HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200707Telephonic Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfo o CSB REPORTING C ertfie d S ho rth and Repo rters Post Offrce Box9774 Boise,Idaho 83707 csbreporti n g@yahoo.com Ph: 208-890-5198 Fax: 1-888-623-6899 Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S APPLICATION EOR APPROVAL OE A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH EXTENET SYSTEMS INC. CASE NO. PAC-E-20_05 TELEPHONTC HEAR]NG BEFORE COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER (Presiding) COMMISSIONER PAUL KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON PLACE:Commission Hearing Room 11331 West Chinden Blvd.Building B, Suite 201-ABoise, Idaho DATE:June 23, 2020 VOLUMEI-PagesL-3 o ORIGINAL o o a o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 O 11 72 13 L4 15 76 11 18 19 23 24 20 2L 22 CSB REPORTING Wilder, Idaho 83676 APPEARANCES Eor the Staff:Dalm Hardie Deputy Attorney General l-1331 West Chinden B1vd. PO Box 83720Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Eor Rocky Mountal-n Power:(Telephonicall-y) nr"ily Weg'ener PacifiCorp/dba Rocky Mountain Power 1407 West North TempleSuite 320Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 o 25 APPEARANCES o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 o 11 72 13 74 15 1.6 11 18 19 20 21 22 z5 24 o CSB REPORTING 208.890.51-98 I BOISE IDAHO TUESDAY JUNE 23 2020 2:00 P. M COMMISSIONER RAPER: Good afternoon. This is the time and place for a public hearing in Case No. PAC-E-20-05, also referred to as in the matter of Rocky Mountain Power's application for approval of a lease agreement with ExteNet Systems Inc. My name is Kristine Raper. I am the Chair of todayrs proceedings. To my right is Commissioner Paul Kjellander and further to my right is Commissioner Eric Anderson As an initial matter, let's document for purposes of the record the parties and their counsef. We can begin with Staff's representation. MR. HARDIE: Thank you, Mrs. Chairwoman. I am Dayn Hardie, counsel for Commission Staff. COMMISSIONER RAPER: Thank you, Mr. Hardie, and it's my understanding that PacifiCorp has counsef on the line. You are unmuted if you can say your name for the record. Okay, it's my understanding that we have PacifiCorp's counsef on the l-ine and also Ted Weston as a representative, a non-attorney representative, for PacifiCorp, but something within the system i-s not allowlng them to come through, which is all right.25 COLLOQUY o 1 Z 3 4 trJ 6 7 8 9 I wou1d explain the procedures for today's hearJ-ng, but we currently have nobody on the line that wishes to testify, so we're goi-ng to go off the record for a minimum of fi-ve minutes, probably a maxj-mum of 10 and we'l-l- see if anyone else cal-l-s in; otherwise, we will adjourn the hearing, so we'11 go off the record now. (Off the record. ) COMMISSIONER RAPER: Okay, nobody having appeared to testify, f just want to get for purposes of the record that thls hearing was scheduled pursuant to Idaho Code 61-328 which requires a hearing for asset transfers, although it has been our experience that when we have hearings pursuant to 61,-328 that no peopJ-e show up to testify because of the amounts that. are in play with those asset transfers. As is often the caser we have had no one show up today and, therefore, this hearing is adj ourned. (The telephonic public hearing adjourned at 2275 p.m.) CSB REPORTING 208 .8 90 . 5198 10 o 11 12 13 t4 15 !6 77 18 t9 20 27 22 23 24 o 2 25 coLLoQUY o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o 11 t2 13 74 15 L6 t1 1B 1,9 20 2t 22 23 24 o CSB REPORT]NG 208.890.5198 3 AUTHENT]CATION This is to certify that the foregoing telephonic proceedings held in the matter Mountain Powerrs application for approval of Rocky of a l-ease agreement with ExteNet Systems 2200 p.m., oD Tuesday, June 23, Hearing Room, 11331 W. Chinden Suite 201-A, Boise, Idaho, is a transcript of said proceedings for the fil-e of the Commission. Tnc., commencing at 2020, dt the Commission B1vd., Building No. 8, true and correct and the original thereof Orr,'+*-s.ZLe+ CONSTANCE Certified S. BUCY Shorthand (_l Reporter #187 NOTARY PUBTJC . STAIE OF IDA}IO cotflfls{il0t{ ifYColtfrflSstoil Mr[aER t2995 EXPTRES$S2021 CONSTAI{CE SBI'CY 25 AUTHENT]CATION