HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191210PAC to Staff 23-28 - Redacted.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN Po\'I/ER a otvtstot{ oF cacrFconP ITECEIVEI) lil9OEC l0 Pl'l Ir:Ll+ December I 0, 2019 Diane Hanian ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 d i ane. holtfatpuc. idaho. eo v (c) RE ID PAC.E-I9-08 IPUC 4th Set Data Request (23-25) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC 4s Set Data Requests 23-28. Also provided is Attachment IPUC 28. Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD are Confidential Aftachments IPUC 24-27 and Confidential Response IPUC 23. Confidential information is provided subject to the non-disclosure agreement in this case. Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, ----ls/-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.C.: Eric L. Olser/IIPA elo(nrcchohawk.com Anthony Yankel/IIPA tony(iityankel.nct Benjamin J. Otto/nservation.(c) Preston N. Cartet/ orestoncarler@gi venspurlev.com 1407 W North Tample, Suite 330 salt Lake city, utah 84116 PAC-E- 19-08 / Rocky Mountain Power Decernber 10, 2019 IPUC 3"d Set Data Request 23 IPUC Data Request 23 On page 93 of its 2019 Flexible Reserve Study (2019 IRP Volume II, Appendix F), the Company introduces a quantile regression model for Combined Diversity Error. For this model, please provide the following information: (a) The model, including all regrcssion coefficients with units tbr each; (b) If modeling data was normalized/transformed, please provide sample work papers showing the normalization/transformation and how this was perlormed; (c) The standard error on each modeling coefficient; (d) The standard error of the whole model quantile estimate; (e) The sample quantile value (r) used in modeling, as well as an explanation of the Company's rationale for selecting that particular quantile value; (f) How was this formula obtained (e.g. forward regression modeling, backward regression modeling, mixed regression modeling, or some other method); and (g) Were interaction terms considered for inclusion in this model? Please explain why or why not. Confidential Response to IPUC Data Request 23 (a) For both PacifiCorp East (PACE) and for PacifiCorp West (PACW), the model is: Combined Diversity Error - W ind. Forecast * Wind Forecastz * Wind Forecasts * Solar Forecast * Solar Forecastz + Solar Forecasts + Load Forecast * Load Forecastz * Load Forecast3 + NonVER Forecast * NonVER Forecastz PAC-E-19-08 / Rocky Morurtain Power December 10. 2019 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 23 Tlre rmits for the wind forecast and solar forecast variables are percentages (forecasted outpul as a percentage of uameplate). The rmits for the load forecast are percellages (forecasted outpul as a percentage of amual peak load duriug the test period). The trnits for the non-variable euergy resoruce (VER) forecast are perceutages (forecasted output as a percentage ofthe rraxiruruu uon-\rER generatiou observed druiug the tesl period). PAC-E- 19-08 / Rocky Mountain Power Decernber 10, 201 9 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 23 (b) Modeling data was not normalized or transformed. (c) PacifiCorp did not analyze the standard errors. The model used in these quantile regressions arises from a situation in which the relationships between the independent variables (forecasts) and dependent variables (forecast error) are decided before the fact in accordance with the concepts which drive regulation reserves. For example in Figure F.3, on page 94 of the 2019 Flexible Reserve Study (FRS) - PacifiCorp's 2019 lntegrated Resource Plan (lRP), Volume II, Appendix F - a third degree polynomial was determined to be the best representation of the relationship between forecast and forecast error when excluding outliers. Since these relationships ('the fit') among variables were determined as appropriate before modeling began, there was no need for PacifiCorp to examine 'goodness offit' statistics which seek to provide a justification for the selection ofone model over another. Furthermore, unlike statistical analyses in which the relationships are unknown before the fact and the data represent a sample drawn from an unknown population, in this case, not only are the relationships known and defined before the fact but the data represents the population and not a random sample. (d) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (c) above. (e) As implied in the Company's response to subpart (c) above, the quantile value is not on a sample, it's on a population. The quantile value used in the modeling for both PACE and PACW is 0.9935. This value was chosen based on an expectation ofachieving a loss ofload probability of 0.5 hours per year as indicated on page 102 of the 2019 FRS - PacifiCorp's 2019 IRP, Volume Il, Appendix F. (g) The dependent variable is essentially net load error (deviations) where net load is by definition load less wind less solar less non-VER. The net load error is therefore, by definition, load error less wind error less solar error less non- VER error. The errors on load, wind, solar and non-VER are expressed as a function ofthe forecast as described in the Company's response to subpart (c) above, therefore the net load srror is an additive function ofthe load forecast, wind forecast, solar forecast and non-VER forecast. Interaction terms are not a part of the net load error function. Confidential information is provided subject to the non-disclosure agreement between IPUC and the company in Case No. PAC-E-19-08. Record holder Sponsor: Ramon Mitchell Dan MacNeil (f) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (c) above. PAC-E-19-08 / Rocky Mountain Power Decernber I 0, 201 9 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 24 IPUC Data Request 24 On pages 93 and 94 of its 2019 Flexible Reserve Study (2019 IRP Volume ll, Appendix F), the Company states that its forecast is adjusted to achieve a cumulative [,oss of Load Probability that corresponds to the annual reliability target. Please provide work papers showing how this was done. Response to IPUC Data Request 24 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 24. The model quantile value - as referenced in the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 23 - was continuously incremented or decremented as necessary in order to converge to the cumulative [.oss ofLoad Probability of 0.5 hours per year. The quantile value within the attachment of 0.9935 is the end result of multiple iterations. Confidential information is provided subject to the non-disclosure agreement between the company and IPUC in Case No. PAC-E-19-08. Record holder: Sponsor: Ramon Mitchell Dan MacNeil PAC-E-19-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 10, 201 9 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 25 IPUC Data Request 25 The formula for Combined Diversity Error given on page 93 of the Company's 2019 Flexible Reserve Study (2019 IRP Volume II, Appendix F) includes terms for Wind Forecast and Solar Forecast. Were Idaho Schedule 135 net exports included in this forecast? If not, please explain why this study should be used as a proxy for the effects ofldaho Schedule 135 net exports. Ifso, please provide the regression coefficients for Schedule 135 net exports, with standard errors for each coefficient. Response to IPUC Data Request 25 The forecasts and errors used in the Company's 2019 Flexible Reserve Study (FRS) reflect utility-scale solar assets that existed on the Company's system during the 2017 historical period. In that study, Idaho Schedule I 35 net exports were not included in either the forecast or the determination of the error associated with solar resources. Due to metering limitations, PacifiCorp does not have an hourly forecast, actual, or error for Idaho Schedule 135 would allow for the requested analysis. In t}re absence ofan integration cost specific to Idaho Schedule 135 net exports, but recognizing that these exports are typically dependent on variable energy resources (i.e. either solar or wind), the Company's proposal includes an integration cost based on the most comparable resource available. Since solar power is expected to be the most common resource under the proposed schedule, utility-scale solar integration costs reported in the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) were applied. Dan MacNeil Dan MacNeil Record holder: Sponsor: PAC-E- l9-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 10,2019 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 26 IPUC Data Request 26 Please provide the dates, times, and loads of the top 100 peaking events for the calendar year 2017 . Response to IPUC Data Request 26 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 26 for the Company's hourly actual load and wind and solar generation for 2017. Because ofthe significant penetration of solar resources in the Company's portfolio, it may be more appropriate to consider the top 100 nel load hours, as shown in the attachment. As a result of solar resources in the Company's portfolio, the Company's system requirernents for the peak day are shifted into the evening in the 2017 historical data. Since 2017, additional solar resources have come online and others have been contracted, such that solar resources under contract represent 1,759 megawatts of nameplate capacity, which is well above the level reflected in the historical data. The current list of contracted solar resources is listed in Table 5.6 in Volume I of PacifiCorp's 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (lRP). Additional solar resources are also identified as part of the 2019 IRP prefened portfolio. These additional solar resources would further shift the Company's peak requiranents relative to the 2017 historical data. Confidential information is provided subject to the non-disclosure agreement between the IPUC and the company in Case No. PAC-E-19-08. Record holder: Sponsor: Dan MacNeil Dan MacNeil PAC-E-I9-08 / Rocky Mountain Power Decernber 10, 2019 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 27 IPUC Data Rcquest 27 Please provide the results ofall loss ofLoad Probability studies related to the avoided capacity value of Schedule 135 net exports. Response to IPUC Data Request 27 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 27 for a calculation ofthe capacity contribution associated with the exported energy from a census ofresidential Utah solar customers in climate region 68, which encompasses northem Utah. The Company's Idaho service territory is also predominantly in climate zone 68. These result represent the most comparable hourly export data available. Note: PacifiCorp's 2019 lntegrated Resource Plan (IRP) capacity contribution analysis incorporates the correlation between resources across the Company's system. As a resu'lt, the capacity contribution ofvariable resources whose output is correlated with existing assets in the Company's portfolio is reduced. The Company has estimated this effect for the proxy wind and solar resources available for selection in the 2019 IRP, but has not specifically identified a value for a net export profile, which is expected to reflect variations in both resource output and load. Confidential inflormation is provided subject to the non-disclosure agreement between IPUC and the company in Case No. PAC-E-19-08. Record holder: Sponsor: Dan MacNeil l)an MacNeil PAC-E- l9-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 10,2019 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 28 IPUC Data Request 28 The Company proposes that the transition period would only apply to residential customers. Please provide an estimate of the annual financial impact for each Idaho Schedule 135 non-residential customer. Response to IPUC Data Request 28 For alternative transition plan, the Company recommends that the same transition timing and export credit transition logic be applied to Residential and Schedule 23 customer generators. The Company recommends that there be no transition for Schedule 6 customer generators and any other schedule that may interconnect customer generation in the future. Existing Schedule 6 customer generators would be subject to the Net Billing program effective February I ,2020 and would be credited for their exported energy at the Company's proposed cost-based prices. Please refer to Company witness, Robert M. Meredith's direct testimony for the detailed proposals and recommendations. Please refer to Attachment IPUC 28 for the estimated average annual financial impact for each ldaho Schedule 135 non-residential customer based on the Company' s recommendalions. Record holder Sponsor: James Zhang Robert Meredith