HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200731Staff 8-14 to PAC.pdfDAYN HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720.0074 (208) 334-03 l2 IDAHO BAR NO. 99I7 NTCEiVECI tC?0 iUL 3 I Plt l: 3tr ,,'ii;.,' .ii]ti:11*{$s* Street Address for Express Mail: I I 331 W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 20I.A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorneys for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR ) APPROVAL OF THE POWERPURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN PACIFICORP AND }.ALL RJVER ELEC'IRIC COOPERATIVE, INC, CASE NO. PAC-E-2O.IO SECOND PRODUCTION RE,QUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER The Staff olthe Idaho Public Utilities Comrnission, by and through its attomey of record, Dayn Hardie, Deputy Attorney General, requests that Rocky Mounlain Power provide the following documcnts and inlormation as soon as possible, but no later than MONDAY' AUGUST 10,2020,1 This Production Request is to be considered as continuing. and Rocky Mountain Power is requested to provide, by u'ay ofsupplementary responses, additional documenls that it, or any person acting on its behalf, Inay later obtain lhat will augment the documents or information produccd. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers fiat provide detail or are the source of informalion used in calculations, and the name, job title, and lelephone number of I Staffis requesting an expedited response. lfresponding by this date will bc problematic, please call Stafls attomcy at (208) 334-0312. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUF-TAIN POWER ) ) ) ) ) ) ) JULY 3I,2O2O the person preparing the docr.rments. Please also identi$, the narne, job title, location, and telephone number of the record holder. In addition to the w tten copies provided as respons€ to the requesls, please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic files on CD u.ith fbrmulas intact and enabled. REQUEST NO,8: Please provide the full rate schcdule for Fixed Energy Rates listed rn Appendix B ofthe 1984 contract. The full schedule should include difflerent online years. REQUEST NO. 9: Please provide the Order Number and Case Number that approved the rate schedule nrenlioned above. REQUEST NO. l0: Firm Market Price Index is defined on Page No.4 of the Porver Purchase Agreement ("PPA') as ''the hourly value calculated based on the average prices reported by the Interconlinental Exchange, Inc. ("lClJ") Day-Ahead PV On-Peak Index and the ICE Day-Ahead PV Ofl'-Peak Index (each an "lCE lndex") lor a given day, weighted by the count ofhours for each ICE [ndex on such day. multiplied by the hourly CAISO day-ahead markct locarional marginal pricc fbr thc ''PACE. DOAP_PACE-APND" iocation. and divided by the average ofthe same CAISO index overall hours in such day." Please ansll'er the follou'ing: a. The definition uses Day-Ahead PV On-Peak lndex and Ofl'-Peak Index. Does PV refer to Palo Verde Hub? b. Please explain why the index prices adjusted by the locational marginal prices in the CAISO represent the best narkct pricc relative to the utilities avoided cost. c. Please explain why the Mid-Columbia Hub ("Mid-C'') is not used to determine index prices. d. What localion is PACE. DGAP PACE-APND? e. llow are the hourly prices under this method averaged at the monthly level for the pr.lrposes ofthe 90/l l0 requirement? Please provide an exanrple. REQUEST NO. I l: Exhibit K olthe PPA states thal Mid-C-85 is cqual to "85% of weightcd average ofthc avcragc Firm Nlarkct Pricc Index fbr the month, or portion ofmonth, of Net Output." Please reconcile the use of Mid-C in Exhibit K and the use of Palo Verde in the definition of Firm Market Price Index. SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOLINTAIN POWER 7 JULY 3I, 2O2O REQUEST NO. l2: This QF is 7.45 MW, which includes Powerhouse #l (1,950 kW) and Powerhouse #2 (5,500 kW). Does each powerhouse have its oun meter to measure the output of each powerhouse? REQUEST NO. l3: The 1984 contract used levelized rates for the Fixed Energy Rates and Appendix C ofthe contract states that "the payment Buyer makes to Seller for power generated is based on Seller's performance during the full term of this Agreement." However, Powerhouse #1 has not operated since 2006. Please answer the following questions. a. Due to the nature oflevelized rates, did the parties adjust payment 1o refund the extra payment because ofoperation of Powerhouse #l ending earlier than the expiration date? b. If so, please illustrate how the relund was calculated. lf not, please explain why. REQUEST NO. 14: Page No. 3 of the Application states that "the Seller has demonstrated to the Company's reasonable satisfaction that (l) the facility's net energy will equal the energy delivery schedules for the full tenn of this Agreement; and (2) the likelihood that the facility. under average design conditions, will generate at no more than 2.5 aMW in any calendar month." However, the Energy Delivery Schedule on Page No. l6ofthePPAshows that the months olApril, May, June, and July exceed the 2.5 aMW. Please reconcile the statement in the Application and the monthly estimates under the Energy Delivery Schedule section of the contract. DATED at Boise. Ia*o. tt'rir 3?tFaay of July 2020. Dayn Hardie Deputy Atlomey General irum isc:prodrcq/pac.20. lodhyy prod req 2 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOLINTAIN POWER 3 JULY 31,2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 31'I DAY OF JULY 2020, SERVED THE FOREGOTNG FrRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWE& IN CASE NO. PAC.E-2O.IO, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: TED WESTON ROCKY MOLINTAIN POWER I4O7 WEST NORTH TEMPLE STE 330 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116 E-MAIL: ted.weston@pacifi com.com idahodockels@oacilicom.conr ADAM LOWNEY MoDOWELL RACKNER CIBSON 419 SW I ITH AVE SUITE 4OO PORTLAND OR 97205 E-MAIL: adanr@mrc-law.conr GREGORY M ADAMS PETER J RICHARDSON zuCHARDSON ADAMS PI-I,C 515 N 27TH STREEI' BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: greq@richardsonadams.com peter@richardsonadams,com JACOB A McDERMOTT ROCKY MOLINTAIN POWER I4O7 WN TEMPLE STE 320 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84I I6 E-MAIL: Jacob.mcdermott@pacificorp.com DATA RtrQUEST RESPONSE CENTER E.MAIL ONLY: datarequest@naci ficom.com .to t/,A,*, SECRETARY_. 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE