HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191119PAC to Staff Attach 1.7.pdfMESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 1 of 17 Service ID#: Contract #: PARTIAL REQUIREMENTS MASTER ELECTRIC SERVICE and FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT between ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER and CUSTOMER NAME This PARTIAL REQUIREMENTS MASTER ELECTRIC SERVICE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), entered into between Rocky Mountain Power, an unincorporated division of PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation (“Rocky Mountain Power” or the “Company”), and , (“Customer”), each sometimes referred to herein as “Party” or collectively as “Parties.” WHEREAS, Rocky Mountain Power is a provider of retail electric energy and power to retail electric customers, and WHEREAS, Customer desires to purchase from Rocky Mountain Power under this Agreement firm power and energy to meet the requirements of the Facility, net of any such requirements satisfied by Customer-Owned Generation, WHEREAS, Rocky Mountain Power desires to be the exclusive provider of such firm power and energy to Customer’s Facility, and WHEREAS, in order for Customer to obtain power and energy to the Facility it will be necessary for Rocky Mountain Power to construct certain improvements described in Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: Article I. DEFINITIONS: The following terms, when used herein with initial capitalization, whether in the singular or in the plural, shall have the meanings specified in this Article I: “Agreement” means this Master Electric Service and Facilities Improvements Agreement and any renewals thereof or amendments thereto. “Allowance” means that portion of cost of the Improvements that Rocky Mountain Power will bear without requiring an advance from Customer, which is based on estimated annual usage and delivery of and charge for electric power and energy to the Facility under the applicable Electric Service Schedules. For the purposes of this Agreement, the estimated annual usage of and charge for electric power and energy to the Facility is $ , and the Allowance is $ . ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 1 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 2 of 17 “Back-up Contract Demand” is defined in the Electric Service Schedule; Customer elects Back- up Contract Demand of [--INSERT DESIRED BACKUP DEMAND UP TO LIMITS ALLOWED IN TARIFF--] kW. “Billing Demand” means the Demand in kilowatts for the fifteen-minute period of Customer’s greatest use during the Billing Period, determined to the nearest kilowatt, as shown by or computed from Rocky Mountain Power’s meter readings at the Point of Delivery. “Billing Period” means the period of approximately thirty (30) days intervening between regular successive meter readings. “Commission” means the Public Service Commission of Utah. “Completion Date” means the date by which Rocky Mountain Power shall use commercially reasonable efforts to complete the Improvements, which shall be . “Contract Minimum Billing” means the minimum amount Customer will pay to Rocky Mountain Power each Billing Period, as defined in Section 7.02. “Customer-Owned Generation” means the existing operable generating equipment associated with the Facility. The Customer-Owned Generation consists of a generator, with a nameplate rating of kW, located at . “Demand” means the rate in kilowatts at which electric energy is generated, transferred, or used. Demand measurements are calculated based on integrated average usage over consecutive fifteen-minute periods of time, unless specified otherwise in the applicable Electric Service Schedule or Electric Service Regulations. “Electric Service Regulations” means Rocky Mountain Power's currently effective electric service regulations, titled “Company Rules,” on file with and approved by the Commission, as they may be amended or superseded from time to time with the approval of the Commission. “Electric Service Schedule” means Rocky Mountain Power's currently effective Electric Service Schedule No. 31, Back-Up, Maintenance, and Supplemental Power, on file with and approved by the Commission, as it may be amended or superseded from time to time with the approval of the Commission and the terms of the Electric Service Schedules. Any requested change in Electric Service Schedule made by Customer will be effective only when submitted in writing. “Excess Power” is defined in the Electric Service Schedule. “Facility” means the facility to which Rocky Mountain Power shall provide electric power and energy, which is located at , Utah, and consists of , and includes the Customer- Owned Generation. ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 2 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 3 of 17 “Facilities Charges” means the facilities charges permitted to be charged under Electric Schedule 300 as on file with and approved by the Commission, as it may be amended or superseded from time to time with the approval of the Commission. For the purposes of this Agreement, the monthly Facilities Charges under the current Electric Service Schedule are determined to be $ . “Firm Power and Energy” means electric power expressed in kilowatts and associated energy expressed in kilowatt-hours intended to have assured availability, as provided in Electric Service Regulation No. 4, entitled “Continuity of Service,” to meet any agreed-upon portion of Customer’s load requirements. “Improvements” means the items to be constructed as described in Exhibit A attached hereto, the cost of which is estimated to be $ . “Point of Delivery” means the point of delivery for all Firm Power and Energy delivered to Customer, and shall be at Rocky Mountain Power’s point of metering used for billing in County, Utah. “Supplementary Contract Demand” is defined in the Electric Service Schedule; Customer elects Supplementary Contract Demand of [--INSERT DESIRED SUPPLEMENTARY DEMAND UP TO LIMITS ALLOWED IN TARIFF--] kW. “Total Contract Demand” is defined in the Electric Service Schedule as the sum of the Back-up Contract Demand and the Supplementary Contract Demand, and Total Contract Demand is the maximum Demand that Rocky Mountain Power agrees to supply and have available for delivery to Customer; Total Contract Demand shall be [--INSERT SUM OF DESIRED BACKUP DEMAND AND SUPPLEMENTARY DEMAND--] kW, unless otherwise agreed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Article II. TERM AND TERMINATION; EARLY TERMINATION CHARGE Section 2.01 Term This Agreement shall be effective upon execution by both parties, and shall remain in full force and effect for a period of ten (10) years following the date of the completion of the Improvements and Rocky Mountain Power’s initial delivery of electric power and energy to Customer in accordance with this Agreement. This Agreement shall automatically be renewed from year to year subject to the same terms and conditions, unless either Party submits written termination notice to the other Party not less than thirty (30) nor more than sixty (60) days prior to expiration of the initial term or any renewal term; provided, however, this Agreement shall remain effective so long as Customer is receiving electric service from Rocky Mountain Power. If Customer has not authorized construction and has not diligently pursued the completion of the Improvements, for any reason, within six (6) months after the effective date of this Agreement, Rocky Mountain Power may elect to terminate its obligation to cause the Improvements to be constructed. In such event, Customer shall pay Rocky Mountain Power upon demand, without ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 3 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 4 of 17 deduction, offset, or Allowance, for any costs and obligations Rocky Mountain Power has incurred in connection with the Improvements (a) prior to the stoppage of work, and (b) reasonably incurs in winding up work, including, without limitation, the costs incurred in connection with the cancellation of third-party contracts, and including all costs that may have been eligible for an Allowance had the Improvements been completed. If Customer has paid for any portion of the Improvements, Rocky Mountain Power shall refund the prepayment without interest or penalties, less any of the foregoing costs and obligations incurred by Rocky Mountain Power or other amounts due to Rocky Mountain Power, within thirty (30) days of termination. Customer reserves the right, upon seven (7) days advance written notice to Rocky Mountain Power, to require Rocky Mountain Power at any time to stop all work by Rocky Mountain Power pursuant to this Agreement, provided that such stop-work order is the result of suspension or termination of construction or expansion of the Facility. Issuance of such stop-work order shall terminate this Agreement. Upon issuance of such stop-work order Customer shall pay Rocky Mountain Power upon demand, without deduction, offset, or Allowance, for any costs and obligations Rocky Mountain Power has incurred in connection with the Improvements (a) prior to the stoppage of work, and (b) reasonably incurs in winding up work, including, without limitation, the costs incurred in connection with the cancellation of third-party contracts, and including all costs that may have been eligible for an Allowance had the Improvements been completed. If Customer has paid for any portion of the Improvements, Rocky Mountain Power shall refund the prepayment without interest or penalties, less any of the foregoing costs and obligations incurred by Rocky Mountain Power or other amounts due to Rocky Mountain Power, within thirty (30) days of termination. Section 2.02 Early Termination Charges In the event that within the first ten (10) years following the date of Rocky Mountain Power’s initial delivery of electric power and energy to Customer in accordance with this Agreement: (i) Customer terminates service at the Facility, or (ii) Customer defaults (resulting in termination of service), or (iii) this agreement terminates for any reason; Customer shall then pay at once upon such termination a termination charge equal to the Allowance less 1/10th of the Allowance for each year service was taken, and any other charges due under the applicable Electric Service Regulations or Electric Service Schedules. Article III. ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S OBLIGATIONS REGARDING ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FACILITIES Section 3.01 Design, Construction, and Ownership Rocky Mountain Power shall design, construct, install, and operate the Improvements for the Customer in accordance with Rocky Mountain Power standards. Rocky Mountain Power will own the Improvements, together with Rocky Mountain Power’s existing electric facilities that serve or will serve Customer, and neither Customer nor any other person shall have the right to operate or maintain Rocky Mountain Power’s electric facilities or the Improvements. Section 3.02 Allowance Rocky Mountain Power shall grant the Allowance as specified in Article I, based upon ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 4 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 5 of 17 Customer’s good faith estimate of the Facility’s usage of electric power and energy. Section 3.03 Completion of Improvements Rocky Mountain Power shall use commercially reasonable efforts to complete the Improvements by the Completion Date. Article IV. CUSTOMER’S OBLIGATIONS REGARDING FACILITIES Section 4.01 Rights of Way Rocky Mountain Power shall select the right of way for all necessary lines with the cooperation of Customer. Customer shall prepare in a form satisfactory to Rocky Mountain Power and shall tender to Rocky Mountain Power all instruments, documents, and writings necessary or useful in routing and constructing the lines, including but not limited to all necessary rights-of-way, licenses and easements, or Rocky Mountain Power may elect to procure such rights of way, licenses and easements. All such expenses shall be included in determining the cost of the Improvements. Section 4.02 Site Preparation If any site preparation is necessary, Customer shall prepare and clear any sites for the Improvements to Rocky Mountain Power’s satisfaction, including the provision of all conduits, pull ropes, transformer pads, and vaults, or Rocky Mountain Power may elect to do so. All such expenses shall be included in determining the cost of the Improvements. Section 4.03 Compliance with Rocky Mountain Power Requirements Customer shall comply with all of Rocky Mountain Power’s tariffs, procedures, specifications, and requirements. Section 4.04 Access to Rocky Mountain Power Facilities Customer shall not have physical access to Rocky Mountain Power’s electric facilities or the Improvements and shall engage in no activities on or related to Rocky Mountain Power’s electric facilities or the Improvements. Article V. WARRANTIES; LIMITATIONS OF LIABLILITY Section 5.01 Rocky Mountain Power Rocky Mountain Power warrants that its work in constructing and maintaining the Improvements shall be consistent with prudent utility practices. ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND SIMILAR WARRANTIES. Rocky Mountain Power’s liability for any action arising out of its activities relating to this Agreement, Rocky Mountain Power’s provision of electric service, the Improvements or Rocky Mountain Power’s electric facilities, shall be limited to repair or replacement of any non-operating or defective portion of the Improvements or Rocky Mountain Power’s electric facilities. Under no circumstances shall Rocky Mountain Power be liable for economic losses, costs or damages, including but not ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 5 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 6 of 17 limited to special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages. Section 5.02 Customer Customer warrants that it has estimated, in good faith, the Facility’s usage of electric power and energy which was used to calculate the Allowance and the Contract Minimum Billing. Article VI. DELIVERY OF FIRM POWER AND ENERGY Section 6.01 Scope of Deliveries Rocky Mountain Power shall deliver such amounts of Firm Power and Energy to the Point of Delivery as Customer requires to meet its load requirements up to Total Contract Demand, and may deliver additional amounts of Firm Power and Energy necessary to meet Customer’s Excess Power, subject to the provisions of Article IX. At no time shall Rocky Mountain Power be obligated to deliver amounts of Firm Power and Energy in excess of Demand from the Facility, less the full capacity of the Customer-owned Generation operating consistent with good utility practice. Section 6.02 Request for Changes to Back-up Contract Demand and Supplementary Contract Demand Upon Rocky Mountain Power's receipt of Customer’s written request for deliveries of power and energy above the existing Total Contract Demand, Rocky Mountain Power shall use commercially reasonable efforts to attempt to supply such additional power under terms and conditions acceptable to both Parties. Within fifteen (15) days of the request Rocky Mountain Power shall advise Customer in writing whether the additional power and energy is or can be made available and the terms on which it can be made available. If Rocky Mountain Power and Customer agree in writing that Rocky Mountain Power shall provide Customer with Firm Power and Energy in excess of the Total Contract Demand commitments, the amount of agreed deliveries shall become the new Total Contract Demand amending and superseding the Total Contract Demand specified in this Agreement. Customer may reduce Supplementary Contract Demand or Back-up Contract Demand under the terms specified in the Electric Service Schedule. Section 6.03 Commencement of Deliveries Rocky Mountain Power shall make initial deliveries as soon as practicable after the Completion Date. Section 6.04 Delivery Voltage Rocky Mountain Power shall deliver Firm Power and Energy at the Point of Delivery in the form of three-phase, alternating current at a nominal frequency of 60 Hertz, and at a nominal voltage of volts. Section 6.05 Resale of Power Customer shall not resell any electric power and energy delivered under this Agreement to any other person or entity. ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 6 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 7 of 17 Article VII. BILLING, PRICES AND PAYMENT FOR POWER AND ENERGY Section 7.01 Billing All billing statements for service under this Agreement shall show the amount due for the type and quantity of power and energy purchased or delivered and the associated charges in accordance with the applicable Electric Service Schedule and any charges permitted or required under the applicable Electric Service Regulations, the sum of which shall establish the total amount due from Customer for the Billing Period. Provided, if the sum of such charges would be less than the Contract Minimum Billing described below, the total amount due from Customer for the Billing Period under this Agreement will be the Contract Minimum Billing, subject to the conditions of Section 7.02. Section 7.02 Contract Minimum Billing Monthly bills for electric service shall be rendered and paid in accordance with the rates and terms of Rocky Mountain Power's filed and approved Electric Service Schedules; provided, that in order to compensate Rocky Mountain Power for its installation of the Improvements to serve Customer, so long as Customer is taking service at the Facility, but in no event for a period more than one-hundred eighty (180) Billing Periods under this Agreement, each month, Customer shall pay not less than the Contract Minimum Billing, which shall be the greater of (1) charges for service during the Billing Period under the provisions of the applicable Electric Service Schedules, or (2) 80% of Customer’s charges for service during the Billing Period, plus the Facilities Charges, even if the amount of electrical energy actually consumed would have resulted in a lesser charge under the applicable Electric Service Schedules. Section 7.03 Payments All bills shall be paid by the date specified on the bill, and late charges shall be imposed upon any delinquent amounts. Customer may make payments by check, EDI or wire transfer to an account designated by Rocky Mountain Power. The Customer account number must be included with each payment. If Customer disputes any portion of Customer's bill, Customer shall pay the total bill and shall designate the disputed portion. Rocky Mountain Power shall decide the dispute within sixty (60) days after Customer's notice of dispute. Any refund Rocky Mountain Power determines Customer is due shall bear interest at the rate then specified by the Commission or, if no rate is specified, the then effective prime rate as quoted in The Wall Street Journal. Section 7.04 Deposits Rocky Mountain Power may request deposits to the extent permitted under the Electric Service Regulations and the Electric Service Schedule. In the event of a default by Customer in any of its obligations under this Agreement, the applicable Electric Service Regulations, or the applicable Electric Service Schedule, Rocky Mountain Power may exercise any or all of its rights and remedies under this Agreement, the Electric Service Regulations, or the Electric Service Schedule and under any applicable laws, rules and regulations with respect to any such deposits. Article VIII. METERING ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 7 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 8 of 17 Section 8.01 Metering Equipment Rocky Mountain Power shall provide, maintain and test meters and metering equipment required for billing purposes. The parties shall specify the locations for Rocky Mountain Power's installation of metering equipment in Customer’s premises, and Customer shall allow Rocky Mountain Power access to such locations without charge during reasonable business hours. Section 8.02 Telecommunications Facilities Customer shall provide a dedicated telephone line or other Rocky Mountain Power approved dedicated data access for meter interrogation. Customer shall provide the dedicated access without charge to Rocky Mountain Power. Section 8.03 Secondary Metering If the Point of Delivery is on the primary side of Customer’s transformers, Rocky Mountain Power may elect to install its meter on the secondary side of the transformers, whereupon transformer and other losses occurring between the Point of Delivery and the meter shall be computed and added to the meter readings to determine the demand and energy consumption. Section 8.04 Transformer Loss Curves If Customer takes service at primary voltage and if secondary metering is used, Customer shall, prior to commencement of service, provide Rocky Mountain Power with transformer loss curves and test data to allow Rocky Mountain Power to calculate transformer losses for billing purposes. Article IX. OPERATIONAL CONSTRAINTS Section 9.01 Notification Customer shall notify Rocky Mountain Power prior to increasing its consumption of electric power and energy in a manner that would exceed the normal operating limits of the Improvements or Rocky Mountain Power’s electric system, and Customer shall provide sufficient time for Rocky Mountain Power to accommodate such loads. Customer shall also notify Rocky Mountain Power prior to any significant change in load characteristics or installation of devices (such as large power factor correction capacitors, large rectifiers, large adjustable speed drives, etc.) that could impact the operation of Rocky Mountain Power’s electric system or Customer’s interaction with Rocky Mountain Power’s electric system. Section 9.02 Normal Operating Conditions Customer shall comply with Rocky Mountain Power’s Utah Electric Service Requirements. Customer accepts and shall adhere to Rocky Mountain Power’s normal operating conditions as provided in the Power Quality section of the Engineering Handbook, including the sections entitled “Voltage Level and Range”, “Voltage Balance”, and “Voltage Disturbances.” (The Rocky Mountain Power Engineering Handbook Power Quality Section provides detailed information, guidelines, and requirements pertaining to operational constraints and power quality.) All measurements of currents and voltages under this Article IX shall be taken at the Point of Delivery. ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 8 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 9 of 17 Section 9.03 Reactive Requirements Customer shall control and limit the flow of reactive power between Rocky Mountain Power’s and Customer’s system so as to maintain a Power Factor in accordance with the Electric Service Schedule. Rocky Mountain Power’s Billing Demand shall be increased in accordance with the Electric Service Schedule for excessive reactive flow. Section 9.04 Voltage Fluctuation and Light Flicker In order to receive electric service from Rocky Mountain Power, Customer shall continuously comply with Rocky Mountain Power’s “Voltage Fluctuation and Light Flicker” guidelines and with the operating criteria set forth in the Power Quality section of Rocky Mountain Power’s Engineering Handbook. If operation outside of these limits is desired, Customer must contact Rocky Mountain Power for engineering studies to be done prior to changing operations such that operation will stay within these limits. Section 9.05 Harmonic Distortion Customer shall operate the Facility in such a manner so that harmonic distortion and notching falls within Rocky Mountain Power’s Harmonic Distortion guidelines and standards as described in the Power Quality section of Rocky Mountain Power’s Engineering Handbook. Section 9.06 Voltage Imbalance Customer shall operate the Facility in such a manner so that the Rocky Mountain Power system voltage balance falls within Rocky Mountain Power adopted guidelines and standards as described in the Rocky Mountain Power Engineering Handbook, Power Quality Section. Section 9.07 Voltage Transients Customer shall operate the Facility in such a manner so that the Rocky Mountain Power system does not experience transient magnification issues, such as those outlined in Rocky Mountain Power’s adopted guidelines and standards as described in the Rocky Mountain Power Engineering Handbook, Power Quality Section. Section 9.08 Remediation In the event that the Customer’s operations fall outside of the technical requirements of this Agreement, or the Commission’s requirements, or adversely affects the operations of Rocky Mountain Power’s transmission or distribution system, or other Rocky Mountain Power customers, Rocky Mountain Power shall give written notice of the corrective actions required, and Customer shall have the opportunity for a period of fourteen (14) days to discuss Rocky Mountain Power’s requirements. After such fourteen-day period, Rocky Mountain Power shall give Customer its final determination of Rocky Mountain Power’s required corrective action. Although Rocky Mountain Power will discuss the corrective action with Customer, final determination of the corrective action required shall be made by Rocky Mountain Power, based on compliance with Rocky Mountain Power’s Engineering Handbook guidelines and standards. Should Customer fail to begin to take corrective action required by Rocky Mountain Power within thirty (30) days after written notice from Rocky Mountain Power or fail to pursue completion of such corrective action with diligence, Rocky Mountain Power may perform such ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 9 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 10 of 17 services or supply and install such equipment as it deems necessary to provide corrective action, whereupon Customer shall compensate Rocky Mountain Power for all sums expended, all materials utilized, and all services contracted or performed, by paying a sum equal to 110% of all costs, expenses, material, and labor charges incurred by Rocky Mountain Power, including Rocky Mountain Power’s internal material and labor charges and standard overhead costs. Customer shall pay such sums within fifteen (15) days after Rocky Mountain Power has mailed an itemized statement of its charges therefore. If Customer desires to operate outside of these limits, Customer shall pay for studies done by Rocky Mountain Power to determine the impact on other Rocky Mountain Power Customers and whether the proposed operation is acceptable to Rocky Mountain Power. Provided, should Rocky Mountain Power at any time reasonably determine that Customer’s operations pose a threat to the safety of Rocky Mountain Power’s employees or the public, pose an imminent threat to the integrity of Rocky Mountain Power’s electric system, or may materially interfere with the performance of Rocky Mountain Power’s service obligations, Rocky Mountain Power shall attempt to provide notice to Customer that Customer must change its operations. If Customer fails to take corrective action on a timely basis, or if notice cannot be provided by Rocky Mountain Power to Customer, prior to the time when corrective action must occur, then Rocky Mountain Power may perform such work and/or take such corrective action that is necessary, including disconnection, without additional notice to Customer and without subjecting itself to any liability provided Rocky Mountain Power has acted reasonably. If Rocky Mountain Power has performed the work and/or corrective action, as soon as practicable thereafter, Rocky Mountain Power will advise Customer in writing of the work performed or the action taken and will endeavor to arrange for the accommodation of Customer’s operations, subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Electric Services Regulations, the guidelines and standards contained in the Rocky Mountain Power Engineering Handbook, Rocky Mountain Power’s Utah Electric Service Requirements, and all other applicable rules or regulations. Customer shall be responsible for paying Rocky Mountain Power, upon demand, for all reasonable costs incurred by Rocky Mountain Power for all work, action, and accommodation performed by Rocky Mountain Power that is consistent with the terms of this paragraph. Article X. INTEGRATION; AMENDMENT This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter, and replaces and supersedes in the entirety all prior agreements between the parties related to the same subject matter. Except pursuant to Article XI and Section 14.02 below, this Agreement may be modified only by a subsequent written amendment or agreement executed by both parties. Article XI. JURISDICTION OF REGULATORY AUTHORITIES Rocky Mountain Power's currently applicable, effective Electric Service Schedule, and Electric Service Regulations, are incorporated herein and by reference made a part hereof. Customer acknowledges that it is familiar with the Electric Service Schedule and Electric Service Regulations and agrees to abide by them and all amendments and changes thereto so approved by ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 10 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 11 of 17 the Commission. In the event that the Commission or any other state, federal, or municipal authority determines that any provision of this Agreement conflicts with or is in violation of the Electric Service Schedule or the Electric Service Regulations, amends or supersedes the Electric Service Schedule or the Electric Service Regulations, or issues any rules, regulations, or orders which require Rocky Mountain Power to alter or amend any of the provisions of this Agreement or to terminate or curtail the delivery of Firm Power and Energy to Customer, this Agreement automatically shall be amended to comply with such determination, amendment, rule, regulation or order, and Rocky Mountain Power shall not be liable to Customer for damages or losses of any kind whatsoever which Customer may sustain as a result of such determination, amendment, rule, regulation, or order, including consequential damages. Article XII. FORCE MAJEURE Rocky Mountain Power shall not be subject to any liability or damages for inability to perform under this Agreement with respect to the construction, operation, or maintenance of the Improvements, and Customer shall not be subject to any liability or damages for inability to receive service or to perform its obligations under this Agreement, to the extent that such failure shall be due to causes beyond the control of either Rocky Mountain Power or Customer, respectively, including, but not limited to the following: (a) the operation and effect of any rules, regulations and orders promulgated by any Commission, municipality, or governmental agency of the United States, or subdivision thereof (so long as the claiming Party has not applied for or assisted in the application for, and has opposed where and to the extent reasonable, such government action); (b) restraining order, injunction or similar decree of any court; (c) war; (d) flood; (e) earthquake; (f) act of God; (g) civil disturbance; (h) strikes or boycotts; or (i) major equipment breakdown or failure. Should any of the foregoing occur, and (1) Customer claims Force Majeure, then Customer shall have no liability for service until Customer is able to resume service, except for any minimum monthly payments or termination charges designed to cover special facilities extension costs, or (2) Rocky Mountain Power claims Force Majeure, then Customer shall have no liability for service until Rocky Mountain Power is able to resume service. Provided, the Party claiming Force Majeure shall make every reasonable attempt to remedy the cause thereof as diligently and expeditiously as possible. Time periods for performance obligations of Parties herein shall be extended for the period during which Force Majeure was in effect. In the event that a Force Majeure event occurs, and Customer does not resume service at pre-event levels within six (6) months of the beginning of the event, the Agreement will be treated as terminated by Customer pursuant to Section 2.02 above. Notwithstanding this Article XII, Rocky Mountain Power’s obligations to provide electric service under this Agreement shall be governed by Paragraph 4 of Electric Service Regulation No. 4, entitled “Continuity of Service,”. Article XIII. ASSIGNMENT Customer’s rights and obligations under this Agreement may not be assigned without Rocky Mountain Power’s consent except in connection with a sale, assignment, lease or transfer of Customer’s interest in its Facility, or real or personal property related thereto subject to (1) such successor’s qualification as a customer under Rocky Mountain Power’s policies, the Electric ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 11 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 12 of 17 Service Regulations, and the Electric Service Schedule, and (2) the written agreement of such successor to be bound by this Agreement, the Electric Service Regulations, and the Electric Service Schedule, and to assume the obligation of Customer from the date of assignment. Rocky Mountain Power may condition this assignment upon the posting of a deposit as permitted under the Electric Service Regulations and the Electric Service Schedule. If Rocky Mountain Power consents to any such sale, assignment, lease or transfer, Customer shall remain liable for any liabilities and obligation under this Agreement, the Electric Service Regulations and the Electric Service Schedule through the date of assignment. Company may at any time assign its rights and delegate its obligations under this Contract, in whole or in part, including, without limitation, transferring its rights and obligations under this Contract to any: (i) affiliate; (ii) successor in interest, or (iii) corporation or any other business entity in conjunction with a merger, consolidation or other business reorganization to which Company is a party. Article XIV. INFORMATION Section 14.01 Furnishing Information Upon Rocky Mountain Power’s request, Customer shall submit its year-end financial statements to Rocky Mountain Power, certified to be true and correct and in accordance with GAAP. Customer shall submit such additional information as Rocky Mountain Power may reasonably request from time to time in furtherance of the purposes of this Agreement. Section 14.02 Accuracy of Information Customer represents that all information it has furnished or will furnish to Rocky Mountain Power in connection with this Agreement will be accurate and complete in all material respects. Customer also represents that Customer has not omitted and will not knowingly omit any fact in connection with the information to be furnished under this Agreement, which materially and adversely affects the business, operations, property or condition of the Facility or the obligations of Rocky Mountain Power under this Agreement. Should Rocky Mountain Power base its willingness to enter into any portion of this Agreement or any decision with respect to credit, deposits or any other material matter, on inaccurate information furnished by Customer, Rocky Mountain Power shall have the right to revoke its decision with respect to such matter and modify this Agreement and/or its decision, to reflect the determination which Rocky Mountain Power would have made had Rocky Mountain Power received accurate information. Article XV. REMEDIES; WAIVER Either Party may exercise any or all of its rights and remedies under this Agreement, the applicable Electric Service Regulations and under any applicable laws, rules and regulations. Rocky Mountain Power’s liability for any action arising out of its activities relating to this Agreement or Rocky Mountain Power’s electric utility service shall be limited to repair or replacement of any non-operating or defective portion of Rocky Mountain Power’s electric utility facilities. Under no circumstances shall Rocky Mountain Power be liable for any economic losses, costs or damages, including but not limited to special, indirect, incidental, consequential, ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 12 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 13 of 17 punitive, or exemplary damages. No provision of this Agreement or the Electric Service Regulations shall be deemed to have been waived unless such waiver is in writing signed by the waiving Party. No failure by any Party to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this Agreement, the Electric Service Regulations or to exercise any right or remedy consequent upon a breach thereof, shall constitute a waiver of any such breach of such provision or of any other provision. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement or the Electric Service Regulations shall be deemed a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement, the Electric Service Regulations or a waiver of such provision with respect to any subsequent breach, unless expressly provided in writing. Article XVI. ATTORNEY’S FEES In any suit or action, arising out of or related to this Agreement, the Electric Service Regulations, or the applicable Electric Service Schedule, involving a claim, counterclaim or cross-claim made by either Party against the other Party, the substantially prevailing Party shall be entitled to recover the costs and fees (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, the fees and costs of experts and consultants, copying, courier and telecommunication costs, and deposition costs and all other costs of discovery) incurred by such substantially prevailing Party in such suit or action, including, without limitation, any post-trial or appellate proceeding, or in the collection or enforcement of any judgment or award entered or made in such suit or action. Article XVII. SET-OFF If Customer should default under any of its obligations under this Agreement, Rocky Mountain Power shall be entitled, at its option and in its discretion without notice to Customer, to (a) set- off amounts due and owing to Rocky Mountain Power by Customer under this Agreement, against any amounts due and owing by Rocky Mountain Power or any of its affiliates, to the Customer or any of its affiliates, under any agreements, instruments or undertakings between Rocky Mountain Power or any of its affiliates, and Customer or any of its affiliates and/or (b) withhold payment of any amount due Customer or its affiliates, by Rocky Mountain Power or its affiliates--such amount to be determined by Rocky Mountain Power, in Rocky Mountain Power’s reasonable discretion, as sufficient to cover Customer’s unliquidated obligations, once liquidated, to the extent that Customer’s obligations under this Agreement are not yet liquidated. The remedy provided for in this Article XVII shall be (a) without prejudice to and in addition to any right of set-off, combination of accounts, lien or other right to which Rocky Mountain Power is at any time otherwise entitled (whether by operation of law, contract or otherwise) and (b) exercisable against any trustee in bankruptcy, debtor in possession, assignee for the benefit of creditors, receiver, or execution, judgment or attachment creditor, notwithstanding the fact that such right of setoff shall not have been exercised by Rocky Mountain Power prior to such default. Article XVIII. GOVERNING LAW; JURISDICTION; VENUE All provisions of this Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall in all cases be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Utah applicable ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 13 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 14 of 17 to contracts executed in and to be wholly performed in Utah by persons domiciled in the State of Utah. Each Party hereto agrees that any suit, action or proceeding seeking to enforce any provision of, or based on any matter arising out of or in connection with, this Agreement, the Electric Service Schedule, the Electric Service Regulations or the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby, may only be brought before the Commission, the Federal courts located within the State of Utah, or state courts of the State of Utah, and each Party hereby consents to the exclusive jurisdiction of such forums (and of the appellate courts therefrom) in any such suit, action or proceeding. Furthermore, each Party hereto waives, to the extent permitted by law, any objection which it may now or hereafter have to the laying of the venue of any such suit, action or proceeding in any such forum or that any such suit, action or proceeding which is brought in any such forum has been brought in any inconvenient forum. If for any reason, service of process cannot be found in the state of Utah, process in any such suit, action or proceeding may be served on a Party anywhere in the world, whether within or without the jurisdiction of any such forum. Article XIX. WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EACH OF THE PARTIES HERETO WAIVES ANY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF LITIGATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF, UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. EACH PARTY FURTHER WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE ANY ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL HAS BEEN WAIVED WITH ANY OTHER ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL CANNOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN WAIVED. Article XX. HEADINGS The descriptive headings contained in this Agreement are included for reference only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. Article XXI. COMMUNICATIONS AND NOTICE Customer’s point of contact at Rocky Mountain Power for all matters is: Customer and Community Manager Rocky Mountain Power Any legal notice required to be given hereunder by one Party to the other Party shall be sent by hand-delivery, by courier service, or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the other Party hereto at its address hereafter set forth. ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 14 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 15 of 17 If to Rocky Mountain Power: Rocky Mountain Power Attention: Contract Administrator Customer & Regulatory Liaison 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 800 Portland, OR 97232 If to Customer: Customer Name IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by persons duly authorized as of the dates set forth below. CUSTOMER NAME ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: Date: ______________________________ Date: _____________________________ ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 15 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 16 of 17 EXHIBIT A Improvements INFORMATION FROM ER (PURPOSE AND NECCESITY AND DESCRIPTION OF ASSET) ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 16 of 17 MESA & Facilities Improvement Utah 31 Page 17 of 17 PLACEHOLDER FOR MAP ID - PAC-E-19-15 IPUC 1.7 Attachment IPUC 1.7 17 of 17