HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191016PAC to Staff 1-9.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN RP,}Y,E,^.*.",, RECE IVED ?0i9ll[T l6 FH 2: 06 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116i:-.1 r' a. l': l[]l ir\, t l',)L,;i'ai ^-i ::.r ltnlnll\/!-irl,illlu'\Jlv October 16,2019 Diane Hanian Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 diane. holt(dpuc. idaho. qo v (C) RE ID PAC.E-19-13 IPUC 1't Set Data Request (l-9) P1ease find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC 1$ Set Data Requests 1-9. Also provided are Attachments IPUC 2,4,6 and 9. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963 Sincerely, ---Jsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures PAC-E-19-13 / Rocky Mountain Power October 16,2019 IPUC l't Set Data Request 1 IPUC Data Request 1 Please provide an explanation and any supporting evidence for the following (ref. Idaho Code $ 61-328 (3)): a. That the transaction is consistent with the public interest; and b. That the cost and rates for supplyng service will not be increased by reason of such transaction; and c. That the applicant for such acquisition or transfer has the bona-fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain said property in the public service. Response to IPUC Data Request 1 (a) Idaho Code $61-332 defines as its purpose to promote harmony among and between electric suppliers; prohibit pirating of consumers; discourage duplication of electric facilities and; to stabilize the territories and consumer services of electric suppliers. The agreement between the city of Idaho Falls and the Company was intended to meet this purpose thereby meeting the public interest. (b) The purchase price is designed to compensate the Company for the investment to serve those customers so not to impact other customers. (c) The city of Idaho Falls has been an electric supplier for decades and is expected to continue to provide electric service to its customers. Recordholder: Daniel Solander Sponsor: Jeff Barrett PAC-E-19-13 / Rocky Mountain Power October 16,2019 IPUC l$ Set Data Request 2 IPUC Data Request 2 Please provide a scaled drawing indicating how the Company currently serves the customer proposed to be transferred, including connection back to the interconnected distribution transformer. On the same drawing indicate from which direction, and the distance required to interconnect the new service to the customer. Response to IPUC Data Request 2 Please refer to AttachmentlPuc 2 Recordholder: Ned Bennett Sponsor: Jeff Barrett PAC-E-I9-13 / Rocky Mountain Power October 16,2019 IPUC l't Set Data Request 3 IPUC Data Request 3 Please provide a scaled drawing of the area containing the assets to be transferred per the Company's Application. Include in the drawing: a legend, all property lines, roadways, structures, and significant electrical equipment included in the transaction. Please title by name or ID those assets which are included in the transaction. Response to IPUC Data Request 3 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 2. Recordholder: Ned Bennett Sponsor: Jeff Barrett PAC-E-19-13 / Rocky Mountain Power October 16,2019 IPUC I't Set Data Request 4 IPUC Data Request 4 Please provide a list of all assets included in the transaction by ID, year in service, installed valuation, and current book value. Response to IPUC Data Request 4 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 4, which includes the file, "Idaho Falls Power, 21908 Lincoln Road - Sale in Place.xlsx," which includes spreadsheets showing how the sales price was calculated. The sales price is based on replacement cost less depreciation. The "Price" tab is a sunmary and total calculation for the asset sale. Recordholder: Nathan Bailey Sponsor: Jeff Barrett PAC-E-19-13 / Rocky Mountain Power October 16,2019 IPUC l$ Set Data Request 5 IPUC Data Request 5 Please provide the workpapers, with all formulas intact and enabled, used to determine the fair market value of the assets shown in Exhibit A (Description of Assets) serving transferred customer. Response to IPUC Data Request 5 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 4, which includes the file, "Idaho Falls Power, 21908 Lincoln Road - Sale in Place.xlsx." The "Lincoln Road" tab is a list of the assets and a calculation of the sales price of those assets. The"l2 Months Revenue" tab shows the previous 12 months of revenue for the customer that will be impacted. The calculation is l2 months of revenue times 1.67, the total amounts are found in cellP7. Recordholder: Nathan Bailey Sponsor: Jeff Barrett PAC-E-I9-13 / Rocky Mountain Power October 16,2019 IPUC 1$ Set Data Request 6 IPUC Data Request 6 Please provide copies of the most recent l2-monthly bills for the meter listed in Exhibit B. Response to IPUC Data Request 6 Please see Attachment IPUC 6 for the redacted most recent l2-monthly bills for the meter \ customer in Exhibit 2. Recordholder: Tony Worthington Sponsor: Jeff Barrett PAC-E-19-13 / Rocky Mountain Power October 16,2019 IPUC l't Set Data Request 7 IPUC Data Request 7 Please explain how the customer will be, is being, or was notified of the proposed transfer. Response to IPUC Data Request 7 No notice required as the city of Idaho Falls is the customer. Recordholder: Timothy Solomon Sponsor: Jeff Barrett PAC-E-19-13 / Rocky Mountain Power October 16,2019 IPUC l't Set Data Request 8 IPUC Data Request 8 Are additional transfers planned in the general vicinity of this proposed transaction? If so, please provide an explanation of potential transfers, location, and when they may occur. Response to IPUC Data Request 8 No other requests are anticipated at this time. Recordholder: Timothy Solomon Sponsor: Jeff Barrett PAC-E-19-13 / Rocky Mountain Power October 16,2019 IPUC 1't Set Data Request 9 IPUC Data Request 9 Please provide the accounting treatment used for: (a) the sale transaction of these assets, and (b) for the removal of these assets from the Company's books. Please include spreadsheets with formulas intact and enabled. Response to IPUC Data Request 9 Please refer to the 'oJournal Entries" tab in Attachment IPUC 9 for how the disposition of the assets will be recorded and the formulas supporting the recording of disposition of assets from this sale. Recordholder: Vince Harmsen Sponsor: Jeff Barrett tD - PAC-E-19-13 IPUC 2 Attachment IPUC 2 ! ?l:Ug TX r.)+N@NIn 9oo<8O!o :^oe e'12.5 311477-;.L,N#4/o-:.1 LINCOLN RD I Note to focilities, opplng remove oll ldentifled of ldoho Folls to purchose 1 ( =J trzL!o6trJv.o- 2 1O-remove 4' cutouts ond riser ossembly lncluding xorm cut ug primory cobl€ ond o 2O-remove ct's ond meter, ct's ore in xfmr i l6E9(n 30 Foremon Emp #Job Stort Dote MEFIEORP A MGilRE HA1IIATAY E{EROI OflPAIIY 'l or1 wo# / REa# 006659836 Mop String 03102058.0 Job Comp Dote cusroMER , SALE lN PLACE 2190 E LINCOLN ADDRESS :2190 E UNCOLN RD, IDAHO FALLS CITY PARK fficuit SNDl 6 Post Jobs 0RQII trPosted tr EST rD#Print Dote 03/25/1e Scole 1:1 00' rl .\t I I cc# EIiiHx:s fr;ixl4 "*gfiucrl!-l-!=oE-gG'rm AttachmentN)NNJAooooo JJJIJ(o(o(o(o(o{{\f{!o) o) o) o, o) Jl\)(r{r(rrO(, (r(rso)roo\loro(o(ooaAooo!oOOO@Jo(^)(oo@t${o!o ;d{?$ oJ (D (' O) G)IJJJJoooooNNNNNooooo(})co(D(,o)co@@@@ o)o)o)@@!!!--l!(o(o(000(fooooooooo@ s N(,N(o o =o-n o Io-n l-ro tD - PAC-E-19-13 IPUC 2 2 ot2