HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200825PAC to Staff 1-8.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN Hgly,E"^"*",. "1 - f! F lr rr f_rii;i:idt lY EU Iiji* f,LIG eS Fffi l3 39 . *:.,.r.,,.: 1.'; ;i,r;1_t{} rj i it. i'i t* i; **r,{r,{ l$$lstd 14Ol W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 August 25,2020 Jan Noriyuki Dayn Hardie Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 i an.noriyuki@Fuc.idaho. eov (C) dayn.hardie@puc. idaho. gov RE: ID PAC-E-20-03 IPUC I't Set Data Request (l-8) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC Data Requests 1-2 and 5. Provided via encryption are Confidential Attachments IPUC I -{l-2) and?-{l-2). Provided on CD is voluminous Confidential Attachment IPUC 5. Confidential information is provided subject to protected under IDAPA and 31.01 .01.233, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - lnformation Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequent Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, -1sl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Eric L. Olser/IIPA elo@echohawk.com Anthony Yankel/IIPA tony@yankel.net PAC-E-20-03 / Rocky Mountain Power August 25,2020 IPUC Data Request I IPUC Data Request 1 Please provide the Company's net present value (NPV) economic and risk analysis/analyses, including all work papers in Excel format with formulas intact and enabled for the Foote Creek I repowering project. Please also include the following: (a) A detailed description of the scope and the process used to perform the analysis/analyses. (b) A list of all the assumptions and inputs included in the analysis/analyses, and a srunmary of the parameters that were changed for each risk scenario and./or sensitivity analysis performed. (c) An NPV comparison of the analysis/analyses results with and without the project, for each risk scenario and/or sensitivity analysis, including an annual breakdown of the costs and benefits for each scenario. The breakdown should include all major cost and benefit categories including, but not limited to, annual generation (MWh), fixed and variable O&M cost (net power cost broken out separately), Production Tax Credits, Wyoming Wind Production tax, etc. Response to IPUC Data Request 1 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 1-1 for a description of the assumptions and results of the Company's net present value (NPV) economic and risk analysis/analyses. Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 1-2 which provides the work papers with formulas intact. Confidential information is provided subject to protected under IDAPA and3l.01.0l .233,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequent Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Recordholder: Sponsor: Mark Paul To Be Determined PAC-E-20-03 / Rocky Mountain Power August 25,2020 IPUC Data Request 2 IPUC Data Request 2 Please provide the Company's NPV economic and risk analysis/analyses, including all work papers in Excel format with formulas intact and enabled, for the Pryor Mountain wind project. Please also include the following: (a) A detailed description ofthe scope and the process used to perform the analysis/analyses. (b) A list of all the assumptions and inputs included in the analysis/analyses, and a sunmary of the parameters that were changed for each risk scenario and/or sensitivity analysis performed. (c) An NPV comparison of the analysis/analyses results with and without the project, for each risk scenario and/or sensitivity analysis, including an annual breakdown of the costs and benefits for the system and for Idaho's share. The breakdown should include all major cost and benefit categories including, but not limited to, annual generation (MWh), fixed and variable O&M cost (net power cost broken out se,parately), Production Tax Credits, Wyoming Wind Production tax, etc. Response to IPUC Data Request 2 (a) Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 2-l atdConfidential Attachment IPUC 2-2whichprovide the financial modeling which derive the costs and benefits of the Pryor Mountain Wind Project. (b) All assumptions regarding Pryor Mountain's costs are defined in Confidential Attachment IPUC 2-2, specifrcally tab ooMain". The cases, defined as "MM" and "LN", which adjust natural gas price and carbon dioxide (CO, price are defined in Confidential Attachment IPUC 2-1. (c) Please refer to Confidential Afiachment IPUC 2-2 for a breakdown of all major cost and benefit categories including, but not limited to, annual generation (megawatt-hours (Ivtwh)), fixed and variable operations and maintenance (O&M) costs (with net power costs (NPC) broken out separately), production tax credits (PTC), Wyoming wind production tax, etc. Please refer to Confidential Affachment IPUC 2-2 for the net present value (NPD comparison of the results with and without the Pryor Mountain in PacifiCorp's portfolio for each risk scenario. For Idaho's share, multiply Idaho's system generation (SG) allocation factor of 5.91 1 I percent by the Total Company numbers provided in this response. Confidential information is provided subject to protected under IDAPA and 31.01 .01.233,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of PAC-E-20-03 / Rocky Mountain Power August 25,2020 IPUC Data Request 2 Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequent Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. Responder: Sponsor: Ron Scheirer / Craig Larsen To Be Determined PAC-E-20-03 / Rocky Mountain Power August 25,2020 IPUC Data Request 5 IPUC Data Request 5 Please provide the Company's NPV economic and risk analysis/analyses, including all work papers in Excel format with formulas intact and enabled, for the closure of Cholla Unit No. 4. Please also include the following: (a) A detailed description ofthe scope and the process used to perform the analysis/analyses. (b) A list of all the assumptions and inputs included in the analysis/analyses, and a sunmary of the parameters that were changed for each risk scenario and/or sensitivity analysis performed. (c) An NPV comparison of the analysis/analyses results using closure dates at the end of 2020,2025, and2042. Include all results for each risk scenario and/or sensitivity analysis, including an annual breakdown of the costs and benefits for the system and for ldaho's share. The breakdown should include all major cost and benefit categories including, but not limited to, annual generation (MWh), fixed and variable O&M cost (net power cost broken out separately), decommissioning cost, etc. Please also include comparisons that the Company performed for other closure dates if different from those specified. Response to IPUC Data Request 5 (a) The economic analysis for the closure of Cholla Unit 4 relies on an assessment of system value which compares the outcomes of PacifiCorp's Planning and Risk (PaR) model among different scenarios with a simulation period covering the 2019 through 2025 time frame. Consistent with PacifiCorp's 2019IRP preferred portfolio, the simulations use a range of natural gas price and carbon policy scenarios which incorporate a carbon dioxide (COz) price beginningin2D25. The price-policy scenarios are medium natural gas price and medium COz price assumptions (the "MM" price-policy scenario), low natural gas price and no COz price assumptions (the "LN" price-policy scenario), and high natural gas price and no COz price assumptions (the "HN" price-policy scenario)). Note: For both PaR runs produced under the "MM" price-policy scenario, price assumptions were developed from PacifiCorp's September 2019 official forward price curve (OFPC). The "LN" and "fIN" price-policy scenarios were derived from third-party sources. Natural gas prices in the "LN" price-policy scenario do not drop below prices in the '(MM" scenario :urrtil2026-beyond the early retirement study period. Consequently, the primary difference between the "MM" and "LN" price-policy scenario is the absence of a COz price in 2025 inthe "LN" scenario. PAC-E-20-03 / Rocky Mountain Power August 25,2020 IPUC Data Request 5 Each price-policy scenario was nln twice---one to update the 2019 preferred portfolio where Cholla Unit 4 is assumed to retire at the end of December 2020, and the other assuming Cholla Unit 4 continues operation through the Apil2025 timeframe. Each price-policy scenario showed an increase in net system costs when it was assumed that Cholla Unit 4 operates as a coal-fired facility through April30, 2025. (b) Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 5 which provides the assumptions and inputs used in the economic analysis. The work papers are relevant to both the System Optimizer (SO) model and PaR model. 2020 cost increases are primarily associated with an estimated $3.3 million of safe harbor lease early termination payments. PacifiCorp's acquisition of Cholla Unit 4 was subject to a pre-existing safe harbor lease, for federal income tax purposes, between the Arizona Public Service Company (APS), as property owner, and General Electric Company (GE), as tax lessor. PacifiCorp assumed certain rights and obligations of APS under the safe harbor lease with respect to Cholla Unit 4. Under the early retirement 56480" case, a casualty payment is assumed to be paid to GE any for its loss of tax benefits ($2.9 million cost on a present-value basis), and the amortization ofpre-paid availability and transmission charges related to the Mead-Phoenix line. when PacifiCorp acquired Cholla Unit 4, the Company paid APS a prepaid availability and transmission charge in April 1994 and,April 1996. The charges are related to the construction of transmission facilities that enable and additional 150 megawatts (MW) of northbound firm transmission capability on the Phoenix-Mead transmission line. The prepaid transmission service cost began amortization over a 5O-year life in May 1997 as PacifiCorp began receiving transmission credits on its bill from APS. Under the early retirement case, it is assumed the unamortizedbalance would be written off, which is estimated to have an unamortizedbalance of $9.2 million in2020 and $6.7 million in2025 ($3.9 million cost on a present-value basis). (c) Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 5, specifically file "Tbl 5, Figure 6-7 Summary of Cholla Portfolio Results.xlsx", and folder "Graphs CONF". The 2042 Cholla retirement date was not analyzed as the 2025 results did not report a customer benefit, nor is a customer benefit expected beyond 2025. Beyond April 30,2025 Cholla would cease operatlng as coal but could generate using natural gas. For Idaho's share, multiply Idaho's system generation (SG) allocation factor of 5.91I I percent by the Total Company numbers provided in this response. Confidential information is provided subject to protected under IDAPA 31.01.01 .067 and, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure No. 67 - Information Exempt from Public Review, and further subject to any subsequent Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) executed in this proceeding. PAC-E-20-03 / Roclcy Mountain Power August 25,2020 IPUC Data Request 5 Recordholder: Sponsor: Dan Swan lCraiglarsen To Be Determined