEST NO. 60: Please provide the total GHG revenues the Company has included in the case and the amount allocated to Idaho. REQUEST NO. 61: Please provide copies of all contracts referenced in Adjustment No.3.6 REQUEST NO. 62: Please provide the supporting documentation for the Company's Medical, Dental and 401(k) expense shown on Exhibit No. 40 page 4.2.6. REQUEST NO. 63: Please provide the contract for the renewal of Property and Liability Insurances referenced on Exhibit No. 40 page 4.7.3 when available. REQUEST NO. 64: Please provide the rationale and any supporting documentation for the Company's renewal estimate provided on Exhibit No. 40 page 4.7.3. REDACTED THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 3 ruLY 15,2021 REQUEST NO. 65: Please provide the invoices for the credit facility expense as provided for on Exhibit No. 40 page 4.1 l.l. Please also include the month end balance of each credit facility for year ending 2020. REQUEST NO. 66: Please provide a copy of the lead lag study referenced in Adjustment No. 8.1. REQUEST NO. 67: Please provide the rationale and any supporting documentation of the Trapper Mine adjustment on Exhibit No. 40 page 8.2. REQUEST NO. 68: Please explain why the accumulated depreciation reduces every month for the Trapper Mine as shown on Exhibit No. 40 page 8.2.1. REQUEST NO. 69: Please explain the reason that the inventory is increasing each month for the Trapper Mine as shown on Exhibit No. 40 page 8.2.1 REQUEST NO. 70: Please explain how a customer advance would be allocated on an SE factor as shown on Exhibit No. 40 page 8.2. REQUEST NO. 7l: In the description for Adjustment No. 8.5, it states that all pro forma projects would be $5 million or more. Please explain why the following projects were included. a. Monarch Upgrade ($1.3aM); b. GTX Connect Java and UI Only ($2.41M); c. AMI - Idaho IT Comm Network ($3.18M); d. Mapping Sys Consolidation ($l.a2D; e. Vantage Pomona Heights 230kV Line ($1.50M); and f. PAC FIPS 201 (Phys Security Repl) ($1.48M). REDACTED THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 4 ruLY 15,2021 REQUEST NO. 72: Please provide the rationale and any supporting documentation for increasing the fuel stock on hand for the Naughton power plant shown on Exhibit No. 40 page 8.6.1. REQUEST NO. 73: Please provide the nodal pricing capital balance by month from inception to present. Please include the budget amounts that support Adjustment No. 5.2. Please update these amounts with actuals as they become available. REQUEST NO. 74: Please update Adjustment Nos. 8.2 (Trapper Mine) and 8.3 (Jim Bridger) to actuals as those months become available. REQUEST NO. 75: Please show the monthly fuel stock balances provided in Exhibit No. 40 page 8.6.1. Please update the monthly amounts with actual numbers as they become available. REQUEST NO. 76: Please provide the rationale for continuing to hold coal in the Rock Garden as provided on Exhibit No.40 page 8.6.l. REQUEST NO. 77: Please provide copies of all invoices and all other financial source documents to verifu the actual project costs for the projects collectively referred to as Energy Vision 2020 Projects. Please update this production request monthly for the projects still in the construction phase. REQUEST NO. 78: Please provide all source documents pertaining to the repowering projects that included any liquidated damages as referenced in ParagraphT of the Stipulation in Case No. PAC-E-17-06. REQUEST NO. 79: Page 39 of Company witness Hemstreet's direct testimony refers to the report on the disposition of the assets replaced by repowering and the salvage value or other customer benefits realized. Please provide a copy of this report and update it monthly through the course ofthe rate case. REDACTED THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOI.]NTAIN POWER 5 ruLY 15,2021 REQUEST NO. 80: Please provide a copy of the RTM defenal with the monthly entries for both the Repowering projects and the New WindAtrew Transmission projects. Please update this production request monthly. REQUEST NO. 81: Please provide the following documentation for each Information Technology Hardware Maintenance, Software Maintenance, and Software Web Hosted service or project listed in Software and Hardware Expenses for years2020 and202l. (Where requested information has not been provided, please explain why it was not provided and how the Company assured completion of the service or project was completed at least cost.) a. Business case - a justification of need for each service or project and a cost/benefit analysis comparing alternatives; b. Project details - scope, budget, and schedule; c. Completion dates; d. Costs - labor, material, purchased services, and other expenses; and e. For any project that was completed for information security, please list the standard, regulation, or requirement the implementation fulfills. REQUEST NO. 82: Regarding the Customer Relationship Management system upgrade, please provide the following information: a. Project details - scope, budget, and schedule; b. Phase completion dates and added functionality; c. Services provided and costs associated with purchased services; and d. Breakout of O&M expenses. REQUEST NO. 83: Please provide workpapers supporting Exhibit No. 45 in electronic format with links intact and formulas enabled. REQUEST NO. 84: Please provide workpapers supporting Exhibit No. 49 in electronic format with links intact and formulas enabled. REDACTED THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOTINTAIN POWER 6 ruLY t5,2021 REQUEST NO. 85: Please provide workpapers supporting Exhibit No. 52 in electronic format with links intact and formulas enabled. REQUEST NO. 86: Please provide a detailed description of the Company's weather/temperature normalization method used to normalize revenues, system peak, energy loads, net power costs, and any other items normalized by this method. Please include any workpapers supporting the weather/temperature normalization method for each item that is normalized. REQUEST NO. 87: Page 5 of Company witness Meredith's direct testimony states, "From 2019 to 2020, the Company's normalized energy sales decreased by 0.04 percent and its customer counts increased by 2.17 percent. To put the 2019 billing determinants on a comparable basis with the 2020 historical test period, the Company therefore decreased all billing determinants by 0.04 percent and increased all customer-related billing determinants by 2.17 percent " Please respond to the following: a. Please provide a detailed description of the Company's method for normalizing energy sales; b. Please provide workpapers supporting the Company's energy sales normalization method, in electronic format with links intact and formulae enabled; c. Please provide workpapers supporting the 0.04 percent decrease in energy sales from 2019 to 2020, in electronic format with links intact and formulae enabled; and d. Please provide workpapers supportingthe2.lT percent increase in customer counts from 201 9 to 2020, in electronic format with links intact and formulae enabled. REQUEST NO. 88: In reference to Meredith's direct testimony, pages 6-9, where he discusses two changes made to the cost of service study, has the Company performed analysis or analyses on the effect the two changes had on the cost of service study? If so, please provide any analysis the Company performed. REDACTED THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOIINTAIN POWER 7 JULY I5,2O2I REQUEST NO. 89: In reference to IPUC Audit Data Requests l, 15, 16, and l7 in Case No. PAC-E-20-03, please provide any updates to these responses if changes were made in the Application of this case (Case No. PAC-E-21-07). REQUEST NO. 90: In Meredith's direct testimony, pages 24-26, he discusses changes to special contract requirements and Schedule 401. Please respond to the following: a. Please provide a comparison of the load shape and load factor from the last three years for the Schedule 9 rate class and the Schedule 401 customer; b. Please provide the workpapers supporting the bill impact of 5.7 percent for the Schedule 401 customer mentioned on page25,line 14, of Meredith's direct testimony; and c. If the 15,000-kilowatt ("kW") limit is removed from Schedules 9 and 31, what is the justification for not moving other special contract customers to Schedules 9 or 3l? Please explain. REQUEST NO. 91: Please describe the communication methods the Company offers to customers for reporting outages and the communication methods the Company uses to provide timely updates of outages to its customers. What improvements, if any, is the Company making to its outage management notification? REQUEST NO. 92: Please describe the self-help options that are available to customers using the Company's Interactive Voice Response system. Please provide the utilization rate for each available option for each of the last three years and year to date ("YTD") 2021. REQUEST NO. 93: Please describe the self-help options that are available to customers using the Company's website. For each of the last three years and YTD 2021, please provide the utilization rate for each available option. What percentage of Idaho customers have established an online account? REQUEST NO. 94: Please provide the number of incoming calls handled by the customer service call center by month for each of the past three years plus YTD 2021. REDACTED THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 8 JULY 15,2O2I REQUEST NO. 95: Please provide the number of abandoned calls to the customer service call center by month for each of the past three years plus YTD 2021. "Abandoned calls" are calls that reach the Company's incoming telephone system, but the calling party terminates the call before speaking with a customer service representative. REQUEST NO. 96: Please provide the average speed of answer for the customer service call center by month for each of the past three years plus YTD 2021. "Average speed of answer" is the interval (typically measured in seconds) between when a call reaches the Company's incoming telephone system and when the call is picked up by a customer service representative. REQUEST NO. 97: Please provide the service level for the customer service call center by month for each of the past three years plus YTD 2021. "Service level" is the percentage of calls answered within a certain number of seconds, e.g.,80%o of calls answered within 20 seconds. REQUEST NO. 98: Please provide the average number of busy signals reached by parties calling the customer service call center by month for each of the past three years and YTD 2021. REQUEST NO. 99: Please provide the average response time for e-mail transactions by month for each of the past three years plus YTD 2021. "Average response time" is the average number of hours from receipt of an e-mail by the Company to sending a substantive response; auto-response acknowledgements do not count as a substantive response. REQUEST NO. 100: Please provide the average handling time by month for each of the past three years plus YTD 2021. "Average handling time" is the average amount of time (usually expressed in minutes) it takes for a customer service representative to talk with a customer plus any additional "off-line" time it takes to complete the transaction or fully resolve the customer's issue(s). REDACTED THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOTiNTAIN POWER 9 JULY 15,2O2I REQUEST NO. 101: Does the Company track the number of its Idaho customers who receive assistance under the Company's Low Income Weatherization Assistance program ("LIWA") operated by the Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership (EICAP) and Southeastern Idaho Community Action Partnership (SEICCAX REQUEST NO. 102: If your response to the preceding request (Request No. 103) is yes, what percentage of the Company's total residential customers have received LIWA funding in each ofthe past five years? In responding to this request, please break-out the percentage of such customers who utilize gas versus electricity as their primary heating source. REQUEST NO. 103: [s there a limitation that the Company imposes on those customers seeking LIWA funding such that they must consume a minimum of a specif,rc number of kilowatts of electricity and/or therms of gas annually? If so, what are those limitations and why are they imposed? REQUEST NO. 104: If your response to the preceding request (Request No 105) is yes, what are those minimum consumption levels for both gas and/or electricity and how many and what percentage of RMP low-income customers have been denied LIWA assistance in each of the past five years for failure to consume the amount of energy consumption stated above? REQUEST NO. 105: Has the Company conducted any studies during the past five years of the effect that its LIWA program has on low-income customers in terms of reducing their uncollectible accounts and related collection costs for the Company? If yes, please provide the results of such studies by year. REQUEST NO. 106: What are the number of disconnections between residential customers who receive LIWA assistance and those who do not? REQUEST NO. 107: How many of the Company's low-income customers have been disconnected due to non-payment, or inability to pay, their electric bills in each of the past five years and what percentage are residential customers? REDACTED THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 10 JULY 15,2021 REQUEST NO. 108: Please provide a comparison for the number of disconnections and disconnection related cost, on a per customer basis, between customers who receive LIWA funding and residential customers who do not receive funding in each of the past five years. REQUEST NO. 109: Please provide data, if available, supporting the Company's current LIWA program having the effect of reducing disconnection, bad debt expense, and other costs related to the loss of low-income customers due to their inability to pay. REQUEST NO. 110: How many residential dwellings have been weatherized using LIWA assistance in the Company's Idaho service territory in each of the past five calendar years? Of those homes weatherized, what was the total average cost for each dwelling and the average number of residential customers who have received such finding in each of the past five calendar years? DATED at Boise,Idatro, this | 5b aayof July 2021. Deputy Attorney General i:umisc:prodreq/pace2 l.Tdhmhjt prod req 3 REDACTED THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER I I JULY I5,2O2I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS l5th DAY OF ruLY 2021, SERVED THE FOREGOING REDACTED THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER, N CASE NO. PAC-E-21-07, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: ANTHONY YANKEL I27OO LAKE AVE UNIT 2505 LAKEWOOD OH 44107 E-MAIL: ton),@yankel.net BzuAN C COLLINS MAUzuCE BRUBAKER BRUBAKER & ASSOCIATES 16690 SWINGLEY RIDGE RD #I4O CHESTERFIELD MO 63017 E-MAIL: bcollins@consultbai.com mbrubaker@consultbai.com BRADLEY G MULLINS MW ANALYTICS ENERGY E-MAIL: brmullins@mwanalytics.com KYLE WILLIAMS BYU IDAHO E-MAIL: w'illiamsk@byui.edu VAL STEINER ITAFOS CONDA LLC E-MAIL: val.steiner@itafos.com ERIC L OLSEN ECHO HAWK & OLSEN PLLC PO BOX 6119 POCATELLO ID 83205 E-MAIL: elo(@echohawk.com RANDALL C BUDGE THOMAS J BUDGE RACINE OLSON PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83204 E-MAIL: randy@racineolson.com ti@racineolson.com RONALD L WILLIAMS WILLIAMS BRADBURY PC PO BOX 388 BOISE TD 8370I E-MAIL: ron@williamsbradbury.com ADAM GARDNER IDAHOAN FOODS E-MAIL: AGardner@idahoan.com SECRET CERTIFICATE OF SERVTCE