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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200128PAC to Staff 1.pdfID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 PACIFICORP USE OF FACILITIES CHARGES - 12/31/18 BASIS IDAHO DISTRIBUTION PLANT Based on Incremental Cost of Capital Line Company Provides Initial No.Capital Investment annual monthly 1 Return on Capital 4.48%0.37% 2 Recovery of Capital 2.73%0.23% 3 State & Federal Income Taxes 1.00%0.08% 4 Local Property Taxes 0.60%0.05% 5 Operation & Maintenance 2.81%0.23% 6 Administrative & General 0.44%0.04% 7 Other Taxes 0.05%0.00% 8 Customer Accounts & Services 1.37%0.11% TOTAL 13.48%1.12% Customer Provides Initial Capital Investment 9 Subtotal Lines 4 - 8 5.27%0.44% 10 Capital Replacement Annuity 1.06%0.09% TOTAL 6.33%0.53% TOTAL (lines 4,5,7,10)4.52%0.38% MEMORANDUM ITEMS: Combined Income Tax Rate 24.587% Idaho Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 1 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 PACIFICORP USE OF FACILITIES CHARGES - 12/31/18 BASIS TRANSMISSION PLANT Based on Incremental Cost of Capital Line Company Provides Initial No.Capital Investment annual monthly 1 Return on Capital 4.85%0.40% 2 Recovery of Capital 1.87%0.16% 3 State & Federal Income Taxes 1.07%0.09% 4 Local Property Taxes 0.65%0.05% 5 Operation & Maintenance 0.82%0.07% 6 Administrative & General 0.44%0.04% 7 Other Taxes 0.01%0.00% TOTAL 9.71%0.81% Customer Provides InitialCapital Investment 8 Subtotal Lines 4 - 7 1.92%0.16% 9 Capital Replacement Annuity 0.54%0.05% TOTAL 2.46%0.21% TOTAL (lines 4,5,7,9)2.02%0.17% MEMORANDUM ITEMS: Combined Income Tax Rate 24.587% Financial Analysis 27-Jan-20 PACIFICORP USE OF FACILITIES CHARGES - 12/31/18 BASIS Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 2 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 Based on Embedded Rate of Return Line Company Provides Initial No.Capital Investment annual monthly 1 Return on Capital 4.84%0.40% 2 Recovery of Capital 2.73%0.23% 3 State & Federal Income Taxes 1.04%0.09% 4 Local Property Taxes 0.61%0.05% 5 Operation & Maintenance 2.81%0.23% 6 Administrative & General 0.44%0.04% 7 Other Taxes 0.05%0.00% 8 Customer Accounts & Services 1.37%0.11% TOTAL 13.89%1.16% Customer Provides Initial Capital Investment 9 Subtotal Lines 4 - 8 5.28%0.44% 10 Capital Replacement Annuity 0.84%0.07% TOTAL 6.12%0.51% 4.31%0.36% MEMORANDUM ITEMS: Combined Income Tax Rate 24.587% PACIFICORP USE OF FACILITIES CHARGES - 12/31/18 BASIS TRANSMISSION PLANT Based on Embedded Rate of Return Line Company Provides Initial No.Capital Investment annual monthly 1 Return on Capital 5.22%0.44% 2 Recovery of Capital 1.87%0.16% Idaho Idaho Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 3 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 5 Operation & Maintenance 0.82%0.07% 6 Administrative & General 0.44%0.04% 7 Other Taxes 0.01%0.00% TOTAL 10.14%0.85% Customer Provides Initial Capital Investment 8 Subtotal Lines 4 - 7 1.93%0.16% 9 Capital Replacement Annuity 0.40%0.03% TOTAL 2.33%0.19% TOTAL (lines 4,5,7,9)1.89%0.16% MEMORANDUM ITEMS: Combined Income Tax Rate 24.587% Financial Analysis Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 4 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 INPUTS Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 5 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 (INCREMENTAL) - DISTRIBUTION (INCREMENTAL) - TRANSMISSION EMBEDDED ) - DISTRIBUTION EMBEDDED ) - TRANSMISSION Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 6 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 OUTPUTS Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 7 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 8 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 Total FERC Idaho Company Form 1 Difference FERC A&G ACCT A&G Salaries 920 4,167 4,167 72,266 68,099 17 Office Supplies and Expenses 921 584 584 9,971 9,387 2 Less Administrative Expenses Transferred 922 (1,840) (1,840) (31,910) (30,070) (8) Outside Services Employed 923 1,055 1,055 19,891 18,836 4 Property Insurance 924 414 414 12,339 11,925 1 Injuries and Damages 925 728 728 16,740 16,012 3 Employee Pensions and Benefits 926 6,587 6,587 113,737 107,149 27 Franchise Requirements 927 - - - - - Regulatory Commmission Expenses 928 1,145 1,145 22,484 21,339 2 Less Duplicate Charges 929 (7,417) (7,417) (128,630) (121,213) (31) General Advertising 930.1 - - 1 1 - Miscellaneous General Expenses 930.2 128 128 2,226 2,097 1 Rents 931 138 138 2,723 2,586 1 Total Operation A&G 5,689 5,689 111,837 106,148 20 Maintenance of General Plant 935 1,342 1,342 23,526 22,184 5 Total A&G Expenses 7,031 7,031 135,363 128,332 26 SOURCE: JARS O&M Expense Average Plant in Service 1,601,919 27,783,221 18,935,256 (8,137,652) 6,590 SOURCE:JARS Electric Plant in Service (Average) A&G Factor 0.44%0.03%0.71% USE OF FACILITIES CHARGES - 12/31/18 BASIS A&G as a % of Average Plant in Service (Allocated Basis) SOURCE: JARS Reports (O&M Expense, Electric Plant in Service - Average) In Thousands Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 9 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 Total FERC Pg 320-22 Description Idaho Company Form 1 Line Difference FERC Steam Generation O&M $70,249 $70,249 $1,124,226 21 $1,053,976 $366 Less: Fuel (Acct 501)$51,813 $51,813 $815,216 5 $763,403 $264 $18,436 $18,436 $309,010 $290,574 $102 Nuclear Generation O&M $0 $0 $0 41 $0 Less: Fuel $0 $0 $0 25 $0 $0 $0 Hydro Generation O&M $2,421 $2,421 $38,998 59 $36,577 $13 Operation Expense O&M (Acct 935)$1,342 $1,342 $23,526 196 $22,184 $5 Other Production O&M $18,673 $18,673 $291,797 74 $273,124 $96 Less: Fuel (Acct 547)$15,603 $15,603 $239,132 63 $223,529 $79 $3,070 $3,070 Other Power Supply O&M $46,478 $46,478 $710,337 79 $663,859 $231 Less: Purchased Power (Acct 555)$39,487 $39,487 $667,434 76 $627,947 $219 $6,991 $6,991 Transmission O&M $12,327 $12,327 $206,506 112 $194,179 $68 Less: Wheeling (Acct 565)$8,059 $8,059 $135,022 96 $126,963 $45 $4,268 $4,268 Distribution O&M $9,803 $9,803 $197,259 156 $187,455 $0 Customer Accounts Exp.$4,753 $4,753 $83,662 164 $78,909 $0 Customer Svc. & Sales Exp.$351 $351 $96,100 171 & 178 $95,749 $81,882 Other Total O&M Expense $51,435 $51,435 In Thousands ONOMIC REGULATION JARS REPORTS (O&M EXPENSE, TAXES OTHER T OTHER TAXES AS % OF O&M EXPENSE (ALLOCATED BASIS) USE OF FACILITIES CHARGES - 12/31/18 BASIS Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 10 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 Other Taxes (Allocated)$873 $873 Other Taxes % of O&M 1.70%1.70% Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 11 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 State Debt Preferred Equity Common Equity IDAHO 47.60%0.30%52.10%100.00% TOTAL CO. 47.60%0.30%52.10%100.00% FERC 48.19%0.02%51.79%100.00% Cost of Capital - Embedded After-TaxStateDebtPreferred Equity Common Equity WACC WACC IDAHO 5.880%5.420%9.900%7.97%7.28% TOTAL CO. 5.880%5.420%9.900%7.97%6.95% FERC 5.216%6.753%9.800%7.59%6.64% Capital Structure - Incremental** Source Debt Preferred Equity Common Equity PacifiCorp Intranet 48.37%0.02%51.61% Cost of Capital - Incremental** Pre-Tax After-Tax Source Debt Preferred Equity Common Equity WACC WACC PacifiCorp Intranet 5.16%6.75%9.75%7.53%6.58% Net Plant in Service*** State Plant in Service Acc Depreciation Net Plant in Service Allocation IDAHO 1,601,919 -552,020 1,049,898 100.0% TOTAL CO. 1,601,919 -552,020 1,049,898 100.0% FERC 6,590 -2,165 4,425 GRAND TOTAL 1,608,509 -554,185 1,054,323 **Incremental On Intranet ***Net Plant From 2018 JARS Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 12 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 In Thousands 62.0 340,313 6,939 2.04%48 62.0 340,313 6,939 2.04%50 Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 13 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 ENTER CALENDAR YEAR HERE ------2018 2018 Transmission O&M and A&G Expense Allocations Basis: PacifiCorp 2018 FERC Form No.1. Transmission O&M Expense Factor Total Transmission O&M Expense [1]$206,505,944 Transmission of Electricity by Others [2]($135,021,597) Cost of Providing Ancillary Services [3]($10,587,401) Net Transmission O&M Expense $60,896,946 Total Transmission Plant in Service [4] Beginning of Year $6,222,285,657 End of Year $6,353,044,980 Average Plant in Service $6,287,665,319 Transmission O&M Expense Factor (as % of Transmission Plant): Less PBOP Expense Adjustment [6]$0Less Property Insurance [7]($12,338,561) Less Regulatory Asset Amortizations [8]$0Less Regulatory Commission Expense [9]($22,484,361) Less General Advertising Expense [10]($580)Less Membership Dues [11]($723,877) Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 14 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 $99,815,590 [12]8.69% A&G Expense Allocated to Transmission by Wage & Salary Allocato $8,670,808 A&G Expense Allocated to Transmission By Gross Plant Allocator Property Insurance $12,338,561 Multiply by Gross Plant Allocator [13]23.27% A&G Expense Allocated to Transmission By Gross Plant Allocator $2,871,613 Direct Assigned A&G Regulatory Commission Expense [14]$2,654,241 Total Transmission A&G $14,196,663 Total Transmission Plant in Service [4] Beginning of Year $6,222,285,657 End of Year $6,353,044,980 Average Plant in Service $6,287,665,319 Transmission A&G Expense Factor (as % of Transmission Plant): Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 15 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 [7] 2018 FERC Form 1, Page 323, Line 185 [8] 2019 FERC Formula Rate: True-Up, Appendix A, Line 60 [9] 2018 FERC Form 1, Page 323, Line 189 [10] 2018 FERC Form 1, Page 323, Line 191 [11] 2019 FERC Formula Rate: True-Up, Appendix A, Line 63 [12] 2019 FERC Formula Rate: True-Up, Appendix A, Line 5 [13] 2019 FERC Formula Rate: True-Up, Appendix A, Line 12 [14] 2019 FERC Formula Rate: True-Up, Appendix A, Line 67 Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 16 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 Property Taxes Statistical Analysis For the Property Tax Year 2018 Average Tax Assessed Taxes % State / Tribe Value Paid Rate Idaho 675,585,786 6,414,325 0.95% Notes: Centrally Assessed and Locally Assessed Property are included in calculations. Average Ratio is Taxes Paid to Assessed Value. Oregon Taxes Paid is net of 3% Discount Includes Irrigation rebate amounts (UT & ID). Includes Mining Taxes. Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 17 of 18 ID - PAC-E-19-19 IPUC 1 Attachment IPUC 1 2019 Insurable Values (12/31/2018 data) ID Grand Total Attach IPUC 1.xlsx Page 18 of 18