HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030723_546.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:BIRDELLE BROWN DATE:JULY 16, 2003 RE:TETON TELECOM'S TARIFF SUBMITTED JUNE 30, 2003 TO REPLACE ITS ENTIRE LOCAL SERVICE TARIFF, EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2003 Teton Telecom submitted a newly refonnatted tariff to convert the document to Word fonnat letter-sized, with appropriate headers and footers for the IPUC stamp. Staff has carefully reviewed this submission and concurs with Silver Star that no tenns and conditions, prices or rates have been changed. Additionally, Teton has changed the name on this tariff from Teton Telecom Communications to Teton Telecom. Teton advises that it made this change some years ago in response to a non-related business in eastern Idaho named Teton Communications. Both of Teton s names are registered d/b/a names of Columbine Telephone Company, Inc. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that this tariffbe accepted as submitted, effective August 1 2003. Does the Commission agree? COITesp/ dmemos/2003/refonnat. tet DECISION MEMORANDUM JULY 16, 2003