HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200811PAC to Staff 12-14.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN Fo\'IIERAdtrsoilof mclFlooeP i'tEt E lvE$ 2010 f,Ut I I Plt trr ll* - -, riri 1/tir i,''1-'i r;t t- UOLtI*, JT ILI'iiIJ $ TCfolMISS$fl August 11,2020 JanNoriyuki Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 i an.noriyuki@Fuc. idaho. eov RE: ID PAC-E-20-10 IPUC 2"d Set Data Request (8-14) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC Data Requests 12-14 If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, -Jsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 PAC-E-20-10 / Rocky Mormtain Power August 11,2020 IPUC DataRquest 12 IPUC Data Request 12 This QF is7.45 MW, which includes Powerhouse #l (1,950 kW) and Powerhouse #2 (5,500 kW). Does each powerhouse have its own meter to measure the output ofeach powerhouse? Response to IPUC Data Request 12 No. The point of maering is the same for both powerhouses, located at PacifiCorp pole # 3l -07 -W 290900 (meter M7 8462). Recordholder: Sponsor: Kyle Moore To Be Determined PAC-E-20-10 / Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2020 IPUC Data Request 13 IPUC Data Request 13 The 1984 contract used levelized rates for the Fixed Energy Rates and Appendix C of the contract states that "the payment Buyer makes to Seller for power generated is based on Seller's performance during the full term of this Agreement". However, Powerhouse #1 has not operated since 2006. Please answer the following questions: (a) Due to the nature of levelized rates, did the parties adjust payment to refund the exfia payment as a result of ending operations of Powerhouse #l earlier than expiration date? (b) If so, please illustrate how refund was calculated. If not, please explain why. Response to IPUC Data Request 13 (a) No. (b) The adjustment referenced above from the 1984 contract, Appendix C (Adjustment of Payments in the Event of Termination), is in relation to a termination of the contract; such a termination did not take place. Recordholder: Sponsor: Kyle Moore To Be Determined PAC-E-20-10 / Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2020 IPUC Data Request 14 IPUC Data Request 14 Page No. 3 of the Application states that "the Seller has demonstrated to the Company's reasonable satisfaction that (l) the facility's net energy will equal the energy delivery schedules for the full term of this Agreement; and (2) the likelihood that the facility, under average design conditions, will generate at no more than 2.5 aMW in any calendar month". However, the Energy Delivery Schedule section on Page 16 of the contract shows that the months of April, May, June, and July exceed the 2.5 aMW. Please reconcile the statement in the Application and the monthly estimates under the Energy Delivery Schedule section of the contract. Response to IPUC Data Request 14 The 2.5 average megawatt (aMW) figure in the application was stated in error, this figure should have reflected 3.5 aMW (rounding to the nearest 500 kilowatts (kW) figure). Recordholder: Sponsor: Kyle Moore To Be Determined