HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200803Staff 1-8 to PAC.pdf;iTCEIVEE tiZil AUG - 3 Pl{ 2: 03DA\}I HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720.007 4 (208) 334-03 r 2 IDAHO BAR NO. 99I7 1 't :,1 :l..il,J*'i&818f,i Street Address for Express Mail: I I33I W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI.A BOISE, ID 837I4 Attorneys for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER'S APPLICATION TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES IN IDAHO AND FOR APPROVAL OF PROPOSED ELECTRIC SERVICE SCHEDULES AND REGULATIONS CASE NO. PAC-E.20.03 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER llle Staff of the Idaho Public Utililies Commission, by and through its attomey of record, Dayn Hardie, Deputy Attorney General. requests that Rocky Mountain Power provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than MONDAY, AUGUST 24,2020, This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and Rocky Mountain Power is requested to provide, by way ofsupplementary responses, additional documents that it. or any person acting on its behalf, may later obtain that will augment the documents or intbrrnation produced. Please provide ans!!€rs to each question, supporting ll'orkpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations, and the name, job title, and telephone number of the person preparing the documents. Please also identily the name, job title, Iocation, and telephone number ofthe record holder. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUN'I'AIN POWER ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) AUGUST 3,2020 In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests, please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic flles on CD with lornrulas intact and enabled. REQUEST NO. l: Please provide the Company's net present value (NPV) economic and risk analysis/analyses, including al1 rvorkpapers in Excel lbrmat wilh formulas intact and enabled lbr the Foote Creek I repora,ering projecl. Please also include the lbllowing: a) A detailed dcscription ofthe scopc and the process used to perform the analysis/analyses. b) A list o{'all the assumplions and inputs included in the analysis/analyses. and a summary olthe parameters that were changed for each risk scenario and/or sensitivity analysis perlbrmed. c) An NPV comparison of the analysis/analyses results with and wilhout the projecl. lor each risk scenario and/or sensitivity analysis, including an annual breakdown ofthe costs and benefits for each scenario. The breakdown should include all major cost and benefit categories including, but not limited to, annual generation (MWh), fixed and variable O&M cost (net power cost broken out separately), Production Tax Credits, Wyoming Wind Production tax, e1c. REQLIIIST NO.2: Please provide the Company's NPV economic and risk analysis/analvses, irrcluding all workpapers in Excel format with formulas intact and enabled, fbr the Pryor Mountain rvind project. Please also include the lbllo*ing: a) A detailed descriprion of the scope and the process used to perform the analysis/analyses. b) A list ofall the assurnptions and inputs included in the analysis/analyses, and a summary ofthe parameters that uere changcd lor each risk scenario andior sensitivity analysis performed. c) An NPV comparison oflhe analysis/analyses rcsuhs rvith and wilhout the project, for each risk scenario and/or sensitivity analysis, including an annual breakdown of the costs and benefits for the system and for ldaho's share. The brcakdown should include all major cost and benefil categories including, but not limited to, annual generation lMWh). fixed and variable O&M cost (net power cost broken out separately), Production Tax Credits, Wyoming Wind Production tax, etc. REQUEST N0.3: Pleasc provide an actual-to-estimatc project cost conrparison fbr the Foote Creek I re-powering rvind project broken dorvn by major cosl category. Ilor each cost category, please indicate the basis used to provide tlle estimate, and how the Compan-v ensured that it was incurred at least cost. Please provide responscs in Excel lbrmat with formulas intact and enabled. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUIST TO ROCKY MOLTI\iTA.IN POWER 2 AUGUST 3, 2O2O REQUEST NO. 4: Please provide an actual-to-estimate project cost comparison for the Pryor Mountain wind project broken doun by major cost categories. For each cost catcgory, please indicate the basis used to provide the estimate, and hou'the Company ensured that it was incurred at least cost. Please provide responses in Excel fbrmat with formulas intact and enabled. REQUEST NO. 5: Please provide the Company's NPV economic and risk analysis/analyses. including all workpapers in Excel lbrmat with formulas intacl and enabled, for the closure of Cholla Unit No.4. Plcase also include the following: a) A detailed description ofthe scope and the process used to pertbrm the analysis/analyses. b) A list olall the assumptions and inFuts included in the analysis/analyses, and a summary of the parameters thal were changed for each risk scenario and/or scnsitivity analysis performed, c) An NPV comparison ofthe analysis/analyscs results ttsing closure dates at thc end ol 2020,2025. and 2042. Include all results for each risk scenario and/or sensitivity analysis, including an annual breakdou.n ofthe costs and benefits for the system and for Idaho's share. The breakdoun should include all major cost and benefit categories including, but not limited lo. annual generation (MWh), fixed and variable O&M cost (net power cost broken out separately). decommissioning cost, etc Please also inctude comparisons that the Contpany perfbrmed tbr other closure dates if different from those specified. REQUEST NO. 6: Please provide any supporting documentation including any contracts for the following amounts listed in Table I: Gross EPIS Accumulated Depreciation CWIP M&S Liquidated Damages GE safe harbor lease termination paymenl Savings due to O&M Expense Savings due to Depreciation Expense REQUEST NO, 7: Plcase provide the nrethodoiogy and process the Company used to estimate the decommissioning costs. Please include any workpapers used to estimate the decommissioning costs. FIRST PRODUC-IION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOLTNTAIN POWER B C D F G I{ E. 3 AUGUST 3.2020 REQUEST NO. 8: In reference to Production Request No. 7, please provide a schedule showing the estimated expens€ per year. Please include which major tasks will be performed in each year. arl DATED at Boise, tdaho, this day ofAugust 2020. Deputy Attomey General i rumisc:p.odEq/pac!20.3dhjt prod req I FIRST PRODUCTION RIQUEST TO ROCKY MOTJNTAIN POWER 4 AUGUST 3,2020 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 3RD DAY OF AUGUST 2020, SERVED THE FOREGOING TIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER, IN CASE NO. PAC.E.2O-03, BY E.MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWINC: TED WESTON ROCKY MOTJNTAIN POWER I4O7 WEST NORTH TEMPLE STE 330 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84I 16 E-MAIL: ted.weston@Dacificorp.com DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER E-MAILONLYT datareouest@pacifi corp.com ERIC L OLSEN ECHO HAWK & OLSEN PLLC 505 PERSHING AVE STE IOO PO BOX 6l 19 POCATELLO ID 83205 E-MAIL: elo@echohawk.com EMILY WECENER ROCKY MOTJNTAIN POWER I4O7 WN TEMPLE STE 320 SALT LAKE CITY LTT 84I 16 E-MAIL: emilv.weeener@pacifi corp.com adam@mre-law.com ANTHONY YANKEL 12700 LAKE AVENUE UNIT 2505 LAKEWOOD OH44IO7 E-MAIL: lony@yankel.net SECRETARY, CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE